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Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

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Research article

Evaluation of Non-Acid-Forming material layering for the prevention of acid

mine drainage of pyrite and jarosite
Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan a, *, Yoseph Palinggi b, Marisa Handajani a, Kris Pranoto b,
Ananda Atmaja a
Water and Wastewater Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Environmental Department, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, Indonesia


Keywords: Encapsulation is a typical method used to prevent potential acid mine drainage (AMD) in overburden piles. In this
Acid mine drainage method, Potentially Acid-Forming (PAF) material is covered with either Non-Acid-Forming (NAF) material or
Encapsulation alkaline material to minimize water infiltration and/or oxygen diffusion through rock pores. The physical and
chemical characteristics and thickness of the NAF material layer are critical factors affecting the successful pre-
vention of AMD. Therefore, this study evaluated the method of NAF material layering using laboratory-scale
Soil science
Environmental engineering column leaching tests. NAF layers with a ratio of 25 and 50% were used to cover PAF material containing py-
Geochemistry rite and jarosite sourced from the Sangatta and Bengalon mining areas, East Kalimantan. The physical and
Environmental pollution chemical characteristics of leachate collected from samples watered on a weekly wet-dry cycle were analyzed by
Environmental risk assessment kinetic tests over a period of 23 weeks. The results showed a trend of increasing pH values and decreasing sulfate
Environmental science and metal concentrations in the leachate. This study shows that NAF layering is an effective method to prevent or
minimize the generation of AMD.

1. Introduction surface or infiltrated into rocks with acid-forming potential. These re-
actions produce ferrous Fe, sulfate, and acidity (Singer and Stumm, 1970)
In 2016, Indonesia had considerable coal resources of 127 billion tons as follows:
and coal reserves of 32.3 billion tons (Outlook Energy Indonesia, 2016).
In 2018, Indonesia produced approximately 528 million tons of coal 2FeS2ðsÞ þ 15O2ðgÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ → 2Fe2þ ðaqÞ þ 4SO4 2 ðaqÞ þ 4Hþ ðaqÞ
(Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2019). The region of Kali- Reaction 1
mantan holds the largest coal reserves, amounting to 14.9 billion tons,
followed by Sumatra (11.2 billion tons) and Sulawesi (0.12 million tons). 4Fe2þ ðaqÞ þ O2ðgÞ þ 4Hþ ðaqÞ → 4Fe3þ ðaqÞ þ 2H2 OðlÞ Reaction 2
Abundant coal resources have the potential to have a multiplier effect,
especially for the economic sector in mining area communities (Rosyid 4Fe3þ ðaqÞ þ 12H2 OðlÞ → 4FeðOHÞ3ðsÞ þ 12Hþ ðaqÞ Reaction 3
and Adachi, 2016; Singawinata, 2007). However, mining activities,
especially open-pit coal mines, also have the potential to impact envi-
FeS2ðaqÞ þ 14Fe3þ ðaqÞ þ 8H2 OðlÞ → 15Fe3þ ðaqÞ þ 2SO4 2 ðaqÞ þ 16Hþ ðaqÞ
ronmental ecosystems (Banerjee, 2014; Goswami, 2015; Johnson et al.,
1987; Kaeser and Sharpe, 2001; Kimmel 1983), primarily through acid Reaction 4
mine drainage (AMD). AMD is one of the major environmental problems Ferrous iron can be oxidized by oxygen to form ferric iron; this re-
in the coal and mineral mining industry (Devasahayam et al., 2017; action can be catalyzed by acidophilic bacteria (Reaction 2). Under
Campaner et al., 2014). In open-pit mines, AMD forms by the release of certain environmental conditions, when the pH of water is less than 3.5,
sulfide minerals contained in the overburden or waste rock produced hydrolyzed ferrous iron will form iron hydroxide and 12 moles of acidity
during excavation and backfilling activities. The sulfide minerals then (Reaction 3). This reaction then forms golden-yellow iron hydroxide
react with oxygen in the air and with rainwater flowing on the ground precipitates also known as "yellowboy." Under certain environmental

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.S. Abfertiawan).

Received 13 July 2020; Received in revised form 24 October 2020; Accepted 19 November 2020
2405-8440/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

Figure 1. Location map of the study area.

conditions, ferric iron has the potential to oxidize the sulfide minerals generation and the performance of preventive scenarios by conducting
again (Reaction 4). This reaction causes sulfate formation and greater laboratory experiments using an NAF material layering over a period of
acidity than oxidation reactions due to oxygen (Evangelou, 1995; 23 weeks. In addition, this study was also carried out to understand the
Johnson and Hallberg, 2005). The oxidation reaction of sulfide minerals rate of sulfide mineral oxidation and the behavior of AMD generation in
by ferric iron occurs rapidly and repeats until the ferric iron is depleted in various prevention scenarios. We utilized NAF material from a mining
the environment. Therefore, AMD that forms in the overburden or waste area to enhance its application efficiency. PAF material, containing two
rock pile is difficult to resolve, requiring expensive chemical treatments types of sulfide minerals, i.e., pyrite and jarosite, was used as the source
(Kuyucak, 2002). AMD generation is a highly complex process influenced of AMD in this study.
by several factors, including mineralogy, hydrology, geology, and local
climate conditions (Abfertiawan et al., 2016; White et al., 1999). AMD 2. Materials and methods
has a low pH value of 2–4 (Abfertiawan et al., 2016; Bigham and
Nordstom, 2000), which can lead to various other environmental prob- 2.1. Materials
lems, such as increasing concentrations of SO4 2 and metals, such as
Fe2þ, Al3þ, and Mn2þ (Abfertiawan et al., 2016). Rock samples were taken from two mining areas at PT. Kaltim Prima
In open-pit coal mines, AMD has the potential to form in mining pit Coal (PT. KPC), Sangatta and Bengalon, located in Kutai Timur District,
areas, as well as active overburden piles (Miller et al., 2019; Abfertiawan East Kalimantan, Indonesia (see Figure 1). Two types of mudstone sam-
et al., 2011); this process can continue until the post-mining phase. ples were collected, one with the potential to form acids, i.e., PAF ma-
Therefore, prevention efforts must be planned carefully to minimize terial, and one that cannot form acids, i.e., NAF material. PAF samples
AMD generation during the post-mining phase. A common AMD pre- were collected from the mining areas of Sangatta (S-02) and Bengalon (P-
vention method is the dry cover method using Non-Acid-Forming (NAF) 01), whereas NAF rocks were only collected from the Sangatta site (S-01).
material over Potentially Acid-Forming (PAF) material. This method is Samples were selected from different lithologies (see Table 1). All sam-
relatively widely used in Indonesian mines because of its efficiency and ples were crushed using a jaw crusher with  2-cm openings and filtered
effectiveness (Matsumoto et al., 2017). NAF layering attempts to mini- using a sieve with a 9.5-mm opening range.
mize oxygen diffusion and water infiltration into the overburden or waste
rock disposal pile, thereby reducing the oxidation of sulfide minerals 2.2. Methods
(Barton-Bridges and Robertson, 1989; RoyChowdhury et al., 2015;
Skousen et al., 2000). Some studies have been conducted on the pre- Static tests were performed to determine the capacity for AMD gen-
vention of AMD generation using lime material (Zhou et al., 2017) or eration; these included the paste pH, Total Sulfur, Acid-Base Account
other alkaline materials, such as fly ash and bottom ash (Shimada et al., (ABA), and Net Acid Generation (NAG) tests. The tests were performed in
2012; Win et al., 2020). The aim of this study is to evaluate AMD accordance with the ARD Test Handbook, Amira International (2002). In

Table 1. Lithology and characteristics of the samples.

No Sample ID Lithology Characteristic Location

1 S-01 Mudstone NAF Sangatta Site
2 S-02 Mudstone PAF Sangatta Site
3 P-01 Mudstone PAF Bengalon Site

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

Figure 2. NAF Material Layering using laboratory-scale column leaching tests.

Figure 3. Column leach test (left) and the initial conditions of the sample on the surface (right).

addition, mineralogical analysis was conducted to observe the minerals Methods of Analysis of Water and Waste from the American Public
within the rock samples. The analysis was conducted by X-Ray Diffrac- Health Association (APHA).
tion (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and Scanning Electron Micro-
scopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) in
accordance with standard procedures. These methods are widely used to 3. Results and discussion
both qualitatively and quantitatively analyze minerals in rock samples
(Ritz and Klika, 2010). 3.1. Static tests: AMD identification
Column leaching tests were conducted in the laboratory of PT. KPC.
The column was composed of transparent acrylic material with a diam- The static test results show that the S-01 sample had the highest acid
eter of 15 cm and height of 30 cm (Figures 2 and 3). The height of the neutralizing capacity (ANC) of 26.81 kg H2SO4/t. This value illustrates
sample in the column from the bottom of the filter was 25 cm. A 60-W the amount of neutralizing material, including carbonate compounds in
lamp was installed above the column to simulate sunlight or dry condi- rocks, available to neutralize the formed acid. The ANC values of S-02
tions with an average temperature of 30–35  C. This temperature was and P-01 samples were –36.07 and –7.24 kg H2SO4/t, respectively; a
employed to represent the conditions at the study area in East Kali- negative ANC indicates a significant acid mineral content in the rock
mantan. Sample watering was conducted by adding 1 L of deionized samples. This high acidity value was also indicated by the low NAG pH of
water into each sample column on a weekly basis to simulate wet or rain S-02 and P-01 (1.9 and 3.33, respectively). In addition, S-02 and P-01 had
cycles. Water infiltrated into the rock samples flowed out below the positive NAPP (Net Acid Producing Potential) values of 70.67 and 36,03
column and was collected for analysis. The rock leachate was analyzed kg H2SO4/t, respectively. The NAPP illustrates the balance between the
according to its pH and concentrations of sulfate, total Fe, and total Mn. maximum potential acidity (MPA) and the ANC; a positive NAPP in-
Water quality analysis was performed with reference to the Standard dicates the potential for acid formation.

Table 2. Results of the static test.

No Code Total Sulfur (%) MPA ANC ANC/MPA NAPP NAG pH NAG Category

pH 4.5 pH 7
1 S-01 0.54 16.53 26.81 1.62 –10.27 7.7 0 0 NAF
2 S-02 1.13 34.60 –36.07 –1.04 70.67 1.9 20.66 31.65 PAF
3 P-01 0.94 28.78 –7.24 –0.25 36.03 3.33 30.25 41.02 PAF

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

3.2. Mineralogy tests

Mineralogical tests were performed on all three samples to determine

and confirm the types of sulfide minerals in each sample. Figures 4 and 5
show the XRD and SEM results, respectively. Sample S-01 can be classi-
fied as NAF because it did not contain sulfide minerals; however, it did
contain carbonate minerals, such as vaterite (CaCO3) and siderite
(FeCO3) (Figure 3a), both of which lead to high concentrations of ANC.
Other minerals observed in sample S-01 were quartz (SiO2), rectorite
((Na,Ca)Al4((Si,Al)8O20) (OH)4.2H2O), anatase [(TiO2), albite (Na,Ca)
Al(Si,Al)3O8], kaolinite [(Al2Si2O5(OH)4], and rutile (TiO2).
Sample S-02 contained framboidal pyrite minerals as the main source
of AMD generation (Figures 4b and 5-left). This framboidal morphology
indicates that the pyrite mineral has the potential to have a greater
oxidation rate due to its larger surface area. The other dominant minerals
in sample S-02 were quartz [SiO2], jarosite [(K,H3O)Fe3(SO4)2 (OH)6],
and halloysite [Al2Si2O5(OH)4]. Unlike sample S-02, sample P-01 did not
contain pyrite minerals; jarosite [(K, H3O)Fe3 (SO4)2(OH)6] from the
hydronium jarosite group was the only sulfide mineral observed in P-01
(Figures 4c and 5-right). Jarosite belongs to the iron-hydroxysulphate
minerals and is often found in acidic and sulfate-rich environments,
mining waste, and ore processing. Jarosite also has the potential to
produce sulfate and H ions, thus forming AMD along river streams
(Cogram, 2018).

3.3. Kinetic tests: characteristics of 100% column samples

Column leaching tests were conducted over a 23-week period. During

this period, the leachate characteristics of different column conditions
were analyzed to understand the behavior of AMD generation and the
performance of the NAF material layering. The simulation results for
columns containing 100% S-01, S-02, and P-01 material were consistent
with the sample characteristics revealed by the static tests. The pH value
of leachate from the S-01 sample column (NAF-Sangatta) ranged from
6–9 (see Figure 6a) and was typically above 8, which indicates the
dominant presence of alkaline carbonate material. This was also illus-
trated by the static test results of sample S-01, which had a positive ANC
value of 28.81 kg H2SO4/t and an NAG pH value of 7.7. This can be
explained by the presence of vaterite (CaCO3) and siderite (FeCO3), i.e.,
carbonate minerals that contribute to the pH characteristics of the
leachate. The low acid formation in S-01 was also indicated by the low
sulfate concentration during the kinetic test, which ranged from
47–1,040 mg/L, with an average of 250.4 mg/L during the 23-week
testing period (Figure 6b).
Sample S-02 from the Sangatta site had more acidic characteristics
than sample P-01 from the Bengalon site; the leachate pH value was
1.5–2.5 and the concentrations of sulfate, which is a pyrite mineral
oxidation product, reached 6,900 mg/L. The generation of AMD with pH
< 4 leads to increased metal solubility; this was observed in the S-02
leachate, which exhibited the highest total Fe and Mn metal concentra-
tions of 1,180 and 27 mg/L, respectively. This difference in the AMD
formation potential of the two PAF samples was also indicated by the
static test results.
Figure 4. Results of the X-Ray diffraction analysis: (a) S-01, (b) S-02, and (c) The values of each parameter were lower in sample P-01 than in S-02.
P-01. The jarosite present in P-01 had a relatively large influence on the lower
rate of AMD formation than S-02. Jarosite is a secondary mineral that
Sample S-02 exhibited the highest concentration of total S at 1.13%. originates from the weathering and oxidation of pyrite and can be an
The method for total S analysis used in this study was considered quite important source of acidity in water (Park et al., 2013). According to
conservative because it did not separate or distinguish different forms of Murray et al. (2014), jarosite minerals have the following general
S that may be contained in the samples, such as sulfides (pyrite or other chemical equation: MFe3(TO4)2(OH)6, where M can have the form of Na,
sulfide minerals), sulfates, and native S. Sulfate and native S are not K, Ag, Tl, NH4, H3O, or ½Pb and TO4 can have the form of (SO4), (PO4), or
known sources of AMD. Table 2 lists the static test results revealing the (AsO4). This mineral is part of the alunite super group, which has a highly
characteristics of the three samples. Sample S-01 is categorized as NAF, crystalline composition. This typically causes jarosite minerals to be
whereas S-02 and P-01 are categorized as PAF. Sample S-02 sample has a stable and insoluble. In addition, jarosite plays an important role in
greater acid formation potential than P-01, with MPA values reaching overburden piles because of its ability to remove metals from solution
34.60 kg H2SO4/t. during precipitation (Dold and Fontbote, 2001; Hudson-Edwards and

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

Figure 5. Pyrite (left) and jarosite (right) minerals from the SEM analysis.

Figure 6. Characteristics of the leachate from 100% S-01, S-02, and P-01 columns: (a) pH value, (b) sulfate concentrations, (c) total Fe concentrations, and (d) total
Mn concentrations.

Wright, 2011; Murray et al., 2014). These mineral characteristics may material, S-02, indicated a difference in performance between the
have led to the relatively non-acidic characteristics of the P-01 leachate layering scenarios of 25% NAF and 50% NAF, whereby the 50% NAF
when compared with the S-02 leachate. The concentrations of metals in layering typically exhibited better characteristics. The pH values ranged
sample P-01 were also lower, with total Fe and Mn concentrations of from 1.89–2.54 for the 50% NAF layering and 1.71–2.57 for the 25%
0.13–29.5 and 6.6–64.5 mg/L, respectively. Moreover, these two pa- NAF layering (Figure 7a), which were higher than the pH of the 100% S-
rameters exhibited a significant decreasing trend (Figure 6c and d), 02 sample. This difference in acidity was also observed in the 25 and 50%
whereas the pH of samples S-02 and P-01 increased over the 23 week sulfate concentration scenarios. The 25% scenario produced leachate
period. This indicates that the oxidation of sulfide minerals began to with higher sulfate concentrations from 1,440–9,600 mg/L Figure 7b
diminish due to the decreasing mass of sulfide minerals. This was also shows the fluctuations in the sulfate concentration between the two
suggested by the decreased concentrations of sulfate and metals in the scenarios. Both scenarios exhibited increasing pH values up to the 23rd
leachate water. week, followed by a decrease in the sulfate concentrations, total Fe, and
total Mn (Figures 7b, 7c and 7d).
3.4. Kinetic tests: 25 and 50% NAF layering The kinetic test results for the 25 and 50% NAF layering scenarios on
the Bengalon PAF material revealed notably different characteristics.
Column leach tests were conducted with two layering scenarios, i.e., This is a result of the characteristics of jarosite, which leads to the slow
25% NAF or 50% NAF, on two types of PAF material, i.e., PAF Sangatta generation of AMD. The 50% NAF scenario had a higher pH value than
(S-02) and Bengalon (P-01), over a 23-week period. The PAF Sangatta the 25% scenario; the pH was above 4 and increased significantly

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

Figure 7. Characteristics of the leachate

from the 25 and 50% of NAF material
layering: (a) pH of the NAF layering over
PAF Sangatta, (b) sulfate concentration of
the NAF layering over PAF Sangatta, (c) total
Fe concentration of the NAF layering over
PAF Sangatta, (d) total Mn concentration of
the NAF layering over PAF Sangatta, (e) pH
of the NAF layering over PAF Bengalon, (f)
sulfate concentration of the NAF layering
over PAF Bengalon, (g) total Fe concentra-
tion of the NAF layering over PAF Bengalon,
and (h) total Mn concentration of the NAF
layering over PAF Bengalon.

throughout the 23 week period to reach a neutral pH. In contrast, the In general, encapsulation aims to minimize oxygen diffusion and/or
25% scenario exhibited a slower increase in the pH toward a neutral infiltration of water into an overburden pile, thereby inhibiting the
value, only increasing from 4 to 5. This trend was also indicated by the oxidation of sulfide minerals within the PAF layer (Pozo-Antonio et al.,
decreasing concentrations of sulfate, total Fe, and total Mn. The presence 2014; Gautama et al., 2013). NAF layering can also act as a neutralizer of
of the relatively unreactive jarosite minerals notably reduced the con- AMD that has formed within the PAF layer (Matsumoto et al., 2018). This
centrations of metals in the leachate water. Figure 6e–h shows the is achieved by the presence of alkaline materials, such as carbonates
leachate behavior in the Bengalon PAF scenario. NAF layering simula- contained in the NAF material (Cravotta et al., 1990). Water flowing from
tions using both types of PAF material were performed to evaluate their the NAF layer carries high pH dissolved alkali material into the PAF layer.
performance and the factors controlling the prevention of AMD However, this method can only be applied if the NAF material has a
formation. sufficient buffering capacity, which can be indicated by a high ANC value

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

Figure 8. Physical conditions of the samples in the columns after 23 weeks of testing: (a) column with 100% NAF, (b) column with 100% PAF Sangatta, (c) column
with 100% PAF Bengalon, and (d) column with 50% NAF layering.

(Wong et al., 1999) and the presence of carbonate minerals, as revealed the sulfate and metal concentrations. The existence of carbonate material
by mineralogy tests. According to the kinetic test results of the 23-week plays an important role in improving the quality of AMD prevention. At a
period, the presence of carbonate minerals likely played a significant role larger scale, encapsulation with NAF material also minimizes oxygen
in the NAF layering scenario in the kinetic tests. The NAF material had a diffusion and infiltration of water into the pile, especially when using
high ANC value. The presence of carbonate vaterite (CaCO3) and siderite PAF material. Further research should be conducted to determine the
(FeCO3) material in the NAF samples inhibited the oxidation process of optimal encapsulation method to efficiently reduce oxygen diffusion and
sulfide minerals, causing an increase in the pH value of the AMD that water infiltration. Jarosite minerals have the potential to produce acids;
formed in the PAF layer. In addition, the oxygen diffusion factor into the however, they are relatively unreactive when compared with pyrite
PAF layer was not significantly retained by the NAF layer. In general, minerals. According to the kinetic test results, samples containing jarosite
oxygen will begin to decrease at a depth of ~0.5 m from the surface minerals exhibited relatively better leachate characteristics than pyrite-
(Doulati et al., 2010), depending on the physical characteristics of the bearing samples. Further analysis should be performed to determine
material. According to Doulati et al. (2010), the pyrite oxidation rate has the differences in the rate of oxidation of sulfide minerals during AMD
the potential to decrease significantly at lower depths of up to 1 m generation. This study represents a preliminary step toward predicting
because of a rapid decrease in the oxygen concentration. In the kinetic the potential of AMD formation.
test container, the degree of material consolidation also affected the
changes in the concentration within the rock sample layer. Declarations

3.5. Rock weathering and metal precipitation: visual observations Author contribution statement

Visual observations were also conducted during the kinetic tests to Muhammad Sonny Abfertiawan: Conceived and designed the exper-
understand the physical changes in the column material. After 23 weeks iments; Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data;
of the test cycle, all samples decreased by 2–4 cm from an initial depth of Contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
25 cm (Figure 8). This occurred because of rock weathering, which led to Yoseph Palinggi: Performed the experiments; Analyzed and inter-
material consolidation. This phenomenon resulted in slower water preted the data.
infiltration during certain weeks. Material consolidation also has the Marisa Handajani, Kris Pranoto: Analyzed and interpreted the data.
potential to decrease the oxygen diffusivity due to reduced material Ananda Atmaja: Performed the experiments.
porosity. However, in the column test case, the two variables, i.e., oxygen
diffusion and water infiltration, did not significantly reduce the oxidation Funding statement
of sulfide minerals. The formation of metal precipitates was also observed
in the column. Yellow-brown precipitates were observed in the PAF This work was supported by the Bandung Institute of Technology
Sangatta layer (S-02), but not observed in the NAF layer (Figure 8a) or through the Water and Wastewater Engineering Research Group (KK-
Bengalon PAF (Figure 8c),which contained jarosite minerals (Figure 8b RALC) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering from a
and d). These precipitates were Fe(OH)3 that formed during the oxida- research grant as part of the program titled, "Program Penelitian, Pen-
tion of pyrite minerals. In addition, dilution and carbonate from the NAF gabdian kepada Masyarakat, dan Inovasi (P3MI) Kelompok Keahlian ITB
layer resulted in Fe3þ hydrolysis, which formed Fe(OH)3 precipitates 2019." The Environment Department of PT. Kaltim Prima Coal and PT.
(Dold, 2014). Iron (III) hydroxide is not stable and soluble when the Ganeca Environmental Services also provided financial and technical
environmental pH is less than 3.5 as the equilibrium will change and the support for this study.
Fe(OH)3 precipitates will form Fe3þ again. An equilibrium exists between
aqueous Fe3þ and solid iron(III) hydroxide. According to the chemical
Data availability statement
reaction of AMD, the hydrolysis of Fe(OH)3 is the main acid producer
(Williamson et al., 2006).
Data included in article/supplementary material/referenced in
4. Conclusions

The results of this study prove that encapsulation using NAF material Declaration of interests statement
is a useful technique to prevent the formation of AMD in coal and mineral
mines. Specifically, the use of NAF material increases the pH and reduces The authors declare no conflict of interest.

M.S. Abfertiawan et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e05590

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