Top 10 Changes To Amd 2 Rev 0422

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Top 10 changes to BS 7671:2018+A2:2022

Amendment 2 of the Wiring Regulations

Key Information
• In March 2022 an Amendment was released to the 18th Edition of the Wiring
• The following are considered the top 10 changes
• Other changes exist, this is just a summary

Top 10 changes to Members working to BS 7671:2018+A2:2022

The following are examples of what are considered to be the top 10 changes in BS
7671:2018+A2:2022, Amendment 2. Please note these highlighted changes are just
samples of what is in Amendment 2 and Members are advised that there are many
more updates in the Standard. These changes are listed in the order they are found
within the Standard, not in order of potential impact.

1. Date of implementation
Amendment 2 is available from 28 March 2022 and installations can be designed to
the updated Standard from this point on. The blue book edition of BS 7671 can still
be used, as this remains current until 27 September 2022, after which it will be
withdrawn. Any work started after 27 September must be designed to Amendment 2.

Members are reminded that they cannot cherry pick from both Standards, it would be
one or the other.

ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
2. RCD risk assessments 411.3.3
There has been an update to the requirements around socket-outlets and omitting
RCDs via a risk assessment.

RCDs are now required for all socket-outlets up to 32 A that are for:

i. Use by ordinary persons, children or disabled persons (BA1, BA2, BA3)

ii. Use in other locations

iii. Use outdoors

The option to omit RCDs remains for (ii) provided a

documented risk assessment is completed and attached
to the relevant electrical certificate.

Item 11 of Amendment 2 highlights that the requirement

for the risk assessment is placed at the duty holder of the
building, although they may be assisted by someone
skilled (electrically) in completing this form.

3. Additional earth electrode 411.4.2

Some new wording has been added to enhance this existing Regulation. Although
this in itself isn’t a major change it is worth noting that there is a difference and
highlighting exactly what this means. The Regulation has a note that states:

It is recommended that an additional connection to Earth, by means of an earth

electrode in accordance with Chapter 54, is made to the protective conductors (PE
and PEN) where they enter any building. This recommendation does not apply to
outbuildings of dwellings served by the installation

There are 2 key items here, firstly this is a note and not a Regulation. Notes are
informative guidance and not a requirement. Secondly, this is a recommendation
only. Within Part 1 of Amendment 2 there is some useful text that highlights the status
of certain words and phrases and a recommendation is defined as:

Recommendation. Expression in the content of a document conveying that among

several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning
or excluding others.

The current information in Regulation 114.1 is still true. This states that for a supply
given in accordance with the ESQCR it shall be deemed that the Earth and neutral
connection is permanent.

It would be wrong therefore to mandate additional earth electrodes in all cases,

although some installations may benefit from this.
ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
4. Arc fault detection devices (AFDDs) 421.1.7
There has been much debate over the use of AFDDs within electrical installations,
Amendment 2 seeks to clarify this. AFDDs are now mandated on single-phase AC
circuits supplying socket-outlets up to 32 A in:

• Higher Risk Residential Buildings (HRRB)

• Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

• Purpose built student accommodation

• Care homes

The term HRRB is related to residential buildings over 18 m in height

or in excess of six storeys, whichever is met first.

AFDDs are recommended in other circuits, but as seen earlier a

recommendation is not a requirement.

Members are advised to ensure that they are aware of the benefits and
limitations related to AFDDs before deciding upon their use.

5. Protected escape routes 422.1

A new phrase has been added to Amendment 2, that of a protected escape route.

Previously BS 7671 referred to specific conditions for evacuation, and referenced BD

locations in terms of density and ease of escape. Now, Regulations 422.1-422.2.1,
along with guidance in Appendix 13, change the mindset. The concept of a protected
escape route is now introduced. This is a specific part of a building that has an escape
route that is designed to be protected against fire for a specified period of
time. Previously BS 7671 referred to escape routes in general. During a fire, anything
can be a route to an escape. However only a protected escape route will be designed
to last for a specified period of time.

Members working within installations that have protected escape routes are advised
to ensure that they meet the requirements of this Chapter and understand any
limitations that Amendment 2 places on the electrical designer, such as reducing
possible fire loads by limiting cabling and accessories to only those relevant for that

ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
6. Surge protection 443.4.1
Over the years the use of Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) has been misunderstood,
this has hopefully been clarified within Amendment 2, which now states that:

Protection against transient overvoltages shall be provided where the

consequence caused by the overvoltage could result in:

(i) serious injury to, or loss of, human life

(ii) failure of a safety service, as defined in Part 2

(iii) significant financial or data loss.

For all other cases, protection against transient overvoltages shall be

provided unless the owner of the installation declares it is not required
due to any loss or damage being tolerable and they accept the risk of
damage to equipment and any consequential loss.

SPDs are now clearly needed in some locations. In others, the risk of
damage is really a decision that the building owner/duty holder has to make
and decide upon.

Members are advised to have a discussion with the client when undertaking
designs where SPDs are not mandated but may be beneficial and ensure that
the client is aware of their benefits and limitations before making a decision
on their inclusion or not.

7. Bonding of outbuildings 544.1.1

The Regulation has been re-written to highlight that in an outbuilding, the bonding can
be sized in accordance with the incoming supply to that building, for TN-S and TT
systems (not PME).

Previous editions of BS 7671 required the bonds in any outbuilding to be sized in

accordance with the incoming earth or neutral of the main building.

Now bonding in outbuildings can be sized in accordance with the incoming cable
protective conductor to that particular building, with a minimum of 6 mm2 copper cable
and not exceeding 25 mm2 copper.

ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
8. Solar PV 712
Section 712 has been extensively re-written and has introduced many changes that
the solar PV installer needs to be aware of.

Of course, not all contractors work with solar PV systems so this change may not
impact many, however this market is growing, along with other renewable and green
technologies. Members are therefore encouraged to consider the changes within
Section 712 and how their businesses could get involved in this workstream in the
correct manner.

9. Prosumer electrical installations and Part 8-2

A whole new Part to BS 7671 has emerged, Part 8 with Chapter 8-2, prosumer’s low
voltage electrical installations being implemented for the first time in Amendment 2. It
is intended that this Chapter will help with the transition to a low carbon built
environment by aiding designers and installers who are working in prosumers
installations. A prosumer is a building that both consumes and produces electrical
energy, such as a building with solar PV on the roof.

Some would assume this is not worthy of a new Part within a British Standard, and for
a simple installation such PV that may be correct. But when you start adding additional
technologies such as heat pumps, electric vehicles, electrical energy storage systems
(batteries) and then consider the ability for that building to work in island mode
(disconnected from the grid entirely) a new Part makes sense.

ECA are championing an electrical revolution in the UK and are encouraging all
Members to consider adopting new working methods to encourage the use of energy
efficient products and systems. A cleaner and greener future powered by 100 %
renewable energy generation is coming, and Members are advised to ensure that their
businesses are not left behind. Upskilling to work with these new technologies is both
alluring and potentially profitable. Part 8 helps designers appreciate the challenges a
prosumer electrical installation can offer.

ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
10. Certification
Something ECA Members will no doubt appreciate, there has been a reduction in the
number of boxes required to be ticked on the schedule of inspections related to an
electrical installation certificate.

Previous schedule of inspections had 116 boxes requiring to be marked as either a

tick or not applicable (as this is for an electrical installation these were the only
options). Now just 14 boxes covering the basic concepts are either required to be
marked with a tick or not applicable, making life far simpler for the person undertaking
the inspection and testing and also for the recipient of the certificate.

Amendment 2 does, within Appendix 6, list a series of items that should be inspected
(where applicable) and these should still be followed. It is just no longer required to
complete the schedule of inspections.

As stated earlier, these items listed are considered to be the top 10 changes that will
impact most Members, however there are a lot more to be considered.

Members should ensure that they are up to date with any changes that impact their
work and consider what they can do going forward to ensure compliance with this and
other British Standards.

Images have been reproduced with the permission of the manufacturer.

ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.
The ECA Logo is a Registered Collective Mark. Information presented is accurate at time of printing.

ECA, Rotherwick House, 3 Thomas More Street, St. Katharine’s & Wapping, London E1W 1YZ
Tel: 020 7313 4800 Email: [email protected]
Rev: 0422
ECA wishes to identify and inform the engineering services sector and ECA Members’ decisions on what represents ‘fair, reasonable and good contractual practice’. ECA
remains committed to fair and open competition and this document is not designed to in any way dictate what may be an appropriate risk allocation, or act as a substitute
for ECA Members obtaining project and context specific legal advice and making their own commercial decisions.

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