Emergency Freedom Alert 7-10-23 1

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Emergency Freedom Alerts--7-10-23

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: http://contendingfortruth.com/

Email: [email protected]
Or: [email protected]
Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!
New: ContendingForTruth.com Prayer Requests
Invive Mild Silver Protein Website: www.dr-johnson.com

• Table of Contents:
• Air Cleaner Recommendations: The Globalists SICK,
TWISTED Plot To Murder You With Chemical Pollution
• Polluted FOOD, polluted WORLD - What's the solution?
• New All-In-One Detox Product Dr. Johnson’s Now Carries--Biotics
Research Bio-Detox Packs—These are a Liver, Kidney, Candida/Yeast,
Lymphatic, Blood, Lung, Colon, Parasite & Chemical Cleanse--Formulated
to Support Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health, Digestive Enzymes--
Broad-Spectrum Nutritional Support Pathways
• Australia Approves Mandatory (Bill Gates) mRNA Vaccines for ALL
• Tragic: Famous Actress Dies By Assisted Suicide Following Devastating
COVID Booster Destroyed Her Life
• UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Blames Covid Jab for Blood Clot, Says Mother
DIED After Pfizer Booster
• Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming?--Action Alert!
• COVID jabs contain graphene NANOBOTS, scientists discover – and they
pass from the vaccinated to unvaccinated
• Microscopic Tech Found In Covid Vaccinated: Blood Clots DISCOVERED In
Living Patients Contain HYDROGEL
• DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune
System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being
Infected By the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a
Microscope) Proves This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is
Essential To Combat This --EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel - Heavy
Metals – Graphene Oxide
• Oral EDTA Chelation To Remove Artery Plaquing & Toxic Metals
• ++ Stroke Recovery Protocol
• Scott Johnson’s Product Line Updates
• +2+ Disney Green Lights New Show About A Girl Falling In Love With The
Devil And Being Impregnated With The Seed Of Satan - ROSEMARY'S
• More Updates and Listener Comments on Catholicism - Jim Caviezel - Mel
Gibson - The Sound of Silence and Passion of Christ Movie
• Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-5-22-Part 1--
Gullible Christians Watching The Series ‘The Chosen’ Are Being Led To
Idolatry, ‘Mother Rome’, Praying The Rosary & To The False Idol Mary–By
Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie – Plus Bible Verses….
• Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of The Passion Of The Christ
• A Human Trafficking Survivors Warning on the Sound of Freedom movie
• LA Marzulli Warning & Listener Comments
• Listener Comment: My story about the fruits/consequences of Christian
authors/ speakers like L.A. Marzulli yoking up with ungodly guests and
• Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Shroud of Turin-Biblically Debunked
• Scott Johnson’s Teaching Highlights: Listener Comment: Alex Jones says:
God Wants A Sexual Relationship With Us & Also Promotes Hypnosis—
Infowars opening pushing Transcendental Meditation – Hypnosis – Remote
Viewing – Astral Projection (Which is going out of body & what many
Witches do!)--Listener Comment: Alex Jones says that God came down as
an Avatar in Jesus Christ & Infowars is Now Promoting the Blasphemous,
New Ager, Zeitgeist Promoting Jordan Maxwell Who Says Jesus is
Lucifer!!!! You will see this is yet one more reason to read the King James
Bible--Alex Jones Blasphemy Alert–Proclaims Having your “Third Eye”
opened is wonderful and the “Third Eye” is the Holy Spirit of God!!!!!
• +3+ Jesus Christ Hating Freak David Icke Talks God, Demons and the End
of the World on the Alex Jones Show
• David Icke Lies Totally Debunked (Full Movie)
• The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Recites Blasphemous
‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are
plural’ This LGBTQ Church Is As Blasphemous As You Can Imagine
• DEMONIC INSANITY IS THE NORM NOW--This is absolutely deranged -
British Schools Are Now Allowing Students To ‘Identify As Horses,
Dinosaurs And Cats’ As They Talk ‘With Animal Noises’
• Texas public universities offering women's studies courses on witchcraft,
'worship of the devil'
• BREAKING: SHE'S IN CHINA! - Huge Move Towards BRICS! - Yellen To
• Breaking news: Russia Confirms "BRICS" To Launch Gold-Backed
• The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America
• Most Americans are distracted easily by this shiny object called the
Presidential race!
• Millions Of Americans Are Relocating Just Prior To The Great Chaos That
Is Coming
• New UN Fact-Checking System Called "iVerify" Will Crackdown On
• Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport goes full dystopian, using
digital facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s wicked prophecy
that humans will be digitized and many nations will adopt China’s ‘very
attractive model’ for 24/7 surveillance
• WHO announces launch of "digital health certification network" that will
enslave humanity
• United Nations Taking Over EU Covid Certificate Program July 1

++ In 1981 William Casey (CIA Director)

Told the Newly Elected President Ronald

Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no

fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all
things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth
make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise
from the dead, and Christ shall give thee
light. See then that ye walk
circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days
are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary
defines: “Reprove”: To blame, to convince of a fault, or to make it manifest, to
excite a sense of guilt.“Circumspectly”: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way;
with attention to guard against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Psalm 101:3: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them
that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 11:5: The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth
violence his soul hateth.
1 Cor 15:33: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Lexicon Strong's G3657--Outline of Biblical Usage of the Word:
“Communications”: companionship, communion
“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen
on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to
spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from
liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to
complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from
dependency back to bondage.” Alexander Fraser Tytler


Father God in heaven, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we come against & oppose
all satanic operations, manipulations, subversions, tactics and plans which are designed
to hinder, prevent or frustrate God’s original plans and purposes from their swift
manifestation taking place in their correct time and season. (Daniel 7:25) We come
against all satanic alliances and confederations worldwide. Let every evil effort
and endeavor fail. Cause the news media to be caught in their own lying and
manipulation so that only the truth is brought forth. (Nehemiah 4:7-8; Esther 3:1-
9:32; Job 5:12-14; Psalm 83:5; 2 Chronicles 20:35) 2. We ask that every satanic
strategy of prohibition and limitation placed upon the Body of Christ (by the dark side),
shall not prevail. We pray that all invisible and visible walls of opposition, restriction and
delay will be exposed and destroyed. (Colossians 1:16; Joshua 6:1) Oh Lord
confound the devices and the wicked plans of the enemy that they have crafted,
so that their hands are not able to perform their evil enterprise. Save those that
can be saved O’ Lord, but those that cannot be saved; overtake them in their own
crafty and devious ways; let them fall into their own pits that they have dug for the
righteous, let the Fire of God devour them, let them turn on and consume one
another and have them in total confusion & derision. (Psalm 35:4; 50:3, 55:9; 70:2;
83:17; John 8:32). We loose the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of
darkness and bring an end to all deceptive, secretive and destructive measures
designed destroy all of God’s creation and defile the world. According to 1 John
3:8 for this reason, was the Son of God made manifest, that He would destroy the works
of the enemy. (John 2:15-17; Acts 16:16-19) Father God overrule all strategies, tactics
and curses of the enemy by the power of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood; &
overthrow all spoken words, enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, vexes,
curses, witchcraft prayers and every idle word spoken contrary to God’s original
plans and purposes according to Isaiah 54:17, & break the curses associated with
all these ceremonies, rituals, utterances, and destroy their plans to bring about a chaotic
bloody revolution in worldwide & to usher in Martial Law and the New World Order.
Father God, we pray their plans shall be uncovered and not prevail & shall be frustrated
and unable to achieve any impact & that their wickedness and violent verbal dealings
would return upon their own heads, according to Psalm 7:16.
FATHER GOD, WE HUMBLY ASK YOU TO: Reveal every hidden agenda, plan and
cover-up in the secret shadow government regarding their attempts to manipulate end
time events which would lead to the destruction of Your Christians & the innocent.
(Isaiah 44:25; 2 Timothy 3:8) Please send divine, powerful angelic forces against their
diabolical plans to expose & destroy them. We dispatch legions of warring angels
(and any other kinds of angel’s necessary) to enforce Your perfect will on the
United States of America and on all the earth. (Joshua 5:13-14; Psalm 103:20-22;
Colossians 2:14, 15; Ezekiel 9:9-11) Release your divine strategies and revelations
upon any righteous person in government, worldwide. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit
and cause Your divine wisdom & courage to come upon them. (James 1:5) Cause
them to be like a holy trumpet shedding light upon the dark hidden secrets of the
wicked. Send a spirit of confusion amongst the camp of the enemy. Let their tongues
be divided & when they communicate let it be incoherent and misunderstood. (1 Samuel
10:27) Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial (and all other
wicked spirits) and cause them to be caught in their own lies and conspiracies.
Let them not be able to resist the Spirit of Truth or gain any ground in the natural
or spiritual realm. Cause every evil spirit that is released from their diabolical
assignments to be cast into the abyss, until which time they then be cast into the
PLACE.. (Psalm 110:1; 1 Kings 19:1-5; 21:1-16) Please cause these prayers and all
future prayers to take on the characteristics of divine projectiles in the realm of the spirit,
so that they will accomplish your divine will. (Psalm 57:4) WE SEAL THIS PRAYER BY

From: Patricia
Sent: Saturday, July 8, 2023 9:53 PM
To: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
…So we are getting the smoke here in PA, it does not smell like burning wood, it
has a bad chemical smell. It is pretty clear where I live and I work, but it is thicker
near Erie and I understand there are times you can't see through it.
Play from 3:03 to 5:40 & from 8:35 to 13:57:
Benzene exposure results in cell malfunctioning. It harms the immune system by
altering antibody levels in the blood and triggering the loss of white blood cells..
Everything you need to know about Benzene Exposure
What happens if you are exposed to high levels of benzene?
• The major effect of benzene from long-term exposure is on the blood.
(Long-term exposure means exposure of a year or more.) Benzene causes
harmful effects on the bone marrow and can cause a decrease in red blood
cells, leading to anemia. It can also cause excessive bleeding and can
affect the immune system, increasing the chance for infection.
CDC | Facts About Benzene - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
According to the National Cancer Institute, when formaldehyde is present in the
air at levels higher than 0.1 parts per million (ppm), some people can experience
side effects, such as:
• Watery eyes
• Burning in the eyes, nose, or throat
• Coughing
• Wheezing
• Nausea
• Skin irritation
Based on the existing evidence, some national and international agencies have
concluded the health risks of formaldehyde, which include:
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) labels formaldehyde as a
“probable human carcinogen.”7 A carcinogen is a cancer-causing
• The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)…, lists
formaldehyde as “carcinogenic to humans.”8
• The National Toxicology Program (NTP)… says formaldehyde is “known to
be a human carcinogen.”9

Air Cleaner Recommendations: The Globalists SICK, TWISTED Plot To Murder

You With Chemical Pollution
Play: https://rumble.com/v1qdk4v-horror-the-globalists-sick-twisted-plot-to-murder-you-
Demo Video: https://thetriadaer.com/demo/
ROOT University | Triad Aer Creator on the Science behind its revolutionary
FAQ: https://thetriadaer.com/faq/
To order: https://thetriadaer.com/product-category/air-purifiers/
Use Code STEW for 10% off<<Note Scott Johnson has no financial gain from any
of these orders

Polluted FOOD, polluted WORLD - What's the solution?

Play: https://www.brighteon.com/9c7e0e2a-bb33-4d2f-bf0b-d6c041455f31
New All-In-One Detox Product Dr. Johnson’s Now Carries--Biotics Research Bio-
Detox Packs—These are a Liver, Kidney, Candida/Yeast, Lymphatic, Blood, Lung,
Colon, Parasite & Chemical Cleanse--Formulated to Support Digestive and
Gastrointestinal Health, Digestive Enzymes--Broad-Spectrum Nutritional Support
30 Packs--Can do a 10, 15 or 30 day Detox--1-3 packs a day till finished
++ Note: The links above & below are there for informational purposes only, for
more information or for how to order contact Dr. Johnson at:
[email protected]
135.00 on Amazon -- Dr. Johnson’s Price: 122.00
Nutritional-Detoxification/dp/B07FX4V5F4 5 out of 5 star rating

Dr. Johnson’s Recommendations:

++AquaHomeGroup 15 Stage Shower Filter - High Output Shower Water Filter to
Remove Chlorine and Fluoride - 2 Cartridges Included -Consistent Water Flow
Showerhead Filter
++ Spring Water from the source that has been tested yearly
++ Fluoride Detoxification, see: Natural News: 5 Ways to detox Fluoride: Iodine,
Tamarind, Liver Cleansing, Boron & Dry Saunas-- Also see: Worried About
Fluoride Exposure? Protect Yourself with Selenium

From: caroline
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2023 10:21 PM
To: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
Subject: re: Listener Comment Regarding Berkey Water Filters Warning
…I have been using the Berkey water system for quite a few years now; partially,
because of Mike Adams’ recommendations from his lab. I recommended it to a
friend of mine, who lives on a ranch with a very poor well on it. She purchased
the system and a few months later, she came across the article that I’m listing
below. What do you think? Are the Berkey’s okay? It seems like this person’s
research is valid.
Are Berkey Water Filters Unsafe? - Truth About Fluoride
++Reply--From: [email protected]: Caroline: I finally looked at this and I
cannot refute it. I think he has really went above and beyond to check this matter

++Now when it comes to water filter pitchers, the ONLY company that clearly
states it does NOT use aluminum in their filter AND can remove fluoride is Clearly
Filtered (link to their website) 98% removal!! .
All other water filter pitcher brands either use aluminum or can not remove
fluoride. While the only problem with Clearly Filtered, is that they’re often sold
While the other two filters I recommend that will give you peace of mind are
reverse osmosis and distillers. And if you’re having trouble deciding which one is
best for you, take a look at my guide at water filters that remove fluoride (link to
guide). All 3 are great options!
UPDATE: Ever since publishing this article I’ve been looking for filters that would
replace the Berkey as an official recommendation. This has included testing
various brands like AquaTru, RKIN, and Waterdrop. So to find out the latest
development, check out the water filters guide mentioned above.
From: John
Subject: Water filters
Hello Dr. Scott, I'm listening to your current teaching about water filters. I use a
water filter from Clearly Filtered and have been for a couple years. They claim it
filters 90% of the fluoride from the water as well as almost everything else. They
say you need to replace the filter only when it becomes clogged, which for me is
about every 6 months.
Just in case you're interested. Thanks, John

Australia Approves Mandatory (Bill Gates) mRNA Vaccines for ALL Agriculture
Australia has announced plans to inject Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccines into all
livestock destined for people’s dinner plates.
According to reports, the Australian government plans to make the vaccine
rollout mandatory for all animals, regardless of whether cattle farmers agree or
On May 2, 2023, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) announced funding for a
project to ‘test mRNA vaccines that can be rapidly mass-produced in Australia in
the event of a lumpy skin disease or other exotic disease outbreak’.
Tragic: Actress Dies By Assisted Suicide Following Devastating COVID Booster
Destroyed Her Life
Katarina Pavelek, who was known for her work on Fox Sports Live as well as her
roles in The Mindy Project (2012), and Marry Me (2014) had received the COVID
booster about a year ago, but experienced significant health problems shortly
after receiving the experimental injection.
Soon after taking the shot, 41-year-old Pavelek was diagnosed with myalgic
encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a complex incurable
neurological illness that affects daily life.
“At times, this condition may confine people to their beds. ME/CFS can worsen if
individuals with this illness overwork themselves. The model was also suspected
to have respiratory ALS, a neurodegenerative disorder that weakens the muscles
involved in breathing and swallowing,” Evie Magazine reported.
Pavelek made a disturbing announcement June 1 on Instagram: she had decided
to end her own life because she could no longer bear living with her vaccine-
induced illness.

UFC Fighter Anthony Smith Blames Covid Jab for Blood Clot, Says Mother DIED
After Pfizer Booster
UFC light heavyweight fighter Anthony “Lionheart” Smith attributed a blood clot
he developed to the experimental Covid-19 jab, and suspects Pfizer’s Covid jab
was responsible for his mother’s untimely death.
Joining the “Believe You Me” podcast hosted by former UFC middleweight
champion Michael Bisping on Monday, Smith recounted how his “fairly healthy”
mother went into a coma shortly after receiving a booster jab.
“So, you know, when my mom passed… she got sick immediately after getting
her booster, but she’s fairly healthy, but she got sick immediately after that,”
Smith said. “So she got her booster and was in a coma in like 2 weeks…”
Smith went on to explain shortly thereafter Pfizer announced there was a stroke
risk for older Covid jab recipients, making him suspect a potential link to his
mother’s death.
Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming?--Action Alert!
We debated GMOs for years, why aren’t we debating the latest bioengineering
tech: mRNA?
Are you ready for the total transformation of our food supply? There are dozens
of veterinary vaccines (and human vaccines, for that matter) in production
utilizing the new mRNA technology that underpinned the COVID vaccines. This
new technology is entering our food supply under the cover of darkness—
granted by censorship imposed during the COVID era that power brokers seem
intent on keeping in place.
What’s often not appreciated is how fundamentally different these vaccines are
from previous vaccines. They rely on synthetic biology, essentially blurring the
line between biology and technology. This blurring is one of the characteristics
World Economic Forum founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab, relates to his
dystopian concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes gene-
edited humans or ‘designer beings’.
There are major questions about the long-term consequences of using mRNA
technology given its novelty, both for food animals and for humans. Yet there
isn’t even a semblance of a public debate about how to move forward or the need
for transparency of supply chains including foodstuffs derived from animals
treated with mRNA vaccines. This needs to change, especially as mRNA vaccines
may well become a mainstay in human and veterinary medicine.
The coming use of mRNA vaccines in livestock presents a massive issue
pertaining to our right to know what is in our food. The use of mRNA vaccines in
humans is of course another massive public health issue that we’ve written about
a number of times over the last three years, such as here and here. It was with a
similar sense of humility and caution in the face of this new vaccine technology
that we issued a joint call with our colleagues at the Alliance for Natural Health
International to protect autoimmune patients from compulsory COVID
vaccination. Action Alert!

COVID jabs contain graphene NANOBOTS, scientists discover – and they pass
from the vaccinated to unvaccinated
May 31, 2023 (Natural News) The true nefarious purpose behind Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” extends far beyond just mass depopulation of
the world.
The injections are laced with microscopic graphene oxide “nanobots” that alter
natural human biology in ways that we are only just beginning to discover and
Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional lattice
structure, is remarkably powerful in terms of amalgamating the human frame with
synthetic, man-made components.
(Related: Check out our earlier coverage about the strange “artifacts” being
found in the blood of people who got jabbed.)
It appears as though the goal with these graphene nanobots is to transform, or
transition, all human beings into human-hybrid robots controlled by 5G wireless
As crazy as it might sound, the powers that be seem to be building a worldwide
network of 5G nodes that, once activated in conjunction with whatever software
is uploaded to the 5G nanobots hiding inside the “fully vaccinated,” will give
them absolute power over the masses.
“One concerning aspect of graphene nanobots lies in their potential for
infiltration and manipulation. As they navigate through our bloodstream, these
microscopic agents have the capacity to interact with our cells, tissues, and even
our DNA. The prospect of intentional manipulation or unintended side effects
raise alarms about the invasion of our bodily autonomy and the potential for
irreversible harm.” reports The Exposé.
Even if you avoided the jabs, you might still have graphene nanobots in your
body from “shedding”
Everything that is now coming to light about graphene nanobots is more than
likely just the tip of the iceberg. We may never fully know what the plan for them
is until it is actually executed, at which point it will already be far too late to
reverse course.
“The possibility of surreptitious surveillance, tracking, or alteration of our
physical and cognitive functions becomes a disconcerting reality,” The Exposé
“As these nanobots become more integrated into our daily lives, the line between
human agency and technological control blurs, giving rise to a dystopian world
where our very essence is manipulated and exploited.”
Identifying the entity or entities behind these graphene nanobots, as well as their
full intentions, remains a challenge because of the secrecy surrounding their
origins. Both sides of the political aisle seem to be playing their part in deploying
them, with the Trump administration having unleashed them via the PREP Act
and Operation Warp Speed, followed by the Biden regime grabbing the baton and
forcing them on the public.
COVID has since been exposed as a scam, along with the injections, but it no
longer matters because a majority of the country already got jabbed – and the
rest who remain unjabbed are now being “shed” on by the jabbed, infecting them
with graphene nanobots as well.
In time, every person on earth will have these foreign objects swimming in their
bloodstreams, jabbed or not. Once that process is complete, it is anyone’s guess
how severe the dystopian fallout will be.
“One of the most horrifying aspects of graphene nanobots is their ability to
manipulate and control our bodily functions,” reports warn.
“Imagine a scenario where these insidious agents override our natural systems,
dictating our thoughts, emotions, and physical actions. Our autonomy is stripped
away, we become mere puppets in the hands of these malevolent forces. The
prospect of a dystopian world where our every move is orchestrated by these
silent destroyers is a chilling thought indeed.”
What will become of the world over the next few years as the “fully vaccinated”
fully transition into human-hybrid robots? Find out more at

Microscopic Tech Found In Covid Vaccinated: Blood Clots DISCOVERED In

Living Patients Contain HYDROGEL
Play to 11:45: https://rumble.com/v2roea4-microscopic-tech-found-in-vaccinated-
DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune
System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By
the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves
This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This --
EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel - Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide
Play: https://rumble.com/v2bigpi-death-jab-recipients-are-walking-dead-vax-

Oral EDTA Chelation To Remove Artery Plaquing & Toxic Metals

Dr. Johnson’s Comment: A Doppler ultrasound of the carotids is the best, most
cost-effective way to confirm if you have plauqing of the arteries. Lifeline
Screenings are a nationwide service that can provide these at a very low cost, go
to: www.lifelinescreening.com
This is a good version of EDTA if you cannot do the IV chelation, but these are
Medicardium: Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA Chelation
How Does EDTA Chelation Work?
IV EDTA Chelation
EDTA Chelation Suppositories Reviews
The Doctor in the interview above recommended a EDTA chelation skin cream:
KelaCream EDTA Heavy Metal Detox Cream
^^About this item
• Kelacream is a topical cream which delivers Calcium Disodium EDTA into
the body transdermally.
• Kelacream will help remove the bad heavy metals like lead but will also
help to remove good minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium
and so on.
• Be sure to replenish your minerals with a good multi-mineral supplement
when using Kelacream.
Question: How are we to know if we are actually becoming rid of toxic heavy
metals? Does your urine show color or scent?
The best ways to determine effectiveness are 1) improvement in symptoms (if
you're experiencing any), and 2) a before, during and after heavy metal test such
as a urine or hair analysis. Also, if one is using Kelacream to help improve artery
health, before and after testing can be done such as ultrasound or other non-
invasive tests to determine effectiveness.
Comment--C. Silver
5.0 out of 5 stars This products works, Heart Patients!
Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2019
Verified Purchase
More than 20 years ago, my Cardiologist gave me 6 months to live if I didn't have
another (3rd!) extremely expensive, extremely painful quadruple bypass surgery!
That was only 2 years after he did the last one! I fired him on the spot and sought
alternatives, finding (by the Grace of God) the therapy known as Chelation
Therapy. It works. I have had more than 360 IVs over the past 20+ years and have
continued to work, exercise, play and even resumed my SCCA Racing hobby
(winning a Regional Championship) without surgery! Now, after so many IVs, my
veins have become very sensitive and I have needed to seek a new alternative. I
tried oral chelation for almost a year with reasonable results, then switched to
KelaCream after reading the reviews (and upon a recommendation by my Nurse
Practitioner). This stuff works. You can actually smell metal being removed with
your urine after the first couple of applications. Don't skimp, follow the
instructions. It's a little costly at $80/month but a lot less costly than (and
certainly not painful like) bypass surgery! I say bypass the bypass (and the
stents) and take control of your own life and your health. I believe KelaCream will
help you do that!
Also here is a whole book on this subject: Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting
yourself from Lead, Mercury, & Other Environmental Toxins
++ Regarding the oral EDTA, once a day, if you let ¼ tsp to ½ tsp of oral EDTA sit
under the tongue for 5-20 minutes (with 5-7 drops of 99% pharmaceutical grade
DMSO—see below) before swallowing, it will have a much higher absorption rate.
A little organic peppermint oil can kill the taste. This process (depending on your
plaque level) takes a lot of time to work with the oral EDTA route, but it can be a
literal lifesaver and it much cheaper than IV Chelation which is the Gold Standard
and also highly recommended if you can afford it.
To Purchase Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO (which is the only kind anyone should
be using) go to:
++For the money this is an excellent value on EDTA:
++This kind of chelation will not remove calcium from your system but it will
remove other heavy metals and trace minerals (so again being on a good trace
mineral product while on any kind of chelation program is essential) but if you
have calcium buildup due to artery plauqing this will not remove that calcium
++ If you wanting to know if you have calcium buildup in the arteries or are
getting chest pains and want to see if it may be calcium build up in the arteries
and heart valves; phosphorus directly competes with calcium in the body and can
will chelate excess calcium out of the body. This can also help with tartar buildup
on the teeth and arthritic
calcium spur formation in the body.
++ Note: The links to these products below are there for purely informational
purposes only, to order contact Dr. Johnson at: [email protected]
In this case take: Super Phosphozyme Liquid™ (2 oz) 2 full dropper twice a day in
juice taken on an empty stomach or Super Phosphozyme™ (90 T) 3 tablets twice
a day taken on an empty stomach ++Prolonged use will deplete your calcium
stores so remember this is a balancing act. You can do this for a few weeks and
then take a few weeks break if you like.
++ Dr. Johnson Comment: Lastly any form of chelation will remove trace minerals
from your body, so it is important to take some extra trace minerals once you
have been on the EDTA for any length of time. This is an excellent one I carry:
Multi-Mins™ (Potent Mineral Combination)(120ct) & (360ct)
++Dr Johnson does not carry any form of EDTA chelation, but he does carry the
other products mentioned.
For more information or to order contact: [email protected]

From: chrislcox@
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:13 PM
To: 'Scott Johnson'
Subject: RE: Hi Dr J!
I started back on the EDTA a couple of weeks ago and man I must have had some
metals in my blood or something because my feet kept feeling heavy and tingly
and I was almost concerned there was some onset diabetes or something. But I
read somewhere else that someone having those same issues found out they had
metals in their body and used the EDTA to clear it up. It sure is. My real heavy
legs and feet with tingling and numbness has been clearing up extremely fast. It’s
only barely there in the tips of my toes now but it’s a good tingle now like when
your leg falls asleep, you can’t feel it at all, then severe pain when you touch it,
then the nice finishing tingle. That’s where I’m at now so I’m thinking that I may
have had that same issue and sure am glad I already ordered this stuff a while
back. Now that I can see real clear how well it works, I’m going to be more diligent
about using it more regularly. I needed it for my arteries anyways, so in a way I’m
glad I had a real fast need to start using it again. I had pretty much forgot about it
after I used it on and off a month or so a year ago. Thanks again!

++NAC (Helps to get the metals and graphene oxide in the jabs out of the body)
Pure Encapsulations NAC 900 Mg. 120 capsules $45.00
++Fulvic Acid (Helps to get the magnetic metals in the jabs out of the body)
Chinese Researchers Discover A key (Fulvic Acid) in Graphene Oxide Detox
Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Fulvic Acid with ConcenTrace 2 oz. 20.00

++ Stroke Recovery Protocol

++ Note: The links to these products below are there for purely informational
purposes only, to order contact Dr. Johnson at: [email protected]
VasculoSirt 5 with meals or 15 a day
Cytozyme-B (Brain) (60ct) 1 with meals or 3 a day
Davinci Labs NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 capsules 1 taken on an empty stomach 3
times a day. ++Note you cannot take this product with any blood thinner
medications as it will thin the blood too much.
Intenzyme Forte™ (100 T) 5 tablets taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day—
Take with the Nattokinase
++ If the stroke was due to a weakened blood vessel that was compromised add
in: Bio-FCTS (90 C) 1 with meals or 3 a day
++ If the stroke was due to plauqing of the arteries EDTA chelation needs to be
taken until the arteries are clear (See the report below):
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: A Doppler ultrasound of the carotids is the best, most
cost effective way to confirm if you have plauqing of the arteries. Lifeline
Screenings are a nationwide service that can provide these at a very low cost, go to:

Scott Johnson’s Product Line Updates

++The Science Behind Ahiflower--Studies show that Ahiflower can naturally balance and deliver
all the body’s needs for essential fatty acids. Furthermore, two published human clinical trials and
supporting science sets Ahiflower apart as an arguably superior alternative to fish, flax, and
algae oils. A perfect complete and balanced daily omega.
++ What is Ahiflower? Ahiflower is a naturally wild plant that was discovered growing in a
hedgerow in the UK countryside. Each Ahiflower bloom produces up to four seeds. These seeds
are freshly expeller-pressed to produce a complete and balanced omega-rich oil with a higher
quality and higher quantity of omegas than any other seed oil ever discovered.
++ BETTER THAN FISH, FLAX, CHIA OR HEMP OILS: A human clinical trial found that
Ahiflower has up to 400% greater EPA conversion rate than flaxseed oil, the #1 selling plant-
based Omega 3. Overall, Ahiflower has a higher EPA value than flax, chia or hemp oil.* Ahiflower
Oil is complete Omega 3, 6, 9, that has an optimal 4:1 ratio of Omega 3:6.
++ On Par with fish oil to quench inflammation
which is not present in Algae, Flax, Chia or Fish
++ Ahiflower Oil Also Converts to DHA
++ MORE PRACTICAL THAN FISH OIL: Fish populations in our oceans have dropped by 50%
and some commercial fish stocks have fallen by almost 75% since 1970 caused by over-fishing
according to WWF. Ahiflower Oil is a sustainably harvested Non-GMO land-based crop grown in
the UK. Not only has the fish oil industry contributed largely to overfishing, depleting wild stocks
and threatening marine ecosystems worldwide, many of the fish species used in supplements are
contaminated by pollution, and have become a concentrated source of toxins including PCBs and
heavy metals. In addition, the process of extracting oils from fish may not be as clean and simple
as extraction from plant-based sources. Patients who are concerned with toxic exposures and
environmental health, as well as those who choose vegan lifestyles or have difficulty tolerating the
taste of fish, present problems to practitioners
seeking to offer the extraordinary benefits of essential fatty acids.
++$29.00 PER 4OZ BOTTLE For more information or to order contact:
[email protected]
At Medix our main focus is to bring health and wellness to the world with our
revolutionary plant based nano technology using regulatory peptides to assist
the body in re-establishing cellular communication and activating adult stem
cells, which control the repair mechanism of the body. ProtoMedix uses proprietary
nanotechnology applications that work at the molecular level. The active ingredients are
delivered in ultra low dosages (ULD), so there are no side effects or allergic
reactions. Although the active ingredients are nano in size, they are super powerful at
manipulating the correct atoms at the very smallest levels of life. Regulatory Protein-
based Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology targets the gland, organ or tissue creating
cellular communication for optimum glandular function. The damaged cells/tissues are
replaced and removed from the body.
Most of today's commercial applications deliver large doses of chemicals to bad cells in
the hopes they will drown the problem. We provide nanotechnology applications that:
- Repair cellular communications at the molecular level.
- Work at the building block level of life.
- Are powerful, but harmless ingredients delivered in ultra-low dosages (ULD).
- Have no side effects or allergic reactions.
- Activate the repair mechanism of the body so it can repair itself.
- Is changing the world's health industry with proprietary nanotechnology. Unlike most
products designed to just make you FEEL better, our formulations don't just treat the
symptoms, they allow your body to regulate and address the cause...SO YOU CAN
Note: The links below are not for ordering, but for informational purposes only.
To order contact: [email protected]
++Also, all these are 30ml bottles and there are 462 drops per 30ml bottle, so if
you were doing the max dosage per day of 20 drops, each bottle would be
roughly a 23-day supply.
Dosing: 1-20 drops a day empty stomach. Mix in 2 oz of purified water and take away
from food or supplements. Hold each dose in the mouth for at least one 20 seconds,
swish and swallow. Can take up to 4 products at a time but take them at least 5-10
minutes (20 minutes is ideal) apart for best results- do not combine them
together. We recommend that you start with 5 to 7 drops and increase a few drops
daily to the full dose of 20 drops per day. Can start at full dosage. For optimal results
wait for 30 minutes before consuming food or other products. Keep bottles at
room temperature. It is highly recommended to give each product at least 3
months to work as it takes time for adult stem cells to activate and rejuvenate.
++For children under 100lbs use ½ dose and can also be used on animals.
These products contain regulatory peptides obtained from natural sources using
Nanotechnology which reestablishes cellular communication and activates adult stem
cells. These preparations are nontoxic and do not have allergic responses in long term
applications. These are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease,
only to support the body’s natural processes. These statements have not been
evaluated by the FDA.

All Products are $50.00 each

ML-08 KDN Kidney and detoxification Medix 30 ML
ML-18 ONC Cellular Degeneration Medix 30 ML
ML-19 THYR Thyroid Medix 30 ML
ML-23 ADR Adrenal Medix 30 ML
ML-20 GB Gallbladder Medix 30 ML
ML-26 BLDR Bladder Medix 30 ML
ML-22 LGI Intestinal Tract and Digestion Medix 30 ML
ML-24 HYP Hypothalamus Medix 30 ML
ML-25 PIT Pituitary Medix 30 ML
ML-16 PROST Prostate Medix 30 ML
ML-28 Pineal Medix 30 ML
ML-06 SPL Spleen and Immune Medix 30 ML
ML-10 CNSN Peripheral Nervous System Medix 30 ML
ML-14 FEM Female Hormone Balance Medix 30 ML
ML-60 OPTIWEIGHT (hypothalamus and hunger) Medix 30 ML
ML-15 OST Skeletal/Bone Medix 30 ML
ML-01 CNT Connective Tissues Medix 30 ML
ML-05 LVR Liver and detoxification Medix 30 ML
ML-27 SC Blood Sugar Medix 30 ML
ML-17 LNG Lungs/Bronchi Medix 30 ML
ML-09 CNSE Central nervous system Medix 30 ML
ML-07 PANC Pancreas and digestion Medix 30 ML
ML-70 ENDO Endocrine Balance Medix 30 ML
ML-03 THYM Immune system and thymus gland Medix 30 ML
ML-12 HRT Heart and Cardiovascular Medix 30 ML
ML-02 BLD Blood Vascular and oxygenation Medix 30 ML
ML-04 IMN Immune System Medix 30 ML
ML-21 BRST Breast Medix 30 ML

+2+ Disney Green Lights New Show About A Girl Falling In Love With The Devil
And Being Impregnated With The Seed Of Satan - ROSEMARY'S BABY 2023
May 30, 2023 The family-friendly entertainment organization MovieGuide is
sounding the alarm about a new campaign against an upcoming Disney+ that
features a teenage girl’s love affair with Satan.
The streaming platform has given the green light to start production on a new
German original series titled Pauline. According to Deadline, the series follows an
18-year-old girl becomes pregnant after a one-night stand with the devil.
The series’ creators, who are behind Netflix’s “How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast),”
say the project is “very close” to their hearts.
“For a long time, the series has been and still remains a project very close to our
hearts,” Philipp Käßbohrer and Matthias Murmann said. “We’re thrilled that
Disney+ loves this coming-of-age story as much as we do and that we’ve now
been able to begin filming with such an amazing cast and crew.”
Increasingly Disney’s “coming-of-age” films have been out of touch with what
parents want their kids to watch. They often push content with themes around
witchcraft, sex, and violence.
Last year, the company lost over $100 million each for their animated
movies, “Light Year” and “Strange World,” which depicted same-sex
relationships on screen.
Movieguide chairman and founder Ted Baehr, is calling on parents to petition
Disney+ to stop the release of “Pauline” on the platform.
“We can’t let this twisted and disturbing content corrupt our children’s values
and beliefs,” he shared.
“Let me be clear. Pauline is not just another piece of entertainment,” Baehr
added. “Horrifically, this series even portrays Satan as a romantic partner! By
normalizing and promoting such a relationship, Pauline sends a dangerous
message to young viewers that associating with demons, Satan, and evil is
acceptable and even desirable!”
Baehr said MovieGuide is partnering with Citizen-go to stop the series from
premiering on Disney+.
“If released, there will be millions of young viewers who may perceive this twisted
and disturbing story as desirable and exciting,” Baehr warned. “The show’s
attempt to normalize and even promote demonic association is a blatant attempt
to blur the lines of morality and make evil desirable.”

More Updates and Listener Comments on Catholicism - Jim Caviezel - Mel Gibson
- The Sound of Silence and Passion of Christ Movie
On Tue, Jul 4, 2023, at 11:36 AM, Mary wrote:
Dear Scott, I've followed you for a long time. But I'm getting to where I too have to glean
from your podcasts like you say you do from others so many times. And it is
disappointing and sad to me. I don't take any pleasure in saying this.
I am a former Roman Catholic….
My point is, theologically yes. You are correct about Catholicism. I have lived it and
battle it. I've been shunned by ALL family because I dared to tell them the truth.
But to tear down anyone exposing child trafficking and all the demonic horrors
that come with it because they don't believe like you is wrong.
What's more sad. Is Jim Caveziel just might win many to Catholicism because
he's standing up where the born-again remnant won't. That should bring
conviction, not criticism.
I personally know quite of few adults who survived satanic abuses and most are turned
off by the church because they are silent.
I'm so sorry. I believe you are sincere and a good man. But I just don't agree.
From: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
To: Mary
Subject:Re: Jim Caveziel
Date: Tuesday, July 04, 2023 2:16 PM
Mary: So what is sounds like you are saying is I should have issued zero warning about
Jim C. (being a devout Catholic and his extreme devotion the to the false Mary AKA the
pagan Queen of Heaven) and all that is associated with this subject, like the Mormon
brothers who own the production company for these movies and Glenn Beck (another
Mormon who is a total devil) who mans the main charity associated this (the Nazarene
Fund). Your right as a watchman I should ignore all that and not give my listeners
heads up and just let them think this all totally Biblical. A little leaven leaveneth
the whole lump Mary. I said in my audio that I was not saying Jim was a bad person
(only God knows our hearts), but at the same time I could not just ignore all the red
flags associated with this. This is what I do as a watchmen, I warn; & yes you are right
when you say: “Jim Caveziel just might win many to Catholicism” and that is why I
had to issue this warning about this whole thing, as I would not want to refer
people to this movie (and the men who produced this) and have people convert to
Catholicism because I issued no warning about what they may be getting into.
Scott Johnson
[email protected]
----- Original message -----
From: Mary
To: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 9:19 AM
Scott, I did not say you shouldn't have warned about Catholicism. You do all the time
and have much in your archives as well.
I'm saying that is the thing you zeroed in on about Caveziel and his new movie
exposing pedophilia and child trafficking.
Millions watched that movie. Millions are just now learning that child trafficking
even exists. And at the end of the movie he tells viewers that the US is #1 in child
trafficking and #1 as consumers of child porn.
The UN is pushing hard to remove the age of consent and for pedo rights.
California and other states are already pushing hard to remove children from
good parents. It's also a big reason our border is open.
To me. It is an indictment against the church as a whole when a Catholic is the
one standing up about this. And Caveziel has addressed the crimes within the
Catholic church against children. In interviews he's speaking on organ harvesting
and acknowledges Ukraine is involved. He speaks on Adrenachrome.
No one else will touch it. The Pope will not and Caveziel condemns him for it.
Caveziel is also starting to condemn other things going on inside the Catholic
church. I for one believe we need to pray for this man.
…Yeah. Everyone knows about Caveziels movie. You could have made a side
note for people to remember Catholicism is false and to pray for the man. To pray
for all Catholics.
Someone prayed for me. And I thank God.
----- Original message -----
From: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
To: Mary
Subject: Re:
Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 3:28 PM
But Mary you know that this whole child trafficking is about at the top of why I
what I do. Increasingly I have been talking about this. Very few have been willing
to go into the Adrenochrome aspect of this, but I have. I have done so many
studies where this (and child sex trafficking and sacrifice) is mentioned. I am not
saying the movie is bad (I did not say that in my study either) as yes, it is of vital
importance this subject be made known; but at the same time there are so many
red flags with the men surrounding this whole subject (regardless of what is in
their hearts), that I could not in good conscience just say nothing about that
aspect. I am not against this movie though. I just want my listeners to be fully
informed. Also, I agree with you when you said: “To me, it is an indictment against
the church as a whole when a Catholic is the one standing up about this. And
Caveziel has addressed the crimes within the Catholic church against children. In
interviews he's speaking on organ harvesting and acknowledges Ukraine is
involved. He speaks on Adrenachrome.” Yes your bring up some great points and I
will address the other things you are talking about here in my next teaching (Lord
willing) as I just don’t have the time to do so via a type written email. God bless!--Scott
----- Original message -----
From: Mary
To: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, July 06, 2023 5:06 AM
Regarding Caveziel I know he is sincere and really believes the Catholic faith is the only
true faith. And we know he's telling a truth in regard to the fake preachers. But the
message he is putting out in a subtle way is that his faith is the authentic one. He
does mention Mary as the one to go to instead of going directly to Jesus.
Like Mel. I pray the Holy Spirit open his eyes. It can't be done any other way.
Catholicism has a big demonic force behind it. The Holy Spirit was the only one
that blasted through it all in a moment for me.
I remember after the Lord saved me in my little apt...the following Sunday I was all
excited and went to a Catholic church. It's all I knew. I remember opening the
door and I felt a powerful sense of evil and the Lord said: I'm not here.
I never went back.
I'm praying for this for these 2 men. They are very influential and it is disturbing
and diabolical how the enemy is using them to lead people astray and yet in their
own heart they believe they are right. Only the Holy Spirit can bust through that
I agree with you about all if these things. But please don't lose sight that these
men and all Catholics need our prayers so desperately. I've run across too many
that really don't care for their souls. They seem to only care about being
theologically right.
Jim Caviezel - #1 Most Evil and Unforgivable Sin Will Haunt You for Eternity | SRS #64
Mel Gibson calling out corruption in the Catholic church since Vatican II. My
parents were also against Vatican II. It was never explained to me. I had to
research on my own. Basically, Vatican II says the Catholic church would start
viewing non-Catholic Christians as brothers and sisters. This would explain why
my family was so enraged when I told them I was leaving the Catholic Church
because I was born again. So Mel is also opposed like my parents. What is sad is
he is seeing corruption but only on one level. He needs to see the whole system
is corrupt. I know for me the Lord showed me at 24 yrs old and I knew nothing
My concern is the confusion that is being sown. Good Catholic vs bad Catholic.
Mel is blind to the fact that none of it is of God. I pray the Holy Spirit open his
So..when I listen to someone like Caveziel it triggers me. He reminds me of my
father. A good well meaning man with a deep faith but so terribly blind and lost.
So my heart is for the Catholics. I don't hate them. I understand them. They are
indoctrinated from birth. It's all they know.
And I guess I'm trying to say that sometimes as watchmen in these last days...it is
real easy to forget that these are real people, families and souls. The system of
Catholicism is devilish and evil at it's core. But the individuals inside of it need
intercession. Real prayer. When calling out Catholicism with God's Word we need
to remember to balance it with grace and tell it in love. It's easy to blast and
hammer the system but it takes the Holy Spirit to say it in the way that we should.
I'm not saying to tone it down or compromise. But to never lose sight that all of
these people lost in the cults truly need our prayers.
My parents are gone now. I am left with 3 very Catholic sisters who see me as the
enemy still. One who has made it her mission to actively pursue me and take me
I've told you before that witchcraft has been in my family. Which is common in
I'm telling you these things so that you know I too believe we have to warn and
take a stand. But because it is so personal for me. I wanted to share that salvation
is possible for Catholics. But we have to also seek the Holy Spirits guidance and
wisdom. It's real easy to hate the system and come across as hating the person

[email protected] wrote:
Hi Scott, Thank you for this week's
alert; it was hard to stomach most
of the Catholic stuff. Regarding the
movie I don't want to see because I
don't need a film to motivate me on
this topic and theatres are cursed places and satan will not cast out satan. I think
this whole film thing is getting people to yolk up with satan and fund his
operation even more through his worshippers.
From: Leslie
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 1:14 PM
To: [email protected];
Subject: Re: FW: Thank you for discussing Sound of Freedom!
Thank God we know their symbolism, signs and numbers!!!!!!!!!
Praise God!!!
And thank GOD we know that religion is man made and evil to the core!
And thank God that we understand 'call no man rabbi, Father or master!
wow and Thank you again, Scott, for teaching me so much truth!!!!
SAME WITH CHOSEN! SO many Christians love this series and have no clue
about truth (and those that love the Chosen also got shots, boosters & blood
brain destroyers)
Bringing people to Catholicism is bringing people to devil worship!
All Christians who know our Lord would know this and we are called
to expose Evil. Ephesians 5:11
Scott Johnson’s Comment: See my teaching:
Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-5-22-Part 1
By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 5, 2022
Table of Contents:
• WATCH: Kids carry Disney’s X-mas Helliday message: ‘We love you Satan’
‘They don’t hide their agenda anymore’ ‘THE BLACK MAGIC KINGDOM’
• Gullible Christians Watching The Series ‘The Chosen’ Are Being Led To
Idolatry, ‘Mother Rome’, Praying The Rosary & To The False Idol Mary–By
Catholic Actor Jonathan Roumie – Plus Bible Verses….
Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of The Passion Of The Christ
Play to 4:32: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pVXhAhcqhc
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 6:42 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: FW:
I'd bullet point the catholic doctrines and mega errors .. Like the mass is the most
evil satanic undermining of the work of Jesus . I mean just wicked !! And many
more teachings !! I mean the Catholics molest more kids then any other cult
group I know even more then Mormons .. There all sex cults in the end
...Jehovah's witness especially !!/../ but yes I'd nail it down and expose the
blasphemy I mean just makes me sick ..the co - redemptive nature of mary is from
hell not even the Mary of the Bible but no big deal .hahaha amen and yes I thank
God for u doing this and already excellant job exposing it…
From: Phil & Sheri
Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2023 4:31 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Thank you for discussing Sound of Freedom!
…you did exactly what you should have done as a watchman. We had reservations
about going to see this movie to begin with but when we saw listener Betty's posting on
your 6-21-23 newsletter we thought you may have vetted it out so that's when we
bought our tickets. We so much appreciated you speaking on the topic…

The whole idea portrayed in the movie is amazing but the majority of the people
involved with it are deceivers and because of that they more than likely have ulterior
motives. Not to mention the fact that big screen movies historically have been created to
manipulate peoples thoughts.
Keep up the good work!
God bless, Sheri
Mary L [email protected] Jul 4, 7:04 PM I saw this movie and it was good as far as
what Tim did. I've also seen many interviews with Jim C. and Tim B. They promote
GOOD WORKS as a means of salvation much like Teresa of Calcutta. Scott every
You Tube I watch that interviews these guys have a commercial called "Hallow"
which is a bible study and prayer guide .It is promoted by some priest Father
someone. I remember Jack Chick years ago interviewing Father Riveria and that
ex priest said the Catholic Church started the Mormon Church. Jim C. is of
course Catholic and Tim Ballard is Mormon. They are getting backing from Glenn
Beck, Tony Robbins and now Musk wants in. So many true non-decerning
Christians are going to be caught in this good works trap. Bible only teaches
FAITH ALONE as you know. Already when I try to talk to my Christian friends they
argue on the basics that the Bible teaches good works. I try to show them the
difference between sanctification and justification…
I want to say something else on the subject of the 2nd commandment taken out
of the Catholic Bible. In the series The Chosen I've heard on the Radio more that
one people say" Now I have a face to visualize Jesus when I pray to him." We as
Christians should never have a face of Christ on T.V. posters, cards or any
painting. Sunday school rooms should never have posters on their walls. Most of
the depictions of the Lord are faces from Medieval sources and are Masonic.
Sananda pictures are popping up all over Houston as I'm sure everywhere. Bless
you Scott, Mary-----------------

A Human Trafficking Survivors Warning on the Sound of Freedom movie

Play: (Language) Mute 7:41-7:44 to 8:53: https://youtu.be/fkRjcShlKk0?t=80

LA Marzulli Warning & Listener Comments

LA Marzulli is promoting the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He brought an alleged
Christian doctor guest to his show who basically downplayed the use of aborted
babies in the vaccines and outright lied about the mRNA changing our DNA. He
then encouraged Christians to take either of these two vaccines as they allegedly
don’t use aborted babies in their production. Marzulli then concludes by stating
that if he needs to take the vaccine, he’ll ensure that’s it’s one of these two.
LA Marzulli & Paul Lecat Interview- Some Vaccines Seem to Be Safe
The first 4 comment under this video read:
MarsShaker War * 2 weeks ago (edited)
"Some vaccines seem safe"? Also this could be true "Some bullets misfire" but I
wouldn't trust one to my head in Russian roulette, would you?
scoobywoo 2 weeks ago
At this point anyone pushing any type of vaccine should be unsubbed and
forgotten about
Norman Viking 2 weeks ago
My immune system is safer.
MrCuckoobox 2 weeks ago
Moderna Vaccine is funded by Gates, Fauci, "Sorros and Friends"............. I would
NOT touch it with a 10ft Pole.
From: Contact Us Form Submission
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 3:58 PM
To: [email protected]
SUBJECT Listener Comment: My story about the fruits/consequences of Christian
authors/ speakers like L.A. Marzulli yoking up with ungodly guests and
YOUR MESSAGE Scott, I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I am writing in
regards to your latest teaching where you mentioned LA Marzulli having a
starchild as a guest on his program. In addition to LA Marzullii, I am sure you are
well aware a number of these well-known "similar themed" Christian
authors/speakers are showing up as guests on podcasts where the host will have
a mix of different guests that are occultist and Christians. In my opinion, it is
causing confusion and doing more harm than good. Some of these hosts claim to
be occultist or former occultists.
LA Marzulli was recently on a podcast where it is very obvious the host is into all
things dark and evil. A while back, I did not listen to that gut feeling and I made
the mistake of following this particular podcast host on a social media site. He
immediately wrote me, was incredibly charming and within a matter of a few
months he was love bombing me. He had me basically hypnotized, mesmerized,
under a spell literally causing my willpower to slip.
He had me 99% CONVINCED we were to be together despite the many and I do
mean many red flags along with his clear love of all things dark and evil. What I
feel caused me to be confused was his association with some of these well
known Christian authors/speakers and the way he interacted with them on his
podcast. They were also clearly bedazzled by his gentle charm. I feel the way he
acted around these Christians made his case for us being together even stronger.
I believed he would be saved. After much prayer and asking for God's will in the
situation, through what was clearly divine intervention, the online distant
relationship ended before meeting in person with his intent of marrying me. I was
deeply heartbroken at the time, but now clearly see that this man would of ruined
my life in every sense of the word including putting me in financial ruin and then
moving on to the next victim leaving me broken and ashamed.
God rescued me!!!!
When these Christians authors appear on these clearly ungodly podcast some
will claim they are witnessing and bring up how Jesus hung with sinners and
prostitutes, like Mary when the truth is sinners were drawn to His message and
Mary was NO longer a prostitute when Jesus set her free. These people tend to
ignore the other verses about light not having fellowship with darkness, avoiding
the appearance of evil, and being unequally yoked with unbelievers as I was
clearly guilty of as well..
I don't blame anyone for my mistake in getting involved with this man, but clearly
the associations Christians had with this man did not help the matter. While God
did rescue me, this man was a clear distraction and robbed me of time that could
of been used better.
In addition, obviously, when these Christians appear on these clearly ungodly
occult themed and dark podcasts, it will draw other Christians like me to the
podcaster and naturally they will be tempted to listen to their other podcasts, and
possibly causing confusion and leading them astray.
I appreciate you speaking out about this matter.
Please feel free to share my story, but I ask you to keep my name and everything
from this point confidential.
Thanks for all your hard work, dedication and letting me share my story. I hope it
Eze 3:20 Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and
commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou
hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which
he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
Rom 14:13 …but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an
occasion to fall in his brother's way.
FYI: This is typical for LA Marzulli, also see the attachment & below.
From: Rogue Comics <jedishelton@>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 9:46 PM
To: Scott Johnson <[email protected]>
Subject: L.A. Marzulli interviews a "Star Child"
It's pretty much what you would expect. She says the aliens downloaded to her
that The Lord Christ is just an avatar embodying "Christ energy". And L.A. says a
bunch of stuff that reflects low discernment.
It's hard to tell if this girl is just starved for attention parroting things she has
heard, or read about, or if she is actually being influenced by demonic forces.
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:16 AM
To: 'Rogue Comics' <jedishelton@>
Subject: RE: L.A. Marzulli interviews a "Star Child"
Yes, Marzulli almost never fails to disappoint with how he caves to guests that
are clearly in alignment with the antichrist agenda & does not challenge them
enough Biblically.
Listening to this further and it just amazes me how he does very little to ‘defend
the Christian Faith’ to this demon possessed girl but instead gives her a platform
to spin her lies! Saying Jesus Christ is an avatar! He says her views are “very
interesting”! Rom 14:13 ….judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or
an occasion to fall in his brother's way.
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common
salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should
earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old
ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into
lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
2Cor 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath
light with darkness?
Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the
grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would
pervert the gospel of Christ.
Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto
you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Also, since LA is also propagating the validity of the Shroud Of Turin (like all
Catholics do as well) to this devil hubrid starchild girl; I would challange him
refute my teaching on this, as it is laughable on how easy this is to refute
Shroud of Turin-Biblically Debunked
By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 10, 2007
Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 1
By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 31, 2023
Table of Contents:
• Something Biblical May Come in 2023…God’s People Must Prepare
• The Lord’s Protection & the Biblical Remedy for Fear
• Listener Comment: Alex Jones: God Wants A Sexual Relationship With Us
& Also Promotes Hypnosis—Infowars opening pushing Transcendental
Meditation – Hypnosis – Remote Viewing – Astral Projection (Which is
going out of body & what many Witches do!) Plus Scott Johnson’s
Teachings on These Subjects
• Recent Reports Scott Johnson Has Done On Alex Jones and InfoWars
Exposing Their Blasphemous Evil
• Listener Comment: Alex Jones says that God came down as an Avatar in
Jesus Christ & Infowars is Now Promoting the Blasphemous, New Ager,
Zeitgeist Promoting Jordan Maxwell Who Says Jesus is Lucifer!!!! You will
see this is yet one more reason to read the King James Bible
Anyone who knows anything about occultism knows that "avatars" are precisely
what the New World Order elites believe. Avatar is a concept within Hinduism that
in Sanskrit literally means "descent". It signifies the material appearance or
incarnation of a deity on Earth
Just one more example of Jones' Christian syncretism: the amalgamation or
attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
Alex Jones Says: Kanye West Is A Hero For Exposing The Mark Of The
• Listener Comment: Here’s a short video of Alex Jones explaining his family
roots in Freemasonry and explaining away the occultic “New Atlantis”
• InfoWars Govt Network Connections (3 hour documentary)
• Alex Jones Blasphemy Alert–Proclaims Having your “Third Eye” opened is
wonderful and the “Third Eye” is the Holy Spirit of God!!!!!
Listen: https://www.contendingfortruth.com/emergency-freedom-alerts-1-30-23-part-1/

+3+ Jesus Christ Hating Freak David Icke Talks God, Demons and the End of the
World on the Alex Jones Show
Play To 10:20: https://banned.video/watch?id=64a74f6cbc34b79e23351f7f

David Icke Lies Totally Debunked (Full Movie) - YouTube

Knowwheretorun1984 | December 08, 2010 |
This is 2.5 hour film from Chris White takes a very close look at
David Icke's history and beliefs. It reveals the true sources of David
Icke's theories which are often shocking , and should be very
concerning for a genuine seeker of truth. This is a well rounded
expose which is done respectfully, while still attempting to get the
average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the
"endgame" of the Illuminati.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Recites Blasphemous

‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural’ This
LGBTQ Church Is As Blasphemous As You Can Imagine
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is functionally one of the
most heretical and demonic denominations in America. It has denigrated to
basically one massive pen for goats, run by spiritual criminals and hirelings, with
barely a sheep to be found anywhere. From Planned Parenthood Logo on Clergy
Clothes? to Queer ELCA Pastrix Ordained With Drag Queen Nuns While Jennifer
Knapp Serenades, this pro-LGBTQIA&$#@!, pro-abortion cauldron of wokeness
and deviant perversion runs neck in neck with the PCUSA in a contest to see
which denomination hates Jesus more, and they usually come on top.
ELCA Considers Expelling all Conservative, Anti-LGBTQ Pastors from their Midst
World’s Grossest Lutheran ‘Pastor’ Says More Really Gross Things About
‘Heteronormative Marriages’
Church Holds’ Pride Worship Service’ Featuring all LGBTQ Songs
Woke Church Newsletter Invites Congregants To Help Pay for Abortions and
Abortion Pills
Pastrix Says Jesus Called Syrophoenician Woman a ‘B*****’ + “Jesus Screwed
Up, She Redeems Him”
This brings is to Edina Community Lutheran Church in Edina, MN. Led by
impastor Anna Helgen, they check all the boxes to be considered one of the worst
churches in the denomination. During their June 25th sermon, Helgen offers up a
demonic bastardizaton of the apostles’ creeds called the Sparkle Creed, which
was invented by UCC pastrix Rachel Small-Stokes in 2021. She reads:
Play Video At: https://vidmaxviral.com/video/219916-lgbtq-church-is-as-
(6) ELCA Church Recites Blasphemous ‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-
binary God whose pronouns are plural’ (substack.com)

DEMONIC INSANITY IS THE NORM NOW--This is absolutely deranged - British

Schools Are Now Allowing Students To ‘Identify As Horses, Dinosaurs And Cats’
As They Talk ‘With Animal Noises’
A growing number of children in the United Kingdom are now identifying as an
animal and other inanimate objects, and schools are encouraging it.
Multiple outlets have reported that not only have schools facilitated this, some
students have been reprimanded for daring to tell their classmates who claim to
be an animal that they are not, but only a boy or a girl.
As revealed and coroborated by different sources, The Telegraph was able to
confirm ‘that a pupil at a secondary school in the South West is insisting on
being addressed as a dinosaur. At another secondary school in England, a pupil
insists on identifying as a horse. Another wears a cape and wants to be
acknowledged as a moon,’ the paper wrote.
“When they answer questions, they meow rather than answer a question in
English. And the teachers are not allowed to get annoyed about this because it’s
seen as discriminating,” said a student.
The outlet cites a particular instance that brought this to light where a student
was punished for telling their classmate who says he’s a cat is not. ‘The incident
at Rye College – a Church of England school – happened at the end of a class on
“life education” in which children were told by their teacher that there were lots of
genders, including “agender – people who don’t believe that they have a gender
at all,”‘ The Telegraph added.
“How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?,” the student asked, to which
the teacher proceeded to berate the child for “questioning [the child’s] identity.
Hear the audio here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaqZmv7GiRs

Texas public universities offering women's studies courses on witchcraft,

'worship of the devil'
Students at publicly funded Texas universities are now able to enroll in courses
about witches, black magic and the supernatural — under the guise of women’s
Texas Tech University is offering Women and Gender Studies course 4301 titled
“Witches, Bruxas, & Black Magic” in a course listed June 12 on the Lubbock
campus’ website.
According to the course description, students will “study beliefs and practices,
past and present, associated with magic, witchcraft, spirituality, magical realism,
and religion.” The course curriculum will cover topics including “ritual,
symbolism, mythology, altered states of consciousness, and healing.”
While witches and black magic are familiar topics to many people, bruxas might
not be as well known. A bruxa was a pre-Christian female witch figure from
Portugal during the Middle Ages and is considered a type of vampire entity
known for “bloodsucking attacks on infants.”
Bruxas are said to assume the form of a duck, rat, goose, or other animal and can
only prey on their victims in the middle of the night.

BREAKING: SHE'S IN CHINA! - Huge Move Towards BRICS! - Yellen To Help

Play to 3:09: https://banned.video/watch?id=64a86cf8bc34b79e236eb3dd
Breaking news: Russia Confirms "BRICS" To Launch Gold-Backed Currency
World Hal Turner 07 July 2023 According to state-run Russian Television (RT), the
Russian Government HAS CONFIRMED Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
Africa, known as the "BRICS" nations, will introduce a new trading currency
backed by Gold.
The official announcement is expected during the upcoming BRICS Summit in
South Africa, this August.
If this takes place, it will likely mark the end of "fiat" currencies like the US Dollar,
which is backed by nothing.
How fast nations around the world switch to using this new gold-backed currency
for their foreign trade, is anyone's guess.
The more countries that choose to use this new currency, the more foreign-held
US Dollars will come rushing back to the USA from those countries, which no
longer need to hold US Dollars for their foreign trade. As those Dollars come
back to the USA, it will cause inflation to spike in ways never-before seen here in
The US manufactures almost nothing here anymore. Almost everything we buy
and sell in the USA is made overseas. As US dollars come flooding back from
overseas, the value of the US dollar will plummet versus other currencies, which
means it will take many more US Dollars to buy goods from foreign countries.
Hence, sudden and dramatic inflation here at home.
Play Video At: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-

The 2 Party System and the Dumbing Down of America

Play to 4:18: https://banned.video/watch?id=649c39ab0f10f54d2f953943

Most Americans are distracted easily by this shiny object called the Presidential
Play: https://rumble.com/v2we3uc-americans-are-distracted-by-this-shiny-

Millions Of Americans Are Relocating Just Prior To The Great Chaos That Is
Summer is moving season for millions of Americans, and many will end up
relocating to an entirely different state. In the old days, such long-distance
moves were often prompted by an employment change or by a desire to be closer
to family. But now political and ideological considerations are motivating many
Americans to search for greener pastures. Just about all of us can feel that
something has gone horribly wrong in this country. All around us our society is
literally coming apart at the seams, and it has become exceedingly clear that
great chaos is coming. It has been said that birds of a feather tend to flock
together, and that is especially true during challenging times. So now we are
seeing an exodus of conservatives to red states and an exodus of liberals to blue
states. The following comes from an article that was recently posted by PBS
entitled “Conservatives move to red states and liberals move to blue as the
country grows more polarized”…
Americans are segregating by their politics at a rapid clip, helping fuel the
greatest divide between the states in modern history.
This is really happening.
But the article that I just quoted makes it sound like the migration to red and blue
states that we are witnessing is roughly equal, and that is not true at all.
For example, hundreds of thousands of people have been leaving the state of
California in recent years in search of a better life elsewhere…
More than 500,000 people left California altogether between April 2020 and July
Many of those ex-Californians have been relocating to Texas.
In fact, approximately 300 Californians moved to the state of Texas on a daily
basis in 2021…
About 300 Californians moved to Texas each day in 2021 – a staggering 111,000
people, newly released data shows.
That is double the 63,000 that made the same move in 2012, according to a new
report from Storage Café, which examined California-Texas migration patterns
over nearly a decade.
And it turns out that lots of companies have been relocating from California to
Texas too…
More than 100 companies have moved their headquarters to Texas since 2020,
with 40 percent of them coming from California, the study found.
California should be one of the best places to live on the entire planet.
But just like so many other blue states, it has been transformed into a cesspool of
crime, drugs, homelessness and violence.

New UN Fact-Checking System Called "iVerify" Will Crackdown On

Play: https://youtu.be/5v5fcNQoTmQ

Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport goes full dystopian, using digital

facial recognition IDs, fulfilling Klaus Schwab’s wicked prophecy that humans will
be digitized and many nations will adopt China’s ‘very attractive model’ for
24/7 surveillance
World Economic Forum founder and executive director Klaus Schwab heaped
praise on the Chinese Communist Party this week for adopting “new COVID
control measures” while boosting “social dynamism” at the WEF’s Annual
Meeting of the New Champions.
We will break down in this article what Schwab means by “social dynamism.”
This is important, why? Because Schwab, a globalist, a futurist and a
transhumanist, holds immense sway over many of our Western politicians in
Canada, the U.S., Australia, etc., at both the state and federal levels.
Heads of state and governors of all political stripes, from Democrat Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, flock
to his meetings in Davos each year. Kemp told the corporate media he was going
to Davos in January 2023 to “sell Georgia.”
He no sooner returned and we found out that Georgia became one of the first
handful of states to launch a new drivers’ license with biometric digital identities
using facial recognition software. This means a QR Code containing personal
biometric data, recognizable instantly when your facial features get scanned at
ports of call worldwide, will be assigned to every citizen who signs up for this
new digital ID.
Check out the photo below, sent to
me from a friend who was at the
Atlanta airport just a couple of days
ago and noticed that the new digital
ID is already being marketed to the
So you can see, the globalized
digital ID I’ve been writing about on
this site for nearly three years, has
now arrived. The digitization of
humanity has begun in earnest. It’s
coming soon to a city near you.
Have you thought about how you
will react to it?
You can read about Delta’s “end to
end digital experience” on their
website. As usual, it’s all about your
safety, ease of use and
convenience. Delta beckons us into
the global digital reset, putting us at
ease with seductive language. Come
join us. It’s easy. It will be “hands free,” “device free” and “effortless” to join this
system. No more hassles or worries about having to show your ID at the
checkpoints. You can just waltz on through to your assigned gate like you own
the place! Except you don’t. You are now being watched biometrically and
digitally, in your every move.
It should be noted that this digital ID system being rolled out in Atlanta is
voluntary. Or is it? I’m already receiving reports from a few readers that this
system was used to scan their faces without their permission.
Klaus Schwab has been telling us humans for three years now that this was
coming. Those of us who did listen and expressed our concerns were called
“conspiracy theorists.” He said there is a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” waiting
just around the corner that will change the way the world functions. Advances in
technology will lead to “a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological
identities,” he said.

WHO announces launch of "digital health certification network" that will enslave
On Monday, United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) director-
general Tedros officially announced the launch of his globalist body’s long-
awaited “global digital health certification network”.
The purpose of this new WHO network is to track and limit the movement of
people all around the world based on their obedience to government orders,
especially during a “public health emergency” like the Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19). When the next “pandemic” is launched, the WHO will be ready and
waiting with this new network to control everything.
It seems as though the WHO’s plan is to use this new network to oversee all
buying and selling, i.e., commerce and the economy, during the next contrived
global event, whatever that might be. Only those who can show digital proof of
having obeyed the government’s dictates, whether that be to get another
“vaccine” or to receive some kind of electronic microchip implant, will be allowed
to live.
“Never before in the history of the world has this taken place,” writes Leo
Hohmann about what already took place during covid, and how next time it will be
even worse. “It was unprecedented, and yet so few Christian leaders called it out
for what it was.”
“What happened in 2020 and 2021 with vaccine passports was just a dry run for
an expanded digitized ID program that will be global in scope … Those who don’t
submit will be singled out as the enemies of the system and therefore a danger to
(Related: YouTube launched a similar “certification” protocol for videos that
contain any type of medical information – all content must align with WHO
dictates, the Google-owned video streaming platform now says, or else they will
be removed.)
According to Tedros, the new system is just the “first building block” of a system
that, when complete, will control everything on the planet – or at least that is the
intent. In Hohmann’s view, the makings of what we already know about it look a
whole lot like the “evil system … coming out of Europe, the revived Roman
Empire spelled out in the book of Daniel.”
“It’s all being done to ‘help people move around’ during the next pandemic, which
sounds like it has already been scheduled,” Hohmann explains.
This is ‘a global public good,’ this monster says. ‘Soon after we will expand this
infrastructure by incorporating other uses, such as a digitized international
certificate of vaccination, routine immunization cards, and international patient
These are Tedros’ exact words, by the way, as he stated them in announcing the
new system at its official unveiling. He repeatedly emphasized and stressed the
word international to make it clear that this is a global effort, not just an isolated-
to-Europe kind of thing.
The corporate-controlled media is of course spinning it all as “good” news,
arguing that this new “landmark digital health partnership,” to quote one
misleading source, only aims “to strengthen global health security.”

United Nations Taking Over EU Covid Certificate Program July 1

The European Union’s Covid certificate is about to become the world’s digital
health pass.
July 1, the EU certificate will become the first building block of the UN World
Health Organization’s Global Digital Health Certification Network which will
include a range of digital health services. And while the WHO declared in May that
COVID-19 no longer constitutes a global health emergency, the international
certificate program will be put in place anyway.
The voluntary certificate program has already been taken up by almost 80
“A central pillar of the EU’s Covid response, the EU digital Covid certificate is
being scaled up to global level”
Personally identifiable information will continue to be managed by EU member
states, which will issue digital health certificates and records according to WHO
guidelines. The organization will also certify the credentialing authorities of
member states and establish their connection to the digital infrastructure hosted
and funded by WHO.

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