7r-200518-Anglictina 7 Rocnik - Pracovni List 4 Lekce

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angličtiny (7.)
Finn crossed the river every day.
Unit 4 Finn crossed the river six times._________
1 You can see Buckingham Palace from the
2 Přečtěte si text, opravte chyby v následujících 2 Westminster Bridge crosses the River Avon.
větách. ________________________________
Visit to London 3 There are only old buildings in London.
We spent our holiday in London last month ________________________________
and we had a fantastic time. My favourite
4 There aren’t any boats on the river.
thing about London is the River Thames.
We crossed the river about six times and ________________________________
every time I thought the view was 5 London taxis are small and yellow.
fantastic! From Westminster Bridge you
can see all along the River Thames. You ________________________________
can see Big Ben and the London Eye. 6 London taxi drivers are very quiet.
That’s fantastic, too. It’s the biggest wheel
in the world and you have an even better ________________________________
view of London from it. From the river you 7 London taxi drivers use a special map called
can see all the different buildings. There
are old and new buildings all together. I The Knowledge.
like to imagine London 200 years ago – ________________________________
with all the horses and dirty roads.
Perhaps people weren’t always in a hurry _____ 14
like they are today. From the river you can
see all the history of this old city – that’s
why I like it. I love the river at night, too.
There are boats and restaurants, and all 3 Complete the sentences with the or – for no
the lights are on. It’s beautiful. And there article.
are always lots of people walking about.
I love all the places in London but I love My parents saw the Statue of Liberty when
the London buses and the taxis, too! they visited New York.
London taxis are big and black and there’s
1 I thought ________ Natural History
a lot of space in them. You can get six
people in them! The taxi drivers know Museum was fantastic.
everything about London and they’re really 2 We didn’t have time to visit ________
friendly. It’s an enormous city with lots of
roads and little streets. The taxi drivers Edinburgh Castle last year.
have to take a special test when they want 3 ________ Fitzwilliam Museum is in
to be a taxi driver. It’s called The
Knowledge. They have to learn how to get Cambridge.
to every street in London without using a 4 Would you like to see ________ We Will
sat nav or a map. Our taxi drivers didn’t
get lost once! I’d like to be a London taxi Rock You in London?
driver, but I think it’s a very difficult job! 5 I bought this T-shirt in ________ Oxford
6 I’d love to visit ________ Louvre in Paris.
7 Jane took lots of photos of ________ Big

_____ 7

4 Doplňe do textu the, a or an.

I live in Exeter. It’s a town in (1) ________ tower 1 s_____
south-west of England. I live in Topsham, but I
go to school in St Leonards. It’s on (2) ________
other side of town. There’s a lot to do in Exeter.
There are lots of shops and cafés, and there’s
(3) ________ old museum and (4) ________ 2 c____ 3 s_____
famous cathedral. There are lots of cinemas, too.
I often go to (5) ________ cinema with my
friends at the weekend. (6) ________ River Exe
runs through Exeter and I go canoeing with my
brother Freddie. (7) ________ canoe club is on 4 f_______ 5 b_____
the river and it’s brilliant.

_____ 7

5 Podtrhněte správné členy.

Go along here and take the road on the / 6 m_____ 7 p_____
a / – right.
_____ 7
1 You’ll come to a / an / – supermarket. Go
past the supermarket and it’s on your left. 7 Doplňte do vět zájmena v rámečku.
2 Can you see a bridge? The Houses of
everyone somewhere something
Parliament are at the end of the / – / a
someone nothing everywhere
3 Excuse me. Where’s a / – / the Hyde Park?
4 Look at the theatre. The museum is next to
the / a / – theatre. I’ve got something to tell you.
5 There’s a / the / – / big park in my town, and 1 I can't find my car keys ________! I think I
I live next to the park. have lost them!
6 The / A / – Big Ben is next to the river. 2 ________ laughed when the clown fell over.
7 There isn’t the / – / an art gallery in our 3 Is there ________ I can do to help?
town. 4 After the flood my family was left with
_____ 7 ________.
5 I called the police when I heard ________
6 We have looked ________ but we still can't
find the car keys.
7 I've seen you ________ before! Where was it?

_____ 7

Doplňte do vět chybějící předložky:

6 Doplňte slova. Alex Where do you live, Tom?
Tom I live in Gold Road. There’s a park
opposite my house. We play football
there after school.
Alex How do you get there from here?
Tom Go to the end of (1) ___________
street and (2) ___________ right. Walk
(3) ___________ the library. There’s a
supermarket on the (4) ___________ of
Old Street. Go (5) ___________ on till
you come to the river. The park is on
the (6) ___________ side of the river,
so go (7) ___________ the bridge.
You’ll see the park on the right.

_____ 7

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