PCB Material Selection For High-Speed Application

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

PCB Material Selection for High-Speed Application

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Jayasekar Micheal, M. Amalanathan
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PCB Design Engineer, Department of Physics, Nanjil Catholic
Intel Corporation, College of Arts and Science, Kaliyakkavilai,
Santa Clara, CA, USA-95054 Tamilnadu, India

Abstract:- Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) have become The process involves identifying the application
integral to modern electronics. With the increasing requirements, considering the material properties,
demand for high-speed digital/Analog/RF Circuits, the manufacturing process, cost considerations, and reliability
need for PCBs with high-speed materials has grown considerations. It is essential to choose the material that best
significantly. High-speed materials have become suits the application requirements and not solely based on
necessary for PCBs in commercial, data centers, cost. With careful consideration and selection, PCB material
telecommunication, and aerospace applications. This can contribute significantly to electronic products' overall
article will discuss the basics of the high-speed materials performance and longevity.
selection process, its properties, the Lamination process,
and the materials used in PCBs. PCBs are an essential It's important to note that the specific considerations for
component of electronic devices, and performance and selecting a PCB material will depend on the specific
reliability depend on the materials used in their requirements of your design. Therefore, it's recommended to
construction. The PCB material selection process involves consult with a PCB designer or use simulation software to
comprehensively understanding various materials and ensure the best material for your application.
their properties. This article will explore the steps
involved in the PCB material selection process. II. PCB MATERIAL SELECTION PROCESS

Keywords:- PCB Fabrication, PCB lamination Process, The selection of PCB material is crucial in determining
Glass fabric, Flex PCB, Glass Weave Skew, Single Ply-Dual the functionality and reliability of electronic products. The
Ply, Dielectric Constant (dk), Coefficient of Thermal PCB material selection process involves comprehensively
Expansion (CTE). understanding various materials and their properties. In this
article, we will explore the steps involved in the PCB material
I. INTRODUCTION selection process.
 Step 1: Identify the Application Requirements The first step
High-speed Printed Circuit Board materials are in selecting PCB material is identifying the requirements.
characterized by their ability to transmit signals at high Factors such as frequency, power, operating temperature,
frequencies without losing signal integrity. These materials and environmental conditions must be considered. For
have low-loss tangent, low dielectric constant, and high example, high-frequency applications require materials
thermal stability. They are made of high electrical with low dielectric loss, whereas high-power applications
conductivity and low dielectric constant materials. Copper is require materials with good thermal conductivity.
the most common conductor used in PCBs due to its high  Step 2: Consider Material Properties The material
electrical conductivity. However, copper is not the best choice properties are essential in selecting the PCB material. The
for high-speed circuits because it has a high loss tangent and most used PCB material is FR-4 (flame-retardant 4), which
dielectric constant. Therefore, high-speed PCB materials use is a composite material made of woven fiberglass cloth and
specialized copper alloys, such as PTFE, ceramic-filled epoxy resin. However, other materials such as polyimide,
hydrocarbon, and liquid crystal polymer. ceramic, and PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) may be used
in certain applications.
These materials are designed to transmit signals at high  Each material has unique properties, and the right material
frequencies without losing signal integrity. PTFE, should be chosen based on the application requirements.
ceramic-filled hydrocarbon, and liquid crystal polymer are For example, polyimide is suitable for applications that
some of the popular high-speed materials used in PCBs. These require high-temperature resistance, whereas ceramic
materials have low-loss tangent, low dielectric constant, and materials are ideal for high-frequency and high-power
high thermal stability. When selecting a high-speed material applications.
for a PCB, it is essential to consider the application, the  Step 3: Consider the Manufacturing Process: The PCB
frequency range, and the thermal requirements. material selection process also considers the manufacturing
process. The chosen material should be compatible with the
PCB material is an important factor in designing printed
manufacturing process, such as drilling, plating, and
circuit boards. It regulates the overall signal attenuation of a
soldering. For example, materials with high glass transition
channel as well as the integrity of measured data. Using the
temperatures (Tg) are difficult to drill, and those with low
low-loss dielectric in combination with a fiber glass weave
Tg may not withstand the soldering process.
will improve signal performance better. There are a variety of
glass styles one can choose from. There are also many
variations in resin content versus lass.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Step 4: Cost Considerations The cost is also a critical factor which signals travel through the material, as well as the
in selecting PCB material. Materials such as PTFE and amount of energy lost as heat.
ceramic are expensive, whereas FR-4 is more affordable.  Determine the required mechanical properties: The
However, the cost should not be the primary factor in mechanical properties of the PCB material, such as its
selecting the PCB material. The right material should be strength, stiffness, and thermal expansion coefficient, will
chosen based on the application requirements, and cost impact its reliability and durability.
considerations should come second.  Determine the required thermal properties: The thermal
 Step 5: Reliability Considerations The reliability of the properties of the PCB material, such as its thermal
PCB is critical in ensuring the long-term functionality of the conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion, will
electronic product. The chosen material should have good impact its ability to dissipate heat and prevent damage to
thermal stability, moisture resistance, and mechanical components.
strength. For example, materials such as polyimide and  Identify candidate materials: Based on the required
ceramic are known for their high reliability, whereas FR-4 electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, identify
may have issues with delamination and moisture candidate materials that meet the design requirements.
absorption. Common PCB materials include FR-4, Rogers RO4000,
Isola FR408, and Arlon AD600.
The process of selecting a PCB material involves
several factors (Picture 1 - Single Layer, Double Layer, and There are several PCB materials options available for
Picture 2 - Multi-layer), including the design's electrical, high-speed digital designs, including FR-4, Rogers, and
mechanical, thermal, and cost considerations. Here are some Teflon. FR-4 is a widely used PCB material due to its low cost
steps for selecting a PCB material. and good mechanical properties. However, it has a relatively
high dielectric constant and dissipation factor, which may
limit its use in Printed Circuit Boards.

PCB material selection for digital circuits also depends

on the signal frequency and the trace thickness. High-speed
digital circuits operate at frequencies above 1 GHz, and the
thickness of the copper traces on the PCB must be adjusted to
match the signal frequency. Thicker copper traces have lower
resistance and inductance, which reduces signal loss and

Rogers and Teflon are popular choices for high-speed

circuits due to their low dielectric constant, low dissipation
factor, and excellent thermal stability. Rogers materials are
Picture 1: PCB Structure
composed of woven glass and ceramic, while Teflon is a
thermoplastic material. Both materials have excellent
electrical properties that make them suitable for use in
high-speed digital designs.

In the past, a limited number of high-speed laminates

were available on the market, namely Nelco’s N4000-13 or
N4000-13 SI. Today, there are hundreds of choices – so many
that we risk being overwhelmed with options. A general
understanding of the nature of the materials can help to
mitigate this risk, and a powerful PCB library comparing the
material properties can help to alleviate the possibility of
analysis paralysis.



Picture 2: Multi-Layer PCB Structure High-speed digital circuits require a material with
specific electrical properties that enable the transmission of
 Electrical Parameters: The first step is to determine the high-frequency signals with minimal loss and distortion. The
required electrical parameters of the design, including the selection of the right PCB material for high-speed digital
dielectric constant (Dk), dissipation factor (Df), and loss designs can improve the performance and reliability of
tangent. These parameters will determine the speed at electronic devices.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Picture 3: Material Performance Chart

One of the key considerations in the selection of PCB  Dissipation factor (Df): The dissipation factor is a
material for high-speed digital designs is the dielectric measure of the amount of energy lost as heat in the PCB
constant (dk) of the material. The dissipation factor (Df), and material. The formula for calculating the loss tangent (tan δ)
The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). A low dielectric of a PCB material is:
constant material is preferred for high-speed digital designs as
it reduces the capacitance between traces, minimizes signal tan δ = Df/2πfDk (where f is the frequency of the signal).
loss, and preserves signal integrity.
Loss tangent (tan δ): The loss tangent is a measure of
Selecting PCB material for high-speed digital designs is how much the signal degrades as it travels through the PCB
based on the required electrical parameters of the design, material. The formula for calculating the characteristic
including the dielectric constant, dissipation factor, and loss impedance (Z0) of a PCB trace is:
tangent. Here are some key considerations and formulas to Z0 = 87.45/(Dkeff^0.5) × ln(5.98H/W + 1.7)
help select the appropriate PCB material:
 Dielectric constant (Dk): The dielectric constant of the Where H is the height of the trace above the ground
PCB material determines the speed at which plane, and W is the width of the trace.
electromagnetic signals travel through the material. The The coefficient of thermal expansion, or CTE, is the rate
higher the dielectric constant, the slower the signal of expansion of a PCB material as it heats up. CTE is
propagation. The formula for calculating the effective expressed in parts per million (ppm) expanded for every
dielectric constant (Dkeff) of a PCB material is: degree Celsius that it is heated. As a material's temperature
Dkeff = (Dk1 + Dk2)/2 + (Dk1 - Dk2) × (T1/T2) × rises past Tg, the CTE will rise as well.
where Dk1 and Dk2 are the dielectric constants of the LAYER MATERIALS
two adjacent layers, T1 and T2 are their respective As technology advances, the demand for high-speed,
thicknesses, and e is the base of the natural logarithm. low-loss PCBs has increased. Multi-layer PCBs, which
consist of several layers of conductive materials and
insulators, are commonly used in high-speed applications.

Picture 4: PCB High-Speed Routing

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Picture 5: PCB Speed Chart

When selecting a multilayer material for a high-speed,  High-Speed Digital: High-speed digital applications, such
low-loss PCB design, the key factors to consider include the as servers and routers, require PCBs with low signal loss
dielectric constant (Dk), dissipation factor (Df), and thermal and attenuation to maintain signal integrity.
properties of the material. Properties of Low-Loss  Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave: RF and microwave
Multi-Layer PCB Materials The properties of high-speed, applications require PCBs with low dielectric constant and
low-loss multi-layer PCB materials include: dissipation factor to minimize signal loss and attenuation.
 Low dielectric constant is essential in high-speed PCBs, as  Aerospace and Defense: Aerospace and defense
it minimizes signal loss and attenuation. The low applications require PCBs that can withstand high
dissipation factor is important in high-speed PCBs, as it temperatures, moisture, and other environmental stresses
minimizes signal loss due to energy dissipation. while maintaining signal integrity.
 High Tg is important in high-speed PCBs, as it ensures that  Medical: Medical devices, such as imaging equipment,
the PCB material can withstand high temperatures during require PCBs with low signal loss and attenuation to ensure
the manufacturing process and in operation. Low moisture accurate signal transmission.
absorption is essential in high-speed PCBs, as it minimizes
the impact of moisture on the dielectric properties of the One of the most commonly used High Speed, low-loss
material. materials is DS-740D with Glass 2116 8-Ply.
 Calculate the insertion loss: It loss is a measure of the signal
attenuation that occurs as a signal passes through the PCB V. FLEX PCB HIGH-SPEED MATERIALS
material. Insertion loss = 20 × log10(V1/V2)
Flex PCBs, or flexible printed circuit boards, are
 Dielectric loss is a measure of the energy lost as heat due to essential to modern electronic devices. They are widely used
the material's dielectric properties. in applications where traditional rigid PCBs are unsuitable,
Dielectric loss = Df × tan δ (where Df is the dissipation such as in wearable devices, medical devices, and aerospace
factor and tan δ is the loss tangent.) applications. The design of Flex PCBs requires careful
consideration of various factors, including the choice of
 Applications of High-speed, low-loss multi-layer PCB
materials are commonly used in applications such as:

Picture 6: Flex PCB

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Picture 7: Flex PCB Stackup’s

Properties/Construction of Flex PCB High-Speed environmental conditions, such as high temperatures,

Materials include:(Temperature, flexibility, signal integrity) vibration, and shock, while maintaining signal integrity.
Flexibility is important in Flex PCBs, as it enables the PCB to  Consumer Electronics: Consumer electronics, such as
bend and conform to the shape of the device. High Glass smartphones and tablets, require Flex PCBs designed to fit
Transition Temperature (Tg): A high Tg is important in into tight spaces and withstand repeated bending and to flex
high-speed Flex PCBs, as it ensures that the PCB material can while maintaining signal integrity.
withstand high temperatures during the manufacturing
process and in operation. VI. PCB LAMINATE MATERIALS

Polyimide (PI) is the most widely used material for flex Regarding basic PCB designing and production, there
PCBs. It offers excellent thermal stability, high dielectric are various choices for PCB materials like FR and CEM
strength, and good mechanical flexibility. Polyester (PET) is series. Here, we will list the basic differences between the
another popular material for flexible circuits, particularly for common materials.
low-cost and low-density applications  FR series – The most popular material.FR stands for
(Polytetrafluoroethylene) is a high-performance material “Flame Retardants,” which is a glass fiber epoxy laminate
known for its excellent electrical properties, low dielectric material that meets the UL94v-0 fire standard set by UL.
constant, and high thermal stability. The differences between material FR series (FR-1 to FR-4)
are their thermal properties, heat resistance, and electrical
Copper Clad Laminate (CCL): CCL is a composite strength. FR-4 is suitable and widely used for single-layer to
material consisting of a copper layer bonded to a substrate. multi-layered PCBs.
The substrate material can be polyimide, polyester, or other  CEM series – Low grade but widely used for single /
flexible materials. CCL provides the necessary electrical double-layer PCBs CEM-1 to CEM-3. CEM-1 is a
conductivity and mechanical strength for flex PCBs. composite material composed of woven glass fabric and
paper core combined with epoxy resin. Widely used for
Applications of Flex PCB High-Speed Materials Flex single-layer PCBs, and CEM-3 is made of glass cloth and
PCB high-speed materials are commonly used in applications glass mat composite substrate material, which was
such as: developed based on FR-4. For double-layer PCBs, it is a
 Wearable Devices: Wearable devices, such as great alternative to FR-4. Comparison of prices for the
smartwatches and fitness trackers, require Flex PCBs that above materials: FR-1 < FR-2 < CEM-1 < CEM-3 < FR-4
can withstand repeated bending and flexing while (Picture 8).
maintaining signal integrity.
 Medical Devices: Medical devices, such as implantable So far, the material FR-4 is still the best choice for PCB
sensors and pacemakers, require Flex PCBs that are production due to its cost-efficiency and good characteristics.
biocompatible and can withstand sterilization processes. And CEM-1 is the first choice of LED lighting manufacturers
 Aerospace and Defense: Aerospace and defense because it has achieved the best balance between heat
applications require Flex PCBs that can withstand harsh dissipation performance and cost.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Picture 8: Material Comparison

PCBs provide a reliable, cost-effective means of The PCB laminate material will depend on the specific
interconnecting and mounting electronic components, making type of material being used. For example, FR-4, one of the
them an indispensable part of our daily lives. A crucial aspect most common PCB laminate materials, typically consists of
of any PCB is the laminate material that it is made of. woven fiberglass cloth infused with an epoxy resin. The epoxy
resin provides the mechanical strength and stability of the
PCB laminate materials comprise a substrate, a copper substrate, while the fiberglass provides the reinforcement.
layer, and a solder mask. The substrate is typically made of
fiberglass or some other composite material, while the copper The copper layer is typically deposited onto the surface
layer is the conductive component that carries the electrical of the substrate using a process called electroplating. The
signals between components. The solder mask provides a thickness of the copper layer can vary depending on the
protective layer that prevents accidental short circuits and application, but it is typically in the range of 1-2 ounces per
damage to the PCB. square foot.
There are several types of PCB laminate materials available,
each with its own unique set of properties that make it suitable The solder mask is typically made of a polymer-based
for specific applications. The most common types of laminate material, such as epoxy or polyimide, applied to the surface of
materials are: the copper layer. The solder mask protects the copper layer
 High-Temperature Laminates: High-temperature from oxidation and prevents accidental short circuits between
laminates are made of materials that can withstand high components.
temperatures without losing their mechanical or electrical
A. Properties of Laminate Material in Fabricate printed
properties. These materials are used in applications that
circuit boards
require high-temperature resistance, such as aerospace,
military, and industrial applications.  Mechanical Properties: There are many factors to think
about while working with laminates.
 Metal Core PCBs: Metal core PCBs are made of a metal
core, usually aluminum or copper, which provides excellent  Peel Strength: Peel strength refers to the adhesive force
heat dissipation. These types of PCBs are ideal for between the laminate layers and the copper delamination.
high-power applications, such as LED lighting and power  Flexural Strength: It has excellent flexural strength
electronics. because it can repeatedly bend without breaking.
 Ceramic PCBs: Ceramic PCBs are made of ceramic  Delamination Time: After subjecting to stress, how long it
materials, such as alumina or beryllia, which provide takes for a material to start peeling apart
excellent thermal conductivity and electrical insulation.  Chemical Properties: For different laminate materials, the
These types of PCBs are ideal for high-frequency following chemical characteristics are important.
applications, such as microwave and RF circuits.  Flame Resistance (FR): If your PCBs are for heat
application, the FR of the laminate should be considered.
PCB laminate materials are typically composed of a  Moisture Absorption: Delamination occurs more quickly
substrate, a copper layer, and a solder mask. The substrate is when the laminate absorbs moisture.
usually made of fiberglass or some other composite material,  MCR: PCB laminate with excellent resistance to methyl
while the copper layer is the conductive component that chlorine will have a wide chemical tolerance.
carries the electrical signals between components. The solder  Thermal Properties: As such, the following thermal
mask provides a protective layer that prevents accidental short qualities of laminate material must be considered.
circuits and damage to the PCB. Higher Glass Transition Temperatures, Thermal
Expansion, Thermal Conductivity, and Decomposition

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Dielectric Material Properties: Avoid material losses on Sequential lamination is commonly used in the
exposure to electric shocks within an acceptable range. manufacturing of complex PCBs, such as those used in
PCB laminate material will depend on the specific type of aerospace, medical, and military applications. Here are some
material being used. However, in general, PCB laminate steps of sequential lamination:
materials are composed of a substrate, a copper layer, and a  Determine the number of layers: The first step is
solder mask, with each component's exact composition and determining the number of layers required for the design.
properties varying depending on the application. This will depend on the complexity of the circuit and the
required electrical performance.
VII. PCB SEQUENTIAL LAMINATION  Determine the layer stack up: Based on the number of layers
required, determine the layer stack up for the PCB. The
One of the popular techniques used in PCB
layer stack-up will specify the order of the layers and the
manufacturing is Sequential Lamination, which involves the
thickness of each layer.
process of building PCBs in layers. Sequentially laminated
 Calculate the via sizes: Vias are used to connect the
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) goes through two to
different layers of the PCB. The size of the via will depend
multi-lamination cycles. This build approach is the mainstay
on the size of the trace and the thickness of the PCB
of High-density Interconnection (HDI) products and has been
used in many forms.
 Determine the lamination sequence: The lamination
A. What is Sequential Lamination? sequence specifies the order in which the layers will be
Sequential lamination is a process of manufacturing PCBs laminated together. The lamination sequence must be
in which each layer of the board is fabricated separately and carefully designed to ensure the vias are properly aligned
then combined into a single unit. The layers are then and the impedance is maintained.
laminated together using a specialized machine that applies  Calculate the final thickness: The final thickness of the
heat and pressure to fuse the layers into a single unit. The multilayer PCB can be calculated by adding up the
process is repeated for every layer, resulting in a complex thickness of each layer in the layer stack up.
multi-layer PCB.
It's important to note that the specific formulas and
 HDI (2-6 Layers): With 1 to 3 lamination cycles applied
considerations for sequential lamination will depend on the
through this, outer layers with micro vias (Blind vias and
specific requirements of your design. Therefore, it's
inner layers with mechanical vias).
recommended to consult with a PCB designer or use
 HDI (2-26 Layers): With Multiple-Lamination, cycles
simulation software to ensure the best design for your
applied through this based on Layer count and Stackup,
outer layers with micro vias (Blind vias and inner layers
B. Common Sequential Lamination Approach.
Advantages of Sequential Lamination Sequential One aspect of PCBs critical to their performance and
lamination offers several advantages over other PCB safety is their composition, specifically the presence of
manufacturing techniques, including: halogenated materials. Halogens, such as chlorine and
 High Density and Miniaturization The sequential bromine, are used in the production of PCBs to improve their
lamination process allows for the creation of high-density flame resistance. However, these materials can be harmful to
and miniaturized PCBs. By building the PCB in layers, the environment and human health. Non-halogenated super
designers can stack more components and traces in a laminate advances are an innovative solution that offers the
smaller area, resulting in a more compact design. same benefits as halogenated materials without harmful
 Improved Signal Integrity Sequential lamination also effects.
provides improved signal integrity. By building the PCB in
layers, designers can control the impedance of the circuit, Non-halogenated super laminate advances are made
ensuring that signals are transmitted without distortion or from a combination of materials, including epoxy resin,
interference. fiberglass, and other additives. These materials are carefully
 Flexibility and Customization The sequential lamination selected to provide excellent flame resistance and durability
process is highly flexible and can be customized to meet without the use of halogens. The non-halogenated super
specific application requirements. Designers can choose the laminate advances are designed to meet or exceed industry
number of layers, the thickness of each layer, and the standards, including Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and
materials used in each layer to create a customized PCB. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
 Reduced Cost Sequential lamination can also be
cost-effective compared to other PCB manufacturing One advantage of non-halogenated super laminate
techniques. By building the PCB in layers, designers can advances is that they are environmentally friendly. Halogens,
use less expensive materials for some of the layers, reducing such as bromine and chlorine, are persistent organic pollutants
the overall cost of the PCB. that can accumulate in the environment and pose a risk to
human health. By using non-halogenated materials, PCB
manufacturers can reduce their environmental impact and
ensure that their products are safe for use.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Another advantage of non-halogenated super laminate fibers are misaligned, which can cause a variety of issues with
advances is their improved thermal performance. These the PCB's performance.
laminates have excellent thermal stability, which means they
can withstand high temperatures without losing their What Causes Glass Weave Skew? Several factors can
mechanical or electrical properties. This makes them ideal for contribute to Glass Weave Skew, including:
use in high-performance applications, such as aerospace and  Thermal Expansion: During the lamination process, the
defense. PCB material is heated and then cooled rapidly, which can
cause the material to expand and contract. If the expansion
Non-halogenated super laminate advances are also more and contraction are not uniform, the glass weave can
cost-effective than halogenated materials. While halogenated become skewed.
materials offer excellent flame resistance, they are more  Uneven Pressure: If the pressure is not distributed evenly
expensive to produce. They can be easier to handle and across the PCB material during the lamination process, the
dispose of, which can reduce the overall cost of PCB glass weave can become skewed.
production.  Manufacturing Defects: The PCB material can have
inherent manufacturing defects, such as uneven glass fiber
In conclusion, non-halogenated super laminate distribution, which can cause Glass Weave Skew.
advances offer an innovative solution for PCB manufacturers
who want to improve the safety and performance of their Effects of Glass Weave Skew on PCB Performance
products while reducing their impact on the environment. Glass Weave Skew can have several negative effects on PCB
These laminates provide excellent flame resistance, thermal performance, including:
stability, and durability without the use of harmful halogens.  Impedance Variations: The skewed glass weave can cause
They are cost-effective and meet or exceed industry standards impedance variations in the PCB, which can lead to signal
for safety and performance, making them an ideal choice for a reflections, crosstalk, and other signal integrity issues.
wide range of applications. Here are some general  Warping: The skewed glass weave can cause the PCB to
considerations for selecting a non-halogenated super laminate warp, which can lead to issues with component placement
for your PCB design: and soldering.
 Composition: Non-halogenated super laminates are  Solderability Issues: The misaligned fibers can cause
typically composed of a mixture of epoxy resin, filler issues with the adhesion of the solder paste, leading to
materials, and reinforcing fibers. The specific composition solderability issues.
will depend on the manufacturer and the desired properties  Delamination: The skewed glass weave can cause
of the material. delamination of the PCB material, which can lead to PCB
 Environmental compliance: non-halogenated super failure.
laminates are designed to be environmentally compliant,
meaning they do not contain harmful halogens that can How to Prevent Glass Weave Skew? There are several
contribute to pollution or health risks. It's important to ways to prevent Glass Weave Skew during the PCB
ensure that the selected laminate meets any applicable manufacturing process, including:
environmental regulations, such as RoHS.  Controlling the Lamination Process: The lamination
 Other properties: non-halogenated super laminates can also process must be controlled carefully to ensure that the
have other properties that are important for specific pressure and temperature are applied evenly across the PCB
applications, such as flame resistance, electrical material.
conductivity, and chemical resistance.  Choosing the Right Material: Choosing a PCB material
with a uniform glass weave can help prevent Glass Weave
It's important to note that selecting a non-halogenated Skew.
super laminate for your PCB design will depend on the  Design Optimization: Design optimization can help prevent
specific requirements of your design. Glass wave Skew by minimizing the thermal expansion and
ensuring that the pressure is distributed evenly across the
PCB material.
Glass Weave Skew is a phenomenon that can occur
The glass weave skew is an important consideration
during the lamination process. It refers to the misalignment or
when laminating glass weave PCB materials. The skew refers
skewing of the glass weave in the PCB material, which can
to the angular displacement of the glass weave pattern
lead to issues with signal integrity, impedance, and other
between adjacent layers. Here is an example of a formula for
problems. In this article, we will discuss what Glass Weave
calculating glass weave skew:
Skew is, its causes, and its effects on PCB performance.
 Determine the glass weave pattern: The first step is to
What is Glass Weave Skew? Glass Weave Skew occurs determine the glass weave pattern of the PCB material
when the glass weave in the PCB material is not aligned being used. This pattern will determine the angle of the
correctly during the lamination process. The glass weave is glass fibers in the material.
the pattern of the glass fibers that run through the epoxy resin  Determine the layer stack up: Based on the required number
in the PCB material. When the glass weave is skewed, the of layers and the electrical requirements of the design,
determine the layer stack up for the PCB.

IJISRT23JUN1546 www.ijisrt.com 3598

Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Calculate the skew angle: The skew angle is determined by Glass fabric is also a good electrical insulator. PCBs
the difference in angle between the glass weave pattern of have copper traces that carry electrical signals between the
adjacent layers. The formula for calculating the skew angle electronic components on the board. The insulating material
(Δθ) is: between the copper traces must be able to prevent the
electrical signals from crossing over and causing a short
Δθ = sin^-1(Dd/(2 × T × sin(θ))) circuit. Glass fabric's high dielectric strength makes it an
excellent insulator for use in PCBs.
where Dd is the distance between adjacent glass fibers, T
is the thickness of the PCB material, and θ is the angle of the Another advantage of glass fabric is its thermal stability.
glass weave pattern. Electronic devices generate heat during operation, and the
 Determine the acceptable skew: The acceptable skew angle PCB must be able to dissipate this heat to prevent damage to
will depend on the specific requirements of the design. the components. Glass fabric's high thermal stability means
Typically, a skew angle of less than 5 degrees is acceptable that it can withstand high temperatures without degrading or
for most designs. losing its strength.
 Adjust the layer stack up: If the calculated skew angle is
outside the acceptable range, the layer stack up may need to Glass fabric is also chemically stable, which means it is
be adjusted. This may involve changing the thickness of the resistant to corrosion and degradation caused by chemical
PCB material or adjusting the layer order to minimize the exposure. PCBs may be exposed to various chemicals during
skew angle. their operation and using glass fabric ensures that the PCB
remains stable and does not deteriorate.
It's important to note that the specific formulas and
considerations for calculating glass weave skew will depend Glass fabric is an ideal material for use in the
on the specific requirements of your design and the glass manufacturing of printed circuit boards. Its high tensile
weave pattern of the PCB material being used. Therefore, it's strength, excellent electrical insulation properties, thermal
recommended to consult with a PCB designer or use stability, and chemical resistance make it a preferred material
simulation software to ensure the best design for your for PCBs. The use of glass fabric in PCBs ensures that the
application. board can withstand mechanical stresses, electrical signals,
and high temperatures, improving the overall performance
Spread glass and resin content plays a role in the Glass and reliability of electronic devices.
Weave Skew, and another factor is Low dk class/construction
fare/ply (Single or dual Ply). Glass fabric used in PCB materials refers to the weave
pattern and weight of the fabric.
Glass fabric weave pattern: Woven E-glass Glass fabric
Glass fabric is a commonly used material in the weight: X oz/yd² (where X is a specific weight in ounces per
manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs). PCBs are an square yard)
essential component of electronic devices, and their
performance and reliability depend on the materials used in The E-glass weave pattern is used for PCB materials, as
their construction. Glass fabric is a preferred material due to it provides good electrical properties, high strength, and
its excellent mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties. dimensional stability.

Glass fabric is made by weaving together thin strands of The weight of the glass fabric used in PCB materials is
glass fibers. The glass fibers are treated with epoxy resin, then typically specified in ounces per square yard. This weight
cured to create a solid and stable material. The thickness of determines the thickness and strength of the laminate.
the glass fibers and the number of layers used determines the Common weights for glass fabric used in PCB materials
strength and thickness of the glass fabric. include 4 oz/yd², 6 oz/yd², and 8 oz/yd².

One of the key benefits of glass fabric is its high tensile It's important to note that the glass fabric used in PCB
strength. Tensile strength refers to the amount of force a materials will depend on the specific requirements of your
material can withstand before it breaks. Glass fabric has a high design, such as the dielectric constant and loss tangent.
tensile strength, which makes it ideal for use in PCBs. PCBs
need to withstand a range of mechanical stresses, and glass
fabric's strength makes it resistant to bending and cracking.

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Picture 9: Different type of Glass Fabric Details

Picture 10: Glass Dimensions

A. Glass Definitions based on dimensions  Mechanically Spread (MS) Glass – Glass is Mechanically
 Expanded Weave – Glass Spread More than Standard in Spread in both the warp and fill directions.
one direction  Square Weave – Glass that has a Balanced Density and/or
 Open Weave – Same as Expanded Yarn count in Warp and Fill Directions.
 Open Filament – Same as Expanded  Flat Glass – Glass is made from fibers with little or zero
 Spread Glass – Glass is spread out in various processes twist

Picture 11: Explanation Glass Spreading Terminology

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Picture 12: Standard Weave Versus Expanded Weave

XI. PCB MATERIAL GLASS WEAVE SKEW What is Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity? Glass Weave
SENSITIVITY Skew Sensitivity is the degree to which a PCB is affected by
Glass Weave Skew, which refers to the misalignment or
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are a critical component skewing of the glass weave in the PCB material during the
of modern electronics, and their performance and reliability lamination process. The sensitivity of a PCB to Glass Weave
depend on a variety of factors, including the choice of Skew depends on several factors, including the type of PCB
materials used in their construction. One important material material used, the thickness of the material, and the number of
property that can affect PCB performance is Glass Weave layers in the PCB.
Skew Sensitivity. In this article, we will discuss what Glass
Weave Skew Sensitivity is, how it affects PCB performance
and ways to mitigate its effects.

Picture 13: The Realities of PCB Construction with different material and design strategies

Signals see a spatially varying Dk and a spatially A. Material strategies

varying TD Local variation and global variation Standard glass Dk~6.8 (resin~3.3) non-spread,
mechanically spread glassDk~4.8 (resin~3.3) low‐Dk glass.

Pictures 14: Standard glass Dk~6.8 (resin~3.3) non-spread, mechanically spread glassDk~4.8 (resin~3.3) low‐Dk glass.

Further Complication: Glass is Stretched (Straighter) along the Warp Direction

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Pictures 15: Glass is Stretched (Straighter) along the Warp Direction

Typical spec for acceptable line to line skew ~ 20% UI  Testing and Inspection: Regular testing and inspection
 @ 10 Gbps, UI = 100 psec, max acceptable skew ~ 20 psec can help identify and address issues related to Glass Weave
total (end‐to‐end) (very conservative) Skew before they cause significant problems.
 @ 20 inch channel, 20 psec/20 inch = 1 psec/in as max
acceptable glass weave skew (if it eats entire skew budget) Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity is an important
consideration in PCB design and manufacturing. It can affect
How Does Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity Affect PCB PCB performance in several ways, including impedance
Performance? Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity can affect PCB variations, warping, solderability issues, and delamination.
performance in several ways, including: Mitigating the effects of Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity
 Impedance Variations: Glass Weave Skew can cause requires careful material selection, lamination process
impedance variations in the PCB, leading to signal control, design optimization, and regular testing and
reflections, crosstalk, and other signal integrity issues. The inspection. PCB manufacturers can ensure that their products
degree of sensitivity to Glass Weave Skew determines how perform reliably and consistently by taking these steps.
significant these issues are and how difficult they are to
resolve. The sensitivity of glass weave skew refers to how much
 Warping: Glass Weave Skew can cause the PCB to warp, the skew angle changes due to changes in the PCB material
leading to issues with component placement and soldering. thickness or the distance between the glass fibers. Here is an
The degree of sensitivity to Glass Weave Skew determines example of a formula for calculating glass weave skew
how severe the warping is and how difficult it is to mitigate. sensitivity:
 Solderability Issues: Glass Weave Skew can cause issues  Determine the glass weave pattern: The first step is to
with the adhesion of the solder paste, leading to determine the glass weave pattern of the PCB material
solderability issues. The degree of sensitivity to Glass being used. This pattern will determine the angle of the
Weave Skew determines how significant these issues are glass fibers in the material.
and how difficult they are to address.  Determine the layer stack up: Based on the required number
 Delamination: Glass Weave Skew can cause delamination of layers and the electrical requirements of the design,
of the PCB material, leading to PCB failure. The degree of determine the layer stack up for the PCB.
sensitivity to Glass Weave Skew determines how likely  Calculate the skew angle: The skew angle is determined by
delamination is to occur and how severe the consequences the difference in angle between the glass weave pattern of
are. adjacent layers. The formula for calculating the skew angle
(Δθ) is:
How to Mitigate the Effects of Glass Weave Skew Δθ = sin^-1(Dd/(2 × T × sin(θ)))
Sensitivity? There are several ways to mitigate the effects of
Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity, including: Where Dd is the distance between adjacent glass
 Choosing the Right PCB Material: Choosing a PCB fibers, T is the thickness of the PCB material, and θ is the
material with a low sensitivity to Glass Weave Skew can angle of the glass weave pattern.
reduce the likelihood and severity of issues related to Glass  Calculate the sensitivity: The sensitivity of the skew angle
Weave Skew. to changes in the PCB material thickness (ΔT) or the
 Controlling the Lamination Process: Controlling the distance between the glass fibers (ΔDd) is given by the
lamination process carefully can reduce the degree of Glass following formula:
Weave Skew and its effects on the PCB. Sensitivity = (Δθ/ΔT) × (T/θ) + (Δθ/ΔDd) × (Dd/θ)
 Design Optimization: Optimizing the PCB design can  Determine the acceptable sensitivity: The acceptable
reduce the impact of Glass Weave Skew by minimizing sensitivity will depend on the specific requirements of the
thermal expansion and ensuring that the pressure is design. A lower sensitivity indicates that the skew angle is
distributed evenly across the PCB material. less sensitive to changes in the PCB material thickness or
the distance between the glass fibers.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
It's important to note that the specific formulas and  Calculate the Tg: The Tg of a material can be measured
considerations for calculating glass weave skew sensitivity using a variety of techniques, including differential
will depend on the specific requirements of your design and scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical
the glass weave pattern of the PCB material being used. analysis (DMA). The Tg is typically determined by
Therefore, it's recommended to consult with a PCB designer measuring the temperature at which the material undergoes
or use simulation software to ensure the best design for your a transition from a glassy state to a rubbery state.
application.  Evaluate the thermal properties: The thermal properties
of the material, such as thermal conductivity and coefficient
XII. PCB HIGH GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE of thermal expansion, will impact its ability to dissipate heat
and prevent damage to components.
The performance and reliability of a PCB depend on
 Compare and select: Compare the properties and cost of
various factors, including the glass transition temperature
each candidate material and select the material that best
(Tg) of the board. A high Tg is essential to ensure that the
meets the design requirements and fits within the project
PCB can withstand high temperatures without losing its
mechanical or electrical properties.
It's important to note that the specific formulas and
The glass transition temperature is the temperature at
considerations for selecting a PCB material with a high glass
which a material transitions from a hard, glassy state to a
transition temperature will depend on the specific
softer, rubbery state. In the case of PCBs, the Tg is the
requirements of your design. Additionally, it's important to
temperature at which the resin used in the board transitions
consider the mechanical properties of the material, such as its
from a rigid state to a more flexible one. The Tg is an
strength, stiffness, and durability, when selecting a material
important property of the resin used in the board since it
for your design.
affects the overall mechanical and electrical properties of the
To achieve a high Tg in a PCB, manufacturers use resins
One aspect of PCBs that is essential for their
with a high Tg value. These resins are typically made of a
performance is laminate, which refers to the insulating
combination of epoxy and other materials, such as polyimide.
material that separates the individual layers of the board. High
Polyimide is a type of plastic with excellent thermal stability
heat resistance is necessary for the laminate to ensure that the
and a high Tg value, making it an ideal material for use in
PCB can withstand high temperatures without losing its
mechanical or electrical properties.
Manufacturers may also use a combination of materials
To achieve high heat resistance in the laminate, PCB
and techniques to increase the Tg of a PCB. For example,
manufacturers use materials with excellent thermal stability,
adding fillers to the resin can help to increase its Tg value.
such as high-temperature epoxy resins, polyimide, and
Fillers are materials that are added to the resin to increase its
ceramic. These materials can withstand high temperatures
stiffness and strength. Some common fillers used in PCBs
without breaking down or losing their properties, making
include glass fibers and ceramics.
them ideal for use in PCBs that are exposed to high
Overall, a high Tg is an essential property of a PCB temperatures.
since it ensures that the board can withstand high temperatures
Another technique used to achieve high heat resistance
without losing its mechanical or electrical properties. To
in the laminate is the use of fillers. Fillers are materials added
achieve a high Tg, manufacturers use resins with a high Tg
to the laminate to increase its stiffness and thermal stability.
value, add fillers to the resin, and carefully design the PCB to
Some common fillers used in PCBs include glass fibers and
reduce the amount of resin used. By doing so, they can create
ceramics, which improve the laminate's ability to withstand
high-quality PCBs that are reliable and perform well in a wide
high temperatures.
range of applications.
In addition to material selection and design,
The glass transition temperature (Tg) of a PCB material
manufacturers may also subject the laminate to various tests to
is a measure of its ability to maintain its mechanical properties
ensure that it meets the required specifications for heat
over a range of temperatures. A high Tg is desirable in many
resistance. These tests may include thermal cycling, which
applications, as it ensures that the material can withstand high
involves exposing the laminate to extreme temperatures
temperatures without losing its strength or becoming brittle.
repeatedly to simulate real-world conditions.
Here is an example of a formula for selecting a PCB material
with a high glass transition temperature: Overall, achieving high heat resistance in the laminate is
 Determine the required Tg: The first step is to determine essential to ensure the reliability and performance of PCBs,
the required Tg for your application. This will depend on particularly in applications where the PCB is exposed to high
the specific requirements of your design, including the temperatures. PCB manufacturers use a combination of
operating temperature range and the desired level of materials, fillers, and design techniques to create laminates
mechanical stability. that can withstand high temperatures without losing their
mechanical or electrical properties. By doing so, they can

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
produce high-quality PCBs that are reliable and perform well Tg = 1/[(1/Tg1) + (1/Tg2) + (1/Tg3) + ...]
in a wide range of applications.
where Tg1, Tg2, Tg3, etc. are the individual Tg values of
High heat resistance is a desirable property in PCB the components in the material.
laminates for applications where the PCB is exposed to high
temperatures, such as in automotive or aerospace electronics.  Thermal conductivity: The thermal conductivity of the
Here are some considerations for selecting a PCB laminate material is also an important consideration for
with high heat resistance: high-heat-resistant PCB laminates. A high thermal
 Material selection: The choice of material used in the conductivity material can help to dissipate heat and prevent
laminate can significantly impact the heat resistance of the damage to components. The formula for calculating thermal
PCB. High-temperature materials typically have high glass conductivity is:
transition temperatures (Tg) and can withstand exposure to
high temperatures without degrading or losing their k = (Q × L) / (A × ΔT).
mechanical properties. Common materials used in
where k is the thermal conductivity of the material, Q is
high-heat-resistant PCB laminates include ceramic-filled
the heat flow rate, L is the length of the material, A is the
epoxy, polyimide, and PTFE.
cross-sectional area of the material, and ΔT is the temperature
 Glass transition temperature (Tg): The Tg of the material
difference across the material.
is a measure of its thermal stability. A high Tg material is
able to withstand exposure to high temperatures without
degrading. The formula for calculating the Tg of a material


Pictures 16: PCB Material Stackup

PCB materials are generally made up of three elements  Glass: The laminate most used in printed circuit boards
that work together to meet the specific needs of the electronic (PCBs) is a glass fiber reinforced (fiberglass) epoxy resin
system: Copper, Resin, and Glass and Surface Finish. with a copper foil bonded onto one or both sides. This glass
 Copper: Copper is the main metal in PCBs copper is used fiber epoxy laminate is called as FR-4 Laminate or FR-4
as an electric current conductor (paths on laminate and parts CCL. The substrate, or base material, of a PCB, is typically
of electric connectors and electronic elements), and tin is fiberglass. The fiberglass that has historically been used for
used in solder for connections between elements and tracks this purpose is designated as FR-4, a flame-resistant, woven
on the board. fiberglass.
 Resin: Epoxy and polyurethane resins are excellent  Surface Finish: HASL / Lead-Free HASL is the
insulators against aggressive environments and contribute predominant surface finish used in the industry. The process
to the mechanical protection of PCBs. Epoxy resins and consists of immersing circuit boards in a molten pot of a
polyurethane are used for protection in thickness. These tin/lead alloy and then removing the excess solder by using
systems generally have two liquid components when mixed 'air knives', which blow hot air across the surface of the
climb quickly in viscosity until fully cured. Epoxy resins board.
have good mechanical and electrical characteristics, which
is why they're the most used material in making printed The PCB core is a hard foundation material coated on
circuit boards. Aside from having great features, epoxy one or two aspects with copper. The CORE is employed in the
resins are also inexpensive, and dissolve quickly and safely fabrication of single-sided and two-sided boards and in the
in cheap solvents, making them easy to use. manufacture of PCBs of sharing arrangements. The PCB
center consists of the FR4 elements of titanium epoxy
laminates and copper traces.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Some commonly used materials for high-speed PCBs applications. Volume manufacturing process, RO4000
list include below: laminates can be fabricated using standard glass epoxy
processes at Competitively priced.
A. ISOLA - Tachyon 100G
Tachyon 100G laminate materials are designed for very SOME TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Cellular Base
high-speed digital applications up to and beyond speeds of Station Antennas/Power Amplifiers, RF Identification Tags,
100 Gb/s. Tachyon 100G products use spread glass and Automotive Radar, sensors, and LNBs for Direct Broadcast
reduced profile copper to mitigate skew and improve rise Satellites.
times, reduce jitter, and increase eye width and height.
Tachyon 100G has a nominal dielectric constant (Dk) of 3.02 E. Arlon- 85N
that is stable between -55°C and +125°C up to 40 GHz. In This ceramic-filled laminate material has a low dielectric
addition, Tachyon 100G offers a very low nominal dissipation constant and high thermal conductivity, making it a good
factor (Df) of 0.0021. choice for high-speed designs with high power
requirements.85N is the ultimate pure polyimide laminate and
B. ISOLA - FR408HR prepreg system. Bromine-free chemistry provides
FR408HR is a high-performance FR-4 resin system with a best-in-class thermal stability for applications with sustained
230°C (DMA) Tg for multilayer PCB applications where high in-use temperatures as well as for use in lead-free
maximum thermal performance and reliability are required. soldering applications.
R408HR laminate and prepreg products are manufactured
with Isola’s patented high-performance multifunctional resin Meets IPC4101/40 and /41 description and
system, reinforced with electrical grade (E-glass)glass fabric. specification: Pure polyimide, no secondary resin, No epoxy
This system delivers a 30% improvement in Z-axis expansion added, blended or reacted.
and offers 25% more electrical bandwidth (lower loss) than
competitive products at this pace. Best-in-Class thermal properties: Decomposition
temperature >407°C, T300>60 min.
C. Panasonic - MEGTRON 6
Meg-6 Laminate R-5775/Prepreg R-5670.Megtron 6 is a Low Z-axis expansion: 1.2% between 50-260°C (vs.
popular, high-speed laminate material used in different types 2.5-4.0% for typical high-performance epoxies), Minimizing
of PCB fabrication and manufacturing for many applications. the risk of latent PTH defects caused during solder reflow and
This advanced basic material is designed for many different device attachment.
high-frequency measuring instruments, integrated circuit (IC)  Decomposition temperature of 407°C, compared with
testers and mainframes. 300-360°C for typical high-performance epoxies, offering
outstanding long-term high-temperature performance
Megtron 6 has a low transmission loss, thick layer count,  Toughened chemistry resists resin fracturing, Halogen-free
and many different layers that enhance high-speed network chemistry, • Compatible with lead-free processing,
equipment. These laminates have electrical properties that RoHS/WEEE compliant
rival Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) materials, thanks to
their high processability and unique benefits. Using Megtron F. Mitsubishi Materials
6 laminates enhances your system performance in many  HL832NSA type LC: Nonhalogenated Super laminate
different fields, including computing, telecommunications, Advance, Low coefficient of thermal expansion, High glass
high-speed transfer, and router applications. Megtron 6 sheets transition temperature, High stable modulus, High heat
also have a low dielectric constant, high thermal resistance, resistance, Low dielectric constant.
high-density interconnect (HDI) and increased stability.  CCL-HL972LF type LD and GHPL-970LF type LD, Low
dielectric properties (Low Dk and Low Df), High Tg and
D. Rogers Corporation's RO4000 Series low CTE, good for High-frequency IC packages, and RF
This material has a low dielectric constant and loss, making application 2.4 to 60GHz
it a good choice for high-frequency applications. Dk of 3.48
+/- 0.05, Dissipation factor of 0.0037 at 10 GHz, Low Z-axis  Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor (Fig-B)
coefficient of thermal expansion at 32 ppm/°C. RO4000 HL832NX(A), HL832NS, HL832NS(LC), HL972(LD),
materials are reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramic laminates – not HL972LF(LD), Thickness: 0.8mmt (for 1-20GHz), 0.1mmt
PTFE, and it is designed for performance-sensitive, (for 60-100GHz), Method: Cylindrical Cavity Resonator
high-volume applications. Low dielectric tolerance and low Method (for 1-20GHz),Fabry-Perot Resonator Method (for
loss, Excellent electrical performance, allows applications 60-100GHz).
with higher operating frequencies, and is Ideal for broadband

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Picture 17: Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor

G. TUC (Taiwan Union Technology Corp.) range, and the thermal requirements. Using materials with a
TU-862T: TU-862T High Tg halogen-free materials are low CTE, layered construction methods, and careful design
made of High Tg epoxy resin and E-glass fabric. Unlike considerations, PCB manufacturers can create high-quality,
conventional FR-4 material using brominated resin as flame reliable boards that can perform in various environments. A
retardant, TU-862T /TU-862P T achieves the flammability low CTE is necessary to ensure the board can withstand
class of UL94V-0 by incorporating phosphorus and nitrogen temperature changes without warping or cracking.
compounds in the materials. Very low coefficient of thermal
expansion, Higher Tg characteristics, Anti-CAF capability. Another factor is based on the application and usability,
Glass Styles: 106, 1080, 2113, 2116, 1506 and 7628, etc. like Communication, Consumer, Network, Storage,
Consumer, Aerospace, Medical, Automobile, Military, etc.
H. EK (Elite Material c. Ltd) Select material based on the requirement specification of the
EM-890K / EM-89BK: High Tg / Ultra Low Loss / product since there are huge cost variations based on the
Halogen Free, Ultra-low Df, and excellent electrical application and material selection. Example: no need to pick
performance, Excellent CAF resistance, Multiple laminations, high-cost high-speed material for power supply/consumer
and high thermal reliability applications, For high-speed products.
Ethernet, network, 5G, and Antenna applications.
High-speed, low-loss multi-layer PCB materials with
I. DOOSAN - DS-7409DV low dielectric constant and dissipation factor, high Tg, low
High Speed, Low Loss Multi-Layer Materials, Superior moisture absorption, and uniformity make them ideal for
Heat Resistance, Low Water Absorption, Good Dimensional applications such as high-speed digital, RF and Microwave,
Stability, High Tg (over 180℃), Superior Moisture Aerospace and Defense, and medical devices. Also, consider
Resistance, UV blocking & AOI compatibility. Glass Weave Skew/ Glass Weave Skew Sensitivity for
products to perform reliably and consistently. Use materials
XV. CONCLUSION with fillers and design techniques to create laminates with a
low dielectric constant. By doing so, they can produce
High-speed materials have become an essential reliable, reliable PCBs in a wide range of applications.
component of modern PCBs. PCB Material selection and
Stackup design are crucial for modern high-speed digital When going for miniature applications, based on the
world applications. There were several PCB materials and size and mechanical stability requirement, use
PCB manufacturers’ entire world. We should do more study Flex-PCB/Materials. Select the right Flex PCB material for
before finalizing the PCB material. There are several the application, such as wearable and medical devices.
Simulation tools to simulate and select the correct material Designers can ensure that their products perform
based on the requirement of the outcome product. reliably/flexibly and consistently. Designers must consider the
minimum bend radius and follow best practices, such as
Get the datasheet of the material and find the right avoiding sharp bends, using support structures, and testing the
materials. These materials are designed to transmit signals at PCB to ensure that the PCB can withstand the required
high frequencies without losing signal integrity. PTFE, bending without damage.
ceramic-filled hydrocarbon, and liquid crystal polymer are
some of the popular high-speed materials used in PCBs. These
materials have low loss tangent, dielectric constant, and
thermal stability. When selecting a high-speed material for a
PCB, it is essential to consider the application, the frequency

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

[1.] IEEE 802.3ap standards,

[2.] Dk &Df algebraic model,
[3.] In-Situ De-embedding (ISD) by AtaiTec Corporation,
[4.] Acceptability of Printed Boards, IPC-A-600H-2010,
[5.] High-Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS) by Ansys,
Inc., www.ansys.com
[6.] Material datasheets: ISOLA, Mitsubishi, Arlon,
Panasonic, TUV, EK, and Doosan, Rogers, etc.
[7.] IPC-4412A Amendment 1

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