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I. Basic Information
            Group Members:

 Rechel Dacumos
Joshua Delatina
 Rosemarie Medina
 Roxanne Trocio 
 Cyril Yabes
Samantha Indino
Daniella Mijares
School Address:
 San Roque, Castillejos, Zambales 
Track :
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to shift to online learning,

which has significantly impacted the academic performance of
students. However, with the gradual easing of restrictions, some
schools have started to reintroduce face-to-face classes. This study is
entitled “the effects of face-to-face classes in the academic
performance of Grade 12 ABM students in Catillejos National High
School after the pandemic, School year 2022-2023.” This study aims
to investigate the effects of face-to-face classes on the academic
performance of Grade 12 ABM students after the pandemic. The
respondents of the study was 108 in total, calculated using solvin’s
formula with 35 males and 73 females considering their strand and
section in Castillejos National High School.

Based on the finding obtained, the following conclusion were made:1.)

The respondents has 33.33% on it per section of G12 ABM. 2.) The
respondents are mostly female with 67.59% out of 108 total of
respondents. 3.) Respondents mostly aged of 18 years old with 51.85%
out of 108 total of respondents.4.)Based on the findings of the study,
it can be concluded that face-to-face classes have a significant positive
effect on the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM students after
the pandemic. The study highlights the importance of face-to-face
interactions between students and teachers in enhancing students'
academic performance. The study also highlights the importance of
the teacher-student relationship in promoting engagement and
interaction, which can contribute to better academic outcomes.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Following recommendations are made based on the obtained

conclusion:1.) Schools should prioritize the safety of students and
teachers in the implementation of face-to-face classes.2.) Schools
should provide adequate resources and facilities to support the
implementation of face-to-face classes.3.) Teachers should be trained
in effective teaching strategies that promote engagement and
interaction in the classroom.4.) Schools should consider implementing
a hybrid model of face-to-face and online classes to provide flexibility
and accommodate the different learning styles of students. 5.)Further
research should be conducted to determine the long-term effects of
face-to-face classes on the academic performance of students.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Chapter 1-3

The first chapter of the study provides an overview of the effects of

face-to-face classes on the academic performance of Grade 12 ABM
students after the pandemic. The chapter highlights the importance of
this study, given the sudden shift to online classes due to the COVID-
19 pandemic and the possible effects it had on students' academic
performance. The objectives of the study are also presented, which
include determining the impact of face-to-face classes on students'
academic performance, identifying the challenges encountered by
students during the transition to online classes, and proposing
strategies to improve students' academic performance in the new
The second chapter provides an in-depth review of related literature
on the effects of face-to-face classes on academic performance. The
chapter discusses research studies that have found a positive
correlation between face-to-face classes and academic performance,
and it also presents evidence that suggests online classes have a
negative impact on academic performance. Additionally, the chapter
examines the reasons why face-to-face classes are more effective, such
as improved communication and collaboration skills, reduced
distractions, and better engagement.
The third chapter describes the research methodology utilized in the
study. The study was conducted using a quantitative research design,
specifically through a survey questionnaire distributed to Grade 12
ABM students who have experienced both online and face-to-face
classes. The survey items were directly linked to the research
objectives, which include assessing the academic performance of the
students, identifying the challenges faced during the transition to
online classes, and determining students' preferences towards face-to-
face classes. The data collected from the survey was analyzed using
descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to make conclusions
and recommendations.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Chapter 4

Results & Discussion

  This Chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered through the use of survey questionnaires administered to the
108 respondents of the study to determine the effects of face to face
classes in the academic performance of grade-12 ABM students in
Castillejos National High School .

Profile of the respondents  

Table 1. Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents in

terms of age.

Age Frequency Percentage

17 28 25.93%
18 56 51.85%
19 20 18.52%
20 above 4 3.70%
Total 108 100%

It can be observed that the largest number of respondents according

to their age was at the age of 18 and has a calculated percentage
51.85%.Next are the respondents that are in the age of 17 ,which has
a frequency of 28 with 25.93%, respondents with the age of 19 with
20 respondents with calculated percentage of 18.52%, respondents
with the age of 20 above with 4 respondents with calculated
percentage of 3.70%.

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in

Terms of Sex.

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 35 32.41%
Female 73 67.59%
Total 108 100%
The results show that 32.41% or 35 respondents of the research study
was male and the 67.59% or 73 people as the respondents are female.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in

terms of Track and Sections.

Accountancy Business and Management

Executive 36 33.33%
Capitalists 36 33.33%
Tycoons 36 33.33%

Accountancy Business and Management has 108 respondents in total

and it covers three sections which are Executive,Capitalist, and
Tycoons with overall percentage of 33.33%.

Table 4.

Part I.Yes or No

Item number Yes No Total

1. 106( 98.15% ) 2(1.85%) 108
2. 90(83.33%) 18(16.67%) 108
3. 96(88.89%) 12(11.11%) 108
4. 37(34.26%) 71(65.74%) 108
5. 100(92.59%) 8(7.41%) 108

The table 4 shows out of 108 respondents , 98.15% said yes that face
to face classes have a positive effect on their academic performance
and 1.85% said no. 83.33% said yes that there is a consensus among
educators that face to face classes are more beneficial for academic
performance 16.67% said no. 88.89% said yes because they feel more
motivated to learn since the return to face to face classes and 11.11%
said no because they not feel motivated. 34.26% said yes that they
achieve the same level of academic performance in online classes as
they can in face to face classes. 65.74% said no because they achieve
the level of academic performance in face to face classes. 92.59% said
yes that there is a correlation between attending face to face classes
and achieving higher grades. 7.41% said no becauseb there is no
correlation between attending face to face classes and achieving
higher grades.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Table 5.
Mean Standard Deviation and Description

Indicators/Statements Mean SD Description

1. Attending face-to-face
classes improve student 4.28 3.79 Agree
2. I feel more motivated to
learn when attending face 4.37 3.88 Agree
to-face classes.

3. It easier for me to ask

questions and interact with
the teacher during face-to-face 4.05 3.63 Agree

4.Face-to-face classes help

me to develop better time- 4.02 3.52 Agree
management skills.

5. I prefer face to face classes Strongly

over online classes. 4.45 3.79 agree

6. I able to cope with academic

stress due to face-to-face 3.82 3.38 Agree
classes after the pandemic

7.I feel that my academic

performance has been negatively 3.49 3.09 Agree
impacted due to the pandemic.

8.I feel more pressure to perform

academically in face-to-face 3.62 3.22 Agree
classes after the pandemic.

9.Students better at managing

their time and workload in
face-to-face classes after the 3.61 3.2 Agree

10.Students struggle with

adjusting to a new academic 3.32 3.12 Agree
environment after the pandemic.

Total 3.90

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Table 5 shows the mean and standard deviation.It shows that the
respondents per question varies from stongly
agree,agree,neutral,strongly disagree, and disagree. The overall mean
is 3.90 which have the descriptive rating of Agree. This means that the
respondents agree that their academic performance has been
positively impacted due to the pandemic. The most standard deviation
is 3.88 which have the descriptive rating agree . This means that the
respondents feel motivated to learn when attending face-to-face

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

Chapter 5


This chapter shows the summary of findings of the collected,tabulated

and analysed data,conclusion made and recommendation of the
research regarding the effects of face-to-face classes in the academic
performnace of grade 12 ABM students.

Summary of findings
1. The G12 ABM has 108 respondents in total and it covers three
sections which are Executive, Capitalist, and Tycoons with overall
percentage of 33.33%.

2. The respondents are 32.41% or 35 respondents of the research

study was male and the 67.59% or 73 people as the respondents are
female it covers to 3 sections of G12 ABM in CNHS.

3. The largest number of respondents according to their age was at

the age of 18 and has a calculated percentage 51.85%.Next are the
respondents that are in the age of 17 ,which has a frequency of 28
with 25.93%, respondents with the age of 19 with 20 respondents
with calculated percentage of 18.52%, respondents with the age of 20
above with 4 respondents with calculated percentage of 3.70%.

4. The 108 respondents , 98.15% said yes that face to face classes
have a positive effect on their academic performance and 1.85% said
no. 83.33% said yes that there is a consensus among educators that
face to face classes are more beneficial for academic performance
16.67% said no. 88.89% said yes because they feel more motivated to
learn since the return to face to face classes and 11.11% said no
because they not feel motivated. 34.26% said yes that they achieve the

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

same level of academic performance in online classes as they can in

face to face classes. 65.74% said no because they achieve the level of
academic performance in face to face classes. 92.59% said yes that
there is a correlation between attending face to face classes and
achieving higher grades. 7.41% said no because there is no correlation
between attending face to face classes and achieving higher grades.

1. The respondents has 33.33% on it per section of G12 ABM

2. The respondents are mostly female with 67.59% out of 108 total of

3. Respondents mostly aged of 18 years old with 51.85% out of 108

total of respondents

4. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that face-to-

face classes have a significant positive effect on the academic
performance of Grade 12 ABM students after the pandemic. The study
highlights the importance of face-to-face interactions between
students and teachers in enhancing students' academic performance.
The study also highlights the importance of the teacher-student
relationship in promoting engagement and interaction, which can
contribute to better academic outcomes.

Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations
are made:

1. Schools should prioritize the safety of students and teachers in the

implementation of face-to-face classes.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

2. Schools should provide adequate resources and facilities to support

the implementation of face-to-face classes.

3. Teachers should be trained in effective teaching strategies that

promote engagement and interaction in the classroom.

4. Schools should consider implementing a hybrid model of face-to-

face and online classes to provide flexibility and accommodate the
different learning styles of students.

5.Further research should be conducted to determine the long-term

effects of face-to-face classes on the academic performance of


Sarmiento, P. J. D., Sarmiento, C. L. T., & Tolentino, R. L. B. (2021).

Face-to-face classes during COVID-19: a call for deliberate and well-
planned school health protocols in the Philippine context. Journal of
Public Health, 43(2), e305-e306.

Sison, E., Doloque, E., Santor, K., Rayla, N., Capagalan, S., & Tus, J.
(2021). Amidst Online Learning: The Self-Efficacy and Academic
Motivation of the College Students from the Public Higher Education
Institutions in the Philippines. International Journal Of Advance
Research And Innovative Ideas In Education.

Hashemi, A. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on the academic performance

of Afghan students’ and their level of satisfaction with online
teaching. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 8(1), 1933684.

Ge, F., Zhang, D., Wu, L., & Mu, H. (2020). Predicting psychological
state among Chinese undergraduate students in the COVID-19
epidemic: a longitudinal study using a machine
learning. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 2111-2118.

Nurhopipah, A., Nuraida, I., & Suhaman, J. (2021). Exploring indirect

aspects in motivation and academic achievement during the
pandemic. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 6(2), 163-168.

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic


Social demographic profile


INSTRUCTION: In responding to the statement below, write yes or no

in the space provided.

Part I

_______1. Do face to face classes have a positive effect on your

academic performance?
_______2. Is there a consensus among educators that face to face
classes are more beneficial for academic performance?
_______3.Do you feel more motivated to learn since the return to face
to face classes?
_______4.Do you achieve the same level of academic performance in
online classes as they can in face to face classes?
_______5..Is there a correlation between attending face to face classes
and achieving higher grades?

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

 Part II

INSTRUCTION: Put a check mark ( ✓ ) to your corresponding answer.

Strongl Agree Neutral Strongly  Disagree

y Disagree

1. Attending face-to-face
classes improve student

2.I feel more motivated to

learn when attending face-
to-face classes

3.It easier for me to ask

questions and interact with
the teacher during face-to-
face classes

4.Face-to-face classes help

me to develop better time-
management skills

5. I prefer face to face

classes over online classes

6. I able to cope with

academic stress due to
face-to-face classes after
the pandemic

7.I feel that my academic

performance has been
negatively impacted due to
the pandemic

8.I feel more pressure to

perform academically in
face-to-face classes after
the pandemic

9.Students better at
managing their time and
workload in face-to-face
classes after the pandemic 

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

10.Students struggle with

adjusting to a new
academic environment
after the pandemic 

The Effects of Face to Face Classes in the Academic Performance of Grade 12 ABM Students
in Castillejos National High School After Pandemic

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