RX 7 Imanual

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New In Stock!
GE Fanuc

Rx7I Pacsystem
RX7i Standalone Ethernet Module 10/100 IC698E IC698ET


Email: [email protected]

New Features ................................................................................................................... 1-2
PACSystems Control System Overview ....................................................................... 1-3
RX3i Overview................................................................................................................... 1-4
RX7i Overview................................................................................................................... 1-4
Migration to PACSystems ................................................................................................. 1-5
PACSystems Documentation......................................................................................... 1-6

CPU Features and Specifications .................................................................................................2-1

Common CPU Features .................................................................................................. 2-1
Firmware Storage in Flash Memory.................................................................................. 2-1
Operation, Protection, and Module Status ........................................................................ 2-1
Ethernet Global Data......................................................................................................... 2-1
RX7i Features and Specifications ................................................................................ 2-2
Indicators........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Serial Ports........................................................................................................................ 2-5
Ethernet Ports ................................................................................................................... 2-5
Error Checking and Correction.......................................................................................... 2-6
Specifications .................................................................................................................... 2-6
RX3i Features and Specifications ................................................................................. 2-8
Serial Ports........................................................................................................................ 2-8
Indicators........................................................................................................................... 2-8
Specifications .................................................................................................................... 2-9

CPU Configuration ........................................................................................................................3-1

Configuring the CPU ....................................................................................................... 3-1
Configuration Parameters .............................................................................................. 3-2
Settings Parameters.......................................................................................................... 3-2
Scan Parameters .............................................................................................................. 3-4
Memory Parameters.......................................................................................................... 3-6
Fault Parameters............................................................................................................... 3-8
Redundancy Parameters (Redundancy CPUs Only)........................................................ 3-9
Transfer List ...................................................................................................................... 3-9
Port 1 and Port 2 Parameters ......................................................................................... 3-10
Scan Sets Parameters .................................................................................................... 3-14
Power Consumption Parameters .................................................................................... 3-14
Setting a Temporary IP Address.................................................................................. 3-15
Storing (Downloading) Hardware Configuration ....................................................... 3-16

Embedded Ethernet Interface Configuration .............................................................................4-1

Configuring the Embedded Ethernet Interface ............................................................ 4-1
Configuration Parameters .............................................................................................. 4-2
Ethernet Parameters (Settings Tab) ................................................................................. 4-2

GFK-2222B iii

RS-232 Port (Station Manager) Parameters..................................................................... 4-3

Verifying Proper Power-Up of the Ethernet Interface.................................................. 4-5
Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet Interfaces on the Network ................................................... 4-6
Determining if an IP Address is Already Being Used.................................................. 4-6

CPU Operation...............................................................................................................................5-1
CPU Sweep ...................................................................................................................... 5-2
Parts of the CPU Sweep ................................................................................................... 5-3
CPU Sweep Modes ........................................................................................................... 5-6
Program Scheduling Modes........................................................................................... 5-9
Window Modes ................................................................................................................ 5-9
Data Coherency in Communications Windows ........................................................... 5-9
Run/Stop Operations .................................................................................................... 5-10
CPU Stop Modes ............................................................................................................ 5-10
Stop-to-Run Mode Transition .......................................................................................... 5-11
Run/Stop Mode Switch Operation................................................................................... 5-12
Flash Memory Operation .............................................................................................. 5-13
Logic/Configuration Source and CPU Operating Mode at Power-up ...................... 5-14
Clocks and Timers ........................................................................................................ 5-16
Elapsed Time Clock ........................................................................................................ 5-16
Time-of-Day Clock .......................................................................................................... 5-16
Watchdog Timer .............................................................................................................. 5-17
System Security ............................................................................................................ 5-18
Passwords and Privilege Levels ..................................................................................... 5-18
OEM Protection ............................................................................................................... 5-19
PACSystems I/O System .............................................................................................. 5-20
Default Conditions for I/O Modules ................................................................................. 5-20
Multiple I/O Scan Sets..................................................................................................... 5-20
Genius I/O ....................................................................................................................... 5-21
Genius Global Data Communications ............................................................................. 5-22
I/O System Diagnostic Data Collection ........................................................................... 5-22
Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences ..................................................................... 5-24
Power-Up Sequence ....................................................................................................... 5-24
Power-Down Sequence .................................................................................................. 5-26
Retention of Data Memory Across Power Failure........................................................... 5-26

Program Organization ..................................................................................................................6-1

Structure of a PACSystems Application Program....................................................... 6-1
How Blocks Are Called...................................................................................................... 6-1
Nested Calls ...................................................................................................................... 6-2
Types of Blocks ................................................................................................................. 6-2
Local Data ....................................................................................................................... 6-13
Parameter Passing Mechanisms .................................................................................... 6-14

iv PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


Languages....................................................................................................................... 6-15
Controlling Program Execution ................................................................................... 6-17
Interrupt-Driven Blocks ................................................................................................ 6-18
Interrupt Handling............................................................................................................ 6-18
Timed Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 6-19
I/O Interrupts ................................................................................................................... 6-20
Module Interrupts ............................................................................................................ 6-20
Interrupt Block Scheduling .............................................................................................. 6-20

Program Data.................................................................................................................................7-1
Variables .......................................................................................................................... 7-2
Mapped Variables ............................................................................................................. 7-2
Symbolic Variables............................................................................................................ 7-2
Reference Memory .......................................................................................................... 7-4
Word (Register) References ............................................................................................. 7-4
Bit (Discrete) References .................................................................................................. 7-6
User Reference Size and Default ................................................................................... 7-7
%G User References and CPU Memory Locations .......................................................... 7-7
Genius Global Data ......................................................................................................... 7-8
Transitions and Overrides.............................................................................................. 7-8
Retentiveness of Logic and Data .................................................................................. 7-9
Data Scope..................................................................................................................... 7-10
System Status References ........................................................................................... 7-11
%S References ............................................................................................................... 7-11
%SA, %SB, and %SC References.................................................................................. 7-12
Fault References ............................................................................................................. 7-14
How Program Functions Handle Numerical Data ...................................................... 7-16
Data Types ...................................................................................................................... 7-16
Real Numbers ................................................................................................................. 7-17
Word-for-Word Changes .............................................................................................. 7-18
Symbolic Variables.......................................................................................................... 7-18

Instruction Set Reference..............................................................................................................8-1

Operands for Instructions .............................................................................................. 8-2
Advanced Math Functions ............................................................................................. 8-3
Exponential/Logarithmic Functions ................................................................................... 8-4
Square Root ...................................................................................................................... 8-5
Trig Functions.................................................................................................................... 8-6
Inverse Trig – ASIN, ACOS, and ATAN............................................................................ 8-7
Bit Operation Functions ................................................................................................. 8-8
Data Lengths for the Bit Operation Functions................................................................... 8-9
Bit Position ...................................................................................................................... 8-10
Bit Sequencer.................................................................................................................. 8-11

GFK-2222B Contents v

Bit Set, Clear ................................................................................................................... 8-14

Bit Test ............................................................................................................................ 8-16
Logical AND, Logical OR, and Logical XOR ................................................................... 8-18
Logical NOT .................................................................................................................... 8-21
Masked Compare............................................................................................................ 8-22
Rotate Bits....................................................................................................................... 8-26
Shift Bits .......................................................................................................................... 8-28
Coils ................................................................................................................................ 8-30
Coil Checking .................................................................................................................. 8-30
Graphical Representation of Coils .................................................................................. 8-30
Set, Reset Coil ................................................................................................................ 8-32
Transition Coils................................................................................................................ 8-34
Contacts ......................................................................................................................... 8-38
Continuation Contact....................................................................................................... 8-39
Fault Contact ................................................................................................................... 8-39
High and Low Alarm Contacts......................................................................................... 8-40
No Fault Contact ............................................................................................................. 8-40
Normally Closed and Normally Open Contacts .............................................................. 8-41
Transition Contacts ......................................................................................................... 8-42
Control Functions ......................................................................................................... 8-47
Do I/O .............................................................................................................................. 8-48
Drum................................................................................................................................ 8-51
For Loop .......................................................................................................................... 8-54
Read Switch Position ...................................................................................................... 8-57
Suspend I/O .................................................................................................................... 8-58
Conversion Functions .................................................................................................. 8-60
Convert Angles................................................................................................................ 8-61
Convert UINT or INT to BCD4......................................................................................... 8-62
Convert DINT to BCD8.................................................................................................... 8-63
Convert BCD4, UINT, DINT, or REAL to INT.................................................................. 8-64
Convert BCD4, INT, DINT, or REAL to UINT.................................................................. 8-66
Convert BCD8, UINT, or INT to DINT ............................................................................. 8-68
Convert BCD4, BCD8, UINT, INT, DINT, and WORD to REAL...................................... 8-70
Convert REAL to WORD................................................................................................. 8-72
Truncate .......................................................................................................................... 8-73
Data Move Functions .................................................................................................... 8-74
Block Clear ...................................................................................................................... 8-75
Block Move...................................................................................................................... 8-76
BUS_ Functions .............................................................................................................. 8-78
Communication Request................................................................................................. 8-85
Data Initialization ............................................................................................................. 8-90
Data Initialize ASCII ........................................................................................................ 8-91
Data Initialize Communications Request ........................................................................ 8-92
Data Initialize DLAN ........................................................................................................ 8-93
Move Data ....................................................................................................................... 8-94

vi PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


Swap ............................................................................................................................... 8-98

Data Table Functions.................................................................................................... 8-99
Array Move .................................................................................................................... 8-101
Math Functions............................................................................................................ 8-119
Absolute Value .............................................................................................................. 8-121
Add ................................................................................................................................ 8-122
Divide ............................................................................................................................ 8-124
Modulus......................................................................................................................... 8-125
Multiply .......................................................................................................................... 8-126
Scale ............................................................................................................................. 8-128
Subtract ......................................................................................................................... 8-130
Program Flow Functions ............................................................................................ 8-131
Call ................................................................................................................................ 8-132
Comment....................................................................................................................... 8-136
Jump.............................................................................................................................. 8-137
Master Control Relay/End Master Control Relay .......................................................... 8-138
Wires ............................................................................................................................. 8-141
Relational Functions................................................................................................... 8-142
Compare........................................................................................................................ 8-143
Equal, Not Equal, Greater or Equal, Greater Than, Less or Equal, and Less Than..... 8-144
Range............................................................................................................................ 8-145
Timers and Counters .................................................................................................. 8-146
Timed Contacts ............................................................................................................. 8-146
Timer and Counter Functions........................................................................................ 8-147
Using Timers in Parameterized Blocks ......................................................................... 8-149
Off Delay Timer ............................................................................................................. 8-151
On Delay Stopwatch Timer ........................................................................................... 8-153
On Delay Timer ............................................................................................................. 8-156
Down Counter ............................................................................................................... 8-159
Up Counter .................................................................................................................... 8-160

Service Request Function..............................................................................................................9-1

Operation of SVC_REQ Function .................................................................................. 9-2
Operands........................................................................................................................... 9-2
Example ............................................................................................................................ 9-2
SVC_REQ 1: Change/Read Constant Sweep Timer..................................................... 9-3
SVC_REQ 2: Read Window Modes and Times Values ................................................ 9-5
SVC_REQ 3: Change Controller Communications Window Mode............................. 9-6
SVC_REQ 4: Change Backplane Communications Window Mode and Timer Value9-7
SVC_REQ 5: Change Background Task Window Mode and Timer Value ................. 9-9
SVC_REQ 6: Change/Read Number of Words to Checksum.................................... 9-10
SVC_REQ 7: Read or Change the Time-of-Day Clock............................................... 9-12
Parameter Block Formats ............................................................................................... 9-12
Example 1 – SVC_REQ 7 ............................................................................................... 9-18

GFK-2222B Contents vii


Example 2 – SVC_REQ 7 ............................................................................................... 9-19

SVC_REQ 8: Reset Watchdog Timer........................................................................... 9-20
SVC_REQ 9: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep ...................................... 9-21
SVC_REQ 10: Read Target Name ................................................................................ 9-22
SVC_REQ 11: Read Controller ID ................................................................................ 9-23
SVC_REQ 12: Read Controller Run State................................................................... 9-24
SVC_REQ 13: Shut Down (Stop) CPU ......................................................................... 9-25
SVC_REQ 14: Clear Fault Tables................................................................................. 9-26
SVC_REQ 15: Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry .................................................. 9-27
SVC_REQ 16: Read Elapsed Time Clock.................................................................... 9-30
SVC_REQ 17: Mask/Unmask I/O Interrupt .................................................................. 9-31
Masking/Unmasking Module Interrupts........................................................................... 9-31
SVC_REQ 18: Read I/O Forced Status ........................................................................ 9-33
SVC_REQ 19: Set Run Enable/Disable ....................................................................... 9-34
SVC_REQ 20: Read Fault Tables ................................................................................. 9-35
Non-Extended Formats ................................................................................................... 9-35
Extended Formats........................................................................................................... 9-36
Examples......................................................................................................................... 9-37
SVC_REQ 21: User-Defined Fault Logging ................................................................ 9-39
SVC_REQ 22: Mask/Unmask Timed Interrupts .......................................................... 9-41
SVC_REQ 23: Read Master Checksum ....................................................................... 9-42
SVC_REQ 24: Reset Smart Module ............................................................................. 9-44
Example .......................................................................................................................... 9-44
SVC_REQ 25: Disable/Enable EXE Block and Standalone C Program Checksums9-45
SVC_REQ 29: Read Elapsed Power Down Time ........................................................ 9-46
SVC_REQ 32: Suspend/Resume I/O Interrupt............................................................ 9-47
SVC_REQ 45: Skip Next I/O Scan ................................................................................ 9-49
SVC_REQ 50: Read Elapsed Time Clock.................................................................... 9-50
SVC_REQ 51: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep .................................... 9-51

PID Function ................................................................................................................................10-1

Format of the PID Function .......................................................................................... 10-1
Operands of the PID Function......................................................................................... 10-2
Operation of the PID Function ..................................................................................... 10-3
Automatic Operation ....................................................................................................... 10-3
Manual Operation............................................................................................................ 10-3
Time Interval for the PID Function .................................................................................. 10-3
Scaling Input and Outputs............................................................................................... 10-4
Control Block for the PID Function ............................................................................. 10-5
Reference Array Parameters .......................................................................................... 10-5
PID Algorithm Selection (PIDISA or PIDIND) and Gains ......................................... 10-10

viii PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


Determining the Process Characteristics................................................................. 10-13

Setting Parameters Including Tuning Loop Gains .................................................. 10-14
Example........................................................................................................................ 10-16

Structured Text ............................................................................................................................11-1

Language Overview ...................................................................................................... 11-1
Statements ...................................................................................................................... 11-1
Expressions..................................................................................................................... 11-1
Operators ........................................................................................................................ 11-2
Structured Text Syntax.................................................................................................... 11-3
Statement Types ........................................................................................................... 11-4
Assignment Statement .................................................................................................... 11-5
Function Call ................................................................................................................... 11-6
RETURN Statement........................................................................................................ 11-7
IF Statement.................................................................................................................... 11-8
WHILE Statement ........................................................................................................... 11-9
REPEAT Statement ...................................................................................................... 11-10
Exit Statement ............................................................................................................... 11-11

Communications ..........................................................................................................................12-1
Ethernet Communications ........................................................................................... 12-2
Embedded Ethernet Interface ......................................................................................... 12-2
Ethernet Interface Modules ............................................................................................. 12-2
Serial Communications ................................................................................................ 12-3
Serial Port Communications Capabilities ........................................................................ 12-3
Configurable Stop Mode Protocols ................................................................................. 12-4
Serial Port Pin Assignments............................................................................................ 12-4
Serial Port Baud Rates.................................................................................................... 12-7
Series 90-70 Communications and Intelligent Option Modules ............................... 12-8
Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM) ............................................................... 12-8
Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM) ................................................................... 12-9
DLAN/DLAN+ (Drives Local Area Network) Interface................................................... 12-10

Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols ...........................................................................................13-1

Configuring Serial Ports Using the COMM_REQ Function....................................... 13-2
COMM_REQ Function Example ..................................................................................... 13-2
Timing.............................................................................................................................. 13-2
Sending Another COMM_REQ to the Same Port ........................................................... 13-3
Invalid Port Configuration Combinations......................................................................... 13-3
COMM_REQ Command Block Parameter Values.......................................................... 13-4
Sample COMM_REQ Command Blocks ........................................................................ 13-5
Calling Serial I/O COMM_REQs from the CPU Sweep............................................... 13-8
Compatibility.................................................................................................................... 13-8
Status Word for Serial I/O COMM_REQs ....................................................................... 13-9

GFK-2222B Contents ix

Serial I/O COMM_REQ Commands............................................................................ 13-10

Overlapping COMM_REQs........................................................................................... 13-10
Initialize Port Function (4300) ....................................................................................... 13-11
Set Up Input Buffer Function (4301) ............................................................................. 13-12
Flush Input Buffer Function (4302) ............................................................................... 13-13
Read Port Status Function (4303) ................................................................................ 13-13
Write Port Control Function (4304) ............................................................................... 13-15
Cancel COMM_REQ Function (4399) .......................................................................... 13-16
Autodial Function (4400) ............................................................................................... 13-17
Write Bytes Function (4401).......................................................................................... 13-19
Read Bytes Function (4402) ......................................................................................... 13-20
Read String Function (4403) ......................................................................................... 13-22
RTU Slave Protocol ..................................................................................................... 13-24
Message Format ........................................................................................................... 13-24
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) ................................................................................. 13-29
Calculating the CRC-16 ................................................................................................ 13-30
Sample CRC-16 Calculation ......................................................................................... 13-30
Calculating the Length of Frame................................................................................... 13-32
RTU Message Descriptions .......................................................................................... 13-33
RTU Scratch Pad .......................................................................................................... 13-49
Communication Errors .................................................................................................. 13-50
RTU Slave/SNP Slave Operation With Programmer Attached..................................... 13-52
SNP Slave Protocol ..................................................................................................... 13-53
Permanent Datagrams .................................................................................................. 13-53
Communication Requests (COMM_REQs) for SNP..................................................... 13-53

Fault Handling .............................................................................................................................14-1

Overview ........................................................................................................................ 14-2
System Response to Faults ............................................................................................ 14-2
Fault Tables..................................................................................................................... 14-2
Fault Actions and Fault Action Configuration.................................................................. 14-3
Using the Fault Tables .................................................................................................... 14-4
PLC Fault Table .............................................................................................................. 14-4
I/O Fault Table................................................................................................................. 14-6
System Handling of Faults ........................................................................................... 14-8
System Fault References................................................................................................ 14-9
Using Fault Contacts ..................................................................................................... 14-11
Using Point Faults ......................................................................................................... 14-13
Using Alarm Contacts ................................................................................................... 14-13
PLC Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions ...................................................... 14-14
Loss of or Missing Rack (Group 1)................................................................................ 14-15
Loss of or Missing Option Module (Group 4) ............................................................... 14-16
Addition of, or Extra Rack (Group 5) ............................................................................ 14-16
Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module (Group 8) .............................................. 14-17
System Configuration Mismatch (Group 11)................................................................ 14-18

x PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


System Bus Error (Group 12)........................................................................................ 14-24

CPU Hardware Failure (Group 13) .............................................................................. 14-24
Module Hardware Failure (Group 14) ........................................................................... 14-25
Option Module Software Failure (Group 16) ................................................................ 14-26
Program or Block Checksum Failure (Group 17).......................................................... 14-27
Low Battery Signal (Group 18)..................................................................................... 14-27
Constant Sweep Time Exceeded (Group 19) ............................................................... 14-28
System Fault Table Full (Group 20) .............................................................................. 14-28
I/O Fault Table Full (Group 21) .................................................................................... 14-28
User Application Fault (Group 22) ............................................................................... 14-29
Fan Kit Failure (Group 23) ............................................................................................ 14-32
CPU Over Temperature (Group 24).............................................................................. 14-32
No User Program on Power-Up (Group 129)................................................................ 14-33
Corrupted User Program on Power-Up (Group 130) .................................................... 14-33
Window Completion Failure (Group 131)...................................................................... 14-33
Password Access Failure (Group 132) ......................................................................... 14-34
Null System Configuration for Run Mode (Group 134) ................................................ 14-34
CPU System Software Failure (Group 135) .................................................................. 14-34
Communications Failure During Store (Group 137)...................................................... 14-35
Noncritical CPU Software Event (Group 140)............................................................... 14-35
I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions ........................................................ 14-36
Fault Extra Data ............................................................................................................ 14-36
I/O Fault Groups............................................................................................................ 14-36
I/O Fault Categories ...................................................................................................... 14-37
Circuit Faults (Category 1) ............................................................................................ 14-39
Loss of Block (Category 2)............................................................................................ 14-44
Addition of Block (Category 3) ...................................................................................... 14-45
I/O Bus Fault (Category 6) ........................................................................................... 14-46
Module Fault (Category 8) ........................................................................................... 14-47
Addition of IOC (Category 9)........................................................................................ 14-48
Loss of or Missing IOC (Category 10).......................................................................... 14-48
IOC (I/O Controller) Software Fault (Category 11)........................................................ 14-49
Forced and Unforced Circuit (Categories 12 and 13) .................................................. 14-49
Loss of or Missing I/O Module (Category 14) .............................................................. 14-49
Addition of I/O Module (Category 15) .......................................................................... 14-50
Extra I/O Module (Category 16) .................................................................................... 14-50
Extra Block (Category 17) ............................................................................................ 14-50
IOC Hardware Failure (Category 18) ............................................................................ 14-51
GBC Stopped Reporting Faults (Category 19) ............................................................. 14-51
GBC Software Exception (Category 21) ....................................................................... 14-51
Block Switch (Category 22)........................................................................................... 14-52

GFK-2222B Contents xi

Performance Data ......................................................................................................................... A-1

Instruction Timing ...........................................................................................................A-2
Boolean Execution Times ..............................................................................................A-7
Overhead Sweep Impact Times .....................................................................................A-8
What the Tables Contain...................................................................................................A-8
Base Sweep Times ...........................................................................................................A-9
Programmer Sweep Impact Times..................................................................................A-10
I/O Scan and I/O Fault Sweep Impact ............................................................................A-10
Sweep Impact of Local I/O Modules ...............................................................................A-11
Sweep Impact of Genius I/O and GBCs .........................................................................A-14
Ethernet Global Data Sweep Impact...............................................................................A-16
Sweep Impact of Intelligent Option Modules...................................................................A-19
I/O Interrupt Performance and Sweep Impact ................................................................A-19
Timed Interrupt Performance ..........................................................................................A-21
Example of Predicted Sweep Time Calculation ..............................................................A-22

User Memory Allocation .............................................................................................................. B-1

Items that Count Against User Memory........................................................................B-1
User Program Memory Usage........................................................................................B-2
%L and %P Program Memory...........................................................................................B-2
Program Logic and Overhead ...........................................................................................B-2

Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems ................................................................... C-1

PACSystems – Series 90 Comparison ..........................................................................C-2
CPU Operation ..................................................................................................................C-2
Floating Point Functions....................................................................................................C-8
Variables .........................................................................................................................C-14
Communications .............................................................................................................C-15
Memory ...........................................................................................................................C-18
Redundancy ....................................................................................................................C-19
Genius .............................................................................................................................C-19
I/O and Intelligent Modules .............................................................................................C-20
Converting an Application from Series 90-70 to PACSystems ................................C-21
Preparing for the Conversion ..........................................................................................C-21
Converting the Target .....................................................................................................C-23
Changes made During the 90-70 to PACSystems RX7i Conversion .............................C-24
Finishing the Conversion.................................................................................................C-25

xii PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


Converting an Application from Series 90-30 to PACSystems ................................C-27

Preparing for the Conversion ..........................................................................................C-27
Converting the Target .....................................................................................................C-29
Changes Made During the 90-30 to PACSystems RX3i Conversion .............................C-30
Finishing the Conversion.................................................................................................C-31

GFK-2222B Contents xiii

Chapter Introduction

This manual contains general information about PACSystems CPU operation and
program content. It also provides detailed descriptions of specific programming
Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to the PACSystems family of products,
including new features, product overviews, and a list of related documentation.
CPU hardware features and specifications are provided in chapter 2.
Installation procedures are described in the PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual,
GFK-2223 and the PACSystems RX3i Installation Manual, GFK-2314.
CPU Configuration is described in chapter 3. Configuration using the programming
software determines characteristics of module operation and establishes the program
references used by each module in the system.
Ethernet Configuration for the embedded RX7i Ethernet interface is described in
chapter 4. (For details on PACSystems Ethernet communications and configuration of
the RX7i and RX3i Ethernet Interface modules, refer to TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.)
CPU Operation is described in chapter 5.
Programming Features are described in chapters 6 through 10 and Appendix A.
■ Elements of an Application Program: chapter 6
■ Program Data: chapter 7
■ Instruction Set Reference: chapter 8
■ The Service Request Function: chapter 9
■ The PID Function: chapter 10
■ Structured Text: chapter 11
Ethernet and Serial Communications are described in chapter 12.
Serial I/O, SNP, and RTU Protocols are described in chapter 13.
Fault Handling is described in chapter 14.
Instruction Timing is provided in appendix A.
User Memory Allocation is described in Appendix B.
Converting Applications from Series 90 to PACSystems is discussed in appendix
C, which also summarizes operational differences among the control systems.

GFK-2222B 1-1

New Features
Note: This manual describes the following new features. A given feature may not be
implemented on all PACSystems CPUs. To determine whether a feature is
available on a given CPU model and firmware version, please refer to
the Important Product Information (IPI) document provided with the
■ SRTP channels and Enhanced EGD performance. (Chapter 2 and TCP/IP
Ethernet Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224)
■ CPU hot standby redundancy - RX7i only. (Chapter 2 and PACSystems CPU
Redundancy Manual, GFK-2308)
■ Support for Memory Xchange modules - RX7i only. (Chapter 2 and PACSystems
RX7i Memory Xchange Modules User’s Manual, GFK-2300)
■ Configurable number of last scans to be completed after the CPU has received an
indication that a transition from Run to Stop or Stop Faulted mode should occur.
(Chapters 3 and 5.)
■ Ability to disable Run/Stop switch and Memory Protection feature. (Chapters 3
and 5.)
■ Ability to configure Stop mode protocol for serial ports 1 and 2. (Chapters 3 and
■ Zero-based array indexing for parameterized block parameters. Maximum number
of parameters increased from 7 inputs/8 outputs to 63 inputs/64 outputs.
(Chapter 6.)
■ Preemptive block scheduling. (Chapter 6.)
■ Function blocks (user-defined function blocks) (Chapter 6.)
■ Programming in Structured Text language. (Chapters 6 and 11.)
■ New function blocks: DRUM, SCALE, and SWITCH_POS. (Chapter 8.)
■ Timer function blocks with thousandths resolution. (Chapter 8.)
■ New service requests: 29 (Read Power Down Time) and 45 (Skip Next I/O Scan).
(Chapter 9.)
■ SNP communications on serial ports 1 and 2. (Chapter 11)
■ Serial I/O communications on serial ports 1 and 2. (Chapters 11 and 12)

1-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


PACSystems Control System Overview

The PACSystems controller environment combines performance, productivity,
openness and flexibility. The PACSystems control system integrates advanced
technology with GE Fanuc’s existing systems. The result is seamless migration that
protects your investment in I/O and application development.
PACSystems is driven by Machine Edition programming software, which provides a
universal engineering development environment for all programming, configuration
and diagnostics of PACSystems. A PACSystems CPU is programmed and configured
using the programming software to perform real time control of machines, processes,
and material handling systems. The CPU communicates with I/O and smart option
modules through a rack-mounted backplane. It communicates with the programmer
and/or HMI devices via the Ethernet ports (may be embedded for RX7i) or via the
serial ports 1 and 2 using GE Fanuc SNP-X, Serial I/O, or Modbus RTU slave

PACSystems CPU Models

Family Catalog Number Description
RX3i IC695CPU310 300MHz CPU
RX7i IC698CPE010 300Mhz CPU with embedded Ethernet interface
IC698CPE020 700Mhz CPU with embedded Ethernet interface
IC698CRE020 700MHz Redundancy CPU with embedded Ethernet interface
PACSystems CPU models have the following features in common:
■ Programming in Ladder Diagram and C.
■ Floating point (real) data functions.
■ Configurable data and program memory.
■ 10 Mbytes of battery-backed RAM for user data (program, configuration, register
data, and symbolic variable) storage
■ 10 Mbytes of non-volatile built-in flash memory for user data (program,
configuration, register data, and symbolic variable) storage. Use of this flash
memory is optional.
■ Battery backup for program, data, and time of day clock.
■ Configurable Run/Stop mode switch.
■ Embedded RS-232 and RS-485 communications.
■ Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.
■ Auto Located Symbolic Variables, which allows you to create a variable without
specifying a reference address.
■ Bulk memory area accessed via reference table %W. The upper limit of this
memory area can be configured to the maximum available user RAM.
■ Larger reference table sizes, compared to Series 90 CPUs: 32Kbits for discrete
%I and %Q and up to 32K words each for analog %AI and %AQ.
■ Test Edit mode that allows you to easily test modifications to a running program.

GFK-2222B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3


■ Bit in word referencing that allows you to specify individual bits in a WORD
reference in retentive memory as inputs and outputs of Boolean expressions,
function blocks, and calls that accept bit parameters.
■ In-system upgradeable firmware.

RX3i Overview
The RX3i control system hardware consists of an RX3i rack and up to seven
Series 90-30 expansion racks. The CPU must be in the main rack (rack 0), but can be
in any slot except the last slot, which is reserved for the serial bus transmitter,
The RX3i supports user defined Function Blocks (LD logic only) and Structured Text
The RX3i rack uses a dual backplane bus that provides both:
■ High-speed, PCI for fast throughput of new advanced I/O.
■ Serial backplane for easy migration of existing Series 90-30 I/O
Communications features include:
■ Open communications support includes Ethernet, and serial protocols. The
Ethernet Interface (resides in a backplane slot) has dual RJ-45 ports connected
through an auto-sensing switch. This eliminates the need for rack-to-rack switches
or hubs. The Ethernet Interface supports upload, download and online monitoring,
and provides 32 SRTP channels and allows a maximum of 48 simultaneous
SRTP server connections. For details on Ethernet Interface capabilities, refer to
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.
■ Two serial ports, one RS-232 and one RS-485.

RX7i Overview
The RX7i control system hardware consists of an RX7i rack and up to seven
Series 90-70 expansion racks. The CPU must reside in the slot 1 of the main rack.
RX7i racks use a VME64 backplane that provides up to four times the bandwidth of
existing VME based systems including the current Series 90-70 systems for faster I/O
throughput. The VME64 base supports all standard VME modules including Series
90-70 I/O and VMIC modules.
Expansion racks support Series 90-70 discrete and analog I/O, the Genius Bus
Controller, and the High Speed Counter. The CPU provides an embedded auto-
sensing 10/100 Mbps half/full duplex Ethernet interface.
RX7i supports hot standby (HSB) CPU redundancy, which allows a critical application
or process to continue operating if a failure occurs in any single component. A CPU
redundancy system consists of an active unit that actively controls the process and a
backup unit that is synchronized with the active unit and can take over the process
should it become necessary. Each unit must have a redundancy CPU, IC698CRE020.
The redundancy communication path is provided by IC698RMX016 Redundancy
Memory Xchange (RMX) modules set up as redundancy links. For details on the
operation of an RX7i redundancy system, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU
Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308.

1-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Communications features include:

■ Open communications support includes Ethernet, Genius, and serial protocols.
■ A built-in 10/100mb Ethernet port on the CPU that has dual RJ-45 ports
connected through an auto-sensing switch for upload, download and online
monitoring. This eliminates the need for rack-to-rack switches or hubs. The CPU
Ethernet Interface provides basic remote control system monitoring from a web
browser and allows a combined total of up to 16 web server and FTP connections.
For details on Ethernet Interface capabilities, refer to TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.
■ Two serial ports, one RS-232 and one RS-485.
■ An RS-232 isolated Ethernet station manager serial port.

Migration to PACSystems
The PACSystems control system provides cost-effective expansion of existing
systems. Support of existing Series 90 modules and expansion racks protects your
hardware investment. You can upgrade on your timetable without disturbing panel
■ The RX3i supports most Series 90-30 modules and expansion racks. For a list of
supported I/O, Communications, Motion, and Intelligent modules, see the
PACSystems RX3i Installation Manual, GFK-2299.
■ The RX7i supports most existing Series 90-70 modules, expansion racks, and
Genius networks. For a list of supported I/O, Communications, and Intelligent
modules, see the PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual, GFK-2223.
■ Allows conversion of Series 90-70 and Series 90-30 programs to preserve
existing development effort.
■ Conversion of VersaPro and Logicmaster applications to Machine Edition allows
smooth transition to PACSystems.

GFK-2222B Chapter 1 Introduction 1-5

Chapter CPU Features and Specifications

This chapter provides details on the hardware features of the PACSystems CPUs and
their specifications.

Common CPU Features

Firmware Storage in Flash Memory
The CPU uses non-volatile flash memory for storing the operating system firmware.
This allows firmware to be updated without disassembling the module or replacing
EPROMs. The operating system firmware is updated by connecting a PC compatible
computer to the module’s serial port and running the software included with the
firmware upgrade kit.

Operation, Protection, and Module Status

Operation of the CPU can be controlled by the three-position Run/Stop switch or
remotely by an attached programmer and programming software. Program and
configuration data can be locked through software passwords. The status of the CPU
is indicated by the CPU LEDs on the front of the module. (On the RX7i CPUs, seven
LEDs indicate the status of the Ethernet interface.) For details, see “Indicators” for
each PACSystems family.
Note: The RESET pushbutton is provided to support future features and has no
effect on CPU operation in the current version.

Ethernet Global Data

Each PACSystems CPU supports up to 255 simultaneous Ethernet Global Data
(EGD) pages across all Ethernet interfaces in the PLC. EGD pages must be
configured in the programming software and stored into the CPU. The EGD
configuration can also be loaded from the CPU into the programming software. Both
produced and consumed pages can be configured. PACSystems CPUs support the
use of only part of a consumed EGD page, and EGD page production and
consumption to the broadcast IP address of the local subnet.
The PACSystems CPU supports 2msec EGD page production and timeout resolution.
EGD pages can be configured for a production period of 0, indicating the page is to be
produced every output scan. The minimum period for these “as fast as possible”
pages is 2msec.
During EGD configuration, PACSystems Ethernet interfaces are identified by their
Rack/Slot location.

GFK-2222B 2-1

RX7i Features and Specifications

■ IC698CPE010: 300MHz CPU microprocessor
■ IC698CPE020: 700MHz CPU microprocessor 700MHz
■ IC698CRE020: 700MHz CPU microprocessor with redundancy


Five CPU LEDs indicate the operating status of various CPU

The Ethernet Interface indicators consist of seven light emitting ENABLE
diodes (LEDs). All are single-color green LEDs controlled by the DIS
Ethernet interface. STOP

■ Module OK (EOK)
■ LAN online (LAN)
■ Status (STAT) ACCESS

■ Two activity LEDS (LINK)

■ Two speed LEDS (100) M
The EOK, LAN, and STAT LEDs are grouped together and indicate
the state and status of the Ethernet interface.
Each Ethernet port has two green LED indicators, Link and 100. The C1 ACTIVE
LINK LED indicates the network link status and activity. This LED is
illuminated when the link is physically connected and blinks when S
traffic is detected at the port. Note that traffic at the port does not O A
necessarily mean that traffic is present at the Ethernet interface, since 1
the traffic may be going between ports of the switch. The 100 LED R
indicates the network data speed (10 or 100 Mb/sec). This LED is
illuminated if the network connection is 100 Mbps.
LED operation is described in the following tables. LAN
10/100 ENET 1A

100 LINK
10/100 ENET 1B

100 LINK


2-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


CPU LED Operation

LED State
CPU Operating State
On Blinking Off
OK On CPU has passed its powerup diagnostics
and is functioning properly.
OK Off CPU problem. EN and RUN LEDs may be
blinking in an error code pattern, which can
be used by technical support for
troubleshooting. This condition and any error
codes should be reported to your technical
support representative.
OK, EN, RUN Blinking in unison CPU is in boot mode and is waiting for a
firmware update through a serial port.
RUN On CPU is in Run mode
RUN Off CPU is in Stop mode.
EN On Output scan is enabled.
EN Off Output scan is disabled.
Port 1 Blinking Signal activity on port.
Port 2 Blinking
*After initialization sequence is complete.

Ethernet LED Operation

LED State
Ethernet Operating State
On Blinking Off
EOK Blink error code Hardware Failure
EOK Fast Blink Performing Diagnostics
EOK Slow Blink Waiting for Ethernet configuration from

EOK Slow Blink* Waiting for IP Address
LAN On/Traffic/Off
STAT Slow Blink*
(* EOK and STAT blink in unison)
EOK On Operational
LAN On/Traffic/Off
EOK Slow Blink* Software Load
LAN Slow Blink*
STAT Slow Blink*
(* All LEDs blink in unison)

GFK-2222B Chapter 2 CPU Features and Specifications 2-3


EOK LED Operation

The EOK LED indicates whether the Ethernet interface is able to perform normal
operation. This LED is on for normal operation and flashing for all other operations.
When a hardware or unrecoverable runtime failure occurs, the EOK LED blinks a two-
digit error code identifying the failure. The LED first blinks to indicate the most
significant error digit, then after a brief pause blinks again to indicate the least
significant error digit. After a long pause the error code display repeats.
EOK LED Blink Codes for Ethernet Hardware Failures
Blink Code Description
0x12 Undefined or Unexpected Interrupt.
0x13 Timer failure during power up diagnostics.
0x14 DMA failure during power up diagnostics.
0x21 RAM failure during power up diagnostics.
0x22 Stack error during power up diagnostics.
0x23 Shared Memory Interface error during power up diagnostics.
0x24 Firmware CRC (cyclic redundancy check) error during power up or Factory
0x25 Run time exception
0x31 Undefined instruction or divide by zero
0x32 Software interrupt
0x33 Instruction prefetch abort
0x34 Data abort
0x35 Unexpected Runtime IRQ
0x36 Unexpected Runtime FIQ (fast interrupt request)
0x37 Reserved Exception or branch through zero
* CRC error or software error during normal operation causes Ethernet restart.

LAN LED Operation

The LAN LED indicates access to the Ethernet network. During normal operation and
while waiting for an IP address, the LAN LED blinks to indicate network activity. This
LED remains on when the Ethernet interface is not actively accessing the network but
the network is available, and it is off if network access is not available. The definition
of the network being available as indicated by this LED is that the Ethernet physical
interface is available and one or both of the Ethernet ports is connected to an active

STAT LED Operation

The STAT LED indicates the condition of the Ethernet interface in normal operational
mode. If the STAT LED is off, an event has been entered into the exception log and is
available for viewing via the Station Manager interface. The STAT LED is on during
normal operation when no events are logged.
In the other states, the STAT LED is either off or blinking and helps define the
operational state of the module.

2-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Ethernet Port LEDs Operation (100Mb and Link/Activity)

Each of the two Ethernet ports has two green LED indicators, 100 and LINK. The 100
LED indicates the network data speed (10 or 100 Mb/sec). This LED is illuminated if
the network connection is 100 Mbps.
The LINK LED indicates the network link status and activity. This LED is illuminated
when the link is physically connected and blinks when traffic is detected at the port.
Note that traffic at the port does not necessarily mean that traffic is present at the
Ethernet interface, since the traffic may be going between ports of the switch.

Ethernet Restart Pushbutton

This pushbutton is used to manually restart the Ethernet firmware without power
cycling the entire control system. It is recessed to prevent accidental operation.

LED Operation during Restart

When the Ethernet firmware is manually restarted by the Ethernet pushbutton in any
state, the EOK, LAN and STAT LEDs are briefly turned on in unison as an LED test.
These three LEDs are turned on for ½ second and are then turned off when the
firmware is restarted. The Ethernet port LEDs are not affected by a manual restart of
the Ethernet firmware.
The LED test is performed only upon a manual pushbutton restart; there is no LED
test when the Station Manager initiates a restart.

Serial Ports
The CPU has three independent, on-board serial ports, accessed by connectors on
the front of the module. Ports 1 and 2 provide serial interfaces to external devices.
Port 1 or port 2 can be used for firmware upgrades. The third on-board serial port is
used as the Ethernet station manager port. All serial ports are isolated. For serial port
pinouts and details on serial communications, refer to chapter 12.

Ethernet Ports
There are two RJ-45 Ethernet ports on the embedded Ethernet Interface. Either or
both of these ports may be attached to other Ethernet devices. Each port
automatically senses the data rate (10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex (half duplex or full
duplex), and cabling arrangement (straight through or crossover) of the attached link.)
For Ethernet port pinouts, refer to chapter 12. For details on Ethernet
communications, refer to the following manuals:
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems User’s Guide, GFK-2224
PACSystems TCP/IP Communications Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225

The two ports on the Ethernet Interface must not be connected,
directly or indirectly to the same device. The hub or switch
connections in an Ethernet network must form a tree; otherwise
duplication of packets may result.

GFK-2222B Chapter 2 CPU Features and Specifications 2-5


Error Checking and Correction

The redundancy CPU, IC698CRE020, is shipped with error checking and correction
(ECC) enabled. Enabling ECC results in slightly slower system performance, primarily
during power-up, because it uses an extra 8 bits that must be initialized. If you
upgrade the firmware on a non-redundancy CPU model IC698CPE020 to support
redundancy, you must set the ECC jumper to the enabled state as described in the
installation instructions provided with the upgrade kit. This feature is not available for
other CPUs in the PACSystems family
For details on ECC, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s
Guide, GFK-2308.

For environmental specifications, see “RX7i General Specifications” in Appendix A of
the RX7i Installation Manual, GFK-2223.
IC698CPE010, IC698CPE020, and IC698CRE020
Battery: Memory retention 5 years at 20°C (68°F)
40 days nominal without applied power
Program storage Up to 10 Mbytes of battery-backed RAM
10 Mbytes of non-volatile flash user memory
Current required from 5V bus CPE010: 3.2 Amps nominal
CPE020, CRE020: 4.5 Amps nominal
Operating Temperature CPE010: 0 to 50°C (32°F to 122°F
0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F) with fan tray
CPE020, CRE020: 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F), fan tray required
Floating point Yes
Boolean execution speed, typical
CPE010 0.195ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
CPE020 0.14ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
Time of Day Clock accuracy Maximum drift of 9 seconds per day
Elapsed Time Clock (internal timing) 0.01% maximum
Embedded communications RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet interface
Serial Protocols supported Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O
To determine availability for a given firmware version, please refer to the
Important Product Information document provided with the CPU.
Ethernet Ports Embedded auto-sensing 10/100 Mbps half/full duplex Ethernet interface
VME Compatibility System designed to support the VME64 standard ANSI/VITA 1
Program blocks Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.
Memory %I and %Q: 32Kbits for discrete
(For a detailed listing of memory areas, %AI and %AQ: configurable up to 32Kwords
refer to chapter 7.) %W: configurable up to the maximum available user RAM
Symbolic: configurable up to 10 Mbytes
Error Checking and Correction CRE020 only.

2-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


IC698CPE010, IC698CPE020, and IC698CRE020

Ethernet Interface Specifications
Web-based data monitoring Up to 16 web server and FTP connections (combined)
Ethernet data rate 10Mb/sec and 100Mb/sec
Physical interface 10BaseT RJ45
WinLoader support Yes
Number of EGD configuration-based 255
Time synchronization SNTP
Selective consumption of EGD Yes
Load EGD configuration from PLC to Yes
Remote Station Manager over UDP Yes
Local Station Manager (RS-232) Dedicated RS-232 port
Configurable Advanced User Yes

GFK-2222B Chapter 2 CPU Features and Specifications 2-7


RX3i Features and Specifications

■ IC695CPU310: 300 MHz CPU microprocessor

Serial Ports
The CPU has two independent, on-board serial ports,
accessed by connectors on the front of the module.
Ports 1 and 2 provide serial interfaces to external
devices. Either port can be used for firmware upgrades.
For serial port pinouts and details on serial
communications, refer to chapter 12.

The eight CPU LEDs indicate the operating status of
various CPU functions. LED operation is described in
the following table.
CPU LED Operation
LED State
CPU Operating State
On Blinking Off
CPU OK On CPU has passed its powerup diagnostics and is functioning properly.
CPU OK Off CPU problem. RUN and OUTPUTS ENABLED LEDs may be blinking in
an error code pattern, which can be used by technical support for
troubleshooting. This condition and any error codes should be reported to
your technical support representative.
CPU OK, OUTPUTS ENABLED, CPU is in boot mode and is waiting for a firmware update through a serial
RUN Blinking in unison port.
RUN On CPU is in Run mode
RUN Off CPU is in Stop mode.
OUTPUTS ENABLED Output scan is enabled.
OUTPUTS ENABLED Output scan is disabled.
I/O FORCE Override is active on a bit reference.
BATTERY Battery is low.
BATTERY Battery is dead or not attached.
SYSTEM FAULT CPU is in Stop/Faulted mode because a fatal fault has occurred.
COM1 Blinking Signal activity on port.
COM2 Blinking
*After initialization sequence is complete.

2-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


For environmental specifications, see GE Fanuc Product Agency Approvals,
Standards, General Specifications, GFK-0867G or later.
Battery: Memory retention 5 years at 20°C (68°F)
40 days nominal without applied power.
Program storage Up to 10 Mbytes of battery-backed RAM
10Mbyte of non-volatile flash user memory
Current required from 5V bus 3.2 Amps nominal
Operating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F
Floating point Yes
Boolean execution speed, typical 0.195ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
Time of Day Clock accuracy Maximum drift of 2 seconds per day
Elapsed Time Clock (internal timing) accuracy 0.01% maximum
Embedded communications RS-232, RS-485
Serial Protocols supported Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O
Backplane Dual backplane bus support: RX3i PCI and 90-30-style
PCI compatibility System designed to be electrically compliant with PCI 2.2
Program blocks Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is
Memory %I and %Q: 32Kbits for discrete
(For a detailed listing of memory areas, refer to %AI and %AQ: configurable up to 32Kwords
%W: configurable up to the maximum available user RAM
chapter 7.)
Symbolic: configurable up to 10 Mbytes

GFK-2222B Chapter 2 CPU Features and Specifications 2-9

Chapter CPU Configuration

The PACSystems CPU and I/O system is configured Machine Edition Logic Developer-
PLC programming software.
The CPU verifies the actual module and rack configuration at power-up and periodically
during operation. The actual configuration must be the same as the programmed
configuration. Deviations are reported to the CPU alarm processor function for configured
fault response. Refer to the Machine Edition Logic Developer-PLC Getting Started
Manual, GFK-1918 and the online help for a description of configuration functions.
Note: An IC698CPE020 can be easily converted to a CRE020 by installing different
firmware and moving a jumper. Detailed instructions are included in the firmware
upgrade kit for CRE020.

Configuring the CPU

To configure the CPU using the Logic Developer-PLC programming software, do the
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand
your PACSystems Target, the hardware
configuration, and the main rack (Rack 0).
2. Right click the CPU slot and choose
Configure. The Parameter Editor window
displays the CPU parameters.
Note: An RX7i CPU must be installed in slot 1.
The RX3i CPU occupies two slots and
can be installed in any pair of slots except
the two highest numbered slots in the
For details on migrating Series 90-30
applications to RX3i, refer to Appendix C.
3. To edit a parameter value, click the desired tab, then click in the appropriate Values
field. Refer to “Configuration Parameters” on page 3-2 for information on these fields.
4. Store the configuration to the PLC so these settings can take effect. For details, see
“Storing (Downloading) a Configuration” on page 3-15.
Note: The embedded Ethernet Interface is displayed in a subslot of the CPU slot. For
details on configuring the embedded Ethernet Interface, refer to chapter 4.

GFK-2222B 3-1

Configuration Parameters

Settings Parameters
These parameters specify basic operating characteristics of the CPU. For details on how
these parameters affect CPU operation, refer to chapter 5.
Settings Parameters
Passwords Specifies whether passwords are Enabled or Disabled. Default: Enabled.
Note: When passwords are disabled, they cannot be re-enabled without clearing PLC
Stop-Mode I/O Specifies whether the I/O is scanned while the PLC is in Stop mode. Default: Disabled.
Scanning (Always Disabled for Redundancy CPU.)
Note: This parameter corresponds to the I/O ScanStop parameter on a Series 90-70
Watchdog Timer (ms) (ms in 10 ms increments.) Requires a value that is greater than the program sweep time.
The watchdog timer is designed to detect "failure to complete sweep" conditions. The CPU
restarts the watchdog timer at the beginning of each sweep. The watchdog timer
accumulates time during the sweep. The software watchdog timer is useful in detecting
abnormal operation of the application program, which could prevent the PLC sweep from
completing within the watchdog time period.
Valid range: 10 through 1000, in increments of 10.
Default: 200.
Note: For details on setting the watchdog timer in a CPU redundancy system, refer to the
PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308.
Logic/Configuration Specifies the location/source of the logic and configuration data that is to be used (or
Power-up Source loaded/copied into RAM) after each power up.
Choices: Always RAM, Always Flash, Conditional Flash.
Default: Always RAM.
Data Power-up Source Specifies the location/source of the reference data that is to be used (or loaded/copied into
RAM) after each power up.
Choices: Always RAM, Always Flash, Conditional Flash.
Default: Always RAM.
Run/Stop Switch Enables or disables the Run/Stop Mode Switch.
Enabled: Enables you to use the physical switch on the PLC to switch the PLC into Stop
mode or from Stop mode into Run mode and clear non-fatal faults.
Disabled: Disables the physical Run/Stop switch on the PLC.
Default: Enabled.
Note: If both serial ports are configured for any protocol other than RTU Slave or SNP
Slave, the Run/Stop switch should not be disabled without first must making sure
that there is a way to stop the CPU, or take control of the CPU through another
device such as the Ethernet module. If the CPU can be set to Stop mode, it will
switch the protocol from Serial I/O to the Stop Mode protocol (default is RTU
Slave). For details on Stop mode settings, refer to “Port 1 and Port 2 Parameters”
on page 3-10.

3-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Settings Parameters
Memory Protection Enables or disables the Memory Protect feature associated with the Run/Stop Mode Switch.
Switch Choices:
Enabled: Memory Protect is enabled, which prevents writing to program memory and
configuration and forcing or overriding discrete data.
Disabled: Memory Protect is disabled.
Default: Disabled.
Power-up Mode Selects the CPU mode to be in effect immediately after power-up.
Choices: Last, Stop, Run.
Default: Last (the mode it was in when it last powered down).

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-3


Scan Parameters
These parameters determine the characteristics of CPU sweep execution.
Scan Parameters
Sweep Mode The sweep mode determines the priority of tasks the CPU performs during the
sweep and defines how much time is allotted to each task. The parameters that
can be modified vary depending on the selection for sweep mode.
The Controller Communications Window, Backplane Communications Window,
and Background Window phases of the PLC sweep can be run in various modes,
based on the PLC sweep mode.
■ Normal mode: The PLC sweep executes as quickly as possible. The overall
PLC sweep time depends on the logic program and the requests being
processed in the windows and is equal to the time required to execute the
logic in the program plus the respective window timer values. The window
terminates when it has no more tasks to complete. This is the default value.
■ Constant Window mode: Each window operates in a Run-to-Completion mode.
The PLC alternates among three windows for a time equal to the value set for
the window timer parameter. The overall PLC sweep time is equal to the time
required to execute the logic program plus the value of the window timer. This
time may vary due to sweep-to-sweep differences in the execution of the
program logic.
■ Constant Sweep mode: The overall PLC sweep time is fixed. Some or all of
the windows at the end of the sweep might not be executed. The windows
terminate when the overall PLC sweep time has reached the value specified
for the Sweep Timer parameter.
Logic Checksum Words The number of user logic words to use as input to the checksum algorithm each
Valid range: 0 through 32760, in increments of 8.
Default: 16.
Controller Communication (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal.) Execution settings for the
Window Mode Controller Communications Window.
■ Complete: The window runs to completion. There is no time limit.
■ Limited: Time sliced. The maximum execution time for the Controller
Communications Window per scan is specified in the Controller
Communications Window Timer parameter.
Default: Limited.
Note: This parameter corresponds to the Programmer Window Mode parameter
on a Series 90-70 PLC.
Controller Communications (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal. Read-only if the Controller
Window Timer (ms) Communications Window Mode is set to Complete.) The maximum execution time
for the Controller Communications Window per scan. This value cannot be greater
than the value for the watchdog timer.
The valid range and default value depend on the Controller Communications
Window Mode:
■ Complete: There is no time limit.
■ Limited: Valid range: 0 through 255 ms. Default: 10.
Note: This parameter corresponds to the Programmer Window Timer parameter
on a Series 90-70 PLC.

3-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Scan Parameters
Backplane Communication (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal.) Execution settings for the
Window Mode Backplane Communications Window.
Complete: The window runs to completion. There is no time limit.
Limited: Time sliced. The maximum execution time for the Backplane
Communications Window per scan is specified in the Backplane Communications
Window Timer parameter.
Default: Complete.
Backplane Communications (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal. Read-only if the Backplane
Window Timer (ms) Communications Window Mode is set to Complete.) The maximum execution time
for the Backplane Communications Window per scan. This value can be greater
than the value for the watchdog timer.
The valid range and the default depend on the Backplane Communications
Window Mode:
■ Complete: There is no time limit. The Backplane Communications Window
Timer parameter is read-only.
■ Limited: Valid range: 0 through 255 ms. Default: 255. (10ms for Redundancy

Background Window (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Normal.) The maximum execution time
Timer (ms) for the Background Communications Window per scan. This value cannot be
greater than the value for the watchdog timer.
Valid range: 0 through 255
Default: 0 (5ms for Redundancy CPUs)
Sweep Timer (ms) (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Constant Sweep.) The maximum
overall PLC scan time. This value cannot be greater than the value for the
watchdog timer.
Some or all of the windows at the end of the sweep might not be executed. The
windows terminate when the overall PLC sweep time has reached the value
specified for the Sweep Timer parameter.
Valid range: 5 through 2550, in increments of 5. If the value typed is not a multiple
of 5ms, it is rounded to the next highest valid value.
Default: 100.
Window Timer (ms) (Available only when Sweep Mode is set to Constant Window.) The maximum
combined execution time per scan for the Controller Communications Window,
Backplane Communications Window, and Background Communications Window.
This value cannot be greater than the value for the watchdog timer.
Valid range: 3 through 255, in increments of 1.
Default: 10.
Number of Last Scans (Available only for CPUs with firmware version 1.5 and greater.) The number of
scans to execute after the PACSystems CPU receives an indication that a
transition from Run to Stop mode should occur. (Used for Stop and Stop Fault, but
not Stop Halt.)
Choices: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
0 when creating a new PACSystems target.
0 when converting a Series 90-70 target to a PACSystems target.
1 when converting a Series 90-30 target to a PACSystems target.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-5


Memory Parameters
The PACSystems user memory contains the application program, hardware configuration
(HWC), registers (%R), bulk memory (%W), analog inputs (%AI), analog outputs (%AQ),
and symbolic variables.
The symbolic variables feature allows you to create variables without having to manually
locate them in memory (i.e. like a variable in a typical high-level language). For details on
using symbolic variables, refer to chapter 7.
The amount of memory allocated to the application program and hardware configuration is
automatically determined by the actual program (including logic C data, and %L and %P),
hardware configuration (including EGD and AUP), and symbolic variables created in the
programming software. The rest of the user memory can be configured to suit the
application. For example, an application may have a relatively large program that uses
only a small amount of register and analog memory. Similarly, there might be a small logic
program but a larger amount of memory needed for registers and analog inputs and
Appendix B provides a summary of items that count against user memory.

Calculation of Memory Required for Symbolic Variables

The total number of bytes required for symbolic variables is calculated as follows:
((number of symbolic discrete bits)/(8 bits/byte))* 4
+ (symbolic words) * (2 bytes/word)

Note: The number of bits is multiplied by 4 to keep track of forces and other
characteristics of bit variables.

Calculation of Total User Memory Configured

The total amount of configurable user memory (in bytes) configured in the CPU is
calculated as follows:
total symbolic bytes

+ total reference words * (2 bytes/word)

+ [if Point Faults are enabled] (total words of %AI memory + total words of %AQ
memory) * (1 byte / word)

+ [if Point Faults are enabled] (total bits of %I memory + total bits of %Q memory)
/ 8 bits/byte)

Note: The total reference points is considered system memory and is not counted
against user memory.

3-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Memory Allocation Configuration

Memory Parameters
Reference Points
%I Discrete Input, %Q Discrete The upper range for each of these memory types. Read only.
Output, %M Internal Discrete, %S
System, %SA System, %SB System,
%SC System, %T Temporary Status,
%G Genius Global
Reference Words
Analog Inputs (%AI) Valid range: 0 through 32,640 words.
Default: 64
Analog Outputs (%AQ) Valid range: 0 through 32,640 words.
Default: 64
Registers (%R) Valid range: 0 through 32,640 words.
Default: 1024.
Bulk (%W) Valid range: 0 through maximum available user RAM.
Increments of 2048 words.
Default: 0.
Symbolic Variable Memory
Symbolic Discrete (Bits) The configured number of bits reserved for symbolic discrete variables.
Valid range: 0 through 83,886,080 in increments of 32768 bits.
Default: 32,768.
Symbolic Non-Discrete (Words) The configured number of 16-bit register memory locations reserved for
symbolic non-discrete variables.
Valid range: 0 through 5,242,880 in increments of 2048 words.
Default: 65,536.
Point Fault Memory
Point Fault References The Point Fault References parameter must be enabled if you want to use
fault contacts in your logic. Assigning point fault references causes the CPU to
reserve additional memory.
When you download both the HWC and the logic to the PLC, the download
routine checks if there are fault contacts in the logic and if there are, it checks
if the HWC to download has the Point Fault References parameter set to
Enabled. If the parameter is Disabled, an error is displayed in the Feedback
When you download only logic to the PLC, the download routine checks if
there are fault contacts in the logic and if there are, it checks if the HWC on
the PLC has the Point Fault References parameter set to Enabled. If the
parameter is Disabled, an error is displayed in the Feedback Zone.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-7


Fault Parameters
You can configure each fault type to be either diagnostic or fatal.
A diagnostic fault does not stop the PLC from executing. It sets a diagnostic variable and
is logged in a fault table.
A fatal fault transitions the PLC to the Stop Faulted mode. It also sets a diagnostic
variable and is logged in a fault table.
Fault Parameters
Loss of or Missing Rack (Fault group 0x01.) When BRM failure or loss of power loses a rack or when a
configured rack is missing, system variable #LOS_RCK (%SA12) turns ON. (To
turn it OFF, fix the hardware problem and cycle power on the rack.)
Default: Diagnostic.
Loss of or Missing I/O Controller (Fault group 0x02.) When a Bus Controller stops communicating with the PLC or
when a configured Bus Controller is missing, system variable #LOS_IOC
(%SA13) turns ON. (To turn it OFF, replace the module and cycle power on the
rack containing the module.)
Default: Diagnostic.
Loss of or Missing I/O Module (Fault group 0x03.) When an I/O module stops communicating with the PLC CPU
or a configured module is missing, system variable #LOS_IOM (%SA14) turns
ON. (To turn it OFF, replace the module and cycle power on the rack containing
the module.)
Default: Diagnostic.
Loss of or Missing Option (Fault group 0x04.) When an option module stops communicating with the PLC
Module CPU or a configured option module is missing, system variable #LOS_SIO
(%SA15) turns ON. (To turn it OFF, replace the module and cycle power on the
rack containing the module.)
Default: Diagnostic.
System Bus Error (Fault group 0x0C.) When a bus error occurs on the backplane, system variable
#SBUS_ER (%SA32) turns ON. (To turn it OFF, cycle power on the main rack.)
Default: Fatal.
I/O Controller or I/O Bus Fault (Fault group 0x09.) When a Bus Controller reports a bus fault, a global memory
fault, or an IOC hardware fault, system variable #IOC_FLT (%SA22) turns ON.
(To turn it OFF, cycle power on the rack containing the module when the
configuration matches the hardware after a download.)
Default: Diagnostic.
System Configuration Mismatch When a configuration mismatch is detected during system power-up or during a
download of the configuration, system variable #CFG_MM (%SA9) turns ON. (To
turn it OFF, power up the PLC when no mismatches are present or download a
configuration that matches the hardware.) 0x0B
Default: Fatal.
Recoverable Local Memory Error Redundancy CPUs only. (Fault group 0x26) Determines whether a single-bit
ECC error causes the CPU to stop or allows it to continue running.
Choices: Diagnostic, Fatal.
Default: Diagnostic.
Note: When a multiple-bit ECC error occurs, a Fatal Local Memory Error fault
(error code 169) is logged in the CPU Hardware Fault Group (group number 13).

3-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Fault Parameters
CPU Over Temperature (Fault group 0x18, error code 0x0001.) When the operating temperature of the
CPU exceeds the normal operating temperature, system variable #OVR_TMP
(%SA8) turns ON. (To turn it OFF, clear the PLC fault table or reset the PLC.)
Default: Diagnostic.
PLC Fault Table Size (Read-only.) The maximum number of entries in the PLC Fault Table.
Value set to 64.
I/O Fault Table Size (Read-only.) The maximum number of entries in the I/O Fault Table.
Value set to 64.

Redundancy Parameters (Redundancy CPUs Only)

These parameters apply only to redundancy CPUs such as IC698CRE020. For details on
configuring CPU for redundancy, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy
User’s Guide, GFK-2308.

Transfer List
These parameters apply only to redundancy CPUs such as IC698CRE020. For details on
configuring CPU for redundancy, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy
User’s Guide, GFK-2308.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-9


Port 1 and Port 2 Parameters

These parameters configure the operating characteristics of the CPU serial ports. Ports 1
and 2 have the same set of configuration parameters. The protocol (Port Mode) that is
selected determines the parameters that can be set for each port.
Port Parameters
Port Mode The protocol to execute on the serial port. Determines the list of parameters displayed on the Port tab.
Only the parameters required by the selected protocol are displayed.
■ RTU Slave mode: Reserved for the use of the Modbus RTU Slave protocol. This mode also
permits connection to the port by an SNP master, such as the Winloader utility or the programming
■ Message mode: The port is open for user logic access. This mode enables C language blocks to
perform serial port i/o operations via the C Runtime Library functions.
■ Available: The port is not to be used by the PLC firmware.
■ SNP Slave: Reserved for the exclusive use of the SNP slave. This mode permits connection to the
port by an SNP master, such as the Winloader utility or the programming software.
■ Serial I/O: Enables you to perform general-purpose serial communications by using COMMREQ
Default: RTU Slave.
To select the Stop mode protocol, set the Specify Stop Mode parameter to Yes, and then select a
protocol for Stop mode. If the Stop mode protocol is different from the Port mode protocol, you can set
parameters for the Stop mode protocol.
If you do not select a Stop mode protocol, the default protocol with default parameter settings is used.
Port (Run) Mode Stop Mode

RTU Slave Choices: SNP Slave, RTU Slave

Default: RTU Slave.

Message Mode Choices: SNP Slave, RTU Slave

Default: RTU Slave.

Available Available

SNP Slave SNP Slave

Serial I/O Choices: SNP Slave, RTU Slave

Default: RTU Slave.

Note: If both serial ports are configured for any protocol other than RTU Slave or SNP Slave, the
Run/Stop switch should not be disabled without first making sure that there is a way to stop
the CPU, or take control of the CPU through another device such as the Ethernet module. The
Serial I/O protocol is only active when the CPU is in run mode. If the CPU can be set to Stop
mode, it will switch the protocol from Serial I/O to the Stop Mode (default is RTU Slave). If an
SNP Master, such as the programming software in Serial mode, begins communicating on a
port, the RTU protocol automatically switches to SNP Slave. As long as the CPU can be
stopped, the port’s protocol can be auto-switched to one that enables serial programmer
If the Ethernet module is available, you can control the CPU by connecting the Machine
Edition programming software to the Ethernet port.

3-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Port Parameters
Station (RTU Slave only) ID for the RTU Slave.
Address Valid range: 1 through 247.
Default: 1.
Note: You should avoid using station address 1 for any other Modbus slave in a PACSystems
control system because the default station address for the CPU is 1. The CPU uses the
default address in two situations:
1. If you power up without a configuration, the default station address of 1 is used.
2. When the Port Mode parameter is set to Message Mode, and Modbus becomes the protocol in
stop mode, the station address defaults to 1.
In either of these situations, if you have a slave configured with a station address of 1,
confusion may result when the CPU responds to requests intended for that slave.
Note: The least significant bit of the first byte must be 0. For example, in a station address of
090019010001, 9 is the first byte.
Data Rate (All Port Modes except Available.) Data rate (bits per second) for the port.
Choices: 1200 Baud, 2400 Baud, 4800 Baud, 9600 Baud, 19.2k Baud, 38.4k Baud, 57.6k Baud, 115.2k
Default: 19.2k Baud.
Data Bits (Available only when Port Mode is set to Message mode or Serial I/O.) The number of bits in a word for
serial communication. SNP uses 8-bit words.
Choices: 7, 8.
Default: 8.
Flow Control (RTU slave, Message Mode, or Serial I/O.) Type of flow control to be used on the port.
 For Serial I/O Port Mode: None, Hardware, Software (XON/XOFF).
 For all other Port Modes: None, Hardware.
Default: None.
Note: The Hardware flow-control is RTS/CTS crossed.
Parity (All Port Modes except Available.) The parity used in serial communication. Can be changed if required
for communication over modems or with a different SNP master device.
Choices: None, Odd, Even.
Default: Odd.
Stop bits (Available only when Port Mode is set to Message Mode, SNP Slave or Serial I/O.) The number of stop
bits for serial communication. SNP uses 1 stop bit.
Choices: 1, 2.
Default: 1.
Physical (All port modes except Available.) The type of physical interface that this protocol is communicating
Interface over.
■ 2-wire: There is only a single path for receive and transmit communications. The receiver is
disabled while transmitting.
■ 4-wire: There is a separate path for receive and transmit communications and the transmit line is
driven only while transmitting.
■ 4-wire Transmitter on: There is a separate path for receive and transmit communications and the
transmit line is driven continuously. Note that this choice is not appropriate for SNP multi-drop
communications, since only one device on the multi-drop line can be transmitting at a given time.
Default: 4-wire Transmitter On.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-11


Port Parameters
Turn Around (Available only when Port Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The Turn Around Delay Time is the minimum
Delay Time time interval required between the reception of a message and the next transmission. In 2-wire mode,
(ms) this interval is required for switching the direction of data transmission on the communication line.
Valid range: 0 through 2550 ms, in increments of 10.
Default: 0.
Timeout (s) (Available only when Port Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The maximum time that the slave will wait to
receive a message from the master. If a message is not received within this timeout interval, the slave
will assume that communications have been disrupted, and then it will wait for a new attach message
from the master.
Valid range: 0 through 60 seconds.
Default: 10.
SNP ID (Available only when Port Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The port ID to be used for SNP communications.
In SNP multi-drop communications, this ID is used to identify the intended receiver of a message. This
parameter can be left blank if communication is point to point. To change the SNP ID, click the values
field and enter the new ID. The SNP ID is up to seven characters long and can contain the
alphanumeric characters (A through Z, 0 through 9) or the underline (_).
Specify Stop (All port modes except Available.) Determines whether you accept the default stop mode or set it
Mode yourself.
No: The default stop mode is used.
Yes: The stop mode parameters appear and you can select the stop mode. If you set the stop mode to
the same protocol as the run mode, then the other stop mode parameters are read-only and are set to
the same values as for the run mode.
Default: No.
Stop Mode (Available only when Specify stop mode is set to Yes.) The stop mode protocol to execute on the serial
port. If you set the stop mode to the same protocol as for the run mode, then the other stop mode
parameters are read-only and are set to the same values as for the run mode.
■ SNP Slave: Reserved for the exclusive use of the SNP slave. This is the only valid choice if the
Port Mode is set to SNP Slave.
■ RTU Slave: Reserved for the exclusive use of the Modbus RTU Slave protocol.
■ When the Port Mode is set to SNP Slave: SNP Slave (only valid choice).
■ When the Port Mode is set to RTU Slave, Message Mode, or Serial I/O: RTU Slave.
Turn Around (Available only when Stop Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The Turn Around Delay Time is the minimum
Delay Time time interval required between the reception of a message and the next transmission. In 2-wire mode,
(ms) this interval is required for switching the direction of data transmission on the communication line.
Valid range: 0 through 2550 ms, in increments of 10.
■ When the Stop Mode is different from the Port Mode: 0 ms.
■ When the Stop Mode is the same as the Port Mode: the value is read-only and is set to the same
value as the Turn Around Delay Time for the Port Mode.

3-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Port Parameters
Timeout (s) (Available only when Stop Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The maximum time that the slave will wait to
receive a message from the master. If a message is not received within this timeout interval, the slave
will assume that communications have been disrupted, and then it will wait for a new attach message
from the master.
Valid range: 0 through 60 seconds.
■ When the Stop Mode is different from the Port Mode: 10 seconds.
■ When the Stop Mode is the same as the Port Mode: the value is read-only and is set to the same
value as the Timeout for the Port Mode.
SNP ID (Available only when Stop Mode is set to SNP Slave.) The port ID to be used for SNP communications.
In SNP multi-drop communications, this ID is used to identify the intended receiver of a message. This
parameter can be left blank if communication is point to point. To change the SNP ID, click the values
field and enter the new ID. The SNP ID is up to seven characters long and can contain the
alphanumeric characters (A through Z, 0 through 9) or the underline (_).
■ When the Stop Mode is different from the Port Mode: the default is blank.
■ When the Stop Mode is the same as the Port Mode: the value is read-only and is set to the same
value as the SNP ID for the Port Mode.
Station (Available only when Stop Mode is set to RTU slave.) ID for the RTU Slave.
Address Valid range: 1 through 247.
■ When the Stop Mode is different from the Port Mode: 1.
■ When the Stop Mode is the same as the Port Mode: the value is read-only and is set to the same
value as the Station Address for the Port Mode.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-13


Scan Sets Parameters

You can create multiple sets of asynchronous I/O scans, with a unique scan rate assigned
to each scan set. You can assign up to 31 scan sets for a total of 32. Scan set 1 is the
standard scan set where I/O is scanned once per sweep. Each module is assigned to a
scan set in the module’s configuration. Scan Set 1 is the default scan set.
Scan Set Parameters
Number A sequential number from 1 to 32 is automatically assigned to each scan set. Scan set 1 is
reserved for the standard scan set.
Scan Type Determines whether the scan set is enabled (as a fixed scan) or is disabled.
Choices: Disabled, Fixed Scan.
Default: Disabled.
Number of Sweeps (Editable only when the Scan Type is set to Fixed Scan.) The scan rate of the scan set. Double-
click the field, then select a value. A value of 0 prevents the I/O from being scanned.
Valid range: 0 through 64.
Default: 1.
Output Delay (Editable only when the Number of Sweeps is non-zero.) The number of sweeps that the output
scan is delayed after the input scan has occurred. Double-click on field, then select a value.
Valid range: 0 to (number of Sweeps - 1)
Default: 0.

Description (Editable only when the Scan Type is set to Fixed Scan.) Brief description of the scan set (32
characters maximum).

Power Consumption Parameters

The programming software displays the power consumed by the CPU (in Amps) for each voltage
provided by the power supply.

3-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Setting a Temporary IP Address

To initiate Ethernet communications between the programming software and the
PACSystems, you first need to set an IP address. You can use the Set Temporary IP
Address utility to specify an IP address or download a hardware configuration with an IP
address through a serial port.
The following restrictions apply when using the Set Temporary IP Address utility:
■ The Set Temporary IP Address utility does not function if communications with the
networked PACSystems travel through a router. Communications through switches
and hubs work fine, however.
■ The current user logged on the development computer must have full administrator
■ The target PACSystems must be located on the development computer's local subnet,
as specified by the computer's subnet mask and the IP addresses of the computer
and the PACSystems.
Note: To set the IP address, you will need the MAC
address of the Ethernet Interface.
1. Connect the PACSystems to the Ethernet
2. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right click the
PACSystems target, choose Offline Commands,
then choose Set Temporary IP Address. The Set
Temporary IP Address dialog box appears.
3. In the Set Temporary IP Address dialog box, do
the following:
■ Specify the MAC address.
■ In the IP Address to Set box, specify the
temporary IP address you want to set on the
■ If necessary, select the Enable Network
Interface Selections check box and specify
the network interface on which the
PACSystems is located.
4. When the fields are properly configured, click the Set IP button.
5. The IP Address of the specified PACSystems will be set to the indicated address. This
may take up to a minute.

The temporary IP address set by the Set IP utility is not retained through a
power cycle. To set a permanent IP Address, you must set the target's IP
Address property and download (store) HWC to the PACSystems.

GFK-2222B Chapter 3 CPU Configuration 3-15


Storing (Downloading) Hardware Configuration

A PACSystems control system is configured by creating a configuration file in the
programming software, then transferring (downloading) the file from the programmer to
the CPU via serial port1, serial port 2, or an Ethernet Interface. If you use a serial port, it
must be configured as RTU Slave (default) or SNP Slave.
The CPU stores the configuration file in its non-volatile RAM memory. After the
configuration is stored, I/O scanning is enabled or disabled according to the newly-stored
configuration parameters.
1. If you are using an Ethernet Interface to store the hardware configuration to the
PACSystems, you must set the IP address in the Ethernet Interface using the Initial IP
Address utility (see page 3-15).
2. Make sure the CPU is in Stop mode.
3. In Logic Developer-PLC software, go to the Project tab of the Navigator, right click the
Target node, and choose Download to PLC. The Download to PLC dialog box

4. Choose the items you want to download and click OK.

Note: If you download to a PACSystems target that already has a project on it, the
existing project is overwritten.

3-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter Embedded Ethernet Interface Configuration

Before you can use the embedded Ethernet Interface with the PACSystems RX7i, you
must configure the Ethernet Interface using the programming software. For the Ethernet
Interface specifically, the software allows you to:
■ Define the Status address of the Ethernet Interface.
■ Assign the IP address for the Ethernet Interface, and optionally the subnet mask, the
gateway address, and the name server address.
■ Configure the Station Manager port (optional).
Note: Only RX7i CPUs provide an embedded Ethernet interface. For information on
configuring the rack-based RX7i and RX3i Ethernet Interface modules, refer to
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.

Configuring the Embedded Ethernet Interface

For details on configuring a rack system using Logic Developer-PLC software, refer to the
software online Help. For information on CPU parameters, refer to chapter 2.
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator,
expand your PACSystems Target, the
hardware configuration, and the main
rack (Rack 0).
2. Expand the CPU slot (Slot 1). The
Ethernet Interface daughterboard is
displayed as “Ethernet”.
3. Right click the daughterboard slot and
choose Configure. The Parameter Editor
window displays the Ethernet Interface
4. The Settings and RS-232 Port (Station Manager) tabs contain parameters directly
related to the embedded Ethernet Interface’s functionality. Some fields in the Settings
tab must be filled in. The default settings for the RS-232 tabs can be used. Refer to
“Configuration Parameters” on page 4-2 for information on these fields. We
recommend leaving the serial port parameters at default settings.
5. Save this configuration and download it to the CPU so these settings can take effect.

GFK-2222B 4-1

Configuration Parameters
Ethernet Parameters (Settings Tab)
Configuration Mode This is fixed as TCP/IP.
Adapter Name This field is set to the rack and slot location of the Ethernet Interface and cannot be
changed. For the embedded Ethernet Interface, the rack and slot location is the same as
its CPU (0.1.0 for rack 0, slot 1, subslot 0).
Use BOOTP for IP This selection specifies whether the Ethernet must obtain its working IP address over the
Address network via BOOTP. When set to False (= do not use BOOTP), the IP Address value
must be configured (see IP Address parameter, below). When set to True, the IP Address
parameter is forced to and becomes non-editable.
IP Address, Subnet Mask, These values should be assigned by the network administrator in charge of your network.
and Gateway IP Address It is important that these parameters are correct, otherwise the Ethernet Interface may be
unable to communicate on the network and/or network operation may be corrupted. It is
especially important that each node on the network is assigned a unique IP address.
However, if you have no network administrator and are using a simple isolated network
with no gateways, you can use the following range of values for the assignment of local
IP addresses: First PLC Second PLC Third PLC
. PLC Programmer TCP or host
Also, in this case, set the subnet mask, and gateway IP address to
Note: If the isolated network is connected to another network, the IP addresses through must not be used and the subnet mask, and gateway IP
address must be assigned by the network administrator. The IP addresses must be
assigned so that they are compatible with the connected network. For more information
on addressing, refer to “Network Administration Support” in TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.
See also “Determining If an IP Address Has Already Been Used” on page 4-6.
Name Server IP Address The IP address of the Domain Name Server (DNS), which provides a mapping of
workstation names to IP addresses and MAC numbers for TCP/IP networking. (The DNS
feature is not currently supported. We recommend leaving this configuration parameter at
its default value,
Max Web Server The maximum number of web server connections. This value corresponds to the number
Connections of TCP connections allocated for use by the web server, rather than the number of web
clients. Valid range is 0 through 16. Default is 2.
Max FTP Server The maximum number of FTP server connections. This value corresponds to the number
Connections of TCP connections allocated for use by the FTP server, rather than the number of FTP
clients. Each FTP client uses two TCP connections when an FTP connection is
established. Valid range is 0 through 16. Default is 2.
Network Time Sync The method used to synchronize the real-time clocks over the network. Currently the
choices are None/DISABLED (for no network time synchronization) and SNTP/ENABLED
(for synchronization to remote SNTP servers on the network).
Status Address The reference memory location that receives LAN Interface Status (LIS) bits (16 bits) and
the Channel Status bits (64 bits). The Channel Status bits are always located immediately
following the LAN Interface Status bits. The Status address can be assigned to %I, %Q,
%R, %W, %AI or %AQ memory. The default value is the next available %I address.
Note: Do not use the 80 bits assigned to the LIS bits and Channel Status bits for other
purposes, or your data will be overwritten.

4-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Length The sum of the LIS bits and the Channel Status bits. Automatically set to 80 bits (for %I
and %Q Status address locations) or 5 words (for %R, %W %AI, and %AQ Status
address locations).
Redundant IP (Available only when the target's CPU is a redundancy CPU and at least one
Redundancy Memory Xchange module, IC698RMX016, is set as a redundancy link.)
Enabling this feature allows the Ethernet Interface to share a redundant IP address with
the corresponding Ethernet Interface in the redundant Hardware Configuration in a dual
HWC target.
Default: Disable
Redundant IP Address (Available only when the Redundant IP parameter is set to Enable.) The IP address
assigned to two redundant Ethernet Interface modules that reside in the redundant main
racks (one in the primary PLC and the other in the secondary PLC). Although the
Redundant IP Address is shared by both Ethernet Interface modules, only the active
Ethernet Interface can respond to the address.
The Redundant IP Address should be assigned by the person responsible for your
network. TCP/IP network administrators are familiar with these sorts of parameters and
can assign values that work with your existing network. If the IP address is improperly set,
your device may not be able to communicate on the network and could disrupt network
Valid range: x.x.x.x, where x ranges from 1 through 255.
Note: Each redundant Ethernet Interface has its own unique IP address, which is used
to communicate exclusively with it. The redundant IP address must not be the
same as the unique IP address of either Ethernet Interface.
Note: For details on redundant CPU systems, refer to the PACSystems CPU
Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308.
I/O Scan Set The scan set to be assigned to the Ethernet daughterboard. Scan sets are defined in the
CPU’s Scan Sets tab. The valid range is 1 through 32. Default is 1.

RS-232 Port (Station Manager) Parameters

These parameters are for the RS-232 Station Manager serial port.
Baud Rate Data rate (bits per second) for the port. Choices are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k,
Parity Type of parity to be used for the port. Choices are None, Even, or Odd.
Flow Control Type of flow control to be used for the port. Choices are None or Hardware.
Note: The Hardware flow control is RTS/CTS crossed.
Stop Bits The number of stop bits for serial communication. Choices are one or two.

GFK-2222B Chapter 4 Embedded Ethernet Interface Configuration 4-3


Advanced User Parameters

Advanced User Parameters (AUP) are additional configuration parameters for the
Ethernet Interface. The default values are chosen to satisfy the vast majority of users;
these default AUP values are usually modified only under exceptional circumstances by
sophisticated users. The default AUP values for an Ethernet Interface may be changed by
creating an AUP file, using the programming software to import the AUP file into the HW
Configuration for that Ethernet Interface, and then storing the configuration to the PLC.
For details on creating an AUP file, refer to TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for
PACSystems, GFK-2224.

The IEEE 802.3 standard strongly discourages the manual
configuration of duplex mode for a port (as would be possible using
Advanced User Parameters.) Before manually configuring duplex
mode for a port using AUP, be sure that you know the
characteristics of the link partner and are aware of the
consequences of your selection. In the words of the IEEE standard:
"Connecting incompatible DTE/MAU combinations such as full
duplex mode DTE to a half duplex MAU, or a full-duplex station (DTE
or MAU) to a repeater or other half duplex network, can lead to
severe network performance degradation, increased collisions, ate
collisions, CRC errors, and undetected data corruption."

Note: If speed and duplex mode of a port are forced using AUP, the switch will no longer
perform automatic cable detection. This means that if you have the switch port
connected to a switch or hub port you must use a crossover network cable. If you
have the switch port connected to the uplink port on a switch or hub or if you have
the switch port connected to another Ethernet device, you must use a normal
network cable.

4-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Verifying Proper Power-Up of the Ethernet Interface

After configuring the Interface, follow the procedure below to verify that the Ethernet
Interface is operating correctly.
1. Turn power OFF to the CPU for 3–5 seconds, then turn the power back ON. This will
initiate a series of diagnostic tests. The EOK LED will blink indicating the progress of
2. The Ethernet LEDs will have the following pattern upon successful power-up. (For
details on LED operation, see “CPU and Ethernet LEDs” in chapter 2.) At this time the
Ethernet Interface is fully operational and on-line.
LED Ethernet Interface Online
LAN On, Off, or blinking, depending on network activity

If a problem is detected during power-up, the Ethernet Interface may not transition directly
to the operational state. If the Interface does not transition to operational, refer to
“Troubleshooting,” in Support” in TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems,

GFK-2222B Chapter 4 Embedded Ethernet Interface Configuration 4-5


Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet Interfaces on the Network

PING (Packet InterNet Grouper) is a program used on TCP/IP networks to test
reachability of destinations by sending them an ICMP echo request message and waiting
for a reply. Most nodes on TCP/IP networks, including the PACSystems Ethernet
Interface, implement a PING command.
You should PING each installed Ethernet Interface. When the Ethernet Interface responds
to the ping, it verifies that the interface is operational and configured properly. Specifically
it verifies that acceptable TCP/IP configuration information has been stored to the

Pinging the Interface from a UNIX Host or a PC Running TCP/IP Software

A ping command can be executed from a UNIX host or PC running TCP/IP (since most
TCP/IP communications software provides a ping command) or from another Ethernet
Interface. When using a PC or UNIX host, you can refer to the documentation for the ping
command, but in general all that is required is the IP address of the remote host as a
parameter to the ping command. For example, at the command prompt type:


Determining if an IP Address is Already Being Used

Note: This method does not guarantee that an IP address is not duplicated. It will not
detect a device that is configured with the same IP address if it is temporarily off
the network.
It is very important not to duplicate IP addresses. To determine if another node on the
network is using the same IP address:
1. Disconnect your Interface from the LAN.
2. Ping the disconnected Interface’s IP address. If you get an answer to the ping, the
chosen IP address is already in use by another node. You must correct this situation
by assigning unique IP addresses.

4-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter CPU Operation

This chapter describes the operating modes of a PACSystems CPU and describes the
tasks the CPU carries out during these modes. The following topics are discussed:
■ CPU Sweep
■ Program Scheduling Modes
■ Window Modes
■ Run/Stop Operations
■ Flash Memory
■ Clocks and Timers
■ System Security
■ I/O System
■ Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences

GFK-2222B 5-1

CPU Sweep
The application program in the CPU executes repeatedly until stopped by a command
from the programmer, from another device, from the Run/Stop switch on the CPU
module, or a fatal fault occurs. In addition to executing the application program, the
CPU obtains data from input devices, sends data to output devices, performs internal
housekeeping, performs communications tasks, and performs self-tests. This
sequence of operations is called the sweep.
The CPU sweep runs in one of three sweep modes:
Normal Sweep In this mode, each sweep can consume a variable amount of time. The Logic Window is
executed in its entirety each sweep. The Communications and Background Windows can
be set to execute in Limited or Run-to-Completion mode.
Constant Sweep In this mode, each sweep begins at a user-specified Constant Sweep time after the
previous sweep began. The Logic Window is executed in its entirety each sweep. If there
is sufficient time at the end of the sweep, the CPU alternates among the Communications
and Background Windows, allowing them to execute until it is time for the next sweep to
Constant In this mode, each sweep can consume a variable amount of time. The Logic Window is
Window executed in its entirety each sweep. The CPU alternates among the Communications and
Background Windows, allowing them to execute for a time equal to the user-specified
Constant Window timer.
Note: The information presented above summarizes the different sweep modes. For
additional information, refer to “CPU Sweep Modes” on page 5-6.
The CPU also operates in one of four Run/Stop Modes (for details, see “Run/Stop
Operations” on page 5-10):
■ Run/Outputs Enabled
■ Run/Outputs Disabled
■ Stop/IO Scan
■ Stop/No IO

5-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Parts of the CPU Sweep

There are seven major phases in a typical CPU sweep as shown in the following


input scan

Application Program
Task Execution

Output Scan

window no






Background no


Background task

Start next sweep

Parts of a Typical CPU Sweep

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-3


Major Phases in a Typical CPU Sweep

Phase Activity
Housekeeping The housekeeping portion of the sweep performs the tasks necessary to prepare for the start
of the sweep. This includes updating %S bits, determining timer update values, determining
the mode of the sweep (Stop or Run), and polling of expansion racks.
Expansion racks are polled to determine if power has just been applied to an expansion rack.
Once an expansion rack is recognized, then configuration of that rack and all of its modules
are processed in the Controller Communications Window.
Input Scan During the input scan, the CPU reads input data from the Genius Bus Controllers and input
modules. If data has been received on an EGD page, the CPU copies the data for that page
from the Ethernet interface to the appropriate reference memory. For details, see TCP/IP
Ethernet Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224

Note: The input scan is not performed if a program has an active Suspend I/O function on
the previous sweep.
Application Program Task The CPU solves the application program logic. It always starts with the first instruction in the
Execution (Logic Window) program. It ends when the last instruction is executed. Solving the logic creates a new set of
output data.
For details on controlling the execution of programs, refer to chapter 6.
Interrupt driven logic can execute during any phase of the sweep. For details, refer to chapter
A list of execution times for instructions can be found in Appendix A.
Output Scan The CPU writes output data to bus controllers and output modules. The user program
checksum is computed.
During the output scan, the CPU sends output data to the Genius Bus Controllers and output
modules. If the producer period of an EGD page has expired, the CPU copies the data for
that page from the appropriate reference memory to the Ethernet interface. The output scan
is completed when all output data has been sent.
If the CPU is in Run mode and it is configured to perform a background checksum
calculation, the background checksum is performed at the end of the output scan. The
default setting for number of words to checksum each sweep is 16. If the words to checksum
each sweep is set to zero, this processing is skipped. The background checksum helps
ensure the integrity of the user logic while the CPU is in Run mode.
The output scan is not performed if a program has an active Suspend I/O function on the
current sweep.
Controller Communications Window Services the onboard Ethernet and serial ports. In addition, reconfiguration of expansion
racks and individual modules occurs during this portion of the sweep.
The CPU always executes this window. The following items are serviced in this window:
■ Reconfiguration of expansion racks and individual modules. During the Controller
Communications Window, highest priority is given to reconfiguration. Modules are
reconfigured as needed, up to the total time allocated to this window. Several sweeps
are required to complete reconfiguration of a module.
■ Communications activity involving the embedded Ethernet port and the two CPU's serial
Time and execution of the Controller Communications Window can be configured using the
programming software. It can also be dynamically controlled from the user program using
Service Request function #3. The window time can be set to a value from 0 to 255
milliseconds (default is 10 milliseconds).
Note that if the Controller Communications Window is set to 0, there are two alternate ways
to open the window: perform a batteryless power-cycle or go to Stop mode.

5-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Phase Activity
Backplane Communications Communications with intelligent devices occur during this window. The rack-based Ethernet
Window Interface communicates in the Backplane Communications window. During this part of the
sweep the CPU communicates with intelligent modules such as the Genius Bus Controller
and TCP/IP Ethernet modules.
In this window, the CPU completes any previously unfinished request before executing any
pending requests in the queue. When the time allocated for the window expires, processing
The Backplane Communications Window defaults to Complete (Run to Completion) mode.
This means that all currently pending requests on all intelligent option modules are
processed every sweep. This window can also run in Limited mode, in which the maximum
time allocated for the window per scan is specified.
The mode and time limit can be configured and stored to the CPU, or it can be dynamically
controlled from the user program using Service Request function #4. The Backplane
Communications Window time can be set to a value from 0 to 255ms (default is 255ms). This
allows communications functions to be skipped during certain time-critical sweeps.
Background Window CPU self-tests occur in this window.
A CPU self-test is performed in this window. Included in this self-test is a verification of the
checksum for the CPU operating system software.
The Background Window time defaults to 0 milliseconds. A different value can be configured
and stored to the CPU, or it can be changed online using the programming software.
Time and execution of the Background Window can also be dynamically controlled from the
user program using Service Request function #5. This allows background functions to be
skipped during certain time-critical sweeps.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-5


CPU Sweep Modes

Normal Sweep Mode

In Normal Sweep mode, each sweep can consume a variable amount of time. The
Logic window is executed in its entirety each sweep. The Communications windows
can be set to execute in a Limited or Run-to-Completion mode. Normal Sweep is the
most common sweep mode used for control system applications.
The following figure illustrates three successive CPU sweeps in Normal Sweep mode.
Note that the total sweep times may vary due to sweep-to-sweep variations in the
Logic window, Communications windows, and Background window.





HK = Housekeeping BG
CC = Controller Communications Window
BPC = Backplane Communications Window
BG = Background Window

Typical Sweeps in Normal Sweep Mode

Constant Sweep Mode

In Constant Sweep mode, each sweep begins at a specified Constant Sweep time
after the previous sweep began. The Logic Window is executed in its entirety each
sweep. If there is sufficient time at the end of the sweep, the CPU alternates among
the Controller Communications, Backplane Communications, and Background
Windows, allowing them to execute until it is time for the next sweep to begin. Some
or all of the Communications and Background Windows may not be executed. The
Communications and Background Windows terminate when the overall CPU sweep
time has reached the value specified as the Constant Sweep time.
One reason for using Constant Sweep mode is to ensure that I/O are updated at
constant intervals.
The value of the Constant Sweep timer can be configured to be any value from 5 to
2550 milliseconds. The Constant Sweep timer value may also be set and Constant

5-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sweep mode may be enabled or disabled by the programming software or by the user
program using Service Request function #1. The Constant Sweep timer has no default
value; a timer value must be set prior to or at the same time Constant Sweep mode is
The Ethernet Global data page configured for either consumption or production can
add up to 1 millisecond to the sweep time. This sweep impact should be taken into
account when configuring the CPU constant sweep mode and setting the CPU
watchdog timeout.
If the sweep exceeds the Constant Sweep time in a given sweep, the CPU places an
oversweep alarm in the CPU fault table and sets the OV_SWP (%SA0002) status
reference at the beginning of the next sweep. Additional sweep time due to an
oversweep condition in a given sweep does not affect the time given to the next
The following figure illustrates four successive sweeps in Constant Sweep mode with
a Constant Sweep time of 100 milliseconds. Note that the total sweep time is
constant, but an oversweep may occur due to the Logic Window taking longer than
t = 0 ms t = 100 ms t = 220 ms t = 320 ms

Constant OUTPUT
Sweep CC

20 ms oversweep
HK = Housekeeping OUTPUT
PRG = Programmer Window.
BPC = Backplane Communications Window.
CC = Controller Communications Window
BG = Background Window

Typical Sweeps in Constant Sweep Mode

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-7


Constant Window Mode

In Constant Window mode, each sweep can consume a variable amount of time. The
Logic Window is executed in its entirety each sweep. The CPU alternates among the
three windows, allowing them execute for a time equal to the value set for the
Constant Window timer. The overall CPU sweep time is equal to the time required to
execute the Housekeeping, Input Scan, Logic Window, and Output Scan phases of
the sweep plus the value of the Constant Window timer. This time may vary due to
sweep-to-sweep variances in the execution time of the Logic Window.
An application that requires a certain amount of time between the Output Scan and
the Input Scan, permitting inputs to settle after receiving output data from the
program, would be ideal for Constant Window mode.
The value of the Constant Window timer can be configured to be any value from 3 to
255 milliseconds. The Constant Window timer value may also be set by the
programming software or by the user program using Service Request functions #3,
#4, and #5.
The following figure illustrates three successive sweeps in Constant Window mode.
Note that the total sweep times may vary due to sweep-to-sweep variations in the
Logic Window, but the time given to the Communications and Background Windows is
constant. Some of the Communications or Background Windows may be skipped,
suspended, or run multiple times based on the Constant Window time.

SYS Constant
BG Time
Abbreviations: BPC
HK = Housekeeping
CC = Controller Communications Window
BPC = Backplane Communications Window
BG = Background Window

Typical Sweeps in Constant Window Mode

5-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Program Scheduling Modes

The CPU supports one program scheduling mode, the Ordered mode. An ordered
program is executed in its entirety once per sweep in the Logic Window.

Window Modes
The previous section describes the phases of a typical CPU sweep. The Controller
Communications, Backplane Communications, and Background windows can be run
in various modes, based on the CPU sweep mode. (CPU sweep modes are described
in detail on page 5-6.) The following three window modes are available:
Run-to- In Run-to-Completion mode, all requests made when the window has started are
Completion serviced. When all pending requests in the given window have completed, the CPU
transitions to the next phase of the sweep. (This does not apply to the Background
window because it does not process requests.)
Constant In Constant Window mode, the total amount of time that the Controller Communications
window, Backplane Communications window, and Background window run is fixed. If the
time expires while in the middle of servicing a request, these windows are closed, and
communications will be resumed the next sweep. If no requests are pending in this
window, the CPU cycles through these windows the specified amount of time polling for
further requests. If any window is put in constant window mode, all are in constant
window mode.
Limited In Limited mode, the maximum time that the window runs is fixed. If time expires while in
the middle of servicing a request, the window is closed, and communications will be
resumed the next time that the given window is run. If no requests are pending in this
window, the CPU proceeds to the next phase of the sweep.

Data Coherency in Communications Windows

When running in Constant or Limited Window mode, the Controller and Backplane
Communications Windows may be terminated early in all CPU sweep modes. If an
external device, such as CIMPLICITY HMI, is transferring a block of data, the
coherency of the data block may be disrupted if the communications window is
terminated prior to completing the request. The request will complete during the next
sweep; however, part of the data will have resulted from one sweep and the
remainder will be from the following sweep. When the CPU is in Normal Sweep mode
and the Communications Window is in Run-to-Completion mode, the data coherency
problem described above does not exist.
Note: External devices that communicate to the CPU while it is stopped will read
information as it was left in its last state. This may be misleading to operators
viewing an HMI system that does not indicate CPU Run/Stop state. Process
graphics will often indicate everything is still operating normally.

Also, note that non-retentive outputs do not clear until the CPU is changed
from Stop to Run.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-9


Run/Stop Operations
The PACSystems CPUs support four run/stop modes of operation. You can change
these modes in the following ways: the Run/Stop switch, configuration from the
programming software, LD function blocks, and system calls from C applications.
Switching to and from various modes can be restricted based on privilege levels,
position of the Run/Stop switch, passwords, etc.
Mode Operation
Run/Outputs The CPU runs user programs and continually scans inputs and updates physical outputs,
Enabled including Genius and Ethernet outputs. The Controller and Backplane Communications
Windows are run in Limited, Run-to-Completion, or Constant mode.
Run/Outputs The CPU runs user programs and continually scans inputs, but updates to physical
Disabled outputs, including Genius and Field Control, are not performed. Physical outputs are held
in their configured default state in this mode. The Controller and Backplane
Communications Windows are run in either Limited, Run-to-Completion, or Constant
Stop/IO Scan The CPU does not run user programs, but the inputs and outputs are scanned. The
Enabled Controller and Backplane Communications Windows are run in Run-to-Completion mode.
The Background Window is limited to 10 ms.
Stop/IO Scan The CPU does not run user programs, and the inputs and outputs are not scanned. The
Disabled Controller and Backplane Communications Windows are run in a Run-to-Completion
mode. The Background Window is limited to 10 ms.
Note: Stop mode I/O scanning is always disabled for redundancy CPUs.

Note: You cannot add to the size of %P and %L reference tables in Run Mode
unless the %P and %L references are the first of their type in the block being
stored or the block being stored is a totally new block.

CPU Stop Modes

The CPU has two modes of operation while it is in Stop mode:
■ I/O Scan Enabled - the Input and Output scans are performed each sweep
■ I/O Scan Disabled - the Input and Output scans are skipped
When the CPU is in Stop mode, it does not execute the application program. You can
configure whether the I/O is scanned during Stop mode. Communications with the
programmer and intelligent option modules continue in Stop mode. Also, bus receiver
module polling and rack reconfiguration continue in Stop mode.
In both Stop modes, the Controller Communications and Backplane Communications
windows run in Run-to-Completion mode and the Background window runs in Limited
mode with a 10 millisecond limit.
The number of last scans can be configured in the hardware configuration. Last scans
are completed after the CPU has received an indication that a transition from Run to
Stop or Stop Faulted mode should occur. The default is 0.
SVCREQ13 can be used in the application program to stop the CPU after a specified
number of scans. All I/O will go to their configured default states, and a diagnostic
message will be placed in the CPU Fault Table.

5-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



Executes in
Input Scan Stop-I/O Scan Enabled
mode only

Executes in
Output Scan Stop-I/O Scan Enabled
mode only

Controller Runs
Communications to
Window completion

Backplane Runs
Communications to
Window Completion

Background Task

CPU Sweep in Stop- I/O Disabled and Stop- I/O Enabled Modes

Stop-to-Run Mode Transition

The CPU performs the following operations on Stop-to-Run transition:
■ Validation of sweep mode and program scheduling mode selections
■ Validation of references used by programs with the actual configured sizes
■ Re-initialization of data areas for external blocks and standalone C programs
■ Clearing of non-retentive memory

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-11


Run/Stop Mode Switch Operation

The Run/Stop mode switch has three positions:
Switch CPU and Sweep Mode Memory Protection
Run Enable The CPU runs with I/O sweep enabled. User program memory is read only.
Run Dis The CPU runs with I/O sweep disabled. User program memory is read only.
Stop The CPU is not allowed to go into Run User program memory can be written.

The Run/Mode switch can be disabled in the programming software HWC. The
switch’s memory protection function can be disabled separately in HWC. The
Run/Mode switch is enabled by default. The memory protection functionality is
disabled by default.
The Read Switch Position (Switch_Pos) function allows the logic to read the current
position of the Run/Stop switch, as well as the mode for which the switch is
configured. For details, refer to chapter 8.

5-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Flash Memory Operation

The CPU stores the current configuration and application in battery-backed RAM.
With PACSystems, you also have the option to store the Logic, Hardware
Configuration, and Reference Data into resident flash memory. The PACSystems
CPU provides enough flash memory to hold all of user space (10MB), all reference
tables that aren't counted against user space, and any overhead required. For details
on which items count against user memory space, please refer to appendix B.
By default, the CPU reads program logic and configuration, and reference table data
from RAM at powerup. However, logic/configuration and reference tables can each be
configured to always read from flash or conditionally read from flash. To configure
these parameters in the programming software, select the CPU’s Settings tab in
Hardware Configuration.
If conditional flash is selected as the power-up source, the CPU powers up from flash
only if a corrupted memory condition is detected or if there is no battery attached
during the power cycle. Conditional powerup from flash is recommended, because
data in flash is non-volatile and does not require a battery to maintain its data.
If logic/configuration and/or reference tables are configured for conditional powerup
from flash, these items are restored from flash to battery-backed RAM when user
memory is found to be corrupted or user memory was not preserved (i.e. no battery).
If logic/configuration and/or reference memory are configured for conditional powerup
from flash and user memory has been preserved, no flash operation will occur.
If logic/configuration and/or reference tables are configured to always power up from
flash, these items are restored from flash to battery-backed RAM regardless of the
state of the user memory.
Note: If any component (logic/configuration or reference tables) is read from flash,
OEM-mode and passwords are also read from flash.
In addition to configuring where the CPU obtains logic, configuration, and data during
powerup, the programming software provides the following flash operations:
■ Store a copy of the current configuration, application program, and reference
tables (excluding overrides) to flash memory. Note that a store-to-flash operation
causes all components to be stored to flash.
■ Read a previously-stored configuration, an application program, or reference
tables from flash into RAM.
■ Verify that flash and RAM contain identical data
■ Clear flash contents

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-13


Logic/Configuration Source and CPU Operating Mode at Power-up

Flash and user memory can contain different values for the Logic/Configuration
Power-up Source parameter. The following tables summarize how these settings
determine the logic/configuration source after a power cycle. CPU mode is affected by
the Power-up Mode, Run/Stop Switch and Stop-Mode I/O Scanning parameters,
Run/Stop mode switch position, and the power down mode as shown in the tables on
page 5-15.
Before Power Cycle After Power Cycle
Logic/Configuration Logic/Configuration
Power-up Source Power-up Source
in Flash in RAM Origin of Logic/Configuration CPU Mode

Always Flash Memory not preserved Flash See “CPU Mode when Memory Not Preserved/
(i.e. no battery or memory Power-up Source is Flash” on page 5-15.
Always Flash No configuration in RAM, memory Flash See” Memory Preserved” on
preserved page 5-15.
Always Flash Always Flash Flash
Always Flash Conditional Flash Flash
Always Flash Always RAM Flash
Conditional Flash Memory not preserved Flash See “CPU Mode when Memory Not Preserved/
(i.e. no battery or memory Power-up Source is Flash” on page 5-15..
Conditional Flash No configuration in RAM, memory Uses default Stop Disabled
preserved logic/configuration
Conditional Flash Always Flash RAM See ”CPU Mode when Memory Preserved” on
Conditional Flash Conditional Flash RAM page 5-15.

Conditional Flash Always RAM RAM

Always RAM Memory not preserved Uses default Stop Disabled
(i.e. no battery or memory logic/configuration
Always RAM No configuration in RAM, memory Uses default Stop Disabled
preserved logic/configuration
Always RAM Always Flash Flash See ”CPU Mode when Memory Preserved” on
Always RAM Conditional Flash RAM page 5-15.

Always RAM Always RAM RAM

No Configuration in Memory not preserved Uses default Stop Disabled
Flash (i.e. no battery or memory logic/configuration
No Configuration in No configuration in RAM, memory Uses default Stop Disabled
Flash preserved logic/configuration

No Configuration in Always Flash RAM See ”CPU Mode when Memory Preserved” on
Flash page 5-15.
No Configuration in Conditional Flash RAM
No Configuration in Always RAM RAM

5-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


CPU Mode when Memory Not Preserved/Power-up Source is Flash

Configuration Parameters
Power-up Mode Run/Stop Switch Run/Stop Switch Position CPU Mode
Run Enabled Stop Stop Disabled
Run Enabled Run Disabled Run Disabled
Run Enabled Run Enabled Run Enabled
Run Disabled N/A Run Enabled
Stop N/A N/A Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Stop Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Run Disabled Run Disabled
Last Enabled Run Enabled Run Disabled
Last Disabled N/A Run Disabled

CPU Mode when Memory Preserved

Configuration Parameters

Power-up Mode Run/Stop Switch Stop-Mode I/O Scanning Run/Stop Switch Power Down CPU Mode
Position Mode
Run Enabled Enabled Stop N/A Stop Enabled
Run Enabled Disabled Stop N/A Stop Disabled
Run Enabled N/A Run Disabled N/A Run Disabled
Run Enabled N/A Run Enabled N/A Run Enabled
Run Disabled N/A N/A N/A Run Enabled
Stop N/A Enabled N/A N/A Stop Enabled
Stop N/A Disabled N/A N/A Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Enabled Stop Stop Disabled Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Enabled Stop Stop Enabled Stop Enabled
Last Enabled Enabled Stop Run Disabled Stop Enabled
Last Enabled Enabled Stop Run Enabled Stop Enabled
Last Enabled Disabled Stop N/A Stop Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Disabled Stop Disabled Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Enabled Run Disabled Stop Enabled Stop Enabled
Last Enabled Disabled Run Disabled Stop Enabled Stop Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Disabled Run Disabled Run Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Disabled Run Enabled Run Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Enabled Stop Disabled Stop Disabled
Last Enabled Enabled Run Enabled Stop Enabled Stop Enabled
Last Enabled Disabled Run Enabled Stop Enabled Stop Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Enabled Run Disabled Run Disabled
Last Enabled N/A Run Enabled Run Enabled Run Enabled
Last Disabled N/A N/A Stop Disabled Stop Disabled
Last Disabled Enabled N/A Stop Enabled Stop Enabled
Last Disabled Disabled N/A Stop Enabled Stop Disabled
Last Disabled N/A N/A Run Disabled Run Disabled
Last Disabled N/A N/A Run Enabled Run Enabled

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-15


Clocks and Timers

Clocks and timers provided by the CPU include an elapsed time clock, a time-of-day
clock, and software and hardware watchdog timers.

For information on timer functions and timed contacts provided by the CPU instruction
set, see “Timers and Counters” in chapter 8.

Elapsed Time Clock

The elapsed time clock tracks the time elapsed since the CPU powered on. The clock
is not retentive across a power failure; it restarts on each power-up. This seconds
count rolls over (seconds count returns to zero) approximately 100 years after the
clock begins timing.
Because the elapsed time clock provides the base for system software operations and
timer function blocks, it may not be reset from the user program or the programmer.
However, the application program can read the current value of the elapsed time clock
by using Service Request #16 or Service Request #50, which provides higher

Time-of-Day Clock
A hardware time-of-day clock maintains the time of day in the CPU. The time-of-day
clock maintains the following seven time functions:
■ Year (two digits)
■ Month
■ Day of month
■ Hour
■ Minute
■ Second
■ Day of week
The time-of-day clock is battery-backed and maintains its present state across a
power failure. You can read and set the time and date using the programming
software. You can also read and set the time and date through the application
program using Service Request function #7.
The time-of-day clock handles month-to-month and year-to-year transitions and
automatically compensates for leap years through year 2036.

5-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Watchdog Timer
Software Watchdog Timer
A software watchdog timer in the CPU is designed to detect “failure to complete
sweep” conditions. The timer value for the software watchdog timer is set by using the
programming software. The allowable range for this timer is 10 to 2550 milliseconds;
the default value is 200 milliseconds. The software watchdog timer always starts from
zero at the beginning of each sweep.
The software watchdog timer is useful in detecting abnormal operation of the
application program that prevents the CPU sweep from completing within the user-
specified time. Examples of such abnormal application program conditions are as
■ Excessive recursive calling of a block
■ Excessive looping (large loop count or large amounts of execution time for each
■ Infinite execution loop
When selecting a software watchdog value, always set the value higher than the
longest expected sweep time to prevent accidental expiration. For Constant Sweep
mode, allowance for oversweep conditions should be considered when selecting the
software watchdog timer value.
The watchdog timer continues during interrupt execution. Queuing of interrupts within
a single sweep may cause watchdog timer expiration.
If the software watchdog timeout value is exceeded, the OK LED blinks, and the CPU
goes to Stop/Halt mode. Certain functions, however, are still possible. A fault is placed
in the CPU fault table, and outputs go to their default state. The CPU will only
communicate with the programmer attached through the embedded Ethernet
interface; no other communications or operations are possible. To recover, power
must be cycled on the rack containing the CPU.
To extend the current sweep beyond the software watchdog timer value, the
application program may restart the software watchdog timer using Service Request
function #8. However, the software watchdog timer value may only be changed from
the configuration software.
Note that Service Request Function #8 does not reset the output scan timer
implemented on the Genius Bus Controller.

Hardware Watchdog Timer

A backup circuit provides additional protection for the CPU. If this backup circuit
activates, the CPU is immediately placed in Reset mode. Outputs go to their default
state and no communications of any form are possible, and the CPU will halt. To
recover, power must be cycled.

Note: Fatal Fault Retries is not supported by PACSystems.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-17


System Security
The PACSystems CPU supports the following two types of system security:
■ Passwords/privilege levels
■ OEM protection

Passwords and Privilege Levels

Passwords are a configurable feature of the PACSystems CPU. Their use is optional
and can be set up using the programming software. Passwords provide different
levels of access privilege for the CPU when the programmer is Online. Passwords are
not used if the programmer is in Offline mode.
The default state is no password protection. Each privilege level in the CPU may have
a unique password; however, the same password can be used for more than one
level. Passwords are one to seven ASCII characters in length. Passwords can be
changed only through the programming software.
After passwords have been set up, access to the CPU via any communications path is
restricted from the levels at which the passwords are set, unless the proper password
has been entered. Once a password has successfully been accepted, access to the
privilege level requested and below is granted (for example, providing the password
for level 3 allows access to functions at levels 1, 2, and 3).
Note: The Run Mode switch on the CPU overrides password protection. Even
though the programmer may not be able to switch between Run and Stop
mode, the switch on the CPU can do so.

Privilege Levels
Priv Level Password Access Description
4 Yes Write to configuration or logic. Configuration may only be written in Stop mode; logic may be written
in Stop or Run mode. Set or delete passwords for any level.
Note: This is the default privilege for a connection to the CPU if no passwords are defined.
3 Yes Write to configuration or logic when the CPU is in Stop mode, including word-for-word changes,
addition/deletion of program logic, and the overriding of discrete I/O.
2 Yes Write to any data memory. This does not include overriding discrete I/O. The CPU can be started or
stopped. CPU and I/O fault tables can be cleared.
1 Yes Read any CPU data, except for passwords. This includes reading fault tables, performing
datagrams, verifying logic/configuration, loading program and configuration, etc. from the CPU.
None of this data may be changed. At this level, transition to Run mode from the programmer is not

5-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Protection Level Request from Programmer

Upon connection to the CPU, the programmer requests the CPU to move to the
highest non-protected level.
The programmer requests a privilege level change by supplying the new privilege
level and the password for that level. If the password sent by the programmer does
not agree with the password stored in the CPU’s password access table for the
requested level, the privilege level change is denied and a fault is logged in the CPU
fault table. The current privilege level is maintained, and no change occurs. A request
to change to a privilege level that is not password protected is made by supplying the
new level and a null password. A privilege change may be to a lower level as well as
to a higher level.

Disabling Passwords

The use of password protection is optional. If you want to prevent the use of password
protection, passwords can be disabled using the programming software.
Note: To enable passwords after they have been disabled, the CPU must be power-
cycled with the battery removed.

Password protection prevents firmware upgrades. Prior to attempting a

firmware upgrade, disable password protection, then enable it after the

OEM Protection
OEM protection is similar to the passwords and privilege levels. However, OEM
protection provides a higher level of security. The OEM protection feature is
enabled/disabled using a 1 to 7 character password. When OEM protection is
enabled, all read and write access to the CPU program and configuration is
Protection for OEMs’ investment in software is provided in the form of a special
password known as the OEM key. When the OEM key has been given a non-NULL
value, the CPU may be placed in a mode in which reads, writes, and verification of the
logic and/or configuration are prohibited. This allows a third-party OEM to create
Control Programs for the CPU and then set the OEM-locked mode, which prevents
the end user from reading or modifying the program.
Note: OEM protection prevents firmware upgrades to the flash memory. To upgrade
the firmware, you must first disable OEM protection, then enable it again after
the upgrade.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-19


PACSystems I/O System

The PACSystems I/O system provides the interface between the CPU and other
devices. The PACSystems I/O system supports:
■ I/O and Intelligent option modules.
■ Ethernet Interface
■ Motion modules (RX3i)
■ The Genius I/O system (RX7i). A Genius I/O Bus Controller (GBC) module
provides the interface between the RX7i CPU and a Genius I/O bus.

Default Conditions for I/O Modules

Some input modules can be configured to send an interrupt to the application
program. By default, this interrupt is disabled and the input filter is set to slow. If
changed by programming software, the new settings are applied when the
configuration is stored and during subsequent power-cycles.
Series 90-70 discrete output modules default to all outputs off. The configuration utility
provides the ability to specify the output default mode as either Off or Hold Last State.
The selected action will apply when the CPU transitions from Run/Enabled to
Run/Disabled or Stop mode, or when the CPU experiences a fatal fault.
At power-up, Series 90-30 discrete output modules default to all outputs off. They will
retain this default condition until the first output scan from the PLC.
For details on the powerup and stop mode behavior of other modules, refer to the
documentation for that module.

Multiple I/O Scan Sets

Up to 32 I/O scan sets can be defined for a PACSystems CPU. A scan set is a group
of I/O modules that can be assigned a unique scan rate. A given I/O module can
belong to one and only one scan set. By default, all I/O modules are assigned to scan
set 1, which is scanned every sweep.
For some applications, the CPU logic does not need to have the information every
sweep. The I/O scan set feature allows the scanning of I/O points to be more closely
scheduled with their use in user logic programs. If you have a large number of I/O
modules, you may be able to significantly reduce scan time by staggering the
scanning of those modules.
A disadvantage of placing all modules into different scan sets appears when the CPU
is transitioning from Stop to Run. In that case, scan sets with a programmed delay are
not scanned on the first sweep. These modules' outputs are not enabled until the new
data has been scanned to them, perhaps many scans later. Therefore there is a
period of time during which the user logic is executing and some modules' outputs are
disabled. During that time, outputs of those modules are in the module’s stop-mode
state. Stop-mode behavior is module-dependent. Some modules zero their outputs,
some hold their last scanned state (if any), and some force their outputs to a
configured default value. When the module's outputs are enabled, the module uses
the last scanned value, which will either be zero or the contents of the register the
module uses to hold the corresponding output values from the reference tables.

5-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Genius I/O
The GBC used in the RX7i controls a single Genius I/O bus. Any type of Genius I/O
device may be attached to the bus.
In the I/O fault table, the rack, slot, bus, module, and I/O point number are given for a
fault. Bus number one refers to the bus on the single-channel GBC.

Genius I/O Configuration

The programming software can configure a subset of the parameters associated with
Genius I/O blocks.
Genius I/O blocks have a number of parameters that can be set using the Genius I/O
Hand-Held Monitor. These parameter values are stored in EEPROM in the block itself.
The serial bus address (SBA) and baud rate must be set using the Genius I/O Hand-
Held Monitor. For specific information on Genius I/O block types, configuration, and
setup, refer to the Genius I/O System User’s Manuals, GEK-90486-1 and -2.
Through the COMMREQ function block, the application program can request the GBC
to change any default condition on a specific block. However, the block only accepts
this change if it is not in Config Protect mode. If Config Protect mode is set, only the
Hand-Held Monitor can be used to change the defaults. The format of the COMMREQ
function block for Genius I/O is described in the Genius Bus Controller User’s Manual,

Genius I/O Data Mapping

Genius I/O discrete inputs and outputs are stored as bits in the CPU Bit Cache
memory. Genius I/O analog data is stored in the application RAM allocated for that
purpose (%AI and %AQ). Analog data is always stored one channel per one word (16
An analog grouped module consumes (in the input and output data memories) only
the amount of data space required for the actual inputs and outputs. For example, the
Genius I/O 115 VAC Grouped Analog Block, IC660CBA100, has four inputs and two
outputs. It consumes four words of Analog Input memory (%AI) and two words of
Analog Output memory.
A discrete grouped module, each point of which is configurable with the Hand-Held
Monitor (HHM) to be input, output, or output with feedback, consumes an amount in
both discrete input memory (%I) and discrete output memory (%Q) equal to its
physical size. Therefore, the eight I/O 115 VAC Discrete Grouped Block
(IC660CBD100) requires eight bits in the %I memory and eight bits in the %Q
memory, regardless of how each point on the block is configured.

Analog Grouped Block

The six-channel Analog Grouped block contains four analog input channels and two
analog output channels. When this block gets its turn on the Genius I/O Bus, it
broadcasts the data for all four input channels in one broadcast control message.
Then, when the GBC gets its turn, it sends the data for both output channels to the
block in a directed control message.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-21


Low-Level Analog Blocks

Unlike the Analog Grouped block, the low-level analog blocks, such as the
Thermocouple and RTD blocks, are input-only blocks. All have six channels.

Genius Global Data Communications

The PACSystems RX7i supports the sharing of data among multiple control systems
that share a common Genius I/O bus. This mechanism provides a means for the
automatic and repeated transfer of %G, %I, %Q, %AI, %AQ, %R, and %W data. No
special application programming is required to use global data since it is integrated
into the I/O scan. All GE Fanuc controllers that have Genius I/O capability can send
global data to an RX7i and can receive data from an RX7i. The programming software
is used to configure the receiving and transmitting of global data on a Genius I/O bus.
Note: Genius global data communications do not continue to operate when the RX7i
CPU is in Stop-I/O Scan Disabled mode. However, if the CPU is in Stop-I/O
Scan Enabled mode, Genius global data communications continue to operate.

I/O System Diagnostic Data Collection

Diagnostic data in a PACSystems I/O system is obtained in either of the following two
■ If an I/O module has an associated bus controller, the bus controller provides the
module’s diagnostic data for the CPU. For details on GBC faults, see “How RX7i
Handles GBC Faults” on page 5-23.
■ For I/O modules not interfaced through a bus controller, the CPU’s I/O Scanner
subsystem generates the diagnostic bits based on data provided by the module.
The diagnostic bits are derived from the diagnostic data sent from the I/O modules to
their I/O controllers (CPU or bus controller). Diagnostic bits indicate the current fault
status of the associated module. Bits are set when faults occur and are cleared when
faults are cleared.
Diagnostic data is not maintained by the RX7i for non-GE Fanuc modules. The
application program must use the BUS Read function blocks to access diagnostic
information provided by those boards.

5-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Discrete I/O Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic information is maintained by the CPU for each discrete I/O point. Two
memory blocks are allocated in application RAM for discrete diagnostic data, one for
%I memory and one for %Q memory. One bit of diagnostic memory is associated with
each I/O point. This bit indicates the validity of the associated I/O data. Each discrete
point has a fault reference that can be interrogated using two special contacts: a fault
contact (-[F]-) and a no-fault contact (-[NF]-). The CPU collects this fault data if
enabled to do so by the programming software. The following table shows the state of
the fault and no-fault contacts.
Condition [FAULT] [NOFLT]
Fault Present ON OFF
Fault Absent OFF ON

Analog I/O Diagnostic Data

Diagnostic information is made available by the CPU for each analog channel
associated with analog modules and Genius analog blocks. One byte of diagnostic
memory is allocated to each analog I/O channel. Since each analog I/O channel uses
two bytes of %AI and %AQ memory, the diagnostic memory is half the size of the data

The analog diagnostic data contains both diagnostics and process data with the
process data being the High Alarm and Low Alarm bits. The diagnostic data is
referenced with the -[F]- and -[NF]- contacts. The process bits are referenced with the
high alarm (-[HA]- and low alarm (-[LA]-) contacts. The memory allocation for analog
diagnostic data is one byte per word of analog input and analog output allocated by
programming software. When an analog fault contact is referenced in the application
program, the CPU does an Inclusive OR on all the bits in the diagnostic byte except
the process bits. The alarm contact is closed if any diagnostic bit is ON and OFF only
if all bits are OFF.

RX7i Handling of GBC Faults

Defaulting of input data associated with failed/lost GBCs
When a GBC is missing, mismatched, or otherwise failed, the Rx7i CPU applies the
Input Default setting for each device on that Genius bus when defaulting the input
data. If the device is configured for HOLD LAST STATE, the data is left alone. If the
device is configured for OFF, the input data is set to 0. If a redundant GBC is
operational, the input data is not affected.

Application of default input and diagnostic data for lost redundant blocks
When a GBC reports that a redundant block is lost, the RX7i CPU updates the input
data tables and input diagnostic tables with the default data during the very next input
scan. The output diagnostic data tables are updated during the very next output scan.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-23


Power-Up and Power-Down Sequences

Power-Up Sequence
System power-up consists of the following parts:
■ Power-up self-test
■ CPU memory validation
■ System configuration
■ Intelligent option module self-test completion
■ Intelligent option module dual port interface tests
■ I/O system initialization

Power-Up Self-Test
On system power-up, many modules in the system perform a power-up diagnostic
self-test. The CPU module executes hardware checks and software validity checks.
Intelligent option modules perform setup and verification of on-board microprocessors,
software checksum verification, local hardware verification, and notification to the
CPU of self-check completion. Any failed tests are queued for reporting to the CPU
during the system configuration portion of the cycle.
If a low battery indication is present, a low battery fault is logged into the CPU fault

CPU Memory Validation

The next phase of system power-up is the validation of the CPU memory. First, the
system verifies that the battery is not low and that battery-backed RAM areas are still
valid. A known area of battery-backed application RAM is checked to determine if data
was preserved. Next, if a ladder diagram program exists, a checksum is calculated
across the _MAIN ladder block. If no ladder diagram program exists, a checksum is
calculated across the smallest standalone C program.
When the system is sure that the application RAM is preserved, a known area of the
bit cache area is checked to determine if the bit cache data was preserved. If this test
passes, the Bit Cache memory is left containing its power-up values. (Non-retentive
outputs are cleared on a transition from Stop to Run mode.) If the checksum is not
valid or the retentive test on the application RAM fails, the bit cache memory is
assumed to be in error and all areas are cleared. The CPU is now in a cleared state,
the same as if a new CPU module were installed. All logic and configuration files must
be stored from the programmer to the CPU.

5-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


System Configuration
After completing its self-test, the CPU performs the system configuration. It first clears
all of the system diagnostic bits in the bit cache memory. This prevents faults that
were present before power-down, but are no longer present, from accidentally
remaining as faulted. Then it polls each module in the system for completion of the
module’s self-test.
The CPU reads information from each module, comparing it with the stored
(downloaded) rack/slot configuration information. Any differences between actual
configuration and the stored configuration are logged in the fault tables.

Intelligent Option Module Self-Test Completion

Intelligent option modules may take a longer time to complete their self-tests than the
CPU due to the time required to test communications media or other interface
devices. As an intelligent option module completes its initial self-tests, it tells the CPU
the time required to complete the remainder of these self-tests. During this time, the
CPU provides whatever additional information the module needs to complete its self-
configuration, and the module continues self-tests and configuration. If the module
does not report back in the time it specified, the CPU marks the module as faulted and
makes an entry in one of the fault tables. When all self-tests are complete, the CPU
obtains reports generated during the module’s power-up self-test and places fault
information (if any) in the fault tables.

Intelligent Option Module Dual Port Interface Tests

After completion of the intelligent option module self-test and results reporting,
integrity tests are jointly performed on the dual-port interface used by the CPU and
intelligent option module for communications. These tests validate that the two
modules are able to pass information back and forth, as well as verify the interrupt
and semaphore capabilities needed by the communications protocol. After dual port
interface tests are complete, the communications messaging system is initialized.

I/O System Initialization

If the module is an input module, no further configuration is required. If the module is

an output module, the module is commanded to go to its default state. The output
modules default to all outputs off at power-up and in failure mode, unless configured

A bus transmitter module is interrogated about what expansion racks are present in
the system. Based on the bus transmitter module’s response, the CPU adds those
racks and their associated slots into the list of slots to be configured.
Finally, the I/O Scanner performs its initialization. The I/O Scanner initializes all the
I/O controllers in the system by establishing the I/O connections to each I/O bus on
the I/O controller and obtaining all I/O configuration data from that I/O controller. This
configuration data is compared with the stored I/O configuration and any differences
reported in the I/O fault table. The I/O Scanner then sends each I/O controller a list of
the I/O modules to be configured on the I/O bus. After the I/O controllers have been
initialized, the I/O Scanner replaces the factory default settings in all I/O modules with
any application-specified settings.

GFK-2222B Chapter 5 CPU Operation 5-25


Power-Down Sequence
System power-down occurs when the power supply detects that incoming AC power
has dropped for more than 15ms.

Retention of Data Memory Across Power Failure

Because application RAM is battery-backed, the following types of data are preserved
across a power cycle:
■ Application program
■ Fault tables and other diagnostic data
■ Checksums on programs and blocks
■ Override data
■ Data in register (%R), local register (%L), and program register (%P) memory
■ Data in analog memory (%AI and %AQ)
■ State of discrete inputs (%I)
■ State of retentive discrete outputs (%Q)
■ State of retentive discrete internals (%M)
The following types of data are not preserved across a power cycle:
■ State of discrete temporary memory (%T)
■ %M and %Q memories used on non-retentive -()- coils
■ State of discrete system internals (system bits, fault bits, reserved bits)

5-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter Program Organization

This chapter provides information about the operation of application programs in a

PACSystems CPU.
■ Structure of the Application Program
■ Controlling Program Execution
■ Interrupt-Driven Blocks

Structure of a PACSystems Application Program

A PACSystems application consists of one block-structured application program. The
application program contains all the logic needed to control the operations of the CPU and
the modules in the system.

Application programs are created using the programming software and transferred to the
CPU. Programs are stored in the CPU’s non-volatile memory.
During the CPU Sweep (described in chapter 5), the CPU reads input data from the
modules in the system and stores the data in its configured input memory locations. The
CPU then executes the entire application program once, using this fresh input data.
Executing the application program creates new output data that is placed in the configured
output memory locations.
After the application program completes its execution, the CPU writes the output data to
modules in the system.
A block-structured program always includes a _MAIN block. Program execution begins
with the _MAIN block. Counting the _MAIN block, the program can contain up to 512

How Blocks Are Called

A block executes when called from the program logic in
the _MAIN block or another block. In this example,
LD_BLK1 is always called. Conditional logic can be
used to control calling a block. For LD_BLK2 to be
called, input %I00500 and output %Q00100 must be
ON. For details on using the Call function, refer to
chapter 8.

GFK-2222B 6-1

6-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Nested Calls
The CPU allows nested block calls as long as there is enough execution stack space to
support the call. If there is not enough stack space to support a given block call, an
“Application Stack Overflow” fault is logged. In these circumstances, the CPU cannot
execute the block. Instead, it sets all of the block’s Boolean outputs to FALSE, and
resumes execution at the point after the block call instruction.
Note: To halt the CPU when there is not enough stack space to execute a block, there
are two choices. The best method is to add logic to detect the occurrence of any
User Application Fault by testing the diagnostic bit %SA38, and then call
SVC_REQ 13 to halt the CPU. An alternative method is to add logic that tests for
a negative OK value coming out of the block and then call SVC_REQ 13 to halt
the CPU.
The call depth is guaranteed to be at least eight. The actual call depth achieved depends
on several factors, including the amount of data (non-Boolean) flow used in the blocks, the
particular functions called by the blocks, and the number and types of parameters defined
for the blocks. If blocks use less than the maximum amount of stack resources, more than
eight nested calls may be possible. The call level nesting counts the _MAIN block as
level 1.

Types of Blocks
PACSystems supports four types of blocks.
Block Type Local Data Programming Size Limit Parameters
Program Block Has its own local data LD 128 KB 0 inputs
ST 1 output
Parameterized Inherits local data from LD 128 KB 63 inputs
Block caller ST 64 outputs
Function Block Has its own local data LD 128 KB 63 inputs
64 outputs
Unlimited internal member
External Block Inherits local data from C user memory size limit (10 63 inputs
caller MB) 64 outputs
All PACSystems block types automatically provide an OK output parameter. The name
used to reference the OK parameter within a block is Y0. Logic within the block can read
and write the Y0 parameter. When a block is called, its Y0 parameter is automatically
initialized to TRUE. This will result in a positive power flow out of the block call instruction
when the block completes execution, unless Y0 is set to FALSE within the logic of the
For all block types, the maximum number of input parameters is one less than the
maximum number of output parameters. This is because the EN input to the block call is
not considered to be an input parameter to the block. It is used in LD language to
determine whether or not to call the block, but is not passed into the block if the block is

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-3


Program Blocks
Any block can be a Program Block. The _MAIN program block is automatically declared
when you create a block-structured program. When you declare any other program block,
you must assign it a unique block name. A program block is automatically configured with
no input parameters and one output parameter (OK).
When a block-structured program is executed, the _MAIN block is automatically executed.
Other program blocks execute when called from the program logic in the _MAIN block,
another block, or itself. In the following example, if %M00001 is ON, the program block
named ProcessEGD will be executed:

Program Blocks and Local Data

Program blocks support the use of %P global data. In addition, each program block,
except _MAIN, has its own %L local data. Program blocks do not inherit %L local data
from their callers.

Using Parameters With a Program Block

Every program block is automatically defined to have one formal ‘power flow’ (or OK)
output parameter, named Y0. Y0 is a BOOL parameter of LENGTH 1, passed by initial-
value result. It indicates successful execution of the of the program block. It can be read
and written to by the logic within the block.

6-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Parameterized Blocks
Any block except _MAIN can be a parameterized block. When you declare a
parameterized block, you must assign it a unique block name. A parameterized block can
be configured with up to 63 input and 64 output parameters.
A parameterized block executes when called from the program logic in the _MAIN block,
another block, or itself. In the following example, if %I00001 is set, the parameterized
block named LOAD_41 will be executed.

Parameterized Blocks and Local Data

Parameterized blocks support the use of %P global data. Parameterized blocks do not
have their own %L data, but instead inherit the %L data of their calling blocks.
Parameterized blocks also inherit the FST_EXE system reference and “time stamp” data
that is used to update timer functions from their calling blocks. If %L references are used
within a parameterized block and the block is called by _MAIN, %L references will be
inherited from the %P references wherever encountered in the parameterized block (for
example, %L0005 = %P0005).
Note: It is possible, by using Test and Edit in the programming software to cause a
parameterized block to use %L higher than allowed because of the way it inherits
data. Using a word-for-word change to restore this reference to a valid address
does not correct the block because the variable still exists in the variable list.
Deleting the variable from the variable list does not cause an update to the CPU,
so the parameterized block still sees the reference out of range fault. To correct
this condition, you must remove the unused variables from the variable list after
deleting them from the logic

Using Parameters with a Parameterized Block

A parameterized block may be defined to have between 0 and 63 formal input
parameters, and between 1 and 64 formal output parameters. A ‘power-flow out’ (or OK)
parameter, named Y0, is automatically defined for every parameterized block. It is a
BOOL parameter of LENGTH 1, and indicates the successful execution of the
parameterized block. It can be read and written to by the parameterized block’s logic.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-5


The following table lists the TYPEs, LENGTHs, and parameter passing mechanisms
allowed for parameterized block parameters. (For definitions of the parameter passing
types, see “Parameter Passing Mechanisms” on page 6-17.)
Type Length Default Parameter Passing Mechanism
BOOL 1 to 256 INPUTS: by value
OUTPUTS: by value result; except Y0, which is by initial-value result
BYTE 1 to 1024 INPUTS: by reference
OUTPUTS: by reference
INT, UINT, and WORD 1 to 512 INPUTS: by reference
OUTPUTS: by reference
DINT, REAL, and DWORD 1 to 256 INPUTS: by reference
OUTPUTS: by reference
function block* 1 INPUTS: by reference
OUTPUTS: not allowed
* A maximum of 16 input parameters can be of TYPE function block.

The PACSystems default parameter passing mechanisms correspond to the way that
PSB parameters were passed on 90-70 controllers. The parameter passing mechanisms
of formal parameters cannot be changed from their default values.

Arguments, or “actual parameters” are passed into a parameterized block when a

parameterized block call is executed. In general, arguments to formal parameters may
come from any memory type, may be data flow, and may be constants (when the formal
parameter’s LENGTH is 1). The following list contains the restrictions on arguments
relative to this general rule:
■ %S memory addresses cannot be used as arguments to any output parameter. This is
because user logic is not allowed to write to %S memory.
■ Indirect references used as arguments are resolved immediately before the
parameterized block is called, and the corresponding direct reference is passed into
the block. For example, where %R1 contains the value 10 and @R1 is used as an
argument to a call, immediately before calling the block, @R1 is resolved to be %R10,
and %R10 is passed in as the argument to the block. During execution of the block,
the argument remains as %R10, regardless of whether the value in %R1 changes.
In general, formal parameters within a parameterized block may be used with any
instruction, with any GE Fanuc function, or with any block call, as long as their TYPE and
LENGTH are compatible with what the instruction, function, or block call requires. The
following list contains the restrictions on formal parameters relative to this general rule:
■ Formal parameters cannot be used on legacy transitional contacts or coils, or on
FAULT, NOFLT, HIALM, or LOALM contacts. However, formal parameters can be
used on IEC transitional contacts and coils.
■ Formal BOOL input parameters cannot be used on coils or as output arguments to a
GE Fanuc function or to a block call.
■ Formal parameters cannot be used with the DO I/O function.
■ Formal parameters cannot be used with indirect referencing.

6-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Function Blocks
Function blocks are user-defined logic blocks that have parameters and instance data.
Users can define their own function blocks instead of being limited to the standard
function blocks provided in the PACSystems instruction set. In many cases, the use of this
feature results in a reduction in total program size.
Once a function block is defined, multiple instances of it can be created. Each instance
has its own unique copy of the function block’s instance data, which consists of the
function block’s internal member variables and all of its input and output parameters
except those that are passed by reference. When a function block is called on a given
instance, the function block logic operates on that instance’s copy of the instance data.
The values of the instance data persist from one execution of the function block to the
A function block cannot be triggered by an interrupt.
Function block logic is created using LD. Function block logic can make calls to all the
other types of PACSystems blocks (program blocks, parameterized blocks, external
blocks and other function blocks). Only blocks written in LD (program blocks,
parameterized blocks, and other function blocks) can make calls to function blocks.
Unless otherwise stated, the PACSystems implementation of user defined function blocks
meets the IEC 61131-3 requirements for function blocks.

Defining a Function Block

To create a function block in the programming software, create an LD block in the
Program Blocks folder. In the Properties for the block, select Function Block.
To define instance data for a function block, select Parameters in the block’s properties.
Input and output parameters are defined in the same way as for parameterized blocks. In
the following example, three internal member variables are defined: temp, speed, and

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-7


Creating Function Block Instances

You create an instance of a function block by calling it in your logic and assigning an
instance name in the function properties (????).

In the following example, the first rung creates two instances of the function block, Motors.
The instance variables associated with the instances are motors.motor1 and
motors.motor2. The second rung uses the two instances of the internal variable temp in

Instance Data Structures

A variable with the format function_block_name.instance_name
is automatically created for each instance of a function block. The
instance data makes up a single composite variable that is of a
structure TYPE. The example to the right shows the variable

6-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


structures associated with two instances of the function block

named Motors. Each instance variable has elements
corresponding to parameters In1, Out1, and Y0, and internal
variables modelno, speed, and temp.
Instances are created as symbolic variables, never as mapped
variables. This ensures that instance data is only referenced by the
instance name and not by a memory address, which means that no
aliases can be created for the function block data elements. The
indirect reference operator cannot be used on an instance variable
because indirect references are not permitted on symbolic

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-9


Function Blocks and Scope

Unlike a parameterized subroutine, a function block has its own %L memory.
By default, internal variables of a function block have local scope, making them visible
only to the logic inside the function block. They cannot be read or written by any external
logic or by the hardware configuration. An internal variable can be made visible outside of
the function block by changing its scope to global. Logic outside the function block can
read but cannot write to internal variables whose scope is global.
Note: If you give internal variables global scope, your application will not conform to IEC

Using Parameters with Function Blocks

Function blocks support up to 63 inputs and up to 64 outputs.
Each function block has a predefined Boolean output parameter, Y0, which the CPU sets
to true upon each invocation of the block. Y0 can be controlled by logic within the block
and provides the output status of the block.
The following table lists the TYPEs, LENGTHs, and parameter passing mechanisms
allowed for function block parameters. For additional information on parameter passing,
see “Parameter Passing Mechanisms” on page 6-17.

Type Length Parameter Passing Mechanism Retentiveness of Instance

Data for Parameters

BOOL 1 to 256 INPUTS: by reference, value, or value result. Not Applicable if passed by
(Default: value) reference, since not stored in
instance data.

Can be retentive (default) or

nonretentive for value or value

OUTPUTS: by result; except Y0, which is by Retentive (default) or

initial-value result Nonretentive

BYTE 1 to INPUTS: by reference, value, or value result. Retentive for value or value
1024 (Default: value) result.

OUTPUTS: by result Not applicable for reference

INT, UINT, and WORD 1 to 512 INPUTS: by reference, value, or value result. Retentive for value or value
(Default: value) result.

OUTPUTS: by result Not applicable for reference

DINT, REAL, and 1 to 256 INPUTS: by reference, value, or value result. Retentive for value or value
DWORD (Default: value) result.

OUTPUTS: by result Not applicable for reference

6-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


function block* 1 INPUTS: by reference Not applicable since passed by

OUTPUTS: not allowed

* A maximum of 16 input parameters can be of TYPE function block.

If an input parameter is passed by reference or by value result, it requires an argument.
All other parameters of a function block are optional. That is, they do not have to be given
arguments on each instance of the function block. If no argument is given for an optional
parameter, the variable element associated with the parameter retains the value it
previously had.
Function block outputs cannot be passed as arguments to input parameters that are
passed by reference or passed by value result. This restriction prevents modification of a
function block output.

Using Internal Member Variables with Function Blocks

A function block can have any number of internal member variables. Internal variables’
values are not passed through the input and output parameters. An internal variable
cannot have the same name as a parameter of the function block it is defined in.
An internal variable can be:
■ Any basic TYPE supported by PACSystems (BOOL, INT, UINT, DINT, REAL, BYTE,
■ A function block TYPE. Such member variables are known as nested instances. For
example, the function block “Motor” can have an internal variable of TYPE “Valve,”
where Valve is a function block TYPE. Note that defining a member variable as a
function block TYPE does not create an instance.
A nested instance cannot be of the same TYPE as the function block being defined
because this would set up an infinitely recursive definition. Nor can any level of a
nested instance be of the same TYPE as the parent function block being defined. For
example, the function block “Motor” cannot have an internal variable of TYPE “Valve,”
if the Valve function block contains an internal variable of TYPE “Motor.”
■ A one-dimensional array.
Internal variables of TYPE BOOL can be retentive (default) or nonretentive. All other
TYPEs must be retentive.
Member variables corresponding to a function block’s input parameters cannot be read or
written outside of the function block. (This is more restrictive than the IEC 61131-3
requirements for Function Blocks.) Member variables corresponding to the function
block’s output parameters can be read but not written outside of the function block.
Internal member variables that have basic TYPEs may be given initial values. The same
initial values apply to all instances of a function block. If an initial value isn’t given, the
internal member variable is set to zero when the application transitions to RUN mode for
the first time.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-11


An internal member variable that is a nested instance has initial values as specified by its
function block TYPE definition.
Initial values are not stored during a RUN mode store. They will not take effect until a
STOP mode store is performed.

6-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Function Block Logic

An instance of a BOOL parameter or internal variable can be forced ON or OFF, or used
with transition-detecting instructions. The exception to this is that BOOL input parameters
passed by reference cannot be forced or used with the Series 90-70 legacy transition-
detecting instructions (POSCOIL, NEGCOIL, POSCON and NEGCON) because their
values are not stored in instance data.
All input parameters to a function block, and their corresponding instance data elements,
can be read by their function block’s logic.
Input parameters that are passed by reference or passed by value result to a function
block can be written to by their function block logic. Input parameters passed by value
cannot be written to by their function block logic. Note that the restriction on writing to
input parameters passed by value does not apply to other types of blocks.
All function block output parameters can be both read and written to by their logic.

Function Block Operation with Other Blocks

A function block instance that is of global scope can be invoked by another function
block’s logic or any other LD block’s logic.
A function block instance that is passed (by reference) as an argument to a function block
can be invoked by the function block’s logic.
A function block instance that is passed (by reference) as an argument to a parameterized
block can be invoked by the parameterized block’s logic.
The output parameters, and their corresponding instance data elements, of a function
block instance that is passed as an argument can be read but not modified by the
receiving block’s logic. The input parameters of a function block instance that is passed as
an argument cannot be read or modified by the receiving block’s logic. The internal
variables of a function block instance that is passed as an argument cannot be modified
by the receiving block’s logic. They can be read if their scope is global, but not if their
scope is local.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-13


External Blocks
External blocks are developed using external development tools as well as the C
Programmer’s Toolkit for PACSystems. Refer to the C Programmer’s Toolkit for
PACSystems User’s Manual, GFK-2259 for detailed information regarding external blocks.
Any block except _MAIN can be an external block. When you declare an external block,
you must assign it a unique block name. It can be configured with up to 63 input
parameters and 64 output parameters.
An external block executes when called from the program logic in the _MAIN block or from
the logic in another program block, parameterized block, or function block. External blocks
themselves cannot call any other block. In the following example, if %I00001 is set, the
external block named EXT_11 is executed.

Note: Unlike other block types, external blocks cannot call other blocks.

External Blocks and Local Data

External blocks support the use of %P global data. External blocks do not have their own
%L data, but instead inherit the %L data of their calling blocks. They also inherit the
FST_EXE system reference and the “time stamp” data that is used to update timer
function blocks from their calling blocks. If %L references are used within an external
block and the block is called by _MAIN, %L references will be inherited from the %P
references wherever encountered in the external block (for example, %L0005 = %P0005).

Initialization of C Variables
When an external block is stored to the CPU, a copy of the initial values for its global and
static variables is saved. However, if static variables are declared without an initial value,
the initial value is undefined and must be initialized by the C application. (Refer to “Global
Variable Initialization” and “Static Variable” in the C Programmer’s Toolkit for
PACSystems, GFK-2259). The saved initial values are used to re-initialize the block’s
global and static variables whenever the CPU transitions from Stop to Run.

Using Parameters With an External Block

An external block may be defined to have between zero and 63 formal input parameters
and between one and 64 formal output parameters. A ‘power-flow out’ (or OK) parameter,
named Y0, is automatically defined for every external block. Y0 is a BOOL parameter of

6-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


LENGTH 1, and indicates the successful execution of the block. It can be read and written
to by the external block’s logic.
The following table gives the TYPEs, LENGTHs, and parameter passing mechanisms
allowed for external block parameters.

Type Length Default Parameter Passing Mechanism

BOOL 1 to 256 INPUTS: by reference

OUTPUTS: by reference; except Y0, which is

by initial-value result

BYTE 1 to 1024 INPUTS: by reference

OUTPUTS: by reference

INT, UINT, and WORD 1 to 512 INPUTS: by reference

OUTPUTS: by reference

DINT, REAL, and 1 to 256 INPUTS: by reference

OUTPUTS: by reference

The PACSystems default parameter passing mechanisms correspond to the way that
external block parameters were passed on 90-70 controllers. At this time, the parameter
passing mechanisms of formal parameters cannot be changed from their default values.
You must define a name for each formal input and output parameter. Parameter names
are limited to between 1 and 3 characters so that they will show up on the Call instruction
for the external block.
Arguments, or “actual parameters”, are passed into an external block when an external
block call is executed.
Arguments may be any valid reference address including an indirect reference, may be
flow, or may be a constant if the corresponding parameter’s LENGTH is 1.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-15


Local Data
Each Program block or function block in a block-structured program has an associated
local data block. _MAIN’s data block memory is referenced by %P; all other data block
memories are referenced by %L.
The size of the data block is dependent on the highest reference in its block for %L and in
all blocks for %P.

data data
%P %L

block 2





All blocks within the program can use data associated with the _MAIN block (%P).
Program blocks and function blocks can use their own %L data as well as the %P data
that is available to all blocks. The _MAIN block cannot use %L.
External blocks and parameterized blocks can use the Local Data (%L) of their calling
block as well as the %P data of the _MAIN block. If a parameterized block or external
block is called by MAIN, all %L references in the parameterized block or external block will
actually be references to corresponding %P references (for example, %L0005 = %P0005).
In addition to inheriting the Local Data of their calling blocks, parameterized blocks and
external blocks inherit the FST_EXE status of their calling blocks.

Inherits as %L PSB 1
_MAIN or
EB 1


Inherits as %L PSB 2

6-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Parameter Passing Mechanisms

All blocks (except _MAIN) have at least one parameter and thus are affected by
parameter passing mechanisms. A “parameter passing mechanism” describes the way
that data is passed from an argument in a calling block to a parameter in the called block,
and from the parameter in the called block back to the argument in the calling block.
PACSystems supports five different parameter passing mechanisms: pass by reference,
pass by value, pass by value result, pass by result, and pass by initial-value result. A
parameter is defined by its TYPE, LENGTH, and parameter passing mechanism.
When a parameter is passed by reference, the address of its argument is passed into
the called block. All logic within the called block that reads or writes to the parameter is
directly reading or writing to the actual argument.
When a parameter is passed by value, the value of its argument is copied into a local
stack memory associated with the called block. All logic within the called block that reads
or writes to the parameter is reading or writing to this stack memory. Thus no changes are
ever made to the actual argument.
When a parameter is passed by value result, the value of its argument is copied into a
local stack memory associated with the called block, and the address of its argument is
saved. All logic within the called block that reads or writes to the parameter is reading or
writing to this stack memory. When the called block completes its execution, the value in
the stack memory is copied back to the actual argument’s address. Thus no changes are
made to the actual argument while the called block is executing, but when it completes
execution, the actual argument is updated.
When a parameter is passed by result, space is allocated for its argument in a local
stack memory associated with the called block, and the address of its argument is saved.
All logic within the called block that reads or writes to the parameter is reading or writing to
this stack memory. When the called block completes its execution, the value in the stack
memory is copied back to the actual argument’s address. Thus no changes are made to
the actual argument while the called block is executing, but when it completes execution,
the actual argument is updated.
When a parameter is passed by initial-value result, an initial value of TRUE is copied
into a local stack memory associated with the called block, and the address of its
argument is saved. All logic within the called block that reads or writes to the parameter is
reading or writing to this stack memory. When the called block completes its execution,
the value in the stack memory is copied back to the actual argument’s address. Thus no
changes are made to the actual argument while the called block is executing, but when it
completes execution, the actual argument is updated. The OK output parameters of all
blocks are passed by initial-value result.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-17



Ladder Diagram (LD)

Logic written in Ladder Diagram language consists of a sequence of rungs that execute
from top to bottom. The logic execution is thought of as “power flow”, which proceeds
down along the left “rail” of the ladder, and from left to right along each rung in sequence.
Power Relay Coil
Rail Power flow into function Power flow out of function

Multiplication function

The flow of logical power through each rung is controlled by a set of simple program
instructions that work like mechanical relays and output coils. Whether or not a relay
passes logical power flow along the rung depends on the content of a memory location
with which the relay has been associated in the program. For instance, a relay might pass
positive power flow if its associated memory location contains the value 1. The same relay
passes negative power flow if the memory location contains the value 0.
Usually an instruction that receives negative power flow does not execute and propagates
the negative power flow on to the next instruction in the rung. However, some instructions
such as timers and counters execute even when they receive negative power flow, and
may even pass positive power flow out. Once a rung completes execution, with either
positive or negative power flow, power flows down along the left rail to the next rung.
Within a rung, there are many complex functions that are part of the standard GE Fanuc
function library and can be used for operations like moving data stored in memory,
performing math operations, and controlling communications between the CPU and other
devices in the system. Some program functions, such as the Jump function and Master
Control Relay, can be used to control the execution of the program itself. Together, this
large group of Ladder Diagram instructions and standard GE Fanuc library functions
makes up the instruction set of the CPU.
Note: Series 90-70 PLCs use column-major execution: they execute a rung of LD logic
by going from top to bottom, left to right, through each column in the rung.
PACSystems and Series 90-30 CPUs use row-major execution: they execute an
LD rung by tracing paths from left to right and top to bottom. For examples, refer
to “Row- versus Column-major LD Logic Execution” in appendix C.

6-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Structured Text
The Structured Text (ST) programming language is an IEC 1131-3 textual programming
language. A structured text program consists of a series of statements, which are
constructed from expressions and language keywords. A statement directs the PLC to
perform a specified action. Statements provide variable assignments, conditional
evaluations, iteration, and the ability to call functions and function blocks. For details on
ST statements, parameters, keywords, and operators supported by PACSystems, refer to
chapter 12, “Structured Text.”
Program blocks and parameterized blocks can be programmed in ST. The _MAIN
program block can also be programmed in ST.
A block programmed in ST can call program blocks and parameterized blocks. A block
programmed in ST cannot call function blocks. This means that you cannot create an ST
function block, or call an LD function block or LD parameterized block that requires a
function block input. You cannot create an ST parameterized block that has a function
block as an input parameter.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-19


Controlling Program Execution

There are many ways in which program execution can be controlled to meet the system’s
timing requirements. The PACSystems CPU instruction set contains several powerful
control functions that can be included in an application program to limit or change the way
the CPU executes the program and scans I/O. For details on using these functions, refer
to chapters 9 and 10.
The following is a partial list of the commonly used methods:
■ The Jump (JUMPN) function can be used to cause program execution to move either
forward or backward in the logic. When a JUMPN function is active, the coils in the
part of the program that is skipped are left in their previous states (not executed with
negative power flow, as they are with a Master Control Relay). Jumps cannot span
■ The nested Master Control Relay (MCRN) function can be used to execute a portion
of the program logic with negative power flow. Logic is executed in a forward direction
and coils in that part of the program are executed with negative power flow. Master
Control Relay functions can be nested to 255 levels deep.
■ The Suspend I/O function can be used to stop both the input scan and output scan for
one sweep. I/O can be updated, as necessary, during the logic execution through the
use of DO I/O instructions.
■ The Service Request function can be used to suspend or change the time allotted to
the window portions of the sweep.
■ Program logic can be structured so that blocks are called more or less frequently,
depending on their importance and on timing constraints. The CALL function can be
used to cause program execution to go to a specific block. Conditional logic placed
before the Call function controls the circumstances under which the CPU executes the
block logic. After the block execution is finished, program execution resumes at the
point in the logic directly after the CALL instruction.

6-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Interrupt-Driven Blocks
Three types of interrupts can be used to start a block’s execution:
■ Timed Interrupts are generated by the CPU based on a user-specified time interval
with an initial delay (if specified) applied on Stop-to-Run transition of the CPU.
■ I/O Interrupts are generated by I/O modules to indicate discrete input state changes
(rising/falling edge), analog range limits (low/high alarms), and high speed signal
counting events.
■ Module Interrupts are generated by VME modules. A single interrupt is supported
per module.

Interrupt-driven block execution can interrupt the execution of non-
interrupt-driven logic. Unexpected results may occur if the
interrupting logic and interrupted logic access the same data. If
necessary, Service Request #17 or Service Request # 32 can be
used to temporarily mask I/O and Timed Interrupt-driven logic from
executing when shared data is being accessed.

Interrupt Handling
An I/O, Module, or Timed interrupt can be associated with any block except _MAIN, as
long as the block has no parameters other than an OK output. After an interrupt has been
associated with a block, that block executes each time the interrupt trigger occurs. A given
block can have multiple timed, I/O, and module interrupt triggers associated with it. It is
executed each time any one of its associated interrupts triggers. For details on how
interrupt blocks are prioritized, refer to “Interrupt Block Scheduling” on page 6-23.

If a parameterized block or external block is triggered by an interrupt, it inherits %P data

as its %L local data. For example, a %L00005 reference in the parameterized block or C
block actually references %P00005.
Note: Timer function blocks do not accumulate time if used in a block that is executed
as a result of an interrupt.
Blocks that are triggered by interrupts can make calls to other blocks. The application
stack used during interrupt-driven execution is different from the stack used during normal
block-structured program execution. In particular, the nested call limit is different from the
limit described for calls from the _MAIN block. If a call results in insufficient stack space to
complete the call, the CPU logs an ”Application Stack Overflow” fault.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-21


Note: GE Fanuc strongly recommends that interrupt-driven blocks not be called from the
_MAIN block or other non-interrupt driven blocks because the interrupt and non-
interrupt driven blocks could be reading and writing the same global memories at
indeterminate times relative to each other. In the example below INT1, INT2,
BLOCK5, and PSB1 should not be called from _MAIN, BLOCK2, BLOCK3, or

INT Block 1

_MAIN Block INT Block 2

Block 2




Timed Interrupts
A block can be configured to be executed on a specified time interval with an initial delay
(if specified) applied on a Stop-to-Run transition of the CPU.

To configure a timed interrupt block, specify the following parameters in the scheduling
properties for the block:
Time Base The smallest unit of time that you can specify for Interval and Delay. The time base can be 1.0
second, 0.10 second, or 0.01 second.
Interval Specifies how frequently the block executes in multiples of the time base.
Delay (Optional) Specifies an additional delay for the first execution of the block in multiples of the
time base.

The first execution of a Timed Interrupt block will occur at

((delay * time base) + (interval * time base)) after the CPU is placed in Run mode.

6-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


I/O Interrupts
A block can be triggered by an interrupt input from certain hardware modules. For
example, on the 32-Circuit 24 VDC Input Module (IC697MDL650), the first input can be
configured to generate an interrupt on either the rising or falling edge of the input signal. If
the interrupt is enabled in the module configuration, that input can serve as a trigger to
cause the execution of a block.
To configure an I/O interrupt, specify a trigger, which must be a global variable in %I or
%AI memory, in the scheduling properties for the block.

Module Interrupts
A block can be triggered by an interrupt from a VME module if the VME Interrupt
parameter is enabled in the module’s hardware configuration. The PACSystems CPU
supports one interrupt per module.
To configure a module interrupt, specify the module by rack/slot/interrupt ID as the Trigger
in the scheduling properties for the block.

Interrupt Block Scheduling

You can select one of two types of interrupt block scheduling at the target level:
■ Normal block scheduling allows you to associate a maximum of 64 I/O and Module
Interrupts and 16 Timed Interrupts.. With normal block scheduling, all interrupt
triggered blocks have equal priority. This is the default scheduling mode.
■ Preemptive block scheduling allows you to associate a maximum of 32 interrupt
triggers. With preemptive block scheduling, each trigger can be assigned a relative

Normal Block Scheduling

Interrupt-driven logic has the highest priority of any user logic in the system. The
execution of a block triggered from an interrupt preempts the execution of the normal CPU
sweep activities. Execution of the normal CPU sweep activities is resumed after the
interrupt-driven block execution completes.
If the CPU receives one or more interrupts while executing an interrupt block, it places the
incoming interrupts into the queue while it finishes executing the current interrupt block.
Timed interrupt driven blocks are queued ahead of I/O or Module driven blocks. I/O or
Module interrupt driven blocks are queued in the order in which the interrupts are
received. If an interrupt driven block is already in the queue, additional interrupts that
occur for this block are ignored.

GFK-2222B Chapter 6 Program Organization 6-23


Preemptive Block Scheduling

Preemptive scheduling allows you to assign a priority to each interrupt trigger. The priority
values range from 1 to 16, with 1 being the highest. A single block can have multiple
interrupts with different priorities or the same priorities.
An incoming interrupt is handled according to its priority compared to that of the currently
executing block as follows:
■ If an incoming interrupt has a higher priority than the interrupt associated with the
block that is currently executing, the currently executing block is stopped and put in
the interrupt queue. The block associated with the incoming interrupt begins
■ If an incoming interrupt has the same priority as the interrupt trigger associated with
the block that is currently executing, that block continues to execute and the incoming
interrupt is placed in the queue.
■ If an incoming interrupt has a lower priority than the interrupt associated with the block
that is currently executing, the incoming interrupt is placed in the queue.
When the CPU completes the execution of an interrupt block, the block associated with
the interrupt trigger that has the highest priority in the queue begins execution — or
resumes execution if the block's execution was preempted by another interrupt block and
was placed in the queue.
If multiple blocks in the queue have the same interrupt priority, their execution order is not
Note: Certain functions, such as DOIO, BUS_RD, BUS_WRT, COMMREQ, and some
SVC_REQs may cause a block to yield to another queued block that has the same

6-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter Program Data

This chapter describes the types of data that can be used in an application program,
and explains how that data is stored in the PACSystems CPU’s memory.
■ Variables
■ Reference Memory
■ User Reference Size and Default
■ Genius Global Data
■ Transitions and Overrides
■ Retentiveness of Logic and Data
■ Data Scope
■ System Status References
■ How Program Functions Handle Numerical Data
■ Word-for-Word Changes

GFK-2222B 7-1

A variable is a named storage space for data values. It represents a memory location
in the target PACSystems CPU.
A variable can be mapped to a reference address (for example, %R00001). If you do
not map a variable to a specific reference address, it is considered a symbolic
variable. The programming software handles the mapping for symbolic variables in a
special portion of PACSystems user space memory.
The kinds of values a variable can store depends on its data type. For example,
variables with a UINT data type store unsigned whole numbers with no fractional part.
Data types are described in “How Program Functions Handle Numerical Data” on
page 7-16.
In the programming software, all variables in a project are displayed in the Variables
tab of the Navigator. You create, edit, and delete variables in the Variables tab. Some
variables are also created automatically by certain components (such as TIMER
variables when you add a Timer instruction to ladder logic). The data type and other
properties of a variable, such as reference address are configured in the Inspector.
For more information about system variables, which are created when you create a
target in the programming software, refer to page 7-11.

Mapped Variables
Mapped (manually located) variables are assigned a specific reference address. For
details on the types of reference memory and their uses, refer to page 7-4.

Symbolic Variables
Symbolic variables are variables for which you do not specify a reference address
(similar to a variable in a typical high-level language). Except as noted in this section,
you can use these in the same ways that you use mapped variables.
In the programming software, a symbolic variable is displayed with a blank address.
You can change a mapped variable to a symbolic variable by removing the reference
address from the variable’s properties. Similarly, you can change a symbolic variable
into a mapped variable by specifying a reference address for the variable in its
Memory required to support symbolic variables counts against user space. The
amount of space reserved for these variables is configured on the Memory tab in the
CPU hardware configuration.

7-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Restrictions on the Use of Symbolic Variables

■ Symbolic variables cannot be used with indirect references (for example,
@Name) cannot be used with symbolic variables. (For a description of indirect
references, see page 7-4.
■ Symbolic variables cannot be used in EGD pages.
■ C Blocks do not support symbolic variables.
■ Symbolic variables cannot be used in the COMMREQ status word.
■ Symbolic variables cannot be used as a bit reference within a word used on a
contact or coil.
■ Use of symbolic variables is not supported on web pages.
■ Symbolic variables can not be used as I/O points, status words, etc. on hardware
■ Symbolic Boolean variables are not allowed on non-BOOL parameters.

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-3


Reference Memory
The CPU stores program data in bit memory and word memory. Both types of
memory are divided into different types with specific characteristics. By convention,
each type is normally used for a specific type of data, as explained below. However,
there is great flexibility in actual memory assignment.
Memory locations are indexed using alphanumeric identifiers called references. The
reference’s letter prefix identifies the memory area. The numerical value is the offset
within that memory area, for example %AQ0056.

Word (Register) References

Type Description
%AI The prefix %AI represents an analog input register. An analog input register holds the value of
one analog input or other non-discrete value.
%AQ The prefix %AQ represents an analog output register. An analog output register holds the value
of one analog output or other non-discrete value.
%R Use the prefix %R to assign system register references that will store program data such as the
results of calculations.
%W Retentive Bulk Memory Area, which is referenced as %W (WORD memory).
%P* Use the prefix %P to assign program register references that will store program data with the
_MAIN block. This data can be accessed from all program blocks. The size of the %P data block
is based on the highest %P reference in all blocks. %P addresses are available only to the LD
program they are used in, including C blocks called from LD blocks; they are not system-wide.
Note: All register references are retained across a power cycle to the CPU.

Indirect References
An indirect reference allows you to treat the contents of a variable assigned to an LD
instruction operand as a pointer to other data, rather than as actual data. Indirect
references are used only with word memory areas (%R, %W, %AI, %AQ, %P, and
%L). An indirect reference in %W requires two %W locations as a DWORD indirect
index value. For example, @%W0001 would use the %W2:W1 as a DWORD index
into the %W memory range. The DWORD index is required because the %W size is
greater than 65K.

Indirect references cannot be used with symbolic variables.

To assign an indirect reference, type the @ character followed by a valid reference

address or variable name. For example, if %R00101 contains the value 1000,
@R00101 instructs the CPU to use the data location of %R01000.
Indirect references can be useful when you want to perform the same operation to
many word registers. Use of indirect references can also be used to avoid repetitious
ladder logic within the application program. They can be used in loop situations where
each register is incremented by a constant or by a value specified until a maximum is

7-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Bit in Word References

Bit in word referencing allows you to specify individual bits in a word reference type as
inputs and outputs of Boolean expressions, functions, and calls that accept bit
parameters (such PSBs). This feature is restricted to word references in retentive
memory. The bit number in the bit within word construct must be a constant.
You can use the programmer or an HMI to set an individual bit on or off within a word,
or monitor a bit within a word. Also, C blocks can read, modify, and write a bit within a
Bit in Word references can be used in the following situations:
■ In retentive 16-bit memory (AI, AQ, R, W, P, and L) and symbolics.
■ On all contacts and coils except legacy transition contacts (POSCON/NEGCON)
and transition coils (POSCOIL/NEGCOIL).
■ On all functions and call parameters that accept single or unaligned bit
Functions that accept Parameters
unaligned discrete references

The use of Bit in Word references has the following restrictions:

■ Bit in Word references cannot be used on legacy transition contacts
(POSCON/NEGCON) and transition coils (POSCON/NEGCON).
■ The bit number (index) must be a constant; it cannot be a variable.
■ Bit addressing is not supported for a constant.
■ Indirect references cannot be used to address bits in 16-bit memory.
■ You cannot force a bit within 16-bit memory.

%R2.X [0] addresses the first (least significant) bit of %R2
%R2.X [1] addresses the second bit of %R2. In the examples
In the examples [0] and [1] are the bit indexes. Valid bit indexes for the different
variable types are:
BYTE variable [0] through [7]
WORD, INT, or UINT variable [0] through [15]
DWORD or DINT variable [0] through [31]

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-5


Bit (Discrete) References

Type Description
%I Represents input references. %I references are located in the input status table, which stores
the state of all inputs received from input modules during the last input scan. A reference
address is assigned to discrete input modules using your programming software. Until a
reference address is assigned, no data will be received from the module. %I memory is always
%Q Represents physical output references. The coil check function checks for multiple uses of %Q
references with relay coils or outputs on functions. You can select the level of coil checking
desired (Single, Warn Multiple, or Multiple).
%Q references are located in the output status table, which stores the state of the output
references as last set by the application program. This output status table’s values are sent to
output modules at the end of the program scan. A reference address is assigned to discrete
output modules using your programming software. Until a reference address is assigned, no
data is sent to the module. A particular %Q reference may be either retentive or non-retentive.
%M Represents internal references. The coil check function of your programming software checks
for multiple uses of %M references with relay coils or outputs on functions. A particular %M
reference may be either retentive or non-retentive.
%T Represents temporary references. These references are never checked for multiple coil use
and can, therefore, be used many times in the same program even when coil use checking is
enabled—this is not a recommended practice because it makes subsequent trouble-shooting
more difficult. %T may be used to prevent coil use conflicts while using the cut/paste and file
write/include functions. Because this memory is intended for temporary use, it is cleared on
Stop-to-Run transitions and cannot be used with retentive coils.
%S Represent system status references. These references are used to access special CPU data
%SA such as timers, scan information, and fault information. For example, the %SC0012 bit can be
%SB used to check the status of the CPU fault table. Once the bit is set on by an error, it will not be
%SC reset until after the sweep.
■ %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC can be used on any contacts.
■ %SA, %SB, and %SC can be used on retentive coils -(M)-.
Note: Although the programming software forces the logic to use retentive coils with %SA,
%SB, and %SC references, most of these references are not preserved across
battery-backed power cycles.
%S can be used as word or bit-string input arguments to functions or function blocks.
%SA, %SB, and %SC can be used as word or bit-string input or output arguments to functions
and function blocks.
For a description of the behavior of each bit, see “System Status References” on page 7-11.
%G Represents global data references. These references are used to access data shared among
several control systems.
Note: For details on retentiveness, refer to “Retentiveness of Logic and Data” on
page 7-9.

7-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


User Reference Size and Default

Maximum user references and default reference sizes are listed in the table below.
Item Range Default
Reference Points
%I reference 32768 bits 32768 bits
%Q reference 32768 bits 32768 bits
%M reference 32768 bits 32768 bits
%S total (S, SA, SB, SC) 512 bits 512 bits
(128 each) (128 each)
%T reference 1024 bits 1024 bits
%G 7680 points 7680 points
Total Reference Points 107520 107520
Reference Words
%AI reference 0—32640 words 64 words
%AQ reference 0—32640 words 64 words
%R, 1K word increments 0—32640 words 1024 words
%W 0—maximum available user RAM 0 words
Total Reference Words 0—maximum available user RAM 1152 words
%L (per block) 8192 words 8192 words
%P (per program) 8192 words 8192 words
Symbolic Memory
Symbolic Discrete 0—20,971,520 (bits) 32768
Symbolic Non-Discrete 0—5,242,880 (words) 65536
Total Symbolic 0—10,485,760 bytes 149760
(This is the total memory available for the combined total
of symbolic memory. This also includes other user
memory use, program etc.)

%G User References and CPU Memory Locations

The CPU contains one data space for all of the global data references (%G). The
internal CPU memory for this data is 7680 bits long. For Series 90-70 systems, the
programming software subdivides this range using %G, %GA, %GB, %GC, %GD, and
%GE prefixes—allowing each of these prefixes to be used with bit offsets in the range
1–1280. For PACSystems, these ranges are converted to %G.

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-7


Genius Global Data

PACSystems supports the sharing of data among multiple control systems that share
a common Genius I/O bus. This mechanism provides a means for the automatic and
repeated transfer of %G, %I, %Q, %AI, %AQ, and %R data. No special application
programming is required to use global data since it is integrated into the I/O scan. All
GE Fanuc devices that have Genius I/O capability can send and receive global data
from an RX7i.

Transitions and Overrides

The %I, %Q, %M, and %G user references, and symbolic variables of type BOOL,
have associated transition and override bits. %T, %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC
references have transition bits but not override bits. The CPU uses transition bits for
counters, transitional contacts, and transitional coils. Note that counters do not use
the same kind of transition bits as contacts and coils. Transition bits for counters are
stored within the locating reference.

The transition bit for a reference tells whether the most recent value (ON, OFF) written
to the reference is the same as the previous value of the reference. Therefore when a
reference is written and its new value is the same as its previous value, its transition
bit is turned OFF. When its new value is different from its previous value, its transition
bit is turned ON. The transition bit for a reference is affected every time the reference
is written to. The source of the write is immaterial; it can result from a coil execution,
an executed function’s output, the updating of reference memory after an input scan,
When override bits are set, the associated references cannot be changed from the
program or the input device; they can only be changed on command from the
programmer. Overrides do not protect transition bits. If an attempted write occurs to
an overridden memory location, the corresponding transition bit is cleared.

7-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Retentiveness of Logic and Data

Data is defined as retentive if it is saved by the CPU when the CPU transitions from
STOP mode to RUN mode.
The following items are retentive:
■ program logic
■ fault tables and diagnostics
■ checksums for program logic
■ overrides and output forces
■ word data (%R, %W, %L, %P, %AI, %AQ)
■ bit data (%I, %G, fault locating references, and reserved bits)
■ %Q and %M variables that are configured as retentive (%T data is non-retentive
and therefore not saved on STOP to RUN transitions.)
■ symbolic variables that have a data type other than BOOL
■ symbolic variables of BOOL type that are configured as retentive
■ Retentive data is also preserved during battery-backed power-cycles of the CPU.
Exceptions to this rule include the fault locating references and most of the %S,
%SA, %SB, and %SC references. These references are initialized to zero at
power-up regardless of the state of the battery. (See page 7-11 for a description
of the behavior of each system status reference.)
When %Q or %M variables are configured as retentive, the contents are retained
through power loss and Run-to-Stop-to-Run transitions.

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-9


Data Scope
Each of the user references has “scope”; that is, it may be available throughout the
system, available to all programs, restricted to a single program, or restricted to local
use within a block.
User Reference Type Range Scope
%I, %Q, %M, %T, %S, %SA, %SB, Global From any program, block, or host
%SC, %G, %R, %W, %AI, %AQ, computer. Variables defined in these
convenience references, fault locating registers have system (global) scope by
references default. However, variables with local
scope can also be assigned in these
Symbolic Global From any program, block, or host
computer. Symbolic variables have
system (global) scope by default.
However, symbolic variables with local
scope can be created using the naming
conventions for local variables.
%P Program From any block, but not from other
programs (also available to a host
%L Local From within a block only (also available to
a host computer).
In an LD block:
■ %P should be used for program references that are shared with other blocks.
■ %L are local references which can be used to restrict the use of register data to
that block. These local references are not available to other parts of the program.
■ %I, %Q, %M, %T, %S, %SA, %SB, %SC, %G, %R, %W, %AI, and %AQ
references are available throughout the system.

7-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


System Status References

System status references in the CPU are assigned to %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC
memory. The four timed contacts (time tick references) include #T_10MS, #T_100MS,
#T_SEC, and #T_MIN. Examples of other system status references include
Note: %S bits are read-only bits; do not write to these bits. You may, however, write
to %SA, %SB, and %SC bits.
Listed below are available system status references that may be used in an
application program. When entering logic, either the reference or the nickname can be
used. Refer to chapter 12 for more detailed fault descriptions and information on
correcting faults.

%S References
Reference Name Definition
%S0001 #FST_SCN Current sweep is the first sweep in which the LD executed. Set the first time the user
program is executed after a Stop/Run transition and cleared upon completion of its
%S0002 #LST_SCN Set when the CPU transitions to run mode and cleared when the CPU is performing
its final sweep. The CPU clears this bit and then performs one more complete sweep
before transitioning to Stop or Stop Faulted mode. If the number of last scans is
configured to be 0, %S0002 will be cleared after the CPU is stopped and user logic
will not see this bit cleared.
%S0003 #T_10MS 0.01 second timed contact.
%S0004 #T_100MS 0.1 second timed contact.
%S0005 #T_SEC 1.0 second timed contact.
%S0006 #T_MIN 1.0 minute timed contact.
%S0007 #ALW_ON Always ON.
%S0008 #ALW_OFF Always OFF.
%S0009 #SY_FULL Set when the CPU fault table fills up (size configurable with a default of 16 entries).
Cleared when an entry is removed from the CPU fault table and when the CPU fault
table is cleared.
%S0010 #IO_FULL Set when the I/O fault table fills up (size configurable with a default of 32 entries).
Cleared when an entry is removed from the I/O fault table and when the I/O fault table
is cleared.
%S0011 #OVR_PRE Set when an override exists in %I, %Q, %M, or %G, or symbolic BOOL memory.
%S0012 #FRC_PRE Set when force exists on a Genius point.
%S0013 #PRG_CHK Set when background program check is active.
%S0014 #PLC_BAT The contact is updated when a change in the battery status occurs.
Note: The #FST_EXE name is no longer associated with a %S address, it must be
referenced by the name “#FST_EXE” only. This bit is set when transitioning from
Stop to Run and indicates that the current sweep is the first time this block
has been called.

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-11


%SA, %SB, and %SC References

Note: %SA, %SB, and %SC contacts are not set or reset until the input scan phase
of the sweep following the occurrence of the fault or a clearing of the fault
table(s). %SA, %SB, and %SC contacts can also be set or reset by user logic
and CPU monitoring devices.
Reference Name Definition
%SA0001 #PB_SUM Set when a checksum calculated on the application program does not match the
reference checksum. If the fault was due to a temporary failure, the condition can be
cleared by again storing the program to the CPU. If the fault was due to a hard RAM
failure, then the CPU must be replaced.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0002 #OV_SWP Set when the CPU detects that the previous sweep took longer than the time
specified by the user. To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the
CPU. Only occurs if the CPU is in Constant Sweep mode.
%SA0003 #APL_FLT Set when an application fault occurs. To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or
power cycle the CPU.
%SA0009 #CFG_MM Set when a configuration mismatch fault is logged in the fault tables. To clear this bit,
clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0008 #OVR_TMP Set when the operating temperature of the CPU exceeds the normal operating
temperature, 58ºC. To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0010 #HRD_CPU Set when the diagnostics detects a problem with the CPU hardware. To clear this bit,
clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0011 #LOW_BAT Set when a low battery fault occurs. To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or
power cycle the CPU.
%SA0012 #LOS_RCK Set when an expansion rack stops communicating with the CPU. To clear this bit,
clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0013 #LOS_IOC Set when a Bus Controller stops communicating with the CPU.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0014 #LOS_IOM Set when an I/O module stops communicating with the CPU.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0015 #LOS_SIO Set when an option module stops communicating with the CPU.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0017 #ADD_RCK Set when an expansion rack is added to the system.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0018 #ADD_IOC Set when a Bus Controller is added to a rack.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0019 #ADD_IOM Set when an I/O module is added to a rack.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0020 #ADD_SIO Set when an intelligent option module is added to a rack.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0022 #IOC_FLT Set when a Bus Controller reports a bus fault, a global memory fault, or an IOC
hardware fault.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0023 #IOM_FLT Set when an I/O module reports a circuit or module fault.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0027 #HRD_SIO Set when a hardware failure is detected in an option module.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.

7-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Reference Name Definition

%SA0029 #SFT_IOC Set when there is a software failure in the I/O Controller.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0031 #SFT_SIO Set when an option module detects an internal software error.
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0032 #SBUS_ER Set when a bus error occurs on the VME bus backplane
To clear this bit, clear the I/O fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SA0081 – Set when a user-defined fault is logged in the CPU fault table.
%SA0112 To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU. For more
information, see discussion of Service Request 21 in chapter 9.
%SB0001 #WIND_ER Set when there is not enough time to start the Programmer Window in Constant
Sweep mode.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SB0009 #NO_PROG Set when the CPU powers up with memory preserved, but no user program is
present. Cleared when the CPU powers up with a program present or by clearing the
CPU fault table.
%SB0010 #BAD_RAM Set when the CPU detects corrupted RAM memory at power-up. Cleared when the
CPU detects that RAM memory is valid at power-up or by clearing the CPU fault
%SB0011 #BAD_PWD Set when a password access violation occurs. Cleared when
the CPU fault table is cleared or when the CPU is power cycled.
%SB0012 #NUL_CFG Set when an attempt is made to put the CPU in Run mode when there is no
configuration data present.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SB0013 #SFT_CPU Set when the CPU detects an error in the CPU operating system software.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SB0014 #STOR_ER Set when an error occurs during a programmer store operation.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SB0016 #MAX_IOC Set when more than 32 IOCs are configured for the system.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SB0017 #SBUS_FL Set when the CPU fails to gain access to the bus.
To clear this bit, clear the CPU fault table or power cycle the CPU.
%SC0009 #ANY_FLT Set when any fault occurs that causes an entry to be placed in the CPU or I/O fault
table. Cleared when both fault tables are cleared or when the CPU is power cycled.
%SC0010 #SY_FLT Set when any fault occurs that causes an entry to be placed in the CPU fault table.
Cleared when the CPU fault table is cleared or when the CPU is power cycled.
%SC0011 #IO_FLT Set when any fault occurs that causes an entry to be placed in the I/O fault table.
Cleared when the I/O fault table is cleared or when the CPU is power cycled.
%SC0012 #SY_PRES Set as long as there is at least one entry in the CPU fault table. Cleared when the
CPU fault table is cleared.
%SC0013 #IO_PRES Set as long as there is at least one entry in the I/O fault table. Cleared when the I/O
fault table is cleared.
%SC0014 #HRD_FLT Set when a hardware fault occurs. Cleared when both fault tables are cleared or
when the CPU is power cycled.
%SC0015 #SFT_FLT Set when a software fault occurs. Cleared when both fault tables are cleared or when
the CPU is power cycled.

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-13


Fault References
The fault references are discussed in chapter 12 of this manual but are presented
here for your convenience.

System Fault References

System Fault Reference Description
#ANY_FLT Any new fault in either table since the last power-up or clearing of
the fault tables
#SY_FLT Any new system fault in the CPU fault table since the last power-
up or clearing of the fault tables
#IO_FLT Any new fault in the I/O fault table since the last power-up or
clearing of the fault tables
#SY_PRES Indicates that there is at lease one entry in the CPU fault table
#IO_PRES Indicates that there is at least one entry in the I/O fault table
#HRD_FLT Any hardware fault
#SFT_FLT Any software fault

Configurable Fault References

Configurable Faults
(Default Action Description
#SBUS_ER (diagnostic) System bus error. (The BSERR signal was generated on the VME system bus.)
#SFT_IOC (diagnostic)* Non-recoverable software error in a Genius Bus Controller.
#LOS_RCK (diagnostic) Loss of rack (BRM failure, loss of power) or missing a configured rack.
#LOS_IOC (diagnostic)* Loss of Bus Controller missing a configured Bus Controller.
#LOS_IOM (diagnostic) Loss of I/O module (does not respond) or missing a configured I/O module.
#LOS_SIO (diagnostic) Loss of intelligent option module (does not respond) or missing a configured module.
#IOC_FLT (diagnostic) Non-fatal bus or Bus Controller error—more than 10 bus errors in 10 seconds (error
rate is configurable).
#CFG_MM (fatal) Wrong module type detected during power-up, store of configuration, or Run mode.
The CPU does not check the configuration parameters set up for individual modules
such as Genius I/O blocks.

7-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Non-Configurable Faults
Non-Configurable Faults
(Action) Description
#SBUS_FL (fatal) System bus failure. The CPU was not able to access the VME bus. BUSGRT-NMI
#HRD_CPU (fatal) CPU hardware fault, such as failed memory device or failed serial port.
#HRD_SIO (diagnostic) Non-fatal hardware fault on any module in the system.
#SFT_SIO (diagnostic) Non-recoverable software error in a LAN interface module.
#PB_SUM (fatal) Program or block checksum failure during power-up or in Run mode.
#LOW_BAT (diagnostic) Low battery signal from CPU or another module in the system.
#OV_SWP (diagnostic) Constant sweep time exceeded.
#SY_FULL, IO_FULL CPU fault table full
(diagnostic) I/O fault table full
#IOM_FLT (diagnostic) Point or channel on an I/O module—a partial failure of the module.
#APL_FLT (diagnostic) Application fault.
#ADD_RCK (diagnostic) New rack added, extra, or previously faulted rack has returned.
#ADD_IOC (diagnostic) Extra I/O Bus Controller or reset of I/O Bus Controller.
#ADD_IOM (diagnostic) Previously faulted I/O module is no longer faulted or extra I/O module.
#ADD_SIO (diagnostic) New intelligent option module is added, extra, or reset.
#NO_PROG (information) No application program is present at power-up. Should only occur the first time the
CPU is powered up or if the battery-backed RAM containing the program fails.
#BAD_RAM (fatal) Corrupted program memory at power-up. Program could not be read and/or did not
pass checksum tests.
#WIND_ER (information) Window completion error. Servicing of Programmer or Logic Window was skipped.
Occurs in Constant Sweep mode.
#BAD_PWD (information) Change of privilege level request to a protection level was denied; bad password.
#NUL_CFG (fatal) No configuration present upon transition to Run mode. Running without a
configuration is similar to suspending the I/O scans.
#SFT_CPU (fatal) CPU software fault. A non-recoverable error has been detected in the CPU. May be
caused by Watchdog Timer expiring.
#MAX_IOC (fatal) The maximum number of bus controllers has been exceeded. The CPU supports 32
bus controllers.
#STOR_ER (fatal) Download of data to CPU from the programmer failed; some data in CPU may be

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-15


How Program Functions Handle Numerical Data

Regardless of where data is stored in memory – in one of the bit memories or one of
the word memories – the application program can handle it as different data types.

Data Types
Type Name Description Data Format
BOOL Boolean The smallest unit of memory. Has two states, 1 or 0. A
BOOL array may have length N.
BYTE Byte Has an 8-bit value. Has 256 values (0–255). A BYTE array
may have length N.
WORD Word Uses 16 consecutive bits of data memory. The valid range Register
of word values is 0000 hex to FFFF hex. (16 bit states)
16 1

DWORD Double Has the same characteristics as a single word data type, Register 2 Register 1
Word except that it uses 32 consecutive bits in data memory
instead of only 16 bits. 32 17 16 1
(32 bit states)

UINT Unsigned Uses 16-bit memory data locations. They have a valid Register
Integer range of 0 to +65535 (FFFF hex). (Binary value)
16 1

INT Signed Uses 16-bit memory data locations, and are represented in Register 1 (Two’s Complement
Integer 2’s complement notation. The valid range of an INT data S value)
type is –32768 to +32767. 16 1
s=sign bit (0=positive,
DINT Double Stored in 32-bit data memory locations (two consecutive Register 2 Register 1
Precision 16-bit memory locations). Always signed values (bit 32 is s
Integer the sign bit). The valid range of a DINT data type is 32 17 16 1
(Binary value)
-2147483648 to +2147483647
s=sign bit (0=positive,
REAL Floating Uses 32 consecutive bits (two consecutive 16-bit memory Register 2 Register 1
Point locations). The range of numbers that can be stored in this
format is from ± 1.401298E-45 to ±3.402823E+38. For the 32 17 16 1
(IEEE format)
IEEE format, refer to “Real Numbers.”

BCD-4 Four-Digit Uses 16-bit data memory locations. Each binary coded Register 1
BCD decimal (BCD) digit uses four bits and can represent 4 3 2 1 (4 BCD digits)
numbers between 0 and 9. This BCD coding of the 16 bits 13 9 5 1
has a legal value range of 0 to 9999.
BCD-8 Eight-Digit Uses two consecutive 16-bit data memory locations (32 Register 2 Register 1
BCD consecutive bits). Each BCD digit uses 4 bits per digit to 8 7 6 5 4 3 8 1
represent numbers from 0 to 9. The complete valid range 32 29 25 21 17 16 13 9 5 1
of the 8-digit BCD data type is 0 to 99999999. (8 BCD digits)

7-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Type Name Description Data Format

MIXED Mixed Available only with the MUL and DIV functions. The MUL 16 16 32
function takes two integer inputs and produces a double =
integer result. The DIV function takes a double integer 32 16 16
dividend and an integer divisor to product an integer result.
ASCII ASCII Eight-bit encoded characters. A single word reference is
required to make two (packed) ASCII characters. The first
character of the pair corresponds to the low byte of the
reference word. The remaining 7 bits in each section are
Note: Using functions that are not explicitly bit-typed will affect transitions for all bits in the written
byte/word/dword. For information about using floating point numbers, refer to “Real Numbers” on
page 7-17.

Real Numbers
The REAL data type, which can store 32-bit fractional numbers, is actually floating
point data. Floating point numbers are stored in single precision IEEE-standard
format. This format uses two adjacent 16-bit words.
REAL variables are typically used to store data from analog I/O devices, calculated
values, and constants.
The precision of REAL variables is limited to 6 or 7 significant digits, with a range of
-45 38
approximately ±1.401298x10 through ±3.402823x10 .
Note: The programming software allows 32-bit arguments (DWORD, DINT, REAL)
to be placed in discrete memories such as %I, %M, and %R in the
PACSystems target. This is not allowed on Series 90-70 targets. (Note that
any bit reference address that is passed to a non-bit parameter must be byte-
aligned. This is the same as the Series 90-70 CPU.)

Internal Format of Real Numbers

Bits 17-32 Bits 1-16

32 17 16 1

23-bit mantissa

8-bit exponent

1-bit sign (Bit 32)

Register use by a single floating point number is diagrammed below. In this diagram,
if the floating point number occupies registers R5 and R6, for example, then R5 is the
least significant register and R6 is the most significant register.
Most Significant Register Least Significant Register
Bits 17-32 Bits 1-16
32 17 16 1

Most Significant Bit Least Significant Bit Most Significant Bit Least Significant Bit

GFK-2222B Chapter 7 Program Data 7-17


Errors in Floating Point Numbers and Operations

Overflow occurs when a number greater than 3.402823E+38 or less than –
3.402823E+38 is generated by a REAL function. When this occurs, the Enable Out
output of the function is set Off; and the result is set to positive infinity (for a number
greater than 3.402823E+38) or negative infinity (for a number less than –
3.402823E+38). You can determine where this occurs by testing the sense of the
Enable Out output.
POS_INF = 7F800000h – IEEE positive infinity representation in hex
NEG_INF = FF800000h – IEEE negative infinity representation in hex
If the infinities produced by overflow are used as operands to other REAL functions,
they may cause an undefined result. This undefined result is referred to as an NaN
(Not a Number). For example, the result of adding positive infinity to negative infinity is
undefined. When the ADD_REAL function is invoked with positive infinity and negative
infinity as its operands, it produces an NaN.
NaN values:
7F800001 through 7FFFFFFF
FF800001 through FFFFFFFF
If any operand of a function is a NaN, the result will be some NaN.
Note: For NaN, the Enable Out output is Off (not energized).

Word-for-Word Changes
Many changes to the program that do not modify the size of the program are
considered word-for-word changes. Examples include changing the type of contact or
coil, or changing a reference address used for an existing function block.

Symbolic Variables
Creating, deleting, or modifying a symbolic variable definition is not a word-for-word
The following are word-for-word changes:
■ Switching between two symbolic variables
■ Switching between an symbolic variable and a mapped variable
■ Switching between a constant and a symbolic variable

7-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter Instruction Set Reference

This chapter describes the programming instructions that can be used to create ladder
logic programs for the PACSystems control system.
An overview of the types of operands that can be used with instructions is provided on
page 8-2.
The PACSystems ladder logic instruction set includes the following types of instructions:
■ Advanced Math ......................................................................................8-3
■ Bit Operations ........................................................................................8-8
■ Coils .....................................................................................................8-30
■ Contacts ...............................................................................................8-38
■ Control Functions .................................................................................8-47
■ Conversion Functions ..........................................................................8-60
■ Data Move Functions ...........................................................................8-74
■ Data Table Functions ...........................................................................8-99
■ Math Functions...................................................................................8-119
■ Program Flow Functions ....................................................................8-131
■ Relational Functions...........................................................................8-142
■ Timers and Counters..........................................................................8-146

GFK-2222B 8-1

Operands for Instructions

The operands for the PACSystems instructions and functions can be in the following
■ Constants
■ Variables that are located in any of the PACSystems memory areas (%I, %Q, %M,
%T, %G, %S, %SA, %SB, %SC, %R, %W, %L, %P, %AI, %AQ)
■ Symbolic variables
■ Parameters of a Parameterized block or C block
■ Power flow
■ Data flow
■ Computed references such as indirect references or bit-in-word references
An operand’s type and length must be compatible with that of the parameter it is being
passed into. Otherwise, as few restrictions as possible are placed on operands. Many of
the restrictions on older GE Fanuc PLCs have been removed from the PACSystems
PLCs. PACSystems instructions and functions have the following operand restrictions:
■ Constants cannot be used as operands to output parameters because output
values cannot be written to constants.
■ Variables located in %S memory cannot be used as operands to output
parameters because %S memory is read-only.
■ Variables located in %S, %SA, %SB, and %SC memories cannot be used as
operands to numerical parameters such as INTs, DINTs, REALs, etc.
■ Data flow is prohibited on some input parameters of some functions. This occurs
when the function, during the course of its execution, actually writes a value to the
input parameter. Data flow is prohibited in these cases because data flow is stored
in a temporary memory and any updated value assigned to it would be
inaccessible to the user application.
■ The arguments to EN, OK, and many other BOOLEAN input and output
parameters are restricted to be power flow.
■ Restrictions on using Parameterized block or External block parameters as
operands to instructions or functions are documented in chapter 6.
■ References in discrete memory (I, Q, M, and T) must be byte-aligned.
Note the following:
■ Indirect references, which are available for all WORD-oriented memories (%R,
%W, %P, %L, %AI, %AQ), can be used as arguments to instructions wherever
located variables in the corresponding WORD-oriented memory are allowed. Note
that indirect references are converted into their corresponding direct references
immediately before they are passed into an instruction or function.
■ Bit-in-word references are generally allowed on contact and coil instructions other
than transition contacts and coils. They are also allowed as arguments to function
parameters that accept single or unaligned bits.

8-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Advanced Math Functions

The Advanced Math functions perform logarithmic, exponential, square root,
trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric operations.
Function Mnemonic Description
Exponential EXP Raises e to the value specified in IN (e ). Calculates the inverse
natural logarithm of the IN operand.
EXPT Calculates IN1 to the IN2 power (IN1 ).
Inverse Trig ACOS Calculates the inverse cosine of the IN operand and expresses the
result in radians.
ASIN Calculates the inverse sine of the IN operand and expresses the result
in radians.
ATAN Calculates the inverse tangent of the IN operand and expresses the
result in radians.
Logarithmic LN Calculates the natural logarithm of the operand IN.
LOG Calculates the base 10 logarithm of the operand IN.
Square SQRT_DINT Calculates the square root of the operand IN, a double-precision
Root integer, and stores in Q the double-precision integer portion of the
square root of the input IN.
SQRT_INT Calculates the square root of the operand IN, a single-precision integer,
and stores in Q the single-precision integer portion of the square root of
the input IN.
SQRT_REAL Calculates the square root of the operand IN, a real number, and stores
the real-number result in Q
Trig COS Calculates the cosine of the operand IN, where IN is expressed in
SIN Calculates the sine of the operand IN, where IN is expressed in
TAN Calculates the tangent of the operand IN, where IN is expressed in

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-3


Exponential/Logarithmic Functions

When an exponential or logarithmic function receives power flow, it performs the

appropriate operation on the REAL input value(s) and places the result in output Q.
■ For the inverse natural log (EXP) function, e is raised to the power specified by IN and
the result is placed in Q.
■ For the Power of X (EXPT) function, the value of input IN1 is raised to the power
specified by the value IN2 and the result is placed in Q.
■ For the Base 10 Logarithm (LOG) function, the base 10 logarithm of IN is placed in Q.
■ For the Natural Logarithm (LN) function, the natural logarithm of IN is placed in Q.

The power flow output is energized when the function is performed without overflow,
unless one of these invalid REAL operations occurs:
■ IN < 0, for LOG or LN
■ IN1 < 0, for EXPT
■ IN is negative infinity, for EXP
■ IN, IN1, or IN2 is a NaN (Not a Number)

Operands of the Exponential/Logarithmic Functions

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN or IN1 For EXP, LOG, and LN, IN contains the All except variables located in %S—%SC No
REAL value to be operated on.
The EXPT function has two inputs, IN1
and IN2. For EXPT, IN1 is the base value
and IN2 is the exponent.
IN2 (EXPT) The REAL exponent for EXPT. All except variables located in %S—%SC No
Q Contains the REAL logarithmic/exponential All except constants and variables located No
value of IN or of IN1 and IN2. in %S—%SC

8-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Square Root
Other mnemonics:

When the Square Root function receives power flow, it finds the square root of IN and
stores the result in Q. The output Q must be the same data type as IN.
The power flow output is energized when the function is performed without overflow,
unless one of these invalid REAL operations occurs:
■ IN < 0
■ IN is a NaN (Not a Number)

The square root of the integer number located at %AI0001 is placed into %R00003
whenever %I00001 is ON.

Operands for the Square Root Function

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to calculate the All except variables located in %S - %SC No
square root of. If IN < 0, the
function does not pass power
Q The calculated square root. All except constants and variables located in %S - No

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-5


Trig Functions

The SIN, COS, and TAN functions are used to find the trigonometric sine, cosine, and
tangent, respectively, of an input whose units are radians. When one of these functions
receives power flow, it computes the sine (or cosine or tangent) of IN and stores the result
in output Q.

The SIN, COS, and TAN functions accept a broad range of input values, where –263 < IN
<+263, (263 ≈ 9.22x1018).
The power flow output is energized unless one of these invalid conditions occurs:

■ IN = π/2, 3*π/2, 5*π/2, etc., for TAN

■ IN is a NaN (Not a Number)

Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
63 63 63
IN Number of radians. -2 < IN < +2 . (2 All except variables located in %S—%SC No
≅9.22x10 .) (REAL)
Q Trigonometric value of IN (REAL) All except constants and variables located in No

The COS of the value in V_R00001 is placed in V_R00033.

8-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Inverse Trig – ASIN, ACOS, and ATAN

When an Inverse Sine (ASIN), Inverse Cosine (ACOS), or Inverse Tangent (ATAN)
function receives power flow, it respectively computes the inverse sine, inverse cosine or
inverse tangent of IN and stores the result in radians in output Q. Both IN and Q are REAL
The ASIN and ACOS functions accept a narrow range of input values, where –1 ≤ IN ≤ 1.
Given a valid value for the IN parameter, the ASIN_REAL function produces a result Q
such that:
π π
ASIN(IN) = − ≤Q≤
2 2
The ACOS_REAL function produces a result Q such that:
ACOS(IN) = −0 ≤ Q ≤ π

The ATAN function accepts the broadest range of input values, where – ∞ ≤ IN ≤ + ∞.
Given a valid value for the IN parameter, the ATAN_REAL function produces a result Q
such that:
π π
ATAN(IN) = − ≤Q≤
2 2
The power flow output is energized unless one of the following invalid conditions occurs:
■ IN is outside the valid range for ASIN, ACOS, or ATAN
■ IN is a NaN (Not a Number)

Operands of Inverse Trig Functions

Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The REAL value to process. All except variables located in %S - %SC No
ASIN and ACOS: -1 ≤ IN ≤ 1
ATAN: – ∞ ≤ IN ≤ + ∞
Q Trigonometric value of IN. REAL value All except constants and variables located No
expressed in radians. in %S - %SC
ASIN: (-π/2) ≤ Q ≤ (π/2)
ACOS: 0 ≤ Q ≤ π
ATAN: (-π/2) ≤ Q ≤ (π/2)

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-7


Bit Operation Functions

The LD Bit Operation functions perform comparison, logical, and move operations on bit
Function Mnemonics Description
Bit Position BIT_POS_DWORD Bit Position. Locates a bit set to 1 in a bit string.
Bit Sequencer BIT_SEQ Bit Sequencer. Sequences a string of bit values, starting at ST. Performs a
bit sequence shift through an array of bits. The maximum length allowed is
256 words.
Bit Set, Clear BIT_SET_DWORD Bit Set. Sets a bit in a bit string to 1.
BIT_CLR_DWORD Bit Clear. Clear a bit within a string by setting that bit to 0.
Bit Test BIT_TEST_DWORD Bit Test. Tests a bit within a bit string to determine whether that bit is
BIT_TEST_WORD currently 1 or 0.
Logical AND AND_DWORD Compares the bit strings IN1 and IN2 bit by bit. When a pair of
AND_WORD corresponding bits are both 1, places a 1 in the corresponding location in
output string Q; otherwise, places a 0 in the corresponding location in Q.
Logical NOT NOT_DWORD Logical invert. Sets the state of each bit in output bit string Q to the opposite
NOT_WORD state of the corresponding bit in bit string IN1.
Logical OR OR_DWORD Compares the bit strings IN1 and IN2 bit by bit. When a pair of
OR_WORD corresponding bits are both 0, places a 0 in the corresponding location in
output string Q; otherwise, places a 1 in the corresponding location in Q.
Logical XOR XOR_DWORD Compares the bit strings IN1 and IN2 bit by bit. When a pair of
XOR_WORD corresponding bits are different, places a 1 in the corresponding location in
the output bit string Q; when a pair of corresponding bits are the same,
places a 0 in Q.
Masked MASK_COMP_DWORD Masked Compare. Compares the contents of two separate bit strings with
Compare MASK_COMP_WORD the ability to mask selected bits.
Rotate Bits ROL_DWORD Rotate Left. Rotates all the bits in a string a specified number of places to
ROL_WORD the left.
ROR_DWORD Rotate Right. Rotates all the bits in a string a specified number of places to
ROR_WORD the right.
Shift Bits SHIFTL_DWORD Shift Left. Shifts all the bits in a word or string of words to the left by a
SHIFTL_WORD specified number of places.
SHIFTR_DWORD Shift Right. Shifts all the bits in a word or string of words to the right by a
SHIFTR_WORD specified number of places.

8-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Data Lengths for the Bit Operation Functions

The Bit Operation functions operate on a single WORD or DWORD of data or up to 256
WORDs or DWORDs that occupy adjacent memory locations.
Bit Operation functions treat the WORD or DWORD data as a continuous string of bits,
with bit 1 of the first WORD or DWORD being the Least Significant Bit (LSB). The last bit
of the last WORD or DWORD is the Most Significant Bit (MSB). For example, if you
specify three WORDs of data beginning at reference %R0100, they are treated as 48
contiguous bits.

Overlapping input and output reference address ranges in multiword
functions is not recommended, as it can produce unexpected

Note that for all functions (Bit Test, Bit Set, Bit Clear, and Bit Position) that return a bit
position indicator as an output parameter (POS), bit position numbering starts at 1, not 0,
as shown in the diagram above.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-9


Bit Position

The Bit Position function locates a bit set to 1 in a bit string.

Each scan that power is received, the function scans the bit string starting at IN. When the
function stops scanning, either a bit equal to 1 has been found or the entire length of the
string has been scanned.
POS is set to the position within the bit string of the first non-zero bit; POS is set to zero if
no non-zero bit is found.
A string length of 1 to 256 WORDs or DWORDs can be selected. The function passes
power flow to the right whenever it receives power.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of WORDs or Constants No
DWORDs in the bit string.
1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
IN The data to operate on All. Constants may only be used No
when Length is 1.

Q Energized if a bit set to 1 is Flow Yes

POS An unsigned integer giving All except constants and variables No
the position of the first located in %S - %SC
nonzero bit found, or zero if
no non-zero bit is found

When V_I00001 is set, the bit string starting at V_M00001 is searched until a bit equal to 1
is found, or 6 words have been searched. Coil V_Q00001 is turned on. If a bit equal to 1 is
found, its location within the bit string is written to V_AQ0001 and V_Q00002 is turned on.
For example, if V_00001 is set, bit V_M00001 is 0, and bit V_M0002 is 1, the value written
to V_AQ0001 is 2.

8-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Bit Sequencer
The Bit Sequencer (BIT_SEQ) function performs a bit sequence shift
through a series of contiguous bits.
The operation of BIT_SEQ depends on the value of the reset input
(R), and both the current value and previous value of the enabling
power flow input (EN):

R Current Execution EN Previous Execution EN Current Execution Bit Sequencer Execution

ON ON/OFF ON/OFF Bit sequencer resets
OFF OFF ON Bit sequencer increments/decrements
by 1
OFF Bit sequencer does not execute
ON ON/OFF Bit sequencer does not execute
The reset input (R) overrides the enabling power flow (EN) and always resets the
sequencer. When R is active, the current step number is set to the value of the optional N
operand. If you did not specify N, the step number is set to 1. All bits in the bit sequencer,
ST, are set to 0, except for the bit pointed to by the current step, which is set to 1.
When EN is active and R is not active, and the previous EN was OFF, the bit pointed to by
the current step number is cleared. The current step number is incremented or
decremented, based on the direction (DIR) operand. Then the bit pointed to by the new
step number is set to 1.
■ When the step number is being incremented and it goes outside the range of
(1 ≤ step number ≤ Length), it is set back to 1.
■ When the step number is being decremented and it goes outside the range of
(1 ≤ step number ≤ Length), it is set to Length.
The parameter ST is optional. If it is not used, BIT_SEQ operates as described above,
except that no bits are set or cleared. The function just cycles the current step number
through its allowed range.
BIT_SEQ passes power to the right whenever it receives power.

Memory Required for Bit Sequencer

Each bit sequencer uses a three word array of control block information. The control block
can be a symbolic variable or it can be located in %R, %W, %L, or %P memory:
Word 1 current step number
Word 2 length of sequence (in
Word 3 control word
Note: Do not write to the control block memory registers from other functions.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-11


Word 3 (the control word) stores the state of the Boolean inputs and outputs of its
associated function in the following format:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


OK (status input
EN (enable input


■ Bits 0 through 13 are not used.

■ In the N operand, bits are entered as 1 through 16, not 0 through 15.

Operands for Bit Sequencer

Do not write to the Control Block memory with other instructions.
Overlapping references results in erratic operation of BIT_SEQ.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Address Beginning address of the Control Symbolic variables, variables No
(????) Block, which is a three-word array: located in %R, %W, %P, or %L
Word 1: current step number
Word 2: length of sequence in bits
Word 3: control word, which tracks
the status of the last enabling
power flow and the status of the
power flow to the right.
Length (??) The number of bits in the bit Constants No
sequencer, ST, that BIT_SEQ will
step through. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
R When R is energized, the step Flow No
number of BIT_SEQ is set to the
value in N (default = 1), and the bit
sequencer, ST, is filled with zeros,
except for the current step number
DIR When DIR is energized, the step Flow No
number of BIT_SEQ is incremented
prior to the shift. Otherwise, it is
N The value that the step number is All except variables located in Yes
set to when R is energized. Default %S - %SC
value is 1. 1 ≤ N ≤ Length. If N < 1,
the step number will be reset to 1
when R is energized. If N > Length,
the step number will be reset to

8-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

ST Contains the first word of the bit All except constants, flow, and Yes
sequencer. variables located in %S
If ST is not used, the Bit Sequencer
function operates as described
above, except that no bits are set
or cleared. The function just cycles
the current step number (in word 1
of the control block) through its
allowed range.
If ST is in %M memory and the
Length is 3, the bit sequencer
occupies 3 bits; the other 5 bits of
the byte are not used. If ST is in
%R memory, and the Length is 17,
the bit sequencer uses up 4 bytes,
all of %R1 and %R2.

The Bit Sequencer operates on register memory %R00001. Its static data is stored in
registers %R0010, %R0011, and %R0012. When CLEAR is active, the sequencer is reset
and the current step is set to step number 3, as specified in N. The third bit of %R0001 is
set to one and the other seven bits are set to zero.
When NXT_CYC is active and CLEAR is not active, the bit for step number 3 is cleared
and the bit for step number 2 or 4 (depending on whether DIR is energized) is set.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-13


Bit Set, Clear

Other Mnemonics

The Bit Set (BIT_SET_DWORD and BIT_SET_WORD) function sets a bit in a bit string to
1. The Bit Clear (BIT_CLR_DWORD and BIT_CLR_WORD) function clears a bit in a
string by setting the bit to 0.
Each scan that power is received; the function sets or clears the specified bit. If a variable
rather than a constant is used to specify the bit number, the same function can set or clear
different bits on successive scans. Only one bit is set or cleared, and the transition
information for that bit is updated. The transition status of all the other bits in the bit string
is not affected.
The function passes power flow to the right, unless the value for BIT is outside the
specified range.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length The number of WORDs or DWORDs in Constants
(??) the bit string. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
IN The first WORD or DWORD of the data to All except constants, flow, and variables
process located in %S
BIT The number of the bit to set or clear in IN. All except variables located in %S - %SC
1 ≤ BIT ≤ (16 * Length) for WORD.
1 ≤ BIT ≤ (32 * length) for DWORD

8-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example 1
Whenever input V_I0001 is set, bit 12 of the string beginning at reference %R00040 (as
specified by variable V_R0040) is set to 1.

Example 2
Whenever V_I00001 is set, %M00043, the third bit of the string beginning at %M00041, is
set to 1. Note that neither the status nor the transition value of any of the other bits in the
same byte as %M00043 (e.g., %M00041, %M00042, %M00044, etc.) is affected by the
BIT_SET function.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-15


Bit Test

When the Bit Test function receives power flow, it tests a bit within a bit string to
determine whether that bit is currently 1 or 0. The result of the test is placed in output Q.
Each scan that power is received, the Bit Test function sets its output Q to the same state
as the specified bit. If a register rather than a constant is used to specify the bit number,
the same function can test different bits on successive sweeps. If the value of BIT is
outside the range (1 ≤ BIT ≤ (16 * length) for a WORD and 1 ≤ BIT ≤ (32 * length) for a
DWORD), then Q is set OFF.
You can specify a string length of 1 to 256 WORDs or DWORDs.
Note: When using the Bit Test function, the bits are numbered 1 through 16 for a
WORD, not 0 through 15. They are numbered 1 through 32 for a DWORD.

Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length The number of WORDs or Constant No
(??) DWORDs in the data string to test.
1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
IN The first WORD or DWORD in the All No
data to test
BIT The number of the bit to test in IN. All except variables located in %S - No
1 ≤ BIT ≤ (16*Length). %SC
Q The state of the specific bit tested; Flow No
Q is energized if the bit tested is a

8-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example 1
Whenever input V_I0001 is set, the bit at the location contained in reference PICKBIT is
tested. The bit is part of string PRD_CDE. If it is 1, output Q passes power flow to the
ADD function, causing 1 to be added to the current value of the ADD function input IN1.

Example 2
Whenever input V_I0001 is set, the bit at the location contained in reference PICKBIT is
tested. The bit is part of string PRD_CDE. If it is 1, output Q passes power flow and the
coil V_Q0001 is turned on.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-17


Logical AND, Logical OR, and Logical XOR

Each scan that power is received, the Logical function examines each bit in bit string IN1
and the corresponding bit in bit string IN2, beginning with the least significant bit in each.
You can specify a string length of 1 to 256 WORDs or DWORDs. The IN1 and IN2 bit
strings specified may overlap.

Logical AND
If both bits examined by the Logical AND function are 1, AND places a 1 in the
corresponding location in output string Q. If either bit is 0 or both bits are 0, AND places a
0 in string Q in that location.
AND passes power flow to the right whenever it receives power.
Tip: You can use the Logical AND function to build masks or screens, where only
certain bits are passed (the bits opposite a 1 in the mask), and all other bits are
set to 0.

Logical OR
If either bit examined by the Logical OR function is 1, OR places a 1 in the corresponding
location in output string Q. If both bits are 0, Logical OR places a 0 in string Q in that
location. The function passes power flow to the right whenever it receives power.

■ You can use the Logical OR function to combine strings or to control many outputs
with one simple logical structure. The Logical OR function is the equivalent of two
relay contacts in parallel multiplied by the number of bits in the string.
■ You can use the Logical OR function to drive indicator lamps directly from input states
or to superimpose blinking conditions on status lights.

Logical XOR
When the Exclusive OR (XOR) function receives power flow, it compares each bit in bit
string IN1 with the corresponding bit in string IN2. If the bits are different, a 1 is placed in
the corresponding position in the output bit string.
For each pair of bits examined, if only one bit is 1, then XOR places a 1 in the
corresponding location in bit string Q. XOR passes power flow to the right whenever it
receives power.

8-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



■ If string IN2 and output string Q begin at the same reference, a 1 placed in string IN1
will cause the corresponding bit in string IN2 to alternate between 0 and 1, changing
state with each scan as long as power is received.
■ You can program longer cycles by pulsing the power flow to the function at twice the
desired rate of flashing. The power flow pulse should be one scan long (one-shot type
coil or self resetting timer).
■ You can use XOR to quickly compare two bit strings, or to blink a group of bits at the
rate of one ON state per two scans.
■ XOR is useful for transparency masks.

Operands for Logical AND, OR, and XOR

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of words in the Constant No
bit string on which to
perform the logical
operation. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
IN1 The first WORD or DWORD All No
of the first string operate on.
IN2 (Must be the same data The first WORD or DWORD All No
type as IN1.) of the second string to
operate on.
Q (Must be the same data The first WORD or DWORD All except constants and No
type as IN1.) of the operation’s result. variables located in %S

Logical AND
When input v_I0001 is set, the 16-bit strings represented by variables WORD1 and
WORD2 are examined. The logical AND places the results in output string RESULT.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-19


Logical XOR
Whenever V_I0001 is set, the bit string represented by the variable WORD3 is cleared
(set to all zeros).

8-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Logical NOT

When the Logical Not or Logical Invert (NOT) function receives power flow, it sets the
state of each bit in the output bit string Q to the opposite of the state of the corresponding
bit in bit string IN1.
All bits are altered on each scan that power is received, making output string Q the logical
complement of input string IN1. Logical NOT passes power flow to the right whenever it
receives power. You can specify a string length of 1 to 256 WORDs or DWORDs

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of WORDs or Constant No
DWORDs in the bit string
to NOT. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
IN1 The first WORD or All No
DWORD of the input string
to NOT.
Q The first WORD or All except constants and No
(Must be the same data type DWORD of the NOT's variables located in %S
as IN1) result. memory

Whenever input V_I0001 is set, the bit string represented by the variable A is negated.
Logical NOT stores the resulting inverse bit string in variable B. Variable A retains its
original bit string value.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-21


Masked Compare
The Masked Compare (MASK_COMP_DWORD and
MASK_COMP_WORD) function compares the contents of
two bit strings. It provides the ability to mask selected bits.
Tip: Input string 1 might contain the states of outputs
such as solenoids or motor starters. Input string 2
might contain their input state feedback, such as limit
switches or contacts.
When the function receives power flow, it begins comparing
the bits in the first string with the corresponding bits in the
second string. Comparison continues until a miscompare is
found or until the end of the string is reached.
The BIT input stores the bit number where the next comparison should start. Ordinarily,
this is the same as the number where the last miscompare occurred. Because the bit
number of the last miscompare is stored in output BN, the same reference can be used for
both BIT and BN. The comparison actually begins 1 bit following BIT; therefore, the initial
value of BIT should be 1 less first bit to be compared (for example, zero (0) to begin
comparison at %I00001). Using the same reference for BIT and BN causes the compare
to start at the next bit position after a miscompare; or, if all bits compared successfully
upon the next invocation of the function, the compare starts at the beginning.
Tip: If you want to start the next comparison at some other location in the string, you
can enter different references for BIT and BN. If the value of BIT is a location that
is beyond the end of the string, BIT is reset to 0 before starting the next
The function passes power flow whenever it receives power. The other outputs of the
function depend on the state of the corresponding mask bit.
If all corresponding bits in strings IN1 and IN2 match, the function sets the
miscompare output MC to 0 and BN to the highest bit number in the input strings. The
comparison then stops. On the next invocation of a Masked Compare, it is reset to 0.
If a Miscompare is found, that is, if the two bits being compared are not the same, the
function checks the correspondingly numbered bit in string M (the mask).
If the mask bit is a 1, the comparison continues until it reaches another miscompare or the
end of the input strings.
If a miscompare is detected and the corresponding mask bit is a 0, the function does the
1. Sets the corresponding mask bit in M to 1.
2. Sets the miscompare (MC) output to 1.
3. Updates the output bit string Q to match the new content of mask string M.
4. Sets the bit number output (BN) to the number of the miscompared bit.
5. Stops the comparison.

8-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for Masked Compare Function

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of DWORDs or Constant No
WORDs in the two compared
DWORD: 1 ≤ Length ≤ 2,048
WORD: 1 ≤ Length ≤ 4,096
IN1 The first bit string to be compared All. Constants are legal only when Length is 1 No
IN2 The second bit string to be All. Constants are legal only when Length is 1 No
M The bit string mask containing the All except flow or variables in %S memory. Constants are No
ongoing status of the compare legal only when Length is 1
BIT BIT+1=the bit number where the All except variables in %S - %SC memories No
next comparison starts
Q The output copy of the compare All except constants No
mask bit string
BN The number of the bit where the All except constants and variables in %S memory No
latest miscompare occurred, or the
highest bit number in the inputs if
no miscompare occurred
MC Can be used to determine if a flow Yes
miscompare has occurred.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-23


Examples for Masked Compare

Example 1
Whenever %I00001 is set, MASK_COMP_WORD compares the bits represented by the
reference VALUES against the bits represented by the reference EXPECT. Comparison
begins at BITNUM+1. If an unmasked miscompare is detected, the comparison stops. The
corresponding bit is set in the mask RESULT. BITNUM is updated to contain the bit
number of the miscompared bit. In addition, the output string NEWVALS is updated with
the new value of RESULT, and coil %Q00002 is turned on. Coil %Q00001 is turned on
whenever MASK_COMP_WORD receives power flow.

Example 2
On the first scan, the Masked Compare Word function executes. %M0001 through
%M0016 is compared with %M0017 through %M0032. %M0033 through %M0048
contains the mask value. The value in %R0001 determines the bit position in the two input
strings where the comparison starts.

8-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Before the function is executed, the contents of the above references are:

The #FST_SCN contact forces one and only one execution; otherwise, the function would
repeat with possibly unexpected results.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-25


Rotate Bits

When receiving power flow, the Rotate Bits Right (ROR_DWORD and ROR_WORD) and
Rotate Bits Left (ROL_DWORD and ROL_WORD) functions rotate all the bits in a string of
WORDs or DWORDs N positions respectively to the right or to the left. When rotation
occurs, the specified number of bits is rotated out of the input string respectively to the
right or to the left and back into the string on the other side.
The Rotate Bits function passes power flow to the right, unless the number of bits to rotate
is zero or less, or is equal to the total length of the string or greater. The result is placed in
output string Q. If you want the input string to be rotated, the output parameter Q must use
the same memory location as the input parameter IN. The entire rotated string is written
on each scan that power is received.
A string length of 1 to 256 words or double words can be specified.

Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length The number of WORDs or Constant No
(??) DWORDs in the string to
be rotated. 1 ≤ Length ≤
IN The string to rotate All. Constants are legal when Length is No

N The number of positions to All except variables in %S - %SC No

rotate. 0 < N < (number of memories
bits in the string).
Q The resulting rotated string All except constants and variables in No
%S memory

8-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Whenever input V_I0001 is set, the input bit string in location %R0001 is rotated left 3 bits
and the result is placed in %R00002. The actual input bit string %R0001 is left
unchanged. If the same reference had been used for IN and Q, a rotation would have
occurred in place.


%R0002 (after %I00001 is set)

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-27


Shift Bits
Other mnemonics:

Shift Left
When the Shift Left (SHIFTL_WORD) function receives power flow, it shifts all the bits in a
word or group of words to the left by a specified number of places, N. When the shift
occurs, the specified number of bits is shifted out of the output string to the left. As bits are
shifted out of the high end of the string (Most Significant Bit (MSB)), the same number of
bits is shifted in at the low end (Least Significant Bit (LSB)). The SHIFTL_DWORD
function operates in a similar manner on DWORDs rather than WORDs.

Shift Right
When the Shift Right (SHIFTR_WORD) function receives power flow, it shifts all the bits in
a word or group of words a specified number of places to the right (N). When the shift
occurs, the specified number of bits is shifted out of the output string to the right. As bits
are shifted out of the low end of the string (LSB), the same number of bits is shifted in at
the high end (MSB).

Shift Left and Shift Right

A string length of 1 to 256 words can be specified.
The number of places specified for the shift (N) must be more than zero and less than the
number of bits in the string. If N is out of range, no shift occurs and no power flow is
The bits being shifted into the beginning of the string are specified via input parameter B1.
If the value of N is greater than 1, each bit is filled with the same value (0 or 1). This can
■ The Boolean output of another program function.
■ All 1s. To do this, use the #AWL_ON (always on) system bit (in memory location
%S7), as a permissive to input B1.
■ All 0s. To do this, use the #ALW_OFF (always off) system bit (in memory location
%S8), as a permissive to input B1.
The Shift Bits function passes power flow to the right, unless the number of bits specified
to shift is zero or is greater than the array size.

8-28 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Output Q is the shifted copy of the input string. If you want the input string to be shifted,
the output parameter Q must use the same memory location as the input parameter IN.
The entire shifted string is written on each scan that power is received. Output B2 is the
last bit shifted out. For example, if four bits were shifted, B2 would be the fourth bit shifted

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of WORDs or Constants. No
DWORDs in the string. 1 ≤
Length ≤ 256.
IN The string of WORDs or All. Constants are legal only No
DWORDs to shift when Length = 1.

N The number of places (bits) All except variables in %S - No

to shift the array. 0<N<= %SC memories
(number of bits in the
string). If N is 0, no shift
occurs, OK is set TRUE,
and B2 is set to B1. If N is
greater than the number of
bits in the string, all bits in Q
are set to the value B1, OK
is set FALSE, and B2 is set
to B1.
B1 The bit value to shift into flow No
the array
B2 The bit value of the last bit flow Yes
shifted out of the array.
Q The first WORD or DWORD All except constants and No
(Must be the same data type of the shifted array variables in %S memory.
as IN)

Whenever input V_I0001 is set, the bits in the input string that begins at WORD1 are
copied to the output bit string that starts at WORD2. WORD2 is left-shifted by 8 bits, as
specified by the input N. The resulting open bits at the beginning of the output string are
set to the value of V_I0002.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-29


Coils are used to control the discrete (BOOL) references assigned to them. Conditional
logic must be used to control the flow of power to a coil. Coils cause action directly. They
do not pass power flow to the right. If additional logic in the program should be executed
as a result of the coil condition, you can use an internal reference for the coil or a
continuation coil/contact combination.
■ A continuation coil does not use an internal reference. It must be followed by a
continuation contact at the beginning of any rung following the continuation coil.
■ Coils are always located at the rightmost position of a line of logic.

Coil Checking
The level of coil checking is set to “Show as error” by default. If you want a coil conflict to
result in a warning instead of this error, or if you want no warning at all, edit the PLC
option: Multiple Coil Use Warning in the programming software.
The “Show as warning” option enables you to use any coil reference with multiple Coils,
Set Coils, and Reset Coils, but you will be warned at validation time every time you do so.
With both the “Show as warning” and the “no warning” options, a reference can be set
ON by either a Set Coil or a normal Coil and can be set OFF by a Reset Coil or by a
normal Coil.

Graphical Representation of Coils

The programming software displays the COIL, NCCOIL, SETCOIL, and RESETCOIL
instructions differently depending on the retentive state of the BOOL variables assigned to
them. Examples are provided in the discussion of each type of coil. For a discussion of
retentiveness, refer to “Retentiveness of Logic and Data” in chapter 7.

Coil (Normally Open)

A retentive variable is assigned to the A non-retentive variable is assigned to the

coil coil
When a COIL receives power flow, it sets its associated BOOL variable ON (1). When it
receives no power flow, it sets the associated BOOL variable OFF (0). COIL can be
assigned a retentive variable or a non-retentive variable.
Valid memory areas: %Q, %M, %T, %SA - %SC, and %G. Symbolic discrete variables are
permitted. Bit-in-word references on any word-oriented memory except %AI, including
symbolic non-discrete memory, are also permitted.

8-30 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Continuation Coil

 A continuation coil instructs the PLC to continue the present rung's LD logic power flow
value (TRUE or FALSE) at the continuation contact on a following rung.
The flow state of the continuation coil is passed to the continuation contact.

■ If the flow of logic does not execute a continuation coil before it executes a
continuation contact, the state of the continuation contact is no flow (FALSE).
■ The continuation coil and the continuation contact do not use parameters and do not
have associated variables.
■ You can have multiple rungs with continuation contacts after a single continuation coil.
■ You can have multiple rungs with continuation coils before one rung with a
continuation contact.

Negated Coil

A retentive variable is assigned to the A non-retentive variable is assigned to

negated coil the negated coil
When it does not receive power flow, a negated coil (NCCOIL) sets a discrete reference
ON. When it does receive power flow, NCCOIL sets a discrete reference OFF. NCCOIL
can be assigned a retentive variable or a non-retentive variable.
Valid memory areas: %Q, %M, %T, %SA - %SC, and %G. Symbolic discrete variables are
permitted. Bit-in-word references on any word-oriented memory except %AI, including
symbolic non-discrete memory, are also permitted.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-31


Set, Reset Coil

Set Coil and Reset Coil with a retentive Set Coil and Reset Coil with a non-
variable assigned retentive variable assigned
The SET and RESET coils can be used to keep (“latch”) the state of a reference either
ON or OFF.

SET / RESET coils write an undefined result to the transition bit for
the given reference. This result currently differs from that written by
Series 90-70 CPUs and could change for future PACSystems CPU

Because they write an undefined result to transition bits, do not use

SET or RESET coils with references used on POSCON or NEGCON
transition contacts.

When a SET coil receives power flow, it sets its discrete reference ON. When a SET coil
does not receive power flow, it does not change the value of its discrete reference.
Therefore, whether or not the coil itself continues to receive power flow, the reference
stays ON until the reference is reset by other logic, such as a RESET coil.
When a RESET coil receives power flow, it resets a discrete reference to OFF. When a
RESET coil does not receive power flow, it does not change the value of its discrete
reference. Therefore, its reference remains OFF until it is set ON by other logic, such as a
SET coil.
The last solved SET coil or RESET coil of a pair takes precedence.
The SET and RESET coils can be assigned a retentive variable or a non-retentive
Valid memory areas: %Q, %M, %T, %SA - %SC, and %G. Symbolic discrete variables are
permitted. Bit-in-word references on any word-oriented memory except %AI, including
symbolic non-discrete memory, are also permitted.

8-32 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example of Set, Reset Coils

The coil represented by E1 is turned ON whenever reference E2 or E6 is ON. The coil
represented by E1 is turned OFF whenever reference E5 or E3 is ON.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-33


Transition Coils
The PACSystems provides four transition coils: PTCOIL, NTCOIL, POSCOIL, and
NEGCOIL. For examples showing the differences in the operation of the two types of
transition coils, see page 8-37.


Positive Transition Coil (POSCOIL) Negative Transition Coil (NEGCOIL)

If : If:
■ the current value of the transition bit for the variable ■ the current value of the transition bit for the variable
is OFF, is ON,
■ the current value of the status bit for the variable is ■ the current value of the status bit for the variable is
OFF, and OFF, and
■ the current value of the power flow input to the coil ■ the current value of the power flow input is OFF,
is ON,
the Negative Transition Coil turns ON the status bit of its
the Positive Transition Coil turns ON the status bit of its associated variable. In all other cases, it turns OFF the
associated variable. In all other cases, it turns OFF the status bit of its associated variable. In all cases, the
status bit of its associated variable. In all cases, the transition bit of the variable is set to the value of the
transition bit of the variable is set to the value of the power flow input.
power flow input.
Note: When the Negative Transition Coil turns ON its
Note: When the Positive Transition Coil turns ON its reference’s status bit, it also turns OFF its
reference’s status bit, it also turns ON its transition bit. This falsifies two of the conditions
transition bit. This falsifies two of the conditions for the reference bit to be turned ON the next
for the reference bit to be turned ON the next time the Negative Transition coil executes. That
time the Positive Transition coil executes. That is why the reference bit is turned OFF the next
is why the reference bit is turned OFF the next time the Negative Transition Coil executes (as
time the Positive Transition Coil executes (as long as the reference bit has not in the
long as the reference bit has not in the meantime been written to by any other logic).
meantime been written to by any other logic).

■ Do not override a POSCOIL or NEGCOIL transition coil by putting a force on its
reference bit. If a transition coil is overridden and the override is then removed,
the behavior of the transition coil on the next sweep in which it is executed
depends on many inputs and may be difficult to understand. It may cause
unexpected consequences in the ladder logic and in field devices attached to
the CPU.
■ If you want to preserve a transition coil’s one-shot nature, do not write to its
reference bit using any other instruction, such as another coil or a GE function.
■ Do not use a transition contact with the same reference address used on a
transition coil. The interaction between the two instructions can be very difficult
to understand.

8-34 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for POSCOIL and NEGCOIL

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BOOL_V The variable associated with POSCOIL or I, Q, M, T, G, SA, SB, SC, and No
NEGCOIL symbolic discrete variables.

Example for POSCOIL and NEGCOIL

When reference E1 goes from OFF to ON, coils E2 and E3 receive power flow, turning E2
ON for one logic scan. When E1 goes from ON to OFF, power flow is removed from E2
and E3, turning coil E3 ON for one scan.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-35



PTCOILs and NTCOILs behave very similarly to POSCOILs and NEGCOILs. The major
difference between them is that PTCOILs and NTCOILs have instance data that is
associated with each instance of the coil in logic. The instance data associated with each
coil stores the value of the power flow into the coil the last time the coil was executed.
Each occurrence of a PTCOIL and NTCOIL in logic has its own copy of instance data.
Therefore, two PTCOILs, even if they share the same reference address, operate
independently of each other. In contrast, two POSCOILs that share the same reference
address affect the behavior of each other.
Because the behavior of a PTCOIL and an NTCOIL is determined solely by the current
power flow into the coil and the previous power flow into the coil (i.e., the instance data), it
is not affected by writes to its associated BOOL variable by other coils or instructions in
the logic. Therefore, many of the cautions that apply to POSCOILs and NEGCOILs do not
apply to PTCOILs and NTCOILs.

Positive Transition Coil (PTCOIL) Negative Transition Coil (NTCOIL)

When the input power flow is ON and the power flow When the input power flow is OFF and the power flow
the last time the coil was executed is OFF (i.e., the the last time the coil was executed is ON (i.e., the
instance data is OFF), the status bit of the BOOL instance data is ON), the status bit of the BOOL
variable associated with PTCOIL is turned ON. variable associated with NTCOIL is turned ON.
Under any other conditions, the status bit of the Under any other conditions, the status bit of the
BOOL variable is turned OFF. BOOL variable is turned OFF.
After the status bit of the BOOL variable is updated, After the status bit of the BOOL variable is updated,
the instance data associated with the PTCOIL is set the instance data associated with the PTCOIL is set
to the value of the input power flow. to the value of the input power flow.

Operands for PTCOIL and NTCOIL

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BOOL_V The variable associated with variables in I, Q, M, T, SA, SB, SC, or G No
PTCOIL or NTCOIL memories as well as symbolic discrete
variables. In addition, bit-in-word
references on any non-discrete memory
(e.g., %R) or on symbolic non-discrete
variables are allowed.

8-36 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Examples Comparing PTCOIL and POSCOIL

In the example below, the power flow into the PTCOIL alternates between OFF and ON.
On the first sweep the power flow in is OFF, on the second sweep it is ON, and so forth.
Each time the power flow into the PTCOIL changes from OFF to ON, the value of Xsition
is turned ON. Therefore, on the first sweep, the PTCOIL turns Xsition OFF, on the second
sweep it turns it ON, on the third sweep it turns it OFF, and so forth. Notice that the
behavior of the PTCOIL is not affected by the presence of the fourth rung, which also
writes to Xsition. PTCOIL behaves the same way when the fourth rung is removed.

If a POSCOIL is used in place of the PTCOIL in the example below (keeping the rest of
the logic identical and same alternation of power flow into the POSCOIL), the behavior of
the logic will be different. The behavior of the POSCOIL is affected by the execution of the
fourth rung, which writes to Xsition and changes both its status and transition bits. In this
example, POSCOIL never turns Xsition ON. If the fourth rung is removed, POSCOIL will
behave exactly as the PTCOIL behaves, turning Xsition OFF on the first sweep, ON on
the second sweep, and so forth.

Flip the value of PflowIn. If it was ON turn it OFF. If it was OFF turn it ON.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-37


A contact is used to monitor the state of a reference address. Whether the contact passes
power flow depends on positive power flow into the contact, the state or status of the
reference address being monitored, and the contact type. A reference address is ON if its
state is 1; it is OFF if its state is 0.
Contact Display Mnemonic Contact Passes Power to Right...
Continuation Contact CONTCON if the preceding continuation coil is
set ON
Fault Contact FAULT if its associated BOOL or WORD
variable has a point fault
High Alarm Contact HIALR if the high alarm bit associated with
the analog (WORD) reference is ON
Low Alarm Contact LOALR if the low alarm bit associated with
the analog (WORD) reference is ON
No Fault Contact NOFLT if its associated BOOL or WORD
variable does not have a point fault
Normally Closed Contact NCCON if associated BOOL variable is OFF

Normally Open Contact NOCON if associated BOOL variable is ON

Transition Contacts NEGCON (negative transition contact) if BOOL

reference transitions from ON to
NTCON (negative transition contact) if BOOL
reference transitions from ON to
POSCON (positive transition contact) if BOOL
reference transitions from OFF to
PTCON (positive transition contact) if BOOL
reference transitions from OFF to

8-38 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Continuation Contact

■ A continuation contact continues the LD logic from the last previously-executed

rung in the block that contained a continuation coil.
The flow state of the continuation contact is the same as the preceding executed
continuation coil. A continuation contact has no associated variable.

■ If the flow of logic does not execute a continuation coil before it executes a
continuation contact, the state of the continuation contact is no flow.
■ The state of the continuation contact is cleared (set to no flow) each time a block
begins execution.
■ The continuation coil and the continuation contact do not use parameters and do not
have associated variables.
■ You can have multiple rungs with continuation contacts after a single continuation coil.
■ You can have multiple rungs with continuation coils before one rung with a
continuation contact.

Fault Contact

A Fault contact (FAULT) detects faults in discrete or analog reference addresses, or

locates faults (rack, slot, bus, module).
■ To guarantee correct indication of module status, use the reference address (%I, %Q,
%AI, %AQ) with the FAULT/NOFLT contacts.
■ To locate a fault, use the rack, slot, bus, module fault locating system variable with a
FAULT/NOFLT contact.
Note: The fault indication of a given module is cleared when the associated fault is
cleared from the fault table.
■ For I/O point fault reporting, you must configure your Hardware Configuration (HWC)
to enable the PLC point faults.
FAULT passes power flow if its associated variable or location has a point fault.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BWVAR The variable associated with the FAULT contact variables in %I, %Q, %AI, and %AQ No
memories, and predefined fault-locating

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-39


High and Low Alarm Contacts

The high alarm contact (HIALR) is used to detect a high alarm associated with an analog
reference. Use of this contact and the low alarm contact must be enabled during CPU
A high alarm contact passes power flow if the high alarm bit associated with the analog
reference is ON.
The low alarm contact (LOALR) detects a low alarm associated with an analog
reference. Use of this contact must be enabled during CPU configuration.
A low alarm contact passes power flow if the low alarm bit associated with the analog
reference is ON.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
WORDV The variable associated with the HIALR or variables in AI and AQ No
LOALR contact memories

No Fault Contact

A No Fault (NOFLT) contact detects faults in discrete or analog reference addresses, or

locates faults (rack, slot, bus, module). NOFLT passes power flow if its associated
variable or location does not have a point fault.
■ To guarantee correct indication of module status, use the reference address (%I, %Q,
%AI, %AQ) with the FAULT/NOFLT contacts.
■ To locate a fault, use the rack, slot, bus, module fault locating system variables with a
FAULT/NOFLT contact.
■ For I/O point fault reporting, you must configure your Hardware Configuration (HWC)
to enable the PLC point faults.
Note: The fault indication of a given module is cleared when the associated fault is
cleared from the fault table.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BWVAR The variable associated with variables in %I, %Q, %AI, and %AQ memories, No
the NOFLT contact and predefined fault-locating references

8-40 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Normally Closed and Normally Open Contacts

A normally closed contact (NCCON) acts as a switch that passes power flow if the
BOOLV operand is OFF (false, 0).
A normally open contact (NOCON) acts as a switch that passes power flow if the
BOOLV operand is ON (true, 1).

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BOOLV BOOLV may be a predefined system discrete variables in I, Q, M, T, S, No
variable or a user-defined variable. SA, SB, SC, and G memories;
NCCON: symbolic discrete variables; bit-
in-word references on variables
If BOOLV is ON, the normally closed
in any non-discrete memory
contact does not pass power flow.
(e.g., %L) or on symbolic non-
If BOOLV is OFF, the contact passes discrete variables.
power flow.
If BOOLV is ON, the normally open
contact passes power flow.
If BOOLV is OFF, the contact does not
pass power flow.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-41


Transition Contacts
The power flow out from the POSCON and NEGCON transition contacts is determined by
the last write to the BOOL variable associated with the contact. The power flow out from
the PTCON and NTCON transition contacts is determined by the value that the associated
BOOL variable had the last time the contact was executed.


Positive Transition Contact POSCON Negative Transition Contact NEGCON

POSCON passes power flow to the right only when NEGCON passes power flow to the right only when
all of the following conditions are met: all of the following conditions are met:
■ the input power flow to POSCON is ON ■ the input power flow to NEGCON is ON
■ the current value of the status bit for the ■ the current value of the status bit for the
associated variable is ON, and associated variable is OFF, and
■ the current value of the transition bit for the ■ the current value of the transition bit for the
associated variable is ON associated variable is ON
In other words, if there is positive power flow into a In other words, if there is positive power flow into a
POSCON, and the last time its associated variable NEGCON, and the last time its associated variable
was written to, its value went from OFF to ON, the was written to, its value went from ON to OFF, the
POSCON will pass positive power flow to the right. NEGCON will pass positive power flow to the right.

Do not use POSCON or NEGCON transition contacts for references
used with transition coils (also called one-shots) or SET and RESET

■ It is important to note that once a POSCON or NEGCON contact begins passing

power flow, it continues to pass power flow until its associated variable is written to.
When its variable is written to, regardless of whether the value written to it is ON or
OFF, the POSCON or NEGCON contact stops passing power flow.
The source of the write is immaterial; it can be an output coil, a function block output, the input
scan, an input interrupt, a data change from the program, or external communications. When the
variable is written, the associated POSCON or NEGCON contact is immediately affected. Until a
write is made to the variable, the POSCON or NEGCON contact will appear to be “stuck.”
Depending on the logic flow, the writes to the POSCON’s or NEGCON's associated variable:
■ May occur multiple times during a PLC scan, resulting in the POSCON or NEGCON contact
being ON for only a portion of the scan.
■ May occur several PLC scans apart, resulting in the POSCON or NEGCON contact being ON
for more than one scan.
■ May occur once per scan, for example if the POSCON or NEGCON's associated variable is a
%I input bit.
An override on a point prevents its status bit from being changed. However, it does not
prevent its transition bit from being changed. If a write is attempted to an overridden point,
the point’s transition bit is cleared. As a result, any associated POSCON or NEGCON
contacts will stop passing power flow.

8-42 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for POSCON and NEGCON

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BOOLV The variable associated with the transition contact variables in I, Q, M, T, S, SA, SB, SC, and No
G memories, as well as symbolic discrete

Example 1
Coil E2 is turned ON when the value of the variable E1 transitions from OFF to ON. It
stays ON until E1 is written to again, causing the POSCON to stop passing power flow.
Coil E4 is turned ON when the value of the variable E3 transitions from ON to OFF. It
stays ON until E3 is written to again, causing the NEGCON to stop passing power flow.

Example 2
Bit %M00017 is set by a BIT_SET function and then cleared by a BIT_CLR function. The
positive transition contact X1 activates the BIT_SET, and the negative transition X2
activates the BIT_CLR.
The positive transition associated with bit %M00017 will be on until %M00017 is reset by
the BIT_CLR function. This occurs because the bit is only written when contact X1 goes
from OFF to ON. Similarly, the negative transition associated with bit %M00017 will be ON
until %M00017 is set by the BIT_SET function.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-43



The essential difference between the PTCON and NTCON contacts, versus the POSCON
and NEGCON contacts, is that each PTCON or NTCON contact instruction used in logic
has its own associated instance data. The instance data gives the state (ON or OFF) of
the BOOL variable associated with the contact the last time the contact was executed.
Because each instance of a PTCON or NTCON instruction has its own instance data, it is
possible for two PTCON or NTCON instructions associated with the same BOOL variable
to behave differently.

Positive Transition Contact PTCON Negative Transition Contact NTCON

PTCON passes power flow to the right only when all NTCON passes power flow to the right only when all
of the following conditions are met: of the following conditions are met:
■ The input power flow to PTCON is ON. ■ The input power flow to NTCON is ON.
■ The current value of the BOOL variable ■ The current value of the BOOL variable
associated with PTCON is ON. associated with NTCON is OFF.
■ The instance data associated with PTCON is ■ The instance data associated with NTCON is ON
OFF (i.e., the value of the associated BOOL (i.e., the value of the associated BOOL variable
variable the last time the PTCON instruction was the last time the NTCON instruction was
executed was OFF). executed was ON).
After all of these conditions have been evaluated to After all of these conditions have been evaluated to
determine power flow, the PTCON’s instance data is determine power flow, the NTCON’s instance data is
updated to contain the current value of the BOOL updated to contain the current value of the BOOL
variable. variable.
It is important to note that a PTCON or an NTCON contact will remain ON for exactly one
“execution cycle” of the contact. For example, once a PTCON passes power flow, the next
time that that particular PTCON instruction is executed, it will NOT pass power flow. This
is because the behavior of the PTCON depends on the value of its instance data, which is
updated each time the PTCON is executed. When the PTCON is executed and passes
power flow, its instance data is updated to contain the current value of its associated
BOOL variable, which must be ON. The next time the PTCON is executed, conditions will
not be right for it to pass power flow again, because its instance data is ON not OFF.
This behavior is in marked contrast to the behavior of the POSCON and NEGCON
contacts, which can pass power flow for many execution cycles at a time.
Also note that because the behavior of the PTCON and NTCON instructions is not
dependent on a transition bit, these instructions can be used with variables located in
memories that do not have associated transition bits.

8-44 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for PTCON and POSCON

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
BOOL_V The variable associated with PTCON or NTCON variables in I, Q, M, T, S, SA, SB, SC, and No
G memories, as well as symbolic discrete
variables. Also, bit-in-word references on
variables in non-discrete memories R, AI,
AQ, L, P, W, and on symbolic non-discrete

Examples Comparing PTCON and POSCON

The logic in the example on page 8-46 starts execution with all variables set to 0. Before
the second sweep begins, the Xsition variable used on the PTCON instruction is set to 1.
It retains that value for sweeps 2, 3, and 4. Then it is reset back to 0 before sweep 5
begins and retains its 0 value for sweeps 5, 6, and 7. This pattern repeats over and over.
The PTCON instruction in rung two passes power flow on the 2nd sweep, the 8 sweep,
the 14 sweep, and so on. These are sweeps where the Xsition variable’s value becomes
a 1, after having been a 0 on the previous sweep. On all other sweeps, the PTCON
instruction does not pass power flow.

If a POSCON is used in place of the PTCON in the example on page 8-46 (keeping the
rest of the logic identical), the same alternation of the Xsition variable’s value occurs. The
POSCON instruction passes power flow on sweeps 2, 3, and 4; then again on sweeps 8,
9, and 10; and so forth. The POSCON’s behavior is dependent on Xsition’s transition bit.
Since Xsition’s value is written once and then simply retained for three sweeps, its
transition bit retains its same value for three sweeps. Thus the POSCON will pass or not
pass power flow for three sweeps in a row. Note that if Xsition’s value is actually written
on each sweep, the POSCON and the PTCON behave identically.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-45


On the 2nd sweep, turn Xsition ON for 3 sweeps; on the 5th sweep, turn it OFF for 3 sweeps, etc.

Logic Example Using PTCON

8-46 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Control Functions
The control functions limit program execution and change the way the CPU executes the
application program.
Function Mnemonic Description
Do I/O DO_IO For one scan, immediately services a specified range of inputs or
outputs. (All inputs or outputs on a module are serviced if any
reference locations on that module are included in the DO I/O
function. Partial I/O module updates are not performed.) Optionally,
a copy of the scanned I/O can be placed in internal memory, rather
than at the real input points.
Drum DRUM Provides predefined On/Off patterns to a set of 16 discrete outputs
in the manner of a mechanical drum sequencer.
For Loop FOR_LOOP For loop. Repeats the logic between the FOR_LOOP instruction
EXIT_FOR and END_FOR instruction a specified number of times or until
END_FOR EXIT_FOR is encountered.
Proportional Integral Derivative PID_ISA Provides two PID (Proportional/Integral/Derivative) closed-loop
Control PID_IND control algorithms:
Standard ISA PID algorithm (PID_ISA)
Independent term algorithm (PID_IND)
Note: For details, refer to chapter 10.
Read Switch Position SWITCH_POS Reads position of the Run/Stop switch and the mode for which the
switch is configured.
Service Request SVC_REQ Requests a special PLC service.
Note: For details, refer to chapter 9.
Suspend IO SUS_IO Suspends for one sweep all normal I/O updates, except those
specified by DO I/O instructions.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-47


Do I/O

When the DO I/O (DO_IO) function receives power flow, it updates inputs or outputs for
one scan while the program is running. You can also use DO_ IO to update selected I/O
during the program in addition to the normal I/O scan.
Note: You can use DO_IO in conjunction with a Suspend IO (SUS_IO) function, which
stops the normal I/O scan.

If input references are specified, DO_IO allows the most recent values of inputs to be
obtained for program logic. If output references are specified, DO I/O updates outputs
based on the most current values stored in I/O memory. I/O is serviced in increments of
entire I/O modules; the PLC adjusts the references, if necessary, while DO_IO executes.
DO_IO does not scan I/O modules that are not configured.
DO_IO continues to execute until all inputs in the selected range have reported or all
outputs have been serviced on the I/O modules. Program execution then returns to the
function that follows the DO_IO.
If the range of references includes an option module (HSC, APM, etc.), all the input data
(%I and %AI) or all the output data (%Q and %AQ) for that module are scanned. The ALT
parameter is ignored while scanning option modules.
DO_IO passes power to the right whenever it receives power unless:
■ Not all references of the type specified are present within the selected range.
■ The CPU is not able to properly handle the temporary list of I/O created by the
■ The range specified includes I/O modules that are associated with a “Loss of I/O”

If DO_IO is used with timed or I/O interrupts, transition contacts
associated with scanned inputs may not operate as expected.

8-48 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Do I/O for Inputs

When DO_IO receives power flow and input references are specified, the PLC scans input
points from the starting reference (ST) to the ending reference (END). If a reference is
specified for ALT, a copy of the new input values is placed in memory beginning at that
reference, and the real input values are not updated. ALT must be the same size as the
reference type scanned. If a discrete reference is used for ST and END, ALT must also be
If no reference is specified for ALT, the real input values are updated. This allows inputs to
be scanned one or more times during the program execution portion of the CPU scan.

Do I/O for Outputs

When DO_IO receives power flow and output references are specified, the PLC writes to
the output points. If no value is specified in ALT, the range of outputs written to the output
modules is specified by the starting reference (ST) and the ending reference (END). If
outputs should be written to the output points from internal memory other than %Q or
%AQ, the beginning reference is specified for ALT and the end reference is automatically
calculated from the length of the END-ST range.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
ST The starting address of the set of input or output points or words to be I, Q, AI, AQ No
serviced. ST and END must be in the same memory area.
Note: If ST and END are placed in BOOL memory, ST must be
byte-aligned, that is, its reference address must start at (8n+1), for
example, %I01, %Q09, %Q49.
END The address of the end bit of input or output points or words to be I, Q, AI, AQ No
serviced. Must be in the same memory area as ST.
Note: If ST and END are placed in BOOL memory, END's reference
address must be 8n, for example, %I08, %Q16.
ALT For an input scan, ALT specifies the address to store scanned input I, Q, M, T, G, R, AI, AQ Yes
point/word values. For an output scan, ALT specifies the address to
get output point/word values from, to send to the I/O modules.
■ ALT can be a WORD only if ST and END are in analog memory.
■ You can use the ALT operand to enter the slot of a single module
in the main rack. When that is done, the DO_IO function executes
in 80 microseconds instead of the 236 microseconds required
when the block is programmed without the ALT parameter. No
error checking is performed to prevent overlapping reference
addresses or module type mismatches.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-49


Do I/O for Inputs
When DO_IO receives power flow, the PLC scans references %I0001-64 and %Q0001 is
turned on. A copy of the scanned inputs is placed in internal memory from %M0001-64.
Because a reference is specified for ALT, the real inputs are not updated. This allows the
current values of inputs to be compared with their values at the beginning of the scan.
This form of DO_IO allows input points to be scanned one or more times during the
program execution portion of the CPU scan.

Do I/O For Outputs

Because a reference is entered for ALT, the values at %AQ001-004 are not written to
output modules. When DO_IO receives power flow, the PLC writes the values from
references %R0001-0004 to the analog output modules and %Q0001 is turned on.

8-50 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


The Drum function operates like a mechanical drum sequencer. The
Drum Sequencer steps through a set of potential output bit patterns
and selects one based on inputs to the function. The selected value is
copied to a group of 16 discrete output references.
When the DRUM function receives power flow, it copies the contents of
a selected reference to the Q reference.
Power flow to the R (Reset) input or to the S (Step) input selects the
reference to be copied.
The ???? (Control Block) input is the beginning reference for the Drum
Sequencer function's parameter block, which includes information used
by the function.

The function passes power to the right only if it receives power from the left and no error
condition is detected.
The DTO (Dwell Timeout Output) bit is cleared the first time the drum is in a new step.
This is true:
 Whether the drum is introduced to a new step by changing the Active Step or by
using the S (Step) Input.
 Regardless of the DT (Dwell Time array) value associated with the step (even if it
is 0).
During the first sweep the Active Step is initialized.

Parameter Description Allowed Optional
???? (Control Block) The beginning address of a five-word array that contains the R, P, L, W, No
Drum Sequencer's control block. The contents of the control block are Symbolic
described below.
?? (Length) Value between 1 and 128 that specifies the number of steps. Constant No
S Step input. Used to go one step forward in the sequence. When the function flow No
receives power flow and S makes an OFF to ON transition, the Drum
Sequencer moves one step. When R (Reset) is active, the function ignores S.
R Reset input. Used to select a specific step in the sequence. When the DRUM flow No
function and Reset both receive power flow, DRUM copies the Preset Step
value in the Control Block to the Active Step reference in the Control Block.
Then the function copies the value in the Preset Step reference to the Q
reference bits. When R is active, the function ignores S.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-51


Parameter Description Allowed Optional

PTN (Pattern) The starting address of an array of words. The number of words is All except No
specified by the Length (??) operand. Each word represents one step of the constant and S,
Drum Sequencer. The value of each word represents the desired combination SA—SC
of outputs for a particular value of the Active Step word in the control block. numerical data.
The first element corresponds to an Active Step value of 1; the last element
corresponds to an Active Step value of Length. The programming software
does not create an array for you. You must ensure you have enough memory
for PTN.
DT (Dwell Time ) If you use the DT operand, you must also use the DTO operand All except S, SA, Yes
and vice-versa. The DT operand is the starting address of Length words of SB, SC and
memory, where Length is the number of steps. Each DT word corresponds to constant
one word of PTN. The value of each word represents the dwell time for the
corresponding step of the Drum Sequencer in 0.1 second units. When the
dwell time expires for a given step the Dwell Timeout (DTO) bit is set.
If a Dwell Time is specified, the drum cannot sequence into its next step until
the Dwell Time has expired. The programming software does not create an
array for you. You must ensure you allocate enough memory for DT.
FTT (Fault Timeout) If you use the FTT operand, you must also use the TFT All except S, SA, Yes
operand, and vice-versa. The FTT operand is the starting address of Length SB, SC and
words of memory, where Length is the number of steps. Each FTT word constant
corresponds to one word of PTN. The value of each word represents the fault
timeout for the corresponding step of the Drum Sequencer in 0.1 second
When the fault timeout has expired the Fault Timeout bit is set.
The programming software does not create an array for you. You must
ensure you allocate enough memory for FTT.
Q A word of memory containing the element of the PTN that corresponds to the All except S and No
current Active Step. constant
DRC (Drum Coil ) Bit reference that is set whenever the function is enabled and All except S Yes
Active Step is not equal to Preset Step.
DTO (Dwell Timeout) If you use the DTO operand, you must also use DT and vice- All except S and Yes
versa. This bit reference is set if the dwell time for the current step has constant
TFT (Timeout Fault ) If you use the TFT operand, you must also use the FTT All except S and Yes
operand and vice-versa. Bit reference that is set if the drum has been in a constant
particular step longer than the step’s specified Fault Timeout.
FF (First Follower ) The starting address of (Length/8+1) bytes of memory, where All except S and Yes
Length is the number of steps. If MOD (Length/8+1)>0, FF has (Length/8+1) constant
bytes. Each bit in the bytes of FF corresponds to one word of PTN. No more
than one bit in the FF bytes is ON at any time, and that bit corresponds to the
value of the Active Step. The first bit corresponds to an Active Step value of
one. The last used bit corresponds to an Active Step value of Length.

8-52 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Control Block for the Drum Sequencer Function

The control block for the Drum Sequencer function contains information needed to
operate the Drum Sequencer.

address Active Step

address + 1 Preset Step
address + 2 Step Control
address + 3 Timer Control

Active Step The active step value specifies the element in the Pattern array to copy to
the Out output memory location. This is used as the array index into the Pattern, Dwell
Time, Fault Timeout, and First Follower arrays.
Preset Step A word input that is copied to the Active Step output when the Reset is
Step Control A word that is used to detect Off to On transitions on both the Step input
and the Enable input. The Step Control word is reserved for use by the function, and must
not be written to.
Timer Control Two words of data that hold values needed to run the timer. These values
are reserved for use by the function and must not be written to.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-53


For Loop

A For loop repeats rung logic a specified number of times while varying the value of the
INDEX variable in the loop. A For loop begins with a FOR_LOOP instruction and ends
with an END_FOR instruction. The rung logic to be repeated must be placed between the
FOR and END_FOR instructions. The optional EXIT_FOR instruction enables you to exit
from the loop if a condition is met before the For loop ends normally.
When FOR_LOOP receives power flow, it saves the START, END, and INC (Increment)
operands and uses them to evaluate the number of times the rungs between the
FOR_LOOP and its END_FOR instructions are executed. Changing the START and END
operands while the For loop is executing does not affect its operation.
When an END_FOR receives power flow, the For loop is terminated and power flow
jumps directly to the statement following the END_FOR instruction.
There can be nothing after the FOR instruction in the rung and the FOR instruction must
be the last instruction to be executed in the rung. An EXIT_FOR statement can be placed
only between a FOR instruction and an END_FOR instruction, and there can be nothing
after the EXIT_FOR statement in the rung, as well. It also must be the last instruction
executed in the rung. The END_FOR statement must be the only instruction in its rung.
A FOR_LOOP can assign decreasing values to its index variable by setting the increment
to a negative number. For example, if the START value is 21, the END value is 1, and the
increment value is –5, the statements of the FOR loop are executed five times, and the
index variable is decremented by 5 in each pass. The values of the index variable will be
21, 16, 11, 6, and 1.
When the START and END values are set equal, the statements of the FOR loop are
executed only once.
When START cannot be incremented to reach the END or START cannot be
decremented to reach the END, the statements within the FOR loop are not executed. For
example, if the value of START is 10, the value of END is 5, and the INCREMENT is 1,
power flow jumps directly from the FOR statement to the statement after the END_FOR
Note: If the power flow input for the FOR_LOOP instruction has power flow when it is
first tested, the rungs between the FOR and its corresponding END_FOR
statement are executed the number of times initially specified by START, END,
and INCREMENT. This repeated execution occurs on a single sweep of the PLC
and may cause the watchdog timer to expire if the loop is long.

8-54 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Nesting of FOR loops is allowed, but it is restricted to five FOR/END_FOR pairs. Each
FOR instruction must have a matching END_FOR statement following it.
Nesting with JUMPs and MCRs is allowed, provided that they are properly nested. MCRs
and ENDMCRs must be completely within or completely outside the scope of a
FOR/END_FOR pair. JUMPs and LABEL instructions must also be completely within or
completely outside the scope of a FOR/END_FOR pair. Jumping into or out of the scope
of a FOR/END_FOR is not allowed.

Only the FOR_LOOP function requires operands.
Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
INDEX The index variable. When the loop has All except constants, flow, and variables No
completed, this value is undefined. in %S - %SC
Note: Changing the value of the index
variable within the scope of the FOR loop is
not recommended.
START The index start value. All except variables in %S - %SC No
END The index end value. All except variables in %S - %SC No
INC The increment value. (Default: 1.) Constants Yes

Example 1
The value for %M00001 (START) is 1 and the value for %M00017 (END) is 10. The
INDEX (%R00001) increments by the value of the INC operand (which is assumed to be 1
when omitted) starting at 1 until it reaches the ending value 10. The ADD function of the
loop is executed 10 times, adding the current value of I1 (%R00001), which will vary from
1 to 10, to the value of I2 (%R00002).

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-55


Example 2
The value for %T00001 (START) is -100 and the value for %T00017 (END) is 100. The
INDEX (%R00001) increments by tens, starting at -100 until it reaches it end value of
+100. The EQ function of the loop tries to execute 21 times, with the INDEX (%R00001)
being equal to –100, –90, –80, –70, –60, –50, –40, –30, –20, –10, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,
60, 70, 80, 90, and 100. However, when the INDEX (%R00001) is 0, the EXIT statement
is enabled and power flow jumps directly to the statement after the END_FOR statement.

8-56 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Read Switch Position

Read Switch Position (SWITCH_POS) allows the logic to read the
current position of the RUN/STOP switch, as well as the mode for which
the switch is configured.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
POS Memory location at which to write current switch All except S, SA, SB, SC No
position value.
1 - Run I/O Enabled
2 - Run I/O Disabled
3 - Stop Mode
MODE Memory location to which switch configuration value is All except S, SA, SB, SC No
0 - Switch configuration not supported
1 - Switch controls run/stop mode
2 - Switch not used, or is used by the user application
3 - Switch controls both memory protection and
run/stop mode
4 - Switch controls memory protection

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-57


Suspend I/O

The Suspend I/O (SUS_IO) function stops normal I/O scans from occurring for one CPU
sweep. During the next output scan, all outputs are held at their current states. During the
next input scan, the input references are not updated with data from inputs. However,
during the input scan portion of the sweep, the CPU verifies that Genius bus controllers
have completed their previous output updates.
Note: SUS_IO function suspends all I/O, both analog and discrete, whether integrated
I/O, Genius I/O, or Ethernet Global Data. For details, refer TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications for PACSystems, GFK-2224.
When SUS_IO receives power flow, all I/O servicing stops except that provided by DO_IO

If SUS_IO were placed at the left rail of the ladder, without enabling
logic to regulate its execution, no regular I/O scan would ever be

SUS_IO passes power flow to the right whenever it receives power.

8-58 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example for Suspend I/O

This example shows a SUS_IO function and a DO_IO function used to stop I/O scans,
then cause certain I/O to be scanned from the program.
Inputs %I00010 and %I00011 form a latch circuit with the contact from %M00001. This
keeps the SUS_IO function active on each sweep until %I00011 goes on. If this input
were not scanned by DO_IO after SUS_IO went active, SUS_IO could only be disabled by
powering down the PLC.
Output %Q00002 is set when both DO_IO functions execute successfully. The rung is
constructed so that both DO_IO functions execute even if one does not set its OK output.
With normal I/O suspended, output %Q00002 is not updated until a DO_IO function with
%Q00002 in its range executes. This does not occur until the sweep after the setting of
%Q00002. Outputs that are set after a DO_IO function executes are not updated until
another DO_IO function executes, typically in the next sweep. Because of this delay, most
programs that use SUS_IO and DO_IO place the SUS_IO function in the first rung of the
program, the DO_IO function that processes inputs in the next rung, and the DO_IO
function that processes outputs in the last rung.
The range of the DO_IO function doing outputs is %Q00001 through %Q00030. If the
module in this range were a 32-point module, the DO_IO function would actually perform
a scan of the entire module. A DO_IO function will not break the scan in the middle of an
I/O module.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-59


Conversion Functions
The Conversion functions change a data item from one number format (data type) to
another. Many programming instructions, such as math functions, must be used with data
of one type. As a result, data conversion is often required before using those instructions.
Function Mnemonic Description
Convert Angles DEG_TO_RAD Converts degrees to radians
RAD_TO_DEG Converts radians to degrees
Convert to BCD4
UINT to BCD4 UINT_TO_BCD4 Converts UINT (16-bit unsigned integer) to 4-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal
INT to BCD4 INT_TO_BCD4 Converts INT (16-bit signed integer) to 4-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal
Convert DINT to BCD8 DINT_TO_BCD8 Converts DINT (32-bit signed integer) to 8-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal
Convert to INT
BCD4 to INT BCD4_TO_INT Converts 4-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD4) to INT (16-bit signed
UINT to INT UINT_TO_INT Converts UINT to INT (16-bit signed integer)
DINT to INT DINT_TO_INT Converts DINT to INT (16-bit signed integer)
REAL to INT REAL_TO_INT Converts REAL to INT (16-bit signed integer)
Convert to UINT
BCD4 to UINT BCD4_TO_UINT Converts BCD4 to UINT (16-bit unsigned integer)
INT to UINT INT_TO_UINT Converts INT to UINT (16-bit unsigned integer)
DINT to UINT DINT_TO_UINT Converts DINT to UINT (16-bit unsigned integer)
REAL to UINT REAL_TO_UINT Converts REAL to UINT (16-bit unsigned integer)
Convert to DINT
BCD8 to DINT BCD8_TO_DINT Converts 8-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD8) to DINT (32-bit signed
UINT to DINT UINT_TO_DINT Converts UINT to DINT (32-bit signed integer)
INT to DINT INT_TO_DINT Converts INT to DINT (32-bit signed integer)
REAL to DINT REAL_TO_DINT Converts REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point values) to DINT (32-bit
signed integer)
Convert to REAL
BCD4 to REAL BCD4_TO_REAL Converts BCD4 to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point values)
BCD8 to REAL BCD8_TO_REAL Converts BCD8 to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point values).
UINT to REAL UINT_TO_REAL Converts UINT to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point values)
INT to REAL INT_TO_REAL Converts INT to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point values).
DINT to REAL DINT_TO_REAL Converts DINT to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point).
WORD to REAL WORD_TO_REAL Converts WORD (16-bit bit string) to REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-
point values)
Convert REAL to REAL_TO_WORD Converts REAL to WORD (16-bit bit string).
Truncate TRUNC_DINT Rounds a REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point) number down to a
DINT (32-bit signed integer) number
TRUNC_INT Rounds a REAL (32-bit signed real or floating-point) number down to an
INT (16-bit signed integer) number

8-60 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Convert Angles

When the Degrees to Radians (DEG_TO_RAD) or the Radians to Degrees

(RAD_TO_DEG) function receives power flow, it performs the appropriate angle
conversion on the REAL value in input IN and places the result in output Q.
DEG_TO_RAD and RAD_TO_DEG pass power flow to the right when they perform
without overflow, unless IN is NaN (Not a Number).

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to convert. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Q The converted value. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No

+1500 is converted to degrees. The result is placed in %R00001 and %R00002.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-61


Convert UINT or INT to BCD4

When this function receives power flow, it converts the input
unsigned (UINT) or signed single-precision integer (INT) data
into the equivalent 4-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD)
values, which it outputs to Q.
This function does not change the original input data. The output data can be used directly
as input for another program function.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the conversion would
result in a value that is outside the range 0 to 9,999.
Tip: Data can be converted to BCD format to drive BCD-encoded LED displays or
presets to external devices such as high-speed counters.

Paramete Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The UINT or INT value to convert to BCD4. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Q The BCD4 equivalent value of the original All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
UINT or INT value in IN.

Example - UINT to BDC4

Whenever input %I00002 is set and no errors exist, the UINT at input location %I00017
through %I00032 is converted to four BCD digits and the result is stored in memory
locations %Q00033 through %Q00048. Coil %M01432 is used to check for successful

Example - INT to BCD4

Whenever input %I0002 is set and no errors exist, the INT values at input locations
%I0017 through %I0032 are converted to four BCD digits, and the result is stored in
memory locations %Q0033 through %Q0048. Coil %Q1432 is used to check for
successful conversion.

8-62 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Convert DINT to BCD8

When DINT_TO_BCD8 receives power flow, it converts the input signed double-precision
integer (DINT) data into the equivalent 8-digit Binary-Coded-Decimal (BCD) values, which
it outputs to Q. DINT_TO_BCD8 does not change the original DINT data.
Note: The output data can be used directly as input for another program function.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the conversion would
result in a value that is outside the range 0 to 99,999,999.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The DINT value to convert to BCD8 All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Q The BCD8 equivalent value of the original DINT value in IN All except S, SA, SB, and SC No

Whenever input %I00002 is set and no errors exist, the double-precision signed integer
(DINT) at input location %AI0003 is converted to eight BCD digits and the result is stored
in memory locations %L00001 through %L00002.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-63


Convert BCD4, UINT, DINT, or REAL to INT


When this function receives power flow, it converts the input data into the equivalent
single-precision signed integer (INT) value, which it outputs to Q. This function does not
change the original input data. The output data can be used directly as input for another
program function, as in the examples.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the data is out of range.

When REAL_TO_INT receives power flow, it rounds the input REAL data up or down to
the nearest single-precision signed integer (INT) value, which it outputs to Q.
REAL_TO_INT does not change the original REAL data.
Note: The output data can be used directly as input for another program function.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the data is out of range or
NaN (Not a Number).

Converting from REAL to INT may result in overflow. For example,
REAL 7.4E15, which equals 7.4 * 1015, converts to INT OVERFLOW.

Tip: To truncate a REAL value and express the result as an INT, i.e., to remove the
fractional part of the REAL number and express the remaining integer value as an

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to convert to INT. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Q The INT equivalent value of the original value in IN. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No

8-64 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Whenever input %I0002 is set, the BCD-4 value in PARTS is converted to a signed
integer (INT) and passed to the ADD_INT function, where it is added to the INT value
represented by the reference RUNNING. The sum is output by ADD_INT to the reference

Whenever input %M00344 is set, the UINT value in %R00234 is converted to a signed
integer (INT) and passed to the ADD function, where it is added to the INT value in
%R06488. The sum is output by the ADD function to the reference CARGO.

Whenever input %M00031 is set, the DINT value in %R00055 is converted to a signed
integer (INT) and passed to the ADD function, where it is added to the INT at %R02345.
The sum is output by the ADD function to %R08004.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-65


Convert BCD4, INT, DINT, or REAL to UINT

When this function receives power flow, it converts the input data into the equivalent
single-precision unsigned integer (UINT) value, which it outputs to Q.
The conversion to UINT does not change the original data. The output data can be used
directly as input for another program function, as in the example.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the resulting data is
outside the range 0 to +65,535.

Converting from REAL to UINT may result in overflow. For example,
REAL 7.2E17, which equals 7.2 * 1017, converts to UINT OVERFLOW.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to convert to UINT. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Q The UINT equivalent value of the original input value in IN. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No

Tip: One use of BCD4_TO_UINT is to convert BCD data from the I/O structure into
integer data and store it in memory. This can provide an interface to BCD
thumbwheels or external BCD electronics, such as high-speed counters and
position encoders.
In the following example, whenever input %I0002 is set, the BCD4 value in PARTS is
converted to an unsigned single-precision integer (UINT) and passed to the ADD_UINT
function, where it is added to the UINT value represented by the reference RUNNING.
The sum is output by ADD_UINT to the reference TOTAL.

Whenever input %I0002 is set, the INT value in %L00050 is converted to an unsigned
single-precision integer (UINT) and passed to the ADD_UINT function, where it is added
to the UINT value in %R08833. The sum is output by ADD_UINT to the reference TOTAL.

8-66 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Whenever input %I00002 is set and no errors exist, the double precision signed integer
(DINT) at input location %R00007 is converted to an unsigned integer (UINT) and passed
to the SUB function, where the constant value 145 is subtracted from it. The result of the
subtraction is stored in the output reference location %Q00033.

Whenever input %I00045 is set, the REAL value in %L00045 is converted to an unsigned
single-precision integer (UINT) and passed to the ADD_UINT function, where it is added
to the UINT value in %R00045. The sum is output by ADD_UINT to the reference TOTAL.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-67


Convert BCD8, UINT, or INT to DINT


When this function receives power flow, it converts the data into the equivalent signed
double-precision integer (DINT) value, which it outputs to Q. The conversion to DINT does
not change the original data.
The output data can be used directly as input for another program function. The function
passes power flow when power is received, unless the data is out of range.

When REAL_TO_DINT receives power flow, it rounds the input REAL data up or down to
the nearest double-precision signed integer (DINT) value, which it outputs to Q.
REAL_TO_DINT does not change the original REAL data.
The output data can be used directly as input for another program function. The function
passes power flow when power is received, unless the conversion would result in an out-
of-range DINT value.

Converting from REAL to DINT may result in overflow. For example,
REAL 5.7E20, which equals 5.7 * 1020, converts to DINT OVERFLOW.

Tip: To truncate a REAL value and express the result as a DINT, i.e., to remove the
fractional part of the REAL number and express the remaining integer value as a

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to convert to DINT. All except S, SA, SB, and SC
Q The DINT equivalent value of the original input value in IN. All except S, SA, SB, and SC

8-68 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Whenever input %M01478 is set, the unsigned single-precision integer (UINT) value at
input location %R00654 is converted to a double-precision signed integer (DINT) and the
result is placed in location %L00049. The output %M00065 is set whenever the function
executes successfully.

Whenever input %I00025 is set, the BCD-8 value in %L00046 is converted to a signed
double-precision integer (DINT) and passed to the ADD_DINT function, where it is added
to the DINT value in %R00797. The sum is output by ADD_DINT to the reference TOTAL.

Whenever input %I00002 is set, the signed single-
precision integer (INT) value at input location %I00017
is converted to a double-precision signed integer
(DINT) and the result is placed in location %L00001.
The output %Q01001 is set whenever the function
executes successfully.

Whenever input %I0002 is set, the REAL value
at input location %R0017 is converted to a
double precision signed integer (DINT) and the
result is placed in location %R0001. The output
%Q1001 is set whenever the function executes

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-69


Convert BCD4, BCD8, UINT, INT, DINT, and WORD to REAL

When this function receives power flow, it converts the input data into the equivalent
floating-point (REAL) value, which it outputs to Q. The conversion to REAL does not
change the original input data.
The output data can be used directly as input for another program function.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the conversion would
result in a value that is out of range.

Converting from BCD8 to REAL may result in the loss of significant

This is because a BCD8 value is stored in a DWORD, which uses 32 bits to store a value,
whereas a REAL (32-bit IEEE floating point number) uses 8 bits to store the exponent and
the sign and only 24 bits to store the mantissa.

Converting from DINT to REAL may result in the loss of significant
digits for numbers with more than 7 significant base-10 digits.

This is because a DINT value uses 32 bits to store a value, which is the equivalent of up
to 10 significant base-10 digits, whereas a REAL (32-bit IEEE floating point number) uses
8 bits to store the exponent and the sign and only 24 bits to store the mantissa, which is
the equivalent of 7 or 8 significant base-10 digits. When the REAL result is displayed as a
base-10 number, it may have up to 10 digits, but these are converted from the rounded
24-bit mantissa, so that the last 2 or 3 digits may be inaccurate.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to convert to REAL. All except S, SA, SB, and SC
Q The REAL equivalent value of the original input value in IN. All except S, SA, SB, and SC

8-70 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


The UINT value of input IN is 825. The result value placed in %L00016 is 825.000.

The integer value of input IN is 678. The result value placed in %T0016 is 678.000.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-71


Convert REAL to WORD

When REAL_TO_WORD receives power flow, it rounds a positive input REAL data up or
down to the nearest unsigned single-precision integer value, which it outputs to the
WORD variable in Q. Any value larger than 65,535 is output as 65,535. If the input REAL
data is negative, REAL_TO_WORD outputs the value 0 to the WORD variable in Q.
REAL_TO_WORD does not change the original REAL data.
The function passes power flow when power is received, unless the specified conversion
would result in a value that is outside the range 0 to FFFFh.

Converting from REAL to WORD may result in overflow. For
example, REAL 6.8E18, which equals 6.8 * 1018, converts to WORD

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The REAL value to convert to WORD. All except S, SA, SB, and No
Q The WORD equivalent value of the original REAL value in IN. 0 ≤ Q All except S, SA, SB, and No
≤ 65,535. SC


8-72 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



When power is received, the Truncate functions TRUNC_DINT and TRUNC_INT round a
floating-point (REAL) value down respectively to the nearest signed double-precision
signed integer (DINT) or signed single-precision integer (INT) value. TRUNC_DINT and
TRUNC_INT output the converted value to Q. The original data is not changed.
Note: The output data can be used directly as input for another program function.
TRUNC_DINT and TRUNC_INT pass power flow when power is received, unless the
specified conversion would result in a value that is out of range or unless IN is NaN (Not a

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The REAL value whose copy is to be converted and truncated. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
The original is left intact.
Q The truncated value of the original REAL value in IN. All except S, SA, SB, and SC No

The displayed constant is truncated and the integer result 562 is placed in %T0001.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-73


Data Move Functions

The Data Move functions provide basic data move capabilities.
Function Mnemonics Description
Block Clear BLK_CLR_WORD Replaces all the contents of a block of data with zeros.
Can be used to clear an area of WORD or analog
Block Move BLKMOV_DINT Copies a block of seven constants to a specified memory
BLKMOV_DWORD location. The constants are input as part of the function.
Communication Request COMM_REQ Allows the program to communicate with an intelligent
module, such as a Genius Bus Controller or a High
Speed Counter.
Data Initialization DATA_INIT_DINT Copies a block of constant data to a reference range.
DATA_INIT_DWORD The mnemonic specifies the data type.
Data Initialize ASCII DATA_INIT_ASCII Copies a block of constant ASCII text to a reference
Data Initialize DLAN DATA_INIT_DLAN Used with a DLAN Interface module.
Data Initialize Communications DATA_INIT_COMM Initializes a COMM_REQ function with a block of
Request constant data. The length should equal the size of the
COMM_REQ function’s entire command block.
Move Data MOVE_BOOL Copies data as individual bits, so the new location does
MOVE_DINT not have to be the same data type. Data can be moved
MOVE_DWORD into a different data type without prior conversion.
Shift Register SHFR_BIT Shifts one or more data bits, data WORDs or data
SHFR_DWORD DWORDs from a reference location into a specified area
SHFR_WORD of memory. Data already in the area is shifted out.
Swap SWAP_DWORD Swaps two BYTEs of data within a WORD or two
Bus Read BUS_RD_BYTE Reads data from the VME backplane.
Bus Read Modify Write BUS_RMW_BYTE Updates a data element using the read/modify/write cycle
BUS_RMW_DWORD on the VME bus.
Bus Test and Set BUS_TS_BYTE Handles semaphores on the VME bus.
Bus Write BUS_WRT_BYTE Write data to the VME backplane.

8-74 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Block Clear

When the Block Clear (BLKCLR_WORD) function receives power flow, it fills the specified
block of data with zeros, beginning at the reference specified by IN. When the data to be
cleared is from BOOL (discrete) memory (%I, %Q, %M, %G, or %T), the transition
information associated with the references is updated. BLKCLR_WORD passes power to
the right whenever it receives power.
Note: The input parameter IN is not included in coil checking.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of words to clear, starting at the IN Constant No
location. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256 words.
IN The first WORD of the memory block to clear to 0. All except %S and data flow. No

At power-up, 32 words of %Q memory (512 points) beginning at %Q0001 are filled with
zeros. The transition information associated with these references will also be updated.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-75


Block Move
When the Block Move (BLKMOV) function receives power Other mnemonics:
flow, it copies a block of seven constants into consecutive BLKMOV_DWORD
locations beginning at the destination specified in output BLKMOV_INT
Q. BLKMOV passes power to the right whenever it BLKMOV_REAL
receives power. BLKMOV_UINT

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the Q operand. For
example, BLKMOV_DINT requires Q to be a DINT variable.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

IN1 to IN7 The seven constant values to move. Constants. Constant type must match function No
Q The first memory location of the destination All except %S. No
for the moved values. IN1 is moved to Q. %SA, SB, SC are also prohibited on BLOCK

8-76 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


When the enabling input represented by the name #FST_SCN is ON, BLKMOV_INT
copies the seven input constants into memory locations %R0010 through %R0016.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-77


BUS_ Functions
Four program functions allow the PACSystems CPU to communicate with non-GE Fanuc
VME modules in the system.
■ Bus Read (BUS_RD)
■ Bus Write (BUS_WRT)
■ Bus Read/Modify/Write (BUS_RMW)
■ Bus Test and Set (BUS_TS)
These functions use the same parameters to specify which module in the system will
exchange data with the CPU.

Rack, Slot, Subslot, Region, and Offset Parameters

The rack and slot parameters refer to a module in the hardware configuration. The region
parameter refers to a memory region configured for that module. The subslot is ordinarily
set to 0. The offset is a 0-based number that the function adds to the VME base address
(which is part of the region configuration) to compute the VME address to be read or
Each slot can have up to eight VME address regions configured. These regions can
overlap within the module. At least one region must be configured for the logic to
communicate with the module. VME address regions are configured in the Memory tab of
the hardware configuration for the module.

Parameters for Two Single-Width Modules in a VME Integrator Expansion Rack

In a Series 90-70 VME Integrator expansion rack, pairs of slots share a single slot
number. When two single-width VME modules are located in such a pair of slots, they
have the same rack, slot, and subslot parameters. (The subslot for both is 0). However,
the two modules of the pair must be set up to use different region numbers. For example,
the first module in slot 7 might use region number 1 and the second module in slot 7 might
use region number 2. This is established by the PACSystems configuration, by entering
multiple regions for the slot pair. In addition, each of the modules is itself set up (for
example, using jumpers on the module) to respond to different VME addresses.
Note: For details on selecting, configuring, and programming non-GE Fanuc VME
modules in a PACSystems control system, refer to PACSystems RX7i User's
Guide to Integration of VME Modules, GFK-2235.

8-78 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


BUS Read
The BUS_RD function reads data from the VME bus. This Other mnemonics:
function should be executed before the data is needed in BUS_RD_DWORD
the program. If the amount of data to be read is greater BUS_RD_WORD
than 32767 BYTES, WORDS, or DWORDS, use multiple
instructions to read the data.
When BUS_RD receives power flow, it accesses the VME
module at the specified rack (R), slot (S), subslot (SS),
address region (RGN) and offset (OFF). BUS_RD copies
the specified number (Length) of data units (DWORDS,
WORDs or BYTEs) from the module to the CPU,
beginning at output reference (Q).
The function passes power to the right when its operation
is successful. The status of the operation is reported in the
status location (ST).
Note: For each BUS_RD function type, use the
corresponding data type for the Q operand. For
example, BUS_RD_BYTE requires Q to be a
BYTE variable.
Note: An interrupt block can preempt the execution of a
BUS_RD function. On the VME bus, only 256
bytes are read coherently (i.e., read without being
preempted by an interrupt).

Operands for BUS READ

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of BYTEs, DWORDs, or WORDs. 1 to 32,767. Constant No
R Rack number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
S Slot number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
SS Subslot number (defaults to 0). UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
RGN Region (defaults to 1). WORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
OFF The offset in bytes. DWORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
ST The status of the operation. WORD variable. All except variables Yes
located in %S—
%SC, and constants
Q Reference for data read from the VME module. DWORD All except variables No
variable. located in %S—
%SC, and constants

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-79


BUS_RD Status in the ST Output

The BUS_RD function returns one of the following values to the ST output:
0 Operation successful.
1 Bus error
2 Module does not exist at rack/slot location.
3 Module at rack/slot location is an invalid type.
4 Start address outside the configured range.
5 End address outside the configured address range.
6 Absolute address even but interface configured as odd byte only
8 Region not enabled
10 Function parameter invalid.

8-80 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


BUS Read Modify Write

The BUS_RMW function updates one byte, word, or Other mnemonic:
double word of data on the VME bus. This function locks BUS_RMW_WORD
the VME bus while performing the read-modify-write
When the BUS_RMW function receives power flow
through its enable input, the function reads a dword, word
or byte of data from the module at the specified rack (R),
slot (S), subslot (SS) and optional address region (RGN)
and offset (OFF). The original value is stored in parameter
The function combines the data with the data mask (MSK).
The operation performed (AND / OR) is selected with the
OP parameter. The mask value is dword data. When
operating on a word of data, only the lower 16 bits are
used. When operating on a byte of data, only the lower 8
bits of the mask data are used. The result is then written
back to the same VME address from which it was read.
The BUS_RMW function passes power to the right when
its operation is successful, and returns a status value to
the ST output.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-81


Operands for BUS_RMW

For BUS_RMW_WORD, the absolute VME address must be a multiple of 2. For
BUS_RMW_DWORD, it must be a multiple of 4.
The absolute VME address is equal to the base address plus the offset value.
Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
OP Type of operation: No
0 = AND Constant
1 = OR
MSK The data mask. DWORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
R Rack number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
S Slot number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
SS Subslot number (optional, defaults to 0). UINT constant or Yes
All except %S—%SC
RGN Region (defaults to 1). WORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
OFF The offset in bytes. DWORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
ST The status of the operation. WORD variable. All except variables located in Yes
%S—%SC, and constants
OV Original value. DWORD variable. All except variables located in Yes
%S—%SC, and constants

BUS_RMW Status in the ST Output

The BUS_RMW function returns one of the following values to the ST output:
0 Operation successful.
1 Bus error
2 Module does not exist at rack/slot location.
3 Module at rack/slot location is an invalid type.
4 Start address outside the configured range.
5 End address outside the configured address range.
6 Absolute address even but interface configured as odd byte only
7 For WORD type, absolute VME address is not a multiple of 2. For
DWORD type, absolute VME address is not a multiple of 4.
8 Region not enabled
9 Function type too large for configured access type.
10 Function parameter invalid.

8-82 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


BUS Test and Set

The BUS_TS function handles semaphores located Other mnemonic:
on the VME bus. The BUSTST function exchanges a BUS_TS_WORD
Boolean TRUE (1) for the value currently at the
semaphore location. If that value was already a 1,
then the BUSTST function does not acquire the
semaphore. If the existing value was 0, the
semaphore is set and the BUSTST function has the
semaphore and the use of the memory area it
controls. The semaphore is cleared and ownership
relinquished by using the BUSWRT function to write
a 0 to the semaphore location. This function locks the
VME bus while performing the operation.
When the BUS_TS function receives power flow
through its enable input, the function exchanges a
Boolean TRUE (1) with the address specified by the
parameters. The function sets the Q output on if the
semaphore was available (0) and was acquired. It
passes power flow to the right whenever power is
received and no errors occur during execution.

Operands for BUS Test and Set

BUS_TS can be programmed as BUS_TS_BYTE or BUS_TS_WORD. For
BUS_TS_WORD, the absolute address of the module must be a multiple of 2. The
absolute address is equal to the base address plus the offset value.
Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
R Rack number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
S Slot number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
SS Subslot number (defaults to 0). UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
RGN Region (defaults to 1). WORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
OFF The offset in bytes. DWORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
ST The status of the VME operation. WORD variable. All except variables Yes
located in %S—
%SC, and constant
Q Output set on if the semaphore was available (0). Otherwise, Q is set off. Power flow Yes

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-83


BUS Write
When the BUS_WRT function receives power flow Other mnemonics:
through its enable input, it writes the data located at BUS_WRT_DWORD
reference (IN) to the VME module at the specified rack BUS_WRT_WORD
(R), slot (S), subslot (SS) and optional address region
(RGN) and offset (OFF). BUSWRT writes the specified
length (LEN) of data units (DWORDS, WORDs or
The BUS_WRT function passes power to the right when
its operation is successful. The status of the operation is
reported in the status location (ST).
Note: For each BUS_WRT function type, use the
corresponding data type for the IN operand. For
example, BUS_WRT_BYTE requires IN to be a
BYTE variable.
Note: An interrupt block can preempt the execution of a
BUS_WRT function. On the VME bus, only 256
bytes are written coherently (i.e., written without
being preempted by an interrupt).

Operands for Bus Write

Parameter Description Allowed Optional
Length (??) Length. The number of BYTEs, DWORDs, or WORDs. 1 to 32,767. Constant No
IN Reference for data to be written to the VME module. DWORD All except variables No
variable. located in %S—%SC,
and constant
R Rack number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
S Slot number. UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
SS Subslot number (defaults to 0) UINT constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
RGN Region. (defaults to 1) WORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC Yes
OFF The offset in bytes. DWORD constant or variable. All except %S—%SC No
ST The status of the operation. WORD variable. All except variables Yes
located in %S—%SC,
and constant

8-84 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Communication Request

The Communication Request (COMM_REQ) function communicates with a GE Fanuc

intelligent module, such as a Genius Communications Module or High Speed Counter.

■ The information presented in this section shows only the basic format of the
COMM_REQ function. Many types of COMM_REQs have been defined. You will need
additional information to program the COMM_REQ for each type of device.
Programming requirements for each module that uses the COMM_REQ function are
described in the specialty module's user documentation.
■ If you are using serial communications, refer to chapter 12, “Serial I/O, SNP and RTU
■ A COMM_REQ instruction inside an interrupt block being executed may cause the
block to be preempted when a new, incoming interrupt has the same priority.
When COMM_REQ receives power flow, it sends the command block of data specified by
the IN operand to the communications TASK in the intelligent or specialty module, at the
rack/slot location specified by the SYSID operand. The command block contents are sent
to the receiving device and the program execution resumes immediately. (Because
PACSystems does not support WAIT mode COMM_REQs, the timeout value is ignored.)
The COMM_REQ passes power flow unless the following fault conditions exist. The
Function Faulted (FT) output may be set ON if:
■ Control block is invalid
■ Destination is invalid (target module is not present or is faulted)
■ Target module cannot receive mail because its queue is full
The Function Faulted output may have these states:
Enable Error? Function Faulted Output
active no OFF
active yes ON
not active no execution OFF

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-85


Command Block
The command block provides information to the intelligent module on the command to be
performed. The command block starts at the reference specified by the operand IN. This
address may be in any word-oriented area of memory (%R, %P, %L, %W, %AI, %AQ, or
symbolic non-discrete variables). The length of the command block depends on the
amount of data sent to the device.
The Command Block contains the data to be communicated to the other device, plus
information related to the execution of the COMM_REQ. Information required for the
command block can be placed in the designated memory area using a programming
function such as MOVE, BLKMOV, or DATA_INIT_COMM.
The command block has the following structure:
Address Data Block The number of data words starting with the data at
Length (in words) address+6 to the end of the command block, inclusive. The
data block length ranges from 1 to 128 words. Each
COMM_REQ command has its own data block length.
When entering the data block length, you must ensure that
the command block fits within the register limits
Address + 1 Wait/No Wait Flag Must be set to 0 (No Wait)
Address + 2 Status Pointer Specifies the memory type for the location where the status
Memory Type word returned by the device will be written when the
COMM_REQ completes. See “Status Pointer Memory
Type” on page 8-87.
Address + 3 Status Pointer The word at address + 3 contains the offset for the status
Offset word within the selected memory type.
Note: The status pointer offset is a zero-based value. For
example, %R00001is at offset zero in the register table.
Address + 4 Idle Timeout This parameter is ignored in No Wait mode.
Address + 5 Maximum This parameter is ignored in No Wait mode.
Address + 6 Data Block The data block contains the command's parameters. The
to Address + 133 data block begins with a command number in address + 6,
which identifies the type of communications function to be
performed. Refer to the specific device manual for specific
COMM_REQ command formats.

8-86 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Status Pointer Memory Type

Status pointer memory type contains a numeric code that specifies the user reference
memory type for the status word. The table below shows the code for each reference
For this memory type Enter this decimal value
%I Discrete input table (BIT mode) 70
%Q Discrete output table (BIT mode) 72
%I Discrete input table (BYTE mode) 16
%Q Discrete output table (BYTE mode) 18
%R Register memory 8
%W Word memory 196
%AI Analog input table 10
%AQ Analog output table 12

■ The value entered determines the mode. For example, if you enter the %I bit mode is
70, then the offset will be viewed as that bit. On the other hand, if the %I value is 16,
then the offset will be viewed as that byte.
■ The high byte at address + 2 should contain zero.

Operands for COMM_REQ

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The reference of the first WORD of the command block. Variables in %R, %P, No
%L, %AI, %AQ, %W,
and symbolic non-
discrete variables
SYSID The rack number (most significant byte) and slot number (least significant All except flow and No
byte) of the target device (intelligent module). variables in %S -
Note: For systems that do not have expansion racks, SYSID must be %SC
zero for the main rack.
TASK The task ID of the process on the target device Constants; variables No
in %R, %P, %L, %AI,
%AQ, %W, and
symbolic non-
discrete variables
FT Function Faulted output. FT is energized if an error is detected processing Power flow Yes
■ This is a WAIT mode COMM_REQ and the CPU does not support it
■ The specified target address (SYSID operand) is not present.
■ The specified task (TASK operand) is not valid for the device.
■ The data length is 0.
■ The device's status pointer address (part of the command block) does
not exist. This may be due to an incorrect memory type selection, or
an address within that memory type that is out of range.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-87


Examples for COMM_REQ

Example 1
When enabling input %M0020 is ON, a command block starting at %R0016 is sent to
communications task 1 in the device located at rack 1, slot 2 of the PLC. If an error occurs
processing the COMM_REQ, %Q0100 is set.

Example 2
The MOVE function can be used to enter the command block contents for the
COMM_REQ described in example 1.

8-88 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Input IN of the COMM_REQ specifies %R00016 as the beginning reference for the
command block. Successive references contain the following:
%R00016 Data Block Length
%R00017 Wait/No Wait Flag
%R00018 Status Pointer Memory Type
%R00019 Status Pointer Offset
%R00020 Idle Timeout Value (Because this parameter is ignored in NO WAIT
mode, no value is input).
%R00021 Maximum Communication Time Value (Because this parameter is
ignored in NO WAIT mode, no value is input).
%R00022 to end of data Data Block
MOVE functions supply the following command block data for the COMM_REQ.
■ The first MOVE function places the length of the data being communicated in
■ The second MOVE function places the constant 0 in %R00017. This specifies NO
WAIT mode.
■ The third MOVE function places the constant 8 in %R00018. This specifies the
register table as the location for the status pointer.
■ The fourth MOVE function places the constant 512 in reference %R00019.
Therefore, the status pointer is located at %R00513.
The programming logic displayed in example 2 can be simplified by replacing the six
MOVE functions with one DATA_INIT_COMM function.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-89


Data Initialization
Other mnemonics:
Note: The mnemonics DATA_INIT_ASCII (page 8-91) and DATA_INIT_COMM (page
8-92) operate differently from the other six functions.
The Data Initialization (DATA_INIT) function copies a block of constant data to a reference
When the DATA_INIT instruction is first programmed, the constants are initialized to
zeroes. To specify the constant data to copy, double-click the DATA_INIT instruction in
the LD editor.
When DATA_INIT receives power flow, it copies the constant data to output Q.
DATA_INIT's constant data length (LEN) specifies how much constant data of the function
type is copied to consecutive reference addresses starting at output Q. DATA_INIT
passes power to the right whenever it receives power.

■ The output parameter is not included in coil checking.

■ If you replace one of the DATA_INIT instructions (except DATA_INIT_ASCII or
Logic Developer - PLC attempts to keep the same data. For example, configuring a
DATA_INIT_INT with 8 rows and then replacing the instruction with a
DATA_INIT_DINT would keep the data for the 8 rows. Some precision may be lost
when replacing a DATA_INIT_ instruction, and a warning message will be displayed
when this case is detected.

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the Q operand. For
example, DATA_INIT_DINT requires Q to be a DINT variable.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length The quantity (default 1) of constant data copied Constants No
to consecutive reference addresses starting at
output Q.
Q The beginning address of the area to which the All except %S. SA, SB, and SC are not No
data is copied. allowed for REAL, INT, and UINT versions.

8-90 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


On the first scan (as restricted by the #FST_SCN system variable), 100 words of initial
data is copied to %R00005 through %R00104.

Data Initialize ASCII

The Data Initialize ASCII (DATA_INIT_ASCII) function copies a block of constant ASCII
text to a reference range.
When DATA_INIT_ASCII is first programmed, the constants are initialized to zeroes. To
specify the constant data to copy, double-click the DATA_INIT_ASCII instruction in the LD
When DATA_INIT_ASCII receives power flow, it copies the constant data to output Q.
DATA_INIT_ASCII’s constant data length (LEN) specifies how many bytes of constant text
are copied to consecutive reference addresses starting at output Q. LEN must be an even
number. DATA_INIT_ASCII passes power to the right whenever it receives power.
Note: The output parameter is not included in coil checking.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length The number (default 1) of bytes of constant text copied to Constants No
consecutive reference addresses starting at output Q. LEN
must be an even number.
Q The beginning address of the area where the data is copied. All except %S. No

On the first scan (as restricted by the #FST_SCN system variable) the decimal equivalent
of 100 bytes of ASCII text is copied to %R00050 through %R00149. %Q00002 receives

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-91


Data Initialize Communications Request

The Data Initialize Communications Request (DATA_INIT_COMM) function initializes a

COMM_REQ function with a block of constant data. The IN parameter of the COMM_REQ
must correspond with output Q of this DATA_INIT_COMM function.
When DATA_INIT_COMM is first programmed, the constants are initialized to zeroes. To
specify the constant data to copy, double-click the DATA_INIT_COMM instruction in the
LD editor.
When DATA_INIT_COMM receives power flow, it copies the constant data to output Q.
DATA_INIT_COMM’s constant data length operand specifies how many words of constant
data to copy to consecutive reference addresses starting at output Q. The length should
be equal to the size of the COMM_REQ function’s entire command block.
DATA_INIT_COMM passes power to the right whenever it receives power.
Note: The output parameter is not included in coil checking.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length The number of WORDs (default 7) of constant data copied to Constant No
consecutive reference addresses starting at output Q. Must
equal the size of the COMM_REQ function’s entire command
block, including the header (words 0-5).
Q The beginning address of the area where the data is copied. R, W, P, L, AI, AQ, No
and symbolic non-
discrete variables

On the first scan (as restricted by the #FST_SCN system variable), a command block
consisting of 100 words of data, including the 6 header words, is copied to %P00001
through %P00100. %Q00002 receives power.

8-92 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Data Initialize DLAN

The Data Initialize DLAN (DATA_INIT_DLAN) function is used with a DLAN Interface
module, which is a limited availability, specialty system. If you have a DLAN system, refer
to the DLAN/DLAN+ Interface Module User’s Manual, GFK-0729, for details.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Q The beginning address of the area where the data is copied. flow, R, W, P, L, AI, No
AQ, and symbolic

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-93


Move Data
When the MOVE function receives power flow, it copies data as individual bits from one
location in PLC memory to another. Because the data is copied in bit format, the new
location does not need to be the same data type as the original.
When the MOVE function receives power flow, it copies data from input operand IN to
output operand Q as bits. If data is moved from one location in BOOL (discrete) memory
to another, for example, from %I memory to %T memory, the transition information
associated with the BOOL memory elements is updated to indicate whether or not the
MOVE operation caused any BOOL memory elements to change state. Data at the input
operand does not change unless there is an overlap in the source and destination.
Note: If an array of BOOL-type data specified in the Q operand does not include all the
bits in a byte, the transition bits associated with that byte (which are not in the
array) are cleared when the Move function receives power flow. The input IN can
be either a variable providing a reference for the data to be moved or a constant.
If a constant is specified, then the constant value is placed in the location
specified by the output reference. For example, if a constant value of 4 is
specified for IN, then 4 is placed in the memory location specified by Q. If the
length is greater than 1 and a constant is specified, then the constant is placed in
the memory location specified by Q and the locations following, up to the length
specified. Do not allow overlapping of IN and Q operands.
The result of the MOVE depends on the data type selected for the function, as shown
below. For example, if the constant value 9 is specified for IN and the length is 4, then 9 is
placed in the bit memory location specified by Q and the three locations following:


Enable MOVE OK Enable MOVE OK


9 IN Q Output 9 IN Q Output

1 2 3 4
(Length = 4 bits) 9
(Length = 4 bits)

The MOVE function passes power to the right whenever it receives power.

8-94 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


MOVE Data Operands

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The length of IN; the number of bits, words, Constant No
or double words to move.
If IN is a constant and Q is BOOL, then 1 ≤
Length ≤ 16; otherwise, 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767
IN The location of the first data item to move. All. S, SA, SB, SC allowed only for No
For MOVE_BOOL, any discrete reference WORD, DWORD, BOOL types.
may be used. It does not need to be byte-
aligned. However 16 bits beginning with the
reference address specified are displayed
If IN is a constant, it is treated as an array of
bits. The value of the least significant bit is
copied into the memory location specified by
Q. If Length is greater than one, the bits are
copied in order from the least significant to
the most significant into successive memory
locations, up to the length specified.
Q The location of the first destination data item.
For MOVE_BOOL, any discrete reference All except %S. Also no %SA, SB, SC
may be used. It does not need to be byte- except for WORD, DWORD, BOOL
aligned. However 16 bits beginning with the types.
reference address specified are displayed

Example 1
Whenever %I00003 is set, the three bits %M00001, %M00002, and %M00003 are moved
to %M00100, %M00101, and %M00102, respectively. Coil %Q00001 is turned on.

Example 2
V_M00001 and V_M00033 are both WORD arrays of length 3, for a total of 48 bits in each
array. Since PLCs do not recognize arrays, Length has to be set at 3, for the total number
of WORDs to be moved. When enabling input V_Q0014 is ON, MOVE_WORD moves 48
bits from the memory location %M00001 to memory location %M00033. Even though the
destination overlaps the source for 16 bits, the move is done correctly.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-95


Shift Register

When the Shift Register (SHFR_BIT, SHFR_DWORD, or SHFR_WORD) function

receives power and the R operand does not, SHFR shifts one or more data BITs, data
DWORDs, or data WORDs from a reference location into a specified area of memory. A
contiguous section of memory serves as a shift register. For example, one word might be
shifted into an area of memory with a specified length of five words. As a result of this
shift, another word of data would be shifted out of the end of the memory area.

The use of overlapping input and output reference address ranges in
multiword functions is not recommended, as it may produce
unexpected results.

The reset input (R) takes precedence over the function enable input. When the reset is
active, all references beginning at the shift register (ST) up to the length specified, are
filled with zeros.
If the function receives power flow and R is not active, each BIT, DWORD, or WORD of
the shift register is moved to the next highest reference. The last element in the shift
register is shifted into Q. The highest reference of the shift register element of IN is shifted
into the vacated element starting at ST.
Note: The contents of the shift register are accessible throughout the program because
they are overlaid on absolute locations in logic addressable memory.
The function passes power to the right whenever it receives power flow and the R
operand does not.

8-96 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of data items in the shift register. No
1 ≤ Length ≤ 256.
R Reset. When R is ON, the shift register located Power flow No
at ST is filled with zeroes.
N The number of data items to shift into the shift Constants No
IN The value to shift into the first data item of the All. No
shift register. No data flow for bit.
SHFR_BIT: For %I, %Q, %M and %T memory,
any BOOL reference may be used; it does not
need to be byte-aligned. However, 1 bit,
beginning with the reference address
specified, is displayed online.
ST The first data item of the shift register. All except data flow, constants, S. No
Note: For %I, %Q, %M and %T memory, any
BOOL reference may be used; it does not
need to be byte-aligned. However, 16 bits,
beginning with the reference address
specified, are displayed online.
Q The data shifted out of the shift register. The All except S. No data flow for bit. No
same number of data items will be shifted out
as were shifted in.
SHFR_BIT: For %I, %Q, %M and %T memory,
any BOOL reference may be used; it does not
need to be byte-aligned. However, 1 bit,
beginning with the reference address
specified, is displayed online.

SHFR_WORD operates on register memory locations %R0001 through %R0100. When
the reset reference CLEAR is active, the Shift Register words are set to zero.
When the NXT_CYC reference is active and CLEAR is not, the word from output status
table location %Q0033 is shifted into the Shift Register at %R0001. The word shifted out
of the Shift Register from %R0100 is stored in output %M0005. Note that, for this
example, the length specified for LEN and the
amount of data to be shifted (N) are not the same.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-97


The SWAP function is used to swap two bytes within a Other mnemonic:
word (SWAP WORD) or two words within a double word SWAP_WORD
(SWAP DWORD). The SWAP can be performed over a
wide range of memory by specifying a length greater than
1. If that is done, the data in each word or double word
within the specified length is swapped.
When the SWAP function receives power flow, it swaps the data in reference IN and
places the swapped data into output reference Q. The function passes power to the right
whenever it receives power.
PACSystems CPUs use the Intel convention for storing word data in bytes. They store the
least significant byte of a word in address n and the most significant byte in address n+1.
Many VME modules follow the Motorola convention of storing the most significant byte in
address n and the least significant byte in address n+1.
The PACSystems CPU assigns byte address 1 to the same storage location regardless of
the byte convention used by the other device. However, because of the difference in byte
significance, word and multiword data, for example, 16 bit integers (INT, UINT), 32 bit
integers (DINT) or floating point (REAL) numbers, must be adjusted when being
transferred to or from Motorola-convention modules. In these cases, the two bytes in each
word must be swapped, either before or after the transfer. In addition, for multiword data
items, the words must be swapped end-for-end on a word basis. For example, a 64-bit
real number transferred to the PACSystems CPU from a Motorola-convention module
must be byte-swapped and word-reversed, either before or after reading, as shown below:
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8

Character (ASCII) strings or BCD data require no adjustment since the Intel and Motorola
conventions for storage of character strings are identical.

Operands for Swap

The two parameters, IN and Q, must both be the same type, WORD or DWORD.
Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of WORDs or DWORDs to operate on. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 256. Constant No
IN Reference for data to be swapped. (must be the same type as Q) All No
Q Reference for swapped data. (must be the same type as IN) All except S No

Example for Swap

Two bytes located in bits %I00033 through %I00048 are swapped. The
result is stored in %L00007.

8-98 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Data Table Functions

Function Mnemonic Description
Array Move ARRAY_MOVE_BOOL Copies a specified number of data elements from a source memory block to
ARRAY_MOVE_BYTE a destination memory block.
ARRAY_MOVE_DINT Note: The memory blocks do not need to be defined as arrays. You must
ARRAY_MOVE_INT supply a starting address and the number of contiguous registers to use for
Array Range ARRAY_RANGE_DINT Determines if a value is between the range specified in two tables
FIFO Read FIFO_RD_DINT Removes the entry at the bottom of the First In First Out (FIFO) table, and
FIFO_RD_DWORD decrements the pointer by one
FIFO Write FIFO_WRT_DINT Increments the table pointer and writes data to the bottom of the FIFO table
LIFO Read LIFO_RD_DINT Removes the entry at the pointer location in the LIFO (Last In First Out)
LIFO_RD_DWORD table, and decrements the pointer by one
LIFO Write LIFO_WRT_DINT Increments the LIFO table's pointer and writes data to the table
Search SEARCH_EQ_BYTE Searches for all array values equal to a specified value
SEARCH_GE_BYTE Searches for all array values greater than or equal to a specified value
SEARCH_GT_BYTE Searches for all array values greater than a specified value

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-99


Function Mnemonic Description

SEARCH_LE_BYTE Searches for all array values less than or equal to a specified value
SEARCH_LT_BYTE Searches for all array values less than a specified value
SEARCH_NE_BYTE Searches for all array values not equal to a specified value
Sort SORT_INT Sorts a memory block in ascending order
Table Read TBL_RD_DINT Copies a value from a specified table location to an output reference
Table Write TBL_WRT_DINT Copies a value from an input reference to a specified table location

8-100 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Array Move
Other mnemonics:

When the Array Move function receives power flow, it copies a specified number of
elements from a source memory block to a destination memory block. Starting at the
indexed location (SR+SNX-1) of the input memory block, it copies N elements to the
output memory block, starting at the indexed location (DS+DNX-1) of the output memory
Note: For ARRAY_MOVE_BOOL, when 16-bit registers are selected for the operands of
the source memory block and/or destination memory block starting address, the
least significant bit of the specified 16-bit register is the first bit of the memory
block. The value displayed contains 16 bits, regardless of the length of the
memory block.
The indices in an Array Move instruction are 1-based. In using an Array Move, no element
outside either the source or destination memory blocks (as specified by their starting
address and length) may be referenced.
The function passes power flow unless one of the following conditions occurs:
■ It receives no power flow.
■ (N + SNX - 1) is greater than Length.
■ (N + DNX - 1) is greater than Length.
Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the SR and DS
operands. For example, ARRAY_MOVE_BYTE requires SR and DS to be BYTE

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-101


Operands for Array Move

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Length (??) The length of each Constant No
memory block (source
and destination); the
number of elements in
each memory block.
1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767.
SR (must be the same data The starting address of All except constants. %S - No
type as DS) the source memory block. %SC allowed only for BYTE,
Note: For an Array WORD, DWORD types.
Move with the data type
BOOL, any reference
may be used; it does not
need to be byte-aligned.
Sixteen bits, beginning
with the reference
address specified, are
displayed online.
SNX The index of the source All except variables in %S - No
memory block %SC.
DNX The index of the All except variables in %S - No
destination memory block %SC.
N Count indicator All except variables in %S - No

DS (must be the same data The starting address of All, except S and constants. No
type as SR) the destination memory %SA - %SC allowed only for
Note: For an Array types
Move with the data type
BOOL, any reference
may be used; it does not
need to be byte-aligned.
Sixteen bits, beginning
with the reference
address specified, are
displayed online.

8-102 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Examples for Array Move

Example 1
To define the input memory block %R0001 - %R0016
and the output memory block %R0100 - %R0115, SR is
set as %R0001, DS is set as %R0100, and Length is set
to 16.
To copy the five registers %R0003 - %R0007 to the
registers %R0104 - %R0108, N is set to 5,
SNX=%R0100 is set to 3 (to designate the third register,
%R0003, of the block starting at %R0001), and DNX is
set to 5 (to designate the fifth register, %R0104, of the
block starting at %R0100).

Example 2
Using bit memory blocks, the input block starts at
SR=%M0009, the output block starts at
%Q0022, and the length of both blocks is 16
one-bit registers (Length=16).
To copy the seven registers %M0011 - %M0017
to %Q0026 - %Q0032, N is set to 7, SNX is set
to 3 (to designate the third register, %M0011, of
the block starting at %M0009), and DNX is set to
5 (to designate the fifth register, %Q0026, of the
block starting at %Q0022).

Example 3
Sixteen (=N) bits that are not byte-aligned are
moved from the two 16-bit registers that start at
%R00001 (SR) to the two 16-bit registers that
begin at %R00100 (DS). For the purposes of this
Boolean move, Length is set to 20, because the
other 12 bits in either memory block are not
By setting SNX to 3, N to 16, and DNX to 5, the
third (SNX) least significant bit of %R0001 through
the second least significant bit of %R0002 (for a
total of 16 bits=N) are written into the fifth (DNX) least significant bit of %R0100 through
the fourth least significant bit of %R0101 (for the same total of 16 bits).

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-103


Array Range
The ARRAY_RANGE function compares a single Other mnemonics:
input value against two arrays of delimiters that ARRAY_RANGE_DWORD
specify an upper and lower bound to determine if the ARRAY_RANGE_INT
input value falls within the range specified by the ARRAY_RANGE_UINT
delimiters. The output is an array of bits that is set ARRAY_RANGE_WORD
ON (1) when the input value is greater than or equal
to the lower limit and less than or equal to the upper
limit. The output is set OFF (0) when the input is
outside this range or when the range is invalid, as
when the lower limit exceeds the upper limit.
The ARRAY_RANGE function compares a single input value against two arrays of
delimiters that specify an upper and lower bound to determine if the input value falls within
the range specified by the delimiters. The output is an array of bits that is set ON (1) when
the input value is greater than or equal to the lower limit and less than or equal to the
upper limit. The output is set OFF (0) when the input is outside this range or when the
range is invalid, as when the lower limit exceeds the upper limit.
When ARRAY_RANGE receives power, it compares the value in input parameter IN
against each range specified by the array element values of LL and UL. Output Q sets a
bit ON (1) for each corresponding array element where the value of IN is greater than or
equal to the value of LL and is less than or equal to the value of UL. Output Q sets a bit
OFF (0) for each corresponding array element where the value of IN is not within this
range or when the range is invalid, as when the value of LL exceeds the value of UL. If the
operation is successful, ARRAY_RANGE passes power flow to the right.

Operands for Array Range


■ For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the LL, UL, and Q operands.
For example, ARRAY_RANGE_DINT requires LL, UL, and Q to be DINT variables.
■ Q is not aligned. It is displayed in bit format. It displays either a 1 (ON) or a 0 (OFF)
for the first array element. For BOOL references, it represents the reference
displayed. For other references, it represents the low order bit of the reference
Parameter Description Allowed Operands Operands Optional
Length (??) The number of elements in each array. Constant No
LL The lower limit of the range All except constants and %S - %SC No
for INT, DINT.
UL The upper limit of the range All except constants and %S - %SC No
for INT, DINT.
IN The value to compare against each range All except constants and %S - %SC No
specified by LL and UL for INT, DINT.
Q Energized when the value in IN is within the No
range specified by LL and UL, inclusive. All except S

8-104 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Examples for Array Range

Example 1
The lower limit (LL) values of %R00001 through %R00008 are 1, 20, 30, 100, 25, 50, 10,
and 200. The upper limit (UL) values of %R00100 through %R00108 are 40, 50, 150, 2,
45, 90, 250, and 47. The resulting Q values will be placed in the first 8 bits of %R00200.
The bit values low order to high are: 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, and 0. The bit value displayed will
be set ON (1) for the low order bit of %R00200. The ok output will be set ON (1).

Example 2
The lower limit (LL) array contains %T00001 through %T00016, %T00017 through
%T00032, and %T00033 through %T00048. The lower limit values are 100, 65, and 1.
The upper limit (UL) values are 29, 165, and 2. The resulting Q values of 0, 1, and 0 will
be placed in %Q00001 through %Q00003. The bit value displayed will be 0 (OFF),
representing the value of %Q00001. The power output will be set ON (1).

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-105



The First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Read (FIFO_RD) function moves data out of tables. Values
are always moved out of the bottom of the table. If the pointer reaches the last location
and the table becomes full, FIFO_RD must be used to remove the entry at the pointer
location and decrement the pointer by one. FIFO_RD is used in conjunction with the
FIFO_WRT function, which increments the pointer and writes entries into the table.
1. FIFO_RD copies the top location (entry 0) of the table to output parameter Q.
Additional program logic must then be used to place the data in the input
2. The remaining items in the table are copied to a lower numbered position in the
3. FIFO_RD decrements the pointer by one.
4. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are repeated each time FIFO_RD is executed, until the table is
empty (PTR = 0).
The pointer does not wrap around when the table is full.
When FIFO_RD receives power flow, the data at the first location of the table is copied to
output Q. Next, each item in the table is moved down to the next lower location. This
begins with item 2 in the table, which is moved into position 1. Finally, the pointer is
decremented. If this causes the pointer location to become 0, the output EM is set ON,
i.e., EM indicates whether or not the table is empty.
FIFO_RD passes power to the right if the pointer is greater than zero and less than the
value specified for LEN.
Note: A FIFO table is a queue. A LIFO table is a stack.

8-106 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for FIFO Read

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and Q operands.
For example, FIFO_RD_DINT requires TB and Q to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length (??) 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767. Constants No
TB The elements in the FIFO All except constants No
(must be the same type as Q) table
PTR Pointer. Index of the last All except constants, data flow, No
element of the FIFO table. and variables in %S -%SC
EM Energized when the last Flow No
element of the table is read
Q (must be the same type as TB) The element read from the All except constants, S; SA, SB, No
FIFO table SC allowed only for WORD,

Example for FIFO Read

PRODUCT is a FIFO table with 100 word-sized elements. When the enabling input
PACK_IT is ON, the PRODUCT data item in the table location pointed to by STK_PTR is
copied to the reference location specified in CART. This table location pointed to would be
the bottom, or oldest data item in the table. The number in STK_PTR is then
decremented. A copy of the oldest data item in the PRODUCT table is left behind in each
table location as the current data is copied out during successive PACK_IT triggers.
Output node EM passes power when the PTR = 0, firing the coil EMPTY. No further data
from the PRODUCT table can be read without first copying data in using the FIFO_WRT

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-107


FIFO Write
Other mnemonics:

The First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Write (FIFO_WRT) function moves data into tables. The
function increments the table pointer by one and adds an entry at the new pointer location
in a FIFO table. Values are always moved in at the bottom of the table. If the pointer
reaches the last location and the table becomes full, FIFO_WRT can add no further
values. The FIFO_RD function must then be used to remove the entry at the pointer
location and decrement the pointer by one.
1. FIFO_WRT increments the pointer by one.
2. FIFO_WRT copies data from input parameter IN to the position in the table
indicated by the pointer. (It writes over any value currently at that location.)
Additional program logic must then be used to place the data in the input
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time FIFO_WRT is executed, until the table is
full (PTR=0).
The pointer does not wrap around when the table is full.
When FIFO_WRT receives power flow, the pointer is incremented by 1. Then, input data
is written into the table at the pointer location. If the pointer was already at the last location
in the table, no data is written and FIFO_WRT does not pass power to the right. The
pointer always indicates the last item entered into the table. If the table becomes full, it is
not possible to add more entries to it.
FIFO_WRT passes power to the right after a successful execution (PTR < LEN).

8-108 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for FIFO Write

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and IN operands.
For example, FIFO_WRT_DINT requires TB and IN to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length (??) 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767. Constants No
TB The elements in the FIFO All except constants, data No
(must be the same data type table flow, S. %SA - %SC allowed
as IN) only for WORD, DWORD
PTR Pointer. Index of the last All except constants, data No
element of the FIFO table. flow, S - SC.
IN (must be the same data The element to write to the All. S – SC allowed only for No
type as TB) FIFO table WORD, DWORD types.
FL Energized when IN is written Power flow No
to the last element of the

Example for FIFO Write

PRODUCT is a FIFO table with 100 word-sized elements. When the enabling input
UNPACK is ON, a data item from P_CODE is copied to the table location pointed to by
the value in STK_PTR. Output node FL passes power when PTR = LEN, firing the FULL
coil. No further data from P_CODE can be added to the table without first copying data
out, using the FIFO_RD function.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-109


Other mnemonics:

The Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Read (LIFO_RD) function moves data out of tables. Values
are always moved out of the top of the table. If the pointer reaches the last location and
the table becomes full, LIFO_RD must be used to remove the entry at the pointer location
and decrement the pointer by one. LIFO_RD is used in conjunction with the LIFO_WRT
function, which increments the pointer and writes entries into the table.
1. LIFO_RD copies data indicated by the pointer to output parameter Q. Additional
program logic must then be used to place the data in the input reference.
2. LIFO_RD decrements the pointer by one.
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time the instruction is executed, until the table is
empty (PTR = LEN).
The pointer does not wrap around when the table is full.
When LIFO_RD receives power flow, the data at the pointer location is copied to output Q,
then the pointer is decremented. If this causes the pointer location to become 0, the
output EM is set ON, i.e., EM indicates whether or not the table is empty. If the table is
empty when LIFO_RD receives power flow, no read occurs. The pointer always indicates
the last item entered into the table.
LIFO_RD passes power to the right if the pointer was in range for an element to be read.
Note: A LIFO table is a stack. A FIFO table is a queue.

Operands for LIFO Read

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and Q operands.
For example, LIFO_RD_DINT requires TB and Q to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length (??) 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767. Constant No
TB The elements in the table All except constants No
(must be the same type as Q)
PTR Pointer. Index of the next All except S - SC, constants, No
element to read. data flow
EM Energized when the last Power flow No
element of the table is
Q (must be the same type as The element read from All except constant and S; No
TB) the table SA, SB, SC allowed only for

8-110 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example for LIFO Read

PRODUCT is a LIFO table with 100 word-sized elements. When the enabling input
PACK_IT is ON, the data item at the top of the table is copied into the reference indicated
by the nickname CART. The reference identified by STK_PTR contains the table pointer.
Output coil EMPTY indicates when the table is empty.

LIFO Write
Other mnemonics:

The Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) Write (LIFO_WRT) function increments the table pointer by
one and then adds an entry at the new pointer location in a table. Values are always
moved in at the top of the table. If the pointer reaches the last location and the table
becomes full, LIFO_WRT cannot add further values. LIFO_RD must then be used to
remove the entry at the pointer location and decrement the pointer by one.
1. LIFO_WRT increments the table pointer by one.
2. LIFO_WRT copies data from input parameter IN to the position in the table
indicated by the pointer. (It writes over any value currently at that location.)
Additional program logic must then be used to place the data in the input
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time LIFO_WRT is executed, until the table is
full (PTR=LEN).
The pointer does not wrap around when the table is full.
When LIFO_WRT receives power flow, the pointer increments by 1; then the new data is
written at the pointer location. If the pointer was already at the last location in the table, no
data is written and LIFO_WRT does not pass power to the right. The pointer always
indicates the last item entered into the table. If the table is full, it is not possible to add
more entries to it.
LIFO_WRT passes power to the right after a successful execution (PTR < LEN).
Note: A LIFO table is a stack. A FIFO table is a queue.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-111


Operands for LIFO Write

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and IN operands.
For example, LIFO_WRT_DINT requires TB and Q to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length (??) 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767. Constants No
TB The elements in the table All except constant, S, data No
(must be the same type as IN) flow. %SA -%SC allowed only
PTR Pointer. Index of the next All except constant, S - SC, No
element to write. data flow
IN (must be the same type as The element to write to the table All. S – SC allowed only for No
FL Energized when IN is written to All No
the last element of the table

Example for LIFO Write

PRODUCT is a LIFO table with 100 word-sized elements. When the enabling input
STORE is ON, a data item from NEW_ITEM is copied to the table location pointed to by
the value in STK_PTR. Output FL passes power when PTR = LEN, firing the FULL coil.
No further data from NEW_ITEM can be added to the table without first copying data out,
using the LIFO_RD function.

8-112 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


When the Search function receives power, it searches the specified
memory block for a value that satisfies the search criteria. For
example, SEARCH_GE_DWORD searches for a DWORD that is
greater than or equal to the specified value (the IN operand).
Search can evaluate six different relationships for six data types, for
a total of thirty-six mnemonics.

Search Relationships:
SEARCH_EQ_... searches for a value of the specified data type equal to the IN
SEARCH_GE_... searches for a value of the specified data type greater than or
equal to IN.
SEARCH_GT_... searches for a value of the specified data type greater than IN.
SEARCH_LE_... searches for a value of the specified data type less than or
equal to IN.
SEARCH_LT_... searches for a value of the specified data type less than IN.
SEARCH_NE_... searches for a value of the specified data type that is not equal
to IN.
Data types:
Searching begins at AR+INX, where AR is the starting address and INX is the index value
into the memory block. The search continues either until a register that satisfies the
search criteria is found or until the end of the memory block is reached.
■ If a register is found, the Found Indication (FD) is set ON and the Output Index (ONX)
is set to the relative position of this register within the block.
■ If no register is found before the end of the block is reached, the Found Indication
(FD) is set OFF and the Output Index (ONX) is set to zero.
The input index (INX) is zero-based, that is, 0 the means first reference, whereas the
output index (ONX) is one-based, that is, 1 means the first reference.
The valid values for INX are 0 to (Length - 1). The valid values for ONX are 1 to Length.
INX should be set to zero to begin searching at the memory block's first register. This
value increments by one at the time of execution. If the value of input INX is out-of-range,
(< 0 or > Length-1), INX is set to the default value of zero.
SEARCH passes power flow to the right when it performs without error. If INX is out of
range, SEARCH does not pass power flow to the right.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-113


Operands for the Search Function

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the AR and IN
operands. For example, SEARCH_EQ_BYTE requires AR and IN to be BYTE

Parameter Description Allowed Optional

Length (??) The number of registers starting at AR that make up the memory block Constants No
to search. 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767 8-bit or 16-bit registers.
AR (must be the The starting address of the memory block to search; the address of the All except No
same type as IN) first register in the memory block. constants
INX The zero-based index into the memory block at which to begin the All except No
search. Zero points to the first reference. Valid range: 0 ≤ INX ≤ constants
(Length-1). If INX is out of range, it is set to the default value of 0.
IN (must be the The value that the search is based on. For example: All No
same type as SEARCH_GT_DINT searches for a DINT value that is greater than IN.
SEARCH_NE_UINT searches for a UINT value that is not equal to IN.
SEARCH_GE_WORD searches for a WORD value that is greater than
or equal to IN.
ONX The one-based position within the memory block of the search target. A data flow, I, Q, M, No
value of 1 points to the first reference. Valid range: 1 ≤ ONX ≤ Length T, G, R, P, L, AI,
FD Found indicator. This power flow indicator is energized when a register Power flow No
that satisfies the search criteria is found and the function was

Example for the Search Function

To search the memory block %AI00001 - %AI00016,
AR is set as %AI00001 and Length is set as 16. The
values of the 16 registers are 100, 20, 0, 5, 90, 200,
0, 79, 102, 80, 24, 34, 987, 8, 0, and 500. Initially,
the search index into AR, %AQ0001, is 5. When
power flow input is ON, each scan searches the
memory block looking for a match to the IN value of
0. The first scan starts searching at %AI00006 and
finds a match at %AI00007, so FD turns ON and
%AQ00001 becomes 7. The second scan starts searching at %AI00008 and finds a
match at %AI00015, so FD remains ON and %AQ0001 becomes 15. The next scan starts
at %AI00016. Since the end of the memory block is reached without a match, FD is set
OFF and %AQ0001 is set to zero. The next scan starts searching at the beginning of the
memory block.

8-114 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


When it receives power flow, the SORT function sorts the Other
elements of the memory block 'IN' in ascending order. The
output memory block Q contains integers that give the index SORT_UINT
that the sorted elements had in the original memory block or SORT_WORD
list. Q is exactly the same size as IN. It also has a
specification (LEN) of the number of elements to be sorted.
SORT operates on memory blocks of no more than 64 elements. When EN is ON, all of
the elements of IN are sorted into ascending order, based on their data type. The array Q
is also created, giving the original position that each sorted element held in the unsorted
array. OK is always set ON.
Note: Do not use the SORT function in a timed or triggered input program block.

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the IN and Q operands.
For example, SORT_INT requires IN and Q to be INT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length (??) The number (1 - 64) of Constants No
elements that make up the
memory block to sort.
IN The memory block that All except data flow, S, No
contains the elements to constants. SA – SC valid
sort. After the sort, IN only for WORD type
contains the elements in the
sorted order.
Q (must be the same type as An array of indexes that All except S - SC and No
IN) gives the position of the constants
sorted elements in the
original memory block

New part numbers (%I00017 - %I00032) are pushed onto a parts array PLIST every time
%Q00014 is ON. When the array is filled, it is sorted and the output %Q00025 is turned
on. The array PPOSN then contains the original position that the now-sorted elements
held before the sort was done on PLIST.
If PLIST was an array of five
elements and contained the values
25, 67, 12, 35, 14 before the sort,
then after the sort it would contain the
values 12, 14, 25, 35, 67. PPOSN
would contain the values 3, 5, 1, 4, 2.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-115


Table Read
The Table Read (TBL_RD) function sequentially reads Other
values in a table. When the pointer reaches the end of the
table, it wraps around to the beginning of the table. (TBL_RD TBL_RD_DWORD
is like FIFO_RD with a wrap-around.) TBL_RD_INT

When TBL_RD receives power flow:

1. TBL_RD increments the pointer by one.
2. TBL_RD copies data indicated by the pointer to output parameter Q. Additional
program logic must then be used to capture the data from the output reference.
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time the instruction is executed, until the end of
the table is reached (PTR=the length specified in Length). When the end of the
table is reached, the pointer wraps around to the beginning of the table.
When TBL_RD receives power flow, the pointer (PTR) increments by one. If this new
pointer location is the last item in the table, the output EM is set ON. The next time
TBL_RD executes, PTR is automatically set back to 1. After PTR is incremented, the
content at the new pointer location is copied to output Q.
TBL_RD always passes power to the right when it receives power.
Note: The TBL_RD and TBL_WRT functions can operate on the same or different
tables. By specifying a different reference for the pointer, these functions can
access the same data table at different locations or at different rates.

Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and Q operands.
For example, TBL_RD_DINT requires TB and Q to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767 Constants No
TB The elements in the table All except constants No
(must be the same type as Q)
PTR Pointer. Index of the next All except data flow, S - SC, No
element. constants
EM Energized when the last Power flow No
element of the table is
Q (must be the same type as The element read from All except constants, S. SA, No
TB) the table SB, SC allowed only for

8-116 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


WIDGETS is a table with 20 integer elements. When the enabling input %M00346 is ON,
the pointer increments and the contents of the next element of the table are copied into
ITEM_CT. %L00001 functions as the pointer into the data table. %M01001 is used to
signal when all items of the data table have been accessed.

Table Write
Other mnemonics:

The Table Write (TBL_WRT) function sequentially updates values in a table that never
becomes full. When the pointer (PTR) reaches the end of the table, it automatically
returns to the beginning of the table.
1. TBL_WRT increments the pointer by one.
2. TBL_WRT copies data from input parameter IN to the position in the table
indicated by the pointer. (It writes over any value currently at that location.)
Additional program logic must then be used to place the data in the input
3. Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time the instruction is executed, until the table is
full (PTR=LEN).
When the table is full, the pointer wraps around to the beginning of the table.
Note: The TBL_WRT and TBL_RD functions can operate on the same or different
tables. By specifying a different reference for the pointer, these functions can
access the same data table at different locations or at different rates.
When TBL_WRT receives power flow, the pointer (PTR) increments by 1. If this new
pointer location is the last item in the table, the output FL is set to ON. The next time
TBL_WRT executes, PTR is automatically set back to 1. After incrementing PTR,
TBL_WRT writes the content of the input reference to the current pointer location,
overwriting data already stored there.
TBL_WRT always passes power to the right when it receives power.
Note: TBL_WRT is like FIFO_WRT with a wrap-around.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-117


Note: For each mnemonic, use the corresponding data type for the TB and IN operands.
For example, TBL_WRT_DINT requires TB and IN to be DINT variables.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Length 1 ≤ Length ≤ 32,767. Constants No
TB The elements in the table All except S, constants, data No
(must be the same data type flow. SA – SC allowed only
as IN) for WORD, DWORD
PTR Pointer. Index of the next All except constants, data No
element. flow, %S - %SC
IN (must be the same data The element to write to All. %S - %SC allowed only No
type as TB) the table for WORD, DWORD
FL Energized when IN is Power flow No
written to the last element
of the table

WIDGETS is a table with 20 integer elements. When the enabling input %I00012 is ON,
the pointer increments and the contents of %P00077 are written into the table at the
pointer location. %L00001 functions as the pointer into the data table.

8-118 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Math Functions
Your program may need to include logic to convert data to a different type before using a
Math or Numerical function. The description of each function includes information about
appropriate data types. The section “Conversion Functions” on page 8-60 explains how to
convert data to a different type.
Function Mnemonic Description
Absolute ABS_DINT Finds the absolute value of a double- precision integer (DINT), signed single-precision
Value ABS_INT integer (INT), or REAL (floating-point) value. The mnemonic specifies the value's data
ABS_REAL type.
Add ADD_DINT Addition. Adds two numbers.
Divide* DIV_DINT Division. Divides one number by another and outputs the quotient.
DIV_INT Note: Take care to avoid overflow conditions when performing divisions.
Modulus MOD_DINT Modulo Division. Divides one number by another and outputs the remainder.
Multiply* MUL_DINT Multiplication. Multiplies two numbers.
MUL_INT Note: Take care to avoid overflow conditions when performing multiplications.
Scale SCALE Scales an input parameter and places the result in an output location.
Subtract SUB_DINT Subtraction. Subtracts one number from another.
* To avoid overflows when multiplying or dividing 16-bit numbers, use the conversion
functions described on page 8-60 to convert the numbers to a 32-bit format.
When an operation results in overflow, there is no power flow. If an operation on INT or
DINT operands results in overflow, the output reference is set to its largest possible value
for the data type. For signed numbers, the sign is set to show the direction of the overflow.
If signed or double precision integers are used, the sign of the result for DIV and MUL
functions depends on the signs of I1 and I2.
If a math operation on UINT operands results in overflow, the result is set to the minimum
value (0). If an operation on UINT operands results in underflow, the result is set to the
maximum value.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-119


If the operation does not result in overflow, the Power Flow output is set ON unless one of
these invalid REAL operations occurs:
■ For ADD, (+ ∞); for SUB, (± ∞)-(± ∞)
■ For MUL, 0 x ∞
■ For DIV, 0 divided by 0.
■ For DIV, ∞ divided by ∞
■ I1 and/or I2 is NaN (Not a Number).
In these cases, Power Flow is set OFF.

8-120 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Absolute Value

When the function receives power flow, it places the absolute value of input IN in output
The function outputs power flow, unless one of the following conditions occurs:
■ For INT type, IN is MININT.
■ For DINT type, IN is MINDINT.
■ For REAL type, IN is NaN (Not a Number).

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN (must be same type as Q) The value to process. All except S, SA, SB, SC No
Q (must be same type as IN) The absolute value of IN. All except S, SA, SB, SC and No

Placing the absolute value of –2,976, which is 2,976, in %R00010:

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-121



When the ADD function receives power flow, it adds the two operands IN1 and IN2 of the
same data type and stores the sum in the output variable assigned to Q, also of the same
data type.
The power flow output is energized when ADD is performed without overflow, unless an
invalid operation occurs. If an ADD_DINT, ADD_INT or ADD_REAL operation results in
overflow, Q is set to the largest possible value with the proper sign and no power flow. If
an ADD_UINT operation results in overflow, Q is set to the minimum value.
Mnemonic Operation Displays as
ADD_INT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) + IN2(16 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits long
ADD_DINT Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) + IN2(32 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits long
ADD_REAL Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) + IN2(32 bit) base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 8
digits long (excluding the decimals)
ADD_UINT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) + IN2(16 bit) base 10 number, unsigned, up to 5 digits long

Operands of the ADD Function

Operand Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The value to the left of the plus sign (+) in All except S, SA, SB, SC No
the equation IN1+IN2=Q.
IN2 The value to the right of the plus sign (+) All except S, SA, SB, SC No
in the equation IN1+IN2=Q.
Q The result of IN1+IN2. If an overflow All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant. No
occurs, the result is the largest possible
value and no power flow.

8-122 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Examples of ADD
The first example is a failed attempt to create a counter circuit that would count the
number of times switch %I0001 closes. The running total is stored in register %R0002.
The intent of this design is that when %I0001 closes, the ADD instruction should add one
to the value in %R0002 and place the new value right back into %R0002. The problem
with this design is that the ADD instruction executes once every PLC scan while %I0001
is closed. So, for example, if %I0001 stays closed for five scans, the output increments
five times, even though %I0001 only closed once during that period.

To correct the above problem, the enable input to the ADD instruction should come from a
transition (“one-shot”) coil, as shown below. In the improved circuit, the %I0001 input
switch controls a transition (“one-shot”) coil, %M0001, whose contact turns on the enable
input of the ADD function for only one scan each time contact %I0001 closes. In order for
the %M0001 contact to close again, contact %I0001 has to open and close again.

Note: If IN1 and/or IN2 is NaN (Not a Number), ADD_REAL passes no power flow.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-123


When the DIV function receives power flow, it divides the operand IN1 by the Other
operand IN2 of the same data type as IN1 and stores the quotient in the output
variable assigned to Q, also of the same data type as IN1 and IN2. DIV_INT
The power flow output is energized when DIV is performed without overflow, unless
an invalid operation occurs. If an overflow occurs, the result is the largest possible
value with the proper sign and no power flow.

■ DIV rounds down; it does not round to the closest integer. For example, 24 DIV 5 = 4.
■ DIV_MIXED uses mixed data types.
■ Be careful to avoid overflows.
Mnemonic Operation Displays as
DIV_UINT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) / IN2(16 bit) base 10 number, unsigned, up to 5 digits long
DIV_INT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) / IN2(16 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits long
DIV_DINT Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) / IN2(32 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits long
DIV_MIXED Q(16 bit) = IN1(32 bit) / IN2(16 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits long
DIV_REAL Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) / IN2(32 bit) base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 8
digits long (excluding the decimals)


Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The value to be divided; the value to the left of “DIV” All except S, SA, SB, SC No
in the equation IN1 DIV IN2=Q.
IN2 The value to divide IN1 with; the value to the right of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
“DIV” in the equation IN1 DIV IN2=Q.
Q The quotient of IN1/IN2. If an overflow occurs, the All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No
result is the largest value with the proper sign and no
power flow.

DIV_MIXED Operands
Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The value to be divided; the value to the left of “DIV” All except S, SA, SB, SC No
in the equation IN1 DIV IN2=Q.
IN2 The value to divide IN1 with; the value to the right of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
“DIV” in the equation IN1 DIV IN2=Q.
Q The quotient of IN1/IN2. If an overflow occurs, the All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No
result is the largest value with the proper sign and no
power flow.

DIV_DINT can be used in conjunction with a MUL_DINT function to scale a ±10 volt input
to ±25,000 engineering units. See “Example – Scaling an Analog Input” on page 8-126.

8-124 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



When the Modulo Division (MOD) function receives power flow, it divides input IN1 by
input IN2 and outputs the remainder of the division to Q.
All three operands must be of the same data type. The sign of the result is always the
same as the sign of input parameter IN1. Output Q is calculated using the formula:
Q = IN1-((IN1 DIV IN2) * IN2)
where DIV produces an integer number.
The power flow output is always ON when the function receives power flow, unless there
is an attempt to divide by zero. In that case, the power flow output is set to OFF.

Operands for Modulus Function

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The value to be divided to obtain the remainder; the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
value to the left of “MOD” in the equation IN1 MOD
IN2 The value to divide IN1 with; the value to the right of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
“MOD” in the equation IN1 MOD IN2=Q.
Q The remainder of IN1/IN2. All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-125


When the MUL function receives power flow, it multiplies the Other
two operands IN1 and IN2 of the same data type and stores
the result in the output variable assigned to Q, also of the MUL_INT
same data type. MUL_MIXED
The power flow output is energized when the function is
performed without overflow, unless an invalid operation
occurs. If an overflow occurs, the result is the largest
possible value with the proper sign and no power flow. (For
MUL_UINT, overflow will result in 0.)
Note: MUL_MIXED uses mixed data types. Be careful to avoid overflows.
Mnemonic Operation Displays as
MUL_INT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) * IN2(16 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits long
MUL_DINT Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) * IN2(32 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits long
MUL_REAL Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) * IN2(32 bit) base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 8
digits long (excluding the decimals)
MUL_UINT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) * IN2(16 bit) base 10 number, unsigned, up to 5 digits long
MUL_MIXED Q(32 bit) = IN1(16 bit) * IN2(16 bit) base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits long

Operands for Multiply

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The first value to multiply; the value to the left of the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
multiply sign (*) in the equation IN1 * IN2=Q.
IN2 The second value to multiply; the value to the right of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
the multiply sign (*) in the equation IN1 * IN2=Q.
Q The result of IN1*IN2. If an overflow occurs, the result All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No
is the largest value with the proper sign and no power

8-126 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example – Scaling Analog Input Values

A common application is to scale analog input values with a MUL operation followed by a
DIV and possibly an ADD operation. A 0 to ±10 volt analog input will place values of 0 to
±32,000 in its corresponding %AI input register. Multiplying this input register using an
MUL_INT function will result in an overflow since an INT type instruction has an input and
output range of 32,767 to –32,768. Using the %AI value as in input to a MUL_DINT also
does not work as the 32-bit IN1 will combine 2 analog inputs at the same time. To solve
this problem, you can move the analog input to the low word of a double register, then test
the sign and set the second register to 0 if the sign tests positive or –1 if negative. Then
use the double register just created with a MUL_DINT which gives a 32-bit result, and
which can be used with a following DIV_DINT function.
For example, the following logic could be used to scale a ±10 volt input %AI1 to ±25000
engineering units in %R5.

An alternate, but less accurate, way of programming this circuit using INT values involves
placing the DIV_DINT instruction first, followed by the MUL_DINT instruction. The value of
IN2 for the DIV instruction would be 32, and the value of IN2 for the MUL would be 25.
This maintains the scaling proportion of the above circuit and keeps the values within the
working range of the INT type instructions. However, the DIV instruction inherently
discards any remainder value, so when the DIV output is multiplied by the MUL
instruction, the error introduced by a discarded remainder is multiplied. The percent of
error is non-linear over the full range of input values and is greater at lower input values.
By contrast, in the example above, the results are more accurate because the DIV
operation is performed last, so the discarded remainder is not multiplied. If even greater
precision is required, substitute REAL type math instructions in this example so that the
remainder is not discarded.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-127


When the SCALE function receives power flow, it Other
scales the input operand IN and places the result in
the output variable assigned to output operand OUT. SCALE_INT
The power flow output is energized when SCALE is SCALE_DINT
performed without overflow.

Parameter Description Allowed Optional
IHI (Inputs High) Maximum input value (module-related). The upper limit of the All except S, No
unscaled data. IHI is used with ILO, OHI and OLO to calculate the scaling SA, SB, SC
factor applied to the input value IN.
ILO (Inputs Low) Minimum input value (module-related). The lower limit of the All except S, No
unscaled data. Must be the same data type as IHI. SA, SB, SC
OHI (Outputs High) Maximum output value. The upper limit of the scaled data. Must All except S, No
be the same data type as IHI. When the IN input is at the IHI value, the OUT SA, SB, SC
value is the same as the OHI value.
OLO (Outputs Low) Minimum output value. The lower limit of the scaled data. Must All except S, No
be the same data type as IHI. When the IN input is at the ILO value, the OUT SA, SB, SC
value is the same as the OLO value.
IN (INput value) The value to be scaled. Must be the same data type as IHI All except S, No
OUT (OUTput value) The scaled equivalent of the input value. Must be the same All except S, No
data type as IHI. SA, SB, SC

8-128 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


In the example, the registers %R0120 through %R0123 are used to store the high and low
scaling values. The input value to be scaled is analog input %AI0017. The scaled output
data is used to control analog output %AQ0017. The scaling is performed whenever
%I0001 is ON.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-129



When the SUB function receives power flow, it subtracts the operand IN2 from the
operand IN1 of the same data type as IN2 and stores the result in the output variable
assigned to Q, also of the same data type.
The power flow output is energized when SUB is performed without overflow, unless an
invalid operation occurs. For SUB_INT, SUB_DINT, and SUB_REAL, if an overflow
occurs, the result is the largest possible value with the proper sign and no power flow.
If a SUB_UINT operation results in a negative number, Q wraps around. (For example, a
result of –1 sets Q to 65535.)
Mnemonic Operation Displays as
SUB_INT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) – IN2(16 base 10 number with sign, up to 5 digits long
SUB_DINT Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) – IN2(32 base 10 number with sign, up to 10 digits long
SUB_REAL Q(32 bit) = IN1(32 bit) – IN2(32 base 10 number, sign and decimals, up to 8 digits long (excluding the
bit) decimals)
SUB_UINT Q(16 bit) = IN1(16 bit) – IN2(16 base 10 number, unsigned, up to 5 digits long

Operands for Subtract

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The value to subtract from; the value to the left of the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
minus sign (-) in the equation IN1-IN2=Q.
IN2 The value to subtract from IN1; the value to the right of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
the minus sign (-) in the equation IN1-IN2=Q.
Q The result of IN1-IN2. If an overflow occurs, the result All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No
is the largest value with the proper sign and no power

8-130 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Program Flow Functions

The program flow functions limit program execution or change the way the CPU executes
the application program.
Function Mnemonic Description
Call CALL Causes program execution to go to a specified block.
Comment COMMENT Places a text explanation in the program.
End Master Control ENDMCRN Nested End Master Control Relay. Indicates that the
Relay subsequent logic is to be executed with normal power flow.
End of Logic END Provides an unconditional end of logic. The program
executes from the first rung to the last rung or the END
instruction, whichever is encountered first.
Jump JUMPN Nested jump. Causes program execution to jump to a
specified location indicated by a LABELN. JUMPN/LABELN
pairs can be nested within one another. Multiple JUMPNs
can share the same LABELN.
Label LABELN Nested label. Specifies the target location of a JUMPN
Master Control Relay MCRN Nested Master Control Relay. Causes all rungs between the
MCR and its subsequent ENDMCRN to be executed without
power flow. Up to MCRN/ENDMCRN pairs can be nested
within one another. All the MCRNs share the same
Wires H_WIRE Horizontally connects elements of a line of LD logic, to
complete the power flow.
V_WIRE Vertically connects elements of a line of LD logic, to
complete the power flow.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-131



Non-parameterized CALL Parameterized CALL. May call a parameterized external

block or a parameterized block.
May have up to 7 input and 8 output parameters.
When the CALL function receives power flow, it causes the logic execution to go
immediately to the designated program block, external C block (parameterized or not), or
parameterized block and execute it. After the block’s execution is complete, control
returns to the point in the logic immediately following the CALL instruction.

■ A CALL function can be used in any program block, including the _MAIN block, or a
parameterized block. It cannot be used in an external block.
■ You cannot call a _MAIN block.
■ The called block must exist in the target before making the call.
■ There is no limit to the number of calls that can be made from a given block or to a
given block.
■ You can set up recursive subroutines by having a block call itself. When stack size is
configured to be the default (64K), the PLC guarantees a minimum of eight nested
calls before an “Application Stack Overflow” fault is logged.
■ When the Y0 parameter of a Program Block, parameterized block, or external C block
returns ON, the CALL passes power to the right; when it returns OFF, the CALL does
not pass power to the right.
Note: Each block has a predefined parameter, Y0, which the CPU sets to 1 upon each
invocation of the block. Y0 can be controlled by logic within the block and provides
the output status of the block.

8-132 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for Call

Parameter Description
Block Name (????) Block name; the name of the block to transfer to.
You cannot CALL the _MAIN block.
A program block or a parameterized block can call itself.
(Parameterized calls only) Notes for External (C) blocks:
■ You must define the TYPE, LENGTH, and NAME for each external C block parameter.
Input parameters (0 – 7) ■ The valid data type, value range, and memory area for each parameter are stated in
Output parameters (1 – 8) the external block's written documentation.
■ Data flow is permitted for any parameter.
■ For additional information, see the section on External Blocks in chapter 6.
Notes for Parameterized Blocks:
■ You must define the TYPE, LENGTH, and NAME for each parameter. Valid operands
on the CALL instruction include variables, flow, and indirect references. Input
operands can also be constants.
■ If a formal parameter is an array of BOOL type and has a length evenly divisible by 16,
then a variable or array residing in word-oriented memory can be passed on to the
parameterized block as an operand. For example, if a parameterized block has a
formal parameter Y1 of data type BIT and length 48, you can pass a WORD array of
length 3 to Y1.
■ The BOOL parameter Y0 is automatically defined for all parameterized blocks and can
be used in the parameterized block's logic. When the parameterized block stops
executing and Y0 is ON, the CALL passes power flow to the right. If Y0 is OFF, the
CALL passes no power flow.
■ A parameterized block is not required to have the same number of inputs and outputs.
■ For additional information, see “Using Parameters With a Parameterized Block” in
chapter 6.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-133


Examples for Call

Example 1
In the following example, if Enable is set, the C block named C_123 is executed. C_123
operates on the input data located at reference addresses Data1, Data2, and Data 3, and
produces values located at reference addresses Data4, Data5, and Data6. Logic within
C_123 controls the power flow output.

Example 2
Parameterized blocks are useful for
building libraries of user-defined functions.
For example, if you have an equation such
E=(A+B+C+D)/4, a parameterized
subroutine named AVG_4 could be called
as shown in the example to the right.
In this example, the average of the values
in R00001, R00002, R00003, and R00004
would be placed in R00005.
The logic within the parameterized block
would be defined as shown below.

8-134 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Logic for AVG_4 Parameterized Block

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-135



The Comment function is used to enter a text explanation in the program. When you insert
a Comment instruction into the LD logic, it displays ????. After you key in a comment, the
first few words are displayed.

In Logic Developer – PLC software, you can set the Comment mode option to Brief or

■ In Microsoft ® Windows ® 9x, the maximum length is 32,766 characters

(0x7FFE). In Microsoft ® Windows 2000 ® or NT ®, the maximum length of a
comment is 2GB - 1 byte, for a total of 2,147,483,646 characters (0x7FFFFFFE).
■ Since comments are not downloaded to the PLC, you can edit comments,
whether offline or online, without losing equality.

8-136 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



Mnemonic Description Always associated with...

JUMPN Nested form of Jump a LABELN instruction
A JUMPN instruction causes a portion of the program logic to be bypassed. Program
execution continues at the LABELN specified in the same block. Power flow jumps directly
from the JUMPN to the rung with the named LABELN.
When the Jump is active, any functions between the jump and the label are not executed.
All coils between JUMPN and its associated LABELN are left at their previous states. This
includes coils associated with timers, counters, latches, and relays.
Any JUMPN can be either a forward or a backward jump, i.e., its LABELN can be either in
a further or previous rung. The LABELN must be in the same block.
Note: To avoid creating an endless loop with forward and backward JUMPN
instructions, a backward JUMPN should contain a way to make it conditional.

Nothing can be connected to the right side of a JUMPN instruction.

Parameter Description Optional
Label (????) Label name; the name assigned to the destination LABEL(N). No

Operational Notes
A JUMPN and its associated LABELN can be placed anywhere in a program, as long as
the JUMPN / LABELN range:
■ does not overlap the range of a MCRN / ENDMCRN pair.
■ does not overlap the range of a FOR_LOOP / END_FOR pair.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-137


Master Control Relay/End Master Control Relay

Mnemonics Description Always associated with...

MCRN Nested form of the Master Control an ENDMCRN instruction
ENDMCRN Nested End Master Control Relay an MCRN instruction

An MCRN instruction marks the beginning of a section of logic that will be executed with
no power flow. The end of an MCRN section must be marked with an ENDMCRN having
the same name as the MCRN. ENDMCRNs must follow their corresponding MCRNs in the
All rungs between an active MCRN and its corresponding ENDMCRN are executed with
negative power flow from the power rail. The ENDMCRN function associated with the
MCRN causes normal program execution to resume, with positive power flow coming from
the power rail.
With a Master Control Relay, functions within the scope of the Master Control Relay are
executed without power flow, and coils are turned off.
Block calls within the scope of an active Master Control Relay will not execute. However,
any timers in the block will continue to accumulate time.
A rung may not contain anything after an MCRN.
Unlike JUMP instructions, MCRNs can only move forward. An ENDMCRN instruction must
appear after its corresponding MCRN instruction in a program.
The following controls are imposed by an MCRN:
■ Timers do not increment or decrement. TMR types are reset. For an ONDTR function,
the accumulator holds its value.
■ Normal outputs are off; negated outputs are on.
Note: When an MCRN is energized, the logic it controls is scanned and contact status is
displayed, but no outputs are energized. If you are not aware that an MCRN is
controlling the logic being observed, this might appear to be a faulty condition.
An MCRN and its associated ENDMCRN can be placed anywhere in a program, as long
as the MCRN / ENDMCRN range:
■ Is completely nested within another MCRN / ENDMCRN range, up to a maximum 255
levels of nesting, or is completely outside of the range of another MCRN / ENDMCRN
■ Is completely nested within a FOR_LOOP / END_FOR range or is completely outside
of the range of a FOR_LOOP / END_FOR.

8-138 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


The End Master Control Relay instruction marks the end of a section of logic begun with a
Master Control Relay instruction. When the MCRN associated with the ENDMCRN is
active, the ENDMCRN causes program execution to resume with normal power flow.
When the MCRN associated with the ENDMCRN is not active, the ENDMCRN has no
ENDMCRN must be tied to the power rail; there can be no logic before it in the rung;
execution cannot be conditional.
ENDMCRN has a name that identifies it and associates it with the corresponding
MCRN(s). The ENDMCRN function has no outputs; there can be nothing after an
ENDMCR instruction in a rung.

Operands for MCRN/ENDMCRN

The Master Control Relay function has a single operand, a name that identifies the
MCRN. This name is used again with an ENDMCRN instruction. The MCRN has no
Parameter Description Optional
Name The name associated with the MCRN that starts the section of logic. No
(???? )

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-139


The following example shows an MCRN named “Sec_MCRN” nested inside the MCRN
named “First_MCRN.” Whenever the V_I0002 contact allows power flow into the MCRN
function, program execution will continue without power flow to the coils until the
associated ENDMCRN is reached. If the V_I0001 and V_I0003 contacts are ON, the
V_Q0001 coil is turned OFF and the SET coil V_Q0003 maintains its current state.

8-140 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Horizontal and vertical wires (H_WIRE and V_WIRE)
are used to connect elements of a line of LD logic
between functions. Their purpose is to complete the
flow of logic (“power”) from left to right in a line of
A horizontal wire transmits the BOOLEAN ON/OFF
state of the element on its immediate left to the
element on its immediate right.
A vertical wire may intersect with one or more
horizontal wires on each side. The state of the vertical
wire is the inclusive OR of the ON states of the
horizontal wires on its left side. The state of the
vertical wire is copied to all of the attached horizontal
wires on its right side.
Note: Wires can be used for data flow, but you cannot route data flow leftwards. Nor can
two separate data flow lines come into the left side of the same vertical wire.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-141


Relational Functions
Relational functions compare two values of the same data type or determine whether a
number lies within a specified range. The original values are unaffected.
Function Mnemonic Description
Compare CMP_DINT Compares two numbers, IN1 and IN2, of the data type
CMP_INT specified by the mnemonic.
CMP_REAL ■ If IN1 < IN2, the LT output is turned ON.
■ If IN1 = IN2, the EQ output is turned ON.
■ If IN1 > IN2, the GT output is turned ON.
Equal EQ_DINT Tests two numbers for equality
Greater or GE_DINT Tests whether one number is greater than or equal to another
Equal GE_INT
Greater Than GT_DINT Tests whether one number is greater than another
Less or Equal LE_DINT Tests whether one number is less than or equal to another
Less Than LT_DINT Tests whether one number is less than another
Not Equal NE_DINT Tests two numbers for non-equality
Range RANGE_DINT Tests whether one number is within the range defined by two
RANGE_DWORD other supplied numbers

8-142 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



When the Compare (CMP) function receives power flow, it compares the value IN1 to the
value IN2.
■ If IN1 < IN2, CMP energizes the LT (Less Than) output.
■ If IN1 = IN2, CMP energizes the EQ (Equal) output.
■ If IN1 > IN2, CMP energizes the GT (Greater Than) output.
IN1 and IN2 must be the same data type. CMP compares data of the following types:
Tip: To compare values of different data types, first use conversion functions to make
the types the same.
When it receives power flow, CMP always passes power flow to the right, unless IN1
and/or IN2 is NaN (Not a Number).

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The first value to compare. All except S, SA, SB, SC No
IN2 The second value to compare. All except S, SA, SB, SC No
LT Output LT is energized when I1 < I2. Power flow No
EQ Output EQ is energized when I1 = I2. Power flow No
GT Output GT is energized when I1 > I2. Power flow No

When %I00001 is ON, the integer variable SHIPS is
compared with the variable BOATS. Internal coils
%M0001, %M0002, and %M0003 are set to the results
of the compare.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-143


Equal, Not Equal, Greater or Equal, Greater Than, Less or Equal, and Less
Other data

When the relational function receives power flow, it compares input IN1 to input IN2.
These operands must be the same data type. If inputs IN1 and IN2 are equal, the function
passes power to the right, unless IN1 and/or IN2 is NaN (Not a Number). The following
relational functions can be used to compare two numbers:
Function Definition Relational Statement
EQ Equal IN1=IN2
NE Not Equal IN1≠IN2
GE Greater Than or IN1≥IN2
GT Greater Than IN1>IN2
LE Less Than or Equal IN1≤IN2
LT Less Than IN1<IN2
Note: The %S0020 bit is set ON when one of these relational functions executes
successfully. It is cleared when either input is NaN (Not a Number). This happens
because NaN has a reserved representation in the REAL number format, which
makes it detectable by any function. No such functionality exists for the _DINT,
_INT, or _UINT versions of these functions. If an overflow occurred on a previous
DINT, INT, or UINT operation, the result was the largest possible value with the
proper sign and no power flow. If the _DINT, _INT, or _UINT operations are fed
the largest possible value with any sign, they cannot determine if it is an overflow
value. The power flow output of the previous operation would need to be checked.
Tip: To compare values of different data types, first use conversion functions to make
the types the same. The relational functions require data to be one of the following
types: DINT, INT, REAL, or UINT.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN1 The first value to be compared; the value on the left side of the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
relational statement.
IN2 The second value to be compared; the value on the right side of the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
relational statement. IN2 must be the same data type as IN1.
Q The power flow. If the relational statement is true, Q is energized, Power flow No
unless IN1 or IN2 is NaN.

8-144 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B



When the Range function is enabled, it compares the value of input IN against the range
delimited by operands L1 and L2. Either L1 or L2 can be the high or low limit. When L1 ≤
IN ≤ L2 or L2 ≤ IN ≤ L1, output parameter Q is set ON (1). Otherwise, Q is set OFF (0).
If the operation is successful, it passes power flow to the right.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
IN The value to compare against the range delimited by L1 and L2. Must be All except S, SA, SB, No
the same data type as L1 and L2. SC
L1 The start point of the range. May be the upper limit or the lower limit. All except S, SA, SB, No
Must be the same data type as IN and L2. SC
L2 The end point of the range. May be the lower or upper limit. Must be the All except S, SA, SB, No
same data type as IN and L1. SC
Q If L1 ≤ IN ≤ L2 or L2 ≤ IN ≤ L1, Q is energized; otherwise, Q is off. Power flow No

When RANGE_INT receives power flow from the normally open contact %I0001, it
determines whether the value in %R00003 is within the range 0 to 100 inclusively. Output
coil %M00002 is ON only if 0 ≤ %AI0050 ≤ 100.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-145


Timers and Counters

This section describes the timing and counting functions of the Instruction Set.

Timed Contacts
The PACSystems has four timed contacts that can be used to provide regular pulses of
power flow to other program functions. Timed contacts cycle on and off, in square-wave
form, every 0.01 second, 0.1 second, 1.0 second, and 1 minute. Timed contacts can be
read by an external communications device to monitor the state of the CPU and the
communications link. Timed contacts are also often used to blink pilot lights and LEDs.
The timed contacts are referenced as T_10MS (0.01 second), T_100MS (0.1 second),
T_SEC (1.0 second), and T_MIN (1 minute). These contacts represent specific locations
in %S memory:
#T_10MS 0.01 second timed contact %S0003
#T_100MS 0.1 second timed contact %S0004
#T_SEC 1.0 second timed contact %S0005
#T_MIN 1.0 minute timed contact %S0006
These contacts provide a pulse having an equal on and off time duration. The following
timing diagram illustrates the on/off time duration of these contacts.


X/2 X/2

Do not use timed contacts for applications requiring accurate
measurement of elapsed time. Timers, time-based subroutines, and
PID blocks are preferred for these types of applications.

The CPU updates the timed contact references based on a free-

running timer that has no relationship to the start of the CPU sweep.
If the sweep time remains in phase with the timed contact clock, the
contact will always appear to be in the same state. For example, if
the CPU is in constant sweep mode with a sweep time setting of
100ms, the T_10MS and T_100MS bits will never toggle.

Note: For a summary of differences in the operation of timed contacts in PACSystems

CPUs vs. Series 90-70 and Series 90-30, see “LD Function Differences” in
appendix C.

8-146 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Timer and Counter Functions

Three types of timer functions include an on-delay timer, an off-delay timer, and a start-
reset timer. The data associated with these functions is retentive through power cycles.
Function Mnemonic Description
Off Delay Timer OFDT_HUNDS The timer's Current Value (CV) resets to zero when power flow input is on.
OFDT_SEC CV increments while power flow is off. When CV=PV (Preset Value), power
OFDT_TENTHS flow is no longer passed to the right until power flow input is on again.
On Delay Stopwatch ONDTR_HUNDS Retentive on delay timer. Increments while it receives power flow and holds
Timer ONDTR_SEC its value when power flow stops.
On Delay Timer TMR_HUNDS Simple on delay timer. Increments while it receives power flow and resets to
TMR_SEC zero when power flow stops.
Down Counter DNCTR Counts down from a preset value. The output is ON whenever the Current
Value is ≤ 0.
Up Counter UPCTR Counts up to a designated value. The output is ON whenever the Current
Value is ≥ the Preset Value.
Note: Special care must taken when programming timers in parameterized blocks. For
details, see “Using Timers in Parameterized Blocks” on page 8-149.

Data Required for Timer and Counter Functions

Each timer or counter uses a one-dimensional, three-word array of %R, %W, %P, %L, or
symbolic memory to store the following information:
Current value (CV) Word 1
Preset value (PV) Word 2
Control word Word 3
When you enter a timer, you must enter a beginning address for the three-word array
(three-word block of registers).

Do not use two consecutive words (registers) as the starting
addresses of two timers or counters. Logic Developer - PLC does
not check or warn you if register blocks overlap. Timers will not
work if you place the current value of a second timer on top of the
preset value for the previous timer.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-147


Word 1: Current value (CV)

The first word (CV) can be read but should not be written to, or the
function may not work properly.

Word 2: Preset value (PV)

When the Preset Value (PV) operand is a variable, it is normally set to a different location
than word 2 in the timer’s or counter’s three-word array.
■ If you use a different address and you change word 2 directly, your change will have
no effect, as PV will overwrite word 2.
■ If you use the same address for the PV operand and word 2, you can change the
Preset Value in word 2 while the timer or counter is running and the change will be

Word 3: Control word

The control word stores the state of the Boolean inputs and outputs of its associated timer
or counter, as shown in the following diagram:
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reset input
Enable input, previous execution
Q (counter/timer status output)
EN (enable input

The third word (Control) can be read but should not be written to;
otherwise, the function will not work.


■ Bits 0 through 13 are not used for counters.

■ Bits 0 through 13 are used for timer accuracy.

8-148 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Using Timers in Parameterized Blocks

Special care must taken when programming timers in PACSystems parameterized blocks.
Timers in parameterized blocks can be programmed to track true real-time as long as the
guidelines and rules below are followed. If the guidelines and rules described here are not
followed, the operation of the timer functions in parameterized blocks is undefined.
Note: These rules are not enforced by the programming software. It is your
responsibility to ensure these rules are followed.
The best use of a timer function is to invoke it with a particular reference address exactly
one time each scan. With parameterized blocks, it is important to use the appropriate
reference memory with the timer function and to call the parameterized block an
appropriate number of times.

Finding the Source Block

The source block is the lowest logic block of type Program (that is, _MAIN) or Block that
appears above the parameterized block in the call tree. To determine the source block for
a given parameterized block, determine which block invoked that parameterized block. If
this block is of type Program or Block, it is the source block. If this block is any other type
(parameterized block or function block), apply the same test to the block that invoked this
block. Continue back up the call tree until a block of type PRG or Block is found. This is
the source block for the parameterized block.

Programming Timers in parameterized blocks

Different guidelines and rules apply depending on whether you want to use the
parameterized block in more than one place in your program logic.

Parameterized block called from one block

If your parameterized block that contains a timer will be called from only one logic block,
follow these rules:
1. Call the parameterized block exactly one time per execution of its source block.
2. Choose a reference address for the timer that will not be manipulated anywhere else.
The reference address may be %R, %P, %L, %W, or symbolic.
Note: %L memory is the same %L memory available to the source block.

Parameterized block called from multiple blocks

When calling the parameterized block from multiple blocks, it is imperative to separate the
timer reference memory used by each call to the parameterized block. Follow these rules
and guidelines:
1. Call the parameterized block exactly one time per execution of each source block that
it appears in.
2. Choose a %L reference or parameterized block formal parameter for the timer
reference memory. Do not use a %R, %P, %W, or symbolic memory reference.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-149


■ The strongly recommended choice is a %L location, which is inherited from the
parameterized block’s source block. Each source block has its own private %L
memory space.
■ If you use a parameterized block formal parameter (word array passed-by-reference),
the actual parameter that corresponds to this formal parameter must be a %L, %R,
%P, %W, or symbolic reference. If the actual parameter is a %R, %P, %W, or
symbolic reference, a unique reference address must be used by each source block.

If you use recursion (that is, if you have a block call itself either directly or indirectly) and
your parameterized block contains a timer, then you must abide by two additional rules:
■ Program the source block so that it invokes the parameterized block before making
any recursive calls to itself.
■ Do not program the parameterized block to call itself directly.

8-150 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Off Delay Timer

Other mnemonics:

The Off-Delay Timer (OFDT) increments while power flow is off, and the timer's Current
Value (CV) resets to zero when power flow is on. OFDT passes power until the specified
interval PV (Preset Value) has elapsed. Since no automatic initialization to the outgoing
power flow state occurs at power-up, the Q state is retentive across power failure.
Time may be counted in the following increments:
■ Seconds
■ Tenths (0.1) of a second
■ Hundredths (0.01) of a second
■ Thousandth (0.001) of a second
The range for PV is 0 to +32,767 time units. If PV is out of range, it has no effect on the
timer's word 2. The state of this timer is retentive on power failure; no automatic
initialization occurs at power-up.
When OFDT first receives power flow, CV is set to zero and the timer passes power to the
right, even if PV=0.
Note: OFDT does not pass power flow if the preset value is zero or negative.
The output remains on as long as OFDT receives power flow. If OFDT stops receiving
power flow from the left, it continues to pass power to the right and OFDT starts
accumulating time in CV.
Each time OFDT is invoked with the power flow logic set to OFF, CV is updated to reflect
the elapsed time since the timer was turned off. OFDT continues passing power flow to
the right until CV=PV. When CV=PV, OFDT stops passing power flow to the right and
OFDT stops accumulating time. CV remains equal to PV and never exceeds PV. If PV=0,
the timer stops passing power flow to the right as soon as it stops receiving power flow.
When the function receives power flow again, CV resets to zero.

■ The best way to use an OFDT function is to invoke it with a particular reference
address exactly one time each scan. Do not invoke an OFDT with the same reference
address more than once per scan (inappropriate accumulation of time would result).
When an OFDT appears in a program block, it accumulates time once per scan.
Subsequent calls to that program block within the same scan will have no effect on its
■ Do not program an OFDT function with the same reference address in two different
blocks. You should not program a JUMP around a timer function. Also, if you use
recursion (that is. having a block call itself either directly or indirectly), program the
program block so that it invokes the timer before it makes any recursive calls to itself.
■ For information on using timers inside parameterized blocks, see page 8-149.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-151


■ When OFDT is used in a program block that is not called every scan, the timer
accumulates time between calls to the program block unless it is reset. This means
that OFDT functions like a timer operating in a program with a much slower scan than
the timer in the main program block. For program blocks that are inactive for a long
time, OFDT should be programmed to allow for this catch-up feature. For example, if
a timer in a program block is reset and the program block is not called (is inactive) for
four minutes, when the program block is called, four minutes of time will already have
accumulated. This time is applied to the timer when enabled, unless the timer is first

Timing diagram



A. ENABLE and Q both go high; timer is reset (CV = 0).

B. ENABLE goes low; timer starts accumulating time.
C. CV reaches PV; Q goes low and timer stops accumulating time.
D. ENABLE goes high; timer is reset (CV = 0).
E. ENABLE goes low; timer starts accumulating time.
F. ENABLE goes high; timer is reset (CV = 0) before CV had a chance to reach PV. (The
diagram is not to scale.)
G. ENABLE goes low; timer begins accumulating time.
H. CV reaches PV; Q goes low and timer stops accumulating time.


Do not use the Address, Address+1, or Address+2 addresses with
other instructions. Overlapping references cause erratic timer

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Address The beginning address of a three- R, W, P, L, symbolic No
(????) word WORD array:
Word 1: Current value (CV)
Word 2: Preset value (PV)
Word 3: Control word
PV The Preset Value, used when the All except S, SA, SB, SC Optional
timer is enabled or reset. 0 ≤ PV ≤
+32,767. If PV is out of range, it
has no effect on Word 2.
CV The current value of the timer. All except S, SA, SB, SC, constant Optional

8-152 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example for OFDT

The output action is reversed by the use of a negated output coil. In this circuit, the OFDT
timer turns off negated output coil %Q0001 whenever contact %I0001 is closed. After
%I0001 opens, %Q0001 stays off for 2 seconds then turns on.

On Delay Stopwatch Timer

Other mnemonics:

The retentive On-Delay Stopwatch Timer (ONDTR) increments while it receives power
flow and holds its value when power flow stops. Time may be counted in the following
■ Seconds
■ Tenths (0.1) of a second
■ Hundredths (0.01) of a second
■ Thousandths (0.001) of a second
The range is 0 to +32,767 time units. The state of this timer is retentive on power failure;
no automatic initialization occurs at power-up.
When ONDTR first receives power flow, it starts accumulating time (Current Value (CV)).
When this timer is encountered in the LD logic, its CV is updated. When the CV equals or
exceeds Preset Value (PV), output Q is energized, regardless of the state of the power
flow input.
As long as the timer continues to receive power flow, it continues accumulating until CV
equals the maximum value (+32,767 time units). Once the maximum value is reached, it is
retained and Q remains energized regardless of the state of the enable input.
When power flow to the timer stops, CV stops incrementing and is retained. Output Q, if
energized, will remain energized. When ONDTR receives power flow again, CV again
increments, beginning at the retained value.
When reset (R) receives power flow and PV is not equal to zero, CV is set back to zero
and output Q is de-energized.
Note: If PV equals zero and the timer is enabled, the output of the timer activates.
Subsequent removal of enable or activation of reset will have no effect on the
timer output; it will remain enabled.
ONDTR passes power flow to the right when CV is greater than or equal to PV. Since no
automatic initialization to the outgoing power flow state occurs at power-up, the power
flow state is retentive across power failure.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-153



■ The best way to use an ONDTR function is to invoke it with a particular reference
address exactly one time each scan. Do not invoke an ONDTR with the same
reference address more than once per scan (inappropriate accumulation of time
would result). When an ONDTR appears in a program block, it will only accumulate
time once per scan. Subsequent calls to that same program block within the same
scan will have no effect on its ONDTRs. Do not program an ONDTR function with the
same reference address in two different blocks. You should not program a JUMPN
around a timer function. Also, if you use recursion (that is, having a block call itself
either directly or indirectly), program the program block so that it invokes the timer
before it makes any recursive calls to itself.
■ For information on using timers inside parameterized blocks, see page 8-149.
■ When ONDTR is used in a program block that is not called every scan, it accumulates
time between calls to the program block unless it is reset. This means that ONDTR
functions like a timer operating in a program with a much slower scan than the timer in
the main program block. For program blocks that are inactive for a long time, ONDTR
should be programmed to allow for this catch-up feature. For example, if a timer in a
program block is reset and the program block is not called (is inactive) for four
minutes, when the program block is called, four minutes of time will already have
accumulated. This time is applied to the timer when enabled, unless the timer is first

Timing diagram



A. ENABLE goes high; timer starts accumulating.

B. Current value (CV) reaches preset value (PV); Q goes high. Timer continues to
accumulate time until ENABLE goes low, RESET goes high or current value becomes
equal to the maximum time.
C. RESET goes high; Q goes low, accumulated time is reset (CV=0).
D. RESET goes low; timer then starts accumulating again, as ENABLE is high.
E. ENABLE goes low; timer stops accumulating. Accumulated time stays the same.
F. ENABLE goes high again; timer continues accumulating time.
G. CV becomes equal to PV; Q goes high. Timer continues to accumulate time until
ENABLE goes low, RESET goes high or CV becomes equal to the maximum time.
H. ENABLE goes low; timer stops accumulating time.

8-154 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Operands for On Delay Stopwatch Timer

Do not use the Address, Address+1, or Address+2 addresses with
other instructions. Overlapping references cause erratic timer

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Address Beginning address of a three-word R, W, P, L, symbolic No
(????) WORD array:
Word 1: Current value (CV)
Word 2: Preset value (PV)
Word 3: Control word
R When R is ON, it resets the Current Power flow Optional
Value (Word 1) to zero.
PV The Preset Value, used when the All except S, SA, SB, SC Optional
timer is enabled or reset. 0 ≤ PV ≤
+32,767. If PV is out of range, it has
no effect on Word 2.
CV Current Value of the timer All except S, SA, SB, SC and Optional

Example for On Delay Stopwatch Timer

A retentive on-delay timer is used to create a signal (%Q0011) that turns on 8.0 seconds
after %Q0010 turns on, and turns off when %Q0010 turns off.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-155


On Delay Timer
The On-Delay Timer (TMR) increments while it receives power flow and resets to zero
when power flow stops. The timer passes power after the specified interval PV (Preset
Value) has elapsed, as long as power is received.
Time may be counted in the following increments:
■ Seconds
■ Tenths (0.1) of a second
■ Hundredths (0.01) of a second
■ Thousandths (0.001) of a second
■ The best way to use a TMR function is to invoke it with a particular reference address
exactly one time each scan. Do not invoke a TMR with the same reference address
more than once per scan (inappropriate accumulation of time would result). When a
TMR appears in a program block, it will only accumulate time once per scan.
Subsequent calls to that same program block within the same scan will have no effect
on its TMRs. Do not program an TMR function with the same reference address in two
different blocks. You should not program a JUMP around a timer function. Also, if you
use recursion (that is, having a block call itself either directly or indirectly), program
the program block so that it invokes the timer before it makes any recursive calls to
■ For information on using timers inside parameterized blocks, see page 8-149.
■ A TMR timer expires (passes power flow to the right) the first scan that it is enabled if
the previous scan time was greater than PV.
■ When TMR is used in a program block that is not called every scan, TMR
accumulates time between calls to the program block unless it is reset. This means
that it functions like a timer operating in a program with a much slower sweep than the
timer in the main program block. For program blocks that are inactive for a long time,
TMR should be programmed to allow for this catch-up feature. For example, if a timer
in a program block is reset and the program block is not called (is inactive) for 4
minutes, when the program block is called, four minutes of time will already have
accumulated. This time is applied to the timer when enabled, unless the timer is first

8-156 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Timing Diagram

A. ENABLE goes high; timer begins accumulating time.

B. CV reaches PV; Q goes high and timer continues accumulating time.
C. ENABLE goes low; Q goes low; timer stops accumulating time and CV is cleared.
D. ENABLE goes high; timer starts accumulating time.
E. ENABLE goes low before current value reaches PV; Q remains low; timer stops
accumulating time and is cleared to zero (CV=0).

Operands for On Delay Timer

Do not use the Address, Address+1, or Address+2 addresses with
other instructions. Overlapping references cause erratic timer

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

???? The beginning address of a three-word WORD array: R, W, P, L, symbolic No
Word 1: Current value (CV)
Word 2: Preset value (PV)
Word 3: Control word
PV The Preset Value, used when the timer is enabled or All except S, SA, SB, SC Yes
reset. 0 ≤ PV ≤ +32,767. If PV is out of range, it has no
effect on Word 2.
CV The current value of the timer. All except S, SA, SB, SC Yes
and constant

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-157


Example for On Delay Timer

An on-delay timer with address TMRID is used to control the length of time that a coil is
on. This coil has been assigned the variable DWELL. When the normally open
(momentary) contact DO_DWL is ON, coil DWELL is energized.
The contact of coil DWELL keeps coil DWELL energized (when contact DO_DWL is
released) and also starts the timer TMRID. When TMRID reaches its preset value of five
tenths of a second, coil REL energizes, interrupting the latched-on condition of coil
DWELL. The contact DWELL interrupts power flow to TMRID, resetting its current value
and de-energizing coil REL. The circuit is then ready for another momentary activation of
contact DO_DWL.

8-158 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Down Counter
The Down Counter (DNCTR) function counts down from a preset value.
The minimum Preset Value (PV) is zero; the maximum PV is +32,767
counts. When the Current Value (CV) reaches the minimum value, -
32,768, it stays there until reset. When DNCTR is reset, CV is set to PV.
When the power flow input transitions from OFF to ON, CV is
decremented by one. The output is ON whenever CV ≤ 0.
The output state (Q) of DNCTR is retentive on power failure; no automatic
initialization occurs at power-up.

Do not use the down counter’s Address with other instructions.
Overlapping references cause erratic counter operation.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Address The beginning address of a three- R, W, P, L, symbolic No
(????) word WORD array:
Word 1: Current Value (CV)
Word 2: Preset Value (PV)
Word 3: Control word
R When R receives power flow, it Power flow No
resets the counter's CV to PV.
PV Preset Value to copy into word 2 of All except S, SA, SB, SC No
the counter's address when the
counter is enabled or reset. 0 ≤PV
≤ 32,767. If PV is out of range,
word 2 cannot be reset.
CV The current value of the counter All except S, SA, SB, SC and No

Example – Down Counter

DNCTR counts 5000 new parts before energizing output %Q00005.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-159


Up Counter
The Up Counter (UPCTR) function counts up to the Preset Value (PV). The
range is 0 to +32,767 counts. When the Current Value (CV) of the counter
reaches 32,767, it remains there until reset. When the UPCTR reset is ON,
CV resets to 0. Each time the power flow input transitions from OFF to ON,
CV increments by 1. CV can be incremented past the Preset Value (PV).
The output is ON whenever CV ≥ PV. The output (Q) stays ON until the R
input receives power flow to reset CV to zero.
The state of UPCTR is retentive on power failure; no automatic initialization occurs at


Do not use the up counter’s Address with other instructions.
Overlapping references cause erratic counter operation.

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional

Address The beginning address of a three-word R, W, P, L, symbolic No
(???? ) WORD array:
Word 1: Current Value (CV)
Word 2: Preset Value (PV)
Word 3: Control word
R When R is ON, it resets the counter's CV Power flow No
to 0.
PV Preset Value to copy into word 2 of the All except S, SA, SB, SC No
counter's address when the counter is
enabled or reset. 0 ≤ PV ≤ 32,767. If PV is
out of range, it does not affect word 2.
CV The current value of the counter All except S, SA, SB, SC and constant No

Example – Up Counter
Every time input %I0012 transitions from OFF to ON, the Up Counter counts up by 1;
internal coil %M0001 is energized whenever 100 parts have been counted. Whenever
%M0001 is ON, the accumulated count is reset to zero.

8-160 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example – Up Counter and Down Counter

This example uses an up/down counter pair with a shared register for the accumulated or
current value. When the parts enter the storage area, the up counter increments by 1,
increasing the current value of the parts in storage by a value of 1. When a part leaves the
storage area, the down counter decrements by 1, decreasing the inventory storage value
by 1. To avoid conflict with the shared register, both counters use different register
addresses but each has a current value (CV) address that is the same as the
accumulated value for the other register.

GFK-2222B Chapter 8 Instruction Set Reference 8-161

Service Request Function

This chapter explains how to use the Service Request (SVC_REQ) function. Use a
SVC_REQ to request one of the following special control system services:
Service Request Description Page
SVC_REQ 1 Change/Read Constant Sweep Timer 9-3
SVC_REQ 2 Read Window Modes and Times Values 9-5
SVC_REQ 3 Change Controller Communications Window Mode and Timer Value 9-6
SVC_REQ 4 Change Backplane Communications Window Mode and Timer Value 9-7
SVC_REQ 5 Change Background Task Window Mode and Timer Value 9-9
SVC_REQ 6 Change/Read Number of Words to Checksum 9-10
SVC_REQ 7 Read or Change the Time-of-Day Clock 9-12
SVC_REQ 8 Reset Watchdog Timer 9-20
SVC_REQ 9 Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep - milliseconds 9-21
SVC_REQ 10 Read Target Name 9-22
SVC_REQ 11 Read PLC ID 9-23
SVC_REQ 12 Read PLC Run State 9-24
SVC_REQ 13 Shut Down (Stop) PLC 9-25
SVC_REQ 14 Clear Fault Tables 9-26
SVC_REQ 15 Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry 9-27
SVC_REQ 16 Read Elapsed Time Clock - microseconds 9-30
SVC_REQ 17 Mask/Unmask I/O Interrupt 9-31
SVC_REQ 18 Read I/O Override Status 9-33
SVC_REQ 19 Set Run Enable/Disable 9-34
SVC_REQ 20 Read Fault Tables 9-35
SVC_REQ 21 User-Defined Fault Logging 9-39
SVC_REQ 22 Mask/Unmask Timed Interrupts 9-41
SVC_REQ 23 Read Master Checksum 9-42
SVC_REQ 24 Reset Smart Module 9-44
SVC_REQ 25 Disable/Enable EXE Block and Standalone C Program Checksums 9-45
SVC_REQ 26 Role Switch (Redundancy) *
SVC_REQ 27 Write to Reverse Transfer Area (Redundancy) *
SVC_REQ 28 Read from Reverse Transfer Area (Redundancy) *
SVC_REQ 29 Read Elapsed Power Down Time 9-46
SVC_REQ 32 Suspend/Resume I/O Interrupt 9-47
SVC_REQ 43 Disable Data Transfer Copy in Backup Unit (Redundancy) *
SVC_REQ 45 Skip Next I/O Scan 9-49
SVC_REQ 50 Read Elapsed Time Clock - nanoseconds 9-49
SVC_REQ 51 Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep - nanoseconds 9-51
*For information on Service Requests used in CPU redundancy, refer to the PACSystems
Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308

GFK-2222B 9-1

Operation of SVC_REQ Function

When SVC_REQ receives power flow, it requests the CPU to perform the special service
identified by the FNC operand.
Parameters for SVC_REQ are located in the parameter block, which begins at the
reference identified by the PRM operand. The number of 16-bit references required
depends on the type of special PLC service being requested. The parameter block is used
to store both the function's inputs and outputs.
SVC_REQ passes power flow unless an incorrect function number, incorrect parameters,
or out-of-range references are specified. Various specific SVC_REQ functions have
additional causes for failure.

Note: Indirect referencing is available for all register references (%R,
%P, %L, %W, %AI, and %AQ).

Operand Data Type Memory Area Description

FNC INT variable or All except %S - %SC Function number; Service Request number. The
constant constant or reference that identifies the requested
PRM WORD variable All except flow, %S - %SC The first WORD in the parameter block for the
requested service. Successive 16-bit locations store
additional parameters.

When the enabling input %I0001 is ON, SVC_REQ function number 7 is called, with the
parameter block starting at %R0001. If the operation succeeds, output coil %Q0001 is set

9-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 1: Change/Read Constant Sweep Timer

Use SVC_REQ function 1 to:
■ Disable Constant Sweep mode
■ Enable Constant Sweep mode and use the old Constant Sweep timer value
■ Enable Constant Sweep mode and use a new Constant Sweep timer value
■ Set a new Constant Sweep timer value only
■ Read Constant Sweep mode state and timer value.
The parameter block has a length of two words used for both input and output.
SVC_REQ executes successfully unless:
■ A number other than 0, 1, 2, or 3 is entered as the requested operation:
■ The scan time value is greater than 2550 ms (2.55 seconds)
■ Constant sweep time is enabled with no timer value programmed or with an old value
of 0 for the timer.

To disable Constant Sweep mode:

Enter SVC_REQ 1 with this parameter block:
Address 0
Address + 1 Ignored

To enable Constant Sweep mode and use the old timer value:
Enter SVC_REQ 1 with this parameter block:
Address 1
Address + 1 0
If the timer value does not already exist, entering 0 causes the function to set the OK
output to OFF.

To enable Constant Sweep mode and use a new timer value:

Enter SVC_REQ 1 with this parameter block:
Address 1
Address + 1 New timer value
Note: If the timer value does not already exist, entering 0 causes the function
to set the OK output to OFF.

To change the timer value without changing the selection for sweep mode state:
Enter SVC_REQ 1 with this parameter block:
Address 2
Address + 1 New timer value

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-3


To read the current timer state and value without changing either:
Enter SVC_REQ 1 with this parameter block:
Address 3
Address + 1 ignored

SVC_REQ 1 returns the timer state and value in the same parameter block references:
Address 0 = Normal Sweep
1 = Constant Sweep
Address + 1 Current timer value
If the word address + 1 contains the hexadecimal value FFFF, no timer value has been

If contact OV_SWP is set, the Constant Sweep Timer is read, the timer is increased by
two milliseconds, and the new timer value is sent back to the CPU. The parameter block is
at location %R3050. Because the MOVE and ADD functions require three horizontal
contact positions, the example logic uses discrete internal coil %M0001 as a temporary
location to hold the successful result of the first rung line. On any sweep in which
OV_SWP is not set, %M00001 is turned off.

9-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 2: Read Window Modes and Times Values

Use SVC_REQ 2 to obtain the current window mode and time values for the controller
communications window and the backplane communications and the background task
The parameter block has a length of three words. All parameters are output parameters. It
is not necessary to enter values in the parameter block to program this function.

Address Window High Byte Low Byte
address Controller Communications Window Mode Value in ms
address+1 Backplane Communications Window Mode Value in ms
address+2 Background Window Mode Value in ms
Note: A window is disabled when the time value is zero.

Mode Values
Mode Name Value Description
Limited Mode 0 The execution time of the window is limited to its respective
default value or to a value defined using SVC_REQ 3 for the
controller communications window or SVC_REQ 4 for the
systems communications window. The window will terminate
when it has no more tasks to complete.
Constant Mode 1 Each window will operate in a Run to Completion mode, and the
CPU will alternate among the three windows for a time equal to
the sum of each window's respective time value. If one window
is placed in Constant mode, the remaining two windows are
automatically placed in Constant mode. If the CPU is operating
in Constant Window mode and a particular window's execution
time is not defined using the associated SVC_REQ function, the
default time for that window is used in the constant window time
Run to Completion Mode 2 Regardless of the window time associated with a particular
window, whether default or defined using a service request
function, the window will run until all tasks within that window are

When enabling output %Q00102 is set, the CPU places the current time values of the
windows in the parameter block starting at location %R0010.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-5


SVC_REQ 3: Change Controller Communications Window Mode

Use SVC_REQ 3 to change the controller communications window mode and timer value.
The change takes place during the next CPU sweep after the function is called.
The parameter block has a length of one word.

To change the controller communications window mode:

Enter SVC_REQ 3 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address Mode 6
SVC_REQ 3 passes power flow to the right unless a mode other than 0 (Limited) or 2
(Run-to-Completion) is selected.

To disable the controller communications window:

Enter SVC_REQ 3 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address 0 0

To re-enable or change the controller communications window mode:

Enter SVC_REQ 3 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address Mode 1ms ≤ value ≤ 255ms in 1ms increments

When enabling input %I00125 transitions on, the controller communications window is
enabled and assigned a value of 25 ms. When the contact transitions off, the window is
disabled. The parameter block is in global memory location %P00051.

9-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 4: Change Backplane Communications Window Mode

and Timer Value
Use SVC_REQ 4 to change the Backplane Communications window mode and timer
value. The change takes place during the next CPU sweep after the function is called.
SVC_REQ 4 passes power flow to the right unless a mode other than 0 (Limited), 1
(Constant), or 2 (Run-to-Completion) is selected.
The parameter block has a length of one word.

To disable the Backplane Communications window:

Enter SVC_REQ 4 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address 0 0

To enable the Backplane Communications window mode:

Enter SVC_REQ 4 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address Mode 1ms ≤ value ≤ 255ms
SVC_REQ 4 passes power flow to the right unless a mode other than 0 (Limited) or 2
(Run-to-Completion) is selected.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-7


When enabling output %M0125 transitions on, the mode and timer value of the Backplane
Communications window is read. If the timer value is greater than or equal to 25 ms, the
value is not changed. If it is less than 25 ms, the value is changed to 25 ms. In either
case, when the rung completes execution the window is enabled. The parameter block for
all three windows is at location %R5051. Since the mode and timer for the Backplane
Communications window is the second value in the parameter block returned from the
Read Window Values function (SVC_REQ 2), the location of the existing window time for
the Backplane Communications window is in the low byte of %R5052.

9-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 5: Change Background Task Window Mode and Timer Value

Use SVC_REQ 5 to change the Background Task window mode and timer value. The
change takes place during the next CPU sweep after the function is called.
The parameter block has a length of one word.

To disable the Background Task window:

Enter SVC_REQ 5 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address 0 0

To enable the Background Task window mode:

Enter SVC_REQ 5 with this parameter block:
Address High Byte Low Byte
Address Mode 1ms ≤ value ≤ 255ms
SVC_REQ 5 passes power flow to the right unless a mode other than 0 (Limited) or 2
(Run-to-Completion) is selected.

When enabling contact #FST_SCN is set in the first scan, the MOVE function establishes
a default value of 20ms for the Background task window, using a parameter block
beginning at %P00050. Later in the program, when input %I00500 transitions on, the state
of the Background task window toggles on and off. The parameter block for all three
windows is at location %P00051. The time for the Background task window is the third
value in the parameter block returned from the Read Window Values function (function
#2); therefore, the location of the existing window time for the Background window is

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-9


SVC_REQ 6: Change/Read Number of Words to Checksum

Use SVC_REQ 6 to read the current word count in the program to be checksummed or
set a new word count. By default, 16 words are checked. The function is successful
unless some number other than 0 or 1 is entered as the requested operation.
The parameter block has a length of 2 words.

To read the word count:

Enter a zero in the first word of the parameter block.
Address 0
Address + 1 Ignored
The function returns the current checksum (word count) in the second word of the
parameter block. No range is specified for the read function; the value returned is the
number of words currently being checksummed.
Address 0
Address + 1 Current word count

To set a new word count:

Enter a one in the first word of the parameter block and the new word count in the second
Address 1
Address + 1 New word count
The CPU changes the number of words to be checksummed to the value given in the
second word of the parameter block, rounded up to the next multiple of 8. To disable
checksumming, set the new word count to 0.

9-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


When enabling contact #FST_SCN is set, the parameter blocks for the checksum task
function are built. Later in the program, when input %I00137 transitions on, the number of
words being checksummed is read from the CPU operating system. This number is
increased by 16, with the results of the ADD_UINT function being placed in the “hold new
count for set” parameter. The second service request block requests the CPU to set the
new word count.

The example parameter blocks are located at address %L00150. They have the following
%L00150 0 = read current count
%L00151 hold current count
%L00152 1 = set current count
%L00153 hold new count for set

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-11


SVC_REQ 7: Read or Change the Time-of-Day Clock

Use SVC_REQ 7 to read or change the time of day clock in the CPU. The function is
successful unless:
■ An invalid number is entered for the requested operation.
■ An invalid data format is specified.
■ Data is provided in an unexpected format.

Parameter Block Formats

In the first two words of the parameter block, you specify whether to read or set the time
and date, and which format to use.
Address 2-Digit Year Format 4-Digit Year Format
Address (word 1) 0 = read time and date 0 = read time and date
1 = set time and date 1 = set time and date
Address+1 (word 2) 0 = numeric data format 80h – numeric data format
1 = BCD format 81h = BCD format
2 = unpacked BCD format 82h = unpacked BCD format
3 = packed ASCII format (with 83h = packed ASCII format
embedded spaces and colons)
4 = POSIX format n/a
Address+2 (word 3) Data Data
to the end

Words 3 to the end of the parameter block contain output data returned by a read
function, or new data being supplied by a change function. In both cases, format of these
data words is the same. When reading the date and time, words (address + 2) to the end
of the parameter block are ignored on input.
The format and length of the parameter block depends on the data format and number of
digits required for the year:
Data Format and N-digit Year Length of parameter block
(number of words)
BCD, 2-digit year 6
BCD, 4-digit year 6
POSIX format 6
Unpacked BCD 2 9
Unpacked BCD 4 10
Numeric (2 and 4 digit years) 9
Packed ASCII, 2-digit year 12
Packed ASCII, 4-digit year 13

9-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


In any format:
■ Hours are stored in 24-hour format.
■ Day of the week is a numeric value ranging from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday).
Value Day of the Week
1 Sunday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday

BCD, 2-Digit Year

In BCD format, each time and date item occupies one byte, so the parameter block has
six words. The last byte of the sixth word is not used. When setting the date and time, this
byte is ignored; when reading date and time, the function returns a null character (00).
Parameter Block Address Example
Format (Sun., July 3, 2005, at 2:45:30 p.m.
= 14:45:30 in 24-hour format)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0 (read)
1 (BCD format) address+1 1 (BCD format)

High Byte Low Byte Address High Byte Low Byte

month year address+2 07 (July) 05 (year)
hours day of month address+3 14 (hours) 03 (day)
seconds minutes address+4 30 (seconds) 45 (minutes)
(null) day of week address+5 00 01 (Sunday)

BCD, 4-Digit Year

In this format, all bytes are used.
Parameter Block Example
Format Address (Sun., July 3, 2005, at 2:45:30 p.m.
= 14:45:30 in 24-hour format)
1 = change or 0 = read address 00 (read)
1 (BCD format) address+1 81h (BCD format, 4-digit)

High Byte Low Byte Address High Byte Low Byte

year year address+2 20 (year) 05 (year)
day of month month address+3 03 (day) 07 (July)
minutes hours address+4 45 (minutes) 14 (hours)
day of week seconds address+5 01 (Sunday) 30 (seconds)

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-13


The POSIX format of the Time-of-Day clock uses two signed 32-bit integers (two DINTs)
to represent the number of seconds and nanoseconds since midnight January 1, 1970.
Reading the clock in POSIX format might make it easier for your application to calculate
time differences. This format can also be useful if your application communicates to other
devices using the POSIX time format. To read and/or change the date and time using
POSIX format, enter SVC_REQ 7 with this parameter block:
Parameter Block Example
Format Address December 1, 2000 at 12 noon
1 = change or 0 = read address 0
4 (POSIX format) address+1 4
Seconds (LSW) address+2 975,672,000
(MSW) address+3
Nanoseconds (LSW) address+4 0
(MSW) address+5
The PACSystems CPU’s maximum POSIX clock value is 7FFFFFFF (hexadecimal)
seconds and 999,999,999 (decimal) nanoseconds, which corresponds to January 19th,
2038 at 3:14 am. This is the maximum POSIX value that SVC_REQ 7 will accept for
changing the clock. This is also the maximum POSIX value SVC_REQ 7 will return once
the Time-Of-Day clock passes this date.
If SVC_REQ 7 receives an invalid POSIX time to write to the clock, it does not change the
Time-Of-Day clock and disables its power-flow output.
Note: When reading the PACSystems CPU clock in POSIX format, the
data returned is not easily interpreted by a human viewer. If
desired, it is up to the application logic to convert the POSIX time
into year, month, day of month, hour, and seconds.

Unpacked BCD (2-Digit Year)

In Unpacked BCD format, each digit of the time and date items occupies the low-order
four bits of a byte. The upper four bits of each byte are always zero. This format requires
nine words. Values are hexadecimal.
Parameter Block Address Example
Format (Thurs., Dec. 8, 2002, at 9:34:57 a.m.)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0h
2 (Unpacked BCD format) address+1 2h

High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte

year address+2 00h 02h
month address+3 01h 02h
day of month address+4 02h 08h
hours address+5 00h 09h
minutes address+6 03h 04h
seconds address+7 05h 07h
day of week address+8 00h 05h

9-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Unpacked BCD (4-Digit Year)

In Unpacked BCD format, each digit of the time and date items occupies the low-order
four bits of a byte. The upper four bits of each byte are always zero. This format requires
nine words. Values are hexadecimal.
Parameter Block Address Example
Format (Thurs., Dec. 8, 2002, at 9:34:57 a.m.)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0h
82h (Unpacked 4-digit BCD format) address+1 82h

High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte

year address+2 02h 00h
00h 02h
month address+3 01h 02h
day of month address+4 02h 08h
hours address+5 00h 09h
minutes address+6 03h 04h
seconds address+7 05h 07h
day of week address+8 00h 05h

Numeric, 2-Digit Year

In numeric format, the year, month, day of month, hours, minutes, seconds and day of
week each occupy one unsigned integer. To read and/or change the date and time using
the numeric format, enter SVCREQ function #7 with this parameter block:
Parameter Block Example
Format Address Wed., June 15, 2005, at 12:15:30 a.m.
1 = change or 0 = read address 0
0 (Numeric format, 2-digit year) address+1 0

High Byte Low Byte Value

year address+2 05
month address+3 06
day of month address+4 15
hours address+5 12
minutes address+6 15
seconds address+7 30
day of week address+8 04

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-15


Numeric, 4-Digit Year

In numeric format, the year, month, day of month, hours, minutes, seconds and day of
week each occupy one unsigned integer. To read and/or change the date and time using
the numeric format, enter SVCREQ function #7 with this parameter block:
Parameter Block Example
Format Address Wed., June 15, 2005, at 12:15:30 a.m.
1 = change or 0 = read address 0
80h (Numeric format, 4 digit year) address+1 80h

High Byte Low Byte Value

year address+2 2005
month address+3 06
day of month address+4 15
hours address+5 12
minutes address+6 15
seconds address+7 30
day of week address+8 04

Packed ASCII, 2-Digit Year

In Packed ASCII format, each digit of the time and date items is an ASCII formatted byte.
Spaces and colons are embedded into the data to format it for printing or display. ASCII
format for a 2-digit year requires 12 words in the parameter block. Values are
Parameter Example
Block Format Address (Mon., Oct. 5, 2005, at 11:13:25 p.m. =
23:13:25 in 24-hour format)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0h (read)
3 (ASCII format) address+1 3h (ASCII format)

High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte

year year address+2 35h (5) 30h (0)
month (space) address+3 31h (1) 20h (space)
(space) month address+4 20h (space) 30h (0)
day of month day of month address+5 35h (5) 30h (leading 0)
hours (space) address+6 32h (2) 20h (space)
: (colon) hours address+7 3Ah (:) 33h (3)
minutes minutes address+8 33h (3) 31h (1)
seconds : (colon) address+9 32h (2) 3Ah (:)
(space) seconds address+1 20h (space) 35h (5)
day of week day of week address+1 32h (2 = Mon.) 30h (leading 0)

9-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Packed ASCII, 4-Digit Year

ASCII format for a 4-digit year requires 13 words in the parameter block. Values are
Parameter Example
Block Format Address (Mon., Oct. 5, 2005, at 11:13:25 p.m. =
23:13:25 in 24-hour format)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0h (read)
3 (ASCII format) address+1 83h (ASCII format, 4-digit)

High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte

year (hundreds) year (thousands) address+2 30h (0) 32h (2)
year (ones) year (tens) address+3 35h (5) 30h (0)
month (tens) (space) address+4 31h (1) 20h (space)
(space) month (ones) address+5 20h (space) 30h (0)
day of month (ones) day of month (tens) address+6 35h (5) 30h (leading 0)
hours (tens) (space) address+7 32h (2) 20h (space)
: (colon) hours (ones) address+8 3Ah (:) 33h (3)
minutes (ones) minutes (tens) address+9 33h (3) 31h (1)
seconds (tens) : (colon) address+1 32h (2) 3Ah (A)
(space) seconds (ones) address+1 20 (space) 35 (5)
day of week (ones) day of week (tens) address+1 32h (2 = Mon.) 30h (leading 0)

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-17


Example 1 – SVC_REQ 7
When output %Q00476 is on, a parameter block for the time-of-day clock is built to first
request the current date and time, and then set the clock to 12 noon using the BCD
format. The parameter block is located at global data location %P00300. Array NOON has
been set up elsewhere in the program to contain the values 12, 0, and 0. (Array NOON
must also contain the data at %R0300.) The BCD format requires six contiguous memory
locations for the parameter block.

9-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example 2 – SVC_REQ 7
When called for by previous logic, a parameter block for the time-of-day clock is built. It
requests the current date and time, then sets the clock to 12 noon using BCD format. The
parameter block is located at global data location %R0300. Array NOON has been set up
elsewhere in the program to contain the values 12, 0, and 0. (Array NOON must also
contain the data at %R0300.) BCD format requires six contiguous memory locations for
the parameter block.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-19


SVC_REQ 8: Reset Watchdog Timer

Use SVC_REQ 8 to reset the watchdog timer during the scan.
Ordinarily, when the watchdog timer expires, the CPU shuts down without warning.
SVC_REQ 8 allows the timer to keep going during a time-consuming task (for example,
while waiting for a response from a communications line).

Be sure that resetting the watchdog timer does not adversely affect
the controlled process.

SVC_REQ 8 has no associated parameter block; however, you must still specify a dummy
parameter, which SVC_REQ 8 will not use.

Power flow through enabling output %Q0127 or input %I1476 or internal coil %M00010
causes the watchdog timer to be reset.

9-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 9: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep

Use SVC_REQ 9 to read the time in milliseconds since the start of the sweep. The data
format is unsigned 16-bit integer.

The parameter block is an output parameter block only; it has a length of one word.
address time since start of scan

The elapsed time from the start of the scan is read into location %R00200. If it is greater
than 100ms, internal coil %M0200 is turned on.

Note: Higher resolution (in nanoseconds) can be obtained by using SVC_REQ 51,
described on page 9-51.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-21


SVC_REQ 10: Read Target Name

Use SVC_REQ 10 to read the name of the currently executing target.

The output parameter block has a length of four words. It returns eight ASCII characters:
the target name (from one to seven characters) followed by null characters (00h). The last
character is always a null character. If the target name has fewer than seven characters,
null characters are appended to the end.
Address Low Byte High Byte
Address character 1 character 2
Address+1 character 3 character 4
Address+2 character 5 character 6
Address+3 character 7 00

When enabling input %I0301 goes OFF, register location %R0099 is loaded with the value
10, which is the function code for the Read Target Name function. The program block
READ_ID is then called to retrieve the target name. The parameter block is located at
address %R0100.

Program block READ_ID:

9-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 11: Read Controller ID

Use SVC_REQ 11 to read the name of the controller executing the program.

The output parameter block has a length of four words. It returns eight ASCII characters:
the PLC ID (from one to seven characters) followed by null characters (00h). The last
character is always a null character
If the PLC ID has fewer than seven characters, null characters are appended to the end.
Address Low Byte High Byte
address character 1 character 2
address+1 character 3 character 4
address+2 character 5 character 6
address+3 character 7 00

When enabling input %I0303 is ON, register location %R0099 is loaded with the value 11,
which is the function code for the Read PLC ID function. The program block READ_ID is
then called to retrieve the ID. The parameter block is located at address %R0100.

Program Block READ_ID:

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-23


SVC_REQ 12: Read Controller Run State

Use SVC_REQ 12 to read the current RUN state of the CPU.

The parameter block is an output parameter block only; it has a length of one word.
address 1 = run/disabled
2 = run/enabled

When contact V_I00102 is ON, the CPU run state is read into location %R4002. If the
state is Run/Disabled, the CALL function calls program block DISPLAY.

9-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 13: Shut Down (Stop) CPU

Use SVC_REQ 13 to stop the CPU after the specified number of scans has been
performed. All outputs go to their designated default states at the start of the next CPU
scan. An informational “Shut Down PLC” fault is placed in the PLC Fault Table. The I/O
scan continues as configured.
SVC_REQ 13 has an input parameter block with a length of one word.
Address Number of scans. Valid values:
-1: The CPU uses the Number of Last Scans value configured in the Hardware
Configuration Scan tab to determine when to transition to Stop mode. For details on
Hardware Configuration parameters, refer to chapter 3.
0 through 5: The CPU finishes executing this scan, then executes this number of
scans and transitions to Stop mode.
Note: For CPUs with firmware version earlier than 2.00, the parameter block has a
length of 1 and the value must be set to 0; otherwise the CPU does not stop.

When a “Loss of I/O Module” fault occurs, the #LOS_IOM contact turns ON and
SVC_REQ 13 executes.
In this example, if the Shut Down CPU function executes successfully, the JUMP to the
end of the program prevents the logic that follows the JUMPN from executing in the
current sweep.

The block's last instruction is a LABELN:

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-25


SVC_REQ 14: Clear Fault Tables

Use SVC_REQ 14 to clear either the PLC fault table or the I/O fault table. The SVC_REQ
output is set ON unless some number other than 0 or 1 is entered as the requested
The parameter block has a length of 1 word. It is an input parameter block only. There is
no output parameter block.
Address 0 = clear PLC fault table
1 = clear I/O fault table

When inputs %I0346 and %I0349 are on, the PLC fault table is cleared. When inputs
%I0347 and %I0349 are on, the I/O fault table is cleared. When input %I0348 is on and
input %I0349 is on, both are cleared.
The parameter block for the PLC fault table is located at %R0500; for the I/O fault table
the parameter block is located at %R0550.
Note: Both parameter blocks are set up elsewhere in the program.

9-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 15: Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry

Use SVC_REQ 15 to read the last entry logged in either the PLC fault table or the I/O fault
table. The SVC_REQ power flow output is set ON unless some invalid number is entered
as the requested operation or the fault table is empty.
The parameter block has a length of 22 words. The first word is used only for input, and
the other words only for output.

Input Parameter Block

Address Format
Address 0 = read PLC fault table
1 = read I/O fault table
80h = Read extended PLC fault table
81h = Read extended I/O fault table

The format of the output parameter block depends on whether SVC_REQ 15 reads the
PLC fault table or the I/O fault table, or the extended PLC fault table or the extended I/O
fault table.
PLC Fault Table Output Format I/O Fault Table Output Format
High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte
0 address 1
unused long/short address+1 memory type long/short
unused unused address+2 offset
slot rack address+3 slot rack
task address+4 block bus
fault action fault group address+5 point
address+6 fault action fault category
error code
address+7 fault type fault category
fault specific data address+8 to fault specific data fault description

minutes seconds address+19 minutes seconds

day of month hour address+20 day of month hour
year month address+21 year month
milliseconds (extended format only) address+22 milliseconds (extended format only)
reserved (extended format only) address+23 reserved (extended format only)

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-27


Long/Short Value
The first byte (low byte) of word address +1 contains a number that indicates the length of
the fault-specific data in the fault entry. These possible values are:
PLC fault table 00 = 8 bytes (short)
Extended PLC fault table 01 = 24 bytes (long)
I/O fault table 01 = 5 bytes (short)
Extended I/O fault table 02 = 21 bytes (long)

Example 1
When inputs %I0250 and %I0251 are both on, the first Move function places a zero (read
PLC fault table) into the parameter block for SVC_REQ 15. When input %I0250 is on and
input %I0251 is off, the Move instruction instead places a one (read I/O fault table) in the
SVC_REQ parameter block. The parameter block is located at location %R0600.

9-28 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example 2
The CPU is shut down when any fault occurs on an I/O module
except when the fault occurs on modules in rack 0, slot 9 and in rack
1, slot 9. If faults occur on these two modules, the system remains
running. The parameter for "table type" is set up on the first scan. The
contact IO_PRES, when set, indicates that the I/O fault table contains
an entry. The CPU sets the normally open contact in the scan after
the fault logic places a fault in the table. If faults are placed in the
table in two consecutive scans, the normally open contact is set for
two consecutive scans.
The example uses a parameter block located at %R0600. After the
SVC_REQ function executes, the fourth, fifth, and sixth words of the
parameter block contain the address of the I/O module that faulted:
High Byte Low Byte
%R0600 1
%R0601 long/short
%R0602 reference address
%R0603 slot number rack number
%R0604 block (bus address) I/O bus no.
%R0605 point address
%R0606 fault data

In the program, the EQ_INT blocks compare the rack/slot address in

the table to hexadecimal constants. The internal coil %M0007 is
turned on when the rack/slot where the fault occurred meets the
criteria specified above. If %M0007 is on, its normally closed contact
is off, preventing the shutdown. Conversely, if %M0007 is off because
the fault occurred on a different module, the normally closed contact
is on and the shutdown occurs.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-29


SVC_REQ 16: Read Elapsed Time Clock

Use SVC_REQ 16 to read the system's elapsed time clock. The elapsed time clock
measures the time in seconds since the CPU was powered on. The parameter block has
a length of three words used for output only.

address Seconds from power on (low order)
address+1 Seconds from power on (high order)
address+2 100 microsecond ticks
The first two words are the elapsed time in seconds. The last word is the number of 100
microsecond ticks in the current second.

When internal coil %M00223 is on, SVC_REQ with a parameter block located at %R0127
reads the system's elapsed time clock and sets internal coil %M00234. When coil
%M00223 is off, the SVC_REQ with a parameter block at %R0131 reads the elapsed time
clock again.
The subtraction function finds the difference between the first and second readings, which
have been stored in the SVC_REQ parameter blocks %R00127 and %R00131. The
subtraction ignores the hundred microsecond ticks and that the DINT type is signed value.
The calculation is correct until the time since power-on reaches approximately 50 years.
The difference between the two readings is placed in memory location %R00250.

Note: Higher resolution (in nanoseconds) can be obtained by using SVC_REQ 50,
described on page 9-49.

9-30 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 17: Mask/Unmask I/O Interrupt

Use SVC_REQ 17 to mask or unmask an interrupt from an input board. When an interrupt
is masked, the CPU does not execute the corresponding interrupt block when the input
transitions and causes an interrupt.
The parameter block is an input parameter block only; it has a length of three words.
address 0 = unmask input
1 = mask input
address+1 memory type
address+2 reference (offset)
“Memory type” is a decimal number that resides in the low byte of word address + 1. It
corresponds to the memory type of the input:
70 %I memory in bit mode
10 %AI memory
Successful execution occurs unless:
■ Some number other than 0 or 1 is entered as the requested operation.
■ The memory type of the input to be masked or unmasked is not %I or %AI memory.
■ The I/O board is not a supported input module.
■ The reference address specified does not correspond to a valid interrupt trigger
■ The specified channel does not have its interrupt enabled in the configuration.

Masking/Unmasking Module Interrupts

During module configuration, interrupts from a module can be enabled or disabled. If a
module's interrupt is disabled, it cannot be used to trigger logic execution in the
application program and it cannot be unmasked. However, if an interrupt is enabled in the
configuration, it can be dynamically masked or unmasked by the application program
during system operation.
The application program can mask and unmask interrupts that are enabled using Service
Request Function Block #17. To mask or unmask an interrupt from a non-GE Fanuc VME
module, the application logic should pass VME_INT_ID (17 decimal, 11H) as the memory
type and the VME interrupt id as the offset to SVC_REQ 17.
When the interrupt is not masked, the CPU processes the interrupt and schedules the
associated program logic for execution. When the interrupt is masked, the CPU processes
the interrupt but does not schedule the associated program logic for execution.
When the CPU transitions from Stop to Run, the interrupt is unmasked.
For additional information on configuring and using VME module interrupts in a
PACSystems RX7i control system, refer to PACSystems RX7i User's Guide to Integration
of VME Modules, GFK-2235.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-31


Example 1
In this example, interrupts from input %I00033 are masked. The following values are
moved into the parameter block, which starts at %P00347, on the first scan:
address %P00347 1 Interrupts from input are masked.
address + 1 %P00348 70 Input type is %I.
address + 2 %P00349 33 Offset is 33.

Example 2
When %T00001 transitions on, alarm interrupts from input %AI0006 are masked. The
parameter block at %R00100 is set up on the first scan.

9-32 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 18: Read I/O Forced Status

Use SVC_REQ 18 to read the current status of forced values in the CPU's %I and %Q
memory areas.
Note: SVC_REQ 18 does not detect overrides in %G or %M memory types. Use
%S0011 (#OVR_PRE) to detect overrides in %I, %Q, %G, %M, and symbolic
memory types.
The parameter block has a length of one word used for output only.

address 0 = No forced values are set
1 = Forced values are set

SVC_REQ reads the status of I/O forced values into location %R1003. If the returned
value in %R1003 is 1, there is a forced value, and EQ INT turns the %T0001 coil ON.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-33


SVC_REQ 19: Set Run Enable/Disable

Use SVC_REQ 19 to permit the LD program to control the RUN mode of the CPU.
The parameter passed indicates which function to perform. The OK output is turned ON if
the function executes successfully. It is set OFF if the requested operation is not SET
RUN DISABLE mode (1) or SET RUN ENABLE mode (2).
The parameter block is an input parameter block only with this format:
address 1 = SET RUN DISABLE mode

When input %I00157 transitions to on, the RUN DISABLE mode is set. When the
SVC_REQ function successfully executes, coil %Q00157 is turned on. When %Q00157 is
on and register %R00099 is greater than zero, the mode is changed to RUN ENABLE
mode. When the SVCREQ successfully executes, coil %Q00157 is turned off.

9-34 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 20: Read Fault Tables

Use SVC_REQ 20 to retrieve the entire PLC or I/O fault table and return it to the LD
program in designated registers.
The first input parameter designates which table is to be read. A second input parameter
(always zero for the standard Read Fault Tables) is used by the extended format to read a
designated fault entry or to read a range of fault entries. The fault table data is placed in
the parameter block following the input parameters.
The OK output is turned on if the function executes successfully. It is off if the requested
operation is not Read PLC Fault Table (00h), Read I/O Fault Table (01h), Read Extended
PLC Fault Table (80h), or Read Extended I/O Fault Table (81h), or if there is not enough
of the specified memory reference to hold the fault data. If the specified fault table is
empty, the function sets the OK output on, but returns only the fault table header
The parameter block is an input and output parameter block. The parameter block comes
in two formats:
■ Non-Extended (Read PLC Fault Table (00h), Read I/O Fault Table (01h))
■ Extended (Read Extended PLC Fault Table (80h), or Read Extended I/O Fault Table

Non-Extended Formats
For non-extended formats, SVC_REQ 20 requires 693 registers available.

Input Parameter Block Format

address 00h = Read PLC fault table
01h = Read I/O fault table
address+1 Always zero (0)

Output Parameter Block Format

address 0 = PLC fault table
1 = I/O fault table
address+1 Always zero (0)
address+2 Number of faults to be read
address+3 through Unused
address+15 Time since last clear
address+18 Number of faults since last
address+19 Number of faults in queue
address+20 Number of faults read
address+21 through CPU Name
address+37 Start of fault data

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-35


For the non-extended formats, each fault table entry is 21 words long (42 bytes). There is
a maximum of 16 PLC fault table entries and 32 I/O fault table entries. If the fault table
read is empty, no data is returned.
The following table shows the return format of a PLC fault table entry and an I/O fault
table entry.

Return Format of Fault Table Entries

Address PLC Fault Table I/O Fault Table
address+38 Long/Short Long/Short
address+39 Unused Reference Address
address+40 PLC fault address I/O fault address
address+42 Fault group and action I/O fault address
address+43 Error code Fault group and action
address+44 Fault extra data Fault category and type
address+45 Fault extra data Fault description
address+46 through address+55 Fault extra data Fault specific data
address+56 through address+58 Time stamp Time stamp
The Long/Short indicator in the first byte of Address + 38 defines the quantity of fault data
present in the fault entry. In the PLC fault table, a long/short value of 00 represents 8
bytes of fault extra data present in the fault entry, and 01 represents 24 bytes of fault extra
data. In the I/O fault table, 02 represents 5 bytes of fault specific data, and 03 represents
21 bytes.
For an explanation of each field, refer to chapter 12, “Fault Handling.”

Extended Formats
For extended formats (Read Extended PLC Fault Table (80h), or Read Extended I/O Fault
Table (81h)), the PLC calculates the number of entries being read and returns an error if
there are not enough registers.
The total size of the fault table for the extended fault format is
Header Size + ((# fault entries) * (size of fault entry))

Input Parameter Block Format

address 80h = Read extended PLC fault table
81h = Read extended I/O fault table
address+1 Starting index of faults to be read
address+2 Number of faults to be read

9-36 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Output Parameter Block Format

address 80h = Extended PLC fault table
81h = Extended I/O fault table
address+1 Starting index of faults to be read
address+2 Number of faults to be read
address+3 through address+14 Unused
address+15 Time since last clear
address+18 Number of faults since last clear
address+19 Number of faults in queue
address+20 Number of faults read
address+21 through address+37 CPU Name
address+38 through address +58 Fault data – same as non-extended format
address+59 Timestamp (milliseconds)
address+60 Unused
For Read Extended PLC Fault Table (80h) and Read Extended I/O Fault Table (81h),
each extended fault table entry is 23 words long (46 bytes). There is a maximum of 40
PLC fault table entries and 40 I/O fault table entries. The default values are 16 PLC fault
table entries and 32 I/O fault table entries. If the fault table read is empty, no data is

Example 1: Non-Extended Format
When input %M00033 transitions on, the PLC fault table is read. When %M00034
transitions on, the I/O fault table is read. The parameter block is located at %R00500.
When the SVC_REQ function successfully executes, coil %M00035 is turned on.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-37


Example 2: Extended Format

When input %M00033 transitions on, the Extended PLC fault table is read. The parameter
block is located at %R00500. %R00500 contains the fault table type (PLC Extended);
%R00501 contains the starting fault to read, and %R005002 contains the number of faults
to read starting with the fault number in %R00501. When the SVC_REQ function
successfully executes, coil %M00034 is turned on.

9-38 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 21: User-Defined Fault Logging

Use SVC_REQ 21 to define a fault that can be displayed in the PLC fault table. The fault
contains binary information or an ASCII message. The user-defined fault codes start at 0
The error code information for the fault must be within the range 0 to 2047 for an
“Application Msg:” to be displayed. If the error code is in the range 81 to 112 decimal, the
CPU sets a fault bit of the same number in %SA system memory. This allows up to 32 bits
to be individually set.
Error Code Status Bit
Errors 0—80 No bit set
Errors 81—112 Sets %SA
Errors 113—2047 No bit set
Errors 2048—32,767 Reserved
When EN is active, the fault data array referenced by IN is logged as a fault to the PLC
fault table. If EN is not enabled, the ok bit is cleared. If the error code is out of range, the
ok bit is cleared and the fault will not be logged as requested.
The parameter block is an input parameter block only with this format:
Error code
Parameter address MSB LSB
address+1 Text2 Text1
address+2 Text4 Text3
address+3 Text6 Text5
address+4 Text8 Text7
address+5 Text10 Text9
address+6 Text12 Text11
address+7 Text14 Text13
address+8 Text16 Text15
address+9 Text18 Text17
address+10 Text20 Text19
address+11 Text22 Text21
address+12 Text24 Text23
The input parameter data allows you to select an error code in the range 0 to 2047 and
text information that will be placed in the fault extra data portion of a long PLC fault. The
PLC fault address, fault group, and fault action are filled in by the function block.
The fault text bytes 1 – 24 can be used to pass binary or ASCII data with the fault. If the
first byte of the fault text data is non-zero, the data will be an ASCII message string. This
message will then be displayed in the fault description area of the fault table. If the
message is less than 24 characters, the ASCII string must be NULL byte-terminated. The
programmer will display “Application Msg:” and the ASCII data will be displayed as a
message immediately following “Application Msg:”. If the error code is between 1 and
2047, the error code number will be displayed immediately after “Msg” in the “Application
Msg:” string. (If the error code is greater than 2047, the function is ignored and returns no
power flow.)

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-39


If the first byte of text is zero, then only “Application Msg:” will display in the fault
description. The next 1-23 bytes will be considered binary data for user data logging. This
data is displayed in the PLC fault table.
Note: When a user-defined fault is displayed in the PLC Fault table, a value of -32768
(8000 hex) is added to the error code. For example, the error code 5 will be
displayed as -32763.

The value passed to IN1 is the fault error code. The value passed in, 16x0057, represents
an error code of 87 decimal and will appear as part of the fault message. The values of
the next inputs give the ASCII codes for the text of the error message. For IN2, the input is
2D45. The low byte, 45, decodes to the letter E and the high byte, 2D, decodes to -.
Continuing in this manner, the string continues with S T O P O and N. The final character,
00, is the null character that terminates the string. In summary, the decoding yields the
string message E_STOP ON.

9-40 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 22: Mask/Unmask Timed Interrupts

Use SVC_REQ 22 to mask or unmask timed interrupts and to read the current mask.
When the interrupts are masked, the CPU does not execute any timed interrupt block
timed program that is associated with a timed interrupt. Timed interrupts are
masked/unmasked as a group. They cannot be individually masked or unmasked.
Successful execution occurs unless some number other than 0 or 1 is entered as the
requested operation or mask value.
The parameter block is an input and output parameter block.
To determine the current mask, use this format:
address 0 = Read interrupt mask
The CPU returns this format:
address 0 = Read interrupt mask
address+1 0 = Timed interrupts are unmasked
1 = Timed interrupts are masked
To change the current mask, use this format:
address 1 = Mask/unmask interrupts
address+1 0 = Unmask timed interrupts
1 = Mask timed interrupts

When input %I00055 transitions on, timed interrupts are masked.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-41


SVC_REQ 23: Read Master Checksum

Use SVC_REQ 23 to read master checksums for the set of user program(s) and the
configuration, and to read the checksum for the block from which the service request is
There is no input parameter block for this service request. The output parameter block
requires 15 words of memory.

When a RUN MODE STORE is active, the program checksums may not be valid until the
store is complete. To determine when checksums are valid, three flags (one each for
Program Block Checksum, Master Program Checksum, and Master Configuration
Checksum) are provided at the beginning of the output parameter block.
Address Description
Address Program Checksum Valid (0 = not valid, 1 = valid)
Address + 1 Master Program Checksum Valid (0 = not valid, 1 = valid)
Address + 2 Master Configuration Checksum Valid (0 = not valid, 1 = valid)
Address + 3 Number of LD/SFC Blocks (including _MAIN)
Address + 4 Size of User Program in Bytes (DWORD data type)
Address + 6 Program Set Additive Checksum
Address + 7 Program CRC Checksum (DWORD data type)
Address + 9 Size of Configuration Data in Kbytes
Address + 10 Configuration Additive Checksum
Address + 11 Configuration CRC Checksum (DWORD data type)
Address + 13 high byte: always zero
low byte: Currently Executing Block’s Additive Checksum
Address + 14 Currently Executing Block’s CRC Checksum

9-42 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example – SVC_REQ 23
When the timer using registers %P00013 through %P00015 expires, the checksum read
is performed. The checksum data returns in registers %P00016 through %P00030. The
master program checksum in registers %P00022 and %P00023 (the program checksum
is a DWORD data type and occupies two adjacent registers) is compared with the last
saved master program checksum. If these are different, coil %M00055 is latched on. The
current master program checksum is then saved in registers %P00031 and %P00032.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-43


SVC_REQ 24: Reset Smart Module

Use SVC_REQ 24 to reset a daughterboard or smart module. The SVCREQ output is set
ON unless one of the following conditions exists:
-An invalid number for rack and/or slot is entered.
-There is no module at the specified location.
-The module at the specified location does not support a runtime reset.
-The CPU was unable to reset the module at the specified location.
For this function, the parameter block has a length of 1 word. It is an input parameter
block only.
address Module slot (low byte)
Module rack (high byte)
Rack 0, Slot 1 indicates that a reset is to be sent to the daughterboard.
Note: It is important to invoke SVC_REQ #24 for a given module for only one sweep at
a time. Each time this function executes, the target module will be reset again,
regardless of whether it has finished starting up from a previous reset.

In the following example, when inputs %I00346 and %I00349 are on, the module indicated
by the Rack/Slot value in %R00500 is reset.

9-44 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 25: Disable/Enable EXE Block and Standalone C Program

Use SVC_REQ 25 to enable or disable the inclusion of EXE in the background checksum
calculation. The default is to include the checksums.
This service request uses only an input parameter block.
address 0 = Disable C applications inclusion in checksum calculation
1 = Enable C application inclusion in checksum calculation
The parameter block is unchanged after execution of the service request.

When the coil TEST transitions from OFF to ON, SVC_REQ 25 executes to disable the
inclusion of EXE blocks in the background checksum calculation. When coil TEST
transitions from ON to OFF, the SVC_REQ executes to again include EXE blocks in the
background checksum calculation.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-45


SVC_REQ 29: Read Elapsed Power Down Time

Use SVCREQ 29 to read the amount of time elapsed between the last power-down and
the most recent powerup. If the watchdog timer expired before power-down, the PLC is
not able to calculate the power down elapsed time, so the time is set to 0.
This service request cannot be accessed from a C block.
This function has an output parameter block only. The parameter block has a length of
three words.
address Power-down elapsed seconds (low order)
address + 1 Power-down elapsed seconds (high order)
address + 2 100µS ticks
The first two words are the power-down elapsed time in seconds. The last word is the
number of 100 microsecond ticks in the current second.
Note: Although this request responds with a resolution of 100µS, the actual accuracy is
1 second. The battery-backed clock used when the PLC is powered down is
accurate to within 1 second.

Example of SVCREQ 29
In the example, when input %I0251 is ON, the elapsed power-down time is placed into the
parameter block that starts at %R0050. The output coil (%Q0001) is turned on.
%I0251 %Q0001
00029 FNC

%R0050 PARM

9-46 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 32: Suspend/Resume I/O Interrupt

Use SVC_REQ 32 to suspend a set of I/O interrupts and cause occurrences of these
interrupts to be queued until these interrupts are resumed. The number of I/O interrupts
that can be queued depends on the I/O module’s capabilities. The CPU informs the I/O
module that its interrupts are to be suspended or resumed. The I/O module’s default is
resumed. The Suspend applies to all I/O interrupts associated with the I/O module.
Interrupts are suspended and resumed within a single scan.
SVC_REQ 32 uses only an input parameter block. Its length is three words.
Address 0 = resume interrupt
1 = suspend interrupt
Address + 1 memory type
Address + 2 reference (offset)
Successful execution occurs unless:
■ Some number other than 0 or 1 is passed in as the first parameter.
■ The memory type parameter is not 70 (%I memory).
■ The I/O module associated with the specified address is not an appropriate module for
this operation.
■ The reference address specified is not the first %I reference for the High Speed
■ Communication between the CPU and this I/O module has failed. (The board is not
present, or it has experienced a fatal fault.)

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-47


Example – SVC_REQ 32
Interrupts from the high speed counter module whose starting point reference address is
%I00065 will be suspended while the CPU solves the logic of the second rung. Without
the Suspend, an interrupt from the HSC could occur during execution of the third rung and
%T00006 could be set while %R000001 has a value other than 3,400. (%AI00001 is the
first non-discrete input reference for the High Speed Counter.)
Note: I/O interrupts, unless suspended or masked, can interrupt the execution of a
function block. The most often used application of this Service Request is to
prevent the effects of the interrupts for diagnostic or other purposes.

9-48 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 45: Skip Next I/O Scan

Use the SVCREQ function #45 to skip the next output and input scans. Any changes to
the output reference tables during the sweep in which the SVCREQ #45 was executed will
not be reflected on the physical outputs of the corresponding modules. Any changes to
the physical input data on the modules will not be reflected in the corresponding input
references during the sweep after the one in which the SVCREQ #45 was executed.
This function has no parameter block.
Note: This service request is provided for conversion of Series 90-30 applications. The
Suspend I/O (SUS_IO) function block, which is supported by all PACSystems
firmware versions, should be used in new applications.
Note: The DOIO Function Block is not affected by the use of SVCREQ #45. It will still
update the I/O when used in the same logic program as the SVCREQ #45.

In the following example, when the “Idle” contact passes power flow, the next Output and
Input Scan are skipped.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-49


SVC_REQ 50: Read Elapsed Time Clock

Use SVC_REQ 50 to read the system's elapsed time clock. The elapsed time clock
measures the time in seconds since the CPU was powered on.
The parameter block has a length of four words used for output only.

address Seconds from power on (low order)
address+1 Seconds from power on (high order)
address+2 nanosecond ticks (low order)
address+3 nanosecond ticks (high order)
The first two words are the elapsed time in seconds. The second two words are the
number of nanoseconds elapsed in the current second.

Example – SVC_REQ 50
When internal contact %M00223 is on, SVC_REQ with a parameter block located at
%R00301 reads the system's elapsed time clock and sets internal coil %M00224.
When contacts %M00224 and %M00225 are on, the SVC_REQ with a parameter block
located at %R00401 reads the system’s elapsed time clock again.
The subtraction function finds the difference between the first and second readings, which
have been stored in the SVC_REQ parameter blocks %R00401 and %R00301. The
subtraction ignores the fact that the DINT type is actually a signed value. The calculation
is correct until the time since power-on reaches approximately 50 years. The example
also ignores the nanoseconds field.
The difference between the two readings is placed in memory location %R00440.

9-50 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SVC_REQ 51: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep

Use SVC_REQ 51 to read the time in nanoseconds since the start of the sweep. The data
is unsigned 32-bit integer.

The parameter block is an output parameter block only; it has a length of two words.
address time (nanoseconds) since start of scan – low order
address+1 time (nanoseconds) since start of scan – high order

The elapsed time from the start of the scan is read into locations %R00200 and %R00201
if it is greater than 10,020ns, internal coil %M0200 is turned on.

GFK-2222B Chapter 9 Service Request Function 9-51

Chapter PID Function

This chapter describes the PID (Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative) function, which
is used for closed-loop process control. The PID function compares feedback from a
process variable (PV) with a desired process set point (SP) and updates a control variable
(CV) based on the error.
■ Format of the PID Function
■ Operation of the PID Function
■ Parameter Block for the PID Function
■ PID Algorithm Selection
■ Determining the Process Characteristics
■ Setting Parameters Including Tuning Loop Gains
■ Example

Format of the PID Function

The PID function uses PID loop gains and other parameters
stored in a 40-word array of 16 bit words to solve the PID
algorithm at the desired time interval. All parameters are 16 bit
integer words.
The PID function does not pass power flow if there is an error
in the configurable parameters. It can be monitored using a
temporary coil while modifying data.

GFK-2222A 10-1

Operands of the PID Function

Parameter Description Allowed Operands Optional
Address Location of the PID control block information (user and R, L, P, W No
(????) internal parameters), described on page 10-5. Uses 40 and symbolic
words that cannot be shared.
SP The control loop or process Set Point. Set using Process All except S, SA, SB, and SC No
Variable counts, the PID function adjusts the output and flow
Control Variable so that the Process Variable matches
the Set Point (zero error).
PV Process Variable input from the process being All except S, SA, SB, and SC, No
controlled, often a %AI input. constant, and flow
MAN When energized to 1 (through a contact), the PID block flow No
is in manual mode. If the PID block is on manual off, the
PID block is in automatic mode.
UP If energized along with MAN, it increases the Control flow No
Variable by 1 CV per solution.*
DN If energized along with MAN, it decreases the Control flow No
Variable by 1 CV per solution.*
CV The Control Variable output to the process, often a %AQ All except %S, constant, and No
output. flow
* Incremented (UP parameter) or decremented (DN parameter) by one per access of the PID

10-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Operation of the PID Function

Automatic Operation
The PID function can be called every sweep by providing power flow to Enable and no
power flow to Manual input contacts. The block compares the current CPU elapsed time
clock with the last PID solution time stored in the internal reference array. If the difference
is greater than the sample period defined in the third word (%Ref+2) of the reference
array, the PID algorithm is solved using the time difference. Both the last solution time and
CV output are updated. In Automatic mode, the output CV is placed in the Manual
Command parameter %Ref+13.

Manual Operation
The PID block is placed in Manual mode by providing power flow to both the Enable and
Manual input contacts. The output CV is set from the Manual Command parameter
%Ref+13. If either the UP or DN inputs have power flow, the Manual Command word is
incremented or decremented by one CV count every PID solution. For faster manual
changes of the output CV, it is also possible to add or subtract any CV count value directly
to/from the Manual Command word.
The PID block uses the CV Upper and CV Lower Clamp parameters to limit the CV
output. If a positive Minimum Slew Time is defined, it is used to limit the rate of change of
the CV output. If either the CV amplitude or rate limit is exceeded, the value stored in the
integrator is adjusted so that CV is at the limit. This anti-reset windup feature means that
even if the error tried to drive CV above (or below) the clamps for a long period of time,
the CV output will move off the clamp as soon as the error term changes sign.
This operation, with the Manual Command tracking CV in Automatic mode and setting CV
in Manual mode, provides a bumpless transfer between Automatic and Manual modes.
The CV Upper and Lower Clamps and the Minimum Slew Time still apply to the CV output
in Manual mode and the internal value stored in the integrator is updated. This means that
if you were to step the Manual Command in Manual mode, the CV output would not
change any faster that the Minimum Slew Time (Inverse) rate limit and would not go
above or below the CV Upper or CV Lower Clamp limits.

Time Interval for the PID Function

The PID will not execute more often than once every 10 milliseconds. If it is set up to
execute every sweep and the sweep is under 10 milliseconds, the PID function will
not run until enough sweeps have occurred to accumulate an elapsed time of 10
milliseconds. For example, if the sweep time is 9 milliseconds, the PID function executes
every other sweep, so the overall elapsed time between executions is 18 milliseconds. A
specific PID function should not be called more than once per sweep.
The longest possible interval between executions is 10.9 minutes. The PID function
compensates for the actual time elapsed since the last execution within 100
The PID algorithm is solved only if the current CPU elapsed time clock is at or later than
the last PID solution time plus the sample period. If the sample period is set to 0, the

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-3


function executes each time it is enabled; however, it is restricted to a minimum of 10

milliseconds as noted above.

Scaling Input and Outputs

All parameters of the PID function are 16 bit integer words for compatibility with 16 bit
analog process variables. Some parameters must be defined in either process variable
counts or units or control variable counts or units.
The set point input must be scaled over the same range as process variable, because the
PID function calculates error by subtracting these two inputs. The process variable and
control variable counts do not have to use the same scaling. Either may be -32000 or 0 to
32000 to match analog scaling, or from 0 to 10000 to display variables as 0.00% to
100.00%. If the process and control variables do not use the same scaling, scale factors
are included in the PID gains.

10-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Control Block for the PID Function

The parameter block for the PID function occupies 40 words of memory. Only the first 13
words are configurable. The remaining 27 words are used by the CPU and not
configurable. Every PID function call must use a different 40-word memory area, even if
all 13 configurable parameters are the same.
The first 13 words of the control block must be specified before executing the PID
function. Zeros can be used for most default values. Once suitable PID values have been
chosen, they can be defined as constants in a BLKMOV so they can be changed by the
program as needed.

Reference Array Parameters

The PID function reads 13 parameters and uses the rest of the 40-word reference array
for internal PID storage. Normally you would not change these values. If you call the PID
block in Auto mode after a long delay, you may want to use SVC_REQ 16 or SVC_REQ
51 to load the current CPU elapsed time clock into %Ref+23 to update the last PID
solution time to avoid a step change on the integrator. If you have set the Override low bit
of the control word (%Ref+14) to 1, the next four bits of the control word must be set to
control the PID block input contacts, and the internal SP and PV must be set because you
have taken control of the PID block away from the ladder logic.
Parameter/Description Low Bit Units Range
Address Loop Number Integer 0 to 255 (for user display
Optional number of the PID block. It provides a common only)
identification in the CPU with the loop number defined by an
operator interface device.
Address +1 Algorithm - Set by the CPU
1 = ISA algorithm
2 = independent algorithm
Address+2 Sample Period 10ms 0 (every sweep) to 65535
The shortest time, in 10ms increments, between solutions of the (10.9 Min) At least 10ms.
PID algorithm. For example, use a 10 for a 100mS sample
Address+3 Dead Band + and Dead Band – PV Counts Dead Band +: 0 to 32767
Address+4 INT values defining the upper (+) and lower (-) Dead Band limits. (never negative)
If no Dead Band is required, these values must be 0. If the PID Dead Band -: -32768 to 0
Error (SP - PV) or (PV - SP) is above the (-) value and below the (never positive)
(+) value, the PID calculations are solved with an Error of 0. If
non-zero, the (+) value must greater than 0 and the (-) value less
than 0 or the PID block will not function.
Leave these at 0 until the PID loop gains are set up or tuned. A
Dead Band might be added to avoid small CV output changes
due to variations in error.
Address+5 Proportional Gain -Kp 0.01 0 to 327.67%
(Controller gain, Kc, in the ISA version) CV%/PV%
Change in the Control Variable in CV Counts for a 100 PV Count
change in the Error term. A Kp entered as 450 is displayed as
4.50 and results in a Kp*Error/100 or 450*Error/100 contribution
to the PID Output. Kp is generally the first gain set when
adjusting a PID loop.

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-5


Parameter/Description Low Bit Units Range

Address+6 Derivative Gain-Kd 0.01 seconds 0 to 327.67 sec
Change in the Control Variable in CV Counts if the Error or PV
changes 1 PV Count every 10ms. Entered as a time with the low
bit indicating 10ms. For example, a Kd entered as 120 is
displayed as 1.20 Sec and results in a Kd * delta Error/delta time
or 120*4/3 contribution to the PID Output if Error was changing
by 4 PV Counts every 30ms. Kd can be used to speed up a slow
loop response, but is very sensitive to PV input noise. This noise
sensitivity can be reduced by using the derivative filter, which is
enabled by setting bit 5 of the Config Word (see page 10-7.)
Address+7 Integral Rate-Ki Repeat/1000 0 to 32.767 repeat/sec
Change in the Control Variable in CV Counts if the Error were a Sec
constant 1 PV Count. Displayed as 0.000 Repeats/Sec with an
implied decimal point of 3. For example, a Ki entered as 1400 is
displayed as 1.400 Repeats/Sec and results in a Ki * Error *dt or
1400 * 20 * 50/1000 contribution to PID Output for an Error of 20
PV Counts and a 50ms CPU sweep time (Sample Period of 0). Ki
is usually the second gain set after Kp.
Address+8 CV Bias/Output Offset CV Counts -32768 to 32767
Number of CV Counts added to the PID Output before the rate (add to integrator output)
and amplitude clamps. It can be used to set non-zero CV values
if only Kp Proportional gains are used, or for feed forward control
of this PID loop output from another control loop.
Address+9 CV Upper and Lower Clamps CV Counts -32768 to 32767
Address+10 Number of CV Counts that define the highest and lowest value (>%Ref+10)
for CV. These values are required. The Upper Clamp must have
a more positive value than the Lower Clamp, or the PID block will
not work. These are usually used to define limits based on
physical limits for a CV output. They are also used to scale the
Bar Graph display for CV. The block has anti-reset windup to
modify the integrator value when a CV clamp is reached.
Address+11 Minimum Slew Time Second/Full 0 (none) to 32000 sec
Minimum number of seconds for the CV output to move from 0 to Travel to move 32 CV
full travel of 100% or 32000 CV Counts. It is an inverse rate limit
on how fast the CV output can be changed.
If positive, CV cannot change more than 32000 CV Counts times
Delta Time (seconds) divided by Minimum Slew Time. For
example, if the Sample Period is 2.5 seconds and the Minimum
Slew Time is 500 seconds, CV cannot change more than
32000*2.5/500 or 160 CV Counts per PID solution. The integrator
value is adjusted if the CV rate limit is exceeded. If Minimum
Slew Time is 0, there is no CV rate limit. Set Minimum Slew Time
to 0 while tuning or adjusting PID loop gains.

10-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Parameter/Description Low Bit Units Range

Address+12 Config Word Low 6 bits Bit 0 to 2 for Error+/-,
The low 6 bits of this word are used to modify three standard PID used OutPolarity, Deriv.
settings. The other bits should be set to 0.
Bit 0: Error Term. When this bit is 0, the error term is SP - PV.
When this bit is 1, the error term is PV - SP. Setting this bit to 1
modifies the standard PID Error Term from the normal (SP – PV)
to (PV – SP), reversing the sign of the feedback term. This is for
reverse acting controls where the CV must go down when the PV
goes up.
Bit 1: Output Polarity. When this bit is 0, the CV output
represents the output of the PID calculation. When it is set to 1,
the CV output represents the negative of output of the PID
calculation. Setting this bit to 1 inverts the Output Polarity so that
CV is the negative of the PID output rather than the normal
positive value.
Bit 2: Derivative action on PV. When this bit is 0, the derivative
action is applied to the error term. When it is set to 1, the
derivative action is applied to PV.
Bit 3: Deadband action. When the Deadband action bit is 0, no
deadband action is chosen. If the error is within the deadband
limits, the error is to be zero. Otherwise the error is not affected
by the deadband limits.
If the Deadband action bit is 1, deadband action is chosen. If the
error is within the deadband limits, the error is forced to be zero.
If, however, the error is outside the deadband limits, the error is
reduced by the deadband limit (error = error – deadband limit).
Bit 4: Anti-reset windup action. When this bit is 0, the anti-reset
windup action uses a reset back calculation. When the output is
clamped, this replaces the accumulated Y remainder value with
whatever value is necessary to produce the clamped output
When the bit is 1, this replaces accumulated Y term with the
value of the Y term at the start of the calculation. In this way, the
pre-clamp Y value is held as long as the output is clamped.
Bit 5: Enable derivative filtering. When this bit is set to 0, no
filtering is applied to the derivative term.
When set to 1, a first order filter is applied. This will limit the
effects of higher frequency process disturbances on the
derivative term.
Note: These bits are set in powers of 2. For example, to set
Config Word to 0 for default PID configuration, you would
add 1 to change the Error Term from SP–PV to PV–SP, or
add 2 to change the Output Polarity from CV = PID Output
to CV = – PID Output, or add 4 to change Derivative
Action from Error rate of change to PV rate of change, etc.
Address+13 Manual Command CV Counts Tracks CV in Auto or
Set to the current CV output while the PID block is in Automatic sets CV in Manual
mode. When the block is switched to Manual mode, this value is
used to set the CV output and the internal value of the integrator
within the Upper and Lower Clamp and Slew Time limits.

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-7


Parameter/Description Low Bit Units Range

Address+14 Control Word Maintained by CPU maintained unless
If the Override bit is set to 1, the control word and the internal SP, the CPU, set.
PV and CV parameters must be used for remote operation of the unless bit 1 is Otherwise: low bit sets
PID block (see below). This allows a remote operator interface set. Override if 1.
device, such as a computer, to take control away from the PLC
Caution: If you do not want to allow remote operation of the PID
block, make sure the control word is set to 0. If the low bit is 0,
the next 4 bits can be read to track the status of the PID input
contacts as long as the PID Enable contact has power.
A discrete data structure with the first five bit positions in the
following format:
Bit: Word Value: Function: Status or External Action if Override bit is
set to 1:
0 1 Override If 0, monitor block contacts below. If 1, set them
1 2 Manual If 1, block is in Manual mode; If other numbers it
/Auto is in Automatic mode.
2 4 Enable Should normally be 1. Otherwise block is never
3 8 UP If 1 and Manual (Bit 1) is 1, CV is incremented
/Raise every solution.
4 16 DN If 1 and Manual (Bit 1) is 1, CV is incremented
/Lower every solution.

Address+15 Internal SP Set and Non-configurable

Tracks SP in. If Override = 1, must be set externally to solve the maintained by
PID algorithm using an alternate SP value (original SP value the CPU
maintained until overwritten).
Address+16 Internal CV
Tracks CV out.
Address+17 Internal PV
Tracks PV in. Must be set externally if Override bit is set to 1.
Address+18 Output
Signed word value representing the output of the function block
before the optional inversion. If no output inversion is configured
and the output polarity bit in the control word is set to 0, this value
equals the CV output. If inversion is selected and the output
polarity bit is set to 1, this value equals the negative of the CV
Address+19 Diff Term Storage
Do not write to this location.
Address+20 Int Term Storage
Address+21 Used internally for storage of intermediate values. Do not write to
these locations.
Address+22 Slew Term Storage
Do not write to this location.

10-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Parameter/Description Low Bit Units Range

Address+23 to Clock

Address+26 Y Remainder Storage

Holds remainder for integrator division scaling for 0 steady state
Address+27 SP, PV Lower and Upper Range PV Counts -32768 to 32767
Address+28 Optional INT values in PV Counts that define high and low
display values.(Address +27 must be lower than Address +28)
Address+29 Reserved
Address+30 to Previous derivative term storage.
Address 31 Used in calculations for derivative filter.
Address+32 Reserved N/A Non-configurable
to Address+39 32-34 are reserved for internal use; 35-39 are reserved for
external use. Do not use these references.

* The PID block reads 13 user parameters and uses the rest of the 40-word Reference Array for
internal PID storage. Normally you would not change any of these values. If you call the PID
block in Automatic mode after a long delay, you might want to use SVC_REQ #16 or SVC_REQ
#51 to load the current CPU elapsed time clock into Address+23 to update the last PID solution
time to avoid a step change on the integrator. If you have set the Override low bit of the Control
Word (Address+14) to 1, the next four bits of the Control Word must be set to control the PID
block input contacts, and the Internal SP and PV must be set because you have taken control
of the PID block away from the LD logic.

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-9


PID Algorithm Selection (PIDISA or PIDIND) and Gains

The PID block can be programmed selecting either the Independent (PID_IND) term or
standard ISA (PID_ISA) versions of the PID algorithm. The only difference in the
algorithms is how the Integral and Derivative gains are defined.
Both PID types calculate the Error term as SP - PV, which can be changed to Reverse
Acting mode PV - SP by setting the Error Term (low bit 0 in the Config Word %Ref+12)
to 1.
Reverse-Acting mode may be used if you want the CV output to move in the opposite
direction from PV input changes (CV down for PV up) rather than the normal CV up for PV
Error = (SP - PV) or (PV - SP) if low bit of Config Word set to 1
The Derivative is normally based on the change of the Error term since the last PID
solution, which may cause a large change in the output if the SP value is changed. If this
is not desired, the third bit of the Config Word can be set to 1 to calculate the Derivative
based on the change of the PV. The dt (or Delta Time) is determined by subtracting the
last PID solution clock time for this block from the current CPU elapsed time clock.
dt = Current CPU Elapsed Time clock - CPU Elapsed Time Clock at Last PID solution

Derivative = (Error - previous Error)/dt

or (PV - previous PV)/dt if 3rd bit of Config Word set to 1

The Independent term PID (PID_IND) algorithm calculates the output as:
PID Output = Kp * Error + Ki * Error * dt + Kd * Derivative + CV Bias
The standard ISA (PID_ISA) algorithm has a different form:
PID Output = Kc * (Error + Error * dt/Ti + Td * Derivative) + CV Bias
where Kc is the controller gain, and Ti is the Integral time and Td is the Derivative time.
The advantage of ISA is that adjusting the Kc changes the contribution for the integral and
derivative terms as well as the proportional one, which may make loop tuning easier. If
you have PID gains in terms or Ti and Td, use
Kp = Kc Ki = Kc/Ti and Kd = Kc/Td
to convert them to use as PID User Parameter inputs.
The CV Bias term above is an additive term separate from the PID components. It may be
required if you are using only Proportional Kp gain and you want the CV to be a non-zero
value when the PV equals the SP and the Error is 0. In this case, set the CV Bias to the
desired CV when the PV is at the SP. CV Bias can also be used for feed forward control
where another PID loop or control algorithm is used to adjust the CV output of this PID
If an Integral Ki gain is used, the CV Bias would normally be 0 as the integrator acts as an
automatic bias. Just start up in Manual mode and use the Manual Command word
(%Ref+13) to set the integrator to the desired CV, then switch to Automatic mode. This
also works if Ki is 0, except the integrator will not be adjusted based on the Error after
going into Automatic mode.

10-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Independent Term Algorithm (PIDIND)

The following diagram shows how the PID algorithms work:
SP Error Sign



PV Deriv Action

The ISA Algorithm (PIDISA) is similar except the Kp gain is factored out of Ki and Kd so
that the integral gain is Kp * Ki and derivative gain is Kp * Kd. The Error sign, DerivAction
and Polarity are set by bits in the Config Word user parameter.

CV Amplitude and Rate Limits

The block does not send the calculated PID Output directly to CV. Both PID algorithms
can impose amplitude and rate of change limits on the output Control Variable. The
maximum rate of change is determined by dividing the maximum 100% CV value (32767)
by the Minimum Slew Time, if specified as greater than 0. For example, if the Minimum
Slew Time is 100 seconds, the rate limit will be 320 CV counts per second. If the dt
solution time was 50 milliseconds, the new CV output can not change more than
320*50/1000 or 16 CV counts from the previous CV output.
The CV output is then compared to the CV Upper and CV Lower Clamp values. If either
limit is exceeded, the CV output is set to the clamped value. If either rate or amplitude
limits are exceeded modifying CV, the internal integrator value is adjusted to match the
limited value to avoid reset windup.
Finally, the block checks the Output Polarity (2nd bit of the Config Word %Ref+12) and
changes the sign of the output if the bit is 1.
CV = Clamped PID Output or
- Clamped PID Output if Output Polarity bit set
If the block is in Automatic mode, the final CV is placed in the Manual Command
%Ref+13. If the block is in Manual mode, the PID equation is skipped as CV is set by the
Manual Command, but all the rate and amplitude limits are still checked. That means that
the Manual Command can not change the output above the CV Upper Clamp or below the
CV Lower Clamps and the output can not change faster than the Minimum Slew Time

Sample Period and PID Block Scheduling

The PID block is a digital implementation of an analog control function, so the dt sample
time in the PID Output equation is not the infinitesimally small sample time available with
analog controls. The majority of processes being controlled can be approximated as a
gain with a first or second order lag, possibly with a pure time delay. The PID block sets a
CV output to the process and uses the process feedback PV to determine an Error to
adjust the next CV output. A key process parameter is the total time constant, which is
how fast does the PV respond when the CV is changed. As discussed in the Setting Loop
Gains section below, the total time constant, Tp+Tc, for a first order system is the time

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-11


required for PV to reach 63% of its final value when CV is stepped. The PID block will not
be able to control a process unless its Sample Period is well under half the total time
constant. Larger Sample Periods will make it unstable.
The Sample Period should be no bigger than the total time constant divided by 10 (or
down to 5 worst case). For example, if PV seems to reach about 2/3 of its final value in 2
seconds, the Sample Period should be less than 0.2 seconds, or 0.4 seconds worst case.
On the other hand, the Sample Period should not be too small, such as less than the total
time constant divided by 1000, or the Ki * Error * dt term for the PID integrator will round
down to 0. For example, a very slow process that takes 10 hours or 36000 seconds to
reach the 63% level should have a Sample Period of 40 seconds or longer.
Unless the process is very fast, it is not usually necessary to use a Sample Period of 0 to
solve the PID algorithm every PID sweep. If many PID loops are used with a Sample
Period greater than the sweep time, there may be wide variations in CPU sweep time if
many loops end up solving the algorithm at the same time. The simple solution is to
sequence a one or more 1 bits through an array of bits set to 0 that is being used to
enable power flow to individual PID blocks.

10-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Determining the Process Characteristics

The PID loop gains, Kp, Ki and Kd, are determined by the characteristics of the process
being controlled. Two key questions when setting up a PID loop are:
1. How big is the change in PV when CV is changed by a fixed amount, or what is the
open loop gain?
2. How fast does the system respond, or how quickly does PV change after the CV
output is stepped?
Many processes can be approximated by a process gain, first or second order lag and a
pure time delay. In the frequency domain, the transfer function for a first order lag system
with a pure time delay is:
PV(s)/CV(s) = G(s) = K * e **(-Tp s)/(1 + Tc s)
Plotting a step response at time t0 in the time domain provides an open loop unit reaction
CV Unit Step Output to Process PV Unit Reaction Curve Input from Process
1 K


t0 t0
Tp Tc

The following process model parameters can be determined from the PV unit reaction
K Process open loop gain = final change in PV/change in CV at time
(Note no subscript on K)
Tp Process or pipeline time delay or dead time after t0 before the
process output PV starts moving
Tc First order Process time constant, time required after Tp for PV to
reach 63.2% of the final PV

Usually the quickest way to measure these parameters is by putting the PID block in
Manual mode and making a small step in CV output, by changing the Manual Command
%Ref+13, and plotting the PV response over time. For slow processes, this can be done
manually, but for faster processes a chart recorder or computer graphic data logging
package will help. The CV step size should be large enough to cause an observable
change in PV, but not so large that it disrupts the process being measured. A good size
may be from 2 to 10% of the difference between the CV Upper and CV Lower Clamp

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-13


Setting Parameters Including Tuning Loop Gains

Because PID parameters are dependent on the process being controlled, there are no
predetermined values that will work; however, it is usually simple to find acceptable loop
1. Set all the User Parameters to 0, then set the CV Upper and CV Lower Clamps to the
highest and lowest CV expected. Set the Sample Period to the estimated process
time constant(above)/10 to 100.
2. Put block in Manual mode and set Manual Command (%Ref+13) at different values to
check if CV can be moved to Upper and Lower Clamp. Record PV value at some CV
point and load it into SP.
3. Set a small gain, such as 100 * Maximum CV/Maximum PV, into Kp and turn off
Manual mode. Step SP by 2% to 10% of the Maximum PV range and observe PV
response. Increase Kp if PV step response is too slow or reduce Kp if PV overshoots
and oscillates without reaching a steady value.
4. Once a Kp is found, start increasing Ki to get overshooting that dampens out to a
steady value in two to three cycles. This may required reducing Kp. Also try different
step sizes and CV operating points.
5. After suitable Kp and Ki gains are found, try adding Kd to get quicker responses to
input changes providing it doesn't cause oscillations. Kd is often not needed and will
not work with noisy PV.
6. Check gains over different SP operating points and add Dead Band and Minimum
Slew Time if needed. Some Reverse Acting processes may need setting Config Word
Error Sign or Polarity bits.

Setting Loop Gains Using the Ziegler and Nichols Tuning Approach
Once the three process model parameters, K, Tp and Tc, are determined, they can be
used to estimate initial PID loop gains. The following approach provides good response to
system disturbances with gains producing an amplitude ratio of 1/4. The amplitude ratio is
the ratio of the second peak over the first peak in the closed loop response.
1. Calculate the Reaction rate:
R = K/Tc
2. For Proportional control only, calculate Kp as:
Kp = 1/(R * Tp) = Tc/(K * Tp)
For Proportional and Integral control, use:
Kp = 0.9/(R * Tp) = 0.9 * Tc/(K * Tp) Ki = 0.3 * Kp/Tp
For Proportional, Integral and Derivative control, use:
Kp = G/(R * Tp) where G is from 1.2 to 2.0
Ki = 0.5 * Kp/Tp
Kd = 0.5 * Kp * Tp
3. Check that the Sample Period is in the range
(Tp + Tc)/10 to (Tp + Tc)/1000

10-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


Ideal Tuning Method

The “Ideal Tuning" procedure provides the best response to SP changes, delayed only by
the Tp process delay or dead time.
Kp = 2 * Tc/(3 * K * Tp)
Ki = Tc
Kd = Ki/4 if Derivative term is used
Once initial gains are determined, convert them to integers. Calculate the Process gain K
as a change in input PV Counts divided by the output step change in CV Counts and not
in process PV or CV engineering units. Specify all times in seconds. Once Kp, Ki and Kd
are determined, Kp and Kd can be multiplied by 100 and entered as integer while Ki can
be multiplied by 1000 and entered into the User Parameter reference array.

GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-15


The following PID example has a sample period of 100ms, a Kp gain of 4.00 and a Ki gain
of 1.500. The set point is stored in %R0001, the control variable output in %AQ0002, and
the process variable is returned in %AI0003. CV Upper and CV Lower Clamps must be
set, in this case to 20000 and 4000, and an optional small Dead Band of +5 and -5 is
included. The 40-word reference array starts in %R0100. Normally user parameters are
set in the reference array, but %M0006 can be set to reinitialize the 14 words starting at
%R0102 (%Ref+2) from constants stored in logic (a useful technique).
The block can be switched to Manual mode with %M1 so that the Manual Command,
%R113, can be adjusted. Bits %M4 or %M5 can be used to increase or decrease %R113
and the PID CV and integrator by 1 every 100ms solution. For faster manual operation,
bits %M2 and %M3 can be used to add or subtract the value in %R2 to/from %R113 every
CPU sweep. The %T1 output is on when the PID is OK.

10-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222A


GFK-2222A Chapter 10 PID Function 10-17

Chapter Structured Text


The Structured Text (ST) programming language is an IEC 61131-3 textual programming
language. It is convenient for those who have experience with high-level programming
languages, such as C. Structured text also allows greater flexibility in writing algorithms
and can be easily transferred between different types of controllers. Its compactness
allows you to view a complex algorithm on one screen.
This chapter describes how structured text is implemented in PACSystems. For
information on using the structured text editor in the programming software, refer to the
online help.
The block types Block and Parameterized Block can be programmed in ST. The _MAIN
program block can also be programmed in ST. For details on blocks, refer to chapter 6,
“Program Organization.”

Language Overview

A structured text program consists of a series of statements, which are constructed from
expressions and language keywords. A statement directs the PLC to perform a specified
action. Statements provide variable assignments, conditional evaluations, iteration, and
the ability to call built-in functions. PACSystems supports the statements described in
“Statement Types” on page 11-4.

Expressions calculate values from variables and constants. An expression can involve
operators, variables, and constants. An example of a simple expression is (x + 5).
Composite expressions can be created by nesting simpler expressions, for example,
(a + b) * (c + d) – 3 ** 4.

GFK-2222B 11-1

The table below lists the operators that you can use within an expression. They
are listed according to their evaluation precedence, which determines the
sequence in which they are executed within the expression. The operator with
the highest precedence is applied first, followed by the operator with the next
highest precedence. Operators of equal precedence are evaluated left to right.
Operators in the same group, for example + and -, have the same precedence
Any address operators used in LD can be used on ST operands. Address
operators have precedence over the ST language operators. Address operators
include indirect addressing (for example, @Var1), array indexing (for example,
Var1[3]), bit within word addressing (for example, Var1.X[3]), and structure
fields (for example, Var1.field1).
Precedence Operator Operand Types Description
Group 1 (Highest) (…) Parenthesized expression
Group 2 - INT, DINT, REAL Negation
NOT BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD Boolean complement
1 3, 5
Group 3 **,^ INT, DINT, UINT, REAL Exponentiation
Group 4 * INT, DINT, UINT, REAL Multiplication
2, 3
/ INT, DINT, UINT, REAL Division
MOD INT, DINT, UINT Modulus operation
Group 5 + INT, DINT, UINT, REAL Addition
- INT, UINT, DINT, REAL Subtraction
Group 6 <, >, <=, >= INT, DINT, UINT, REAL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD Comparison
Group 7 = ANY Equality
<>, != ANY Inequality
Group 8 AND, & BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD Boolean AND
Group 9 XOR BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD Boolean exclusive OR
Group 10 (Lowest) OR BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD Boolean OR
The result of an expression using the ** operator shall be type REAL. The base shall be type REAL.
The power can be type INT, DINT, UINT, or REAL.
The CPU flags a divide by 0 error as an application fault.
Use of math operators can cause overflow or underflow. Overflow results are truncated.
Operators that can take operands of type ANY can be used with any of the supported elementary data
types. The only data types supported are: BOOL, INT, DINT, UINT, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, and REAL.
STRING and TIME data types are not supported.
If either operand is positive or negative infinity, the result is undefined.

Operand Types
Type casting is not supported. To convert a type, the logic needs to use one of the built-in
conversion functions. Use of built-in functions is described in “Function Call” on
page 11-6.
For untyped operators (+, *, …), the types of the operands must match.

11-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Structured Text Syntax

The syntax of the ST implementation for PACSystems follows the IEC 61131-3 standard.
■ Structured Text statements must end in a semi-colon (;).
■ Structured Text variables must be declared in the variable list for the target.
These symbols have the following functions.
:= assigns an expression to a variable
; required to designate the end of a statement
[ ] used for array indexing where the array index is an integer. For example, this sets
the third element of an array to the value j+10: intarray[3]: = j + 10;
(* *) designates a comment. These comments can span multiple lines. For example,
(*This comment spans
multiple lines.*)
// or ‘ designates a single line comment. For example,
c :=a+b; //This is a single line comment.
c :=a+b; ‘This is a single line comment.

GFK-2222B Chapter 11 Structured Text 11-3


Statement Types
The Structured Text statements, which specify the actual program execution, consist of
the following types.
Statement Type Description Example
Assignment Sets an object to a specified value. A := 1; B := A; C := A + B;
Function call Calls a function for execution. FbInst(IN1 := 1, OUT1 => A);
RETURN Causes the program to return from a subroutine. The return RETURN;
statement provides an early exit from a block.
EXIT Terminates iterations before the terminal condition becomes EXIT;
TRUE (1).
IF Specifies that one or more statements be executed IF (A < B) THEN
conditionally. C := 4;
C:= 5;
C := 6;
WHILE Indicates that a statement sequence be executed repeatedly WHILE J <= 100 DO
until a Boolean expression evaluates to FALSE (0). J := J + 2;
REPEAT Indicates that a statement sequence be executed repeatedly REPEAT
until a Boolean expression evaluates to TRUE (1). J := J + 2;
UNTIL J => 100
Empty Statement ;

11-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Assignment Statement
The assignment statement replaces the value of a variable with the result of evaluating an
expression (of the same data type).
■ Assignment statements can affect transition bits.
■ Assignment statements take override bits into account.

Variable := Expression;

Variable is a simple variable, array element, etc.
Expression is a single value, expression, or complex expression.

Boolean assignment statements:
VarBool1 := 1;
VarBool2 := (val <= 75);
Array element assignment:
Array_1[13] := (RealA /RealB)* PI;

GFK-2222B Chapter 11 Structured Text 11-5


Function Call
The structured text function call executes a predefined algorithm that performs a
mathematical, bit string or other operation. The function call consists of the name of the
function or block followed by required input or output parameters.
The structured text logic can call blocks or the PACSystems built-in functions listed in the
table below. The call must be made in a single statement and cannot be part of a nested
expression. For details on PACSystems built-in functions, refer to “Instruction Set
Reference,” chapter 8
Calls to some functions, such as communications request (COMM_REQ), require a
command block or parameter block. For these functions, an array is declared, initialized in
logic, and then passed as a parameter to the function.

Built-in Functions Supported for ST Calls

Note: Only the functions listed in the following table are supported in the current
PACSystems version. Other built-in functions are not supported.
Data Move COMM_REQ,

Block Types Supported for ST Calls

An ST block can call blocks of type Block or Parameterized Block. An ST block cannot
call user defined function blocks. This means that you cannot create an ST function block,
or call an LD function block or LD parameterized block that requires a function block input.
You cannot create an ST Parameterized Block that has a function block as an input

11-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Formal Calls vs. Informal Calls

PACSystems supports formal and informal calls in ST.
Formal Calls Informal Calls
Input parameter assignments use the ‘:=’ notation while Input and output parameters are listed in parentheses.
output assignments use the ‘=>’ notation.
Optional parameters can be omitted. Parameters cannot be omitted.
Parameters can be in any order. Parameters must be in the correct order as follows:
Instance location (if required)
Length parameter (if required)
Outputs, starting with the last output parameter.
The ENO parameter is specified in a formal function or The ENO parameter is not specified in an informal function
block call. or block call.
All built-in functions and user-defined blocks have an
optional ENO output parameter indicating the success of
the function or block. Either ENO or Y0 can be used as
this output parameter name.

Format of Formal Function Call

FunctionName(IN1 := inparam1, IN2 := inparam2, OUT1 => outparam1, ENO =>

Format of Informal Function Call

FunctionName(inparam1, inparam2, outparam1);

This code fragment shows the TAN function call.
Result := TAN( AnyReal, Result );

RETURN Statement
The return statement provides an early exit from a block. For example, in the following
lines of code the third line will never execute. The variable a will have the value 4.
a := 4;


a := 5;

GFK-2222B Chapter 11 Structured Text 11-7


IF Statement
The IF construct offers conditional execution of a statement list. The condition is
determined by result of a Boolean expression. The IF construct includes two optional
parts, ELSE and ELSIF, that provide conditional execution of alternate statement list(s).
One ELSE and any number of ELSIF sections are allowed per IF construct.

IF BooleanExpression1 THEN
[ELSIF BooleanExpression2 THEN (*Optional*)
[ELSE (*Optional*)

BooleanExpression Any expression that resolves to a Boolean value.
StatementList Any set of structured text statements.
Note: Either ELSIF or ELSEIF can be used for the else if clause in an IF statement.

The following sequence of evaluation occurs if both optional parts are present:
■ If BooleanExpression1 is TRUE (1), StatementList1 is executed. Program execution
continues with the statement following the END_IF keyword.
■ If BooleanExpression1 is FALSE (0) and BooleanExpression2 is TRUE (1),
StatmentList2 is executed. Program execution continues with the statement following
the END_IF keyword.
■ If both Boolean expressions are FALSE (0), StatmentList3 is executed. Program
execution continues with the statement following the END_IF keyword.
If an optional part is not present, program execution continues with the statement
following the END_IF keyword.

The following code fragment puts text into the variable Status, depending on the value of
I/O point input value.
IF Input01 < 10.0 THEN
Status := 'Low_Limit_Warning';
ELSIF Input02 > 90.0 THEN
Status := 'Upper_Limit_Warning';
Status := 'Limits_OK';

11-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


WHILE Statement
The WHILE loop repeatedly executes (iterates) a statement list contained within the
WHILE…END_WHILE construct as long as a specified condition is TRUE (1). It checks
the condition first, then conditionally executes the statement list. This looping construct is
useful when the statement list does not necessarily need to be executed.

WHILE <BooleanExpression> DO

BooleanExpression Any expression that resolves to a Boolean value.
StatementList Any set of Structured Text statements.

If BooleanExpression is FALSE (0), the loop is immediately exited; otherwise, if the
BooleanExpression is TRUE (1), the StatementList is executed and the loop repeated.
The statement list may never execute, since the Boolean expression is evaluated at the
beginning of the loop.
Note: It is possible to create an infinite loop that will cause the watchdog timer to expire.
Avoid infinite loops.

The following code fragment increments J by a value of 2 as long as J is less than or
equal to 100.
WHILE J <= 100 DO
J := J + 2;

GFK-2222B Chapter 11 Structured Text 11-9


REPEAT Statement
The REPEAT loop repeatedly executes (iterates) a statement list contained within the
REPEAT…END_REPEAT construct until an exit condition is satisfied. It executes the
statement list first, then checks for the exit condition. This looping construct is useful when
the statement list needs to be executed at least once.

UNTIL BooleanExpression END_REPEAT;

BooleanExpression Any expression that resolves to a Boolean value.
StatementList Any set of Structured Text statements.

The StatementList is executed. If the BooleanExpression is FALSE (0), then the loop is
repeated; otherwise, if the BooleanExpression is TRUE (1), the loop is exited. The
statement list executes at least once, since the BooleanExpression is evaluated at the end
of the loop.
Note: It is possible to create an infinite loop that will cause the watchdog timer to expire.
Avoid infinite loops.

The following code fragment reads values from an array until a value greater than 5.0 is
found (or the upper bound of the array is reached). Since at least one array value must be
read, the REPEAT loop is used.
Index :=1

Value:= @Index;
UNTIL Value > 5.0 OR Index >= UpperBound END_REPEAT;

11-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Exit Statement
The EXIT statement is used to terminate and exit from a loop (WHILE, REPEAT) before it
would otherwise terminate. Program execution resumes with the statement following the
loop terminator (END_WHILE, END_REPEAT). An EXIT statement is typically used within
an IF statement.


ConditionForExiting An expression that determines whether to terminate early.

The following code fragment shows the operation of the EXIT statement. When the
variable number equals 10, the WHILE loop is exited and execution continues with the
statement immediately following END_WHILE.
while (1) do

a := a + 1;

IF (a = 10) THEN




GFK-2222B Chapter 11 Structured Text 11-11

Chapter Communications


This chapter describes the Ethernet and Serial communications features of the
PACSystems CPU. The following information is included:
Ethernet Communications 12-2
Ethernet Port Pin Assignments 12-2
Serial Communications 12-3
Serial Port Communications Capabilities 12-3
Serial Port Pin Assignments 12-4
Serial Port Baud Rates 12-7
Series 90-70 Communications and Intelligent Option Modules (RX7i only) 12-8
Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM) 12-8
Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM) 12-9
DLAN/DLAN+ (Drives Local Area Network) Interface 12-10

GFK-2222B 12-1

Ethernet Communications
For details on Ethernet communications for PACSystems, please refer to the following
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems User’s Guide, GFK-2224
PACSystems TCP/IP Communications Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225

Embedded Ethernet Interface

RX7i CPUs have an embedded Ethernet interface that provides TCP/IP
communications with other control systems and programming software. These
communications use the proprietary SRTP protocol over a four-layer TCP/IP (Internet)
stack. The Ethernet interface also supports Ethernet Global Data protocol using UDP
(user datagram protocol).
The embedded Ethernet interface has two RJ-45 Ethernet ports. Either or both of
these ports may be attached to other Ethernet devices. Each port automatically
senses the data rate (10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex (half duplex or full duplex), and
cabling arrangement (straight through or crossover) of the attached link.

The two ports on the Ethernet Interface must not be connected,
directly or indirectly to the same device. The hub or switch
connections in an Ethernet network must form a tree, otherwise
duplication of packets may result.

10Base-T/100Base-Tx Port Pin Assignments

Pin Number Signal Description
1 TD+ Transmit Data +
2 TD- Transmit Data -
3 RD+ Receive Data +
4 NC No connection
5 NC No connection
6 RD- Receive Data -
7 NC No connection
8 NC No connection

Ethernet Interface Modules

The RX7i and RX3i support rack-based Ethernet Interface modules. (These modules
are not interchangeable.) For details about the capabilities, installation, and operation
of the Ethernet Interface modules, refer to TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for
PACSystems, GFK-2224 and Station Manager for PACSystems, GFK-2225.
Type Catalog Number Description
RX7i IC698ETM001 Ethernet peripheral VME module
RX3i IC695ETM001 Ethernet peripheral PCI module

12-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Serial Communications
The CPU’s independent on-board serial ports are accessed by connectors on the front
of the module. Ports 1 and 2 provide serial interfaces to external devices. Port 1 is
also used for firmware upgrades. The RX7i CPUs provide a third serial port that is
used as the Ethernet station manager port. All serial ports are isolated.

Serial Port Communications Capabilities

Ports 1 and 2 can each be configured for one of the following modes. For details on
CPU configuration, refer to chapter 3.
■ RTU Slave – The port can be used for the Modbus RTU slave protocol. This mode
also permits connection to the port by an SNP master, such as the Winloader
utility or the programming software. For details, refer to chapter13, “Serial I/O,
RTU and SNP Protocols.”
■ Message Mode – The port is available for access by user logic. This enables C
language blocks to perform serial port I/O operations via C Runtime Library
■ Available – The port is not to be used by the CPU firmware.
■ SNP Slave – The port can only be used for the SNP slave protocol. For details,
refer to chapter 13, “Serial I/O, RTU and SNP Protocols.”
■ Serial I/O – The port can be used for general-purpose serial communication
through use of COMMREQ functions. For details, refer to chapter 13, “Serial I/O,
RTU and SNP Protocols.”

Features Supported
Feature Port 1 Port 2 Port 3
(Com 1) (Com 2) (Station Mgr)
RX7i only
RTU Slave protocol Yes Yes No
SNP Slave Yes Yes No
Serial I/O Yes Yes No
Firmware Upgrade CPU in STOP/No IO mode No No
(Winloader utility)
Message Mode Yes Yes No
(C Runtime Library Functions:
serial read, serial write,
sscanf, sprintf)
Station Manager (RX7i only) No No Yes
RS-232 Yes No Yes
RS-485 No Yes No

GFK-2222B Chapter 12 Communications 12-3


Configurable Stop Mode Protocols

You can configure the protocol to be used in Stop mode, based upon the configured
Port (Run mode) protocol. The Run/Stop protocol switching is independently
configured for each serial port.
The Run mode protocol setting determines which choices are available for Stop
mode. If a Stop mode protocol is not selected, the default Stop mode protocol is used.
For details, refer to “Port 1 and Port 2 Parameters” in chapter 3.

Serial Port Pin Assignments

Port 1
Port 1 is RS-232 compatible and optocoupler isolated. It has a 9-pin, female, D-sub
connector with a standard pin out. This is a DCE (data communications equipment)
port that allows a simple straight-through cable to connect with a standard AT-style
RS-232 port.

Port 1 RS-232 Signals

Pin Number Signal Name Description
1* NC No Connection
2 TXD Transmit Data
3 RXD Receive Data
4 DSR Data Set Ready
5 0V Signal Ground
6 DTR Data Terminal Ready
7 CTS Clear To Send
8 RTS Request to Send
9 NC No Connection
* Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the front of the module.

12-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Port 2
Port 2 is RS-485 compatible and optocoupler isolated. Port 2 has a 15-pin, female D-
sub connector. This port does not support the RS-485 to RS-232 adapter
(IC690ACC901). This is a DCE port.

Port 2 RS-485 Signals – RX7i CPUs

This port does not supply +5V volts, therefore RS-485 to RS-232 conversion requires
a converter that is self-powered.
Pin No. Signal Name Description
1* Shield Cable Shield
2 NC No Connection
3 NC No Connection
4 NC No Connection
5 NC No Connection
6 RTS(A) Differential Request to Send
7 0V Signal Ground
8 CTS(B‘) Differential Clear To Send
9 RT Resistor Termination
10 RD(A‘) Differential Receive Data
11 RD(B‘) Differential Receive Data
12 SD(A) Differential Send Data
13 SD(B) Differential Send Data
14 RTS(B’) Differential Request To Send
15 CTS(A’) Differential Clear To Send
* Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the front of the module.

Port 2 RS-485 Signals – RX3i CPU

Pin No. Signal Name Description
1* Shield Cable Shield
2 NC No Connection
3 NC No Connection
4 NC No Connection
5 +5VDC Logic Power**
6 RTS(A) Differential Request to Send
7 0V Signal Ground
8 CTS(B‘) Differential Clear To Send
9 RT Resistor Termination
10 RD(A‘) Differential Receive Data
11 RD(B‘) Differential Receive Data
12 SD(A) Differential Send Data
13 SD(B) Differential Send Data
14 RTS(B’) Differential Request To Send
15 CTS(A’) Differential Clear To Send
* Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the front of the module.
** Pin 5 provides isolated +5VDC power (300mA maximum) for powering external options.

GFK-2222B Chapter 12 Communications 12-5


Port 3 (RX7i only)

Port 3, the station manager port, is RS-232 compatible and isolated. Port 3 has a
9-pin, female, D-connector. This is a DCE port that allows a simple straight-through
cable to connect with a standard AT-style RS-232 port. This port contains full use of
the standard RS-232 signals for future use with point-to-point protocol (PPP).

Station Manager RS-232 Signals

Pin Number Signal Name Description
1* DCD Data Carrier Detect
2 TXD Transmit Data
3 RXD Receive Data
4 DSR Data Set Ready
5 0V Signal Ground
6 DTR Data Terminal Ready
7 CTS Clear To Send
8 RTS Request to Send
9 RI Ring Indicator
* Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the front of the module.

12-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Serial Cable Lengths and Shielding

The connection from a CPU serial port to the serial port on a computer or other serial
device requires a serial cable. This connection can be made with the IC690ACC901
cable kit or you may build cables to fit the needs of your particular application.
Maximum cable lengths (the total number of feet from the CPU to the last device
attached to the serial cable) are:
Port 1 (RS-232) = 15 meters (50 ft.) – shielded cable optional
Port 2 (RS-485) = 1200 meters (4000 ft.) – shielded cable required
Port 3 (RS-232) = 15 meters (50 ft.) – shielded cable optional

Serial Port Baud Rates

Protocol Port 1 Port 2 Station Mgr (Port 3)
(RS-232) (RS-485) (RS-232)
RTU protocol 1200, 2400, 4800, 1200, 2400, 4800, not supported
9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K 57.6K, 115.2K
Firmware 1200, 2400, 4800, Not supported not supported
Upgrade via 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
WinLoader 57.6K, 115.2K
Message Mode 1200, 2400, 4800, 1200, 2400, 4800, not supported
9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K 57.6K, 115.2K
SNP Slave 1200, 2400, 4800, 1200, 2400, 4800, not supported
9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K 57.6K, 115.2K
Serial I/O 1200, 2400, 4800, 1200, 2400, 4800, not supported
9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K 57.6K, 115.2K

GFK-2222B Chapter 12 Communications 12-7


Series 90-70 Communications and Intelligent Option Modules

PACSystems RX7i supports the following Series 90-70 communications and
intelligent option modules:
 Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM), IC697CMM711
 Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM), IC697PCM711
 DLAN Interface Module, IC697BEM763

Communications Coprocessor Module (CMM)

PACSystems RX7i CPUs with versions 1.50 and higher support IC697CMM711
modules with firmware versions 4.20 and higher. You must ensure that you are using
a valid version of the CMM firmware because the CPU cannot check the CMM’s
firmware version. (The module’s firmware version can be found on a label attached to
the EEPROM.)
PACSystems does not support the following with an IC697CMM711:
 Access to Symbolic variables
 Connecting the programming software to the CPU through the CMM’s serial ports.
 Permanent datagrams.
The following restrictions apply when using the IC697CMM711 with PACSystems:
 Access to %W references is partially supported. Only offsets 0—65535 of %W
can be accessed via the CMM.
 The Program Name is currently always LDPROG1 for PACSystems.
 Reads and writes beyond currently configured reference table limits will report a
minor code error of 90 (REF_OUT_OF_RANGE) instead of F4
(INVALID_PARAMETER) as reported on the Series 90-70.
 In case of ERROR NACK, the Control Program number, privilege level and other
piggyback status data will be set to 0.
 PACSystems CPUs return the major/minor type of the 90-70 CPX935 (major type
12, minor type 35) to the CMM scratch pad memory when communicating with a
 Control Program Number will be returned as 01 in PACSystems instead of FF as
reported on the Series 90-70.
 If your RX7i application program needs to access the dual port memory of a
CMM, use the BUS READ and WRITE functions. When accessing the CMM, set
the Region parameter on the function block to 1. (For the CMM, region 1 is
predefined to be the module's entire dual port memory.)
Note: For details on operation of the IC697CMM711, refer to the Serial
Communications for PACSystems and Series 90 User’s Manual, GFK-0582.

12-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Programmable Coprocessor Module (PCM)

PACSystems RX7i CPUs with versions 1.50 and higher support
IC697PCM711modules with firmware versions 4.05 and higher. You must ensure that
you are using a valid version of the PCM firmware because the CPU cannot check the
PCM’s firmware version. (The module’s firmware version can be found on a label
attached to the EEPROM.)
PACSystems does not support the following with an IC697PCM711:
 Connecting the programming software to the CPU through the PCM’s serial ports.
 Access to Symbolic variables.
 The following C functions are not supported:
 The C function write_dev will not write to “read only” references (%S references,
transition bits, and override bits). If this is attempted, the call will fail at run time
and return an error code.
The following restrictions apply when using the IC697PCM711 with PACSystems:
 Access to %W references is partially supported. Only offsets 0—65535 of %W
can be accessed via the PCM.
 The Program Name is currently always LDPROG1 for PACSystems.
 In case of ERROR NACK, the Control Program number, privilege level and other
piggyback status data will be set to 0.
 If an application program running on the PCM accesses the VME bus, the VME
addresses being used by that program must be in agreement with the
PACSystems RX7i VME address assignments. The PACSystems RX7i VME
address assignments are described in the PACSystems RX7i User’s Guide to
Integration of VME Modules, GFK-2235.
 PACSystems CPUs return the major/minor type of the Series 90-70 CPX935
(major type 12, minor type 35) to the PCM scratch pad memory when
communicating with a PCM.
 If your RX7i application program needs to access the PCM’s dual port memory,
use the BUS READ and WRITE functions. When accessing the PCM, set the
Region parameter on the function block to 1. (For the PCM, region 1 is predefined
to be the module's entire dual port memory.)
Note: For details on operation of the IC697PCM711, refer to Programmable
Coprocessor Module and Support Software, GFK-0255.

GFK-2222B Chapter 12 Communications 12-9


DLAN/DLAN+ (Drives Local Area Network) Interface

PACSystems RX7i CPUs with versions 1.50 and higher support IC697BEM763
modules with firmware versions 3.00 and higher. You must ensure that you are using
a valid version of the PCM firmware because the CPU cannot check the DLAN’s
firmware version. (The module’s firmware version can be found on a label attached to
the EEPROM.)
If your RX7i application program needs to access the DLAN’s dual port memory, use
the BUS READ and WRITE functions. When accessing a DLAN module, set the
Region parameter on the function block to 1. (For the DLAN module, region 1 is
predefined to be the module's entire dual port memory.)
Note: The DLAN Interface module is a specialty module with limited availability. If
you have a DLAN system, refer to the DLAN/DLAN+ Interface Module User’s
Manual, GFK-0729 for details.

12-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Chapter Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols


This chapter describes the Serial I/O feature, which can be used to control the read/write
activities of CPU serial ports 1 and 2 directly from the application program.
This chapter also contains instructions for using COMM_REQs to configure the CPU serial
ports for SNP, RTU, or Serial I/O protocol.
■ Configuring Serial Ports Using the COMM_REQ Function
 RTU Slave/SNP Slave Operation with a Programmer Attached
 COMM_REQ Command Block for Configuring SNP Protocol
 COMM_REQ Data Block for Configuring RTU Protocol
 COMM_REQ Data Block for Configuring Serial I/O
■ Serial I/O COMM_REQ Commands
 Initialize Port
 Set Up Input Buffer
 Flush Input Buffer
 Read Port Status
 Write Port Control
 Cancel Operation
 Write Bytes
 Read Bytes
 Read String
■ RTU Slave Protocol
■ SNP Slave Protocol
Details of the RTU and SNP protocol are described in the Serial Communications User’s
Manual (GFK-0582).

GFK-2222B 13-1

Configuring Serial Ports Using the COMM_REQ Function

Serial I/O is implemented through the use of Communication Request (COMM_REQ)
functions. The operations of the protocol, such as transmitting a character through the serial
port or waiting for an input character, are implemented through the COMM_REQ function

The COMM_REQ requires that all its command data be placed in the correct order (in a
command block) in the CPU memory before it is executed. The COMM_REQ should be
executed by a contact of a one-shot coil to prevent sending the data multiple times. For
details on the operands and command block format used by the COMM_REQ function, refer
to chapter 8, “”Instruction Set Reference.”
The COMM_REQ uses the following TASKs to specify the port for which the operation is
task 19 for port 1
task 20 for port 2
Note: Because address offsets are stored in a 16-bit word field, the full range of %W
memory type cannot be used with COMM_REQs.

COMM_REQ Function Example

In the example, when %M0021 is ON, a Command Block located starting at %R0032 is sent
to port 2 (communications task 20) of the CPU (rack 0, slot 0). If an error occurs processing
the COMM_REQ, %Q0110 is set.

If a port configuration COMM_REQ is sent to a serial port that currently has an SNP master
(for example, the programmer) connected to it, the COMM_REQ function returns an error
code to the COMM_REQ status word.

13-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sending Another COMM_REQ to the Same Port

After sending a COMM_REQ to configure a serial port, the application program should
monitor the COMM_REQ status word to determine when it can begin sending protocol
specific COMM_REQs to that port. It is recommended that the application clear the
COMM_REQ status word prior to issuing the configuration change. The status word will be
set to a nonzero value when the request has been processed.

Invalid Port Configuration Combinations

For the RX3i CPU, the ME programming software safeguards against the download of
hardware configurations that would prevent the programmer from communicating serially
with the CPU. This is done because the Ethernet module for the RX3i may not be present
or may be removed, in which case a serial connection is required for programmer
communications. For the RX7i CPU, the Ethernet port is present on the CPU module, so
Ethernet is always available for programmer communications.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-3


COMM_REQ Command Block Parameter Values

The following table lists common parameter values that are used within the COMM_REQ
command blocks for configuring a serial port. All values are in decimal.
Parameter Values
Protocol Selector 1 = SNP
3 = RTU
5 = Serial I/O
7 = Message Mode
Data Rate 0 = 300
1 = 600
2 = 1200
3 = 2400
4 = 4800
5 = 9600
6 = 19200
7 = 38400
8 = 57600
9 = 115200
Parity 0 = None
1 = Odd
2 = Even
Flow Control 0 = Hardware [RTS / CTS]
1 = None
2 = Software [XON / XOFF] (Serial I/O only)
Bits Per Character 0 = 7 bits
1 = 8 bits
Stop Bits 0 = 1 stop bit
1 = 2 stop bits
Duplex Mode 0 = 2-wire
1 = 4-wire
2 = 4-wire transmitter always on
Turnaround Delay (SNP only) 0 = none
1 = 10 ms
2 = 100 ms
3 = 500 ms
Timeout (SNP only) 0 = Long (8 sec)
1 = Medium (2 sec)
2 = Short (500 ms)
3 = “None” (200 ms)

13-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sample COMM_REQ Command Blocks

The following COMM_REQ command blocks provide examples for configuring the various
protocols. All values are in decimal unless followed by an H indicating hexadecimal.
Note that an example is not provided for Message Mode, but it can be setup with a
command block similar to the one for Serial I/O, with a value of 7 for the protocol selector.

Example COMM_REQ Command Block for Configuring SNP Protocol

Values Meaning
Address 16 Data Block Length
Address + 1 0 = No Wait (WAIT mode not supported) WAIT/NOWAIT Flag
Address + 2 0008 = %R, register memory Status Word Pointer Memory
Address + 3 Zero-based number that gives the address of the COMM_REQ Status Word Pointer Offset
status word (for example, a value of 99 gives an address of 100
for the status word)
Address + 4 not used Idle Timeout Value
Address + 5 not used Maximum Communication Time
Address + 6 FFF0H Command Word (serial port
Address + 7 1 = SNP Protocol
Address + 8 0 = Slave Port Mode
Address + 9 See “COMM_REQ Command Block Parameter Values” on page Data Rate
Address + 10 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even Parity
Address + 11 not used (SNP always chooses NONE by default) Flow Control
Address + 12 0 = None, 1 = 10ms, 2 = 100ms, 3 = 500ms Turnaround Delay
Address + 13 0 = Long, 1 = Medium, 2 = Short, 3 = None Timeout
Address + 14 not used (SNP always chooses 8 bits by default) Bits Per Character
Address + 15 0 = 1 Stop Bit, 1 = 2 Stop bits Stop Bits
Address + 16 not used Interface
Address + 17 not used (SNP always chooses 4-wire mode by default) Duplex Mode
Address + 18 user-provided* Device identifier bytes 1 and 2
Address + 19 user-provided* Device identifier bytes 3 and 4
Address + 20 user-provided* Device identifier bytes 5 and 6
Address + 21 user-provided* Device identifier bytes 7 and 8
* The device identifier for SNP Slave ports is packed into words with the least significant
character in the least significant byte of the word. For example, if the first two characters
are “A” and “B,” the Address + 18 will contain the hex value 4241.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-5


Example COMM_REQ Data Block for Configuring RTU Protocol

Values Meaning
Address 13 Data Block Length
Address + 1 0 = No Wait (WAIT mode not supported) WAIT/NOWAIT Flag
Address + 2 0008 = %R, register memory Status Word Pointer Memory Type
Address + 3 Zero-based number that gives the address of the COMM_REQ Status Word Pointer Offset
status word (for example, a value of 99 gives an address of 100
for the status word)
Address + 4 not used Idle Timeout Value
Address + 5 not used Maximum Communication Time
Address + 6 FFF0H Command Word (serial port setup)
Address + 7 3 = RTU Protocol
Address + 8 0 = Slave Port Mode
Address + 9 See “COMM_REQ Command Block Parameter Values” on Data Rate
page 13-4.
Address + 10 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even Parity
Address + 11 0 = Hardware, 1 = None Flow Control
Address + 12 not used Turnaround delay
Address + 13 not used Timeout
Address + 14 not used (RTU always chooses 8 bits by default) Bits per Character
Address + 15 not used (RTU always chooses 1 stop bit by default) Stop Bits
Address + 16 not used Interface
Address + 17 0 = 2-wire, 1 = 4-wire, 2 = 4-wire transmitter always on Duplex Mode
Address + 18 Station Address (1-247) Device Identifier

13-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example COMM_REQ Data Block for Configuring Serial I/O Protocol

Values Meaning
Address 12 Data Block Length
Address + 1 0 = No Wait (WAIT mode not supported) WAIT/NOWAIT Flag
Address + 2 0008 = %R, register memory Status Word Pointer Memory
Address + 3 Zero-based number that gives the address of the COMM_REQ Status Word Pointer Offset
status word (for example, a value of 99 gives an address of 100
for the status word)
Address + 4 not used Idle Timeout Value
Address + 5 not used Maximum Communication Time
Address + 6 FFF0H Command Word (serial port
Address + 7 5 = Serial I/O Protocol
Address + 8 not used Port Mode
Address + 9 See “COMM_REQ Command Block Parameter Values” on Data Rate
page 13-4.
Address + 10 0 = None, 1 = Odd, 2 = Even Parity
Address + 11 0 = Hardware, 1 = None, 2 = Software Flow Control
Address + 12 not used Turnaround Delay
Address + 13 not used Timeout
Address + 14 0=7 bits, 1=8 bits Bits per Character
Address + 15 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 2 stop bits Stop Bits
Address + 16 not used Interface
Address + 17 0 = 2-wire, 1 = 4-wire, 2 = 4-wire transmitter always on Duplex Mode

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-7


Calling Serial I/O COMM_REQs from the CPU Sweep

Implementing a serial protocol using Serial I/O COMM_REQs may be restricted by the
sweep time. For example, if the protocol requires that a reply to a certain message from the
remote device be initiated within 5 ms of receiving the message, this method may not be
successful if the sweep time is 5 ms or longer, since timely response is not guaranteed.
Serial I/O protocol is only active when the CPU is in run mode, since it is completely driven
by COMM_REQ functions in the application program. When the CPU is stopped, a port
configured for Serial I/O will revert to a stop mode protocol. By specifying the stop mode in
the port settings of the CPU configuration, the stop mode protocol can be set to either RTU
slave or SNP slave; the default is RTU slave.

The COMM_REQ function blocks supported by Serial I/O are not supported by other
currently existing protocols (such as SNP slave and RTU slave). Errors are returned if they
are attempted for a port configured for one of those protocols.

13-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Status Word for Serial I/O COMM_REQs

A value of 1 is returned in the COMM_REQ status word upon successful completion of the
COMM_REQ. Any other value returned is an error code where the low byte is a major error
code and the high byte is a minor error code.
Major Error Description
1 (01h) Successful Completion (this is the expected completion value in the COMM_REQ status word).
12 (0Ch) Local error —Error processing a local command. The minor error code identifies the specific error.
2 (02h) COMM_REQ command is not supported.
6 (06h) Invalid PLC memory type specified.
7 (07h) Invalid PLC memory offset specified.
8 (08h) Unable to access PLC memory.
12 (0Ch) COMM_REQ data block length too small.
14 (0Eh) COMM_REQ data is invalid.
15 (0Fh) Could not allocate system resources to complete COMM_REQ.
13 (0Dh) Remote error — Error processing a remote command. The minor error code identifies the error.
2 (02h) Number of bytes requested to read is greater than input buffer size OR number bytes requested
to write is zero or greater than 250 bytes.
3 (03h) COMM_REQ data block length is too small. String data is missing or incomplete.
4 (04h) Receive timeout awaiting serial reception of data
6 (06h) Invalid PLC memory type specified.
7 (07h) Invalid PLC memory offset specified.
8 (08h) Unable to access PLC memory.
12 (0Ch) COMM_REQ data block length too small.
16 (10h) Operating system service error. The operating system service used to perform the request has
returned an error.
17 (11h) Port device error. The port device used to perform the service has detected an error.
18 (12h) Request cancelled. The request was terminated before it could complete.
48 (30h) Serial output timeout. The serial port was unable to transmit the string. (Could be due to missing
CTS signal when the serial port is configured to use hardware flow control.)
14 (0Eh) Autodial Error — An error occurred while attempting to send a command string to an attached external modem.
The minor error code identifies the specific error.
2 (02h) The modem command string length exceeds end of reference memory type.
3 (03h) COMM_REQ Data Block Length too small. Output command string data missing or incomplete.
4 (04h) Serial output timeout. The serial port was unable to transmit the modem autodial output.
5 (05h) Response was not received from modem. Check modem and cable.
6 (06h) Modem responded with BUSY. Modem is unable to complete the requested connection. The
remote modem is already in use; retry the connection request later.
7 (07h) Modem responded with NO CARRIER. Modem is unable to complete the requested connection.
Check the local and remote modems and the telephone line.
8 (08h) Modem responded with NO DIALTONE. Modem is unable to complete the requested connection.
Check the modem connections and the telephone line.
9 (09h) Modem responded with ERROR. Modem is unable to complete the requested command. Check
the modem command string and modem.
10 (0Ah) Modem responded with RING, indicating that the modem is being called by another modem.
Modem is unable to complete the requested command. Retry the modem command later.
11 (0Bh) Unknown response received from the modem. Modem unable to complete the request. Check
the modem command string and modem. Response should be CONNECT or OK.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-9


Serial I/O COMM_REQ Commands

The following COMM_REQs are used to implement Serial I/O:
■ Local COMM_REQs - do not receive or transmit data through the serial port.
 Initialize Port (4300)
 Set Up Input Buffer (4301)
 Flush Input buffer (4302)
 Read port status (4303)
 Write port control (4304)
 Cancel Operation (4399)
■ Remote COMM_REQs - receive and/or transmit data through the serial port.
 Autodial (4400)
 Write bytes (4401)
 Read bytes (4402)
 Read String (4403)

Overlapping COMM_REQs
Some of the Serial I/O COMM_REQs must complete execution before another COMM_REQ
can be processed. Others can be left pending while others are executed.

COMM_REQS that Must Complete Execution

■ Autodial (4400)
■ Initialize Port (4300)
■ Set Up Input Buffer (4301)
■ Flush Input buffer (4302)
■ Read port status (4303)
■ Write port control (4304)
■ Cancel Operation (4399)
■ Serial Port Setup (FFF0)

COMM_REQs that Can be Pending While Others Execute

The table below shows whether Write Bytes, Read Bytes and Read String COMM_REQs
can be pending when other COMM_REQs are executed.
Currently-pending Autodial Write Initialize Set Up Flush Read Write Port Read Read Cancel Serial
COMM_REQs (4400) Bytes Port Input Input Port Control Bytes String Operation Port
(4401) (4300) Buffer Buffer Status (4304 (4402) (4403) (4399) Setup
(4301) (4302) (4303) (FFF0)
Write Bytes (4401) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Read Bytes (4402) No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No

Read String (4403) No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No

13-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Initialize Port Function (4300)

This function causes a reset command to be sent to the specified port. It also cancels any
COMM_REQ currently in progress and flushes the internal input buffer. RTS is set to

Example Command Block for the Initialize Port Function

Value Value Meaning
(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0001 0001 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4300 10CC Initialize port command

Operating Notes
Remote COMM_REQs that are cancelled due to this command executing will return a
COMM_REQ status word indicating request cancellation (minor code 12H).

If this COMM_REQ is sent when a Write Bytes (4401) COMM_REQ is
transmitting a string from a serial port, transmission is halted. The
position within the string where the transmission is halted is
indeterminate. In addition, the final character received by the device to
which the CPU is sending is also indeterminate.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-11


Set Up Input Buffer Function (4301)

This function is provided for compatibility with legacy applications. In the PACSystems
implementation of Serial I/O, the internal input buffer is always set to 2K bytes. This function
will return a success status to the COMM_REQ status word, regardless of the buffer length
specified in the command block.
As data is received from the serial port it is placed in the input buffer. If the buffer becomes
full, any additional data received from the serial port is discarded and the Overflow Error bit
in the Port Status word (See Read Port Status Function) is set.

Retrieving Data from the Buffer

Data can be retrieved from the buffer using the Read String or Read Bytes function. It is not
directly accessible from the application program.
If data is not retrieved from the buffer in a timely fashion, some characters may be lost.

Example Command Block for the Set Up Input Buffer Function

(decimal) (hexadecimal) MEANING
address 0002 0002 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4301 10CD Setup input buffer command
address +7 0064 0040 Buffer length (in words)

13-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Flush Input Buffer Function (4302)

This operation empties the input buffer of any characters received through the serial port but
not yet retrieved using a read command. All such characters are lost.

Example Command Block for the Flush Input Buffer Function

(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0001 0001 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4302 10CE Flush input buffer command

Read Port Status Function (4303)

This function returns the current status of the port. The following events can be detected:
1. A read request was initiated previously and the required number of characters has now
been received or the specified time-out has elapsed.
2. A write request was initiated previously and transmission of the specified number of
characters is complete or a time-out has elapsed.
The status returned by the function indicates the event or events that have completed. More
than one condition can occur simultaneously, if both a read and a write were initiated

Example Command Block for the Read Port Status Function

(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0003 0003 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4303 10CF Read port status command
address +7 0076 004C Port status memory type (%M)
address +8 0101 0065 Port status memory offset (%M101)

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-13


Port Status
The port status consists of a status word and the number of characters in the input buffer
that have not been retrieved by the application (characters which have been received and
are available).

word 1 Port status word (see below)

word 2 Characters available in the input buffer

The Port Status Word can be:

Bit Na Definition Meaning

15 RI Read In progress Set Read Bytes or Read String invoked
Cleared Previous Read bytes or String has timed out, been canceled, or
14 RS Read Success Set Read Bytes or Read String has successfully completed
Cleared New Read Bytes or Read String invoked
13 RT Read Time-out Set Receive timeout occurred during Read Bytes or Read String
Cleared New Read Bytes or Read String invoked
12 WI Write In progress Set New Write Bytes invoked
Cleared Previously-invoked Write Bytes has timed out, been canceled, or
11 WS Write Success Set Previously-invoked Write Bytes has successfully completed
Cleared New Write Bytes invoked
10 WT Write Time-out Set Transmit timeout occurred during Write Bytes
Cleared New Write Bytes invoked
9 CA Character Available Set Unread characters are in the buffer
Cleared No unread characters in the buffer
8 OF OverFlow error Set Overflow error occurred on the serial port or internal buffer
Cleared Read Port Status invoked
7 FE Framing Error Set Framing error occurred on the serial port
Cleared Read Port Status invoked
6 PE Parity Error Set Parity error occurred on the serial port
Cleared Read Port Status invoked
5 CT CTS is active Set CTS line on the serial port is active or the serial port does not have
a CTS line
Cleared CTS line on the serial port is not active
4-0 U not used, should
be 0

13-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Write Port Control Function (4304)

This function forces RTS for the specified port:

Example Command Block for the Write Port Control Function

(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0002 0002 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4304 10D0 Write port control command
address +7 xxxx xxxx Port control word

Port Control Word

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The Port Control Word can be:

15 RTS Commanded state of the RTS output
1 = Activates RTS
0 = Deactivates RTS
0-14 U Unused (should be zero)

Operating Note
For CPU port 2 (RS-485), the RTS signal is also controlled by the transmit driver. Therefore,
control of RTS is dependent on the current state of the transmit driver. If the transmit driver
is not enabled, asserting RTS with the Write Port Control COMM_REQ will not cause RTS to
be asserted on the serial line. The state of the transmit driver is controlled by the protocol
and is dependent on the current Duplex Mode of the port. For 2-wire and 4-wire Duplex
Mode, the transmit driver is only enabled during transmitting. Therefore, RTS on the serial
line will only be seen active on port 2 (configured for 2-wire or 4-wire Duplex Mode) when
data is being transmitted. For point-to-point Duplex Mode, the transmit driver is always
enabled. Therefore, in point-to-point Duplex Mode, RTS on the serial line will always reflect
what is chosen with the Write Port Control COMM_REQ.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-15


Cancel COMM_REQ Function (4399)

This function cancels the current operations in progress. It can be used to cancel both read
operations and write operations.
If a read operation is in progress and there are unprocessed characters in the input buffer,
those characters are left in the input buffer and available for future reads. The serial port is
not reset.

Example Command Block for the Cancel Operation Function

Value Value Meaning
(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0002 0002 Data block length (2)
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4399 112F Cancel operation command
address +7 0001 0001 Transaction type to cancel
1 All operations
2 Read operations
3 Write operations

Operating Notes
Remote COMM_REQs that are cancelled due to this command executing will return a
COMM_REQ status word indicating request cancellation (minor code 12H).

If this COMM_REQ is sent in either Cancel All or Cancel Write mode
when a Write Bytes (4401) COMM_REQ is transmitting a string from a
serial port, transmission is halted. The position within the string where
the transmission is halted is indeterminate. In addition, the final
character received by the device to which the CPU is sending is also

13-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Autodial Function (4400)

This feature allows the CPU to automatically dial a modem and send a specified byte string.
To implement this feature, the port must be configured for Serial I/O.
For example, pager enunciation can be implemented by three commands, requiring three
COMM_REQ command blocks:
Autodial: 04400 Dials the modem.
Write Bytes: Specifies an ASCII string, from 1 to 250 bytes in length, to send from the serial
04401 (1131h) port.
Autodial: 04400 It is the responsibility of the PLC application program to hang up the phone
(1130h) connection. This is accomplished by reissuing the autodial command and sending
the hang up command string.

Autodial Command Block

The Autodial command automatically transmits an Escape sequence that follows the Hayes
convention. If you are using a modem that does not support the Hayes convention, you may
be able to use the Write Bytes command to dial the modem.
Examples of commonly used command strings for Hayes-compatible modems are listed

Command String Length Function

ATDP15035559999<CR> 16 (10h) Pulse dial the number 1-503-555-9999
ATDT15035559999<CR> 16 (10h) Tone dial the number 1-503-555-9999
ATDT9,15035559999<CR> 18 (12h) Tone dial using outside line with pause
ATH0<CR> 5 (05h) Hang up the phone
ATZ <CR> 4 (04h) Restore modem configuration to internally saved

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-17


Example Autodial Command Block

This example COMM_REQ command block dials the number 234-5678 using a Hayes-
compatible modem.

Word Definition Values

1 0009h CUSTOM data block length (includes command
2 0000h NOWAIT mode
3 0008h Status word memory type (%R)
4 0000h Status word address minus 1 (Register 1)
5 0000h not used
6 0000h not used
7 04400 Autodial command number
8 00030 Modem response timeout (30 seconds)
9 0012 (000Ch) Number of bytes in command string
10 5441h A (41h), T (54h)
11 5444h D (44h), T (54h)
12 3332h Phone number: 2 (32h), 3 (33h)
13 3534h 4 (34h), 5 (35h)
14 3736h 6 (36h), 7 (37h)
15 0D38h 8 (38h) <CR> (0Dh)

13-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Write Bytes Function (4401)

This operation can be used to transmit one or more characters to the remote device through
the specified serial port. The character(s) to be transmitted must be in a word reference
memory . They should not be changed until the operation is complete.
Up to 250 characters can be transmitted with a single invocation of this operation. The
status of the operation is not complete until all of the characters have been transmitted or
until a timeout occurs (for example, if hardware flow control is being used and the remote
device never enables the transmission).

Example Command Block for the Write Bytes Function

Value Value Meaning
(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0006 0006 Data block length (includes characters to send)
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4401 1131 Write bytes command
address +7 0030 001E Transmit time-out (30 seconds). See note below.
address +8 0005 0005 Number of bytes to write
address +9 25960 6568 ‘h’ (68h), ‘e’ (65h)
address +10 27756 6C6C ‘l’ (6Ch), ‘l’ (6Ch)
address +11 0111 006F ‘o’ (6Fh)
Although printable ASCII characters are used in this example, there is no restriction on the
values of the characters that can be transmitted.

Operating Notes
Specifying zero as the Transmit time-out sets the time-out value to the amount of time
actually needed to transmit the data, plus 4 seconds.

If an Initialize Port (4300) COMMEQ is sent or a Cancel Operation
(4399) COMM_REQ is sent in either Cancel All or Cancel Write mode
while this COMM_REQ is transmitting a string from a serial port,
transmission is halted. The position within the string where the
transmission is halted is indeterminate. In addition, the final character
received by the device the CPU is sending to is also indeterminate.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-19


Read Bytes Function (4402)

This function causes one or more characters to be read from the specified port. The
characters are read from the internal input buffer and placed in the specified input data area.
The function returns both the number of characters retrieved and the number of
unprocessed characters still in the input buffer. If zero characters of input are requested,
only the number of unprocessed characters in the input buffer is returned.
If insufficient characters are available to satisfy the request and a non-zero value is specified
for the number of characters to read, the status of the operation is not complete until either
sufficient characters have been received or the time-out interval expires. In either of those
conditions, the port status indicates the reason for completion of the read operation. The
status word is not updated until the read operation is complete (either due to timeout or
when all the data has been received).
If the time-out interval is set to zero, the COMM_REQ remains pending until it has received
the requested amount of data, or until it is cancelled.
If this COMM_REQ fails for any reason, no data is returned to the input data area. Any data
that has not been read from the internal input buffer remains and it can be retrieved with a
subsequent read request.

Example Command Block for the Read Bytes Function

Value Value Meaning
(decimal) (hexadecimal)
address 0005 0005 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4402 1132 Read bytes command
address +7 0030 001E Read time-out (30 seconds)
address +8 0005 0005 Number of bytes to read
address +9 0008 0008 Input data memory type (%R).
address +10 0100 0064 Input data memory address (%R0100)

13-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Return Data Format for the Read Bytes Function

The return data consists of the number of characters actually read, the number of characters
still available in the input buffer after the read is complete (if any), and the actual input

Address Number of characters actually read

Address + 1 Number of characters still available in the input buffer, if any
Address + 2 first two characters (first character is in the low byte)
Address + 3 third and fourth characters (third character is in the low byte)
Address + n subsequent characters

Operating Notes for Read Bytes

If the input data memory type parameter is specified to be a word memory type, and if an
odd number of bytes are actually received, then the high byte of the last word to be written
with the received data is left unchanged.
As data is received from the serial port it is placed in the internal input buffer. If the buffer
becomes full, then any additional data received from the serial port is discarded and the
Overflow Error bit in the Port Status word (See Read Port Status Function) is set.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-21


Read String Function (4403)

This function causes characters to be read from the specified port until a specified
terminating character is received. The characters are read from the internal input buffer and
placed in the specified input data area.
The function returns both the number of characters retrieved and the number of
unprocessed characters still in the input buffer. If zero characters of input are requested,
only the number of unprocessed characters in the input buffer are returned.
If the terminating character is not in the input buffer, the status of the operation is not
complete until either the terminating character has been received or the time-out interval
expires. In either of those conditions, the port status indicates the reason for completion of
the read operation.
If the time-out interval is set to zero, the COMM_REQ remains pending until it has received
the requested string, terminated by the specified end character.
If this COMM_REQ fails for any reason, no data is returned to the input data area. Any data
that has not been read from the internal input buffer remains, and it can be retrieved with a
subsequent read request.

Example Command Block for the Read String Function

Value Value Meaning
(deci (hexadecimal)
address 0005 0005 Data block length
address +1 0000 0000 NOWAIT mode
address +2 0008 0008 Status word memory type (%R)
address +3 0000 0000 Status word address minus 1 (%R0001)
address +4 0000 0000 Not used
address +5 0000 0000 Not used
address +6 4403 1133 Read string command
address +7 0030 001E Read time-out (30 seconds)
address +8 0013 000D Terminating character (carriage return): must be
between 0 and 255 (0xFF), inclusive
address +9 0008 0008 Input data memory type (%R)
address +10 0100 0064 Input data memory address (%R0100)

13-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Return Data Format for the Read String Function

The return data consists of the number of characters actually read, the number of characters
still available in the input buffer after the read is complete (if any), and the actual input

Address Number of characters actually read

Address + 1 Number of characters still available in the input buffer, if any
Address + 2 first two characters (first character is in the low byte)
Address + 3 third and fourth characters (third character is in the low byte)
Address + n subsequent characters

Operating Notes for Read String

If the input data memory type parameter is specified to be a word memory type, and if an
odd number of bytes are actually received, then the high byte of the last word to be written
with the received data is left unchanged.
As data is received from the serial port it is placed in the internal input buffer. If the buffer
becomes full, then any additional data received from the serial port is discarded and the
Overflow Error bit in the Port Status word (See Read Port Status Function) is set.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-23


RTU Slave Protocol

RTU protocol is a query-response protocol used for communication between the RTU device
and a host computer, which is capable of communicating using RTU protocol. The host
computer is the master device and it transmits a query to a RTU slave, which responds to
the master. The RTU slave device cannot query; it can only respond to the master. A
PACSystems CPU can only function as an RTU slave.
The RTU data transferred consists of 8-bit binary characters with an optional parity bit. No
control characters are added to the data block; however, an error check (Cyclic Redundancy
Check) is included as the final field of each query and response to ensure accurate
transmission of data.
Note: You should avoid using station address 1 for any other Modbus slave in a
PACSystems control system because the default station address for the
PACSystems CPU is 1. The CPU uses the default address in two situations:
1. If you power up without a configuration, the default station address of 1 is used.
2. When the Port Mode parameter is set to Message Mode, and Modbus becomes
the protocol in stop mode, the station address defaults to 1, unless you specify a
stop mode for the port in the CPU configuration, and then change the station
address to be used for stop mode.
In either of these situations, if you have a slave configured with a station address of
1, confusion may result when the PACSystems CPU responds to requests intended
for that slave.

Message Format
The general formats for RTU message transfers are shown below:
Slave Turn-around Time

Master Query Message

Slave Response

Query Transaction

Master Broadcast Message

Slave (No Response)

Broadcast Transaction

RTU Message Transfers

The master device begins a data transfer by sending a query or broadcast request
message. A slave completes that data transfer by sending a response message if the
master sent a query message addressed to it. No response message is sent when the
master sends a broadcast request.

13-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


RTU Slave Turnaround Time

The time between the end of a query and the beginning of the response to that query is
called the slave turnaround time. The turnaround time of a PACSystems slave depends on
the Controller Communications Window time and the sweep time of the PACSystems. RTU
requests are processed only in the Controller Communications Window. In Normal sweep
mode, the Controller Communications Window occurs once per sweep. Because the sweep
time on PACSystems can be up to 2.5 seconds, the time to process an RTU request could
be up to 2.5 seconds. Another factor is the Controller Communications Window time allowed
in Hardware Configuration. If you configure a very small Controller Communications
Window, the RTU request may not be completed in one sweep, causing RTU processing to
require multiple sweeps. For details on CPU window modes, refer to chapter 5.

Message Types
The RTU protocol has four message types: query, normal response, error response, and

The master sends a message addressed to a single slave.

Normal Response
After the slave performs the function requested by the query, it sends back a normal
response for that function. This indicates that the request was successful.

Error Response
The slave receives the query, but cannot perform the requested function. The slave sends
back an error response that indicates the reason the request could not be processed. (No
error message will be sent for certain types of errors. For more information see
“Communication Errors.”)

The master sends a message addressed to all of the slaves by using address 0. All slaves
that receive the broadcast message perform the requested function. This transaction is
ended by a time-out within the master.

Message Fields
The message fields for a typical message are shown in the figure below, and are explained
in the following sections.
Station Address Function Code Information Error Check

Station Address
The station address is the address of the slave station selected for this data transfer. It is
one byte in length and has a value from 0 to 247 inclusive. An address of 0 selects all slave
stations, and indicates that this is a broadcast message. An address from 1 to 247 selects a
slave station with that station address.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-25


Function Code
The function code identifies the command being issued to the station. It is one byte in length
and is defined for the values 0 to 255 as follows:
Function Code Description
0 Illegal Function
1 Read Output Table
2 Read Input Table
3 Read Registers
4 Read Analog Input
5 Force Single Output
6 Preset Single Register
7 Read Exception Status
8 Loopback Maintenance
9-14 Unsupported Function
15 Force Multiple Outputs
16 Preset Multiple Registers
17 Report Device Type
18–21 Unsupported Function
22 Mask Write 4x Register
23 Read/Write 4x Registers
24–66 Unsupported Function
67 Read Scratch Pad Memory
68-127 Unsupported Function
128-255 Reserved for Exception Responses

Information Fields
All message fields, other than the Station Address field, Function Code field, and Error
Check field are called, generically, “information” fields. Information fields contain additional
information required to specify or respond to a requested function. Different types of
messages have different types or numbers of information fields. (Details on information
fields for each message type and function code are found in “Message Descriptions,” page
13-33) Some messages (Message 07 Query and Message 17 Query) do not have
information fields.

13-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


As shown in the following figure, the information fields for message READ OUTPUT TABLE
(01) Query consist of the Starting Point No. field and Number of Points field. The information
fields for message READ OUTPUT TABLE (01) Response consist of the Byte Count field
and Data field.
Message (01)
Read Output Table
Information Fields

Address Func Starting Number of Error

01 Point No. Points Check

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Information Fields

Address Func Byte Data Error

01 Count Check

Normal Response

Information Field Examples

Some information fields include entries for the range of data to be accessed in the RTU
Note: Data addresses are 0-based. This means you will need to subtract 1 from the actual
address when specifying it in the RTU message. For message (01) READ OUTPUT
TABLE Query, used in the example above, you would specify a starting data
address in the Starting Point No. field. To specify %Q0001 as the starting address,
you would place the address %Q0000 in this field. Also, the value placed in the
Number of Points field determines how many %Q bits are read, starting with
address %Q0001. For example:
■ Starting Point No. field = %Q0007, so the starting address is %Q0008
■ Number of Points field = 16 (0010h), so addresses %Q0008 through %Q0023
will be read

Error Check Field

The error check field is two bytes in length and contains a cyclic redundancy check (CRC-
16) code. Its value is a function of the contents of the station address, function code, and
information field. The details of generating the CRC-16 code are described in “Cyclic
Redundancy Check (CRC) on page 13-29” Note that the information field is variable in
length. To properly generate the CRC-16 code, the length of frame must be determined. To
calculate the length of a frame for each of the defined function codes, see “Calculating the
Length of Frame” on page 13-32.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-27


Message Length
Message length varies with the type of message and amount of data to be sent. Information
for determining message length for individual messages is found in “Message Descriptions.”

Character Format
A message is sent as a series of characters. Each byte in a message is transmitted as a
character. The illustration below shows the character format. A character consists of a start
bit (0), eight data bits, an optional parity bit, and one stop bit (1). Between characters the line
is held in the 1 state.
MSB Data Bits LSB
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Stop Start

Message Termination
Each station monitors the time between characters. When a period of three character times
elapses without the reception of a character, the end of a message is assumed. The
reception of the next character is assumed to be the beginning of a new message. The end
of a frame occurs when the first of the following two events occurs:
■ The number of characters received for the frame is equal to the calculated length of the
■ A length of 4 character times elapses without the reception of a character.

Timeout Usage
Timeouts are used on the serial link for error detection, error recovery, and to prevent the
missing of the end of messages and message sequences. Note that although the module
allows up to three character transmission times between each character in a message that it
receives, there is no more than half a character time between each character in a message
that the module transmits. After sending a query message, the master should wait an
appropriate amount of time for slave turnaround before assuming that the slave did not
respond to the request. Slave turnaround time is affected by the Controller Communications
Window time and the CPU sweep time, as described in “RTU Slave Turnaround Time” on
page 13-25.

13-28 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

The CRC is one of the most effective systems for checking errors. The CRC consists of two
check characters generated at the transmitter and added at the end of the transmitted data
characters. Using the same method, the receiver generates its own CRC for the incoming
data and compares it to the CRC sent by the transmitter to ensure proper transmission. A
complete mathematic derivation for the CRC is not given in this section. This information can
be found in a number of texts on data communications. The essential steps that should be
understood in calculating the CRC are as follows:
■ The number of bits in the CRC multiplies the data bits that make up the message.
■ The resulting product is then divided by the generating polynomial (using modulo 2 with
no carries). The CRC is the remainder of this division.
■ Disregard the quotient and add the remainder (CRC) to the data bits and transmit the
message with CRC.
■ The receiver then divides the message plus CRC by the generating polynomial and if
the remainder is 0, the transmission was transmitted without error.
A generating polynomial is expressed algebraically as a string of terms in powers of X such
as X 3 + X 2 + X 0 (or 1) which can in turn be expressed as the binary number 1101. A
generating polynomial could be any length and contain any pattern of 1s and 0s as long as
both the transmitter and receiver use the same value. For optimum error detection, however,
certain standard generating polynomials have been developed. RTU protocol uses the
polynomial X 16 + X 15 + X 2 + 1 which in binary is 1 1000 0000 0000 0101. The CRC this
polynomial generates is known as CRC-16.
The discussion above can be implemented in hardware or software. One hardware
implementation involves constructing a multi-section shift register based on the generating
2 15 16

CRC Register

15 14 + 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 + 0 +

+ = Exclusive Or

Cyclic Redundancy Check Register

To generate the CRC, the message data bits are fed to the shift register one at a time. The
CRC register contains a preset value. As each data bit is presented to the shift register, the
bits are shifted to the right. The LSB is XORed with the data bit and the result is: XORed
with the old contents of bit 1 (the result placed in bit 0), XORed with the old contents of bit
14 (and the result placed in bit 13), and finally, it is shifted into bit 15. This process is
repeated until all data bits in a message have been processed. Software implementation of
the CRC-16 is explained in the next section.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-29


Calculating the CRC-16

The pseudo code for calculation of the CRC-16 is given below.
Preset byte count for data to be sent.
Initialize the 16-bit remainder (CRC) register to all ones.
XOR the first 8-bit data byte with the high order byte of the 16-bit CRC register. The
result is the current CRC.
INIT SHIFT: Initialize the shift counter to 0.
SHIFT Shift the current CRC register 1 bit to the right.
Increment shift count.
Is the bit shifted out to the right (flag) a 1 or a 0?
If it is a 1, XOR the generating polynomial with the current CRC.
If it is a 0, continue.
Is shift counter equal to 8?
If NO, return to SHIFT.
If YES, increment byte count.
Is byte count greater than the data length?
If NO, XOR the next 8-bit data byte with the current CRC and go to INIT
If YES, add current CRC to end of data message for transmission and exit.
When the message is transmitted, the receiver performs the same CRC operation on all the
data bits and the transmitted CRC. If the information is received correctly the resulting
remainder (receiver CRC) is 0.

Sample CRC-16 Calculation

The RTU device transmits the rightmost byte (of registers or discrete data) first. The first bit
of the CRC-16 transmitted is the MSB. Therefore, in the example the MSB of the CRC
polynomial is to the extreme right. The X16 term is dropped because it affects only the
quotient (which is discarded) and not the remainder (the CRC characters). The generating
polynomial is therefore 1010 0000 0000 0001. The remainder is initialized to all 1s.
In this example, the CRC-16 is calculated for RTU message, Read Exception Status 07. The
message format is as follows:
Address Function CRC-16
01 07
In this example, device number 1 (address 01) is queried. You need to know the amount of
data to be transmitted and this information can be found for every message type in
“Calculating the Length of Frame.” For this message the data length is 2 bytes.

13-30 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Transmitter CRC-16 Algorithm Receiver1 CRC-16 Algorithm

MSB2 LSB2 Flag MSB2 LSB2 Flag
Initial Remainder 1111 1111 1111 1111 Rcvr CRC after data 1110 0010 0100 0001
XOR 1st data byte 0000 0000 0000 0001 XOR 1st byte Trns 0000 0000 0100 0001
Current CRC 1111 1111 1111 1111 Current CRC 1110 0010 0000 0000
Shift 1 0111 1111 1111 1111 0 Shift 1 0111 0001 0000 0000 0
Shift 2 0011 1111 1111 1111 1 Shift 2 0011 1000 1000 0000 0
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001 Shift 3 0001 1100 0100 0000 0
Current CRC 1001 1111 1111 1110 Shift 4 0000 1110 0010 0000 0
Shift 3 0100 1111 1111 1111 0 Shift 5 0000 0111 0001 0000 0
Shift 4 0010 0111 1111 1111 1 Shift 6 0000 0011 1000 1000 0
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001 Shift 7 0000 0001 1100 0100 0
Current CRC 1000 0111 1111 1110 Shift 8 0000 0000 1110 0010 0
Shift 5 0100 0011 1111 1111 0 XOR 2nd byte trns 0000 0000 1110 0010
Shift 6 0010 0001 1111 1111 1 Current CRC 0000 0000 0000 0000
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001 Shift 1-8 yields 0000 0000 0000 0000
Current CRC 1000 0001 1111 1110 All errors for receiver final CRC-16 indicates transmission correct.
Shift 7 0100 0000 1111 1111 0
Shift 8 0010 0000 0111 1111 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1000 0000 0111 1110
XOR 2nd data byte 0000 0000 0000 0111
Current CRC 1000 0000 0111 1001
Shift 1 0100 0000 0011 1100 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1110 0000 0011 1101
Shift 2 0111 0000 0001 1110 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1101 0000 0001 1111
Shift 3 0110 1000 0000 1111 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1100 1000 0000 1110
Shift 4 0110 0100 0000 0111 0
Shift 5 0011 0010 0000 0011 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1001 0010 0000 0010
Shift 6 0100 1001 0000 0001 0
Shift 7 0010 0100 1000 0000 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Current CRC 1000 0100 1000 0001
Shift 8 0100 0010 0100 0000 1
XOR Gen. Polynomial 1010 0000 0000 0001
Transmitted CRC 1110 0010 0100 0001
E 2 4 1

1. The receiver processes incoming data through the same CRC algorithm as the transmitter. The example for
the receiver starts at the point after all the data bits but not the transmitted CRC have been received correctly.
Therefore, the receiver CRC should be equal to the transmitted CRC at this point. When this occurs, the
output of the CRC algorithm will be zero indicating that the transmission is correct.
The transmitted message with CRC would then be:
Address Function CRC–16
01 07 41 E2
2. The MSB and LSB references are to the data bytes only, not the CRC bytes. The CRC MSB and LSB order
are the reverse of the data byte order.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-31


Calculating the Length of Frame

To generate the CRC-16 for any message, the message length must be known. The length
for all types of messages can be determined from the table below.

RTU Message Length

Function Query or Broadcast Response Message
Code Message Length Less Length Less CRC Code
And CRC Code
0 Not Defined Not Defined
1 Read Output Table 6 3 + 3rd byte*
2 Read Input Table 6 3 + 3rd byte*
3 Read Registers 6 3 + 3rd byte*
4 Read Analog Input 6 3 + 3rd byte*
5 Force Single Output 6 6
6 Preset Single Register 6 6
7 Read Exception Status 2 3
8 Loopback/Maintenance 6 6
9-14 Not Defined Not Defined
15 Force Multiple Outputs 7 + 7th byte* 6
16 Preset Multiple Registers 7 + 7th byte* 6
17 Report Device Type 2 8
18-21 Not Defined Not Defined
22 Mask Write 4x Registers 8 8
23 Read/Write 4x Registers 13+byte 11* 5+byte 3*
24–66 Not Defined Not Defined
67 Read Scratch Pad 6 3 + 3rd byte*
68-127 Not Defined Not Defined
128-255 Not Defined 3
*The value of this byte is the number of bytes contained in the data being transmitted.

13-32 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


RTU Message Descriptions

This section presents the format and fields for each RTU message.

Message (01): Read Output Table


Address Func Starting Number of Error

01 Point No. Points Check

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Byte Data Error

01 Count Check

Normal Response

 An address of 0 is not allowed because this cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is 01.
 The starting point number is two bytes in length and may be any value less than the
highest output point number available in the attached CPU. The starting point number is
equal to one less than the number of the first output point returned in the normal
response to this request.
 The number of points value is two bytes in length. It specifies the number of output
points returned in the normal response. The sum of the starting point value and the
number of points value must be less than or equal to the highest output point number
available in the attached CPU. The high order byte of the starting point number and
number of bytes fields is sent as the first byte. The low order byte is the second byte in
each of these fields.

 The byte count is a binary number from 1 to 256 (0 = 256). It is the number of bytes in
the normal response following the byte count and preceding the error check.
 The data field of the normal response is packed output status data. Each byte contains 8
output point values. The least significant bit (LSB) of the first byte contains the value of
the output point whose number is equal to the starting point number plus one. The
values of the output points are ordered by number starting with the LSB of the first byte
of the data field and ending with the most significant bit (MSB) of the last byte of the
data field. If the number of points is not a multiple of 8, the last data byte contains zeros
in one to seven of its highest order bits.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-33


Message (02): Read Input Table


Address Func Starting Number of Error

02 Point No. Points Check

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Byte Data Error

02 Count Check

Normal Response

 An address of 0 is not allowed as this cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is 02.
 The starting point number is two bytes in length and may be any value less than the
highest input point number available in the attached CPU. The starting point number is
equal to one less than the number of the first input point returned in the normal response
to this request.
 The number of points value is two bytes in length. It specifies the number of input points
returned in the normal response. The sum of the starting point value and the number of
points value must be less than or equal to the highest input point number available in the
attached CPU. The high order byte of the starting point number and number of bytes
fields is sent as the first byte. The low order byte is the second byte in each of these

 The byte count is a binary number from 1 to 256 (0 = 256). It is the number of bytes in
the normal response following the byte count and preceding the error check.
 The data field of the normal response is packed input status data. Each byte contains 8
input point values. The least significant bit (LSB) of the first byte contains the value of
the input point whose number is equal to the starting point number plus one. The values
of the input points are ordered by number starting with the LSB of the first byte of the
data field and ending with the most significant bit (MSB) of the last byte of the data field.
If the number of points is not a multiple of 8, then the last data byte contains zeros in
one to seven of its highest order bits.

13-34 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Message (03): Read Registers


Address Func Starting Number of Error

03 Register No. Registers Check

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Byte Data Error

03 Count Check
First Register

Hi Lo Hi Lo
Normal Response

 An address of 0 is not allowed as this request cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is equal to 3.
 The starting register number is two bytes in length. The starting register number may be
any value less than the highest register number available in the attached CPU. It is
equal to one less than the number of the first register returned in the normal response to
this request.
 The number of registers value is two bytes in length. It must contain a value from 1 to
125 inclusive. The sum of the starting register value and the number of registers value
must be less than or equal to the highest register number available in the attached CPU.
The high order byte of the starting register number and number of registers fields is sent
as the first byte in each of these fields. The low order byte is the second byte in each of
these fields.

 The byte count is a binary number from 2 to 250 inclusive. It is the number of bytes in
the normal response following the byte count and preceding the error check. Note that
the byte count is equal to two times the number of registers returned in the response. A
maximum of 250 bytes (125) registers is set so that the entire response can fit into one
256 byte data block.
 The registers are returned in the data field in order of number with the lowest number
register in the first two bytes and the highest number register in the last two bytes of the
data field. The number of the first register in the data field is equal to the starting register
number plus one. The high order byte is sent before the low order byte of each register.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-35


Message (04): Read Analog Inputs

Address Func Starting Number of Error
04 Analog Input Analog Check
No. Inputs

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Byte First Data Error

04 Count Analog Check

Hi Lo Hi Lo
Normal Response

 An address of 0 is not allowed as this request cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is equal to 4.
 The starting analog input number is two bytes in length. The starting analog input
number may be any value less than the highest analog input number available in the
attached CPU. It is equal to one less than the number of the first analog input returned
in the normal response to this request.
 The number of analog inputs value is two bytes in length. It must contain a value from 1
to 125 inclusive. The sum of the starting analog input value and the number of analog
inputs value must be less than or equal to the highest analog input number available in
the at-attached CPU. The high order byte of the starting analog input number and
number of analog input fields is sent as the first byte in each of these fields. The low
order byte is the second byte in each of these fields.

 The byte count is a binary number from 2 to 250 inclusive. It is the number of bytes in
the normal response following the byte count and preceding the error check. Note that
the byte count is equal to two times the number of analog inputs returned in the
response. A maximum of 250 bytes (125) analog inputs is set so that the entire
response can fit into one 256 byte data block.
 The analog inputs are returned in the data field in order of number with the lowest
number analog input in the first two bytes and the highest number analog input in the
last two bytes of the data field. The number of the first analog input in the data field is
equal to the starting analog input number plus one. The high order byte is sent before
the low order byte of each analog input.

13-36 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Message (05): Force Single Output

Address Func Point Data Error Check
05 Number

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Point Data Error Check

05 Number

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Normal Response

 An address of 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast re-
quest and no response is sent.
 The function code is equal to 05.
 The point number field is two bytes in length. It may be any value less than the highest
output point number available in the attached CPU. It is equal to one less than the
number of the output point to be forced on or off.
 The first byte of the data field is equal to either 0 or 255 (FFH). The output point
specified in the point number field is to be forced off if the first data field byte is equal to
0. It is to be forced on if the first data field byte is equal to 255 (FFH). The second byte
of the data field is always equal to zero.

 The normal response to a force single output query is identical to the query.
Note: The force single output request is not an output override command. The output
specified in this request is ensured to be forced to the value specified only at the
beginning of one sweep of the user logic.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-37


Message (06): Preset Single Register

Address Func Register Data Error Check
06 Number

Hi Lo Hi Lo

Address Func Register Data Error Check

06 Number

Hi Lo Hi Lo
Normal Response

 An address 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast
request and no response is sent.
 The function code is equal to 06.
 The register number field is two bytes in length. It may be any value less than the
highest register available in the attached CPU. It is equal to one less than the number of
the register to be preset.
 The data field is two bytes in length and contains the value that the register specified by
the register number field is to be preset to. The first byte in the data field contains the
high order byte of the preset value. The second byte in the data field contains the low
order byte.

 The normal response to a preset single register query is identical to the query.

Message (07): Read Exception Status

Address Func Error Check


Address Func Data Error Check


Normal Response

13-38 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


This query is a short form of request for the purpose of reading the first eight output points.
 An address of zero is not allowed as this cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is equal to 07.

 The data field of the normal response is one byte in length and contains the states of
output points one through eight. The output states are packed in order of number with
output point one’s state in the least significant bit and output point eight’s state in the
most significant bit.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-39


Message (08): Loopback/Maintenance (General)

Address Func Diagnostic Data Error Check
08 Code
0, 1, or 4


Address Func Diagnostic Data Error Check

08 Code
0, 1, or 4

Normal Response

 The function code is equal to 8.
 The diagnostic code is two bytes in length. The high order byte of the diagnostic code is
the first byte sent in the diagnostic code field. The low order byte is the second byte
sent. The loopback/maintenance command is defined only for diagnostic codes equal to
0, 1, or 4. All other diagnostic codes are reserved.
 The data field is two bytes in length. The contents of the two data bytes are defined by
the value of the diagnostic code.

 See descriptions for individual diagnostic codes.

Diagnostic Return Query Data Request (Loopback/Maintenance Code 00):

 An address of 0 is not allowed for the return query data request.
 The values of the two data field bytes in the query are arbitrary.
 The normal response is identical to the query.
 The values of the data bytes in the response are equal to the values sent in the query.

Diagnostic Initiate Communication Restart Request (Loopback/Maintenance Code 01):

 An address of 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast re-
quest and no response is sent.
 This request disables the listen-only mode (enables responses to be sent when queries
are received so that communications can be restarted).
 The value of the first byte of the data field (DATA1) must be 0 or FF. Any other value will
cause an error response to be sent. The value of the second byte of the data field
(DATA2) is always equal to 0.
 The normal response to an Initiate Communication Restart query is identical to the

13-40 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Diagnostic Force Listen-Only Mode Request (Loopback/Maintenance code 04):

 An address of 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast re-
 After receiving a Force Listen-Only mode request, the RTU device will go into the listen-
only mode, will not perform a requested function, and will not send either normal or error
responses to any queries. The listen-only mode is disabled when the RTU device
receives an Initiate Communication Restart request or when the RTU device is powered
 Both bytes in the data field of a Force Listen-Only Mode request are equal to 0. The
RTU device never sends a response to a Force Listen-Only Mode request.
Note: Upon power up, the RTU device disables the listen-only mode and is enabled to
continue sending responses to queries.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-41


Message (15): Force Multiple Outputs

Address Func Starting Number Byte Data Error Check
15 Point No. of Points Count


Address Func Starting Number Error Check

15 Point No. of Points

Normal Response

 An address of 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast
request and no response is sent.
 The value of the function code is 15.
 The starting point number is two bytes in length and may be any value less than the
highest output point number available in the attached CPU. The starting point number is
equal to one less than the number of the first output point forced by this request.
 The number of points value is two bytes in length. The sum of the starting point number
and the number of points value must be less than or equal to the highest output point
number available in the attached CPU. The high order byte of the starting point number
and number of bytes fields is sent as the first byte in each of these fields. The low order
byte is the second byte in each of these fields.
 The byte count is a binary number from 1 to 256 (0 = 256). It is the number of bytes in
the data field of the force multiple outputs request.
 The data field is packed data containing the values that the outputs specified by the
starting point number and the number of points fields are to be forced to. Each byte in
the data field contains the values that eight output points are to be forced to. The least
significant bit (LSB) of the first byte contains the value that the output point whose
number is equal to the starting point number plus one is to be forced to. The values for
the output points are ordered by number starting with the LSB of the first byte of the data
field and ending with the most significant bit (MSB) of the last byte of the data field. If the
number of points is not a multiple of 8, then the last data byte contains zeros in one to
seven of its highest order bits.

 The description of the fields in the response are covered in the query description.
Note: The force multiple outputs request is not an output override command. The
outputs specified in this request are ensured to be forced to the values specified
only at the beginning of one sweep of the user logic.

13-42 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Message (16): Preset Multiple Registers

Address Func Starting Number of Byte Data Error Check
16 Point Registers Count


Address Func Starting Number of Error Check

16 Register No. Registers

Normal Response

 An address of 0 indicates a broadcast request. All slave stations process a broadcast re-
quest and no response is sent.
 The value of the function code is 16.
 The starting register number is two bytes in length. The starting register number may be
any value less than the highest register number available in the attached CPU. It is
equal to one less than the number of the first register preset by this request.
 The number of registers value is two bytes in length. It must contain a value from 1 to
125 inclusive. The sum of the starting register number and the number of registers value
must be less than or equal to the highest register number available in the attached CPU.
The high order byte of the starting register number and number of registers fields is sent
as the first byte in each of these fields. The low order byte is the second byte in each of
these fields.
 The byte count field is one byte in length. It is a binary number from 2 to 250 inclusive. It
is equal to the number of bytes in the data field of the preset multiple registers request.
Note that the byte count is equal to twice the value of the number of registers.
 The registers are returned in the data field in order of number with the lowest number
register in the first two bytes and the highest number register in the last two bytes of the
data field. The number of the first register in the data field is equal to the starting register
number plus one. The high order byte is sent before the low order byte of each register.

 The description of the fields in the response are covered in the query description.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-43


Message (17): Report Device Type

Address Func 17 Error Check


Address Func 17 Byte Device Slave Run Data Error Check

Count Type 43 Light

Normal Response

The Report Device Type query is sent by the master to a slave in order to learn what type of
programmable control or other computer it is.
 An address of zero is not allowed as this cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is 17.

 The byte count field is one byte in length and is equal to 5.
 The device type field is one byte in length and is equal to 43 (hexadecimal) for the
 The slave run light field is one byte in length. The slave run light byte is equal to OFFH if
the CPU is in RUN mode. It is equal to 0 if the CPU is not in RUN mode.
 The data field contains three bytes. For PACSystems CPUs, the first byte is the Minor
Type, and the remaining bytes are zeroes. The minor types are shown in the following
Response Data
Device Type Description
(Minor Type)

02 RX7i 300Mhz CPU (IC698CPE010)

04 RX7i 700Mhz CPU (IC698CPE020)
05 RX7i 700Mhz Redundant CPU (IC698CRE020)
06 RX7i 600Mhz CPU (IC698CPE030)
08 RX7i 1.6Ghz CPU (IC698CPE040)
0A RX3i 300Mhz CPU (IC695CPU310)

13-44 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Message (22): Mask Write 4x Memory

Modifies the contents of a specified 4x register using a combination of an AND mask, an OR
mask, and the register's current contents. The function can be used to set or clear individual
bits in the register. Broadcast is not supported.

The query specifies the 4x reference to be written, the data to be used as the AND mask,
and the data to be used as the OR mask.
The function's algorithm is:
Result = (Current Contents AND And_Mask) OR (Or_Mask AND And_Mask )
For example,
Hex Binary
Current Contents 12 0001 0010
And_Mask F2 1111 0010
Or_Mask 25 0010 0101
And_Mask 0D 0000 1101
Result 17 0001 0111
Note: If the Or_Mask value is zero, the result is simply the logical ANDing of the current
contents and And_Mask. If the And_Mask value is zero, the result is equal to the
Or_Mask value.
Note: The contents of the register can be read with the Read Holding Registers function
(function code 03). They could, however, be changed subsequently as the controller
scans its user logic program.
Example of a Mask Write to register 5 in slave device 17, using the above mask values:
Field Name Example (Hex)
Slave Address 11
Function 16
Reference Address Hi 00
Reference Address Lo 04
And_Mask Hi 00
And_Mask Lo F2
Or_Mask Hi 00
Or_Mask Lo 25
Error Check (LRC or CRC) --

The normal response is an echo of the query. The response is returned after the register
has been written.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-45


Message (23): Read Write 4x Memory

Performs a combination of one read and one write operation in a single Modbus transaction.
The function can write new contents to a group of 4x registers, and then return the contents
of another group of 4x registers. Broadcast is not supported.

The query specifies the starting address and quantity of registers of the group to be read. It
also specifies the starting address, quantity of registers, and data for the group to be written.
The byte count field specifies the quantity of bytes to follow in the write data field.
Here is an example of a query to read six registers starting at register 5, and to write three
registers starting at register 16, in slave device 17:
Field Name Example (Hex)
Slave address 11
Function 17
Read Reference Address Hi 00
Read Reference Address Lo 04
Quantity to Read Hi 00
Quantity to Read Lo 06
Write Reference Address Hi 00
Write Reference Address Lo 0F
Quantity to Write Hi 00
Quantity to Write Lo 03
Byte Count 06
Write Data 1 Hi 00
Write Data 1 Lo FF
Write Data 2 Hi 00
Write Data 2 Lo FF
Write Data 3 Hi 00
Write Data 3 Lo FF
Error Check (LRC or CRC) --

13-46 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


The normal response contains the data from the group of registers that were read. The byte
count field specifies the quantity of bytes to follow in the read data field.
Here is an example of a response to the query:
Field Name Example (Hex)
Slave Address 11
Function 17
Byte Count 0C
Read Data 1 Hi 00
Read Data 1 Lo FE
Read Data 2 Hi 0A
Read Data 2 Lo CD
Read Data 3 Hi 00
Read Data 3 Lo 01
Read Data 4 Hi 00
Read Data 4 Lo 03
Read Data 5 Hi 00
Read Data 5 Lo 0D
Read Data 6 Hi 00
Read Data 6 Lo FF
Error Check (LRC or CRC) --

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-47


Message (67): Read Scratch Pad Memory

Address Func Starting Number of Error
67 Byte No. Bytes Check


Address Func Byte Data Error

67 Count Check

Normal Response

 An address of 0 is not allowed as this cannot be a broadcast request.
 The function code is equal to 67.
 The starting byte number is two bytes in length and may be any value less than or equal
to the highest scratch pad memory address available in the attached CPU as indicated
in the table below. The starting byte number is equal to the address of the first scratch
pad memory byte returned in the normal response to this request.
 The number of bytes value is two bytes in length. It specifies the number of scratch pad
memory locations (bytes) returned in the normal response. The sum of the starting byte
number and the number of bytes values must be less than two plus the highest scratch
pad memory address available in the attached CPU. The high order byte of the starting
byte number and number of bytes fields is sent as the first byte in each of these fields.
The low order byte is the second byte in each of the fields.

 The byte count is a binary number from 1 to 256 (0 = 256). It is the number of bytes in
the data field of the normal response.
 The data field contains the contents of the scratch pad memory requested by the query.
The scratch pad memory bytes are sent in order of address. The contents of the scratch
pad memory byte whose address is equal to the starting byte number is sent in the first
byte of the data field. The contents of the scratch pad memory byte whose address is
equal to one less than the sum of the starting byte number and number of bytes values
is sent in the last byte of the data field.

13-48 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


RTU Scratch Pad

The entire scratch pad is updated every time an external READ request is received by the
PACSystems RTU slave. All scratch pad locations are read only. The scratch pad is a byte-
oriented memory type.

RTU Scratch Pad Memory Allocation

SP Field Identifier Bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
00 CPU Run Status 0 0 0 0 See note 1.
01 CPU Command Status Bit pattern same as SP(00)
02 CPU Type Major (in hexadecimal)
03 Minor (in hexadecimal)
04 – 0B CPU SNP ID 7 ASCII characters + termination character (00h)
0C CPU Firmware Revision No. Major (in BCD)
0D Minor (in BCD)
0E Communications Management Module (CMM) Major
0F Firmware Revision No. Minor
10—11 Reserved 00h
12 Node Type Identifier PACSystems 43 (hexadecimal)
13—15 Reserved 00h
16 RTU Station Address 1—247 (decimal)
17 Reserved 00h
18—33 Sizes of Memory Types
18—1B Register Memory %R size (words)
1C—1F Analog Input Table %AI size (words)
20—23 Analog Output Table %AO size (words)
24—27 Input Table %I size (bits)
28—2B Output Table %O size (bits)
2C—2F Internal Discrete Memory %M size (bits)
30—33 User Program Code The amount of program memory occupied by the logic
34—FF Reserved 00h
Scratch Pad Memory Allocation Notes
1 2a
0000 = Run_Enabled 0100 = Halted CPU Major Type Codes:
0001 = Run_Disabled 0101 = Suspended PACSystems 0x43
0010 = Stopped 0110 = Stopped_IO_Enabled 2b
PACSystems Minor Types for CPU:
see Message (17) Report Device Type
Scratch Pad Bytes 18h-33h:
Four bytes hold the hexadecimal length of each memory type with the most significant word reserved for future
expansion. For example, the default register memory size of 1024 words (0400h) would be returned in the following
Word Least Significant Most Significant
SP Byte 18 19 1A 1B
Contains 00 04 00 00

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-49


Communication Errors
Serial link communication errors are divided into three groups:
 Invalid Query Message
 Serial Link Time Outs
 Invalid Transaction

Invalid Query Message

When the communications module receives a query addressed to itself, but cannot
process the query, it sends one of the following error responses:
Invalid Function Code 1
Invalid Address Field 2
Invalid Data Field 3
Query Processing Failure 4
The format for an error response to a query is as follows:

Address Exception Error Error

Func Subcode Check

The address reflects the address provided on the original request. The exception
function code is equal to the sum of the function code of the query plus 128. The error
subcode is equal to 1, 2, 3, or 4. The value of the subcode indicates the reason the
query could not be processed.

Invalid Function Code Error Response (1)

An error response with a subcode of 1 is called an invalid function code error
response. This response is sent by a slave if it receives a query whose function code
is not equal to 1 through 8, 15, 16, 17, or 67.

Invalid Address Error Response (2)

An error response with a subcode of 2 is called an invalid address error response.
This error response is sent in the following cases:
1. The starting point number and number of points fields specify output points or
input points that are not available in the attached CPU (returned for function
codes 1, 2, 15).
2. The starting register number and number of registers fields specify registers that
are not available in the attached CPU (returned for function codes 4, 16).
3. The starting analog input number and analog input number fields specify analog
inputs that are not available in the attached CPU (returned for function code 3).
4. The point number field specifies an output point not available in the attached CPU
(returned for function code 5).
5. The register number field specifies a register not available in the attached CPU
(returned for function code 6).

13-50 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


6. The analog input number field specifies an analog input number not available in
the at-attached CPU (returned for function code 3).
7. The diagnostic code is not equal to 0, 1, or 4 (returned for function code 8).
8. The starting byte number and number of bytes fields specify a scratch pad
memory address that is not available in the attached CPU (returned for function
code 67).

Invalid Data Value Error Response (3)

An error response with a subcode of 3 is called an invalid data value error response.
This response is sent in the following cases:
The first byte of the data field is not equal to 0 or 255 (FFh) or the second byte of the
data field is not equal to 0 for the Force Single Output Request (Function Code 5) or
the initiate communication restart request (function code 8, diagnostic code 1). The
two bytes of the data field are not both equal to 0 for the Force Listen-Only request
(Function Code 8, Diagnostic Code 4). This response is also sent when the data
length specified by the memory address field is longer than the data received.

Query Processing Failure Error Response (4)

An error response with a subcode of 4 is called a query processing failure response.
This error response is sent by a RTU device if it properly receives a query but
communication between the associated CPU and the CMM fails.

Serial Link Timeout

The only cause for a RTU device to timeout is if an interruption to a data stream of 4
character times occurs while a message is being received. If this occurs the message
is considered to have terminated and no response will be sent to the master. There
are certain timing considerations due to the characteristics of the slave that should be
taken into account by the master. After sending a query message, the master should
wait an appropriate amount of time for slave turnaround before assuming that the
slave did not respond to the request. Slave turnaround time is affected by the
Controller Communications Window time and the CPU sweep time, as described in
“RTU Slave Turnaround Time” on page 13-25.

Invalid Transactions
If an error occurs during transmission that does not fall into the category of an invalid
query message or a serial link time-out, it is known as an invalid transaction. Types of
errors causing an invalid transaction include:
 Bad CRC.
 The data length specified by the memory address field is longer than the data
 Framing or overrun errors.
 Parity errors.
If an error in this category occurs when a message is received by the slave serial port,
the slave does not return an error message; rather the slave ignores the incoming
message, treating the message as though it was not intended for it.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-51


RTU Slave/SNP Slave Operation With Programmer Attached

A port that has been configured for RTU Slave protocol can switch to SNP protocol if
an SNP master such as a programmer begins communicating to the port. The
programmer must use the same serial communications parameters (baud rate, parity,
stop bits, etc.) as the currently active RTU Slave protocol for it to be recognized. When
the CPU recognizes the SNP master, the CPU removes the RTU Slave protocol from
the port and installs SNP Slave as the active protocol.
The SNP protocol that is installed in this case has the following fixed characteristics:
■ The SNP ID is set to blank. Therefore the SNP master must use a blank ID in the
SNP attach message. This also means that this capability is only useful for point-
to-point connections.
■ The turnaround time is set to 0 ms.
■ The idle timeout is set to 10 seconds.
After the programmer is removed, there is a slight delay (equal to the idle timeout)
before the CPU recognizes its absence. During this time, no messages are processed
on the port. The CPU detects removal of the programmer as an SNP Slave protocol
timeout. Therefore, it is important to be careful when disabling timeouts used by the
SNP Slave protocol.
When the CPU recognizes the programmer disconnect, it reinstalls RTU Slave
protocol unless a new protocol has been configured in the meantime. In that case, the
CPU installs the new protocol instead.

1. Port 1 is running RTU Slave protocol at 9600 baud.
2. A programmer is attached to port 1. The programmer is using 9600 baud.
3. The CPU installs SNP Slave on port 1 and the programmer communicates
4. The programmer stores a new configuration to port 1. The new configuration sets
the port for SNP Slave at 4800 baud (it will not take effect until the port loses
communications with the programmer).
5. When the CPU loses communications with the programmer, the new configuration
takes effect.

13-52 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


SNP Slave Protocol

PACSystems CPUs can communicate with Machine Edition software through either
Port 1 or Port 2 using SNP slave protocol.
CPU port 1 is wired as an RS-232 Data Communications Equipment (DCE) port, and
can be connected directly using straight-through cable to one of the serial ports of a
PC running Machine Edition or other SNP master software. When using CPU port 2,
which is wired for RS-485, an externally powered RS-485/RS-232 converter (catalog
number IC690ACC901) is required, unless the SNP master also has an RS-485 port.
PACSystems provides the break free version of SNP, so that the SNP master does
not need to issue a break signal as part of the SNP attach sequence. However, the
CPU responds appropriately if a break signal is detected, by resetting the protocol to
wait for another attach sequence from the master.
PACSystems supports both point-to-point connections (single master/single slave)
and multi-drop connections (single master/multiple slaves).
For details on SNP protocol, refer to the Serial Communications User’s Manual,

Permanent Datagrams
Permanent datagrams survive after the SNP session that created them has been
terminated. This allows an SNP master device to periodically retrieve datagram data
from a number of different PLCs on a multi-drop link, without the master having to
establish and write the datagram each time it reconnects to the PLC.
The maximum number of permanent datagrams that can be established is 32. When
this limit is reached, additional requests to establish datagrams are denied. One or
more of the permanent datagrams will need to be cancelled before others can be
established. Since the permanent datagrams are not automatically deleted when the
SNP session is terminated, this limit prevents an inordinate amount of these
datagrams from being established.
Permanent datagrams do not survive a power-cycle.

Communication Requests (COMM_REQs) for SNP

The PACSystems serial ports 1 and 2 currently do not provide SNP Master service,
nor do they support COMM_REQ functions for SNP commands. However, those
COMM_REQ functions can be used with PCM/CMM modules that are configured to
provide SNP service. For more information, refer to the Serial Communications User’s
Manual, GFK-0582.

GFK-2222B Chapter 13 Serial I/O, SNP and RTU Protocols 13-53

Chapter Fault Handling


This chapter explains the PACSystems fault handling system, provides definitions of fault
extra data, and suggests corrective actions for faults.
Faults occur in the control system when certain failures or conditions happen that affect
the operation and performance of the system. Some conditions, such as the loss of an I/O
module or rack, may impair the ability of the PLC to control a machine or process. Other
conditions may be indicated, such as when a new module comes online and becomes
available for use. Some conditions, such as a low battery signal, may be displayed to
inform or alert the user.
Any detected fault is recorded in the PLC fault table or the I/O fault table, as applicable.
Information in this chapter is organized as follows:
■ Overview 14-2
■ Using the Fault Tables 14-4
■ System Handling of Faults 14-8
■ PLC Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions 14-14
■ I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions 14-36

GFK-2222B 14-1

The PACSystems CPU detects three classes of faults:
Fault Class Examples
Internal Failures (Hardware) Non-responding modules
Low battery condition
Memory checksum errors
External I/O Failures (Hardware) Loss of rack or module
Addition of rack or module
Loss of Genius I/O block
Operational Failures Communication failures
Configuration failures
Password access failures

System Response to Faults

Hardware failures require that either the system be shut down or the failure be tolerated.
I/O failures may be tolerated by the control system, but they may be intolerable by the
application or the process being controlled. Operational failures are normally tolerated.

Faults have three attributes:

Fault Table Affected I/O fault table
PLC fault table
Fault Action Fatal
Configurability Configurable

Fault Tables
The PACSystems CPU maintains two fault tables, the PLC fault table for internal CPU
faults and the I/O fault table for faults generated by I/O devices (including I/O controllers).
For more information, see “Using the Fault Tables” on page 14-4.

14-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Fault Actions and Fault Action Configuration

Fatal faults cause the fault to be recorded in the appropriate table, diagnostic variables to
be set, and the system to be stopped. Only fatal faults cause the system to stop.

Diagnostic faults are recorded in the appropriate table, and any diagnostic variables are
set. Informational faults are only recorded in the appropriate table.
Fault Action Response by CPU
Fatal Log fault in fault table.
Set fault references.
Go to Stop/Fault mode.
Diagnostic Log fault in fault table.
Set fault references.
Informational Log fault in fault table.
The hardware configuration can be used to specify the fault action of some fault groups.
For these groups, the fault action can be configured as either fatal or diagnostic. When a
fatal or diagnostic fault within a configurable group occurs, the CPU executes the
configured fault action instead of the action specified within the fault.
Note: The fault action displayed in the expanded fault details indicates the fault action
specified by the fault that was logged, but not necessarily the executed fault
action. To determine what action was executed for a particular fault in a
configurable fault group, you must refer to the hardware configuration settings.

Faults that are part of configurable fault groups:

Fault Action Displayed in Informational Diagnostic Fatal
Fault Table
Fault Action Executed Informational Diagnostic or Fatal. Diagnostic or Fatal.
Determined by action selected Determined by action selected
in Hardware Configuration. in Hardware Configuration.

Faults that are part of nonconfigurable fault groups:

Fault Action Displayed in
Informational Diagnostic Fatal
Fault Table
Fault Action Executed Informational Diagnostic Fatal

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-3


Using the Fault Tables

To display the fault tables in Logic Developer software,
1. Go online with the PACSystems.
2. Select the Project tab in the Navigator, right click the Target node and choose
Diagnostics. The Fault Table Viewer appears.
The PLC fault table and the I/O fault table display the following information:
PLC Time/Date The current date and time of the CPU.
Last Cleared The date and time faults were last cleared from the fault table. This
information is maintained by the PLC.
Status Displays “Updating” while the programmer is reading the fault table.
Status is “Online” when update is complete.
Total Faults The total number of faults since the table was last cleared.
Entries Overflowed The number of entries lost because the fault table has overflowed since it
was cleared. Each fault table can contain up to 64 faults.

PLC Fault Table

The PLC fault table displays CPU faults such as password violations, configuration
mismatches, parity errors, and communications errors.

The PLC fault table provides the following information for each fault:
Location Identifies the location of the fault by rack.slot.
Description Corresponds to a fault group, which is identified in the fault Details.
Date/Time The date and time the fault occurred based on the CPU clock.
Details To view detailed information, click the fault entry. See “Viewing PLC Fault
Details” for more information.

14-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Viewing PLC Fault Details

Note: The fault action displayed in the expanded fault details indicates the fault action
specified by the fault that was logged, but not necessarily the executed fault
action. To determine what action was executed for a particular fault in a
configurable fault group, you must refer to the hardware configuration settings.
To see PLC fault details, click the fault entry. The detailed information box for the fault
appears. (To close this box, click the fault.)

The detailed information for PLC faults includes the following:

Error Code Further identifies the fault. Each fault group has its own set of error codes.
Group Group is the highest classification of a fault. It identifies the general category of
the fault. The fault description text displayed by your programming software is
based on the fault group and the error codes.
Action Fatal, Diagnostic, or Informational. For definitions of these actions, refer to
page 14-2.
Task Number Not used for most faults. When used, provides additional information for
Technical Support representatives.
Fault Extra Data Provides additional information for troubleshooting by Technical Support
engineers. Explanations of this information are provided as appropriate for
specific faults in “PLC Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions” on page

User-Defined Faults
User-defined faults can be logged in the PLC fault table. When a user-defined fault
occurs, it is displayed in the appropriate fault table as “Application Msg (error_code):” and
may be followed by a descriptive message up to 24 characters. All characters in the
descriptive message can be defined by the user. Although the message must end with the
null character, e.g., zero (0), the null character does not count as one of the 24
characters. If the message contains more than 24 characters, only the first 24 characters
are displayed.
Certain user-defined faults can be used to set a system status reference (%SA0081–
User-defined faults are created using Service Request 21, which is described in chapter 9.
Note: When a user-defined fault is displayed in the PLC Fault table, a value of -32768
(8000 hex) is added to the error code. For example, the error code 5 will be
displayed as -32763.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-5


I/O Fault Table

The I/O fault table displays I/O faults such as circuit faults, address conflicts, forced
circuits, I/O module addition/loss faults and I/O bus faults.

The I/O fault table provides the following information for each fault:
Location Identifies the location of the fault by rack.slot location, and sometimes bus
and buss address.
CIRC No. When applicable, identifies the specific I/O point on the module.
Reference Identifies the I/O memory type and location (offset) that corresponds to the
Address point experiencing the fault. When a Genius device fault or local analog
module fault occurs, the reference address refers to the first point on the
block where the fault occurred.
Fault Specifies a general classification of the fault.
Fault Type Consists of subcategories under certain fault categories. Set to zero
when not applicable to the category.
Date/Time The date and time the fault occurred based on the CPU clock.
Details To view detailed information, click the fault entry. See “Viewing I/O Fault
Details” for more information.

14-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Viewing I/O Fault Details

To see I/O fault details, click the fault entry. The detailed information box for the fault
appears. (To close this box, click the fault.)

The detailed information for I/O faults includes:

I/O Bus When the module in the slot is a 90-70 Genius Bus Controller (GBC), this
number is always one.
Bus Address The serial bus address of the Genius device that reported or has the fault.
Point Address Identifies the point on the I/O device that has the fault when the fault is a
point-type fault.
Group Fault group is the highest classification of a fault. It identifies the
general category of the fault.
Action Fatal, Diagnostic, or Informational. For definitions of these actions, refer to
page 14-2.
Category Identifies the category of the fault.
Fault Type Identifies the fault type by number. Set to zero when not applicable to the
Fault Extra Data Provides additional information for troubleshooting by Technical Support
engineers. Explanations of this information are provided as appropriate for
specific faults in “I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions” on
page 14-35.
Fault Description Provides a specific fault code when the I/O fault category is a circuit fault
(discrete circuit fault, analog circuit fault, low-level analog fault) or module
fault. It is set to zero for other fault categories.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-7


System Handling of Faults

The system fault references listed below can be used to identify the specific type of fault
that has occurred. (A complete list of system status references is provided in chapter 7.)
System Fault Address Description
#ANY_FLT %SC0009 Any new fault in either table since the last power-up or clearing
of the fault tables
#SY_FLT %SC0010 Any new system fault in the PLC fault table since the last power-
up or clearing of the fault tables
#IO_FLT %SC0011 Any new fault in the I/O fault table since the last power-up or
clearing of the fault tables
#SY_PRES %SC0012 Indicates that there is at least one entry in the PLC fault table
#IO_PRES %SC0013 Indicates that there is at least one entry in the I/O fault table
#HRD_FLT %SC0014 Any hardware fault
#SFT_FLT %SC0015 Any software fault
On power-up, the system fault references are cleared. If a fault occurs, the positive
contact transition of any affected reference is turned on the sweep after the fault occurs.
The system fault references remain on until both fault tables are cleared or All Memory in
the CPU is cleared.

14-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


System Fault References

When a system fault reference is set, additional fault references are also set. These other
types of faults are listed in “Fault References for Configurable Faults” below and “Fault
References for Non-Configurable Faults” on page 14-10.

Fault References for Configurable Faults

Fault Address
(Default Description May Also Be Set
#SBUS_ER %SA0032 System bus error. All system bus error faults are logged #HRD_FLT, #SY_PRES,
(diagnostic) as informational. #SY_FLT
#SFT_IOC %SA0029 Non-recoverable software error in an I/O Controller #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES,
(diagnostic) (IOC). #SFT_FLT
#LOS_RCK %SA0012 Loss of rack (BRM failure, loss of power), or missing a #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES,
(diagnostic) configured rack. #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
#LOS_IOC %SA0013 Loss of I/O Controller, or missing a configured Bus #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
(diagnostic) Controller.
#LOS_IOM %SA0014 Loss of I/O module (does not respond), or missing a #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
(diagnostic) configured I/O module.
#LOS_SIO %SA0015 Loss of intelligent module (does not respond), or missing #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(diagnostic) a configured module.
#IOC_FLT %SA0022 Non-fatal bus or I/O Controller error, more than 10 bus #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
(diagnostic) errors in 10 seconds. (Error rate is configurable.)
#CFG_MM %SA0009 Configuration mismatch. Wrong module type detected. #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(fatal) The PLC does not check the configuration parameters
set up for individual modules such as Genius I/O blocks.
#OVR_TMP %SA0008 CPU temperature has exceeded the normal operating #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(diagnostic) temperature, 58ºC.
#FAN_FLT %SA0007 High capacity power supply (IC698PSA350) has #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(diagnostic) detected loss of air flow.
1 The #SFT_IOC software fault will have the same action as what you set for #LOS_IOC.
2 When a Loss of Rack or Addition of Rack fault is logged, individual loss or add faults for each module in that rack
are usually not generated.
3 Even if the #LOS_IOC fault is configured as Fatal, the PLC will not go to STOP/FAULT unless both GBCs of an
internal redundant pair fail.
Note: If the fault action for a fault logged to the fault table is informational, the configured
action is not used. For example, if the logged fault action for an SBUS_ERR is
informational, but you configure it as fatal, the action is still informational.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-9


Fault References for Non-Configurable Faults

Fault Address Description Result
#HRD_CPU %SA0010 CPU hardware fault (such as failed memory Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES, #HRD_FLT
(fatal) device or failed serial port).
#HRD_SIO %SA0027 Non-fatal hardware fault on any module in the Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES, #HRD_FLT
(diagnostic) system, such as failure of a serial port on a LAN
interface module.
#SFT_SIO %SA0031 Non-recoverable software error in a LAN Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES, #SFT_FLT
(diagnostic) interface module.
#PB_SUM %SA0001 Program or block checksum failure during power- Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(fatal) up or in Run mode.
#LOW_BAT %SA0011 Low battery signal from CPU or another module Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(diagnostic) in system.
#OV_SWP %SA0002 Constant sweep time exceeded. Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
#SY_FULL %SA0022 PLC fault table full (64 entries). Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES, #IO_FLT,
#IO_FULL I/O fault table full (64 entries). #IO_PRES
#APL_FLT %SA0003 Application fault. Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
#ADD_RCK %SA0017 New rack added, extra rack, or previously faulted Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
* rack has returned.
#ADD_IOC %SA0018 Extra IOC, previously faulted I/O Controller is no Sets #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
(diagnostic) longer faulted.
#ADD_IOM %SA0019 Extra IO module, or previously faulted I/O module Sets #IO_FLT, #IO_PRES
(diagnostic) is no longer faulted.
#ADD_SIO %SA0020 New intelligent module is added, or previously Sets #SY_FLT, #SY_PRES
(diagnostic) faulted module no longer faulted.
#IOM_FLT %SA0023 Point or channel on an I/O module; a partial Sets #IO_FLT, I#O_PRES
(diagnostic) failure of the module.
#NO_PROG %SB0009 No application program is present at power-up. PLC will not go to Run mode; it continues
(information) Should only occur the first time the PLC is executing Stop mode sweep until a valid
powered up or if the battery-backed RAM program is loaded. This can be a “null”
containing the program fails. program that does nothing. Sets
#BAD_RAM %SB0010 Corrupted program memory at power-up. Sets #SY_FLT and #SY_PRES.
(fatal) Program could not be read and/or did not pass
checksum tests.
#WIND_ER %SB0001 Window completion error. Servicing of Controller Sets #SY_FLT and #SY_PRES.
(information) Communications or Logic Window was skipped.
Occurs in Constant Sweep mode.
#BAD_PWD %SB0011 Change of privilege level request to a protection Sets #SY_FLT and #SY_PRES.
(information) level was denied; bad password.
#NUL_CFG %SB0012 No configuration present upon transition to Run Sets #SY_FLT and #SY_PRES.
(fatal) mode. Running without a configuration is
equivalent to suspending the I/O scans.

14-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Fault Address Description Result

#SFT_CPU %SB0013 CPU software fault. A non-recoverable error has PLC immediately transitions to Stop/Halt
(fatal) been detected in the CPU. May be caused by mode. The only activity permitted is
Watchdog Timer expiring. communication with the programmer. To
be cleared, PLC power must be cycled.
#STOR_ER %SB0014 Download of data to PLC from the programmer PLC will not transition to Run mode. This
(fatal) failed; some data in PLC may be corrupted. fault is not cleared at power-up,
intervention is required to correct it. Sets
* When a Loss of Rack or Addition of Rack fault is logged, individual loss or add faults for each
module in that rack are usually not generated.

Using Fault Contacts

Fault (-[F]-) and no-fault (-[NF]-) contacts can be used to detect the presence of various
faults in the system. These contacts can not be overridden. The following table shows the
state of fault and no-fault contacts.
Condition [F] [NF]
Fault Present ON OFF
Fault Absent OFF ON

Fault Locating References (Rack, Slot, Bus, Module)

The PACSystems CPU supports reserved fault names for each rack, slot, bus, and
module. By programming these names on the FAULT and NOFLT contact instructions,
logic can be executed in response to faults associated with configured racks and modules.

Fault Locating Reference Name Format

These fault names can only be programmed on the FAULT and NOFLT contacts. The
reserved fault names are always available. It is not necessary to enable a special option,
such as point faults.
Fault Reference Reserved Comment
Type Name
Rack #RACK_000r Where r is rack number 0 to 7.
Slot #SLOT_0rss Where r is rack number 0 to 7 and ss is slot number 0 to 17.
Bus #BUS_0rssb Where r is rack number 0 to 7, ss is slot number 0 to 17, and b is the
(Genius only) Genius bus number.
Module #M_rssbmmm Where r is rack number 0 to 7, ss is slot number 0 to 17, b is the Genius
(Genius only) bus number, and mmm is the Serial Bus Address (SBA) number 000 to

These fault names do not correspond to %SA, %SB, %SC, or to any other reference type.
They are mapped to a memory area that is not user-accessible. Only the name is

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-11


Fault Reference Name Examples:

#RACK_0001 represents rack 1.

#SLOT_0105 represents rack 1, slot 5.
#BUS_02041 represents rack 2, slot 4, bus 1.
#M_2061028 represents rack 2, slot 6, bus 1, Genius module 28.
Note: When a slot level failure fault is reported to the fault tables, all bus and module
fault locating references associated with that slot are set (the FAULT contact
passes power flow, and the NOFLT contact does not pass power flow), regardless
of what type of module it is. Conversely, when a slot level reset fault is reported to
the fault tables, all bus and module fault locating references are cleared (the
FAULT contact does not pass power flow, and the NOFLT contact passes power

Behavior of Fault Locating References

At power-up, all fault locating references are cleared in the PLC. When a fault is logged,
the PLC transitions the state of the affected reference(s). The state of the fault reference
remains in the fault state until one of the following actions occurs:
• Both the PLC and the I/O fault tables are cleared through your programming software
either by clearing each table individually or clearing the entire PLC memory.
• The associated device (rack, I/O module, or Genius device) is added back into the
system. Whenever an “Addition of. . . ” fault is logged, the PLC initializes all fault
references associated with the device to the NoFlt state. These references remain in
the NoFlt state until another fault associated with the device is reported. (This could
take several seconds for distributed I/O faults, especially if the bus controller has been
Note: These fault references are set for informational purposes only. They should not be
used to qualify I/O data. The I/O point fault references (described on page 14-13)
may be used to qualify I/O data. The PLC does not halt execution as a result of
setting a fault locating reference to the Fault state.
The fault references have a cascading effect. If there is a problem in the module located
at rack 5, slot 6, bus 1, module 29, the following fault references are set: RACK_05,
SLOT_0506, BUS_05061, and M_5061029. There will only be one entry in the fault table
to describe the problem with the module. The fault table does not show separate entries
pertaining to the rack, slot, and bus in this case.
If an analog base module (IC697ALG230) is lost, the fault locating reference for that
module is set. The fault locating references for its expander modules (IC697ALG440 and
ALG441) are not set as a result of the loss. Therefore, any fault locating references to an
expander module should also reference the base module to verify that the module or its
base have not been lost.

14-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Using Point Faults

Point faults pertain to external I/O faults, although they are also set due to the failure of
associated higher-level internal hardware (for example, IOC failure or loss of a rack). To
use point faults, they must be enabled in Hardware Configuration on the Memory
parameters tab of the CPU.
When enabled, a bit for each discrete I/O point and a byte for each analog I/O channel are
allocated in PLC memory. The PLC memory used for point faults is included in the total
reference table memory size. The FAULT and NOFLT contacts described above provide
access to the point faults.

Using Alarm Contacts

High (-[HA]-) and low (-[LA]-) alarm contacts are used to represent the state of the analog
input module comparator function. To use alarm contacts, point faults must first be
enabled in Hardware Configuration on the Memory parameters tab of the CPU.
The following example logic uses both high and low alarm contacts.

Note: HA and LA contacts do not create an entry in a fault table.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-13


PLC Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions

Each fault explanation contains a fault description and instructions to correct the fault.
Many fault descriptions have multiple causes. In these cases, the error code and
additional fault information are used to distinguish among fault conditions sharing the
same fault description.

PLC Fault Groups

Group Name Default Fault Configurable
1 Loss of or Missing Rack Diagnostic Yes
4 Loss of or Missing Option Module Diagnostic Yes
5 Addition of, or Extra Rack N/A No
8 Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option N/A No
11 System Configuration Mismatch Fatal Yes
12 System Bus Error Fatal Yes
13 CPU Hardware Failure N/A No
14 Module Hardware Failure N/A No
16 Option Module Software Failure N/A No
17 Program or Block Checksum Failure Group N/A No
18 Low Battery Signal Group N/A No
19 Constant Sweep Time Exceeded N/A No
20 System Fault Table Full N/A No
21 I/O Fault Table Full N/A No
22 User Application Fault N/A No
23 Fan Kit Failure Diagnostic Yes
24 CPU Over Temperature Diagnostic Yes
128 System Bus Failure N/A No
129 No User Program on Power-up N/A No
130 Corrupted User Program on Power-up N/A No
131 Window Completion Failure N/A No
132 Password Access Failure N/A No
134 Null System Configuration for Run Mode N/A No
135 CPU System Software Failure N/A No
137 Communications Failure During Store N/A No
140 Non-critical CPU Software Event N/A No
* The fault action indicated is not applicable if the fault is displayed as informational.
Faults displayed as informational, always behave as informational.

14-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Loss of or Missing Rack (Group 1)

The fault group Loss of or Missing Rack occurs when the system cannot communicate
with an expansion rack because the BTM (Bus Transmitter Module) in the main rack
failed, the BRM (Bus Receiver Module) in the expansion rack failed, power failed in the
expansion rack, or the expansion rack was configured in the configuration file but did not
respond during power-up.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.

Error Code 1
Name Rack Lost
Description The PLC generates this error when the main rack can no longer communicate with
an expansion rack. The error is generated for each expansion rack that exists in the
Correction (1) Power off the system. Verify that both the BTM and the BRM are seated
properly in their respective racks and that all cables are properly connected and
(2) Replace the cables.
(3) Replace the BRM.
(4) Replace the BTM.
Error Code 2
Name Rack Not Responding
Description The PLC generates this error when the configuration file stored from the
programmer indicates that a particular expansion rack should be in the system but
none responds for that rack number.
Correction (1) Check rack number jumper behind power supply—first on missing rack and
then on all other racks—for duplicated rack numbers.
(2) Update the configuration file if a rack should not be present.
(3) Add the rack to the hardware configuration if a rack should be present and
one is not.
(4) Power off the system. Verify that both the BTM and the BRM are seated
properly in their respective racks and that all cables are properly connected and
(5) Replace the cables.
(6) Replace the BRM.
(7) Replace the BTM.
(8) Check for Termination Plug on last BRM.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-15


Loss of or Missing Option Module (Group 4)

The fault group Loss of or Missing Option Module occurs when a LAN interface module,
BTM, or BRM fails to respond. The failure may occur at power-up or store of configuration
if the module is missing or during operation if the module fails to respond. This may also
occur due to hot removal of an option module.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable

Error Code 3C hex/60 decimal
Name Module in Firmware Update Mode
Description The PLC generates this error when it finds a module in Firmware Update mode.
Modules in this mode will not communicate with the CPU.
Correction (1) Run the firmware update utility for the module.
(2) Reset the module with the push-button.
(3) Power-cycle the entire system.
(4) Power-cycle the rack containing the module.
Error Code All Others
Name Module Failure During Configuration
Description The PLC generates this error when a module fails during power-up or configuration
Correction (1) Power off the system. Replace the module located in that rack and slot.
(2) If the board is located in an expansion rack, verify BTM/BRM cable
connections are tight and the modules are seated properly; verify the addressing of
the expansion rack.
(3) Replace the BTM.
(4) Replace the BRM.
(5) Replace the rack.
Error Code 63 hex/99 decimal
Name Module Hot Removed
Description The PLC logs this fault when it detects hot removal of an option module such as the
LAN interface module.
Correction No correction necessary

Addition of, or Extra Rack (Group 5)

The fault group Addition of Extra Rack occurs when a configured expansion rack with
which the CPU could not communicate comes online or is powered on, or an unconfigured
rack is found.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 1
Name Extra Rack
Correction (1) Check rack jumper behind power supply for correct setting.
(2) Update the configuration file to include the expansion rack.
Note: No correction necessary if rack was just powered on.

14-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module (Group 8)

The fault group Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module occurs when an option
module (LAN interface module, BTM, etc.) comes online, is reset, is hot inserted or a
module is found in the rack but is not configured.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 8
Name LAN Interface Restart Complete, Running Utility
Description The LAN Interface module has restarted and is running a utility program.
Correction Refer to the LAN Interface manual, GFK-0868 or GFK-0869 (previously GFK-0533).
Error Code 7
Name Extra Option Module
Correction (1) Update the configuration file to include the module.
(2) Remove the module from the system.
Error Code 14
Name Option module Hot inserted
Description The PLC logs this fault when it detects hot insertion of an option module such as the
LAN interface module.
Correction No correction necessary

Note: When configuration is cleared or stored, a reset fault is generated for every intelligent option
module physically present in the system.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-17


System Configuration Mismatch (Group 11)

The fault group Configuration Mismatch occurs when the module occupying a slot is
different from that specified in the configuration file. When the 90-70 GBC generates the
mismatch because of a Genius block, the second byte in the Fault Extra Data field
contains the bus address of the mismatched block.

Default action: Fatal. Configurable.

Error Code 2
Name Genius I/O Block Model Number Mismatch
Description The PLC generates this fault when the configured and physical Genius I/O blocks
have different model numbers.
Correction (1) Replace the Genius I/O block with one corresponding to the configured
(2) Update the configuration file.

Fault Extra Data for Genius I/O Block Model Number Mismatch
Byte Value
[0] FF (flag byte)
[1] Serial Bus address
[2] Installed module type (See “Installed/Configured Module Types” on page 14-18.)
[3] Configured module type (See “Installed/Configured Module Types” on page 14-18.)

Installed/Configured Module Types (Bytes 2 and 3 of Fault Extra Data)

Decimal Hexadecimal
4 4 Genius Network Interface (GENI)
5 5 Phase B Hand Held Monitor
6 6 Phase B Series Six GBC with Diagnostics
7 7 Phase B Series Six GBC without Diagnostics
8 8 PLCM/Series Six
9 9 PLCM/Series 90-40
10 A Series 90-70 Single Channel Bus Controller
11 B Series 90-70 Dual Channel Bus Controller
12 C Series 90-10 Genius Communications Module
13 D Series 90-30 Genius Communications Module
32 20 High Speed Counter
69 45 Phase B 115Vac 8-point (2 amp) Grouped Block
70 46 Phase B 115Vac/125Vdc 8-point Isolated Block
70 46 Phase B 115Vac/125Vdc 8-point Isolated Block without Failed Switch
71 47 Phase B 220Vac 8-point Grouped Block
72 48 Phase B 24-48Vdc 16-point Proximity Sink Block
72 48 Phase B 24Vdc 16-point Proximity Sink Block
73 49 Phase B 24-48Vdc 16-point Source Block

14-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Decimal Hexadecimal
73 49 Phase B 24Vdc 16-point Proximity Source Block
74 4A Phase B 12-24Vdc 32-point Sink Block
75 4B Phase B 12-24Vdc 32-point Source Block
76 4C Phase B 12-24Vdc 32-point 5V Logic Block
77 4D Phase B 115Vac 16-point Quad State Input Block
78 4E Phase B 12-24Vdc 16-point Quad State Input Block
79 4F Phase B 115/230Vac 16-point Normally Open Relay Block
80 50 Phase B 115/230Vac 16-point Normally Closed Relay Block
81 51 Phase B 115Vac 16-point AC Input Block
82 52 Phase B 115Vac 8-point Low-Leakage Grouped Block
127 7F* Genius Network Adapter (GENA)
131 83 Phase B 115Vac 4-input, 2-output Analog Block
132 84 Phase B 24Vdc 4-input, 2-output Analog Block
133 85 Phase B 220Vac 4-input, 2-output Analog Block
134 86 Phase B 115Vac Thermocouple Input Block
135 87 Phase B 24Vdc Thermocouple Input Block
136 88 Phase B 115Vac RTD Input Block
137 89 Phase B 24/48Vdc RTD Input Block
138 8A Phase B 115Vac Strain Gauge/mV Analog Input Block
139 8B Phase B 24Vdc Strain Gauge/mV Analog Input Block
140 8C Phase B 115Vac 4-input, 2-output Current Source Analog Block
141 8D Phase B 24Vdc 4-input, 2-output Current Source Analog Block

*GENA Application ID Numbers

If the model number is 7F hex (Genius Network Adapter), the block may be one of the
following. (The GENA Application ID is shown for reference.)
Decimal Hexadecimal Description
131 83 115Vac/230Vac/125Vdc Power Monitor Module
132 84 24/48Vdc Power Monitor Module
160 A0 Genius Remote 90-70 Rack Controller

Error Code 4
Name I/O Type Mismatch
Description The PLC generates this fault when the physical and configured I/O types of Genius
grouped blocks are different.
Correction (1) Remove the indicated Genius module and install the module indicated in the
configuration file.
(2) Update the Genius module descriptions in the configuration file to agree with
what is physically installed.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-19


Fault Extra Data for I/O Type Mismatch

Byte Value
[0] FF
[1] Bus address
[2] Installed module’s I/O type
[3] Configured module’s I/O type

Genius Installed Module I/O Types (Byte 2 of Fault Extra Data)

Value Description
01 Input only
02 Output only
03 Combination

Genius Configured Module I/O Types (Byte 3 of Fault Extra Data)

Decimal Hexadecimal
0 0 Discrete input
1 1 Discrete output
2 2 Analog input
3 3 Analog output
4 4 Discrete grouped
5 5 Analog grouped
20 14 Analog in, discrete in
21 15 Analog in, discrete out
24 18 Analog in, discrete grouped
30 1E Analog out, discrete in
31 1F Analog out, discrete out
34 22 Analog out, discrete grouped
50 32 Analog grouped, discrete in
51 33 Analog grouped, discrete out
54 36 Analog grouped, discrete grouped

14-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Error Code 8
Name Analog Expander Mismatch
Description The CPU generates this error when the configured and physical Analog Expander
modules have different model numbers.
Correction (1) Replace the Analog Expander module with one corresponding to configured
(2) Update the configuration file.

Error Code 9
Name Genius I/O Block Size Mismatch
Description The CPU generates this error when block configuration size does not match the
configured size.
Correction Reconfigure the block.

Fault Extra Data for Genius I/O Block Size Mismatch

Byte Value
[0] FF
[1] Bus address
[2] Module’s broadcast data length
[3] Configured module’s broadcast data length

Error Code A hex/10 decimal

Name Unsupported Feature
Description Configured feature not supported by this revision of the module.
Correction (1) Update the module to a revision that supports the feature.
(2) Change the module configuration.

Fault Extra Data for Unsupported Feature

Byte Value
[8] Contains a reason code indicating what feature is not supported.
0x5 – GBC revision too old
0x6 – Only supported in main rack

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-21


Error Code E hex/14 decimal

Name LAN Duplicate MAC Address
Description This LAN Interface module has the same MAC address as another device on the
LAN. The module is off the network.
Correction (1) Change the module’s MAC ,.
(2) Change the other device’s MAC address.
Error Code F hex/15 decimal
Name LAN Duplicate MAC Address Resolved
Description Previous duplicate MAC address has been resolved. The module is back on the
network. This is an informational message.
Correction None required.
Error Code 10 hex/16 decimal
Name LAN MAC Address Mismatch
Description MAC address programmed by softswitch utility does not match configuration stored
from software.
Correction Change MAC address on softswitch utility or in software.
Error Code 11 hex/17 decimal
Name LAN Softswitch/Modem mismatch
Description Configuration of LAN module does not match modem type or configuration
programmed by softswitch utility.
Correction (1) Correct configuration of modem type.
(2) Consult LAN Interface manual for configuration setup.

Error Code 19 hex/25 decimal

Name DCD Length Mismatch
Correction See Fault Extra Data.

Fault Extra Data for DCD Length Mismatch

Byte Value
[0] FF
[1] Bus address
[2] Module’s directed data length
[3] Configured module’s directed data length

14-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Error Code 25 hex/37 decimal

Name Controller Reference Out of Range
Description A reference on either the trigger, disable, or I/O specification is out of the configured
Correction Modify the incorrect reference to be within range, or increase the configured size of
the reference data.
Error Code 26 hex/38 decimal
Name Bad Program Specification
Description The I/O specification of a program is corrupted.
Correction Contact GE Fanuc Field Service.
Error Code: 27 hex/39 decimal
Name Unresolved or Disabled Interrupt Reference
Description The CPU generates this error when an interrupt trigger reference is either out of
range or disabled in the I/O module’s configuration.
Correction (1) Remove or correct the interrupt trigger reference.
(2) Update the configuration file to enable this particular interrupt.
Error Code: 49 hex/73 decimal
Name ECC jumper is enabled, but should be disabled
Description If the CPU firmware does not support redundancy, the ECC jumper must be in the
disabled position.
Correction Set the ECC jumper to the disabled position (jumper on one pin or removed
Error Code All Others
Name Module and Configuration do not Match
Description The CPU generates this fault when the module occupying a slot is not of the same
type that the configuration file indicates.
Correction (1) Replace the module in the slot with the type indicated in the configuration file.
(2) Update the configuration file.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-23


System Bus Error (Group 12)

The fault group System Bus Error occurs when the CPU encounters a bus error.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.

Error Code 4
Name Unrecognized VME Interrupt Source
Description The CPU generates this error when a module generates an interrupt not expected
by the CPU (unconfigured or unrecognized).
Correction (1) Ensure that all modules configured for interrupts have corresponding interrupt
declarations in the program logic.

CPU Hardware Failure (Group 13)

The fault group CPU Hardware occurs when the CPU detects a hardware failure, such as
a RAM failure or a communications port failure.
When a CPU Hardware failure occurs, the OK LED will flash on and off to indicate that the
failure was not serious enough to prevent Controller Communications to retrieve the fault
Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 6E hex/110 decimal
Name Time-of-Day Clock not Battery-Backed
Description The battery-backed value of the time-of-day clock has been lost.
Correction (1) Replace the battery. Do not remove power from the main rack until
replacement is complete. Reset the time-of-day clock using your programming
(2) Replace the module.
Error Code All Others
Correction Replace the module.

Fault Extra Data for CPU Hardware Failure

For a RAM failure in the CPU (one of the faults reported as a CPU hardware failure), the
address of the failure is stored in the first four bytes of the field.

14-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Module Hardware Failure (Group 14)

The fault group Module Hardware Failure occurs when the CPU detects a non-fatal
hardware failure on any module in the system, for example, a serial port failure on a LAN
interface module. The fault action for this group is Diagnostic.
Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 1A0 hex/416 decimal
Name Missing 12 Volt Power Supply
Description A power supply that supplies 12 volts is required to operate the LAN Interface
Correction (1) Install/replace a GE Fanuc 100 watt power supply.
(2) Connect an external VME power supply that supplies 12 volts.
Error Code 1C2 - 1C6 hex (450 – 454 decimal)
Name LAN Interface Hardware Failure
Description Refer to the LAN Interface manual, GFK-0868 or GFK-0869 (previously GFK-0533),
for a description of these errors.
Error Code All Others
Name Module Hardware Failure
Description A module hardware failure has been detected.
Correction Replace the affected module.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-25


Option Module Software Failure (Group 16)

The fault group Option Module Software Failure occurs when:

■ a non-recoverable software failure occurs on an intelligent option module

■ the identification data read from a module indicates that the module is a GE Fanuc
module but the module type is not a supported GE Fanuc type

■ the Ethernet Interface logs an event in its Ethernet exception log

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 1
Name Unsupported Board Type
Description The CPU generates this fault when the identification data read from a board
indicates that the board is a GE Fanuc board but the type of board is not one of the
GE Fanuc board types.
Correction (1) Upload the configuration file and verify that the software recognizes the
board type in the file. If there is an error, correct it, download the corrected
configuration file, and retry.
(2) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc Field
Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.
Error Code 2, 3
Name COMMREQ Frequency Too High
Description COMM_REQs are being sent to a module faster than it can process them.
Correction Change the application program to send COMM_REQs to the affected module at a
slower rate or monitor the completion status of each COMMREQ before sending the
Error Code 4
Name More Than One BTM in a Rack
Description There is more than one BTM present in the rack.
Correction Remove one of the BTMs from the rack; there can only be one in a CPU rack.
Error Code >4
Name Option Module Software Failure
Description Software failure detected on an option module.
Correction (1) Reload software into the indicated module.
(2) Replace the module.
Error Code >4
Name LAN System Software Fault
Description The Ethernet interface software has detected an unusual condition and recorded an
event in its exception log. The Fault Extra Data contains the corresponding event in
the Ethernet exception log, which may also be viewed by the Ethernet Interface’s
Station Manager function. The first two digits of Fault Extra Data contain the two-
digit Event type; the remaining data correspond to the four-digit values for Entry 2
through Entry 6. Some exceptions may also contain optional multi-byte SCode and
other data.
Correction For information on interpreting the fault extra data, refer to the PACSystems TCP/IP
Communications Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225, Appendix B.

14-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Program or Block Checksum Failure (Group 17)

The fault group Program or Block Checksum Failure occurs when the CPU detects error
conditions in program or blocks received by the PLC. It also occurs during Run mode
background checking. In all cases, the Fault Extra Data field of the PLC fault table record
contains the name of the program or block in which the error occurred.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code All
Name Program or Block Checksum Failure
Description The CPU generates this error when a program or block is corrupted.
Correction (1) Clear CPU memory and retry the store.
(2) Examine C application for errors.
(3) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc Field
Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.

Fault Extra Data

The name of the offending program block is contained in the first eight bytes of the Fault
Extra Data field.

Low Battery Signal (Group 18)

The fault group Low Battery Signal occurs when the CPU detects a low battery on the
CPU board, the CPU memory daughter board, or a module such as a LAN interface
module reports a low battery condition.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Name Failed Battery Signal
Description The CPU module (or other module having a battery) battery is dead.
Correction Replace the battery. Do not remove power from the rack until replacement is
Error Code 1
Name Low Battery Signal
Description A battery on the CPU or other module has a low signal.
Correction Replace the battery. Do not remove power from the rack until replacement is

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-27


Constant Sweep Time Exceeded (Group 19)

The fault group Constant Sweep Exceeded occurs when the CPU operates in Constant
Sweep mode and detects that the sweep has exceeded the constant sweep timer. The
fault extra data contains the name of the folder in eight bytes.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0 Constant Sweep
1 not used
Correction If Constant Sweep:
(1) Increase constant sweep time.
(2) Remove logic from application program.

System Fault Table Full (Group 20)

The fault group System Fault Table Full occurs when the PLC Fault Table reaches its limit
(see page 3-4).

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Correction Clear the PLC fault table.

I/O Fault Table Full (Group 21)

The fault group I/O Fault Table Full occurs when the I/O Fault Table reaches its maximum
configured limit (see page 3-6). To avoid loss of additional faults, clear the earliest entry
from the table.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Correction Clear the I/O fault table.

14-28 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


User Application Fault (Group 22)

The fault group Application Fault occurs when the CPU detects a fault in the user

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 1
Name Indirect Address Out of Range
Description The CPU generates this error when one of the parameters to a function block is an
indirect reference (that is, the parameter is an address within that memory type
which contains the parameter value) and the contents of the indirect reference are
out of range for the memory type. For example, consider a system with 500 %R
registers defined. This fault would be generated if the parameter address were
%R00100, and the contents of %R00100 were greater than 500 or zero.
Correction (1) Correct the indirect reference.
(2) Increase the number of registers available, if possible.

Fault Extra Data for Indirect Address Out of Range

Byte Value
[0—1] Offset address of where the call was made in the logic
[3—4] Segment selector (reference type)
8000 %L reference type
8400 %P reference type
8800 %R reference type
[5—6] Offset (hex)
To obtain the offset address in decimal, swap bytes 5
and 6, convert to decimal, divide by 2, then add 1.
For example, if bytes 5 and 6 contain 0002, swapping
the bytes yields hex 200 or decimal 512. Dividing 512
by 2 and adding 1 yields an offset of 257.
[7—14] Name of program or block in which the function call resides
(eight bytes of ASCII data) (%L only)

Error Code 2
Name Software Watchdog Timer Expired
Description The CPU generates this error when the watchdog timer expires. The CPU stops
executing the user program and enters Stop/Halt mode. The only recovery is to
cycle power to the CPU with battery disconnected. Examples causing timer
expiration Looping, via jump, very long program, etc.
Correction (1) Determine what caused the expiration (logic execution, external event, etc.)
and correct.
(2) Use the system service function block to restart the watchdog timer.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-29


Error Code 4
Name Bad Genius Bus Request
Description This fault occurs when the GBC receives a Read or Write Device datagram from
another device on the Genius Bus that cannot be successfully completed.

Fault Extra Data for Bad Genius Bus Request

Four bytes are used, unless the request is a read or write device. In these two datagrams,
eight bytes are used.
Byte Value
[0] FF (flag byte)
[1] Serial Bus address of requestor
[2] Function code in the datagram
[3] Subfunction code in the datagram
[4] Segment selector, if Read/Write device
[5] LSB of offset, if Read/Write device
[6] MSB of offset, if Read/Write device
[7] Length, if Read/Write device

14-30 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Error Code 5
Name COMMREQ WAIT Mode Not Supported
Description The module receiving the COMMREQ does not support WAIT mode COMM_REQs.
Correction Use NOWAIT mode COMM_REQs.
Error Code 6
Name COMMREQ Bad Task ID
Description The task selected by the COMMREQ does not exist on the option module.
Correction Correct the task ID.
Error Code 7
Name Application Stack Overflow
Description Block call depth has exceeded the CPU capability.
Correction Increase the program’s stack size or adjust application program to reduce nesting.
Error Code 8—D hex (8 —13 decimal)
Name LAN Interface Application Faults
Description Refer to the LAN Interface manual, GFK-0868 or GFK-0869 (previously GFK-0533),
for a description of these errors.
Error Code 0E hex/ 15 decimal
Name External Block Run Time Error
Description A run-time error occurred during execution of an external block.
Correction Based on the fault information, correct the specific problem in the external block.
Error Code 0Fhex/15 decimal
Name SORT Interrupt Error
Description A SORT function executed in a timed or I/O interrupt at the same time a SORT
function was executing in another block.
Correction Do not use the SORT function in both Interrupt and Non-Interrupt blocks.
Error Code 11 hex/17 decimal
Name C Run Time Error
Description A run-time error occurred during execution of a C block or C program.
Correction Correct the specific problem in the C block or C program.
Error Code 1C hex/28 decimal
Name Program Exceeded Wind Down
Description A program failed to complete execution within the wind-down period (currently 2.5
seconds) after the CPU was commanded to stop.
Correction A program has gone into an infinite loop or is taking too long to execute. Correct the
coding error or modify the program.
Error Code 1D hex/29 decimal
Name Program Not Readied
Description A program scheduled to be readied has not completed its previous execution. The
base cycle time is too small (Periodic programs), or the interrupt rate is too high
(I/O-Triggered or Timed programs).
Correction (1) Increase the base cycle time or decrease the interrupt rate.
(2) Increase the execution interval time to allow the program to finish execution.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-31


Error Code 31 hex/49 decimal

Name Bad COMM_REQ Status Pointer
Description CPU could not write to address specified by the status pointer in the COMM_REQ
data block.
Correction Correct the status pointer.

Fault Extra Data for Bad COMMREQ Status Pointer

The first byte contains a hex FF. The next four bytes contain the segment selector and
offset of the status pointer into which the CPU could not write.
Error Code 32 hex/50 decimal
Name Insufficient User Memory
Description There is insufficient user memory to complete an operation.
Correction Free unused user memory.
Error Code 34 hex/52 decimal
Name Memory Reference Out of Range
Description User logic memory reference, computed during logic execution, is out of range.
Includes indirect references, array element references, and potentially other types of
Correction Correct logic or adjust memory size in hardware configuration.

Fan Kit Failure (Group 23)

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.
Error Code 1
Name Fan kit failure.
Description High capacity power supply (IC698PSA350) has detected loss of air flow.
Correction Repair or replace fan kit.

CPU Over Temperature (Group 24)

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.
Error Code 1
Name Overtemperature failure.
Description CPU’s normal operating temperature (58ºC) exceeded.
Correction Turn off CPU to allow heat to disperse and install a fan kit to regulate temperature.

14-32 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


No User Program on Power-Up (Group 129)

The fault group No User Program on Power-Up occurs when the CPU powers up with its
memory preserved but no user program exists in the PLC. The CPU detects the absence
of a user program on power-up; the controller stays in Stop mode.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Correction Download an application program before attempting to go to Run mode.

Corrupted User Program on Power-Up (Group 130)

The fault group Corrupted User Program on Power-Up occurs when the CPU detects
corrupted user RAM. The CPU will remain in Stop mode.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 1
Name Corrupted User RAM on Power-Up
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects corrupted user RAM on power-up.
Correction (0) Cycle power without battery.
(2) Examine any C applications for errors.
(3) Replace the battery on the CPU.
(4) Replace the expansion memory board on the CPU.
(5) Replace the CPU.

Window Completion Failure (Group 131)

The fault group Window Completion Failure is generated by the pre-logic and end-of-
sweep processing software in the PLC. The fault extra data contains the name of the task
that was executing when the error occurred.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Name Window Completion Failure
Description The CPU generates this error when it is operating in Constant Sweep mode
and the constant sweep time was exceeded before the programmer window
had a chance to begin executing.
Correction Increase the constant sweep timer value.
Error Code 1
Name Logic Window Skipped
Description The logic window was skipped due to lack of time to execute.
Correction (1) Increase base cycle time.
(2) Reduce Communications Window time.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-33


Password Access Failure (Group 132)

The fault group Password Actual Failure occurs when the CPU receives a request to
change to a new privilege level and the password included with the request is not valid for
that level.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Correction Retry the request with the correct password.

Null System Configuration for Run Mode (Group 134)

The fault group Null System Configuration for Run Mode occurs when the CPU transitions
from Stop to one of the Run modes and a configuration file is not present. The transition to
Run is permitted, but no I/O scans occur.

Action: Informational. Nonconfigurable.

Error Code 0
Correction Download a configuration file.

CPU System Software Failure (Group 135)

Faults in this group are generated by the operating software of the CPU. They occur at
many different points of system operation. When a fatal fault occurs, the CPU immediately
transitions to Stop/Halt. The only activity permitted when the CPU is in this mode is
communications with the programmer. The only method of clearing this condition is to
cycle power on the PLC with the battery disconnected.

Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 5A hex/90 decimal
Name User Shut Down Requested
Description The CPU generates this informational alarm when SVCREQ #13 (User Shut Down)
executes in the application program.
Correction None required. Information-only alarm.
Error Code 94 hex/148
Name Units Contain Mismatched Firmware, Update Recommended
Description This fault is logged each time the redundancy state changes and the redundant
CPUs contain incompatible firmware.
Correction Ensure that redundant CPUs have compatible firmware.
Error Code DA hex/218 decimal
Name Critical Overtemperature Failure
Description CPU’s critical operating temperature (63ºC) exceeded.
Correction Turn off CPU to allow heat to disperse and install a fan kit to regulate temperature.
Error Code All Others
Name CPU Internal System Error
Description An internal system error has occurred that should not occur in a production system.
Correction Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc Field Service,
giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.

14-34 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Communications Failure During Store (Group 137)

The fault group Communications Failure During Store occurs during the store of programs
or blocks and other data to the PLC. The stream of commands and data for storing
programs or blocks and data starts with a special start-of-sequence command and
terminates with an end-of-sequence command. If communications with the programming
device performing the store is interrupted or any other failure occurs which terminates the
store, this fault is logged. As long as this fault is present in the system, the controller will
not transition to Run mode.
This fault is not automatically cleared on power-up; you must specifically clear the
Action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Code 0
Correction Clear the fault and retry the download of the program or configuration file.
Error Code 1
Description Communications was lost, or power was lost during a Run Mode Store. The new
program or block was not activated and was deleted.
Correction Perform the Run Mode Store again. This fault is diagnostic.
Error Code 2
Description Communications was lost, or power was lost during the cleanup of old programs or
blocks during a Run Mode Store. The new program or block is installed, and the
remaining programs and blocks were cleaned up.
Correction None required. This fault is informational.
Error Code 3
Description Power was lost in the middle of a Run Mode Store.
Correction Delete and restore the program. This error is fatal.

Noncritical CPU Software Event (Group 140)

This group is used for recording conditions in the system that may provide valuable
information to Technical Support.
Default action: Nonconfigurable.
Error Codes Descriptions
1-30 Events during power-up
31-50 Events on the serial port or in a serial protocol
51 and greater Miscellaneous internal system events
Correction No corrective action is required unless this fault occurs with other specific
faults. The fault may contain useful information for Technical Support if other
problems are encountered.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-35


I/O Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions

The I/O fault table reports the following data about faults:
■ Fault Group
■ Fault Action
■ Fault category
■ Fault type
■ Fault description
All faults have a fault category, but a fault type and fault group may not be listed for every
fault. To view the detailed information pertaining to a fault, click the fault entry in the I/O
Fault Table.
Note: The model number mismatch and I/O type mismatch faults are reported in the
PLC fault table under the System Configuration Mismatch group. They are not
reported in the I/O fault table.

Fault Extra Data

An I/O fault table entry contains up to 21 bytes of I/O fault extra data that contains
additional information related to the fault. Not all entries contain I/O fault extra data.

I/O Fault Groups

Group Number Group Name Default Fault Action* Configurable
2 Loss of or Missing IOC Diagnostic Yes
3 Loss of or Missing I/O module Diagnostic Yes
6 Addition of or Extra IOC N/A No
7 Addition of or Extra I/O module N/A No
9 IOC or I/O Bus Fault Diagnostic Yes
10 I/O Module Fault N/A No
15 IOC Software Failure Same As Group 2 ** Yes
16 Module Software Failure N/A No
133 Genius Block Address Mismatch N/A No
* The fault action indicated is not applicable if the fault is displayed as informational. Faults
displayed as informational, always behave as informational.
** The fault action for the IOC Software Failure group 15 always matches the action used by the
Loss of or Missing IOC group 2. If the Loss of or Missing IOC group is configured, the IOC
Software Failure group is also configured to take the same fault action.

14-36 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


I/O Fault Categories

Category Fault Type Description Fault Extra Data
Circuit Fault (1) Discrete Fault (1) Loss of User Side Power (01 hex) Circuit Configuration
Short Circuit in User Wiring (02 hex) Circuit Configuration
Sustained Overcurrent (04 hex) Circuit Configuration
Low or No Current Flow (08 hex) Circuit Configuration
Switch Temperature Too High (10 hex) Circuit Configuration
Switch Failure (20 hex) Circuit Configuration
Point Fault (83 hex) Circuit Configuration
Output Fuse Blown (84 hex) Circuit Configuration
Analog Fault (2) Input Channel Low Alarm (01 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel High Alarm (02 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Under Range (04 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Over Range (08 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Open Wire (10 hex) Circuit Configuration
Over Range or Open Wire (18 hex) Circuit Configuration
Output Channel Under Range (20 hex) Circuit Configuration
Output Channel Over Range (40 hex) Circuit Configuration
Expansion Channel Not Responding Circuit Configuration
(80 hex)
Invalid Data (81 hex) Circuit Configuration
Low-Level Input Channel Low Alarm (01 hex) Circuit Configuration
Analog Fault (4) Input Channel High Alarm (02 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Under Range (04 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Over Range (08 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Open Wire (10 hex) Circuit Configuration
Wiring Error (20 hex) Circuit Configuration
Internal Fault (40 hex) Circuit Configuration
Input Channel Shorted (80 hex) Circuit Configuration
Invalid Data (81 hex) Circuit Configuration
GENA (Genius Network GENA Circuit Fault (80 hex) Byte 2:GENA Fault
Adapter) Fault (3)
Loss of Block (2) Not Specified (0) NA Block Configuration
A/D Communications Lost Number of Input Circuits
(1) Number of Output
Addition of Block (3) NA NA Block Configuration
Number of Input Circuits
Number of Output
I/O Bus Fault (6) Bus Fault (1) NA NA
Bus Outputs Disabled (2)
SBA Conflict (3)
Genius Module Fault (8) Headend Fault (0) Configuration Memory Failure (08 hex) NA
A to D Comm. Fault (1) Calibration Memory Failure (20 hex)
User Scaling Error (5) Shared RAM Failure (40 hex)
Store Fail (6) Internal Circuit Fault (80 hex)
Watchdog Timeout (81 hex)
Output Fuse Blown (84 hex)

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-37


Category Fault Type Description Fault Extra Data
Addition of IOC (9) NA Extra Module (01 hex) NA
Reset Request (02 hex)
Loss of IOC (10) NA NA Timeout
Unexpected State
Unexpected Mail Status
VME Bus Error
IOC Software Fault (11) NA NA NA
Forced Circuit (12) NA NA Block Configuration
Unforced Circuit (13) NA NA Block Configuration
Loss of I/O Module (14) NA NA NA
Addition of I/O Module (15) NA VME Module Reset Requested (30 hex) NA
Extra I/O Module (16) NA NA NA
Extra Block (17) NA NA NA
IOC Hardware Failure (18) NA NA NA
GBC stopped reporting faults GBC detected high error NA NA
because too many faults have count on Genius Bus and
occurred (19) dropped off the bus for at
least 1.5 seconds. (1)
GBC Software Exception (21) Datagram queue full (1) NA
R/W request queue full (2)
Low priority mail rejected (3)
Background message
received before CPU
completed initialization (4)
Genius software version too
old (5)
Excessive use of internal
GBC memory (6)
Block Switch (22) – redundant NA NA Block Configuration
Genius block switched bus Number of Input Circuits
Number of Output
Rack/Slot address of
GBC from which block
was removed.
Block not active on redundant bus NA NA NA

14-38 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Circuit Faults (Category 1)

Circuit faults apply to Genius I/O modules and the IC697VRD008 RTD/Strain Bridge
modules. Fault extra data is available for all faults in this category. More than one
condition may be present in a particular reporting of the fault.

Action: Diagnostic.

Fault Extra Data for Circuit Faults

Genius Bus Controller
Circuit fault entries use one or two bytes of the fault extra data area. If the GBC reports
the fault, the first byte is generated by the GBC and the second byte contains the circuit
configuration and is encoded as shown in the following table.
Value Description
(Byte 2)
1 Circuit is an input.
2 Circuit is an input.
3 Circuit is an output.
If the fault type is a GENA fault, the second byte contains the data that was reported from
the GENA module in fault byte 2 of its “Report Fault” message.

VRD001 RTD/Strain Bridge

Circuit fault entries 13 bytes of the fault extra data area. The fault extra data is encoded as
shown in the following table.
Bytes Description
1--10 Used by technical support.
11 Line number
12 Module number
13 Used by technical support.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-39


Fault Descriptions for Discrete Faults

Error Code 1
Name Loss of User Side Power
Description The GBC generates this error when there is a power loss on the field wiring side of a Genius I/O
Correction (1) (Only valid for Isolated I/O blocks.) Initiate “Pulse Test” COMREQ #1. Pulse test may be
enabled or disabled at I/O block.
(2) Correct the power failure.
Error Code 2
Name Short Circuit in User Wiring
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a short circuit in the user wiring of a Genius block. A
short circuit is defined as a current level greater than 20 amps.
Correction Fix the cause of the short circuit.
Error Code 4
Name Sustained Overcurrent
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a sustained current level greater than 2 amps in the
user wiring.
Correction Fix the cause of the over current.
Error Code 8
Name Low or No Current Flow
Description The GBC generates this error when there is very low or no current flow in the user circuit.
Correction Fix the cause of the condition.
Error Code 10 hex
Name Switch Temperature Too High
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius block reports a high temperature in the Genius Smart
Correction (1) Ensure that the block is installed to provide adequate circulation.
(2) Decrease the ambient temperature surrounding the block.
(3) Install RC Snubbers on inductive loads.
Error Code 20 hex
Name Switch Failure
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius block reports a failure in the Genius Smart Switch.
Correction (1) Check for shunts across Genius output (pushbuttons).
(2) Replace the Genius I/O block.
Error Code 83 hex
Name Point Fault
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects a failure of a single I/O point on a Genius I/O module.
Correction Replace the Genius I/O block.
Error Code 84 hex
Name Output Fuse Blown
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects a blown fuse on a Genius I/O output block.
Correction (1) Determine and repair the cause of the fuse blowing; replace the fuse.
(2) Replace the block.

14-40 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Fault Descriptions for Analog Faults

Error Code 1
Name Input Channel Low Alarm
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports a low alarm on an input
Correction Correct the condition causing the low alarm.
Error Code 2
Name Input Channel High Alarm
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports a high alarm on an input
Correction Correct the condition causing the high alarm.
Error Code 4
Name Input Channel Under Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an under-range condition on
an input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 8
Name Input Channel Over Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an over-range condition on
an input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 10 hex
Name Input Channel Open Wire
Description The GBC generates this error when a Genius Analog module detects an open wire condition on an
input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 18 hex
Name Over Range or Open Wire
Description Inputs open or inputs off-scale.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 20 hex
Name Output Channel Under Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an under-range condition on
an output channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 40 hex
Name Output Channel Over Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an over-range condition on
an output channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-41


Error Code 81 hex

Name Invalid Data
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects invalid data from a Genius Analog input block.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 80 hex
Name Expansion Channel Not Responding
Description The CPU generates this error when data from an expansion channel on a multiplexed analog input
board is not responding.
Correction (1) Check wiring to the module.
(2) Replace the module.

14-42 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Low-Level Analog Fault

Error Code 1
Name Input Channel Low Alarm
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports a low alarm on an input
Correction Correct the condition causing the low alarm.
Error Code 2
Name Input Channel High Alarm
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports a high alarm on an input
Correction Correct the condition causing the high alarm.
Error Code 4
Name Input Channel Under Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an under-range condition on
an input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 8
Name Input Channel Over Range
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports an over-range condition on
an input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 10 hex
Name Input Channel Open Wire
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module detects an open wire condition on
an input channel.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 20 hex
Name Wiring Error
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module detects an improper RTD
connections or thermocouple reverse junction fault.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 40 hex
Name Internal Fault
Description The GBC generates this error when the Genius Analog module reports a cold junction sensor fault
on a thermocouple block or an internal error in an RTD block.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 80 hex
Name Input Channel Shorted
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects an input channel shorted on a Genius RTD or Strain
Gauge Block.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.
Error Code 81 hex
Name Invalid Data
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects invalid data from a Genius Analog input block.
Correction Correct the problem causing the condition.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-43


GENA Fault
The GENA Fault has no fault descriptions associated with it. GENA Fault Byte 2 is the first
byte of the fault extra data.
Error Code 80 hex
Description The Genius I/O operating software generates this error when it detects a
failure in a GENA block attached to the Genius I/O bus.
Correction Replace the GENA block.

Loss of Block (Category 2)

The fault category Loss of Block applies to Genius devices.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Loss of Block
Description The GBC generates this error when it is unable to communicate to the Genius
Correction (1) Verify power and wiring to the block.
(2) Replace the block.
Name Loss of Block - A/D Communications Fault
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a failure of A/D communications
on a Genius device.
Correction (1) Verify power and serial bus wiring to the block.
(2) Replace the block.

Fault Extra Data for Loss of Block

The Loss of Block fault provides four bytes of fault extra data. The second byte contains
the block configuration and is encoded as shown in the following table. The third byte
specifies the number of input circuits possibly used, and the fourth byte specifies the
number of output circuits possibly used.

Block Configuration (Byte 2)

Value Description
1 Block is configured for inputs only.
2 Block is configured for outputs only.
3 Block is configured for inputs and outputs (grouped block).

14-44 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Addition of Block (Category 3)

The fault category Addition of Block applies only to Genius devices. There are no fault
types or fault descriptions associated with this category.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Addition of Block
Description The Genius operating software generates this error when it detects that a
Genius block that stopped communicating with the controller starts
communicating again.
Correction Informational only. None required.

Fault Extra Data for Addition of Block

The Addition of Block fault provides four bytes of fault extra data. The second byte
contains the block configuration and is encoded as shown in the following table. The third
byte specifies the number of input circuits possibly used, and the fourth byte specifies the
number of output circuits possibly used.

Block Configuration (Byte 2)

Value Description
1 Block is configured for inputs only.
2 Block is configured for outputs only.
3 Block is configured for inputs and outputs (grouped block).

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-45


I/O Bus Fault (Category 6)

The fault category I/O Bus Faults has three fault types associated with it.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.

Name Bus Fault
Description The GBC operating software generates this error when it detects a failure with
a Genius I/O bus. (Generated when Error Rate in the GBC configuration is
exceeded—the default is 10, meaning 10 errors in a 10 second period).
Correction (1) Determine the reason for the bus failure and correct it.
(2) Replace the GBC.
(3) The default of 10 can be set higher if needed, but the bus should be
examined electrically—use an oscilloscope for waveform check.
Name Bus Outputs Disabled
Description The GBC operating software generates this error when it times out waiting for
the CPU to perform an output scan.
Correction (1) Reduce time between GBC output scans by assigning them to
scan set 1.
(2) Increase CPU software watchdog timer setting
(3) Replace the CPU.
(4) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc
Technical Support, giving them all the information contained in the
fault entry.
Name SBA Conflict
Description The GBC detected a conflict between its serial bus address and that of another
device on the bus.
Correction Adjust one of the conflicting serial bus addresses.

14-46 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Module Fault (Category 8)

The fault category Module Fault has one fault type, headend fault, and eight fault
descriptions. This fault category does not provide fault extra data. The default fault action
for this category is Diagnostic.
Error Code 08 hex
Name Configuration Memory Failure
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a failure in a Genius block’s
Correction Replace the Genius block’s electronics module.
Error Code 20 hex
Name Calibration Memory Failure
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a failure in a Genius block’s
calibration memory.
Correction Replace the Genius block’s electronics module.
Error Code 40 hex
Name Shared RAM Fault
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects an error in a Genius block’s
shared RAM.
Correction Replace the Genius block’s electronics module.
Error Code 81 hex
Name Watchdog Timeout
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects that an input module watchdog
timer has expired.
Correction Replace the input module.
Error Code 80 hex
Name Module Fault
Description An internal failure has been detected in a module.
Correction Replace the affected module.
Error Code 84 hex
Name Output Fuse Blown
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects a blown fuse on an output
Correction (1) Determine and repair the cause of the fuse blowing, and replace the
(2) Replace the module.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-47


Addition of IOC (Category 9)

The fault category Addition of I/O Controller has no fault types or fault descriptions
associated with it. The default fault action for this category is Diagnostic.
Name Addition of IOC
Description The CPU generates this error when an IOC which has been faulted returns to
operation or when an IOC is found in the system and the configuration file
indicates that no IOC is to be in that slot or when an IOC is hot inserted.
Correction (1) No action is necessary if the faulted module is in a remote rack and is
returning due to a remote rack power cycle.
(2) Update the configuration file or remove the module.
Error Code 01 hex
Name Extra Module
Description Module present, but not configured.
Correction Update the configuration file or remove the module.
Error Code 02 hex
Name Reset Request
Description Module added back after reset request.
Correction No action necessary.

Loss of or Missing IOC (Category 10)

The fault category Loss of IOC has no fault types or fault descriptions associated with it.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.

Note: This fault is always displayed as Fatal in the I/O Fault Table, regardless of its
configured action.
Name Loss of or Missing IOC
Description The CPU generates this error when it cannot communicate with an I/O
Controller and an entry for the IOC exists in the configuration file.
This fault is also logged when an IOC is hot removed (No corrective action
necessary in this case).
Correction (1) Verify that the module in the slot/bus address is the correct module.
(2) Review the configuration file and verify that it is correct.
(3) Replace the module.
(4) Display the PLC fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc Field
Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.

Fault Extra Data for Loss of or Missing IOC

Fault extra data for Loss of or Missing IOC provides additional information for
troubleshooting by Technical Support.

14-48 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


IOC (I/O Controller) Software Fault (Category 11)

The fault category IOC Software Fault applies to any type of I/O Controller.

Action: Fatal.
Name Datagram Queue Full, Read/Write Queue Full
Description Too many datagrams or read/write requests have been sent to the GBC.
Correction Adjust the system to reduce the request rate to the GBC.
Name Response Lost
Description The GBC is unable to respond to a received datagram or read/write request.
Correction Adjust the system to reduce the request rate to the GBC.

Forced and Unforced Circuit (Categories 12 and 13)

Description The fault categories Forced Circuit and Unforced Circuit report point conditions
and therefore are not technically faults. They have no fault types or fault
descriptions. These reports occur when a Genius I/O point was forced or
unforced with the Hand-Held Monitor.
Action: Informational.

Fault Extra Data for Forced/Unforced Circuit

Three bytes of fault extra data are present when a circuit force is added or removed
Byte Value Description
Number Description
1 Circuit Configuration 1 Circuit is an input.
2 Circuit is an input..
3 Circuit is an output.
2 Analog/Discrete Information 1 Block is a discrete block.
2 Block is an analog block.
3 Block has both discrete and analog.

Loss of or Missing I/O Module (Category 14)

The fault category Loss of I/O Module applies to discrete and analog I/O modules. There
are no fault types or fault descriptions associated with this category.

Default action: Diagnostic. Configurable.

Name Loss of I/O Module
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects that an I/O module is no longer
responding to commands from the CPU, or when the configuration file
indicates an I/O module is to occupy a slot and no module exists in the slot.
This fault is also logged when an I/O module is hot removed (No corrective
action necessary in this case).
Correction (1) Replace the module.
(2) Correct the configuration file.
(3) Display the I/O fault table on the programmer. Contact GE Fanuc Field
Service, giving them all the information contained in the fault entry.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-49


Addition of I/O Module (Category 15)

The fault category Addition of I/O Module applies to discrete and analog I/O modules.
There are no fault types or fault descriptions associated with this category.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Addition of I/O Module
Description The CPU generates this error when an I/O module that had been faulted
returns to operation or is hot inserted.
Correction (1) No action necessary if module was removed or replaced or if the remote
rack was power cycled.
(2) Update the configuration file or remove the module.
Error Code 30 hex
Name VME Reset on Request
Description Reset of VME module was requested.
Correction No action necessary.

Extra I/O Module (Category 16)

The fault category Extra I/O Module applies to discrete and analog I/O modules. There are
no fault types or fault descriptions associated with this category.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Extra I/O Module
Description The CPU generates this error when it detects an I/O module in a slot that the
configuration file indicates should be empty.
Correction (1) Remove the module. (It may be in the wrong slot.)
(2) Update and restore the configuration file to include the extra module.

Extra Block (Category 17)

The fault category Extra Block applies only to Genius I/O devices. There are no fault types
or fault descriptions associated with this category.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Extra Block
Description The GBC generates this error when it detects a Genius device on the bus at a
serial bus address which the configuration file says should not have a block.
Correction (1) Remove or reconfigure the block. (It may be at the wrong serial bus
(2) Update and restore the configuration file to include the extra block.

14-50 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


IOC Hardware Failure (Category 18)

The fault category IOC Hardware Failure has no fault types or fault descriptions.

Action: Diagnostic.
Description The Genius operating software generates this error when it detects a hardware
failure in the bus communication hardware or a baud rate mismatch.
Correction (1) Verify that the baud rate set in the configuration file for the GBC agrees
with the baud rate programmed in every block on the bus.
(2) Change the configuration file and restore it, if necessary.
(3) Replace the GBC.
(4) Selectively remove each block from the bus until the offending block is
isolated then replace it.

GBC Stopped Reporting Faults (Category 19)

Description GBC detected a high error count on the Genius I/O bus and dropped off the
bus for at least 1.5 seconds.
Correction Check for incorrect wiring, interference from other equipment, a loose
connection, or a failed device on the Genius bus.

GBC Software Exception (Category 21)

Name Incoming datagram queue full (1)
Description Too many datagrams or read/write requests have been sent to the
Correction Adjust the system to reduce the request rate to the GBC.
Name Read/write request queue full (2)
Description The queue for Read/Write requests in the GBC is full. The requests
may be from the Genius Bus or from COMM_REQs.
Correction Adjust the system to reduce the request rate to the GBC.
Name Low priority mail queue from GBC to CPU full (3)
Description The response to the CPU was lost.
Name Genius background message requiring CPU action received before
CPU completed initialization (4)
Description Message was ignored.
Name GBC software version too old (5)
Correction Update GBC firmware.
Name Excessive use of internal GBC memory (6)
Correction Verify COMMREQ usage.

GFK-2222B Chapter 14 Fault Handling 14-51


Block Switch (Category 22)

The Block Switch fault category has no fault types or fault descriptions.

Action: Diagnostic.
Name Block Switch
Description The GBC generates this error when a Genius block on redundant Genius
buses switches from one bus to another.
Correction (1) No action is required to keep the block operating.
(2) The bus that the block switched from may need to be repaired.
(a) Verify the bus wiring.
(b) Replace the I/O controller.
(c) Replace the Bus Switching Module (BSM).

Fault Extra Data for Block Switch

Byte Value Description
Number Description
1 Circuit configuration 1 Circuit is an input.
2 Circuit is an input.
3 Circuit is an output.
2 Block configuration 1 Block is configured for inputs only.
2 Block is configured for outputs only.
3 Block is configured for inputs and outputs
(grouped block).
3 Number of input circuits used
4 Number of output circuits

14-52 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Appendix Performance Data

This appendix contains instruction and overhead timing collected for each PACSystems
CPU module. This timing information can be used to predict CPU sweep times. The
information in this appendix is organized as follows:
Instruction Timing A-2
Boolean Execution Times A-7
Overhead Sweep Impact Times A-8
Note: All performance data for all CPUs was not available at the time this manual was
printed. Additional information will be added to a future edition.

GFK-2222B A-1

Instruction Timing
The tables in this section list the execution time in microseconds and the memory size in
bytes for each function supported by the PACSystems CPUs.
Two execution times are shown for each function:
Execution Time Description
Enabled Time required to execute the function or function block when power flows
into and out of the function. Typically, best-case times are when the data
used by the block is contained in user RAM (word-oriented memory).
Disabled Time required to execute the function when it is not enabled.
Note: Timers are updated each time they are encountered in the logic by the amount of
time consumed by the last sweep.
Notes: 1. For table functions, increment is in units of length specified. For bit operation functions,
microseconds/bit. For data move functions, microseconds/the number of bits or words.

2. Enabled time is for single length units of type %R.

3. COMMREQ time has been measured between CPU and EX8 with NOWAIT option.

4. DOIO is the time to output values to discrete output module.

CPE 010 CPE 020
Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
Timers ONDTR 7.6 6.6 - - 3.3 2.9 - -
OFDT 5.8 5.8 - - 2.6 2.5 - -
TMR 6.6 5.9 - - 2.9 2.6 - -
Counters UPCTR 6.9 7.0 - - 3.2 3.0 - -
DNCTR 6.8 6.9 - - 2.9 3.0 - -
Math ADD (INT) 3.6 1.4 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
ADD (DINT) 4.0 1.3 - - 1.7 0.6 - -
SUB (INT) 3.6 1.3 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
SUB (DINT) 3.8 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
MUL (INT) 3.6 1.3 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
MUL (DINT) 3.8 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
DIV (INT) 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
DIV (DINT) 4.0 1.3 - - 1.7 0.6 - -
MOD (INT) 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
MOD (DINT) 3.8 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
ABS (INT) 3.5 1.3 - - 1.3 0.4 - -
ABS (DINT) 3.4 1.3 - - 1.4 0.5 - -
SQRT (INT) 4.2 1.5 - - 1.7 0.5 - -
SQRT (DINT) 4.4 1.0 - - 1.9 0.5 - -
Relational EQ (INT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
EQ (DINT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
NE (INT) 5.0 2.1 - - 2.1 0.9 - -

A-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


CPE 010 CPE 020

Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
NE (DINT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GT (INT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GT (DINT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GE (INT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GE (DINT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LT (INT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LT (DINT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LE (INT) 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LE (DINT) 5.3 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
CMP (INT) 6.1 1.0 - - 2.6 0.4 - -
CMP (DINT) 6.3 1.0 - - 2.7 0.4 - -
RANGE (INT) 3.9 1.6 - - 1.7 0.7 - -
RANGE (DINT) 3.9 1.6 - - 1.7 0.7 - -
Bit AND (WORD) 5.2 2.2 0.1 - 2.2 0.7 0.05 -
Operation AND(DWORD) 5.2 1.7 0.1 - 2.2 0.7 0.07 -
OR (WORD) 5.1 1.7 0.1 - 2.2 0.7 0.05 -
OR (DWORD) 5.2 1.7 0.2 - 2.2 0.7 0.07 -
XOR (WORD) 5.1 1.7 0.1 - 2.2 0.7 0.05 -
XOR (DWORD) 5.2 1.7 0.2 - 2.2 0.7 0.07 -
NOT (WORD) 4.3 1.5 0.1 - 1.8 0.6 0.04 -
NOT (DWORD) 4.3 1.5 0.1 - 1.8 0.6 0.06 -
MCMP (WORD) 11.6 3.4 0.1 - 5.0 1.4 0.06 -
MCMP (DWORD) 11.8 3.4 0.2 - 5.0 1.4 0.09 -
SHL (WORD) 8.4 3.7 0.2 - 3.6 1.6 0.1 -
SHL (DWORD) 8.4 3.7 0.2 - 3.6 1.6 0.1 -
SHR (WORD) 8.4 3.7 0.2 - 3.6 1.6 0.1 -
SHR (DWORD) 8.4 3.7 0.3 - 3.6 1.6 0.1 -
ROL (WORD) 5.2 1.7 0.2 - 2.1 0.8 0.1 -
ROL (DWORD) 5.0 2.1 0.2 - 2.0 0.8 0.1 -
ROR (WORD) 5.0 2.1 0.2 - 2.0 0.8 0.1 -
ROR (DWORD) 5.3 2.1 0.2 - 2.2 0.8 0.1 -
BTST (WORD) 5.9 2.3 - - 2.5 1.0 - -
BTST (DWORD) 5.9 2.3 - - 2.5 1.0 - -
BSET (WORD) 4.1 1.3 - - 1.8 0.6 - -
BSET (DWORD) 4.1 1.3 - - 1.8 0.6 - -
BCLR (WORD) 4.0 1.3 - - 1.7 0.6 - -
BCLR (DWORD) 4.0 1.3 - - 1.7 0.6 - -
BPOS (WORD) 6.7 2.4 0.02 - 2.9 1.0 0.009 -
BPOS (DWORD) 6.7 2.4 0.04 - 2.9 1.0 0.02 -
Data Move MOVE (BIT) 6.1 1.6 0.04 - 2.6 0.7 0.02 -

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-3


CPE 010 CPE 020

Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
MOVE (WORD) 4.1 1.5 0.02 - 1.7 0.7 0.01 -
MOVE (DWORD) 4.2 1.5 0.04 - 1.7 0.7 0.02 -
BLKMOV (WORD) 5.7 2.4 - - 2.5 1.0 - -
BLKMOV (DWORD) 6.0 2.5 - - 2.6 1.0 - -
SWAP (WORD) 4.6 1.5 0.13 - 2.0 0.7 0.05 -
SWAP (DWORD) 4.5 1.5 0.17 - 2.0 0.7 0.07 -
BLKCLR 3.3 1.2 0.06 - 1.4 0.5 0.02 -
BITSEQ 7.6 7.7 - - 3.3 3.4 - -
SHFR (BIT) 12.0 6.2 0.10 - 5.1 2.7 0.05 -
SHFR (WORD) 10.8 8.2 0.02 - 4.6 3.6 0.01 -
SHFR (DWORD) 10.6 8.2 0.03 - 4.6 3.5 0.01 -
Data Table SORT 46.9 1.5 2.3 - 20.0 0.6 1.0 -
TBLRD (INT) 5.1 2.0 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
TBLRD (DINT) 5.4 2.3 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
TBLWR (INT) 5.5 2.2 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
TBLWR (DINT) 5.5 2.2 - - 2.3 0.8 - -
FIFORD (INT) 5.1 2.3 - - 2 0.8 - -
FIFORD (DINT) 5.1 2.3 - - 2 0.8 - -
FIFOWRT (INT) 5.3 2.2 - - 2.1 0.8 - -
FIFOWRT (DINT 5.3 2.2 - - 2.1 0.8 - -
LIFORD (INT) 5.1 2.3 - - 2.0 0.8 - -
LIFORD (DINT) 5.3 2.3 - - 2.1 0.8 - -
LIFOWRT (INT) 5.3 2.2 - - 2.1 0.8 - -
LIFOWRT (DINT) 5.3 2.2 - - 2.1 0.8 - -
Array ARRAY_MOVE (BIT) 5.9 2.3 0.8 - 2.5 1 - -
ARRAY_MOVE (BYTE) 5.8 2.2 0.01 - 2.4 0.9 0.004 -
ARRAY_MOVE (WORD) 5.8 2.2 0.02 - 2.4 0.9 0.009 -
ARRAY_MOVE (DWORD) 5.8 2.2 0.04 - 2.4 0.9 0.02 -
SRCH (BYTE) 5.3 2.2 0.06 - 2.3 0.9 0.02 -
SRCH (WORD) 5.6 2.2 0.07 - 2.3 0.9 0.03 -
SRCH (DWORD) 5.8 2.2 0.07 - 2.4 0.9 0.03 -
(WORD) 6.5 2.0 0.8 2.7 0.8 0.36
(DWORD) 6.6 2.0 0.9 2.8 0.8 0.37

A-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


CPE 010 CPE 020

Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
Conversion to INT (UINT) 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
to INT (DINT) 3.1 1.1 - - 1.3 0.5 - -
to INT (BCD-4) 3.6 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
to DINT (INT) 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
to DINT (UINT) 3.5 1.3 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
to DINT (BCD-8) 3.9 1.1 - - 1.7 0.5 - -
to UINT (INT) 3.3 1.3 - - 1.4 0.6 - -
to UINT (DINT) 3.1 1.1 - - 1.3 0.5 - -
to UINT (BCD-4) 4.1 1.2 - - 1.8 0.6 - -
to BCD-4 (INT) 4.1 1.3 - - 1.8 0.6 - -
to BCD-4 (UINT) 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
to BCD-8 (DINT) 3.5 1.1 - - 1.5 0.5 - -
Control JUMPN 0.6 0.5 - - 0.3 0.2 - -
FOR/NEXT 1.2 0.5 - - 0.5 0.1 - -
MCRN/ENDMCRN 0.5 0.5 - - 0.4 0.4 - -
DOIO 63.7 2.6 - - 37.2 1.1 - -
DOIO with ALT 63.8 2.4 - - 36.4 1.0 - -
SUSIO 2.3 3.3 - - 0.9 1.4 - -
COMMREQ - - - -
CALL/RETURN (LD) 8.3 0.8 - - 3.6 0.3 - -
CALL/RETURN (PSB) 6.2 0.8 - - 2.6 0.3 - -
CALL/RETURN 2.4 0.8 - - 1.0 0.3 - -
(C Block)
PIDISA 11.3 10.6 - - 4.9 4.6 - -
PIDIND 11.5 10.8 - - 4.9 4.6 - -
BUS_RD (BYTE) 22.2 1.3 - - 10.9 0.6 - -
BUS_RD (DWORD) 22.2 1.2 - - 11.0 0.5 - -
BUS_RD (WORD) 22.2 1.2 - - 10.9 0.5 - -
BUS_WRT (BYTE) 22.8 1.3 - - 11.4 0.5 - -
BUS_WRT (DWORD) 23.0 1.3 - - 11.4 0.5 - -
BUS_WRT (WORD) 22.9 1.3 - - 11.4 0.5 - -
BUS_RMW (BYTE) 23.6 1.0 - - 12.1 0.4 - -
BUS_RMW (DWORD) 23.9 1.1 - - 12.3 0.4 - -
BUS_RMW (WORD) 23.9 1.0 - - 12.2 0.4 - -
BUS_TS (BYTE) 23.4 0.2 - - 12.0 0.1 - -
BUS_TS (WORD) 23.7 0.2 - - 12.2 0.1 - -

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-5


CPE 010 CPE 020

Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
#1 53.6 1.6 - - 30.8 0.7 - -
#2 74.4 1.8 - - 43.8 0.7 - -
#3 30.5 1.4 - - 17.3 0.5 - -
#4 30.5 1.4 - - 17.3 0.5 - -
#5 30.5 1.4 17.3 0.5
#6 30.0 1.4 - - 17.0 0.5 - -
#7 11.1 1.3 - - 4.6 0.5 - -
#8 13.2 1.6 - - 1.8 0.6 - -
#9 6.5 1.6 - - 2.8 0.6 - -
#10 7.4 1.6 - - 2.7 0.7 - -
#11 5.7 1.6 - - 2.5 0.5 - -
#12 3.5 1.6 - - 1.6 0.5 - -
#13 3.8 1.4 - - 1.6 0.5 - -
#14 515.7 1.4 - - 232.8 0.5 - -
#15 18.4 1.4 - - 8.2 0.5 - -
#16 6.0 1.6 - - 2.6 0.6 - -
#17 6.0 1.6 - - 2.2 0.6 - -
#18 252.3 1.5 - - 107.8 0.6 - -
#19 6.3 1.5 - - 2.7 0.6 - -
#20 26.3 1.5 - - 32.9 0.6 - -
#21 63.8 1.5 - - 31.9 0.6 - -
#22 3.8 1.5 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
#23 128.6 1.6 - - 53.0 0.6 - -
#25 5.6 1.6 - - 2.3 0.6 - -
#32 5.9 1.6 - - 2.8 0.6 - -
#50 6.1 1.5 - - 2.9 0.5 - -
#51 6.73 1.8 - - 2.8 1.2 - -
Floating Math:
Point ADD_REAL 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
SUB_REAL 3.8 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
MUL_REAL 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
DIV_REAL 3.7 1.3 - - 1.6 0.6 - -
ABS_REAL 3.1 1.0 - - 1.3 0.4 - -
SQRT_REAL 3.7 1.0 - - 1.6 0.4 - -
Trigonometric: -
SIN 3.4 1.0 - - 1.5 0.5 - -
COS 3.5 1.0 - - 1.5 0.4 - -
TAN 3.6 1.0 - - 1.5 0.4 - -
ASIN 4.1 1.0 - - 1.7 0.4 - -

A-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


CPE 010 CPE 020

Function Enabled Disabled Increment Size Enabled Disabled Increment Size
ACOS 4.5 1.0 - - 1.9 0.5 - -
ATAN 3.7 1.0 - - 1.6 0.5 - -
Logarithmic: -
LOG 3.4 1.0 - - 1.5 0.4 - -
LN 3.5 1.0 - - 1.5 0.4 - -
EXPT - - - - - - - -
EXP 4.6 1.0 - - 1.8 0.4 - -
EQ_REAL 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
NE_REAL 5.2 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GT_REAL 5.1 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
GE_REAL 5.1 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LT_REAL 5.1 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
LE_REAL 5.1 2.1 - - 2.2 0.9 - -
CMP_REAL - - - - - - - -
Data Move:
MOVE_REAL 4.2 1.5 - - 1.7 0.7 - -
REAL_TO_INT 3.6 1.1 - - 1.5 0.5 - -
REAL_TO_UINT 3.6 1.1 - - 1.5 0.5 - -
REAL_TO_DINT 3.9 1.1 - - 1.6 0.5 - -
INT_TO_REAL 3.5 1.3 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
UINT_TO_REAL 3.5 1.3 - - 1.5 0.6 - -
DINT_TO_REAL 3.2 1.1 - - 1.4 0.5 - -
REAL_TRUN_INT - - - - - - - -
REAL_TRUN_DINT - - - - - - - -
DEG_TO_RAD 3.1 1.0 - - 1.3 0.4 - -
RAD_TO_DEG 3.1 1.0 - - 1.3 0.4 - -
BCD4_TO_REAL 3.5 1.3 - - 1.7 0.6 - -
BCD8_TO_REAL 3.6 1.1 - - 1.6 0.5 - -

Boolean Execution Times

Boolean execution speed, typical
IC695CPU310 0.195ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
IC698CPE010 0.195ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
IC698CPE020 0.14ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-7


Overhead Sweep Impact Times

This section contains overhead timing information for the RX7i CPUs. This information
can be used in conjunction with the estimated logic execution time to predict sweep times
for the CPUs. The information in this section is made up of a base sweep time plus sweep
impact times for each of the CPU models. The predicted sweep time is computed by
adding the sweep impact time(s), the base sweep, and the estimated logic execution time.
Base sweep time is the time for an empty _MAIN program block to execute, with no
configuration stored and none of the windows active. The rest of the timing values are
given as sweep impact times, that is, the time added to the sweep by the function in
question. Sweep impact times are nominal.
Two examples of predicting sweep times are provided on page A-22.
Sweep impact times are composed of five basic sections:
■ Programmer communications sweep impact
■ I/O Scan and fault sweep impact
■ Ethernet Global Data sweep impact
■ Intelligent Option Module (LAN modules) sweep impact
■ I/O interrupt performance and sweep impact

What the Tables Contain

In some tables, functions are shown as asynchronously impacting the sweep. This means
that there is not a set phase of the sweep in which the function takes place. For instance,
the scanning of all I/O modules takes place during either the input or output scan phase of
the CPU’s sweep. However, I/O interrupts are totally asynchronous to the sweep and will
interrupt any function currently in progress.
The communication functions (with the exception of the high priority programmer
requests) are all processed within one of the two windows in the sweep (the Controller
Communications Window and the Backplane Communications Window). Sweep impact
times for the various service requests are all minimum sweep impact times for the defined
functions, where the window times have been adjusted so that no timeslicing (limiting) of
the window occurs in a given sweep. This means that, as much as possible, each function
is completed in one occurrence of the window (between consecutive logic scans). The
sweep impact of these functions can be spread out over multiple sweeps (limited) by
adjusting the window times to a value lower than the documented sweep impact time. For
the programmer, the default time is 10 milliseconds; therefore, some of the functions listed
in that section will naturally timeslice over successive sweeps.

A-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Base Sweep Times

The following table gives the base sweep times in microseconds for each CPU model.
The base sweep time with I/O enabled, includes time to scan the status bits for the
Ethernet daughterboard.

Base Sweep Times

CPU Model CPE020 CPE010
Base Sweep Time 220 µsecs 465 µsecs
Stop + I/O enabled
Base Sweep Time 186 µsecs 402 µsecs
Stop + I/O disabled

The following diagram shows the full sweep phases and the base sweep phases
contrasted so that the optional parts of the sweep are illustrated.

Base Sweep vs. Full Sweep Phases

Base Sweep Full Sweep
Sweep Housekeeping Sweep Housekeeping
↓ ↓
NULL Input Scan * Input Scan *
↓ ↓
Program Logic Execution EGD Consumption Scan***
↓ ↓
NULL Output Scan * Program Logic Execution
↓ ↓
↓ Output Scan *
↓ ↓
↓ EGD Production Scans ***

↓ ↓
Poll for Missing I/O Modules **

Controller Communications Window

Backplane Communications Window
* If I/O is suspended, the input and output scans are skipped.
** Polling for missing I/O modules only occurs if a “Loss of ...” fault has been logged for an I/O module.
*** If no Ethernet Global Data (EGD) pages are configured, the consumption and production scans are skipped.

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-9


For the base sweep, if there is no configuration, the input and output scan phases of the
sweep are NULL (i.e., check for configuration and then end). The presence of a
configuration with no I/O modules or intelligent I/O modules (GBC) has the same effect.
The logic execution time is not zero in the base sweep. The time to execute the empty
_MAIN program is included so that you only need to add the estimated execution times of
the functions actually programmed. The base sweep also assumes no missing I/O
modules. The lack of programmer attachment means that the Controller Communications
Window is never opened. The lack of intelligent option modules means that the Backplane
Communications Window is never opened.

Programmer Sweep Impact Times

The following table shows the programmer sweep impact times in microseconds. Each
item in the table is described in more detail at the end of the table.

Programmer Sweep Impact Times

Sweep Impact Item CPE020 CPE010
Programmer window 0.24 µsec 1.46 µsec
Reference table monitor 0.37 µsec 2.10 µsec
Editor monitor 0.30 µsec 1.49 µsec

Each of the items included in the table is described below.

Sweep Impact Description
Programmer The time to open the Programmer Window but not process any requests. The
Window programmer is attached through an Ethernet connection; no reference values
are being monitored.
Reference Table The sweep impact to refresh the reference table screen. (The %R table was
Monitor used as the example.) Mixed table display impacts are slightly larger. The
sweep impact may not be continuous, depending on the sweep time of the CPU
and the speed of the host of the programming software.
Editor Monitor The sweep impact to refresh the editor screen when monitoring ladder logic. The
times given in the table are for a logic screen containing one contact, two coils,
and eleven registers. As with the reference table sweep impact, the impact may
not be continuous.

I/O Scan and I/O Fault Sweep Impact

The I/O scan sweep impact has two parts, Local I/O and Genius I/O. The equation for
computing I/O scan sweep impact is:

I/O Scan Sweep Impact = Local Scan Impact + Genius I/O Scan

A-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sweep Impact of Local I/O Modules

The I/O scan of I/O modules is impacted as much by location and reference address of a
module as it is by the number of modules. The I/O scan has several basic parts.
I/O Scan Description
Rack Setup Time Each expansion rack is selected separately because of the addressing of
expansion racks on the VME bus. This results in a fixed overhead per
expansion rack, regardless of the number of modules in that rack.
Per Module Setup Each Local I/O module has a fixed setup scan time.
Byte Transfer The actual transfer of bytes is much faster for modules located in the main rack
Time than for those in expansion racks. The byte transfer time differences will be
accounted for by using different times for I/O modules in the main rack versus
expansion racks.
In addition, analog input expander modules (the same as Genius blocks) have the ability
to be grouped into a single transfer as long as consecutive reference addresses are used
for modules that have consecutive slot addresses. Each sequence of consecutively
addressed modules is called a scan segment. There is a time penalty for each additional
scan segment.

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-11


Sweep Impact Time of Local I/O Modules and Racks

Note: The base case provides the overhead when only a single module is present in the rack.
The incremental case refers to the overhead when one more similar module is added.
Modules used to collect the data:
Type Discrete Input Type I (16 point, 14 point)
Modules included IC697MDL240, IC697MDL241, IC697MDL251, IC697MDL640, IC697MDL671
Modules used in the test IC697MDL240 (as base module) and IC697MDL640 (as incremental module)
Type Discrete Input Type II (32 point)
Modules included IC697MDL250, IC697MDL252, IC697MDL253, IC697MDL254, IC697MDL651, IC697MDL652,
IC697MDL653, IC697MDL654
Modules used in the test IC697MDL651 (both as base & incremental modules)
Type Discrete Output Type I (16 point, 12 point)
Modules included IC697MDL340, IC697MDL341, IC697MDL740, IC697MDL940
Modules used in the test IC697MDL740 (both as base & incremental modules)
Type Discrete Output Type II (32 point)
Modules included IC697MDL350, IC697MDL750, IC697MDL752, IC697MDL753
Modules used in the test IC697MDL750 (both as base & incremental modules)
Type Analog Input Type I (8 Channel)
Modules included IC697ALG230
Modules used in the test IC697ALG230 (both as base & incremental modules)
Type Analog Input Type II (16 Channel with 8 channel AI module)
Modules included IC697ALG440, IC697ALG441
Modules used in the test IC697ALG441 (as base module) and IC697ALG440 (as incremental module)
Type Analog Output (4 channel)
Modules included IC697ALG320
Modules used in the test IC697ALG320 (both as base & incremental modules)

Discrete/Analog I/O Sweep Impact Time (in microseconds)

CPE020 CPE010
Main Rack Expansion Rack Main Rack Expansion Rack
Main Rack Main Rack Expansion Expansion Main Rack Main Rack Expansion Rack Expansion
(Inc) Rack Rack (Inc) (Inc) Rack (Inc)
Discrete Input Type
-I 18.803 16.716 19.639 22.922 37.244 29.224 41.782 46.219
Discrete Input Type
- II 20.554 15.559 23.031 27.854 37.899 30.292 48.323 48.175
Discrete Output
Type - I 20.419 16.275 20.025 22.775 38.432 30.664 45.227 45.361
Discrete Output
Type - II 21.039 17.653 22.938 29.411 40.232 32.464 48.288 49.274
Per fault message 44.608 45.716 106.254 111.01
Analog Input –
Type 1 25.285 24.004 45.04 48.319 49.28 45.396 82.44 66.533
Analog Exp – Type
2 37.712 13.797 103.843 55.339 64.709 14.741 137.88 62.641
Analog Output 24.723 20.693 34.217 37.704 49.723 43.004 70.976 55.912
Per fault message 40.135 60.762 86.207 86.7

A-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Worksheet A: I/O Module Sweep Time

The following form can be used for computing I/O module sweep impact. The calculation
contains times for analog input expanders that are either grouped into the same scan
segment as the preceding module or are grouped in a separate new scan segment. The
sweep impact times can be found in “Sweep Impact Time of Local I/O Modules and
Racks”, page A-12.
Number of expansion racks ______
Sweep impact per expansion rack x ______ = ______

Number of discrete I/O modules—main rack ______

Sweep impact per discrete I/O module—main rack x ______ = ______

Number of discrete I/O modules—expansion rack ______

Sweep impact per discrete I/O module—expansion rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input base and output modules—main rack ______

Sweep impact per analog input base and output module—main rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input expander modules (same segment)—main rack ______

Sweep impact per analog input expander module (same segment)—main rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input expander modules (new segment)—main rack ______

Sweep impact per analog input expander module (new segment)—main rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input base and output modules—expansion rack ______

Sweep impact per analog input base and output module—expansion rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input base and output modules (same segment)—exp. rack ______
Sweep impact per analog input base and output module (same seg.)—exp. rack x ______ = ______

Number of analog input base and output modules (new segment)—exp. rack ______
Sweep impact per analog input base and output module (new seg.)—exp. rack x ______ = ______

Predicted I/O Module Sweep Impact ______

Note: If point faults are enabled, substitute the corresponding times for point faults
enabled, as shown in the following table.
An approximate per point or per channel average is shown in the following tables. These
averages are based on 1024 points (512 in and 512 out) for discrete and 128 channels
(96 in and 32 out) for analog. The 96 analog input channels consist of two base modules
and five expanders. Actual values will vary from the approximate average, depending on
the system I/O configuration.

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-13


Sweep Impact of Genius I/O and GBCs

(RX7i only) For the sweep impact of Genius I/O and Genius Bus Controllers (GBC), there
is a per Genius Bus Controller sweep impact, a per scan segment sweep impact, and a
transfer time (per word) sweep impact for all I/O data.
The sweep impact per Genius Bus Controller has three parts:
1. Sweep impact to open the System Communications Window. This is added only once
when the first intelligent option module (of which the Genius Bus Controller is one) is
placed in the system.
2. Sweep impact to poll each Genius Bus Controller for background messages
(datagrams). This part is an impact for every Genius Bus Controller in the system.
Note: Both the first and second parts of the Genius Bus Controller’s sweep impact may
be eliminated by closing the Backplane Communications Window (setting its time
to 0). This should only be done to reduce scan time during critical phases of a
process to ensure minimal scan time. Incoming messages will timeout, and
COMM_REQs will stop working while the window is closed.
3. Sweep impact to scan the Genius Bus Controller. This impact results from the CPU
notifying the Genius Bus Controller that its new output data has been transferred and
commanding the Genius Bus Controller to ready its input data, as well as informing
the Genius Bus Controller that the CPU has finished another sweep and is still in RUN
A scan segment for Genius I/O consists of Genius blocks on the same bus with
consecutive reference addresses and consecutive bus addresses. The time to process a
single scan segment is higher for an input scan segment than it is for an output scan
segment. The scan segment processing is the same for analog, discrete, and global data
scan segments. Discrete data is transferred a byte at a time and takes longer to complete
the transfer than analog data, which is transferred a word at a time. Global data should be
counted as either discrete or analog, based on the memory references used in the source
or destination.

A-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sweep Impact Time of Genius I/O and GBCs

Note: Functions in bold type impact the sweep continuously. All other functions impact
the sweep only when invoked. Not all of the timing information needed for the
following table was available at print time for this manual (the blank spaces).
CPE020 CPE010
(µsec) (µsec)
Genius Bus Controller
open backplane communications window -- --
per Genius Bus Controller polling for background -- --
per Genius Bus Controller I/O Scan -- --
First Genius Bus Controller ** -- --
Subsequent Genius Bus Controllers -- --
Genius I/O Blocks
per I/O block scan segment 172 180
per I/O block scan segment w/point faults enabled 178 185
per byte discrete I/O data in the main rack 3 3
per byte discrete I/O data in expansion racks 4 4
per word analog I/O data in the main rack 20 30
per word analog I/O data in expansion racks 20 30
Use the following form for predicting the sweep impact due to Genius I/O. The sweep
impact times can be found in “Sweep Impact Time of Genius I/O and GBCs ” on
page A-15.

Worksheet B: Genius I/O Sweep Time

Open backplane communications window ______ = ______

GBC I/O scan ______

GBC poll for background messages + ______ = ______
Number of GBCs x ______ = ______

Input block scan segments—number of ______

Input block scan segments—sweep impact x ______ = ______

Output block scan segments—number of ______

Output block scan segments—sweep impact x ______ = ______

Bytes of discrete I/O data on GBCs—main rack ______

Sweep impact/bytes of discrete I/O data—main rack x ______ = ______

Bytes of discrete I/O data on GBCs—expansion racks ______

Sweep impact/bytes of discrete I/O data—expansion racks x ______ = ______

Words of analog I/O data on GBCs—main rack ______

Sweep impact/word analog I/O data—main rack x ______ = ______

Words of analog I/O data on GBCs—expansion racks ______

Sweep impact/word analog I/O data—expansion racks x ______ = ______

Predicted Genius I/O Scan Impact ______

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-15


Ethernet Global Data Sweep Impact

Depending on the relationship between the CPU sweep time and an Ethernet Global Data
(EGD) page’s period, the page’s data may be transferred every sweep or periodically after
some number of sweeps. Therefore, the sweep impact will vary based on the number of
pages that are scheduled to be transferred during the sweep. All of the pages must be
taken into account when computing the worst-case sweep impact.

The Ethernet Global Data (EGD) sweep impact has two parts, Consumption Scan and
Production Scan:

EGD Sweep Impact = Consumption Scan + Production Scan

This sweep impact should be taken into account when configuring the CPU constant
sweep mode and setting the CPU watchdog timeout.
Where the Consumption and Production Scans consist of two parts, page overhead and
byte transfer time:

Scan Time = Page Overhead + Data Transfer Time

Page Overhead
Page overhead includes the setup time for each page that will be transferred during the
sweep. When computing the sweep impact, include overhead time for each page.
Note: The page overhead times in the table below are for the worst case scenario of
1400 bytes over 100 variables.

EGD Page Overhead Time

Ethernet DB Ethernet VME
CPE010 Consume / READ 135.7 µsec 184.4 µsec
Produce / WRITE 182.1 µsec 255.8 µsec

CPE020 Consume / READ 64.1 µsec 99.2 µsec

Produce / WRITE 99.7 µsec 143.1 µsec

A-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Data Transfer Time

This is the time required to transfer the data between the CPU module and the Ethernet
Note: EGD data transfer times do not increase linearly in relation to data size. Please
use the data values in the table below to estimate data transfer times.
Data Transfer Time
CPU Data Size (Bytes) Direction Ethernet DB Ethernet VME
CPE010 1 Consume / READ 2.5 µsec 4.4 µsec
100 Consume / READ 25.5 µsec 17.6 µsec
200 Consume / READ 48.9 µsec 32.2 µsec
256 Consume / READ 62.2 µsec 39.5 µsec
1 Produce / WRITE 1.5 µsec 4.3 µsec
100 Produce / WRITE 3.3 µsec 11.1 µsec
200 Produce / WRITE 5.3 µsec 16.3 µsec
256 Produce / WRITE 6.5 µsec 18.9 µsec
CPE020 1 Consume / READ 1.6 µsec 3.3 µsec
100 Consume / READ 23.7 µsec 16.7 µsec
200 Consume / READ 46.2 µsec 31.4 µsec
256 Consume / READ 59.1 µsec 38.9 µsec
1 Produce / WRITE 0.7 µsec 3.6 µsec
100 Produce / WRITE 2.5 µsec 10.7 µsec
200 Produce / WRITE 4.5 µsec 15.8 µsec
256 Produce / WRITE 5.6 µsec 18.3 µsec

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-17


Worksheet C: Ethernet Global Data Sweep Time

Number of consumed pages __________________
Sweep impact per page x __________________ = __________________

Number of data bytes in all of the consumed __________________

Sweep impact per consumed data byte x __________________ = __________________

Number of produced pages __________________

Sweep impact per page x __________________ = __________________

Number of data bytes in all of the produced __________________

Sweep impact per produced data byte x __________________ = __________________

Predicted Ethernet __________________

Global Data Sweep

A-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Sweep Impact of Intelligent Option Modules

Intelligent option modules include Genius Bus Controllers being used for Genius LAN
capabilities. The sweep impact for these intelligent option modules is highly variable. The
opening of the Backplane Communications Window and the polling of each module have
relatively small impacts compared to the sweep impact of CPU memory read or write
The following equations show how to calculate the fixed sweep of each module.
GBC = Polling Sweep Impact + GBC I/O Scan Impact

The table below shows the fixed sweep impact times in microseconds for intelligent option

Sweep Impact Times for Intelligent Option Modules

Sweep Impact Item CPE020 CPE010

ETM (Peripheral 30 µsec 55 µsec

Ethernet Module)
High Speed Counter 150.9679 µsec 252.4117 µsec

GBC See “Sweep Impact Time of Genius See “Sweep Impact Time of Genius
I/O and GBCs ,” page A-15. I/O and GBCs ,” page A-15.

I/O Interrupt Performance and Sweep Impact

There are several important performance numbers for I/O interrupt blocks. The sweep
impact of an I/O interrupt invoking an empty block measures the overall time of fielding the
interrupt, starting up the block, exiting the block, and restarting the interrupted task. The
time to execute the logic contained in the interrupt block will affect the limit by causing the
CPU to spend more time servicing I/O interrupts and thus reduce the maximum I/O
interrupt rate.
The minimum, typical, and maximum interrupt response times reflect the time from when a
single I/O module sees the input pulse until the first line of ladder logic is executed in the
I/O interrupt block. Minimum response time reflects a 300 microsecond input card filter
time + time from interrupt occurrence to first line of ladder logic in I/O interrupt block. The
minimum response time can only be achieved when no intelligent option modules are
present in the system and the programmer is not attached. Typical response time is the
minimum response time plus a maximum interrupt latency of 2.0 milliseconds. This
interrupt latency time is valid, except when one of the following operations occurs:
• The programmer is attached.
• A store of logic, RUN mode store, or word-for-word change occurs.
• A fault condition (logging of a fault) occurs.
• Another I/O interrupt occurs.
• The CPU is transferring a large amount of input (or output) data from an I/O controller
(such as a Genius Bus Controller). Heavily loaded I/O controllers should be placed in
the main rack whenever possible.

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-19


Any one of these events extends the interrupt latency (the time from when the interrupt
card signals the interrupt to the CPU to when the CPU services the interrupt) beyond the
typical value. However, the latency of an interrupt occurring during the processing of a
preceding I/O interrupt is unbounded. I/O interrupts are processed sequentially so that the
interrupt latency of a single I/O interrupt is affected by the duration of the execution time of
all preceding interrupt blocks. (Worst case is that every I/O interrupt in the system occurs
at the same time so that one of them has to wait for all others to complete before it starts.)
The maximum response time shown below does not include the two unbounded events.

I/O Interrupt Block Performance and Sweep Impact Times

CPE020 CPE010
Sweep Impact Item (µsec) (µsec)
I/O interrupt sweep impact 198.0 364.8

Minimum response time 367.8 449.5

Typical response time 375.5 463.7
Maximum response time 410.5 510.7
Note that the min, typical, and max response times include a 300 µsec Input card filter time.

The following form is a worksheet for the sweep impact times of programmer sweep
impact, intelligent option modules, and I/O Interrupts. For time data, refer to the following
Programmer Sweep Impact Times, page A-10
Sweep Impact Time of Local I/O Modules and Racks, page A-12
Sweep Impact Time of Genius I/O and GBCs, page A-15

Worksheet D: Programmer, IOM, I/O Interrupt Sweep Time

Programmer sweep impact = ______

IOM—first module (open comm. window) ______

IOM—per module (polling) + ______
LAN module I/O scan + ______

Total IOM Sweep Impact = ______

CPU memory access from IOMs = ______

I/O interrupt sweep impact ______

I/O interrupt response time + ______ = ______

Predicted Sweep Time (Other) ______

A-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Timed Interrupt Performance

The sweep impact of a timed interrupt invoking an empty program block or timed program
measures the overall time of fielding the interrupt, starting up the program or block, exiting
the program or block, and restarting the interrupted task. The minimum, typical, and
maximum interrupt response times reflect the time from when a single timed interrupt
occurs until the first line of ladder logic is executed in the timed interrupt block. The
minimum response time can only be achieved when no intelligent option modules are
present in the system and the programmer is not attached. Typical response time is the
minimum response time plus the CPU’s maximum latency time. This interrupt latency time
is valid, except when one of the following operations occurs:
■ The programmer is attached
■ A store of logic, RUN mode store, or word-for-word change occurs
■ A fault condition (logging of a fault) occurs
■ Another timed interrupt or I/O interrupt occurs
Any one of these events extends the interrupt period beyond the typical value. However,
the latency of an interrupt occurring during the processing of a preceding timed or I/O
interrupt is unbounded. For interrupts, the worst case is that every timed and I/O interrupt
in the system occurs at the same time so that one of them has to wait for all others to
complete before it starts.
The maximum response time shown below does not include the two unbounded events.

Timed Interrupt Performance and Sweep Impact Times

Sweep Impact Item CPE020 CPE01
(µsec) (µsec)0
Timed interrupt sweep impact 82.8 152.8
Minimum response time 49.7 100
Typical response time 55.7 114.8
Maximum response time 77.5 161.5

GFK-2222B Appendix A Performance Data A-21


Example of Predicted Sweep Time Calculation

The following two examples are provided to show how to calculate predicted sweep times.
The first example is a small system and the second is a large system. Neither of these
sweep time estimates include a time for logic execution. In both of these systems, the
calculated sweep is for normal sweep time with point faults disabled, and the programmer
is not attached. The times used in the calculation are extracted from the following tables:

Base Sweep Times, page A-9

Sweep Impact Time of Local I/O Modules and Racks, page A-12

Sweep Impact Time of Genius I/O and GBCs, page A-15

Sample forms for calculating predicted sweep times are provided after the examples.

System Configuration


Input Input Output Output Analog Analog
Input Output
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sweep Calculations
Predicted Sweep = Base Sweep + I/O Scan Impact

Base Sweep Time = 465

I/O Scan Impact …

Number of discrete input type 2 modules—main rack 2
Sweep impact time per discrete I/O module x 37.9 = 75.8

Number of discrete output type 2 modules—main rack 2

Sweep impact time per discrete I/O module x 80.4
= 80.4

Number of analog input modules—main rack 1

Sweep impact time per analog base and output module x 49.3 = 49.3

Number of analog output modules—main rack 1

Sweep impact time per analog base and output module x 49.7 = 49.7

ETM 1 x .55 = 55.0

Predicted Sweep Time = 775.2

Note: Times are in microseconds.

A-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Appendix User Memory Allocation

User Memory Size is the number of bytes of memory available to the user for PLC
User Memory Size Bytes

10MB 10,485,760

Items that Count Against User Memory

The following items count against the CPU memory and can be used to estimate the
minimum amount of memory required for an application. Additional space for items such
as Advanced User Parameters, space used to hold additional information needed to
support Load (e.g. zipped source files), user heap, and published symbols may be
Register Memory Size Bytes = %R references configured × 2
Word Memory Size (%W) Bytes = %W references configured × 2
Analog Inputs (%AI) If point faults enabled: Bytes = %AI references configured × 3
If point faults disabled: Bytes = %AI references configured × 2
Analog Outputs (%AQ) If point faults enabled: Bytes = %AQ references configured × 3
If point faults disabled: Bytes = %AQ references configured × 2
Discrete Point Faults If point faults enabled: Bytes = 3072
Symbolic Variable Storage Number of bits reserved for discrete symbolic variables:
Bytes = ((number of symbolic discrete bits configured)/(8 bits/byte))* 4
Note: The number of bits is multiplied by 4 to keep track of forces and other
characteristics of bit variables.
Number of bytes reserved for nondiscrete symbolic variables:
Bytes = (symbolic words configured) * (2 bytes/word)
Note: Additional space is required for managing each symbolic variable declared.
Ethernet Global Data Bytes = 0 if no Ethernet Global Data pages are configured
(included in HWC)
I/O Scan Set File Based on number of scan sets used.
(included in HWC) Note: 32 bytes of user memory are consumed if the application scans all I/O every
sweep (the default).
User Programs See “User Program Memory Usage” page B-2 for details on user programs.

GFK-2222B B-1

User Program Memory Usage

Space required for user logic includes the following items.

%L and %P Program Memory

%L and %P are charged against your user space and sized depending on their use in
your applications. The maximum size of %L or %P is 8192 words per LD program.
The %L and %P tables are sized to allow extra space for Run Mode Stores according to
the following rules.
■ If %L memory is not used in the block, the %L memory size is 0 bytes. If %L
memory is used in the block, a buffer is added beyond the highest %L address
actually used in logic or in the variable table. The default buffer size is 256 bytes,
but can be changed by editing the Extra Local Words parameter in the block
■ The same rules apply for the size of %P memory, but %P memory can be used in
any block in the program.
■ The buffer cannot make the %P or a %L table exceed the maximum size of 8,192
words. In such a case, a smaller buffer is used.
■ You can add, change, or delete %L and/or %P variables in your application and
Run Mode Store the application if these variables fit in the size of the last-stored
%L/%P tables (where the "size" includes the previous buffer space), or if going
from a zero to non-zero size.
■ The size of the %L/%P tables is always recalculated for Stop Mode Stores.

Program Logic and Overhead

The data area for C (.gefelf) blocks is considered part of the user program and
counts against the user program size. Additional space is required for information
internal to the CPU that is used for execution of the C block.
The program block is based on overhead for the block itself plus the logic and
register data being used (that is, %L).
Note: The LD program’s stack is not counted against the CPU’s memory size.
Note: If your application needs more space for LD logic, consider changing some %P or
%L references to %R, %W, %AI, or %AQ. Such changes require a recompilation
of the program block and a Stop Mode store to the CPU.

B-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B

Appendix Converting Series 90 Applications to

PACSystems controllers incorporate the functional features of the Series 90 PLC family
with the Ethernet Global Data (EGD) capabilities of the Series 90-30 PLC family and
improved Ethernet communications. PACSystems provides many enhancements
compared to the Series 90 PLCs, although some Series 90 functionality is not supported
in the current version.
This chapter provides the following information:
■ PACSystems - Series 90 Comparison .................................................. C-2
■ Converting an Application from Series 90-70 to PACSystems ........... C-21
■ Converting an Application from Series 90-30 to PACSystems ........... C-27
For CPU specifications, refer to chapter 2. For function timing information, refer to
Appendix A.

GFK-2222B C-1

PACSystems – Series 90 Comparison

This section summarizes differences in features and operation between the two control

CPU Operation
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
CPUs allowed in Not supported. Not supported. Supported by RX3i (requires two slots). Not
any rack 0 slot. supported by RX7i.
Logic Execution Column major Row major Row major (See “Logic Execution,” below.)
(See “Logic
Fault clearing Clear individual Clear individual faults. Clear PLC fault table or I/O faults table.
Reset of IO Module Generated on Not generated on store or Generated on store or clear of HWC.
fault store or clear of clear of HWC.
%S0020 status bit Not supported. Set ON when a relational Not supported.
function using REAL data
executes successfully.
Cleared when either input
is NaN (Not a Number).
Access Privileges Levels 0 Levels 1 through 4 Levels 1 through 4
through 4.
Stack overflow Transitions to Transitions to Stop/Fault If there is not enough stack space left to support
Stop/Halt mode mode when it detects a a given block call, an “Application Stack
when it detects stack overflow. Overflow” fault is logged. In these
a stack circumstances, the CPU cannot execute the
overflow. block. Instead, it sets the block’s Boolean
outputs to FALSE, and resumes execution at the
point after the block call instruction.
Program name Not used Not used Read-only LD program name, LDPROG1, used
by legacy drivers in Plant Edition software.

Row- vs. Column-major LD Execution
Series 90-70 PLCs use column major execution: they execute a rung of LD logic by going
from top to bottom, left to right, through each column in the rung. Series 90-30, VersaMax,
and PACSystems use row major execution: they execute an LD rung by tracing paths
from left to right and top to bottom. Differences in execution order result from branching,
or the divergence and/or convergence of power flow within a rung, which is not allowed in
Series 90-30. Therefore, the following examples do not apply to Series 90-30.
Note: The conversion of a Series 90-70 target to a PACSystems target does not rewrite
the logic from column major execution to row major execution. Rungs that may
execute differently because of the column/row major difference are reported in the
target conversion report, but it is not guaranteed that every execution difference
will be detected and reported.

C-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Example 1
In this example, the order in which the contact and coil that reference the variable C are
executed differs between column-major and row-major execution. In row-major, the coil
(1) sets the value of C before the contact (2) is evaluated. In column-major, the C contact
(2) is evaluated before the coil (1) is executed.

Example 2
In this example, the problem is less obvious. If the variable C is used as an input and/or
output inside LDBK or any block that LDBK calls, the difference in row-major versus
column-major execution within the called blocks may affect the execution of coil C.
In row-major execution, the C coil (1) is executed before the Call (2) is executed. In
column-major execution, the Call (2) is executed before the C coil (1) is executed.

Example 3
In the following example, using column-major execution (Series 90-70), the SUB_INT
always executes before the ADD_INT. Using row-major execution (PACSystems), the
ADD_INT executes before the SUB_INT.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-3


Example 4
In this example, even though the order of execution is different, the outcome is the same
for both types of execution.
Row Major Execution (PACSystems)
The external input I00017 (1) is evaluated 1
first. If I00017 is set to 1, the Masked 3
Compare function (2) is executed, passing
power to Q00017 (3). If there is a
miscompare, the output MC (4) is set to 1. 4 6
I00018 (5) is then evaluated. The state of
Q00018 (6) is set to the OR of the MC
output and I00018.

Column Major Execution (Series 90-70)

The external input I00017 (1) is evaluated 1
first, followed by external input I00018 (2). If 3 4
I00017, is set to 1, the Masked Compare
function (3) is executed, passing power to
Q00017 (4). If there is a miscompare, the 5 6
output MC (5) is set to 1.
The state of Q00018 (6) is set to the OR of
the MC output and I00018.

C-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Maximum Number of Blocks

Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Maximum number of blocks 256, including _MAIN 65, including _MAIN 512, including _MAIN

User Programs
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
C Standalone Programs Supported Not supported Not supported
LD Program Supported Supported Supported
Structured Text Not supported. Not supported. For availability on a given CPU
version, refer to the IPI document
provided with that CPU.
Program Scheduling Five modes are Only the Ordered mode Only the Ordered mode is supported.
supported. is supported.
Interrupt programs Supported Not supported Not supported
Function Blocks Supported Not supported. For availability on a given CPU
version, refer to the IPI document
provided with that CPU.
Sequential Function Supported Supported Not supported
Chart programming
Synchronous Scan Sets Supported Not supported Not supported
FIP, Microcycle mode Supported Not supported Not supported
and periodic programs
Multiple programs per Supported (up to 16) Not supported Not supported
C Debugger Supported Not supported Not supported
State Logic Supported Supported Not supported

Stack Size
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Stack Size Valid range: 1 through Not configurable. Valid range: 8 through 320 KB, in
64 KB increments of 8 KB
Default: 20 KB (LD Default: 64 KB

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-5


C Blocks
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
C toolkit used to GFK-0646 GFK-0646 GFK-2259
Bits 16-bit blocks 16-bit blocks 32-bit blocks
Compiled block .exe or .sta .exe .gefelf
Maximum size 64,000 bytes 81,920 bytes Limited only by available user memory.
Note: By default for any C block, if its size is greater
than 256 KB, a validation error takes place. This may
be prevented by right-clicking the C block, choosing
Properties and, in the Inspector, setting the Check
Size Limits property to False. This, however,
introduces the risk of memory fragmentation.
Importing Cannot import Cannot import Cannot import blocks developed for Series 90-70 or
blocks developed for blocks developed Series 90-30. They must be recompiled with a .gefelf
PACSystems or for PACSystems or extension.
Series 90-30 Series 90-70
Name property Up to 7 characters Up to 7 characters Up to 31 characters long
long long
Check Size Not supported. Not supported. Supported.
Third-party VME Supported. Not supported. Replaced with Module interrupts
Module interrupts Not supported Not supported. Selected from the list of Triggers when you schedule
the block. First, configure the module in the
Hardware Configuration; then set a module's
interrupt ID in the Interrupts tab of the Parameter
Number of 0 through 7 Not supported. Input: 0 through 63.
defined input/output pairs. Output: 1 through 64.
parameters Must have as many Does not need to have as many inputs as outputs.
inputs as outputs.
Optional Not supported. You Not supported. Machine Edition enables you to leave the value of
parameters must supply a value any parameter blank. It is your responsibility to
optional in the for every defined ensure the C block uses an acceptable default value
CALL to the C parameter. and no run time error occurs.
BYTE data type Supported Not supported. Refer to the Important Product Information document
for a specific CPU firmware version.
NWORD data Supported. Not supported. Not required. Can use WORD instead.
Data flow Not supported. Not supported. Supported
Indirect Not supported. Not supported. Supported
Bit references in Not supported Not supported. Supported. Must be byte-aligned.

C-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


When you select a block type, it must be of type ‘Block’, ‘Parameterized Block’, or
‘Function Block’. When you create a block, you must first let CME know whether you want
to create it using LD language or ST language, but the language is independent of the
block type. That is, you can create a Block in either LD or ST language.

Non-Parameterized Blocks
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Maximum size 32 KB 16 KB 128 KB
Name property Up to 7 characters long Up to 7 characters long Up to 31 characters long
Extra Local Words Not configurable Not supported. Configurable.
allocated for %P or %L
memory per program
Third-party VME Supported. Not supported. Replaced with Module
interrupts interrupts
Module interrupts Not supported. Not supported. Selected from a list when
scheduling the block. First you
need to configure the module
and the interrupt in the
Hardware Configuration.
Bit references in non- Not supported Not supported. Supported
discrete memory

Parameterized Blocks (PSBs)

Not supported in Series 90-30.
Category Series 90-70 PACSystems
BYTE data type Supported Refer to the Important Product Information document for a
specific CPU firmware version.
NWORD data type Supported Not required. Can use WORD instead.
Y0 parameter Cannot be used in the Can be used in the logic of any PSB, including a zero-parameter
logic of a zero- PSB. Can also be used in a program block, except for _MAIN.
parameter PSB. Y0 is
assumed to be set to
BOOL parameters Flow not supported into Data and power flow supported.
a BOOL input
parameter whose length
is greater than 1, or out
of a BOOL output
parameter whose length
is greater than 1. Only
power flow supported;
not data flow.
Constants are not Constants are supported for input parameters.
32-bit parameters Constants are not Constants are supported for input parameters.
(DINT, DWORD, and supported.
Bit references in non- Not supported Supported
discrete memory

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-7


Category Series 90-70 PACSystems

Block name Maximum of 7 Up to 31 characters long.
Parameters Maximum of 7 inputs Maximum of 63 inputs and 63 outputs (64 including Y0 output).
and 7 outputs. (8 Refer to the Important Product Information document for a
including Y0 output) specific CPU firmware version.

Function Blocks
PACSystems allows the use of Function Blocks, which are user-defined logic blocks that
have parameters and instance data. Not supported in Series 90 PLCs.

Floating Point Functions

PACSystems CPUs may return slightly different values for Not A Number (NaN) as
compared to Series 90-70, Series 90-30, and VersaMax CPUs. For details on NaN values
returned by floating point functions, refer to “Errors in Floating Point Numbers and
Operations” in chapter 7.
Floating point functions handle the NaN propagation and cases differently. PACSystems
CPUs allow the floating point hardware to handle the NaN cases, instead of treating these
instructions as special cases. Impacts: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN,
SQRT_REAL functions.
PACSystems calculates TRIG functions for a larger range of values than the other PLCs.
As a result, some values that previously returned NAN return a correct value.
PACSystems returns values for some unusual cases that were previously returned as
NaN. Specifically 0 returns 1 instead of NaN.

C-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


PACSystems Functions
PACSystems Functions
The following functions were introduced with PACSystems and may not be supported in
all Series 90 and VersaMax PLC product families.
BUS instructions
■ BUS_RD_BYTE. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_RD_BYTE function.
■ BUS_RD_WORD. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_RD_WORD function.
Note: The BUS_RD_ instructions also replace the Series 90-70 VME_CFG_READ
■ BUS_RMW_BYTE. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_RMW_BYTE function.
■ BUS_RMW_WORD. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_RMW_WORD function.
■ BUS_TS_BYTE. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_TS_BYTE function.
■ BUS_TS_WORD. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_TS_WORD function.
■ BUS_WRT_BYTE. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_WRT_BYTE function.
■ BUS_WRT_WORD. Replaces the Series 90-70 VME_WRT_WORD function.
Note: The BUS_WRT_ instructions also replace the Series 90-70 VME_CFG_WRITE
New Transitional Coils and Contacts
The status of the new transitional contacts PTCON and NTCON is determined by the
value that the associated BOOL variable had the last time the contact was executed. The
status of the existing POSCON and NEGCON transitional contacts is determined by the
last write to the BOOL variable associated with the contact.
Service Requests
The PACSystems SVC_REQ function supports the following services:
■ #50: Read Elapsed Time Clock (Two DWORDs)
■ #51: Read Sweep Time from Beginning of Sweep (DWORD)

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-9


Function Differences
Most function differences between PACSystems and other PLC families, such as Series
90 and VersaMax, are due to the PACSystems CPUs’ support of the following new
■ Symbolic variables
■ Bit addressing in non-discrete memory
■ BOOL arrays of sufficient length can replace operands of other data types.
The following table lists other differences between Series 90-70 and PACSystems RX7i
with regards to individual built-in functions.
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
ARRAY_MOVE_ (all The SR parameter does Same as Series 90-70. The SR parameter supports data
mnemonics) not support data flow. flow.
ARRAY_RANGE_ (all The LL, UL, IN, and Q Function not supported. The LL, UL, IN, and Q parameters
mnemonics) parameters do not support data flow.
support data flow. When an invalid (reference out of
range) operand occurs and length
is equal to one the result is set to
BIT_SEQ The N (STEP) Same as Series 90-70. The N parameter supports data
parameter does not flow.
support data flow.
Bit Operation Functions Overlapping input and Same as Series 90-70. When using overlapping inputs
output reference and outputs, the PACSystems
address ranges in multi- performs the operation on the
word functions may data when the function is invoked,
produce unexpected not the data output from earlier
results. executions.
COMM_REQ Supports WAIT mode Same as 90-70. Does not support WAIT mode

A smart module can Same as 90-70. Level 2 is sufficient, except when

update the status word a Series 90-70 GBC is involved. In
if you have level 3 or this case, level 3 or 4 is required.
level 4 security access.
Can use COMM_REQs Same as 90-70. Using COMM_REQs for
with serial and Ethernet communication with serial and
ports. Ethernet ports supported. Refer to
the Important Product Information
document for a specific CPU
firmware version.
System IDs address Same as 90-70. System IDs address modules
modules located in located in single-width slots
double-width slots. (RX7i).

C-10 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems

DATA_INIT_ASCII The Q output parameter Function not supported. The Q output parameter supports
DATA_INIT_COMM does not support indirect references and data flow.
DATA_INIT_DINT indirect references or
DATA_INIT_DWORD data flow.
END Not supported Supported Not supported
Enhanced DO_IO Not supported Supported Not supported
RANGE_ (all The L1, L2, and IN Same as Series 90-70. The L1, L2, and IN parameters
mnemonics) parameters do not support data flow.
support data flow.
SVC_REQ 5 Supported. Not supported Supported
Change Background Task
Window Mode and Timer
SVC_REQ 6 Number of words to be Number of words to be Number of words to be
Change/Read Number of checksummed is checksummed must be checksummed is rounded to a
Words to Checksum rounded to a multiple of in the range 0 to 32. multiple of 8.
8. (Same as
SVC_REQ 13 Parameter block is Parameter block is For CPUs with firmware version
Shut down (stop CPU) ignored. (You must ignored. Always runs 1 2.00 or later, 0 to 5 scans are
specify a dummy scan before stopping allowed. A value of –1 causes the
parameter, which CPU. Number of Last Scans specified in
SVC_REQ 13 does not To mimic this behavior HWC to be used.
use.) Stops at the end in PACSystems version CPUs with firmware versions
of the next scan. 2.00 or later, use a earlier than 2.00 behave the same
To mimic this behavior value of –1 in the as Series 90-70.
in PACSystems version SVC_REQ parameter
2.00 or later, use a block and set Number
value of –1 in the of Last Scans in HWC
SVC_REQ parameter to 1.
block and set Number
of Last Scans in HWC
to 0.
SVC_REQ 15 Supports Read Does not support Read Supports Read Extended PLC
Read Last-Logged Fault Extended PLC Fault Extended PLC Fault Fault Table (80h) or Read
Table Entry Table (80h) and Read Table (80h) or Read Extended I/O Fault Table (81h).
Extended I/O Fault Extended I/O Fault
Table (81h). Table (81h).
SVC_REQ 23 Returns a 15-word Returns an 11-word Returns a 15-word output block.
Read Master Checksum output block. (Same as output block. Operation
PACSystems.) is different from Series
90-70 and
PACSystems. Refer to
the Series 90-30 CPU
Reference Manual,
SVC_REQ 24 Not supported. Supported. (Same as Supported.
Reset Smart Module PACSystems.)

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-11


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems

SVC_REQ 26/30 SVC_REQ 26 is Role Service Requests 26 SVC_REQ 26 is Role Switch
Interrogate I/O Switch (redundancy) and 30 are identical. (redundancy) service request.
service request. Refer to the Series Interrogate I/O function is
Interrogate I/O function 90-30 CPU Reference supported via fault locating
is supported via fault Manual, GFK-0467. references.
locating references.
(Same as
SVC_REQ 36 Supported. Not supported. Not supported. This service
Read from/Write to Bulk request was the way to access
Memory Area BMA on a 90-70 CPU. Since BMA
can be accessed as %W memory
in a PACSystems RX7i, the
service request is no longer
SVC_REQ 39 Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Specific to the
ESCM Port Status Series 90-70, which has an ESCM
to manage its serial
SVC_REQ 44 Supported Not supported. Not supported.
Logic Driven Dynamic
Ethernet Global Data.
SVC_REQ 45 Not supported Supported Refer to the Important Product
Skip Next I/O Scan Information document for a
specific CPU firmware version.
SVC_REQ 46 Not supported. (Same Supported. Refer to the Not supported.
Fast Backplane Status as PACSystems.) Series 90-30 CPU
Access Reference Manual,
SVC_REQ 48 GFK-0467.
Reboot After Fatal Fault
Auto Reset
Auto Reset Statistics
PID Elapsed time computed Same as Series 90-70. The PID algorithm has been
in 10ms units. modified to improve some error
cases and therefore PID functions
differently on PACSystems.
Elapsed time is computed in
100µs units instead of 10ms units.
This smoothes the output
characteristic, eliminating periodic
adjustments that occurred when
the remainder accumulated to
See chapter 10 for additional

C-12 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems

Timed Contacts Timed contact %S Same as Series 90-70. Determines the state of each
references are reset on timed contact reference based on
a Stop to Run transition. a free running timer that has no
Forces a transition if relationship to the start of each
sweep is longer than sweep. If the sweep time remains
half the timed contact in phase with the timed contact
clock cycle. clock, the contact will always
appear to be in the same state.
Not updated in Stop
For example, if the CPU is in
constant sweep mode with a
sweep time setting of 100ms, the
T_10MS and the T_100MS bits
will never toggle. (Same as Series
Updated in Stop mode.
VME_ Functions Supported. Not supported. Not supported. Replaced by BUS_

Online Editing
Category Series 90- Series 90- PACSystems
70 30
Online Editing and Online Not Not Allow editing and testing of logic changes that are
Test modes supported supported permitted for a Run Mode Store.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-13


Category Series 90-70/90-30 PACSystems
Multi-bit 8-bit and 16-bit variables 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit variables
variables Mappable to %I, %Q, %M, %T, and %G. Mappable to %I, %Q, %M, %T, and %G.
mapped to
discrete memory WORD variables can sometimes be mapped to WORD variables can sometimes be mapped to
%S, depending on the instructions. %S, while DWORD variables can sometimes be
mapped to %SA, %SB, and %SC, depending on
the instructions.
Bit addressing in Not supported You can address individual bits in BYTE,
non-discrete WORD, INT, UINT, DINT, and DWORD
memory variables in non-discrete memory (%R, %AI,
%AQ, %L, %P, and %W).
BOOL arrays Not supported Supported
used to replace
other data types
Index of indirect 16 bits 32 bits when referring to %W memory.
references 16 bits when referring to other memory areas.
Symbolic Not supported Supported. A symbolic variable is a variable in
variables logic that does not have an assigned reference
address. Machine Edition handles all the
mapping in a special portion of PACSystems
user memory outside %R, %AI, %AQ, %P, %L,
%W, %I, %Q, %M, %T, %S, and %G memory.
Publishing Not supported Supported

System Variables
Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
CPU Overtemperature Not supported Not supported Supported
Status (#OVR_TMP)
Fault Locating System Eight characters long Not supported. 10 characters long
Variables Can locate 10 slots, Can locate 32 slots, from #0 through
from #0 through #9 #31
Can locate 32 modules, Can locate 256 modules, from #0
from #0 through #31 through #255

C-14 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Communicating with Modem, serial port, and Same as Series 90-70. Ethernet supported on all versions.
Machine Edition Ethernet. Serial port supported on later versions.
refer to the Important Product
Information document for a specific
CPU firmware version.
Ethernet adapters Ethernet Interface CPUs 364 and 374 IC698CPE010, IC698CPE020, and
Module IC697CMM742, have an embedded IC698CRE020 have an embedded
in any rack. Ethernet interface. Ethernet daughterboard.
Ethernet Interface Ethernet module IC698ETM001 in
Module IC693CMM321, RX7i main rack only. Maximum
in any rack. number: 3.
Ethernet module IC695ETM001 in
RX3i main rack only. Maximum
number: 4.
Configuring Ethernet Involves temporarily Same as Series 90-70. Can use the Set Temporary IP
connecting your Address utility for a temporary
computer to the PLC by connection, during which the
serial cable. permanent IP address can be set.
Later versions support serial
connection. Refer to the Important
Product Information document for a
specific CPU firmware version.
Web-based data Not supported. Not supported. Up to 16 web server and FTP
monitoring connections (combined)
Network routing Supported through Not supported. Not supported.
CMM742 Ethernet
Interface configuration.
Serial ports Can be used to Same as Series 90-70. Ports 1 and 2 provide serial interfaces
communicate with to external devices. Port 1 is also used
Machine Edition. for firmware upgrades. The third on-
Provide SNP, Disabled, board serial port is used as the
and Custom modes. Ethernet station manager port. .
Refer to the Serial Provide RTU Slave, Message, and
Communications User’s SNP Slave, Serial I/O, and Available
Manual, GFK-0582. modes.
Serial port default SNP SNP Modbus RTU.
Serial port Scanf and Printf. Same as Series 90-70. ANSI-style read/write.
communications from C

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-15


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
EGD variables Limit of 1,200 No limit
EGD upload Does not support Same as Series 90-70. Supported
upload of EGD
Configuration from the
PLC to the Programmer
Broadcast IP Not supported Not Supported Broadcast option provides support for
the production and consumption of
EGD pages using the broadcast
address of the local subnetwork.
Name Resolution Supported. Supported. Same Not Supported. Adapter name in an
restrictions as Series EGD page configuration defaults to
90-70. the rack.slot location.
Consumed Period Configurable. Configurable for Has a constant, read-only value of 200
CPU364. ms.
CPU374 same as
Selective consumption Not supported. Not supported. Supported. Ranges in a consumed
EGD page can be set to Ignore.
%W N/A N/A Supported in EGD page configuration

Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Clearing Flash Not supported Same as Series 90-70. Supported. Clear affects all items
(HWC, logic, and initial/forced values).
Reading/Verifying logic Can read and verify Same as Series 90-70. Cannot read and verify logic and HWC
logic and HWC separately.
If EGD is present Cannot read, write, or Can read, write, verify, Can read, write, verify, or clear Flash
verify Flash memory or clear Flash memory. memory.
(Same as
Restoring from Flash N/A N/A OEMs can configure PACSystems to
automatically restore user
programs/data from Flash to battery-
backed RAM. After such a restoration
takes place, the PLC boots from RAM
and not Flash, as long as the RAM’s
contents are valid (as determined
during the power-on tests).
Writing to Flash Does not write the Takes a snapshot of the transitions
transitions that are currently set and writes them
to Flash
Verifying Flash Does not verify Verifies the transitions. If a transitional
transitions changed value from 0 to 1 and back to
0, the value would be equal, but the
transition could be unequal.

C-16 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems

Store/Restore transition When reference tables Stores/restores the state of the
bits from flash are restored from flash, transition bits to/from flash along with
transition bits are set the status values and overrides of
according to the each reference table.
differences of what was
in RAM versus what
was in flash at the time
of the restore.
Logic/Configuration Uses default Uses logic/configuration from RAM.
source and CPU Mode logic/configuration and CPU mode determined as described in
when Flash contains no goes to Stop Disabled “Effect of Logic/Configuration Power-
configuration and mode. up Source on CPU Behavior,”
Powerup Source in chapter 5.
RAM is Always Flash

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-17


Differences in the Memory Areas Supported
Memory Area Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
%GA through %GE Supported Uses %G (same as Uses %G instead.
PACSystems). Target conversion from Series 90-70
PLC to PACSystems automatically
converts %GA - %GE memory
mappings to %G mappings. For
details, see “Changes Made During
the Conversion,” page C-24.
Bulk Memory Area Accessed by means of N/A Accessed by mapping variables to
SVC_REQ 36 %W memory
%W In LD programs, the N/A Supported. Represents the Bulk
BMA is accessed by the Memory Area.
SVCREQ 36 function. In
C programs, the BMA is
accessed through the
Symbolic Not supported Same as Series 90-70. Supported. One memory area is used
for discrete symbolic variables and
another for non-discrete symbolic

Maximum Memory Sizes

The maximum memory size of some memory areas in PACSystems targets is larger than
in Series 90 PLCs.
Memory Area Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
%AI, %AQ 8,192 words (16,384 bytes) 32640 32,640 words (65,280 bytes) each
%I, %M, %Q 12,288 points (1,536 bytes) 2048 32,768 points (4,096 bytes) each
%T 256 points (32 bytes) 256 1,024 points (128 bytes)
%R 16,384 words (32,768 32640 32,640 words (65280 bytes)
%W Not supported Not supported. Maximum available user RAM
Total user space 10 megabytes
For details on items that count against user memory, refer to appendix B.

C-18 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Other Differences in Memory Support

Memory Area Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
%P and %L Buffer size not Not supported. Buffer size can be configured
configurable. through the LD block's Extra Local
Words property

Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30/RX3i PACSystems Rx7i
CPU redundancy Supported Not supported. Supported in redundancy CPUs
Genius redundancy Supported Supported.
CPU over Genius supported in
redundancy CPUs.
IP Address redundancy Supported Supported in redundancy CPUs.

Category Series 90-70 Series 90-3/RX3i PACSystems RX7i
Handling of GBC loss of Sets input data for devices N/A Sets input data for devices
device fault associated with a failed associated with a failed
GBC to Hold Last State, GBC to the state specified
regardless of how the Input by the Input Default
Default parameter is parameter for each device.
configured for each device.
Handling of data for lost Immediately applies the N/A Updates input data and
redundant Genius blocks default input data to the input diagnostic tables with
input reference tables and the default data during the
updates the associated input scan immediately
diagnostic tables. following the loss of device
fault. Updates output
diagnostic data tables
during the output scan
immediately after the loss
of device fault.
Setting of Force Present Limited to Genius blocks. NA No longer limited to Genius
status bit, FRC_PRE %S12. blocks. If any input module
reports that it has a force
present, this bit is set.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-19


I/O and Intelligent Modules

Category Series 90-70 Series 90-30 PACSystems
Discrete output modules Discrete output modules Same as PACSystems Discrete output modules
controlled by a Series 90- controlled by a
70 CPU drive their outputs PACSystems CPU drive
only after the second their outputs to the values
sweep. set by user logic the first
DO I/O has no effect in the time they are part of an
first sweep because output scan.
outputs are not enabled A DO I/O function causes a
until they are part of an module’s outputs to be
output scan. enabled at the point of the
DO I/O execution (if that
module’s outputs have not
already been enabled).
Do I/O to High Speed If %AI is specified, returns Same as PACSystems Returns all input data (I and
Counter only AI input data. If %I is AI).
specified, returns all input
data (I and AI).
I/O interrupt blocks Prioritizes timed interrupts NA (does not support I/O Normally scheduled relative
before I/O interrupts. interrupts) to each other on a first-
come first-served basis.
CPUs with later firmware
versions allow preemptive
block scheduling. For
availability on a given CPU
version, refer to the IPI
document provided with
that CPU.
I/O interrupts on High The legacy transitions N/A The legacy transitions are
Speed Counter and (POSCON/NEGCON) are always set for every one of
IC697MDL641 module not set. the discrete input
references at the time the
interrupt occurs. (If the new
state of the bit is on, the up
transition contact will be
true. If the new state is
OFF, the down transition
contact will be true).
Analog Input Interrupts HIALR and LOALR fault N/A If point faults are enabled,
contacts are not set at the the HIALM or LOALM fault
time the interrupt logic is contact will be set to TRUE
run. before running the interrupt
Analog Expansion modules No limit on number of N/A (RX7i only) Maximum of
expanders. three expanders allowed in
an RX7i rack.
Analog base module and Expansion modules are
expansion modules can be assigned to the same scan
assigned to different scan set as the analog base
sets. module.

C-20 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Converting an Application from Series 90-70 to PACSystems

There may be execution differences when converting an application
from a Series 90-70 target to a PACSystems target. It is the
application developer's responsibility to validate and test the
application execution prior to deployment into a production

GE Fanuc PLC target conversions are irreversible. When logic
blocks are deleted during a conversion, they cannot be restored.
That is, there is no undo to a conversion. It is recommended that
you make a backup of your project before converting a target in it.

Note: If a Series 90-70 target contains State Logic, it cannot be converted to


Preparing for the Conversion

Analog Expander Modules
If you want to convert a Series 90-70 rack configuration that contains IC697ALG440 or
IC697ALG441 analog input expander modules, you must ensure that the IC697ALG230
base module and the expander modules are located in certain slots as detailed below;
otherwise, the modules will not be converted. (If you do not use expander modules, the
base module can be configured in any slot.) If you use expander modules, you must put
the base module in slot 3, 4, or 5 of the Series 90-70 rack before conversion.
■ If you put the base module in slot 3 of the Series 90-70 rack, you must put the
IC697ALG440 or IC697ALG441 expander modules in slots 4, 5, or 6.
■ If you put the base module in slot 4, the expander modules can go in slots 5 or 6.
■ If you put the base module in slot 5, you can have only one expander module, in
slot 6.
Note: Another convertible configuration is a base module in slot 3 and its expander
module in slot 4, and another base module in slot 5 and its expander module in
slot 6.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-21


PCM, CMM, and DLAN Modules

If you want to convert a Series 90-70 rack configuration that contains a IC697PCM711,
IC697CMM711, or IC697BEM761 you must ensure that these modules are located in
slots less than or equal to 9 in an RX7i rack. If any of these modules occupies a slot
greater than 5 in the 90-70 rack configuration, it will not be converted because the
corresponding destination slot in the RX7i rack configuration would be greater than 9. For
example a IC697PCM711 module in slot 6 of a Series 90-70 rack configuration would not
be converted because the destination in the RX7i rack would be slot 11.
Note: If your 90-70 application uses a PCM, CMM, or DLAN module, please refer to
"Series 90-70 Communications and Intelligent Option Modules" of Chapter 11 for
important information about using these modules with PACSystems RX7i.

VME_ Instructions
The PACSystems Rx7i provides Bus_Read and Bus_Write functions similar to the Series
90-70 VME_Read and VME_Write functions. When converting a Series 90-70 application,
some modifications to hardware configuration and logic are required to use the new
instructions. These changes must be made manually after converting the application.
Before converting your application, review the descriptions of VME addressing and
information needed to complete the conversion.
Note: For details on selecting, configuring, and programming non-GE Fanuc VME
modules in a PACSystems control system, refer to PACSystems RX7i User's
Guide to Integration of VME Modules, GFK-2235.

PACSystems vs. Series 90-70 VME Addressing Schemes

Non-GE Fanuc VME Modules
A typical VME board is configured to respond to certain VME memory addresses. Most
non-GE Fanuc boards are configured using one or more jumpers to set an Address
Modifier (AM code) and a base address that the board will respond to. Typically a board
has one or two specific memory areas that can be accessed. PACSystems refers to these
areas as Regions. A Region is comprised of a base address, AM code, and size, as well
as a “width”, termed Interface Type, (byte, word, dword, etc) that can be accessed.
In PACSystems, each VME Region on a board is specified in the Hardware Configuration.
PACSystems supports a maximum of eight regions per module. A Region specification
includes a region number, AM code, Base Address, Size, and Interface Type. Specifics of
these settings are covered in the programming software Help Information. The
PACSystems BUS_ functions include a region (RGN) parameter that refers to the regions
configured in the Hardware Configuration information.
In Series 90-70, the AM code and VME address are specified as parameters to the VME_
function itself. The “width” specification is determined by the instruction used (for example,

C-22 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Information Needed to Complete the Conversion

To complete the conversion process, you will need to identify the memory area(s) being
used on each VME module, including AM code, and VME base address. This information
should be provided with the VME board being used. If not available, this information can
be obtained by reviewing the logic in the Series 90-70 application. As a general rule, a
separate region will be needed for each AM code used.

PCM Applications
The VME address assignments for VME modules in an RX7i system differ from the
assignments in a 90-70 system. If an application program running on the IC697PCM711
accesses the VME bus (that is, it uses Set_vme_ctl, Vme_read, Vme_test_and_set, or
Vme_write), the VME addresses used by that program will need to be updated to be in
agreement with the PACSystems RX7i VME addressing assignments. To determine the
correct VME addresses to use on the RX7i, please refer to the following sections in the
PACSystems RX7i User’s Guide to Integration of VME Modules, GFK-2235:
“VME Addresses for GE Fanuc Modules in the Main Rack”
“VME Addresses for GE Fanuc Modules in Expansion Racks”
Also please note that the S9070_xxxx macros, listed below, that are provided by the PCM
C toolkit in the file Vme.h cannot be used to calculate VME addresses in an RX7i system.
S9070_RACKSLOT_VALID(r,s) (r>=0&&r<=7&&s>=2&&s<=9)
S9070_VME_HI_ADDR(r,s) ((r)?(0xF0-(0x10*(r))+2*((s)-2)):(2*((s)-2)))
S9070_VME_SHORT_ADDR(s) (0x800*s)

Converting the Target

To convert a Series 90-70 target to a PACSystems RX7i target in the programming
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right click the target you want to convert and select
Properties. The Inspector displays the target properties.
2. In the Properties, select the PACSystems RX7i family. A Target Conversion Warning
message appears. If you want to continue with the conversion, click OK.
3. The target is converted to the PACSystems RX7i family. The target conversion report
is displayed in the InfoViewer when the conversion is complete.
4. Review the target conversion report, correct any problems identified, and validate the
application. The application should be thoroughly tested to detect problems that may
be caused by execution differences before deploying it in a production environment.
For additional information, please refer to “Changes Made During the Conversion,”
page C-24 and “Finishing the Conversion,” page C-25.

There may be execution differences when converting an application
from a Series 90-70 target to a PACSystems target. It is the
application developer's responsibility to validate and test the
application execution prior to deployment into a production

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-23


Changes made During the 90-70 to PACSystems RX7i Conversion

Each Series 90-70 module supported by a PACSystems RX7i target is remapped from its
Series 90-70 rack and double-width slot to the corresponding PACSystems RX7i rack and
single-width slots.
Note: Because a PACSystems RX7i power supply uses only one slot, the resulting
PACSystems RX7i slot number is calculated as follows:
PACSystems RX7i slot = (2 * [Series 90-70 slot number]) - 1
■ The parameter values for each converted module are preserved whenever possible.
Parameters unique to RX7i are set to their default settings.
■ Ethernet Global Data (EGD) is converted. For each rack, adapter 1 is converted to the
RX7i's CPU embedded Ethernet daughterboard, while adapters 2, 3, and 4 are
converted to RX7i Ethernet modules (IC698ETM001), and adapters 5 and beyond are
Note: The Series 90-70 slot in which adapter 1 resides is left empty in RX7i, as per the
formula empty RX7i slot = (2 * [Series 90-70 slot number of adapter 1]) - 1
■ References to %GA - %GE memory areas are converted to %G addresses with new
offsets as follows:
Preconversion memory type Postconversion memory type and offset
%G %G+0
%GA %G+1280
%GB %G+2560
%GC %G+3840
%GD %G+5120
%GE %G+6400
■ C blocks are retained and flagged in the report. You may need to edit them. You will
also need to recompile them with the PACSystems C Toolkit and update them in the
PACSystems target.
■ All C programs are deleted.
■ LD blocks are converted and scanned for instructions that require updating.
Note: The first validation of a converted target flags the LD instructions that are not
supported in the RX7i.
■ The original Series 90-70 system variables are deleted except when they are used in
logic. PACSystems RX7i system variables are added to the target. A warning is
reported for each system variable found to be used in logic. It is up to you to ensure
that these system variables are still valid for the new target type.
■ When you convert a Series 90-70 target to an RX7i target, all Series 90-70 fault
locating system variables are converted to PACSystems RX7i versions by inserting a
0 before the slot number. For example, if #BUS_121 was used on a Series 90-70
target, the variable is renamed to #BUS_1021 when the target is converted to RX7i.
Also, the #RACK_0r variables are converted to #RACK_00r.

C-24 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Finishing the Conversion

Review the Target Conversion Report
The target conversion report, displayed when the conversion is completed, summarizes
the results of hardware configuration conversion and logic conversion. Items that were not
converted are identified.
Note: The conversion report does not warn about all possible differences in logic
execution. A validity check after conversion may report problems that could not be
detected during conversion. Execution differences may exist when converting
from Series 90-70 to PACSystems RX7i, even for rungs that were not mentioned
in the report or reported during validity checks.
The report provides an analysis of each LD block that warns of unsupported instructions,
unsupported service requests, fault locating reference usage, instructions that were
converted, and instructions that could not be converted and why.
Lines displayed in red characters warn of the most important potential differences in logic
execution (for example, due to the different execution order of a Series 90-70 PLC or
PACSystems RX7i when faced with branches in logic). For each potential difference
reported, you should examine the logic. Look for variables used as both inputs and
outputs on different instructions where the instruction with the input is not on the same row
as the instruction with the output.
The report is saved in the Documentation files folder in the Supplemental Files folder in
the resulting PACSystems RX7i target. You can print the report directly from the
InfoViewer or print it from the copy saved in the Documentation Files folder.

Replace VME_ Instructions with BUS_ Instructions

RX7i provides a set of BUS_ instructions that can be used to access data in a module on
a bus: BUS_RD, BUS_WRT, BUS_RMW, and BUS_TS. These instructions are similar to
the VME_ instructions supported by Series 90-70. Series 90-70 VME_ instructions are not
automatically converted to RX7i BUS_ instructions.
The following is a summary of the changes that must be made after converting the
application from Series 90-70 to PACSystems.
■ Determine the number of regions needed for a given board, and the AM code and
base address for each region. Note that each AM code requires a separate region.
■ Using Machine Edition hardware configuration, configure each non-GE Fanuc board,
adding the appropriate number of regions, and specifying the necessary AM Code,
Base Address, Size, and Interface type. Each region will be referred to by number
within the LD program.
■ Modify the LD function calls.
− Replace each VME_ instruction with the corresponding BUS_ instruction. (For
example, VME_READ_WORD should be replaced by BUS_READ_WORD;
VME_CFG_READ should be replaced by a BUS_READ_ instruction, etc.)
Unsupported instructions are identified in the Target Conversion Report.
− Add the Rack and Slot parameters to refer to the appropriate non GE Fanuc VME

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-25


− Specify the appropriate Region number used in the hardware configuration.

− Compute the “address” parameter for the function. Note that the value needed is
now an offset relative to the specified region as opposed to an absolute VME
address. Therefore, you must subtract the base address specified by the region
you are referring to. For example, if the Series 90-70 instruction used an address
of 0x400100 and you have specified 0x400000 as the base address of the region,
you would enter 0x100 as the offset.
− If your RX7i application program needs to access the dual port memory of a PCM,
CMM, or DLAN, use the BUS READ and WRITE functions. When accessing one
of these modules, set the function’s Region parameter to 1. (For the PCM, CMM,
and DLAN modules, region 1 is predefined to be the module's entire dual port
memory. Configure these modules according to their catalog numbers; do not
configure these modules as “VME modules.”)
Note that other (optional) parameters have been added. Specifics on these parameters
are provided in the Machine Edition online help.

Increasing Stack Allocation for Programs Converted from Series 90-70

Series 90-70 programs are converted to RX7i with the same stack allocation. RX7i uses
more stack space than the Series 90-70, so some user programs may not run after
conversion. To increase the stack space, right click the _MAIN block and select
Properties. Stack Size is listed at the bottom of the Properties page. The default stack size
in RX7i programs is 64KB. Programs with a large number of nested calls may need more
stack space. As a general rule, the stack for the converted RX7i program should be set to
approximately three times the stack size of the Series 90-70 version of the program. A
diagnostic fault is displayed if the program runs out of stack space.

C-26 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Converting an Application from Series 90-30 to PACSystems

Preparing for the Conversion
End Instruction
PACSystems does not support the END instruction, which unconditionally terminates
program execution and transfers control to the beginning of the program (the first rung of
the _MAIN block) for the next scan. Following are suggestions for reorganizing programs
that use the END instruction:
■ Adding JUMP(s) to the end of the block(s) in the CALL chain
■ Separating the logic following the END instruction into a separate block that is called
only if the END would not have been executed.
■ Implementing other means of debugging the LD program, such as saving copies of
temporary register contents when the circumstances being debugged occur.

Updated 24V Analog Modules (IC693ALG220, IC693ALG221, and IC693ALG222C)

If you are using an old version (ALG220G, ALG221G, ALG222C or earlier) of these
modules, you must provide an external 24V power source to the backplane terminals, or
replace the old version with the latest version.

SRTP Communication with Older Clients

The RX3i CPU can be placed in any slot in rack 0 (except the last slot). PACSystems
provides an SRTP Destinations service that allows an external client using SRTP to find
the CPU’s rack and slot location in order to communicate with it. However, legacy clients,
such as Series 90 PLC applications using SRTP channels and HCT host applications do
not use this service. They assume that the server CPU is always in rack 0, slot 1 as is
required in the Series 90 systems.
To support communications with legacy SRTP clients such as Series 90 PLCs using
SRTP Channels, the RX3i redirects service requests arriving on an SRTP server
connection destined for rack 0 slot 1 to rack 0 slot 2 if:
■ There is only one CPU in the system.
■ The CPU is located in rack 0 slot 2.
■ The remote client has not issued an SRTP Destination service on the connection to
discover the rack and slot of the CPU.
Redirecting the services from rack 0 slot 1 to rack 0 slot 2 consists only of changing the
rack and slot portion of the destination address within the service request mailbox
message. The content (payload) of the service request is not examined or modified, nor is
the service request response mailbox message from the CPU.
All services used by SRTP channels clients in the Series 90 and all HCT services can be
successfully redirected.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-27


CPU Slot Location

The RX3i CPU (IC695CPU310) is a doublewide module whose connector is right justified
as viewed when installed in a rack. It is referenced for configuration and by user logic
applications by the leftmost slot that it occupies. For example, if the RX3i CPU has its
physical connector inserted into slot 4, which means it occupies slots 3 and 4, the CPU is
referenced as being located in slot 3. The referenced location of the CPU is not
determined by what slot the physical connector is located in, but by the leftmost slot
occupied by the entire module.
The RX3i CPU may be located in any slot in the main rack except slot 11 of a 12-slot rack
or slot 15 of a 16-slot rack, because these slots would require the physical connector to be
located in the slot reserved for an expansion module.
When migrating a Series 90-30 CPU system to a PACSystems RX3i CPU, be aware that
to maintain the Slot 1 location of the CPU, only a singlewide power-supply may be used in
slot 0. Therefore, if the application using an existing Series 90-30 system must maintain a
slot 1 CPU and uses a doublewide power-supply, the power supply must be located in a
slot to the right of the RX3i CPU in Slot 1.
In deciding to place the CPU in a slot other than Slot 1, you should be aware of the
possible application migration issues that could arise. The following table lists the areas
that could be affected when migrating an application from one CPU slot to another.
CPU Slot Placement Issues
Item Affected How Affected
User Logic Service Request #15 Location of CPU faults will not be the standard 0.1 location, but will reflect
(Read Last-Logged Fault the slot the CPU is located in. User logic that decodes fault table entries
Table Entry) retrieved by these service requests may need updating.
Service Request #20
(Read Fault Tables)
Communications Request COMM_REQs directed to the CPU (e.g. those directed to the serial ports
(COMM_REQ) of the CPU) will need to be updated with the correct CPU slot reference.
H/W CPU Slot location Slot location of the CPU must be updated in the HW Configuration to
Configuration reflect the CPU’s true location.
Fault Tables Faults logged for the CPU The location of faults logged for the CPU in the fault table will not be the
standard 0.1 (rack.slot) location, but will reflect the CPU’s actual slot.

External Series 90 PLCs

Devices Remote Series 90 PLCs that use SRTP Channels COMM_REQs expect the CPU to be in slot 1. To
support communications with Series 90 SRTP clients such as Series 90 PLCs using SRTP Channels,
the RX3i internally redirects incoming SRTP requests destined for {rack 0, slot 1} to {rack 0, slot 2},
provided that the CPU is located in rack 0 slot 2 (and the remote client has not issued an SRTP
Destination service on the connection to discover the rack and slot of the CPU). This special
redirection permits Series 90-30 applications that expect the power supply to be located leftmost and
the CPU to be located to the right of the power supply to function. Attempts to establish channels with
CPUs in slots other than 1 or 2 will fail if initiated from Series 90 PLCs.
HMI and External Communication Devices
All external communication devices that interact with the CPU should be checked for compatibility with
CPU slot locations other than slot 1. Problems may arise with, but are not limited to, initial connection
sequences and fault reporting. View -Machine Edition customers should select “GE SRTP” as their
communications driver – it can communicate with a CPU in any slot.

Host Communications Toolkit (HCT)

Applications that utilize the Host Communications Toolkit may require updated drivers.

C-28 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


Converting the Target

To convert a Series 90-30 target to a PACSystems RX3i target in the programming
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, right click the target you want to convert and select
Properties. The Inspector displays the target properties.
2. In the Properties, select the PACSystems RX3i family. A Target Conversion Warning
message appears. If you want to continue with the conversion, click OK.
3. The target is converted to the PACSystems RX3i family. The target conversion report
is displayed in the InfoViewer when the conversion is complete.
4. Review the target conversion report, correct any problems identified, and validate the
application. The application should be thoroughly tested to detect problems that may
be caused by execution differences before deploying it in a production environment.
For additional information, please refer to “Changes Made During the Conversion,”
page C-30 and “Finishing the Conversion,” page C-31.

There may be execution differences when converting an application
from a Series 90-30 target to a PACSystems target. It is the
application developer's responsibility to validate and test the
application execution prior to deployment into a production

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-29


Changes Made During the 90-30 to PACSystems RX3i Conversion

Hardware Configuration
■ Each Series 90-30 module supported by a PACSystems RX3i target is remapped
from its Series 90-30 rack slot to the corresponding PACSystems RX3i rack and slots.
■ The RX3i CPU and default power supply require two slots. Slot locations of other
modules are adjusted as needed.
■ Series 90-30 CPUs with embedded Ethernet interface are converted to an RX3i CPU
and an IC695ETM001 peripheral Ethernet module. Slot locations are adjusted as
■ The parameter values for each converted module are preserved whenever possible.
Parameters unique to RX3i are set to their default settings.
■ Power consumption requirements are converted from Watts to Amps.

■ C blocks are retained and flagged in the report. You may need to edit them. You will
also need to recompile them with the PACSystems C Toolkit and update them in the
PACSystems target.
■ All C programs are deleted.
■ IL (Instruction List) and SFC (Sequential Function Chart) programs are not translated.
IL and SFC programming are not supported.
■ LD blocks are converted and scanned for instructions that require updating.
The following instructions are flagged as not supported:
- SVC_REQ #41 (PEEK), SVC_REQ #42 (Daughterboard Info). These are not
translated. Other means of debugging the operation of the system and of
determining daughterboard revision information are provided.
- SVC_REQ 46 Fast Backplane Status Access
- SCV_REQ #48 & #49 (auto-restart parameters). These are not translated, since
the auto-restart feature is not implemented. The program is translated
successfully without them, but you are notified that they have been omitted.
- END. Not supported.
The following instructions are flagged for manual translation:
- SVC_REQ 6, Change/Read Number of Words to Checksum
- SVC_REQ 15, Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry
- SVC_REQ 23, Read Master Checksum
- SVC_REQ 26/30, Interrogate I/O. Note that the Series 90-30 Interrogate I/O
functionality is supported in PACSystems by fault locating references.

C-30 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual – July 2004 GFK-2222B


The following instructions are changed:

- WORD_TO_REAL instruction translated to UINT_TO_REAL.
- REAL_TO_WORD instruction translated to REAL_TO_UINT.
- Enhanced DO_IO translated to standard DO_IO (The constant ALT parameter is
discarded and ignored.)
- Non-nested JUMP, LABEL, MCR, & ENDMCR. These are translated to the
corresponding nested JUMPs, LABELs, MCRs, & ENDMCRs.

Finishing the Conversion

Review the Target Conversion Report
The target conversion report, displayed when the conversion is completed, summarizes
the results of hardware configuration conversion and logic conversion. Items that were not
converted are identified.
Note: The conversion report does not warn about all possible differences in logic
execution. A validity check after conversion may report problems that could not be
detected during conversion. Execution differences may exist when converting
from Series 90-30 to PACSystems, even for rungs that were not mentioned in the
report or reported during validity checks.
The report provides an analysis of each LD block that warns of unsupported instructions,
unsupported service requests, fault locating reference usage, instructions that were
converted, and instructions that could not be converted and why.
Lines displayed in red characters warn of the most important potential differences in logic
execution. For each potential difference reported, you should examine the logic.
The report is saved in the Documentation files folder in the Supplemental Files folder in
the resulting PACSystems target. You can print the report directly from the InfoViewer or
print it from the copy saved in the Documentation Files folder.

GFK-2222B Appendix C Converting Series 90 Applications to PACSystems C-31


@ Cables
@ RS-485
indirect references, 7-4 shielding, 12-7
A length, 12-7
Calculating predicted sweep times, A-22
Absolute Value, 8-121 Call, 8-132
Add, 8-122 Circuit faults, 14-39
Address operators, 11-2 Clocks, 5-16
Advanced math functions, 8-3 elapsed time clock, 5-16
Advanced user parameters, 4-4 time-of-day clock, 5-16
Alarm contacts, 14-13 reading and setting with SVCREQ #7,
Analog expander modules 5-16
fault locating references, 14-12 reading with SVCREQ #16 or #50, 5-
Analog I/O diagnostic information, 5-23 16
Analog input register references (%AI), 7-4 CMM, 12-8
Analog output register references (%AQ), Coil Checking, 8-30
7-4 Coils, 8-30
Applications Column-major logic execution, 6-15, C-2
converting, C-21 Comment, 8-136
Array Move, 8-101 Communication Request (COMM_REQ)
Assignment Serial I/O
Structured Text, 11-5 4300, 13-11
Autodial, 13-17 4301, 13-12
Auto-Located symbolic variables, 7-2 4302, 13-13
4303, 13-13
B 4304, 13-15
4399, 13-16
Base sweep time, A-9 4400, 13-17
Baud Rates 4401, 13-19
serial ports, 12-7 4402, 13-20
Bit in Word references, 7-5 4403, 13-22
Bit Operation Functions, 8-8 Communication Request (COMM_REQ),
data lengths, 8-9 8-85
Bit Position, 8-10 using to configure serial ports, 13-2
Bit references, 7-6 Communications Coprocessor, 12-8
Bit Sequencer, 8-11 Compare, 8-143
Bit Set, Clear, 8-14 Comparison
Bit Test, 8-16 PACSystems vs. Series 90, C-2
Block Clear, 8-75 Configuration
Block Move, 8-76 storing (downloading), 3-16
external, 6-11 Configuration parameters
Function, 6-6 CPU, 3-2
parameterized, 6-4 embedded Ethernet Interface, 4-2
program, 6-3 Configuration, system, 5-25
types of, 6-2 Contacts, 8-38
Boolean execution times, A-7 Continuation Contact, 8-39
RX3i, 2-9 Control Functions, 8-47
RX7i, 2-6 Control programming software, 5-20
BUS_ functions, 8-78 Convenience references. See System
status references
Conversion, 8-62
Conversion functions, 8-60

GFK-2222B Index-1

Angles, 8-61 Data retentiveness, 7-9

BCD4, BCD8, UINT, INT, DINT, and WORD Data scope, 7-10
to REAL, 8-70 Data Table functions, 8-99
BCD4, INT, DINT, or REAL to UINT, 8-66 Data types, 7-16
BCD4, UINT, DINT, or REAL to INT, 8-64
BCD8, UINT, or INT to DINT, 8-68
permanent, 13-53
DINT to BCD8, 8-63
REAL to WORD, 8-72 Determining if an IP address has been
Truncate, 8-73 used, 4-6
Converting an application, C-21 Diagnostic faults
Counters, 8-147 addition of block, 14-45
CPU memory validation, 5-24 addition of I/O module, 14-50
addition of IOC, 14-48
CPU parameters addition of or extra rack, 14-16
Transfer List, 3-9
application fault, 14-29
CPU performance data block switch, 14-52
base sweep time, A-9 extra block, 14-50
Boolean execution times, A-7 extra I/O module, 14-50
calculating predicted sweep times, A-22 I/O bus fault, 14-46
Genius I/O sweep impact times, A-14 I/O fault table full, 14-28
I/O interrupt performance and sweep IOC hardware failure, 14-51
impact, A-19 loss of block, 14-44
I/O module sweep impact times loss of I/O module, 14-49
worksheet, A-13 loss of or missing option module, 14-16
I/O scan and I/O fault sweep impact, A-10 low battery signal, 14-27
instruction timing, A-2 module fault, 14-47
programmer sweep impact time, A-10 module hardware failure, 14-25
sweep impact of Ethernet global data, A-16 PLC system fault table full, 14-28
sweep impact of Genius I/O and GBCs, A- reset of, addition of, or extra option module,
14 14-17
sweep impact of I/O modules, A-11 system bus error, 14-24
sweep impact of intelligent option modules, Diagnostic information, analog I/O, 5-23
A-19 Diagnostic information, discrete I/O, 5-23
CPU redundancy, 14-34 Discrete I/O diagnostic information, 5-23
CPU sweep Discrete references, 7-6
STOP mode, 5-10
size and default, 7-7
CPUs Divide, 8-124
configuration, 3-1
RX3i slot location, C-28
DLAN Interface, 12-10
RX7i Do I/O, 8-48
specifications, 2-6 Documentation, 1-6
sweep, 5-2 Down Counter, 8-159
modes, 5-6 Downloading configuration, 3-16
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 13-29
D Elapsed time clock, 5-16
Data coherency in communications Equal, 8-144
windows, 5-9 Errors
Data Initialization, 8-90 in floating point numbers, 7-18
Data Initialize ASCII, 8-91 Ethernet global data, 2-1
Data Initialize Communications Request, sweep impact times, A-16
8-92 Ethernet Interface
configuring, 4-1
Data Initialize DLAN, 8-93 embedded, 12-2
Data mapping modules, 12-2
default conditions, 5-20 ports, 2-5, 12-2
Genius I/O data mapping, 5-21 verifying power-up, 4-5
Data Move functions, 8-74

Index-2 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


Examples constant sweep time exceeded, 14-28

PID, 10-16 corrupted user program on power-up, 14-33
POSCON and NEGCON contacts, 8-43 discrete fault, 14-40
Structured Text, 11-3 extra block, 14-50
transition contacts extra I/O module, 14-50
comparison, 8-45 forced and unforced circuit, 14-49
EXIT, 11-11 GBC software exception, 14-51
Exponential/Logarithmic Functions, 8-4 GBC Stopped Reporting, 14-51
GENA fault, 14-44
Expressions I/O bus fault, 14-46
Structured Text, 11-1
I/O fault table explanations, 14-36
External blocks, 6-11 I/O fault table full, 14-28
IOC hardware failure, 14-51
F IOC software fault, 14-49
loss of block, 14-44
Fatal faults loss of I/O module, 14-49
communications failure during store, 14-35 loss of IOC, 14-48
corrupted user program on power-up, 14-33 loss of or missing option module, 14-16
IOC software fault, 14-49 loss of or missing rack, 14-15
loss of IOC, 14-48 low battery signal, 14-27
loss of or missing rack, 14-15 low-level analog fault, 14-43
option module software failure, 14-26 module fault, 14-47
PLC CPU hardware failure, 14-24 module hardware failure, 14-25
PLC CPU system software failure, 14-34 no user program on power-up, 14-33
program block checksum failure, 14-27 null system configuration for RUN mode,
system configuration mismatch, 14-18 14-34
Fault contacts, 8-39, 14-11 option module software failure, 14-26
Fault handling password access failure, 14-34
PLC CPU hardware failure, 14-24
actions, 14-3
PLC CPU system software failure, 14-34
overview, 14-2
PLC system fault table full, 14-28
system, 14-8
program block checksum failure, 14-27
system response, 14-2
reset of, addition of, or extra option module,
Fault locating references, 14-11 14-17
Fault parameters system bus error, 14-24
CPU, 3-8 system configuration mismatch, 14-18
Fault references system reaction to faults, 14-2
alarm contacts, 14-13 user-defined, 7-13, 9-39, 14-5
fault contacts, 14-11 window completion failure, 14-33
fault locating references, 14-11 Features
non-configurable faults, 14-10 firmware storage in flash memory, 2-1
point faults, 14-13 operation, protection, and module status, 2-
system, 14-8 1
configurable, 14-9 protocols supported, 12-3
non-configurable, 14-10 RX3i
Fault tables indicators, 2-8
I/O, 14-6 serial ports, 2-8
PLC, 14-4 RX7i
using, 14-4 indicators, 2-2
Faults, 14-14 serial ports, 2-5
addition of block, 14-45 Flash memory, 5-13
addition of I/O module, 14-50
addition of IOC, 14-48
Floating point numbers
errors in, 7-18
addition of or extra rack, 14-16
internal format of, 7-17
analog fault, 14-41
PACSystems vs. others, C-8
application fault, 14-29
block switch, 14-52 For Loop, 8-54
circuit, 14-39 Formal parameters
communications failure during store, 14-35 in ST calls, 11-7
restrictions, 6-5

GFK-2222B Index Index-3


Function blocks, 6-6 IF, 11-8

defining, 6-6 Important Product Information (IPI), 1-2
instance data structure, 6-7 Indicators
instances, 6-7 RX3i, 2-8
internal variables, 6-9 RX7i, 2-2
logic restrictions, 6-10 Indirect references
parameters, 6-8 the @ sign, 7-4
scope, 6-8 word, 7-4
with ST, 11-6 Informational faults
Function call, 11-6 forced and unforced circuit, 14-49
no user program on power-up, 14-33
G null system configuration for RUN mode,
G References password access failure, 14-34
%G references and CPU memory, 7-7 window completion failure, 14-33
Gateway address, 4-2 Initialize Port function, 13-11, 13-12
GBC software exception, 14-51 Input Buffer, Flush, 13-13
GBC Stopped Reporting fault, 14-51 Input Buffer, Set Up, 13-12
GENA (Genius Network Adapter), 14-37 Input references (%I), 7-6
Genius global data, 7-8 Instruction set
Genius I/O, 5-21 advanced, 8-119
analog grouped block, 5-21 advanced math, 8-3
default conditions, 5-21 bit operation, 8-8
diagnostic data collection, 5-22 coils, 8-30
Genius I/O data mapping, 5-21 contacts, 8-38
low-level analog blocks, 5-22 control functions, 8-47
Global data conversion, 8-60
data move, 8-74
Genius, 7-8
data table, 8-99
Global data communications, 5-22 operands, 8-2
Global data references (%G), 7-6 PACSystems vs. other controllers, C-9
Greater or Equal, 8-144 program flow, 8-131
Greater Than, 8-144 relational, 8-142
timers and counters, 8-147
H Instruction timing, CPU, A-2
Intelligent option module self-test
High and Low Alarm Contacts, 8-40 completion, 5-25
Intelligent option modules, A-19
I sweep impact times, A-19
Internal references (%M), 7-6
I/O data mapping Interrupt blocks, 6-18
default conditions, 5-20 I/O interrupts, 6-20
Genius I/O data mapping, 5-21 interrupt handling, 6-18
I/O fault sweep impact, A-10 module interrupts, 6-20
scheduling, 6-20
I/O fault table, 14-6 timed interrupts, 6-19
explanations, 14-36
Inverse Trig Functions, 8-7
I/O interrupts, 6-20
IOC (I/O controller), 14-9
performance and sweep impact, A-19
I/O module sweep impact times IP address, 4-2
Configuration, 4-2
worksheet, A-13
Determining if it has been used, 4-6
I/O scan sets, 5-20 Isolated network, 4-2
configuration, of, 5-20
I/O scan sweep impact, A-10
I/O system initialization, 5-25 J
I/O system, RX7i
analog I/O diagnostic information, 5-23 Jump, 8-137
discrete I/O diagnostic information, 5-23

Index-4 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


L New features, 1-2

No Fault Contact, 8-40
Ladder diagram language, 6-15 Non-configurable faults, 14-10
Last scans, 3-5, 5-10, 5-11 Normal block scheduling, 6-20
LDPROG01, 6-1 Normal sweep mode
LEDs, 4-5 application program task execution, 5-4
RX3i, 2-8 programmer communications window, 5-4
RX7i, 2-2 system communications window, 5-5
Less or Equal, 8-144 Normally closed and normally open
Less Than, 8-144 contacts, 8-41
Logic Execution Not Equal, 8-144
row-major vs. column-major, 6-15, C-2 Numerical data, 7-16
Logic/configuration power-up source, 5-14
Logical AND, OR, and XOR, 8-18
Logical NOT, 8-21
OEM protection, 5-19
M Off Delay Timer, 8-151
On Delay Stopwatch Timer, 8-153
Mapping, I/O data On Delay Timer, 8-156
default conditions, 5-20 Operands for instructions, 8-2
Genius I/O data mapping, 5-21 Operation, Protection, and Module Status,
Masked Compare, 8-22 2-1
Master Control Relay/End Master Control Operators
Relay, 8-138 Structured Text, 11-2
Math functions, 8-119 Option module
advanced, 8-3 dual port interface tests, 5-25
Memory self-test completion, 5-25
configuration, 3-6 Output references (%Q), 7-6
retention of data memory across power Output scan, 5-4
failure, 5-26 Overflow
usage, 3-6, B-1 floating point numbers, 7-18
Modbus slaves math functions, 8-119
station address, 3-11, 13-24 Overhead sweep impact time
Mode transition base sweep time, A-9
stop-to-run, 5-11 calculating predicted sweep times, A-22
Modem Genius I/O sweep impact times, A-14
Hayes-compatible, 13-17 I/O interrupt performance and sweep
Modes of operation, 5-10 impact, A-19
run/outputs disabled, 5-10 I/O module sweep impact times
run/outputs enabled, 5-10 worksheet, A-13
stop/IO scan, 5-10 I/O scan and I/O fault sweep impact, A-10
stop/No IO scan, 5-10 programmer sweep impact time, A-10
Module interrupts, 6-20 sweep impact of Genius I/O and GBCs, A-
Modulus, 8-125 14
sweep impact of I/O modules, A-11
Move Data, 8-94
sweep impact of intelligent option modules,
Multiple I/O scan sets, 5-20 A-19
Multiply, 8-126 Overhead sweep impact times, A-8
Overrides, 7-8
N Overview, 1-3

Name Server IP address, 4-2

NaN (Not a Number) P
defined, 7-18
PACSystems vs. others, C-8
vs. Series 90, C-2
Nested calls, 6-2
PACSystems RX7I

GFK-2222B Index Index-5


overview, 1-3 Protocols supported, 12-3

Parameter passing mechanisms, 6-14
Parameterized block, 6-4
referencing formal parameters, 6-4 R
Parameterized block Range function, 8-145
reference out of range, 6-4 Read Bytes, 13-20
Passwords, 5-18 Read String, 13-22
enabling after disabled, 5-19
Read switch postion, 8-57
PCM, 12-9
C code conversion, C-23
Redundancy parameters
CPU, 3-9
Permanent datagrams, 13-53
Redundant IP, 4-3
PID function, 10-1
time interval, 10-3
%G references and CPU memory, 7-7
Pin assignments discrete references, 7-6
Embedded Ethernet port, 12-2
indirect, 7-4
serial ports, 12-4
register references, 7-4
PING Station Manager command, 4-6 References, user, 7-4
Pinging the TCP/IP Interfaces on the analog input register (%AI), 7-4
Network, 4-6 analog output register (%AQ), 7-4
PLC fault table, 14-4 associated transitions and overrides, 7-8
PLC Sweep data scope, 7-10
calls Serial I/O, 13-8 global data references (%G), 7-6
Point faults, 14-13 input references (%I), 7-6
Port Status, read, 13-13 internal references (%M), 7-6
Power-down sequence, 5-26 output references (%Q), 7-6
Power-up self-test, 5-24 program register (%P), 7-4
size and default, 7-7
Power-up sequence, 5-24 system fault references, 14-9
CPU memory validation, 5-24
system register (%R), 7-4
I/O system initialization, 5-25
system status references, 7-11
logic/configuration source, 5-14
system status references (%S), 7-6
option module dual port interface tests, 5-25
temporary references (%T), 7-6
option module self-test completion, 5-25
power-up self-test, 5-24
Register references, 7-4
analog input register (%AI), 7-4
system configuration, 5-25
analog output register (%AQ), 7-4
Preemptive block scheduling, 6-21 global data references (%G), 7-6
Privilege levels, 5-19 indirect, 7-4
Program block input references (%I), 7-6
how blocks are called, 6-1 internal references (%M), 7-6
parameterized block, 6-4 output references (%Q), 7-6
program blocks and local data, 6-4, 6-13 program register (%P), 7-4
Program execution size and default, 7-7
controlling, 6-17 system register (%R), 7-4
row-major vs. column-major, 6-15, C-2 system status references (%S), 7-6
Program Flow functions, 8-131 temporary references (%T), 7-6
Program name, 6-1, C-2 Related documents, 1-6
Program organization and user data Relational functions, 8-142
user references, 7-4 REPEAT, 11-10
Program register references (%P), 7-4 Retention of data memory across power
Program scan, 5-4 failure, 5-26
Program structure Retentiveness
how blocks are called, 6-1 of logic and data, 7-9
program blocks and local data, 6-4, 6-13 variables associated with coils, 8-30
Programmable Coprocessor Module, 12-9 Rotate Bits, 8-26
Programmer sweep impact time, A-10 Row-major logic execution, 6-15, C-2
Protection level request, 5-19 RTU messages, 13-33
Protocol errors, 13-8 RTU slave, 13-8

Index-6 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


protocol, 13-24 2, read window modes and times, 9-5

message format, 13-24 20, read fault tables, 9-35
turnaround time, 13-25 21, user-defined fault logging, 9-39
Run/stop operations, 5-10 22, mask/unmask timed interrupts, 9-41
run/outputs disabled, 5-10 23, read master checksum, 9-42
run/outputs enabled, 5-10 24, reset smart module, 9-44
serial protocol configuration, 3-10 25, disable/enable EXE block and
stop mode protocol configuration, 12-4 standalone C program, 9-45
stop/IO scan, 5-10 29, read elapsed power down time, 9-46
stop/No IO scan, 5-10 3, change controller communications
switch enable/disable, 3-2 window mode, 9-6
RX7i I/O system, 5-20 32, suspend/resume IO interrupt, 9-47
analog I/O diagnostic information, 5-23 4, change backplane communications
discrete I/O diagnostic information, 5-23 window mode and timer, 9-7
45, skip next I/O scan, 9-49
5, change background task window mode
S and timer, 9-9
50, read elapsed time clock, 9-50
Scale, 8-128 51, read sweep time, 9-51
Scan parameters 6, change/read number of words to
CPU, 3-4 checksum, 9-10
Scan sets 7, read or change TOD clock, 9-12
analog base/expansion modules, C-20 8, reset watchdog timer, 9-20
operation, 5-20 9, read sweep time, 9-21
parameters, 3-14 example, 9-2
Scope operation, 9-2
data, 7-10 Set, Reset Coil, 8-32
Security, system, 5-18 Setting loop gains for PID
privilege levels, 5-19 Ideal tuning, 10-15
Self-test Ziegler and Nichols tuning, 10-14
I/O system initialization, 5-25 Settings
option module dual port interface tests, 5-25 CPU, 3-2
option module self-test completion, 5-25 Shielding
power-up self-test, 5-24 serial cable, 12-7
Serial I/O Shift Bits, 8-28
Cancel Operation function, 13-16 Simple isolated network configuration, 4-2
Flush Input Buffer function, 13-13 Slot location, RX3i CPU, C-28
Initialize Port function, 13-11 SNP master, 13-8
Input Buffer function, 13-12 SNP slave protocol, 13-53
Read Bytes function, 13-20
Read Port Status function, 13-13
RX3i, 2-9
Read String function, 13-22
RX7i, 2-6
Write Bytes function, 13-17, 13-19
Write Port Control function, 13-15 Square Root, 8-5
Serial port SRTP communication with older clients
CPU parameters, 3-10 RX3i, C-27
station manager parameters, 4-3 Stack
Service requests, 9-1 increasing for converted folders, C-26
1, change/read constant sweep timer, 9-3 Station address
10, read target name, 9-22 Modbus slaves, 3-11, 13-24
11, read controller ID, 9-23 Status address location, 4-2
12, read controller run state, 9-24 STOP mode, 5-10
13, shut down CPU, 9-25 Storing configuration, 3-16
14, clear fault tables, 9-26 Structure of application programs, 6-1
15, read last-logged fault table entry, 9-27 Structured Text
16, read elapsed time clock, 9-30 expressions, 11-1
17, mask/unmask IO interrupt, 9-31 language, 6-16
18, read IO forced status, 9-33 operators, 11-2
19, set run enable/disable, 9-34

GFK-2222B Index Index-7


Structured Text statement types Timers, 5-16, 8-146, 8-147

assignment, 11-4, 11-5 function block data, 8-147
callt, 11-4 in parameterized blocks, 8-149
EXIT, 11-4, 11-11 watchdog timer, 5-17
function call, 11-6 using SVCREQ function #8 to restart
IF, 11-4, 11-8 the timer, 5-17
REPEAT, 11-4, 11-10 Timing, instruction, A-2
return, 11-4 Transfer List parameters
WHILE, 11-9
CPU, 3-9
Structured Text syntax, 11-3 Transition Coils, 8-34
Subnet mask, 4-2 comparison, 8-37
Subroutines POSCOIL and NEGCOIL, 8-34
Call function, 6-17 PTCOIL and NTCOIL, 8-36
Subtract, 8-130 Transition contacts, 8-42
Suspend I/O, 8-58 comparison, 8-45
Swap function, 8-98 POSCON and NEGCON (legacy), 8-42
Sweep impact PTCON and NTCON (IEC), 8-44
Ethernet global data, A-16 Transitions, 7-8
Sweep, CPU Trig Functions, 8-6
STOP mode, 5-10 Troubleshooting
Switches I/O fault table explanations, 14-36
CPU reset, 2-1 Truncate, 8-73
Ethernet restart, 2-5 Turnaround time
read switch position function, 8-57 RTU slave, 13-25
Run/Stop mode, 2-1
Symbolic variables, 7-2
Syntax U
Structured Text, 11-3
UDFB (user defined function block). See
System configuration, 5-25
Function blocks
System fault references, 14-8, 14-9
configurable, 14-9
Up Counter, 8-160
non-configurable, 14-10 User references, 7-4
System Handling of Faults, 14-8 analog input register references (%AI), 7-4
analog output register (%AQ), 7-4
System operation associated transitions and overrides, 7-8
clocks and timers, 5-16
data scope, 7-10
passwords, 5-18
global data references (%G), 7-6
power-down sequence, 5-26
input references (%I), 7-6
power-up sequence, 5-24
internal references (%M), 7-6
retention of data memory across power
output references (%Q), 7-6
failure, 5-26
program register (%P), 7-4
RX7i I/O system, 5-20
size and default, 7-7
system security, 5-18
system fault references, 14-9
System register references (%R), 7-4 system register (%R), 7-4
System status references (%S), 7-6, 7-11 system status references (%S), 7-6
%S0020, C-2 system status/fault references, 7-11
temporary references (%T), 7-6
T User-defined faults, 9-39, 14-5

Temporary references (%T), 7-6

Time tick references, 7-11
Timed contacts, 7-11, 8-146, C-13 Variables, 7-2
Timed interrupts, 6-19 C, initialization, 6-11
performance impact, A-21 mapped, 7-2
Time-of-day clock, 5-16 symbolic, 7-2
reading and setting with SVCREQ #7, 5-16 Verifying power-up of the Ethernet
reading with SVCREQ #16 or #50, 5-16 Interface, 4-5

Index-8 PACSystems™ CPU Reference Manual–July 2004 GFK-2222B


VME addressing
PACSystems vs. Series 90-70, C-22
VME_ functions, 8-78, C-22, C-25

Watchdog timer, 5-17
using SVCREQ function #8 to restart the
timer, 5-17
WHILE, 11-9
Window modes, 5-9
Constant Window mode, 5-9
Limited mode, 5-9
Run-to-Completion, 5-9
Wires, 8-141
Word references, 7-4
by bit, 7-5
indirect, 7-4
Word-for-word changes
attempting to correct parameterized block
reference, 6-4
defined, 7-18
privilege level, 5-18
symbolic variables, 7-18
Write Bytes, 13-19

Y0 parameter, 6-3, 6-4

Ziegler and Nichols tuning, 10-14

GFK-2222B Index Index-9

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