1 - Engineer - MIN - 654 - Engineering - and - Electro-Technical - Officer - Oral - Exam - Syllabus - Amendment - 1

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Maritime and Coastguard Agency LogMARINE INFORMATION NOTE

MIN 654 – Amendment 1 (M)

Engineering and Electro-technical Officer Oral Exam

Notice to all Owners, Masters, Officers, Ratings and those concerned with maritime

This notice should be read with MSN 1857, MSN 1859, MSN 1860 and replaces MGN 69.
This MIN expires 01 May 2024


This Marine Information Note (MIN) provides information and outlines the updated Oral exam
syllabus, for Merchant Navy engineer officers and Electro-Technical Officers, leading to the
issue of a UK Certificate of Competency. Following the initial one-year roll-out period of this
syllabus, no feedback has been provided and as such the guidance has been extended for a
further two years. Any feedback in this period should be sent to [email protected].

This MIN Covers:

1. Introduction
2. Further Information
3. Engineer Officer of the Watch (EOOW) Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus
4. Chief Engineer and Second Engineer Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus
5. Electro-Technical Officers (ETO) Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus

The Annexes of this MIN cover:

A. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and

Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW), Part 4 – 2 – Principles to be observed in
keeping an engineering watch

1. Introduction

1.1 The STCW Convention requires all officers to complete an approved education and training
programme and meet the standards of competence specified in the STCW Code. All
education and training programmes leading to a Certificate of Competency (CoC) must be

mapped to the Code and approved by the MCA. The MCA Engineer oral examination
syllabus is mapped to the applicable STCW Code table. The oral examination forms part of
the assessment for the attainment of all MCA Certificates of Competency, and all candidates
must demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the English language.

1.2 The Examiner is expected to base the assessment on the competence and relate them to
tasks, responsibilities and duties considered necessary for ship operations, safety of life at
sea and the protection of the marine environment.

1.3 The oral exam can draw on any part of the syllabus. It is recommended that candidates
complete the associated qualification that delivers the underpinning knowledge 1 for each
oral exam prior to undertaking the oral assessment.

2. Further Information

2.1 Further information on the current process for Oral Examinations is available in MIN 620, as

2.2 Further information on the requirements and application for a Notice of Eligibility (NOE) for
an Oral Examination and how to obtain the associated CoC is available here:

Application Form M-Notice Number

Quick Reference
(including link) (including link)
Engineer Officers MSF 4275 MSN 1857

Underpinning knowledge is the appropriate Higher Education academic qualification such as a
Foundation Degree or HND and the applicable ancillary training courses listed in MSN 1857
(Amendment 1), section 6.

3. Engineer Officer of the Watch (EOOW) Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus

3.1 Oral Exam Aim:

The MCA oral examination is aimed at ensuring the candidate’s ability to undertake the duties appropriate to the engineer officer of the
watch (EOOW). Candidates should demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge required for competencies outlined in this oral
examination syllabus by appropriate responses, anticipations and reactions to a range of routine, non-routine and contingency scenarios
as presented by the examiner, from the perspective of EOOW of Ships of 750kW or more.

3.2 Standard of competence – EOOW Certificate of Competency

1. Every candidate for certification as officer in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or as designated duty engineer
in a periodically unmanned engine-room shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at the operational level, the tasks,
duties and responsibilities listed in the ‘Competence’ column of this oral exam syllabus.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for an EOOW CoC is listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding and
proficiency’ column of this oral exam syllabus.

3. The level of knowledge of the material listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding and proficiency’ column of this oral exam syllabus shall
be such that in the examiners professional judgement it would be enough for engineer officers to carry out their watchkeeping duties.

4. Theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency should take into account STCW Code, Part A, Section A-VIII/2, part 4-2 –
Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch, and shall take into account the relevant requirements of this part of the
STCW code. 2

5. Candidates for CoC for service on ships in which steam boilers do not form part of their machinery may omit the relevant part of this
oral exam syllabus. The CoC awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for service on ships in which steam boilers form part of a
ship’s machinery until the engineer officer meets the standard of competence and seagoing service requirements set out in Marine
Shipping Notice (MSN) 1857. Any such limitation shall be stated on the CoC.

6. Candidates and Examiners should refer to the ‘Criteria for evaluating competence’ and ‘Further guidance for evaluating competence’
columns for further details.

See Annex A for the STCW Code Part A, Chapter VIII, Section A-VIII/2, Part 4 – 2 – Principles to be
observed in keeping a engineering watch.
EOOW Oral Exam Syllabus
Function: Marine engineering at the operational level
Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for
and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Maintain a safe Thorough knowledge of Principles The conduct, handover and relief Similar to job interview looking at
engineering watch to be observed in keeping an of the watch conforms with technical abilities and candidates
engineering watch, including: accepted principles and response to probing questions,
procedures body language and other physical
1. duties associated with taking response are observed
over and accepting a watch The frequency and extent of
monitoring of engineering Questions open ended starting
2. routine duties undertaken equipment and systems conforms with a basic question and allowing
during a watch to manufacturers’ the candidate to express
recommendations and accepted themselves in the quality and
3. maintenance of the machinery principles and procedures, quantity of answer
space logs and the significance including Principles to be
of the readings taken observed in keeping an As the candidate gives up
engineering watch information elements of the
4. duties associated with handing answer are further probed for
over a watch A proper record is maintained of more detailed explanation
the movements and activities
Safety and emergency relating to the ship’s engineering E.g. – the candidate has been
procedures; change-over of systems asked a broad based question
remote/automatic to local control regarding “taking over the watch.”
of all systems During the questioning as the
candidate develops their answers
Safety precautions to be observed to the question they will refer to
during a watch and immediate technical, safety and operational
actions to be taken in the event of aspects of the answer
fire or accident,
with particular reference to oil As these aspects are mentioned
systems the examiner will take the
opportunity to further question on

specific detailed elements relating
to these aspects

This will allow the examiner to

develop typical working scenarios
including safety critical operations.
The examiner will monitor body
language as the candidate
responds and also observe
candidates overall response as
scenario escalates

The examiner judges the

candidate competent in this area if
Engine-room resource the candidate consistently
management displays a working knowledge at
Resources are allocated and the professional level. This will
Knowledge of engine-room assigned as needed in correct involve clear descriptions and
resource management principles, priority to perform necessary tasks annunciation, technical
including: knowledge, ref to recognised
Communication is clearly and documents such as ISM, COSWP
1. allocation, assignment, and unambiguously given and etc. Display confidence in their
prioritization of resources received value of decisions. The examiner
uses their experiences and
2. effective communication Questionable decisions and/or practical knowledge as CEO to aid
actions result in appropriate the assessment process. The
3. assertiveness and leadership challenge and response questioning is repeated for the
other elements of competency
4. obtaining and maintaining Effective leadership behaviours required by STCW (as shown in
situational awareness are identified the ‘Competence’ column) by
placing the candidate in various
5. consideration of team Team member(s) share accurate other practical scenarios covering
experience understanding of current and breadth and depth of syllabus
predicted engine-room and

associated systems state, and of When the Candidate has satisfied
external environment the examiner in these areas the
Oral is brought to a close
The candidate is judged to have
passed when they have
demonstrated consistently that the
level of confidence and ability
listed in the STCW syllabus has
been achieved

Failure when the candidate cannot

show a consistent approach in
dealing with onboard operations
and emergency situations in
relation to scenarios the candidate
has been placed.
The candidate will be given
feedback on their performance
regarding pass or fail. Also this will
help in strengthening those areas
where they lack STCW
Competency, knowledge and

Use English in written and Adequate knowledge of the English language publications Relevant aspects of candidates
oral form English language to enable the relevant to engineering duties are knowledge and experience in
officer to use engineering correctly interpreted these areas are assessed in the
publications and to perform oral examination
engineering duties Communications are clear and

Use internal Operation of all internal Transmission and reception of Relevant aspects of candidates
communication systems communication systems on board messages are consistently knowledge and experience in
successful these areas is assessed in the
oral examination

Communication records are
complete, accurate and comply
with statutory requirements

Operate main and Basic construction and operation Construction and operating All safety and emergency
auxiliary machinery and principles of machinery systems, mechanisms can be understood procedures for safe and efficient
associated control including: and explained with operation of main and aux
systems drawings/instructions propulsion plant and associated
1. marine diesel engine machinery inclusive of control
2. marine steam turbine
The candidate should have
3. marine gas turbine knowledge of preparation,
operation, fault finding and
4. marine boiler necessary measures to prevent
damage for the above-mentioned
5. shafting installations, including machineries and associated
propeller equipment

6. other auxiliaries, including

various pumps, air compressor,
purifier, fresh water generator,
heat exchanger, refrigeration,
air-conditioning and ventilation

7. steering gear

8. automatic control systems

9. fluid flow and characteristics of

lubricating oil, fuel oil and
cooling systems Candidates are evaluated on their
basic understanding on Planned
10. deck machinery Maintenance Systems

Safety and emergency procedures Operations are planned and
for operation of propulsion plant carried out in accordance with
machinery, including control operating manuals, established
systems rules and procedures to ensure
safety of operations and avoid
Preparation, operation, fault pollution of the marine
detection and necessary environment
measures to prevent damage for
the following machinery items and Deviations from the norm are
control systems: promptly identified Consequences of failure to follow
correct checks prior to starting
1. main engine and associated The output of plant and equipment.
auxiliaries engineering systems consistently Lock out and Tag Out system is
meets requirements, including followed correctly
2. steam boiler and associated bridge orders relating to changes
auxiliaries and steam systems in speed and direction Boiler safety, various alarms Trips,
mountings, Boiler water treatment
3. auxiliary prime movers and The causes of machinery and importance
associated systems malfunctions are promptly
identified and actions are
4. other auxiliaries, including designed to ensure the overall
refrigeration, air- conditioning safety of the ship and the plant,
and ventilation systems having regard to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions

Operate fuel, lubrication, Operational characteristics of Operations are planned and Understanding of Oil Record Book
ballast and other pumping pumps and piping systems, carried out in accordance with (ORB), importance and Entries
systems and associated including control systems operating manuals, established are evaluated
control systems rules and procedures to ensure
Operation of pumping systems: safety of operations and avoid
pollution of the marine
1. routine pumping operations environment Daily pumping operations and
recording in ORB
Deviations from the norm are

2. operation of bilge, ballast and promptly identified and Cargo plant preparation, dangers
cargo pumping systems appropriate action is taken associated with steam hammering
Oily-water separators (or-similar
equipment) requirements and PPM requirements, types of Oily
operation water Separator, ORB entries

Operate electrical, Basic configuration and operation Operations are planned and Generator and distribution
electronic and control principles of the following carried out in accordance with systems including emergency
systems electrical, electronic and control operating manuals, established generator and ESB
equipment: rules and procedures to ensure
safety of operations Preparation checks, starting,
paralleling and changing over of
1. electrical equipment: Electrical, electronic and control generators
a. generator and distribution systems can be understood and
systems explained with Dead ship revival procedure
b. preparing, starting, paralleling drawings/instructions
and changing over generators Electrical motors including staring
c. electrical motors including methodologies like DOL, star and
starting methodologies delta etc.
d. high-voltage installations
operational HV installations and dangers
e. sequential control circuits and associated, permit to work
associated system devices systems etc.

Preferential trips, associated

systems, voltage segregation
2. electronic equipment:
a. characteristics of basic Emergency battery room and
electronic circuit elements associated hazards
b. flowchart for automatic and
control systems Characteristics of basic electronic
c. functions, characteristics and circuit elements, Zener barriers
features of control systems for and application
machinery items, including

main propulsion plant operation Automatic and control systems
control and steam boiler flow diagrams
automatic controls
Control systems for machinery
3. control systems items, including main propulsion
a. various automatic control plant operation and control
methodologies and including steam boiler auto
characteristics controls
b. Proportional–Integral–
Derivative (PID) control PID characteristics including
characteristics and associated system controls including
system devices for process pneumatic and electro pneumatic
control types for process control

Human machine interface systems

used in modern intelligent engines
for main propulsion

Maintenance and repair of Safety requirements for working Safety measures for working are
electrical and electronic on shipboard electrical systems, appropriate
equipment including the safe isolation of
electrical equipment required Selection and use of hand tools,
before personnel are permitted to measuring instruments, and
work on such equipment testing equipment are appropriate
and interpretation of results is
Maintenance and repair of accurate
electrical system equipment, Candidate is evaluated on
switchboards, electric motors, Dismantling, inspecting, repairing construction and operation of
generator and DC electrical and reassembling equipment are electrical testing and measuring
systems and equipment in accordance with manuals and equipment like multimeter, megger
good practice etc.
Detection of electric malfunction,
location of faults and measures to Reassembling and performance Knowledge and understanding of
prevent damage testing is in accordance with monitoring systems, auto control
manuals and good practice

- 10 -
Construction and operation of Battery maintenance and dangers
electrical testing and measuring and precautions

Function and performance tests of

the following equipment and their Candidates understanding of
configuration: Earthing systems, Earth
1. monitoring systems monitoring equipment, Earth fault
finding and rectification are
2. automatic control devices evaluated as per STCW
Competency requirements listed
3. protective devices in the ‘Competence’ column

The interpretation of electrical and Candidates understanding in

simple electronic diagrams various protective devices
associated with electrical
distribution system are evaluated
as per STCW Competency listed
in the ‘Competence’ column

Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Appropriate use of hand Characteristics and limitations of Identification of important Chapter 18 - Provision, Care and
tools, machine tools and materials used in construction and parameters for fabrication of Use of Work Equipment from
measuring instruments for repair of ships and equipment typical ship-related components is CoSWP, candidates
fabrication and repair on appropriate understanding is evaluated
board Characteristics and limitations of
processes used for fabrication and Selection of materials is
repair appropriate

- 11 -
Properties and parameters Fabrication is to designated
considered in the fabrication and tolerances
repair of systems and components
Use of equipment and hand tools,
Methods for carrying out safe machine tools and measuring
emergency/temporary repairs instruments is appropriate and
Safety measures to be taken to
ensure a safe working
environment and for using hand
tools, machine tools and Evaluation of candidate for the
measuring instruments Use of appropriate specialized
tools and measuring equipment
Use of hand tools, machine tools (megger, hydraulic jacks etc)
and measuring instruments

Use of various types of sealants

and packings

Maintenance and repair of Safety measures to be taken for Safety procedures followed are Chapter 20 - Work on Machinery
shipboard machinery and repair and maintenance, including appropriate and Power Systems from CoSWP,
equipment the safe isolation of shipboard candidates understanding is
machinery and equipment Selection of tools and spare gear evaluated
required before personnel are is appropriate
permitted to work on such
machinery or equipment
Dismantling, inspecting, repairing
Appropriate basic mechanical and reassembling equipment is in
knowledge and skills accordance with manuals and
good practice
Maintenance and repair, such as
dismantling, adjustment and Re-commissioning and
reassembling of machinery and performance testing is in
equipment accordance with manuals and
good practice

- 12 -
The use of appropriate specialized
tools and measuring instruments Selection of materials and parts is
Design characteristics and
selection of materials in
construction of equipment

Interpretation of machinery
drawings and handbooks

The interpretation of piping,

hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the operational level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Ensure compliance with Prevention of pollution of the Procedures for monitoring Awareness of SOPEP manual,
pollution- prevention marine environment shipboard operations and equipment’s on board and drills
requirements ensuring compliance IAPP certificate, Sox, NOx, latest
Knowledge of the precautions to with MARPOL requirements are Sulphur content norms regarding
be taken to prevent pollution of fully observed bunkers
the marine environment
Actions to ensure that a positive Engine technical file-significance
Anti-pollution procedures and all environmental reputation is
associated equipment maintained

Importance of proactive measures

to protect the marine environment

Maintain seaworthiness of Ship stability The stability conditions comply Day to day onboard operations
the ship with the IMO intact stability criteria effecting stability, e.g. Bunkering,

- 13 -
Working knowledge and under all conditions of loading Bunker tanks getting empty, Fresh
application of stability, trim and water tanks
stress tables, diagrams and Actions to ensure and maintain
stress-calculating equipment the watertight integrity of the ship Basic understanding of free
are in accordance with accepted surface effect
Understanding of the practice
fundamentals of watertight

Understanding of fundamental
actions to be taken in the event of
partial loss of intact buoyancy

Ship construction

General knowledge of the

principal structural members of a
ship and the proper names for the
various parts

Prevent, control and fight Fire prevention and fire-fighting The type and scale of the problem
fires on board appliances is promptly identified and initial
actions conform with the
Ability to organize fire drills emergency procedure and Candidates are questioned further
contingency plans for the ship on the classification of different
Knowledge of classes and bulk heads, ship specific Fixed fire
chemistry of fire Evacuation, emergency shutdown fighting systems, procedures for
and isolation procedures are releasing CO2 and precautions to
Knowledge of fixed fire-fighting appropriate to the nature of the be observed before Re-entry
systems emergency and are implemented
promptly High and Low form systems
Action to be taken in the event of
fire, including fires involving oil The order of priority, and the High Fog system
systems levels and time-scales of making
reports and informing personnel Fire plan and locations

- 14 -
on board, are relevant to the
nature of the emergency and Knowledge of classes and
reflect the urgency of the problem chemistry of fire

Operate life-saving Life-saving Actions in responding to abandon Understanding of Emergency

appliances ship and survival situations are Escape Breathing Device
Ability to organize abandon ship appropriate to the prevailing (EEBD’s)
drills and knowledge of the circumstances and conditions and
operation of survival craft and comply with accepted safety
rescue boats, their launching practices and standards
appliances and arrangements,
and their equipment, including
radio life-saving appliances,
satellite EPIRBs, SARTs,
immersion suits and thermal
protective aids

Apply medical first aid on Medical aid Identification of probable cause, Identify the immediate measures
board ship nature and extent of injuries or to be taken when accidents,
Practical application of medical conditions is prompt and medical emergencies or illnesses
guides and advice by radio, treatment minimizes immediate occur, including prioritising actions
including the ability to take threat to life to be taken and minimising risk of
effective action based on such harm to self and casualty
knowledge in the case of
accidents or illnesses that are Knowledge of medical equipment
likely to occur on board ship as listed in the Annex 1 of MSN
1768 (M+F) or subsequent

Monitor compliance with Basic working knowledge of the Legislative requirements relating SOLAS, BWM and MARPOL:
legislative requirements relevant IMO conventions to safety of life at sea, security understanding and adherence is
concerning safety of life at sea, and protection of the marine evaluated for the candidates
security and protection of the environment are correctly
marine environment identified

- 15 -
Application of leadership Working knowledge of shipboard The crew are allocated duties and
and teamworking skills personnel management and informed of expected standards of
training work and behaviour in a manner
appropriate to the individuals
A knowledge of related concerned
international maritime conventions
and recommendations, and Training objectives and activities
national legislation are based on assessment of
current competence and
Ability to apply task and workload capabilities and operational
management, including: requirements

1. planning and co- ordination Operations are demonstrated to

be in accordance with applicable Relevant aspects of candidates
2. personnel assignment rules knowledge and experience in
these areas is assessed in the
3. time and resource constraints Operations are planned and oral examination
resources are allocated as
4. prioritization needed in correct priority to
perform necessary tasks
Knowledge and ability to apply
effective resource management: Communication is clearly and
unambiguously given and
1. allocation, assignment, and received
prioritization of resources
Effective leadership behaviours
2. effective communication on are demonstrated
board and ashore
Necessary team member(s) share
3. decisions reflect consideration accurate understanding of current
of team experiences and predicted vessel state and
operational status and external
4. assertiveness and leadership, environment
including motivation

- 16 -
5. obtaining and maintaining Decisions are most effective for
situational awareness the situation

Knowledge and ability to apply

decision-making techniques:

1. situation and risk assessment

Chapter 15 – Entering Dangerous
2. identify and consider generated (Enclosed) Spaces from CoSWP,
options candidates understanding is
3. selecting course of action

4. evaluation of outcome

Contribute to the safety of Knowledge of personal survival Appropriate safety and protective Relevant aspects of candidates
personnel and ship techniques equipment is correctly used knowledge and experience in
these areas is assessed in the
Knowledge of fire prevention and Procedures and safe working oral examination
ability to fight and extinguish fires practices designed to safeguard
personnel and the ship are
Knowledge of elementary first aid observed at all times

Knowledge of personal safety and Procedures designed to safeguard

social responsibilities the environment are observed at
all times
Initial and follow-up actions on
becoming aware of an emergency
conform with established
emergency response procedures

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4. Chief Engineer and Second Engineer Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus

The following is a common syllabus in which Chief Engineers and Second Engineers are required to demonstrate the specific competence
detailed in the appropriate paragraph below.

All candidates should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the syllabus for Engineer Officer of the Watch.

STCW Reg III/3 - Second Engineer - ships less than 3000 kW

As candidates at this level will also be granted certificates under Regulation III/2 to sail as Second Engineer on vessels of less than 6000 kW
on near-coastal voyages, the oral examination will concentrate on marine systems and equipment associated with ships up to this limited
registered power.

It will be concerned with the constructional details, working principles and safe and efficient operation of plant, the correct use of equipment
provided for the safety of the ship and the protection of the environment, and the legal and management responsibilities of a certificated
engineer officer.

In addition, candidates are required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge to enable them to assume the responsibilities of the Chief Engineer
should this officer become incapacitated during a voyage, and thus enable the vessel to safely make the next port.

STCW Reg III/3 - Chief Engineer - ships less than 3,000 kW

As candidates at this level may also be granted certificates under Regulation III/2 to sail as Chief Engineer on vessels of less than 6,000 kW
on near-coastal voyages, the oral examination will be based on the operation, maintenance and management of marine machinery appropriate
to ships of this limited registered power, particularly the recognition of irregularity in the performance of that machinery and the analysis and
interpretation of information gained from monitoring equipment.

It will also cover emergency procedures directly related to the safety of ships and the protection of the environment, advanced operational
engineering knowledge and the legal and administrative duties of a Chief Engineer Officer.

STCW Reg III/2 - Second Engineer

The oral examination will be concerned with the constructional details and working principles of marine systems and equipment, the safe and
efficient operation of plant, the correct use of equipment provided for the safety of the ship and the protection of the environment, and the legal
and management responsibilities of a certificated engineer officer.

- 18 -
In addition, candidates are required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge to enable them to assume the responsibilities of the Chief Engineer
should this officer become incapacitated during a voyage, and thus enable the vessel to safely make the next port.

STCW Reg III/2 - Chief Engineer

The oral examination will be based on the operation, maintenance and management of marine machinery, particularly the recognition of
irregularity in the performance of that machinery and the analysis and interpretation of information gained from monitoring equipment. It will
also cover emergency procedures directly related to the safety of ships and the protection of the environment, advanced operational engineering
knowledge and the legal and administrative duties of a Chief Engineer Officer.

Second Engineer and Chief Engineer Unlimited, Oral Exam

Standard of competence

1. Every candidate for certification as chief engineer officer and second engineer officer of seagoing ships powered by main propulsion
machinery of 3,000 kW power or more shall be required to demonstrate ability to undertake, at the management level, the tasks, duties
and responsibilities listed in the ‘Competence’ column of table A-III/2.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding and
proficiency’ column of table A-III/2.

3. Bearing in mind that a second engineer officer shall be in a position to assume the responsibilities of the chief engineer officer at any
time, assessment in these subjects shall be designed to test the candidate’s ability to assimilate all available information that affects the
safe operation of the ship’s machinery and the protection of the marine environment.

4. The level of knowledge of the subjects listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding and proficiency’ column of table A-III/2 shall be sufficient
to enable the candidate to serve in the capacity of chief engineer officer or second engineer officer.

5. The Examiner may omit knowledge requirements for types of propulsion machinery other than those machinery installations for which
the certificate to be awarded shall be valid. A certificate awarded on such a basis shall not be valid for any category of machinery
installation which has been omitted until the engineer officer proves to be competent in these knowledge requirements. Any such
limitation shall be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

6. Candidates and Examiners should refer to the ‘Criteria for evaluating competence’ and ‘Further guidance for evaluating competence’
columns for further details.

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Near-coastal voyages

7. The level of knowledge, understanding and proficiency required under the different sections listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding
and proficiency’ column of table A-III/2 may be varied for engineer officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery with limited
propulsion power engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary, bearing in mind the effect on the safety of all ships which
may be operating in the same waters. Any such limitation will be stated on the certificate and in the endorsement.

Calculations will be covered in separate dedicated theoretical examinations.

Function: Marine engineering at the management level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Manage the operation of Design features, and operative Explanation and understanding of Candidates understanding on
propulsion plant mechanism of the following design features and operating Operational manuals and
machinery machinery and associated mechanisms are appropriate equipment’s are evaluated as per
auxiliaries: Table A-lll/2 STCW Code, chapter
1. marine diesel engine

2. marine steam turbine

3. marine gas turbine

4. marine steam boiler

Plan and schedule Theoretical knowledge The planning and preparation of Assessment of power output and
operations operations is suited to the design efficiency of propulsion plant and
parameters of the power actions to maintain safe and
installation and to the efficient operation
requirements of the voyage

- 20 -
Thermodynamics and heat Relevant aspects of candidates
transmission knowledge and experience in
these areas is assessed in the oral
Mechanics and hydromechanics examination

Propulsive characteristics of diesel

engines, steam and
gas turbines, including speed,
output and fuel consumption

Heat cycle, thermal efficiency and

heat balance of the following: Candidates understanding on fuel
oil systems, Bunkering, fuel
1. marine diesel engine changing over, minimising the
negative effect of poor quality fuel,
2. marine steam turbine adjustment of fuel quality setting
understanding the importance of
3. marine gas turbine the CCAI number, power
requirements are evaluated
4. marine steam boiler

Refrigerators and refrigeration

Emergency replacement of stern
Physical and chemical properties tube seals, and checking the
of fuels and lubricants alignment of shafting system

Technology of materials

Naval architecture and ship

construction, including damage
control Operate, Test and Maintain
Marine Engineering Systems
Practical knowledge

- 21 -
Marine diesel propulsion
Start up and shut down main machinery, including: trunk and
propulsion and auxiliary cross-head diesel, dual fuel,
machinery, including associated electronic engines, starting and
systems reversing systems, gearing
systems and clutches, cooling and
Operating limits of propulsion plant lubrication systems, fuel oil
preparation systems; steam
The efficient operation, turbine propulsion machinery,
surveillance, performance including: steam boilers and
assessment and maintaining mountings, steam distribution
safety of propulsion plant and systems, steam turbines, gearing
auxiliary machinery and lubrication systems, feed
water systems
Functions and mechanism of
automatic control for main engine
Candidates understanding on
Functions and mechanism of refrigeration and air-conditioning
automatic control for auxiliary systems, Ozone depleting
machinery including but not limited substances and proper handling is
to: evaluated

1. generator distribution systems

2. steam boilers Relevant aspects of candidates

knowledge and experience in
3. oil purifier these areas is assessed in the
oral examination
4. refrigeration system

5. pumping and piping systems

6. steering gear system

- 22 -
7. cargo-handling equipment and Candidates understanding on
deck machinery Main propulsion plant power
requirements, load limits and load
diagrams, Auxiliary power
requirements, operating
procedures, Local and Emergency
controls and change over
procedure, Emergency stop and
crash astern, Safe working
practices are evaluated

Operation, surveillance, The methods of preparing for the Candidates knowledge and
performance assessment start-up and of making available understanding of automatic control
and maintaining safety of fuels, lubricants, cooling water and systems regarding boilers, main
propulsion plant and air are the most appropriate propulsion plant are evaluated
auxiliary machinery
Checks of pressures,
temperatures and revolutions Machinery plant preparation (Main
during the start-up and warm-up engine, Cargo plant including
period are in accordance with boiler preparation from cold),
technical specifications and warming up procedure, safe
agreed work plans securing of plant post operation

Surveillance of main propulsion

plant and auxiliary systems is
sufficient to maintain safe
operating conditions

The methods of preparing the

shutdown, and of supervising the
cooling down of the engine are the
most appropriate

The methods of measuring the

load capacity of the engines are in

- 23 -
accordance with technical

Performance is checked against

bridge orders

Performance levels are in

accordance with technical Understanding of Power cards,
specifications draw cards, Light spring diagram
and significance and correct
interpretation for safe operation of
Main engine and also for trouble

Manage fuel, lubrication Operation and maintenance of Fuel and ballast operations meet MARPOL regulations, OWS and
and ballast operations machinery, including pumps and operational requirements and are sewage system operation and
piping systems carried out so as to prevent requirements
pollution of the marine
environment OIL Record Book correct filling
and requirements

Lube oil different grades, TBN,

understanding of procedures to
take oil sample, importance of
Lube oil testing and correct
interpretation of test results

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the management level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

- 24 -
Manage operation of Theoretical knowledge Operation of equipment and
electrical and electronic system is in accordance with Electrical Isolation, understanding of
control equipment Marine electrotechnology, operating manuals pneumatic and electro pneumatic
electronics, power electronics, controllers and functions
automatic control engineering and Performance levels are in
safety devices accordance with technical
Design features and system
configurations of automatic control
equipment and safety devices for
the following: Understanding of Technical
specifications and limitations of
1. main engine performance under special
2. generator and distribution

3. steam boiler

Design features and system

configurations of operational
control equipment for electrical

Design features of high-voltage


Features of hydraulic and

pneumatic control equipment

Manage trouble-shooting, Practical knowledge Maintenance activities are Understanding of trouble shooting
restoration of electrical correctly planned in accordance of machinery under various
and electronic control Troubleshooting of electrical and with technical, legislative, safety circumstances
equipment to operating electronic control equipment and procedural specifications

- 25 -
Function test of electrical, Inspection, testing and Decision making and correct
electronic control equipment and troubleshooting of equipment are judgement of actions to be taken
safety devices appropriate under Emergency situations

Troubleshooting of monitoring
Relevant aspects of candidates
Software version control knowledge and experience in
these areas is assessed in the oral

Function: Maintenance and repair at the management level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Manage safe and effective Maintenance activities are

maintenance and repair correctly planned and carried out
procedures in accordance with technical, Plan, Schedule and Organise
Theoretical knowledge
legislative, safety and procedural Maintenance and Repairs
Marine engineering practice
Code of Safe Working Practices for
Appropriate plans, specifications, Merchant Seamen;
Practical knowledge
materials and equipment are
available for maintenance and Permit-to-work systems;
Manage safe and effective
maintenance and repair
Dangers of entering enclosed
Action taken leads to the spaces;
restoration of plant by the most
Planning maintenance, including
suitable method Dry dock procedures;
statutory and class verifications
Planned maintenance systems;
Planning repairs

- 26 -
Temporary and permanent repairs
in emergency and normal conditions

Detect and identify the Practical knowledge The methods of comparing actual Relevant aspects of candidates
cause of machinery operating conditions are in knowledge and experience in
malfunctions and correct Detection of machinery accordance with recommended these areas is assessed in the oral
faults malfunction, location of faults and practices and procedures examination
action to prevent damage
Actions and decisions are in
Inspection and adjustment of accordance with recommended
equipment operating specifications and
Non-destructive examination

Ensure safe working Practical knowledge Working practices are in Legislative Requirements
practices accordance with legislative
Safe working practices requirements, codes of practice, International convention certificates
permits to work and environmental and documents required to be on
concerns board;

Knowledge of the international

conventions on Marine Pollution,
Load Lines, the Safety of Life, at
Sea, the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships, Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping and
the International Health

Legal powers and responsibilities

under national legislation
implementing international
agreements and conventions;

- 27 -
Information and guidance notices
issued by the MCA with respect to
safety at sea and pollution of the
marine environment under STCW
Convention and Code

Knowledge of the Codes associated

with the carriage of dangerous

A working knowledge of merchant

shipping Health and Safety at Work

Full knowledge of the ISM Code;

Port State Control

Management of Personnel

Effective management, organisation

and training of engine department

Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at the management level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Control trim, stability and Understanding of fundamental Stability and stress conditions are Trim, Stability and Stress
stress principles of ship construction and maintained within safety limits at
the theories and factors affecting all times Factors affecting trim and stability,
trim and stability and measures fuel and water ballast

- 28 -
necessary to preserve trim and
stability Effects of damage to and
consequent flooding of a
Knowledge of the effect on trim compartment on the trim and
and stability of a ship in the event stability of the ship and appropriate
of damage to, and consequent countermeasures
flooding of, a compartment and
countermeasures to be taken Effect on Ship’s hull fouling on
propeller loading and analysis and
Knowledge of IMO interpretation of propeller curve and
recommendations concerning ship load diagram
Legislative Requirements

International convention certificates

and documents required to be on

Knowledge of the international

conventions on Marine Pollution,
Load Lines, the Safety of Life, at
Sea, the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships, Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping and
the International Health Regulations

Information and guidance notices

issued by the MCA with respect to
safety at sea and pollution of the
marine environment

Maintain Safety and Security of the

Vessel, Crew and Passengers

- 29 -
Knowledge of life-saving appliance

Ensuring ship is in seaworthy

condition prior to sailing, taking into
account the nature of the voyage

Preparation for heavy weather,

maintenance of watertight integrity
of the hull

Procedures for the safe and

efficient operation in the UMS mode

Emergency Situations and Damage


Actions to protect and safeguard all

persons on board in emergencies

A thorough knowledge of ship


Damage control plans

Organisation, training and control of

fire, abandon ship and damage
control parties

Actions to limit damage following

fire, explosion, collision or

Functions and use of life-saving


- 30 -
Pollution prevention – action in
response to a pollution incident –
SOPEP manual

Monitor and control Knowledge of relevant Procedures for monitoring Legislative Requirements
compliance with legislative international maritime law operations and maintenance
requirements and embodied in international comply with legislative
measures to ensure safety agreements and conventions requirements
of life at sea, security and Knowledge of the international
protection of the marine Regard shall be paid especially to Potential non-compliance is conventions on Marine Pollution,
environment the following subjects: promptly and fully identified Load Lines, the Safety of Life, at
Sea, the Prevention of Pollution
1. certificates and other Requirements for renewal and from Ships, BWM, Standards of
documents required to be extension of certificates ensure Training, Certification and
carried on board ships by continued validity of survey items Watchkeeping and the International
international conventions, how and equipment Health Regulations;
they may be obtained and the
period of their legal validity
Clear understanding of ISM
2. responsibilities under the
relevant requirements of the Purpose and application of the
International Convention on Maritime Labour Convention 2006
Load Lines, 1966, as amended (MLC)

3. responsibilities under the

relevant requirements of the
International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as

4. responsibilities under the

International Convention for the

- 31 -
Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, as amended

5. maritime declarations of health

and the requirements of the
International Health

6. responsibilities under
international instruments
affecting the safety of the ships,
passengers, crew or cargo

7. methods and aids to prevent

pollution of the environment by

8. knowledge of national
legislation for implementing
international agreements and

Maintain safety and A thorough knowledge of life- Procedures for monitoring fire- Precautions against fires or
security of the vessel, saving appliance regulations detection and safety systems explosions, explosive mixtures and
crew and passengers and (International Convention for the ensure that all alarms are detected sources of ignition
the operational condition Safety of Life at Sea) promptly and acted upon in
of life-saving, fire-fighting accordance with established Maintenance of fire-fighting,
and other safety systems Organization of fire and abandon emergency procedures detection and extinguishing
ship drills systems

Maintenance of operational Maintenance of life-saving

condition of life-saving, fire-fighting appliances and equipment including
and other safety systems launching appliances

Actions to be taken to protect and

- 32 -
safeguard all persons on board in Knowledge of life-saving appliance
emergencies and regulations

Actions to limit damage and salve Ensuring ship is in seaworthy

the ship following fire, explosion, condition prior to sailing, taking into
collision or grounding account the nature of the voyage

Preparation for heavy weather,

maintenance of watertight integrity
of the hull

Procedures for the safe and

efficient operation in the UMS mode

Develop emergency and Ship construction, including Emergency procedures are in Actions to limit damage following
damage control plans and damage control accordance with the established fire, explosion, collision or
handle emergency plans for emergency situations grounding
situations Methods and aids for fire
prevention, detection and Emergency bilge suction valve, its
extinction usage, limitations, and related
MARPOL regulation
Functions and use of life-saving
appliances Pollution prevention – action in
response to a pollution incident –
SOPEP manual

Procedures for operating main

machinery under emergency

Use leadership and Knowledge of shipboard personnel The crew are allocated duties and
managerial skills management and training informed of expected standards of Effective management, organisation
A knowledge of international work and behaviour in a manner and training of engine department
maritime conventions and appropriate to the individuals personnel

- 33 -
recommendations, and related Relevant aspects of candidates
national legislation Training objectives and activities knowledge and experience in these
are based on assessment of areas is assessed in the oral
Ability to apply task and workload current competence and examination
management, including: capabilities and operational
1. planning and coordination
Operations are demonstrated to
2. personnel assignment be in accordance with applicable
3. time and resource constraints

4. prioritization Operations are planned and

resources are allocated as needed
Knowledge and ability to apply in correct priority to perform
effective resource management: necessary tasks

1. allocation, assignment, and Communication is clearly and

prioritization of resources unambiguously given and received

2. effective communication on Effective leadership behaviours

board and ashore are demonstrated

3. decisions reflect consideration Necessary team member(s) share

of team experience accurate understanding of current
and predicted vessel state and
4. assertiveness and leadership, operational status and external
including motivation environment

5. obtaining and maintaining Decisions are most effective for

situation awareness the situation

Knowledge and ability to apply Operations are demonstrated to

decision-making techniques: be effective and in accordance
with applicable rules

- 34 -
1. situation and risk assessment

2. identify and generate options

3. select course of action

4. evaluation of outcome

Development, implementation, and

oversight of standard operating

- 35 -
5. Electro-Technical Officers (ETO) Certificate of Competency Oral Exam Syllabus

Table A-III/6

Specification of minimum standard of competence for electro-technical officers

1. Every candidate for certification as Electro-Technical Officer shall be required to demonstrate the ability to undertake the tasks, duties
and responsibilities listed in the ‘competence column A-III/6 table.

2. The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in the ‘Knowledge, understanding and
proficiency’ column of table A-III/6.

3. Every candidate for certification shall be required to provide evidence of having achieved the required standard of competency tabulated
in the ‘Criteria for evaluating competence’ and ‘Further guidance for evaluating competence’ columns of table A-III/6.

Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Monitor the operation of Basic understanding of the Operation of equipment and Relevant aspects of candidates
electrical, electronic and operation of mechanical system is in accordance with knowledge and experience in
control systems engineering systems, operating manuals these areas is assessed in the
including: oral examination
Performance levels are in
1. prime movers, including main accordance with technical
propulsion plant specifications Candidates Knowledge,
understanding and proficiency of
2. engine-room auxiliary Electrical and electronic devices,
machinery electrical motors and generators,
Control systems and
3. steering systems Transducers, Power Electronics,
Pneumatics and Hydraulics,
4. cargo handling systems Transformers are evaluated

- 36 -
5. deck machinery

6. hotel systems Understanding of Switchgear

and protection of high voltage
Basic knowledge of heat systems
transmission, mechanics and

Knowledge of:

Electro-technology and electrical

machines theory
Excitation Methods
Fundamentals of electronics and
power electronics

Electrical power distribution boards Thyristor controls etc.

and electrical equipment

Fundamentals of automation, Candidates knowledge,

automatic control systems and understanding and proficiency
technology regarding:
Switchboard safety devices and
Instrumentation, alarm and breaker types
monitoring systems
Understanding of Earth faults,
Electrical drives MEGGER readings, Dangers of
Electric arc flash
Technology of electrical materials

Electro-hydraulic and electro-

pneumatic control systems

Appreciation of the hazards and

- 37 -
precautions required for the
operation of power systems above
1,000 volts

Monitor the operation of Preparation of control systems of Surveillance of main propulsion Relevant aspects of candidates
automatic control systems propulsion and auxiliary machinery plant and auxiliary systems is knowledge and experience in
of propulsion and auxiliary for operation/td> sufficient to maintain safe these areas is assessed in the
machinery operation condition oral examination

Operate generators and Coupling, load sharing and Operations are planned and Understanding of paralleling and
distribution systems changing over generators carried out in accordance with load sharing of generators
operating manuals, established
Coupling and breaking connection rules and procedures to ensure Earth lamps
between switchboards and safety of operations
distribution panels
Electrical distribution systems can
be understood and explained with

Operate and maintain Theoretical knowledge Operations are planned and Relevant aspects of candidates
power systems in excess carried out in accordance with knowledge and experience in
of 1,000 volts High-voltage technology operating manuals, established these areas is assessed in the
rules and procedures to ensure oral examination
Safety precautions and procedures safety of operations
Understanding of Switchgear
Electrical propulsion of the ships, and protection of high voltage
electrical motors and control systems.

Practical knowledge

Safe operation and maintenance of

high-voltage systems, including
knowledge of the special technical

- 38 -
type of high-voltage systems and
the danger resulting from
operational voltage of more than
1,000 volts

Operate computers and Understanding of: Computer networks and computers Basic understanding of Local
computer networks on are correctly checked and handled area Networking
ships 1. main features of data
processing Lighting and control systems

2. construction and use of

computer networks on ships

3. bridge-based, engine-room-
based and commercial
computer use

Use English in written and Adequate knowledge of the English language publications Basic entry level requirements
oral form English language to enable the relevant to the officer’s duties are
officer to use engineering correctly interpreted Oral exam
publications and to perform the
officer’s duties Communications are clear and

Use internal Operation of all internal Transmission and reception of Basic understanding of different
communication systems communication systems on board messages are consistently Marine vessel communication
successful systems including Emergency
networks ones
Communication records are
complete, accurate and comply Communication battery and back
with statutory requirements up checks, records

- 39 -
Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Maintenance and repair of Safety requirements for working on Safety measures for working are Relevant aspects of candidates
electrical and electronic shipboard electrical systems, appropriate knowledge and experience in
equipment including the safe isolation of these areas is assessed in the
electrical equipment required Selection and use of hand tools, oral examination
before personnel are permitted to measuring instruments, and testing
work on such equipment equipment are appropriate and Maintenance of electrical
interpretation of results is accurate equipment and systems
Maintenance and repair of
electrical system equipment, Dismantling, inspecting, repairing Control systems, transducers
switchboards, electric motors, and reassembling equipment are in
generators and DC electrical accordance with manuals and Understanding of Electrical
systems and equipment good practice Safety

Detection of electric malfunction, Reassembling and performance

location of faults and measures to testing is in accordance with Candidates Knowledge,
prevent damage manuals and good practice understanding and proficiency of
Electrical Safety
Construction and operation of
electrical testing and measuring
equipment Understanding of Switchgear
and protection of high voltage
Function and performance tests of systems
the following equipment and their

1. monitoring systems

2. automatic control devices

3. protective devices
- 40 -
The interpretation of electrical and
electronic diagrams Basic fault finding
Electrical motors, Alternators

Maintenance and repair of Appropriate electrical and The effect of malfunctions on Relevant aspects of candidates
automation and control mechanical knowledge and skills associated plant and systems is knowledge and experience in
systems of main accurately identified, ship’s these areas is assessed in the
propulsion and auxiliary Safety and emergency procedures technical drawings are correctly oral examination
machinery interpreted, measuring and
Safe isolation of equipment and calibrating instruments are
associated systems required correctly used and actions taken
before personnel are permitted to are justified
work on such plant or equipment
Isolation, dismantling and
Practical knowledge for the testing, reassembly of plant and equipment
maintenance, fault finding and are in accordance with
repair manufacturer’s safety guidelines
and shipboard instructions and
Test, detect faults and maintain legislative and safety
and restore electrical and specifications. Action taken leads
electronic control equipment to to the restoration of automation
operating condition and control systems by the method
most suitable and appropriate to
the prevailing circumstances and

Maintenance and repair of Knowledge of the principles and The effect of malfunctions on
bridge navigation maintenance procedures of associated plant and systems is
equipment and ship navigation equipment, internal and accurately identified, ship’s
communication systems external communication systems technical drawings are correctly
interpreted, measuring and
Theoretical knowledge: calibrating instruments are
correctly used and actions taken

- 41 -
Electrical and electronic systems are justified Electrical systems in Potentially
operating in flammable areas Explosive and Gas Hazardous
Isolation, dismantling and re- areas
assembly of plant and equipment
Practical knowledge: are in accordance with
manufacturer’s safety guidelines
Carrying out safe maintenance and and shipboard instructions,
repair procedures legislative and safety
specifications. Action taken leads
to the restoration of bridge
Detection of machinery navigation equipment and ship
malfunction, location of faults and communication systems by the
action to prevent damage method most suitable and
appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions

Maintenance and repair of Appropriate electrical and The effect of malfunctions on Relevant aspects of candidates
electrical, electronic and mechanical knowledge and skills associated plant and systems is knowledge and experience in
control systems of deck accurately identified, ship’s these areas is assessed in the
machinery and cargo- Safety and emergency procedures technical drawings are correctly oral examination
handling equipment interpreted, measuring and
Safe isolation of equipment and calibrating instruments are
associated systems required correctly used and actions taken Fault finding
before personnel are permitted to are justified
work on such plant or equipment Electrical systems in potentially
Isolation, dismantling and re- explosive and gas hazardous
Practical knowledge for the testing, assembly of plant and equipment environment
maintenance, fault finding and are in accordance with
repair manufacturer’s safety guidelines
and shipboard instructions,
Test, detect faults and maintain legislative and safety
and restore electrical and specifications. Action taken leads
electronic control equipment to to the restoration of deck
operating condition machinery and cargo-handling
equipment by the method most

- 42 -
suitable and appropriate to the
prevailing circumstances and

Maintenance and repair of Theoretical knowledge: The effect of malfunctions on Maintaining electrical
control and safety associated plant and systems is equipment/systems, electrical
systems of hotel Electrical and electronic systems accurately identified, ship’s motors and generators, Electrical
equipment operating in flammable areas technical drawings are correctly Safety
interpreted, measuring and
calibrating instruments are
Practical knowledge: correctly used and actions taken
are justified
Carrying out safe maintenance and
repair procedures Isolation, dismantling and re-
assembly of plant and equipment
Detection of machinery are in accordance with
malfunction, location of faults and manufacturer’s safety guidelines
action to prevent damage and shipboard instructions,
legislative and safety
specifications. Action taken leads
to the restoration of control and
safety systems of hotel equipment
by the method most suitable and
appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions

- 43 -
Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at operational level

Knowledge, understanding Criteria for evaluating Further guidance for

and proficiency competence evaluating competence

Ensure compliance with Prevention of pollution of the Procedures for monitoring Relevant aspects of candidates
pollution-prevention marine environment shipboard operations and ensuring knowledge and experience in
requirements compliance with pollution- these areas is assessed in the
Knowledge of the precautions to prevention requirements are fully oral examination
be taken to prevent pollution of the observed
marine environment IMO legislation including
Actions to ensure that a positive MARPOL and BWM
Anti-pollution procedures and all environmental reputation is Conventions.
associated equipment maintained

Importance of proactive measures

to protect the marine environment

Prevent, control and fight Fire prevention and fire-fighting The type and scale of the problem Relevant aspects of candidates
fire on board appliances is promptly identified and initial knowledge and experience in
actions conform with the these areas is assessed in the
Ability to organize fire drills emergency procedure and oral examination
contingency plans for the ship
Knowledge of classes and
chemistry of fire Evacuation, emergency shutdown
and isolation procedures are
Knowledge of fire-fighting systems appropriate to the nature of the
emergency and are implemented
Action to be taken in the event of promptly
fire, including fires involving oil
systems The order of priority, and the levels
and time-scales of making reports
and informing personnel on board,
are relevant to the nature of the

- 44 -
emergency and reflect the urgency
of the problem

Operate life-saving Life-saving Actions in responding to abandon Relevant aspects of candidates

appliances ship and survival situations are knowledge and experience in
Ability to organize abandon ship appropriate to the prevailing these areas is assessed in the
drills and knowledge of the circumstances and conditions and oral examination
operation of survival craft and comply with accepted safety
rescue boats, their launching practices and standards
appliances and arrangements, and
their equipment, including radio
life-saving appliances, satellite
EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits
and thermal protective aids

Apply medical first aid on Medical aid Identification of probable cause, Relevant aspects of candidates
board ship nature and extent of injuries or knowledge and experience in
Practical application of medical conditions is prompt and treatment these areas is assessed in the
guides and advice by radio, minimizes immediate threat to life oral examination
including the ability to take
effective action based on such
knowledge in the case of accidents
or illnesses that are likely to occur
on board ship

Application of leadership Working knowledge of shipboard The crew are allocated duties and Relevant aspects of candidates
and teamworking skills personnel management and informed of expected standards of knowledge and experience in
training work and behaviour in a manner these areas is assessed in the
appropriate to the individuals oral examination
Ability to apply task and workload concerned
management, including:

1. planning and co-ordination Training objectives and activities

2. personnel assignment are based on assessment of
3. time and resource constraints current competence and

- 45 -
4. prioritization capabilities and operational
Knowledge and ability to
apply effective resource
Operations are planned and
1. allocation, assignment, and resources are allocated as needed
prioritization of resources in correct priority to perform
2. effective communication on necessary tasks
board and ashore
3. decisions reflect consideration Communication is clearly and
of team experiences unambiguously given and received
4. assertiveness and leadership,
including motivation Effective leadership behaviours are
5. obtaining and maintaining demonstrated
situational awareness
Necessary team member(s) share
Knowledge and ability to apply accurate understanding of current
decision-making techniques: and predicted vessel state and
operational status and external
1. Situation and risk assessment environment
2. Identify and consider generated
options Decisions are most effective for the
3. Selecting course of action situation
4. Evaluation of outcome

Contribute to the safety of Knowledge of personal survival Appropriate safety and protective Relevant aspects of candidates
personnel and ship techniques equipment is correctly used knowledge and experience in
these areas is assessed in the
Knowledge of fire prevention and Procedures and safe working oral examination
ability to fight and extinguish fires practices designed to safeguard
personnel and the ship are
Knowledge of elementary first aid observed at all times

- 46 -
Knowledge of personal safety and Procedures designed to safeguard
social responsibilities the environment are observed at
all times

Initial and follow-up actions on

becoming aware of an emergency
conform with established
emergency response procedures

- 47 -
More Information

Seafarer Services
Maritime and Coastguard Agency,
Bay 2/13
Spring Place,
105 Commercial Road,
SO15 1EG.

Tel: +44 (0) 203 8172200.

e-mail: [email protected]

Website Address: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/maritime-and-coastguard-agency .

General Enquiries: [email protected]

Published: February 2021

Please note that all addresses and
telephone numbers are correct at time of publishing.

© Crown Copyright 2021

Safer Lives, Safer Ships, Cleaner Seas.

- 48 -
Annex A

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and

Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW) Code, Part A, Chapter VIII, Section A-
VIII/2, Part 4 – 2 – Principles to be observed in keeping a engineering watch

Part 4-2 – Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch

52. The term engineering watch as used in parts 4-2, 5-2 and 5-4 of this section means either
a person or a group of personnel comprising the watch or a period of responsibility for an
officer during which the physical presence in machinery spaces of that officer may or may not
be required.

53. The officer in charge of the engineering watch is the chief engineer officer’s representative
and is primarily responsible, at all times, for the safe and efficient operation and upkeep of
machinery affecting the safety of the ship and is responsible for the inspection, operation and
testing, as required, of all machinery and equipment under the responsibility of the engineering

Watch arrangements

54. The composition of the engineering watch shall, at all times, be adequate to ensure the
safe operation of all machinery affecting the operation of the ship, in either automated or
manual mode, and be appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.

55. When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include appropriately
qualified ratings, the following criteria, inter alia, shall be taken into account:

.1 the type of ship and the type and condition of the machinery;

.2 the adequate supervision, at all times, of machinery affecting the safe operation of the

.3 any special modes of operation dictated by conditions such as weather, ice, contaminated
water, shallow water, emergency conditions, damage containment or pollution abatement;

.4 the qualifications and experience of the engineering watch;

.5 the safety of life, ship, cargo and port, and protection of the environment;

.6 . the observance of international, national and local regulations; and

.7 maintaining the normal operations of the ship.

.8 safe entry to Engine room before taking over daily watch/ during UMS.

Taking over the watch

56. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall not hand over the watch to the
relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying
out the watchkeeping duties effectively, in which case the chief engineer officer shall be

57. The relieving officer of the engineering watch shall ensure that the members of the

- 49 -
relieving engineering watch are apparently fully capable of performing their duties effectively.

58. Prior to taking over the engineering watch, relieving officers shall satisfy themselves
regarding at least the following:

.1 the standing orders and special instructions of the chief engineer officer relating to the
operation of the ship’s systems and machinery;

.2 the nature of all work being performed on machinery and systems, the personnel
involved and potential hazards;

.3 the level and, where applicable, the condition of water or residues in bilges, ballast tanks,
slop tanks, reserve tanks, fresh water tanks, sewage tanks and any special requirements
for use or disposal of the contents thereof;

.4 the condition and level of fuel in the reserve tanks, settling tank, day tank and other fuel
storage facilities;

.5 any special requirements relating to sanitary system disposals;

.6 condition and mode of operation of the various main and auxiliary systems, including the
electrical power distribution system;

.7 where applicable, the condition of monitoring and control console equipment, and which
equipment is being operated manually;

.8 where applicable, the condition and mode of operation of automatic boiler controls such
as flame safeguard control systems, limit control systems, combustion control systems,
fuel-supply control systems and other equipment related to the operation of steam

.9 any potentially adverse conditions resulting from bad weather, ice, or contaminated or
shallow water;

.10 any special modes of operation dictated by equipment failure or adverse ship conditions;

.11 the reports of engine-room ratings relating to their assigned duties;

.12 the availability of fire-fighting appliances; and

.13 the state of completion of the engine-room log.

Performing the engineering watch

59. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that the established
watchkeeping arrangements are maintained and that, under direction, engine-room ratings,
if forming part of the engineering watch, assist in the safe and efficient operation of the
propulsion machinery and auxiliary equipment.

60. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall continue to be responsible for
machinery-space operations, despite the presence of the chief engineer officer in the
machinery spaces, until specifically informed that the chief engineer officer has assumed
that responsibility and this is mutually understood.

61. All members of the engineering watch shall be familiar with their assigned watchkeeping
duties. In addition, every member shall, with respect to the ship they are serving in, have

- 50 -
knowledge of:

.1 the use of appropriate internal communication systems;

.2 the escape routes from machinery spaces;

.3 the engine-room alarm systems and be able to distinguish between the various alarms,
with special reference to the fire-extinguishing media alarm; and

.4 the number, location and types of fire-fighting equipment and damage-control gear in the
machinery spaces, together with their use and the various safety precautions to be

62. Any machinery not functioning properly, expected to malfunction or requiring special
service shall be noted along with any action already taken. Plans shall be made for any further
action if required.

63. When the machinery spaces are in the manned condition, the officer in charge of the
engineering watch shall at all times be readily capable of operating the propulsion equipment
in response to needs for changes in direction or speed.

64. When the machinery spaces are in the periodic unmanned condition, the designated duty
officer in charge of the engineering watch shall be immediately available and on call to attend
the machinery spaces.

65. All bridge orders shall be promptly executed. Changes in direction or speed of the main
propulsion units shall be recorded, except where an Administration has determined that the
size or characteristics of a particular ship make such recording impracticable. The officer in
charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that the main propulsion unit controls, when in
the manual mode of operation, are continuously attended under stand-by or manoeuvring

66. Due attention shall be paid to the ongoing maintenance and support of all machinery,
including mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, their control
apparatus and associated safety equipment, all accommodation service systems equipment
and the recording of stores and spare gear usage.

67. The chief engineer officer shall ensure that the officer in charge of the engineering watch is
informed of all preventive maintenance, damage control, or repair operations to be performed
during the engineering watch. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall be
responsible for the isolation, bypassing and adjustment of all machinery under the
responsibility of the engineering watch that is to be worked on, and shall record all work
carried out.

68. When the engine-room is put in a stand-by condition, the officer in charge of the
engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery and equipment which may be used during
manoeuvring is in a state of immediate readiness and that an adequate reserve of power is
available for steering gear and other requirements.

69. Officers in charge of an engineering watch shall not be assigned or undertake any duties
which would interfere with their supervisory duties in respect of the main propulsion system
and ancillary equipment. They shall keep the main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems
under constant supervision until properly relieved and shall periodically inspect the machinery
in their charge. They shall also ensure that adequate rounds of the machinery and steering-
gear spaces are made for the purpose of observing and reporting equipment malfunctions or
breakdowns, performing or directing routine adjustments, required upkeep and any other
necessary tasks.

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70. Officers in charge of an engineering watch shall direct any other member of the
engineering watch to inform them of potentially hazardous conditions which may adversely
affect the machinery or jeopardize the safety of life or of the ship.

71. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that the machinery space
watch is supervised, and shall arrange for substitute personnel in the event of the incapacity of
any engineering watch personnel. The engineering watch shall not leave the machinery
spaces unsupervised in a manner that would prevent the manual operation of the engine-room
plant or throttles.

72. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall take the action necessary to contain
the effects of damage resulting from equipment breakdown, fire, flooding, rupture, collision,
stranding, or other cause.

73. Before going off duty, the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all
events related to the main and auxiliary machinery which have occurred during the
engineering watch are suitably recorded in the Engine room Log book.

74. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall cooperate with any engineer in charge
of maintenance work during all preventive maintenance, damage control or repairs. This shall
include, but not necessarily be limited to:

.1 isolating and bypassing machinery to be worked on;

.2 adjusting the remaining plant to function adequately and safely during the maintenance

.3 recording, in the engine-room log or other suitable document, the equipment worked on
and the personnel involved, and which safety steps have been taken and by whom, for the
benefit of relieving officers and for record purposes; and

.4 testing and putting into service, when necessary, the repaired machinery or equipment.

75. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that any engine-room ratings
who perform maintenance duties are available to assist in the manual operation of machinery
in the event of automatic equipment failure.

76. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall bear in mind that changes in speed,
resulting from machinery malfunction, or any loss of steering may imperil the safety of the ship
and life at sea. The bridge shall be immediately notified in the event of fire and of any
impending action in machinery spaces that may cause reduction in the ship’s speed, imminent
steering failure, stoppage of the ship’s propulsion system or any alteration in the generation of
electric power or similar threat to safety. This notification, where possible, shall be
accomplished before changes are made, in order to afford the bridge the maximum available
time to take whatever action is possible to avoid a potential marine casualty.

77. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall notify the chief engineer officer without

.1 when engine damage or a malfunction occurs which may be such as to endanger the safe
operation of the ship;

.2 when any malfunction occurs which, it is believed, may cause damage or breakdown of
propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery or monitoring and governing systems; and

.3 in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measures to take.

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78. Despite the requirement to notify the chief engineer officer in the foregoing circumstances,
the officer in charge of the engineering watch shall not hesitate to take immediate action for
the safety of the ship, its machinery and crew where circumstances require.

79. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall give the watchkeeping personnel all
appropriate instructions and information which will ensure the keeping of a safe engineering
watch. Routine machinery upkeep, performed as incidental tasks as a part of keeping a safe
watch, shall be set up as an integral part of the watch routine. Detailed repair maintenance
involving repairs to electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or applicable electronic
equipment throughout the ship shall be performed with the cognizance of the officer in charge
of the engineering watch and chief engineer officer. These repairs shall be recorded.

Engineering watchkeeping under different conditions and in different areas

Restricted visibility

80. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that permanent air or steam
pressure is available for sound signals and that at all times bridge orders relating to changes in
speed or direction of operation are immediately implemented and, in addition, that auxiliary
machinery used for manoeuvring is readily available.

Coastal and congested waters

81. The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with
the manoeuvring of the ship can immediately be placed in the manual mode of operation when
notified that the ship is in congested waters. The officer in charge of the engineering watch
shall also ensure that an adequate reserve of power is available for steering and other
manoeuvring requirements. Emergency steering and other auxiliary equipment shall be ready
for immediate operation.

Ship at anchor

82. At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with the master
whether or not to maintain the same engineering watch as when under way.

83. When a ship is at anchor in an open roadstead or any other virtually “at-sea” condition, the
engineer officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that:

.1 an efficient engineering watch is kept;

.2 periodic inspection is made of all operating and stand-by machinery;

.3 main and auxiliary machinery is maintained in a state of readiness in accordance with

orders from the bridge;

.4 measures are taken to protect the environment from pollution by the ship, and that
applicable pollution-prevention regulations are complied with; and

.5 all damage-control and fire-fighting systems are in readiness.

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