A Survey Paper On Chatbots

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Survey Paper on Chatbots

Aafiya Shaikh1, Dipti More2, Ruchika Puttoo3, Sayli Shrivastav4, Swati Shinde4
1,2,3,4Student, Dept. of IT Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
5Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - This paper discloses a virtual conversational Irrespective of the kind of approach and the platform, human
method and system to relieve the psychological stress of intervention plays a crucial role in training, optimising and
adolescents. It also aims at providing some positive configuring the chatbot system. There are two different tasks
information through continuous dialogue answers in order to which form the basis of a chatbot:
guide adolescents to think and face difficulties with a positive
and optimistic attitude and the agenda of reliving the 1. User Request Analysis
psychological pressure of the adolescents can be achieved.
Conventional face-to-face stress detection and relief methods 2. Returning the response
do not work when confronted with those adolescents who are
User request analysis: This is the primary task that a chatbot
reluctant to express their negative emotions to the people in
performs. In this task, it analyses the user’s request and
real life. In this paper, we would like to present an adolescent-
identifies the user intent in order to extract relevant entities.
oriented intelligent conversational chatting system called
This ability of identifying the
“HappySoul”, which acts as a virtual friend who can assist to
encourage, understand, comfort, and guide stressful user’s intent and extracting data and relevant entities
adolescents to pour out their bad and negative feelings, present in the user’s request is the first and basic condition
thereby releasing the stress. Chatbots, or conversational and the most crucial step at the core of a chatbot: If you fail
interfaces, present a new way for adolescents to interact with to correctly acknowledge the user’s request, you will fail to
computer systems. This chatbot will allow a user to simply ask provide the correct answer.
questions in the same way that they would address a human.
The technology at the core of the proposed chatbot is natural Returning the response: First the user’s intent is identified
language processing (“NLP”), RNN and client server and once that is done, the chatbot can provide the most
architecture with the help of Android GUI. appropriate response for the user’s query. The answer can
Key Words: chatbot, NLP, RNN, stress, conversation,
adolescents, students  A predefined and generic text.
1. INTRODUCTION  A text retrieved from a knowledge database
containing different answers.
Chat bots or Virtual Assistants have been designed to
simplify the interaction between computers and humans and  A contextualized piece of information that is user
have hit the market. A chat bot is a software that uses data oriented.
artificial intelligence (AI) that can converse (or chat) with a
user in natural language via virtual chat rooms, websites,  Data which is stored in enterprise systems.
mobile apps and messaging applications or through the
telephone. Chatbots are often referred to as one of the most  The result of an action that the chatbot has
promising and advanced form of interaction between performed by interacting with backend
machines and humans. Although, from a technological applications.
perspective, a chatbot can only represent the evolution of a
Question Answering system based on Natural Language A render question helps the chatbot to correctly understand
Processing (NLP). Generating responses to user queries in the user’s request. Chatbot can be developed by the use of
human like natural language is one of the most common different approaches and tools. Depending on the application
examples of Natural Language Processing leveraging in you want to address, some specific chat bot technologies are
various enterprises’ end-use applications. Chatbot more suitable than others. In order to achieve the desired
applications slick interactions between services and people, responses, the fusion of different AI forms such as machine
improving customer experience. Simultaneously, chatbots learning, semantic understanding, and natural language
offer companies various opportunities to enhance the processing may be the best option.
customer’s loyalty and ensure operational efficiency by
minimizing the surplus cost of customer service. Chatbot
solutions have to effectively perform both of the tasks for
successful execution. Human support plays a vital role here:

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1786
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1.1 Motivation responses offered by the agent aren’t quite right. But I’m not
sure whether chatting with a bot would help me sleep, but at
Chatbots play a key role as human- computer interfaces. It’s a least it’d stop me from scrolling through the never-ending
software that simulates typed conversation, with the agenda horrors of my Twitter timeline at 4 a.m.
of temporarily luring the human into thinking they were
talking to another human. Chatbot, basically acts as a 3. UNICEF: Helping Marginalized Communities Be Heard : So
conversational agent that can talk to any user in given field far, with the exception of Endurance’s dementia companion
using the Natural Language Processing. According to World bot, the chatbots we’ve looked at have mostly been little more
Health Organization (WHO), stress is the major cause of than cool novelties. International child advocacy nonprofit
mental disorder throughout the world, posing threats to over UNICEF, however, is using chatbots to help people living in
300 million each year globally. With a rapid increase in the developing nations speak out about the most urgent needs in
need for additional assistance, the bot aims to create an their communities. The bot, called U-Report, focuses on large-
environment that is less automated and more conversational. scale data gathering via polls – this isn’t a bot for the
Thus to overcome this stress, the chatbot provides insights talkative. U-Report regularly sends out prepared polls on a
and provides positive responses through cognitive- range of urgent social issues, and users (known as “U-
behavioural therapy. Reporters”) can respond with their input. UNICEF then uses
this feedback as the basis for potential policy
1.2. Literature Survey recommendations. In one particularly striking example of
how this rather limited bot has made a major impact, U-
1. Endurance: A Companion for Dementia Patients : Many Report sent a poll to users in Liberia about whether teachers
people suffering with dementia retain much of their were coercing students into sex in exchange for better grades.
conversational abilities as their illness progresses. However, Approximately 86% of the 13,000 Liberian children U-Report
the shame and frustration that many dementia sufferers polled responded that their teachers were engaged in this
experience often make routine, everyday talks with even despicable practice, which resulted in a collaborative project
close family members challenging. That’s why Russian between UNICEF and Liberia’s Minister of Education to put
technology company Endurance developed its companion an end to it.
chat bot. Many people with Alzheimer’s disease struggle with
short-term memory loss. As such, the chatbot aims to identify 4. Med What: Making Medical Diagnoses Faster : If you’re the
deviations in conversational branches that may indicate a kind of person who has WebMD bookmarked, it might be
problem with immediate recollection – quite an ambitious worth checking out Med What.
technical challenge for an NLP-based system.
This chatbot aims to make medical diagnoses faster, easier,
In addition, since the chatbot is a cloud- based solution, and more transparent for both patients and physicians –
physicians and family members can review communication think of it like an intelligent version of WebMD that you can
logs taken from the bot to identify potential degradation of talk to. MedWhat is powered by a sophisticated machine
memory function and communicative obstacles that could learning system that offers increasingly accurate responses to
signify deterioration of the patient’s condition. Interestingly, user questions based on behaviours that it “learns” by
the as-yet unnamed conversational agent is currently an interacting with human beings. In addition to the ever-
open- source project, meaning that anyone can contribute to growing range of medical questions fielded by MedWhat, the
the development of the bot’s codebase. The project is still in bot also draws upon vast volumes of medical research and
its earlier stages, but has great potential to help scientists, peer-reviewed scientific papers to expand upon its already
researchers, and care teams better understand how considerable wealth of medical expertise. In many ways,
Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain. A Russian version of the MedWhat is much closer to a virtual assistant (like Google
bot is already available, and an English version is expected at Now) rather than a conversational agent. It also represents
some point this year. an exciting field of chatbot development that pairs intelligent
NLP systems with machine learning technology to offer users
2. Casper: Helping Insomniacs Get through the Night: an accurate and responsive experience.
If you suffer from insomnia, you’ll know that the feeling of 5. ALICE: The Bot That Launched a Thousand… Other Bots :
almost suffocating loneliness – the idea that everyone else in No list of innovative Chatbots would be complete without
the world is resting peacefully while your own mind betrays mentioning ALICE, one of the very first bots to go online – and
you with worries and doubts – is among the worst parts of one that’s held up incredibly well despite being developed
not being able to sleep. Enter Casper’s amazingly named and launched more than 20 years ago. ALICE – which stands
Insomnobot 3000 (which truly is one of the most tongue- for Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity, an acronym
incheek, retro-futuristic names for a chatbot I’ve ever come that could have been lifted straight out of an episode of The X-
across), a conversational agent that aims to give insomniacs Files – was developed and launched by creator Dr. Richard
someone to talk to while the rest of the world rests easy. At Wallace way back in the dark days of the early Internet in
this point, Insomnobot 3000 is a little rudimentary. The 1995. (As you can see in the image above, the website’s

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1787
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

aesthetic remains virtually unchanged since that time, a

powerful reminder of how far web design has come.) Despite
the fact that ALICE relies on such an old codebase, the bot
offers users a remarkably accurate conversational
experience. Of course, no bot is perfect, especially one that’s
old enough to legally drink in the U.S. if only it had a physical
form. ALICE, like many contemporary bots, struggles with the
nuances of some questions and returns a mixture of
inadvertently postmodern answers and statements that
suggest ALICE has greater selfawareness for which we might
give the agent credit. For all its drawbacks, none of today’s
chatbots would have been possible without the Fig. 2 Chat Screen
groundbreaking work of Dr. Wallace. Also, Wallace’s bot
served as the inspiration for the companion operating system Above is the example of the android application that is
in Spike Jonze’s 2013 science- fiction romance movie, Her. intended to be built. The bot will be responding in the
similar fashion based on the mood of the user. On successful
2. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY login, a chat window will appear. A greeting message will be
displayed from the bot’s side to indicate that it is active. The
The proposed model of our chatbot works as a client server user can then enjoy talking to this virtual companion.
based android application. An android mobile application
will be used to serve as the front end and the bot will learn to 2. Server
respond on the server.
The real processing of data takes place on the server. The
inputs that is taken from the user is sent to the server for
processing using the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and
the output is generated. A Recurrent Neural Network is a
deep learning model specifically used to handle the
sequences. The responsibility of an internal state is to take
into consideration and proper handling of dependency
between successive inputs. Provided that its properties are
given, this model is most suitable for different NLP tasks, and
exactly in the text generation context it can be explored
using basic concepts of Tensorflow and Theano and then
moving to Keras for training the final model. For our chatbot,
a sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) model of RNN will be
used. Sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) model consists of 2
Fig. 1 Client Server Architecture main components, an encoder RNN and a decoder RNN. The
encoder’s task is to encapsulate the information of the input
1. Android Application text into a fixed representation. The decoder’s task is to take
that representation, and generate a variable length text that
Our android application will aim at getting the inputs from best responds to it.
the user and displaying the generated output. The user will
have to signup if he/she doesn’t have any login credentials
or else he/she will navigate to login page. The details would
consist of the name of the user, its contact number and email
address. The bot will use the name provided to address
him/her during the conversation. For security and
authentication reasons contact number and email address
will be used.

Fig.3 Encoder and Decoder

RNN contains many hidden state vectors, wherein each

represent information from the previous time steps. The
final hidden state vector of the RNN encoder can be
considered as an accurate representation of the whole input
text, by this logic. The another RNN that is the decoder, takes
in the final hidden state vector of the

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1788
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

encoder, to predict the words of output reply. The first where in we extract the essential characteristics of
cell's job is to take in the vector representation v, and the sentences.
decide which word in its vocabulary is the most appropriate
for the output response. The second cell will be a function of  Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) aims to solve the
the vector representation v and the output of the previous vanishing gradient problem which comes with a
cell both. standard recurrent neural network. It can also be
considered as a variation on the LSTM because
both are designed similarly and, in some cases,
produce equally.


Chatbots have been on the rise since a couple of years and

Fig.4 Vector Representation have already faced a wide adoption. They are bringing a new
way for businesses to communicate with the world and most
Tensor flow will be helpful in doing it. We need a large importantly with their customers and with the rise of
number of conversation logs for sequence to sequence emerging technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
models. This encoder decoder network must be able to Proving their usability in the field of customer support, the
understand the type of responses (decoder outputs) that are chatbots can also be extended to help users mentally like a
expected for every query (encoder inputs). Some common companion. Our chatbot, HappySoul, is one such approach. It
datasets are the the Ubuntu corpus, Microsoft’s Social Media helps the adolescent users to talk freely about their mental
Conversation Corpus, and Cornell Movie Dialog Corpus. conditions without being hesitant about it. It proves to be a
great help towards society as mental health is a topic of
3. Architecture Diagram grave concern especially in the youngsters. The future scope
of this project would involve analyzing the different kinds of
emotional disturbances faced by the teenagers and their
causes. This would help to evolve happier generations. The
concept of RNN can be used for implementation of a
conversational chat bot.


Fig5. Architecture Diagram [1]https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2017/10/04/ch

The basic structure of chatbot is very similar with a
sequence to sequence model. The architecture consists of [2]https://www.inc.com/larry-kim/10-examples-of-how-
Recurrent neural network of GRU cells with attention brands-are-using- chatbots-tode.html
mechanism. But it contains three different mechanisms
which can be used for generating response with specific [3]https://github.com/PoorvaRane/Emotion-
emotion. The following are the characteristics of the system : Detector/blob/master/Emotion_Detector.ipynb

 Emotion Category Embedding: Representing [4]https://blog.statsbot.co/chatbots-machine-learning-

different emotion category as an embedded vector. e83698b1a91e
This vector will be learned during training by being
feed to the decoder. The emotion embed remains
static and would not change in the flow.
[6]Khan, F.M., Fisher, T.A., Shuler, L., Wu, T., Pottenger, W.M.
 The architecture is a regular end to end sequence Mining Chat-room Conversations for Social and Semantic
model, where the GRU is been used to be the basic Interactions. Can be found on the WWW:
cell and based on that we build our decoder using http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/techreports/2002/LU-CSE-02-
Recurrent Neural Network. 011.pdf. 2002
 We build our encoder using bi-directional LSTM and [7]Philipp Michel. Support vector machines in automated
concatenate the cell state and hidden state to be the emotion classification. Churchill College, June 2003.
input of decoder.
[8]Building Chatbot with Emotions- Honghao WEI, Yiwei
 The attention mechanism is also integrated to our Zhao, Junjie Ke
system. Attention mechanism is the technique

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1789

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