EXAVER 2 Guide For Candidates - Updated2017 - V3

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Exámenes de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa



EXAVER Level 2 is the second of the series of 3 proficiency examinations in General English designed by
Universidad Veracruzana. EXAVER 2 is not related to any particular course syllabus in any way. This exam
follows the general principles and standards of The Council of Europe’s Threshold 1990 document. The
standards of the exam coincide with ALTE Level 2 and are similar to those required by UCLES at Preliminary
English Test Level.

For a better understanding of the exam candidates should know some basic information about it, such as how
the exam has been organized.


The EXAVER Level Two exam consists of 3 parts called “papers”.

Paper One: focuses on Reading Comprehension and Writing

Time: approximately 50 minutes

Paper One consists of five parts. Candidates need to demonstrate they can identify sources of texts,
comprehend the main ideas and/or specific details of a variety of written texts, as well as understand and use
vocabulary and grammatical structures within a text.

Paper Two: Listening Comprehension

Time: approximately 25 minutes

Paper Two consists of four parts. Candidates need to demonstrate comprehension of the main ideas and/or
specific details of a variety of spoken texts, by answering questions about factual types of information and
completing forms. In some instances they may also need to deduce the meaning of something from the specific
context of a spoken text.

Paper Three: Speaking (comprehension and production)

Time: approximately 13 minutes

Paper Three consists of three parts. Candidates take this part of the exam with another candidate or, in some
instances, with two candidates. Candidates need to demonstrate their ability to speak about a range of topics
with the candidate(s) they are paired with, with two examiners and by themselves. Candidates are also given
visuals to promote oral production.

For more information about the types of texts, topics, language structures and functions that
candidates should expect to encounter in the EXAVER Level Two exam, please see below. For a
more complete list, please see Threshold and The Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment.

Tel: 842-17-00 Ext: 12121 www.uv.mx/exaver e-mail: [email protected]

Exámenes de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa



A candidate for the EXAVER Level 2 exam should be able to carry out everyday transactions, for which he/she
has to demonstrate his/her ability to ask for repetition, clarification and explanation in written or spoken
mode, in a variety of contexts like:

 with immigration/security officers, police,  using information services/visiting public

officials. places.
 while making arrangements for  offering and accepting private hospitality.
accommodation, meals.  using private transportation/using public
 during situations arising while services.
shopping/buying consumer goods.  seeking/using educational services.
 during situations arising related to the use  finding the way.
of public transportation.  communicating at work.
 offering and accepting private hospitality.


EXAVER 2 candidates are expected to be able to:

 give and get factual information.  socialize (greet, address people, introduce,
 express and find out attitudes (agree, take leave).
disagree, express probability, certainty,  structure and repair communication (ask
preference, intention, regret, sympathy, for clarification, introduce a topic, correct
satisfaction, dissatisfaction, fear, surprise, oneself, summarize, exemplify, ask for help,
disappointment, approval, gratitude. paraphrase, ask for spelling, close a
 get things done (suggest, advise, warn, conversation).
instruct, ask for help, invite, accept and
decline invitations).

The contexts within which the above abilities take place may be:

 personal life, home, family  house and home

 community and social relations  daily activities, including work and study
 current events  travel and holidays
 weather  family relations
 work and/or studies  health / education
 leisure activities and interests  food and drink
 travel, places of interest, different countries  clothing /shopping
 shopping  giving directions to places
 eating out  language / services
 personal information

Tel: 842-17-00 Ext: 12121 www.uv.mx/exaver e-mail: [email protected]

Exámenes de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa

For a complete wordlist see Threshold 1990, pp157-177

At this level it is expected that candidates know structures like:

 verb to be anteriority, posteriority, frequency, manner,

 imperative agency, instrumentality, benefaction,
 simple present: affirmative, negative possession, inclusion, exclusion, similarity
interrogative: for states and habits transitive see: threshold 1990, p.132/133 for complete
and intransitive forms list
 present continuous: affirmative, negative,  verbs used as subjects
interrogative: for present actions and future  adverbs: manner / frequency / time degree
plans / direction / sequence comparative and
 simple past: affirmative, negative, superlative forms
interrogative: past events  imperatives
 present perfect: affirmative, negative,  passive voice structures: present, past
interrogative simple, + infinitive (I prefer my fish to be
 past continuous: affirmative, negative, fried), with should (I think we should be
interrogative: interrupted actions, parallel told!)
past actions  adjectives: attributive / predicative
 simple future: offers, promises, /participial colour, size, shape, quality,
predictions nationality, cardinal and ordinal numbers
 going to - idiomatic future: future plans /  verb phrases, such as: I want to dance / I
intentions. enjoy swimming
 present perfect: recent past, general  possessive adjectives: physical attributes /
experience, unfinished past characteristics physical qualities of objects /
 past perfect: narrative, reported speech moral qualities of animates emotional states
 modals: can, could, would, will, shall, / probability quantitative / some / any /
should, may, might, have (got) to, ought to, many / much/ a few / a lot of / all / a little /
must, mustn‟t, need, needn‟t, used to + lots of / regular and irregular comparative
infinitive forms of adjectives / regular and irregular
 reported statements and questions superlative forms of adjectives.
using 'say', 'ask', 'tell'  conditional structures: type 0, type 1,
 pronouns: subject pronouns, object type 2
pronouns, reflexive pronouns, possessive  determiners: indefinite article „a‟, for
pronouns, indefinite pronouns, relative unspecified persons/things (there is a man at
pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, the door), to specify frequency (twice a
identifying. impersonal pronouns: there is / day), to designate amount (15 pence a kilo).
there are / genitive (and apostrophe) definite article “the”, pre- and post-
 conjunctions determiners
 prepositions: time, position, distance, (at,  gerund as present participle
in, on) direction, origin, duration,

Tel: 842-17-00 Ext: 12121 www.uv.mx/exaver e-mail: [email protected]

Exámenes de Certificación de Lengua Inglesa


Tel: 842-17-00 Ext: 12121 www.uv.mx/exaver e-mail: [email protected]


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