Opcrf Sy 2022 2023

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Rating Period: August 2022-July 2023

Position Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Obj. 1.1 Crafted school ***SIP
plans or SIP aligned with BE-LCP
national, local goals and **AIP Conducted/submitted
policies and DepEd vision, SPT composition and Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
mission and core values in other stakeholders
collaboration with internal 10% *SIP review and 0.500 Conducted/submitted 0.500
and external stakeholders. revision, Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
.. SPT minutes

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 1.2.    Led the conduct ***SMEA/PIR
of policy implementation **M&E tools Conducted/submitted
and review and adjustment *Accomplishment Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
or refinement and Report per PPA.
enhancement of policies, M&E tools, AIP,
Programs, Projects and memo for
Activities (PPAs) in 5% SMEA/calendar 0.250 Conducted/submitted 0.250
consistency and relevance of Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
school operations

***Approved & Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 1.3. Conducted and completed research /
completed researches/ innovation/CI project Conducted/submitted
Continuous Improvement PP proof of utilization Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
projects and utilized results **Approved proposal
to improve school 5% for research 0.230 Conducted/submitted 0.230
performance /innovation/CI project Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
* School Research
Committee Conducted/submitted
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline

Obj. 2.1. Managed and ***EBEIS, MIS LIS

maintained updated school **Storage and Archival Conducted/submitted
data and information using mechanism, Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
technology, including ICT e-filing System
for effective school *Inventories
operation (2.1)
3% 0.150 0.150
Obj. 2.1. Managed and ***EBEIS, MIS LIS
maintained updated school **Storage and Archival
data and information using mechanism,
technology, including ICT e-filing System
for effective school *Inventories
operation (2.1)
3% 0.150 0.150

Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 2.2. Planned and ***WFP & AIP
managed the utilization of **Liquidation
school budget and other Report (MOOE and
Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
financial resources of the other funds)
school adhering consistently *APP, Financial Report Conducted/submitted
to policies, guidelines and for canteen, PTA, IGP, Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
issuances in allocation, donations and other

procurement, disbursement resources

3% 0.150 0.150
and liquidation Transparency board

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 2.3. Demonstrated, ***NSBI
established and systematized **Sch Dev’t plan Conducted/submitted
processes in managing the * Customized School Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
school facilities and Plant management
equipment including system/ Plan
acquisition, utilization, M&E too for School Conducted/submitted
construction, repair and facilities and equipment, Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
3% 0.150 0.150
maintenance. (2.3) inventories, storage and Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% Conducted/submitted
disposal plan, after the deadline
School Plant

Obj. 2.4.   Organized and ***Organizational

managed an effective structure with specific Conducted/submitted
staffing or school functions, Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
organizational structure of **Updated plantilla,
both teaching and non- Staff Coordina-
teaching staff to engage and torships/special Conducted/submitted
empower them in adherence 3% assignments 0.150 Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date 0.150
to policies and issuances *Memoranda,
(2.4, 2.6) designation,
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 2.5. Created and *** SDRRMC Risk
established a functional Assessment & Action
school safety and disaster Plan
risk management to ensure ** SDRRC Conducted/submitted
safe, orderly and healthy • OK sa DepED Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
3% 0.150 0.150
school environment CFSM, ESWM, SPG, Conducted/submitted
(2.5) Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline

Obj. 3.1. Conducted and ***School-based

managed school-based Review /PIR on BE- Conducted/submitted
review, contextualization LCP Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
and implementation of ** Teaching-learning
learning standards to assist Intervention Conducted/submitted
teachers in making the *Developed / Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
curriculum relevant to 10% contextualized IMs/ LRs 0.500 0.500
learners (3.1) /SIM/LAS

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 3.2. Supervised the ***Supervisory Plans
application of teaching and tools Conducted/submitted
standards and pedagogies ** TA plan & tools Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
and engaged individuals and * TA accomplish-
teams in providing feedback 10% ments, 0.500 0.500
Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
and technical assistance to COT,
teachers to improve Feedback/
practices across learning observation notes Conducted/submitted
areas Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 3.3. .Developed
(3.2) and ***Annual School
implemented plan for performance/MPS
learners assessment KPI, SF6
including improving **intervention / Conducted/submitted
learners’ achievement and 10% remediation plan, Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
0.500 0.500
other performance indicators adopted interventions Conducted/submitted
to address gaps *quarterly assessment Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
results, Phil-IRI
PTC Conducted/submitted
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 3.4. Managed learner ***Child Protection
discipline through Policy/ Conducted/submitted
established school rules and Child Protection Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
policies collaboratively Committee
developed with stakeholders 5% **Student Handbook 0.250 Conducted/submitted 0.250
• Class rules and Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 4.1. Upgraded personal ***Personal &
and professional Professional
development based on the Development plans Conducted/submitted
conducted self- assessment **Reflection & Progress Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
and development planning report, resource
and serve as learning speakership
resource to teachers and 3% *Self-Assessment tool, 0.150 0.150
peers. Trainings attended, Conducted/submitted
graduate studies, permit Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
to study

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 4.2. Led in organizing *** LAC Plan, L&D
professional networks and plan
learning community among ** TA plan, Mentoring
teachers and colleagues to & Conducted/submitted
advance and maximize Coaching Plan Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
KSAs and practice. *Professional Learning Conducted/submitted
Community Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
3% 0.150 0.150

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 4.3. Implemented, ***Performance
evaluated and practiced the planning and Review

performance management plan and minutes,

system to ensure career SPMT Conducted/submitted
advancement of personnel **IPCRF of all Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
and school performance . 3% personnel with complete 0.150 Conducted/submitted 0.150
(4.4) parts Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
Summary of IPCRF of
all personnel
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 4.4. Provided *** Designations or
opportunities, capacitated memoranda (department
and empowered individuals heads, OIC, grade
and teams in enhancing chairman, BAC
strengths and gaps as means composition) Conducted/submitted
of professional development ** Accomplishment of Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
and leadership development designated individuals
and teams on leadership
2% 0.100 0.100
*School Personnel
profile (strengths and Conducted/submitted
capabilities) Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
and leadership development designated individuals

and teams on leadership
2% 0.100 0.100
*School Personnel
profile (strengths and
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% Conducted/submitted
after the deadline

Obj. 4.5. Promoted and ***Updated step

advocated general welfare increment of personnel;
and benefits of personnel in ** List of promoted
adherence to local and teachers, reclassified Conducted/submitted
national policies items; Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
2% 0.100 0.100
* Service credits Conducted/submitted
Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
4.6  Institutionalized a *** Customized School Conducted/submitted
school-based Rewards and level Rewards and Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
Recognition system or Recognition system
mechanism for sustained (write-up) Conducted/submitted
exemplary performance 2% * School Memo 0.100 Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date 0.100
*bulletin of R&R

Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline

Obj. 5.1. Supported and *** organized PTA,

strengthened diverse officers and list of Conducted/submitted
relationships to sustain an members Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
enabling and supportive alumni, etc
environment for learners. **by-laws and policies ,
4% minutes of meeting 0.200 0.200
*school memo Conducted/submitted
strengthening Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 5.2. Managed and ***Policy on School
evaluated school organizations promoting Conducted/submitted
organizations, faculty clubs inclusivity Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
to support the attainment of **Organized learners’ Conducted/submitted
institutional goals. 4% clubs and faculty 0.200 0.200

Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date

associations with
constitution and by-laws
*report on Conducted/submitted
accomplishments of Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 5.3. Demonstrated *** Memoranda/
school letters
skills in communicating for internal and external Conducted/submitted
effectively in speaking and stakeholders Comprehensive 91%-100% target met
before the deadline
writing and ensure positive **minutes of
platforms within the school meetings/dialogues/
and community. 4% forum/ 0.200 Conducted/submitted 0.200
Convergence/SOSA Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
• ICT-based
platforms, SRC
skills in communicating for internal and external

effectively in speaking and stakeholders
writing and ensure positive **minutes of
platforms within the school meetings/dialogues/
and community. 4% forum/ 0.200 0.200
• ICT-based
communication Conducted/submitted
platforms, SRC Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75% after the deadline
Obj. 5.4 Involved, initiated ***Brigada Eskwela
and led in school and and other initiatives
community collaborative **BE-LCP support,
programs and actions in Immersion Partners
Comprehensive 91%-100% target met before the deadline
solving issues and *List of partners and
promoting development in support extended,
the school and community List of Community
as well 3% (such as parents, 0.150 Conducted/submitted 0.150
alumni, authorities, Regular/Prescribed 75%-90% target met on the prescribed date
industries and other
stakeholders )
Incomplete/NI/NE Below 75%
after the deadline

Total 4.98 Overall Rating 4.980



Education Program Supervisor District In-Charge/P-II Ratee

August 2, 2023


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division Superinendent
Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF)
Name of Employee RODA G. GUMARU Name of Rater EDNA P. ABUAN, PhD
Division ISABELA Date of Review July 21, 2023
Rating Period August 2022-July 2023
WEIGHT Actual Rating Score
MFO KRAs OBJECTIVE TIMELINE (Quality, Efficiency, Timeline)
PER Obj.
1. Crafted school plans September 10% 5 – Served as a role model
embodying the DepEd
5 –Submitted/ presented the
SDO approved BE-LCP,
5 –submitted school
plans before the
5 5 5 5 0.500
2022-July VMCV and shared best
or SIP aligned with 2023 practices in the school &
SIP, AIP, best practices deadline of the SDO
shared and SPT minutes in
national, local goals community in the
communicating the DepED 4 – submitted school
development school plans
and policies and aligned with institutional VMCV plans on the deadline
goals and policies set by SDO
DepEd vision, mission 4- Submitted/ presented the
4 – Collaborated with school BE-LCP, SIP, AIP and SPT 3 –submitted school
and core values in personnel in communicating composition with minutes in plans two weeks after
the DepEd VMCV and
collaboration with engaged community in the
communicating the DepED the deadline
VMCV and developing plans
internal and external development of school plans
2 – submitted school
stakeholders. 3 – Communicated the 3 –Submitted/ presented only plans on one month
DepEd VMCV and the SIP and SPT composition after the deadline
.. developed school plans and minutes in
aligned with institutional communicating the DepED 1 – submitted school
goals and policies in VMCV plans beyond one
collaboration with planning month after deadline
2 –Submitted/ presented only
2 – Demonstrated knowledge the SIP
of the DepEd VMCV
1 – No MOV presented
1 – has not crafted any
school plan
2.    Led the conduct of September 5% 5 – Engaged stake-holders 5 – Submitted/ presented 5 – Conducted 4 4 4 4 4 0.200
policy implementation 2022-July 2023 in the PIR with
SMEA report with
recommended enhancements,
and review and enhancements of policies M&E tools and two additional 4 – Conducted 3 SMEA
adjustment or and accomplished 90- MOV & 1 PIR
refinement and 100% of the PPAs in the
enhancement of AIP 4 - Submitted/ presented 3 – Conducted 2 SMEA
SMEA ,report, AIP and M&E
policies, Programs, 4 – Engaged stake-holders tools 2 – Conducted one
Projects and Activities in improving the PIR and SMEA
(PPAs) in consistency accomplished 75-89% of 3 – Presented SMEA/PIR
and relevance of the PPAs in the AIP report and AIP 1 – No SMEA/PIR
school operations conducted
3 – Conducted PIR and 2 – Submitted/ presented only
accomplished 60-75% of one MOV
the PPAs in the AIP
1 – No MOW presented
2 – Demonstrated
knowledge and
understanding of PIR and
attained 45-59% of the

1 –implemented below
24% of PPAs

3. Conducted and September 5% 5 - Promoted a culture of 5 –Submitted/ presented one 5 – completed within the 3 3 3 3 0.150
completed researches/ 2022-July 2023 research in school to completed collaborated targeted time
Continuous facilitate data-driven and research and one approved
Improvement projects evidence-based innovation or CI project 4- completed within the
innovations school year
and utilized results to 4- Submitted/ presented one
improve school 4- Collaborated with SDO approved research and at 3- on going research
performance school personnel in the least one research of school /innovation/CI project
(1.4) conduct of research and personnel
utilized findings / CI 2- started but
project 3 -Submitted/ presented one discontinued
research or innovation/CI
3- Utilized relevant approved by SDO/RO 1-not conducted
findings in approved
research /CI project / 2 –Submitted/ presented one
innovation research or innovation/CI
approved in the school
2- identified relevant
research subject/CI/ 1 – – No MOV presented

1-Not conducted any

research / CI
1. Managed and September 3% 5 – managed and 5 –Submitted/presented BEIS 5 –kept present SY data 5 5 5 5 0.150


maintained updated 2022-July 2023 maintained best practice and LIS and ICT-based and 2 years back school
school data and or system for record Management System and other data
information using manage-ment using ICT MOVs
with 91%-100% updated
technology, including ICT data for effective and 4- Submitted/ presented BEIS 4 – kept present SY
for effective school efficient school operation and LIS and ICT-based data and one year back
operation (2.1) or process Management System school data
4- managed data system
with capacitated 3 –Submitted/ presented BEIS 3 –kept present SY data;
personnel and maintained and LIS and other ICT-based
75%-89% updated data files 2 – kept present quarter
3 – Managed school data data only
and information using 2– Submitted/ presented BEIS

techno-logy including and LIS 1- No data kept

ICT and main-tained
60%-74% updated data 1 –No MOV presented
2 –managed school data
using shelved docu-ments
with 45%-59% updated
1 - 44% and below / has
no data system
2. Planned and managed January to 3% 5 –Created and 5 – Submitted/ presented WFP, 5 –Submitted LRs and 5 5 5 5 0.150
the utilization of school December implemented a checking APP, AIP, MOOE liquidation FRs of funds utilized one
budget and other financial 2022 mechanism and has and 4 financial reports month after the
resources of the school attained (Canteen, IGP, PTA/SEF, utilization or earlier
91%-100% budget Donations)
adhering consistently to utiliza-tion and 4 – Submitted
policies, guidelines and liquidation based on WFP 4- Submitted/ presented WFP, liquidation report and
issuances in allocation, and APP APP, AIP, MOOE liquidation FRs of all sources within
procurement, and 2 financial reports the quarter of utilization
disbursement and 4 – maintained an (Canteen and IGP)
liquidation effective practice in 3 – Submitted
(2.2) management of finances 3 – Submitted/ presented WFP, liquidation report and
and has attained APP, AIP and MOOE FRs of all source of
81% - 90% budget liquidation reports funds at the end of the
utilization and liquidation FY
based on WFP and APP 2 – Submitted/ presented 1-2
MOVs only 2 – Submitted
3 – maintained an liquidation report and
effective practice in 1 –No MOV presented FRs of all source of
management of finances funds at after the end of
has attained 75%-80% fiscal year
budget utilization and
liquidation based on WFP 1 – never submitted
and APP liquidation report and
FRs of source of funds
2 –51-74% budget
utilization and liquidation
based on WFP and APP

1 - 50% or less budget

utilization and liquidation
3. Demonstrated, September 3% 5 –Managed the Physical 5 – Submitted/ presented 5 – Conducted at least 4 5 5 5 5 0.150
established and 2022-July 2023 facilities and equipment NSBI, School Dev;t Plan and (quarterly) inspection
systematized processes in with at least two customized School Plant and monitoring with no
managing the school systematic processes in management system/ Plan with instance of late
adherence to policies, at least 50% realized plans submission of Physical
facilities and equipment guidelines and issuances. 4– Submitted/ presented NSBI Facilities and Equipment
including acquisition, and School Development Plan related report
utilization, construction, 4 - Managed the Physical with 40% realized plans and
repair and maintenance. facilities with one inventories 4 – Conducted 3
(2.3) systematic processes in 3 – Submitted/ presented NSBI inspections and
adherence to policies, and School Development Plan monitoring on Physical
guidelines and issuances. with 30% realized plans Facilities and Equipment
2 – Submitted/ presented one within the SY
3 – Managed the Physical MOV only
facilities in adherence to 1 –No MOV presented 3 – Conducted 2
policies, guidelines and inspections and
issuances. monitoring within the
2 – demonstrated
knowledge in Managing 2 – Conducted one
the school physical inspection and
facilities and equipment monitoring and
submitted Physical
1 – not managed school Facilities and Equipment
facilities related report

1 - Not inspected and

monitored school
physical facilities and

4.   Organized and September 3% 5 – has a school 5 – Submitted/ presented 5 – has done staffing 5 5 5 5 0.150
managed an effective 2022-July 2023 organizational structure organizational structure with before the opening of SY
staffing or school and delineation of specific functions of staff, and updated when
organizational structure of functions and duties designation/memo on necessary
among staff and special coordinatorships of staffs &
both teaching and non- assignments of all staff updated plantilla of human 4 – has done staffing on
teaching staff to engage based on needs resources and one proof of the first month of the SY
and empower them in empowering staff. and updated when
adherence to policies and 4 - has a school necessary
issuances (2.4, 2.6) organizational structure 4– Submitted/ presented
and delineation of organizational structure with 3-has done staffing on
functions and duties specific functions of staff and the first quarter of the
among staff and special designation or memorandum SY
assignments of few staff on coordinatorship/special
based on needs assignment of teachers. 2 –staffing is updated
3- has a school 3 – Submitted/ presented
organizational structure organizational structure or 1 - never established
and delineation of staffing with specific functions staffing
functions and duties of staff
among staff
2 – Submitted/ presented one
2 – demonstrated proof /MOV only
knowledge in school
organizational structure 1 –No proof/MOV presented
5. Created and established September 3% 5 –implemented 90-100% 5 – Submitted/ presented 5 – Activities conducted 5 5 5 5 0.150
a functional school safety 2022-July 2023 of the action plans and SDRRMC with assessment & as calendared
and disaster risk programs of SDRRMC, action plan; OK sa DepED
management to ensure OK sa DepED , Child – action plans and accomplish- 4 – Activities conducted
Friendly School and Solid ments and one organization with adjustment on the
safe, orderly and healthy waste management supporting learning environ- calendar
school environment ment & risk management
(2.5) 4 –implemented 80-89% (SPG, CFM, ESWM) 3 – Activities conducted
of the action plans of the twice a year
SDRRMC and OK sa 4 – Submitted/ presented
DepED programs. SDRRMC with Risk 2 – Activities conducted
assessment & action plan; OK once a year
3- implemented 70-79% sa DepED
of the action plans of the 1 – Activities not
SDRRMC preparedness 3 – Submitted/ presented implemented
mitigation and resiliency SDRRMC with risk assessment
and OK sa DepED and action plan on and proofs
programs. of OK sa DepED program
2- implemented 60-69%
of the action plans of the 2 – Submitted/ presented
DepED programs. but no action plans

1 – implemented 59% or 1 –No proof/MOV presented

below of the action plans
of the SDRRMC and OK
sa DepED programs.

1. Conducted and September 10% 5 -Conducted school- 5 – Submitted/ presented PIR 5 – conducted 4 4 4 4 0.400
managed school-based 2022-July 2023 based review, managed report and BE-LC, at least one PIR/contextualization/int

review, contextualization contextualization and contextualized IM/ ervention in 4 quarters in

and implementation of implementa-tion of LR/SIM/LAS and one a SY
learning standards with at teaching intervention
learning standards to 91-100 % of teachers 4 – conducted
assist teachers in making assisted with teams 4 – Submitted/ presented PIR PIR/contextualization/int
the curriculum relevant to report and BE-LC, at least one ervention in 3 quarters in
learners (3.1) 4 – Conducted regular contextualized IM/ a SY
school-based review and LR/SIM/LAS
worked with teams to 3 – conducted
assisted at least 75 % of 3 – Submitted/ presented PIR PIR/contextualization/int
teachers on curriculum report, BE-LCP ervention twice in a SY
delivery/ learning
standards 2 – Submitted/ presented one 2- conducted
MOV only PIR/contextualization/int
3- conducted school- ervention once in a SY
based review and assisted 1 –No proof/MOV presented
at least 50% of teachers 1 - never conducted PIR
on curriculum delivery
and learning standards

2 – Demonstrated
knowledge and
understanding school-
based review

1 – No PIR conducted
2. Supervised the September 10% 5 – Supervised and 5 – Submitted/ presented 5 5 5 5 0.500
application of teaching 2022-July 2023 engaged school personnel monthly IS plans COT,
standards and pedagogies such as MTs, SHTs and feedback forms, TA plans and
and engaged individuals department heads in accomplishments
providing technical assis-
and teams in providing tance to 91-100 % of 4 - Submitted/ presented
feedback and technical teachers monthly IS plans COT and
assistance to teachers to feedback forms and TA plans
improve practices across 3 – Supervised and 5. Conducted
learning areas engaged school personnel 3 – Submitted/ presented instructional supervision
. (3.2) such as MTs, SHTs and monthly IS plans COT and every month as
department heads in feedback forms scheduled
providing technical assis-
tance to 81-90 % of 2 – Submitted/ presented one 4 – Conducted
teachers MOV only instructional supervision
every month with
3 – Supervised and 1 –No proof/MOV presented minimal adjustment
provided TA based on
feedback to 71-80 % of 3 – Conducted
teachers instructional supervision
once in every quarter
2 –Supervised and
provided feedback to 50- 2 – Conducted
70 % of teachers across instructional supervision
learning areas with once in every semester

1 – Supervised less than 1 –not Conducted

50% % of teachers instructional supervision

3. Developed and September 10% 5 – Mentored fellow 5 - Submitted/ presented school 5 – conducted quarterly 5 5 5 5 0.500
implemented plan for 2022-July 2023 school heads in sustaining quarterly assess-ment results, assessment and 2 reading
learners assessment learner achieve- ment and analysis, class performance, assessments at the
including improving KPIs intervention adopted by others , beginning and end of the
. SF 6, and KPI SY with
learners’ achievement 4 – Engaged the wider intervention within the
and other performance school 4 - Submitted/ presented school SY
indicators to address community in developing quarterly assess-ment and
gaps data-based interventions reading assessment results 4 – conducted quarterly
to sustain learner analysis, class performance and assessment and 2 reading
achievement and KPIs PTC minutes assessments at the
beginning and end of the
3 – Utilize learning 3 – Submitted/ presented SY and released results
outcomes in developing school quarterly assess-ment on time
data-based intervention and reading assessment results
with analysis 3 – conducted quarterly
2 – Set regular learners’ assessment and 2 reading
assessment with no 2 – Submitted/ presented assessments at the
analysis school quarterly assess-ment beginning and end of the
results only SY
1 – not planned
1 –No proof/MOV presented 2 – conducted quarterly
assessment only

1 –never conducted
4. Managed learner September 5% 5 – Led concerted efforts 5 - Submitted/ presented school 5 – communicated 5 5 5 5.00 0.250
discipline through 2022-July 2023 among stakeholders to handbook with authors and co- monthly through
established school rules develop and implement authors and CPP with the CPC integration in lessons
and policies effective learner composition
discipline policies to
collaboratively support student growth 4 – Submitted/ presented 4 – communicated
developed with and whole school school handbook with authors quarterly
stakeholders improvements and co-authors (stakeholders)
3 – communicated
4 – Ensured that learner 3 – Submitted/ presented a list during the opening of
discip-line policies of school policies classes
developed with
stakeholders are 2 – Submitted/ presented 2 – communicated only
integrated into various compilation of classroom when necessary
processes and policies
are applied consistently 1 –never communicated
the school policies
3 – Implemented learner 1 –No proof/MOV presented
discipline developed with

2 – Developed a
1. Upgraded personal September 3% 5 – served as learning 5 - Submitted/ presented 4 3 3 3.33 0.100
and professional 2022-July 2023 resource to teachers and resource speakership or proof
development based on peers in upgrading of graduate studies, progress 5 – has attained plans in
the conducted self- personal and professional and reflection on personal & the first semester of the
competencies professional dev’t plan based
assessment and on self-assessment,
school year within the
development planning school year
4 –attained set personal
and serve as learning and professional 4 –Submitted/ presented 4 – has attained plans
resource to teachers and development plan based certificates on trainings earlier than the end of
peers. on self- assessment tool attended progress and school year
for school head reflection on personal &
profes-sional dev’t plan based 3 – has attained plans
3 – set personal & on self-assessment within the school year
professional development
goals based on self- 3 – Submitted/ presented 2 – has attained plans
assessment tool for school personal and professional with backlogs
head development plan based on
self-assessment 1 –has not started any of
2 –self-assessed personal the plans
and professional 2 – Submitted/ presented self-
development needs assessment only

1 – not conducted self- 1 –No proof/MOV presented

2. Led in organizing September 3% 5 – led in organizing 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – has conducted 4 3 3 3.33 0.100
professional networks 2022-July 2023 professional networks or Mentoring & LAC/TA/coaching
and learning community learning communities and Coaching Plan, LAC plan or monthly or more than 4
among teachers and provided colleagues L&D plan with proofs of quarters
opportunities to enhance implementation
colleagues to advance practice 4 – has conducted
and maximize KSAs and 4 –Submitted/ presented LAC/TA/coaching
practice. 4 –engaged actively in Mentoring & every quarter
professional networks Coaching Plan, LAC plan or
within and across schools L&D plan with proofs of 3 – has conducted
implementation LAC/TA/coaching twice
3 – participated in within the school year
professional networks 3 – Submitted/ presented
LAC plan or L&D plan and 2 – has conducted
2 –seek opportunities to proof of implementation LAC/TA/coaching once
improve practice as a in the school year
school leader 2 – Submitted/ presented self-
assessment only
1 – did not seek any 1 – has not conducted
opportunity to improve 1 –No proof/MOV presented any LAC/TA/coaching
for the school year

3. Implemented, September 3% 5 – led in organizing 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – implemented RPMS 5 5 5 5 0.150

evaluated and practiced 2022-July 2023 professional networks or minutes of planning, review calendar as scheduled
the performance learning communities and and coaching and development
management system to provided colleagues planning with the SPMT, 4 – implemented RPMS
opportunities to enhance IPCRF of all personnel with calendar with minimal
ensure career practice complete parts, Calendar for adjustment
advancement of personnel PMS (4 Phases) and summary
and school performance . 4 –engaged actively in of ratings of all school 3 – implemented RPMS
(4.4) professional networks personnel calendar and cycle
within and across schools within the SY
4 – Submitted/ presented
3 – participated in IPCRF of all personnel with 2 – implemented RPMS
professional networks complete parts, Calendar for late and with backlogs
PMS (4 Phases) and summary
2 –seek opportunities to of ratings of all school 1 – not implemented
improve practice as a personnel RPMS calendar
school leader
3 – Submitted/ presented
1 – did not seek any Calendar for PMS (4 Phases)
opportunity to improve and summary of ratings of all
school personnel
4. Provided opportunities, September 2% *** Designations or 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – designations 5 5 5 5 0.100
capacitated and 2022-July 2023 memoranda (department accomplishment of /assignments are
empowered individuals heads, OIC, grade designated individuals and performed consistently
and teams in enhancing chairman, BAC teams on leadership roles, for one to two SY
composition) designations / memo
strengths and gaps as ** Accomplishment of (department heads, OIC, grade 4 – designations
means of professional designated individuals chairman, BAC composition /assignments are
development and and teams on leadership and other functions related to performed for the SY
leadership development roles governance and accountability) and whenever needed
*School Personnel profile
(strengths and 4–Submitted/ presented 3 – designations
capabilities) Designations or memoranda /assignments are
(department heads, OIC, grade performed for the SY
chairman, BAC composition)
2 – designations
3– Submitted/ presented /assignments are
School Personnel profile changed anytime
(strengths and capabilities)
1 – designations
2 – Submitted/ presented /assignments are
incomplete profiling of performed for the SY
5. Promoted and September 2% 5 – empowered 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – updated personnel 3 2 2 2.33 0.050
advocated general welfare 2022-July 2023 individuals and teams to updated step increment of benefits and records at
and benefits of personnel consistently and personnel, list of promoted least quarterly
in adherence to local and effectively perform teachers, reclassified items and
leadership roles and updated service credits 4 – updated personnel
national policies responsibilities in benefits and records
achieving school goals in 4–- Submitted/ presented twice year
shared governance and list of promoted teachers,
accountability reclassified items and updated 3 – updated personnel
service credits benefits and records
4 –capacitated once year
individuals and teams to 3– Submitted/ presented
effectively perform updated service credits 2– updated personnel
leadership roles and benefits and records after
responsibilities fostering 2 – Submitted/ presented the SY
shared governance and incomplete records needed
accountability 1 – not updated
1 –No proof/MOV presented personnel benefits and
3 – provided records
opportunities to
individuals and teams in
performing leadership

2 –identify strengths and

capabilities and potentials
of individuals and teams

1 – did not identify

strengths and capabilities
6.   Institutionalized a September 2% 5 – institutionalized a 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – conducted R&R 3 2 2 2.335 0.050
school-based Rewards 2022-July 2023 school-based Customized School level following the
and Recognition system conceptualized rewards Rewards and Recognition institutionalized or
or mechanism for and recognition system system (write-up), School customized R&R
for sustained exemplary Memo and bulletin of school timeline or calendar
sustained exemplary performance of learners, Rand R
performance teachers and stakeholders
4–- Submitted/ presented
4 – implemented an an adopted school rewards
adopted school rewards system with school Memo on R
system for learners, and R and bulletin
teachers and stakeholders 4–
3– Submitted/ presented conducted R&R during
3 – implemented a school bulletin of R and R only school closing exercises
rewards system in
compliance to higher 2 – Submitted/ presented
office call incomplete records needed

2 –rewarded learners, 1 –No proof/MOV presented

school personnel and
1 – not rewarded learners, conducted R&R
school personnel and following timeline of
stakeholders higher Office

1. Supported and September 4% 5 – Exhibit exemplary 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – met at organization/s 5 5 5 5 0.200
strengthened diverse 2022-July 2023 skills in strengthening school memo supporting and quarterly
relationships to sustain an relationships internal & streng-thening organizations
enabling and supportive external stakeholders with such as PTA , Alumni and one4 –met the organization/s
PTAs , Alumni other organization with list of
twice a year 2–
environment for learners. organizations and one members and by-laws and Submitted/ presented
more organized support policies 3–met all organizations
incomplete records
group to foster an once
neededa year 1 –No

enabling and supportive 4– Submitted/ presented proof/MOV presented

environment organized PTA and Alumni 2– met one organization
organization with list of once a year
4 – Supported school members and by-laws and
personnel in policies 1 – never met
strengthening classroom organizations
PTAs and Alumni 3– Submitted/ presented
organizations Organized PTA with list of
member by-laws and policies
3 – Build constructive
relationships with school 2 – Submitted/ presented
PTA to foster an incomplete records needed
enabling and supportive
environment 1 –No proof/MOV presented

2 – Demonstrate skills in
dealing with authorities,
colleagues, parents and
other stakeholders

1 – not supported
2. Managed and evaluated September 4% 5 – Exhibited exemplary 5 - Submitted/ presented 5 – evaluated school 5 5 5 5 0.200
school organizations, 2022-July 2023 practice in managing 2 evaluation of accom- organiza-tions twice in a
faculty clubs to support school organizations to plishments of school SY with regular
the attainment of support the attainment of organizations, 1 school policy monitoring
institutional goals. on school organizations
institutional goals. including inclusivity and least 4–evaluated school
4 – Evaluated the 3 organized learners’ clubs and organiza-tions twice in a
accomplishment of school 1 faculty association with by- SY
organizations including laws.
the impact on the 3–evaluated school
attainment of 4– Submitted/ presented organiza-tions once
institutional goals. school policy on school within the SY
organizations and associations
3– Managed school and least 2 organized learners’ 2– evaluated school
organizations, such as clubs and 1 faculty association organiza-tions at end of
learner organizations, SY
faculty clubs by 3– Submitted/ presented
applying relevant at least 2 organized learners’ 1 – never evaluated
policies and guidelines clubs and 1 faculty association school organizations
to support the attain-ment
of institutional goals. 2 – Submitted/ presented 1
organized learners’ club
2 – Demonstrated
knowledge and under- 1 –No proof/MOV presented
standing of policies
on managing school

1 – needs improvement in
managing school
3. Demonstrated skills in September 4% 5 – Exhibit exemplary 5 - Submitted/ presented 5–communicated 5 4 4 4.33 0.175
communicating effectively 2022-July 2023 skills in communicating proof of speaking in SOSA, information to at least
in speaking and writing effectively in speaking meetings,/ twice a monthly
and ensure positive and in writing to internal dialogues/convergence / other
and external stakeholders, forum, ICT-based 4– communicated
platforms within the facilitated information communication platforms, information to monthly
school and community. sharing, collaboration & SRC, school memoranda,
support, and ensured letters 3 – shared information to
positive use of other stakeholders once in a
platforms within and 4– Submitted/ presented quarter
beyond the school. ICT-based communica-tion
platforms, school memoranda, 2– shared information to
4 – Mentored school letters to external stakeholders stakeholders once in a
personnel in communi- in sharing information and year
cating effectively in seeking collaboration and
speaking and in writing, support 1 – not shared
as well as the positive use information to
of other platforms, to 3– Submitted/ presented stakeholders
facilitate information school memoranda, letters to
sharing, collaboration external stakeholders in sharing
and support information and seeking
collaboration and support
3 – Communicated
effectively in speaking 2 – Submitted/ presented
and in writing to teachers, school memo only
learners, parents and other
stakeholders to facilitate 1 –No proof/MOV presented
information sharing,
collaboration & support.

2 – Demonstrated skills
in speaking and writing,
and other platforms

1 –has not shown skills in

speaking and writing, and
other platforms
4. Involved, initiated and September 3% 5 – Led the community, 5 – 100% (5/5 or more) 5 – Conduct/ 5 5 5 5 0.150
led in school and 2022-July 2023 including parents, alumni, implementation of the plan
implementation and
community collaborative authorities, industries and 4 – 80% (4/5) implementation
report every quarter
programs and actions in other stakeholders, in of 4 – Conduct/
creating collabora-tive the plan implementation and
solving issues and actions and initiatives in 3 – 60% (3/5) implementation
report 3 times a year
promoting development in solving complex issues on of 3 – Conduct/
the school and community learner develop-ment, as the plan implementation and
as well well as school and 2 – 40% (2/5) implementation
report 2 times a year
community improvement. of 2 – Conduct/
the plan implementation and
4 – Empowered the report once a year
community, to participate 1 – 20% (1/5) implementation 1 – no completed activity
in addressing concerns on of
learner develop-ment, as the plan
well as school and

3 – Initiated partner-ships
with the community, to
strengthen support for
learner development, as
well as school and
community improvement.

2 –Involved the
community, in school
programs, projects and

1 –not involved the

community, in school
programs, projects and
TOTAL 4.525


Head Teacher 1 Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent
Ratee Rater Approving Authority
School ID: 103797 District: SAN PABLO DISTRICT


CORE BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCIES improve performance. Examples may include
Self-Management doing something better, faster, at alower cost,
more efficiently; or improving quality, costumer
1 Sets personal goals and direction, needs and satisfaction, morale, without setting any
development. 5
specific goal.
2 Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that Teamwork
are clear and purposive and takes into account 1
5 Willingly does his/her share of responsibilty.
personal goals and values congruent to that of the
organization. 2 Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to
teamwork and goal accomplishment across the 5
3 Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for
5 organization
and is challenged by higher goals
4 Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through gantt 3 Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-
charts, checklists, etc.) to achieve goals. 5 win agreements. 5

5 Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for 4 Drives consensus and team ownership of
self and others 5 decisions. 5

5 5 Works constructively and collaboratively with

others and across organizations to accomplish
Professionalism and Ethics organizational goals and objectives. 5

1 Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined Service Orientation 5

in the Norms of Conduct and Ethical Standards for 1
5 Can explain and articulate organizational
public officials and employee (RA 6713). 5
directions, issues and problems.

2 Practices ethical and professional behavior and 2 Takes personal responsibilty for dealing with
conduct taking into account the impact of his/her 5 and/or correcting costumer service issues and 5
actions and decisions. concerns
3 Maintains professional image: being trustworthy, 3 Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for
regularity of attendance and punctuality, good men and women empowerment.
5 5
grooming and communication.

4 Makes personal sacrifices to meet the 4 Participates in updating of office vision,

organization's needs. 5 mission, mandates & strategies based on 5
DepEd strategies and directions.
5 Acts with a sense pf urgency and responsibility to 5 Develops and adopts service improvement
meet the organization's needs, improves systems programs through simplified procedures that
and help others improve their effectiveness. 5 will further enhance service delivery. 5

Result Focus 5 Innovation 5

1 Achieves results with optimal use of time and 1 Examines the root cause of problems and
resources most of the time. suggests effective solutions. Fosters new ideas,
5 processes, and suggests bettter ways to do 5
things (cost and/or operational efficiency).

2 Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through 2 Demonstrates an ability to think "beyond the
effective work methods by placing organizational box". Continuously focuses on improving
5 4
needs before personal needs. personal productivity to create higher value
and results.
3 Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by 3 Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-
conforming to standard operating procedures workers to develop original ideas or solutions.
correctly and consistently. Able to produce very
satisfactoy quality of work in terms of 5 4
usefulness/acceptability and completeness with no
supervision required.
4 Expresses a desire to do better and may express 4 Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and
frustration at waste or inefficiency. May focus on solutions that improve the work unit and organization.
5 4
new or more precise ways of meeting goals set.

5 Makes specific changes in the system or in own 5 Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilties.
work methods to Demonstrates resourcefulness and the ability to
succeed with minimal resources.
5 4

5 4.2
5 - Role Model; 4 - Consistently demonstrates; 3 - Most of the time demonstrates; 2 - Sometimes demonstrates; 1 Rarely demonstrates
DEPED RPMS form - DEPED form - Part II of OPCRF
Leading People 1 Improves the skills and effectiveness of
individuals through employing the range of 5
development strategies.

Uses basic persuasion techniques in a discussion 2 Facilitate workforce effectiveness through

or presentation e.g. staff mobilization, appeals to coaching and motivating/developing people
1 reason and/or emotions, uses data and 5 within a work environment that promotes 5
examples, visual aids. mutual trust and respect.
Persuades, convinces or influences others in order 3 Conceptualizes and implements learning
2 to have specific impact or effect. 5 interventions to meet dentified training needs. 5

4 Does long-term coaching or training by

“Sets a good examples”, is a credible and
arranging appropriate and helpful assignments,
respected leader; and demonstrates desired
3 5 formal training or other experiences for the 5
purpose of supporting a person’s learning and
5 Cultivates a learning environment by
Forwards personal, professional and work unit structuring interactive experiences such as
4 needs and interests in an issue. 5 looking for future opportunities that are in 4
support of achieving individual career goals

Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of an

inspiring relevant vision for the organization and
5 influences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, in 5 4.8
order to create an effective work environment.

People Performance Management 5

1 Makes specific changes in the performance
management system or in on work methods to
improve performance (e.g. does something
better, faster at lower cost, more efficiently,
improves quality, customer satisfaction, morale,
2 Sets performance standards and measures
progress of employees based on office and
department targets.
3 Provides feedback and technical assistance such
as coaching for performance improvement and
action planning.
5 4.933
4 States performance expectations clearly and
checks understanding and commitment.
5 Perform all stages of result-based performance
management system supported by evidence and
required documents/forms

5 - Role Model; 4 - Consistently demonstrates; 3 - Most of the time demonstrates; 2 - Sometimes demonstrates; 1 - Rarely demonstrates
Note: These ratings can be used for the developmental plans of the employee.
Accomplished by:
Head Teacher 1/Ratee
DEPED RPMS form - DEPED form - Part II of OPCRF
Final Performance Results Rating Adjectival Rating
Accomplishments ofg KRAs and Objectives 4.525 O
Rater-Ratee Agreement
The signatures below confirm that the the employee and his/her superior have agreed on content of this appraisal form and the performance rating.
Name of Employee: RODA G. GUMARU Name of Superior: EDNA P. ABUAN, PhD
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:



School Leadership,
Implementation of Implementation,
School Initiated
DepEd Programs and Intervention
projects Programs and
Partnership and
Linkage Webinars, Trainings, Workshops SY 2023-2024 Training Funds

Shared Governance AIP Adjustment

Webinars, Trainings, Workshops SY 2023-2024 Training Funds

assessment and
Fiscal Management evaluation of
teaching and

Head Teacher 1/Ratee
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


Schools Division Superintendent
Approving Authority
OPCRF SY 2022-2023

KRAs Weight Objectives Weight Rating Score

KRA Objectives
Objective 1 10% 5.00 0.500
KRA1 20% Objective 2 5% 4.00 0.200
Objective 3 5% 3.00 0.150
SUB-TOTAL 20% 0.850
Objective 1 3% 5.00 0.150
Objective 2 3% 5.00 0.150
KRA2 15% Objectibe 3 3% 5.00 0.150
Objective 4 3% 5.00 0.150
Objective 5 3% 5.00 0.150
SUB-TOTAL 15% 0.750
Objective 1 10% 4.00 0.400
KRA3 35% Objective 2 10% 5.00 0.500
Objective 3 10% 5.00 0.500
Objective 4 5% 5.00 0.250
SUB-TOTAL 20% 1.650
Objective 1 3% 3.33 0.100
Objective 2 3% 3.33 0.100
Objective 3 3% 5.00 0.150
KRA4 15% Objective 4 2% 5.00 0.100
Objective 5 2% 2.33 0.050
Objective 6 2% 2.33 0.050
SUB-TOTAL 15% 0.550
Objective 1 4% 5.00 0.200
Objective 2 4% 5.00 0.200
KRA5 15%
Objective 3 4% 4.33 0.175
Objective 4 3% 5.00 0.150
SUB-TOTAL 15% 0.725
GRAND TOTAL 100% 4.525
Prepared by:

Head Teacher 1/Ratee

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent
Approving Authority

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