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Serra Et Al., 2013 Review The Interaction Between Rootstocks and Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L.) To Enhance Drought Tolerance in Grapevine

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Serra et al.

Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 1

Review: the interaction between rootstocks and cultivars

(Vitis vinifera L.) to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine
Departamento de Producción Vegetal, Universidad de Concepción, Av.Vicente Méndez 595, Chillán, Chile
Department of Viticulture and Oenology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag XI, Matieland 7602, South Africa
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, Private Bag X5026, Stellenbosch 7599, South Africa
National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678,
Corresponding author: Professor Alain Deloire, email [email protected]

Water scarcity is a key limiting factor in agriculture. Grapevines react at the physiological, biochemical and genetic
level to tolerate water constraints. Even though grapevines are considered relatively tolerant to water deficits,
grapevine growth and yield can be seriously reduced under water deficit. Drought-tolerant rootstocks are expected
to enable the scion to grow and yield when water supply is limited. Genetic machinery allows rootstocks to control
water extraction capacity and scion transpiration. Numerous works have demonstrated the positive role of drought-
tolerant rootstocks on the control of cultivar’s leaf stomatal conductance and therefore on canopy transpiration. The
mechanisms, in terms of signalisation and gene functioning, need further study. Furthermore, there is no standard-
ised methodology to rank rootstocks in terms of their tolerance to drought. A potential effect of rootstocks on
stomatal development is also discussed. This review will critically discuss the current knowledge of the mechanisms
of drought tolerance afforded by rootstocks, taking into account the scion/rootstock interaction, and will present
some of the challenges for future investigations.

Keywords: climate change, drought tolerance, rootstock, water deficit, water use

Introduction constraint, a reduction in photosynthesis is mainly due to

The use of rootstocks is common in most viticultural areas, and stomatal closure, with a transition phase with stomatal and
most rootstocks currently used around the world were devel- non-stomatal limitations, while during severe water deficit the
oped before 1930 from American Vitis species in an effort to non-stomatal limitation to photosynthesis is dominant (Lovisolo
avoid the damage caused by phylloxera, which devastated the et al. 2010). This may include a decline in Rubisco activity (Dias
European vineyards in the last half of the 19th century (Granett and Brüggemann 2010). Many studies have shown that grape-
et al. 2001). Currently, scion cultivars are grafted onto root- vine response to water deficit involves a reduction in stomatal
stocks that are either North American species or inter-specific conductance and photosynthesis (Iacono et al. 1998, de Souza
hybrids (Mullins et al. 1992) (Figure 1) that have a limited et al. 2003, Koundouras et al. 2008); a decrease in leaf expan-
genetic background due to the fact that 90% of all rootstocks sion and internode elongation (Schultz and Mathews 1988,
used around the world originated from less than ten different Cramer et al. 2007, Lovisolo et al. 2010); and a reduction in
rootstock cultivars (Keller 2010). Rootstocks are selected for yield (dos Santos et al. 2003, Chaves and Oliveira 2004).
their resistance to phylloxera; however, several other character- Drought can cause cellular water loss, which induces osmotic
istics are also required, such as suitability for grafting, rooting stress that affects cell division and elongation and which, in
and propagation, and resistance to nematodes and Pierce’s turn, affects the growth of different organs (Bartels and Sunkar
disease; tolerance to lime, drought, salinity and vigour conferred 2005). The degree of growth limitation can vary depending on
are also considered (Granett et al. 2001). Possible water scarcity the nature of the tissue, e.g. shoots, leaves or roots (Wu and
in the near future (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cosgrove 2000). The rate at which water constraints develop,
2008) increases the interest in drought tolerance afforded by i.e. gradually or abruptly, could also determine the extent of
rootstocks. growth limitation (Christmann et al. 2007). Furthermore, the
Drought induces senescence of older leaves (Jackson 1997), cell will have to deal with the production of reactive oxygen
a decrease in growth, a decrease in plant water potential, species that negatively affect cell metabolism and cell wall struc-
stomatal closure, lower transpiration and photosynthetic rates ture (Bartels and Sunkar 2005). Therefore, the sensitivity of
(Yordanov et al. 2000). The drought responses of a plant involve growth to drought will depend on regulation at the physiologi-
a series of physiological and biochemical changes. Stomata are cal, biochemical and genetic level that can control changes in
pores that control the gas exchange between leaves and the the cell wall (tightening and loosening) (Moore et al. 2008).
atmosphere (Hetherington and Woodward 2003), which is nec- Turner (1986) suggested three mechanisms of plant adaptation
essary for photosynthesis. In C3 plants, during a mild water to water deficit, namely drought escape, drought tolerance with

doi: 10.1111/ajgw.12054
© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.
2 Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1–14, 2014

Figure 1. Genetic origin of

some rootstocks used
worldwide [adapted from Dry

Figure 2. Cross-section of
Vitis sp. root (adapted from
Bernard, Montpellier SupAgro,
France). (a) Cross-section of a
stained root; (b) higher
magnification of the upper
section shown in (a).

low plant water potential and drought tolerance with high plant main advances in the understanding of the rootstock/scion
water potential. In terms of drought tolerance, rootstocks are interaction in the regulation of water use by grapevines.
expected to enable the scion to grow and function normally
when water supply is limited. The mechanisms of tolerance to Root anatomy
drought by rootstocks are not yet fully understood. In tomato, a In general, grapevines are considered relatively tolerant to
higher scion fruit yield under salinity was related to a greater water deficits, due in part to their relatively large xylem vessels
capacity of the rootstock to improve water flow to the scion, in comparison with those of other plants (Comas et al. 2010),
probably due to an enhancing vascular cylinder area and xylem allowing a quick recovery from water constraints (Lovisolo et al.
cell lignification, compared with that of a non-grafted cultivar 2008a). Furthermore, grapevine roots have larger xylem vessels
(Asins et al. 2010). In apple, peach and cherry, the effect of (Figure 2) in comparison with those in their stems, causing
rootstock genotype on scion vigour has been related to the them to be more prone to xylem cavitation (Lovisolo et al.
influence on the hydraulic conductance capacity (Atkinson 2008a). Cavitation and embolism can affect whole-plant
et al. 2003, Tombesi et al. 2010, Zorić et al. 2012). Furthermore, hydraulic conductance at different levels: leaves, stem and roots.
in kiwi, it was found that differences in phenology between It has been suggested that the sensitivity to cavitation and
scion and rootstock combinations appear to be responsible for embolism might be related to plant mechanisms to adapt to
the rootstock influence on shoot growth (Clearwater et al. water deficit conditions involving regulation of stomatal con-
2007). In grapevine, high vigour rootstocks have higher fine- ductance (Domec and Johnson 2012). In peach and cherry, it
root hydraulic conductivity due in part to higher aquaporin was found that rootstocks that induce more vigour have larger
expression and activity (Gambetta et al. 2012). Furthermore, xylem vessels and lower vessel density in comparison with those
rootstocks with higher inherent vigour perform better than low considered dwarfing rootstocks, resulting in a different hydrau-
vigour rootstocks under water deficit conditions (Williams lic conductance capacity (Tombesi et al. 2010, Zorić et al. 2012).
2010). Nevertheless, the effect of vigour on the drought toler- In the same way, citrus rootstocks that have higher hydraulic
ance of the plant is still not clear (Jones 2012). It has been conductance appear to have larger xylem vessels (Rodríguez-
postulated that using drought-tolerant rootstocks in the grape- Gamir et al. 2010). In grafted grapevines, the anatomical char-
vine can help to minimise the effect of water constraints via acteristics of the xylem of the rootstocks might influence the
improved water uptake and transport (Carbonneau 1985, Soar water uptake and transport/conductance capacity. Besides dif-
et al. 2006) and by controlling the plant’s transpiration through ferences in hydraulic architecture due to genetic origin, soil type
chemical signalling (Loveys and Kriedemann 1974, Stoll et al. can affect plant adaptation to drought in terms of changes in
2000, Soar et al. 2006) and hydraulic signalling (Vandeleur whole-plant hydraulic conductance by affecting xylem tissue
et al. 2009). The aim of this review is to identify and discuss the development (Tramontini et al. 2012).

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Serra et al. Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 3

Figure 3. Example of the

influence of the ratio O2/water
on the development of
V. cinerea var. helleri
‘Resseguier#2’ roots in (a) soil
with an air-to-water ratio of
30–70 and (b) soil with an
air-to-water ratio of 10–90
(Professor Alain Deloire,
unpublished results).

Root growth and development origin of the rootstock on the root system development cannot
Having a well-developed root system may improve water be discarded, it is not possible to understand the role of
uptake by exploiting more efficiently the resources available in the rootstock on the plant adaptation to drought without con-
the soil. Most of the roots are found in the top 1 m of soil, sidering the exogenous factors and the genotype-environment
although they can be found at a depth of up to 6 m (Seguin interaction.
1972) or more. The root system consists of the main framework
roots (6–100 mm in diameter) and smaller, permanent roots Drivers of root system development
(2–6 mm in diameter) (Mullins et al. 1992). Root density can be Due to the heterogeneity of the soil structure, water and nutri-
affected by soil water availability and type of irrigation (Soar and ents will be located irregularly. It has been shown, however, that
Loveys 2007), canopy manipulation (Hunter and Le Roux 1992, during periods of minimal transpiration, water movement
McLean et al. 1992, Serra-Stepke 2010), trellis system (Archer within a single plant can occur from roots located in wet soil to
et al. 1988) and rootstock genotype (Southey and Archer 1988, roots in dry soil patches (Smart et al. 2005, Bauerle et al.
Morano and Kliewer 1994). The pattern of new lateral root 2008a). Despite the general belief that the rooting pattern is
growth will depend on the climatic conditions where the vine- mainly due to the genetics of the rootstock (Pouget 1987),
yard is located. Grapevines in temperate and Mediterranean experiments have shown that the main driver for root develop-
climates show root growth activity mainly between flowering ment is soil water content (Morlat and Jacquet 1993, Conradie
and veraison, followed by some root growth during summer if et al. 2002, Comas et al. 2005), which explains why it is possible
the soil water content is favourable (Van Zyl 1984). In addition, to modify the rooting pattern through irrigation (Myburgh
a smaller postharvest growth of roots can occur in temperate 1996, 2007, 2011, Soar and Loveys 2007). Soil structure and
climates. In subtropical climates, root growth occurs primarily texture, which influence the nutrient retention and water-
postharvest, with no spring flush (Comas et al. 2010). Escalona holding capacity of the soil and the air-to-water ratio (Figure 3),
et al. (2012) found that under irrigation, the estimated carbon can affect root growth (Nagarajah 1987). Soil physical limita-
losses due to respiration amounted to 47–65 g per plant. This tions, e.g. layers with a bulk density in excess of 1.4 kg/m3, can
equated to 30–50% of the total estimated gains due to photo- also limit root penetration and development in deeper layers
synthesis. Furthermore, respiration by the root system repre- (Van Huyssteen 1983). Grapevine roots cannot grow readily
sented 70–80% of the total carbon losses, illustrating the large into soil if the penetration resistance exceeds about 2 MPa (Van
requirements of this organ. The remaining proportion consisted Huyssteen 1988). A survey showed that this critical penetration
of both leaf and stem respiration. resistance limited root system development in a wide range of
Early studies proposed that a genetic variability exists Australian vineyard soils (Myburgh et al. 1996). In young,
regarding rooting depth (Pongrácz 1983, Pouget 1987), e.g. grafted grapevines, scion genotype can determine root develop-
V. riparia is described with a root system that is well branched ment (Tandonnet et al. 2010). Limited soil nitrogen (N) content
and shallow growing, in contrast with 140 Ruggeri (V. cinerea could enhance root growth in order to improve the acquisition
var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris), which has a root system of this particular nutrient (Grechi et al. 2007). Lateral root for-
that is deep growing and ramified (Pongrácz 1983). In V. vinifera mation can be initiated by the presence of a high soil nitrate
L., two genes, VvPRP1 and VvPRP2, involved in root branching concentration, even when root N concentration is adequate
in stem cuttings have been identified (Thomas et al. 2003). A (Dodd 2005). This suggests that nitrate could be considered as
homologue gene, NAC1, with the putative function of auxin- an N resource, as well as a signal that influences root system
mediated lateral root development, was related to quantitative development. The grapevine root system responds to available N
trait loci (QTLs) involved in responses in rootstocks to water in soil with production of new roots that have a high capacity
deficit (Marguerit et al. 2012). Nevertheless, studies carried out for N uptake (Volder et al. 2005).
with several rootstocks have found that the rooting depth does In general, soil properties have a greater influence on root
not differ much between rootstocks, although they can have distribution than rootstock genotype (Southey and Archer
different root densities (Swanepoel and Southey 1989, Southey 1988, Smart et al. 2006). Nevertheless, under similar soil con-
1992, Smart et al. 2006), which can explain differences in scion ditions, rootstocks that differ in their ability to confer vigour and
growth performance. Even though the relevance of the genetic drought tolerance to the scion can give rise to differences in root

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

4 Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1–14, 2014

development, which could be related to different strategies to and Schubert 2006). Eight putative aquaporins were identified
tolerate a water deficit. Under periods of water constraint, root- that enabled a series of studies at the molecular level in 110
stocks that tend to induce more vigour and drought tolerance Richter (Baiges et al. 2001), which is considered to be a
may exhibit more rapid root growth later in the season in wetter drought-tolerant rootstock (Keller 2010). Furthermore, it was
soil conditions (Bauerle et al. 2008b). In contrast, rootstocks found that the expression of the aquaporin genes in 110 Richter
that induce lower vigour and less drought tolerance could form varied between the leaves and the roots (Galmés et al. 2007). In
more roots in deeper soil layers early in the growing season, no this study, it appeared that the expression of the aquaporin
matter what soil moisture conditions prevail (Bauerle et al. genes in the leaves decreased to limit water loss via transpira-
2008b). Such grapevines with deep root systems will be better tion, whereas the expression of the same aquaporin genes
buffered against drought conditions, particularly during the increased in the roots to enhance water uptake to avoid plant
latter part of the season. Furthermore, it was found that roots water constraints when water deficits occurred. This particular
located deeper in the soil have a longer lifespan in comparison study also showed a negative correlation between stomatal con-
with shallow roots (Anderson et al. 2003). In a similar way, it ductance and abscisic acid (ABA) but not with leaf water poten-
was found that drought-tolerant grapevine rootstocks formed tial and hydraulic conductivity in the plant. The latter is
more new roots in the soil profile during a dry, hot season, attributed in part to the expression of the aquaporins, which
thereby increasing the uptake of water, compared with that of means that 110 Richter on own roots is able to maintain the
drought-sensitive rootstocks (Alsina et al. 2011). Since root tips same leaf water status, irrespective of the soil water deficit.
are highly active in absorbing water (Zwieniecki et al. 2003), the During drought conditions, the intensity of aquaporin regula-
formation of new roots could improve water supply to the plant tion in the roots of different V. vinifera cultivars determines their
(Alsina et al. 2011). ability to tolerate soil water deficits (Vandeleur et al. 2009).
Various studies have been carried out to understand how Differences in aquaporin expression and activity between root-
grapevine canopy size and irrigation can affect root growth and stocks have been detected mainly in the root tip (apical 2 cm of
lifespan dynamics (Anderson et al. 2003, Comas et al. 2005), as the fine root) in comparison with the mature root zone (10–
well as root metabolic activity (Comas et al. 2000). It is still not 20 cm behind the tip) (Gambetta et al. 2012).
clear, however, whether different rootstock genotypes have a The graft union, which can play a key role in water trans-
better tolerance for soil water deficits due to a longer root port, is also an important aspect. A successful graft union has to
lifespan and/or different root metabolic activities, which allow differentiate functional phloem and xylem connections across
improved water uptake and/or soil water deficit sensing via the the graft surface (Keller 2010) in order to allow the transport of
roots. Several studies have found that rootstock genotypes vary water, nutrients and photoassimilates. It has been shown that
in their nutrient acquisition capacity (Ruhl 1989, Grant and grafting can have a negative effect on the hydraulic conductivity
Matthews 1996, Keller et al. 2001, Mpelasoka et al. 2003) and (Bavaresco and Lovisolo 2000) and therefore on the develop-
that root physiology and age influence the rate of nutrient ment and lifespan of the scion. In general, the most important
uptake (Volder et al. 2005). In a similar manner, rootstock geno- requirement for grafting is the formation of a normal vascular
types have different mechanisms that involve root functioning connection across the grafting area and, secondly, the mainte-
and root tissue differentiation in response to a soil water deficit. nance of rootstock-to-scion communication (Aloni et al. 2010).
Differences in root life span between balance pruned grape-
vines, i.e. 44 buds left per kilogram of cane prunings from the
Nutrient uptake
previous winter, and minimally pruned ones, i.e. only cutting
In addition to water uptake, the adsorption of nutrients can
the hanging stems to 1 m above the ground where canopy
have a significant impact on the vigour of grapevine vegetative
pruning decreased root life span, suggest that it might be due to
growth. The apical regions of the root exhibit the greatest rate of
differences in root composition related to carbon concentration
nutrient uptake and a rapid decline in this capacity with age
(Comas et al. 2000).
(Wells and Eissenstat 2003). A similar trend is shown with
phosphate uptake in apple and citrus trees (Bouma et al. 2001).
Root functioning In the grapevine, the rate of nitrate uptake declines to 50% of
the starting rate in fine lateral roots after a single day (Volder
Water uptake and transport
et al. 2005). Differences in nutrient uptake among grapevine
It has been proposed that water moves passively into roots as a
rootstocks have been described mainly in relation to N (Keller
result of a water potential controlled by transpiration (Steudle
et al. 2001), phosphorus (Grant and Matthews 1996) and potas-
and Peterson 1998). Initially, water flows radially through the
sium (Ruhl 1989, Mpelasoka et al. 2003). Therefore, the capac-
different tissues into the xylem vessels. This is followed by axial
ity of the rootstock to generate new roots will have a positive
conductance, which depends on the size and number of xylem
impact on the capacity of nutrient uptake.
vessels (Tyerman et al. 2009). The composite transport model
explains how the water flows through individual cells and
various tissues (Steudle and Frensch 1996), involving apoplastic Assessment of drought tolerance of
as well as cell-to-cell, i.e. symplastic and transcellular, pathways different rootstocks
operating in parallel (Tyerman et al. 2009). Drought tolerance varies among Vitis species and is related to
More drought-tolerant rootstocks have higher hydraulic the vine’s adaptation to their natural habitats (Whiting 2004).
conductance, which could be related to improved xylem devel- Several rankings of drought tolerance for grapevine rootstocks
opment and lower vessel embolisation (Lovisolo et al. 2008b). have been proposed (Pongrácz 1983, Padgett-Johnson et al.
One aspect that could explain these differences is the presence 2003, Dry 2007, Keller 2010), but there is no standardised
in plants of aquaporins (Maurel et al. 1993), which are special methodology for the classification of rootstocks based on their
proteins that act as water conduits (Tyerman et al. 2009). drought tolerance. Different rankings for the same rootstock can
Aquaporins are involved in the regulation of water movement be due to differences in the soil properties and climate where the
across plasma membranes in the cell-to-cell pathway (Tyerman trial was carried out, as well as the intensity and duration of
et al. 1999), and in the recovery from xylem embolism (Lovisolo water deficits imposed on the plants and the choice of drought-

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Serra et al. Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 5

Table 1. Rootstock classification based on adaptation to drought, as proposed by Samson and Casteran (1971), Fregoni (1977) and
Carbonneau (1985) (adapted from Ollat, INRA Bordeaux, France, personal communication).

Name Crossing Samson and Fregoni Carbonneau


110R V. rupestris × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Good High resistance High resistance
140Ru V. rupestris × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Average High resistance High resistance
44–53M V. riparia × V. cordifolia-V. rupestris Good High resistance High resistance
1103P V. rupestris × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Good High resistance Resistance
SO4 V. riparia × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Weak Weak resistance Resistance
99R V. rupestris × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Average Average resistance Resistance
3309C V. riparia × V. rupestris Good Weak resistance Sensitive
420A MGt V. riparia × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Weak Weak resistance Sensitive
Fercal V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ × Vinifera Average Sensitive
5BB V. riparia × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Bad Weak resistance Sensitive
161-49C V. riparia × V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ Weak Mid resistance Sensitive
41B MGt V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. vinifera Average High resistance Sensitive
Rupestris du Lot V. rupestris Bad Weak resistance Sensitive
101-14 Mt V. riparia × V. rupestris Bad Weak resistance Very sensitive
Riparia Gloire de Montpellier V. riparia Bad Weak resistance Very sensitive
333EM V. cinerea var. helleri ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. vinifera Good Mid resistance Very sensitive

related parameters that were studied. For example, early evalu- moderate to severe water constraints if irrigation is not applied.
ations of drought tolerance induced by rootstocks were based Grapevine roots and rootstocks present drought tolerance
primarily on vegetative vigour (trunk circumference), fruit mechanisms related to low and high plant water potential
attributes (berry size, berry colour estimate, total soluble solids (Figure 4, Tables 2–4) involving drought responses, such as
and total acids) and yield (Lider 1957), but the latter has been stomatal closure, decrease of cell growth and photosynthesis,
the more important measure of rootstock adaptation in the past activation of respiration, and accumulation of osmolytes and
(May 1994). More recent studies have incorporated physiologi- proteins (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 2007). In addi-
cal indicators, such as stomatal conductance (Carbonneau tion, grapevine rootstocks can affect leaf area and root develop-
1985), leaf water potential (Ezzahouani and Williams 1995, ment depending on the vigour inducing capacity (Gambetta
Choné et al. 2001, Deloire et al. 2004, Williams 2010), ABA in et al. 2012) affecting the canopy water demand and supply.
the xylem, stomatal conductance (Iacono and Peterlunger During dry hot seasons, higher vigour rootstocks can explore
2000) and the chlorophyll content index (ratio of transmission root zones to an extent greater than low vigour rootstocks
at 931 nm to 653 nm through a leaf) in rootstocks (Pavlousek (Bauerle et al. 2008b) and as a consequence can access water
2011). Nevertheless, a classification has been proposed by from deeper soil layers (a drought avoidance strategy).
several authors based on field observations (Samson and Gambetta et al. (2012) found that the higher canopy water
Casteran 1971, Fregoni 1977) and evaluations in pots involving demand due to the effect of rootstocks that promote scion
different levels of water deficit (Carbonneau 1985) (Table 1). It vigour appears to be balanced by adjustments in root hydraulic
is important to note that the assessment of drought tolerance conductivity through fine root hydraulic conductivity and
should consider the ability of a specific scion/rootstock combi- higher root surface area. The mechanisms involved can develop
nation to produce an acceptable yield under conditions of water in different time scales, from minutes to months. For example,
deficit. The early detection of drought tolerance using param- an adjustment to stomatal conductance can occur within
eters that correlate with yield is desirable. Nevertheless, some minutes or less, whereas osmotic adjustment and the response
parameters measured, such as leaf water potential and instan- to ABA can occur in hours and adaptations in terms of root
taneous leaf water-use efficiency, are not always reflected in system development can take several days or weeks (Passioura
yield results (Whiting 2004). 1996).
Although many genes related to drought response have
Mechanisms of drought tolerance in rootstocks been identified, their physiological relevance is not always
Drought escape involves the ability of the plant to complete the known (Chaves et al. 2003). Drought-tolerance characteristics
whole life cycle before severe water constraint occurs. Drought are controlled by many genes, known as quantitative traits
tolerance with low plant water potential involves desiccation (Bartels and Sunkar 2005), which will complicate the under-
tolerance and the maintenance of turgor, mainly by osmotic standing of the plant response to water deficits at a molecular
adjustment. Drought tolerance with high plant water potential level. QTLs are regions within genomes that contain genes asso-
involves a reduction of water loss and an increase in water ciated with a particular quantitative trait (Jones et al. 1997).
uptake, which is a way to avoid drought (Chaves and Oliveira Recently, a study carried out on QTLs identified one genomic
2004). Grapevines do not fall under the drought escape mecha- region of the grapevine rootstock that was related to water
nism. Most of the grapevines cultivated around the world are extraction capacity and scion transpiration and acclimation
located in a Mediterranean type of climate, meaning that most (Marguerit et al. 2012). This finding supports previous hypoth-
of the vegetative and reproductive growth occurs under eses that rootstocks differ in their ability to provide water to the

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

6 Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1–14, 2014

Figure 4. Drought tolerance mechanisms induced by rootstocks.

scion and that chemical signalling, primarily ABA, and hydrau- constraint conditions (Soar et al. 2006). Under well-watered
lic signalling via aquaporins regulate stomatal conductance. conditions, it has been reported that the scion genotype pre-
dominates the determination of transpiration efficiency, i.e. the
Osmotic adjustment in roots CO2 assimilation to H2O transpiration ratio compared with the
Osmotic adjustment, i.e. the active accumulation of solutes rootstock (Gibberd et al. 2001, Virgona et al. 2003). In the
involving inorganic solutes taken up from the substrate and absence of root-to-shoot signals, differences in the leaf anatomy
organic solutes synthesised by the plant, is a response to drought of the scion might play a more relevant role in the regulation of
that enables maintained water absorption and cell turgor pres- photosynthesis, as they can present different mesophyll con-
sure (Cattivelli et al. 2008). Evidence for a decrease in osmotic ductance to CO2 (gm), i.e. the capacity for CO2 diffusion inside
potential in grapevine roots in response to drought was reported leaves (Flexas et al. 2008). It has been shown that differences in
by Düring (1984). Furthermore, osmotic adjustment in roots leaf anatomical properties associated with differences in gm
and the maintenance of a positive root water status in grape- explained the differences in photosynthesis between two pine
vines subjected to soil water deficits were shown to have a species (Peguero-Pina et al. 2012). In relation to grapevines, it
positive influence on leaf gas exchange (Düring and Dry 1995). has been suggested that the level of gm could be related to the
It was also speculated that osmotic adjustment may reduce the carboxylation efficiency of the specific genotype (Düring 2003).
sensitivity of roots as sensors, and therefore restrict the produc- Furthermore, it has been shown that grapevine shoots have
tion of root signals such as ABA (Düring and Dry 1995). some ability to regulate ABA concentration under conditions of
low water constraints, independent of root-to-shoot signalling
Control of water loss (Soar et al. 2004).
Many studies have shown that rootstocks can modify their leaf Water losses could also be reduced by limiting transpiration
gas exchange capability in response to water deficit conditions through the regulation of stomatal conductance. Under condi-
(Candolfi-Vasconcelos et al. 1994, Düring 1994, Bica et al. 2000, tions of water constraint, drought-sensitive rootstocks induce a
Padgett-Johnson et al. 2000). Such responses, however, could lower stomatal conductance of the scion, leading to a higher
vary according to different rootstock/scion combinations (Keller reduction in photosynthetic carbon assimilation rates compared
et al. 2012), as well as the level of water deficit experienced with that of drought-tolerant rootstocks (Alsina et al. 2011).
(Soar et al. 2006). The effect of rootstock on the photosynthetic Stomatal density and stomatal size determine the possible
capacity of the scion appears to increase under higher water maximum stomatal conductance (Franks and Beerling 2009).

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Serra et al. Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 7

Table 2. Proposed drought-tolerance mechanism via stomatal regulation based on chemical signalling originating either from scions or
rootstocks from field or pots experiments.

Criteria used to measure Scion/rootstock Genetic origin of the root Set up Reference
stomatal regulation by system
chemical signalling

Root, stem and leaf ABA Pinot Noir grafted onto 5BB V. cinerea var. helleri P Lovisolo et al. (2002)
‘Resseguier#2’ × V. riparia
Leaf xylem ABA Monastrell grafted onto 1103 P V. cinerea var. helleri F Romero et al. (2012)
‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
Leaf xylem ABA Shiraz grafted onto V. cinerea var. helleri F Soar et al. (2006)
5C ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. riparia
SO4 V. cinerea var. helleri
140 Ru, ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. riparia
Ramsey, V. cinerea var. helleri
K51-40, ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
420A MGt, V. champini
Schwarzmann, V. champini × V. riparia
Shiraz own roots V. riparia × V. cinerea var. helleri
V. riparia × V. rupestris
V. vinifera
Leaf xylem ABA, xylem pH and V. riparia × V. labrusca V. riparia × V. labrusca P Li et al. (2011)
exogenous ABA with different
pH buffers
Foliar ABA and phaseic acid Cabernet Sauvignon own roots V. vinifera P Loveys and Kriedemann
Endogenous ABA, exogenous Bacchus own roots V. vinifera P Düring and Broquedis
ABA and benzyladenine Forta own roots V. vinifera (1980)
Müller-Thurgau own roots V. vinifera
Riesling own roots V. vinifera
Exogenous benzyladenine, leaf Cabernet Sauvignon own roots V. vinifera. F and P Stoll et al. (2000)
xylem sap ABA, xylem sap pH, Chardonnay own roots V. vinifera
ABA and cytokinins Sultana own roots V. vinifera
(zeatin + zeatin riboside) from
Transcript abundance of genes Cabernet Sauvignon own roots V. vinifera P Cramer et al. (2007)
(ABA and cytokinin) of plants
under water and salinity
constraints in comparison with
plants with no constraint state
Bulk leaf ABA, leaf xylem ABA, Mavrodafni own roots V. vinifera P Beis and Patakas (2010)
root ABA and xylem pH Sabatiano own roots V. vinifera

ABA, abscisic acid; F, field; P, pots.

The control of stomatal movement is mediated by changes in Chemical signalling is based on evidence that stomatal
guard cell turgor, cytoskeleton organisation, membrane trans- closure is well correlated with soil water deficits, whereas it only
port and gene expression (Hetherington 2001). Many mecha- correlates weakly with leaf water potential (Comstock 2002).
nisms for stomatal regulation have been postulated, such as Abscisic acid is one of the most studied hormones and is con-
changes in hydraulic conductivity (Schultz 2003, Christmann sidered to be the most important in root-to-shoot water deficit
et al. 2007), abscisic acid synthesis (Davies et al. 2005, Dodd signalling (Davies et al. 2005, Schachtman and Goodger 2008).
2005, Jiang and Hartung 2008) and alkalinisation of the xylem This does not, however, rule out the possibility that other com-
pH (Davies et al. 2002, 2005). Grapevine roots are responsible pounds are involved (Schachtman and Goodger 2008). It has
for sensing the soil water deficit and sending a signal to the been confirmed that ABA is synthesised in the roots in response
shoots, thereby primarily regulating shoot growth and water use to drought (Lovisolo et al. 2002). Following this, ABA is trans-
(Lovisolo et al. 2010). ported via the xylem to the aerial parts of the plant, where it

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.


Table 3. Proposed drought tolerance mechanism via stomatal regulation in combination with various other regulating or signalling mechanisms from field or pots experiments.

Stomatal regulation Criteria used to measure Criteria used to measure Scion/rootstock Genetic origin of the Set up Reference
mechanism stomatal regulation by stomatal regulation by root system
non-chemical signalling chemical signalling

Chemical signalling and Expression of aquaporins Leaf xylem ABA 110 R on own roots V. cinerea var. helleri P Galmés et al. (2007)
regulation of genes in roots and leaves ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
homeostasis by
Chemical signalling and Hydraulic conductivity Foliar ABA Grenache grafted onto V. riparia × V. cinerea var. P Lovisolo et al. (2008a)
embolism repair by recovery of root, shoot 420A MGt helleri ‘Resseguier#2’
aquaporins and leaf petiole
Hydraulic signalling Leaf-specific hydraulic None Grenache and Syrah V. rupestris × V. cinerea var. F Schultz (2003)
conductance grafted onto helleri ‘Resseguier#2’
V. rupestris × V. cinerea var.
Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine

helleri ‘Resseguier#2’
Root hydraulic None Chardonnay own roots V. vinifera P Vandeleur et al. (2009)
conductance Grenache own roots V. vinifera
Chemical and hydraulic Plant water status Foliar ABA Concord own roots V. labruscana P Liu et al. (1978)
signalling Plant hydraulic Leaf xylem ABA 110 R on own roots V. cinerea var. helleri P Pou et al. (2008)
conductivity ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
Plant water status Leaf xylem ABA and xylem Castelão and Muscat of V. cinerea var. helleri F Rodrigues et al. (2008)
sap pH Alexandria grafted onto ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
1103 P
QTLs identification with QTLs identification with Cabernet Sauvignon V. vinifera × V. riparia P Marguerit et al. (2012)
genes associated to genes associated to ABA grafted onto V. vinifera
hydraulic regulation regulation cv. Cabernet
Sauvignon × V. riparia cv.
Gloire de Montpellier
Leaf water potential Leaf xylem ABA and Semillon own roots V. vinifera F Rogiers et al. (2012)
exogenous ABA
application to roots

ABA, abscisic acid; F, field; P, pots; QTL, quantitative traits loci.

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1–14, 2014
Serra et al. Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 9

Table 4. Proposed grapevine tolerance to drought via osmotic adjustment, aquaporins and root foraging on its own or in combination with
different levels of plant water status regulation from field or pots experiments.

Mechanism Criteria used to measure Scion/rootstock Genetic origin of the Set Reference
plant water status root system up

Osmotic adjustment in Osmotic potential of roots Silvaner own roots V. vinifera P Düring (1984)
roots Riesling own roots V. vinifera
Osmotic potential of roots 5BB on own roots V. cinerea var. helleri P Düring and Dry
‘Resseguier#2’ × V. riparia (1995)
Presence of aquaporins Aquaporin genes 110 R on own roots V. cinerea var. helleri P Baiges et al. (2001)
identification and ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
expression in roots
Root foraging Root growth dynamics in Merlot grafted onto V. cinerea var. helleri F Bauerle et al.
response to soil moisture 1103 P and ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris (2008b)
availability 101-14 MGt V. riparia × V. rupestris
Root foraging and different Root growth dynamics and Merlot grafted onto V. cinerea var. helleri F Alsina et al. (2011)
degree of stomatal whole root system 1103 P and ‘Resseguier#2’ × V. rupestris
conductance control hydraulic conductance 101-14 MGt V. riparia × V. rupestris

F, field; P, pots.

regulates stomatal functioning and the activity of shoot ABA biosynthesis and defective in ABA signalling, it was dem-
meristems (Jiang and Hartung 2008). In V. vinifera, there are two onstrated that water constraint-induced stomatal closure
genes, VvNCED and VvZEP, that have been described putatively requires hydraulic as well as ABA signals (Christmann et al.
to be involved in the ABA biosynthetic pathway (Soar et al. 2007). It was concluded that the generation of the hydraulic
2004) in response to soil water deficit in the roots (Seo and signal is not dependent on ABA biosynthesis and/or ABA sig-
Koshiba 2002). Soar et al. (2006) have suggested that a differ- nalling, which proves that the hydraulic signal precedes the
ence in concentration in xylem ABA among rootstocks is not ABA signal. It was found that own-rooted grapevine cultivars
due to their ability to synthesise ABA but primarily due to a that differ in their response to soil water deficits via differences
difference in water constraints experienced by the rootstock in the regulation of the leaf water potential also vary in their
genotypes caused by variable water uptake capacity. The inten- root response to water soil deficits in terms of aquaporin expres-
sity of the root-to-shoot ABA signal is regulated at four ana- sion (Vandeleur et al. 2009). This finding suggests a close rela-
tomical levels: (i) the rhizosphere; (ii) the root cortex; (iii) the tionship between root water transport and shoot transpiration.
stem; and (iv) the leaves (Jiang and Hartung 2008). In Domec and Johnson (2012) suggested that whole-plant hydrau-
V. riparia × V. labrusca, the intensity of the root-sourced ABA lic conductance is driven by leaf hydraulic conductance under
signal is intensified along its way, due in part to a higher xylem no water deficit and by root hydraulic conductance under water
pH at higher node positions, resulting in a lower stomatal con- deficit.
ductance of leaves at higher nodes compared with that of lower The relative importance of chemical and hydraulic signalling
nodes on the stem (Li et al. 2011). Consequently, the stomatal in the control of stomatal functioning is debatable (Chaves et al.
conductance of leaves at higher nodes along the stem is lower 2010). Some grapevine studies have concluded that hydraulic
compared with that of leaves at lower nodes. Cytokinins (CKs), signals play a dominant role when water deficits occur
which are synthesised mainly in the roots (Aloni et al. 2005), (Rodrigues et al. 2008), whereas others have shown that the
have been described as an antagonist to ABA in stomatal closure control is primarily due to ABA signalling and that hydraulic
(Dodd 2005). In V. vinifera, zeatin and zeatin riboside have been signalling plays a secondary role (Pou et al. 2008). Only hydrau-
found to be reduced by partial root zone drying (Stoll et al. lic signalling, however, is involved during recovery from water
2000). Nevertheless, there still are many questions concerning deficits (Pou et al. 2008). Hydraulic and chemical signalling are
the role of CKs in stomatal behaviour, as it is not clear which considered to be the most important mechanisms in the regu-
CKs will be affected by drought stress and, more so, which lation of stomatal conductance, and these signals probably func-
transport forms should be measured in the xylem (Davies et al. tion in an integrated way (Comstock 2002, Rodrigues et al.
2005, Schachtman and Goodger 2008). 2008).
Hydraulic signalling is based on the fact that plants would Our results showed that stomatal density and size, i.e.
probably not survive in the absence of root-to-shoot signalling, number of stomata per unit area, are affected by water con-
which responds to changes in hydraulic conductivity and the straints and light and that the same scion grafted onto different
failure of water transport due to cavitation and embolism rootstock cultivars can have different stomatal densities and
(Comstock 2002). Furthermore, it is argued that, within the sizes (Figures 5 and 6). Soil water deficit induced a response in
hydraulic continuum of the root system, the information con- the stomatal development that resulted in a reduction of the
cerning water availability can be transmitted to the leaves to pore diameter (Figure 5). Leaves growing in an environment
control stomatal functioning (Christmann et al. 2007). Never- with a lower light intensity, i.e. lower ratio of red light (660 nm)
theless, the mechanisms involved are still under debate to far-red light (730 nm) (R/FR) ratio, had a lower stomatal
(Buckley 2005). Using Arabidopsis mutants that are deficient in density but bigger pore diameter than leaves growing under full

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

10 Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1–14, 2014

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Stomata on the abaxial leaf surface of cv. Pinotage, growing under greenhouse conditions, grafted onto 99 Richter (a)
subjected to water constraints and (b) without water constraints. Average stomatal density (pores/mm2) of 109.5 ± 6.2 and 95.7 ± 6.2 for
water constraints and without water constraints, respectively. Average guard cell length (μm) of 13.5 ± 0.24 and 12.6 ± 0.24 for water
constraints and without water constraints, respectively (150 × magnification, panels a and b; scale bar represents 20 μm) (Dr Ignacio
Serra, unpublished data).

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure 6. Stomata on the abaxial leaf surface of cv. Pinotage, growing under field conditions, grafted onto 1103 Paulsen (a) subjected to
water constraints and fully exposed to sunlight, (b) subjected to water constraints and shaded; compared to the same scion grafted onto
140 Ruggeri, (c) subjected to water constraints and fully exposed to sunlight and (d) subjected to water constraints and shaded. Average
stomatal density (pores/mm2) of 119.1 ± 6.3, 91.0 ± 6.3 (Pinotage/1103 P), 113.8 ± 6.3 and 96.3 ± 6.3 (Pinotage/140 Ru), fully exposed
to sunlight and shaded, respectively. Average guard cell length (μm) of 13.2 ± 0.31, 20.0 ± 0.31 (Pinotage/1103 P), 16.0 ± 0.31 and
17.2 ± 0.31 (Pinotage/140 Ru), fully exposed to sunlight and shaded, respectively (150 × magnification, panels a, b, c and d; scale bar
represents 20 μm) (Dr Ignacio Serra, unpublished data).

sun exposure (Figure 6). These results might have implications variability in stomatal density and size that is closely related to
in the interaction of vigour induced by the rootstock (canopy leaf gas exchange and water use efficiency (Xu and Zhou 2008).
microclimate) and canopy water demand. Significant differ-
ences in stomatal density and size were observed on Pinotage
leaves grafted onto different rootstocks, where plants grafted Scion and rootstock interaction
onto 140 Ruggeri presented lower stomatal density but bigger There is a differential response of roots and shoots to water
pore diameter than those grafted onto 110 Richter and 1103 deficits. Under drought conditions, vegetative growth, e.g. inter-
Paulsen (Figure 6). Scienza and Boselli (1981) found that root- node elongation, leaf expansion and tendril extension, as well
stocks considered drought tolerant have lower stomatal density as transpiration will be reduced (Lovisolo et al. 2010). Never-
in their leaves in comparison with that of rootstocks considered theless, the root system is less sensitive to drought. Grapevines
drought sensitive. The mechanisms involved in stomatal devel- can rehydrate ‘dry’ roots with water moved through the root
opment, as affected by rootstock, cannot be explained at this system at night (Bauerle et al. 2008a). It has been shown that
stage. It is hypothesised, however, that differences in hydraulic grapevine root growth is enhanced under moderate water con-
conductance between rootstocks affect the plant water status, straints but decreased under severe water constraints (Van Zyl
thereby affecting leaf growth, and that they consequently cause 1984). It has been postulated that a higher root-to-shoot ratio

© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

Serra et al. Rootstocks to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine 11

could improve water supply to the grapevine. There is probably Choosing a rootstock is an important decision not only because
ABA involvement in the regulation of some cell wall-modifying of the potential benefit that viticulturists expect, such as resist-
proteins that allows growth although water constraints occur ance to pests (phylloxera and nematodes), pathogens in the soil
(Sasidharan et al. 2011). Furthermore, under soil water deficits, and drought tolerance, but also because establishing a vineyard
the cytokinin concentration in the roots is reduced, resulting in is a long-term investment. The rootstock influence on vigour
a lower concentration in the shoots, which causes a reduction in and the effect on drought tolerance need to be clarified; aspects,
vegetative growth (Stoll et al. 2000). The relatively higher such as differences in root growth, root hydraulic capacity and
drought tolerance of roots compared with shoots probably stomatal development, should be taken into consideration. Most
involves osmotic adjustment and changes in the cell wall (Wu of the previous studies have focused on root system develop-
and Cosgrove 2000). These adaptations differ between the apical ment and structure but little is known about the genetic regu-
and basal part of the root, involving mechanisms such as an lation of root branching and root mineral uptake. Molecular
increase in cell wall proteins (viz. expansins), changes in cell studies of grapevine drought tolerance are limited, and even
wall polysaccharide composition and gene expression, which more so studies considering rootstocks, compared with research
could protect the root apex and allow root growth at low soil carried out on cereals, for example. Understanding the mecha-
water content (Wu and Cosgrove 2000). nisms of drought tolerance induced and regulated by rootstocks
The scion/rootstock interaction will have a major influence might be helpful for breeding programmes in order to develop
on drought tolerance by affecting canopy structure and size, and more drought tolerant rootstocks.
therefore affecting grapevine water use (Whiting 2004). Fur-
thermore, ungrafted rootstocks have a determined strategy to Acknowledgements
tolerate water constraints, e.g. 110 Richter is known to tightly This study was supported by the Department of Viticulture and
regulate stomatal conductance in response to soil water deficits, Oenology, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
maintaining homeostasis through a complex mechanism and the University of Concepción and the Ministry of Educa-
involving predominantly ABA signalling during water con- tion, Chile, through the MECESUP2 Programme. Funding was
straint and hydraulic conductivity predominantly during recov- provided by WINETECH and THRIP South Africa. We thank Dr
ery from water deficit (Galmés et al. 2007, Pou et al. 2008). In Bruno Holzapfel (National Wine and Grape Iindustry Centre,
contrast, studies done on scion cultivars that are own rooted Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia) for critical reading of the manu-
have shown that strategies particular to certain cultivars such as script.
Grenache have a tighter regulation of stomatal conductance,
maintaining homeostasis by hydraulic signalling; Chardonnay,
in contrast, has a decreasing leaf water potential under increas- References
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© 2013 Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology Inc.

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