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The effects of online customer reviews and online customer ratings on purchasing
intentions in west java marketplaces
Technological developments are overgrowing; one of the technologies that are developing is the
internet. Technological advances from the internet have led to changes in consumer lifestyles; the
changes referred to are consumers who are interested in online shopping activities. However, online
shopping is significantly different from offline shopping, where consumers cannot directly assess the
product to be purchased. This difference is also a risk for potential consumers when shopping online. So
to get information about the product that will be purchased, prospective consumers will use online
customer reviews and online customer ratings in the marketplace. This study aims to determine whether
online customer reviews and online customer ratings affect buying interest in the marketplace in West
Java, either partially or simultaneously. The sample was determined by the non -probability sampling
method with 140 respondents and using multiple regression analysis. Based on the study results, it is
known that online customer reviews and online customer ratings have an effect of 56.8% on buying
Keywords: Buying interest; online customer rating; online customer review
Today, technology development is proliferating, both in developed countries and in developing
countries such as Indonesia. One of the information and communication technologies that are developing
is the internet. Quoting from data released by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers
APJII regarding the number of internet users in Indonesia, internet users continue to grow every year. In
the second quarter of 2020, the number of internet users in Indonesia continues to grow. Indonesia
reached 73.7 percent of Indonesia's total population of 266.9 million, which was an incre ase from the
previous year of 8.9 percent or the equivalent of 25.5 million internet users.
Dzulqarnain (2019) explained that technological advances from the internet resulted in changes in
consumer lifestyles. The change in question is that consumers are starting to be interested in online
shopping activities. The convenience also supports this and other advantages of shopping online;
according to the Indonesian Internet Association (APJII), in 2020, consumers choose to shop online
because the price is much lower, can be done anywhere, and is also faster more practical.
The growing trend of online purchasing is also evident in West Java Province; according to the
Head of BPS, West Java Province Dyah Anugrah Kuswardani (2020), West Java has the highest level
of e-commerce transaction activity in Indonesia. This is also supported by data released by the Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS) of West Java, which indicates that the population of West Java was 48.27 million
people in September 2020, with the majority of them being generation Z and millennials, according to
Ignatius Untung, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian E-Commerce Association (idEA). As a
result, it is unsurprising that West Java Province has the most significant level of e-commerce activity.
The distinction between online and offline buying is stark. The distinction in question is
purchasers' capacity to evaluate a product they wish to purchase. This distinction is also a concern for
internet shoppers. At the same time, purchasers who purchase online cannot inspect the items firsthand
and must rely on the seller's information, descriptions, and photographs. Due to the danger associated
with this online purchase transaction, potential buyers will use various methods to persuade themselves
to purchase things online, one of which is through searching for product information. According to
Ardianti & Widiartanto (2019), consumers would seek additional information about the product they are
about to purchase to mitigate the unfavorable impact. A simple approach to obtain this information is to
peruse a store's reviews and ratings. Farki et al. (2016) further suggest that as e-commerce has grown,
customer evaluations have become the primary source of information for buyers, sellers, and
manufacturers alike. On the one hand, customer evaluations and ratings offered by consumers in the
marketplace provide information to future consumers, lessening their level of unease about a product.
Online consumer reviews are one of the marketplace's several features. According to Elwalda and
Lu (2016), online customer reviews are a form of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) or direct consumer
opinions that enable purchasers to freely and quickly post comments or evaluations about a product or
service online, independent of an advertisement. Meanwhile, according to Lackermair et al. (2013),
online customer rating is similar to online customer reviews, except that the reviews or opinions provided
by purchasers are on a scale established by the marketplace, often in the form of stars, with more stars
indicating a more excellent value good. Farki and co-authors (2016) According to Farki et al. (2016),
online customer review and rating elements in the marketplace are methods for increasing consumer
interest and confidence. Customer purchasing interest is influenced by various variables, one of which
is online consumer review and rating (Ichsan et al., 2018).
The researchers concentrated on five marketplaces, namely Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak,
Lazada, and Blibli, since these five marketplaces have the highest monthly visitor count in Indonesia,
according to data given by Iprice for the first quarter to the fourth quarter of 2020.
The online customer review and online customer rating issues are worth discussing because they
are currently being investigated globally, as is the case with the research undertaken (Chen & Chang,
2018) on Airbnb, a platform for the hotel sector. The previously conducted study focused only on food
reviews, book reviews, and film reviews. While there have been some studies conducted on e -commerce,
the number is still very modest. Thus, this study intends to address the limitations of prior research by
conducting market research and determining the influence of online customer evaluations and ratings on
consumer purchasing an interest in the West Java marketplace.
Online customer reviews
According to Mo et al. (2015), online customer reviews are reviews given by previous consumers
relating to information from the assessment of a product about various aspects; with this information,
potential consumers can obtain the quality of the product they are looking for reviews and experiences
made. By consumers who have purchased products from online sellers before. According to Megawati
(2018), online customer review indicators consist of 3 dimensions, namely Credibility (Trustworthy,
Honest), Expertise (Professional, Useful), and Fun (likable, Interesting, and Likely to Buy from Th is
Online customer rating
According to Engler et al. (2015), online customer rating in online products is one way for
consumers to have opinions about the quality of the product. However, sometimes there is a bias that
occurs in its measurement, mainly due to product ratings from consumers that describe overall consumer
satisfaction, not only on the products but also on the services of online sellers. According to Farki et al.
(2016), online customer rating indicators are Perceived usefulness, enjoyment, and control.
Buying interest
According to Maskuri et al. (2019), buying interest is the stage of the respondent's tendency to
take action before actually making a purchase decision. This theory explains the position of buying
interest in consumer behavior, namely when someone makes a purchase decision. Indicators of buying
interest, according to Ferdinand (2014), namely transactional interest, referential interest, preferential
interest, and exploratory interest.
Based on Gesiter (2020) research, online customer review is a variable that affects consumer
online shopping interest at Bukalapak online store in Padang City. The better the online customer review,
the more consumers' interest in online shopping at the online store will increase. These resu lts indicate
that consumers' interest in online shopping at online stores is influenced by online customer reviews
conducted by previous consumers. Reviews made by previous consumers make it easier for other
potential consumers to shop online to search and find information about their products to influence online
shopping interest.
In addition to online customer reviews, the online customer rating variable has been shown to have
a relationship with consumer buying interest and is one of the essential features (Sarmis, 2020). This is
in line with the research by Julianti & Aini (2019), which explains that a product that has a good rating
from previous customers will give a positive value to the product to make consumers more confident in
the products sold in the marketplace.
Online customer reviews and online customer ratings can generate buying interest in consumers
Ichsan et al., (2018). It is also supported by the research results of Farki et al. (2016), who found that
reviews and ratings proved to have a significant influence on customer buying interest in the
Based on the description of the theoretical basis and relevant previous research, this research proposes
the following hypothesis:
H1 : Online customer reviews have a positive effect on buying interest at the marketplace in West Java
H2 : Online customer rating has a positive effect on buying interest at the marketplace in West Java
H3 : Online customer reviews and online customer ratings positively affect buying interest at the
marketplace in West Java.
This study employs a quantitative research design that includes three variables: online customer
review (X1 ), online customer rating (X 2 ), and purchasing interest (Y). The population sampled comprises
all West Java customers who have made an online purchase through one of five predefined marketplaces,
namely Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Lazada, or Blibli. Purposive sampling was used to determine
the number of samples taken based on the study's criteria. Consumers aged 17 and West Java who had
Copyright@2021; Inovasi - pISSN: 0216-7786 - eISSN: 2528-1097
The effects of online customer reviews and online customer ratings on purchasing intentions ;
Intan Prilia Naomi, Andri Ardhiyansyah
made at least one online purchase in less than six months across five predetermined marketplaces. Hair
et al. (2016) explain that the sample size can be determined using a minimum of 5 to 10 times the number
of indicators to b. Consequently, the number of respondents in this survey was 140, which was calculated
by multiplying the number of indicators by ten.
The analytical techniques used are the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression
analysis, hypothesis testing, and determinant coefficient (R2 ), all of which are processed using the
Software Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 25 program, which has been validated for data
instruments, specifically validity and testing reliability.
Following the validity check, it is determined that all statement items in the online customer
review, online customer review variable indicator, and online customer review indicator are genuine, as
their computed r values exceed the r table value of 0.1660. Additionally, reliability tests were conducted.
The online customer review, online customer rating, and purchasing interest variables are trustworthy
since their Cronbach's alpha values are better than 0.7.
The classical assumption test was conducted, including the normality, multicollinearity, and
heteroscedasticity tests—the significance of Asiymp. Sig (2-tailed) is 0.200 when the result is more
significant than 0.05, based on the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (1 sample KS). As
a result, it is possible to conclude that the data is typically distributed. The multicollinearity test is used
to detect if a regression model is multicollinear. As shown by the tolerance value and variance inflation
factor (VIF), the tolerance value is more significant than 0.1, 0.330, and the variance inflation factor
(VIF) value. Less than ten dollars, or 3.029, it may be inferred that no multicollinearity exists between
the independent variables in this study. The glejser test was used to determine heteroscedasticity; the
findings indicated that the Sig. The value for each variable is 0.920 for the Review variable and 0.917
for the rating variable. Because the value of Sig. is more than 0.05, it can be deduced that the regression
equation model does not exhibit heteroscedasticity.
The model for multiple linear regression is then tested. The following table summarizes the
findings of multiple linear regression analysis:
Table 1. Recapitulation of multiple linear regression analysis results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error
1 (Constant) 5.695 2.016
Review .217 .055
Rating .524 .123
Based on the results of multiple regression processing, multiple regression equations are obtained,
Y= 5.695 + 0, 217 X1+ 0.524 X2 + e
From the multiple regression equation, it can be concluded that the positive constant value (α) is
5.695, meaning that there is a positive influence on the online customer review (X 1 ) and online customer
rating (X2 ) variables. If the online customer review (X1 ) and online customer rating (X 2 ) variables
increase, the value of buying interest will also increase.
The coefficient value for the online customer review variable (X 1 ) is 0.217, indicating that the
online customer review variable has a positive effect on the buying interest variable (Y). If the online
customer review value is increased by 1%, it will increase buying interest by 0.217.
The coefficient value for the online customer rating variable (X 2 ) is 0.524, and this indicates that
the online customer rating variable (X2 ) has a positive effect on the buying interest variable (Y). If the
online customer rating value increases by 1%, it will increase buying interest by 0.524. After testing the
multiple linear regression model, a hypothesis test consists of the t-test and f-test. The results of the t-
test can be seen in the following table:
Table 2. Comparison of t-count and t-table = 5%
Variabel t hitung ttabel Sig.
Online Customer Review (X1) 3.983 1.656 .000
Online Customer Rating (X2) 4.254 1.656 .000
Based on the results of the t-test, it is known that online customer review (X 1 ) has a significant
effect on the buying interest variable (Y), this can be seen from the significant value of online customer
review where the value of sig. of 0.00 < 0.05 and the value of t-count > t-table (3.983 > 1.656), so H1 is
accepted. Furthermore, online customer rating (X 2 ) has a significant effect on the buying interest variable
(Y); this can be seen from the significant value of the online customer rating variable (X 2 ) where sig. of
0.00 < 0.05 and the value of t-count > t-table (4.254 > 1.656), so H 2 is accepted.
Table 3. F-test test results
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
Regression 1670.4 2 835.2 93.452 .000 b
Residual 1224.4 137 8.937
Total 2894.8 139
Ftabel = 3.06
In table 3 f-table is obtained from df1 = k – 1 = (3 – 1 = 2) and df2 = n-k (140 – 3 = 137) and
obtained a value of 3.06. The data processing results show the f-count value of 93,452, greater than f-
table, which is 3.06, and the sig value. 0.00 < 0.05. So, it can be concluded that H 3 is accepted; namely,
online customer reviews and online customer ratings have a positive and significant effect on buying
interest simultaneously.
Table 4. Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Determination
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .753 a .568 .561 3.16106
From the results of data processing in table 4, it is known that the R-value obtained is 0.753, and
this shows a strong relationship between online customer reviews and online customer ratings on buying
interest of 75.3%. The value of R Square (R 2 ) is 0.568, which means that online customer reviews and
online customer ratings affect buying interest by 56.8%. At the same time, the remaining 43.2% is
explained by other factors not examined in this study, such as product factors or promotional factors,
and others.
The effect of online customer reviews on buying interest in marketplaces in west java
Based on the research results that have been done, it was found that H 1 was accepted where online
customer reviews had a positive and significant effect on buying interest. It can be seen from the
significant value of the online customer review variable where sig. Equal to 0.00 < 0.05 t-count obtained
by 3.983 is more significant than t-table, 1.656 with a significance level of 0.00 greater than 0.05 and a
positive regression coefficient of 0.365. Online customer reviews have a somewhat important role, and
this is because reviews can provide convenience to prospective consumers in obtaining product-related
information following the opinions of consumers who have purchased the product previously; through
this review feature, prospective consumers can find out product quality, packaging and delivery times,
also service from the seller. The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Gesitera
(2020), which indicates that potential consumers from previous consumers see the better an online
customer review, the more they will affect their online shopping interest, either directly or through their
trust. Thus, to increase consumer online shopping interest in online marketplaces, online marketplaces
or sales partners need to improve online customer reviews.
The effect of online customer ratings on buying interest in marketplaces in west java
Based on the research results that have been done, it is found that H 2 is accepted where online
customer ratings have a positive and significant effect on buying interest. With t-count value obtained at
4.254, which is greater than the t-table, which is 1.656 with a significance level of 0.00 greater than 0.05
and a positive regression coefficient of 0.424, and a positive regression coefficient of 0.424. Online
customer ratings have advantages over online customer reviews, one of which is a more straightforward
display that makes it easier for consumers to give ratings. This online customer rating can also be used
as a tool by potential consumers in comparing a product with other products in the online marketplace.
Although this online customer rating has several weaknesses, it is proven to significantly influence
consumer buying interest. This follows research by Julianti & Aini (2019), which explains that products
that have a good rating from previous consumers will give a positive value to the product. It will make
consumers have more confidence in the products sold in the online marketplace.
The effect of online customer reviews and online customer ratings on buying interest in
marketplaces in west java
Based on the research results that have been done, it is found that H 3 is accepted where online
customer reviews and online customer ratings have a positive effect on buying interest. With an f count
of 93,452, which is greater than f-table, which is 3.06 and a significance level of 0.00 is less than (0.05).
A multiple linear regression analysis shows that online customer rating has a more dominant influence
on buying interest than online customer review, which is 0.524. If the online customer rating is increased
by one unit, buying interest will increase by 0.524. This study also shows that if there is a change in
online customer reviews and online customer ratings, there will also be changes in buying interest. This
can be seen from the results of the R Square analysis of 0.568, which means that online customer reviews
and online customer ratings affect buying interest as much as 56.8%. In comparison, the remaining
43.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study, such as product factors or promotional
factors, and others. The results of this study support the research conducted by Farki et al. (2016), which
explains that online customer reviews and online customer ratings have a significant relationship to
customer buying interest in online marketplaces in Indonesia.
Based on the results of research and discussion, it is concluded that online customer reviews and
online customer ratings have a positive and significant effect on buying interest in the Shopee,
Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, and Blibli marketplaces in West Java, either partially or simultaneously.
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