Drug and Alcohol Declaration

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Columbia Shipmanagement

31/01/2023 11:58:28


It is today 31/01/2023, agreed between Mr. Dalakov Serhii and Columbia Shipmanagement
(hereinafter “Company”).

I agree to take drug and alcohol test by giving urine, or use of breath-analyser specimens for the
purpose of analysing for the presence of narcotics, marijuana, alcohol or other intoxicants,
provided that such test and analyses are carried out by qualified personnel, and provided that the
analyses are carried out by an independent clinic.

I authorise the release of the analysis information to the Company, provided that such information
shall be restricted to what is of relevance to the question of abuse of narcotics, marijuana, alcohol
or other intoxicants.

The above agreement and authorization is given of my own free will in connection with my request
that the Company consider me for employment. I understand that if I do not cooperate fully in the
above testing, or if the test results fail to pass the drug and alcohol requirements of the Company,
my employment application will be rejected.

Provided that my application for employment is accepted by the Company, I further accept that the
Company is entitled to have random, post-accident, and for cause tests carried out throughout the
period of employment. In such case, tests and analyses shall be carried out as per the above
procedure and only for the purpose stipulated above.

All tests will be at the expense of the Company.

I confirm that I shall declare to the Master upon joining or any time during my service on board any
medication I take whether same is prescribed or not prescribed by a Physician. The omission to
declare such medication will result in the immediate relief from my assigned duties and subsequent
dismissal from the vessel and company.

I also herewith confirm that I have received, read and understood the Company’s Drug and Alcohol

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The Company is committed to:

• Strictly prohibiting employees to carry out duties whilst impaired by alcohol or any illegal
or non-prescribed drug;
• Dismissing any employee found to be breaking these Company rules.


It is the policy of the Company to maintain a safe and healthy working environment, ashore and
onboard vessels free from the use of illegal drugs and any unauthorized consumption of alcohol.
• Unauthorized trade, distribution, purchase and/or offer for sale, on Company premises or
on vessels, of any alcoholic beverages and drugs is a violation of this policy
• Authorized and controlled sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as the use
of prescribed drugs onboard vessels is exempted.
• It is a violation of this policy for employees to report to work while their ability to perform
their duties is impaired due to on or off-duty use of alcohol, drugs or other controlled
• Any employees taking officially prescribed medication, which may affect their job
performance, should inform their supervisor accordingly; all personal medical information
will be kept confidential.
• Any employee violating the Policy may be subject to disciplinary action, which may lead to


The purpose of the Company Drug and Alcohol Policy is to prevent the operation of vessels by
employees under the influence of drugs or alcohol, to promote safe and efficient work conditions,
and prevent illicit drug distribution or trafficking.

A Seafarer who has a known drug or alcohol abuse problem will not be permitted to work on a
company vessel. Violation of the Company Drug and Alcohol Policy will inevitably result in
disciplinary action being taken, including possible dismissal.

The use of an illegal drug by a Seafarer is prohibited. Seafarers should not assist or participate in
any drug distribution or trafficking.

Visitors, including pilots, port officials, contractors, and office personnel, including those sailing on
the vessel, are expected to comply with the Drug and Alcohol Policy, and if found to be in violation
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should be requested to leave. Pilots, helmsmen, contractors and others who are involved in
working on board must not be offered alcohol until their work is completed and never within port
Where a particular customer/charterer requires a more stringent policy to be implemented on
board, this will be communicated to the Master who will ensure that all crew members are aware
of the policy and that all displayed notices reflect the customer’s/charterer’s policy.

Drug and Alcohol Possession and Consumption

The possession and consumption of alcohol on Company vessels is subject to specific restrictions
and controls:
 It is prohibited for any Seafarer to bring alcohol or any other intoxicative substances
onboard, either from ashore or from another vessel.
 Only alcohol individually purchased from the Master may be consumed on board. Seafarers
may randomly be searched when boarding the vessel for drugs and alcohol.
 Only beer, lager, cider and table wine may be supplied and consumed onboard a Company
 The maximum strength of beer, lager or cider must be no more than 5% by volume and for
the wine 12%.
 Spirits and liqueurs are not permitted on Company vessels, either for consumption by ship’s
personnel, for entertaining outsiders, or for gratuities to local authorities.
 A Seafarer’s blood alcohol concentration shall not exceed 40 mg/100 ml at any time while
employed on board a vessel;
A blood alcohol concentration of 40 mg/100 ml (0.04%) is the approximate equivalent of:
o A urine alcohol concentration of 54 mg/100 ml;
o A breath alcohol concentration of 17 microgram’s / 100 ml.
These levels equate to approximately three (3) units of alcohol but the level can vary
between one (1) and four (4) units depending on various factors such as weight of the
seafarer, and simultaneous food consumption. Alcohol metabolizes out of the body at a rate
of approximately one unit per hour but again this figure is very approximate.
 Consumption of alcohol by crewmembers is limited to a maximum of four (4) units per
day, subject always to the blood alcohol content limit remaining within 40 mg/100 ml;
 The maximum quantity of alcohol in a seafarers’ possession at any one time must not
exceed four units of alcohol;
 All alcohol must be consumed in a public area, such as the mess-room or smoke-room. It is
not permitted to store or consume alcohol in cabins.

Approximate alcohol unit conversions in line with existing OCIMF guidelines of June 1995
are as follows:
Item Volume Alcohol Unit
Beer >4% <6% alcohol
275 ml can or bottle 2.30
by volume
330 ml can or bottle 2.75
Beer >1% <4% alcohol
275 ml can or bottle 0.92
by volume
330 ml can or bottle 1.10
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Wine >6% <12%

375 ml bottle 3.75
alcohol by volume

Note: One (1) unit is 15 mg/100 ml or 0.015% blood alcohol concentration. It is therefore
important that seafarers are aware that the maximum consumption at any time will be
limited by the amount and size of the container taking also into account the amount of time
that alcohol takes to metabolize out of the body.
The above table is a guide only and does not release a seafarer from the responsibility to
comply with the Company Alcohol Policy.
 Every Seafarer's blood alcohol content shall be zero (0) when he commences scheduled
duty. To achieve a blood alcohol content of zero during scheduled work periods, seafarers
shall refrain from consuming alcohol within 4 hours of going on duty. It takes approximately
1 hour per unit consumed to achieve a zero Blood Alcohol Concentration;
 Any seafarer who suspects that another is under the influence of drugs or alcohol must
inform his superior and, if necessary, refuse to hand over a watch. It is incumbent upon all
on board to report any individual who is apparently under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
 If the Master is believed to be impaired by alcohol, the Chief Officer or Chief Engineer shall
immediately report the matter to the Company, who may then take the decision for the
Chief Officer to assume command;
 No Seafarer is allowed to return to the vessel from shore leave whilst under the influence of
alcohol above 40 mg/100 ml.
 The Master shall ensure no alcohol is issued to a seafarer within 24 hours of arrival at a port
or STS location. Therefore there should be no alcohol in a seafarer’s possession whilst the
vessel is within port limits, within the entire US exclusive economic zone (all waters up to
200 miles offshore), or whilst carrying out an STS operation.

Alcohol Distribution
Alcohol is to be kept under the strict control of the Master, and in a locked compartment. Only the
Master may issue alcohol. The amount of alcohol issued daily shall not exceed four units; subject to
the constraints of the size of the container. All alcohol must be opened by the Master before being
issued to the seafarer.

A record (GOF-6.6: Alcohol Distribution Log) must be maintained of all the alcohol issued, including
the amounts, the date, and the name and rank or rating of the seafarer. The record must be signed
by the Seafarer and the Master.

Alcohol purchased onboard is for personal individual use only. The sale of alcohol amongst
crewmembers or others is not permitted.

During visits by Company representatives, the individual purchase records of alcoholic beverages
will be checked for compliance with the Company Drug and Alcohol Policy and procedure.

The use of medication may cause impairment of judgment or performance. It is essential that each
seafarer reports to the Master, upon joining a vessel, when they are taking any medication. This
includes medication prescribed by the seafarer's own doctor at home, that prescribed by a doctor
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during the course of a contract, or which they have obtained themselves. The use of a prescribed
drug without informing the Master may result in the failure of a drug or alcohol test, with
subsequent risk of disciplinary action.
If drugs are prescribed to a seafarer during his tour of duty, the Master must review the instructions
supplied with the drug to ensure that side effects will not substantially affect the performance of
the seafarer in his work, and that no limitations, such as working aloft or working with machinery,
need to be applied whilst the seafarer is taking the drug. The use of such medication must be
recorded in the Medical Log and if necessary supervised. The Master has the right to demand of the
seafarer evidence that any such medication has been legitimately prescribed, and he should contact
the company for advice where that evidence is not forthcoming.

Any use of a prescribed controlled drug which causes, or contributes to, unacceptable job
performance or unusual job behaviour will result in the seafarer being excused from duty until such
times as the treatment and its after-effects cease, or the seafarer is repatriated.

The following drugs are illegal and are prohibited onboard:

 Amphetamines, Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates, Phencyclidine, Heroin;

Drugs cause performance and judgment impairment and will be detected during tests. These
 Methadone, Propoxyphene, Benzodiazepines, Methaqualone.

Some prescribed drugs, including barbiturates and tranquilizers, may also result in a seafarer failing
a drug test and include:
Corvalol, Corvalolum, Pentalgin-N and Valocordin.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

As a condition of employment the Company requires that Seafarers submit to drug and alcohol
testing under the conditions described below. Refusal, or a positive test result, will be considered
grounds for disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

Pre-employment D&A test

New seafarers shall undergo drug and alcohol testing by an accredited clinic as part of the pre-
employment process. For tankers such test shall be carried out prior to every contract or tour of
duty. If test proves positive, the seafarer shall be denied employment.

Onboard Testing
The Master is responsible for arranging unannounced alcohol tests of a representative number of
the crew every week, the objective being that every crewmember will undergo at least one test per
month. Such random testing must be conducted in such a way that no one will be able to predict
when the next test will be carried out.

Each test must be carried out by the Master and witnessed by two Seafarers. The Master must
himself be tested by the Chief Engineer, witnessed by another officer at least once every month.
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Any seafarer who tests positive must be suspended from work immediately and the Master shall
inform the Company without delay. The Chief Engineer shall inform the Company without delay if
the Master is tested positive.

The Company will, on occasion, issue an instruction to the Master that an alcohol test is to be
immediately carried out on all or any crew member, including the Master, within a defined period
of time and the results immediately forwarded to the Company.

Alcohol tests must be recorded in the GOF-6.6b: Alcohol Test Log.

Random Unannounced Drug and Alcohol Testing

The Company has a contract with an external drug testing organization to perform unannounced
tests for drugs and alcohol. These are performed on all tankers at least once per year and at any
other time as considered necessary by the Company.

During their regular rounds of the accommodation, the Master and Chief Engineer must check at
least two cabins for alcohol.

Should a seafarer be suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, the Master must carry out
an alcohol test. If suspected of being under the influence of drugs then a drug test must be carried
out using the emergency drug test kit.

Post Incident Testing

Following a significant incident, the Master must carry out an alcohol test on those employees
directly involved in the incident within two hours. Personnel not employed by the Company should
be invited to participate in such a test but cannot be forced to do so.

The Company shall arrange for a drug test within 32 hours of the incident by a recognized external
drug testing organization. Where the drug test cannot be performed within 32 hours, the Master
shall use the emergency drug testing kit.

Applicable local reporting requirements and Forms, e.g. USA, are contained in the Ports and
Country Rules and Regulation File.

Testing by Port State Authorities

Port State Control may conduct Drug and Alcohol testing at any time.

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