Introduction To Special Education Set 1

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Special Education MCQs [set-1]

Chapter: Introduction to Special Education

1. Special education is focused on

A. To meet the unique needs of a child with a disability
B. Individually planned arrangement of teaching procedures
C. To provide additional services, support and programs
D. All of the above
Answer: D

2. Special education is related to

A. Educational for talented students
o m
B. Educational program for disabled
. c
C. Training program for Teachers
D. Training programme for retarded
Answer: B

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c children with special needs?
3. What type of evaluation identifies
A. Placement M
B. Summative
C. Continuous
D. Diagnostic
Answer: D

4. Which class of learners are not included under “Exceptional Category”?

A. Slow
B. Retarded
C. Normal
D. Gifted
Answer: C

5. Most special education takes place in the

A. General education classroom
B. Separated classroom
C. Resources classroom
D. Home tutoring
Answer: A

6. Most special students spend at least a portion of their day to receive

individualized instruction in
A. A hospital
B. At home
C. A resource room
D. At therapy
Answer: C

7. Remedial Interventions are designed to eliminate

A. The causes of disability
B. The effects of a disability
C. The symptoms of disability
D. None of the above
Answer: B

8. Preventive interventions are designed to prevent potential or existing problems

A. Becoming a disability
B. Becoming a problem
C. Becoming an illness
D. Becoming a diseases
Answer: A

9. Compensatory interventions involve teaching

A. From easy to difficult
B. With the same age group of children
C. Special skills to improve functioning
D. With breaking down the contents
Answer: C

10. Schools must educate all children with disabilities regardless of the
A. Nature or severity of the disability.
B. Gender and age

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C. Socio economic status
D. Ethnic and race
Answer: A

11. Which of the following is not the objective of special education?

A. Help in adjustment in environment
B. Separation from mainstream education
C. Bring educational opportunities at doorstep
D. To make familiars with their capacities
Answer: B

12. Principles of special education include

A. Restrictive environment
B. Least parents’ participation and involvement
C. Nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation
D. Restraining public education
Answer: C

13. Special education dose not only encompass students with disabilities, it is also
made up of
A. Gifted and talented students
B. Outstanding students in sports
C. Substance abuse children
D. Students from weaker sections of society
Answer: A

14. Special education is needed because

A. Not all students learn the same way.
B. Low achiever need to be separated
C. Children with disability cannot study in normal school
D. Special children are different
Answer: A

15. The service of special education aims to support and empower

A. Parents and care takers
B. School and therapist
C. NGO’s and teacher

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D. Parents and special children
Answer: D

16. The major aim of special education is

A. To develop a realistic self-concept in children with special needs.
B. To develop vocational education
C. To develop the spiritual side of an individual
D. To develop fine motor movement skills
Answer: A

17. Which of the following is not included in the NPE 1986 and the Programme of
Action relating to Special Schools?
A. Establishment of special school
B. Modification of curriculum
C. Students exchange program
D. Flexibility in examinations
Answer: C

18. Special education programs facilitate

A. Academic progress
B. Socialization
C. Modification of behavior
D. All of the above
Answer: D

19. Integrated education is the learning of the disabled children with specialized
service in
A. Special school
B. General schools
C. Home bound education
D. Recourses room
Answer: B

20. Scope of Integrated Education include

A. Cognitive development
B. Interpersonal relationships
C. Guidance and counselling

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D. All of the above
Answer: D

21. The nature of Integrated Education is to provide

A. Free textbooks, stationeries and midday meal
B. Broader scopes to the disabled to live in a social world
C. Education at free of cost
D. Hostel and residential facilities
Answer: B

22. Many children with disabilities are denied

A. Right to education
B. Right to freedom of expression
C. Right to information
D. Right to be born
Answer: A

23. Who is recognized as the founding father of special education?

A. Seguin
B. Itard
C. Braille
D. Kirk
Answer: B

24. Seguin is known as the greatest teacher of the

A. Mentally deficient
B. Visually handicapped
C. Hearing Impaired
D. Speech defect
Answer: A

25. The first special school in the United States, the American Asylum for the
Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb was established in
A. 1718
B. 1807
C. 1817
D. 1880
Answer: C

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