JSA-Electrical Works - Rev 01

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√ New BI
MTCC JSA-03 Revised Revision-1 Date: 13-03-23 Contract: 6511091839
Contractor name: Mastoura Contracting Company
Name Badge Position Sign

Prepared By Ezaganie Malcampo 8836751 HSE Manager


Approved by Abdulelah Alhejaili 811526 Maintenance Engineer

Description of Work and Location:

Electrical Works

Gl-0002.100 Work Permit System, Gl-0002.709, Gas Testing Procedure SAES-A-114 Excavation and Backfill
SAES-Q-006 Asphalt Concrete Paving
SAES-A-105 Noise Control

General Note:
1-This JSA must be discussed with all involved personnel prior to job execution. Pre-job planning and daily toolbox should be held on site prior to starting
Daily, work to discuss relevant issues, technical procedures and assignment during job execution.
2- Prior to the start of each activity, all required permit shall be requested by contractor work permit receiver from the Aramco Permit Issuer for the facilities
3- Prior to the start of any activity, all heavy requirement, concrete pump, contractor shall present all the required documents such as certification SAG to handle
such equipment ,3rd party inspection certificate or the equipment, Saudi, Arabian Government license.
Shall be required to wear appropriate minimum PPEs e.g. safety goggles, safety helmet, safety shoes Rubber, flame resistant clothing
4-Workers shall be required to wear appropriate minimum PPEs e.g. safety goggles, safety helmet, safety shoes Rubber, flame resistant clothing
Disposable Coverall.
5-Flag man will be assigned to control the traffic. Concrete Pump area will be barricade with proper signs.
-They will need to carry out the risk assessment for each identified hazard if it is high, medium or low.

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Job Note) Action By:
SEQUENCE OF Probabilit
No. Severity Rating
1.1 Miscommunication/ 1.1.1 Issuer and Receiver shall conduct joint site
Misunderstanding 3 C 3C inspection
1.1.2 Obtain necessary approval of work permit.
1.2 Incorrect Work Permit 1.2.1 Work permit issuer and receiver should conduct
Application of C 3C
3 site inspection to evaluate the hazard and to issue Work permit
1. Work Permit as
the correct work permit issuer and
per GI 2.100
1.2.2 Work permit receiver must understand and receiver
familiar with the GI 2.100 (Work Permit System)
Job description and equipment used will be clearly
stated on work permit.
2. 2.1 Back Pain due to 2.1.1 Ensure that the workers/helper undergoes Manual
improper Manual 3 C 3C Handling Awareness Training to prevent back pain.
handling of equipment 2.1.2 Work with buddy system to get easy.
2.2 Injury of hand and feet 2.2.1 Provide and use proper protective equipment such
3 C 3C as metatarsal shoes, anti-vibration gloves, safety
goggles, safety helmet and FRC uniform.
Asphalt Cutting 2.3 Fire/Explosion 2.3.1 Ensure Proper fire extinguisher in adequate No’s.
and Breaking 3 C 3C (UL type) and certified fire watch must be present Safety
on site Officer/Site
2.3.2 Provide fire hose to be connected on fire hydrant Supervisor/Si
(if needed) te Engineer
2.4 Harmful Dust 2.4.1 Provide and use dust mask to all workers (3M or
3 C 3C N70 dust mask)
2.4.2 Spray water around the area for dust control
2.5 Vibrator Fatigue 2.5.1 Take regular breaks from cutting or switch with
3 C 3C another worker to relieve arm fatigue.
2.5.2 Use anti vibrator gloves
2.6 High noise levels 2.6.1 Ensure all workers doing the job are wearing ear
4 C 4C plug or ear muff.
2.6.2 Assess noise level with sound level meter if

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possibility exists that level may exceed 85Dba
2.7 Power Tools 2.7.1 Inspect and test tools prior to use and must be
Malfunction 3 C 3C monthly color coded
2.7.2 Make sure all manufacturer’s protective devices
(Guards) are in place and operational
2.7.3 Ensure whip lash arrestors are provided in all
hoses connections
2.7.4 Ensure hose has no any defect or cut.
2.7.5 Compressor must have emergency switch button
2.7.6 Air compressor should have body grounding
2.8 Constant contact with 2.8.1 Use approved PPE in rebar works and ANSI
sharp objects, blades 4 C 4C approved hand protection to prevent cuts or hand
and other tools injuries.
2.8.2 Supervisor will ensure that competent persons will
supervise full time in assigned to task.
2.8.3 Provide appropriate & ANSI approved PPE (e.g.
safety shoe, Etc.) to avoid injury.
2.8.4 Permit Procedure shall be followed, hazards must
be properly identified prior to start the activities.
2.8.5 All hand tools are inspected and color coded.
2.8.6 Machine guard must be installed in the rotating
part of machine
3.1 Damaging the 3.1.1 Work permit shall be obtained as required before
Excavation underground utilities 4 A 4A excavation work is started. Safety
3. Works (Manual (Fiber optic cable, 3.1.2 Survey and check the area for any existing Officer/Site
Excavation using Telephone line, etc.) underground utilities using cable and metal Supervisor/Si
shovel) detectors. te Engineer
3.1.3 Secure drawing and utilities layout if required
from client.
3.1.4 Perform trial pit / explorative digging before deep
3.1.5 Use of non-conductive hand tool (plastic shovel) to
prevent damage of underground cables.

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3.1.6 Supervisor / Foreman to provide proper and good
conditioned hand tools to each crew prior to the
start of the activities.
3.1.7 Supervisor shall closely monitor the activity and he
shall remain in the area until completion of the
3.1.8 Approved and competent person must be
available during excavation.
3.2.1 Keep spoil soil 0.6 meters (2feet) from the edge of
3 C 3C excavation.
3.2 Dust from the
3.2.2 All involved workers shall be use rated N90 dust
excavated soil
3.2.3 Dust control-spraying water on soil.
3.3.1 The store man will ensure that all hand tools and
3 C 3C equipment that is issued is in good working
condition, has been inspected by a competent
person, and has a valid color code sticker and tag.
3.3.2 The workers will do inspection their tools and
equipment to ensure that it is in good conditioned
tools prior to start of the activity and damaged or
3.3 Defective tools and defective tools will be immediately report to their
equipment supervisor and returned to the store man.
3.3.3 All personnel required to use hand and power
tools will be internally trained.
3.3.4 Supervisor will provide sufficient number of
personnel to ensure that the task can be
performed safely.
3.3.5 All defective tools will immediately return to store
for repair or disposal.
3.4 Laceration and Eye 3.4.1 Supervisor will ensure that the workers have been
injuries cause by the 4 A 4A issued with the correct type of gloves and that
sharp objects or they are used while performing the assigned task.
pointed parts 3.4.2 Supervisor will ensure that all workers have been
issued with ANSI approved eye protection.
3.4.3 Conduct TBT and explain the hazards associated

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while handling the materials.
3.4.4 Trained First Aider with a maintained first aid box
will be onsite at all times when activity is taking
3.4.5 Safety orientation will include the protocols to
follow in the event of an incident/injury.
3.5.1 The supervisor will minimize manual lifting where
3 C 3C possible by utilizing equipment.
3.5.2 Wheel barrow will be used where possible to
transport tools and materials.
3.5 Body fatigue / Back
3.5.3 All personnel will be trained in the correct method
of manual handling and lifting.
3.5.4 Supervisor will provide sufficient number of
personnel to ensure that the task can be
performed safely.
4.1.1 Ensure the proper stacking / arrangement of
3 C 3C materials
4.1.2 Horse Playing shall be strictly prohibited.
4. Installation of 4.1 Slip, trip and Fall 4.1.3 Clear walkways, Work areas of equipment, tools, Officer/Site
PVC Conduit construction debris and other materials Supervisor/Site
4.1.4 Properly maintain the good housekeeping at work Engineer
4.2.1 Competent workers shall be engaging to work with
3 C 3C power tools especially when working with grinders
4.2.2 Prior to start work all power tools must be
inspected for the condition
4.2 Power tools rotating
4.2.3 All power tools should have valid inspection with
monthly color coded.
4.2.4 Site supervisor shall monitor work activity very

4.3 Flying particles hazard 4.3.1 Workers shall wear double eye protection when
3 C 3C performing grinding and cutting work
4.3.2 Correct PPE shall be worn by workers in
accordance to SACSM Procedures

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4.3.3 Restrict work area entry to authorized
4.3.4 Barricade or enclose the work area

5.1.1 Do not perform equipment lifting at wind speed

3 C 3C above 32 km/h (20 mph) unless otherwise
specified by the manufacturer.
5. Installation on 5.1 Extreme weather 5.1.2 Work Permit Receiver and the safety officer will Safety
cable drum on condition (high speed monitor the weather and Stop the Work if
cable drum wind, sandstorm) develops into a IDLH condition. Engineer
stands. 5.1.3 Heat index will be closely monitored and a rest
shelter with drinking water available near work
(Using Boom area.
truck) 5.2.1 Supervisor to ensure that shafting pin was lifted
3 C 3C properly and secure with clamp to prevent from
slip off.
5.2 Improper inserting of 5.2.2 Inserting of shafting pin into the cable drum will
shafting pin to the be lift by crane and assisted by the workers.
cable drum 5.2.3 Worker will secure his position when attaching of
the shafting pin clamp to avoid pinch point.
5.2.4 Workers will be used the cable drum access to
detach the shafting pin clamp.
5.3 Incorrect set up of 5.3.1 Certified crane operator and rigger will be used to
cable drum into the 3 C 3C lift the cable drum and stands.
stands 5.3.2 Supervisor and safety officer will ensure pre-
briefing to the involved workers regarding the
activity have done and only involved workers will
be on the barricaded area.
5.3.3 Use tag lines to control the load when it is setting
5.3.4 Supervisor to ensure that the drum stand has
indicated a SWL as per the manufacturer.
5.3.5 Supervisor to ensure the ground is level and
5.3.6 Ensure the cable drum is placed at the center of
gravity of the shaft.

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5.3.7 Cable stands will be place at least 2-meter distance
from the edge of excavation.
5.3.8 Supervisor will ensure that good housekeeping is
6. Cable Laying/ 6.1.1 Proper lifting technique by the use knees and not Safety
Pulling 6.1 Improper handling of 3 C 3C the back. Officer/Site
material. 6.1.2 Proper lifting technique to avoid back injuries. Supervisor/Si
6.1.3 Use of carriers when transporting of materials. te Engineer
6.2 Improper use of Lifting 6.2.1 The Boom truck operator should have a valid SAG
Equipment’s 4 A 4A driving license and SA certification
6.3.1 Complete daily equipment checklist
3 C 3C 6.3.2 Familiarize the operator manufacturer manual
6.3 Equipment failure
6.3.3 Equipment should be inspected by approve SA
third party with valid certificate
6.4.1 Properly maintain the good housekeeping at work
3 C 3C place
6.4.2 Clear walkways, work areas of equipment, tools,
6.4 Tripping hazard
construction debris and other materials
6.4.3 Mark, identify, or barricade other obstructions

7. Cable Splicing 7.1 Unsafe using of hand 7.1.1 Supervisor will ensure that personal are have Safety
Cable and power tools 3 C 3C received training for the hand they will be Officer/Site
Termination and required to use. Supervisor/Si
Torqueing 7.1.2 The project electrician will inspect, and color te Engineer
provide color code, tag the tools to ensure that it
is good condition tools prior to start the activity.
7.1.3 Supervisor will ensure that Line of Fire is kept clear
to avoid injury and all persons involved with be
trained in the dangers of Line of Fire.
7.1.4 Defective tools shall not be used and shall be
immediately removed from the job site.
7.1.5 Supervisor will ensure the working area is
provided with enough cool drinking water.
7.1.6 Supervisor will ensure that good housekeeping is

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7.2.1 Supervisor will ensure that all workers are been
3 C 3C issued with the correct type of glove to complete
their assigned task.
7.2 Hand injury/ Cut from 7.2.2 Gloves shall be the proper size to fit the wearers
knife while peeling the hand to ensure proper grip.
cable/Cut from the 7.2.3 Ensure that the workers have used abrasion
cable armor while gloves.
handling. 7.2.4 Care shall be taken while the Cable sheath is
peeled off.
7.2.5 Use Proper Tools & Techniques For Stripping
7.3.1 Good housekeeping shall be maintained to help
3 C 3C prevent slips, trips and falls.
7.3 Slip and tripping
7.3.2 Working surfaces shall not be obstructed.
7.3.3 Proper access shall be provided at the area of
7.4.1 Electrician will have a valid third-party
3 C 3C certification.
7.4.2 Ensure the Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags
are implemented for the activity.
7.4 Uncertified Electrician
7.4.3 Only qualified personnel for the type of electrical
work shall be in the involved activity.
7.4.4 Personnel shall not wear metallic objects while
working within electrical equipment.
7.5.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupters or ground-fault
4 A 4A isolation systems shall be implemented for the
electrical device.
7.5.2 Signage will be posted at the area to notify the
7.5 Electrocution other parties.
7.5.3 Supervisor will ensure the persons are wearing
electrical arc flash clothing.
7.5.4 Electrical gloves to be used for the persons
involved for the activity.
7.6 Shock while 7.6.1 Before termination of the Cable, ensure that the

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4 A 4A power supply is cut off.
7.6.2 Uses of LOTO (lock out-tag out) in all permanent,
temporary and portable electrical sources for use
with portable, electrical hand tools.
7.6.3 Only qualified electricians shall maintain
temporary and permanent electrical supply
sources, cords, electrical connections, wiring, and
all repair work to electrical equipment
7.6.4 Before beginning work on live equipment,
required PPE that is rated for the electrical service
shall be worn.
termination 7.6.5 Leather (mechanical) protectors shall always be
worn over high voltage rubber.
7.6.6 Electrical switchboard shall be kept in good
conditions with the suitable protections, in
accordance with low voltage regulations.
7.6.7 Metal ladders shall not be used when working on
or near energized electrical equipment or
7.6.8 Grounding (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
compliant to NEC.) shall be provided on all
equipment for the safe working protection of the
workers. Make sure all tools and machinery have
double insulating protection.
8. Installation of 8.1.1 Conduct TBT and explain the hazards prior to start Safety
new breaker 3 C 3C the activity. Officer/Site
8.1 Slip, Trip
8.1.2 Working area shall properly barricaded with Supervisor/Si
warning sign te Engineer
8.2 Laceration cause by
8.2.1 Wear proper hand protection (Leather gloves)
the sharp objects or 4 A 4A
while handling materials.
pointed parts
8.3 Homemade / 8.3.1 All defective and homemade hand tools shall not
Improvised hand tools 3 C 3C be in use and removed at work site immediately.
8.3.2 Hand tools must be in good conditioned with

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monthly color code.
9. Installation of 9.1.1 Fall arrest system shall be used if the working
temporary and 4 A 4A height is greater than 1.8 m (6ft) all the time from Safety
New equipment floor or working platform as per CSM II-5 and Officer/Site
9.1 Insufficient/improper
(UPS, generators, Include the ANSI Z359.1 in the references of Supervisor/Si
scaffolding resulting to
panel boards, personal protective equipment. te Engineer
Fall from Height
cables, 9.1.2 All scaffold work shall meet the requirements of
transformers, this General Instruction GI 8.001 and the Saudi
automatic Aramco Construction Safety Manual CMS II-2.
transfer switch 9.2.1 Secure work permit and conduct toolbox talk prior
and A/C split 4 A 4A to start the activity.
9.2.2 Area supervisor always available in the area while
conducting temporary equipment’s (UPS).
9.2 Electrocution
9.2.3 Electrical works will be carried out by trained and
competent persons.
9.2.4 Follow the procedure for Lockout/Tag out” as
9.3.1 Confirm electrical isolations through proper tools
4 A 4A 9.3.2 Insulated tools will be used in order to carry out
electrical work and to prevent electrical shock.
9.3.3 Follow the procedure for Lockout/Tag out” as
9.3 Electric shock
9.3.4 GFCI protection shall be required when utilizing
cord and plug type of temporary UPS installation.

9.4.1 Wear proper hand protection (High voltage

9.4 Burns 3 C 3C leather gloves) while performing electrical works.
9.5.1 Use proper personal protective equipment such as
3 C 3C rubber cotton gloves and high voltage leather
9.5 Pinch Point
gloves if required
9.5.2 Ensure hand tools are inspected with color coded
10. Testing and 10.1 Faulty electrical 10.1.1 Only qualified personnel utilizing appropriate
Commissioning wires, live equipment 3 C 3C electrical safety-related work practices and PPE Safety
of new resulting to Electrical shall perform work on electrical systems and Officer/Site

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equipment (UPS, equipment Supervisor/Si
Panel Boards, 10.1.2 Insulated/insulating protective equipment (e.g., te Engineer
transformers) rubber gloves and blankets) and hot sticks shall be
periodically tested and tagged by a qualified
testing laboratory, as per the manufacturer’s
10.1.3 Certification requirements for electrical
technicians (i.e. Contractor employees who
conduct electrical work on electrical equipment
operated at higher than 240 volts, must possess a
valid Saudi Aramco Electrical Hazards Recognition
(HER Certificates)

10.2 Faulty electrical

10.1.4 All new electrical installations shall be performed
wires, substandard 3 C 3C
with components that meet NEC standards.
materials, malpractice
10.1.5 Electrical testing equipment (e.g., voltage meters)
resulting to Fire /
shall be periodically calibrated and tagged by a
Damage to
testing laboratory as per the manufacturer’s

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Probability Risk Level

Medium Medium
5 Very High      
(5A) (5B)
Medium Medium Medium
4 High    
(4A) (4B) (4C)
Medium Medium Medium
3 Medium    
(3B) (3C) (3D)
Medium Medium
2 Low     Medium (2E)
(2C) (2D)

1 Very Low       Medium (1D)
Hazard Severity
Consequence** Very Low Low Medium High
Very High E

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