Chapter 4 HMI

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What is an HMI?

"HMI" stands for Human Machine Interface. These devices are also known as Man Machine Interface
(MMI), Operator Interface Terminal (OIT), Local Operator Interface (LOI), Operator Terminal (OT), but for
the purposes of this guide we will refer to them as HMIs.

An HMI is exactly what the name implies: a graphical interface that allows human users to interact with a
system's machinery. As technology develops, HMIs are becoming more abundant in everyday tasks for
consumers. Gas station pumps, self-service kiosks, ATM machines, and self checkout lines all use HMIs to
process user inputs, convert them to machine readable code, and perform tasks without the need for an
attendant, teller, or other employee. In the context of manufacturing and process control systems, an
HMI provides a visual representation of the control system, and provides real time data acquisition. An
HMI can increase productivity by providing a centralized display of the control process that is extremely

In manufacturing lines, HMIs have can monitor and control processes outside of a Central Processing Unit
(CPU), and may be equipped with data recipes, event logging, video feed, and event triggering, so that
users can update system processes without changing any of the hardware. For a manufacturing line to be
integrated with an HMI, it must first be working with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) which acts as
the CPU. The PLC takes the information from inputs (physical sensors or commands from the HMI) and
transforms it to processes for manufacturing. While these inputs and processes are being performed, the
HMI provides a display of received inputs, control process outputs, and defined user variables being
leveraged to perform the tasks.

Advantages of an HMI

The greatest advantage of an HMI is the user-friendliness of the graphical interface. The graphical
interface contains color coding that allows for easy identification (for example: red for trouble), as well as
pictures and icons which allow for fast recognition, easing the problems of language barriers.

Because HMIs increase system efficiency, they can reduce production costs, which could potentially
increase profit margins. Modern HMI devices are extremely innovative, capable of higher capacity and
more interactive, elaborate functions than ever before. Some technological advantages the HMI offers
include converting hardware to software, eliminating the need for mouse and keyboard, and allowing
kinesthetic computer/human interaction.

Advantages of an HMI over a PLC alone

A PLC on its own cannot provide any real-time feedback, and cannot set off alarms nor modify the system
without reprogramming the PLC. The key advantage to an HMI is its functionality; an HMI can be used for
simple tasks such as a coffee brewing controller, or as the sophisticated control unit of a nuclear plant.
With new HMI designs emerging in the field, we are now seeing HMIs that offer remote access, allowing
operators access to the terminal from a distance. Another advantage of an HMI is its customizability. The
user can personalize the user interface for maximum ease-of-use.

The convenience that comes with an HMI is invaluable, and the functionality achieved by digitizing a
system with an HMI is unbeatable. An HMI combines all of the control features typically found throughout
the automation line and places them in one centralized, remotely accessible location, eliminating the
need, for example, to run to a red pushbutton to stop the production line in case of an emergency. With
remote access, the operator does not need to be near the automation line to start, stop, or monitor
production. The operator can access all the same controls on a centralized unit in a compact form.
Simplicity is also a big factor in the usability of an HMI. The screens and functions provide for ease-of-use
to supervise the automation line.

Interface Flexibility

One of the most valuable features of an HMI is the ability to personalize the interface. An HMI can fully
support the most complex applications, with multiple screens and several routines running. If the user is
looking to program an HMI with something more simplistic, they may write instructions for the controller
directly into the HMI. Every HMI comes with different features: some may play sound or video, while
others offer remote access control. The design of the user interface should be optimized for specific
applications, taking into consideration all the capabilities of the typical user, as well as the environmental
aspects such as noise, lighting, dust, vision and technological curves.

Basic Types of HMIs

There are three basic types of HMIs: the pushbutton replacer, the data handler, and the overseer.

The Pushbutton Replacer

Before the HMI came into existence, a control might consist of hundreds of pushbuttons and LEDs
performing different operations. The pushbutton replacer HMI has streamlined manufacturing processes,
centralizing all the functions of each button into one location. The pushbutton replacer takes the place of
LEDs, On/Off buttons, switches, or any mechanical device that performs a control function. The
elimination of these mechanical devices is possible because the HMI provides a visual representation of
all these devices on its LCD screen, while performing all the same functions.

The Data Handler

The data handler is perfect for applications requiring constant feedback from the system, or printouts of
the production reports. With the data handler, you must ensure the HMI screen is big enough to display
information such as graphs, visual representations of data, and production summaries. The data handler
includes such functions as recipes, data trending, data logging and alarm handling/logging. The data
handler is used for applications that require constant feedback and monitoring. Often these data handlers
come equipped with large capacity memories.

The Overseer

Anytime an application involves SCADA or MES, an overseer HMI is extremely beneficial. The overseer
HMI will most likely require Windows to operate, and have several Ethernet ports. The overseer works
with SCADA and MES. These are centralized systems that monitor and control entire sites or complexes
of large systems spread out over large areas. An HMI is usually linked to the SCADA system's databases
and software programs, to provide trending, diagnostic data, and management information.

Properties of an HMI

All HMIs have a processor, and memory. It is important to make sure that the processor and memory
capabilities are sufficient enough to control a given system.

Additional physical properties of an HMI vary from model to model, application to application, and among
manufacturers. An HMI that is located in a water plant might have various water seals around its
perimeter, as opposed to an HMI that is located in a pharmaceutical warehouse which would not require

The size of an HMI is also a key physical property that will vary, because not all applications require a
large, high-resolution monitor. Some applications may only require a small, black and white touch screen
monitor. When it comes to selecting an HMI, the physical properties are extremely important because
one must take into consideration the operating environment, and what safety measures the HMI needs
to protect itself. Also, a specific size may be needed due to space limitations.

How to Select an HMI

An HMI is a substantial purchase, so it is important to know exactly what is required of it. HMIs typically
perform one of three primary roles: a pushbutton replacer, a data handler, or an overseer. The pushbutton
replacer HMI takes the place of LEDs, On/Off buttons, switches, or any mechanical device that performs
a control function. The Data Handler is used for applications that require constant feedback and
monitoring. Often, these data handlers come equipped with large capacity memories. The overseer works
with SCADA and MES, centralized systems that monitor and control entire sites or complexes of large
systems spread out over large areas. An overseer HMI is usually linked to the SCADA system's databases
and software programs, to provide trending, diagnostic data, and management information.

First consider the other components that are necessary to make a manufacturing control system operate.
The production line consists of all the machinery that performs the work required in the production of the
product. Next, consider the various input/output sensors that monitor temperature, speed, pressure,
weight and feed rate. Third, decide on the programmable logic controller (PLC) that will receive the data
from the input/output sensors, and converts the data into logical combinations.

Select an HMI based on the needs of the system. HMIs are initially separated by their display size; typically
spanning from 4.3” up to 15” diagonal. Within these sizes, HMIs are separated by their characteristics,
namely their communication capabilities. HMIs with multiple COM and/or Ethernet ports will usually be
more costly, but will allow for an overseer type application to be well connected to multiple PLCs. Make
sure that the communication protocol your PLC uses can connect to the HMI by first verifying the protocol
of the PLC and ensuring it exists on the HMI Communications and Connections Guide.

If you have a system that has many very simple and repeatable processes, you may not need an HMI with
a large memory capacity. In this instance, you can choose an HMI based on size and choose one with the
appropriate price point.
Need of HMI in Industrial Automation

In today’s rapidly changing industrial landscape, manufacturers and utilities must embrace modern
HMI/SCADA and digital transformation to keep up with the pace of change, meet growing operations
challenges, and remain competitive. HMI/SCADA software runs industrial plants around the world, helping
operators to make critical decisions to run machinery.

Operators using new, high performance HMI/SCADA software can spend less time navigating, find critical
data faster, and increase productivity.

Technological innovations are reshaping the industrial landscape. These innovations include cheap
sensors, a high-speed telecom infrastructure that can move huge amounts of data, unprecedented
computation power, mobile and touch interfaces, and a standards-based open ecosystem for
interoperability. This ecosystem includes web-based technologies, APIs for connectivity, machine
learning, and Industrial AI.

Industrial organizations are also dealing with high rates of retirement of aging workers who have deep
knowledge and expertise. These individuals are being replaced by younger workers who lack the same
knowledge but are digital natives with skills and experience with mobile devices and web-based

Technology suppliers in the automation ecosystem have the challenge and opportunity to help industrial
companies cope with these changes while achieving their desired outcomes. The starting point for many
companies is the implementation of a modern HMI/SCADA software solution.

HMI/SCADA allows operators to improve situational awareness, the mobility of visualization anytime and
anywhere, and important equipment control, which provides form a centralized view of operations.

Basically, a HMI device enables visualization and control of applications. By using resources such as I/O,
SoftPlc CoDeSys or Ethercat, and operating systems (even better if embedded), it allows you to
communicate with any production system.

Depending on the plant, the device’s features can change, in terms of connectivity, technology and even
dimensions. Therefore, in Industrial Automation we can find HMIs that vary from standard 4.3 inches
devices to sophisticated wide screen 15.6 inches displays. That’s why anyone can find the right solution.

In order to simplify even more the operators’ job, the touch screen technology (capacitive or resistive) is
available, allowing an intuitive interaction with machines and production plants.

Earlier, in the absence of HMI, to view any mechanical progress, the operator must be physically present
at the remote locations to record the progress as well as to do the needful in case of any kind of change
of process or emergency. While HMI was designed with the aim of supervision of industrial processes. It
acts as a centralized station that is used for the purpose of displaying the data of ongoing processes along
with providing the controlling authority to the operator. Thus, the advent of HMI has made things easier
and less time taking.

In small SCADA systems, the control engineer or operator is responsible for configuring the setpoints and
control algorithms within the controller. While, in medium or large SCADA systems, it is also responsible
for providing process status information along with historical information and reports to operators,
administrators, and authorized users

Functions of an HMI Software:

Monitoring: It is the ability to obtain and display plant data in real time. This data can be displayed as
numbers, text or graphics that allow a reading easier to interpret.

Supervision: This function allows, together with the monitoring, the possibility of adjusting the working
conditions of the process directly from the computer.

Alarm: It is the ability to recognize exceptional events within the process and report them

Control: It is the ability to apply algorithms that adjust the values of the process and thus maintain these
values within certain limits.

Historian: It is the ability to display and store in files, process data at a certain frequency. This storage of
data is a powerful tool for the optimization and correction of processes.

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