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Green Polymers Review

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Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35

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Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research

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Biodegradable polymers and green-based antimicrobial packaging

materials: A mini-review
Yajie Zhong a, Patrick Godwin b, Yongcan Jin a, **, Huining Xiao b, *
Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton E3B 5A3, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recently, the demands for biodegradable and renewable materials for packaging applications have
Received 21 August 2019 increased tremendously. This rise in demand is connected to the growing environmental concerns over
Received in revised form the extensive use of synthetic and non-biodegradable polymeric packaging, polyethylene in particular.
29 September 2019
The performance of biodegradable polymers is discussed in this review, with a particular focus on the
Accepted 4 November 2019
blends of starch and other polymers. Furthermore, in food packaging industry, microbial activities are of
great concern. Therefore, incorporation of antimicrobial agents or polymers to produce barrier-enhanced
or active packaging materials provides an attractive option for protecting food from microorganism
Biodegradable polymers
Packaging materials
development and spread. Additionally, the barrier, mechanical and other properties of biodegradable
Antimicrobial packaging polymers are discussed. Lastly, the existing and potential applications for bioactive coatings on antimi-
Starch crobial packaging materials are also addressed.
© 2019 Kingfa SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction benefits for greenhouse gas balances and other environmental

impacts. The recyclable biological process of biodegradable poly-
Packaging waste, those from non-biodegradable polymers in mers is shown in Fig. 1. Biopolymers originate from various natural
particular, has become a significant part of municipal solid waste, resources, such as starch, cellulose, chitosan and proteins from
resulting in increasing environmental concerns. Discarded pack- plant and animal origins. Those natural polymers are the attractive
aging material is also a very obvious source of litter, posing a major alternatives for non-biodegradable and petroleum-based or syn-
waste management challenge. Among these materials, poly- thetic plastic packaging materials, owing to their green features.
ethylene (PE) is the most commonly-used petroleum-based poly- Among various biopolymers, cellulose and starch are particularly
mer in packaging application [1,2]. It is extremely difficult for PE or abundant. In conjunction with their renewable, inexpensive, envi-
other types of petroleum-based polymers to be biodegraded after ronmentally friendly, biodegradable, and biocompatible features,
disposing in land or coast, thus creating varying levels of contam- those biopolymers have become increasingly popular [6,7].
ination. To address this problem, much attention has been paid to As one of the unique packaging materials, antimicrobial pack-
developing the biodegradable polymers from renewable resources aging is not only beneficial to the consumers but also to the food
in recent years [3e5], which is also driven by the global environ- and hygiene products. The innovative packaging is able to extend
mental awareness. The degradation of biodegradable polymers the shelf life of products through deactivating or reducing the
disposed in bioactive environments (e.g., landfills) is often induced growth of various bacteria or fungi which are harmful to human
by microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi) via enzymatic catalysis health [8]. The development of biodegradable materials and
processes. The polymer chains may also be broken down by non- antimicrobial green-based materials for packaging is of importance
enzymatic processes like chemical hydrolysis. The end products though the dilemma between biodegradable behavior and anti-
of biodegraded polymers typically include CO2, CH4, water, biomass microbial activity should be addressed as well [9,10]. The review
and other natural substances, which are relevant to potential presented herein highlights several types of biodegradable poly-
mers and green-based antimicrobial packaging materials; and
* Corresponding author. focuses on the characteristics of various biodegradable polymers.
** Corresponding author. Some recent advances and emerging technologies associated with
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Jin), [email protected] (H. Xiao).

2542-5048/© 2019 Kingfa SCI. & TECH. CO., LTD. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
28 Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35

Fig. 1. Cyclic biological process of biodegradable polymers.

the packaging application of biodegradable polymers are also are shown in Fig. 3. The characteristics of each polymer is detailed
discussed. as follows.

2. Biodegradable polymers 2.2.1. Starch

One of the most abundant and renewable polysaccharides in
2.1. Definition and classification of biodegradable polymers plants is starch [13]. Native starch consists of two types of glucose
polymers, namely amylose and amylopectin. While amylose is a
Biopolymers can be used to substitute non-biodegradable plas- chain of D-glucose unit that is connected together by a-1,-4 bonds,
tics to reduce the environmental impact and petro-dependence. As the amylopectin contains short chains of a-1,-4 linked D-glucose
alternative bio-packaging materials, biopolymers allow the pack- units that are branched by a-1,-6 bonds. Although starch is a
aging materials to be biodegradable or compostable completely. biodegradable polymer that can be manufactured in large quanti-
Biodegradation of biopolymers involves the hydrolytic or enzymatic ties at relatively low cost, handled easily and form film products
cleavage of bonds in the polymer. Biodegradation is often defined as with low oxygen permeability, the major challenge with native
an event which occurs via the action of enzymes and/or chemical starch is that, it is brittle and hydrophilic. These limit its various
decomposition associated with living organisms (bacteria, fungi, applications such as its use for the manufacturing of plastic bags
etc.). It is worth noting that the other processes like photo- and food packaging [14]. To enhance its flexibility and improve the
degradation, oxidation and hydrolysis may also have impact on the easiness for processing or plasticizing starch, various plasticizers
structure and chains of polymers prior to or during biodegradation. (glycerol, glycol, sorbitol) are employed to convert the starch into
Biodegradable polymers may be classified into different types thermoplastic starch (TPS) via the application of heat and shear
according to their synthesis processes and sources, which are out- over extrusion processes [15,16].
lined in Fig. 2 [11,12]. They are directly obtained from biomass
(proteins and polysaccharides), synthetic biopolymers from biomass 2.2.2. PLA
(poly(lactic acid) (PLA)) or petrochemicals (e.g., (polycaprolactone) PLA is a biodegradable polyester obtained from lactic acid dur-
(PCL), poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) ing the fermentation of renewable crops such as sugar beets and
(PBSA)) or those obtained by microbial fermentation (e.g., poly corn. This polyester has attracted attention because it is readily
(hydroxyalkanoates) (PHA), poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)). available and cheap. Lactic acid is usually synthesized from either
bacterial fermentation or from synthesis of petrochemicals. PLA is
2.2. Properties and drawbacks of biodegradable polymers prepared from the condensation polymerization of D- or L-lactic
acid or from the ring-opening polymerization of lactide monomer
There are several types of biodegradable polymers in the market from lactic acid. The PLA with low molecular weight is manufac-
at the moment. The structures of selected biodegradable polymers tured by the direct polycondensation of lactic acid. On the other
Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35 29

Fig. 2. Representative biodegradable polymers based on two resources.

hand, high molecular weight PLA is produced from the ring- spinning, thermoforming, etc. [19]. Furthermore, PLA presents a
opening polymerization and it exhibits better mechanical proper- medium level of water and oxygen permeability that is comparable
ties [17]. Moreover, the high molecular weight PLA has also been to that of polystyrene [20,21]. However, PLA has a low resistance to
generated via the azeotropic condensation polymerization of lactic oxygen permeation, and it is also brittle with less than 10% elon-
acid [18]. gation at break. These properties limit its applications that require
PLA has been widely accepted as biodegradable polymer for plastic deformation at higher stress levels. To address this chal-
packaging materials owing to its stiffness, transparency, process- lenge, blending PLA with highly exfoliated clay in conjunction with
ability and biocompatibility. When compared with other bio- thermoplastic starch has proven to satisfactorily produce materials
polymers such as PHA, PEG and PCL, PLA exhibits a better thermal with improved mechanical strength [22]. The bending of PLA with
processability, which allows for the various processing methods of PHB by melt blending has been considered to be a facile way to
PLA such as injection molding, blow filming, cast filming, fiber improve the properties of PLA. When PLA was blended with PHB,

Fig. 3. Structures of selected biodegradable polymers.

30 Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35

there was an improved oxygen barrier, water resistant and Starch, in particular, is water sensitive and its film properties are
mechanical properties of the polymer as compared with pure PLA. heavily dependent on the moisture content, exhibiting relatively
This demonstrated a valuable option for food packaging application low mechanical resistance. Moreover, due to the high melting point
[23]. and lower thermal decomposition temperature of starch, it has
poor thermal processability [32]. To make starch suitable for tar-
2.2.3. PCL geted applications, it is necessary to blend starch with other poly-
PCL is a thermoplastic biodegradable polyester with good mers. The properties of polymers can be altered or modified by
thermal processability, low melting point and low viscosity. It is blending [33,34]. Blends of starch with polymers which have
synthesized by the polymerization of ε-caprolactone. Because of enhanced water resistant and good mechanical properties as
the weak barrier properties and poor mechanical properties of PCL packaging materials are not only biodegradable but also econom-
which are attributed to its low melting point, PCL application as a ical. These starch-based thermoplastic materials blending with
biodegradable polymer in the packaging industry is limited. To polymers such as polyolefins, PHA, PLA and PCL, have received
increase the scope of its applications, PCL is usually blended with wider industrial applications ranging from film blowing, extrusion
other polymers (e.g., cellulose propionate, polylactic acid, and applications, blow moulding, injection moulding and foaming [35].
cellulose acetate butyrate) to improve stress crack resistance,
dyeability and adhesion [24].
3.1. Blends of starch and polyolefins as compostable packaging
2.2.4. PHA/PHB
Another promising material applied in packaging, medical and Prior to developing completely biodegradable packaging, starch
agriculture sector is PHA, which is a polyester of various hydrox- has been blended with polyolefins, low-density polyethylene
yalkanoates that is synthesized from microbial fermentation. PHAs (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) in particular, to
are non-toxic and crystalline thermoplastic elastomers with lower produce compostable (though not 100% biodegradable) and envi-
melting point. They are biocompatible with good UV resistance, ronmentally friendly materials for packaging application [36].
physical and chemical properties. These properties depend on the Blending or compounding is often conducted in a twin-screw
PHA monomer compositions. PHAs application is constrained due extruder followed by either cast filming or blown filming process.
to its poor mechanical properties, incompatibility with conven- To ensure the compatibility between PE and TPS, a compatibilizer,
tional thermal processing techniques, as well as their susceptibility e.g., PE grafted with maleic anhydride, is often needed, particularly
to thermal degradation [25]. at relatively high content of TPS (>20 wt %). In the presence of the
PHB is the most common representative of PHA with a high compatibilizer, TPS could be well dispersed in PE matrix. The re-
degree of crystallinity. It has been equally considered for short- sults from DSC analysis also indicated that starch had strong impact
term food packaging applications [26]. It has the advantage of on crystallization of PE. The packaging materials with desired
biodegradability by the action of PHA hydrolases and PHA depo- mechanical properties required less amount of TPS (approximately
lymerases forming (R)- and (S)-hydroxybutyrates and nontoxic 15 wt% TPS); however, to achieve highly compostable materials, a
compounds under aerobic and anaerobic conditions [27]. PHB with higher amount of starch (up to 60 wt%) is required. The balance
crystallinity up to 70%, exhibits remarkable mechanical properties between the mechanical properties and biodegradability remains a
like polyethylene. Furthermore, PHB is suitable for food packaging challenge [37]. TPS can easily be blended with high density poly-
applications owing to its lamellar structure which contributes to its ethylene (HDPE) using deep eutectic solvents (DES) as modifiers,
superior aroma barrier properties with water vapor permeability. which could increase the ductility of compounds [38]. It is worth
PHB has a comparable melting point temperature with PLA, and noting that EDS often acts as a lubricant rather than a plasticizer.
thus allows for the blending of both polymers in their melted state. As a further extension of compostable starch/polyolefin blends,
However, the poor mechanical performance and melt processing polypropylene (PP) was compounded with starch using a single
behavior of PHB, i.e., high brittleness, low thermal stability and screw extruder and molded via injection molding, leading to the
difficult processing, along with insufficient barrier properties, limit compostable materials for various applications such as disposable
its widespread use [28]. Many attempts are being made to improve dishes and folk etc. The blends of PP and starch with better
its properties for packaging application [29,30]. Plasticized PLA- performance were prepared with a twin-screw extruder in the
PHB blends incorporated with catechin were prepared by melt presence of various compatibilizers. The mechanical and thermal
blending. PHB-added materials improved the mechanical proper- properties of resulting starch/PP blends were improved with the
ties of the plasticized PLA-PHB blends, which showed potential as addition of compatibilizers, owing to the improved dispersion of
biobased active packaging for fatty food [31]. starch in PP matrix and the enhanced adhesion between PP and
starch [39].
3. Starch/polymer blends Reactive extrusion with catalysts was employed to generate
cross-linking reactions within polymer blends, resulting in films
Biodegradable polymers have the potential to ameliorate the with improved properties that are adequate as packaging materials.
problems of non-biodegradable plastic waste pollution. However, Blends of starch (native and oxidized corn starch) and polystyrene
the majority of biodegradable plastics are not commonly used since (PS) containing glycerol as a plasticizer were prepared by reactive
they are quite expensive and the range of the material selection extrusion in a twin-screw extruder using zinc octanoate (Zn(Oct)2)
suitable for various end-use products is limited. For biodegradable as a catalyst, followed by compression molding. The results showed
polymers to have wider industrial applications, it is important to that the catalyst used in the reactive extrusion promoted the cross-
minimize its cost by blending them with renewable feedstock. linking between PS and starch, especially oxidized starch since the
A natural biopolymer synthesized from renewable resources is oxidative modification process of the starch could potentially
starch. Since starch is inexpensive, readily available and totally activate the catalyst [40]. Impact, thermal and biodegradation
biodegradable, there has been growing interest in synthesizing properties of high impact polystyrene (HIPS)/corn starch blends
starch-based products. Blending biodegradable plastics with TPS prepared via melt extrusion with glycerol as a plasticizer were
appears to be the most promising approach to minimize the cost of evaluated. Results indicated that the properties of the blends were
biodegradable polymers. dependent on the amount of starch and glycerol; and the
Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35 31

as-prepared blends exhibited fast degradation during the soil burial antimicrobial agents for packaging. They have been scrutinized for
test [41]. both pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in biomedical and
food applications at different testing conditions. The active films
3.2. Compounding starch with biodegradable polyester and PLA for prepared by solvent casting demonstrated the release of antimi-
biodegradable films crobial agents and efficacy against target microorganisms [50,51].

3.2.1. Compounding starch with biodegradable polyester 4.1. Starch-based antimicrobial packaging materials
(PCL and PHB)
Blending starch with PCL even at a low PCL content is an A number of antimicrobial agents and starch are compatible; and
effective approach to tackle the issues related to the weakness of resulting starch films demonstrated the abilities to deactivate many
pure starch materials, such as high moisture sensitivity, low resil- species of pathogens [52,53]. Among various antimicrobial peptides,
ience, and high shrinkage [42]. Compounding with PCL, the nisin or pediocin has been incorporated into the starch-halloysite
dimensional stability and the impact resistance of native starch are nanocomposite films via a casting method for food preservation.
significantly enhanced. The content of the plasticizer and compo- As-prepared films not only possessed the improved thermal stabil-
sition of the blend vary the mechanical properties and glass tran- ity, mechanical strength and water barrier properties, but also
sition temperature of TPS/PCL [43]. TPS/PLA and TPS/PCL blends are showed high antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes and
similar in both the compatibility and the role of components. C. perfringens [54]. The effectiveness of antimicrobial packaging
Introducing fiber and nano-clay to PCL/starch blends can reinforce materials often depends on the amount of antimicrobial agents
the blends further. Furthermore, this also improves the other loaded in the polymer matrix and the optimal amount released over
properties of the blends such as degradation rate, hydrolytic time. The performance of the film is usually governed by the
stability, and compatibilization between starch and PCL [44]. formulation protocol and materials used. However, the amount of
Blending of starch with PHB was also investigated in an attempt disinfectants incorporated into a polymer or starch matrix should be
to overcome PHB limitations and exploit inherent properties of properly controlled either for a particular application or minimizing
starch [45]. PHB/EVA/starch blends with fine dispersion of the negative impact on environments. It was reported that the starch
starch were prepared with in-situ compatibilization in the presence containing propolis improved antimicrobial efficacy against various
of maleic anhydride (MA) and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as pathogens even at very low dosages [55]. Antimicrobial agents
reactive agents. EVA/starch/MA/BPO/glycerol mixture was pre- extracted from natural sources, such as essential oils (EO), also
compounded, prior to being blended with PHB. It was found that showed the desired antimicrobial activity with no harmful effect on
although the tensile strength of the blends increased with the in- food, which has been employed for food packaging [56]. Similar
crease of MA content up to 0.09%, further increasing MA lowered systems based on TPS/layered silicates bionanocomposites contain-
the strength because of the changes associated with the size of ing EO for food packaging were also reported [57,58]. The release
starch particles, phase morphology and EVA domains. Furthermore, profile of antimicrobial agents in the composites is often controlled
the co-continuous morphology led to an increase in elongation at by formulation variables or the interaction among the components
break, thus giving a rise in toughness of the blends. The improved in the composite [58].
impact strength is attributed to the enhanced affinity between Through melt-blending of antimicrobial thermoplastic starch
EVA-g-starch and PHB, compared to PHB/starch blends [46]. (ATPS) with LLDPE, antimicrobial packaging film has been pre-
pared. Polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride used as the
3.2.2. Compounding starch with PLA antimicrobial agent was blended with starch. The derived LLDPE/
Blending starch with PLA in adequate proportions in the pres- ATPS films demonstrated an excellent antimicrobial activity against
ence of compatibilizers could lead to high-performance films that Escherichia coli (E.coli) [59]. Furthermore, the antimicrobial prop-
can meet the packaging requirements [18,47]. The combination of erty and biodegradation behavior of novel antimicrobial biode-
starch and PLA allows the blends or multilayer films to better suit gradable poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT)/TPS films
the requirements for packaging application due to their comple- before and after a three-month soil burial test have been studied.
mentary characteristics. Earlier research on PLA/starch blends Results demonstrated that both starch and PBAT were biodegrad-
focused on minimizing the cost while still maintaining biode- able and TPS showed excellent growth inhibition against E. coli
gradability. Recently, much attention has been paid to strength- during the biodegradable test [60].
ening PLA/starch blends. Plasticizing PLA/starch blends tends to Since antimicrobial-modified starch renders itself more hydro-
improve the compatibility, which has been regarded as a promising philic, the enhancing of the compatibility between the modified
means to enhance the toughness of the blends. Bilayer films of starch and PBAT is essential [61]. Fig. 4 illustrates the role of com-
amorphous PLA and starch were prepared by compression patibilizer along with a typical compatibilizer synthesized from the
moulding of TPS films and casting PLA layers with or without cin- copolymerization of styrene (St), maleic Anhydride (MAH) and
namaldehyde. Both tensile strength and water vapor barrier of glycidyl Methacrylate (GMA). Among them, St chains lead to the
bilayer films were improved compared to the net starch films. hydrophobic part of compatibilizer; whereas anhydride and gly-
Moreover, the high transparency was well maintained while the cidyl groups are hydrophilic and enable the covalent bonding with
oxygen barrier was similar to that of starch-alone films [48]. starch, thus further improving the compatibility between starch
and PBAT.
4. Antimicrobial-modified biodegradable packaging
4.2. PHB-based antimicrobial packaging materials
Antimicrobial packaging plays an important role in food pack-
aging, which could extend the shelf life and assure the preservation The application of PHB is not limited to packaging materials.
of food. Antimicrobial packaging can be prepared by incorporating PHB can be used in encapsulation of food supplements and as
bioactive agents directly into the packaging compounds, by coating carrier in nutrients delivery [62,63]. PHB films bearing various
bioactive agents onto the surface of the packaging, or by film- antimicrobial agents demonstrated the high activity in inhibiting
forming using antimicrobial polymers [49]. Starch and starch de- the growth of microorganisms and the controllable release of dis-
rivatives, PHB and PLA have many features compatible with many infectants which kinetics can be described with Fickian diffusion
32 Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35

Fig. 4. Schematic of the linkages induced by compatibilizer and the chemical structure of ter-polymer as a compatibilizer.

model [62]. Various natural antimicrobial agents, including vanillin, nanocomposites for green packaging application. Moreover,
sophorolipid or eugenol, were incorporated in PHB-based bio- PLA/PBAT nanocomposites containing rosin acid also exhibited
materials at different dosages for active packaging materials. PHB effective antimicrobial and anti-mold activities compared to pris-
films containing vanillin and eugenol even in a small amount tine PLA nanocomposites [73].
(80 mg/g PHB) were found to be effective against different bacterial Biodegradable active films based on PLA blended with PHB were
species [64,65]. PHB/TPS active films with eugenol also exhibited also reported. This polymer was incorporated with carvacrol as
anti-mould or antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea and anti- active agents and lactic acid oligomers (OLA) as plasticizers and
oxidant activity [66]. However, the incorporation of these natural were extruded and fully characterized in their functional capacities
antimicrobial agents in PHB frequently decreases the thermal sta- for antimicrobial active packaging. PLA/PHB active films exhibited a
bility and mechanical properties of the films [64]. good barrier to water vapor, while the resistance to oxygen diffu-
Apart from natural antimicrobial agents, synthetic disinfectants sion decreased as more of OLA and carvacrol were added.
were also employed in PHB-based packaging materials. Nevertheless, Furthermore, the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the
for food packaging application, the dosage of antimicrobial agents proposed formulations improved with the presence of carvacrol
should be well controlled [67]. PHB/PCL/organo-clay nanocomposites and even with enhanced inhibition capacity against Staphylococcus
containing nisin demonstrated good inhibiting effect against Lacto- aureus if compared to Escherichia coli at short and long incubation
bacillus plantarum; and as a result, the shelf life of processed meat times [74]. Binary and ternary PLA-based nanocomposites with
packed with the nanocomposite film was extended [68]. Zinc oxide cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) were
(ZnO) nanoparticle is also an inorganic and cost-effective antimi- prepared by reactive melt grafting. LNPs with antioxidant activity
crobial agent for food packaging. Growth of Gram-positive bacterium incorporated in the films proved to be efficient in antimicrobial
(Staphylococcus aureus) was completely inhibited by plasma-treated activity against plant pathogens. Furthermore, the combination of
PHB film loaded with ZnO nanoparticles [69]. CNC and LNP created a synergistic effect on the antioxidation
activity of ternary PLA-based films [75].
4.3. PLA-based antimicrobial packaging materials
5. Testing of polymer degradation
The incorporation of antimicrobial agents in PLA matrix enabled
the agents to be released in a controllable manner, thus improving As previously mentioned, polymer biodegradation is a natural
their effectiveness against microorganisms [70e72]. Antimicrobial complex phenomenon, which is difficult to be fully simulated in the
agents incorporated in PLA coating layer create a hydrophilic sur- laboratory environment due to a number of parameters related to
face which prevents the microorganisms from adhesion on the the entire biogeochemical process. Therefore, the current situation
surface of films. In order to meet special requirements for offers limited flexibility in methodologies for testing polymer
biomedical applications, different methods for the surface modifi- biodegradation. For instance, the research on microbial degrada-
cation of PLA were developed, e.g., the surface modification of PLA tion only provides a small variety of fungal and bacterial species.
with silver nanoparticles to create antimicrobial nanocomposite Finding the same environmental conditions is hardly possible. In
films [70]. PLA/PBAT intercalated with organoclay bearing antimi- addition, the ideal experiment to trace the change of polymers is
crobial natural rosin acid via melt blending led to the time consuming, which may take months or even years. In order to
Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35 33

Table 1
List of currently active ASTM standards sorted by category.

Category Standard

Aerobic atmosphere D6400e12 “Standard specification for labeling of plastics designed to be aerobically composted in municipal or industrial facilities”
D5338e11 “Standard test method for determining aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions,
incorporating thermophilic temperatures”
D5988e12 “Standard test method for determining aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in soil”
D6340e98(2007) “Standard test methods for determining aerobic biodegradation of radiolabeled plastic materials in an aqueous or compost
D6691e09 “Standard test method for determining aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in the marine environment by a defined microbial
consortium or natural sea water inoculum”
Anaerobic D5210e92(2007) “Standard test method for determining the anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in the presence of municipal sewage
atmosphere sludge”
D5511e12 “Standard test method for determining anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under high-solids anaerobic-digestion conditions”
D5526e12 “Standard test method for determining anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under accelerated landfill conditions”
Other auxiliary D5929e96(2009) “Standard test method for determining biodegradability of materials exposed to municipal solid waste composting conditions by
standards compost respirometry”
D6691e09 “Standard test method for determining the stability of compost by measuring oxygen consumption”
D6954e04(2013) “Standard guide for exposing and testing plastics that degrade in the environment by a combination of oxidation and

In general, these standards have been divided into three categories according to the applied atmosphere and purpose: (1) aerobic atmosphere, (2) anaerobic atmosphere and
(3) other auxiliary standards.

meet different requirements and situations, a series of techniques 6. Conclusions

have been performed in this area. One of the most important proofs
that polymer materials have been consumed by microorganisms is Although biopolymers are environmentally-friendly and most
the release of carbon dioxide. The examination of carbon dioxide is attractive packaging materials, there industrial applications are
appropriate for the scenario that the biodegradable polymer is the limited because of some factors such as their oxygen/water vapor
only carbon source into the environment. Other low molecular barriers, thermal resistance and other mechanical properties
weight metabolites (e.g., alcohols, fatty acids, aldehydes, and related with costs. Due to these limitations, synthetic polymers are
methane, etc.) can be assayed by gas chromatography with mass the most widely used materials for packaging. To address these
spectrometry (GC-MS) [76]. The residual polymer and its oligomers limitations and encourage the industrial applications of bio-
are often analyzed via gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to polymers for packaging materials, there is the need for further
monitor the changes of molecular weight (MW) and MW distri- research to effectively enhance their shelf-life, quality, nutritional
bution [77]. values and microbial resistance. Additionally, the barrier properties
To determine whether certain polymeric materials are biode- need to be enhanced. Biodegradable polymers consisting of
gradable or compostable, standard organizations, such as the starch/cellulose fibers are most likely to make a firm growth in
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as well as the applications.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), have pub- Several methods of enhancing the properties and performance
lished a series of standards for biodegradability and compostability of antimicrobial packaging materials such as polymeric blending,
in different exposure environments. Generally, these standards chemical and physical modifications, nanocomposites, have
describe definitions, testing guidelines, time frames, procedures, demonstrated promising potential for various applications. Both
conditions, limits and results interpretation. The standards are functional and technical limitations have also been barriers to the
concordant between countries, but there is no globally accepted development and applications of antimicrobial packaging materials
standard for each area at present [78,79]. in the food industry. Some of these limitations include vapor and air
As one of the well-received standard specifications for com- barriers, the low processability of bioplastics, the stability of anti-
postable materials, ASTM D6400 covers the requirements for microbial agents under processing conditions, toxicity as well as
labelling biodegradable polymers as compostable in municipal and the changes in mechanical properties of the packaging materials.
industrial composting facilities. In order to claim a certain material Therefore, further research work should be focused on filling the
is compostable, it must meet requirements that include satisfactory void linking the antimicrobial actions to microbial growth kinetics
disintegration, biodegradation, terrestrial and aquatic safety in a in the packed foods in both lab and industrial approaches. This
controlled laboratory scale composting test. would contribute to the initial efforts on the development of an-
It is worth noting that biodegradability is an essential prereq- timicrobials packaging. The strategies for improving antimicrobial
uisite for compostability according to ASTM D6400. A material is performances like synergism, nanocomposites and blending would
compostable must be biodegradable. However, the reverse is not be the core tools for improving antimicrobial packaging and avoid
necessarily true. In other words, if a material can be labeled as some of the limitations in the course of action.
biodegradable in composting environments, it is able to be claimed
as compostable. On the other hand, a biodegradable material which
Declaration of Competing Interest
is able to degrade in a fixed time frame and environment but
different from specifications for composting would be termed
There is no conflict interest.
biodegradable instead of compostable [80].
Besides ASTM D6400, a number of other ASTM standards
involving the biodegradability and compostability of a polymeric Acknowledgements
material have been introduced and updated during the last two
decades. Table 1 lists a modified standard category covering This work was supported by the National Natural Science
different standards (as of 2014) [81e91]. Foundation of China (31770623) and NSERC Canada.
34 Y. Zhong et al. / Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research 3 (2020) 27e35

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