UMG8900 Maintenance Manual-Routine Maintenance

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Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance................................................

1.1 Introduction to Maintenance ................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Maintenance Objectives ................................................................. 1-1
1.1.2 Maintenance Tasks ........................................................................ 1-1
1.1.3 Maintenance Mode ........................................................................ 1-1
1.1.4 Maintenance Rules ........................................................................ 1-2
1.1.5 Maintenance Methods .................................................................... 1-3
1.1.6 Requirements for Maintenance Personnel ..................................... 1-4
1.2 Equipment Room Maintenance .............................................................. 1-5
1.2.1 Maintenance Tasks ........................................................................ 1-5
1.2.2 Maintenance Classifications .......................................................... 1-5
1.2.3 Maintenance Duty Allocation ......................................................... 1-6
1.2.4 Maintenance Records .................................................................... 1-7
1.3 Network Management ............................................................................ 1-8
1.3.1 Maintenance Tasks ........................................................................ 1-8
1.3.2 Performance Statistics ................................................................... 1-9
1.3.3 Network Optimization ..................................................................... 1-9
1.3.4 Operating Environment for NM Computer ..................................... 1-10
1.4 Requirements for Equipment Room Environment .................................. 1-10
1.4.1 Temperature .................................................................................. 1-10
1.4.2 Temperature Change Rate ............................................................ 1-11
1.4.3 Relative Humidity ........................................................................... 1-12
1.4.4 Air Cleanness................................................................................. 1-13
1.4.5 Electromagnetic Radiation Prevention ........................................... 1-14
1.4.6 ESD Prevention ............................................................................. 1-15
1.4.7 Lightning Proof Grounding ............................................................. 1-17
1.4.8 Mechanical Stress .......................................................................... 1-20
1.5 Requirements for Power Supply ............................................................. 1-20
1.5.1 Requirements for AC Power Supply .............................................. 1-20
1.5.2 Recommendations for AC Power Supply....................................... 1-21
1.5.3 Requirements for DC Power Supply .............................................. 1-22
1.5.4 Recommendations for DC Power Supply ...................................... 1-22
1.6 Safety Rules ........................................................................................... 1-23
1.6.1 Overview of Safety Considerations ................................................ 1-23
1.6.2 Mechanical Safety .......................................................................... 1-25
1.6.3 Microwave and Magnetic Field ...................................................... 1-28
1.6.4 Laser .............................................................................................. 1-31
1.6.5 High Temperature .......................................................................... 1-31
1.6.6 Fans ............................................................................................... 1-31
1.6.7 Working at Heights ......................................................................... 1-32
1.6.8 Others ............................................................................................ 1-34
Chapter 2 Guide for Routine Maintenance .................................................... 2-1
2.1 About the Chapter .................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Guide for Daily Maintenance .................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Daily Maintenance on Equipment Room ........................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Daily Maintenance on Power Supply System ................................ 2-2
2.2.3 Daily Maintenance on LMT ............................................................ 2-3
2.2.4 Daily Maintenance on Device Running .......................................... 2-4
2.2.5 Daily Maintenance on Alarm System ............................................. 2-7
2.2.6 Daily Maintenance on Performance System .................................. 2-9
2.2.7 Daily Maintenance on Service Bearer and Media Resources ........ 2-10
2.2.8 Daily Maintenance on Signaling Links ........................................... 2-12
2.3 Guide for Monthly Maintenance ............................................................. 2-14
2.3.1 Monthly Maintenance on LMT ........................................................ 2-14
2.3.2 Monthly Maintenance on Devices .................................................. 2-16
2.3.3 Monthly Maintenance on Cabinets ................................................. 2-16
2.3.4 Monthly Maintenance on Spare Parts ............................................ 2-18
2.4 Guide for Yearly Maintenance ................................................................ 2-19
2.4.1 Yearly Maintenance on Cabinet Devices ....................................... 2-19
2.4.2 Yearly Maintenance on Connection ............................................... 2-20
Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance ........................................................... 3-1
3.1 Guide for Grounding System Maintenance ............................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Checking Grounding System ......................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Measuring Grounding Resistance .................................................. 3-2
3.2 Guide for Device Dust Cleaning ............................................................. 3-3
3.2.1 Cleaning Air Filter Frame ............................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Cleaning Air Filter Yarn Net ........................................................... 3-4
3.2.3 Cleaning Dust from Fan Frame...................................................... 3-5
3.2.4 Cleaning Dust from Air Deflector ................................................... 3-6
3.2.5 Cleaning Dust from Boards ............................................................ 3-6
3.2.6 Cleaning Dust from Optical Interfaces and Connectors ................. 3-8
Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands ............................................................... 4-1
4.1 System Management ............................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Device Management .............................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Media Gateway Management ................................................................ 4-3
4.4 Signaling Protocol Management ............................................................ 4-4
Chapter 5 Maintenance Records .................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Daily Maintenance Record ..................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Itinerant Check Record........................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Daily Unexpected Fault Handling Record .............................................. 5-6
5.4 Daily Unscheduled Services Handling Record ....................................... 5-7
5.5 Equipment Part Replacing Record ......................................................... 5-7
5.6 Exchange Data Modification Record ...................................................... 5-8
5.7 Monthly Maintenance Record ................................................................. 5-9
5.8 Yearly Maintenance Record ................................................................... 5-11
5.9 Device Maintenance Requisition ............................................................ 5-12
Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................ A-1

Index .................................................................................................................

HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway
Maintenance Manual

Volume Routine Maintenance

Manual Version T2-030367-20050221-C-2.32

Product Version V200R003

BOM 31033567

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Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen, P. R. China

Postal Code: 518129



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Copyright © 2005 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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HUAWEI OptiX, C&C08 iNET, NETENGINE, OptiX, iSite, U-SYS, iMUSE, OpenEye,
Lansway, SmartAX, infoX, and TopEng are trademarks of Huawei Technologies
Co., Ltd.

All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this manual are the property of
their respective holders.


The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has
been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents, but
all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not constitute
the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

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Summary of Updates

This section provides an update history of this manual and introduces the updates of

Update History

Manual Version Notes

T2-030367-20040830-C-2.30 Initial field trial release
T2-030367-20041115-C-2.31 Initial commercial release
T2-030367-20050221-C-2.32 Second commercial release

Updates of Contents

Updates between manual versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest manual
version contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Manual Version 2.32

This version adopts the new document template.

Updates in Manual Version 2.31

The changes in this manual are about replacing pictures and improving sentences.

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About This Manual

Release Notes

This manual applies to HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway V200R003.


The manual introduces routine operations on the UMG8900, including daily

maintenance, key maintenance operations, device parts replacement and so on. It
consists of five chapters and one appendix.

Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance profiles device maintenance, regarding

equipment room maintenance, network management, power supply and safety rules.

Chapter 2 Guide for Routine Maintenance details tasks and procedures of routine
maintenance, including daily maintenance, monthly maintenance and yearly

Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance elaborates some key maintenance items,
such as grounding system maintenance and dust cleaning.

Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands lists the commands and descriptions about

system management, device management, media gateway management and signaling
protocol management.

Chapter 5 Maintenance Records provides reference tables for you to record

maintenance process.

Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations lists all acronyms and

abbreviations and their full names.

Index lists the indexes in the manual.

Intended Audience

The manual is intended for the following readers:

z Telecom Network technicians
z Telecom management personnel
z Network system engineers

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The manual uses the following conventions:

I. General conventions

Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.

Boldface Headings are in Boldface.

Courier New Terminal Display is in Courier New.

II. GUI conventions

Convention Description

Button names and menu items are in Boldface. For

example, click OK.
Multi-level menus are in bold and separated by forward
slashes. For example, select the File/Create/Folder menu.

III. Keyboard operation

Format Description
Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For
example, <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A>.
Press the keys concurrently. For example, <Ctrl+Alt+A>
means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Press the keys in turn. For example, <Alt, A> means the
<Key1, Key2>
two keys should be pressed in turn.

IV. Mouse operation

Action Description

Press and hold the primary mouse button (left mouse

button by default).

Select and release the primary mouse button without

moving the pointer.

Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

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Action Description

Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

V. Symbols

Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of
special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:

Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the


Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary description.

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance ............................................................................. 1-1

1.1 Introduction to Maintenance .............................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.1 Maintenance Objectives.......................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Maintenance Tasks ................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.3 Maintenance Mode.................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1.4 Maintenance Rules ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.5 Maintenance Methods............................................................................................. 1-3
1.1.6 Requirements for Maintenance Personnel.............................................................. 1-4
1.2 Equipment Room Maintenance ......................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.1 Maintenance Tasks ................................................................................................. 1-5
1.2.2 Maintenance Classifications.................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.3 Maintenance Duty Allocation................................................................................... 1-6
1.2.4 Maintenance Records ............................................................................................. 1-7
1.3 Network Management........................................................................................................ 1-8
1.3.1 Maintenance Tasks ................................................................................................. 1-8
1.3.2 Performance Statistics ............................................................................................ 1-9
1.3.3 Network Optimization .............................................................................................. 1-9
1.3.4 Operating Environment for NM Computer ............................................................ 1-10
1.4 Requirements for Equipment Room Environment ........................................................... 1-10
1.4.1 Temperature.......................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4.2 Temperature Change Rate ................................................................................... 1-11
1.4.3 Relative Humidity .................................................................................................. 1-12
1.4.4 Air Cleanness ........................................................................................................ 1-13
1.4.5 Electromagnetic Radiation Prevention.................................................................. 1-14
1.4.6 ESD Prevention..................................................................................................... 1-15
1.4.7 Lightning Proof Grounding .................................................................................... 1-17
1.4.8 Mechanical Stress................................................................................................. 1-20
1.5 Requirements for Power Supply ...................................................................................... 1-20
1.5.1 Requirements for AC Power Supply ..................................................................... 1-20
1.5.2 Recommendations for AC Power Supply.............................................................. 1-21
1.5.3 Requirements for DC Power Supply ..................................................................... 1-22
1.5.4 Recommendations for DC Power Supply ............................................................. 1-22
1.6 Safety Rules..................................................................................................................... 1-23
1.6.1 Overview of Safety Considerations ....................................................................... 1-23
1.6.2 Mechanical Safety................................................................................................. 1-25
1.6.3 Microwave and Magnetic Field.............................................................................. 1-28
1.6.4 Laser ..................................................................................................................... 1-31

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Table of Contents

1.6.5 High Temperature ................................................................................................. 1-31

1.6.6 Fans ...................................................................................................................... 1-31
1.6.7 Working at Heights ................................................................................................ 1-32
1.6.8 Others.................................................................................................................... 1-34

Chapter 2 Guide for Routine Maintenance ................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 About the Chapter.............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Guide for Daily Maintenance ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Daily Maintenance on Equipment Room................................................................. 2-1
2.2.2 Daily Maintenance on Power Supply System ......................................................... 2-2
2.2.3 Daily Maintenance on LMT ..................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.4 Daily Maintenance on Device Running ................................................................... 2-4
2.2.5 Daily Maintenance on Alarm System ...................................................................... 2-7
2.2.6 Daily Maintenance on Performance System........................................................... 2-9
2.2.7 Daily Maintenance on Service Bearer and Media Resources .............................. 2-10
2.2.8 Daily Maintenance on Signaling Links .................................................................. 2-12
2.3 Guide for Monthly Maintenance....................................................................................... 2-14
2.3.1 Monthly Maintenance on LMT............................................................................... 2-14
2.3.2 Monthly Maintenance on Devices ......................................................................... 2-16
2.3.3 Monthly Maintenance on Cabinets........................................................................ 2-16
2.3.4 Monthly Maintenance on Spare Parts ................................................................... 2-18
2.4 Guide for Yearly Maintenance ......................................................................................... 2-19
2.4.1 Yearly Maintenance on Cabinet Devices .............................................................. 2-19
2.4.2 Yearly Maintenance on Connection ...................................................................... 2-20

Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance ........................................................................................ 3-1

3.1 Guide for Grounding System Maintenance ....................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Checking Grounding System .................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Measuring Grounding Resistance........................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Guide for Device Dust Cleaning ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.1 Cleaning Air Filter Frame ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.2 Cleaning Air Filter Yarn Net .................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.3 Cleaning Dust from Fan Frame............................................................................... 3-5
3.2.4 Cleaning Dust from Air Deflector............................................................................. 3-6
3.2.5 Cleaning Dust from Boards ..................................................................................... 3-6
3.2.6 Cleaning Dust from Optical Interfaces and Connectors.......................................... 3-8

Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands ............................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 System Management......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Device Management.......................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Media Gateway Management............................................................................................ 4-3
4.4 Signaling Protocol Management........................................................................................ 4-4

Chapter 5 Maintenance Records.................................................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Daily Maintenance Record................................................................................................. 5-1

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Table of Contents

5.2 Itinerant Check Record ...................................................................................................... 5-4

5.3 Daily Unexpected Fault Handling Record.......................................................................... 5-6
5.4 Daily Unscheduled Services Handling Record .................................................................. 5-7
5.5 Equipment Part Replacing Record .................................................................................... 5-7
5.6 Exchange Data Modification Record ................................................................................. 5-8
5.7 Monthly Maintenance Record ............................................................................................ 5-9
5.8 Yearly Maintenance Record ............................................................................................ 5-11
5.9 Device Maintenance Requisition ..................................................................................... 5-12

Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .....................................................................A-1

Index ................................................................................................................................................ i-1

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is regularly implemented during the device normal running in

order to find out and remove defects or hidden problems in time. It is essential for the
long-term secure and stable running of the device. Routine maintenance includes
daily device check, daily charging check, regular virus check and removal for the back
administration module (BAM), regular cleaning of air filter frames, regular data backup,
regular test of system function and so on.

1.1 Introduction to Maintenance

1.1.1 Maintenance Objectives

For networks and network system devices, the ultimate objective of maintenance is to
ensure optimum running state and deliver satisfied services. This manual provides
maintenance tasks and procedures of the UMG8900

1.1.2 Maintenance Tasks

The maintenance tasks are to:

Make sure that the device operates normally, and its electric performance,
mechanical performance, technical specifications and service indices all
conform to the related standards;
Provide users with optimized network and ideal communication quality;
Remove faults efficiently and ensure smooth communication;
Coordinate the UMG8900 in working with other devices in the entire network
harmoniously, thus ensuring the running quality of the whole network;
Examine the quality of new devices or expanded devices, and decide whether to
deploy them in the network.

1.1.3 Maintenance Mode

There are two maintenance modes.

Passive maintenance
It refers to the maintenance conducted after faults already happen. For example,
troubleshooting according to alarms is a kind of passive maintenance, which often
occurs when on duty in the equipment room.
Active maintenance

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

Active maintenance is performed periodically to check device running, analyze

network status, and raise propositions. So it is a maintenance mode that can “nip in
the bud”. Routine maintenance is a major kind of active maintenance.”
To ensure a stable and secure telecommunication network, you have to conduct
active maintenance to periodically check the network and take measures to prevent
faults from happening.
The maintenance department of an exchange is generally divided into two groups.
One is the centralized maintenance group, responsible for maintenance of all devices
in the equipment room, including device software/hardware, power supply,
transmission and air-conditioners; the other is the network administration group,
responsible for analysis and optimization of network performance. You can plan
maintenance structure and functions of your own exchange.

1.1.4 Maintenance Rules

To ensure the secure and stable running of the UMG8900 and lower maintenance
cost, abide by the following basic rules during maintenance:
Attach great importance to preventive maintenance, especially to routine
maintenance, and establish scientific and strict regulations to ensure efficient
device maintenance.
Keep the equipment room environment complying with related standards. Keep
it clean, tidy, dustproof, moisture-proof and fireproof, and prevent such
animalcules as fungi and mildew from emerging and rodents and insects from
entering the equipment room.
Place the device on the floor with no water inside the equipment room and far
from fire fighting and heating establishments that may drop water on the device.
Accept training before maintenance on basic maintenance theory and
procedures, emergency handling procedures, operating specifications and
security rules, and apply them into maintenance practice.
Never install non-standard software to the key PCs with BAM or emergency work
station (including firewall, anti-virus software, game, pirate software and so on),
or never use such key PCs for other purposes. Otherwise, serious results may be
Except the delivery attached software, never use other software to access or
modify database. Otherwise, serious results may be caused.
Perform routine check and make records as instructed by this manual.
Removed faults as instructed by the manual as soon as faults are found out. For
the problems you cannot handle, ask help from the local Huawei office.
Conduct maintenance as instructed by this manual, so as to avoid faults caused
by human factors.

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

Deal with severe faults according to Huawei UMG8900 Universal Media

Gateway Maintenance Manual—Emergency Maintenance, and inform the
product management of the local Huawei office at the same time.
Mark the damaged boards and put them in the anti-static bag rather than in the
cabinet avoid causing other faults.
Wear anti-static wrist strap when operating the device.
Make records about all key operations like board swap, system reset and
software load. Before such key operations, analyze the feasibility and take
backup, emergency and secure measures.
Do not reset the device, load software to the device, modify exchange
configurations or restart the device, especially cold restart, unless really
necessary. If you really need to modify exchange configurations, back up them
first. To delete the backup data, ensure that the device operates normally for at
least a week.
Keep management-level passwords well and modify them regularly. Assign
different passwords to the people with terminal operation rights and those with
work station operation rights to ensure system security. This rule applies to the
system administrator.
Keep enough spare parts on hand in case of failure, and have failed boards fixed
as soon as possible. This rule applies to operators.
Inform maintenance personnel of the telephone and fax number of the local
Huawei office.

1.1.5 Maintenance Methods

There are multiple maintenance methods for the device.

I. Comparison

This method is relatively simple. You only need to compare failed devices or faulty
data with the correct ones to find out their differences, analyze the differences and
locate faults.

II. Substitution

Substitution is a simple but efficient method for fault location and removal. You can
just replace a hardware component with a new one of the same model and see if
faults disappear. If so, it indicates this component fails and causes the faults. In this
case, you can remove the faults just by replacing it with a new one.

III. System Minimizing

This method is to remove hardware components of a faulty system except those basic
and necessary ones, and check whether the minimized system has faults. If faults still
exist, you can conclude that the left hardware components fail. Otherwise, add the

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

hardware components removed just now one by one until the faults occur again. In
this case, you can know that the latest added component has problems, and replace it
with a normal one.

IV. Protocol Tracing

This method is a basic method used for service interfacing and debugging within an
exchange or between exchanges. Since a protocol has uniform standards, you can
exactly locate faults by tracing protocols.

1.1.6 Requirements for Maintenance Personnel

I. Basic Qualifications

Familiar with such communications knowledge on mobile communications, data

communications and pulse code modulation (PCM).
A good understanding of the UMG8900 product, including its architecture,
functions, services and interfaces offered, networking applications, related
protocols and related 3GPP specifications.
Familiar with basic network knowledge such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, and
A good command of basic operations on the UMG8900 and the computer,
especially such routine maintenance as alarm management and performance

II. Qualifications on System and Networking

Maintenance personnel must have a good understanding on the following knowledge.

The hardware structure and performance indices of the UMG8900;
The functions and roles of all UMG8900 modules;
Connection relations between the UMG8900 modules, and between different
network devices;
Protocols and signaling used for the interaction between the UMG8900 and
other network devices;
Networking structure and channel allocation of transmission devices.

III. Qualifications on Device Operation

To improve the efficiency of fault handling and avoid operation errors, maintenance
personnel must be certificated and be familiar with maintenance procedures. Severe
faults are handled by those who have received Huawei training and passed
examination. In addition, maintenance personnel must be aware of:
What operations will result in partial or complete service interruption;
What operations will damage the device;
What operations will cause customers’ complaints;

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

What emergency or backup measures can be used.

IV. Qualifications on Instruments and Meters

Measurement instruments and meters provide visualized and quantitative values to

reflect faults location directly. Therefore, maintenance personnel need to have a
command on the following instruments or meters to improve fault location efficiency:
Iu UP analyzer
Analyzer of other protocols

1.2 Equipment Room Maintenance

1.2.1 Maintenance Tasks

For the UMG8900 system, the tasks of equipment room maintenance are to:
Monitor network running status in real time on a 24-hour basis to discover and
handle faults in time.
Check, analyze and deal with software and hardware problems of the UMG8900.
Go all out to repair the device when it is failed, or ask help if unable repair on your
own, and make records.
Manage, modify and implement exchange configurations.
Arrange and implement monthly maintenance tasks.
Collect, manage and improve information about the device.
Manage and maintain spare parts of the device in the equipment room.
Monitor the running status of transmission devices to ensure reachability of all

1.2.2 Maintenance Classifications

I. According to Maintenance Methods

According to maintenance methods, maintenance is classified into the following

Conventional maintenance
Conventional maintenance is to observe, test and analyze device performance and
running status as normally done.
Non-conventional maintenance
Non-conventional maintenance is to simulate some cases to check device
performance and running status. For example, you can simulate some faults to check
if the alarm system is able to report alarm information.

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

II. According to Maintenance Period

According to maintenance period, equipment room maintenance is classified into the

following types.
Unexpected maintenance
Unexpected maintenance refers to the maintenance caused by device faults, cable
faults or network adjustment. However, unexpected maintenance may occur when
problems are found in daily routine maintenance.
The purpose is to monitor the running status of devices and network in real time and
improve handling efficiency for unexpected faults.
Daily routine maintenance
Daily routine maintenance is performed every day to monitor device running. You
need to record physical position and symptom of the fault in detail to facilitate
The purpose of daily routine maintenance is to find out alarms or other problems as
soon as possible, deal with them, and thus ensure normal running and reduce fault
occurrence ratio.
Periodic routine maintenance
Periodic routine maintenance is performed every some time to learn long-term
running status of the devices. It is divided into monthly and yearly maintenances.
The purpose of periodic routine maintenance is to preserve the secure and stable
running state of the device for a long time. The purpose is realized by checking,
testing and cleaning the device and backing up data to see if the device ages,
functions fail or performance degrades and take measures to prevent real faults from

1.2.3 Maintenance Duty Allocation

I. On-Duty Maintenance

The on-duty maintenance mechanism is established for most equipment rooms. The
on-duty person is responsible for monitoring the entire network in real time and
removing faults, especially sudden faults, or asking help to remove them.

II. Specialized Maintenance

Specialized maintenance is suitable for a network across different geographical areas

and with complex devices. For this maintenance type, certain people are specialized
in maintaining the network of a given geographical area, and a periodic itinerant check
is conducted.

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

1.2.4 Maintenance Records

I. Daily Maintenance Records

You need to record environment and running status of the equipment room in the table
as shown in “5.1 Daily Maintenance Record”. Make records on every day shift and
night shift (or morning, noon, night and midnight shifts).

II. Maintenance Plan

The maintenance plan is drawn up by the equipment room chief according to

regulated check items, periods and device models. There are monthly maintenance
plan and yearly maintenance plan. The monthly maintenance plan is made in line with
the yearly one and must be approved by the maintenance technical chief.
The approved plans must be followed and cannot be modified at will unless otherwise
is notified by the superior department.

III. Itinerant Check Records

Itinerant check is categorized to yearly check and monthly check. Monthly check is
conducted on all devices in a specific network scope once every month. Yearly check
is conducted on all devices in the entire network once or twice every year. You need to
record check results in the table as shown in “5.2 Itinerant Check Record”.

IV. Specialized Maintenance Records

For a large network with multiple exchanges and complex devices, specialized
maintenance is recommended, that is, certain people are only responsible for some
certain maintenance tasks.
Specialized maintenance includes daily unexpected fault handling and the periodic
itinerant check. You need to make the following records during specialized
Daily unexpected fault handling records
You need to record unexpected faults occurring during routine maintenance and
handling process in the table as shown in “5.3 Daily Unexpected Fault Handling
Record” for later reference.
Daily unscheduled Services Handling Record
You need to record the services that are performed but not planned in the table as
shown in “5.4 Daily Unscheduled Services Handling Record”.
Equipment part replacing record
You need to record the parts that are replaced during routine maintenance and the
replace process to the table as shown in “5.5 Equipment Part Replacing Record” The
equipment parts that can be replaced include all modules of the UMG8900.

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HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance

Exchange data modification record

You need to record modification reason and contents of the exchange data and other
important configuration data to the table as shown in “5.5 Exchange Data
Modification Record” for fault location and device maintenance use.
Monthly maintenance
You need to record the check items during monthly itinerant check in the table as
shown in “5.7 Monthly Maintenance Record”.
Yearly maintenance
You need to record the maintenance items during yearly itinerant check in the table as
shown in “5.8 Yearly Maintenance Record”.
Device maintenance requisition
When faults happen to the UMG8900, you can ask the local Huawei office to remove
them by sending a requisition as shown in “5.9 Device Maintenance Requisition”.


When modifying configuration data of services or the system, follow the instructions or
regulations in this manual, and make detailed records before and after the

The maintenance records provided by this manual are for reference. You can adjust
their contents as needed.

1.3 Network Management

Network management is to make statistics on device performance during routine
maintenance in order to optimize device and network configurations and improve
service quality.

1.3.1 Maintenance Tasks

Network management involves the following tasks.

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I. Performance Statistics

Performance statistics is to measure and analyze performance indices related to

devices and the entire network, and report them to the superior telecommunication
administration department.

II. Network Optimization

Network optimization plan is proposed based on performance statistics and

implemented when approved by the superior department

1.3.2 Performance Statistics

Performance statistics is engaged in collecting network indices such as network

quality, interface traffic, resource utilization and data traffic.

1.3.3 Network Optimization

Network optimization is a long-term task. However, you need to consider optimizing

network especially in the following cases.
When a network is put into use or expanded;
When network performance degrades considerably or customer complaints rise
When unexpected events occur and bring great negative effects to the network;
When users type changes greatly.
According to implementation scope, network optimization is classified into partial
network optimization and entire network optimization. In most cases, partial network
optimization is implemented. Entire network optimization is implemented to solve
global problems.
Network optimization has three phases, namely, system investigation, data analysis,
and scheme formulation and implementation.

I. System Investigation

System investigation is to collect and analyze customer complaints, performance

statistics and other information, and preliminarily determine optimization contents and
scope. In this phase you need to gain an overall and deep understanding on the
existing network by acquiring all related information such as the existing network
design, customer complaints, system investigation report and performance statistics.
It is recommended to establish a database to store the information.

II. Data Analysis

Data analysis is to analyze the collected information, find out major problem sources
and output reports.

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III. Scheme Formulation and Implementation

In this phase you need to draw up a scheme including improvement details and
timescale, and submit it to the superior administration department for approval.
After the scheme is approved and implemented, you need to measure performance of
the new network to see if faults are removed and performance is improved. If not, you
need to re-optimize the network.

1.3.4 Operating Environment for NM Computer

The environment for network management (NM) computers operating shall satisfy the
following standards.
The table is steady and large enough to hold NM computers, a key board, a
mouse, a mouse pad, a printer and other facilities.
The computer equipped with the NM system is far from heat sources, damp and
dusty areas. Do not expose it to direct sunshine and keep the computer rear side
8cm away from other objects for ventilation convenience. Do not smoke in the
equipment room.
A work station must be equipped with uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to
protect the operating system from being damaged by sudden power off. It is
recommended to configure UPS for computers to prevent alarms and
performance events being reported from losing due to sudden power off.
Computers and UPS surfaces must connect PGND.
The computers far from the devices that will cause electromagnetic interference

1.4 Requirements for Equipment Room Environment

A favorable equipment room environment is essential for keeping the UMG8900
running in the secure and stable state, lowering faults occurrence ratio caused by
poor environment and prolonging the UMG8900 life. Therefore, you need to take
initiative to improve the equipment room environment and make it satisfy the basic
standards listed in the manual.

1.4.1 Temperature

I. Basic Requirements

The equipment room shall be 5 °C to 45 °C for long-term operation. It can range from
–5 °C to 5 °C or from 45 °C to 55 °C for short-term operation, but the continuous
working time cannot exceed 48 hours and the accumulated time per year cannot
exceed 15 days.

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The measurement point is 2 m over the floor and 0.4 m from the front cabinet. There
cannot be any protection board surrounding the cabinet.

II. Impact on Device Running

Temperature is one of the major factors deciding whether a telecommunication device

can operate in the secure and stable state for a long time. Over high or low
temperature is harmful for device running.
An over high temperature accelerates ions drift and electrons movement in the
integrated circuits (IC), and multiples penetrable currents. Such increased
circulation will break down circuits and fail the device running.
An over high temperature changes resistance and capacitance, thus changing
work parameters of circuits. These changes may degrade device performance
and even disable the secure and stable running of the device.
In the presence of over high temperature, sockets, plugs and switches may
expand and in poor contact condition, thus affecting for device running.
An over high or low temperature changes the clock dominant frequency of the
clock crystal oscillator circuits, thus affecting synchronization between devices
and increasing bit error rate and slip rate.
An over high temperature speeds up insulation materials aging, while an over
low temperature makes them crisp. Either situation will shorten device lifetime.

III. Solutions

Install ventilation devices and air conditioners.

1.4.2 Temperature Change Rate

I. Basic Requirements

Indoor temperature cannot change violently, and ±5°C fluctuation in one hour is

II. Impact on Device Running

As different device components have different thermal capacity, some are more
sensitive to temperature change rate while others are less sensitive.
The bigger the thermal capacity is, the stronger impact the temperature change rate
will put on the component. In addition, a big temperature change rate brings violently
different press to different components due to the rule “expand with heat, and contract
with cold”, thus making the device mechanical structure change, even circuit boards
crack and components be loosely welded.

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III. Solutions

Equip the equipment room with temperature control devices that can keep the room in
a proper temperature no matter what the local climate is.

1.4.3 Relative Humidity

I. Basic Requirements

The relative humidity shall remain 5% to 85% for long-term operation. It can be less
than 5% or range from 85% to 95% for short-term operation, but the continuous
working time cannot exceed 48 hours and the accumulated time per year cannot
exceed 15 days.

The measurement point is 2 m over the floor and 0.4 m from the front cabinet. There
cannot be any protection board surrounding the cabinet.

II. Impact on Device Running

Relative humidity imposes the following impact on device running.

Over high relative humidity brings a film of water onto component surface.
According to a survey, in the presence of 85% relative humidity, the water film is
0.001 3m to 0.01 3m thick. Water film may make components be electric
conductors and thus degrade electric performance of circuits.
In the presence of over high relative humidity, performance of magnetic
materials degrades, and in and out parts and leading wires tend to be oxidized or
rusted and have a poorer mechanical performance, thus causing loose contact
or short circuits.
In the presence of over low relative humidity, the running or movement of
devices, movable floor and people in the equipment room incline to produce
tribo-static that are harmful for device running and maintenance.
In the presence of over low relative humidity, electrical particles and dusts
increase, thus lowering air cleanness and threatening secure device running.

III. Solutions

The equipment room is equipped with humidity lessening or strengthening devices.

For dry areas, you can use humidity strengthening device or wet mops to increase
humidity. For wet areas, you can use humidity lessening devices.

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1.4.4 Air Cleanness

I. Basic Requirements

Air cleanness refers to the concentration of mechanical active substance and

chemical active substance in the air. The Equipment room shall meet the following
The equipment room is free from explosive, conducting, magnetic and corrosive
Table 1-1 lists the requirements on the concentration of mechanical active

Table 1-1 Concentration of mechanical active substance

Mechanical active
Measure unit Concentration
Dust particle Particle/m³ ≤ 3 × 10
Suspending dust mg/m³ ≤ 0.2

Precipitable dust mg/m²·h ≤ 1.5

Sand mg/m³ ≤ 30
Dust particle: diameter ≥ 5 3m
Suspending dust: diameter ≤ 75 3m
Precipitable dust: 75 3m ≤ diameter ≤ 150 3m
Sand: 150 3m ≤ diameter ≤ 1000 3m

Table 1-2 lists the requirements on the concentration of mechanical active


Table 1-2 Concentration of mechanical active substance

Mechanical active
Measure unit Concentration
SO2 mg/m³ 0.30–1.00
H2S mg/m³ 0.10–0.50
NO2 mg/m³ 0.50–1.00

NH3 mg/m³ 1.00–3.00

Cl2 mg/m³ 0.10–0.30
HCl mg/m³ 0.10–0.50

HF mg/m³ 0.01–0.03

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Mechanical active
Measure unit Concentration
O3 mg/m³ 0.05–0.10
CO mg/m³ ≤ 5.0

II. Impact on Device Running

Air cleanness has the following impact on the device running.

If absorbing too many dust particles, electric components and IC will have poorer
heat dissipation ability. If conductive dusts fall into components, the insulation
performance of the components will degrade, which even causes short circuits.
Chemical active substance can also affect communications device running. For
example, a high concentration of SO2 may erode devices, cause loose contact
and short circuits. A high concentration of CO may result in explosion.

III. Solutions

You can take the following solutions to satisfy the requirements on air cleanness.
Use dustproof ground, wall and ceiling.
Equip screens on the doors and windows facing outside. The outer windows
shall be dust-proof.
Clean the equipment room and air filter frame periodically (once every three
months is recommended)
Wear shoe covers and ESD-preventive clothes when entering the equipment
Do not build the equipment room near the place where corrosive gas
concentration is high, such as a chemical plant
Make the air intake vent of the equipment room in the perennial upwind direction
of the pollution source.
Place batteries in the room where communications devices are not stored.
Ask professional organizations to evaluate air cleanness condition.

1.4.5 Electromagnetic Radiation Prevention

I. Basic Requirements

The following requirements must be met.

Electric field intensity ≤ 130 dB (3V/m).
Magnetic field intensity ≤ 800 A/m.

II. Impact on Device Running

Electromagnetic radiation has the following impact on the device running.

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Source of EMI
EMI sources include power cables, transformers, power switches, waveform
distortion of the power supply network due to large device running, space radio
frequency, earth magnetic field, outside radiation and so on.
These sources interfere device running through capacitance coupling, inductance
coupling, corona discharge (from power cables), magnetic radiation (from
transformers and power switches), public resistance (including grounding system)
and wires (such as power cables, signal cables and leading-out cables).
Harm to device running
EMI degree is vital to a communications device as it threatens the secure and stable
running of a device. Too strong electromagnetic inference probably makes
communication babbled, blocked and interrupted, causes bit errors, or even
interfering software operation and damages the device.Solutions

Some measures must be taken to lessen electromagnetic radiation on the equipment

room and between devices.

1.4.6 ESD Prevention

I. Basic Requirements

To prevent or reduce electrostatic discharge (ESD), meet the following requirements.

Ground the device stably with the grounding resistance less than 1 ohm, and
clear electrostatics as soon as possible to avoid electrostatics
accumulation.Equip the equipment room floor with antistatic materials.
Take dustproof measures to avoid absorbing electrostatics.
Keep the equipment room with standard temperature and humidity as regulated
in the previous part.
Do not apply insulating floor wax to the antistatic floor.
Remove insulating oil film, resin and rubber from antistatic table pad, floor and
floor pad as soon as possible. Clean floor pad with neutral or antistatic cleaning
Attach anti-static labels to an obvious place of antistatic devices and tools, static
sensitive stuff, and antistatic grounding system.
Abide by antistatic regulations when operating the device, like wearing antistatic
clothes or wrist strap.
The seats must be antistatic. Use the seats made of leatheroid, chemical fibers
or plastics rather than wood.

II. Impact on Device Running

Electrostatics has the following impact on the device running.

Source of electrostatics

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As a person has about 200 pF capacitance, the movement of a person is in nature the
relative movement between electric bodies, which produces electrostatics. The
electrostatics a person discharges relies on clothes material, floor material, indoor
temperature and humidity, movement speed and son. For example, a person
produces less electrostatics when in antistatic clothes than chemical fiber clothes, in a
room with better grounding condition or higher humidity.
Harm to device
The instantaneous voltage of electrostatics can easily reach thousands of volts. When
such electrostatics discharge towards the static-sensitive electric components
applying Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Transistor (CMOS) such as
large scale IC, these electric components will probably be damaged and cannot be
According to a survey, among the damaged boards 60% are damaged due to
electrostatics. Electrostatics may also disable software or electronic switches.

Table 1-3 Human electrostatic voltage

Cases Voltage range (V)

When walking on an insulating rug 12000–39000

When walking on an insulating floor 4000–13000

When sitting on a seat 500–3000

Table 1-3 lists human voltage change within 40 seconds in three cases. More than 12
kV is considered harmful, as shown in Figure 1-1.


Stand on nylon floor with rubber

12 Stand on quasi nylon floor
10 with rubber shoes

4 Stand on polypropylene
floor with leather shoes
0 10 20 30 40 (second)

Figure 1-1 Electrostatics response time

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Insulating materials can accumulate electrostatics, while conductive materials cannot.

Insulating materials include plastic floor, nylon carpets, leather shoes, plastic shoes
and chemical fiber clothes. In the environment of over 60% humidity, semi-conductive
floor and cement floor become well antistatic.
Table 1-4 lists electrostatics ranges within which components are damaged.

Table 1-4 Sensitivity to electrostatics

Components Voltage (V)

MOS (IC) 100–200
CMOS(IC) 250–2000
TTL circuits 300–1500
Field effect transistor 380–7900
Printed circuit board mixedly used 500

SCR 680–1000

Table 1-3 and Table 1-4 show threaten of electrostatics on components. They also
show that walking in room with no antistatic facilities for more than 12 seconds will
produce electrostatics over 12 kV. Touching an electrical device at this point will
probably damage the device.

III. Solutions

You can take the following measures.

Train operators about the knowledge of ESC prevention.
Raise the humidity to 60% RH or above to reduce the influence of electrostatics.
Use antistatic floor in the equipment room. When entering the equipment room,
wear ESD-preventive shoes, work clothes, and wrist straps.
Make all conductors including people ground reliably.
Remove electrostatic sources if possible.
Mark the areas needing antistatic measures with explicit labels.
Place the electrostatic sensitive device (ESSD) 30 cm away from electrostatic
sources or farther.

1.4.7 Lightning Proof Grounding

I. Basic Requirements

Table 1-5 lists the requirements for lightning proof grounding.

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Table 1-5 Requirements for lightning proof grounding

Items Requirements
Use reinforced concrete to construct the equipment room.
Install lightning proof devices such as a lightning arrester for the
construction of
equipment room.
the equipment
room Ground proof devices share the same grounding body with the
equipment room.
Use a dedicated power transformer for a telecom office. Use metal
jackets or steel tubes to cover the power cables before burying
them under the ground. Ground both ends of a metal jacket or
steel tube nearby and properly. Bury the cable under the ground at
TN-S power least 15 m.
system shall be
adopted Install a gapless zinc oxide arrester to each of the three phase
lines at the low tension side of the AC power transformer. Ground
nearby and correctly the enclosure of the transformer, the neutral
lines at the low tension side, and the metal steel tubes of the power
cables that connect with the enclosure of the transformer.
Do not lead AC/DC power cables into or out of a telecom office in
aerial mode.
After leading low-voltage power cables into the equipment room,
install a lightning arrester in the AC voltage stabilizer and the AC
power distribution panel (box). Connect the arrester to the most
Power cables nearby ground.
leading in the
telecom office For the equipment room built in the city, install the power supply
need to be arrester with the nominal discharging current not less than 20 kA.
equipped with a For the equipment room built in suburb subject to lightning strike,
lightning install the power supply arrester with the nominal discharging
arrester current larger than 60 kA. For the equipment room in the mountain
areas easily subject to lightning strike, or in the separate high-rise
buildings in the city, install the power supply arrester with the
nominal discharging current larger than 100 kA.
The ground cable of the lightning arrester is one meter long at

Connect the DC working ground (positive pole of –48 V DC power

or the negative pole of 24 V DC power) with the indoor collective
Grounding of ground cable nearby. The ground cable shall meet the maximum
DC power load needs of the equipment.
distribution The power supply equipment must have DC working ground
cables, which can connect the power equipment to collective
ground cables.

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Items Requirements
Ground all devices including auxiliary devices in the equipment
room in protection mode. Connect all protection ground cables in a
telecom office to a general protection grounding bar. Join all
protection ground cables in one equipment room to one protection
Equipotential grounding bar.
connection Share one grounding network by the working ground and
protection ground
Ground cabling racks, suspended iron supports, frames or
enclosures, metal ventilation pipes, metal windows and doors in
protection mode.

Never connect neutral lines of an AC power cable with the

General protection ground of any telecom equipment in the equipment
requirements room.
for grounding Never install fuses or switches on ground cables.
Arrange all ground cables as short and direct as possible.
The grounding resistance must be smaller than 1 ohm.
Keep the upper end of the grounding body at least 0.7 m over the
Grounding ground. In cold areas, bury the grounding body below the frozen
resistance ground.
Measure grounding resistance periodically to ensure effective
Do not put signal cables overhead in the equipment room, but
below the ground.
Routing of Put cables into and out of a telecom office into metal jackets metal
signal cable pipes.
Keep the ground cable of the lightning arrester as short as
possible. Ground idle lines inside the cable in the equipment room.
Use a grounding bar as the collective ground cable
Do not use aluminum cables as ground cable. Take measures to
prevent electrification corrosion when connecting different metal
Collective parts together.
ground cable Use such a copper busbar as the collective ground cable with the
cross-sectional area not less than 120 mm2, or use a galvanized
flat steel that has the same resistance. Insulate the collective
ground cable from the reinforcing steel bars of the building.
Keep the ground lead-in cable 30 meters long at most. Make it with
Ground lead-in
galvanized flat steel with cross-sectional area of 40 mm × 4 mm or
50 mm × 5 mm.

II. Impact on Device Running

Scientific and secure lightning-proof grounding benefits personal security, ESD

prevention, EMI prevention and lightning proof, thus ensuring the secure and stable
running of devices.

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1.4.8 Mechanical Stress

Table 1-6 lists the requirements for mechanical stress.

Table 1-6 Requirements for mechanical stress

Items Sub-items Range

Offset ≤ 7.0 mm —
Accelerated speed — ≤ 20.0 m/s²
Frequency 2–9 Hz 9–200 Hz
Impulse response
Non-stable ≤ 250 m/s²
spectrum II
Payload ≤ 5 kPa
Impulse response spectrum refers to the response curve of the maximum
accelerated speed generated by the equipment under the specified impulse
motivation. Impulse response spectrum II means that the duration of half-sine
impulse response spectrum is 6 ms
Payload refers to the pressure the packed equipment can bear in the prescribed
piling mode.

1.5 Requirements for Power Supply

1.5.1 Requirements for AC Power Supply

An AC power supply system consists of mains, UPS and electric generator set. It is
recommended to supply power in a centralized way. A qualified AC power supply
system features simple cables layout, highly security, flexible resource invoke and
easy overhaul. A low-voltage power supply system is designed in three-phase and
five-wire mode or mono-phase and three-wire mode. Table 1-7 lists the voltage and
frequency of a low-voltage AC power supply system.

Table 1-7 Requirements for AC power supply

Nominal Voltage Rated frequency

110/127//220/380 (V) 50 Hz

A network device generally adopts uninterrupted power supply (such as UPS) as the
backup of AC power supply. The backup AC power supply must remain in the same
phase with mains. The UPS/mains switchover time must less than 10 ms; otherwise,
the equipment may be restarted or reset.

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The AC of an equipment room is decided by work current and fault current. It must
ensure that every device has an independent AC distribution protection device, and
the protection switch current configured is greater than that of the power supply
device connected to the switch. In designing a DC power supply system, you need to
take into account the maximum payload in dynamic and static conditions. Besides,
you have to reserve enough margin. The cabling in the power distribution panel must
be figured out based on the maximum capacity of the payload provided. In this way,
you can decide the type and size of the conducting wire.
The following lists the requirements for the voltage of AC communications equipments
and power equipments:
For communication equipment with AC power supply, the voltage can deviate
from the rated voltage value by –10% to +5%.
For a power supply device or an important building with AC power supply, the
voltage can deviate from the rated voltage value by –15% to +10%.
The AC frequency can vary in the range of +4% to –4%, and the sinusoidal
distortion rate of voltage waveform is smaller than or equal to 5%.
Equip a telecom office with an electricity generators set that is capable of
automatic power-on/off and supplement and employs standard interfaces and
protocols with the remote communication, control and measurement functions.
Power cables used for AC and DC power distribution shall comply with the
following specifications.
Communication AC neutrals are conductive and has the same cross section as
phase cables.
DC power feeders are chosen according to the long-term payload. If the cross
section exceeds 95 mm2, hard bus cables are used. If there is a great difference
between the recent and long-term payload, you can distribute cables by stages.
DC and AC conductive wires must be fire resistant. Route them and configure
the low-voltage power distribution room according to the local regulations.

1.5.2 Recommendations for AC Power Supply

You are recommended to:

Use voltage stabilizers in the following cases.
—When communications equipment are supplied with powered directly by the mains,
the power supply voltage varies from the rated voltage by –10% to +5%, or exceeds
the voltage threshold.
—When communications equipments are not supplied wit powered directly by the
mains, the mains voltage varies from the rated voltage by –15% to +10%, or exceeds
the AC input voltage range allowed for the DC power equipments.
To ensure continuous power supply, use UPS or inverters.
A telecom exchange is equipped with an electricity generators set to ensure
normal communication in case of mains failure. The capacity of the generator set

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is at least 1.5 to 2 times of the total uninterrupted power supply needs of all

1.5.3 Requirements for DC Power Supply

Place power equipments near telecom equipments to make DC feeders as short as

possible. To reduce power consumption and installation cost, the loop voltage drop
from the battery port to the equipment port shall be smaller than 3.2 V.
Use two or more independent power supply systems when the office has heavy traffic
or more than two switching systems.
For a large-scale office, configure a power supply system for each floor to supply
power to each equipment room. For a medium office, configure a centralized power
room or battery room, or separate power supply systems. For a small-scale office,
configure an integrated power supply system, but note to prevent corrosive gas
released by batteries from eroding circuit boards.
Table 1-8 lists requirements for DC power supply.

Table 1-8 Requirements for DC power supply

Items Range
–48 V input voltage –40 V to –57 V

Current surge tolerance of

At least 1.5 times of the rated current
DC power
If the AC input voltage change is within 85% to 110%
of the rated value, the load current within 5% to 100%
Regulated voltage
of the rated value, and the output voltage of the
rectifier is an integer in the range of –46.0 V to –56.4 V,
the regulated voltage precision is no more than 1%.

Overshoot amplitude when Between +5% and –5% of the integral value of the DC
switch on/off output voltage%

Peak-to-peak noise
≤ 200 mV

The recovery time is smaller than 200 ms. The

Dynamic response overshoot is between +5% and –5% of the integral
value of the DC output voltage

1.5.4 Recommendations for DC Power Supply

Adopt separate power supply mode, and use multiple DC power supply systems
and power equipments.
Adopt standard DC power supply system, and set the output voltage of a
communication equipment within the required range.

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1.6 Safety Rules

1.6.1 Overview of Safety Considerations

This part introduces safety rules you must follow when you operate the UMG8900.

Read this part carefully before any operation to avoid unexpected events happening.
The safety rules listed in this manual are just some general rules. Safety rules for a
specific operation are described in the corresponding manual. The people
responsible for device maintenance are required to master basic safety knowledge
and operations, accept special training and obtain corresponding certifications.

You must bide by the local safety regulations. The regulations described in this
manual are just for their supplement.
When operating the UMG8900, pay close attention to all safety rule and indications
provided by Huawei, and do as demanded. This manual only lists the safety rules
Huawei knows. Huawei takes no responsibility for any damage or hurt due to
incompliance with the local safety rule, general safety rules or specific design,
production and usage standards.
The people responsible for device maintenance are required to accept training,
master correct operation methods and get acquainted with various safety rules.

I. Safety Symbols

The manual uses the safety symbols listed in Table 1-9 to indicate the safety rules to
be followed.
Safety indication has four severity levels, namely, danger, warning, care and caution.
A safety indication is in the following format with symbol at the left of severity level
description, and detailed explanation below the symbol.

It indicates ignoring “Danger” prompt will probable cause fatal hurt and damage to
people and the device.

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It indicates ignoring “Warning” prompt may bring fatal hurt and damage to people and
the device.

It indicates ignoring “Care” prompt may bring major hurt and damage to people and
the device.

It indicates ignoring “Caution” prompt may bring some hurt and damage to people and
the device.

Table 1-9 lists safety symbols and meaning.

Table 1-9 Safety symbols and meaning

Safety symbols Meaning

General alarm symbol: Indicates general safety rules.

Antistatic symbol: Indicates the device is sensitive to


Power shock symbol: Indicates to be careful about dangerous

power voltage.

Microwave symbol: Indicates to be careful about strong

electromagnetic field.

Laser symbol: Indicates to be careful about strong laser beans.

Burn symbol: Indicates to be careful not to touch to avoid being


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1.6.2 Mechanical Safety

I. High Voltage

High voltage power is the drive for device running. However, never touch high voltage
power or mains directly or through damp objects; otherwise, it will cause fatal danger
to people.

Do as follows when operate in a high voltage environment.

AC power devices must be installed by the people with certifications on high
voltage and AC power operation according to the local safety rules strictly.
Do not wear any conductive stuff such as watches, bracelets and rings during
Power off the device once finding the cabinet has water or becomes moist.
Prevent water into the device when operating in humid environment.

Nonstandard or improper high voltage operation will cause fire, electricity shock and
other accidents. Therefore, AC cables must be distributed by the people with
certifications on high voltage and AC power operation according to the local safety
rules strictly.

II. Power Cables

Do not lay out or remove live power cables. The touch of live power cables with
conductors will cause electric sparks and arcs, and then lead to fire or hurt eyes.

Do as follows when operate power cables.

Turn off the power switch before laying out and remove power cables.

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Check cable labels to make sure right cables are selected for layout.

III. Tools

Use special tools for high voltage and AC power operation rather than ordinary tools.

IV. Drilling

Do not drill the cabinet at will. Otherwise, it will destroy the cables in the cabinet, and
produce metal scraps that will cause circuit boards to short-circuit.

Do as follows when drilling the cabinet.

If really needing to drill the cabinet, wear insulating gloves and move cables in
the cabinet elsewhere first.
Prevent metal scraps from sputtering and hurt eyes.
Keep metal scraps from going into the cabinet.
Improper drilling degrades electromagnetic shield performance of the cabinet.
Clean metal scraps as soon as drilling ends.

V. Thunder Storm

Never perform high voltage and AC operations or work at towers and masts in thunder

In the case of thunder rains, a strong electromagnetic field exists in the atmosphere.
To avoid the lighting attack on the device, ground the device before thunder rains
For details about lightning proof ground, see 1.4.7 Lightning Proof Grounding.

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VI. Electrostatics

Human electrostatics will damage the components on circuit boards, such as large
scale IC.

People movements are the sources of electrostatics. In dry climates, a person can
carry up to 30 kV electrostatics. If such a person touches a component, the
component may be damaged.
Once electrostatic discharge may not damage components. Multiple times of
electrostatic discharge, however, may disable components. Therefore, electrostatic
damage has two types, recessive and dominant. Recessive damage cannot disable a
component immediately, but gradually. In the case of over high voltage and
temperature, recessive damage probably turns dominant, that is, components are
damaged completely.
You need to take the following ESD prevention measures:
To avoid damaging sensitive components such as boards, circuit boards or IC
chips due to electrostatics, put on an antistatic wrist strap and connect one end
of the wrist strap to ground properly before touching them.
Release electrostatics before touching boards or modules, that is, put on a
grounding antistatic wrist strap. Place a resistance over 1 Mohm between the
wrist and the grounding point to keep people from electricity shock. Over 1 Mohm
resistance is enough low for electrostatic discharge. Check antistatic wrist straps
periodically and do not replace the cables of the straps with other cables.
Separate electrostatic sensitive boards or modules and the objects carrying or
are prone to carry electrostatics. For example, the fraction between insulating
packing bags or transfer boxes and convey bands brings electrostatics to
components. If such components contact people or ground, electrostatics will be
discharged to damage the components.
The electrostatic sensitive boards or modules can touch high-quality discharge
materials only, such as antistatic packing bags. The boards and modules
sensitive to electrostatics must be wrapped in antistatic bags in storage and
Release electrostatics of measure devices before connecting them to boards or
modules. That is, ground the measure devices first.
Keep boards and modules at least 10 cm away from strong DC magnetic field, for
example, from cathode ray tubes of displays.

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For details about antistatic, see 1.4.6 ESD Prevention.

VII. Power Lable

Before connecting a cable, check the label on it to check if the right cable is selected.

VIII. Leakage Current

Before powering on the device, ground it first.

Before powering on AC power supply system, connect the protection grounding

terminal on the device to ground to avoid current leakage from Y resistance of the
primary power supply and from the EMI filter-to-ground resistance on the device AC
input side.

IX. Incendive Environment

Do not place the device in incendive or explosive gas or smog. Do not perform any
operation in such environment

In incendive environment, operating any electrical device will cause fatal danger.

1.6.3 Microwave and Magnetic Field

I. Introduction

Device antennae can produce electromagnetic radiation that is harmful for people.
Only the people who have accepted professional training can maintain the device
near antennae. The device radiation must comply with IEEE C95.1-1991 standards.

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To work around antennae with full radiation frequency, read the following safety rules

II. Definition and Classfication of Electromagnetic Environment

Electromagnetic environment is classified into controlled environment and

uncontrolled environment according to radiation intensity.
Controlled environment
Under controlled environment, people are aware of being exposed to electromagnetic
radiation, as well as the harm it will bring, but have to enter the magnetic field for work
or pass it accidentally. The radiation intensity in this case is larger than that in
uncontrolled environment, but smaller than the standard.
Uncontrolled environment
Under uncontrolled environment, people are not aware of being exposed to
electromagnetic radiation or have to stay in such environment (for example, due to
work or living needs). The radiation intensity in this case is smaller than that in
controlled environment, but smaller than the standard.

III. Minimum Distance Formula

Figure 1-2 shows how to determine the minimum safe distance to an antenna.

N10 10 P
rmin =

4 W
Figure 1-2 Minimum distance formula

The elements in the formula are described as follows.

rmin is the minimum safe distance, measured in m.
N is the number of frequencies.
Pout is the output power of frequency, measured in W.
L is the frequency loss to an antenna, measured in dB.
G is antenna gain, measured in dB.
W is the maximum power density allowed, measured in W/m2.
In uncontrolled environment, the maximum power density is equal to f/150, where f
represents frequency (MHz), and the test value is the average value obtained after at
least 30 m test. In controlled environment, the maximum power density is equal to f/30,
where f represents frequency (MHz), and the test value is the average value obtained
after at least 6 m test.

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According to the formula, the minimum safe distance to the axial antenna
electromagnetic field is shown in Table 1-10.

Table 1-10 Minimum safe distance

f (MHz) 900 1800

Pout (W) 40 40
L (dB) 4.5 5.5
G (dB) 18 18
N 2 2
Power Density/Uncontrolled Environment W
6 12

Power Density/Controlled Environment W (W/m2) 30 60

Uncontrolled Environment rmin (m) 4.9 3.1
Controlled Environment rmin (m) 2.2 1.4

IV. Safety Rules

Pay attention to the harm to people when operating devices with intense frequency

Follow the safety rules as below.

Before working at or near the tower or mast with multiple transmitter antennae,
power off the transmitters.

Keep the safe distance away from an antenna when working around the antenna.

Do not turn on the cable plug of the output feeder or antenna feeder of a
transmitter during transmitter working.
To turn on the plug or work beside the transmitter antenna, power off the
transmitter first.

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1.6.4 Laser

The laser beans of optical fibers will hurt eyes.

Do not expose naked eyes to the egresses of optical fibers and optical transmitter and
receiver when operating them.

1.6.5 High Temperature

Some device components are easy to get very heated. Do not touch them to avoid
being scalded.

Follow the safety rules as below.

The nominal temperature of a device in tropical zones is 45 °C. The device
temperature can be 75 °C at most in normal state, and 100 °C. in failed state.
The heat sink of the transmitter frequency amplifier or the power supply, for
example, may reach the maximum temperature.
For details about temperature, see 1.4.1 Temperature.

1.6.6 Fans

Do not put fingers or tools into the fan before it stops running; otherwise people or the
fan will be hurt or damaged.

Follow the safety rules as below.

Do not put fingers into fans or they will be hurt.

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When replacing fan parts, do not make the parts, screws and tools fall into the
running fan; otherwise, they will be damaged, as well as the fan.
When replacing devices near a fan, do not put fingers or boards into the fan;
otherwise, fingers, boards or the fan will be hurt or damaged.

Do not be close to the running devices or components.

1.6.7 Working at Heights

I. General Safety Rules

Avoid objects falling when working at heights.

Follow the local rules about working at heights.

The people working at heights have to accept training.
Keep tools well and avoid tools falling when working at heights.
Wear helms and safety belts.
Wear cold proof clothes in cold areas.
Before going to heights by cranes, check the cranes.

II. Safety Rules for Ladder

Follow these safety rules for ladder.

Check the ladder is in good condition and never overload the ladder.
Arrange another people to fasten the ladder or take other safety protection
measures when the ladder is leaning and over five meters long or in dangerous
work conditions, as shown in Figure 1-3.

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Figure 1-3 Long ladder usage

Arrange another people to fasten the ladder or take other safety protection
measures when the ladder is erect and over three meters long or in dangerous
work conditions. Extend the A-shaped ladder completely, as shown in Figure


Figure 1-4 A-shaped ladder

The most ideal slope angle of a ladder is 75° as shown in Figure 1-5. It can be
measured by a set square or arms. Put the wider end of a ladder towards the
ground and take some protection measures to avoid slipping. Place a ladder on
the flat ground or a fixed object. Do not place it on a paper box, stone or some
other instable objects.

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Figure 1-5 Slope angle of a ladder

Climb up a ladder facing the ladder. Do not make gravity center outside the
ladder edge. For the sake of safety, always step on the ladder with two feet and
grasp the ladder with one hand. To climb to the house top, make sure the ladder
is at least one meter beyond the eave, as shown in Figure 1-6..



Figure 1-6 Ladder length requirement

1.6.8 Others

I. Heavy Objects Suspending and Mounting

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Do not walk below crane arms or the objects being suspended or mounted.

Follow these rules when suspending and mounting heavy objects.

Make sure the operation people already accept training, and the tools for
suspending and mounting are in good condition before using them. Make sure
the tools are steadily fixed to the wall and objects with enough bearing capacity.
Issue orders with short and explicit words to avoid mis-operation.
The rope suspended on the hook makes an angle of 90° at most with the cabinet,
as shown in Figure 1-7.

Ma x 90

Figure 1-7 Suspending angle

II. Heavey Objects Moving

Prepare to carry heavy things mentally to avoid being hurt.

When leaning, laying down and erecting the cabinet, two or three people are needed.
Do not make the cabinet obliquity exceed 10°, or the cabinet may fall down, as shown
in Figure 1-8.

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Figure 1-8 Leaning, laying down and erecting the cabinet

III. Sharp Corners

When carrying the device, wear gloves to avoid being scratched by sharp corners.

IV. Board Swapping

Do not use too much force to plug boards to the backplane; otherwise, the pins on the
backplane may be damaged.
Push the board along the slot surface, and avoid contact between board circuit planes
that will cause short circuits.
Do not touch circuits, components, connecting terminals or connecting slots of a

For details about how to swap a board, see HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media
Gateway Maintenance Manual - Parts Replacement.

V. Signal Cable Binding

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Keep signal cables bundle away from strong current or high voltage cables bundle at
least 150 mm.

VI. Single-Person Maintenance Prohibited

Do not maintain and debug the device alone, but with others’ help.

Always remember your safety depends on yourself!

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Chapter 2 Guide for Routine Maintenance

2.1 About the Chapter

This chapter is intended for experienced maintenance personnel. For details about a
specific maintenance item, see HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway
Operation Manual—Routine Operation.
The common tools must be available in the equipment room, including straight
screwdrivers, cross screwdrivers, pliers, spanners, nippers, electric irons, multmeters,
antistatic wrist straps, antistatic brushes and so on.

The chapter provides tutorials on how to perform routine maintenance, monthly and
yearly maintenance on the UMG8900. You can supplement or skip some maintenance
items as required.

2.2 Guide for Daily Maintenance

Daily maintenance involves equipment room environment, power supply system, the
Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) system, device running status, alarm system,
performance system, service bearer and media resources, and signaling links.

2.2.1 Daily Maintenance on Equipment Room

Perform daily maintenance on the equipment room as instructed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Guide for daily maintenance on equipment room

Operations Remarks (Expected Results)
Check room
environment alarms,
Every thing is normal. No external
Environment regarding power
alarm occurs.
supply, fire alert and
Check if the transport The transport system works normally,
Transport system is interrupted and the transport cables are arranged
or has bit errors. tidily.

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Operations Remarks (Expected Results)
The tools and meters are all in good
Check tools, meters
Tools, meters and condition. If any one is damaged,
and documents for
documents replace it. The documents are
maintenance use.
The temperature of the equipment
room shall be between 15 °C and 30
Observe the
If the temperature is outside the normal
Temperature thermometer
range for long, overhaul or replace the
air conditioning system.
The cooling function of air conditioners
and the switch are in good condition.

The humidity of the equipment room

Observe the shall be between 5% and 85%
Humidity hygrometer If the humidity is too high, install
indication. dehumidifying devices; if too low, install
humidifying devices.
Check device
They are all clean and tidy. If item fails
surface, device
Dust proof to meet requirements, the dust proof
inside, floor and
condition is deemed unqualified.

Check the key parts

such as the device
cabinet, power All the parts are free of fire possibility.
Fire control distribution frames, All fire fighting establishments are in
N68-22 cabinet, good condition.
frames, cabling
The fans shall keep running during the
device working unless they are
Observe the heat cleaned. Closing fans will cause too
Heat dissipation dissipation status of high temperature and damage boards.
the equipment room.
The vent is not covered. The dust filters
of fans shall be cleaned periodically.
Check doors,
windows and theft
Theft proof They are all in good condition.
proof nets of the
equipment room.

2.2.2 Daily Maintenance on Power Supply System

Perform daily maintenance on power supply system as instructed by Table 2-2.

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Table 2-2 Guide for daily maintenance on power supply system

Operations Remarks (expected results)
If the “RUN” (green) indicator on the power
distribution frame panel of each cabinet is
on and flashes once every one second, it
indicates the input power and the internal
Observe the circuits of the power distribution frame are
“RUN” indicator on normal.
Power supply to the power
If the “RUN” indicator alternate between in
cabinets distribution frame
and on, it indicates the input power is
of each N68-22
normal, but the communication between
monitor circuits and service frames fails.
If the “RUN” indicator is always off, it
indicates there is no input power and the
power distribution frame has problems.
If the “POWER” indicators (green) on LAN
Observe Switch 0 and LAN Switch 1 panels are on, it
“POWER” indicates a normal power supply to LAN
Power supply to
indicators on LAN Switch.
LAN Switch
Switch 0 and LAN
Switch 1. If the “POWER” indictors are off, it indicates
an abnormal power supply to LAN Switch.

If an indicator of a Server is green, it

Observe the indicates a normal power supply to the
Power supply to indicators on the Server.
Servers power switches of
all Servers in turn. If an indicator of a Server is orange, it
indicates the Server is in the standby state

2.2.3 Daily Maintenance on LMT

Perform daily maintenance on the LMT as instructed by Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Guide for daily maintenance on the LMT system

Operations Remarks (expected results)
Click on the
The LMT system includes UMG8900
Operation Online Help, UMG8900 Operation
s/Huawei Local
Installation of the & Maintenance System, UMG8900 Alarm
LMT Management System, UMG89000
Terminal] and
Performance Management System and
see if all the
UMG8900 Trace Viewer.
are installed.

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Operations Remarks (expected results)
In the maintenance navigator, double-click
“Panel Management” to display the panel.
Access the Observe board status displayed in the panel.
UMG8900 In the maintenance navigator, double-click
Operation & “Trace Management” and view the interface
Maintenance trace tasks and call trace tasks listed below.
Running status of System and On the [Operation] menu, select [Open Trace
the LMT operate each Viewer], and view history data of trace tasks.
menu to see if On the [Operation] menu, select [Open Alarm
the LMT Management System], and deal with alarm
software works information. In the [Operation] menu, select
normally. [Open Performance Management System],
and deal with performance measurement
By default,
output files of
the LMT are Under this directory store the output files
stored in the concerning LMT operating, alarm
Output files of the directory management, debug information, MML
LMT C:\HWLMT\UM commands, panel, performance
G8900V200R0 management and tones, which help you to
03\Output learn the running status of the UMG8900.
(V200R003 is
the version)

2.2.4 Daily Maintenance on Device Running

Perform daily maintenance on device running as instructed by Table 2-4.

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Table 2-4 Guide for daily maintenance on device running

Operations Remarks (expected results)
In the
maintenance In the [Panel Management] interface, the
navigator, names and status of all configured boards
double-click are displayed. Board status can be:
Management” to Master normal (green)
display the panel. Fault (red), including non-master/slave
Observe board fault, isolated fault and load fault
Board running status displayed Master/Slave fault (dark red)
in the panel. You
can also use the Slave normal (grey blue)
MML commands Isolated normal (dark blue)
DSP BRD and Install mismatch (pink)
display the Not installed (light grey) and wait for
running status of configuration (dark grey)
a specific board.

Enable the MML

command line,
enter the DSP
CLK command
and specify a slot
Through the DSP NETCLKSIG command,
number; enter the
Clock status the clock status provided by the CLK board
to the MNET is displayed.
command and
specify a frame
number. Run the
two commands.
Enter the DSP
CPUR command The CPU occupation rate shall be less than
CPU occupation
to display CPU 85%. If the rate remains high for long,
rate of a board
occupation rate of check the board and locate the reason.
a board.
Each board has two temperature monitor
points, through which you can learn board
Enter the DSP
temperature. If the temperature of a board
TEM command to
Temperature of a is too high, alarms will be reported. In this
board case, check if fans stop or the equipment
temperature of a
room temperature is too high, and take
corresponding measures. As for Alarm
thresholds, please refer to Table 2-5.
Enter the DSP
If a frame has multiple fans not in position,
Fans in-position the frame has a poor heat dissipation
command to
information capability and high temperature, thus
display fan
affecting the device working.
in-position status

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Operations Remarks (expected results)
Enter the DSP
Temperature of a command to Too high temperature of a fan frame
fan frame display indicates poor heat dissipation ability.
temperature of a
fan frame.
Through this command, you can display
Enter the LST
operation log, call log, running log, security
Log LOG command to
log and test log. These logs facilitate fault
display log.
The on-duty log describes the symptoms
Summary of the
On-duty log and handling of the faults of this shift and
the left problems of the last shift.

severity and
The records facilitate fault location. If
handling process
Left problems necessary, ask help from Huawei
of the faults that
are found but not
removed in this

Monitor checks Monitor check ensures smooth shift switch,

Monitor check jobs and records smooth troubleshooting and the normal
of this shift. running of the equipment room.

Table 2-5 lists the temperature thresholds of boards in °C.

Table 2-5 Board temperature thresholds

Alarm thresholds at temperature Alarm thresholds at temperature

Board monitor point 1 monitor point 2
s Minor Major Critical Minor Major Critical
alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm

OMU 75 80 88 72 77 85

MPU 75 80 88 72 77 85

PPU 75 78 88 65 68 79
CMU 75 78 88 65 68 79
NET 67 72 80 78 83 88
TNU 65 70 80 70 75 85
TCLU 65 70 80 70 75 85
ASU 65 70 80 70 75 85

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Alarm thresholds at temperature Alarm thresholds at temperature

Board monitor point 1 monitor point 2
s Minor Major Critical Minor Major Critical
alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm alarm
HRB 65 68 75 65 68 75
TCU 65 68 75 65 68 80
BLU 65 68 75 65 68 75
FLU 65 68 75 65 68 75
CLK 65 68 75 65 68 75
CMU 65 70 80 65 70 80
SPF 65 70 80 65 70 80
E32 65 68 75 65 68 75
T32 65 68 75 65 68 75
S2L 65 68 75 65 68 75
A4L 65 68 75 65 68 75

P1H 65 68 75 65 68 75
E1G 65 68 75 65 68 75
E8T 65 68 75 65 68 75

P4L 65 68 75 65 68 75
TCU 65 68 75 65 68 75
VPU 65 68 75 65 68 75
EAC 65 68 75 65 68 75
TAC 65 68 75 65 68 75
ECU 65 68 75 65 68 75

2.2.5 Daily Maintenance on Alarm System

Perform daily maintenance on the alarm system as instructed by Table 2-6.

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Table 2-6 Guide for daily maintenance on alarm system

Operations Remarks (expected results)
If the “ALM” alarm indicator (red) is
Check the “ALM” always off, it indicates the power
alarm indicator and distribution frame has no fault.
alarm buzzer on the If the “ALM” alarm indicator (red) is
power distribution always on or flashes quickly, it
frame panel of each indicates the power distribution frame
N68-22 cabinet. has faults.
The alarm buzzer reports no alarm.

Check all types of

indicators and alarm
buzzer on the alarm
box. These indicators
shall be correctly set. All alarm severity indictors shall be off,
Check serial port and buzzers report no alarm.
communication The serial port communication
Alarm box indicators. The alarm indicator (green) shall be on, indicating
severity indictor shall the alarm box is in the normal
accord with actual communication with the emergency
situation. To locate an work station.
alarm, enable the
Alarm Management
System and make a
Alarms fall into four severity levels,
critical, major, minor and warning. The
alarm status indicators shall show the
status is normal.
There should be no such critical alarm
as performance alarm, SPF clock loss
Enable the system and SDH signal loss.
and examine every
Management There should be no such major alarm
piece of alarm
System as over high temperature and voltage,
fans stopping, interface faults and
board start failure.
There should be no such major alarm
as semi-permanent connection faults,
EC/TC occupation rate recovery and
M3UA link failure.
There should be no fault alarm.
Enable the Alarm
Fault alarms Management System To display details about an alarm,
query and then browse and double-click on the alarm record. The
query alarms. detailed alarm information facilitates

For definitions of critical, major, minor and warning alarms, see HUAWEI UMG8900
Universal Media Gateway Operation Manual - Routine Operation.

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2.2.6 Daily Maintenance on Performance System

Perform daily maintenance on the performance system as instructed by Table 2-7.

Table 2-7 Guide for daily maintenance on performance system

Operations Remarks (expected results)
Enable the MML command
Query of host line tool, and enter the LST
performance TSK command to display The tasks list is displayed, all
measure tasks performance measure tasks in the active state.
and their status list of the host. Pay attention
to the status of the tasks.

Enable the MML command

line tool, and enter the LST
The statistics result shall
Query of host PERFRST command.
accord with actual conditions.
performance Choose the important tasks
Otherwise, find out reason
statistics created for query, and specify
and take measures.
measure period to the current

Query of real time

Enable the MML command The calculator real time
statistics of a
line tool, and enter the LST statistics of performance
PERFRLT command. measure task are displayed.
measure task.
According to the task name
Query of Enable the MML command specified, the measure item
performance line tool, and enter the LST thresholds of the
thresholds PERFTHD command. corresponding task are
If a measure unit is specified,
all measure items related to
Query of Enable the MML command
the unit are displayed.
performance line tool, and enter the LST
Otherwise, all measure units
measure units PERFUNIT command.
and their measure items are

You will view the switch status

Query of the
for performance monitor on
performance Enable the MML command
the SDH port of the S2L board
monitor switch line tool, and enter the DSP
(starting every 15 m or 24 h),
status of the S2L PERMON command.
which can be ENABLE or

You will view when the

performance monitor on the
Query of start time
Enable the MML command SDH port of the S2L board will
of S2L
line tool, and enter the DSP start, which starts every 15 m
PERTIME command. or 24h.. The start time is in the
format of “Year month day
hour: minute: second”.

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Operations Remarks (expected results)
In the graphic interface, you
can view performance
Query and measure tasks and their
maintenance of statistics, and also create,
performance Access the Performance modify, delete and query
measure tasks Management System, and customized measure items.
through the then query or operate
Performance performance measure tasks. To avoid affecting the system
Management performance, do not create or
System start performance
measurement tasks during the
high-volume traffic period.

2.2.7 Daily Maintenance on Service Bearer and Media Resources

The UMG8900 provides three kinds of bearer links, namely, IP/ATM/TDM. Perform
daily maintenance on service bearer and media resources as instructed by Table 2-8.

Table 2-8 Guide for daily maintenance on service bearer and media resources

Remarks (expected
Maintenance items Operations
PVC Enable the MML command You can display detailed
statistics line tool, and enter the DSP PVC information to check if
query ASUSTS command. the PVC is normal
SAAL link Enable the MML command You can query work status
status line tool, and enter the DSP of a specified SAAL link to
query SAALLNK command. check if it is normal
This command is used to
check if Q.AAL and the
MTP-3b Enable the MML command
adaptation layer for
link status line tool, and enter the DSP
transparent transmission
query MTP3BLNK command.
are normal. It is applied to
the MASU and MPPB only.

MTP-3b Enable the MML command You will view if the

DSP status line tool, and enter the DSP designated MTP-3b DSP is
query MTP3BDPC command. reachable.
Enable the MML command You will view if the
link set
line tool, and enter the DSP designated MTP-3b link set
MTP3BLNKS command. is available

MTP-3b Enable the MML command You will view if the

OSP status line tool, and enter the LST designated MTP-3b OSP is
query OFI command. normal.

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Remarks (expected
Maintenance items Operations
Enable the MML command You will view if the
line tool, and enter the DSP designated MTP-3b route
MTP3BRT command. is available.
AAL2 path Enable the MML command You will view if the current
information line tool, and enter the DSP working AAL2 path is
query AAL2PATH command. normal.
Enable the MML command You will view connection
line tool, and enter the DSP information of the
AAL2CH command. designated user.
Gateway You will view if the
Enable the MML command
address connection between the
line tool, and enter the DSP
status UMG8900 and other
GWADDR command.
query gateways is normal.

Query of
You will view the statistics
error IP Enable the MML command
of error IP bearer packets
bearer line tool, and enter the DSP
and learn the current link
packets IPBERR command.
bearer According to the statistics
Query of IP Enable the MML command
of IP bearer and error IP
bearer line tool, and enter the DSP
bearer packets, you can
statistics IPBBER command.
learn the quality of IP links.

Query of
IPBCP According to the
Enable the MML command
packets information displayed, you
line tool, and enter the DSP
sending can learn if bearer
IPBPKG command.
and negotiation is normal.
According to the
information of the
Connectio Enable the MML command
TDM terminations involved in
n time-out line tool, and enter the DSP
bearer connection time-out, you
query CONTMOUT command.
can learn if TDM links are

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Remarks (expected
Maintenance items Operations
You can learn the total
number of TDM
terminations, the number of
used and available
terminations, normal and
Query of
Enable the MML command faulty terminations, on hold
line tool, and enter the DSP and suspended, the usage
TNUTDM command. rate of TDM terminations
s usage
and the current service
traffic, thus gaining an
overall understanding of
TDM terminations usage

Query of
Media resources Enable the MML command The statistics on resources
resourc used by line tool, and enter the DSP used by the UMG8900 are
es media VMGWRSC command. displayed.

You can learn statistics of

Timeslo Query of the designated TDM
Enable the MML command
t timeslot terminations and what they
line tool, and enter the DSP
configur configurati are used for, that is, if they
TDMCONF command.
ation on can connect external

2.2.8 Daily Maintenance on Signaling Links

Perform daily maintenance on signaling links as instructed by Table 2-9.

Table 2-9 Guide for daily maintenance on signaling links

Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
You can learn if an M3UA
Enable the MML command line link is locked, locally inactive,
tool, and enter the DSP locally released or
M3UA links
M3UALNK command to display congested, and the real
status of an M3UA link. in/out streams and link

Enable the MML command line

You can learn status of the
tool, and enter the DSP
M3UA signaling links related
M3UADLNK command to
to the designated destination
display status of M3UA links
according to destination entities.

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Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
Enable the MML command line
You can learn if an M3UA
tool, and enter the DSP
destination entity is
M3UADE command to display
congested, accessible or
status of M3UA destination

Enable the MML command line

tool, and enter the DSP You can learn the version
M3UAVER command to display number of M3UA.
M3UA version.
Enable the MML command line
tool, and enter the DSP You can learn the status of
M3UASPMC command to M3UA SPMC and DPC.
display status of SPMC/DPC.

Enable the MML command line If designating M3UA as the

tool, and enter the DSP link type, you can learn
SCTPRUN command to display running status of the SCTP
running status of SCTP connections over M3UA
connections. links.

Enable the MML command line If designating M3UA as the

tool, and enter the DSP link type, you can learn basic
SCTPCON command to display configurations of the SCTP
configurations of SCTP connections over M3UA
connections. links.

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Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
Enable the MML command line
If designating M2UA as the
tool, and enter the “DSP
link type, you can learn
SCTPRUN command to display
running status of the SCTP
running status of SCTP
connections over M2UA links

Enable the MML command line If designating M2UA as the

tool, and enter the DSP link type, you can learn basic
SCTPCON command to display configurations of the SCTP
configurations of SCTP connections over M2UA
connections. links.

M2UA links Enable the MML command line

tool, and enter the DSP You can learn an M2UA link
L2UALNK command to display is in the established,
L2UA links status. You can unestablished, active or
choose to display status of inactive state.
M2UA links.

Enable the MML command line

tool, and enter the DSP
You can learn an M2UA link
L2UALKS command to display
set is in the down, active,
status of L2UA link sets. You can
inactive or pending state.
choose to display status of
M2UA link sets.
Enable the MML command line
You can learn configurations
tool, and enter the LST SPC
Semi-permanent and status of
command to display information
connections semi-permanent
about semi-permanent
Enable the MML command line
You can learn attributes of all
R2 signaling tool, and enter the LST R2
R2 signaling links of the
links command to display attributes of
R2 signaling links.
Enable the MML command line
tool, and enter the DSP You can learn connection
H.248 signaling
H248LNK command to display information of H.248
connecting information of H.248 signaling links.
signaling links.

2.3 Guide for Monthly Maintenance

Monthly maintenance is performed every month on the LMT, devices, cabinets and
spare parts.

2.3.1 Monthly Maintenance on LMT

Perform monthly maintenance on the LMT as instructed by Table 2-10.

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Table 2-10 Guide for monthly maintenance on the LMT

Maintenance Remarks (Expected

items Results)
The system administrator shall
audit all operators’ accounts,
rights and work station rights, and
modify administrator’s password
once one month.
The password of the LMT system Operators’ passwords and
Password and administrator can be alphanumeric rights, and work station
right and its length must be at least six rights shall accord you're
characters. your regulations and plans.
Log in to the UMG8900 Operation
& Maintenance System, select the
[Security Management/User
Management] menu and modify
administrator’s password.

If no synchronization
Enable the MML command line
Server, namely NTP
tool, and enter the DSP TIME
Server, is available, you
command to display system time.
need to check and align
Enter the LST DST command to
system time of BAM
display daylight saving time.
periodically. You can use
System time of As BAM system time adjusting will the SET TIME command to
BAM cause great impact on service set system time, and the
running, you are strongly SET DST command to set
recommended to do that at night daylight saving time.
with low traffic volume, for
The system time of BAM
example, between 2:00 and 4:00
shall be consistent with the
local standard time.

Do not use the MO disks

Back up configuration data in time storing data files for other
and save them through SAVE purpose.
CFG. For details about
Label MO disks with
configuration data backup, see
backup date for reference.
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal
OMU data Convenience.
Media Gateway Maintenance
backup Manual - Emergency Copy data files of different
Maintenance. date to different MO disks
in case one MO disk fails.
Copy all OMU data files in the
directory C:\BAM to MO disks in You can repeat using an
the MO driver. MO disk that remains at
least one quarter.

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Maintenance Remarks (Expected

items Results)
Enable the MML command line
The available capacity ratio
tool, and enter the DSP DISK
of each hard disk partition
command to display usage
shall be 50% at least.
conditions of the OMU hard disk.
Alarms, logs and the data
Check available capacity of the
FTP to the hark disk may
OMU hard disk periodically. If
make the hard disk
there is game software, delete it.
OMU hard disk overloaded.
Delete useless and outdated data
Export or delete some
from the OMU hard disk
alarms, logs and
directories. For directory structure
unnecessary backup files.
of the OMU hard disk, see
Do not copy data that are
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal
not related to the system
Media Gateway Installation
running to the hard disk.
Manual - Software Installation.

2.3.2 Monthly Maintenance on Devices

Perform monthly maintenance on devices as instructed by Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 Guide for monthly maintenance on devices

Operations Remarks (expected results)
Cleanness and Check if racks, Design detailed operation
tidiness of device computers and desktops procedures to avoid mis-touching
surface are clean and tidy switches or touching power supply.
Use licensed and proper
anti-virus software to Upgrade anti-virus software
Computer viruses
keep computers away periodically.
from viruses
Recording of Record software Record software versions when the
software versions versions periodically. software is upgraded.

2.3.3 Monthly Maintenance on Cabinets

Perform monthly maintenance on the equipment room as instructed by Table 2-12.

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Table 2-12 Guide for monthly maintenance on cabinets

Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
Check if power input and output
terminal blocks of the power All joint components are in
distribution frame of each cabinet good contact condition and
are intact and in good contact not eroded.
and working state rather than
eroded, over-current or over high No device is distorted and
temperature. no joint part remains in
long-term over high
Check if power input and output temperature.
Power supply terminal blocks of all components
system of each cabinet are intact and in The voltage can deviate
good contact and working state from the normal voltage (-48
rather than eroded, over-current V) by –57 V to +40 V.
or over high temperature. The output voltage is within
Measure output voltage of each the range allowed. The
functional frame provided by the alarm indicators show the
power distribution frame with a normal state and no alarm is
multimeter, and check the status generated.
of alarm indicators.

Check if any power cables,

grounding wires or signal cables No cable has such
are damaged, aged, eroded or problems.
scalded by arc.

Check if all grounding connecting

terminals and captive screws in
the cabinet are loosely connected All those joint parts are
or eroded. securely fixed and remain
Grounding Measure grounding resistance of intact rather than aged or
system the equipment room with a eroded.
ground resistance meter. For Grounding resistance shall
how to measure grounding be no more than one ohm.
resistance, see 3.1 Guide for
Grounding System Maintenance.
Check cabinet switches.
Check if dusts or other undesired There is no dusts or other
objects exist on the cabinet top or undesired objects.
inside the cabinet.
system All rodent proof nets are in
Check the rodent proof nets at good condition.
cable egresses of the cabinet are
intact and tightly bound.

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Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
Clean the cabinet surface with
neat and dry cotton yarn; clean
air intake vents at the cabinet
bottom with a vacuum cleaner.
Remove the air filter frames at The cabinet surface and air
the cabinet bottom, clean them, intake vent has no dusts to
and fix them to the cabinet again. ensure a smooth air intake
Dust proof
For detailed operations, see channel.
“3.2.1 Cleaning Air Filter Frame”.
Air filter frames shall be
Remove the air filter frames on clean with no dust.
the inward cabinet panel, clean
them, and attach them to the
cabinet panel again For detailed
operations, see “3.2.2 Cleaning
Air Filter Yarn Net”.

Every fan runs normally,

Check if any fan is distorted or without any abnormal sound
Cabinet fans broken and if fan speed is (that produced when
normal. impellers touch the cabinet,
for example)

Cabinet The cabinet surface and

Check if the cabinet surface is
cleanness and inner are clean and tidy, and
tidiness rodent proof nets are intact.

Cabinet maintenance guarantees normal power supply, proper grounding, cleanness

and normal dissipation, so as to eliminate potential troubles and ensure the stable and
reliable running of the system
The reliable connection and reasonable layout of grounding wires are essential for
normal device running, so you need to check them periodically.
Measure each cabinet and make records. For the items unsatisfying requirements, take
measures as soon as possible. For grounding wires maintenance, you can plan
maintenance period according to actual situation. It is recommended to attach great
importance to grounding wires maintenance in thunder storm seasons.

2.3.4 Monthly Maintenance on Spare Parts

Perform monthly maintenance on spare parts as instructed by Table 2-13.

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Table 2-13 Guide for monthly maintenance on spare parts

Operations Remarks (expected results)
Check spare parts
storerooms periodically
for the fire resistant,
dust proof, magnetism
resistant, damp proof,
ventilation and shock
proof conditions. The store environment shall comply
Store spare boards in a with the requirements specified in
dedicated storeroom, HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal
which must be fire Media Gateway Technical Manual –
resistant, dust proof, System Description.
magnetism resistant,
damp proof and within a
certain temperature
and humidity range;
wrap boards in
anti-static bags.
At least one spare board is
available for one board.
At lease one spare fan frame and
Check if the number two spare hard disks are available.
Number and types and types of spare All spare parts are intact and
of spare parts parts can satisfy complete without being damaged or
maintenance needs. eroded. The damaged parts must
be sent for repair, and the missing
ones be purchased as soon as

2.4 Guide for Yearly Maintenance

Yearly maintenance is performed once one year on cabinet devices and connection.

2.4.1 Yearly Maintenance on Cabinet Devices

Perform yearly maintenance on cabinet devices as instructed by Table 2-14.

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Table 2-14 Guide for yearly maintenance on cabinet devices

Maintenance Remarks (expected

items results)
Clean dusts from the fans in spare
fan frames and circuit boards with
clean cotton yarn, antistatic soft
brushes and vacuum cleaners.
Replace the current fan frame with a
Dust clean for spare one within five minutes. All fan frames shall be
fan frames clean and with no dust.
Clean the replaced fan frame, which
then acts as a spare fan frame.
Follow the last two steps described
above to replace all fan frames and
clean them.

Remove the air deflector from the

cabinet, and then clean it with clean
cotton yarn, antistatic soft brushes
Dust clean for and vacuum cleaners All air deflectors shall be
air deflectors Install the clean air deflector to the clean and with no dust.
cabinet again.
Follow the same steps to clean all air
It is recommended to clean dust from
boards once every two years.
Dust clean for All boards shall be clean
boards Board cleaning is a key maintenance and with no dust.
item. For details, see “3.2.5 Cleaning
Dust from Boards”.

For more information about yearly maintenance on cabinet devices, see “Chapter 3
Guide for Key Maintenance”.

2.4.2 Yearly Maintenance on Connection

Perform yearly maintenance on the connection as instructed by Table 2-15.

Table 2-15 Guide for yearly maintenance on connection

Trunk cables are securely connected, and remain complete and
Trunk connection
intact, Labels are clear and explicit.
Network cables Network cables are securely connected, and remain complete
connection and intact. The hub is intact and labels are clear and explicit.
Optical fibers between racks are securely connected and remain
Optical fibers
complete and intact, without being crushed to be flat or folded.
Labels are clear and explicit.

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The cables between racks are securely connected and remain
cables between
complete and intact. Labels are clear and explicit.
The monitor cables between the power distribution box and
Signal cables
frames, FE/GE/TDM cascading cables, clock allocation cables
and 8 k line clock cables are all securely connected.

Maintenance on connection is to check the status of transmission and connecting

devices, and ensure their proper running.

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Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance

3.1 Guide for Grounding System Maintenance

3.1.1 Checking Grounding System

A well functioning grounding system is quite essential for stable running of the
UMG8900 as it helps to guarantee personal security and avoid electrostatic
interference, electromagnetic interference and lightning attack. It is recommended to
check and maintain the grounding system once one month.

I. Definitions of Grounding System

For the UMG8900, GND, PGND and BGND share one grounding body, and ground
cables of all cabinets are jointed to one entity named equipotential system. According
to position, the ground cables of the UMG8900 are divided into several types, as shown
in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 UMG8900 ground cable types

Position Description
Ground cables of a cabinet are those from the grounding
Between a cabinet and terminal of the cabinet power distribution frame to the
the grounding system grounding copper busbar of the DC power distribution
Ground cables between cabinets are those from the
Between cabinets
grounding copper busbar of cabinet A to that of cabinet B.
Ground cables of a power distribution frame are those
from the power distribution frame to the grounding copper

Ground cables of a service frame are those from the

Between components service frame to the grounding copper busbar.
and the grounding
Ground cables of LAN Switch are those from LAN Switch
copper busbar of a
to the grounding copper busbar
Ground cables of Server are those from the Servers to the
grounding copper busbar
Ground cables of a cabinet are those from cabinet panels,
top and bottom to the grounding copper busbar

Ground cables of peripherals are those from such

Outside a cabinet peripheral as alarm boxes and work stations to the
grounding system of the equipment room.

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II. Checking and Maintaining Grounding System

Check and maintain the grounding system as follows.

1) Check if all ground cables inside a cabinet are broken, aged, eroded or burnt by
2) Check if all grounding terminals and captive screws of ground cables are loosely
fixed or eroded.
3) Check grounding conditions of all cabinet components with a multimeter. Turn the
multimeter to the resistance phase, connect a probe to a grounding point (the
cable between them can be extended if necessary), and connect the other probe
to other grounding points one by one. The resistance of each grounding point shall
be 1 ohm or so. If one grounding point has resistance much bigger than 1 ohm,
you need to check ground cables, connecting terminals and captive screws of this
grounding point as soon as possible, and take some measures.
4) Measure grounding resistance of the grounding network with a ground resistance
meter, which shall be no more than 1 ohm. For how to measure grounding
resistance, see “3.1.2 Measuring Grounding Resistance”.

III. Definitions of PGND, BGND and GND

PGND: protection grounding of the metal surface of cabinets and devices inside the
BGND: grounding of the DC power supply of a cabinet. In most cases, the positive pole
of –48 V DC power is grounded near the power cabinet.
GND: grounding of functional circuits of cabinet devices. It is a general term for digital
and analog grounding of boards and backplanes.

3.1.2 Measuring Grounding Resistance

I. Measurement Steps

Ground resistance meters are recommended to measure the grounding network of an

equipment room. The voltage pole and current pole of a ground resistance meter are
shown in Figure 3-1.

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Grounding network Measure point

Voltage Current
pole pole


Figure 3-1 Voltage and current poles of a ground resistance meter

The distance between the current pole and the grounding network edge is labeled as
d1, which is generally four or five times of the grounding network diagonal D in order to
generate a flat potential distribution section. The distance between the voltage pole and
the grounding network edge is labeled as d2, which is generally 50% to 60% of d1.
You can Move the voltage pole along the line between the grounding network and the
current pole three times, with the distance of about 5% of d1 each time. If the three
resistance values are close, the grounding network resistance is their average value.
If it is hard to make d1 4D or 5D long, you can make d1 2D long and d2 1D long in the
area with even soil resistance, and 3D and 1.7D long respectively in the area with
uneven soil resistance.

II. Notes

When measure grounding resistance, note that:

Make the current pole and voltage pole in the vertical direction of lines and
underlying metal channels.
Do not measure grounding resistance shortly after rain.

3.2 Guide for Device Dust Cleaning

3.2.1 Cleaning Air Filter Frame

An air filter frame is located at the bottom of an N68-22 cabinet, used to filter dusts and
thus provide straight way for heat dissipation and ventilation. When an air filter frame
absorbs a great amount of dust, it will degrade ventilation and heat dissipation
performance and even threaten normal running of the device.
Therefore, it is recommended to clean air filter frames once every month. The steps are
described as follows.

I. Taking out Air Filter Frame

Follow these steps to take the air filter frame.

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1) Open the front panel of an N68-22 cabinet, use a cross screwdriver to remove the
two screws at the lower side pole close to the front panel, which are used to fix the
air filter frame.
2) Hold the air filter frame panel upwards until it is beyond the screws fixing ground
cables at the cabinet bottom.
3) Pull the air filter frame slightly until it gets out of the cabinet.

II. Cleaning Air Filter Frame

Clean the air filter frame with water, wipe water from it, and dry it in breezy place.


Do not insert a wet air filter frame into a cabinet. Otherwise, water drops may go into the
cabinet with air and cause short circuits to the device.

III. Installing Air Filter Frame

Follow these steps to install the air filter frame:

1) Push the dry air filter frame into the cabinet bottom along the guide rail slightly
rather than forcefully.
2) When in position, screw the air filter frame into the side pole in the cabinet with
cross screwdrivers.

3.2.2 Cleaning Air Filter Yarn Net

An air filter yarn net is located on the inside front panel of an N68-22 cabinet, used to
filter dusts and thus provide straight way for heat dissipation and ventilation When an
air filter yarn net absorbs a great amount of dust, it will degrade ventilation and heat
dissipation performance and even threaten normal running of the device.
Therefore, it is recommended to clean air filter yarn nets once every month. The steps
are described as follows.

I. Taking out Air Filter Yarn Net

Follow these steps to take out the air filter yarn net.
1) Open the front panel of an N68-22 cabinet, and then you will find a black yarn net
(air filter yarn net) attached to the upper panel.
2) Climb up a ladder, and tear the net away the panel.

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II. Cleaning Air Filter Yarn Net

Follow these steps to clean the air filter yarn net.

1) Clean the place where the air filter yarn net is attached with neat and dry cotton
2) Clean the air filter yarn net with water, then dehydrate it with a spin-drier, and
finally dry it in a ventilated place.


Do not attach a wet air filter yarn net to a cabinet. Otherwise, water drops may go into
the cabinet with air and cause short circuits to the device.

III. Attaching Air Filter Yarn Net

Climb up a ladder, and adhere the clean and dry air filter yarn net to the original place.

3.2.3 Cleaning Dust from Fan Frame

A fan frame is located at the bottom of a service frame, working as a driver for
ventilation and air intake for the service frame. The impellers and control circuit boards
in a fan frame absorbs dust during running. A thick layer of dust will not only affect the
fan frame running, but also deteriorate the cabinet environment, and thus threaten
stable running of the device.
Therefore, it is recommended to clean dust for fan frames once every year. The steps
are described as follows.

I. Cleaning Dust from Spare Fan Frame

Remove dust from impellers and control circuit boards of a fan frame with clean cotton
yarn, antistatic soft brushes or vacuum cleaners.

II. Replacing Fan Frame

Follow these steps to replace the fan frame.

1) Open the front panel of an N68-22 cabinet, and remove the two screws fixing the
fan frame with a cross screwdriver.
2) Draw the fan frame slightly until getting it out of the service frame.
3) Install the spare fan frame to the service frame as soon as possible, and screw it
into the side pole in the service frame.

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Complete the replacement within five minutes. Otherwise, it will cause the service
frame unable to operate securely.

III. Cleaning Dust from Replaced Fan Frame

Use clean cotton yarn, antistatic soft brushes or vacuum cleaners to remove dust from
impellers and control circuit boards of a fan frame.

IV. Continuing with Other Fan Frames

Follow the above steps II and III to deal with other fan frames.

3.2.4 Cleaning Dust from Air Deflector

In an N68-22 cabinet, all service frames are equipped with air deflectors except the one
at the cabinet bottom. The air deflector is to create an unblocked ventilation and air
intake channel for its service frame. The air deflector absorbs dust during running. A
thick layer of dust will not only affect the air deflector running, but also deteriorate the
cabinet environment, and thus threaten stable running of the device.
It is recommended to fan frames once every year. The steps are described as follows.

I. Taking out Air Deflector

Follow these steps to take out the air deflector.

1) Open the front panel of an N68-22 cabinet, and remove the four screws fixing the
air deflector with a cross screwdriver.
2) Draw the air deflector slightly out of the cabinet.

II. Cleaning Dust from Air Deflector

Clean dust from the air deflector completely with clean cotton yarn, antistatic soft
brushes or vacuum cleaners.

III. Installing Air Deflector

Install the clean air deflector to the cabinet, and screw it to the side pole in the cabinet
with a cross screwdriver.

3.2.5 Cleaning Dust from Boards

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As removing boards may greatly affect service running, you are strongly recommended
to clean dust from boards at night with low traffic volume, for example, between 2:00
and 4:00 a.m.

During the device running, boards keep on absorbing dust due to cross ventilation in
the heat dissipation process. In an environment with worse air cleanness and lower
humidity, more dust is absorbed. A certain amount of dust accumulated will lower heat
dissipation efficiency of boards, thus threatening stable running of the device.
Therefore, it is recommended to clean dust for all boards once every two years. The
steps are described as follows.

I. Preparing Spare Boards

To clean dust for boards, you need to remove them from the cabinet. So the first step is
to prepare spare boards. Suppose the boards layout of a service frame is shown in
Figure 3-2.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Slot No.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 Board No.
Back C C P P C C T N N T E E 2 2 2 2
boards L L P P M M N E E N 3 3 L L L L
K K B B B B U T T U 2 2 M M M M Main control
Front T T O O T T S S
boards C C M M C C P P

0 1 2 3 0 1 Board No.

Figure 3-2 Boards layout of a service frame

The spare boards you need to prepare are MCLK, MPPB, MTCB, MCMB, MTNU,

II. Replacing Boards

When a board is taken out, you cannot clean dust from it until the spare one is in
position and runs normally. Board replacement must follow the procedures described in
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III. Cleaning Dust from Boards

There are many dust cleaning methods. No matter which one is used, you do not
damage physical and electrical characteristics of boards. Two methods are described
as follows.
With vacuum cleaner
Brush dust from board surface with a clean, dry antistatic soft brush while aligning the
dust intake of a vacuum cleaner with the brush. In this case, dust is absorbed as soon
as being brushed off.
This method features simple operation and low cost. However, it is hard to remove all
dust completely such as harmful gas adsorbed on boards surface.
With detergent
Use dedicated anhydrous, erosion-free, non-conductive and highly volatile detergent to
remove dust from boards, such as Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA).
This method is able to remove dust completely, even those harmful gases adsorbed on
boards surface. However, it features complicated operation and high cost.


Take antistatic measures in the whole operation process. For example, you have to
operate at an antistatic table, wear antistatic clothes and wrist straps.
Choose the detergent that meets the rated national regulations. Unqualified detergent
will damage boards.

IV. Re-Use Spare Boards

Due to the amount limits of spare boards, it is impossible to replace all boards with
spare boards at one time. When a spare board is replaced by the board that has been
cleaned, you can re-use the spare board for other boards.

3.2.6 Cleaning Dust from Optical Interfaces and Connectors

The A4L, P4L, P1H and E1G accommodate optical interfaces, which are connected to
the connectors on tail fibers. After a period of device running, you need to clean dust
from optical interfaces on boards and connectors on tail fibers.

I. Notes on Laser Protection

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance


The optical interfaces produce sightless infrared laser, which can cause permanent
injury to eyes.

When operating optical interfaces on boards and connectors on tail fibers, you are
recommended to wear infrared filter glasses to prevent eyes from hurt by sightless
infrared. If not wearing such glasses, do not aim eyes at optical interfaces connectors.

II. Capping Optical Interfaces and Connectors

Cover the free optical interfaces on boards and connectors on tail fibers with protective
caps. When pulling out tail fiber from an optical interface, cap the interface and the
connector on the tail fiber.
Capping them is able to:
Prevent laser from hurting eyes;
Prevent dust from dropping onto optical interfaces and connectors.

III. Cleaning Optical Interfaces and Connectors

Follow these steps to clean optical interfaces and connectors.

1) Pull out an interface board.
To pull out an interface board, remove the fibers inserted to the boards first.
It is recommended to pull out interface boards under the guide of Huawei technical
engineers to avoid damaging boards.
2) Clean with dedicated tools and materials
Use dedicated tools and materials to clean optical interfaces and connectors. You can
purchase the tools and materials from fiber suppliers.
For large-power optical interfaces and connectors, you have to use dedicated tools and
materials to clean them at any time. For small-power optical interfaces and connectors,
you can use clean, dry antistatic brushes if unable to obtain dedicated tools and


Do not the cleaning tools or materials that are not proved qualified to clean optical
connectors and interfaces.

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance

Usage of unqualified cleaning tools or materials will damage optical connectors and

Do not exchange optical interface boards at will as it mismatches the configuration.

IV. Notes on Loopback Test of Optical Interfaces

Add an attenuator when conducting loopback test on optical interfaces to prevent too
high optical power received from overload or even damage optical modules.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

4.1 System Management

Description MML commands
Copy designated data files on the OMU
Backup files BCK FILE
hard disk to a designated Server.

Copy designated tone files on the OMU

Back up tone files BKP TONEFILE
to the designated directory on the Server

Load device Load device software on the external file

software Server to the OMU hard disk.
Create a directory under a designated
directory. The name of the new directory
Create directory MD
must be different from any existing
Delete an empty directory. The directory
Delete directory RD
to be deleted must be empty.
Modify directory Modify the current directory CD
Display directory List sub-directories and files under the
structure current or a designated directory.

Delete designated files under designated

Delete files DEL
Copy files Copy files to the destination directory. CPY
Display software Display information about software
version version.

List version Display software version, hardware

information version BIOS version and patch version.

Display information about patch, such as

Display patch status patch ID, total number of patches and DSP PATCH
number of active patches.

List logs List logs of the system. LST LOG

Display host time Display the current time of the device. DSP TIME
Set host time Set host time. SET TIME
List daylight saving List the current configuration of day light
time configuration saving time.

Set daylight saving

Set daylight saving time. SET DST

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

Display usage Display usage information of the hard

information of hard disk, Including total space and free DSP DISK
disk space.

Display system
Display the current system configuration. DSP CFG

Save system
Save the current system configuration. SAVE CFG
Display information abut the users
Display information
accessing the system currently,
about login DSP OP
including user name, user ID, link No.,
terminal type and terminal IP address.

4.2 Device Management

Description MML commands
Display configuration of all or designated
Display frame frames, including frame No., frame type,
configuration cascading board No., frame name and
frame description.

Display the running status of fans, which

Display fan status DSP FANSTAT
can be on or off.
Display fan frame
Display the temperature of a fan frame. DSP FANTEM

The alarms related to fan frames are

Display alarms reported automatically. However, you
about fan frames can use this command to view those
alarms when you want.
Display temperature of designated
boards. If it is too high, temperature
Display board
alarms will be reported, and you need to DSP TEM
check the boards and take some
Display CPU occupation rate of
Display board CPU
designated boards. If it is too high, DSP CPUR
occupation rate
alarms will be reported.

Display board
Display total Flash capacity of a board. DSP FLASH
FLASH information

Display board
Display voltage of a designated board. DSP VLT

Display information Display clock status details of the CLK

about the CLK board.

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

Description MML commands
Display statistics on cells transceiving
Display ATM port
through the ports on the A4LM/A/B/C DSP PORTSTS
(back boards of the ASU).

Display E32/T32 Display work status of designated ports

port status on the E32/T32.
The alarms related to power distribution
Display alarms
frames are reported automatically.
about power DSP PWRALM
However, you can use this command to
distribution frames
view those alarms when you want

Reset boards Reset designated boards. RST BRD

Reset all boards in all frames of the
Reset system RST SYS
List environment Display environment thresholds set for
configuration of the power distribution frame, according
power distribution to which temperature, voltage and
frame humidity alarms are reported.

4.3 Media Gateway Management

Description MML commands
Activate a VMGW to enable the
registration with MGC.
Deactivate a VMGW to make it exit
Deactivate VMGW DEA VMGW
Display the information about VMGW,
Display VMGW
including work status, the MGC it DSP VMGW
registers with and so on.

Configure an MGC for a designated


Remove an MGC of a designated


List configurations List configurations of an MGC of a


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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

4.4 Signaling Protocol Management

Description MML commands
This command is used to test network
PING function PING
connectivity and network quality.

This command is to test gateways by

tracing the data packets that transport
TRACERT function from source host to the destination, and TRACERT
thus help to locate faults and check
network connectivity.

Display connection
information about Display connection information about
H.248 signaling designated H.248 signaling links.

Display status of
M3UA signaling Display status of an M3UA signaling link. DSP M3UALNK

Display status of
Display status of an M3UA signaling DSP
M3UA signaling
links according to its destination entity. M3UADLNK
Display status of
An M3UA destination entity can be
M3UA destination DSP M3UADE
congested, inaccessible or accessible.

Display M3UA
Display M3UA version No. DSP M3UAVER

Display status of DSP

Display status of M3UA SPMC/DPC.
Display running
Display running information of SCTP
information of SCTP DSP SCTPRUN
connections over M3UA links

Display basic
Display basic configuration of SCTP
configuration of DSP SCTPCON
connections over M3UA links.
SCTP connections
Display status of Display status of IUA, M2UA or V5UA
L2UA links links.
Display status of an Display status of an IUA, M2UA or V5UA
L2UA link sets link sets.
Display status of
Display work status of MTP-3b links DSP MTP3BLNK
MTP-3b links
Display status of an
Display status of an MTP-3b DSP. DSP MTP3BDPC
Display status of DSP
Display work status of MTP-3b link sets.
MTP-3b link sets MTP3BLNKS

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands

Description MML commands
Display status of
Display if an MTP-3b OSP is enabled LST OFI

Display status of an
Display if an MTP-3b route is enabled. DSP MTP3BRT
MTP-3b route

List configuration of List configuration of MTP2 signaling

MTP2 links links.

Display status of Display an MTP3 DSP is congested or

MTP3 DSP accessible.

Display status of an
Display work status of an MTP3 link. DSP N7LNK
MTP3 link

Display status of an
Display if an MTP3 route is available. DSP N7RT
MTP3 route

Display R2 Display attributes of all R2 channel

attributes associated signaling of the UMG8900.

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.1 Daily Maintenance Record

Exchange name: Date: (Month) (Day) (Year)

On-duty time: From (hh:mm) to (hh:mm) Handed over from: Taken by:
Maintenance items Status Remarks



Equipment Fire control
environment Normal
Dust proof

Theft proof

Air conditioning

Power supply to cabinet

Power supply to LAN Normal

Power supply Switch Abnormal
Power supply to Server

Power supply to service Normal

frames Abnormal

LMT running status
LMT files output

Device Normal
Board running status
running Abnormal

Board CPU occupation rate

Board temperature

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

CLK board running status

Running status of power Normal

distribution frames Abnormal

Running status of fan Normal

frames Abnormal

Running status of service Normal

frames Abnormal

Monitor on power Normal

distribution frames Abnormal

Alarm system Monitor on alarm boxes

Monitor on Alarm Normal

Management System Abnormal

Performance Statistics on host Normal

system performance Abnormal

IP bearer status

Service Normal
ATM bearer status
bearer Abnormal

TDM bearer status

M3UA links status

M2UA links status
Singling links Abnormal
R2 signaling links status

H.248 signaling links status


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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records




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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.2 Itinerant Check Record

Exchange name: Date: (Year) (Month) (Day)

Maintenance items Status Remarks personnel’s

Master/slave swap

Grounding resistance
Output of performance
statistics reports and


Optical fibers

E1 cables

Network cables
Cables Abnormal
connectio Clock
n Normal
port cables

Ground cables

Cascading Normal
cables Abnormal


ng issues

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records


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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.3 Daily Unexpected Fault Handling Record

Exchange name: Date: (Year) (Month) (Day)

Occurrence time: (hh:mm) Closure time: (hh:mm)

Person on duty: Handled by:

Fault classifications
Main control system Cascading system
Terminal system Clock system
Power supply Software running
Foreground/background communication system Transmission
Nb interface Mc interface
Iu interface A interface
PSTN interface Others
Fault sources:
Alarm system Daily maintenance

Troubleshooting process and result:

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.4 Daily Unscheduled Services Handling Record

Exchange name: Date: (Year) (Month) (Day)

Occurrence time: (hh:mm) Closure time: (hh:mm)

Person on duty:

Maintenance items Maintenance content Operation guide

Modify office data Refer to HUAWEI UMG8900
upon requests of Notifier: Universal Media Gateway
relative service Notice No.: Operation Manual-Routine
departments Operation.
Refer to related contents in
Maintain hardware
Notifier: this manual and HUAWEI
and software upon
UMG8900 Universal Media
request of relative Notice No.: Gateway Operation
service departments
Manual-Routine Operation.
Handling result:
Test upon
Complaint No.:
Complaint details:
Handling result:

5.5 Equipment Part Replacing Record

Exchange name: Date: (Year) (Month) (Day)

Replacement time: from

Replaced by: Person on duty:
(hh:mm) to (hh:mm)
Part type:
Board Power supply Board maintenance module
Fan Board power supply module Interface module
Filter box E1 cable Optical fiber
Network cable Others
Replaced part description:
(Describe the part name, type, number and so on)

Substitute part description:

(Describe the part name, type, number and so on.)

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.6 Exchange Data Modification Record

Exchange name: Date: (Month) (Day) (Year)

Modificati Time s
Modification details
on reason (hh:mm) signatur

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.7 Monthly Maintenance Record

Exchange name: Date: (Month) (Day) (Year)

Maintenance items Status personnel’s

LMT installation Done Undone

Done Undone

LMT System time Done Undone

OMU data
Done Undone
OMU hard disk
Done Undone
Cleanness and
Done Undone
Computer virus
System Done Undone
version Done Undone

Power supply
Done Undone

Cables system Done Undone

Done Undone
Cabinet Protection
Done Undone
devices system

Dust proof
Done Undone

Cabinet fans Done Undone

Done Undone

Storage Normal
environment Abnormal

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

s and



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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.8 Yearly Maintenance Record

Exchange name: Date: (Month) (Day) (Year)

Maintenance items Status personnel’s
Dust clean for
Done Undone
fan frames
Cabinet Dust clean for
Done Undone
devices air defectors
Dust clean for
Done Undone

Normal Abnorm

Normal Abnorm
Network cables

Connecti Normal Abnorm

on al

Normal Abnorm
Between racks

Normal Abnorm
Signal cables

s and



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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Chapter 5 Maintenance Records

5.9 Device Maintenance Requisition

Serial No.:

The following shall be completed by the office maintenance personnel

Equipment type Capacity

Complainant Tel Version

Complaint beyond Yes
Handling date
occurrence the
required: No
date: warranty
Faults symptoms and troubleshooting process (as detailed as possible):

Reviewed by:
Sealed by department:
The following shall be completed by persons from Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
O Telephone maintenance O Remote maintenance O On-site
Handling way

Handling result (with attachment if necessary)

O Very difficult O Difficult O Normal
Outstanding issues:

The serial No. is given by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Department refers to the department the maintenance personnel belongs to.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance Appendix A List of Acronyms and
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Abbreviations

Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 2
AC Alternating Circuit
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BAM Back Administration Module
BIOS Basic Input Output System
Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CPU Central Processing Unit
DC Direct Current
DPC Destination Point Code
DSP Destination Signaling Point
EC Echo Cancellation
EMI Electromagnetic interference
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESSD ElectroStatic Sensitive Device
FE Fast Ethernet
GE Gigabit Ethernet
IC Integrated Circuit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP Internet Protocol
IPA Isopropyl Alcohol

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Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance Appendix A List of Acronyms and
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Abbreviations

IPBCP IP Bearer Control Protocol

IUA ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation layer
IuUP Iu User Plane
L2UA Layer 2 User Adaptation Layer
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal
M2UA MTP-2b User adaptation Layer
M3UA MTP-3b User Adaptation Layer
MASU ATM AAL2/AAL5 SAR Processing Unit
MGC Media Gateway Controller
MML Man-Machine Language
MO Magneto-Optical drive
MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Transistor
MPPB Mobile Network Back Protocol Processing Unit
MTP2 Message Transfer Part Level 2
MTP3 Message Transfer Part Level 3
MTP-3b Message Transfer Part Level 3-Broadband
NM Network Management
NTP Network Time Protocol
OSP Originating Signaling Point
PC Personal Computer
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PGND Protection Ground
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PVC Permanent Virtual Channel
Q.AAL2 Q.2630 for AAL2
RH Relative Humidity

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance Appendix A List of Acronyms and
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Abbreviations

SAAL Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer
SCR Silicon Controlled Thyristor
SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SPMC Signaling Point Management Cluster
SPF Front signaling Processing Unit
SRU Shared Resource Unit
TC Transcoder
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDM Time Division Multiplex
TTL Time To Live
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
V5UA V5 User Adaptation Layer
VMGW Virtual Media Gateway

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Index


Controlled environment, 1-29

A Uncontrolled environment, 1-29
Air Cleanness, 1-13 Electromagnetic Radiation Prevention, 1-14
anti-static bag, 1-3 electrostatics, 1-15
anti-static wrist strap, 1-3 Equipment part replacing, 1-7
ESD Prevention, 1-15
B Exchange data modification, 1-8
basic rules, 1-2
BGND, 3-2 F
Board temperature thresholds, 2-6 Fire control, 2-2

Cleaning Air Filter Frame, 3-3 GND, 3-2
Cleaning Air Filter Yarn Net, 3-4 ground cable types, 3-1
Cleaning Dust from Air Deflector, 3-6 grounding system, 3-1
Cleaning Dust from Boards, 3-6
Cleaning Dust from Fan Frame, 3-5 H
Cleaning Dust from Optical Interfaces and Heat dissipation, 2-2
Connectors, 3-8 Heavey Objects Moving, 1-35
Concentration of mechanical active substance, 1-13 Human electrostatic voltage, 1-16
Humidity, 2-2
daily maintenance on alarm system, 2-8 L
daily maintenance on device running, 2-5 Lightning Proof Grounding, 1-17
daily maintenance on LMT system, 2-3
daily maintenance on performance system, 2-9 M
daily maintenance on power supply system, 2-3
Magnetic field intensity, 1-14
daily maintenance on service bearer and media
Maintenance Classifications, 1-5
resources, 2-10
Conventional maintenance, 1-5
daily maintenance on signaling links, 2-12
Daily routine maintenance, 1-6
Daily unexpected fault, 1-7
Non-conventional maintenance, 1-5
Daily unscheduled Services, 1-7
Periodic routine maintenance, 1-6
Device maintenance requisition, 1-8
Unexpected maintenance, 1-6
Maintenance Duty, 1-6
On-Duty Maintenance, 1-6
Electric field intensity, 1-14 Specialized Maintenance, 1-6
Electromagnetic environment, 1-29

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Maintenance Manual - Routine Maintenance
HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Index

Maintenance Methods, 1-3 N

Comparison, 1-3
Network Management, 1-8
Protocol Tracing, 1-4
Network Optimization, 1-9
Substitution, 1-3
performance Statistics, 1-9
System Minimizing, 1-3
Maintenance Mode, 1-1 P
Active maintenance, 1-1
PGND, 3-2
Passive Maintenance, 1-1
Maintenance Records, 1-7
Daily Maintenance Records, 1-7
Relative Humidity, 1-12
Itinerant Check Records, 1-7
Requirements for AC power supply, 1-20
Maintenance Plan, 1-7
Requirements for DC power supply, 1-22
Specialized Maintenance Records, 1-7
Requirements for mechanical stress, 1-20
Measuring Grounding Resistance, 3-2
Mechanical Safety, 1-25
Drilling, 1-26
Electrostatics, 1-27 Sensitivity to electrostatics, 1-17
High Voltage, 1-25
Incendive Environment, 1-28 T
Leakage Current, 1-28 Temperature, 1-10, 2-2
Power Cables, 1-25 Temperature Change Rate, 1-11
Power Lable, 1-28 The common tools, 2-1
Thunder Storm, 1-26
Tools, 1-26 V
Microwave and Magnetic Field, 1-28 voltage of AC communications equipments, 1-21
Minimum distance formula, 1-29
Minimum safe distance, 1-30 W
Monthly maintenance, 1-8
Working at Heights, 1-32
monthly maintenance on cabinets, 2-17
Safety Rules for Ladder, 1-32
monthly maintenance on devices, 2-16
monthly maintenance on spare parts, 2-19 Y
monthly maintenance on the LMT, 2-15
Yearly maintenance, 1-8
yearly maintenance on cabinet devices, 2-20
yearly maintenance on connection, 2-20


Huawei Technologies Proprietary


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