Stormwater Fact Sheet CMYK Bleed No Trims HR

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Stormwater and

Roofwater Drainage

Stormwater is the water draining off a site from the rain which falls on
a building’s roof and land, and includes everything it carries with it.

Council’s Stormwater
Drainage System: A legal and correct connection protects
Council’s stormwater system is both you and your neighbour’s properties:
infrastructure put in place at the time
of development or after development
to collect roofwater and overland connect
water flow from properties as well as
roads, reserves, parks etc. and carry it
away from properties. Correct
Most of Council’s stormwater system
drains directly into creeks or the ocean
via the pipe network. This is untreated
water and it is essential that it be kept
as clean as possible.
Council’s infrastructure consists of
kerb and channel (gutter), pipes, open er p
drains, headwalls, catchpits etc. which
Council maintains. Catch

Key points to remember Sewe
er p
when installing/maintaining Kerb
roofwater pipes: Stor
Do install a kerb adaptor when
connecting roofwater to kerb &
channel. Wast
Treat e
Do ensure all pipe joins are
properly sealed to prevent root
intrusion. ate
rmw ted
Sto tfall
ou Trea er
It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that their roofwater system is correctly Wa
installed with a legal connection, to the stormwater system not sewer system, that does not
adversely impact on Council’s infrastructure or community safety.
Stormwater and Roofwater Drainage

Roofwater: Property Owners Maintaining an existing

Roofwater pipes are connected to your
building’s gutter and will either carry your
Responsibility: system
water: All roofwater infrastructure which is located Where maintenance is required for your
on Council property, such as underground roofwater across Council property, ie
• via a kerb adapter, into the gutter in
front of your property roofwater pipes which connect from the replacing a broken pipe or installing a kerb
property line to Council’s kerb and channel, adaptor, work must completed within one
• if your blocks slopes down away remain the property of the homeowner who day and pedestrian safety maintained at
from the street, via an inter-allotment is responsible for maintenance up to, and all times. If the pipe runs under a concrete
drainage system to the nearest gutter including, the connection point (i.e. kerb footpath, Council requires that you remove
which is lower than your property adaptors and surrounding concrete kerb). the whole slab and when re-instating a new
• to a Council controlled drainage slab, pin it to the adjacent footpath on both
easement or reserve Installing a new system on sides.
Inter-allotment drainage – If your
• to a rubble pit or other lawful disposal
system – this may include dams,
an existing structure property sits lower than street level or slopes
wetlands, tanks and ponds. When installing additional roofwater pipes downwards away from the street you will,
that are not part of a building application, most likely, have inter-allotment drainage for
You cannot direct the flow to cause the water ie adding an additional downpipe to an your roofwater and/or overland water flow.
to pool and become stagnant. This does not existing structure, you will need to lodge
apply to dams, tanks, wetlands and ponds. an Approved Point of Discharge form with
Building applications are issued with a Council prior to works starting.
decision notice and/or approved plan which Forms can be found:
outlines what the builder must do for water
drainage on the property (ie, connect to kerb,
install inter-allotment drainage, rubble pit etc).

Overland water flow: Checklist:

Property owners are required to accept
• I have located all underground pipes
natural water flow from neighbouring
and cables. Dial before you Dig -
properties or public land. However, it is
the responsibility of the property owner of
the land which is responsible for the water • If required, I have completed the
flowing into your property, to ensure that Approved Point of Discharge If unsure, check for kerb adapters in the kerb
your property is not adversely affected by application form and the property and channel in front of your property. If there
their stormwater ie. not running an above owners have signed the declaration. is no kerb adapter contact Council for further
ground pipe to the fence line which then • I have read Council’s requirements assistance or go to -
drains onto your property surface. for the kerb & channel drainage Online Services - Red-E-Map.
Please note that it is your responsibility to connections and viewed the standard Find your property then place a tick in the
make sure any natural overland water flow drawings (available on the Approved Asset Mapping box within the table of
that enters your property does not impact Point of Discharge form). contents and look for any light pink dotted
on your buildings by ensuring you have • I have obtained Council approval lines which indicate inter-allotment drainage.
adequate drainage systems in place to before conducting work within 3m of Inter-allotment drainage pipes can carry
collect and redirect water if required. a street tree or canopy drip-line. water from as many as 10 properties or as
little as two properties, depending on the age
of the development.
Council does not maintain inter-allotment
drainage pipes. It is the responsibility of
all the affected property owners to work
together to maintain these pipes.
If there are issues with the inter-allotment
drainage outside of your property boundary
or overland water flow, contact your
neighbour and discuss a resolution.
In cases where a resolution cannot be
reached, you should contact: QCAT on
1300 753 228, for a mediation strategy.
DON’T allow your roofwater DON’T install roofwater pipes
system to become a hazard to within 3m of street trees
footpath or road users without Council approval

For more comprehensive information visit: or call 3829 8999

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