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. E-VI.

: SAN·B"f£DAt.;4W,CEN_TRl\tlZED_
. : ~.
·Ap~f!cabllity pf· Rules of. Evldeoce to Pending SECTION 2. $.COPE
.Cases· · . .. :· · . . · ,_.
G"eneral Rule: No vested rights in the rules .: of Uniformity · .0( Rules of. Evi~ence· lri -~!Jdi"cial
· evidence (RIANO, supra·at 14). · ·. . · .. Proceedings._ ··. · · ·. . : . . . . . . ··...
. · ~ . · · . The· rules of evidence Sha11·1:>e the· samein all courts ·
Admls~ibility·, -or 'inadmisi?ibility of evid-~nc~. is and "ln ·all trials- and hearing~: .except. as .othefWi;;e. ·
determined ·in accordancewith the law in. force at provided · by law· or.. these rules;' such. as those '
the· tirri!f the. evidence Is. presented, ·Evidence· enumerated under. Sec: 4,. Rule- 1 of the Rules of
otherwise inadmlssible under the.. law at thetlme-the Court which are:·(NICOLE) . · . - ..
actloh "accrued, . may · be .reeelved in evidence . 1 .. · .~.i~ction,cases;. .
provided tbatit Is adrniasible under the law lri.fotceat, . 2: _band -registrafi9n cases; · · .'
.. tlie time 1t is."pres~nted (FRANCiSGO,.-sijpra · at. 3·: · Dadastral·proi::eedings; .. · :.. · · · ·· ·.:
·UJ;The Rules are subjectto change by th~ Supreme -, 4. · :&:aturaUi~tioA prbc"eetjing$;· ·. / .:
·. Court (CONST., M. VIII,· Se.c..· 5(~)).s~bjeet::to t~.e.. . ?· [nsolvency proc~~dJrigs; -and ..: . .
'constitutional limitation on .the enactment of~~ post . ·s: . Qther casesasjnay be proviped _f0rby._.law\. ·. :
facto laws (CONST, Art. /II, Sep. 22)'. ,· ,. · · ' · ·. •
. . . . . . Applicability of the Rui;s· ~n· Evidence: .· . . .
. ExcepUon: In qrlminal cases, if the ,.c!lter.atiori of the ·. · 1. · In. civil. cases . cov_er'ecf by . the, Rules . on.
rules of: evidence W9uld.,. for. instance, permit tt:l~~'-'=--"~S4m!"Tlary. Procedure, · where.: the: parties are
reception.of~ Iesser qu~ntur1:1 of evidenc.e i?,ap~·if 1 "°h,. .f1?'!llir~d to· s~b~it ··_POSiti~n papers.'. att~c~in_g
. the la~ r7qu1.r~d at t~e t1m~ of.the·comw~oq~J; ~he t..J ./; ,.;(j,it~t,!". ~davits _of w1tn~sse~; ~hus ?b'-:icl!in9. the·· .
offense. in order to :convict, then)he.. 1tr§a~J~=~...,,_~af2.ph.~.a~n · fthe Rt;il~s Qn Testimonial Ev1~en~e.
application. · of such. am_endato.vl/Jaw1)~~9J<Jlabe . · tl'te~e'$t c;,j\t ~·,Rules. o!l Evid~rice still apply .

qJ:ian, No. 157547, Febrlfffift¥'j
. · . .f ~'/.
. unconstitutional for being_ ex g,&§~f~·t<?f{Sit].J.Ol-7"'V,_.c!'z~=-'!J;i~e~~1n.Y.\docum~nt
:ID ""x- ,o/ pres~ntep'\Mj!fi~·parties in.· th~Jr respecti.ve,
, _ · · lt ~ A~ positipn p\J?~fo m_~t still conform ,o the Rules 9f.i
~r-qfijecl )hiidf~C_e

. L~beral _C.011struct~on ·ot t~e Rul?,·on ·, .~dence .r'°s,~~....:.~vid~rce. \(J) ~~ .. .··. . ·' ·
Like· all othet p_rovis1ons und1rr~ft.ulesof Co~;'"t~1 ·.,. .., • g . . \·· -~ · ·· . · · ·. · ,. . . • . · . .
rules of evidence IJJ_~st ~f~er~!'IIY co~str~~!f_j~! .r-:-2::~n. cnry,1r,al }'se'.'.S.. ~ver~d b,Y ·the· R_~les on - ·

·.order, to ·pr~mote their obJe.~tiy,~ofsecun~g a .J1;1s.6 ~~ Su~acy .P-rp:Cedfr:~._wl:ule .th_e affi~a)l1~s of the .
speedy, and. in~xp_ensive d ~p,sj~!~f o{"e~r;y ·aotro~..;, · ·. · paaj ~ ~ .t1le1r.w1t~~sses··c9.n~titute.ttieir"dire_ct !-
. ~no: proceeding _(R<:J.C, RUL'f. :81~· t· ~)\,~~,w. t~:ii· _fe§fi ,~ / .l~e.y:~cJ.'y.-~tiU ·b~ ·!?·i:.Jbj~,ct· t9 cr~ss~. · i
" Jus_tity t~e _r.elaxat1on .of !h~:~iles\ a: ~51:\~cto~ ...~~)~~~JJAatioif .r.~~lri-?t·o_r re_.:<;~o:'~- .e_X?Jf!llna~~~..
exP.lanation . and . a subseq&ent. ful~llmer:ifjjf-:~he-'··- --i::--...~=rJia-)'Rt,ilef .on ·.~v1_den~_e st11r. ~pply on ahy
· . requirements have. always be~~ requi~~ (Ba~~~,/:ya9i1ul!_l~Bf or ob)ifa evfde~ce preserited'.-. ·. · ··
v. _TOmf!S; ~R. N9. 150321, tytar.qh 31,--2GQ5),'-..:._,Sc·- ~;:-;;:.\.h). ,,/ ·:. · J.' .... · . . .· · . .) ,
· _ . : ·: · · · · . \.. ~~ ~~~:.-SJ)lallOl~m~{Case~:-The small clan'l)s process
. ·Wai~er.of the._Rules of Evidence"'~ ./'.:_9,n~""":-.,,£.=-~4s.·~~~e$1Yto fu~?ti?n 'qtiickJy arid i_nform~lly.
·. General:B.ule:-Rufes'of e"'.idence th~t ar~m~iytor 1°\_~.f 11."'-T,~~),~~F( no la~e~; 11(? fotnial pleadings and
· e.rotection of_the parties may b~. waived eit~r4~ring_l ~!LJ. ~h~~m~t _le9al_ . iiJ)es of .~viden~ .(Orb.e: ~-
trial or: in a contr~ct (FRANCISC0,supr?:at.18). ~~~Gu_mara!Jg,._A.M. No, MTJ;1t-1792, September
. · · · ;· .· · .. · : . . .:- ·.. . .· · . . . 26, 201.1)., . . . . ·. :, : ·. . · ; .
A con~act of insuranc::e requirin~f the testimony of. the·· · · ·
eyewitne::,s . a·s. ·. ihei only___. evid¢nce· admissible 4, A.dministra_ti.v~~-~ses·:...The gep~raJ.'ru1e is thaf.
co~cernin~;rthe .death ,of the irrsured p~r::,on· is valid adrniniitratfve··ager'.icles are ·no~. -bourid· by. the·
_(!{eelf!r ~::tss·. Co:,.95.Mo. App. 627; 69 S. w. "612). technicar' rl:lles· bn ··~vidence. · It can· ·accept.
. .~·· . . . . . \ . . . . .. . . . documer-its which· cannot be adr(l itted i'n ·a Jucjicial
·i=ailure· .to object to· the· offered evidence i'ric,1kes. it p"r99ee~ing Whera:th~•.Rule~ .o{ Court are ·sfr1ct1¥ . ·
admissib.le (1'.civan_c~Paper Corp. v. ARM/{·Trader-s . obs.en.:e.cl ·(S~gar _Ref}ula.tqiy A?infnls_tratlon· y:
Corp., ·GR:· No. 176897, ·December ·11, 2013) (e.g. -Tormon, G.R. N_o. 19.~640,Dece,mber 4, 2G12J..
failure to object to. tfje inadmissibility·9f f!econdary > ••

. evidence in "documentary evidenc.e):. . . . aua~Hudi6ial -~pdies are given ttie autho;ity_.to

make rule~ o'f proce·c;lqre. However; they. have 110
. Ex~eptiori: Jfthe.ruie wai"ved.by the parties has beer:1 power _to: mal(e .fh~ir:. own "rules co"ncerriin,g
established by law on. grounds of public policy, the quantum :of evi_dence. Such power is vestecj in
waiver is. voi.d°. ~ccoi-dingly, th.e Wc!iv~r o{ th~ privilege .the!
Supreme . Court .. (CONST,
. . . ·: .. . Art.. ~
VIII, .·
. 5).
~gainst '.disclosure of secrets ·is void (FRANCISCO;
·supra·a·t 1_1). . . .. .


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