Design and Construction of Constant Volt
Design and Construction of Constant Volt
Design and Construction of Constant Volt
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University of Moratuwa
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First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka
Abstract - This paper presents the design and optimizing the design [ 1 ] of the constant voltage
construction of Constant Voltage Transformer by means of transforner. Based on this procedure, a proto type was
conventional power transformer core structures. The built and tested .The test results indicated good argument
Constant Voltage Transformer is suitable for use to mitigate between the predicted results through analysis and
the power quality problems associated with the Sri Lankan experimental measurements, thus validating the design
industrial sector. However, even in today's age of procedure.
information, many Sri Lankan industrial facilities are not
aware of one attractive Constant Voltage Transformer 2. THEORY OF OPERATION
feature - "the ability to mitigate the effects of voltage sags".
This method of maintaining the power quality has proven The operational theory of a constant voltage transforner
more effective and reliable in international arena is based on a well-known phenomenon known as
"Ferroresonance" or Non-Linear Resonance. Some
1. INRODUCTION literature compares the circuit it to that of a Zener diode.
Sri Lanka is a country where variation in quality of Ferroresonance is the property of a transformer design in
power supply is too irregular. "Poor Power Quality" affects which the transforner consists with two separate magnetic
adversely to all over the sectors of the economy, resulting a paths with limited coupling between them. The output
huge loss of revenue to the county annually in tangible and contains a resonant circuit and it draws power from the
intangible forms. primary to replace the power deliver to the load. The B-H
characteristic of the transforner is given in (Fig- 1). It
Although the most electrical equipments can operate operates in the region where denoted as "saturated region".
without problems even if voltage varies by up to 6%, may The following illustrate the way of achieving the constant
out of tolerance voltages still occur the generally classified voltage at a load end.
as sags, surges and brownouts. These problems disrupt the
smooth functionality of the industrial processes. Transforner output voltage is given by following
Ferroresonant Voltage Transforner is popularly known,
as CVT are robust and simple. It provides an A.C output
voltage of nearly constant magnitude even when the input E(av)output =4.44BNAJ
voltage changes over a specified range. It is also
completely and continuously short circuited in use, without Where
any adverse reaction. Ferro resonance regulators are the
best and most reliable power conditioners for applications B = saturated flux density (T)
ranging from process control and automation to remote
sites and third world applications. And many more other N = no of turns at out put
power quality features ensure the use of it as an excellent
choice for mitigating power quality problems in Sri Lanka, f = operating frequency (Hz)
where variations in the quality of the power supply are all
too irregular, but where maintenance facilities are at a A = cross section area (m2)
In this paper, a method of design involving the
Let consider the working flux range (X-Y) of the
conventional power transforner cores is presented. Based transforner shown in (Fig -1).
on the analysis, step - by - step procedure is evolved for
AB= Bx By
But AB O L
Therfore Bx By
yin SR e> tvo
The design of constant voltage transformer is basically Cos -Input power factor
based on designing of its electrical parameters and
mechanical parameters. The electrical parameters are VO -Voltage where SR designed to saturate
associated with capacitance, inductance estimation,
regulated voltage input range and short circuit current. etc. VL -Voltage across the inductor
The mechanical parameters are dealt with calculation of
core dimensions. Is -Short circuit current (when R=O)
Ii -Input Current
(Li2+Cv2) -Determines the physical size of L and C.
The equivalent circuit of a ferroresonance regulator is
shown in (Fig -2). During the design process the values for The equivalent circuit (Fig -2) is used to derive the
linear inductor (L), Linear capacitor (C) and Short circuit expressions for electric parameters. By applying the circuit
current (Is) should be derived. During the above parameter laws, the expressions are derived to evaluate the values for
estimation the saturating reactor (SR) is neglected due to C, L, Cos (I) VO and Is.
its high impedance at low line condition compared to L, C
and R. [1]
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka
wVorK Cos/
kVl2 2
L= Cos$VI -C Sin2$] (2)
is 1
CosJI QCOSj _Sin2(j
Fig 3 - Power factor variation
Equation (3) gives the physical size of equipment and Considering all the practical issues and referring the
equation (4) gives the short circuit current. Both equation phasor diagrams associate with the equivalent circuit in
plots against k value for different input power factor (Fig -2). The basic design equations can be summarised as
values. in below.
According to the graph in (Fig-3) the best value k (
Vo/Vl) is 1.6. The value is chosen such that it gives a (1) Cos (I 0.97
small short circuit current and smaller size at higher power
factor of 0.97. The subsequent expressions for the
equations (1), (2), (3) and (4) can be expressed as follows. (2) i1 W/(0.97 *V1)
(5) C =W/(1.77*Vl*w),
(6) CV2o = 1.445 W / w
(7) 1.1
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka
17.26 * S * P
(2) W*a= f*B - Window size 5. TEST RESULTS
W Window area in square inches I,I
a Cross section area in square inches ic00
f Frequency in hertz
B Flux density in gauss
p Power in watts
S Current density (CMIA)
U so 1 150 200 25 3U
N Number of turns
V Voltage in volts Fig 6 - V out vs. V in
(Fig -6) shows, output voltage is nearly constant after The output waveform contains odd harmonics. The major
saturation. The saturation voltage is 230 V. For 250 VA harmonics are 3rd, 5th and 7th. Without having the
loads input voltage working range is 190-250V. For the arrangement as in Fig (5) the THD level is around 17% at
above input range output is within 1%. 230 V.
The secondary of the constant voltage transformer is
The efficiency is in between 75-80%. driven in to the saturation mode of operation; hence it
introduces a non-linear magnetic behaviour at the output.
According to the graph the efficiency of the regulator is Therefore it contains considerable amount of harmonics.
almost 80% at the full load conditions. This is one of the According the waveform observed it contains 3rd
drawbacks of the regulator. And also the transformer is harmonics, 5th and 7th harmonics in large proportions. But
less efficient at light load conditions. As a result, there is a it was reduced by 10%, introducing a filter circuit at output
fixed amount of power required to maintain the saturation. as in (Fig -5).
Losses are introduced due to the saturation of the core and
the considerable current circulating in the secondary
Rated Capacity 250 VA
Input Voltage Range 190 V - 250 V A.C,
1 CD
Frequency 50 + 2.5 Hz
Output Voltage 230 V A.C, 1 (D
40 - Line Regulation 1% @ rated load
Load Regulation 2%0
Efficiency 80%0
0 40 so 120 160 200 240
Capacitor Range 12.5 iF -14 iF
Short Circuit Current 1.6* rated current
Fig 7- Efficiency curve for 25OwLoad (13.5gf)
[1] Harry P.Hart & Robert J.Kakalec, "The Derivation and Application
of Design Equation for Ferroresonant Voltage regulators and
Regulated Rectifiers"
[2] B.Friedman, "The Analysis and Design of Constant Voltage
Regulator", IEEE Trans.- Components parts, Mar. 1956, pp. 1 1-14
[3] H.P. Hart and R.J. Kaklec, "The Derivation and Application of
design equations for Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators and Regulated
Rectifiers" IEEE Trans. on Mngn., Mar. 1971, pp. 205-21 1.
[4] IEEE Standard 44911984 for Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators