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Further to the Notification for Online recruitment published for the post of Senior
Assistant (Official Language), Junior Assistant (Human Resource), Senior Assistant
(Operations), Senior Assistant (Electronics), Senior Assistant (Finance), Junior
Assistant (Fire Services) as per AAI Advertisement No. DR-02/10/2022/WR, the
following addendum is issued.
4. िह ी वा ोम र थानो की पू ित 03 - अं क
5. िह ी मुहावरों व लोको यों के अथ 02 -अं क
6. िह ी श ो के अँ ेजी पयाय 03 -अं क
7. अँ ेजी श ो के िह ी पयाय 02 -अं क
8. अँ ेजी मुहावरों का सही अथ 03 -अं क
9. अँ ेजी श ो के अँ ेजी पयाय 02 -अं क
कुल 60 - अं क
भाग- ‘ब’ (50% भारांक) – 60 अंक
(ब) सामा ान, सामा बु , सामा यो ता, अं ेजी, आिद पर 50%
(a) 50% questions on subjects relating to educational qualifications prescribed for the post
as detailed below:-
(1) Office and Office Management – meaning of office, function of office, primary and
administrative functions, importance of office. Relation of office with other departments
of business Organization. Concept of paperless office, virtual office, back and front office,
open and private office. Definition and elements of office management, duties of an Office
Manager. Office routine, flow of work and office manual.
(2) Filing and Indexing – Meaning and importance of filing, essential of good filing system.
Centralized and decentralized filing system. Meaning, need and types of indexing used in
the business organization. Retention and weeding out of papers.
(3) Office Forms – Meaning and types of forms used in business organization, advantages,
forms controls, objectives, form designing, principles of forms designing and specimens of
forms used in office. Office Record Management meaning, importance of record keeping
management, principles of record management and types of records kept in a business
(4) Communication – Meaning, importance, process of communication, objectives of
effective communication. Forms of communication – oral, written, visual and audio-visual.
Types of office communication internal and external. Barrier to communication and
overcoming the barriers.
(5) Office Meetings – Notice, Agenda, Resolutions, Minutes and confirmation of the Minutes.
Abbreviations and terms used in Business Correspondence.
(6) Behavioural Skills- Personality development, importance of good human relations,
understanding organizational culture, management of time and stress, importance of
ethics and values.
(7) Office Accommodation and Environment- Record Maintenance/Management, Office
Record Management, Importance, Filing Essentials, Classification and arrangement of files,
Modern methods of filing Modern filing devices.
(8) Office Correspondence and Mail Services- Form Letters, Meaning, Principles and Factors
to be considered in designing office forms Writing, Writing effective sentences, Cohesive
writing, Clarity and conciseness in writing.
(9) Main provisions of Official Language Act applicable to Govt. Offices.
(b) 50% questions on General Knowledge, General Intelligence, General Aptitude & English
as detailed below:-
General Knowledge: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general
awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be
designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and
experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also
include questions relating to India and its Neighbouring countries especially pertaining to Sports,
History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Policy including India Constitution, and
Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of
any discipline.
General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will
include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving,
analysis, judgement, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship
concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-
verbal series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to
deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other
analytical functions.
General Aptitude:
English: In addition to the testing of candidates’ understanding of the English Language, its
vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. his/her
writing ability, would also be tested.
(a) 50% Questions on Subjects relating to Educational Qualification prescribed for the Post
which is detailed below :-
Analog Electronics
Diode Circuits, Transistor biasings, Transistor amplifiers, FET amplifiers, coupled amplifiers,
Feedback amplifiers, Oscillators Power amplifiers, Tuned Voltage amplifiers, Operational
amplifiers, and Regulated Power Supplies.
Introduction to Digital Electronics, Number System & Codes, Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates,
Arithmetic & Logic Circuits.
1. Introduction to Radio Communications: - Principle and need of radio communications,
characteristics of radio waves, radio frequency spectrum. Need of modulation in radio
communication. Classification of radio communication systems. Definition and application
of AM, FM and pulse modulation.
2. AMPLITUDE MODULATION & MODULATION METHODS:- Analysis of amplitude modulation,
S.S.B. and DSB, DSBSC, methods of AM linear and non-linear modulation methods. Shunt
and Series plate modulators, balanced modulator.
3. FREQUENCY & PHASE MODUALTION:- Analysis of frequency modulation, frequency
spectrum. Phase modulation, analysis and comparison with FM. Varactor Diode modulator,
reactance tube and Armstrong method for producing F.M. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis
4. A.M. & F.M. DEMODULATORS: Classification and analysis of AM demodulation, linear diode
detector, F.M. demodulators slope and phase detectors, ratio detectors.
5. PULSE MODULATION: Classification of pulse modulation, sampling and quantization, basic
idea of PAM, PTM, PPM and PCM, DM & ADM.
6. Radio Broadcast Transmitter: Classification of radio transmitters, block diagram of AM
transmitter and explanation of each block, frequency, stabilization of AM transmitter, SSB
transmitter and its explanation, block diagram of R.T. and Armstrong F.M. transmitter and
its explanation frequency stabilization of F.M. transmitter.
7. RADIO RECEIVERS: Classification of radio receivers, principle of super heterodyning, block
diagram of superhet. AM receivers and explanation of each block, choice of LO and IF,
tracking and alignment block diagram of FM receiver and explanation of each block, study
of AVC & AFC circuits.
8. RADIO RECEIVER MEASUREMENT: Characteristics of AM & FM radio receivers,
measurement of radio receivers characteristics such as sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity etc.,
9. ANTENNA: Basic radiation principle, antenna Parameters-Gain impedance, radiation
pattern, radiation from thin linear antenna and folded dipole. Grounded antenna, long wire
antenna, antenna arrays.
10. RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION: Basic modes and classification of radio wave propagation,
ground wave propagation, sky wave propagation, ionosphere and its characteristics, space
wave signal, effect of atmosphere and range of space wave propagation.
(a) 70% Questions on Subjects relating to Educational Qualification prescribed for the Post
which is detailed below :-
Accounting Concepts, Convention and Principles
(Dual Aspect, Matching concept, Accrual Concept, Conservatism)
Financial Statement
Income Statement
Position Statement
Deferred Revenue Expenditure – Treatment
Capital Expenditure – Definition & Treatment
Revenue Expenditure – Definition & Treatment
Impact of Adjustment in Financial Statement
Schedule VI-Part I and Part –II of Companies Act, 1956
Knowledge of MS-EXCEL, MS-WORD, etc.,
(b) 30% questions on General Knowledge, General Intelligence, General Aptitude & English.
(a) 50% Questions on Subjects relating to Educational Qualification prescribed for the Post
which is detailed below :-
The level for written examination for the post of Jr. Assistant (FS) will be as under: -
(b) 50% questions on General Knowledge, General Intelligence, General Aptitude & English.
General Knowledge,
General Intelligence
General Aptitude, English etc., 60 Marks – 12 th Standard level 50% Weightage