1st Interim Report (DM 06 024)

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IRD Project Subject: 1st Interim Report Topic: In store Marketing Efforts in retailing 10/09/2011

VC.Balaji (DM-06-024)

Introduction:.................................................................................................................................................. 2 What is Retail? .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Types of Stores ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Department stores .................................................................................................................................... 3 Category Killers ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Malls ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Discount Stores ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Supermarkets .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Hypermarkets............................................................................................................................................ 3 Kiosks ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 What is in store retail Marketing? ................................................................................................................. 4 Scope of My work......................................................................................................................................... 4 SWOT Analysis: ........................................................................................................................................... 4 PEST Analysis: ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Functions & Implication: .............................................................................................................................. 5 Work Plan: .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Now a days stores, malls and super markets are playing a vital role in city culture. The main motto of these stores is to provide a place where customers can get all their requirements. Ex. Reliance fresh, before customers used to go open markets were vegetables are sold, but reliance fresh came out with an idea of providing all fresh vegetables and fruits at place therefore customers need not to go different places to get vegetables. Now the second issue is number of customers getting attracted towards these stores and malls. For that the retailer should adopt some instore facilities and advertising strategies to drag customers from competitors. Therefore my study and research zooms into the instore facilities and advertising strategies adopted by management of particular maal or store. I could mostly concentrate on different things implemented in side of stores and HOW, WHY they adopted by them and how those strategies helping them to face the competition, attracting customers and providing information.

What is Retail?
Retail consists of the sale of physical goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser. Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Purchasers may be individuals or businesses. In commerce, a "retailer" buys goods or products in large quantities from manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user. Retail establishments are often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a necessary part of their overall distribution strategy. The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the needs of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility, like electric power. Shops may be on residential streets, shopping streets with few or no houses or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to protect customers from precipitation. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used forbusiness-toconsumer (B2C) transactions and mail order, is forms of non-shop retailing. Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it is done as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not buying) and browsing and does not always result in a purchase.

Types of Stores
Department stores
Department stores are general merchandisers. They offer to the customers mid- to high-quality products. Though they sell general goods, some department stores sell only a select line of products. Examples in India would include stores like "Westside" and "Lifestyle"--popular department stores.

Category Killers
Specialty stores are called category killers. Category killers are specialized in their fields and offer one category of products. Most popular examples of category killers include electronic stores like Best Buy and sports accessories stores like Sports Authority.

One of the most popular and most visited retail formats in India is the mall. These are the largest retail format in India. Malls provide everything that a person wants to buy, all under one roof. From clothes and accessories to food or cinemas, malls provide all of this, and more. Examples include Spencers Plaza in Chennai, India, or the Forum Mall in Bangalore.

Discount Stores
Discount stores are those that offer their products at a discount, that is, at a lesser rate than the maximum retail price. This is mainly done when there is additional stock left over towards the end of any season. Discount stores sell their goods at a reduced rate with an aim of drawing bargain shoppers.

One of the other popular retail formats in India is the supermarkets. A supermarket is a grocery store that sells food and household goods. They are large, most often self-service and offer a huge variety of products. People head to supermarkets when they need to stock up on groceries and other items. They provide products for reasonable prices, and of mid to high quality.

Similar to supermarkets, hypermarkets in India are a combination of supermarket and department store. These are large retailers that provide all kinds of groceries and general goods. Saravana Stores in Chennai, Big Bazaar and Reliance Fresh are hypermarkets that draw enormous crowds.

Kiosks are box-like shops, which sell small and inexpensive items like cigarettes, toffees, newspapers and magazines, water packets and sometimes, tea and coffee. These are most commonly found on every street in a city, and cater primarily to local residents

What is in store retail Marketing?

The marketing strategies which were used inside the above mentioned types of retail stores in order to drag and attract the customers attention called as in store retail marketing It includes following contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Store maintenance In store Space consumption Product display Technology used Offers Brand display Human resource Quality assurance

Scope of My work
I would be approaching following types of stores to conduct study and research 1. Departmental stores (pantaloon, life style) 2. Malls (ex. Central, GVK) 3. Super market (ex. Ratnadeep, More) 4. Hyper Markets (Big bazaar, Reliance fresh) 5. Category killers (Croma, reliance digital)

SWOT Analysis:
All in one (providing common place for all place) In store maintenance(category wise product segmentation) Quality and Brand assurance Technology(billing, in store advertising)

Inventory management Price fluctuations Bill Counter maintenance

Promotional activities Branch expansion Acquisitions Collaborative marketing

Supplies and distributors Competitors(existing and potential)

PEST Analysis:
Political: Political factors like land, licensing, Tax policies, employment laws Economical: Economic growth, Taxation, Consumer preference Socio Cultural: Labour, life style, locality influence, psycographical conditions Technological: innovations and development of in store facilities, reliable and authenticated services.

Functions & Implication:

Marketing aspects: Branding, Advertising, Competitor analysis, Customer satisfaction. Financial aspects: Costing, Budgeting, ROI HR aspects: In this area I would be concentrating more on human resource available inside of store to
provide information and knowledge of products to the customers

Work Plan:
Conduct Primary research on Retail industry (Done) Collect data on In store marketing Strategies (Under Process) Field work (Not Yet Done) 1. Observation 2. Figure out problems 3. Plot out suggestions 4. Maintain record

Documentation (Not Yet done)

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