14 (MPH) Management Review

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Doc No: MPH/SHERQ/014/2021

Rev No: 01
Date: April 2021
Page: 01 of 04
Status: Approved

1. Purpose and Scope

This procedure applies to the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) at Mphohlo
Investment. It specifies timeframes to review all health and safety strategic goals and objectives,
policies, procedures, guidelines, protocols, plans and other tools.

Reviews shall take place at regular intervals to ensure the HSMS’s continued suitability and
effectiveness in satisfying the company’s health and safety objectives and targets. The review
shall take into account audit results, lead and lag indicators, resources, business continuity,
changing circumstances and opportunities for continuous improvement.

2. Definitions
Lead indicators - are those that focus on positive efforts towards preventing injury and illness.
Examples include:
 Percentage of completed health and safety inductions
 Health and safety training statistics
 Number of inspections / audits performed in a given time frame
 Number of "near miss" incidents and hazards reported and addressed
 Percentage of completed corrective actions
 Percentage completion or implementation of health and safety projects.

Lag indicators - are direct measures of harm. Examples include:

 incident reports
 lost time injuries and workers compensation claims

LTIFR (Lost time injury frequency rate) - is measured as the number of lost time claims per
hours worked. This allows analysis of the number of lost time claims without the distorting effects
of the size of the workforce.

HSMS (Health and Safety Management System) – A set of plans, actions and procedures
designed to systematically manage health and safety in the workplace and that is actively
endorsed by a committed employer to achieve:
 Provision of a safe and healthy workplace and the prevention/reduction of illness and
injury for employees, contractors and visitors.
 Identification of workplace hazards, assessment of their risks and elimination or
control of the identified hazard.
 Active involvement in health and safety matters by managers, supervisors and
employees and their representatives.
 Provision of information and training for employees at all levels so they can work
3. Procedure

3.1 HSMS Review by Senior Management

Senior management shall review the capacity, suitability and effectiveness of the company’s
HSMS and its resources.
1. The Project Manager and HS Committee will regularly review health and safety
lead and lag indicators.
2. An annual review of the previous 12 months health and safety performance will be
undertaken on the first scheduled Health and Safety (HS) Committee meeting for the year.
3. The Work Health and Safety Plan including objectives and targets shall be agreed at the
HS committee. Progress on the plan along with current safety performance will be
reported regularly to the HS Committee.
4. Senior management shall consider any changes to the company’s activities or
objectives and whether these impact on the Work Health and Safety Plan or HSMS.
5. Review outcomes shall be used to implement performance improvement
strategies and ensure continuous improvement.
6. Where necessary, the Health and Safety Policy and objectives shall be altered to better
match the health and safety needs of the company.

3.2 Work Health and Safety Plan Review

1. The Work Health and Safety Plan objectives and targets will be reviewed regularly by the
HS Committee.
2. The Work Health and Safety Plan will undergo a full review every 3 years.
3. The Health and Safety Policy and Policy Statement will be reviewed every 3 years or after
the Work Health and Safety Plan has been reviewed.

3.3 HSMS Review

1. Regular internal audits will be undertaken and the audit results will be used to verify
that the HSMS is properly implemented and maintained
2. When changes are made to the Work Cover National Audit Tool (NAT) a desktop audit
of the HSMS will be undertaken.
3. When changes are made to legislation, standards, codes of practice, agreements and
guidelines these will be incorporated into the relevant policy, procedure, guideline or
HSMS document.
4. A full comprehensive review of the HSMS will be undertaken every 3 years. This
review will include all HSMS procedures and associated guidelines, forms and
checklists to ensure they remain relevant and current and are appropriate to Mphohlo
Investment’s health and safety risks, the legislative requirements and the NAT.
5. Corrective actions identified from all audits (audits by the Regulator and internal
audits) will be included in the review.

6. Individual procedures or HSMS documents may be reviewed and updated before the 3
year full review if required by: system changes, changes identified in the desktop audit,
new identified hazards, changes in legislation, feedback from HS statistics, performance
in or changes to HS Objectives and targets or feedback from consultation with staff.

3.4 HSMS review documentation

1. Findings identified from the HSMS review shall be documented in reports to the HS
2. Corrective actions identified from audits are recorded in the online hazard and
incident reporting system.
3. Changes made to policies, procedures and guidelines during the review are
documented in the Review and History section of each document.
3.5 HSMS Implementation

3.5.1 Self Audit Tool (SAT)

The Project Manager shall monitor the progress of HSMS implementation in the area using
the Self Audit Tool (SAT).

3.5.2 SAT performance

The Project Manager shall ensure that HSMS is implemented by receiving reports from HS
Committees on completion of the SAT. The Project Manager shall review the company’s SAT
results to gauge the capacity, suitability and effectiveness of implementation within the

3.5.1 Annual report

The Health and Safety committee shall provide an annual report including information about
health and safety performance to Senior management and shall use this report to review the
capacity, suitability and effectiveness of the company’s HSMS.

4. Review & History

This procedure and all our HSMS procedures will be reviewed in accordance with section
3.3 above. Modifications history is shown in the table below

Authorized by Signature Reviewed Effective date Sections modified

Medical examination procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21
Director 15/03/21 Management Review procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Induction Procedure

Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Emergency and Evacuation

Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Waste management
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Near miss, Incident and reporting
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Training plan
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Working at height procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Hazardous Chemicals procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Cleaning/ Housekeeping
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Lock Out procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 Inspection Procedure
Director 12/03/21 15/03/21 PPE Requirements

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