Perineal Care
Perineal Care
Perineal Care
- Perineum is located below the pelvic diaphragm - While sitting on the toilet, pour or spray water
and between the legs. to the perineum so the water will move from
- It is a diamond shape area that includes the front to back
anus and the female vagina. - Pat area with dry cotton wipes from front to
- During pregnancy, the perineum stretches back
tremendously to allow for the mother to push - Hot sitz bath for at least 20 minutes
the baby out. - Application of perilight or infrared light therapy
- During delivery, the doctor may need to make a - Provide hot sitz bath – type of therapy done by
cut in the area between the vagina and the sitting in warm, shallow water
anus. - It helps to ssoth pain, itching and other
symptoms in genital and anal areas
External Anatomy of Female Genitalia
- It keeps the areas clean and relaxes muscle of
the perineum