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Rev A

Space Program Operations Contract

Intact Ascent Aborts

Workbook 21002

October 10, 2006

Final Version
This document has been reviewed and updated. No subsequent updates to this
document are anticipated or required due to the approaching shuttle program

Contract NNJ06VA01C
Copyright © 2004 by United Space Alliance, LLC. These materials are sponsored by the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration under Contract NNJ06VA01C. The U.S. Government retains a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable
worldwide license in such materials to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and to perform
publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the U.S. Government. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner.
Rev A

Intact Ascent Aborts

Workbook 21002

Prepared by

Original approval obtained

Henry Lampazzi
USA/Guidance & Control/Propulsion

Approved by

Original approval obtained

Miguel A. Sequeira
USA/Manager, Guidance & Control/Propulsion

Contract NNJ06VA01C
Rev A


Rev. Change
Description Date
letter no.
Basic Supersedes TD147 and TD344. The 08/17/2004
ATO/AOA/TAL Training Manual as been
merged with the RTLS Abort Training Manual
and was renamed Intact Ascent Aborts
Workbook. In addition, this revision includes
FDF current for STS-116 and updated graphics
to reflect heads-up attitude at MECO, and OI-30
flight software updates
A Changed manager’s name. Added final version 10/10/2006
statement. Applied SPOC template.
Rev A

Intact Ascent Aborts

Workbook 21002


The current status of all pages in this document is as shown below:

Page No. Change No.

Preface Rev. A
i–v Rev. A
1-1 – 1-12 Rev. A
2-1 – 2-9 Rev. A
3-1 – 3-7 Rev. A
4-1 – 4-12 Rev. A
5-1 – 5-12 Rev. A
6-1 – 6-32 Rev. A
A-1 – A-3 Rev. A
B-1 – B-8 Rev. A
C-1 Rev. A
Rev A

The content of this document was provided by the Control/Propulsion Department,
Space Flight Training Division, Mission Operations Directorate (MOD), Lyndon B.
Johnson Space Center (JSC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Technical documentation support was provided by Integrated Documentation Services
(IDS), Hernandez Engineering Inc. Any questions concerning this workbook or any
recommendations should be directed to any of the book managers.
This material is for training purposes only and should not be used as a source of
operational data. All numerical data, displays, and checklist references are intended as
examples. To determine any prerequisites before using this document, consult the
applicable Certification Plan. For shuttle manuals, consult the appropriate flight
controller’s certification guide (Blue Book), or the Crew Training Catalog. For Space
Station manuals, consult the appropriate Space Station Certification Guide or Training
Administration Management System (TAMS). The applicable training package should
be studied before attending any classroom session or lesson for which this is a
If this workbook is being read as part of a formal syllabus, the reader should complete
the training materials evaluation form at the end of the document. The eval form does
not need to be signed.
Rev A


Section Page

1.0 ASCENT AND ABORT OVERVIEW ......................................................... 1-1

1.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1-1
1.2 NOMINAL ASCENT ..................................................................... 1-1
1.3 PERFORMANCE ......................................................................... 1-2
1.4 ASCENT ABORT MODES ........................................................... 1-3
1.5 ABORT MODE SELECTION........................................................ 1-6
1.5.1 Redundant Abort Mode Selection ................................................ 1-7
1.6 ABORT DUMPS........................................................................... 1-7
1.7 SOFTWARE MAJOR MODES ..................................................... 1-9
1.8 BACKUP FLIGHT SOFTWARE ................................................... 1-10
1.9 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 1-12

2.0 ABORT MODE BOUNDARIES ................................................................. 2-1

2.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 2-1
2.2 PRE-MECO PERFORMANCE ABORTS ..................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Voice Calls ................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.2 Inertial Velocity Boundaries.......................................................... 2-3
2.2.3 Trajectory Display Boundaries ..................................................... 2-4
2.3 PRE-MECO SYSTEMS ABORTS ................................................ 2-5
2.3.1 OMS Capability ............................................................................ 2-5
2.3.2 Auxiliary Power Unit/Hydraulics ................................................... 2-6
2.3.3 Cabin Leak................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.4 Cryogenics ................................................................................... 2-6
2.3.5 Freon Loops................................................................................. 2-6
2.3.6 Main Buses .................................................................................. 2-6
2.3.7 Thermal Window Pane................................................................. 2-6
2.5 POST MECO SYSTEMS ABORTS.............................................. 2-8
2.6 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 2-9

3.0 ATO/AOA POWERED FLIGHT PHASE ................................................... 3-1

3.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 3-1
3.2 ATO AND AOA ABORT OPTIONS .............................................. 3-1
3.3 ATO MECO TARGETING ............................................................ 3-2
3.4 VARIABLE IY STEERING............................................................ 3-2
3.5 ATO PRE-MECO OMS DUMP..................................................... 3-3
3.6 ATO ROLL TO HEADS UP .......................................................... 3-6
3.7 ATO PRE-MECO ABORT SELECTION....................................... 3-6
3.8 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 3-7

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Section Page

4.0 ATO/AOA POST-MECO ACTIONS .......................................................... 4-1

4.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 4-1
4.2 MANEUVER DISPLAY................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Display Title ................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Time of Ignition ............................................................................ 4-2
4.2.3 Maneuver Display Target Parameters.......................................... 4-2
4.2.4 Load and Timer Items .................................................................. 4-3
4.2.5 Burn Solution ............................................................................... 4-4
4.2.6 Abort Target ................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 ABORT MODE DETERMINATION .............................................. 4-4
4.4 OMS TARGET CUE CARDS ....................................................... 4-6
4.5 TARGET SELECTION ................................................................. 4-6
4.6 OMS-1 TARGETING OPTIONS................................................... 4-6
4.7 OMS-2 TARGETING OPTIONS................................................... 4-8
4.8 ATO PROCEDURES ................................................................... 4-10
4.9 AOA PROCEDURES ................................................................... 4-10
4.10 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 4-12

5.0 TRANSOCEANIC ABORT LANDING....................................................... 5-1

5.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 5-1
5.2 LANDING SITES.......................................................................... 5-1
5.3 ABORT MODE BOUNDARIES .................................................... 5-4
5.4 ABORT MODE SELECTION........................................................ 5-5
5.5 GUIDANCE .................................................................................. 5-8
5.6 TAL ROLL TO HEADS UP........................................................... 5-8
5.7 OPS 3 TRANSITION.................................................................... 5-8
COAST......................................................................................... 5-8
5.9 TAL ABORT DUMPS ................................................................... 5-9
5.10 LANDING SITE SELECTION....................................................... 5-10
5.11 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 5-12

6.0 RETURN TO LAUNCH SITE..................................................................... 6-1

6.1 OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 6-1
6.2 RTLS OVERVIEW ....................................................................... 6-1
6.3 RTLS SELECTION ...................................................................... 6-2
6.4 POWERED RTLS OVERVIEW .................................................... 6-3
6.4.1 RTLS TRAJ Display ..................................................................... 6-4
6.4.2 Guidance Convergence ............................................................... 6-7
6.4.3 Main Propulsion System Safing and RTLS INIT .......................... 6-8
6.4.4 Fuel Dissipation Guidance ........................................................... 6-13
6.4.5 Powered Pitch Around ................................................................. 6-13
6.4.6 Flyback......................................................................................... 6-14
6.4.7 Powered Pitchdown ..................................................................... 6-14

Rev A

Section Page
6.4.8 Main Engine Cutoff and External Tank Separation ...................... 6-15
6.5 GLIDING RTLS ............................................................................ 6-20
6.5.1 Glide Range and Energy.............................................................. 6-20
6.5.2 Post MECO Dumps...................................................................... 6-21
6.5.3 GRTLS Display ............................................................................ 6-22
6.5.4 GRTLS Guidance......................................................................... 6-26
6.5.5 Alpha Recovery............................................................................ 6-26
6.5.6 Nz Hold Phase ............................................................................. 6-27
6.5.7 Alpha Transition ........................................................................... 6-27
6.5.8 S-Turn Phase............................................................................... 6-29
6.5.9 GRTLS TAEM .............................................................................. 6-29
6.6 QUESTIONS................................................................................ 6-32


A ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................... A-1

B ANSWERS ................................................................................................ B-1

C TRAINING MATERIALS EVALUATION ................................................... C-1

Rev A


Table Page

1-1 Major modes relevant to ATO, AOA, and TAL........................................... 1-10

4-1 Maneuver display titles .............................................................................. 4-2

5-1 TAL site preferences ................................................................................. 5-11



1-1 Nominal ascent profile ............................................................................... 1-1

1-2 Abort mode as a function of SSME failure time ......................................... 1-3
1-3 Intact abort modes..................................................................................... 1-3
1-4 Typical ATO profile .................................................................................... 1-4
1-5 Typical AOA profile.................................................................................... 1-5
1-6 Typical TAL profile..................................................................................... 1-5
1-7 Abort rotary switch and pushbutton on panel F6 ....................................... 1-6
1-8 OVERRIDE display (SPEC 51).................................................................. 1-7
1-9 Abort Dumps cue card (RTLS/TAL)........................................................... 1-9
1-10 BFS engage PB......................................................................................... 1-11

2-1 Abort calls as a function of velocity and altitude ........................................ 2-2

2-2 Pre-determined abort boundaries given in terms of inertial velocity ......... 2-3
2-3 ASCENT TRAJ display.............................................................................. 2-4
2-4 SYS FLIGHT RULES cue card .................................................................. 2-5
2-5 OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card ....................................................................... 2-7
2-6 OMS 2 TARGETING cue card................................................................... 2-8

3-1 Result of variable IY steering..................................................................... 3-3

3-2 OMS burn duration scaling for ATO dump................................................. 3-4
3-3 Abort Dumps cue card (Assist/ATO/SPEC51) ........................................... 3-5
3-4 Abort selection on OVERRIDE display (SPEC 51) .................................... 3-6

4-1 ATO-1 MNVR EXEC display ..................................................................... 4-1

4-2 Definition of θT in OPS 1 and OPS 3......................................................... 4-3
4-3 OMS 1/2 TGTING card.............................................................................. 4-5
4-4 OMS targets cue card................................................................................ 4-7
4-5 OMS 2 TARGETING cue card................................................................... 4-9

5-1 Orbiter ground tracks for various inclinations............................................. 5-2

5-2 No Comm Mode Boundaries for STS-116 ................................................. 5-4

Rev A

Figure Page
5-3 STS-116 ASCENT/ABORT SUMMARY cue card...................................... 5-5
5-4 SPEC 50 pre-TAL abort............................................................................. 5-6
5-5 SPEC 50 post-TAL abort ........................................................................... 5-6
5-6 TAL flipbook procedures............................................................................ 5-7

6-1 Typical RTLS profile .................................................................................. 6-2

6-2 Abort mode select switch and PBI ............................................................. 6-3
6-3 PASS RTLS TRAJ display......................................................................... 6-5
6-4 BFS RTLS TRAJ 2 display ........................................................................ 6-6
6-5 Abort modes cue card ............................................................................... 6-10
6-6 RTLS CDR cue card.................................................................................. 6-11
6-7 RTLS PLT cue card ................................................................................... 6-11
6-8 Panel C3.................................................................................................... 6-12
6-9 Composite ADI/HSI during PPD ................................................................ 6-16
6-10 Composite ADI/HSI at MECO.................................................................... 6-17
6-11 ET SEP switches ....................................................................................... 6-18
6-12 Liquid hydrogen dump port ........................................................................ 6-21
6-13 VERT SIT 1 display ................................................................................... 6-22
6-14 BFS VERT SIT 1 ....................................................................................... 6-23
6-15 PASS VERT SIT 2 display......................................................................... 6-24
6-16 HORIZ SIT display..................................................................................... 6-25
6-17 BFS HORIZ SIT display............................................................................. 6-26
6-18 Entry alpha cue card.................................................................................. 6-28
6-19 TAEM phases ............................................................................................ 6-30

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• State the definition of a Main Engine Cutoff (MECO) underspeed

• Describe the four types of intact abort modes

• Describe the redundant methods used to initiate an Abort-to-Orbit (ATO),

Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL) abort, and Return To Launch Site (RTLS) abort


The space shuttle ascent flight phase begins at launch with a vehicle composed of the
orbiter, External Tank (ET), and two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs). The three Space
Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) ignite just after T - 7 seconds. When the main engines
are throttled to 100 percent of their rated thrust level, the two SRBs ignite and lift-off
occurs. SRB ignition and lift-off requires three SSMEs at 90 percent or greater
rated thrust.

After lift-off, the space shuttle follows the ascent profile shown in Figure 1-1. The early
part of ascent, when the SSMEs are burning in parallel with the SRBs, is defined as first
stage. After about 2 minutes, the SRBs burn out, separate from the orbiter and ET, and
are recovered for use on a later flight. Second-stage ascent begins after SRB
Separation (SEP) and continues until MECO. The period from lift-off to MECO is known
as the powered flight phase.

ET Separation

Figure 1-1. Nominal ascent profile

Rev. A
After MECO, the ET is jettisoned from the orbiter and the Reaction Control System
(RCS) jets are used to maneuver away from the tank. The ET enters the Earth’s
atmosphere, breaks up, impacts in a remote ocean area, and is not recovered.

At this point, the orbiter may or may not have achieved orbital velocity, depending on
whether a direct or standard insertion was planned. A standard insertion uses the
Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) engines to supply the additional thrust needed to
reach orbit. The first burn (OMS-1) occurs soon after MECO and results in an elliptical
orbit. With a direct insertion ascent, the main engines are burned slightly longer to
achieve the desired apogee altitude, such that an OMS-1 maneuver is not required.
Both insertion profiles require a circularization burn (OMS-2). This burn is performed at
the apogee of the initial orbit.

At the start of the Space Shuttle Program, standard insertion was the only type of
insertion planned. STS 41-C was the first direct insertion flight, and this type of
insertion has been used since STS-30. Standard insertions were used on early flights
when less information was available on SSME performance and targeting precision.
Some of the other aspects considered for standard or direct insertion are mission
objectives, ascent performance, ET impact, and orbital altitude. At present, a standard
insertion would be used only for flights to low-orbital altitudes, where the ET impact
point is outside of limits using direct insertion.

The main advantage of direct insertion is that higher orbital altitudes are possible
because more OMS propellant is saved for orbital maneuvers.

The performance capability of the shuttle is defined as the measure of the shuttle’s
ability to achieve a desired orbit. If shuttle performance is better than predicted, the
desired MECO velocity is achieved with a surplus of propellant that is discarded. If,
however, the shuttle does not perform as well as predicted, the desired MECO velocity
may not be achieved.

A MECO velocity that is less than the target velocity is called a MECO underspeed.
The most probable cause of a MECO underspeed is a main engine failure.
Underspeeds of up to several hundred feet per second can be recovered by increasing
the ∆V provided by the OMS-1 and OMS-2 burns. If the underspeed is too large to be
made up using excess OMS propellant, the shuttle will not be able to reach the desired
orbit, and an ATO or an Abort-Once-Around (AOA) will be performed. If an engine fails
early, orbit cannot be achieved at all, and a TAL or RTLS abort will be performed.
Figure 1-2 illustrates the availability of these aborts depending on engine fail mission
elapsed time. The time period during which these aborts are available is approximate
and varies with each flight.

Rev. A

Figure 1-2. Abort mode as a function of SSME failure time


Selection of an ascent abort mode becomes necessary when a failure affects vehicle
performance as described previously and when a vehicle system failure jeopardizes
crew safety, such as a cabin leak.

There are two basic types of ascent abort modes, intact and contingency. Intact aborts
are designed to provide a safe return of the orbiter to a planned landing site.
Contingency aborts are designed for crew survival and may result in loss of the vehicle.
The type of abort required will depend on the severity and time of the failure.

The Space Shuttle Program, through flight design, guarantees intact abort capability
after a single failure. For multiple failures, contingency abort is often the only option.

The four types of intact abort modes are shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. Intact abort modes

Rev. A
An ATO is designed to achieve a temporary orbit (typically 105 nautical miles (nm),
which is lower than the nominal orbit (Figure 1-4). This abort requires less performance
and allows time to evaluate problems and then choose either an early deorbit burn or an
OMS maneuver to raise the orbit and continue the mission.


OMS-2 Launch


Figure 1-4. Typical ATO profile

An AOA is performed when orbit cannot be achieved and maintained. This abort mode
is designed to use the existing performance to make a revolution of the Earth and land
at Edwards Air Force Base (EDW), Northup Flight Strip (NOR), or Kennedy Space
Center (KSC) (Figure 1-5). There are two types of AOA trajectories, AOA-steep and
AOA-shallow (AOA-S). The entry trajectory for AOA steep is similar to the nominal End-
of-Mission (EOM) entry trajectory. An AOA-S results in a flatter entry trajectory but uses
less propellant in the OMS maneuvers. The shallow entry trajectory is less desirable
because it exposes the vehicle to a longer period of atmospheric heating and to less
predicable aerodynamic drag forces, the latter of which introduces the small risk of not
obtaining aerocapture.

Rev. A

Figure 1-5. Typical AOA profile

The TAL abort is designed to allow the vehicle to achieve a suborbital trajectory that
results in the orbiter landing on a runway in Canada, Europe, or Africa depending on the
orbital inclination and performance (Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-6. Typical TAL profile

RTLS is designed to allow the vehicle to fly downrange to dissipate propellant and then
turn around during powered flight to return for landing at a runway near the launch site.

There is a definite order of preference for the various abort modes. The type of failure
and the time of failure determine abort selection. During powered flight, intact abort
priorities for loss of performance are ATO, TAL, and RTLS. These priorities were
established to provide the highest probability of safe return. For a specific systems

Rev. A
failure, such as a cabin leak or loss of vehicle cooling capability, the abort priorities are
RTLS, TAL, and AOA. These priorities are established to provide the earliest available
landing time or to avoid continuing to orbit after a loss of capability. A contingency abort,
which often results in crew bail out, is an abort option only when no other option exists.


Intact ascent abort is initiated during powered flight with the abort rotary switch on panel
F6 (Figure 1-7). In arm-fire fashion, the rotary switch is turned to the best possible abort
option, and the abort pushbutton is then pushed in order to initiate the abort. The
positions on the switch are RTLS, OFF, ATO, and TAL.

As a redundant line of communication, the abort pushbutton will be illuminated via

command from Mission Control Center (MCC). When the abort light is illuminated by
MCC, it will be extinguished by MCC once the crew has received and executed the
abort request. In the absence of voice communication, this light will indicate to the crew
an abort selection is required. It cannot, of course, specify the appropriate abort mode.

Figure 1-7. Abort rotary switch and pushbutton on panel F6

Rev. A
1.5.1 Redundant Abort Mode Selection
As a redundant method, the crew can initiate an ATO or TAL abort via item entry to the
OVERRIDE display (SPEC 51) shown in Figure 1-8. Items 1 and 2 allow the crew to
select a TAL abort in Major Mode (MM)103 or MM104 or ATO abort in MM102, MM103,
and MM104. These items are mutually exclusive, the selected mode is indicated by an
“*”. The abort sequence is initiated by execution of item 3 and is also indicated by “*”.
Execution of item 3 must be preceded by selection of item 1 or 2. Notice that no option
exists for selecting an RTLS on this display. As a redundant method, the crew can
request RTLS by selecting OPS 601 PRO.

Figure 1-8. OVERRIDE display (SPEC 51)


When the shuttle is launched, it carries enough OMS propellant to perform the shuttle
mission and the deorbit burn to return to Earth. This load of OMS propellant, which can
be as much as 24,000 pounds, is stored in tanks located at the back end of the orbiter.
This causes the shuttle c.g. to be farther aft of the point where the shuttle is designed to
fly. For normal end-of-mission entry this situation is not a problem because most of the
OMS propellant is consumed. For RTLS and TAL, however, this propellant must be
dumped due to OMS tank landing constraints and in order to get the c.g. within limits for
entry. There is no AOA dump, rather the OMS prop that is not needed for the AOA
deorbit burn is spent by adding an out-of-plane component during the deorbit burn. For
ATO dumps please see details in section 3.

Rev. A
The term “OMS dump” is somewhat of a misnomer because the word dump implies the
propellant is piped overboard. This is not the case, rather, the OMS dump is performed
by burning the propellant through the OMS engines, or in some cases, through the OMS
engines and the aft RCS jets, referred to as “interconnected dumps.” To date the RTLS
and TAL abort dumps have been interconnected dumps. ATO dumps may or may not
be interconnected.

To burn OMS propellant through the RCS jets, an OMS to RCS interconnect must be
performed. This interconnect, if required, is performed automatically, as soon as the
abort is selected. But while the OMS engines begin burning immediately, the RCS jets
are not turned on until 3 seconds after the interconnect is complete. This 3-second
interval can be used by the crew to verify proper positioning of the OMS and RCS
valves. Failure to position the valves properly can result in burning up all of the RCS
propellant and, in turn, cause the vehicle to be uncontrollable after MECO.

When interconnected the dump normally selects all 24 aft RCS primary jets for the
dump. However, if smart interconnect detects a problem in the configuration for the
dump, 10 RCS jets or no jets may be selected. Smart interconnect is a software
sequence that confirms the valve positions to ensure OMS propellant reaches the RCS
jets. If one RCS leg is unavailable due to failures to any of the above, that leg is
unavailable on both sides to ensure symmetric dumps. The affected manifolds are
returned to feed from the RCS tanks, and the resulting OMS propellant burn rate is
adjusted accordingly to provide an accurate SPEC 51 value for propellant burned.
Therefore, the interconnected dump is limited to just 10 jets if any one leg is
unavailable. This is done to prevent unwanted pitching moments from asymmetric jet
firings. After the necessary burn has been accomplished, all propellant feed paths are
returned to the normal configuration.

Null jets are a group of jets that have been selected because the force on the vehicle is
zero when these jets are fired together. In general, for any interconnected abort dump,
all of the 20 aft pitch and yaw jets are fired together resulting in no rotational or
translational perturbations on the vehicle. Also dumping, but not in the null set, are the
4 + X jets, which fire directly aft. These groups of jets, as well as the OMS engines, are
fired independently according to a dump timetable in the abort control sequence. The
dump times for a particular flight can be seen by checking the Abort Dump section of
the Ascent Flip Book as shown in Figure 1-9.

After these dump times have expired, the OMS and RCS valves are returned to their
normal configuration in preparation for MECO. The position of these valves and the
OMS Pc on the OMS/MPS display are the only insight the crew has to the progress of
the OMS dump. If required, the crew can turn off one or both of the OMS engines by
taking the corresponding OMS ENG switch on panel C3 to OFF (Figure 6-8).

SPEC 51 is the crew’s interface to the abort dump software (Figure 1-8). SPEC 51
displays the dump timer actively counting down (as OMS DUMP TTG). The status of
the interconnect is also shown and may be toggled from Enable (ENA) to Inhibit (INH)

Rev. A
and back to ENA while the dump is in progress with an ITEM 5 EXEC. Items 6 through
8 enable the crew to manually start and stop a SPEC 51 dump.

If the BFS is engaged, similar capability exists on BFS GNC SPEC 51.

Figure 1-9. Abort Dumps cue card (RTLS/TAL)


The space shuttle is controlled using five General Purpose Computers (GPCs). The flight
software in the computers is divided into several sections. Each section is called an
Operational Sequence (OPS) and is tailored to a particular flight phase. For example,
OPS 1 is software used during the ascent phase, while OPS 3 is used for entry.

Each operational sequence is subdivided into Major Modes, which are used to denote
incremental changes in flight phases. MM101 contains software used pre-launch, and
MM102 designates ascent flight between liftoff and SRB SEP. Immediately after SRB

Rev. A
SEP occurs, MM103 is initiated. MM103 is in effect until MECO is confirmed by software.
Table 1-1 lists the major modes relevant to ATO, AOA, TAL, and RTLS aborts.

Table 1-1. Major modes relevant to ATO, AOA, and TAL

Operational Major Mission Phase
Sequence Mode
Ascent 101 Prelaunch

102 First stage

103 Second stage Second stage

104 OMS-1 OMS-1 Transition

maneuver maneuver coast

105 OMS-2 Transition coast


106 Post OMS-2


601 Powered Flight

Entry 301 Pre-deorbit

302 Deorbit
303 Post-deorbit
304 Entry Entry
602 Entry
603 TAEM


The Backup Flight Software (BFS) is an independent software system that normally
resides in the fifth GPC (GPC 5). If any failure or combination of failures renders the
Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) computers unable to control the shuttle, the
crew engages the BFS. Once engaged, the BFS assumes sole control of the shuttle
vehicle and remains in control until after landing or until the problem with the PASS
computers is found and fixed on orbit. Both the Commander (CDR) and Pilot (PLT) can
engage the BFS by depressing the Pushbutton (PB) on top of the forward Rotational
Hand Controllers (RHCs), as shown in Figure 1-10.

Rev. A

Figure 1-10. BFS engage PB

The BFS fully supports all intact abort modes, including RTLS. The abort targeting
software and dump sequences work like the PASS. In powered flight, the major
difference is that the BFS has only automatic flight control; Manual (MAN) takeover of
steering and throttle commands is not possible during ascent if the BFS is engaged.

After ET SEP and continuing through landing, the situation is exactly opposite. For orbit
and entry phases of flight, the BFS supports only MAN or Control Stick Steering (CSS).
Therefore, control during Gliding Return to Launch Site (GRTLS) must be performed
in CSS.

Rev. A

Answers to these questions are found in Appendix B.

1. What is the difference between a standard insertion and a direct insertion?

2. A MECO velocity less than target velocity is called a(n) __________?

3. List the four intact abort modes.

4. What is the typical orbital altitude for an ATO?

5. What are the consequences of an AOA-shallow (AOA-S)?

6. Describe the primary and backup methods of selecting an ATO or TAL.

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• List the three types of abort mode boundary cues

• Define the seven boundary calls made to the crew by the MCC

• Determine the abort capability in a no-comm situation

• Define the RTLS and GO marks represented on the ASCENT TRAJ display

• Select aborts and cue cards for system failures pre-MECO

• Select aborts and cue cards for performance failures pre-MECO

• Select aborts and cue cards for system failures post MECO

• Select aborts and cue cards for underspeed conditions post MECO


During powered flight, the crew must be aware of options in the event of failures. It is
important to know which abort modes are available in the event of engine failure(s).
The three ways the crew can determine abort capability are

a. Voice calls to the orbiter from the MCC

b. Inertial velocity boundaries listed on a cue card

c. Onboard trajectory displays

2.2.1 Voice Calls

The primary indication of abort boundary is via MCC. These calls represent abort mode
boundaries and vary from one flight to another, depending on the vehicle weight,
predicted engine performance, and mission requirements. For example, high-inclination
flights require different TAL sites than low-inclination flights. Typically, the calls include
the following:

1. TWO-ENGINE (PRIME TAL) – The earliest inertial velocity (VI) or time a TAL abort
can be accomplished to the primary TAL site if one main engine fails

2. NEGATIVE RETURN – The latest VI or time an RTLS abort can be successfully

completed (past this VI, the orbiter has too much downrange energy to successfully
return to KSC)

Rev. A
3. PRESS TO ATO – The earliest VI or time that an ATO can be accomplished and
drop the ET in a safe area if one main engine fails. Note: A pre-MECO OMS
propellant dump is required at the open of the ATO window

4. SINGLE ENGINE OPS 3 109 – For two-engines failed, the first point after which the
crew can abort TAL (Droop procedure), then use OPS 3 software for entry. Prior to
this point, the loss of two engines requires contingency abort procedures and
OPS 6 software

5. PRESS TO MECO – The earliest VI or time an orbit can be accomplished with no

pre-MECO abort selection and no OMS dump, if one main engine fails

6. SINGLE-ENGINE (PRIME TAL) – The earliest VI or time a TAL can be

accomplished to the primary TAL site if two main engines fail

7. SINGLE-ENGINE PRESS – The earliest VI or time that at least an ATO can be

accomplished if two main engines fail. However, no protection is made for ET
impact. A pre-MECO abort selection is not required

Figure 2-1 illustrates the approximate time the voice calls are made as a function of
velocity and altitude.

Press to
Press to MECO
Negative Single-engine MECO
return press to MECO

Single-engine Single-engine
Altitude TAL Post-MECO



Launch Velocity

Figure 2-1. Abort calls as a function of velocity and altitude

Rev. A
These boundaries can vary from prelaunch predictions due to changing atmospheric
conditions and variations in SRB and main engine performance. Using this real-time
information, a computer and software program called the Abort Region Determinator
(ARD) allows MCC to predict the underspeed that will result from a loss of performance
(engine failure, throttle lockup, degraded thrust, etc.). This information is then used to
predict the actual abort mode boundaries on which the real-time voice calls are made.
These boundaries vary from pre-flight predicted boundaries.

2.2.2 Inertial Velocity Boundaries

Pre-flight predicted boundaries are available to the crew as NO COMM MODE
BOUNDARIES. They are provided to the crew in the Ascent Checklist and Flipbooks,
as shown in Figure 2-2. These examples list the boundaries and an inertial velocity in
feet per second at which the abort mode is available.

Figure 2-2. Pre-determined abort boundaries

given in terms of inertial velocity

Rev. A
The boundaries that are listed in bold are the ones typically voiced to the crew by MCC.
Even though two or three 2 ENG (TAL) boundaries are given, only the flight day primary
TAL site boundary is voiced to the crew. The boundaries that are not bold (i.e., NEG
TAL site and LAST TAL site) alert the crew as to the last VI at which the given TAL site
can be reached. Past that VI, the orbiter is too far downrange to successfully reach the
TAL site. The LAST PRE MECO TAL boundary, just as the name implies, is the last
opportunity to initiate a pre-MECO TAL abort.

NO COMM MODE BOUNDARIES do not reflect off-nominal performance, such as a

stuck throttle. Only the ARD can calculate abort mode boundaries in real time, based
on actual performance.

2.2.3 Trajectory Display Boundaries

Secondary indications of abort capability are the marks on the ascent trajectory displays
shown in Figure 2-3. On this display, RTLS indicates the last point at which an RTLS
abort should be selected. This mark usually corresponds to the Negative Return call
from MCC. GO indicates the earliest point at which a main engine could fail and at least
an ATO could be accomplished. The GO mark usually corresponds to the Press to
ATO call from MCC. These marks are based on preflight analysis and may vary from
actual flight day performance.

Figure 2-3. ASCENT TRAJ display

Rev. A


The SYS FLIGHT RULES information (Figure 2-4) provides the crew with abort
selection for critical systems failures that may occur pre-MECO. In most cases,
additional insight provided by MCC is necessary to accurately and fully diagnose a
failure and select the best response. For loss of communication, however, this is
available. If both RTLS and TAL abort options are possible, an RTLS abort is selected
in order to achieve the earliest landing.

Figure 2-4. SYS FLIGHT RULES cue card

2.3.1 OMS Capability

A severe loss of OMS capability can make it impossible to continue uphill and deorbit.
For example, loss of two propellant tanks results in insufficient propellant to get to orbit;
therefore, a TAL is required.

Rev. A
2.3.2 Auxiliary Power Unit/Hydraulics
With the impending loss of all capability, a trajectory option with minimum time to the
ground is desired. This enhances the potential to land prior to a complete loss of

2.3.3 Cabin Leak

Loss of cabin pressure integrity impacts both crew safety and equipment cooling. A
minimum time to the ground option is required.

2.3.4 Cryogenics
Loss of cryogenics, O2 or H2, results in a loss of fuel cells and all electrical power. An
RTLS or TAL is required.

2.3.5 Freon Loops

Losing both Freon loops eventually results in loss of all three fuel cells because of a
lack of cooling. Since this is time critical, RTLS is preferable over TAL.

2.3.6 Main Buses

Two main bus failures preclude ET door closure. Since TAL entry trajectories are
thermally severe, RTLS is preferred. If RTLS is no longer possible, pressing uphill is
preferable to TAL.

2.3.7 Thermal Window Pane

Heating during nominal TAL entry is severe. With a thermal window pane failure, RTLS
is preferable because of its more benign heating characteristics.


After MECO, MCC uses the Abort Maneuver Evaluator (AME) computer program to
determine the abort options currently available. The AME also provides recommen-
dations for selection of nominal, ATO, AOA, or AOA-S targets for OMS-1 and OMS-2

The crew also has insight into post MECO abort options on their OMS 1/2 TGTING cue
card, which is used for MECO underspeed cases. Figure 2-5 is an example of a direct
insertion cue card. The card is based on preflight data and may vary from the AME.

Rev. A

Figure 2-5. OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card

The abort boundaries are given as a function of the current energy state (Height of
Apogee (HA) plus Height of Perigee (HP)) and the percent of OMS propellant
remaining, and the smaller the value of HA + HP, the larger the underspeed.
Depending on the magnitude of the underspeed, this cue card indicates to the crew
which abort and/or OMS-1/OMS-2 targets are required. For example, if the MECO
conditions fall to the right of the bold vertical line (“DI” area), an OMS-1 burn is not
required, and a PEG 7 OMS-2 burn is performed 1 minute before apogee (Time to
Apogee (TTA) = 1).

If the MECO conditions fall to the left of the bold vertical line, abort targets for OMS-1
and OMS-2 are used. For example, ATO/MIN HP (85 nm) means that an ATO target
will be used for OMS-1, and a target that raises HP to 85 nm will be used for OMS-2.
Above the target names, there are circled numbers indicating the target ID number that
can be used to enter the targets with an Item 35 entry on the Maneuver display. This
item entry will automatically bring up the abort target selected, but the Time-to-Ignition

Rev. A
(TIG) may still have to be adjusted. Then, the targets will need to be loaded with an
Item 22 followed by an Item 23 to start the countdown timer to TIG.

The only abort given on this card that does not require an OMS burn is a post MECO
TAL, which (as shown) may be required for a severe underspeed situation.


Another cue card that provides the crew with abort options is the OMS 2 TARGETING
cue card (Figure 2-6). This cue card is used for critical systems failures or OMS failures
that occur after OMS-1 and before the OMS-2 burn. For these systems failures, the
capability to continue the mission or to reach the desired orbit has been lost. Therefore,
an abort is required.

In the case of a MECO underspeed and a system failure, the worst-case abort is
performed. For example, if there is a MECO underspeed that requires an ATO and
there is a post MECO cabin leak that requires AOA, the AOA is performed.

Figure 2-6. OMS 2 TARGETING cue card

Rev. A
Answers to these questions are found in Appendix B.

1. During powered flight, what three types of cues are normally available to provide the
crew with information about abort mode boundaries?

2. Define the following MCC voice calls:

a. Two-Engine TAL

b. Negative Return

c. Press to ATO

d. Single-Engine OPS 3

e. Press to MECO

f. Single-Engine TAL

g. Single-Engine Press

3. Define the following boundaries listed on the NO COMM MODE BOUNDARIES cue




4. What do the marks RTLS and GO represent on the TRAJ display?

5. List three systems failures that require an abort pre-MECO.

6. When is the OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card used?

7. When is the OMS 2 TARGETING cue card used?

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• Name three software functions that can aid ascent performance and are
consequences of ATO selection during powered flight

• Describe the difference between a nominal MECO target and an ATO MECO target

• Describe the benefit of abort shaping

• Given certain initial conditions, determine the resulting inclination due to variable IY

• List two reasons for performing an abort OMS dump during powered flight

• Describe the ATO OMS dump configuration

• Describe how to initiate an ATO pre-MECO


The implementation of the ATO and AOA abort options is highly dependent on mission-
specific flight planning. Mass properties and mission objectives affect flight-specific
performance. Flight software is designed to accommodate varying mission
requirements for guidance, navigation, and flight control.

One way this accommodation is made is by defining parameters that can be changed
for specific flights. These variables are called initialization loads, or I-loads. Many
ascent guidance parameters, including the MECO target, are examples of I-loads.
Some software functions can be inhibited for a given flight, setting certain I-loads equal
to zero for example. Not all capabilities designed into the software are used for all
flights. Therefore, ATO selection does not always affect ascent guidance. Initiation of
an ATO is only required for flights in which OMS propellant must be dumped pre-MECO
to decrease overall vehicle weight, which in turn increases performance. This sequence
is required in order to prevent disposing of the ET in populated areas.

For systems failures, continuous RTLS/TAL/AOA-S/AOA/ATO capability exists from lift-

off to a short time (mission dependent) before OMS-2 ignition. However, for an abort
situation other than performance problems, the crew does not select an ATO/AOA abort
until post-MECO. There is nothing to be gained by selecting the ATO or AOA abort

Therefore, an ATO is usually initiated pre-MECO for a main engine failure or other
known performance problem. If an ATO is selected, guidance may perform one or more
of the following functions, as well as the functions performed during a nominal ascent:

Rev. A
a. Select ATO MECO targets

b. Initiate variable IY steering

c. Initiate abort dump sequence

Steering to inclinations higher than 28.45° (or due east) requires additional perform-
ance. During powered flight, while steering to inclinations greater than 28.45°, a turn
into the current inclination can conserve performance. While steering to 51.6°, for
example, an engine failure at about 10,000 Vi would force a TAL. However, a steer
inplane improves the performance to ATO.

Selection of an ATO at the ATO boundary will also start an OMS propellant dump. This
dump adds a small amount of thrust while reducing weight.

From there, the expected ultimate orbit is approximately 105 nm by 105 nm with an
inclination about 45° and greatly reduced OMS propellant. The mission objective is
probably lost, but the shuttle has achieved orbit.

This discussion continues in more detail.


The ATO MECO target selection software determines whether the nominal or ATO
MECO target will be used by ascent second-stage guidance post ATO selection.

An ATO MECO target set contains an I-loaded target consisting of a velocity magnitude,
radius magnitude, and flightpath angle. The ATO OMS-1 and OMS-2 targets generate
the ATO orbit, which typically is lower than the nominal orbit.

If an ATO has been requested, the software determines whether the guidance should
remain targeted for nominal MECO or be retargeted for the ATO MECO. The decision
is based on the velocity when the main engine fails.

The ATO switch velocity is a maximum I-loaded velocity at which the ATO MECO target
will no longer be used. If the velocity at engine fail is less than this switch velocity,
guidance will be targeted for the ATO MECO. The nominal MECO target will be
maintained if the velocity at engine fail is greater than or equal to the switch velocity.
Currently, switch velocity is typically set well past nominal MECO velocity, so the ATO
targets are always used.


Variable IY steering is another abort function intended to reduce performance
requirements and achieve earliest abort capability. This reduced performance is
achieved by changing the orbital plane target at MECO from the nominal ascent value
to a current, in-plane performance-optimum value for an ATO (Figure 3-1). By changing
the orbital plane, the vehicle thrust is all in-plane, which optimizes fuel usage and

Rev. A
performance. This function is used for orbit inclination greater than 28°, where out-of-
plane steering is done to achieve the required higher inclination and may also be used
for 28° missions that use variable steering for ground-up rendezvous.

Figure 3-1. Result of variable IY steering

IY refers to a unit vector perpendicular to the desired orbital plane that implicitly
specifies the inclination and node constraints. The most efficient way to launch a space
vehicle is due east into an orbit with an inclination equal to the latitude of the launch site
(28.5° for KSC). However, that will not always be the inclination that is desired for a
mission. To achieve an orbit with a different inclination, the vehicle must gradually steer
its velocity vector toward the desired orbital plane.

If an ATO abort is declared and the variable IY steering option is selected, guidance
changes the nominal IY target to the current in-plane value. More concisely, the
inclination is frozen and the energy reserved to increase inclination is pointed in plane.
However, if the orbit inclination at the time of the abort is less than the minimum
acceptable inclination that is defined pre-mission, then the IY target is set equal to a
minimum IY value. As such, out-of-plane steering continues until this minimum
inclination is reached.

An ATO abort will often arrive at the planned inclination but in an ATO orbit. After an
SSME failure at a point post Press to ATO (PTATO) and pre-Press to MECO (PTM), an
ATO orbit can be achieved at the planned inclination. That is, the optimum inclination can
be achieved with an OMS dump and without an in-plane turn. The point at which this can
be accomplished is known as V Mission Continue or V_MSSN_CNTN. ATO selection for
post V_MSSN_CNTN on a 51.6° mission, for example, will result in a 51.6° inclination at
an ATO altitude. V_MSSN CNTN is “no-opted” for 28.45° missions and for some others.


The pre-MECO OMS dump initiates immediately upon ATO selection and terminates
based on either a constant or ramp dump timer. There are two reasons for performing

Rev. A
an ATO dump: (1) to control the Center of Gravity (c.g.) and (2) to reduce overall
weight in order to improve performance in powered flight.

As is the case for all dumps, the ATO dump is controlled by the abort control sequence.
The ATO dump configuration is flight specific and changes from flight to flight. As
mentioned previously, the dump may be fixed in duration, variable, or a combination of
the two. The software actually calculates the OMS dump time as a function of the main
engine-out velocity. If an ATO is selected with three main engines running, the OMS
dump time is based on the vehicle’s velocity at ATO abort deceleration (i.e., when the
abort pushbutton is pushed).

Figure 3-2 shows an example of a typical ATO dump. As shown for early ATO aborts
(engine-out and/or abort velocity less than or equal to an I-loaded velocity known as
V_LIN), a constant burn duration sequence is performed. Post V_LIN, the OMS
propellant burn time is decreased linearly as the engine-out velocity increases in an
effort to conserve OMS propellant for on-orbit usage. The V_ZERO I-load is placed
where Ascent Flight Design has determined no dump is required for that particular

Figure 3-2. OMS burn duration scaling for ATO dump

Typical numbers:

V_MSSN_CNTN 12,000 Vi
V_LIN 11,500 Vi
V_ZERO 18,000 Vi
The ATO dump uses two OMS engines. If OMS propellant loading quantities require a
higher burn rate than is available through two OMS engines, an OMS/RCS interconnect
is performed, and the 24 aft RCS jets can assist the dump. Interconnecting with the
RCS jets is determined by an I-load specific for the ATO abort dump.

Rev. A
The ATO dump is based on a timer. At abort selection, the appropriate I-loads set the
timer and determine the interconnect configuration. The dump through the OMS
engines occurs almost immediately. If interconnected, the RCS jets begin to fire
3 seconds after the OMS engines fire (see section 1). The interconnect status and
abort dump time can be seen on SPEC 51 (Figure 3-4) after abort selection.

Interconnected or not, the dump continues until the expiration of the timer, as displayed
on SPEC 51. The crew is also provided with the cue card that gives the dump time for
interconnected and non-interconnected dumps (Figure 3-3).

Note: The dump terminates during fine count just prior to MECO independent of the
time remaining.

The RCS portion of the interconnect dump will stop (but will not be returned to
straight feed) in the event of a second SSME failure in order to preserve Single
Engine Roll Control.

Figure 3-3. Abort Dumps cue card (Assist/ATO/SPEC51)

Rev. A


For ATO, the powered flight Roll to Heads Up (RTHU) is performed at the same velocity
as in nominal powered flight. During both nominal and ATO, RTHU is performed at a
relative velocity of 12,200 ft/sec with a 5 degree per second roll rate. With a constant
relative velocity, the inertial velocity naturally changes as a function of inclination.

Inclination RTHU VREL VREL to VI add: RTHU VI

57.00° 12,200 800 13,000

51.60° 12,200 1000 13,200
39.00° 12,200 1200 13,400
28.45° 12,200 1400 13,600


The crew can request an ATO by setting the abort mode rotary switch to the ATO
position and pressing the abort pushbutton or by item entries on the OVERRIDE display
(SPEC 51) shown in Figure 3-4. Item 2 EXEC followed by Item 3 EXEC allows an ATO
abort in MM102, MM103, and MM104. If an ATO is selected during MM102, guidance
selects ATO targeting upon transition to MM103. ATO targeting is scheduled
immediately if an ATO is selected during MM103.

Figure 3-4. Abort selection on OVERRIDE display (SPEC 51)

Rev. A
Answers to these questions are found in Appendix B.

1. Name three software functions that can aid ascent performance and are
consequences of ATO selection during powered flight.

2. What would you expect to be the major difference between the nominal MECO
target and the ATO MECO target?

3. If the planned inclination for a flight is 57° and the I-loaded minimum inclination is
32°, what inclination results if an ATO is selected because a main engine has failed
at one of the following points?

a. Very early, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 28°.

b. Later, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 40°.

c. Near MECO, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 57°.

4. List two reasons for performing an OMS dump during powered flight.

5. What normally stops an ATO OMS dump, a software timer or a quantity limit?

6. During an ATO OMS dump

a. Is OMS propellant ever dumped through RCS jets?

b. Are OMS engines and RCS jets ever burning at the same time?

7. Describe how to select an ATO before MECO.

8. If the abort rotary switch does not work, how is an ATO select before MECO?

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• Identify the cue card used for MECO underspeed situations

• Identify parameters on the Maneuver (MNVR) display that are used in determining
the target for an underspeed situation
• Given an underspeed scenario, determine the abort target required
• Describe the three OMS-1 burn target options on a direct insertion mission
• Describe the OMS-2 burn target options on a direct insertion mission


The MNVR display appears automatically at the transition to MM104 (Figure 4-1). Items
that apply to abort targeting are described below. For more information on this display,
see the Displays and Controls Flight Software Subsystem Requirements (FSSR)
Volume 1 or the Data Processing System (DPS) Dictionary.

Figure 4-1. ATO-1 MNVR EXEC display

Rev. A
4.2.1 Display Title
The MNVR title can have a variety of prefixes and suffixes, depending on major mode
and abort mode, as shown in Table 4-1. The ATO and AOA prefixes appear whenever
the respective abort is selected.

Table 4-1. Maneuver display titles

Major Mode Title Mission Phase

104 OMS 1 MNVR EXEC Nominal OMS-1 burn

105 OMS 2 MNVR EXEC Nominal OMS-2 burn
AOA 2 MNVR EXEC AOA transition (no burn)
106 OMS 2 MNVR COAST Nominal after OMS-2
301 DEORB MNVR COAST AOA pre-deorbit burn
302 DEORB MNVR EXEC AOA deorbit burn
303 DEORB MNVR COAST AOA post deorbit burn

4.2.2 Time of Ignition

TIG is the Time of Ignition for the burn. It is displayed as “days/hours:minutes:seconds”
in Mission Elapsed Time (MET).

4.2.3 Maneuver Display Target Parameters

Two types of targets are used by guidance, Powered Explicit Guidance (PEG) 4 and
PEG 7. PEG 4 targets are stored in the software and are displayed automatically when
the target ID is selected. PEG 4 targets can be used only in OPS 1 and OPS 3, and
these targets are used unless the specific abort requires a PEG 7 target. PEG targets
consist of the following individual parameters.

C1 and C2 determine the relationship of vertical and horizontal velocity at the target
point. The equation used by guidance is Vvert = C2 x Vhz + C1. For OMS maneuvers in
OPS 1, the target point is always an apogee or perigee point where the vertical velocity
is zero; therefore, C1 and C2 are zero. For the deorbit burn in OPS 3, the target point is
known as Entry Interface (EI). At EI, the vehicle must have a vertical velocity equal to
some negative value, and the relationship of vertical to horizontal velocity must be
carefully controlled to permit a safe entry. For the deorbit burn, C1 is a large positive
number with units of ft/sec. and C2 will be a dimensionless number between 0 and -1.

Rev. A
HT is the height or altitude of the target point above the surface of the Earth in nautical
miles. For the deorbit burn, the target point is EI, which is also the defined point of Free
Fall and has an altitude of 400,000 feet (65.79 nm).

θT is defined differently in OPS 1 and OPS 3. In OPS 1, θT is the downrange angle

from the launch site to the radius vector of the target, in degrees. In OPS 3, θT is the
angle from the point of ignition to Entry Interface. Figure 4-2 depicts θT in OPS 1 and
OPS 3.


Figure 4-2. Definition of θT in OPS 1 and OPS 3

PRPLT refers to Propellant; the value displayed is total OMS propellant in pounds
required for the OMS burn. This item entry is only supported in OPS 3. For some
deorbit burns, it is desirable to burn excess propellant for c.g. control and weight
reduction. Therefore, Item 18 is loaded with the number of pounds required for the burn
plus the number of pounds to be “wasted.” If the value displayed is zero or any amount
less than the amount required for the burn, there is no impact; the amount required is
still the amount used in the software and in reality.

4.2.4 Load and Timer Items

After a target is selected and displayed, it must also be loaded to determine a burn solu-
tion. A distinction should be made between “selecting” a target on the MNVR display
and “loading” a target. Selecting a target is simply displaying the target parameters on
the lower-left quadrant of the MNVR display. Loading a target causes guidance to
calculate and display a burn solution on the upper-right quadrant of the MNVR display.
Whenever an individual target parameter is changed, the target must be reloaded.

The targets for OMS-1 are loaded automatically, but, in all other cases, the word LOAD
flashes on the display, and an ITEM 22 EXEC is required to load the target. The word
TIMER never flashes; but, whenever a load entry is required, an ITEM 23 EXEC is also
needed to start the Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) timer, which counts down to TIG. The
CRT timer is the second line from the top in the upper-right corner of the display.

Rev. A
4.2.5 Burn Solution
The burn solution includes ∆VTOT, TGO, VGOX, VGOY, VGOZ, TGT HA, TGT HP (see
Appendix A for an acronyms list, if necessary), the Burn Attitude (R, P, Y), and Range
from Entry Interface (REI) to the landing site. These parameters are displayed when a
target is loaded. When a target parameter is changed by item entry, the burn solution
parameters go blank until the new target is loaded.

Current (CUR) HA and CUR HP are the current apogee and perigee altitudes in nautical
miles, they are displayed at all times.

Note: For extreme underspeeds, the HP display may be truncated. That is, the HA
and HP fields contain three digits each. Therefore, a negative four digit
(extreme underspeed) HP will appear as a negative three digit HP.

Below the REI display field, which is blank during OPS 1, is the TXX display field.
During OPS 1, this display field displays Time to Apogee (TTA) or Time to Perigee
(TTP), whichever is closer. If the difference between apogee and perigee is less than
5 nm Time to Circularization (TTC) is displayed, and the time field is blanked. During
OPS 3, Time of Free Fall (TFF) (also known as time to EI) is displayed.

4.2.6 Abort Target

Item 35 is used to enter OMS targets via target ID numbers found in the checklist under
OMS TGTS or on the OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card. This function is available only in
OPS 1.


MCC is prime for determining the proper abort mode. Post MECO, MCC uses the AME
program to make this determination, based on the state vector and the OMS ∆V

The crew can also determine the abort selection in the absence of a recommendation
from MCC by using the OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card (Figure 4-3). This chart is designed
to show abort mode boundaries as a function of the current HA and HP versus available
OMS propellant. The following steps are used to determine the required OMS targets,
using the typical cue card shown:

1. Locate CUR HA and HP on the MNVR display, then add the two numbers.
2. Note the ATO OMS dump time or the percent of OMS in one pod (two pods are
available). Remember the ATO dump is ramped; therefore, the dump time depends
on the time of SSME failure.

Rev. A
3. Find the intersecting point on the OMS 1/2 TGTING Card for CURRENT HA + HP
and OMS dump time. The region at that intersecting point illustrates the abort
4. MECO Vi is shown on the chart as a cross-check for HA + HP.

If the point lies to the right of the bold vertical line (MECO HA = 95), an OMS-1 burn is
not required. If the point lies to the left of the bold vertical line, an OMS-1 abort target
must be selected. In Figure 4-3, if the point lies to the left of the bold vertical line, either
an ATO or AOA-S target is used for OMS-1. Each of these target sets are stored in the
software and are identified by a target ID number that is the circled number located
above the abort name. These target ID numbers are used to select the abort targets in
OPS 104 and OPS 105.

Figure 4-3. OMS 1/2 TGTING card

Rev. A


The available OMS targets are given on cue cards in the Ascent Checklist under OMS
TGTS (Figure 4-4). Each card gives the specific values for TIG, C1, C2, HT, θT and
REI. The card also provides a range for ∆VTOT and a sign or a value for PRPLT.
These cue cards can be used to verify targets and to follow the correct sequence of
targets for OMS-1 (if applicable) and OMS-2. There are two cue cards provided in the
checklist for each AOA site available. One card provides the OMS targets for direct
insertion (OMS-1 not required), and one card provides the OMS targets if OMS-1 is
required. For high inclination flights, there is usually only one set of cards, because
NOR is typically the only AOA site available. For low inclination flights, three sets of
cards are typically provided, one for KSC, one for EDW, and one for NOR.


Any stored target set can be selected manually using the ABORT TGT item on the
MNVR display. To select the targets, type ITEM 35 + (desired ID) EXEC. After the
ITEM 35 execution, the desired targets will appear on the MNVR display and a new
display title will appear (ATO 1 MNVR EXEC, for example). If ATO is selected
pre-MECO, the ATO OMS-1 target set and ID will automatically appear in MM104. The
crew can refer to the appropriate OMS TGTS cue card in the Ascent Checklist to verify
the targets.

If the crew is not satisfied with the current burn targets, based on their evaluation or on
ground advice, they can select a better target set by executing another ABORT TGT
(ITEM 35) entry. Individual target parameters can also be manually entered or changed
by keyboard entries (Items 10 through 17 on the MNVR display). This method can be
used for planned targets (those not stored in the software) by referring to the OMS TGTS
cue card for the target parameters. More concisely, a target set shown as AOA/K, for
example, is a planned AOA target set that is not stored and requires entry via keyboard.
This method can also be used for new targets by using target parameters provided by
MCC. In addition, MCC has the ability to uplink targets directly to the display.


All flights since STS-30 have been direct insertion flights; therefore, our discussion of
OMS-1 is in regard to aborts only.

On direct insertion flights, OMS-1 is required only for significant MECO underspeeds.
The following are the OMS-1 target options:


Rev. A

Figure 4-4. OMS targets cue card

Rev. A
All target options will not be available for all flights. Mission performance considerations
and crew procedures will determine a specific set of target options for a particular flight.

ATO, AOA, and AOA-S targets are used for underspeed cases, depending on the
magnitude of the underspeed.

Stored targets are designed to provide the best possible performance for the most
critical case in which the target is used. At the same time, the targets must result in a
trajectory that preserves further downmode capability and maintains an orbital altitude
that is high enough to avoid significant orbital drag.

Satisfying such a range of targeting requirements results in certain compromises. The

orbit resulting from an ATO OMS-1 burn is designed to increase apogee and, at the
same time, place the line of apsides in the best orientation for an AOA deorbit. Thus,
OMS burn attitudes are not always horizontal in relation to the Earth’s surface. The
horizontal component of a burn increases apogee, but a radial component is necessary
to shift the line of apsides. A shift in the line of apsides will strategically place perigee
and protect the deorbit option. In some AOA cases, the radial component can be quite


The following target options are available for the OMS-2 maneuver on a direct insertion

• No OMS-1 burn required.

– Nominal
– PEG 7 HP→105 TTA=1

• OMS-1 burn required (severe MECO underspeed):


Note that all AOA and AOA-S OMS-2 burns are performed in OPS 3. (On an AOA, the
OMS-2 burn is the deorbit burn.)

Rev. A
Nominal OMS-2 targets are used following a nominal MECO (very slight MECO
underspeeds are often acceptable). Nominal targets will appear automatically on the
MNVR display in MM105.

Slightly larger underspeeds may require PEG 7 targets in the X direction where the
current perigee is raised to the same altitude as the current apogee or the current
perigee is raised to an altitude of 105 nm.

For certain system failures that require immediate deorbit (identified on the OMS 2
TARGETING cue card, Figure 4-5), AOA or AOA-S targets are used for the OMS-2 burn.

Figure 4-5. OMS 2 TARGETING cue card

The OMS TARGETS-DIRECT INSERTION cue card (Figure 4-4) shows the flow
diagram for OMS-2 targeting options available when no OMS-1 is required. Remember,
all target options are not available for all flights.

Rev. A
The OMS TARGETS-W/OMS 1 cue card (Figure 4-4) gives a similar flow diagram for
the OMS-2 targeting options following an OMS-1 burn. For example, after an ATO
OMS-1 burn is performed, ATO, MIN HP, AOA, and AOA-S OMS-2 burn targets
become available. The ATO or MIN HP OMS-2 burn may be required for large MECO
underspeed, and a down-mode to the AOA or AOA-S targets may be required for
system failures that occur after the OMS-1 burn. For very large underspeeds, the
AOA-S targets are used for the OMS-2 deorbit burn following an AOA-S OMS-1 burn.


OMS-2 ATO insertion procedures are similar to nominal insertion procedures.
However, Post ATO OMS-2, the orbit is safe for only several revolutions. In that
timeframe, a decision will be made to increase the orbital altitude with additional uphill
OMS maneuvers or deorbit early with an OMS deorbit maneuver.

There are special post insertion and deorbit preparation procedures for each of these
possibilities. A deorbit and entry after ATO would be very similar to a nominal deorbit
and entry. The landing site for an ATO is likely to be the same as the normal EOM
landing site. However, the orbital ground track on some flights might necessitate
landing at an off-nominal location after an off-nominal insertion.


AOA procedures are quite different from nominal ascent procedures. AOA OMS-2
targets are selected (but not loaded) in MM105. The target ID must be entered in
OPS 1 because the Item 35 function is not available in OPS 3. When an AOA target is
selected (target number 3 or higher), the MNVR display will flash an “OPS 301” at the
lower-center column, immediately to the right of the PEG 7 targets.

The “OPS 301” message indicates guidance software is ready for an OPS transition,
and it is safe to proceed to MM301 and then to MM302. AOA targets should be loaded
only in OPS 3 because θT has a different definition in OPS 1 than in OPS 3. As a
result, an AOA burn solution loaded in OPS 1 is not correct.

The landing site for an AOA depends on the orbital ground track on the first revolution
and the crossrange capability for a particular flight. The number of available sites varies
with each inclination as follows:

Inclination Available AOA Sites in order of preference

28.45° EDW KSC NOR

39.00° EDW KSC NOR

51.60° KSC NOR

57.00° NOR

Rev. A
Since AOA landings are typically heavyweight, the Edwards complex provides more
landing and rollout margin for vehicle energy problems due to its lack of obstacles. KSC
is secondary for its better logistics. Northrup is third. For 57.00° missions, Northrup is
the only AOA landing site available due to the large crossrange enroute to a landing at
Edwards and KSC.

AOA checklist procedures should be followed closely due to significant differences from
the more often exercised nominal and ATO procedures. For example, the Auxiliary
Power Units (APUs) are not turned off after OMS-1 if an AOA is in progress. If an AOA
decision is made later, the APUs will be restarted. In addition, for certain underspeed
cases, a special alpha (angle of attack) management procedure must be followed. The
“ALPHA MANAGENT” procedure is used for ATOs and AOAs when post OMS-1 HP is
less than 75 nm. With HPs less than 75 nm, orbital drag is quite high between the OMS
burns. This procedure will minimize orbital drag by minimizing the frontal profile by
minimizing angle of attack.

The OMS-2 burn is performed in OPS 3 and serves as the deorbit burn. If excess
propellant must be burned to obtain the proper c.g. or to reach the OMS tank landing
weight constraints, then propellant wasting is performed during the burn. However, for
AOAs caused by OMS propellant failures, all of the available propellant may be required
for the deorbit maneuver. If necessary, aft RCS and forward RCS propellant may also
be used to complete the deorbit burn.

The entry and landing phase of an AOA is similar to a nominal entry and landing.

Rev. A

Answers to these questions are found in Appendix B.

1. Which cue card is used to help determine abort targets for underspeed situations?
2. What parameters on the MNVR display are most important for use in determining
the target in an underspeed situation?
3. Using the MNVR display (see figure below), OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card (Figure 4-4),
and OMS TARGETS (Figure 4-5), answer the following:
a. Is an OMS-1 required?
b. At MECO the left and right OMS has 40 percent a side. What target set should
be selected?
c. At what TTA is the TIG (TTA=2 or TTA=1)?
d. What should the TIG (MET) be for this burn?

e. What is the ∆V range expected for this burn?

f. What target set is loaded on this MNVR display?
4. Describe two ways that ATO or AOA targets can be selected post-MECO.

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• List the most common TAL sites that are used for high-inclination and low-inclination

• With the aid of the No Comm Mode Boundaries cue card, determine which
boundaries relate to TAL capability

• Describe two methods to initiate a TAL in the shuttle software

• Confirm that a TAL has been selected in the onboard software

• Define the purpose of variable IY steering for TAL

• Describe the actions for proceeding to OPS 3 in a normal TAL sequence

• List four reasons for the MM304 post MECO dump

• Describe the requirements for TAL site redesignation

The TAL abort was developed during preparations for STS-1 and has evolved from a
manual procedure into an automatic abort mode. The purpose of the TAL abort is to
provide an intact abort option prior to the earliest Press to MECO boundary, for the loss
of performance. For all two-engine cases, TAL capability will, by ground rule, close the
gap between RTLS and ATO capability.

The TAL mode is also useful for systems failures that occur after the last RTLS
opportunity (Negative Return). If a cabin leak or vehicle-cooling problem is found to be
too severe to support an AOA, then a TAL could be initiated to permit the earliest
possible landing. OMS tank failures that occur during ascent, which reduce the ∆V
capabilities below that required to support an ATO or AOA, could be supported by a
TAL abort. In this manner, TAL capability is any opportunity across the Atlantic Ocean
before AOA capability is achieved. TAL aborts can also be declared post MECO.


Multiple TAL landing opportunities are available in order insure against weather and
landing/navigation aid issues. Dependant upon inclination, three or four sites are
carried in flight software to support powered flight guidance for TAL aborts. With the
exception of FMI, each TAL site has both nominal and low cross-range options.
Whereas, the nominal TAL targets are approximately 500 nm north of the site, low
crossrange targets are about 350 nm north of the site. The flight software landing site
table allotment is seven powered-flight targets to TAL landing sites. The seven slots are
used as described (three sites, each with nominal and low cross-range targets and one

Rev. A
additional target for high inclination flights - nominal cross-range to FMI.) Actual TAL
support is dependant upon the current political environment. However, NASA
personnel will support at least two TAL sites for each mission.

Several more sites become available in flight software in glided flight.

Technically speaking, only one TAL site is available for each mission. That would be
the site, which is deemed “prime TAL” for that day. Other available sites in powered
flight software having NASA personnel support (but are not prime) are called ACLS or
Augmented Contingency Landing Sites. They are “augmented” because of their people,
hardware, and software support. All other sites would be called ELS, or emergency
landing sites. In the case of 51.6° missions, ZZA will be the TAL site (provided weather
and landing/navigation aids are go). FMI, MRN, and BEN could become ACLSs (if
supported), while all other sites will be ELS.

From a flight design and ground rule standpoint, TAL sites chosen are those closest to
the ground track of the orbiter in order to limit cross range when flying the entry portion.
Figure 5-1 shows the location of overseas landing sites and the orbiter ground track for
various inclinations.

Figure 5-1. Orbiter ground tracks for various inclinations

Rev. A

Inclination Available TAL Sites in geographic order of preference


Banjul, The Gambia Ben Guerir, Morocco Moron, Spain


Moron, Spain Zaragoza, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco


Le Tube, France Zaragoza, Spain Moron, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco


Le Tube, France Zaragoza, Spain Moron, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco

More landing sites are available for post MECO TALs. The available landing sites in the
software are listed in section 7 of the Ascent Checklist in the Landing Site Table.

Rev. A


The TAL boundaries are relayed to the crew from MCC. Determination of the boundaries
is based on real-time evaluation using the ARD operated by the Flight Dynamics Officer
(FDO). If communication is lost with MCC, the crew can use the No Comm Mode Boun-
daries cue card from the Ascent Flipbook (Figure 5-2). These boundaries are determined
in the flight design phase. In addition, an Abort Summary cue card is also carried
onboard. Figure 5-3 shows the Abort Summary cue card for STS-116, a 51.60°
inclination flight.

Figure 5-2. No Comm Mode Boundaries for STS-116

Rev. A

Figure 5-3. STS-116 ASCENT/ABORT SUMMARY cue card

In powered flight, TAL abort is selectable from the 2 ENG TAL Boundary through the
LAST PRE MECO TAL Boundary. Post MECO, TAL is available until LAST TAL. There
may be overlapping capability to TAL sites, and sites may or may not have identical
boundaries because they vary with ground track.

The SE OPS 3 boundary represents the earliest point OPS 3 software will be available
to execute an abort if a second SSME fails (or two SSMEs fail simultaneously). This
boundary requires a maximum throttle setting (109 percent), which is selected by item
entry on SPEC 51. The SE TAL boundary is the point that guarantees performance to
reach the TAL site with a throttle setting of 104 percent.

For severe underspeeds, a TAL may be declared post MECO. This capability is
available beginning around a VI of 23K (flight specific) until AOA-S capability around a
VI of 25K. Post MECO, the TAL abort selection can be verified only with SPEC 50.
That is, SPEC 50 will show that the TAL Flag is set only when the ITEM 41 value
corresponds to a TAL site (see Figure 5-4 and Figure 5-5).


TAL abort selection is accomplished using the rotary switch on panel F6. The abort is
executed after the abort pushbutton is depressed. If the abort rotary switch or the
pushbutton is inoperative, a TAL can be initiated using SPEC 51 and executing Item 1
and Item 3. During powered flight, replacement of the ASCENT TRAJ by the TAL TRAJ
confirms that the TAL abort has been executed. Post MECO TAL declaration will not
produce a TAL TRAJ. Therefore, Post MECO TAL abort selection can be verified only
after the SPEC 50 ITEM 41 value corresponds to a TAL site (see Figure 5-4 and
Figure 5-5).

Upon selection of TAL abort, the CDR and PLT begin using TAL cue cards from the
Ascent Flipbook (Figure 5-6). Pre-MECO, the CDR verifies site selection and TAL
capability, based on velocity. The PLT monitors the OMS dump. Actions associated
with a second engine out are also executed by the PLT.

Rev. A

Figure 5-4. SPEC 50 pre-TAL abort

Figure 5-5. SPEC 50 post-TAL abort

Rev. A


Figure 5-6. TAL flipbook procedures

Rev. A
At MECO, the crew monitors ET SEP and software transition to MM304. In addition,
runway capability is reevaluated for the site selection. After the transition to OPS 3, the
TAL entry software is similar to nominal EOM entry software.

Post TAL select, the shuttle indicator and predicators on the BFS TAL TRAJ display
begin following the upper TAL trajectory line. The MECO range target is about 2800 nm
from the landing site with MECO velocity target around 24K VI (this is often referred to
as the targeted range-velocity or RV).

Variable IY (inertial yaw) steering is initiated at the time of abort to reduce the cross
range or out-of-plane distances the shuttle is required to glide after MECO. The
software attempts to bring cross range to within 500 nm at MECO. The landing site is
selected using SPEC 50, and should be selected prelaunch.


For TAL, the powered flight Roll to Head Up (RTHU) is performed at a relative velocity
of 14,000 ft/sec with a 5 degree per second turn rate. With a constant relative velocity,
the inertial velocity naturally changes as a function of inclination.


57.00° 14,000 800 14,800

51.60° 14,000 1000 15,000

39.00° 14,000 1200 15,200

28.45° 14,000 1400 15,400


Post MECO, and after the TAL software is onboard (TAL flag has been set), OPS 301
PRO is required to be performed on the PASS and BFS. With OPS 3 Transition
complete, the software will scroll automatically to MM304. If the orbiter is not already
heads up (a rare case involving CSS), an RTHU is performed automatically after the
MM304 transition.


In MM104, at a rate of .5° per second, the orbiter will maneuver to an angle of attack
(α) > 15° and a β < 30°. Once in attitude, the OPS 3 transition may be performed. If
not in attitude prior to MM304, a delay of the post MECO OMS Dump may occur. In
MM304, a non-zero pitch attitude (θ) is required in order to prevent a non-zero roll rate.
Additionally, a larger β at the MM304 transition will translate into a roll error. The

Rev. A
inability to roll or a roll error may delay the proper post MECO attitude and, subse-
quently, the post MECO dump. That is, in order to accomplish the MM304 Dump, the
proper attitude (FCS_ACCEPT_ICNCT flag) must be achieved.

The automated alpha-beta maneuver is a PASS-only maneuver. If the BFS is engaged,

this maneuver must be performed manually.


A dump of OMS propellant is executed almost immediately after TAL abort selection.
The dump will start automatically as a function of the TAL abort. This dump is
accomplished to expedite separation from the ET, to meet OMS tank landing weight
constraints, to meet orbiter gross weight constraints, and for c.g. management.

Some OMS propellant is reserved for the post MECO MM304 dump. This dump assists
the separation from the external tank and helps reduce wing leading edge temperatures
in addition to meeting weight and c.g. constraints cited earlier. In MM304, when below
Mach 9, an aft RCS dump is executed to further reduce weight and manage orbiter c.g.
Figure 5-7 shows the RTLS/TAL side of the abort dumps cue card from the Ascent
Flipbook. For STS-116 the aft RCS dump at Mach 9 is no-opted.

TAL abort dumps, like all abort dumps, are based on an I-loaded timer. At abort
selection, the appropriate I-loads set the timer and interconnect configured as specified
by flight design. The dump through the OMS engines occurs almost immediately. If
interconnected, the RCS jets begin to fire soon after the OMS engines fire. See
Figure 5-7 for exact dump start/stop times.

The MM304 dump software will enable the interconnect if the pre-MECO dump is
incomplete, such that greater than 36% OMS fuel remains at MECO. Please note, the
I-load value for 36% is based on the equivalent time such that gauges and gauge
failures do not affect this function. If the MM304 TAL dump interconnect is enabled, the
OMS engines are commanded to fire 5 seconds after dump start with the RCS jets
beginning to fire 2 seconds later. Smart interconnect software performs the same steps
post MECO as it did pre-MECO.

If the MM304 TAL dump interconnect is inhibited, the RCS 4 +X jets begin firing at
dump start then continue for a total duration of 20 seconds. The OMS engines will fire
10 seconds into the 20 second RCS dump, which allows an aft settling of the OMS
propellant into the tank outlets.

The Forward RCS dump will start when MM304 is entered and continue for 65 seconds
for this particular flight. This is a null-dump which means it does not put any
translational or rotational rates on the vehicle.

Rev. A

Figure 5-7. Abort Dumps cue card (RTLS/TAL)

Interconnect ENA or INH, the dumps will continue until the expiration of the dump timer
as displayed on SPEC 51 or 0.05g. The ABORT DUMPS cue card shows a percentage
as the cue for dump stop, but percent is used as a secondary cue to SPEC 51 time. If
the normal loads on the vehicle (Nz) reach 0.05 times the acceleration of gravity (or
0.05g) the dump terminates regardless of time remaining. Tank design does not
support dump operations under acceleration in axes other than the X-axis direction.


The available TAL sites are listed on the No Comm Mode Boundaries cue card for each
mission. Site selection is a function of geography, politics, and launch day weather.
Sites for each inclination are chosen based on their ability to provide a landing site that
closes the RTLS to ATO gap for a single SSME failure. Of the sites that fill this
requirement, three sites have been made available within Flight Software (FSW). The
sites available in FSW were chosen as a function not only of location but also politics
(Table 5-1). Post landing crew safety, orbiter recovery, and gap closure are considered
in this decision.

Rev. A
Table 5-1. TAL site preferences

Inclination Available TAL Sites in geographic order of preference


Banjul, The Gambia Ben Guerir, Morocco Moron, Spain


Moron, Spain Zaragoza, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco


Le Tube, France Zaragoza, Spain Moron, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco


Le Tube, France Zaragoza, Spain Moron, Spain Ben Guerir, Morocco

The launch day TAL selection is based on the most inplane capability to an available
field within weather constraints. Only one good TAL site is required for launch
constraints to be met. Once a TAL site is selected, the remaining sites are deemed
Augmented Contingency Landing Sites (ACLSs). They are “augmented” because they
fill personnel and equipment requirements for TAL. On launch day, the best choice in
the event of TAL would be the designated TAL site. If the status of that TAL site
changes during powered fight, another TAL site is selected from the available ACLSs.
In cases when both the TAL and ACLS sites become unavailable during powered flight,
an Emergency Landing Site (ELS) would be considered.

For post MECO TAL Aborts, MECO velocity and current inclination will define the
available sites. From there, the Guidance and Procedures Officer (GPO) and the FDO
will select a landing site using the same (TAL, ACLS, ELS) priority. If MCC is not
available, post MECO TAL landing site selection is made via the bar chart on the TAL
PLT procedure in the flipbook. When using this chart, keep in mind it is only accurate
for three SSMEs down simultaneously. With one SSME down at Press to ATO and the
subsequent two SSMEs down simultaneously, this chart is accurate after subtracting
200 fps from the values shown on the chart.

Rev. A

Answers to these questions are found in Appendix B.

1. For ISS missions (51.6o inclination), which sites are available for TAL?

2. What capability does the SE OPS 3 (109) boundary provide?

3. How does the crew select a TAL?

4. What confirming cues are available for the crew to determine that a TAL has been
selected in the onboard software?

5. What is variable IY steering designed to accomplish?

6. In a normal TAL sequence, do you proceed to OPS 3 by doing an OPS 301 PRO or
by an OPS 304 PRO?

7. Why is a post MECO OMS dump executed on a TAL?

8. When is a TAL site change required prelaunch?

Rev. A


Upon completing this section, the student should be able to

• With the aid of the No Comm Mode Boundaries cue card, determine which
boundary relates to RTLS capability

• Describe two methods to initiate an RTLS in the shuttle software

• Describe when an RTLS abort is necessary

• Confirm that an RTLS has been selected in the onboard software

• Describe the RTLS trajectory


If an engine fails during the first 4 minutes of ascent, the shuttle cannot achieve orbit.
For the first 2 1/2 minutes or so of ascent, it cannot even reach a TAL. The only runway
near enough to be reached is one near the launch site. In order to reach this runway,
the shuttle must literally reverse course and fly back the way it came.

The turn to reverse course is called Powered Pitch-Around (PPA), and the timing of
PPA is critically important. Since the orbiter is powerless once the main engines are
shut down, these engines must be shut down when the orbiter has enough speed and
altitude to glide to the runway. Also, in order to safely separate the orbiter from the ET,
the ET should have no more than 2 percent propellant remaining. More propellant
might slosh around and cause the tank to lurch and collide with the orbiter. Therefore,
the shuttle must turn back toward the launch site at the exact instant that will allow it to
arrive at MECO with the right amounts of speed, altitude, and propellant.

If the RTLS is declared before the time of PPA, the shuttle has to perform what is called
fuel wasting. This means pointing the shuttle more vertical (called lofting) to minimize
loss of altitude while still flying away from the launch site and runway. This continues
until the shuttle must execute PPA and turn back toward the launch site. From this
point on, the shuttle thrusts back toward the runway until it reaches MECO conditions.
These conditions are specified as less than 2 percent propellant remaining at a specific
altitude, flight path angle and on the Range-Velocity Line (R-V line).

Then the orbiter separates from the ET and begins to glide back to the runway. During
this gliding flight, called GRTLS, the orbiter may perform certain maneuvers to fine-tune
its glide range or energy. Finally, as the orbiter approaches the runway, it will perform a
wide turn to align itself with the direction of the runway and then glide down to a landing
(Figure 6-1).

Rev. A

Figure 6-1. Typical RTLS profile


Although it may be apparent that an RTLS is necessary when an SSME fails, the actual
time that the RTLS abort is declared is dependent on several factors. RTLS aborts for
performance losses are generally performed at Liftoff (L/O) + 2m30s (referred to as
2+30). For example, if an engine fails during first stage, the RTLS abort is delayed until
2m30s. The earliest RTLS selection is made at 2m30s allowing time for SRB sep
induced transients to be damped out, and for second stage guidance to converge.
Therefore, an abort could be initiated before SRB sep, but the vehicle would not begin
the RTLS flight profile until after 2m30s anyway. The result is that the RTLS abort is
always delayed until at least 2m30s. If an engine fails after 2m30s, but before a TAL is
possible, the RTLS abort is performed immediately.

For systems failures, an RTLS abort is delayed until L/O + 3m40s (referred to as 3+40).
By aborting at 3m40s, ground controllers have more time to determine whether to abort

Once the vehicle has passed a certain point, its range from the launch site and its
downrange velocity are too great to safely return to the runway at the launch site. This
point is called negative return; an RTLS abort should not be performed after negative
return has been reached. 3m40s is usually at least 10 seconds before negative return.
Therefore, there should always be a comfortable amount of time between the RTLS
abort selection and negative return.

Rev. A
As soon as the ground determines that an RTLS abort is required, it directs the crew to
abort RTLS at the proper time. For example, if an engine fails in first stage, the ground
tells the crew to “abort RTLS at 2 + 30.” Along with the voice call, the Flight Director,
using a switch on his console, illuminates the abort Pushbutton Indicator (PBI) on
panel F6.

At the proper time, the crew initiates the RTLS abort using the abort rotary switch on
panel F6. The switch is moved to the RTLS position, and the abort PBI is pressed
(Figure 6-2). If the abort rotary switch fails, the crew can also initiate an RTLS by typing
OPS 601 PRO into any PASS keyboard. If the BFS is in control and the abort rotary
switch fails, the abort is initiated by typing OPS 601 PRO into the BFS keyboard.

Figure 6-2. Abort mode select switch and PBI


After an RTLS abort has been declared, the Powered Return to Launch Site (PRTLS)
guidance begins to function. This guidance scheme, named PEG 5, is designed to
guide the shuttle from its current location to the proper conditions for MECO. This
target location is defined as

• Altitude (I-load)
• Flightpath angle
• Velocity (as a function of range)

The design of these MECO targets is to provide the shuttle with sufficient glide range to
the runway, while disposing of the ET in a safe fashion.

Rev. A
PEG 5 is called a closed-loop guidance system. This means that PEG 5 is constantly
re-evaluating how well it is doing and makes corrections to account for any errors. It
does this by electronically flying the entire powered RTLS profile every few seconds
based on actual performance. The computed conditions just before MECO are then
compared to the desired conditions to determine a miss vector. This miss vector is then
used to compute corrections in steering and throttle commands. This process continues
up until the last few seconds before MECO when a time is set for Cutoff (CO) and the
closed loop process is suspended.

6.4.1 RTLS TRAJ Display

The shuttle cannot fly at all without its computers. This means that if a serious problem
disables all the PASS computers, the crew has no choice but to engage the BFS.
However, it is possible that some combination of software errors and/or hardware
failures might cause the otherwise healthy PASS computers to be unable to fly the
shuttle successfully.

To provide an alternative to engaging the BFS, the capability has been provided for
crewmembers to fly the shuttle during ascent. The manual capability is called CSS.

To intelligently use this CSS capability, the crewmembers must have some means of
monitoring the AUTO guidance system and the vehicle performance. They must also
be able to perform whatever guidance is required if a MAN takeover is required. The
information necessary to carry out these two tasks is provided by the computer-
generated displays and printed procedures. Manual aborts and manual ascents are
covered more extensively in the assigned crew training flow classes and handouts
(Manual Ascent 31001 and Manual Abort 31001).

The primary display for the PRTLS portion of the flight is the RTLS Trajectory (TRAJ)
display (Figure 6-3). Most of the information on this display is provided directly from
navigational software and is completely independent of PEG 5 guidance. Therefore,
even if PEG 5 guidance fails, the RTLS TRAJ displays provide sufficient information to
fly the vehicle safely.

Rev. A

Figure 6-3. PASS RTLS TRAJ display

The central portion of the display is a plot of the vertical altitude versus the horizontal
component of the shuttle-Earth-relative velocity with the zero velocity point
approximately midway across the screen. The shuttle position is plotted with a triangle,
∆ 1, and the two small circles 2 are predictors that show the estimated shuttle
position 30 and 60 seconds in the future.

The series of lines on the display are approximations of the lowest 3 and highest 4
predicted RTLS trajectory. These two trajectories describe a typical RTLS envelope
that can be used in manually guiding the shuttle toward the proper MECO conditions.
These lines are guidelines and not absolute boundaries.

&) and is used to achieve the proper

The scale on the far left 5 is the delta H-dot (∆ H
rate-of-climb at MECO. A “canned” H-dot profile is loaded into the computers, and the
H-dot computed from this profile is always represented as the zero tic on the scale. The
shuttle H-dot is subtracted from this canned H-dot, and the difference is plotted as a
triangle (called the bug) next to the delta H-dot scale. However, this delta H-dot scale is
not currently used in the manual flight techniques.

The lines at the far left of the display 6 represent acceptable dynamic pressures ( q ) for
separation and are, from the top, q = 2 psf and q = 10 psf. The shuttle symbol should
be between these two lines while approaching MECO.

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The scale at the top of the screen 7 is the delta range (∆R) scale and represents the
shuttle current potential glide range. In other words, it displays the difference in a
mission-dependent energy status minus current range to landing site. Near MECO, the
bug moves from right to left as the glide range nears the proper value. The Pitchdown
(PD) and PD3 tics indicate where PD should occur for a two- and three-engine RTLS,
respectively. The CO point indicates the point where MECO should be initiated to
obtain the proper glide range to the RTLS runway. The PD will be discussed in a later

The Guidance (GUID) line 8 indicates the status of the guidance solution for PPA. The
GUID indicator will be discussed in the following section.

The remaining features of this display 9 are digital readouts of the guidance-computed
MECO Time (TMECO) as well as the Main Propulsion System (MPS) PRPLT remaining
in percent. The two display fields below PRPLT (PC <50 and SEP INH) are also used
(not shown). PC < 50 indicates the SRB combustion chamber pressure is less than 50
psi. This indication signals the beginning of the SRB SEP sequence. SEP INH is
displayed in the event of an SRB SEP INH or ET SEP INH.

The BFS also has an RTLS TRAJ display. This BFS display is called the RTLS TRAJ 2
display. It is similar to the PASS RTLS TRAJ display but contains some additions that
make it useful for monitoring PASS versus BFS performance. Figure 6-4 shows BFS

1 4

Figure 6-4. BFS RTLS TRAJ 2 display

Rev. A
1Digital readouts of BFS-computed values of sideslip angle (β) and angle of attack (α)
& are shown. 2The ∆ H
and altitude rate H & scale is like the PASS but has an additional
angle of attack display that shows α from +4° to -12°. 3The vertical line labeled 0
denotes zero horizontal velocity relative to the Earth. This point is usually referred to as
“Vrel zero.” This vertical line is not shown on the PASS RTLS TRAJ, but Vrel zero
occurs where the upper TRAJ line stops.

4The PPA item is used to indicate when the BFS thinks PPA has occurred as well as to
force the BFS into PPA mode by performing an ITEM 1 EXEC. GUID indicates the
status of the guidance solution for PPA. The GUID indicator is discussed in the
following section. 5Total vehicle forward acceleration (not Nz) is displayed on the g
scale. The indicator or “bug” will flash if 3g is exceeded.

6The pitch, yaw, and roll errors computed by the BFS are displayed in a digital, fly-to
fashion. 7Lastly, the BFS-computed throttle command is displayed. This throttle
setting is what the BFS commands if it is engaged. The setting can be used as another
independent check on both the PASS and BFS guidance computations.

6.4.2 Guidance Convergence

Guidance convergence is an indicator of how close PEG 5 computations are currently
getting to the desired target. If the miss vector is large, larger than an I-loaded value,
guidance is said to be unconverged. While this unconverged situation persists, the
steering commands produced by guidance and flight control are not reliable. Radical
changes in steering direction can result from one guidance cycle to the next. To
preclude any violent or wasteful maneuvering, all steering commands are disabled
whenever guidance is not converged. The shuttle holds its last attitude until guidance
computes a good solution. Guidance is then said to be converged and steering inputs
are enabled.

Whenever PEG 5 first begins computing, it is by definition unconverged and remains so

for at least several computation cycles. Thus, steering inputs are disabled after PEG 5
is called while it computes a solution.

The crew can monitor whether or not RTLS guidance is converged in several ways.
The first indication that guidance has converged on a good solution, after aborting
RTLS, is the TMECOs in the PASS and BFS. Immediately after aborting RTLS, the
TMECOs in the PASS and BFS will change and they will disagree. However, the
TMECOs should be stable and should agree within about 10 seconds after the abort is
initiated. If the TMECOs do not agree within about 10 seconds, this could indicate a
problem with either the PASS or BFS guidance solution.

Before PPA, the crew also has direct insight into the status of the guidance solution. The
GUID line on the PASS RTLS TRAJ display and on the BFS RTLS TRAJ 2 display shows
the status of RTLS guidance. Once the RTLS is declared, GUID INIT is displayed. As the
vehicle progresses toward the PPA point, GUID displays the percent deviation between

Rev. A
the predicted and final target masses at PPA. GUID INHB is displayed if guidance is
unconverged, and GUID PPA is displayed once the PPA begins.

The crew can also monitor the status of guidance by observing the error needles on the
Attitude Direction Indicator (ADI). If guidance is unconverged, the needles will stow and
will no longer be visible. However, stowed error needles do not necessarily indicate
unconverged guidance. Specifically, if guidance is unconverged in MM601, the error
needles will stow. If the guidance remains unconverged (the needles remain stowed)
until the transition to MM602, the needles will not unstow. In this case, the needles will
remain stowed for the rest of the flight regardless of the status of guidance.

It is possible for guidance, once converged, to become unconverged under certain off-
nominal circumstances. These periods of unconvergence can vary from one cycle
(~2 seconds) to more or less permanently. If guidance does not converge or
reconverge within a reasonable time, manual CSS of the shuttle is required. The
decision to initiate CSS is made by the shuttle CDR in consultation with MCC.

6.4.3 Main Propulsion System Safing and RTLS INIT

Some of the information that PEG 5 guidance needs in order to do its job is based on
events occurring before the RTLS abort is declared. Specifically, PEG 5 needs to know
the shuttle speed at the time of the engine failure. Therefore, a software module called
the SSME-out safing task is called whenever an engine fails. This module performs
several tasks including saving the shuttle Earth-relative velocity at the time of the engine
failure so that it will be available for subsequent use.

As soon as an RTLS abort has been declared, there are a few one-time-only computa-
tions that must be done in order to initialize the PEG 5 software. These initialization
steps, in effect, tell PEG 5 what kind of an RTLS is to be flown. The software module
that performs these initialization tasks is called the RTLS initialization task or simply,

There are three steps or subtasks contained within RTLS INIT. The first subtask sets a
number of flags that change the guidance mode from PEG 1 to PEG 5, disable steering
commands and fine countdown, and notify other guidance modules that RTLS INIT is
being performed. The second subtask changes the MECO target from Nominal (NOM)
to RTLS. The third subtask determines whether this is a two- or three-engine RTLS. If
it is a two-engine RTLS, then nothing further is done. For the three-engine RTLS case,
this module will compute a new throttle setting to simulate two good engines. This new
throttle setting will be 69 percent because three engines at 69 percent equals two
engines at 104 percent (207 percent total thrust versus 208 percent). Then RTLS INIT
saves the shuttle speed just as if an engine had actually failed. With these preliminary
steps completed, PEG 5 now begins to execute.

The crew's first function after an SSME failure is to note the engine-out speed and time.
This is important because later procedures use this time to determine key trajectory

Rev. A
parameters. MCC should then confirm the engine failure and request the proper abort
mode and time.

As previously discussed, RTLS is selected for any engine failure occurring up to the
“2 ENG TAL” boundary. The abort mode cue card contains a list of orbiter systems
problems that would necessitate an abort (Figure 6-5a).

If communications with MCC are interrupted, the crew selects the proper abort mode by
referring to the “no comm mode boundaries” portion of the abort modes cue card
(Figure 6-5b). To select the proper abort, the crew compares the actual engine-out
velocity with the abort mode boundaries and selects the mode that the shuttle passed
most recently. The abort mode boundaries on the card are computed prelaunch and
are extremely conservative. This means that the boundaries are biased to favor the
abort mode requiring the least amount of performance.

The time that the RTLS abort should be selected is noted at the top of the RTLS CDR
cue card (Figure 6-6). This indicates that for a two-engine RTLS, the abort can be
selected any time after 2m30s MET. The card also notes that if the abort switch does
not work, RTLS can be selected by typing OPS 601 PRO into a PASS keyboard.

The pilot has his corresponding cue card, the RTLS PLT cue card (Figure 6-7). Upon
RTLS selection, the PLT is to take manual throttle control if the CDR has CSS control of
the shuttle. If manual throttle control is performed, the automatic engine shutdown logic
in guidance is suspended so that MECO must be performed manually using the engine
shutdown PBls on panel C3 (Figure 6-8). If vehicle control is in the automatic mode, the
PLT should check that auto guidance has set the proper throttle setting for the type of
RTLS being performed.

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(a) Orbiter systems abort criteria


Figure 6-5. Abort modes cue card

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Figure 6-6. RTLS CDR cue card Figure 6-7. RTLS PLT cue card

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Figure 6-8. Panel C3

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6.4.4 Fuel Dissipation Guidance

If the RTLS abort is declared early in the flight, some fuel wasting is necessary, so the
fuel dissipation task takes control of guidance. When first activated, this task computes
a pitch angle (theta) to perform the fuel wasting. This theta is chosen primarily to
minimize any loss of altitude while still heading the shuttle away from the runway; theta
is calculated using the Earth-relative velocity saved by the SSME-out safing task. From
then on, this theta remains virtually constant, and every cycle, the guidance equations
compute the optimum time to pitcharound.

The fuel dissipation task works by assuming an immediate pitcharound. From this
assumption, software predicts the trajectory of PPA and flyback phases to compute the
shuttle mass at MECO. This burnout mass is then compared to the desired 2 percent
ET propellant remaining. If the predicted mass is less than the desired mass, then the
pitcharound is initiated immediately. If the predicted mass is still greater than the
desired mass, then further fuel wasting is necessary. The difference in mass between
computed and desired is then used to compute how much more fuel must be wasted.
This is then used to compute TMECO.

The crew needs to know two important things to fly the fuel dissipation phase in CSS:
the proper theta angle to fly during wasting and when to turn around. The engine-out
time that was noted earlier is used to determine these parameters. Using the engine-
out time in conjunction with the table on the RTLS PLT cue card (Figure 6-7), the
outbound initial theta can be determined. The crew then maneuvers the shuttle to that
theta angle in CSS. Normally, little or no additional maneuvering is required until

Additional information about fuel dissipation guidance can be found in the Ascent
Guidance and Flight Control Workbook.

6.4.5 Powered Pitch Around

When the fuel dissipation phase is complete, PEG 5 begins to fly to the RTLS MECO
target. Since the shuttle is still thrusting away from the runway, the orbiter must first
turn around. This turn is called PPA and changes the shuttle attitude from heads-down
going away from the launch site to heads-up pointing toward the launch site. It is
important to remember that even though the shuttle pitches around toward the launch
site, it is still moving away.

PPA is a fairly dramatic maneuver in shuttle terms. The flight control software is
programmed to fly the pitcharound at a pitch rate of 10 deg/sec. This rate is kept high in
order to prevent the shuttle from gaining too much altitude while passing through the

The PPA also sets a flag denoting flyback phase. This flag is normally set when the
PPA is commanded and is used to reconfigure guidance for the flyback phase. If the
crew has selected CSS, then there are software checks to detect when the crew
initiates PPA to properly mode the guidance algorithms. A crew-initiated turnaround is

Rev. A
said to be in progress when CSS has been selected and the shuttle passes through
vertical and begins to thrust back toward the runway.

In the “√ Guidance Status” procedure is a reminder that if guidance does not converge
(GUID ‘INHB’ on the RTLS TRAJ), the crew should select CSS and manual throttle
control and pitch around manually at the right time. The crew can determine the proper
time for a manual PPA by consulting the RTLS cue card in the same way that the initial
outbound theta was determined. The actual propellant remaining is displayed on the
RTLS TRAJ display. When the actual PRPLT level decreases to the PPA PRPLT level,
pitcharound should be performed at 10 deg/sec. This PPA PRPLT value cannot be
reliably used to predict the AUTO time of PPA.

6.4.6 Flyback
As soon as the fuel dissipation task decides that the orbiter has wasted enough fuel, it
sets a flag that initiates the flyback phase. Technically speaking, PPA is part of the
flyback phase even though we have talked about it separately. The flyback phase is
that part of powered RTLS when the orbiter is pointing back toward the runway, steering
to achieve the proper MECO targets so that it can then glide to a safe landing.

During the flyback phase, unlike the fuel dissipation phase, the outputs of PEG 5 are
used to compute orbiter steering and throttle commands instead of merely acting as a
predictor. These steering and throttle commands direct the shuttle to fly along the
trajectory computed by guidance. Each guidance cycle results in a new set of steering
and throttle commands that are better than the old set. The actual commands should
not change much from cycle to cycle, but the accuracy of PEG 5 predictions will
improve as MECO approaches.

As the shuttle gets close to MECO, the computation of new steering and throttle
commands is no longer appropriate since the updated commands would not have time
to materially affect the MECO conditions. This could lead to ridiculously large attitude
excursions as guidance and flight control attempt to make large corrections close to
MECO. To prevent this from happening, part of PEG 5 is always calculating the time
remaining until PPD. When this time is less than an I-loaded value (currently 6
seconds), a flag is set that initiates fine countdown. This procedure locks out further
attempts to correct the final MECO conditions, thus the flyback phase terminates.

6.4.7 Powered Pitchdown

Once the fine countdown phase is initiated, PRTLS guidance has virtually completed its
task. The only thing to be done is to pick the MECO time. PEG 5 predicts the time that
MECO should occur, which is still many seconds in the future, and then fixes this time.
Once set, the MECO time does not change even if subsequent events make this time
less than optimum.

In order to satisfy the altitude and flightpath angle constraints on the MECO state, the
shuttle has a positive angle of attack of about 30° as MECO approaches. However, to
safely separate the ET from the orbiter, an angle of attack of -2° is required. The

Rev. A
transition between these two widely differing angles of attack is a big PD maneuver
(Figure 6-9), usually called Powered Pitchdown (PPD).

A leisurely maneuver to -2° of alpha (angle of attack) would result in a sink rate larger
than desired. This could cause overheating or overstressing of the vehicle. To prevent
this, the PPD maneuver is performed at high rates (~8 deg/sec) at literally the last
instant. Only a few seconds are allowed at the conclusion of the maneuver for
establishing stable conditions before the MECO timer expires. Normally, before MECO,
the SSMEs are throttled back to 67 percent. This is done to reduce the impact of the
PPD maneuver on the trajectory.

For a three-engine RTLS, this throttle-back is not possible because the three engines
are already throttled back to 69 percent. Pitching down at the same time with three
engines takes just as long, and glide range is increasing 50 percent faster. This could
result in MECO occurring before completion of the PPD maneuver. To correct for this, a
three-engine RTLS is commanded to PD earlier to allow more time to complete the pitch
maneuver before MECO.

6.4.8 Main Engine Cutoff and External Tank Separation

Once the shuttle vehicle has stabilized at -2° angle of attack (see Figure 6-10), the next
event is MECO. The time for MECO has already been fixed so the shuttle simply holds
alpha = -2° until the MECO timer expires. The shuttle then enters a phase called mated

Mated coast is the time after MECO but before ET SEP, The shuttle engines can no
longer be used for attitude control since they are shut down. The aerodynamic surfaces
are not yet effective enough because of the thin atmosphere. This means the entire
burden of attitude control falls on the RCS jets during mated coast.

If all goes well at MECO, the shuttle should be stable and in the proper attitude. If this
is so, then few jet firings are required. For off-nominal MECOs, the shuttle might be well
out of attitude or rotating at relatively high rates. The RCS jets then have to fire to
establish and maintain the proper attitude.

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Figure 6-9. Composite ADI/HSI during PPD

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Figure 6-10. Composite ADI/HSI at MECO

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During the mated coast phase, the orbiter and ET are being prepared for SEP. Valves
are closed, umbilicals are retracted, and electrical connections are deadfaced. These
activities normally take about 16 seconds to perform. If the orbiter attitude and body
axis rates are within limits the vehicle is configured for ET SEP.

An ET SEP inhibit suspends the separation sequence to provide more time for the
shuttle to get to the proper pitch rate. If the pitch rate parameter remains out of limits
after 6 seconds, the ET SEP occurs anyway. Otherwise, the dynamic pressure would
continue to increase until a safe separation would not be possible regardless of the
shuttle attitude.

Also, the AUTO SEP INH can be overridden by the crew simply by placing the ET SEP
SWITCH on panel C3 to the MAN position and depressing the ET SEP PB. See Figure
6-11 for the location of the ET SEP switch and pushbutton. This procedure is seldom
done on an RTLS because the ET SEP INH is automatically overridden after 6 seconds.

Figure 6-11. ET SEP switches

When the ET SEP sequence decides, or is directed, to continue with the separation, the
actual separation commands are issued to the Master Events Controllers (MECs).
These devices fire the explosive bolts that disconnect the three attach points between
the orbiter and the ET. At this point, the orbiter and ET are separated.

With the orbiter now disconnected from the ET, it is important that the orbiter get away
from the ET. For a normal separation in the proper attitude, the aerodynamics of the

Rev. A
two bodies cause the ET to “peel” off underneath the orbiter much like a belly tank being
dropped from a fighter airplane. This process is too slow and unpredictable to be relied
upon, especially since the ET SEP attitude might not be perfect. To establish a greater
separation rate, RCS jets are used.

As soon as the separation commands are issued, a flag is set to tell the shuttle autopilot
that separation has occurred. The autopilot, called the Digital Auto Pilot (DAP),
changes modes to perform a combination maneuver to pitch up while translating away
from the ET. This maneuver is accomplished by turning on all the orbiter downfiring
RCS jets. With four forward downfiring jets and six aft downfiring jets, you might well
wonder how a pitchup results. That is because the forward RCS jets have a much
longer moment arm resulting in about twice the pitch effectiveness of the aft downfiring
jets. The net result of these 10 RCS jets is a simultaneous translation and rotation,
which carries the orbiter up and away from the tank.

Should any pitch or roll correction be necessary during this separation maneuver, it is
performed by momentarily turning off some of the jets firing for the separation
maneuver. This is done so that at no time is it necessary to fire any upfiring RCS jets,
which might decrease the separation rate.

The downfiring jets performing the separation continue to fire until the proper criteria for
moding to MM 602 are satisfied. These criteria are that at least 10 seconds have passed
since separation occurred and that the shuttle has achieved at least a 10° angle of attack.
Upon transition to MM 602, the powered phase of RTLS is said to have ended and
GRTLS begins.

If the MECO and ET SEP portions of PRTLS are flown in CSS, it is important that the
shuttle already be in the proper attitude pre-MECO. With the shuttle in the proper attitude
(α = -2°), the PLT shuts down the remaining SSMEs using the SSME shutdown PBs.

Once the engines have been shut down, the CDR should maintain the same -2° alpha
and 0° beta while the ET SEP sequence configures the orbiter and ET for separation.
In order to maintain the proper -2° of alpha, the CDR has to hold in a small negative
pitch rate. This is because the shuttle is now ballistic and its sink rate is increasing due
to gravitational acceleration. This causes alpha to become more positive, which is
undesirable for ET SEP.

When ET SEP occurs about 16 seconds after MECO, the -Z translation maneuver also
occurs automatically, even in CSS. This translation maneuver can be terminated by
moving the Translational Hand Controller (THC) out of detent in any axis. However, if
this is done, a manual -Z maneuver must be accomplished to ensure a safe separation.
This manual -Z maneuver does not provide the proper pitchup rate to recover alpha
post-SEP; therefore, this pitchup rate should be provided through RHC inputs.

It is generally preferable to allow the RTLS DAP to perform its simultaneous -Z and
pitchup maneuver automatically rather than to perform these maneuvers manually.

Additional information on RTLS MECO and ET SEP can be found in ASC G&C 21002.

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6.5.1 Glide Range and Energy

After MECO, the shuttle has a certain amount of energy that determines how far and
how long it can glide. This amount of energy is a function of the speed and altitude of
the shuttle. The initial energy state, determined by the speed and altitude at the time
the SSMEs are shut down, decreases continually during GRTLS, reaching zero at
orbiter wheels stop.

The horizontal distance or range that the shuttle can glide with a given amount of
energy is determined by the vehicle's lift and drag characteristics. These lift and drag
characteristics are usually summarized as a ratio of Lift to Drag (L/D). The L/D of the
shuttle can be varied by changing the shuttle basic flight parameters, such as angle of
attack (alpha), or by moving aerodynamic control surfaces, which affect drag and/or lift.

For example, L/D varies with angle of attack as well as sideslip angle (beta) and bank
angle. L/D also varies with the position of the elevons, body flap, speedbrake, and
rudder. Some of these controls, such as the rudder, have very little effect on the shuttle
L/D, while others, such as the speedbrake, exist primarily to alter L/D. The speedbrake
simply alters drag without affecting lift, thereby decreasing the L/D ratio.

The flight condition of the orbiter can be adjusted to maximize the L/D ratio. This state,
referred to as MAX L OVER D, determines the maximum glide range of the orbiter for a
given amount of energy.

In practice, it is not a good idea to plan on flying at maximum L/D. An extra headwind or
unplanned drag results in insufficient range to make the runway. To avoid this, the
MECO energy state is planned to be comfortably more than the minimum necessary.
The nominal amount of excess energy can be easily dissipated during GRTLS. Should
the shuttle arrive at MECO with less than the planned amount, it is said to be low on
energy. This usually means that there is enough energy to make the runway, but less
than planned. If the shuttle is extremely low on energy, such that the planned runway
cannot be reached, then the shuttle has to downmode.

Downmoding is doing something other than what was planned because it takes less
energy to do so. An example of downmoding is changing the path to the runway from
an overhead turn approach to a straight-in approach. It is also sometimes possible to
change the targeted runway to one that requires a shorter approach.

It is also possible that the shuttle might have more energy at MECO than was planned
on. This might not appear to be a problem since energy can always be dissipated but
never increased. The problem is that if the shuttle is too high on energy it could
conceivably go by the runway and not be able to land. The shuttle has a very limited
turning capability and cannot just orbit above the field waiting to slow down to landing
speed. This problem is avoided, if possible, by dissipating excess energy relatively
early in the GRTLS profile so that the energy state is as normal as possible when the
shuttle approaches the runway.

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The role of GRTLS guidance is to manage the shuttle energy state to maximize the
chances of a safe landing. The techniques that guidance uses to manage energy are
given at the end of this section.

6.5.2 Post MECO Dumps

After MECO and ET SEP, there are still thousands of pounds of liquid oxygen (LO2) and
liquid hydrogen (LH2) trapped onboard the orbiter in the various pipes of the MPS
system. The LO2 is heavier (more dense) and thus affects the c.g. more, but the real
hazard is the LH2. If the hydrogen is not dumped, it will eventually vent through a relief
valve, presenting a potential fire hazard.

To eliminate as much of the hydrogen (and oxygen) as possible, a post-MECO MPS

dump is performed. This dump starts immediately after the beginning of MM 602.
Because of the limited time available to dump these propellants during an RTLS, the
LO2 and LH2 dumps are performed simultaneously.

The LO2 dump is performed by opening the Main Oxidizer Valves (MOVs) in the three
SSMEs and dumping through the engines. The dump is not a pressurized dump. Little
liquid is actually expelled because of the position of the engine nozzles and the direction
of the aerodynamic forces on the vehicle. The engine nozzles are, in effect, uphill on
the feedlines where the LO2 is trapped.

Because of the dangers associated with LH2, the LH2 dump is performed with special
plumbing called the RTLS dump line. This line, which exits portside aft of the vehicle, is
designed to provide for the maximum dump under the accelerations experienced during
GRTLS. To further ensure the best possible LH2 dump, the hydrogen manifold is
pressurized with helium to force the LH2 overboard as quickly as possible. The position
of the LH2 dump line is shown in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12. Liquid hydrogen dump port

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There is also a provision in the software for a post-MECO dump of RCS propellant
through the RCS jets to help move the c.g. For details of this dump time, please refer to
Section 1 and Figure 1-9, which shows the RTLS/TAL Abort Dump section of the Ascent
Flip Book.

6.5.3 GRTLS Display

The primary display for the early portion of GRTLS is Vertical (VERT) Situation (SIT) 1,
which is the OPS display in MM602. This display, shown in Figure 6-13, is primarily a
plot of altitude versus range to go.

Figure 6-13. VERT SIT 1 display

The three lines 1 , 2, and 3 running from the upper right to the lower left, depict
representative trajectories; 2 is the nominal trajectory. The leftmost line 1 is the q limit
line; if to the left of this line you will not make the runway even flying at max q . The
rightmost line 3 is the maximum L/D line; if to the right of this line you will not make the
runway even flying at max L/D. Therefore, the q limit line and the maximum L/D line
bound the range of acceptable trajectories.

The shuttle position on this plot is represented by a shuttle symbol 4, which is rotated
to represent the altitude dissipation rate (sink rate). During TAEM (OPS 603), the
shuttle symbol will move down the screen from right to left.

Note: Shuttle symbol appears only at one location on the display at a time.

The three representative trajectories are labeled with Knots Equivalent Airspeeds
(KEASs), which are airspeeds that need to be flown to stay on the trajectory at that point.

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To the right of the display is a scale of the shuttle pitch angle (θ) and energy state in
terms of Energy Over Weight (E/W) 5. The pitch angle is displayed only at lower
airspeeds and the NOSE HI and NOSE LO limits are commonly referred to as the theta
limits. These theta limits are used to maintain an acceptable flight condition if air data is
not available to the flight control system below Mach 2.

The E/W scale displays the current energy state of the shuttle as a triangle on the tape.
This triangle, or bug, flashes if the energy level is above the S-Turn (STN) limit or below
the Minimum Entry Point (MEP) level. These limits are displayed by STN and MEP on
the E/W scale. The minimum energy required for an overhead approach is displayed as
“ ” An energy state below the “ ” would require a straight-in approach.

In the upper left-hand corner of the display 6 is an alpha transition display. During the
alpha transition portion of GRTLS, the shuttle symbol appears in this portion of the
display, which represents an alpha versus Mach profile. The nominal command profile
is represented by the dashed fine, and the solid line is the q limit line for alpha
transition and should not be crossed. The shuttle symbol flashes if a limit is violated.

In the lower center of the display 7 is a readout of actual and commanded speedbrake
position, Lateral Acceleration (Ny), Lateral Acceleration Trim (Ny TRIM), Aileron Trim
(AIL TRIM), Rudder Trim (RUD TRIM), and finally, the Target (TGT) Normal
Acceleration (Nz). TGT Nz is the guidance-computed normal acceleration to be
maintained during the Nz hold phase of GRTLS. Nz hold is discussed in Section 6.5.6

The BFS version of this display (Figure 6-14) has a few features not found on the
PASS. To the left of the screen 1 is a readout of the BFS-computed attitude errors.

Figure 6-14. BFS VERT SIT 1

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At lower altitudes (< 30,000 ft) PASS VERT SIT 1 is replaced by PASS VERT SIT 2
(Figure 6-15). Except for the different scaling of altitudes and range-to-go, the second
display is very similar to the first and requires little additional explanation. The one
addition 1 is a flashing Approach and Landing (A/L), which appears when Terminal
Area Energy Management (TAEM) guidance is terminated, and A/L is initiated

Figure 6-15. PASS VERT SIT 2 display

The entry displays we have discussed up to now convey mostly vertically referenced
information (that is, altitude versus range or altitude versus velocity). Another display is
used to view the horizontal component of the trajectory. This display is SPEC 50, the
Horizontal (HORIZ SIT) display that is shown in Figure 6-16. The lower portion of the
HORIZ SIT display presents navigational information and is covered in greater detail in
the Navaids 21002 training manual (USA006055). The major feature of this display,
however, is a map showing the location of the runway and the HAC in relation to the
shuttle current position.

Rev. A

Figure 6-16. HORIZ SIT display

The shuttle symbol c is always plotted at the bottom as shown, while the shuttle's
future position is shown by the three predictors d at 20, 40, and 60 seconds in the
future. These predictors allow the shuttle to be flown to and around the HAC. Next to
the shuttle is the shuttle's load factor (Nz for GRTLS) in g's e.

On the left side of the screen is additional data that is relevant to GRTLS f. Item 41
allows for the selection of various landing sites and/or runway combinations. The
selected runway is the one used for guidance computations and is the one shown in the
central portion of this display.

Also displayed g is the TAEM targeting status. This portion shows whether TAEM
guidance is targeted for an overhead or straight-in approach to the right or left HAC and
whether the shuttle is using the Nominal Energy Point (NEP) or MEP. It also displays
whether the shuttle is using the NOM or Close In (CLSE) aim point. Finally, the
speedbrake can be set for a NOM or Short Field Setting (SHORT). The status of any of
these TAEM downmode options (including runway) can be changed through the
appropriate item number. TAEM targeting is more completely described in the Entry,
TAEM and Approach/Landing Guidance Workbook.
The BFS HORIZ SIT display does differ slightly from its PASS counterpart. However,
for the purpose of GRTLS, these two displays are the same. Therefore, the PASS and
BFS HORIZ SIT displays shall be treated as identical. Figure 6-17, BFS HORIZ SIT
display, is included as a reference.

Rev. A

Figure 6-17. BFS HORIZ SIT display

6.5.4 GRTLS Guidance

As discussed in the previous section, the one fundamental task of guidance during
GRTLS is to arrive at the runway with the right amount of energy to complete a safe
landing. To manage the energy state while providing satisfactory flight conditions,
GRTLS guidance can be divided into the following sections:

• Alpha recovery phase • Nz hold phase

• Alpha transition phase • S-turn phase
• GRTLS TAEM phase

The first three of these phases are designed to provide the transition from an exo-
atmospheric ballistic trajectory to hypersonic gliding flight. S-turn and TAEM are where
most of the energy management takes place. We will discuss each of these phases in

6.5.5 Alpha Recovery

The orbiter, when we left it, was at a 10° angle of attack immediately after ET SEP.
Because of the constraints on ET SEP, the orbiter was in a dive and just beginning to
pull up. In order to provide the proper transition to stable level flight, it is necessary to
pull out relatively quickly before the aerodynamic forces build up to uncontrollable
levels. To accomplish this phase, the shuttle is maneuvered into a high angle of attack
as soon as possible. That is why this phase is called the alpha recovery phase.

Immediately when the shuttle transitions to MM 602, the ET SEP translation maneuver
is stopped. Control of the shuttle is then taken over by the new DAP called the aerojet
DAP. This marks the first time on an RTLS that the aerodynamic control surfaces
(elevons and rudder) of the shuttle are used for vehicle control. These controls are not

Rev. A
very effective at first because of the low atmospheric density. At first, the aerosurfaces
are supplemented with the RCS jets. Using the RCS jets and the elevons in tandem,
the aerojet DAP begins to pitch the orbiter up at 2 deg/sec. This action continues until
the shuttle reaches a 50° angle of attack. The shuttle then maintains 50° for the
duration of the alpha recovery phase.

As the orbiter falls further into the atmosphere, the increasing dynamic pressure will
cause more and more lift to be generated by the wings of the shuttle. This lift produces
an acceleration along the Z-axis called the Nz acceleration (normal to the Z-axis). The
50° alpha is held until the Nz acceleration reaches about 1.8g (~53 ft/s2).

During this period of increasing dynamic pressure, several other events are taking
place. The aerosurfaces are becoming increasingly effective, so fewer RCS jet firings
are required. For roll maneuvers, the RCS jets are no longer used after a q of 10 psf,
while the pitch jets are turned off after 40 psf. Because of the reduced effectiveness of
the rudder at high angles of attack, RCS firings for yaw control are required down to
Mach 1.

After about 1.8g, the DAP begins to reduce the angle of attack to hold the target Nz.
The target Nz that is calculated is usually about 2.2g. It is shown on PASS VERT SIT 1
and 2 next to TGT Nz. The 2.2g is comfortably below the design limit of 2.5g and
provides adequate normal force for the pullout maneuver. This change in angle of
attack marks the transition to the Nz hold phase.

The CSS procedures for the post-ET SEP and alpha recovery timeframe are on the
lower portion of the RTLS CDR and PLT cue cards (Figure 6-6 and Figure 6-7). The
CSS and AUTO actions are similar; in other words, increase the alpha to 50°, maintain
this alpha until Nz ~ 1.8g, and then reduce alpha to hold Nz around 2.2g. At this time,
the PLT should verify that the automatic ET umbilical door is closing and that the
speedbrake is set to 80 percent.

6.5.6 Nz Hold Phase

As the shuttle enters Nz hold phase, the DAP decreases alpha to maintain the
calculated target Nz, usually 2.2g. The angle of attack continues to be decreased until
the shuttle's rate of descent is less than 250 ft/sec. At this time, the pullout is essentially
complete and the transition to stable flight begins.

As in AUTO, the CSS procedure for Nz hold is to decrease alpha to maintain 2.2g until
the descent rate is less than 250 ft/sec. At that time, the alpha transition phase is

6.5.7 Alpha Transition

After the termination of the Nz hold phase, the angle of attack is changed to conform to
the predetermined alpha profile. This profile, which is a function of the shuttle velocity,

Rev. A
is designed to provide the best vehicle control until active ranging begins in the TAEM

Also during alpha transition, the shuttle turns toward the runway unless there is
considerable excess energy, in which case the shuttle deliberately turns away from the
runway. This turn away from the runway is called an S-turn and is designed to dissipate
excess energy by flying a longer path to the runway. Normally, an S-turn would not be
executed until TAEM, but for extremely high energy cases, an early S-turn can be
initiated while still in alpha transition.

The alpha transition phase is maintained until the GRTLS TAEM phase begins.

Flying the alpha transition phase in CSS can be done either by following the alpha
transition display in the upper-left portion of VERT SIT 1 or by referring to the entry
alpha cue card (Figure 6-18). Although AUTO can initiate S-turns in alpha transition,
there are no procedures to manually initiate S-turns during this phase. Ranging in CSS
is done primarily by exercising Optional TAEM Targeting (OTT) options. OTT is more
completely described in the Entry, TAEM and Approach/Landing Guidance Workbook.

Figure 6-18. Entry alpha cue card

Rev. A
6.5.8 S-Turn Phase
The S-turn phase is actually part of the alpha transition phase, but it is explained
separately for simplicity. If an S-turn is required, the shuttle is directed to turn away
from the runway, thereby increasing the distance to be flown. During the S-turn, both
the energy state and the shuttle heading are constantly monitored. If the S-turn
succeeds in dissipating the excess energy, the S-turn will be ended and the shuttle will
turn toward the HAC.


The portion of GRTLS that controls the fine tuning of the orbiter energy state for landing
is called TAEM. GRTLS TAEM, which starts at Mach 3.2 , is essentially identical to
normal entry TAEM, which is discussed in great detail in the Entry, TAEM &
Approach/Landing Guidance workbook. An overview of TAEM is provided here for

TAEM guidance is divided into four phases. The four phases are

• S-turn

• Acquisition

• Heading alignment

• Prefinal

In order for TAEM guidance to function, it must know the accurate distance the shuttle
must fly before it can land (range-to-go). It is not enough to know the straight-line
distance from the shuttle to the runway. This is obvious when considering that the
shuttle must approach the runway at the proper speed and direction. Therefore, the
turn(s) necessary to get the shuttle lined up for landing must be taken into account.

To model these turns, the shuttle computers project the HAC. This HAC is an imaginary
cone in space that is located approximately 7 nm from the end of the runway. The
projection of this cone at any altitude is a circle that describes a turn the shuttle must
make to get lined up with the runway. By approaching the HAC on a tangent and then
turning on the HAC, the shuttle will complete the HAC lined up with the runway

The shuttle range-to-go can be accurately computed by summing the distance to the
HAC, the distance around the HAC, and the distance from the HAC to the runway
(Figure 6-19). In order to manage the range-to-go so that the shuttle can fly to the
runway, TAEM guidance will fly an altitude versus range profile.

For each runway there are four possible HACs, two on each side of the runway
centerline (overhead and straight-in). The shuttle is normally targeted for the overhead
HAC, which has a turn angle greater than 180 degrees. The straight-in HAC has a turn

Rev. A
angle less than 180 degrees. It can also be seen that the overhead HAC requires more
energy. Therefore, the selection of these HACs is partly a function of energy. For
example, Figure 6-19 shows a right-hand turn into an overhead HAC, commonly called
a right overhead. The straight-in HAC will not improve the energy situation, if the HAC
turn angle is near 180 degrees. In addition, each HAC has a nominal (NEP) and
minimum (MEP) entry point. The difference is that the MEP HAC is approximately 3 nm
closer to the runway. By selecting the MEP HAC, the shuttle will fly the HAC closer to
the runway, thus requiring less energy to make the runway. The shuttle is normally
targeted for the NEP HAC. Selection of the MEP HAC will not improve the energy
situation if the HAC turn angle is near zero or 360 degrees.

Figure 6-19. TAEM phases

For low-energy situations, TAEM guidance will increase the NZ command; as a result,
flight control will pitch the vehicle up thus lowering the descent rate (Hdot). By doing so,
the potential energy (i.e., altitude) will not decrease as fast, thus getting the shuttle back
to nominal energy. For extremely low-energy cases, TAEM guidance will request a
change to the straight-in HAC or to the MEP HAC, or both.

For high-energy situations, TAEM guidance will decrease the NZ command; as a result,
flight control will pitch the vehicle down thus increasing the Hdot. By doing so, the
potential energy will decrease, thus getting the shuttle back to nominal energy. For
extremely high energy cases, TAEM guidance will initiate an S-turn in order to increase
the range to fly to the runway.

Rev. A
a. S-turn phase

While the S-turn phase of GRTLS guidance is actually a subset of the alpha transi-
tion phase, the S-turn phase of TAEM guidance is a separate phase altogether.

If the shuttle energy is too large to be dissipated with lower alphas, the TAEM
guidance algorithm will mode into the S-turn phase. During this phase the shuttle
will turn away from the runway in order to increase the required range to go. Once
the shuttle energy has been sufficiently reduced, TAEM guidance will transition to
the acquisition phase, and the shuttle will turn toward the HAC.

b. Acquisition phase

When the velocity is less than Mach 3.2, guidance will mode directly from the alpha
transition phase of GRTLS guidance to the acquisition phase of TAEM guidance.
During the acquisition phase, a course is computed which causes the shuttle to
arrive at the HAC on a course tangent to the HAC.

c. Heading alignment phase

Once on the HAC, the shuttle will stay on the HAC until final lineup with the runway
is achieved.

d. Prefinal phase

This phase is entered when either range-to-go to the runway or the altitude is less
than an I-loaded value. After lining up on the runway, the shuttle rolls out of the turn
and begins diving toward an aimpoint just short of the runway threshold. This dive
is done to increase airspeed for the landing. Prefinal phase continues until the
shuttle enters the approach and landing phase. The approach and landing phase
on an RTLS is the same for nominal end-of-mission flights and is described in the
Entry, TAEM & Approach/Landing Guidance workbook.

This concludes the main text of the workbook, please review the appendices for
supplemental information.

If this workbook has been completed as part of a formal training syllabus, the reader is
reminded to complete and submit the evaluation form at the end of this document.

Rev. A

1. What is negative return?

2. In what ways does BFS control differ from PASS?

3. Why must the shuttle waste fuel after an RTLS abort is declared?

4. Describe the primary and the backup means of selecting an RTLS abort.

5. True or false. Most of the information on the RTLS TRAJ display shows the output
of PEG 5 guidance so the crew can fly manually.

6. How can a crewmember tell whether guidance is converged or not?

7. True or false. When an engine fails, the crew need only note the time that the
failure occurred in order to determine the proper abort.

8. Describe the primary reason for performing an OMS dump during RTLS.

9. True or false. During an RTLS, the shuttle should always fly along one of the lines
drawn on the RTLS TRAJ display.

10. For a three-engine RTLS, PPD occurs .

a. Earlier than a two-engine RTLS

b. Later than a two-engine RTLS

c. At the same time as a two-engine RTLS

11. True or False. After MECO, the shuttle glide range begins increasing because of
the pull of gravity.

12. Describe the maneuvers the shuttle must perform immediately after ET SEP.

13. True or False. RCS jets are used in controlling the vehicle down to Mach 1.

14. Describe the purpose of each of the following phases of TAEM: S-turn, acquisition,
and heading alignment.

Rev. A


A/L Approach and Landing
ACLS Augmented Contingency Landing Site
ADI Attitude Direction Indicator
AIL TRIM Aileron Trim
AME Abort Maneuver Evaluator
AOA Abort-Once-Around
AOA-S AOA-shallow
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ARD Abort Region Determinator
ATO Abort-to-Orbit

BEN Ben Guerir, Morocco

BFS Backup Flight Software
BYD Banjul, Gambia

c.g. center of gravity

CDR Commander
CLSE Close In
CO Cutoff
CRT Cathode-Ray Tube
CSS Control Stick Steering
CUR Current

∆VTOT total ∆V required for an OMS maneuver

DAP Digital Auto Pilot
DPS Data Processing System

E/W Energy Over Weight

EDW Edwards Air Force Base
EI Entry Interface
ELS Emergency Landing Site
ENA Enable
EOM End-of-Mission
ET External Tank

FDO Flight Dynamics Officer

GPC General Purpose Computer

GPO Guidance and Procedures Officer
GRTLS Gliding Return to Launch Site
GUID Guidance

HA Height of Apogee
HAC Heading Alignment Cone
HORIZ Horizontal

Rev. A

HP Height of Perigee
HT altitude of target
HYD Hydraulics

ID Identification
INH Inhibit
ISOL Isolation

KEAS Knots Equivalent Airspeed

KSC Kennedy Space Center

L/D Lift to Drag

LH2 liquid hydrogen
LO2 liquid oxygen

MCC Mission Control Center

MEC Master Events Controller
MECO Main Engine Cutoff
MEP Minimum Entry Point
MET Mission Elapsed Time
MM Major Mode
MNVR Maneuver
MOV Main Oxidizer Valve
MPS Main Propulsion System
MRN Moron Air Base, Spain

NEP Nominal Entry Point

nm Nautical Miles
NOM Nominal
NOR Northrup Flight Strip

Ny Lateral Acceleration
Ny TRIM Lateral Acceleration Trim
Nz Normal Acceleration

OMS Orbital Maneuvering System

OPS Operational Sequence
OTT Optional TAEM Targeting

P Pitch
PASS Primary Avionics Software System
PBI Pushbutton Indicator
PD Pitchdown
PEG Powered Explicit Guidance
PLT Pilot
PPA Powered Pitcharound
PPD Powered Pitchdown

Rev. A

PRPLT Propellant
PRTLS Powered Return to Launch Site

R Roll
RCS Reaction Control System
REI Range from Entry Interface
RHC Rotational Hand Controller
RTHU Roll to Heads Up
RTLS Return to Launch Site
RUD TRIM Rudder Trim

SBTC Speedbrake/Thrust Controller

SEP Separation
SHORT Short Field Speedbrake Setting
SIT Situation
SRB Solid Rocket Booster
SSME Space Shuttle Main Engine
STN S-Turn

TAEM Terminal Area Energy Management

TAL Transoceanic Abort Landing
TFF Time of Free Fall
TGO Time to Go, time left on OMS burn
TGT Target
TIG Time of Ignition
TRAJ Trajectory
TTA Time to Apogee
TTC Time to Circularization
TTG Time to Go
TTP Time to Perigee

VERT Vertical
VGOX velocity to go in X direction
VGOY velocity to go in Y direction
VGOZ velocity to go in Z direction
VI Inertial Velocity

Y Yaw

ZZA Zaragoza Air Base, Spain

Rev. A


Answers to Section 1
1. The difference between a standard insertion and a direct insertion is that a standard
insertion has both an OMS-1 and an OMS-2 burn, and a direct insertion only has an
OMS-2 burn.

2. A MECO velocity that is less than the target velocity is called an underspeed.

3. The four types of intact aborts are ATO, AOA, TAL, and RTLS.

4. The typical orbit for an ATO is 105 nm circular.

5. The consequences of an AOA-shallow are that the vehicle is exposed to a longer

period of atmospheric heating and to less predictable aerodynamic drag forces.

6. The primary means to select an ATO or TAL is by turning the abort rotary switch to
the desired position and then pushing the abort pushbutton.

The backup means of selecting an ATO or TAL abort is by performing an ITEM 1

EXEC or ITEM 2 EXEC, respectively, on SPEC 51 and then performing an ITEM 3

Rev. A

Answers to Section 2
1. During powered flight, the three types of cues normally available to provide the crew
with information about abort mode boundaries are voice calls from the MCC,
velocity boundaries on the NO COMM BOUNDARIES cue card, and the RTLS and
GO tick marks on the TRAJ display (Negative Return and Press to ATO,

2. MCC voice calls are defined as follows

(a) Two-Engine TAL – Earliest point at which a TAL could be achieved with only
two good main engines.
(b) Negative Return – Last opportunity to achieve an RTLS.
(c) Press to ATO – Earliest point at which at least an ATO could be achieved with
only two good main engines, with an OMS dump.
(d) Single-Engine OPS 3 – The first point after which, for two engine failures, the
crew will abort downrange using OPS 3 (Droop procedure) software. Prior to
this point, the loss of two engines requires a contingency abort using OPS 6
(e) Press to MECO – Earliest point at which an orbit could be achieved with only
two good main engines and no OMS dump.
(f) Single-Engine TAL – Earliest point at which a TAL could be achieved with only
one good main engine.
(g) Single-Engine Press – Earliest point at which at least an AOA could be
achieved with only one good main engine.

3. The boundaries listed on the NO COMM MODE BOUNDARIES cue card are
defined as follows:

(a) NEG TAL – Last opportunity to achieve a pre-MECO TAL to this site.
(b) LAST PRE MECO TAL - Last opportunity to select a pre-MECO TAL.
(c) LAST TAL - Last opportunity to achieve a post-MECO TAL to this site.

4. RTLS on the TRAJ display indicates the last point at which an RTLS abort should
be selected. This tick mark usually corresponds to the Negative Return call from

GO on the TRAJ display indicates the earliest point at which a main engine could
fail and an AOA could still be accomplished. This tick mark usually corresponds to
the Press to ATO or the Press to MECO call from MCC.

5. The systems failures that require an abort pre-MECO are

(a) OMS helium or propellant tank failures

Rev. A

(b) APU/HYD failures

(c) A cabin leak
(d) Loss of cryogenics
(e) Freon loop failures
(f) Main bus failures
(g) A crack in the thermal window pane

6. The OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card is used to determine the type of abort required in
the case of a MECO underspeed.

7. The OMS 2 TARGETING cue card is used to determine the type of abort required
for various system failures.

Rev. A

Answers to Section 3
1. The three software functions that can aid ascent performance and are
consequences of ATO selection during powered flight are switching to the ATO
MECO targets, enabling variable IY steering, and initiating an OMS/RCS dump.

2. The major difference between the nominal MECO target and the ATO MECO target
is that the altitude for the target would be lower than the altitude for the nominal

3. If the planned inclination for your flight is 57°, and the I-loaded minimum inclination
is 32°, the inclination that results if an ATO is selected because a main engine had
failed is as follows:

(a) Very early, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 28°, the
resultant inclination is 32°. The vehicle continues steering to the minimum
(b) Later, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 40°, the resultant
inclination is 40°. The vehicle no longer steers toward the target inclination.
(c) Near MECO, when the current IY vector represents an inclination of 57°, the
resultant inclination is 57°. The target inclination has already been achieved.

4. Two reasons for performing an abort OMS dump during powered flight are to control
the c.g. of the vehicle and to reduce overall weight in order to improve performance
in powered flight.

5. A software timer, which uses an I-loaded dump duration, normally stops an ATO
OMS dump.

6. During an ATO OMS dump, OMS propellant may be dumped through both the OMS
engines and RCS jets, all of which are burning at the same time.

7. To select an ATO before MECO, turn the abort rotary switch to ATO and push the
abort pushbutton.

8. If the abort rotary switch does not work, select an ATO before MECO by calling up
SPEC 51 and typing in ITEM 2 EXEC (selects ATO) and ITEM 3 EXEC (initiates the

Rev. A

Answers to Section 4

1. The OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card is used to help determine abort targets for
underspeed situations.

2. CUR HA and CUR HP are the most important parameters on the MNVR display for
use in determining the target in an underspeed situation.

3. Using the MNVR display, OMS 1/2 TGTING cue card, and OMS TARGETS, the
following are true

(a) Since CUR HA + HP is equal to 83, you can determine from the OMS 1/2
TGTING cue card that an OMS-1 burn is required. Remember, also, that
anything to the left of the bold vertical line (HA = 95) requires an OMS-1 burn.
(b) By following the vertical line up from HA + HP = 83 until it intersects with 40
percent OMS quantity, you can determine that target set 1 must be selected
(c) The required TTA can be found on the OMS TARGETS – W/OMS 1 cue card
(TTA = 2:00). The TTA can also be determined from the top of the OMS 1/2
TGTING chart. MECO underspeeds between 25.3 and 25.8k ft/sec require the
OMS-1 TIG at a TTA of 2:00 minutes. Also note that MECO underspeeds
between 25.1 and 25.3k ft/sec require the OMS-1 TIG at MECO + 2:00 minutes,
which is worst case.
(d) Since current TTA = 17:02, the TIG should be targeted for 15:02 minutes from
the current MET. Add 15:02 to the current MET of 10:24, and you will get a TIG
of 25:26 MET.
(e) For this target set, the ∆V range expected for this burn is 130 - 875 ft/sec. To
get the range of ∆V, look at the actual burn parameters from the target set on
the OMS TARGETS cue card.
(f) For an ATO abort, target set 1 comes up loaded automatically with a TIG of
MECO + 2:00 minutes.

4. ATO or AOA targets can be selected manually using the ABORT TGT item on the
MNVR display. To select the targets, the crew performs an ITEM 35 + (desired ID)
EXEC. Individual target parameters can also be manually entered or changed by
keyboard entries (Items 10 through 17 on the MNVR display).

Rev. A

Answers to Section 5
1. For ISS missions Le Tube (FMI), Zaragoza (ZZA), Moron (MRN), and Ben Guerir
(BEN) are the available TAL sites.
2. The SE OPS 3 (109) boundary represents the earliest point at which OPS 3
software is used to execute an abort with only one engine running.
3. The crew can execute the abort by selecting TAL on the abort rotary switch and
pushing the pushbutton on panel F6 (preferred method). A TAL may also be
declared using SPEC 51 with an ITEM 1 EXEC to select TAL and an ITEM 3 EXEC
to initiate the abort.
4. The following confirming cues are available for the crew to determine that a TAL
has been selected in the onboard software.
(a) The ASCENT TRAJ display is replaced by the TAL TRAJ display on both the
primary avionics software system (PASS) and the BFS machines.
(b) SPEC 50 shows a TAL site at ITEM 41.
5. Variable IY steering is designed to achieve a MECO target that is within a 500 n. mi.
cross range of the landing site.
6. In a normal TAL sequence, once TAL software is on board, an OPS 301 PRO
(PASS and BFS) is performed to proceed to OPS 3. The software scrolls to OPS
7. The post-MECO OMS dump is executed on a TAL to do the following:
(a) Provide additional velocity away from the ET.
(b) Provide additional velocity that helps to lessen wing leading edge temperature
on the vehicle (in low-energy cases).
(c) Protect the landing weight constraint of the OMS tanks.
(d) Aid in overall vehicle c.g. management.
(e) Reduce orbiter gross weight for landing.
8. Prelaunch, a TAL site change is required if the primary TAL site has weather that is
out of limits or has a navigation aid failure.

Rev. A

Answers to Section 6
1. Negative return is the point after which an RTLS can no longer be performed.

2. The differences in BFS control to that of PASS are that BFS supports only
Automatic (AUTO) flight control pre-MECO and only CSS post-MECO; PASS
supports AUTO and CSS in all flight control regimes.

3. The shuttle must waste fuel after an RTLS abort is declared to ensure that no more
than 2 percent propellant remains at MECO. To prevent collisions between the
shuttle and the ET, separation is planned to occur at 2 percent propellant remaining.

4. The primary and the backup means of selecting an RTLS abort are as follows:

(a) Primary - Use the ABORT rotary switch on panel F6 to select RTLS. The
ABORT PBI, also on F6, is then depressed.
(b) Backup - Type “OPS 601 PRO” into any PASS keyboard.

5. False. Most of the information the RTLS TRAJ displays is based solely on
navigation data. Therefore, if PEG 5 fails, the crew can still use the RTLS TRAJ to
manually fly the vehicle.

6. A crewmember determines whether guidance is converged or not in several ways.

If guidance is unconverged, the ADI error needles will be stowed out of sight and
GUID INHB will appear pre-PPA on the PASS RTLS TRAJ display.

7. False. The velocity of the vehicle at the time an engine fails is used to determine
the type of abort required. The time an engine fails is used to determine initial
outbound theta and PPA cues if in CSS.

8. The primary reason for performing an OMS dump during RTLS is to burn off the
unnecessary OMS prop, which will move the c.g. forward, improving the vehicle
control post-MECO. Also, the OMS dump is necessary in order to protect the
landing weight constraint of the OMS tanks.

9. False. During an RTLS, the shuttle should not always fly along one of the lines
drawn on the RTLS TRAJ display. The lines drawn on the RTLS TRAJ display
represent guidelines and are not absolute boundaries.

10. (a) For a three-engine RTLS, PPD occurs earlier than a two-engine RTLS in
order to complete the maneuver before MECO.

11. False. The shuttle glide range is at its maximum at MECO and decreases

12. After ET SEP, the shuttle must pitch up to an alpha of 50° to pull out while
simultaneously translating away from the ET.

Rev. A

13. True. The RCS yaw jets are used down to Mach 1 because the shuttle flies at high
alphas that tend to blank the rudder.

14. The TAEM phases are used as follows:

(a) S-turn - Used to dissipate excess energy by flying a longer route to the runway.
(b) Acquisition - Used to line up on and approach the HAC.
(c) Heading alignment - Used to fly around the HAC and line up on the runway.

Rev. A

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b. The content is clear.
c. The content is complete.
d. The level of detail is correct for this information.
e. The amount of information is effective.
f. The graphics contribute to my understanding.

3. How appealing was the presentation of this

lesson? Strongly Strongly
For each statement below, mark one box on the scale: Disagree Agree
a. The overall presentation is appealing.
b. The visuals chosen are appropriate for the lesson.
c. The visuals make the information more interesting.
d. The graphics are legibly reproduced.
e. The audio/visual or print quality is good.

4. How valuable is this information?

For each statement below, mark one box on the scale: Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
a. The lesson teaches skills and information I need.
b. The lesson meets my expectations.
c. This information is useful for later reference.
d. I would recommend this lesson to others.




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