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Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

1- In this attack, a victim receives an e-mail claiming from PayPal stating that their account has
been disabled and confirmation is required before activation. The attackers then scam to
collect not one but two credit card numbers, ATM PIN number and other personal details.

Ignorant users usually Fall prey to this scam. Which of the following statement is incorrect related to
this attack?
a- Do not reply to email messages or popup ads asking for personal or financial information
b- Do not trust telephone numbers in e-mails or popup ads
c- Review credit card and bank account statements regularly
d- Antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall software can very easily detect these type of attacks
e- Do not send credit card numbers, and personal or financial information via e-mail

2- Ross is going to an adventure camp with his friends. In the meantime, his cousins will be
staying at his house. Since Ross cousins are very mischievous, he does not want them using his
new windows laptop. What steps can be taken to prevent his cousins from accessing his
a- Installing and maintaining an antivirus
b- Creating backup copies of the important data
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

c- Turning off the power supply to the computer

d- Using strong passwords to protect user accounts

3- Kati shares her laptop with her brother Gorges. Kati has some personal photos in her folder,
which she does not want Gorges to see. In what ways could Katie prevent Gorges from
accessing her folder?
a- Using Backup
b- Using encryption
c- Using strong password
d- Using firewall

4- gareth's parent found him watching porn online on the new Mac they gave him on his
birthday. the obviously do not want gareth to repeat this behavior. What action can gareth's
parent take to ensure this.
a- Parental control
b- Vault
c- Time machine
d- Icould

5- If a person suspects his or her computer is infected with malware, which indicators can
confirm that this is the case?
a- Pop ups
b- Scanning
c- Firewall
d- Suspicious behavior

6- Emma won a laptop at her college science fair. The laptop does not have antivirus software
installed on it. Emma has to purchase one. What factors should Emma keep in mind before
purchasing the software?
a- Doesn’t fully protection
b- Compability
c- Conflicts
d- Comprehensive protection

7- Gloria suspects that her laptop is infected with malware. Upon scanning the system using
antivirus software, no malware is detected. Despite this, her laptop continues to display
symptoms of malware infection. What may be the reason for this?
a- Antivirus does not detect malware
b- Ability to remove infections from computer system
c- Random network activity
d- Choose a two factors

8- Karen noticed that her son was not himself lately. He did not want to go to school or play with
his friends and had a perpetual morose look on his face. When karen questioned him about
this, he broke down and told her that some kids from his class made a facebook page just to
ridicule his appearance and make fun of him publicy. what can Karen do to prevent further
cyberbullying of her son
a- informe their parents if they are being cyberbullied
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

b- delete the child's social networking account

c- keep a close eye on the child's social networking profile
d- block the cyberbully's post, so that they cannot contact the child again

9- Harold just got home from working at Henderson LLC where he works as an IT technician. He
was able to get off early because they were not too busy. When he walks into his home office,
he notices his teenage daughter on the computer, apparently chatting with someone online.
As soon as she hears Harold enter the room, she closes all her windows and tries to act like
she was playing a game. When Harold asks her what she was doing, she acts very nervous and
does not give him a straight answer. Harold is very concerned because he does not want his
daughter to fall victim to online predators and the sort. Harold doesn't necessarily want to
install any programs that will restrict the sites his daughter goes to, because he doesn't want
to alert her to his trying to figure out what she is doing. Harold wants to use some kind of
program that will track her activities online, and send Harold an email of her activity once a
day so he can see what she has been up to. What kind of software could Harold use to
accomplish this?
a- Install hardware Keylogger on her computer
b- Install screen capturing Spyware on her computer
c- Enable Remote Desktop on her computer
d- Install VNC on her computer

10- Joan recently introduced her 10 year old daughter Kloe to the internet to help her in her
studies. Joan is a very cautious person and she does not want Kloe exposed to online threats.
What steps can Joan take to prevent this?
a- Play game
b- Evite social networking sites
c- restrict access to inappropriate websites using internet filtering software
d- Use kidzi

11- Monica, a 21 years old woman, regulary uploads selfies and statuses on facebook. Gina, who
considers Monica to be her social rival, regulary post sarcastic and rude comments on
Monica’s updates. In addition, some strangers have been posting vulgar comments on her
photo as well. What steps can Monica take to prevent Gina and these strangers from viewing
her facebook activity?
a- deactivate your account
b- who can contact me
c- who can see my posts
d- block users

12- Whats risks do people face on social networking sites if they are not careful about their online
a- Hijacking
b- Identify theft
c- Malwarebyte
d- Email spoofing
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

13- ………… is a database that stores all installation information of windows OS

a- Access
b- Event viewer
c- Logs
d- Registry

14- An attachment, with according to the email, is a childhood picture of them. How should r as
Richard make sure that the attachment is not malicious?
a- Scanning an attachment
b- Blocked sender
c- Turn off the preview feature
d- Use spamfighter

15- What is an incident?

a- Misuse of computer resources by running malicious codes
b- Gain unauthorized access to computers
c- All of the above
d- An undesired event of violating the security of a computer

16- After a spate of email related threats and breaches at his him, Ryan has decided to improve
the security measure to secure his company network. What email security measures should
Ryan implement?
a- Use safari
b- use HTTPS enabled email service provider
c- blocked senders tab
d- check for last account activity

17- After reading a research paper on data loss, Anne saved her important data on her Iphone.
What application can back up its data on Iphone
a- App Store
b- Time machine
c- One drive
d- Vault

18- An attacker finds a web page for a target organization that supplies contact information for
the company. Using available details to make the message seem authentic, the attacker drafts
e-mail to an employee on the contact page that appears to come from an individual who
might reasonably request confidential information, such as a network administrator. The
email asks the employee to log into a bogus page that requests the employee's user name and
password or click on a link that will download spyware or other malicious programming.
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

Google’s Gmail was hacked using this technique and attackers stole source code and sensitive
data from Google servers. This is highly sophisticated attack using zero-day exploit vectors,
social engineering and malware websites that focused on targeted individuals working for the
company. What is this deadly attack called?
a- Spear phishing attack
b- Trojan server attack
c- Javelin attack
d- Social networking attack

19- The management of a firm decided to replace all the desktop computers in its offices with
laptops. The system administrator was instructed to sell the computers at a discounted rare to
recover some of the cost of the upgrade. What should the system administrator do before
selling of the computers?
a- Encrypt a data
b- Backup data
c- Install a firewall
d- Create an administrator account

20- Witch of the following option would you choose to secure e-mail message?
a- Digital photograph
b- Digital signature
c- Digital autograph
d- Digital voice

21- Recently, Claire’s laptop was infected with malware and she took it to the service center to be
formatted. What step’s can Claire take to prevent the same thing from happening again?
a- Use encryption
b- Use malwarebyte
c- Use backup
d- Use Norton

22- Phil noticed that this Wi-Fi data plan is getting exhausted earlier than usual for the past couple
of months. He suspects that someone else may be tagging on to his Wi-Fi signal and using up
the data. What can Phil do to secure his connection?
a- Use encryption WPA2
b- Use encryption WPA
c- Use encryption WEP
d- War driver

23- What are the risks a person should be aware of when using a smartphone?
a- Eavesdropping
b- Stenography
c- Grooming
d- Man in the middle
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

24- Ami works a as marketing executive for QW Agency. While coming home from work, Ami
misplaced her recently purchased iphone. The loss of Ami’s iphone worried her as it contained
the launch strategy of a new product, and Ami did not want it to fall into the wrong hands.
How should Amy proceed in order to prevent the data from falling into the wrong hands as
well as to recover her iphone?
a- Use Touch ID
b- Use find my Iphone
c- Use dropbox
d- Encrypt your phone

25- Bob has set up three web servers on Windows Server 2008 IIS 7.0. Bob has followed all the
recommendations for securing the operating system and IIS. These servers are going to run
numerous e-commerce websites that are projected to bring in thousands of dollars a day. Bob
is still concerned about the security of these servers because of the potential for financial loss.
Bob has asked his company's firewall administrator to set the firewall to inspect all incoming
traffic on ports 80 and 443 to ensure that no malicious data is getting into the network.
Why will this not be possible?
a- Firewalls cannot inspect traffic coming through port 443
b- Firewalls can only inspect outbound traffic
c- Firewalls cannot inspect traffic at all, they can only block or allow certain ports
d- Firewalls cannot inspect traffic coming through port 80

26- Harry, a wildlife photographer, is about to go to Africa for an assignment. In the past his
equipment has suffered damage in the wild resulting in him losing all his pictures. Thus Harry
decided to subscribe to a cloud service this time so that he can back up his pictures regularly
to keep them safe. What factors should Harry keep in mind before choosing a could service
a- Accessibility
b- Data migration
c- Data ownership
d- Community cloud

27- Jackie is writing a novel and she feels that her manuscript would be safer if it is stored on
could and not on local computer. After a bit research, she found out that even though could
has its advantages, it faces several threats. What threats should Jackie be aware of before
selecting a cloud service?
a- Shared space
b- Technologies loop holes
c- Hijacking
d- Spoofing

28- Max, a lawyer, has stored confidential data regarding his clients on could service. Of late,
there have been many reported cases of could accounts being hacked. Max wants to make
sure that his data is not stolen. What precautionary measures can Max take to protect his
data? (select 2 answer)
a- Choose two step authentication
b- Use antivirus
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

c- Give a password of his account to his administrator

d- Encrypt the data
e- Use owncloud

29- How to protect data

a- Copy data
b- Encrypt sensitive data
c- Share data with other users
d- Online data backup

30- What is security?

a- Security is the protection of information against a minimum of risk
b- Security is the integrity of the data
c- The security has stopped that the information must be available always
d- Security has the online backup of the data

31- what is implementing security

a- Restriction, functionality, ease of use
b- Maintenance, precaution, reaction
c- Reaction, maintenance, precaution
d- Precaution, maintenance, reaction

32- What is windows defender

a- Anti-spyware
b- Anti-virus
c- Anti-drone
d- Anti-backdoor

33- A spyware is known as a data interception program

a- True
b- False

34- How digital signature works

a- Délivrer, Sign , Seal
b- Sign, seal, deliver
c- Seal, deliver, sign
d- Sign, deliver, seal

35- When discussing passwords, what is considered a brute force attack?

a- You attempt every single possibility until you exhaust all possible combinations or discover
the password
b- You threaten to use the rubber hose on someone unless they reveal their password
c- You load a dictionary of words into your cracking program
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

d- You create hashes of a large number of words and compare it with the encrypted
e- You wait until the password expires

36- What is a “cookie” (select 2 answer)

a- A cookie is a spyware program
b- A cookie is a file encryption utility
c- A cookie is a file created by an internet site to store information on your computer
d- A cookie is a dynamic link library (dll) loaded when windows starts

37- A guest account should be….

a- Preferably disable
b- Created as a separate login
c- Given executable rights
d- Used for administration alone

38- Name the attack where a person is tricked into disclosing information
a- Time bomb
b- Backdoors
c- Keylogging
d- Social engineering

39- Witch of the following would you consider as a good password?

a- 12Jec$$*
c- Martinjust
d- fineDoo25

40- choose the correct statement

a- threat is a potential violation of security
b- threat is an assault on system security
c- threat is the existence of weakness or implementation error
d- threat is a defined way to breach security through a vulnerability

41- SSID is the

a- Secure ID given to an individual browsing on a wireless LAN
b- Encryption of data over radio waves to avoid interception
c- Name of a wireless local area network
d- Application of SSL in a wireless LAN

42- The restrict visiting internet sites, you can modify the settings of your
a- ISP
b- Modem
c- Operating system
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

d- Web browser

43- Witch combination in windows will lock your workstation

a- Ctrl + Shift + Del
b- Alt + Shift + Del
c- Windows key + L
d- Alt + Shift + Ctrl

44- Marc connects to a site but it seems to him that this site is not secure. To be done it must
a- http:// in the URL and handcuff sign on the page
b- https:// in the URL and handcuff sign on the page
c- https:// in the URL and padlock sign on the page
d- https:/ in the URL and padlock sign on the page

45- In Asymmetric encryption

a- Two private keys are used
b- Two public key are used
c- Similar key are used
d- A public and private key are used

46- What is a zombie machine

a- A machine that does not respond to any instruction
b- A machine that accepts and acts on instruction from another machine
c- A machine that does not have a hard drive
d- A machine is dependent a another machine for resource
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

47- What type of attack is shown in the following diagram?

a- Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) Attack

b- Session Hijacking Attack
c- SSL Spoofing Attack
d- Identity Stealing

48- Witch of the following countermeasure can specifically protect against both the MAC Flood
and MAC spoofing attacks?
a- Configure Port Security on the switch
b- Configure Port Recon on the switch
c- Configure Switching Mapping
d- Configure Multiple Recognition on the switch

49- What port number is used by SSH (secure shell) protocol?

a- 88
b- 44
c- 445
d- 419
e- 22

50- Within the context of Computer Security, which of the following statements describes Social
Engineering best?
a- Social Engineering is the act of publicly disclosing information
b- Social Engineering is the means put in place by human resource to perform time
c- Social Engineering is the act of getting needed information from a person rather than
breaking into a system
d- Social Engineering is a training program within sociology studies
Exam CSCU By Christian N’GORAN

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