BS 6748-1986 A1-2011陶瓷、玻璃器皿、玻璃陶瓷和搪瓷制品金属释放限制规范

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BS 6748:1986

Specification for

Limits of metal release

from ceramic ware,

glassware, glass

ceramic ware and

vitreous enamel ware


ICS 67.250;
UDC 81.040.30;
[641.542 81.060.20
+ 642.72]:[666.11 + 666.29 + 666.3/.7]:[615.9:546.3]

Provided by IHS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Furniture and
Household Equipment Standards Committee (FHM/-) to Technical Committee
FHM/29, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Association of Metropolitan Authorities

Association of Public Analysts

British Ceramic Gift and Tableware Manufacturers Association

British Ceramic Manufacturers Federation

British Ceramic Research Ltd.

British Glass Industry Research Association

British Vitrified Hotelware Association

Consumer Standards Advisory Committee of BSI

Department of Health and Social Security

Department of Trade and Industry (Consumer Safety Unit, CS Division)

Department of Trade and Industry (Laboratory of the Government Chemist)

Glass Manufacturers’ Federation
Institute of Trading Standards Administration

Institute of Vitreous Enamellers

Society of Glass Technology

Stoneware Potters’ Association

Vitreous Enamel Development Council

This British
This BritishStandard, having
Standard, having
been prepared
direction of
of the
Committee,was waspublished
the authority
BSI on
BSI on 29
29 August
1986. It comes
into effect on a date to be Amendments issued
Amendments issuedsince

announced (see foreword).

© BSI 2011
© BSI 03-1999
Amd. No.
No. Dateofofissue
Date issue Comments
The following BSI references
A1 October 2011 See foreword
relate to the work
The following BSIon this
relate to the work on this
standard: reference FHM/29
Draft for comment
Committee 85/40108
reference FHM/29DC
Draft DC 85/40108 DC
for comment

ISBN 978
ISBN 0 580
0 580 74242
15340 1 2

Provided by IHS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
BS 6748:1986
BS 6748:1986

Committees responsible Inside front
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Furniture andcover
Household Equipment Standards Committee and is a combined revision of ii
BS 4860,
1 BS 5103 and BS 5180.
Scope 1
The need
2 for revision of BS 4860 has been created by the publication of EEC 1
3 84/500/EEC which the UK is required to implement and the
Classification 1
opportunity hascadmium
been taken to incorporate the closely related requirements of 1

4 Lead and release

BS 5103 and BS 5180 into the revision to avoid proliferation of requirements and
Appendix A Method
test methods for determination
in the field offrom
of metal release metal release glass, glass ceramics and
ceramics, 3
Publications referred to
vitreous enamels in contact with food. Inside back cover

This standard will form the basis of regulations to be made under the Consumer
Safety Act 1978, replacing the Glazed Ceramic Ware (Safety) Regulations

SI 1975 No. 1241. It will become effective only when these Regulations are
revoked and replaced by the new Regulations; withdrawal of BS 4860:1972 will
be announced at the appropriate time. The remade regulations will be based upon

this standard and will be consistent with it.

This standard specifies limits for metal release from vitreous enamel ware which

differ from those required by the Vitrous Enamel-ware (Safety) Regulations

SI 1976 No. 454 in which BS 5180:1974 is called up. In the interests of uniformity
it is recommended that the limits specified in this standard be adopted for those

vitreous enamel products equivalent in form and usage to the categories

identified in the standard, although the Regulations will not be correspondingly
amended and BS 5180:1974 will not therefore be withdrawn on publication of this

standard. However, no regulations exist, or are currently envisaged, for glass and
glass ceramic articles and the adoption of the limits specified in this standard

should be considered as a contribution to the reduction of exposure to lead and

cadmium in the environment. Accordingly BS 5103 is withdrawn.

The limits for lead and cadmium release specified in this standard are not

intended to be regarded as the maximum amounts of these metals to which

exposure can be considered safe, they are the lowest levels achievable by the

industries concerned with the object of reducing overall exposure to these metals.

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations. In particular, reliance on this standard may not

in all cases meet the requirements of the Vitrous Enamel-ware


Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
BSI 2011
© BSI 03-1999 ii
Provided by IHS
ii © BSI 03-1999
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011


This British
Standardhas been
has prepared
been preparedunder thethe
under direction of of
direction thethe
Household Equipment
Household EquipmentStandards
is aiscombined
a combinedrevision of BS
revision of4860,
BS 5103
4860,andBS BS 5180,
5103 andwhich are withdrawn.
BS 5180.
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
The need for revision of BS supersedes
4860 has BSbeen
created which
by theispublication
withdrawn.of EEC
Directive 84/500/EEC which the UK is required
The start and finish of text introduced or altered by Amendment No. to implement and1the
is indicated
opportunity has been taken to incorporate the
in the text by tags . Minor editorial changes are not tagged. closely related requirements of
BS 5103 and BS 5180 into the revision to avoid proliferation of requirements and

methods informed theofbasis
the field metal of release
the Ceramic from Articles
ceramics, in glass,
Contact withceramics
glass Food and
(England) Regulations 2006  1). BS 6748:1986 has been amended to bring it into
vitreous enamels in contact with food.
line with the regulations with respect to the measuring instrument for lead and

This standard
cadmium levels.will form the basis of regulations to be made under the Consumer
Safety Act 1978, replacing the Glazed Ceramic Ware (Safety) Regulations
The limitsNo.
SI 1975 for1241.
lead and cadmium
It will become release
effectivespecified in thisthese
only when standard are not intended
Regulations are
to be regarded as the maximum amounts of thesewithdrawal
metals to which
of BSexposure canwill

revoked and replaced by the new Regulations; 4860:1972

considered safe, they are the lowest levels achievable by the
be announced at the appropriate time. The remade regulations will be based upon industries concerned
with the object of reducing overall exposure to these metals.
this standard and will be consistent with it.

This publication
This does notlimits
standard specifies purportforto include
metal all the
release necessary
from vitreous provisions
enamel wareof a which
differ fromUsers
those arerequired
by thefor Vitrous
its correct application. (Safety) Regulations

SI 1976 No. 454 within awhich
BS Standard
5180:1974cannot is called confer
up. Inimmunity from
the interests of uniformity
legal obligations.
it is recommended that the limits specified in this standard be adopted for those
vitreous enamel
In particular products
attention equivalent
is drawn in form Articles
to the Ceramic and usage to the categories
in Contact with Food

identified in the standard,

(England) Regulations 2006  . although
1) the Regulations will not be correspondingly
amended and BS 5180:1974 will not therefore be withdrawn on publication of this
It should beHowever,
standard. noted that nothis British Standard
regulations exist, orisare
aligned with envisaged,
currently these regulations,
for glass and

which apply to “ceramic articles” as defined in

glass ceramic articles and the adoption of the limits specified the regulations. The
in regulations
this standard do
not apply
should beto a contribution to the reduction of exposure to lead and

cadmium in the environment. Accordingly BS 5103 is withdrawn.

The limits for lead and cadmium release specified in this standard are not

intended to be regarded as the maximum amounts of these metals to which

exposure can be considered safe, they are the lowest levels achievable by the
industries concerned with the object of reducing overall exposure to these metals.

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a

contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations. In particular, reliance on this standard may not

in all cases meet the requirements of the Vitrous Enamel-ware


Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
1) Also the Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food (Wales) Regulations 2006, the Ceramic Articles
pages 1 to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover.
in Contact with Food (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and the Ceramic Articles in Contact with Food
This standard(Northern Ireland)
has been 2006.
updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 03-1999
© BSI 2011
Provided by IHS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
BS 6748:1986

1 Scope 3 Classification
This British Standard specifies limits for lead and Three categories of article are specified, determined
cadmium, expressed as a concentration of the by the size, shape and/or purpose of the article with
elements, released from ceramic, glass, glass the intention of defining the maximum levels of
ceramic and vitreous enamel articles intended for metal release from the article’s surface.
use in contact with foodstuffs, when the article is Category 1. Articles which cannot be filled and
subjected to a specified method of test.

articles which can be filled, the internal depth of

NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard which, measured from the lowest point to the
are listed on the inside back cover. horizontal plane passing through the upper rim,

does not exceed 25 mm. This includes those

2 Definitions articles known as flatware.
For the purposes of this British Standard the Category 2. Articles, not in categories 1 or 3,

following definitions apply. which can be filled. This includes those articles
2.1 known as holloware.

ceramic ware Category 3. Packaging and storage vessels

articles manufactured from a mixture of inorganic having a capacity of more than 3 L and cooking
materials with a generally high argillaceous or ware, i.e. items designed and sold for use in the

silicate content to which small quantities of organic hot preparation of food or beverages. In a set of
materials may have been added. These articles are articles termed “oven-to-tableware” there will be
items which are not intended for use in the

first shaped and the shape thus obtained is

permanently fixed by firing. They may be glazed, actual cooking process; such items are of
enamelled and/or decorated category 1 or 2, as defined therein.

4 Lead and cadmium release

4.1 General

articles manufactured from soda-lime-silica,

borosilicate or lead crystal glass, or from glass When tested in accordance with the method given in

ceramic Appendix A any article of ceramic ware, glassware,


glass ceramic ware or vitreous enamel ware shall

vitreous enamel ware not release into the extracting solution a quantity of

lead or cadmium, calculated as the element,

articles manufactured with a glazed surface finish exceeding that given in 4.2 for the appropriate
produced by the application of a powdered inorganic category of article.

glass, dry or suspended in water, to metal parts and

Where an article is fitted with a lid of the same

its subsequent fusion
material, the vessel and lid shall be tested
2.4 separately and the quantities of lead and cadmium

surface area obtained summed to provide the values for

the surface area of an article (in category 1), which compliance with 4.2. For the purposes of this
can be filled, is the area of the surface of the requirement the summed values shall be considered

meniscus formed by the free liquid surface when the as applying to the surface area or volume of the
article is filled to within 1 mm of the overflow point, vessel only.
measured from the upper rim of the article. For 4.2 Limits
articles with a flat or slightly sloping rim this
The maximum limits of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)
distance is within 6 mm of the extreme edge of the
release shall be as follows.
Category 1 articles: 0.8 mg of Pb/0.07 mg of Cd,
in all other cases the surface area is that calculated
per square decimetre of surface area;
from the area(s) of the article’s surface which will
come into contact with foodstuffs in normal use Category 2 articles: 4.0 mg of Pb/0.3 mg of Cd,
per litre of volume;
volume Category 3 articles: 1.5 mg of Pb/0.1 mg of Cd,
per litre of volume.
the volume of an article (in categories 2 and 3) is the
capacity obtained when the article is filled to
within 1 mm of the overflow point

BSI 2011
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011

4.3 Sampling provision

Where an article of ceramic ware, glassware, glass
ceramic ware or vitreous enamel ware releases a
quantity of lead and/or cadmium into the extracting
solution at a level exceeding that given in 4.2, by not
more than 50 %, at least three further articles shall
be tested and the average quantity of lead and/or

cadmium per article determined.

The average quantity so determined shall not

exceed that given in 4.2 for a single article and no

one sample shall exceed the value by more

than 50%.

2 © BSI 03-1999
© BSI 2011
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
absorption spectroscopy may be used provided that the
concentrations of such solutions are known to an equivalent NOT
accuracy. cond
A.2 Apparatus Mai
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
BS 6748:1986 at 2
A.2.1 Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, with a
detection limit equal to or better than 0.2 mg/L Pb
(in 4 % V/V acetic acid) and 0.02 mg/L Cd NOT
(in 4 % V/V acetic acid).
NOTE The detection limit is the concentration of the element
which gives a signal equal to four times the standard deviation of or ot
the background noise level of the instrument. of th
Appendix A.
Appendix Method for
A Method fordetermination
determination Do
A.2.2 notLaboratory
handle theglassware.
surface to Volumetric
be tested after it has
glassware for t
of metal
of metal release
release been
of class prepared.
B, or better, accuracy as specified in BS 700, NOT
BS 846
A.4 or BS 1792, as appropriate. General
Procedure onto,
A.1 Reagents laboratory glassware of borosilicate glass incapable loss i
A.4.1 Condition the sample to 22 ± 2 °C. For
A.1.1 General. All reagents shall be of recognized of releasing detectable levels of lead or cadmium A.5
category 1 articles, determine and record the
analytical quality. into 4 % acetic acid during the test procedure.
surface area of the article. A.5.
A.3 Preparation of samples

A.1.2 Water, complying with the requirements of A.4.2 Fill the conditioned sample with 4 % V/V spec
BS 3978. Wash acid
acetic the sample
an aqueous
at 22 solution
± 2 °C to a level no man
A.1.3 Acetic acid (CH3COOH), glacial. at
more 40 ±
than5 °C1 containing
mm from 1
the mL/L
overflow of domestic liquid
point, measured of 21

from the Rinserim
upper theofsample
the thoroughly
sample, and towith
no more for c
A.1.4  Aceticacid
A.1.4 Acetic solution (4%%V/V).
acidsolution(4 V/V). ToTo500500 mL mLofof water6(A.1.2) andthe allow to drain, then wipe dry with
than mm from extreme edge of a sample corr
water (A.1.2) add 40 mL of glacial acetic clean filter paper. Do not use any sample which
acid (A.1.3) and make up to 1 L. Freshly prepare the a flat or sloping rim. Samples which cannot be filled NOT

should residual
be completelystaining.immersed in the minimum used
solution prior to use in sufficient quantity to enable
the whole of any group of tests and analyses to be amount
If the of
sample 4 % V/V
area of its surface, which A.5.
is not intended to come into contact with
acidfoodstuffs Asp

completed. Record the quantity of 4 % V/V acetic required

or normal
used to use,
an other than
accuracy of ± the2 %. BSof6748:1986
Record any lid,
the prep
A.1.5 Standard metal solutions cover this area after the initial solu
quantities separately where an washing
item with and drying
a lid is
A.1.5.1 1 000 ± 1 mg Pb in 1 L of 4 % V/V acetic

tested. a protective coating which will withstand the Asp
acid (A.1.4). effect of 4 % V/V acetic acid and which will not solu
A.4.3 Where tests are for both cadmium and lead,
A.1.5.2 500 ± 0.5 mg Cd in 1 L of 4 % V/V acetic release any detectable levels of Pb or Cd obta
cover the sample and ensure that throughout the

acid (A.1.4). into 4 % V/V acetic acid during the test procedure.
test procedure the surface under test is kept in
NOTE Commercially available standard solutions for atomic NOTE High melting point paraffin wax is a suitable coating.
complete darkness.
absorption spectroscopy may be used provided that the


concentrations Method
such solutions are for determination
known to an equivalent Do not1 handle
NOTE theissurface
If lead only to be tested
to be determined after
the test may itbe has
been in normal lighting.
of metal release

A.2 Apparatus Maintain

A.4 Procedure the filled, or immersed, samples

at 22 03-1999
± 2 °C for 24 ± 0.5 h under conditions which
A.2.1 Reagents
Atomic absorption instrument, which fulfilswith
spectrophotometer, the a A.4.1 Condition the sample to 22 ± 2 °C. For
following performance preclude evaporative losses.
A.1.1 General.
detection limit Allequal tocriteria.
reagents shall than
or better be of 0.2
mg/L Pb

category 1 articles, determine and record the

NOTE 2 Plastic trays with close fitting lids are suitable

(in 4 % V/V quality.
acetic acid) and 0.02
a) Detection limit. The detection limit for lead andmg/L Cd surface area of the article.
containers to prevent evaporative losses from the test vessels.
A.1.24 % V/V
Water, acetic acid).
cadmium shall be equal to or lower than:
complying with the requirements of Fill the conditioned
A.4.2 Homogenize sample with 4by %stirring
A.4.4 the extract solution,

BS 3978.
NOTE The detection limit is the concentration of the element acetic acid solution (A.1.4) at 22 ± 2 °C to a level no
1) gives
0.1 mg/L for lead; or other method, without loss of solution or abrasion

which a signal equal to four times the standard deviation of

2) Acetic
0.01 mg/Lacid (CH
for COOH),
the background noise level of the instrument. glacial. more
of the than
surface 1 mm from
being the
tested overflow
and point,
withdraw measured
a portion
from the upper rim of of the sample, and to no more

A.1.4 Laboratory
A.2.2 Acetic acid solution(4
the detection %Volumetric
limit is defined
glassware. V/V). To 500
as the mL of
glassware for the determination lead and/or cadmium.
than 6 mm from the extreme edge of a sample with

of class (A.1.2)
the element add
in the404accuracy
B, or better, mL of glacial
% acetic acid
as acetic in(A.1.4),
specified BS 700, NOTE A method of homogenizing the extraction solution is to
acid846(A.1.3) a flat or sloping rim. Samples which cannot
the remove a quantity by pipette and allow it to run back into, or be filled
BS gives
or BS aand
1792, asup
equal to twice
to 1 L. Freshly
appropriate. preparenoise
the General
background should
onto, the be completely
sample immersed
several times, avoidingin the minimum
dilution or evaporation
of the instrument.
laboratory prior to use in sufficient quantity to enable
glassware of borosilicate glass incapable loss in the process.

whole of detectable
any group levels of tests amount of 4 % V/V acetic acid.
b) Limit of quantification. ofand
The limit lead analyses
or cadmium to be
of quantification A.5 Analysis
into 4 % acetic acid during the test procedure. Record the quantity of 4 % V/V acetic acid required
for lead and cadmium shall be equal to or lower than: A.5.1
or used Set toup anthe atomicofabsorption
accuracy ± 2 %. Record the

A.3 Standard metal
Preparation solutions
of samples
1) 0.2 mg/L for lead; spectrophotometer
quantities separately having
where regard
an itemto the
with a lid is
Wash2) 0.021 000
the mg/L
sample± for
1 mg Pbaqueous
an in 1 L ofsolution
4 % V/V acetic manufacturer’s
tested. instructions using wavelengths
at 40(A.1.4).
± 5 °C containing 1 mL/L of domestic liquid of 217.0 nm for lead determination and 228.8 nm
c) Recovery.Rinse
detergent. The recovery
the sample of lead and cadmium
thoroughly with added A.4.3 Where tests are for both cadmium and lead,
A.1.5.2 500 ± 0.5 mg Cd in 1 L of 4 % V/V
to the 4 % acetic acid solution (A.1.4), shall lie within cover acetic for cadmium
the sample determination
and ensurewith thatappropriate
throughout the
(A.1.2) and allow to drain, then wipe dry with correction for background absorption effects.
80 % to 120 % of the added amount. test procedure the surface under test is kept in
NOTE filter paper. Do
Commercially not use
available any sample
standard solutions which
for atomic NOTE Where appropriate, a wavelength of 283 nm may be
d) Specificity. The instrumental method that of analysis complete
used used darkness.
absorptionresidual staining.
spectroscopy may be used provided the for the analytical confirmation of lead.
shall be free from
concentrations of suchmatrix
solutions andarespectral
known tointerferences
an equivalent for NOTE 1 If lead only is to be determined the test may be
Aspirate water (A.1.2) and adjust the zero.
If the sample possesses an area of its surface, which A.5.2 conducted in normal lighting.
the extract obtained in A.4.4.
is not intended to come into contact with foodstuffs Aspirate a range of dilute
Maintain the filled, or immersed, standard metal solutions
A.2 Apparatus
NOTE  An atomic
in normal use, absorption
other than spectrophotometer
the interior or of an
lid, prepared by dilution of the standard
at 22 ± 2 °C for 24 ± 0.5 h under conditions metal which
coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer,
spectrophotometer (ICP-AES) are
A.2.1 this
cover Atomicarea absorption
after the initial washing and with dryinga solutions (A.1.5) with
preclude evaporative losses. 4 % V/V acetic acid solution.
detectioninstruments.  to or better than 0.2 mg/L Pb
limit equal
with a protective coating which will withstand the Aspirate water (A.1.2) after each standard metal
(in 4 %ofV/V NOTE 2 Plastic trays with close fitting lids are suitable
effect 4 %acetic acid) acid
V/V acetic and and
0.02 which
mg/L Cd will not solution
containers (A.1.5)
to preventand record the
evaporative lossesabsorbance
from the testvalues
(in 4 % V/V
release any acetic
detectableacid).levels of Pb or Cd obtained.
A.4.4 Homogenize the extract solution, by stirring
The aceticlimit
detection acidisduring the testofprocedure.
the concentration the element
or other method, without loss of solution or abrasion
which gives a signal equal to four times the standard deviation of
NOTE High melting
the background pointofparaffin
noise level wax is a suitable coating.
of the surface being tested and withdraw a portion
the instrument.
A.2.2 Laboratory glassware. Volumetric glassware for the determination of lead and/or cadmium.
of class B, or better, accuracy as specified in BS 700, NOTE A method of homogenizing the extraction solution is to
BS 846 or BS 1792, as appropriate. General remove a quantity by pipette and allow it to run back into, or
© BSI 2011
03-1999 onto, the sample several times, avoiding dilution or evaporation3
Provided by IHS
laboratory glassware of borosilicate glass incapable loss in the process.
No reproduction or networking of releasing detectable levels of lead or cadmium
permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
A.5 Analysis
into 4 % acetic acid during the test procedure.
cover the sample and ensure that throughout the
test procedure the surface under test is kept in
mic complete darkness.
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
BS 6748:1986
t NOTE 1 If lead only is to be determined the test may be
conducted in normal lighting.
Maintain the filled, or immersed, samples
at 22 ± 2 °C for 24 ± 0.5 h under conditions which
preclude evaporative losses.
NOTE 2 Plastic trays with close fitting lids are suitable
containers to prevent evaporative losses from the test vessels.
A.4.4 Aspirate
A.5.3 Homogenize water the(A.1.2)
extractand then 4 by
solution, % V/V
stirring NOTE The lower and upper bracketing solutions should be
ent chosen to have absorbance values close to that of the sample
on of
or other acid (A.1.4)without
method, and measure the absorbance
loss of solution or abrasion extract or diluted sample extract.
value. Aspiratebeing
of the surface the sample tested and extracts (see A.4.4),
withdraw a portion Relate the values so determined to the total
are accurately diluted where
for the determination appropriate,
of lead interspersed
and/or cadmium. quantity(ies) of solution recorded in A.4.2 and, for
700, with
NOTEwater A method(A.1.2). Measure the
of homogenizing theextraction
absorbance values
solution is to category 1 articles, to the surface area of the article.
of the sample
remove a quantityextracts
by pipetteor andaccurately diluted
allow it to run sample
back into, or
onto, the sample several times, avoiding dilution or evaporation
extracts. A.7 Test report

loss in the process.
m A.5.4 To check for instrument drift, aspirate dilute The test report shall contain:
A.5 Analysis
standard metal solutions interspersed with sample a) the nature of the article under test;
A.5.1 Set
extracts Setand the
up with
the atomic analytical
water instrument having

regard to the manufacturer’s instructions b) the surface area or volume, as appropriate, of

spectrophotometer having regard to theusing
wavelengths that of the
217.0 absorbance
nm for lead values of the dilute
determination the article;
manufacturer’s instructions using wavelengths
id standard
and 228.8 metal
nmfor solutions
forlead cadmium and of the
determination 4 % with
V/V acetic c) the amount of lead and/or cadmium in the total
of 217.0 nm determination and 228.8 nm

acid solution
appropriate (A.1.4)
correction indicate minimal
for background drift, the
effects. quantity(ies) of extracting solution(s) expressed
for cadmium determination with appropriate
with results may be calculated by the bracketing as milligrams of Pb or Cd per square decimetre of
correctionWherefor appropriate,
background a wavelength of 283.3
absorption nm may be
used for the (see A.6),
analytical from a of
confirmation manually
lead. of 283 prepared surface area for category 1 articles or milligrams

NOTE Where appropriate, a wavelength nm may be

calibration curve orconfirmationby using of the calibration of Pb or Cd per litre of volume for category 2
used forAspirate
the analyticalwater (A.1.2) and adjust the
facilities of the instrument. and 3 articles.
hich zero.
Aspiratea water range of diluteand
(A.1.2) standard
adjust metal
the zero.

uffs solutions prepared
A.6 Calculation
Aspirate a range of bydilute
of dilution
results of
standard thestandard
metal metal
, solutions
technique by dilution with of 4% theV/V acetic acid
standard metal solution.
ying Aspirate
The leadwater
solutions or(A.1.5) (A.1.2)
cadmium after
4 % V/Veach standard
Cacetic acidmetal
o, expressed solution.
in mg/L

the solution
of (A.1.5)
the extraction and
water (A.1.2) record
solution, after the
is values
given standard obtained.
by the equation:
solution Aspirate
(A.1.5)water and record (A.1.2)the andabsorbance
then 4 % V/V acetic
acid (A.1.4)
obtained. + % Aand A 1& %
– measure the &,
value. Aspirate the

C 0 = ) # ------------------------$ # C 2 – C 1$ * + C 1 d
re. sample extracts' ! A 2 – (seeA 1" A.4.4),
! accurately
"( diluted where
appropriate, interspersed with water (A.1.2). Measure

the values of the sample extracts or accurately

A0 sample extracts. of the lead or cadmium in
is the absorbance

the sample
A.5.4  To check for instrument extract; drift, aspirate dilute

1 is the absorbance
metal solutions interspersed of the lead with or cadmium
sample in3
extracts and with water (A.1.2).
the lower bracketing solution;

A2 is the absorbance of the lead or cadmium in

Provided that the values of the dilute standard

the upper bracketing solution;

metal solutions and of the 4 % V/V acetic acid
C1 The is the
solution (A.1.4) leadindicate or cadmium
minimal content
drift, of should
the the lower
results bemay

NOTE lower and upper bracketing solutions

bracketing solution (in
be calculated from a manually prepared calibration mg/L);

chosen to have absorbance values close to that of the sample

C2 or
extract bytheusing
orisdiluted sample
lead the or calibration
cadmium facilitiesofof the
content the upper
Relate the
instrument. values so
bracketing determined
solution (in mg/L);to the total
sed quantity(ies) of solution recorded in A.4.2was and, for

d is the factor by which the sample

ues A.6  Subclause
category 1 articles, deleted
to the surface area of the article.
mple diluted.
A.7 Test report

lute The test report shall contain:

mple a) the nature of the article under test;
b) the surface area or volume, as appropriate, of
te the article;
etic c) the amount of lead and/or cadmium in the total
quantity(ies) of extracting solution(s) expressed
as milligrams of Pb or Cd per square decimetre of
surface area for category 1 articles or milligrams
of Pb or Cd per litre of volume for category 2
and 3 articles.



4 © BSI 03-1999
© BSI 2011
m inProvided by IHS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986+A1:2011
BS 6748:1986

Publications referred to

BS 700, Graduated pipettes.

BS 846, Specification for burettes.
BS 1792, Specification for one-mark volumetric flasks.
BS 3978, Water for laboratory use.
BS 4860, Permissible limits of metal release from glazed ceramic ware1).
BS 5180, Permissible limits of metal release from vitreous enamel-ware1).


1) Referred to in the foreword only.

BSI 2011
© BSI 03-1999
Provided by IHS
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 6748:1986
BS 6748:1986
+A1:2011 BSI — British Standards Institution
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