11 Whole Numbers: Mental Arithmetic and Estimation

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Whole Numbers: Mental Arithmetic and Estimation

So far we have been focusing on paper-and-pencil strategies for doing arithmetic with whole numbers. In this section we focus on two other tools, namely, mental arithmetic and computational estimation. Mental Arithmetic Mental arithmetic is the process of producing an answer to a computation without using any computational aids such as calculators, computers, tables, etc. We consider some of the most common strategies for performing arithmetic operations mentally on whole numbers. Mental Addition Left-to-Right Approach: In this model, to add 347 and 129, we rst add the hundreds (300 + 100) then the tens (40 + 20), and then the ones (7+9), to obtain 476. Compensation: To nd the sum 67 + 29, we add 67 + 30 (since 30 is the next multiple of 10 greater than 29) to obtain 97 and then we subtract 1 from 97 to compensate for the extra 1 that was added to obtain 97 1 = 96. Using Compatible Numbers: Compatible numbers are numbers whose sums are easy to calculate mentally. For example, if we are trying to nd the sum 130 + 50 + 70 + 20 + 50 we will add rst the numbers 130 and 70 to obtain 200, the numbers 50 and 50 to obtain 100, then the numbers 200 and 100 to obtain 300 and nally we add 20 to 300 to obtain 320. Breaking Up and Bridging: To nd the sum 67 + 36 we nd rst the sum 67 + 30 = 97 and then the sum 97 + 6 = 103. Mental Subtraction Left-to-Right: To nd the dierence 93 38 we nd rst 90 30 = 60, then 8 3 = 5 and nally 60 5 = 55. To nd the dierence, 47 32, we nd rst 40 30 = 10, then 7 2 = 5 and nally 10 + 5 = 15. Breaking Up and Bridging: To nd the dierence 67 36 we rst nd 67 30 = 37 and then 37 6 = 31. Compensation: To nd 47 29 is the same as nding 48 30 = 18. That is we add the same number to both addends. This is known as the equal addition method for subtraction. 1

Drop the Zeros: To nd 8700 500 we nd 87 5 = 82 and then add the two zeros to the right of 82 to obtain 8200. Compatible Numbers: To nd the dierence 170 50 30 50 we can nd rst 170 30 = 140, then 50 + 50 = 100 and nally 140 100 = 40. Mental Multiplication Compatible Numbers: To nd the product 2 9 5 20 5 we can rearrange the product in the form 9(25)(205) = 910100 = 9000. Left-to-Right: To nd the product 3 123 we can look at it as the expression 3 100 + 3 20 + 3 3 = 369. Multiplying Powers of 10: To nd the product 12, 000 110, 000 we multiply the numbers 12 11 = 132 and then add 7 zeros to the right to obtain 1, 320, 000, 000. Mental Division Compatible Numbers: To nd 105 3 we look for two numbers that are divisible by 3 and whose sum is 105, namely, 90 and 15. We then divide both numbers by 3 to obtain 90 3 = 30 and 15 3 = 5. Finally add the quotients to obtain 105 3 = 30 + 5 = 35.

Practice Problems
Problem 11.1 Perform each of the following computations mentally and explain what technique you used to nd the answer. (a) 40 + 160 + 29 + 31 (b) 3679 474 (c) 75 + 28 (d) 2500 700. Problem 11.2 Compute each of the following mentally. (a) 180 + 97 23 + 20 140 + 26 (b) 87 42 + 70 38 + 43. Problem 11.3 Use compatible numbers to compute each of the following mentally. (a) 2 9 5 6 2

(b) 5 11 3 20 (c) 82 + 37 + 18 + 13. Problem 11.4 Use compensation to compute each of the following mentally. (a) 85 49 (b) 87 + 33 (c) 19 6. Problem 11.5 A car trip took 8 hours of driving at an average of 62 mph. Mentally compute the total number of miles traveled. Describe your method. Problem 11.6 Perform these calculations from left to right. (a) 425 + 362 (b) 572 251 (c) 3 342 (d) 47 + 32 + 71 + 9 + 26 + 32. Problem 11.7 Calculate mentally using properties of operations, i.e. commutative, associative, distributive. (a) (37 + 25) + 43 (b) 47 15 + 47 85 (c) (4 13) 25 (d) 26 24 21 24. Problem 11.8 Find each of the following dierences using compensation method. (a) 43 17 (b) 132 96 (c) 250 167. Problem 11.9 Calculate mentally. (a) 58, 000 5, 000, 000 (b) 7 105 21, 000 (c) 5 103 7 107 4 105 . 3

Problem 11.10 Show the steps for three dierent ways to compute mentally 93 + 59. Problem 11.11 Show the steps for three dierent ways to compute mentally 134 58. Problem 11.12 Show the steps to compute mentally (500)3 . Problem 11.13 A restaurant serves launch to 90 people per day. Show the steps to mentally compute the number of people served lunch in 31 days. Problem 11.14 There is a shortcut for multiplying a whole number by 99. For example, consider 15 99. (a) Why does 15 99 = (15 100) (15 1)? (b) Compute 15 99 mentally, using the formula in part (a) (c) Compute 95 99 mentally, using the same method. Problem 11.15 (a) Develop a shortcut for multiplying by 25 mentally in a computation such as 24 25. (b) Compute 44 25 using the same shortcut. Problem 11.16 (a) Develop a shortcut for multiplying by 5 mentally in a computation such as 27 5. (b) Compute 42 5 using the same shortcut Problem 11.17 A fth grader computes 2912 as follows: 3012 = 360 and 36012 = 348. On what property is the childs method based?

Estimation Computational estimation is the process of forming an approximate answer to a numerical solution. Estimation strategies can be used to tell whether answers are reasonable or not. An estimate is a number close 4

to an exact answer. We consider two estimation strategies Range Estimation Consider the operation 294 53. The product 300 60 = 18000 is an overestimate of 294 53 whereas the product 200 50 = 10000 is an underestimate. We say that the product 294 53 is in the range from 10000 to 18000. Example 11.1 Find a range estimate for the sum 3741 + 1252. Solution. The lower estimate or underestimate is 3000 + 1000 = 4000 and the upper estimate or overestimate is 4000 + 2000 = 6000. So the sum is in the range from 4000 to 6000. Front-End Strategy Front-end (leading digit) estimation is especially useful in addition. We consider three types of such estimate. Consider the problem of estimating the sum 4589 + 398. (1) One-Column Front End Estimation Draw a line seperating the leading digit(s). Replace all digits to the right of the column by zeros. Add the resulting numbers. Thus, 4589 + 398 4000 + 0000 = 4000. The symbol means is approximated by. Similarly, 372 + 53 + 417 300 + 000 + 400 = 700. One-column front-end method of estimation yields low estimates for addition as well as for multiplication. For example, 19257 10050 = 15000. (2) Two-Column Front End Estimation This one improves the previous estimate. Draw a line seperating the rst two leading digits. Replace all digits to the right of the column by zeros and add the resulting numbers. Thus, 372 + 53 + 417 370 + 050 + 410 = 830. (3) Front-End with Adjustments This method enhances the one-column front-end methods. After adding the numbers to the left of the line, adjust the answer by considering the digits in the next column to the right. For example, to estimate 498 + 251 we rst do 400 + 200 = 600 and then 98 + 51 100 + 50 = 150. Thus, 498 + 251 600 + 150 = 750. Example 11.2 Estimate using the method indicated. 5

(a) 503 813 using one-column front-end method (b) 1200 35 using range estimation (c) 4376 1889 using two-column front-end (d) 3257 + 874 using front-end adjustment. Solution. (a) 503 813 500 800 = 400000. (b) 1200 35 is in the range from 1200 30 = 36000 to 1200 40 = 48000. (c) 4376 1889 4300 1800 = 2500. (d) We rst do 3200+800 = 4000 and then 60+70 = 130 so that 3257+874 4000 + 130 = 4130. Estimation by Rounding Suppose you are asked to ROUND a number to the nearest ten, to the nearest hundred, to the nearest thousand, and so forth. In that case, underline the digit in the place you are asked to round to and then follow these steps: Look one place to the right of the number you have underlined. If the number to the right is a 5 or higher then the number you underlined will increase by one. The rest of the numbers to the right will become ZERO. If the number one place to the right of the number you underlined is 4 or less then the number you underlined will stay the same and all numbers to the right will become ZERO. Example 11.3 Round 467 + 221 to the nearest (a) hundred (b) ten Solution. (a) Since 467 500 and 221 200, we nd 467 + 221 700. (b) In this case, 467 470 and 221 220 so that 467 + 221 690.

Practice Problems
Problem 11.18 Round 235,476 to the nearest (a) ten thousand (b) thousand (c) hundred. 6

Problem 11.19 Round each of these to the position indicated. (a) 947 to the nearest hundred. (b) 27,462,312 to the nearest million. (c) 2461 to the nearest thousand. Problem 11.20 Rounding to the left-most digit, calculate approximate values for each of the following: (a) 681 + 241 (b) 678 431 (c) 257 364 (d) 28, 329 43. Problem 11.21 Using rounding to the left-most digit, estimate the following products. (a) 2748 31 (b) 4781 342 (c) 23, 247 357. Problem 11.22 Round each number to the position indicated. (a) 5280 to the nearest thousand (b) 115,234 to the nearest ten thousand (c) 115,234 to the nearest hundred thousand (d) 2,325 to the nearest ten. Problem 11.23 Use front-end estimation with adjustment to estimate each of the following: (a) 2215 + 3023 + 5987 + 975 (b) 234 + 478 + 987 + 319 + 469. Problem 11.24 Use range estimation to estimate each of the following. (a) 22 38 (b) 145 + 678 (c) 278 + 36. Problem 11.25 Tom estimated 31 179 in the three ways shown below. (i) 30 200 = 6000 (ii) 30 180 = 5400 (iii) 31 200 = 6200 Without nding the actual product, which estimate do you think is closer to the actual product? Explain. 7

Problem 11.26 About 3540 calories must be burned to lose 1 pound of body weight. Estimate how many calories must be burned to lose 6 pounds. Problem 11.27 A theater has 38 rows and 23 seats in each row. Estimate the number of seats in the theater and tell how you arrived at your estimate. Problem 11.28 Use estimation to tell whether the following calculator answers are reasonable. Explain why or why not. (a) 657 + 542 + 707 = 543364 (b) 26 47 = 1222. Problem 11.29 Estimate the sum 87 + 45 + 37 + 22 + 98 + 51 using compatible numbers. Problem 11.30 clustering is a method of estimating a sum when the numbers are all close to one value. For example, 3648 + 4281 + 3791 3 4000 = 12, 000. Estimate the following using clustering. (a) 897 + 706 + 823 + 902 + 851 (b) 36, 421 + 41, 362 + 40, 987 + 42, 621. Problem 11.31 Estimate each of the following using (i) range estimation, (ii) one-column front-end estimation (iii) two-column fron-end estimation, and (iv) front-end with adjustment. (a) 3741 + 1252 (b) 1591 + 346 + 589 + 163 (c) 2347 + 58 + 192 + 5783. Problem 11.32 Estimate using compatible number estimation. (a) 51 212 (b) 3112 62 (c) 103 87.

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