Chevrolet Camaro 1995

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Owner's Manual
0The 1995 Chevrolet Carnaro Owner’s Manual
How to Use This Manual
This section tells you how to use your manual and includes safety and vehicle damage warnings and symbols.
Seats and Restraint Systems .............................................................. 1-1
This section tells you how to use your seats and safety belts properly. It also explains the “SIR”
(Air Bag) System.
FeaturesandControls .................................................................. 2-1
This section explains how to start and operate your Chevrolet.
Comfort Controls and Audio Systems ..................................................... 3-1
This section tells you how to adjust the ventilation and comfort controls and how to operate your
sound system.
YourDrivingandtheRoad .............................................................. 4-1
Here you’ll find helpful information and tips about the road and how to drive under different conditions.
ProblemsontheRoad .................................................................. 5-1
This section tells you what to do if you have a problem while driving, such as a flat tire or engine
overheating, etc.
ServiceandAppearanceCare ............................................................ 6-1
Here the manual tells you how to keep your Chevrolet running properly and looking good.
M a i n t e n a n c e s c h e d u l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... 7-1
This section tells you when to perform vehicle maintenance and what fluids and lubricants to use.
CustomerAssistanceInformation ........................................................ 8-1
This section tells you how to contact Chevrolet for assistance and how to get service publications. It also
gives you information on “Reporting Safety Defects” on page 8-4.
Index ................................................................................. 9-1
Here’s an alphabetical listing of almost every subject in this manual. You can use it to quickly find
something you want to read.
We support voluntary
technician certification.

GENERAL MOTORS, GM and theGM Emblem,

CHEVROLET and theChevrolet Emblem and the name VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN
Camaro are registered trademarks of General Motors
Y a l o n a l Instittlw for
Corporation. AUTOMOTIVE
This manual includes the latest information at the time it EXCELLENCE
was printed. We reserve the right to make changes in the
product after that time withoutfurther notice. For
vehicles first sold inCanada, substitute the name For Canadian OwnersWho Prefer a
“General Motorsof Canada Limited” for Chevrolet
Motor Division wheneverit appears in this manual. French Language Manual:
Please keep this manual in your Chevrolet, so it will be Aux proprietaires canadiens:Vous pouvez vous procurer
there if you ever need it when you’re on the road. If you un exemplaire de ceguide en frangaischez votre
sell the vehicle, pleaseleave this manual in itso the new concessionaire ou au DGN MarketingServices Ltd.,
owner can use it. 1500 Bonhill Rd., Mississauga, Ontario L5T lC7.

Litho in U.S.A. @CopyrightGeneral Motors Corporation 1994

Part No. 10254415 B Second Printing All Rights Reserved
The dynamic William C. “Billy”
Durant shifted gearsfrom making
carriages to making cars,
forming half the teamthat gave
birth to Chevrolet.


Louis Chevrolet, the other halfof the team,

at the wheelof his experimental “Classic
Six,” which entered productionin 1912.
That year 2999 vehicles wereproduced.
I In January 1942, Chevroletfactories

The legacy of America'sfavorite I

In 1932 Chevrolet introduced the I sportscar began in 1953, when 319 I

Synchro-Mesh transmission and
hand-assembled white Corvettes
offered a host of I launched thefirst use of a fiberglass
accessories-including such
body in a production cal: I
niceties as a clock! I
r " ' - - - " - - - - - ' - - - -
I . .
The I957 Chevy started a romance with
I I the American public-and was poweredby
I an available fuel-injected V8.

60's automotive excitement

included Chevrolet landmarks
like the Corvette Sting Ray,
the sporty Camaro, and Your new Chevrolet continues a tradition of quality and value.
powerplants like the
legendary 327 V8.
How to Use This Manual
Many people read their owner’s manual from beginning
to end when they first receive their new vehicle. This
will help you learn about the features and controls for
your vehicle. In this manual, you’ll find that pictures
and words work together to explain things quickly.
Safety Warnings and Symbols
In the gray caution area, we tell you what the hazard is.
You will find a number of safety cautions in this book. Then we tell you what to do to help avoid or reduce the
We use a box with gray background and the word hazard. Please read these cautions. If you don’t, youor
CAUTION to tell you about things that could hurt you if others could be hurt.
you were to ignore the warning.
You will also find a circle with a slash through it in this
Index book.
A good place to look for what you need is in the Index 1 1 This safety- symool
. means
in the back of the manual. It’s an alphabetical list of all “Don’t,’’ “Don’t do this,” or
that’s in the manual, and the page number where you’ll “Don’t let this happen.”
find it.

Vehicle Damage Warnings In the notice area, we tell you about something that can
damage your vehicle. Many times, this damage would
Also, in this book you will find these notices: not be covered by your warranty, and itcould be costly.
But the notice will tell you what to do to help avoid the
When you readother manuals, you might see
NOTICE: CAUTION and NOTICE warnings in different colors or
These mean thereis something that in different words.
could damage your vehicle. You’ll also see warning labels on your vehicle. They use
yellow for cautions, blue for notices and the words

These symbols Here are some
Vehicle Symbols are used on other symbols
These are some of the symbols you may find on your vehicle. warning and you may see:
indicator lights:
FUSE -%-

For example, These symbols These symbols These symbols
these symbols are important have to do with are on some of ENGINE
are used on an for you and your lights: your controls: COOLANT

original battery: your passengers TEMP

whenever your
A vehicle is

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0Section 1 Seats And Restraint Systems
Here you’ll find information about the seats in your Manual Front Seat
Chevrolet and how to use your safety belts properly.
You can also learn about some things you should not do
with air bags and safety belts.
Seats and Seat Controls
This section tells you about the seats -- how to adjust
them, and also about reclining front seatbacks, seatback
latches and the folding rear seatback.

Move the lever under the Four-Way Manual Seat
passenger’s front seat to
unlock it.

Slide the seat to where you want it. Then release the
lever and try tomove the seat with your body, to make
sure the seat is locked into place. Be sure the lever
returns to its original position after moving the seat.

There are two levers at the front of the seat. The left
lever adjusts the seat forward and back.The right lever
adjusts the angle of the front of the seat.
To Adjust the Seat’s Forward and Rearward: Lift the
lever under the leftfront of the seat. Slide the seat to
where you want it. Then release the lever and try to
move the seat with your body to make sure the seat is
locked into place.
To Raise or Lower the Front of the Seat:Lift the right
lever and lean forwardor backward.
Six-Way Power Seat(OPTION) Reclining Front Seatbacks

The driver’s seat has three controls on the left side. To adjust the seatback, lift the lever on the outer side of
The frontcontrol makes the front of the seat go up and the seat. Release the lever to lock the seatback where
down. you want it. Pull up on the lever, and the seat will go to
its original upright position.
The back control makes the back of the seat go u p and
The centercontrol makes the whole seat go u p and down
or forward and backward.

Don’t have the seatback reclinedif your vehicle is

Front Seatback Latches When youreturn the seatback to its original position,
make sure the seatback is locked. The latch must be
down for the seat to work properly.

The front seatbacks fold forward to let people get into

the back seat. To fold a seatback forward, push the
seatback toward the rear as you lift the latch located on
the lower backside of the seatback. Then the seatback
will fold forward.

Folding Rear Seatback The rear seatback in yourChevrolet folds down to
provide more storage space.
To fold the seatback down:
1. Pull forward on both levers.
2. Fold the seatback down.
To raise the seatback:
1 . Pull it up to the locked, upright position.
2. Be sure both latches hold the seatback in place. Have
them fixed if they don’t.

Safety Belts: They’refor Everyone I
This part of the manual tells you how to use safety belts
properly. It alsotells you some things you should not do
with safety belts.
And it explains the Supplemental Inflatable Restraint, or
“air bag” system.

Your car has a light that comes as

ona reminder to buckle
(See“Safety Belt Reminder Light” in the Index.)
In many states and Canadian provinces, the law says to
wear safety belts. Here’s why: They work.
You never know if you’ll be in a crash. If you do have a
crash, you don’t know if it will be a bad one.
A few crashesare mild, and some crashescan be so
serious that even buckled up
a person wouldn’t survive.
But most crashes arein between. In manyof them, people
who buckle up can survive and sometimes walk away.
Without belts they could have been badly hurt killed.
After more than 25 years of safety belts in vehicles,
the facts are clear. In most crashes buckling up does
matter ... a lot!

Why Safety BeltsWork

Put someone on it.

Take the simplest vehicle.Suppose it’s just a seat on


Get it up to speed. Then stop the vehicle. The rider The person keeps going until stoppedby something.
doesn't stop. In a real vehicle, it could be the windshield ...

or the instrument panel ... or the safety belts!
With safety belts, you slow down as the vehicle does.
You get more time to stop. You stop over more distance,
and your strongest bones take the forces. That’s why
safety belts make such good sense.

Here Are Questions Many PeopleAsk If I’m a good driver,
and I never drive far from
About Safety Belts-- and the Answers home, why shouldI wear safety belts?

e.’ Won’t I be trapped in the vehicle after an A: You may be an excellent driver, but if you’re in an
accident -- even one that isn’t your fault -- you and
accident if I’m wearing a safety belt?
your passengers can be hurt. Being a good driver
A: You could be -- whether you’re wearing a safety doesn’t protect you from things beyond your
belt or not. But you can unbuckle a safety belt, control, such as bad drivers.
even if you’re upside down. And your chance of
Most accidents occur within 25 miles (40 km) of
being conscious during and after an accident, so
home. And the greatest number of serious injuries
you can unbuckle and get out, ismuch greater if
and deaths occur at speeds of less than 40 mph
you are belted.
(65 k d h ) .
&.’ Why don’t theyjust put inair bags so people Safety belts are for everyone.
won’t have to wear safety belts?
A: Air bags are in many vehicles today and will be in
more of them in the future. Butthey are
supplemental systems only; so they work with
safety belts -- not instead of them. Every air bag
system ever offered for sale has required the use of
safety belts. Even if you’re in a vehicle that has air
bags, you still have to buckle up to get the most
protection. That’s true not only infrontal collisions,
but especially in side and other collisions.

How to Wear Safety Belts Properly
This part is onlyfor people of adult size.
Be aware that there are special things to know about
safety belts and children. Andthere are different rules
for smaller children and babies.If a child will be riding
in your Chevrolet, see the part of this manual called
“Children.” Follow those rules for everyone’s
First, you’ll want to know which restraint systems your
vehicle has.
We’ll start with the driver position.
Driver Position
This part describes the driver’s restraint system. 3. Pick up the latch plate and pull the belt across you.
Don’t letit get twisted.
Lap-Shoulder Belt
On convertible models, the shoulder beltmay lock if
The driver has a lap-shoulder belt. Here’show to wear it you pull the belt across you very quickly.If this
properly. happens, let the beltgo back slightly to unlock it.
1. Close and lock the door. Then pull the belt across you more slowly.
2. Adjust the seat (to see how, see “Seats” in the Index) 4. Push the latch plate into the buckle until it clicks.
so you can sit up straight.

Pull up on the latch plate to make sure it issecure. If
the belt isn’t long enough, see “Safety Belt
Extender” at the end of this section.
Make sure the release button on the buckle is
positioned so you would be able to unbuckle the
safety belt quickly if you ever had to.

The lap part of the belt should beworn low and snug on
the hips, just touching the thighs.In a crash, this applies
force to the strong pelvic bones. And you’d be less likely
to slide under the lap belt.If you slid under it,the belt
would apply force at your abdomen.This could cause
serious or even fatal injuries. The shoulder belt should go
over the shoulder and across the chest. These parts of the
body are best able to take belt reseaining forces.
5. To make the lap part tight, pull down on the buckle
end of the belt as you pull up on the shoulder belt.

- .

The safety belt locksif there’s a sudden stopor crash.
On convertible models, the safety belt also locks if you
pull the belt very quicklyout of the retractor.
What’s wrong with this?

A: The shoulder belt is too loose. It won’t give nearly

as much protectionthis way.

@ What’s wrong with this?

A: The belt is buckled in the wrong place.

What’s wrong with this?

A: The shoulder belt is worn under the arm. It should

be worn over the shoulder at all times.

&: What’s wrong with this?

A: The belt is twisted across the body.

To unlatch the belt, just push the button on the buckle. Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
The belt should go back outof the way.
System (SIR)
This part explains the Supplemental Inflatable Restraint
(SIR), or airbag, system.
Your Chevrolet has two air bags -- one air bag for the
driver and another air bag for the right front passenger.
Here are the most important thingsto know about the air
bag system:

Before you close the door, be sure the belt is out of the
way. If you slam the door on it, you can damage both the
belt andyour vehicle.

How the Air Bag System Works


There is an airbag readinesslight on the instrument

panel, which shows “AIR BAG’ on it. The system
checks the airbag’s electrical system for malfunctions.
The light tells you if there is an electrical problem.See
“Air Bag Readiness Light” inthe Index for more
information. I

When should an air bag inflate?
The air bag is designed to inflate in moderate to severe
frontal or near-frontal crashes. The airbag will inflate
Where is the air bag? only if the impact speed is above the system’s designed
“threshold level.” If your vehicle goes straight into a
The driver’s air bag is in the middle of the steering wall that doesn’t move or deform, the threshold level is
wheel. The right front passenger’s air bag is in the about 9 to 15 mph ( 14 to 24 km/h). The threshold level
instrument panel on the passenger’sside. can vary, however, with specific vehicle design, so that
it can be somewhat above orbelow this range. If your
vehicle strikes something that will move or deform, such
as a parked car,the threshold level will be higher. The
air bag is not designed to inflate in rollovers, side
impacts, or rear impacts, because inflation would not
help the occupant.
It is possible that in a crash only one of the two air bags the instrument panel. The air bag supplements the
in your vehicle will deploy. This is rare, but canhappen protection provided by safety belts. Air bags distribute
in a crash just severe enough to make an air bag inflate. the force of the impact more evenlyover the occupant’s
upper body, stoppingthe occupant more gradually.But
In any particular crash, no one can say whether anair
air bags would not help you in many typescollisions,
bag should have inflated simply because ofthe damage
including rollovers and rear and side impacts, primarily
to a vehicle or because of what the repair costs were.
because an occupant’s motion is not towardthe air bag.
Inflation is determined by the angle of the impact and
Air bags should never be regarded as anything more
the vehicle’s deceleration. Vehicle damage is only one
than a supplement to safetybelts, and then only in
indication of this.
moderate to severe frontalor near-frontal collisions.
What makes an air bag inflate?
What will you see after anair bag inflates?
In a frontal or near-frontal impact of sufficient severity,
After the air baginflates, it quickly deflates. This occurs
the air bag sensing systemdetects that the vehicle is
so quickly that some people may not evenrealize the air
suddenly stopping asa result of a crash. The sensing
bag inflated. Some components of the air bag module in
system triggers a chemical reaction of the sodium azide
the steering wheel hubfor the driver’s air bag, or the
sealed in the inflator. The reaction produces nitrogen
instrument panel for the right front passenger’s bag, will
gas, which inflates the air bag. The inflator, air bag, and
be hot for ashort time, but the part of the bag that comes
related hardware are all part of the air bag modules
into contact with you will notbe hot to the touch. There
packed inside the steering wheel and in theinstrument
will be some smoke and dust coming from vents in the
panel infront of the right front passenger.
deflated air bags. Air bag inflation will not preventthe
How does an air bag restrain? driver from seeingor from being able to steer the
In moderate to severe frontal or near-frontal collisions, vehicle, nor will it stop people from leaving the vehicle.
even belted occupants can contact the steering wheel or

0 Your vehicle is equipped with a diagnostic module,
which records information about the air bag system.
The module records information about the readiness
of the system, when the sensors are activated and
driver’s safety belt usage at deployment.
0 Let only qualified technicians work on your air bag
system. Improper service can mean that your air bag
system won’t .work properly. See your dealer for

In many crashes severe enough to inflate an air bag, If you damage the cover for the driver’s or the
windshields are broken by vehicle deformation. right front passenger’s air bag, they may not
Additional windshield breakage may also occur from the work properly. You may have to replace the air
right front passenger air bag. bag modulein thesteering wheel or both the air
bag moduleand the instrument panel for the
0 The air bags are designed to inflate only once. After
they inflate, you’ll need some new parts foryour air
right front passenger’s air bag. Do not open or
I bag system. If you don’t get them, the airbag system break the air bag covers.
won’t be there to help protect you in another crash.
A new system will include air bag modules and
possibly other parts. The service manual for your
vehicle covers the need to replace other parts.

Servicing Your Air Bag-Equipped Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy
Chevrolet Safety belts workfor everyone, including pregnant
Air bags affect how yourChevrolet should be serviced. women. Like all occupants, they are more likely to be
There are parts of the air bag system in several places seriously injured if they don’t wear safety belts.
around your vehicle. You don’t want the system to A pregnant woman should weara lap-shoulder belt, and
inflate while someone is working on your vehicle.Your the lap portion should be wornas low as possible
Chevrolet dealer and the 1995 Service Manual have throughout the pregnancy.
information about servicingyour vehicle and the air bag
system. To purchase a service manual, see “Service
Publications” in theIndex.
The air bag system does not need regular maintenance.

The best way to protect the fetus is to protect the
mother. Whena safety belt is worn properly, it’s more
likely thatthe fetus won’t be hurt ina crash. For
pregnant women, asfor anyone, thekey to making
safety belts effective is wearing them properly.
Right Front Passenger Position U
The right front passenger’s safety belt works the same
way as the driver’s safety belt. See “Driver Position,”
earlier in this section. Lap-Shoulder Belt
Rear Seat Passengers The rear seats have lap-shoulder belts. Here’s how to
wear one properly.
It’s very important for rear seat passengers to buckle
Accident statistics show that unbelted people in the rear
seat are hurt more often in crashes than those who are
wearing safety belts.
Rear passengerswho aren’t safety belted can be thrown
out of the vehicle in a crash. And they can strike others
in the vehicle who are wearing safety belts.

.” ..

1. Pick up the latch plateand pull the belt across you. If the belt stops before it reaches the buckle,tilt the
Don’t let itget twisted. latch plate andkeep pulling until youcan buckle it.
On convertible models, the shoulder belt may lock if Pull up on the latch plate to make sure it is secure.
you pull the belt across you very quickly.If this If the belt is notlong enough, see “Safety Belt
happens, let the belt go back slightly to unlock it. Extender” at the end of this section. Make sure the
Then pull the belt across you more slowly. release button on the buckle is positioned so you
2. Push the latch plateinto the buckle until it clicks. would be able to unbuckle the safety belt quickly if
you ever had to.

3. To make the lap part tight, pull down on the buckle The lap part of the belt shouldbe worn low and snug on
end of the belt as you pull up on the shoulder part. the hips,just touching the thighs. In a crash, this applies
force to the strong pelvic bones. And you'd be less
likely to slide under the lap belt. If you slid under it, the
belt would apply force at your abdomen. This could
cause serious or even fatal injuries. The shoulder belt
should go over the shoulder and across thechest. These
parts of the body are best able totake belt restraining

The safety belt locks if there’s a sudden stop or a crash.
On convertible models, the safetybelt also locks if you
pull the belt very quickly out of the retractor.


To unlatch the belt, just push the buttonon the buckle.

Children Smaller Children and Babies
Everyone in a vehicle needs protection! That includes
infants and all children smaller than adult size. In fact,
the law in every state inthe United States and in every
Canadian province says children up to some age must be
restrained while in a vehicle.


Child Restraints
Be sure to follow the instructions for the restraint. You
may find these instructions on the restraint itself or in a
booklet, or both. These restraints use the beltsystem in
your vehicle, but the child also has to be secured within
the restraint to help reduce the chance of personal injury.
The instructions that come with the infant orchild
restraint will show you how to do that.
Where to Put the Restraint
Accident statistics show that children are safer if they
are restrained in the rearrather than the front seat. We at
General Motors therefore recommend that you put your
child restraint in the rear seat. Never put a rear-facing
child restraint in the front passenger seat. Here’s why:

Wherever you install it, be sure to secure the child

restraint properly.
Keep in mind that an unsecured child restraint can move
around in a collision or sudden stop and injure people in
the vehicle. Be sure to properly secure any child
restraint in your vehicle -- even when no child is in it.

Top Strap If you have a convertible, don’t use a restraint that has a
top strap in your vehicle becausethe top strap anchor
cannot be installed properly.

For cars first sold in Canada,child restraints with a top

strap must be anchored accordingto Canadian Law.
If your child restraint has a top strap, it should be Your dealer can obtain the hardware kit and install it for
anchored. you, or you may install it yourself using theinstructions
If you needto have an anchorinstalled, you can ask provided inthe kit.
your Chevroletdealer to put it in for you. If you want to Use the tether hardware kit available from the dealer.
install an anchor yourself, yourdealer can tell you how The hardware and installation instructions were
to do it. specifically designedfor this vehicle.

Securing a Child Restraint in a Rear Seat

You’ll be using the lap-shoulder belt. See the earlier part

.,. .
about the top strapif the child restraint has one.
1. Put the restraint on the seat. Follow the instructions
for thechild restraint.
2. Secure the child in the child restraint as the 4. Buckle the belt. Make sure the release button is
instructions say. positioned so you would be able to unbuckle the
3. Pick up the latch plate, and run the lap and shoulder safety belt quickly if you ever had to.
portions of the vehicle’s safety belt through or
around the restraint. The child restraint instructions
will show you how. Tilt the latchplate to adjust the
belt if needed.
If the shoulder belt goes in front of the child’s face or
neck, put it behind the child restraint.

Securing a Child Restraint in theRight
Front Seat Position

Your vehicle has a right front passenger air bag. Never

put a rear-facing child restraint in this seat. Here’s why:

5. To tighten the belt, pull up on the shoulder belt while

you push down on the child restraint.
6. Push and pull the child restraint in different
directions to be sure it is secure.
To remove the child restraint, just unbuckle the vehicle’s
safety belt and let it go back all the way. The safety belt
will move freely again and be ready to work for an adult
or larger child passenger.
You’ll be using thelap-shoulder belt. See the earlier part Until you have this clip, secure a child restraint only in
about the top strap if the child restraint has one. the rear seat. See the earlier part about securing a child
You’ll need a safety locking clip to properly secure a restraint in the rear seat. Once you have the clip, follow
child restraint in this position. You can get alocking clip these instructions:
where child restraints are sold,or from you Chevrolet 1. Because your vehicle has a right front passenger air
dealer (GM Part No. 94844571). The locking clip must bag, always move the seat as far back as it willgo
be the same asthe one shown here. before securing a forward-facing child restraint. (See
“Seats” in the Index.)
2. Put the restraint on the seat. Follow the instructions
for the child restraint.
3. Secure the child in the child restraint as the
instructions say.
4. Pick up the latch plate, and run thelap and shoulder
portions of the vehicle’s safety belt throughor
around the restraint. The child restraint instructions
will show you how.
If the shoulder belt goes in front of the child’s face or
neck, put it behind the child restraint.

5. Buckle the belt.
Make sure the release button is positioned so you
would be able to unbuckle the safety belt quickly if
you ever had to.

. . -
I '
Larger Children Accident statistics show that children are safer if they
are restrained in the rear seat. But they need to use the
safety belts properly.
0 Children who aren't buckled up can be thrown out in
a crash.
Children who aren't buckled up can strike other
people who are.

Children who have outgrown child restraints should

wear the vehicle's safety belts.

Q: What if a child is wearing a lap-shoulder belt,
but the child isso small that the shoulder belt is
very close to the child’s face or neck?
A: Move the child toward the center of the vehicle, but
be sure that the shoulder belt still is on the child’s
shoulder, so that in a crash the child’s upper body
would have the restraint that belts provide.

Wherever the child sits, the lap portion of the belt
should be worn low and snug on the hips, just touching
the child’s thighs. This applies belt force to the child’s
pelvic bones in a crash.

Safety Belt Extender Replacing Seat and Restraint System
If the vehicle’s safety belt will fasten around you, you Parts After a Crash
should use it. If you’ve had a crash, do you need newbelts?
But if a safety belt isn’t long enough to fasten, your After a very minor collision, nothing may be necessary.
dealer will order you an extender. It’s free. When you go But if the belts were stretched, as they would be if worn
in to order it, take the heaviest coat you will wear, so the during a more severe crash, then you need newbelts.
extender will be long enough for you. The extender will
be just foryou, andjust for theseat in your vehicle that If belts are cut or damaged, replace them. Collision
you choose. Don’t let someone else use it, and use it damage also may mean you will need to have safety belt
only for theseat it is made to fit. To wear it, just attach it or seat parts repaired or replaced. New parts and repairs
to the regular safety belt. may be necessary even if the belt wasn’t being used at
the time of the collision.
Checking Your Restraint Systems
Now and then,make sure all your belts, buckles, latch
plates, retractors, anchorages and reminder systems are
working properly. Look for any other loose or damaged
restraint system parts. If you see anything that might
keep a restraint system from doing its job, have it
Torn or frayed belts may not protect you in a crash.
They can rip apart under impact forces. If a belt is torn
or frayed,get a new one right away.

0Section 2 Features & Controls

Here you can learn about the many standard and

optional features on your Chevrolet, and information on
starting, shifting and braking. Also explained are the
instrument panel and the warning systems that tell you if
everything is working properly -- and what to do if you
have a problem.

When a new Camaro is
delivered, the dealer
removes the plugsfrom the
keys, and gives them tothe
first owner.

The ignition keys are for the ign’ition only. The ignition keys don’t have plugs.
Instead, they have
bar-coded key tags. These tags may be removed by your

The door keys are for the is delivered to your
dealer or even before the vehicle
doors and all otherlocks. dealer.
Each plughas a code on it that tells your dealer or a
qualified locksmith how to make extra door keys. Keep
the plugs ina safe place. If you lose your door keys,
you’ll be able to have new ones made using these plugs.

If you need a new ignition key, go to your Chevrolet Door Locks
dealer, who can obtain the correct key code. In an
emergency, call Chevrolet Roadside Assistance at

Your Chevrolet hasa number of new features
that can help prevent theft. But you can have a
lot of trouble getting into your vehicle if you ever
lock your keys inside.You may even have to
damage your vehicle to get in. So be sure you
have extra keys.

From the inside: To lock the door, move the lock control
on the door backward.
From the outside: Use your door key.
TOunlock the door, movethe lock control on the door
Power Door Locks (Option) Remote Lock Control (Option)
If your Chevrolet has this option, you can lock and
unlock your doors or unlock your trunkfrom up to
30 feet (9 m)away using the key chain transmitter
supplied with yourvehicle.


Push the power door lock switch to lock or unlock both

doors at once.
Your Remote Lock Control operates on a radio
The switch only works when the ignition switch is in frequency subject to Federal Communications
RUN or ACC, or when RAP is present. (See “Retained Commission (FCC) Rules.
Accessory Power” in the Index.)
This device complies with Part15 of the FCC Rules.
Leaving Your Vehicle Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
If you are leaving the vehicle, take your keys, open your (2) This device must accept any interference received,
door and set the locks frominside. Then get out and including interference that may cause undesired operation.
close the door.
Should interference to this system occur, try this: Operation
0 Check to determine if battery replacement is The driver’s door will unlock automatically when
necessary. See the instructions on battery UNLOCK is pressed. If UNLOCK is pressed again
replacement. within five seconds, the passenger door will also unlock.
0 Check the distance. You may be toofar from your All doors will lock whenDOOR is pressed. The hatch
vehicle. This product has a maximum range. will unlock when the opened trunk symbol is pressed,
but only whenthe ignition switch is not in RUN, andthe
0 Check the location. Other vehicles or objects may be transmission is in PARK (P) if you have an automatic
blocking the signal. transmission. If you have a manual transmission, the
0 See your Chevroletdealer or a qualified technician parking brake must beset.
for service. The system will turn on theinterior lights for about
Changes or modifications to this system by other than an 40 seconds, or until the ignition switch is turned to
authorized service facility could void authorization to RUN, when you unlock thedoors or hatch. The interior
use this equipment. lamps will come on for about two seconds when you
lock thedoors.

Matching Transmitter@)To Your Vehicle To match transmitters to your vehicle:
Each key chain transmitter is coded to prevent another
transmitter from unlocking your vehicle. If a transmitter
is lost or stolen, areplacement can be purchased through
your dealer. Remember to bring any remaining
transmitters with you when yougo to your dealer. When
the dealer matches the replacement transmitter to your
vehicle, the remaining transmitters must also be
matched. Once the new transmitter is coded, the lost
transmitter will notunlock your vehicle.
You can match a transmitter to as many different
vehicles as you own, provided they are equipped with
exactly the same model system. (General Motors offers
several different models of these systems on their
vehicles.) Each vehicle can have only two transmitters
matched to it.
1. Find the Data Link Connector (DLC). It is in the
bottom of the instrument panel near the steering
second transmitter is matched. This means that the
second transmitter will not work untilit is matched
4 in step 5 .
1 4. Press any button on the first transmitter. The door
locks should lock and unlock.
5. Press any button onthe second transmitter. The door
locks should lock and unlock.
6. Remove the fused jumper from theDLC.The system
will not work unless thejumper is removed.
- w 7. Check that all the buttons on both transmitters work
I If the transmitters don’t work,or if you’d rathernot
match thetransmitters yourself, see your Chevrolet
2. Insert one end ofa fused jumper into terminal 8. dealer.
Terminal 8 is the top terminal on the far right.

3. Insert the other end of the fused jumper into terminal Battery Replacement
4. Terminal 4 is the fourth terminal from the left in Under normal use, thebatteries in your key chain
the top row. transmitter should last about two years.
You have grounded theprogram input line. You You can tell the batteries are weak if the transmitter
should hear thedoor locks lock and unlock within won’t work atthe normal range in any location. If you
one to three seconds. have to get close to your vehicle before the transmitter
When matching transmitters, the first transmitter works, it’s probablytime to change the batteries.
code matched will be stored in bothmemories until a Use two batteries, type DL20 16, or a similar type.
Hatch Release

To replace batteries in the Remote Lock Control:

1. Carefully pry off the cover by inserting a dime (or Your door key opens the hatch.
similar object) in a slot between the covers and twist.
2. Lift off the front cover, bottom half first.
3. Remove and replace the batteries. Put new batteries
in printed side down.
4. Replace the front cover. Make sure the cover is on
tightly so water won’t get in.
5. Check the transmitter operation.

Remote Hatch Release (Option) The switch only works when the ignition switch is in.
RUN or ACC, or when RAP is present. (See “Retained
Accessory Power” in the Index.)

I \‘\ \ If you put things in the hatchback area, be sure
they won’t break the glass whenyou close it.
Never slam the hatch down. You could break the
glass or damage the defogger grid (if equipped).

Press the switch in your glove box to unlock the hatch

from inside your vehicle. If you have an automatic
transmission, your shift lever must be inPARK (P) or
NEUTRAL (N) to use the switch. If you have a manual
transmission and the ignitionswitch is in RUN, you
must set the parking brake before you can use the

Vehicle theft is big business, especially in some cities.
I Although your Chevrolet has a number of theft deterrent
I features, we know that nothing weput on it can make it
! impossible to steal. However, there are ways you can
I Key in the Ignition
If you walk away from your vehicle with the keys
inside, it’s an easy targetfor joyriders or professional
thieves -- so don’t do it.
When you park yourChevrolet and openthe driver’s
door, you’ll hear a tone reminding you toremove your
key from the ignition and take it with you. Always do
this. Your steering wheel will be locked, and so will
your ignition. If you have an automatic transmission,
taking your keyout also locks your transmission. And
remember to lock the doors.

Parking at Night PASS-Key@II
Park in a lighted spot, close all windows and lock your
vehicle. Remember to keep your valuablesout of sight.
Put them in a storage area, or take them with you.
Parking Lots
If you park in a lot where someone will be watching
your vehicle, it’s best to lock it up and take your keys.
But what if youhave to leave your ignition key? Whatif
you have to leave something valuable in your vehicle?
Put your valuables in a storage area, like your trunk
or glove box.
0 Lock the glove box. Your vehicle is equippedwith the PASS-Key%
0 Lock all the doors except the driver’s. (Personalized Automotive SecuritySystem)
theft-deterrent system. PASS-Key I1 is a passive
0 Then take the door key with you. theft-deterrent system. It works when you insert or
. ‘i
remove the key from the ignition. PASS-Key I1 uses a
resistor pellet in the ignition keythat matches a decoder
in your vehicle.

When the PASS-Key@IIsystem senses that someone is vehicle needs service. If your vehicle does start, the first
using the wrong key, it shuts down the vehicle’s starter ignition key may be faulty.See your Chevrolet dealer or
and fuel systems. For aboutthree minutes, the starter a locksmith who can service the PASS-Key’II.
won’t work and fuel won’t go to the engine. If someone If you accidentally use a key that has a damaged or
tries to start your vehicle again or uses another key missing resistor pellet, the starter won’t work and the
during this time, the vehicle will not start. This security light will flash. But you don’t have to wait three
discourages someone from randomly trying different minutes before trying another ignition key.
keys with different resistor pellets in an attempt to make
a match. See your Chevrolet dealer or a locksmith who can
service the PASS-Key’II to have a new key made.
The ignition key must be clean and dry before it’s
inserted in the ignition or the engine may not start. If the If you’re ever driving and the “SECURITY” light comes
engine does not start and the SECURITYlight stays on on and stays on, you will be able to restart your engine if
when you try to start the vehicle, the key may be dirtyor you turn it off. Your PASS-Key@IIsystem, however, is
wet. Turn the ignition off. not working properly andmust be serviced by your
Chevrolet dealer. Your vehicle is not protected by the
Clean and dry the key. Wait about three minutes and try PASS-Key@IIsystem.
again. The security light will remain on during this time.
If the starter still won’t work, and the key appears to be If you lose or damage a PASS-Key’II ignition key, see
clean and dry, wait about three minutes and try another your Chevrolet dealer or a locksmith who can service
ignition key. At this time, you may also want to check PASS-Key’II to have a new key made. In an
the fuses (see“Fuses and Circuit Breakers” in the emergency, call the Chevrolet Roadside Assistance
Index). If the starter won’t work with the other key, your Program at 1-800-CHEV-USA (1-800-243-8872).

New Vehicle “Break-In” Ignition Switch

Your modern Chevrolet doesn’tneed an
elaborate “break-in.” But itwill perform better
in the longrun if you follow these guidelines:
Keep your speedat 55 mph (88 km/h) or
500 miles (804
less for the first
Don’t drive at any one speed fast or slow
-- for the first500 miles (804 km).Don’t
make full-throttle starts.
Avoid making hard stops for the first
200 miles (322km) or so. During this time
your new brake linings aren’tyet broken
in. Hard stops withnew linings can mean With the ignition key in theignition switch, you can turn
premature wear and earlier replacement. the switch to five positions:
Follow this “breaking-in’’ guideline every ACC (A): Position in which youcan operate your
time you get new brake linings. electrical power accessories. Press in theignition switch
I as youturn the top of it toward you.
LOCK (B): The only position in which you can remove
the key. This locks your steering wheel, ignition and
automatic transmission.

If you have an automatic transmission, the ignition
switch can’t be turned to LOCK unless the shift lever is
in the PARK (P) position.
OFF (C): Unlocks the steering wheel, ignition and
automatic transmission, but does not send electrical
power to any accessories. Use this position if your
vehicle must be pushed or towed. A warning tone will
sound if you openthe driver’s door when the ignition is
in OFF and the key is in the ignition.
RUN (D): Position to which the switch returns after you
start your engine and release the switch. The switch
stays in the RUN position when the engine isrunning.
But even when the engine is not running, you can use
RUN to operate your electrical power accessories and to
display some instrument panel warning andindicator Key ReleaseButton: If you have a manual
lights. transmission, your ignition lock has a key release button.
You must press the button before you can take your key
START (E): Starts the engine. When the engine starts, out of the ignition lock.
release the key. The ignition switch will return to RUN
for normal driving.
Note that even if the engine is not running, ACC and
RUN allow you to operateyour electrical accessories,
such as the radio and ventilation fan.

Retained Accessory Power (RAP)
If you havepower door locks, your vehicle hasa feature
called Retained AccessoryPower (RAP). With RAP
your powerdoor locks, electric mirrors, power
windows, audio system and remote hatch release will
continue to work up to 10 minutes after the ignition key
is turned to OFF and neither door is opened.
If a door is opened, theaudio system and power
windows will shut off. The power door locks, electric
mirrors and remote hatchrelease will work until you
shut the door.Once you have shut the door, these
accessories will continueto work for approximately
35 seconds. After this time you will notbe able to use
NOTICE: these accessories until the nexttime you open a door or
turn on the ignition.
If your key seems stuck inLOCK and you can’t
turn it, be sure it
is all theway in. If it is, then
turn the steeringwheel left and rightwhile you
turn thekey hard. But turn the key only with
your hand.Using a tool to forceit could break
the key or the ignitionswitch. If none of this
works, then yourvehicle needs service.

Starting Your Engine To start yourV6 engine:
Automatic transmission: 1. Without pushing the accelerator pedal, turn your
ignition key to START. When the engine starts, let
Move your shift lever to PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N). go of the key. The idle speed will go down as your
Your engine won’t start in any other position -- that’s a engine gets warm.
safety feature. To restart when you’re already moving,
use NEUTRAL (N) only.
NOTICE: Holding your key inSTART for longer than
15 seconds at a time will cause your battery
to be
Don’t try to shiftto PARK (P) if your Chevrolet
drained much sooner. And the excessive heat can
is moving. If you do, you could damage the
damage your starter motor.
transmission. Shift toPARK (P) only when your
vehicle is stopped.
2. If it doesn’t start right away, hold your key in
START for about three to five seconds at a time until
Manual transmission: your engine starts. Wait about 15 seconds between
each try to help avoiddraining your battery.
The gear selector should be in NEUTRAL (N). Hold the
clutch pedal to the floor and start the engine. Your 3. If your engine won’t start (or starts but then stops), it
vehicle won’t start if the clutch pedal is not allthe way could be flooded with too much gasoline.Try pushing
down -- that’s a safety feature. your accelerator pedal all the wayto the floor and
holding it there as you hold the key in START for
about three seconds. If the car starts briefly but then
stops again, do the same thing, but this time keep the
pedal down for five or six seconds. This clears the
extra gasoline from the engine. After waiting about15
seconds, repeat the normal starting procedure.
Your engine is designed to work with the Holding your key in START for longer than
electronics in your vehicle.If you add electrical 15 seconds at a timewill cause your battery to be
parts or accessories, you couldchange the way drained much sooner. Andthe excessive heat can
the fuel injection systemoperates. Before adding damage your starter motor.
electrical equipment, check withyour dealer. If
you don’t, your engine mightnot perform 2. If it doesn’t start within 10 seconds, push the
properly. accelerator pedal all the way to the floor, while you
If you ever have to have your vehicle towed, see hold the ignition key inSTART. When the engine
the part of this manual that tells howto do it starts, let go of the key andlet up on the accelerator
without damagingyour vehicle. See “Towing pedal. Wait about 15 seconds between each try to
Your Car” in the Index. help avoid draining your battery.
When starting your engine in very cold weather (below
To start your 5.7 Liter LT1 engine: 0°F or -18”C), do this:
1. Without pushing the accelerator pedal, turn the 1. With your foot off the accelerator pedal, turn the
ignition key to START. When the engine starts, let ignition key to START and hold it there. When the
go of the key. The idle speed will go down as your engine starts, let go of the key. Usethe accelerator
engine gets warm. pedal to maintain engine speed, if you haveto, until
your engine has run for a while.

2. If your engine still won’t start (orstarts but then Driving Through Deep Standing
stops), it could beflooded with too muchgasoline.
Try pushing your accelerator pedal all the way to the Water
floor and holding it there as you hold the key in
START for about three seconds. If the car starts
briefly but then stops again, do the same thing, but NOTICE:
this time keep the pedal down for five or six seconds. If you drive too quicklythrough deep puddles or
This clearsthe extra gasoline from the engine. standing water, water can come inthrough your
engine’s air intake andbadly damage your
engine. Neverdrive through water that is slightly
NOTICE: lower than theunderbody of your vehicle. If you
Your engine is designed to work withthe can’t avoid deep puddles or standing water, drive
electronics in your vehicle. If youadd electrical through them very slowly.
parts or accessories, you couldchange the way
the fuel injection system operates. Before adding
electrical equipment, check withyour dealer. If
you don’t, your engine might not perform
If you ever have to have your vehicle towed,see
the part of this manual that tells howto doit
without damaging your vehicle. See “Towing
Your Car” in the Index.

Engine Coolant Heater (Option) To use the coolant heater:
1. Turn off the engine.
2. Open the hood andunwrap the electrical cord.
3. Plug it into a normal, grounded 110-volt outlet.

In very cold weather,0°F (- 18 C) or colder, the engine


coolant heater can help. You’ll get easier starting and

better fuel economy during engine warm-up. Usually,
the coolant heater should be plugged in a minimum of
four hours prior to starting your vehicle.

Automatic Transmission
After you’ve used the coolant heater, be sure to
store the cordas it was before to keep it away
from moving engine parts. If you don’t, it could
be damaged.

How long should you keep the coolant heater plugged

in? Theanswer depends on theweather, the kind of oil
you have, and some other things. Instead of trying to list
everything here, we askthat you contact your Chevrolet
dealer in thearea where you’ll be parking your vehicle.
The dealer can give you the best advice for that
particular area.

There are several different positions for your shift lever.

PARK (P):This locks yourrear wheels. It’sthe best Ensure the shift lever is fully inPARK (P) range before
position to use when youstart your engine because your starting the engine. Your Chevrolet hasa
vehicle can’t move easily. brake-transmission shift interlock. You have to fully
apply your regular brakes before you can shift from
PARK (P) when the ignition key is in theRUN position.
If you cannot shift outof PARK (P), ease pressure on
the shift lever - push the shift lever all the way into
PARK (P) and also release theshift lever button on floor
shift console models as you maintain brake application.
Then move the shiftlever into the gear you wish.(Press
the shift lever button beforemoving the shift lever on
floor shift console models.) See “Shifting Out of
PARK (P)” in this section.
REVERSE (R):Use this gear to back up.

Shifting to REVERSE (R)while your vehicle is
moving forward could damage your
transmission. Shift to REVERSE(R)only after
your vehicleis stopped.

10 rock ydw’\t&icle back and forth to get out of snow, ice
or sand without damaging your transmission, see “Stuck: NOTICE:
In Sand, Mud, Ice or Snow, If You’re” in the Index.
Damage to your transmission caused by shifting
NEUTRAL (N): In this position, your engine doesn’t out of PARK (P)or NEUTRAL(N) with the
connect with the wheels. To restart when you’re already engine racing isn’t covered by your warranty.
moving, use NEUTRAL (N) only. Also, use
NEUTRAL (N) when your vehicle is being towed.
Automatic Overdrive0
This position is for normal driving. If you need more
power for passing, and you’re:
- Going less than about 35 mph (56 km/h), push your
accelerator pedal about halfway down.
- Going about 35 mph (56 km/h) or more, push the
accelerator all the way down.
You’ll shift down tothe next gear and have more

THIRD (D): This is like @, but you never go into FIRST (1): This position gives you even more power
Overdrive. (but lower fuel economy) than SECOND (2).You can
use it on very steep hills, or in deep snowor mud. If the
Here are some times you might choose D instead of 0:
selector lever is put in FIRST (1) the transmission won’t
- When driving on hilly, winding roads shift into first gear until the vehicleis going slowly
- When towing a trailer, so there is less shifting enough.
between gears
- When going down a steep hill
SECOND (2): This position gives you more power but
If your rearwheels can’t rotate, don’ttry to
lower fuel economy. You can use SECOND ( 2 ) on hills. drive. This might happen if you were stuck in
It can help control your speed as yougo down steep very deep sandor mudor were up againsta solid
mountain roads, but then you would also want to use object. You could damage your transmission.
your brakes off and on.
Also, if you stop when going uphill,don’t hold
your vehicle there with onlythe accelerator
NOTICE: pedal. This could overheat and damage the
Don’t drive in SECOND(2) for more than transmission. Use your brakes or shift into
5 miles (8 km), or at speeds over55 mph
PARK (P) to hold yourvehicle in position on
~ (88 km/h), or you can damage your transmission. a hill.
Use @ or DRIVE (D) as much aspossible.
Don’t shift into SECOND(2) unless you are going Maximum engine speed is limited to protect driveline
slower than 65 mph (105 k d ) , or you can components from improper operation.
damage yourengine.

Manual Transmission You can shift into FIRST (1) when you’re going less
than 20 mph (32 km/h). If you’ve come to a complete
stop and it’s hard to shift into FIRST (l),put the shift
lever in NEUTRAL (N) and let up on the clutch. Press
1 ‘3 5 the clutch pedal back down. Then shift into “1.”
SECOND (2): Press the clutch pedal to the floor as
you let up on theaccelerator pedal and shift into
SECOND (2). Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal
as you press the accelerator pedal.
THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH(3,4 and 5 Gears):
- Shift into THIRD, FOURTH andFIFTH the same
way you do for SECOND (2). Slowly let up on the
2 R clutch pedal as youpress the accelerator pedal.
To Stop: Let up on the accelerator pedal and press the
brake pedal. Just before the vehicle stops, press the
clutch pedal and the brake pedal, and shift to
Five-Speed NEUTRAL (N).
This is your shift pattern. Here’s how tooperate your NEUTRAL (N): Use this position when you start or
transmission: idle your engine.
FIRST (1): Press the clutch pedal and shift into “1.’, REVERSE (R): To back up, press down the clutch pedal
Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the and shift into REVERSE (R). Let up on the clutch pedal
accelerator pedal. slowly while pressing the accelerator pedal.

I I FIRST (1): Press the clutch pedal and shift into
1 NOTICE: FIRST (1). Then, slowly let up on the clutch pedal as
you pressthe accelerator pedal.
Shift toREVERSE (R)only after your vehicleis
stopped. Shifting to REVERSE (R) while your You can shift into FIRST (1) when you’re goingless
vehicle is moving could damage yourtransmission. than 20 mph (30 km/h). If you’ve come to a complete
stop and it’s hard toshift into FIRST (1) put the shift
lever in NEUTRAL (N) and let up on the clutch. Press
Also, use Reverse,along with the parking brake, for the clutch pedal back down.Then shift into FIRST (1).
parking your vehicle.
SECOND (2): Press the clutch pedal as youlet up on
Six-Speed the accelerator pedal and shiftinto SECOND (2). Then,
slowly let up on the clutch pedal as you press the
accelerator pedal
1 3 5 R 6 gears): Shift into THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH AND
SIXTH gear the same way you do forSECOND (2).
Slowly let upon the clutch pedal as you press the
accelerator pedal.
To Stop: Press the clutch pedal and the brakepedal, and
shift to NEUTRAL (N).
Neutral: Use this position when youstart or idle your
2 4 6 engine.

This is your shift pattern. Here’s howto operate your

REVERSE (R):To back up, press down the clutch Skip Shift Light(5.7LLTl Engine)
pedal and shift into REVERSE (R).Let up on the clutch
pedal slowly while pressing the accelerator pedal. If you
shift from SIXTH(6) into REVERSE (R) the shift lever
must be first placed in the NEUTRAL(N) position
centered between SECOND (2) and THIRD (3) prior to
shifting into REVERSE(R).
Your 6-speed manual transmission has a feature that
allows you to safely shift into REVERSE (R) while the
vehicle is rolling (at lessthan 5 mph). You will be
“locked-out” if you try to shift into REVERSE(R)
while your vehicle is moving faster than 5 mph.
If you have turned your ignition off and wish to park
your car in REVERSE (R), you will have to move the When this light comes on, you can only shift from
shift leverquickly to the right, “crashing” through the FIRST (1) to FOURTH (4) instead of F’IRST (1) to
high load spring and then into gear. SECOND (2). This helps you to get thebest possible
fuel economy.
This light will come on under these conditions:
The engine coolant temperature is greater than
170°F (77”C),
0 You are going 15-20 mph (24-32 kmh), and
0 You are at 35% throttle or less.
When this light is on, the gear shift lever will let you
shift from FIRST (1) gear to FOURTH (4) gears only.

Once you are in FOURTH (4), you can press the clutch --
Shift Speeds Manual Transmission
again and shift into another gear. This chart shows when to shift to the next higher gear
Follow the shift speeds on this chart when the ‘‘SKIP for best fuel economy.
SHIFT” light is on.
Computer Aided Manual Transmission Shift Speeds:
1st to 4th. . . . . . . 15 mph (24 km/h) MANUAL TRANSMISSION RECOMMENDEDSHIFT SPEEDS, IN MPH (kmlh)

4th to 5th ...... 25 mph (40 km/h)* Engine

1 to 2
Acceleration Shift Speed
2t03 3 to 4 4 t5O 5 to 6
5th to 6th ... . . . 40 mph (64km/h)** 3.4L L32
(Code S)
13-1 6

Each time you come to a stop, the engine’s Electronic

Control Module (ECM) determines when to activate the
“SKIP SHIFT” upshift system. Use SECOND (2) gear
only when youaccelerate very quickly from a stop. You
can then follow the fullgear shift pattern.
*30 mph (48 km/h) when accelerating to highway If your speed drops below20 mph (30 km/h), or if the
speeds. engine is not running smoothly, you should downshift to
the next lower gear.You may have to downshifttwo or
**45 mph (72km/h) when accelerating to highway more gearsto keep the engine running smoothly or for
speeds. good performance.

Parking Brake
The parking brake uses the brakes on the rear wheels.

If you skip more than one gear when you
downshift, orif you race the enginewhen you
downshift, you can damage the clutch or

Limited-Slip Rear Axle

If you have this feature, your rear axle cangive you
additional traction on snow, mud, ice, sand or gravel. It To set the parking brake: Hold the brake pedal down
works like a standard axle most of the time, but when and pull up on the parking brake lever.If the ignition is
one of the rear wheels has no traction and the other does, on, the brake system warning light will come on.
the limited-slip feature will allow the wheel with
traction to move the vehicle.

Driving with the parking brake on can cause
You may have to
your rear brakes to overheat.
replace them, andyou could also damage other
parts of your vehicle.

If you are towing a trailer and are parking on any

hill: See “Towinga Trailer” in the Index. That section
shows what to dofirst to keep the trailer from moving.

To release the parking brake:Holdthe brake pedal

down. Pull the parking brakelever up until you can push
in the release button. Holdthe release button in asyou
move the brakelever all the way down.
Shifting IntoPARK (P)
(Automatic Transmission Models only)

1. Hold the brake pedal down with your right foot and
set the parking brake.
2. Move the shift lever intoPARK (P) position by
holding in the buttonon the lever, and pushthe lever
all the waytoward the front of your vehicle.
3. Move the ignition key to LOCK.
4. Remove the key and take it with you. If you can
walk away from your vehicle with the ignitionkey in
your hand, your vehicle isin PARK (P).

Leaving Your Vehicle With the Engine Torque Lock (Automatic Transmission)
Running (Automatic Tkansmission) If you are parking on a hill and you don’t shift your
transmission into PARK (P) properly, the weight of the
vehicle mayput too much force on the parking pawlin
the transmission. You may find it difficult to pull the
shift lever out of PARK (P).This is called “torque lock.”
To prevent torque lock, set the parking brakeand then
shift into PARK (P) properly before you leave the
driver’s seat. To find out how,see “Shifting into
PARK (P) inthe Index.
When ydu are ready to drive, move the shift lever out of
PARK (P) before you release the parking brake.
If “torque lock” does occur, you may needto have
another vehicle push yours little
a uphill to take some of
the pressure from the transmission, so you can pull the
If you haveto leave your vehicle with the engine shift lever out of PARK (P).
running, be sure your vehicle is in PARK (P) and your
parking brake is firmly set before you leave it. After
you’ve movedthe shift leverinto the PARK(P)
position, hold the regularbrake pedal down. Then, seeif
you can movethe shift lever away from PARK (P)
without first pushing the button. If you can, it means
that the shift lever wasn’t fully lockedinto PARK (P).

Shifting Out ofPARK (P) 3. Shift to NEUTRAL (N).
(Automatic Transmission) 4. Start the vehicle and then shift to the drive gear YOU
Your Chevrolet has a brake-transmission shift interlock. want.
You have to fully apply your regular brake before you 5. Have the vehicle fixed as soon as you can.
can shift from PARK (P) when the ignition is in the
RUN position. See “Automatic Transmission” in the Parking Your Vehicle
Index. (Manual Transmission)
If you canil6t shift out of PARK (P), ease pressure on Before you get out of your vehicle, put your manual
the shift lever -- push the shift lever all the way into transmission in REVERSE (R) and firmly apply the
PARK (P) and release the shift lever button as you parking brake.
maintain brake application. Then press the shift lever
button and move the shift lever into the gear you wish. If your vehicle is equipped to tow a trailer, see “Towing
a Trailer” in the Index.
If you ever hold the brake pedal down but still can’t
shift out of PARK (P), try this:
1. Turn the key to OFF.
2. Apply and hold the brake.

Parking Over Things That Burn Engine Exhaust

Running Your Engine While You’re
Parked (Automatic Transmission)
It’s better not to parkwith the engine running. But if you
ever haveto, here aresome things to know.

Follow the proper steps to be sure your vehicle won’t

move, See “Shifting Into PARK (P)” in the Index.
If you are parking on a hill and if you’re pulling a
trailer, also see “Towing a Trailer” in the Index.

Windows With power windows, switches on thedoor control each
window when theignition is on or when RAPis present.
Manual Windows (See “Retained AccessoryPower” in the Index.)
Rotate the window crankhandle to open andclose each You can open the passenger window any amount by
door window. pressing the switch and releasingit when the window
has lowered to the position you want.
Power Windows (Option) The switch for the driver’s windowhas as Express
Down feature. Quickly press andrelease the switch for
the driver’s window and the window will lower
You can also open the driver’s window any amount by
pressing the switch againwhile the window is in the
Express Down mode whenit has loweredto the position
you want.

Horn Tilt Wheel

To sound the horn, press either horn symbol on your A tilt steering wheel allows you to adjust the steering
steering wheel. wheel before you drive.
You can also raise it to the highest level to give your
legs more room when you exit and enter the vehicle.
To tilt the wheel, hold the steering wheel and pullthe
lever. Move thesteering wheel to a comfortable level,
then release the lever to lock the wheel in place.

The Turn SignaVHeadlamp Beam Turn Signal and Lane Change Indicator

The turn signal has two upward(for Right) and two

downward (for Left) positions. These positions allow
The lever on the left side of the steering column
you to signal a turn or a lane change.
includes your:
To signal a turn, move thelever all the way up or down.
0 Turn Signal and Lane Change Indicator
When the turn is finished, the lever will return
0 Headlamp High/Low Beam and Passing Signal automatically.
0 WindshieldWipers
0 WindshieldWasher
0 Cruise Control (Option)
A green arrow on the Headlamp High-Low Beam
instrument panel will flash
in thedirection of the turn To change the headlamps
or lanechange. from low beam to high or
high to low, pullthe turn
signal lever all the way
toward you. Then release it.
When the high beams are
on, this blue light on the
instrument panel also will
be on.
To signal a lane change, just raise or lowerthe lever
until the green arrow starts to flash. Hold it there until
you complete your lane change. The lever will return by
itself when you release it.
As you signal a turn or a lane change, if the arrows don’t
flash but just stay on, a signal bulb may be burned out
and other drivers won’t see your turn signal.
If a bulb is burned out, replace it to help avoid an
accident. If the green arrows don’t go on at all when you
signal a turn, check the fuse (see “Fuses” in the Index).

Windshield Wipers For a single wiping cycle, turn the band to MIST. Hold
it there until the wipers start, then let go. The wipers will
stop after one cycle. If you want more cycles, hold the
band on MIST longer.
You can set the wiper speedfor along or short delay
between wipes. This can be very usefulin light rain or
snow. Turn the band to choose the delay time. The
closer to LO, the shorter the delay.
For steady wiping at low speed, turn the band away
from you to theLO position. For high speed wiping,
turn the band further, to HI. To stop the wipers, move
the band to OFF.
Heavy snowor ice can overload your wipers.A circuit
breaker will stop them until the motor cools. Clear away
snow or ice to prevent an overload.
You control the windshield wipers by turning the band
with the wiper symbol on it.

Windshield Washer

0 When usingconcentrated washer fluid,
follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
adding water.
0 Don’t mix water with ready-to-use washer
fluid. Water can cause the solution to freeze
At thetop of the turn signalheadlamp beam lever and damage your washer fluidtank and
there’s a paddle with the word PUSH on it.To spray other partsof the washer system. Also,
washer fluid on the windshield, just push the paddle. water doesn’t clean as well as washer fluid.
The washer will continue to spray until you release the 0 Fill your washer fluid tank only 3/4 full
paddle for less than a second. The wipers will clear the when it’s very cold.This allows for
window and wipe a few more times before stopping or expansion, which could damage the tank if
returning to the previous setting. it is completely full.
0 Don’t use radiator antifreeze in your
windshield washer.It can damage your
washer systemand paint.

Cruise Control (Option) When you apply your brakes, or push the clutch pedal, if
you have a manual transmission, the cruise control shuts

With cruise control, you can maintain a speed of about

25 mph (40 km/h) or more without keeping your foot on
If your vehicle is in cruise control when the optional
the accelerator. This can really help on long trips. Cruise
ASR System begins to limit wheel spin, the cruise
control does not work at speeds below about 25 mph
control will automatically disengage. (See “ASR
(40 km/h).
System’’ in the Index). When road conditions allow you
to safely use it again, you may turnthe cruise back on.

3 A3
To Set Cruise Control
1. Move the cruise control switch to ON

2. Get up to the speed you want.

3. Push in the set button at the end of the lever and
release it.
4. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal.

To Resume a Set Speed To Increase Speed While Using Cruise
There are two ways to go to a higher speed. Here’sthe
1. Use the accelerator pedal to get to the higher speed.
2. Push the button at theend of the lever, then release
the button and theaccelerator pedal. You’ll now
cruise at the higher speed.
Here’s the second way to go to a higher speed:
1. Move the Cruise switch from ON to WA. Hold it
there until you getup to the speed you want,and
then release the switch.
2. To increase your speed in very small amounts, move
the switch toR/A for lessthan half a second andthen
Suppose you set your cruise control at a desired speed release it. Each time youdo this, your vehicle willgo
and then you applythe brake or clutch pedal. This, of about 1 mph (1.6 kmh) faster.
course, shuts off the cruise control. But you don’t need
to reset it. Once you’re going about 25 mph (40 km/h)
or more, you can movethe cruise control switch from
ON to R/A (Resume/Accelerate) for about half a second.
You’ll go right back up to your chosen speed and stay

To Reduce Speed While Using Cruise Using Cruise Control on Hills
Control How well your cruise control will workon hills depends
There are two ways to reduce ?bur speed while using upon your speed, load, and the steepnessof the hills.
cruise control: When going up steep hills, you may have to step on the
accelerator pedal to maintain your speed. Whengoing
1. Push in the button at the end of the leveruntil you downhill, you may haveto brake or shift toa lower gearto
reach the lower speed you want, then release it. keep your speed down.Of course, applying the brake takes
2. To slow down in very small amounts, push the you out of cruise control. Many drivers findthis to be too
button for lessthan half a second. Each time you do much trouble and don’t use cruise control on steep hills.
this, you’ll go 1 mph (1.6 km/h) slower.
Passing Another Vehicle WhileUsing
Cruise Control
Use the accelerator pedal to increase your speed. When
you take your foot off the pedal, your vehicle will slow
down to the cruisecontrol speed you set earlier.

To Get Out of Cruise Control To Erase Speed Memory
There are several waysto turn off the cruise control: When you turn off thecruise control or the ignition,
1. Step lightly on the brake pedalor push the clutch your cruise control set speed memoryis erased.
pedal, if you have a manual transmission; OR

2. Move the Cruise switch to OFF.

Lamps 0 Headlamps
0 Taillamps
Main Lamp Control
0 Parking lamps
0 License lamps
Sidemarker lamps
0 Instrument panel lamps
8 I Turn the knob to this position to turn on your
headlamps and other operating lamps.
pf Turn the knob to this position to turn on your
parking lamps without your headlamps
Turn the knob to OFF to turn off the lamps.
Lamps On Reminder
If you turn the ignition“Off’ and leave the lamps on,
you will hear a chime when you open the driver’s door.
The main lamp control is a knob that works these lamps:

Brightness Control Daytime Running Lamps (Canada)
Daytime Running Lamps(DRL) make it easier to see
the front of your vehicle during the day. DRL can be
helpful when it’s raining and in the short periods after
dawn and before sunset.
A light sensor on top of the instrument panel makes the
DRL work, so be sure it isn’t covered.
The DRL system will make your front turn signal lamps
come on when:
0 The ignition is on

The headlamp switch is off, and

0 The parking brake is released.

When the DRL areon, only your front turn signal lamps
will be on. The taillamps, sidemarkerand other lamps
This switch controls the brightness of your won’t be on. Your instrument panelwon’t be lit up either.
instrument panel lights. Turn the switch to brighten
or When it’s dark enough outside, your front turn signal
dim the lamps. If you turn the switch all theway up, lamps will go out and your headlamps willcome on.
your courtesy lamps will come on. The other lamps that comeon with your headlamps will
also come on.
When it’s bright enoughoutside, the regular lamps will
go off, and your front turn signal lamps come on.
As with any vehicle, you should turn on the regular
headlamp system any time you needit.

Fog Lamps (Option) Fog lamps will go off whenever your high beams come
on. When the high beams go off, the fog lamps will
come on again.
Interior Lamps
Courtesy Lamps
When any door isopened, several interior lamps go on.
These lamps arecourtesy lamps. They make it easier for
you to enter and leave your vehicle.
Courtesy lamps include the dome lamp and other lamps
throughout the interior of your vehicle.

Use your fog lamps for better vision in foggy or misty

conditions. Your parking lamps must be on or your fog
lamps won’t work.
To turn the foglamps on, push the switch above. Push
the bottom of theswitch to turn the fog lampsoff. A
light on theswitch will come on when the fog lamps
are on.

Front MapLamps Mirrors
Inside Daymight Rearview Mirror

An inside rearview mirror is attached to your

Your inside rearview mirror includes two map lamps. windshield. The mirror has pivots so that you can adjust
Each lamp has its own switch. Use the switch closest to it.
the lamp to turn it on. The lamps will also go on when a You can adjust the mirror for day or night driving. Pull
door is opened. the tab for night driving to reduce glare. Push the tab for
Courtesy lamps include the dome lamp and other lamps daytime driving.
throughout the interior of your vehicle.

Manual Outside Adjustable Mirror Electric Mirror Control (Option)
Adjust the passenger side outsidemirror by hand so that
you canjust see the side of your vehicle when you are
sitting in a comfortable driving position.

Manual Remote Control Mirror

Adjust the driverside outside mirror with the lever on
the door. Adjust the mirror so that you can just see the
side of your vehicle when you are sitting in a
comfortable driving position.

The electric mirror control is on the driver’s door. To

adjust either mirror, turn the switch to LEFT (L) or
RIGHT (R). Then use the joystick to adjust the mirror.
The control only works when the ignition switch is in
RUN or ACC, or when RAP is present. (See “Retained
Accessory Power” in the Index.)

Convex OutsideMirror Twin Lift-off Roof Panels (Option)
Your passenger’s side mirror is convex. If you have this option, you can remove one or both
A convex mirror’s surface is curved so you can see more
lift-off roof panels.
from the driver’s seat.

Floor Mats
Your Chevrolet’s floor mats are custom-fitted to the foot
wells. Be sure the driver’s floor mat is in place. If it
isn’t, it could interfere withthe accelerator or brake


The door key unlocks the panels. Turn the key to the left Then pull on the release handle to unlatch the panel. Lift
to unlock the panel. the outer edge of the panel and pull it towad you.

Open the close-out panel completely.Place the panel in Push the handle closedto secure the panel in the slot.To
the correct slot (driver or passenger) in the rear areaof lock each panel in the storage area, use your door key.
your vehicle. Make sure the handle is open andfacing
you when you putit in the storage slot.
T-Top Sunshades

Reverse the steps aDove to install theT-top panels.

When installing panels, be sure to align weatherstrips
properly. Panels incorrectly installed may leak.

High pressure car washes may cause water to
1 1. Start with the panel marked DRIVER FRONT.
enter your vehicle. Never spray water directly at Unlatch the driver-side T-top, raise it halfway and
close the latch handle.
the roof panel joints. This will cause leaks.
2. With the top raised and resting on the center roof
rail, slide the flatedge of the sunshade panel (with
the vinyl side to the glass) between the glass and
plastic trim, making sure the edge marked DRIVER
FRONT is pointing to the frontof the vehicle.

3. Open the latch and close the T-top. Check to see if 5. Pull the sunshade back a little and remove the
there are any gaps showing. Unlatch the T-top and backing paper from the Velcro@ buttons. Push the
adjust the sunshade as required. sunshade back into placesticking the Velcro@ to the
4. Once the sunshade is installed properly, you can glass.
stick theVelcro@buttons on the glass for a proper fit 6 . Install the T-top, close the latch and lock the T-top.
every time you install the sunshades. To do this, first Repeat the above steps for the passenger-side
remove the T-top with thesunshade installed and sunshade.
place it upside down ona table or bench. Takecare
not to scratch the glass.
Storage and Compartments
Glove Box

You can store the sunshades two different ways:

1. When the T-tops are in use, store the sunshades in
their storage area in therear of the vehicle and make
sure the close-out panel is in its closed, upright To open the glove box, lift up on the lever. Use your
position. door key to lock and unlock it. The glove box has a light
2. When you have the T-tops off, and in their storage inside.
slots, store the sunshades on the T-tops in their
installed position.

Map Pocket Front Console

Each door has a map pocket. To use the storage area, pull up on the front end of the
console. There isa cupholder and lamp and in the

Accessory Plug Cassette Storage
This plug is located inside the front section ahead of the
shift lever of the console. Theplug can be used to
connect electrical equipment such as a cellularphone or
CB radio. Be sure to follow the installation instructions
included with the equipment.
The plug has three separate wires:
The orange wire connects to the battery.
The pink wire connects to the ignition. Power is only
available in RUN.
The black wire connects to the ground.

When using the accessory plug: You have a storage area for cassette tapes located
The maximum load of any electrical beneath the audio system.
equipment should not exceed3 amps.
Be sure to turn off any electrical equipment
when not in use. Leaving electrical equipment
on for extended periods can drain your battery.

We recommend that you see a qualified technician or

your dealerfor the proper installationof your equipment.
Close-Out Pane1 To remove theclose-out panel:
Close the panel. If the close-out panel is not closed
and resting on the trim panel, it cannot be removed.
Pull the panel toward you to unsnap it. Then slide the
close-out panel along the groove in the trim panel.
Reverse the steps toinstall the panel.

The close-out panel can beclosed for hidden storage in

the rear area of your vehicle.

When carrying large or heavy items, it is a good idea to
open the panel and place the items in the rear area.

Sun Visors Ashtray and Lighter
Front Ashtray

To block out glare, you can swing down the visors. You
can also swing them to the side. The elastic bands on
your visor provide extra storage for maps or papers. Lift up the cover to open the ashtray.To remove it, lift
up on the right side of the ashtray. If you have an
Covered Visor Vanity Mirror automatic transmission, the ashtray is near thefront of
Pull down the sun visor andlift the cover to expose the your console. If you have a manual transmission,the
vanity mirror. ashtray is near your cupholder.

Don’t put papers and other things that burninto Don’t hold a cigarette lighter in with your hand
your ashtrays. If you do, cigarettes or other while it is heating. If you do, it won’t be able to
smoking materials could set them on fire, causing back away from theheating element whenit’s
damage. ready. That can make it overheat, damaging the
lighter and theheating element.
Cigarette Lighter
If you plug accessories into your cigarette lighter, such
as heating devices or air compressors, these accessories
should have a rated current of less than 15 amps.
Exceeding this limit will resultin a blown fuse.

To use the lighter, push it in all the way and let go.
When it’s ready,it will pop back by itself.

Instrument Panel

1. Upper Air Vent 13. Cupholder
2. Main Light Control 14. Storage Console and Compact Disc Storage (if
3. Side Upper Air Vent equipped)

4. Instrument Cluster 15. Acceleration Slip Regulation Switch (if equipped)

5. Comfort Controls 16. Ashtray (Automatic Transmission)

6 . Audio System 17. Cigarette Lighter

7. Side Window Defogger Vent 18. Horn

8. Glove Box 19. Rear Window Defogger Switch

9. Remote Hatch Release 20. Fog Lamp Switch (if equipped)

10. Cassette Tape Storage 2 1. Convertible Top Switch (if equipped)
11. Shift Lever 22. Ashtray (Manual Transmission)
12. Parking Brake Lever

Instrument Panel and Cluster

Your instrument cluster is designed to let you know at a and many other things you’ll need to know to drive
glance how your vehicle is running. You’ll know how safely and economically.
fast you’re going, about how much fuel you have left

Speedometer and Odometer Tachometer
Your speedometer lets you see your speed in both miles The tachometer displays the engine speed in thousands
per hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h). Your of revolutions per minute (rpm).
odometer shows how far your vehicle has been driven,
in eithermiles (used in the US.) or kilometers (used in
Canada). I NOTICE:
Your Chevrolet’s odometer is tamper-resistant, If you
can see silver lines between the numbers, probably
someone has tried to turn it back. The numbers may not
be true.
I Do not operate the engine with the tachometer in
the red area, or engine damage may occur.
You may wonder what happens if yourChevrolet needs
Warning Lights, Gages and
a new odometer installed. If possible, the new one has to Indicators
be set to the same reading the old one had. If it can’t be, Warning lights and gages can signal thatsomething is
then it’s set at zero, but a label on the driver’s door must wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an
show the old reading and when the new one was expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention to
installed. your warning lights and gages could also save you or
others from injury.
Trip Odometer
The trip odometer can tell you how far your car has been
driven since you last set the trip odometer to zero.
To set the trip odometer to zero, press the knob.

Warning lights come on when there may be or is a Safety Belt ReminderLight
problem with one of your vehicle’s functions. As you
will see in the details on the next few pages, some
warning lights come on briefly when you startthe
engine just tolet you know they’re working. If you are
familiar with this section, you should notbe alarmed
when this happens.
Gages can indicate when there may be or is a problem
with one of your vehicle’s functions. Often gages and
warning lights work together to let you know when
there’s a problem withyour vehicle.
When one of the warning lights comes on and stays on
when you are driving, or when one of the gages shows
there may be a problem, check the section that tellsyou When the key is turned to RUN or START, atone will
what to doabout it. Please follow this manual’s advice. come on for about eight seconds to remind people to
Waiting to do repairs can be costly -- and even fasten their safety belts, unlessthe driver’s safety beltis
dangerous. So please get to know your warning lights already buckled. The safety belt light willalso come on
and gages. They’re a big help. and stay on until the driver’s belt is buckled.

Air Bag Readiness Light Brake System Warning Light
There is an air bag readiness light on the instrument Your Chevrolet’s hydraulic
panel, which shows AIR BAG. brake system is divided into
two parts. If one part isn’t
The system checks the air working, the other part can
bag’s electrical system for still work and stop you. For
malfunctions. The light good braking, though, you
AIR tells you if there is an
electrical problem.
need both parts working
If the warning light comes on, there could be a brake
problem. Have your brake system inspected right away.
The system check includes the air bag sensors and This light should come on briefly as you start the
modules, the wiring and the diagnostic module. For vehicle. If it doesn’t come on then, have itfixed so it
more information on the air bag system, see “Air Bag” will be ready to warn you if there’s a problem.
in the Index. If the light comes on while you are driving, pull off the
You will see this light flash for a few seconds when you road and stop carefully. You may notice that the pedal is
turn your ignition to RUN or START. Then the light harder to push. Or, the pedal may go closer to the floor.
should go out. This means the system is ready. It may take longer to stop. If the lightis still on, or if the
anti-lock brake system warning light is flashing,have
If the air bag readiness light doesn’t come on whenyou the vehicle towed for service. (See “Anti-Lock Brake
start your vehicle, or stays on, or comes on when you System Warning Light” and “TowingYour Car”in the
are driving, your air bag system may not work properly. Index.)
Have your vehicle serviced right away.
Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light


The brake system warninglight will also come on when

you set your parking brake, and it will stayon if your With the anti-lock brake system, this light will comeon
parking brake doesn’t release fully.If it stays on after when you start your engine and it will stay on for three
your parking brake is fully released,it means you have a seconds. That’s normal. If the light doesn’t comeon,
brake problem. have it fixed so it will be readyto warn you if there is a
If the light flashes when you’re driving, you don’t have
anti-lock brakes and therecould be a problem with your
regular brakes. Pull off the road and stop carefully. You
may notice that the pedal is harderto push. Or, the pedal
may go closer to the floor. It maytake longer to stop.
Have the vehicle towed for service. (See “Towing Your
Car” in the Index.)

ASR (Acceleration Slip Regulation) System
Warning Light (Option)

If the anti-lock brake system warning light stays on
longer than normal after you’vestarted your engine, turn
the ignition off. Or, if the light comes on and stays on This warning light should come on briefly as you start
when you’re driving, stop assoon as possible and turn the engine. If the warning light doesn’t come onthen,
the ignition off. Then start the engine again to reset the have it fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there’sa
system. If the light still stays on, or comes on again problem. If it stays on, or comes on when you’re
while you’re driving, your Chevrolet needs service. If driving, there may be a problem with your ASR system
the light is on but not flashing and the regular brake and your vehicle may needservice. When this warning
system warning light isn’t on, you still have brakes, but light is on, the system will not limit wheel spin. Adjust
you don’t have anti-lock brakes. your driving accordingly.
If your brakes begin to overheat, the brake portion of the
ASR system will shut down, but the throttle and engine
spark control will continue to work. The warning light
will not come on whenthis happens.

The ASR system warning light may come on for the Low Traction Light
following reasons:
If you turn thesystem off by pressing the button
located on the console near the cigarette lighter, the
warning light will come on and stay on. To turn the
system back on, press the button again. The warning
light should go off. (See “ASR System” in the Index
for more information.)
0 If the temperature of the throttle control begins to
rise, the system will turn offand the warning light
will come on until the system cools down. The
system does this to prevent damage from
When your anti-lock system is adjusting brake pressure
If the ASR system warning light comes on and stays on to help avoid a braking skid, theLOW TRAC light will
for anextended period of time when the system is appear on your instrument cluster.If you have theASR
turned on, your vehicle needs service. system, this light will also come on when the systemis
limiting wheel spin. Slippery roadconditions may exist
if this light comes on, so adjust your driving
accordingly. The light will stay on for a few seconds
after the anti-lock system stops adjusting brake pressure
or the ASR system stops limiting wheel spin.
The LOW TRAC light also comeson briefly, as a bulb
check, when the engine is started.If the light doesn’t
come on then, have it fixedso it will be there to tell you
when the anti-lock brake systemor ASR system is active.

Engine Coolant Temperature Gage Low Coolant Light(V8 Engine)

This gage shows the engine coolant temperature. If the This red warning light should come on while you are
gage pointer moves into the red area, your engine is too starting your engine. If the light doesn’t come on, have it
hot! It means that your engine coolant has overheated. If repaired. The light also comes on when the coolant in
you have been operating your vehicle under normal your radiator is low. You may need to add coolant. See
driving conditions, you should pull off the road, stop the Index under “Engine Coolant.”
your vehicle and turnoff the engine as soon as possible.
In “Problems on the Road,” this manual shows what to
Driving with theLOW COOLANT lighton could
do. See “Engine Overheating” in the Index.
cause your Chevrolet to overheat. See “Engine
Overheating’’ in the Index. Your Chevrolet could
be damaged, and it wouldn’t be covered by your

Malfunction Indicator Lamp
(Service Engine Soon Light) NOTICE:
If you keep driving your vehicle with this light
on, after a while the emission controls won’t
work as well, your fuel economy won’t as begood
and your engine may not run as smoothly. This
SERVICE could lead to costly repairs not covered by your
ENGINE SOON warranty.

OBD I1 3800 L36 Engine (Code K)

Certain vehicles are equipped with a new emission
diagnostic system. You can tell whether your vehiclehas
this system by reading yourtune-up label Iocated under
A computer monitors operation of your fuel, ignition
the hood. If the label says OBDI1 on it, the following
and emission control systems. This amber indicator light
should come on when the ignitionis on, but the engine instructions apply.
is not running, as a check to show you it is working. If it Your Chevrolet is equipped with an onboard computer
does not come on at all, have it fixed right away.If it which monitors operationof the emission control
stays on, or it comes on while you are driving, the system. This system is called OBD I1 (On-Board
computer is indicating that you have a problem. You Diagnostics-Second Generation) and is intendedto
should take your vehicle in for service soon. assure that emissions are at acceptable levelsfor the life
of the vehicle, helpingto produce a cleaner
environment. The SERVICE ENGINE SOON light
comes on to indicate when service is required.
Malfunctions often will be indicatedby the system

before any problem is apparent, which may prevent These following conditions also may cause the
more serious damage to your vehicle. This system is SERVICE ENGINE SOON light to come on:
also designed to assist your service technician in Low Fuel/Out of Fuel - As the vehicle starts to run out
correctly diagnosing any malfunction. of fuel the SERVICEENGINE SOON light may come
The SERVICE ENGINE SOON light should come on, on as aresult of an engine misfire. Filling your gasoline
as a checkto show you it is working, when the ignition tank should correct this condition. Make sure to install
is on and the engine is not running. This light will also the gas cap fully. It will require a few driving trips to
come on during a malfunction in one of two ways: turn the light off.
Light on steady - indicates a system malfunction has Poor Quality Fuel - Be sure to fuel your vehicle with
been detected. Drive the vehicle to the dealer for quality fuel. Your engine may not runefficiently on poor
service at your first opportunity. fuel. Poor fuel may cause stalling, hesitation or misfire.
0 Light flashing - indicates a misfire has been detected These conditions may go away when the engine is
warmed-up. However, poor quality fuel may cause the
which may damage the emission control system. The
SERVICE ENGINE SOON light to come on.
damage may be reduced by lowering the vehicle
speed, reducing the amount of cargo being hauled or Have a dealer check the vehicle. If no problems are
trailered, avoiding hard acceleration, or by avoiding found, you may wantto change to another brand of fuel.
steep uphill grades. If these actions are effective, the Driving Through Standing Water - Driving your vehicle
light will stop flashingand remain on steady.Drive through puddles of deep standing water may result in a
the vehicle to adealer for service. If the light temporary misfire condition. This condition will usually
continues to flash, stop the vehicle. Wait for a steady correct itself shortly after the electrical system dries out.
light to come on,then drive the vehicle to a dealer
It will require a few driving trips to turn the light off.
for service.

Engine Oil Pressure Gage The engine oil pressure gage shows the engine oil
pressure in psi (pounds per square inch)in the U.S., or
5.7L Engine Only 3800 Engine Only kPa (kilopascals) in Canada, when the engine is running.
Oil pressure should be 20 to 80 psi (140 to 550 kPa). On
the 3.8 L engine the oil pressure should be between
20 and 120 psi (140 to 827 kPa). It may vary with
“ I 0
80 I ! /
120 engine speed, outside temperature and oil viscosity, but
readings above the red area showthe normal operating
range. Readings i n the red area tell you that the engine is
low on oil, or that you might have some other oil
problem. See “Engine Oil” in the Index.

This gage tells you if there could be a problem with your

engine oil pressure.

2-76 -
Low Oil Light
This red warning light
should come on while
you are starting your
engine. If the light

Damage to your engine from neglected oil If the light stays on after starting your engine, your
problems can becostly and is not covered by your engine oil level may be too low. You may need to add
warranty. oil. See “Engine Oil” in theIndex.

The oil level monitoring systemonly checks the
oil level when you are starting your engine. It
does not keep monitoring the level once the
engine is running. Also, the oil level check only
works when the engine has been turned off long
enough for the oil to drain back into oil the pan.

Voltmeter If you idle your engine for a while, the voltmeter
reading might moveinto the yellow zone.If the reading
stays in the yellow zone while you are driving, you may
have a problem with theelectrical charging system.
Have it checked. While the voltmeter reads in the yellow
zone, your battery may not be able to power certain
electrical accessories, like ABS. (If this happens, your
ABS INOP light will come on. See “Anti-Lock Brake
System Warning Light” inthis section.)
If you must drive a short distance with the voltmeter
reading in a warning zone, turn off all your accessories,
including your air conditioning system and audio
You can read battery voltageon your voltmeter.If it
reads less than 11 volts or more than 16 volts while your Check Gages Light
engine is running, and it stays there, you mayhave a
problem with the electricalcharging system. Have it This red warning light
checked right away.Driving with the voltmeter reading will come on briefly
in a warningzone could drain your battery. when you are starting
the engine. If the light
comes on and stays on
CHECK GAGES while you are driving,
check your gages to
see if they are in the
warning areas.

Fuel Gage Here are four concerns some owners have had about the
fuel gage. All these situations are normal and do not
indicate that anything is wrong with the fuel gage.
0 At the gas station, the gaspump shuts off before the
gage reads FULL (F).
0 It takes more (or less) gas to fill up than the gage
reads. For example, the gage reads 1/2 full, but it
took more (or less) than half of the tank’scapacity to
fill it.
0 The gage moves a little when you turn, stop or speed
0 When you turn the engine off, the gage doesn’t PO
Your fuel gage shows about how much fuel is in your back to EMPTY (E),
tank. The fuel gage works only when the ignition switch
is in the RUN position. When the gagepointer first
indicates EMPTY (E) you still have a little fuel left
(about one to two gallons), but you needto get more
right away.
Convertible Top
The following procedures explainthe proper operation
of your convertible top. Don't lower the top if it is damp or wet, When
the top is down,trapped water can cause stains,
To Lower Your ConvertibleTop mildew and damage to the inside of your vehicle.
Be sure to dry off the top before you lowerit.
Don't leave your convertibleout with the top
down for any longperiods of time. The sun and
the rain can damage your seat material and other
It is not recommendedto lower the top if the
things inside your vehicle,
vehicle is out in cold weather,0"F (-18"C) or
1. Park on a level surface. Set theparking brake firmly.
Shift an automatic transmissioninto PARK (P) or a
manual transmission into REVERSE (R). The
ignition must be in theACC or RUN position. Lower
both sunvisors.


Before lowering the convertible topinto the
3. Be sure no one or nothing is on or around the top.
Push and hold “DOWN” or on the convertible
top switch. The switch is below your cigarette
storage area,be sure there are no objects in the lighter. The top will automatically lower into the
way of the folded, storedtop. The weight ofa storage area.
stored topon items in the storage area will cause
the convertible topback glass to break.

2. Unlock the front of the convertible topby pushing on

the smaller partof the latch, then pulling downon the
larger partof the latch. Be sure the hook on the latch
that attaches into the holeat the windshield releases.
Installing the Boot Cover
After lowering the convertible top, you’ll want toinstall
the boot cover.The three-piece boot cover is stored in a
bag inthe trunk.

3. Install the middle section of the cover by sliding tabs

into slots on right side cover. Lower the cover and
engage latch.
4. Close the trunk.

1. Open the trunk and remove the two side covers from
the storage bag.
2. Install the two side covers by engaging the tab into
the front seatbelt cover. Lower covers onto vehicle.

To Raise Your Convertible Top 2. Open the trunk. Remove the middle piece of the
cover by pushing in on the latch and lifting up on the
1. Park on a level surface. Set the parking brake firmly. cover.
If you have an automatic transmission, shift into
PARK (P). If you have a manual transmission, shift
into REVERSE (R). Theignition must be in the
ACC or RUN position. Then lower both sun visors
and lower both windows at least three inches. If the
boot cover is in place, it must be removed first.

3. Remove the two side pieces of the boot cover by

lifting the rear of cover and sliding them out of their


5. Push and hold UP or A on the convertible top
4. Store each piece of the cover in its separate switch.
compartment in the storage bag, store in the trunk
and close the trunk.

If your vehicle suffers a power loss, such as a dead
battery, you can still raise the top manually by rotating
the valve in theleft side of the trunk.
Open the trunk and find the tab along the left side trim
panel. Lift up the tab and turn the valve clockwise to
release the hydraulic pressure. Turn the ignition key to
the LOCK position. You can now raise or lower your top
manually. Be sure to close the valve after installing your
top so you can raise or lower it electronically later.

6. Pull down on the latches and align hooks with holes.

Push forward on the larger part of the latch untilit
clicks. Do not force the latch. If it is hard tolock, the
top is not properly aligned.


0Section 3 Comfort Controls and Audio Systems

In this section you'll find out how to operate the comfort Heater Controls
control systems and audio systems offered with your
Chevrolet. Be sure to read about the particular system Fan Control Knob
supplied with your vehicle.
$$ FAN: Turn this knob to select the force of air you
Comfort Controls want.
Temperature Control Knob
Turn the knob to change the temperature of the air
flowing from the heating system. Turn it to the right for
warmer air and to the left for cooler air. The temperature
of the air can not be less than the temperature of the
outside air.
Air Control Knob
OFF: The system is off.
# VENT: Air flows through the upper air vents.
With this system, you can control the heating and
ventilation in your Chevrolet. If you have the air BI-LEVEL: Air is directed through the upper air
conditioning option, you can also control cooling. vents and the heater ducts.
Your vehicle also has the flow-through ventilation
system described later in this section.
During initial start-up only, if your vehicleis equipped
-3 HEATER: This setting directs most of the air with anoptional engine coolant heater, you can use it in
through the heater ducts andsome of the air throughthe
cold weather (around+20°F/-8”C or lower) to improve
windshield defroster vents.
heater performanceon start up. Because anengine
z i BLEND:Air is directed through the windshield coolant heater warmsthe engine coolant, your vehicles
I defroster vents and the heater ducts. heating system can moreefficiently provide heatfor the
I DEFROST: This setting directs most of the air passenger area of your vehicle. See “Engine Coolant
j through the windshield defroster vents and some of the Heater” in the Index.
air throughthe heater ducts. Bi-Level Heating
Heating You may want to use bi-level heating on cool, but sunny
The heater works best if you keep your windows closed days. This setting directs cool air toward your body and
while usingit. warmer air toward yourfeet.

, 1. Turn the air control knob to HEATER. 1. Turn the air control knob to BI-LEVEL.
2. Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed. 2. Turn the temperaturecontrol knob to a comfortable
~ 3. Turn the temperature control knob to a comfortable
setting. 3. Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed.

Ventilation Air Conditioner Controls (Option)
For mild outside temperatures when little heating or
cooling is needed, youcan still direct outside air through
your vehicle.
1. Turn the air control knob to VENT.
2. Turn the temperature control knob to a comfortable
3. Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed.
Defogging and Defrosting the Windshield
1. Turn the air control knob to DEFROST.
The air conditioning system uses the same controls as
2. Turn the temperature control knob to the desired the heating system, except that the air control knob has
setting. two extra settings, described below. For anexplanation
3. Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed. of all the controls, see “Heater Controls’’ earlier in this
The side window defogging works equally as well in the
Heater, Blend and Defrost modes. MAX: Provides maximum cooling or quick cool-down
on very hotdays. This setting recirculates most ofthe air
inside your vehicle. If it is used for long periods of time,
the air may become dry. This setting directs air through
the upper air vents.

A/C: Use for normal cooling on hot days. This setting Rear Window Defogger (Option)
cools outside air and directs it through the upper air
vents. The rear window defogger
uses a warming grid to
The air conditioner compressor operates in MAX, N C , remove fog from the rear
BI-LEVEL, BLEND and DEFROST when the outside window.
temperature is above freezing. When the air conditioner
is on, you may sometimes notice slight changes in your
vehicle’s engine speed and power.This is normal,
because the system is designed to cycle the compressor
on and off to keep the desired cooling and helpfuel
Press the rightside of the switch to turn on the defogger.
The air conditioner works best if you keep your
windows closed. On very hotdays, open the windows An indicator light will come on to remind you that the
just long enough for the hot air to escape. defogger is on. The defogger will turn off automatically
after about ten minutesof use. If you turn it on again,
1. Turn the air control knob to A/C for normal coolinn. the defogger will operate for about five minutes only.
For faster cooling move the knob to MAX. You can also turn the defogger off by pressing the left
2. Turn the temperature control knob to a comfortable side of the switch.
setting. Do not attach anything likea temporary vehicle license
3. Turn the fan control knob to the desired speed. or a decal across the defogger grid on the rear window.

Don’t use a razor blade or something else sharp
When you enter a vehicle in cold weather, turn the
fan control knob to the right for a few moments
before driving off. This helps clear the intake ducts
of snow and moisture, andreduces the chance of
on the insideof the rear window.If you do, you fogging the inside of your windows.
could cutor damage the warming grid, and the
Keep the air path under the front seats clear of
repairs wouldn’t be covered by your warranty.
objects. This helps air tocirculate throughout your
Flow-Through Ventilation System
Audio Systems
Your Chevrolet’s flow-through ventilation system
supplies outside air into the vehicle when it is moving. Your Delco@audio system has been designedto operate
Outside air will also enter the vehicle when the blower easily and give years of listening pleasure. But you will
fan is running. get the most enjoyment out of it if you acquaint yourself
with it first. Find out what your DelcoB system can do
Ventilation Tips and how to operate all its controls, to be sure you’re
getting the most out of the advanced engineering that
0 Keep the hood and front air inlet free of ice, snow, or went into it.
any other obstruction (such as leaves). The heater
and defroster willwork far better, reducing the Ifyou havepowerdoor locks, your vehiclehas a feature
chance of fogging the inside ofyourwindows. called RetainedAccessory Power (RAP). With RAP you
can play youraudio system even after the ignition isoff.
See the Index under “Retained Accessory Power.”
Setting the Clock AM/FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player
AM/FM Stereo with Cassette Tape Player
1. Press SET.
2. Within five seconds, press and hold SEEK until
the correct hour appears. 1 VOL-@ BAL TREB

d I8:a 0 AM SET
3. Press and holdSEEK A until the correct minute SCAN

Delco/Bose AM/FM Stereo with Compact Disc Player
1. Press SET.
2. Within five seconds, press and hold SCAN until the \ AM.FM=

correct hour appears.

3. Press and hold SEEK 4 or SEEK until the correct
minute appears.
To Play the Radio
Turn the upper knob to turn the system onor off.

VOL (Volume): Turn the upper knob to adjust the To go to the next higherstation and stay there for a
volume. few seconds, press and hold SEEK A and then press
AM-FM: Press the lower knob to get AM or FM. The SEEK v for an instant.
lighted display shows your selection. To go to the next lower station and stay there for a
TUNE: Turn the lower knob to choose radio stations. v
few seconds, press and hold SEEK and then press
SEEK A for an instant.
RCL: (Recall) Press the upper knob to recall the
station being played or theclock display. To stop the scan function, press either SEEK A or
SEEK: Press SEEK v or A and the radio will tune to
the next lower or higher station and stay there. Pushbuttons
The fourpushbuttons let you return to your favorite
stations. You can preset up to 14 stations (7 AM and
7 FM).
To set the pushbuttons for up to eight stations (four AM
and four FM), just:
1. Tune in the station.
2. Press SET. (SET will appear on the display for about
five seconds.)
3. Within five seconds, press one of the four
pushbuttons. Whenever you press that button, the
preset station willreturn.
Repeat these steps for each pushbutton.
SCAN: The scan function uses the same two buttons as
the seek function.
You can preset three more stations on each band by Adjusting the Speakers
pressing a pair of buttons next to each other at the same Balance: Turn the balance control behind the upper
time. Just: knob to move the sound between the right and left
1. Tune in the station. speakers.
2. Press SET (SET will appear on the display for about Fade: Turn the fade control behind the lower knobto
five seconds.) move the sound between thefront and rear speakers.
3. Within five seconds, press two pushbuttons next to The Delco/Bose premium speaker system includes five
each other at the same time. Whenever you press that speakers. It does include speakers in the panel behind
pair of buttons, the preset station will return. the grilles next to the rear seat.
Repeat these steps foreach pair of pushbuttons. To Play a Cassette Tape
Setting theTone Your tape player is builtto work best with tapes thatare
Bass: Slide the BASS lever up to hear more bass. 30 to 45 minutes long on each side. Tapes longer than
that are so thin they may not work well in this player.
Treble: Slide the TREB lever upto hear more treble.
The longer side with the tape visible goesin first. If you
If a station is weak and noisy, move TREB down
to hear nothing or hear just a garbled sound, it may not be
reduce the noise. in squarely. Press STOP-EJECTto remove the tape and
start over.
Once the tape is playing, use the upper and lower knobs
just as you do for the radio. The arrows show which side
of the tape is playing.
Press 4 or to rapidly rewind or advance the tape.
Press STOP-EJECT half way tostop the tape.

Automatic Program Search Eject
When you push APS you can go to the beginning of a Press STOP-EJECT fully to remove the tape or stop the
new selection. tape and switch to the radio.
To go forward to the beginning of the next selection, Cr02 (DelcoBose System)
The Cr02 button lets you set the system for thetype of
To go back to the beginning of the current selection cassette being used. If you are using chrome or metal
press 4. Push 4 again to go to the beginning of the tapes, push Cr02 in. If you are using standard tapes,
previous selection. make sure CrO2 is out.
Program Noise Reduction (DelcoBose System)
Press the upper knob on your system to switch from one Your sound system hasthe Dolby@automatic noise
side of the tape to the other. reduction feature.
Your cassette tape player can play continuously because Dolby@Noise Reduction is manufactured under license
the player has an auto-reverse feature. from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Dolby
and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.

AM/FM Stereo with Compact DiscPlayer VOL (Volume): Turn the upper knob to adjust the
To Play the Radio AM-FM: Press the lower knobto get AM, FMl or
TUNE: Turn the lower knob tochoose radio stations.
REC (Recall): Press RCL to recall the station being
played or the time.
SEEK: Press SEEK 4 or SEEK to go to the next
lower or higher station and stay there.
SCAN: Press SCAN to hear each stationfor afew
seconds. When you wantto stop scanning, press SCAN
again or the upper knob.

Turn the upperknob to turn the system on or off.

Pushbuttons Setting theTone
The fivepushbuttons let you return to yourfavorite
stations. To set the pushbuttons for up to 15 stations
(5 AM, 5 FMl and 5 FM2), just:
1. Press the lower knob to choose AM, FMl or FM2.
2. Tune in the station.
3. Press SET. (SET will appear on the display for about
five seconds.)
4. Within five seconds, press one of the pushbuttons.
Whenever you press that button, the preset station
will return.

Bass: Press BASS A or BASS v to hear moreor less

Treble: Press TREB Aor TREB v to hear more or less

For the clearest sound, keep both of these adjusted all If the disc comes back out andERR appears on the
the way up. If a station is weak and noisy, press display, it could be that:
TREB toreducethenoise. 0 The disc is upside down.
Adjusting the Speakers 0 It is dirty, scratched, or wet.
Balance: Turn the balance control behind the upper 0 There's too much moisture in the air.
knob to move the sound between the right and left
You are driving on a very rough road.
The temperature is too hot or too cold.
Fade: Turn the fade control behind the lower knob to
move the sound between the front and rear speakers. Recall
The Delco/Bose premium speaker system includes five Press RCL to see what track is playing. Press it again
speakers. It does include speakers in the panel behind within five seconds to see howlong it has been playing.
the grilles next to the rear seat.
The track number also appears when the disc is inserted.
To Play a Compact Disc
To Play the Next Selection
Before you begin, please note: don't use the mini-discs
that are called "singles." They won't eject. Use full-size Press NEXT to hear the next track now (insteadof
compact discs. waiting until the present track is finished).
With the audio system on, insert a disc into the slot with If you press and hold this buttonor press it more than
the label side up. CD will appear on the display and once, the disc will advance further.
track I will begin to play.

To Replay the Current Selection To Stop the Disc Player
Press PREV to hear a track again. Turn the power off or turn the ignition key off. The
If you press and hold this button, or press it more than disc stays in the player and will resume playing at
once, the disc will return to previous tracks. the point where it stopped.

REV (Reverse): Press and hold REV to rapidly return Press ST-PL to stop playing the disc and switch to
to a favorite passage. Release it to play the passage. radio. Press ST-PL to restart the disc at the point
where it stopped.
FWD (Fast Forward): Press and hold FWD to quickly
advance within a track. Release it to resume playing. 0 Press EJCT to eject the disc and the radio will play.
The disc will start playing at track 1 when you
SCAN Press SCAN to listen to each track for about reinsert it.
10 seconds. Press RDM or SCAN to stop the scanning
Theft-Deterrent Feature
COMP (Compression):Press COMP to make loud and
soft passages more nearly equal in volume. Delco-Loc I1 is a security feature for the compact disc
player. It can be used or ignored. If ignored, the system
RDM (Random): Press RDM to hear a random functions normally. If it is used, your system won’t be
selection of tracks.
usable if it’s ever stolen.

Setting Your Security Code 8. Press the lower knob and“OOO” will appear. Now you
are ready to enter the last three digitsof your code.
The instructions below tell you how to enter a security
code into the system. If your vehicle loses battery power 9. Press SCAN and hold until the fourthdigit of your
for any reason, you must enter the security code again code appears. Release the button.
before the system will turn on. 10. Press SEEK 4 or b and hold untilthe fifth and sixth
1. Write down anysix-digit number and keep it in a digits of your code appears. Release the button.
safe place. 11. Press the lower knob. rEP will appear for five
2. Turn the ignition switch to the ACC or RUN seconds, and then “000” will appear.
position. 12. For verification, repeat steps 6 through 11. If “SEC”
3. Turn the audio system off. appears, your audio system is secured. If “---” shows
on the display, your system is not secured. You must
4. Press and hold pushbuttons 1 and 4 together until
‘&- -” shows on the display. restart the entire procedure again fromstep 4.

You are now ready to enter your security code. Don’t Shutting Off the Theft-Deterrent Feature
wait more than 15 seconds between steps. If your audio system is secured (SEC shows on display)
5 . Press SET and “000” will appear on the display. and you wish to disable it, enter your security code as
follows, pausing no more than 15 seconds between steps:
6. Press SCAN and hold it untilthe first digit of the
code appears. 1. Turn the ignition on. Make sure the audio system is
off. The time will show on the display.
7. Press SEEK 4 or SEEK b and hold until the second
and thirddigits of your code appears. Release the 2. Press pushbuttons 1 and 4 together until SEC shows
button. on the display.

3. Press SET. “000” will appear on the display. Unlocking theAudio System aftera Power Failure
4. Press SCAN and hold untilthe first digit of your If power is disrupted to the audio system while in the
code appears. Release the button. SEC mode, the unit will not work and LOC will show
5 . Press SEEK 4 or b and hold until the second and
on the displaywhenever the ignition is on. To unlock the
third digits of your code appears. Release the button. unit:

6. Press the lower knob. “000” will appear on the 1. Turn the ignition switch tothe ACC or RUN
display. position.

7. Press SCAN and hold until the fourth digit of your 2. Press SET. “000” will appear on the display.
code appears. Release the button. 3. Press SCAN and hold until the first digit of your
8. Press SEEK 4 or and hold until the fifth and sixth code appears, then release the button.
digits of your security code appears. Release the 4. Press SEEK 4 or b and hold until the second and
button. third digits of your code appears. Release the button.
9. Press the lower knob. If “---” shows, you have shut 5. Press the lower knob. “000’ will appear on the
off the theft-deterrent feature. If SEC shows, your display.
audio system is still secured.
6. Press SCAN and hold until the fourth digit of your
NOTE: If you lose or forget your security code, see code appears. Release the button.
your dealer for assistance.
7. Press SEEK 4 or and hold until the fifth and sixth
digits of your security code appears. Release the
8. Press the lower knob.“SEC” will appear and the unit
will work. If “LOC” shows, the numbers did not
match and the unit is still locked.

How to Change Your Security Code AM Stereo
You can change your security code by following these This means the Delco@system can receiveC-QUAM@
steps: stereo broadcasts. Many AM stations around the country
use C-QUAM@to produce stereo, though some do not.
1. Using your old code, follow the directions given
(C-QUAM@is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.)
under “Shutting Off theTheft-Deterrent Feature.’’
If your Delco@system can getC-QUAM@,your
2. Repeat directions of “Setting Your Security Code” STEREO light will come on when you’re receivingit.
with your new security code.
Tips about Your Audio System
Understanding Radio Reception Hearing damage from loud noiseis almost undetectable
FM Stereo until it is too late. Your hearing can adapt to higher
volumes of sound. Sound that seems normal can be loud
FM stereo will give you the besr sound. ButFM signals and harmful to your hearing. Take precautions by
will reach only about10 to 40 miles (16 to 65 km). And, adjusting the volume control on your radio to a safe
tall buildings or hills can interfere with FM signals, sound level before your hearingadapts to it.
causing the sound to come and go.
To help avoid hearing loss or damage:
AM Adjust the volume control to the lowest setting.
The range for most AM stations is greater thanfor FM, 0 Increase volume slowly until you hear comfortably
especially at night.The longer range, however, can and clearly.
cause stations to interfere with each other. AM can pick
up noise from things likestorms and power lines. Try
reducing the treble to reduce this noise if you ever get it.
Care of Your Cassette Tape Player
NOTICE: A tape player that is not cleaned regularly can cause
Before you add any sound equipment to your reduced sound quality, ruined cassettes, or a damaged
vehicle like a tapeplayer, CB radio, mobile mechanism. Cassette tapes should be stored in their
telephone or two-way radio be sureyou can cases away from contaminants, direct sunlight, and
extreme heat. If they aren’t, they may notoperate
add whatyou want. If you can, it’s very
important todo it properly. Added sound properly or cause failure of the tape player.
equipment may interfere with the operation of Your tape player should be cleaned regularly each
your car’sengine, Delco@radio or other systems, month or after every 50 hours of use. If younotice a
and even damage them. And, your vehicle’s reduction in sound quality, try a known good cassette to
systems may interferewith the operation of see if the tape or the tape player is at fault.If this other
sound equipment that has been added cassette has no improvement in sound quality, clean the
tape player.
So, before adding sound equipment, check with
your dealer andbe sure to check Federal rules
covering mobile radio and telephone units.

Cleaning may be done with a scrubbing action, Care of Your Compact Discs

non-abrasive cleaning cassette with pads whichscrub
the tape head as the hubs of the cleaner cassette turn. It
is normal for the cartridge to eject while cleaning. Insert
the cassette at least 3 times to ensure thorough cleaning.
A scrubbing action cleaning cassette is available through
Handle discs carefully. Store them in their original cases
or other protective cases and awayfrom direct sunlight
and dust. If the surface of a disc issoiled, dampen a
clean, soft cloth in a mild, neutraldetergent solution and
clean it, wiping from the center to the edge.
your Chevrolet dealership.
You may also chc #ea non-scrubbing action, wet-type Be sure never to touch the signalsurface when handling
cleaner which uses a cassette with a fabric belt to clean discs. Pick up discs by grasping the outer edges or the
the tape head. This type of cleaning cassette will not edge of the hole and theouter edge.
eject. It may notclean as thoroughly as the scrubbing Fixed Mast Antenna
type cleaner.
The fixed mast antenna can withstand most car washes
Cassettes are subject to wear and the soundquality may without being damaged.If the mast should ever become
degrade over time. Always make sure that the cassette slightly bent, you can straighten it out by hand. If the
tape is in good condition beforeyou have your tape mast is badly bent,as it might be by vandals, you should
player serviced. replace it.
Check every once in a whileto be sure the mast is still
tightened to the rear quarter panel.
0Section 4 Driving and the Road

Defensive Driving
The best advice anyone can give about driving is: Drive
Please start with a very important safety device in your
Chevrolet: Buckle up. (See “Safety Belts” in the Index.)
Defensive driving really means “be ready for anything.’’
On city streets, rural roads, or freeways, it means
“always expect the unexpected.’’
Assume that pedestrians or other drivers are going to be
careless and make mistakes. Anticipate what they might
do. Be ready for their mistakes.
Rear-end collisions are about the most preventable of
accidents. Yet they are common. Allow enough
following distance. It’s the best defensive driving
maneuver, in both city and ruraldriving. You never
Here you’ll find information about driving on different know when the vehiclein front of you is going to brake
kinds of roads and in varying weather conditions. We’ve or turn suddenly.
also included many other useful tips on driving.

Drunken Driving The obvious way to solve this highway safety problem
is for people never to drink alcohol and then drive. But
Death and injury associated withdrinking and driving is what if people do? How much is “too much’’ if the
a national tragedy.It’s the number one contributor to the driver plans to drive? It’s a lotless than many might
highway death toll, claiming thousands of victims every think, Although it depends on each person and situation,
year. here is some general information on the problem.
Alcohol affects four things that anyone needs to drive a The Blood Alcohol Concentration(BAC) of someone
vehicle: who is drinking depends upon four things:
Judgment How much alcohol consumed
Muscular Coordination 0 The drinker’s body weight
Vision 0 The amount of food that is consumed before and
Attentiveness during drinking
Police records show that almost half of all motor 0 The length of time it has taken the drinker to
vehicle-related deaths involve alcohol. In most cases, consume the alcohol
these deaths are the result of someone who wasdrinking According to the American Medical Association, a
and driving. In recent years, some 18,000 annual motor 180-pound (82 kg) person who drinks three 12-ounce
vehicle-related deaths have been associated withthe use (355 ml) bottles of beer in an hour will end up with a
of alcohol, with more than300,000 people injured. BAC of about 0.06 percent. The person wouldreach the
Many adults -- by some estimates, nearly half the adult same BAC by drinking three 4-ounce (120 ml) glasses
population -- choose never to drink alcohol, so they of wine or three mixed drinks if each had1 - 1/2 ounces
never drive after drinking. For persons under 2I , it’s (45 ml) of aliquor like whiskey, gin or vodka.
against the law in every U.S. state to drink alcohol.
There are good medical, psychological and
developmental reasons for these laws.

There is a gender difference, too. Women generally have
a lower relative percentage of body water than men.
Since alcohol is carried in body water, this means thata
woman generally will reach a higher BAC level thana
man of her same body weight wheneach has the same
number of drinks.
The law in many U.S. states sets the legal limit ata BAC
of 0.10 percent. In a growing number of U.S. states, and
throughout Canada, the limit is 0.08 percent. In some
other countries it’s even lower. The BAC limit for all
commercial drivers in the U.S. is 0.04 percent.
The BAC will be over 0.10 percent after three to six
drinks (in one hour). Of course, as we’ve seen, it
depends on how much alcohol isin the drinks, and how
quickly the persondrinks thetn.
But the ability to drive is affected well below a BAC of
It’s the amount of alcohol that counts. For example, if 0.10 percent. Research shows that the driving skills of
the same person drank three double martinis (3 ounces many people are impaired at a BAC approaching
or 90 ml of liquor each) within an hour, the person’s 0.05 percent, and that theeffects are worse at night. All
BAC would be close to 0.12 percent. A person who drivers are impaired at BAC levels above 0.05 percent.
consumes food just before or during drinking will have a Statistics show that the chance of being in a collision
somewhat lower BAC level. increases sharply for drivers who have a BAC of
0.05 percent or above. A driver with a BAC level of
0.06 percent has doubled his or her chance of having a

- 4-3
collision. At a BAClevel of 0.10 percent, the chance of
this driver having a collision is twelve times greater; at a
level of 0.15 percent, the chance is twenty-five times
The body takes about anhour to rid itself of the alcohol
in one drink. No amount of coffee or number of cold
showers will speed that up. “I’llbe careful” isn’t the
right answer. Whatif there’s an emergency,a need to
take sudden action, as whena child darts into the street?
A person with even a moderateBAC might not be able
to react quickly enoughto avoid the collision.
There’s something else about drinking and driving that
many people don’t know.Medical research shows that
alcohol in a person’ssystem can make crash injuries
worse, especially injuries to the brain, spinal cord or
heart. This means that whenanyone who has been
drinking -- driver or passenger -- is in acrash, that
person’s chance of being killed or permanently disabled
is higher thanif the person had not been drinking.

Control of a Vehicle Braking
You have three systems that make your vehicle go where Braking action involves perception time and reaction
you want itto go. They are thebrakes, the steering and time.
the accelerator. All three systems have to do their work
at the places where the tires meet the road. First, you have to decide to push on the brake pedal.
That’s perception time. Then you have to bring up your
foot and do it.That’s reaction time.
Average reaction time is about 314 of a second. But
that’s only an average. It might be less with one driver
and as longas two or three seconds or more with
another. Age, physical condition, alertness, coordination,
and eyesight all play a part. So do alcohol, drugs and
frustration. But even in 314 of a second, a vehicle
moving at 60 mph (100 km/h) travels 66 feet (20 m).
That could be a lot of distance in an emergency,so
keeping enough space between your vehicle andothers
is important.
And, of course, actual stopping distances vary greatly
with the surface of the road (whether it’s pavement or
gravel); the condition of the road (wet, dry, icy); tire
tread; and the condition of your brakes.

Sometimes, as when you’redriving on snow or ice, it’s

easy to askmore of those control systems than the tires
and road can provide. That means you can lose control
of your vehicle.
Avoid needless heavy braking.Some people drive in Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS)
spurts -- heavy acceleration followed by heavy braking
-- rather than keeping pace with traffic.This is a Your Chevrolet has an advanced electronic braking
mistake. Your brakes may not have time to cool between skid.
system that will help prevent a braking
hard stops. Yourbrakes will wear out much faster if you
do a lot of heavy braking.If you keep pace with the This light on the
traffic and allow realisticfollowing distances, you will instrument panel will
eliminate a lot of unnecessary braking. That means come on briefly when
better braking and longer brake life. you start your vehicle.
If your engine ever stops while you’re driving, brake
normally but don’t pumpyour brakes. If you do, the INOP
pedal may get harder to push down. If your engine
stops, you will stillhave some power brake assist. But
you will use it when you brake. Once the power assistis
used up, it may take longer to stop and the brake pedal
will be harder to push.
When you start your vehicle, or when you beginto drive
away, you mayhear a momentary motoror clicking
noise. And you mayeven notice that your brake pedal
moves a littlewhile this is going on. This is the ABS
system testing itself.If there’s a problem with the
anti-lock brake system, the anti-lock brake system
warning light will stayon or flash.
See “Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light” in the
Here’s how anti-lock works. Let’s saythe road is wet.
You’re driving safely. Suddenly an animal jumps out in
front of you.
You slam on the brakes. Here’s what happens with ABS.
A computer senses that wheels are slowing down. If one
of the wheels is about to stop rolling, the computer will
separately work the brakesat eachfront wheel and at the
rear wheels.
The anti-lock system can change the brake pressure
faster than any driver could. The computer is
programmed to make the most of available tire and
road conditions.

As you brake, yourcomputer keeps receiving updates on
wheel speed and controls braking pressure accordingly.
Remember: Anti-lock doesn’tchange the time you need
to get your foot up to the brake pedal.If you get too
close to the vehicle in front of you, you won’t have time
to apply your brakes if that vehicle suddenly slowsor
stops. Always leave enough room up aheadto stop, even
though you have anti-lock brakes.
To Use Anti-Lock
Don’t pump the brakes. Just hold the brake pedal down
and let anti-lock workfor you. You may feel the system
working, or you may notice some noise, but this is
normal. When youranti-lock system is adjusting brake
pressure to help avoid a braking skid, theLOW TRAC
light will comeon. See“Low Traction Light” in the
You can steer around the obstacle while braking hard.
ASR (Acceleration Slip Regulation) System automatically disengage. When road conditions allow
(Option: LT1 VS Engine) you to safely use it again, you may re-engage the cruise
control. (See “Cruise Control” i n the Index.)
Your vehicle may have a traction control system called
ASR that limits wheel spin. This is especially useful in When the system is on,
slippery road conditions. The system operates only if it the ASR OFF warning
senses that one orboth of the rear wheels are spinning or light will come on to
beginning to lose traction.
When this happens, the system works the rear brakes
ASR let you know if there’s
a problem with your
ASR system. See
and reduces engine power (by closing the throttle and
managing engine spark)to limit wheel spin. OFF “ASR System Warning
Light’’ i n the Index.
The LOW T R A C light will come on when your ASR
system is limiting wheel spin, See“Low Traction Light”
in the Index. You may feel the system working, or you
may notice some noise, but this is normal. When this warning light is on, the system will not limit
wheel spin. Adjust your driving accordingly.
The ASR system may operate on dry roads under some
conditions, and you may notice a reduction in The ASR system automatically comes on whenever you
acceleration when this happens. This is normal and start your vehicle.
doesn’t mean there’s a problem with your vehicle. To limit wheel spin, especially i n slippery road
Examples of these conditions include a hard acceleration conditions, you should always leave the system on. But
in a turn, or an abrupt upshift or downshift. Also, when you can turn the ASR system off if you ever need to.
the compact spare tire is on the rear axle, the ASR (You should turn the system off if your vehicle ever gets
system will cycle and limit acceleration for about the stuck in sand, mud, ice or snow. See “Rocking Your
first 15 seconds of driving after each enginestart. Vehicle” in the Index.)
I f your vehicle is in cruise control when the ASR system To turn the system off, press the button on the console
begins to limit wheel spin, the cruise control will near the cigarette lighter.
The ASR OFF warning light will come on and stay on. The ASR OFF warning light should go off.
If the ASR system is limiting wheel spin when you If your car is equipped with P245bOZR16 tires, the
press the button, the system won’t turnoff right away. ASR system will automatically turn off at
speeds above
It will wait until there’sno longer a current need to limit 108 mph (174 M h ) . (The ASR OFF warning light
wheel spin. will not come on.) When the vehicle speeddrops below
103 mph (166 kmh) the system will automaticallycome
You can turn the system on again.
back on at any time by
pressing the button again. Braking in Emergencies
Use your anti-lock braking system when you need to.
With anti-lock, you can steer and brake at the same
time. In many emergencies, steering can help you more
than even the verybest braking.
Power Steering
If you lose power steering assist because the engine
stops or the system is notfunctioning, you can steer but
it will take much more effort.

Steering Tips Suppose you’re steering through a sharp curve. Then
you suddenly accelerate. Both control systems --
Driving on Curves steering and acceleration -- have to do their work where
It’s important to take curves at a reasonable speed. the tires meet the road. Unless you haveASR and the
system is on, adding the sudden acceleration can
A lot of the “driver lost control” accidents mentioned on demand too much of those places. You can lose control.
the news happen on curves. Here’s why:
What should youdo if this ever happens? Ease up on the
Experienced driver orbeginner, each of us is subject to accelerator pedal, steer the vehicle the wayyou want it
the same laws of physics when driving on curves. The to go, and slow down.
traction of the tires against the road surface makes it
possible for the vehicle to change its path when you turn Speed limit signs near curves warn that you should
the front wheels. If there’s no traction, inertia will keep adjust your speed. Of course, the posted speeds are
the vehicle going in the same direction. If you‘ve ever based on good weather and roadconditions. Under less
tried to steer a vehicle on wet ice, you’ll understand this. favorable conditions you’ll want to go slower.

The traction you can get in a curve depends on the If you need to reduce your speedas you approach a
condition of your tires and the road surface, the angle at curve, do it before you enter the curve, while your front
which the curve is banked, and your speed. While wheels are straight ahead.
you’re in a curve, speed is the one factor you can Try to adjust your speed so you can “drive” throughthe
control. curve. Maintain a reasonable, steady speed. Wait to
accelerate until you are out of the curve, and then
accelerate gently into the straightaway.

Steering in Emergencies
There are times when steering can be more effective
than braking. For example, you come over a hill and
find a truck stopped in your lane, or a car suddenly pulls
out from nowhere, or a child darts out from between
parked cars and stops right infront of you. You can
avoid these problems by braking -- if you canstop in
time. But sometimesyou can’t;there isn’t room. .That’s
the time for evasive action -- steering around the
Your Chevrolet can perform very well inemergencies
like these. First apply your brakes.(See “Braking in
Emergencies” earlier inthis section.)It is better to
remove as much speed as you can from a possible
collision. Then steer around the problem, to the left or The fact that such emergencysituations are always
right depending on the space available. possible is a good reason topractice defensive driving at
all times and wear safety belts properly.
An emergency like this requires close attention and a
quick decision. If you are holding the steering wheel at
the recommended 9 and 3 o’clock positions, youcan
turn it afull 180 degrees very quickly without removing
either hand. But you have to act fast, steer quickly, and
just as quickly straightenthe wheel once you have
avoided the object.
Off-Road Recovery Passing
You may find sometime that your right wheels have The driver of a vehicleabout to pass another on a
dropped off the edge of a roadonto the shoulder while two-lane highway waits for justthe right moment,
you’re driving. accelerates, moves around the vehicle ahead, then goes
If the level of the shoulder is only slightly below the back into the right lane again. A simple maneuver?
pavement, recovery should be fairly easy. Ease off the Not necessarily! Passing another vehicle on atwo-lane
accelerator and then, if there is nothing in the way, steer highway is a potentiallydangerous move, since the
so that your vehicle straddles the edge of the pavement. passing vehicle occupies the same lane as oncoming
You can turn the steering wheel up to 1/4 turn until the traffic for several seconds. A miscalculation, an error in
right front tire contacts the pavement edge. Then turn judgment, or a brief surrender to frustration or anger can
your steering wheel to gostraight down the roadway. suddenly put the passing driver face to face with the
worst of alltraffic accidents -- the head-on collision.
OFF ROAD RECOVE So here are some tips for passing:
0 “Drive ahead.” Look down the road,to the sides, and
to crossroads for situations that might affect your
passing patterns.If you have any doubt whatsoever
about making a successful pass, wait for a better time.
Watch for traffic signs, pavement markings, and lines.
If you can see a sign up ahead that might indicate a
turn or an intersection, delay your pass. A broken
edge of paved surface center line usually indicates it’s all right to pass
(providing the road aheadis clear). Never crossa solid
line on your side of the lane or a double solid line,
even if the road seems empty of approaching traffic.

Do not get too close to the vehicle you want to pass Check your mirrors, glance over your shoulder, and
while you’re awaiting an opportunity. For onething, start your left lane change signal before moving out
following too closely reduces your area of vision, of the right lane to pass. When youare far enough
especially if you’re following a larger vehicle. Also, ahead of the passed vehicle to see its front in your
you won’t have adequate space if the vehicle ahead inside mirror, activateyour right lane change signal
suddenly slows or stops. Keep back a reasonable and move back into the right lane. (Remember that
distance. your right outside mirroris convex. The vehicle you
0 When it looks like a chance topass is coming up, just passed may seem to be farther away from you
than it reallyis.)
start to accelerate but stay in the right lane and don’t
get too close. Time your move so you will be 0 Try not to pass more than one vehicle at a time on
increasing speed as the time comes to move into the two-lane roads. Reconsider before passing the next
other lane. If the way is clear to pass, you willhave a vehicle.
“running start’’ thatmore than makes upfor the 0 Don’t overtake a slowly moving vehicle too rapidly.
distance you would lose by dropping back. And if Even though the brakelights are not flashing, it may
something happens to causeyou to cancel your pass, be slowing down or starting to turn.
you need only slow down and drop back again and
wait for another opportunity. 0 If you’re being passed, make it easy for the
following driver to get ahead of you. Perhaps you
0 If other carsare lined up to pass a slow vehicle, wait
can ease a little to the right.
your turn. Buttake care that someone isn’t trying to
pass you as you pull out to pass the slow vehicle.
Remember to glance over your shoulder and check
the blind spot.
Loss of Control If you do not have ASR, or if the system is off, then an
acceleration skid is also best handled by easing your
Let’s review whatdriving experts say about what foot off the accelerator pedal.
happens when the three control systems (brakes, steering
and acceleration) don’t have enough friction where the If your vehicle starts to slide, ease your foot off the
tires meet the road to do what the driver has asked. accelerator pedal and quickly steer the way you want the
vehicle to go. If you start steering quickly enough, your
In any emergency, don’t give up. Keep trying to steer and vehicle may straighten out. Always be ready for a
constantly seek an escape route
or area of less danger. second skid if it occurs.
Skidding Of course, traction is reduced when water, snow, ice,
gravel, or other material is on the road. For safety, you’ll
In a skid, adriver can lose control of the vehicle.
want to slow down andadjust your driving to these
Defensive drivers avoid most skids by taking reasonable
conditions. It is important to slow down on slippery
care suited to existing conditions, and by not
surfaces because stopping distance will be longer and
“overdriving” those conditions. But skids are always
vehicle control more limited.
While driving on a surface with reduced traction, try
The three types of skids correspond to your Chevrolet’s
your best to avoid suddensteering, acceleration, or
three control systems. In the braking skid your wheels
braking (including engine braking by shifting to a lower
aren’t rolling. In the steering or cornering skid, too gear). Any sudden changes could cause the tires to slide.
much speed or steering in a curve causes tires to slip and You may not realize the surface is slippery until your
lose cornering force. And in the acceleration skid too vehicle is skidding. Learn to recognize warning clues --
much throttle causes the driving wheels to spin.
such as enough water, ice or packed snow onthe road to
A cornering skid is best handled by easing your foot off make a “mirrored surface’’ -- and slow down when you
the accelerator pedal. have any doubt.
If you have the ASR system, remember: It helps avoid Remember: Any anti-lock brake system (ABS) helps
only the acceleration skid. avoid only the brakingskid.

Driving at Night Here are some tips on night driving.
0 Drive defensively.
0 Don’t drink anddrive.
0 Adjust your inside rearview mirrorto reduce the
glare from headlamps behindyou.
0 Since you can’t see as well, you may need to slow
down and keep more space between you and other
0 Slow down, especially on higher speed roads.Your
headlamps can light uponly so much road ahead.
0 In remote areas, watchfor animals.
0 If you’re tired, pull offthe road in a safe place and

Night driving is more dangerous than day driving. One

reason is that some drivers are likely to be impaired --
by alcohol or drugs, with night vision problems,or by

Night Vision Keep your windshield and allthe glass on your vehicle
clean -- inside and out. Glare at night is made much
No one can see aswell at night as in the daytime. But as worse by dirt on the glass. Even the inside of the glass
we get older thesedifferences increase. A 50-year-old can build up a film caused by dust. Dirty glass makes
driver may require at least twice as much light to seethe lights dazzle and flash more than clean glass would,
same thing at night as a 20-year-old. making the pupils of your eyes contract repeatedly.
What you do in the daytime can also affect your night Remember that your headlamps light up far less of a
vision. For example, if you spend the day in bright roadway when you are in a turn or curve. Keep your
sunshine you are wise to wear sunglasses. Your eyes will eyes moving; that way, it’seasier to pick out dimly
have lesstrouble adjusting to night. But ifyou’re lighted objects. Just as your headlamps should be
driving, don’t wear sunglasses at night. They may cut checked regularly for proper aim, so should your eyes
down on glare from headlamps, but they also make a lot be examined regularly. Some drivers suffer from night
of things invisible. blindness -- the inability to see in dim light -- and
You can be temporarily blinded by approaching lights. It aren’t even aware of it.
can take a second or two, or even several seconds, for
your eyes to readjust to the dark. When you are faced
with severe glare (as from a driver who doesn’t lower
the high beams, or a vehicle with misaimed headlamps),
slow down a little. Avoid staring directly into the
approaching lights.

to see. Even if your
The heavier the rain, the harder it is
windshield wiper bladesare in good shape, a heavy rain
can make it harderto see road signs and trafficsignals,
pavement markings, theedge of the road, and even
people walking.
It’s wise to keep your wiping equipment in good shape
and keep your windshield washer tankfilled. Replace
your windshield wiper inserts when they show signs of
streaking or missing areas on the windshield,or when
strips of rubber start to separatefrom the inserts.

Rain and wet roads can meandriving trouble. On a wet

road you can’tstop, accelerate or turn as well because
your tire-to-road traction isn’t as good as on dry roads.
And, if your tires don’t have much tread left, you’llget
even less traction. It’s always wise to go slower and be
cautious if rain starts to fall while you are driving. The
surface may get wet suddenly whenyour reflexes are
tuned for driving on dry pavement.

Driving too fast through large water puddles or even Hydroplaning doesn’t happen often. But it can if your
going through some car washes can cause problems, too. tires haven’t much treador if the pressure in one or
The water may affect your brakes. Try to avoid puddles. more is low. It can happen if a lot of water is standing on
But if you can’t, try to slow down before you hit them. the road. If you cbn see reflections from trees, telephone
poles, or other vt$ucles, and raindrops “dimple” the
water’s surface, +ere could be hydroplaning.

Hydroplaning usually happensat higher speeds. There

just isn’t a hard ahd fast ruleabout hydroplaning. The
best advice is to slow down when it is raining.
Some Other Rainy Weather Tips
Turn on your low-beam headlamps -- not just your
parking lamps -- to help make you more visible to
0 Besides slowing down, allow some extra following
Hydroplaning distance. And be especially careful when youpass
another vehicle. Allow yourself more clear room
Hydroplaning is dangerous. So much water can build up ahead, and be prepared to have your view restricted
under your tires that they can actually ride on the water. by road spray.,
This can happen if the road is wet enough and you’re
going fast enough. When your vehicle is hydroplaning, Have good tires with proper tread depth. (See
it has little or no contact with the road. “Tires” in the Index.)

City Driving Here are ways to increase your safety in citydriving:
Know the best way to get to where you are going.
Get a city map and plan yourtrip into an unknown
part of the cityjust as you wouldfor a cross-country
Try to use the freeways that rim and crisscross most
large cities. You’ll save time and energy. (See the
next part, “Freeway Driving.”)
Treat a green light as a warning signal. A traffic light
is there because the corner is busy enoughto need it.
When a light turns green, and just before you start to
move, check both ways for vehicles that have not
cleared the intersectionor may be running the red

One of the biggest problems with citystreets is the

amount of traffic on them. You’ll want to watch out for
what the other drivers are doing and pay attention to
traffic signals.

At the entrance there is usually a ramp that leads to the
freeway. If you have a clear view of the freeway as you
drive along the entrance ramp, you should begin to
check traffic. Try to determine where you expect to
blend with the flow. Try to merge into the gap at close to
the prevailing speed. Switch on your turn signal, check
your mirrors and glance over your shoulder as often as
necessary. Tryto blend smoothly with the traffic flow.
Once you are on the freeway, adjust your speed to the
posted limit or to the prevailing rate if it’s slower.Stay
in the right lane unless you want to pass.
Before changing lanes, check your mirrors. Then use

Once you are moving on the freeway, make certainyou Is your vehicle readyfor a long trip? If you keep it
allow a reasonable following distance. Expect to move serviced and maintained, it’s readyto go. If it needs
slightly slower at night. service, have it done before starting out. Of course,
When you wantto leave the freeway, moveto the proper you’ll find experienced and able service experts in
lane well in advance.If you miss yourexit do not, under Chevrolet dealers all across North America. They’ll be
any circumstances, stop and back up. Driveon to the ready and willing to help if you need it.
next exit. Here are some things you cancheck before a trip:
The exit ramp can be curved, sometimes quite sharply. 0 Windshield Washer Fluid:Is the reservoir full? Are
all windows cleaninside and outside?
The exit speed is usually posted.
0 Wiper Blades: Are they in good shape?
Reduce your speed according to your speedometer, not
to your sense of motion. After driving for any distance 0 Fuel, Engine Oil, Other Fluids: Have you checked
at higher speeds, you may tendto think you are going all levels?
slower than you actually are. 0 Lumps: Are they all working? Are the lensesclean?
Before Leaving on a Long Trip 0 Tires: They are vitally important to a safe,
Make sure you’re ready. Tryto be well rested.If you trouble-free trip. Is the tread good enough for
must start whenyou’re not fresh -- such as after a day’s long-distance driving? Are the tires all inflatedto the
work -- don’t plan to make too many miles thatfirst part recommended pressure?
of the journey. Wearcomfortable clothing and shoes you 0 Weather Forecasts:What’s the weatheroutlook
can easily drive in. along your route?Should you delay your tripa short
time to avoid a major storm system?
0 Maps: Do you have up-to-date maps?

Highway Hypnosis Hill and Mountain Roads
Is there actually sucha condition as “highway hypnosis”? c

Or is it just plain falling asleep at the wheel? Call

highway hypnosis, lackof awareness, or whatever.
There is something about an easy stretchof road with the
same scenery, along with the humof the tires on the road,
the drone of the engine, and the rush of the wind against
the vehicle thatcan make you sleepy. Don’t let it happen
to you! If it does, your vehicle can leave the road less
than a second, and you could crash and be injured.
What can you do about highway hypnosis? First, be
aware that it can happen.
Then here are some tips:
a Make sure your vehicle is well ventilated, with a
comfortably cool interior.
a Keep your eyes moving. Scan the road ahead andto
the sides. Check your rearview mirrors and your Driving on steep hills or mountains is different from
instruments frequently.
driving in flat or rolling terrain.
a If you get sleepy, pull off the roadinto a rest, service,
or parking area and take a nap, get some exercise, or
both. For safety, treat drowsiness on the highway as
an emergency.

If you drive regularly in steep country, or if you’re
planning to visit there, hereare some tips that can make
your trips safer and moreenjoyable.
Keep your vehicle in good shape. Check all fluid
levels and also the brakes, tires, cooling system and
transmission. These parts can work hard on
mountain roads.
Know how to go down hills. The most important
thing to know is this:let your engine do some of the
slowing down. Shift to a lower gear when you go
down a steep or long hill. 0 Know how to go uphill. You may want to shift down
to a lower gear. The lower gears help cool your engine
and transmission, and youcan climb the hill better.
0 Stay in your own lane when driving on two-lane
roads in hillsor mountains. Don’t swing wide or cut
across the center of the road. Drive at speeds thatlet
you stay in your own lane.
0 As you go over the top of a hill,be alert. There couldbe
something in your lane, likea stalled car or an accident.
0 You may see highway signs on mountains that warn
of special problems.Examples are long grades,
passing or no-passing zones, a falling rocks area,or
winding roads. Be alertto these and take appropriate

Winter Driving

Include an ice scraper, a small brush or broom, a supply

Here are sometips for winter driving: of windshield washer fluid, a rag, some winter outer
clothing, a small shovel, a flashlight, a red cloth, and a
Have your Chevrolet in good shape for winter. Be couple of reflective warning triangles. And, if you will
sure your engine coolant mix is correct. be driving under severe conditions, include a small bag
You may want to put winter emergency supplies in of sand, a piece of old carpet or a couple of burlap bags
your trunk. to help provide traction. Be sure you properly secure
these items in your vehicle.

Driving on Snow or Ice What’s the worst time forthis? “Wet ice.” Very cold
snow or icecan be slick and hard to drive on. But wet
Most of the time, those places where your tires meet the ice can be even more trouble because it may offer the
road probably have good traction. least traction of all. You can get “wet ice” when it’s
However, if there is snow or ice between your tires and the about freezing (32°F; OOC) and freezing rain begins to
road, you can have a very slippery situation. You‘ll have a fall. Try to avoid driving on wet iceuntil salt and sand
lot less traction or *’grip‘’and will need to be very careful. crews can get there.
Whatever the condition-- smooth ice, packed, blowing
or loose snow -- drive with caution.
I f you have ASR, keep the systemon. It will improve
your ability to accelerate when driving on a slippery
road. Even though your vehicle has the ASR system,
you’ll want to slow down and adjustyour driving to the
road conditions. See “ASR System” in the Index.
If you don’t have theASR system, accelerate gently. Try
not to break the fragile traction.If you accelerate too
fast, the drive wheels will spin and polish the surface
under the tires even more.

Your anti-lock brakes improve your ability to make a If You’re Caught in a Blizzard
hard stop on a slippery road. Even though you have the
anti-lock braking system, you’ll want to begin stopping
sooner than you would on dry pavement. See
“Anti-Lock‘’ in the Index.
0 Allow greater following distance on any slippery
Watch for slippery spots. The road might be fine
until you hit a spot that’scovered with ice. On an
otherwise clear road, ice patches may appear in
shaded areas where the sun can’t reach: around
clumps of trees, behind buildings, or under bridges.
Sometimes the surfaceof a curve or an overpass may
remain icy when the surrounding roads are clear. If
you see a patch of ice ahead of you, brake before you
are on it. Try not to brake while you’re actually on
the ice, and avoid sudden steering maneuvers.

If you are stopped by heavy snow, you couldbe in a

serious situation. You should probably stay with your
vehicle unless you know for sure that you are near help
and you can hike through the snow. Hereare some
things to do to $ummon help and keep yourself and your
passengers safe: Turn on your hazard flashers. Tie a red

cloth to your vehicleto alert police that you’ve been
stopped by the snow. Puton extra clothing or wrap a
blanket around you. If you have no blankets or extra
clothing, make body insulators from newspapers, burlap
bags, rags, floor mats -- anything you can wrap around
yourself or tuck under yourclothing to keep warm.
You can run the engine to keep warm, but be careful.

Run your engine only as long asyou must. This saves

fuel. When you run theengine, make it go a little faster
than just idle. That is, push the accelerator slightly. This
uses less fuel for the heat that youget and it keeps the
battery charged. You will need a well-charged battery to
restart the vehicle, and possiblyfor signaling later on
with your headlamps. Let the heater run for awhile.
Then, shut theengine off and close the window almost
all the way to preserve theheat. Start the engine again
and repeat this only when you feel really uncomfortable
. ..
from thecold. But do it as little as possible. Preserve the can be in your vehicle. It also gives you important
fuel as long as you can. To help keep warm, you can get information about the number of people that can be in
out of the vehicle and do some fairly vigorous exercises your vehicle and the total weight that you can carry.
every half hour or so until help comes. This weight is called the Vehicle Capacity Weight and
includes the weight of all occupants, cargo, and all
Loading Your Vehicle nonfactory-installed options.


Two labels on your vehicle show how muchweight it The other label, is the Certification label, found on the
may properly carry. The Tire-Loading Information label rear edge of the driver’s door. It tells you the gross
found on the rear edge of the driver’s door tells you the weight capacity ofyour vehicle, called the GVWR
proper size, speed rating and recommended inflation (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating). The GVWR includes
pressures for the tires on your vehicle. It also gives you the weight of the vehicle, alloccupants, fuel and cargo.
important information about the number of people that Never exceed the GVWR for your vehicle, or the Gross

Axle Weight Rating GAWR for either the front or the vehicle goes. If you have to stop or turn quickly, or
rear axle. if there is acrash, they’ll keep going.
And, if you do have a heavy load, you should spread
it out. Don’t carry more than100 pounds (45 kg) in
your rear area.

If you put things inside yourvehicle--like suitcases,

tools, packages or anything else--they will go as fast as

Towing a Trailer Your car can tow a trailer if it isequipped with the
proper trailer towing equipment. To identify what the
vehicle trailering capacity isfor your vehicle, you
should read the information in “Weight of the Trailer”
that appears later in this section. But trailering is
different than just driving your vehicle by itself.
Trailering means changes in handling, durability, and
fuel economy. Successful, safe trailering takes correct
equipment, and it has to be used properly.
That’s the reasonfor this part. In it are many
time-tested, important trailering tips and safety rules.
Many of these are important for your safety and that of
your passengers. So please read this sectioncarefully
before you pull a trailer.
Load-pulling components such as the engine,
transmission, rear axle, wheel assemblies, and tires are
forced to work harder against the drag of the added
NOTICE: weight. The engine is required to operate at relatively
Pulling a trailer improperly can damage your higher speeds and under greater loads, generating extra
heat. What’s more, thetrailer adds considerably to wind
vehicle and result in costly repairs not coveredby resistance, increasing the pulling requirements.
your warranty. To pull a trailer correctly, follow
the advicein this part, and see your Chevrolet
dealer for important information about towing a
trailer with your vehicle.

If You Do DecideTo Pull A Trailer Three important considerations have to do with weight:
If you do, here are some important points. Weight of the Trailer
0 There are many different laws, including speed limit How heavy can a trailer safely be?
restrictions, having to dowith trailering. Makesure
your rig will belegal, not only where you live but It should never weigh more than1,500 pounds (680 kg)
also where you’ll be driving. A good source for this under normal driving conditions. It should never weight
information can bestate or provincial police. weigh more than 1,000 pounds(450 kg) when driven on
long grades at high ambient temperatures. But even that
0 Consider using a sway control. can be too heavy.
You can ask a hitch dealer about sway controls. It depends on how you plan to use your rig. For
0 Don’t tow a trailer at all during the first 1000 miles example, speed, altitude, road grades, outside
(1 600 km) your new vehicle is driven. Your engine, temperature and how muchyour vehicle is used to pull a
axle or other parts could be damaged. trailer are all important. And, it can also depend on any
special equipment that you have on your vehicle.
0 Then, during the first 500 miles (800 km) that you
tow a trailer, don’t drive over 50 mph (80 kmh) and You can ask your dealer for our trailering information or
don’t make starts at full throttle. This helps your advice, or you can write us at:
engine and other partsof your vehicle wear in at the Chevrolet Motor Division Customer Assistance Department
heavier loads. P.O. Box 7047
a Obey speed limit restrictions when towinga trailer. Troy, MI 48007-7047
Don’t drive faster than the maximum posted speed In Canada, write to:
for trailers (or no more than 55 mph (90 k d h ) ) to
save wear on your vehicle’s parts. General Motors of Canada Limited
Customer AssistanceCenter
1908 Colonel Sam Drive
Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7
Weight of the Trailer Tongue If you’re using a “dead-weight” hitch, the trailer tongue
(A) should weigh 10%of the total loaded trailer weight
The tongue load (A) of any trailer is an important (B). If you have a “weight-distributing” hitch, the trailer
weight to measure because it affects the total capacity tongue (A) should weigh 12%of the total loaded trailer
weight of your vehicle. The capacity weight includes the weight (B).
curb weight of the vehicle, any cargo you may carry in
it, and the people who will be riding in the vehicle. And After you’ve loaded yourtrailer, weigh the trailer and
if you will towa trailer, you must subtract the tongue then the tongue, separately, to see if the weights are
load from your vehicle’s capacity weight because your proper. If they aren’t, you may be able toget them right
vehicle will be carrying that weight, too. See “Loading simply by moving some items around in the trailer.
Your Vehicle” in the Index for more information about
your vehicle’s maximum load capacity. Total Weight on Your Vehicle’s Tires
Be sure your vehicle’s tires are inflated tothe
recommended pressure for cold tires. You’ll find these
numbers on the Certification label at the rear edge of the
driver’s door or see “Loading Your Vehicle” inthe
Index. Then be sure you don’t go over the GVW limit
for your vehicle, including the weight of thetrailer

’ I‘


Hitches Safety Chains
It’s important to have the correct hitch equipment. You should always attach chains between your vehicle
Crosswinds, large trucks going by, and roughroads are a and your trailer. Cross the safety chains under the tongue
few reasons why you’ll needthe right hitch. Here are of the trailer so that the tongue will not drop to the road
some rules to follow: if it becomes separated from the hitch. Instructions
0 Will you have to make any holes in the body of your about safety chains may be provided by the hitch
vehicle when you install a trailer hitch?If you do, manufacturer or by the trailer manufacturer. Follow the
then be sure to seal the holes later when you remove manufacturer’s recommendation for attaching safety
the hitch. If you don’t seal them, deadly carbon chains and do not attach them to the bumper. Always
monoxide (CO) from your exhaust can get into your leave just enough slack so you can turn with yourrig.
vehicle (see “CarbonMonoxide” in the Index). Dirt And, never allow safetychains to drag on the ground.
and water can, too. Trailer Brakes
0 The bumpers on your vehicle are not intended for If your trailer weighs more than 1,000pounds (450 kg)
hitches. Do not attach rental hitches or other loaded, then it needs its own brakes -- and they must be
bumper-type hitches to them. Use only a adequate. Be sure to read and follow the instructions for
frame-mounted hitch thatdoes not attach to the the trailer brakesso you’ll be able to install, adjust and
bumper. maintain them properly.Because you have anti-lock
brakes, do not try to tap into your vehicle’sbrake
system. If you do, both brake systems won’t work well,
or at all.
Driving with a Trailer Following Distance
Towing a trailer requires a certain amount of experience. Stay at least twiceas far behind the vehicle ahead as you
Before setting out for the open road, you’ll want to get would when driving your vehicle without a trailer. This
to know your rig. Acquaint yourself with the feelof can help you avoid situations that require heavy braking
handling and braking with the added weight of the and sudden turns.
trailer. And always keep in mind thatthe vehicle you are
driving is now a good deal longer and not nearly as Passing
responsive as your vehicle is by itself. You’ll need more passing distance up ahead when
Before you start, check the trailer hitch and platform you’re towing a trailer. And, because you’re a good deal
(and attachments), safety chains, electrical connector, longer, you’ll need to go much fxther beyond the
lamps, tires and mirror adjustment. If the trailer has passed vehicle before you can return to your lane.
electric brakes, start your vehicle and trailer moving and
then apply the trailer brake controller by hand to be sure Backing Up
the brakes are working. This lets you check your Hold the bottom of the steering wheel with one hand.
electrical connection at the same time. Then, to move the trailer to the left, just move that hand
During your trip, check occasionally to be sure that the to the left. To move the trailer to the right, move your
load is secure, and that the lamps and any trailer brakes hand to the right. Always back up slowly and, if
are still working. possible, have someone guide you.
’hrns When towing
trailer,a the green arrows on your
instrument panel will flash for turns even if the bulbs on
the trailer are burned out. Thus, you may thinkdrivers
NOTICE: behind
you are seeing your signal when they are
important to check occasionally to be sure the trailer
Making very sharp turns while trailering could bulbs are still working.
cause the trailer to come in contact with the
vehicle. Your vehicle could be damaged. Avoid Driving On Grades
making very sharp turns while trailering. Reduce speed and shift to a lower gear before you start
down a long or steep downgrade. If you don’t shift
When you’re turning with a trailer, make wider turns down, you might have to use your brakes so much that
than normal. Do this so your trailer won’t strike soft they wouldget hot andno longer work well.
shoulders, curbs, road signs, trees, or other objects. On along uphill grade, shift down and reduce your
Avoid jerky orsudden maneuvers. Signal well in speed to around 45 mph (70 km/h) to reduce the
advance. possibility of engine and transmission overheating.
Turn Signals When Towing a Trailer If you are towing a trailer and you have an automatic
transmission with Overdrive, you may prefer to drive in
When youtow a trailer, your vehicle has to have a
DRIVE (D) instead of Overdrive (or, as you need to, a
different turn signal flasher and extra wiring. The green
lower gear). Or, if youhave a manual transmission with
arrows on your instrument panel will flash whenever
FIFTH or SIXTH gear. It isbetter not touse FIFTH or
you signal a turn or lane change. Properly hooked up,
SIXTH gear. Just drive in FOURTH gear (FIFTH gear if
the trailer lamps will also flash, telling other drivers
you have a six-speed manual transmission) (or, as you
you’re about to turn, change lanes or stop.
need to, a lower gear).

Parking on Hills When You Are Ready to Leave After
You really should not park your vehicle, with a trailer Parking on aHill
attached, on a hill. If something goes wrong, your rig 1. Apply your regular brakes and hold the pedal down
could start to move. People can be injured, and both while you:
your vehicle and the trailer can be damaged.
0 Start your engine;
But if you ever have to park your rig on a hill, here’s
how to do it: 0 Shift into a gear; and
1. Apply your regular brakes, but don’t shift into 0 Release the parking brake.
PARK (P) yet, or into gear fora manual 2. Let up on the brake pedal.
3. Drive slowly until the trailer is clear of the chocks.
2. Have someone place chocks under the trailer wheels.
4. Stop and have someone pick up and store the chocks.
3. When the wheel chocks are in place, release the
regular brakes. Then apply your parking brakes until Maintenance When Trailer Towing
the chocks absorb the load. Your vehicle will need service more often when you’re
4. Reapply the regular brakes. Then apply your parking pulling a trailer. See the Maintenance Schedule for more
brake and then shiftto PARK(P) or REVERSE (R) on this. Things that are especially important in trailer
for a manual transmission. operation are automatic transmission fluid (don’t
overfill), engine oil, axle lubricant, cooling system, and
5 . Release the regular brakes. brake adjustment. Each of these is covered inthis
manual, and the Index willhelp you find them quickly.
If you’re trailering, it’sa good idea to review these
sections before you start your trip.
Check periodically to see that all hitch nuts and boltsare


0Section 5 Problems on the Road

Here you’ll find what to do about some problems that Your hazard warning flashers let you warn others. They
can occur on the road. also let police know youhave a problem. Your front and
rear turn signal lamps will flash on and off.
Hazard Warning Flashers
Press the button in to make
your frcont and rear turn
signal 1ights flash on and

Your hazard warning flashers work no manel- what

position your key is in, and even if the key isn’t in.
To turn off the flashers.

When the hazardwarning flashers are on, your turn

signals won’t work.
Other Warning Devices
If you carry reflective triangles, you can set one up at NOTICE:
the side of the road about 300 feet (100 m) behind your
vehicle. Ignoring these steps could result in costly damage
to your vehicle that wouldn’t be covered byyour
Jump Starting warranty.
If your battery has run down, you may wantto use Trying to start your Chevroletby pushing or
another vehicle and some jumper cables to start your pulling it could damageyour vehicle, evenif you
Chevrolet. But please follow the steps below to do it have a manual transmission. Andif you have an
safely. automatic transmission, it won’t start thatway.

To Jump Start Your Chevrolet:
1. Check the other vehicle. It must have a 12-volt
battery with a negative ground system.
If you leave your radio on, it could be badly
damaged. Thk repairs wouldn’t be coveredby
your warranty.

If the other system isn’t 12-volt

a system with a
negative ground, both vehicles can be damaged. I 4. Open the hoods and locate the batteries.

2. Get the vehicles close enough so the jumper cables

can reach, but be sure the vehicles aren’t touching
each other. If they are, it could cause a ground
connection you don’t want.You wouldn’t be able to
start your Chevrolet, and the bad grounding could
damage the electrical systems.
3. Turn off the ignition on both vehicles. Turn off all
lights that aren’t needed, and radios. This will avoid Find the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals on
sparks and help save both batteries. And it could each battery.
save yourradio!

5. Check that thejumper cables don’t haveloose or
missing insulation. If they do, you couldget a shock.
The vehicles could be damaged, too.
Before you connect the cables, here are some basic
things you should know.Positive (+) will go to
positive (+) and negative (-) will go to negative (-)
or a metal engine part. Don’t connect (+) to (-) or
you’ll get a short that would damage the battery and
maybe other parts,too.
~~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~

6. Connect the red positive (+) cable to the positive (+) 9. Attach the cable at least 18 inches (45 cm) away
terminal of the vehicle with the dead battery. Use a from the dead battery, butnot near engine parts that
remote positive (+) terminal if the vehicle has one. move. The electrical connection is just as good
7. Don’t let the other end touch metal. Connect it to the there, but the chance of sparks getting back to the
positive (+) terminal of the good battery. Use a battery is much less.
remote positive (+) terminal if the vehicle has one. 10. Now start the vehicle with the good battery and run
But don’t use the junction block on your Chevrolet. the enginefor a while.
8. Now connect the black negative (-) cable to the good
battery’s negative (-) terminal. 11. Try to start the vehicle with the dead battery.
Don’t let the other end touchanything until the next If it won’t start after a few tries, it probably needs
step. The other endof the negative cable doesn’t goto service.
the dead battery. It goesto a heavy unpainted metal part
on the engine of the vehicle with the dead battery.
Towing Your Car

B+ A,

12. Remove the cables in reverse order to prevent

electrical shorting. Takecare that they don’t touch
each other or any other metal.
A. Heavy Metal Engine Part
B. Good Battery Try to have a GM dealer or a professional towing
service tow your Chevrolet.The usual towing
C. Dead Battery equipment is a sling-type(A) or a wheel-lift (B) or car
carrier (C) tow truck.

If your vehicle has been changedor modified since it
was factory-new by adding aftermarket items like fog
lamps, aero skirting, or special tires and wheels, these
instructions and illustrations may not be correct.
Before you do anything, turn on the hazard warning
When you call, tell the towing service:
That your vehicle cannot be towed from the front or
rear with sling-type equipment.
That your vehicle has rear-wheel drive.
The make, model, and year of your vehicle.
0 Whether you can still move the shift lever.
If there was an accident, what was damaged.
When the towing service arrives, let the towoperator
know that this manual contains detailed towing
instructions and illustrations. The operator may want to
see them.

When your vehicle is being towed, havethe ignition
key off. The steering wheel should beclamped in a
straight-ahead position, with aclamping device
designed for towing service. Do not use the car’s
steering column lock for this. The transmission should
be in “Neutral” and theparking brake released.
Don’t have your vehicle towedon the rear wheels,
unless you must.If the vehicle mustbe towed on the
rear wheels, don’t go more than 35 mph (55 km/h) or
farther than 50 miles (80 km) or your transmission will
be damaged. If these limits must beexceeded, then the
rear wheels have to be supported on a dolly.
Front Towing Hook-Ups

Attach T-hook chains to slots in frame rearward of front NOTICE:

wheels on both sides.
Do not tow with sling-type equipmentor
fascidfog light damagewill occur.
NOTICE: Use wheel lift or car carrier equipment.
Do not attach winch cablesor “J” hooks to Additional ramping maybe required for car
suspension components when usingcar carrier carrier equipment.
equipment. Always use T-hooks inserted in the
Use safety chains andwheel straps.
T-hook slots.
Take care not to damage the brake pipes and
hoses or the ABS sensor and wiring.

Towing a vehicle over rough surfaces could
damage a vehicle. Damage can occur from
vehicle-to-ground or
vehicle-to-wheel-lift-equipment contact.To help
avoid damage, installa towing dollyand raise
vehicle until adequate clearanceis obtained
between the ground and/orwheel-lift equipment.
Attach a separate safety chain around outboard end of
each lower control arm.

Rear Towing Hook-Ups

Attach T-hook chains in front of rear wheels in bottom

of frame rail on both sides. NOTICE:
Do not attach winch cablesor “J” hooks to
Do .not tow with sling-typeequipment or rear
bumper valqce wilI be damaged.
Use wheellift car carrierequipment.
suspension components when using car carrier Additional rainping may berequired for car
equipment. Always use T-hooksinserted in the carrier equipment.
T-hook slots. Use safety chdinsand wheel straps.

Take care notto damage the brake pipes and

Towing a vehicle over rough surfaces could
damage a vehicle. Damage can occur from
vehicle-to-ground or
vehicle-to-wheel-lift-equipment contact.To help
avoid damage, install a towing dolly and raise
L vehicle until adequate clearance is obtained
between the ground and/or wheel-lift equipment.
Attach a separate safetychain around each outboard end
of the rear axle.
Engine Overheating
You will find a coolant temperature gage on your
Chevrolet’s instrument panel. You may also find a low
coolant warning light on your Chevrolet’s instrument
If Steam Is Coming From Your Engine

If your engine catches fire because you keep
driving with no coolant, your vehicle canbe .
badly damaged. The costly repairs would not be
covered by your warranty.
If No Steam Is Coming From Your Engine If you no longer have the overheat warning, youcan
drive. Just to be safe, drive slower for about ten minutes.
If you get the overheat warning but see or hear no If the warning doesn’tcome back on, you can drive
steam, the problem may not betoo serious. Sometimes normally.
the engine can get a little too hot when you:
If the warning continues, pull over, stop, and park your
Climb a long hill on a hot day. vehicle right away.
0 Stop after high speed driving. If there’s still no signof steam, you can idle the engine
0 Idle for long periods in traffic. for two or three minutes while you’re parked, to see if
the warning stops. But then, if youstill have the
Tow a trailer.
warning, turn ofSthe engine and get everyone out of the
If you get the overheat warning with no sign of steam, vehicle until it cools down.
try this for a minute or so:
You may decide not to lift the hood but to get service
1. If you have an air conditioner, turn it off. help right away.
2. Turn on your heater to full hot at the highest fan
speed and open the windowas necessary.
3. If you’re in a trafficjam, shift to NEUTRAL (N);
otherwise, shift to the highest gear while
or DRIVE (D)for automatic transmissions.
Cooling System V-8 Engine

V-6 Engine

When you decide it’s safe to lift the hood, here’s what
you’ll see:
When you decide it’s safe to lift the hood, here’s what 1. Coolant recovery tank
you’ll see:
2. Radiator pressure cap
1. Coolant recovery tank
3. Electric engine fans
2. Radiator pressure car,
3. Electric engine fan

The coolant level should beFULL COLD. If it isn’t, you
may have a leak in the radiator hoses, heater hoses,
radiator, water pumpor somewhere else in the cooling

If the coolant inside the coolant recovery tank is boiling,

don’t do anything else until it cools down.

Engine damage from running your engine
without coolant isn’t covered by your warranty.

If there seems to be no leak, with theengine on check to

see if the electric engine fan is running.If the engine is
When it is cool, remove the coolant recovery tankcap
overheating, the fan should be running.If it isn’t, your
and look at the dipstick.
vehicle needs service.
How to Add Coolant to the Coolant
Recovery Tank I NOTICE: I
If you haven’t found a problem yet, but the coolant level In cold weather, water can freeze and crack the
isn’t at FULL COLD , add a 50/50 mixture of clean engine, radiator, heater core and other parts.
water (preferably distilled) and a proper antifreeze at the recommended coolant.
the coolant recovery tank. (See “Engine Coolant” in
the Index for more information about the proper
coolant mix.)

When the coolant in the coolant recovery tankis at
FULL COLD, start your vehicle.
If the overheat warningcontinues, there’s one more
thing you can try.You can add the proper coolant mix
directly to the radiator, but be sure the cooling systemis
cool before you do it.

HOWto Add Coolant to the Radiator
(V-6 Engines)

2. Then keep turning the pressure cap, but now push

down as you turnit. Remove the pressure cap.

1 . You can remove the radiator pressure cap when the

cooling system, including the radiator pressure cap
and upper radiator hose, is no longer hot. Turn the
pressure cap slowly to the left until it first stops.
(Don’t press down while turning the pressure cap.)
If you hear a hiss, wait for that to stop. A hiss means
there is still some pressure left.


3. Fill the radiator with the proper mix, up to the base 4. Then fill the coolant recovery tank to FULL COLD.
of thefiller neck.
5. Put the capback on the coolant recovery tank, but 6. Start the engine and let it run until you can feel the
leave the radiator pressure cap off. upper radiator hose getting hot. Watch out for the
engine fan(s).
7. By this time the coolant level inside the radiator
filler neck may be lower. If the level is lower, add
more of the proper mix through the filler neck until
the level reaches the base of thefiller neck.

How to Add Coolant to the Radiator-LT1
(Code P) Engine Only

The LT1 Engine (Code P) has a specific radiator
fill procedure. Failureto follow this procedure
could cause your engine to overheat and be
severely damaged.

8. Then replace the pressure cap. At any timeduring

this procedure if coolant begins to flow out of the
filler neck, reinstall thepressure cap. Be sure the
arrows on the pressure cap lineup like this.

1. You can remove the radiator pressure cap when the
cooling system, including the radiator pressure cap
and upper radiator hose, is no longer hot. Turn the
pressure cap slowly to the left until it first stops.
(Don’t press down while turning the pressure cap.)
If you hear a hiss, wait forthat to stop. A hiss means
there is still some pressure left.

2. Then keep turning the pressure cap, but now push

down as you turn it. Remove the pressure cap.

3. After the engine cools, open the air bleed valves on 4. Fill with the proper mix. Add coolant until you see a
the heater return hose and water pump inlet. steady stream of coolant coming from the bleed
5 . Close the bleed valves.
6 . Continue to fill the radiator up to the base of the
filler neck.
7. Rinse or wipe the spilled coolant from the engine
and compartment.

8. Start the engine andallow it to run in idle for
approximately four minutes. By this time, the
coolant level inside the radiator will be lower. Add
more of the proper mix through the filler neck until
the level reaches the base of the filler neck.

10. Then fill the coolant recovery tank to the proper

For a complete drain, flush and refill, see your Chevrolet
dealer or a Chevrolet Service Manual. To purchase a
service manual, see “Service Publications’’ in the Index.
9. Shut the engine off and replace the pressure cap. Be
sure the arrows on the capline up like this.

If a Tire Goes Flat Changing a FlatTire
It’s unusual for a tire to “blow out” while you’re driving, If a tire goes flat, avoid further tire and wheel damage
especially if you maintainyour tires properly.If air goes by driving slowly to a level place. Turnon your hazard
out of a tire, it’s much more likely to leak out slowly. warning flashers.
But if you shouldever have a “blowout,” hereare a few
tips about whatto expect and what to do:
If a front tire fails, the flat tire will create a drag that
pulls the vehicle towardthat side. Take yourfoot off the
accelerator pedal and grip the steering wheel firmly.
Steer tomaintain lane position, then gently braketo a
stop well out of the traffic lane.
A rear blowout, particularly on acurve, acts much like a
skid and may require thesame correction you’d use in a
skid. In any rear blowout, remove your foot from the
accelerator pedal. Get the vehicle under control by
steering the way you wantthe vehicle to go. It may be
very bumpy and noisy, but you can still steer. Gently
brake to a stop, well off the road if possible.
If a tire goes flat, the next partshows how to use your
jacking equipment to change a flat tire safely.

The equipment you’ll need is in the right (passenger)
rear area behind the trim panel.
The following steps will tell you how to use the jack and First you must remove the close-out panel. See
change a tire. “Close-Out Panel’’ in the Index.
Find the plastic screw headsin the trim panel over the
spare tire. Use a coin or a key to turn the screw heads
until the slots point front and back to the unlock
position. Gently lift the trim panel front forward edge
and move it out of the way.

Jsemove the wing nut andadapter and pull out the spare. To remove the jack and wheelwrench, loosen and
remove the bolt and remove the plastic cover.


Start with the jack (A) and wheel wrench(B). The jack has a bolt at the end. Attach the wheel wrench
to the jack bolt.
Turn the wheel wrenchto the right to raise the lift head a

If your wheel has a center cap, pry it off using the wheel If your vehicle hasa bolt-on wheel cover, loosen the
wrench. plastic caps using the wheel wrenchand remove the
wheel cover.

If your vehicle has optional alloy wheels, each wheel Using the wheel wrench, loosen all the wheel nuts.
may have one locknut in place of the standard wheel Don’t remove them yet.
nut. A special wheel lock key(removal tool) and
instructions are located in the center console. Attach the
wheel lock key to thesocket of the wheel wrench.
Remove the locking wheel nut by turning

Position the jack under the vehicle. There isa notch in Stay away from the moldings or fender flanges to avoid
the vehicle's rocker flange. Raise the jack head until it damaging them.
fits firmly into the notch nearest theflat tire.
On convertible models, place the jack in a similar
Raise the vehicle by rotating the wheel wrench
NOTICE: clockwise. Raise the vehicle far enough off the ground
so there is enough room for the sparetire to fit.
Raising your vehicle with the jack improperly
positioned will damage the vehicle or may allow Remove all the wheel nuts and take off the flat tire.
the vehicle to fall off the
jack. Be sure tofit the
jack lift head into the proper location before
raising your vehicle.


Remove any rust or dirt from the wheel bolts, mounting
surfaces and spare wheel. Place the spare on the wheel
mounting surface.

Replace the wheel nuts withthe rounded end of the nuts

toward the wheel. Tighten each nutby hand until the
wheel is held against the hub.
Lower the vehicle by rotating the wheel wrench Don’t try to put a wheel cover on yourcompact spare
counterclockwise. Lower the jack completely. tire. It won’t fit. Storethe wheel cover in the rear area
until you have the flat tire repaired or replaced.
Tighten the wheel nuts
firmly in a criss-cross
sequence as shown. NOTICE:
Wheel covers won’tfit on your compact spare.If
you try to put a wheel cover on your compact
spare, you could damage the coveror the spare.

Replace the jack, wheel wrench and flattire using the
storage instructions. When you replace the trim panel,
be sure to tuck it under the weatherstrip.
1. Trim Panel
2. Bolt
3. Cover
4. Jack
5 . Wing Nut
6. Adapter
7. Compact Spare Tire
8. Full-Size Tire
9. Carpet Flap
10. Tire Storage Bolt
Compact Spare Tire I
Although the compact spare was fully inflated when your
vehicle was new, it can lose air after a time. Check the If the compact spareis used as a rear tire, do not
inflation pressure regularly. It should be60 psi drive faster than50 mph (80 km/h). Damage to
(420 kPa). After installing the compact spare on your the rear axle may occurif the compact spareis
vehicle, you should stop as soon as possible and make sure driven faster than50 mph. This speed limitation
your spare tire is correctly inflated.The compact spare is does not apply when the compact spare is used as
made to perform well at posted speed limits for distances a front tire.
up to 3,000 miles (5 O00 km), so you can finish your trip
and have your full-size tire repairedor replaced where you
want. Of course, it’s best to replace your spare with a Don’t use your compact spare on some other vehicle.
full-size tire as soon as youcan. Your spare will last
And don’t mix your compact spare or wheel with other
longer and be in good shape in case you need it again.
wheels or tires. They won’t fit. Keep your spare and its
When the compact spare is on the rear axle, the optional wheel together.
ASR system will cycle and limit acceleration for about
the first 15 seconds of driving after each engine start.
Tire chainswon’t fit your compact spare.Using
NOTICE: them will damage yourvehicle and destroy the
Don’t take your compact spare through an chains too. Don’t use tire chainson your compact
automatic car washwith guide rails. The spare.
compact spare can get caught on the rails. That
can damage the tire andwheel, and maybe other
parts of your vehicle.

If You’re Stuck: In Sand, Mud, Ice or
What you don’t want to do when your vehicle is stuckis Spinning your wheels can destroy parts of your
to spin your wheels toofast. Themethod known as vehicle as wellas the tires. If you spin the wheels
“rocking” can help youget out when you’re stuck, but too fast while shifting your transmission back
you must use caution. and forth, you can destroy your transmission.

For information about usingtire chains on your vehicle,

see “Tire Chains” in the Index.
Rocking your vehicle to get it out:
First, turn your steering wheel left and right. That will
clear the area around your front wheels.If your vehicle
has ASR, you should turn the system off.(See “ASR
System” in the Index.) Thenshift back and forth
between REVERSE (R)and a forward gear (or
with a manual transmission, betweenFIRST (1) or
SECOND (2) gear and REVERSE), spinning the wheels
as little as possible. Release the accelerator pedal while
you shift, and press lightly on the accelerator pedal
when the transmissionis in gear. If that doesn’t get you
out after a few tries, you may need to be towedout. If
you do need to be towedout, see “Towing Your Car”
in the Index.
0Section 6 Service and Appearance Care

Here you will findinformation about the care of your We hope you’ll want to keep your GM vehicle all GM.
Chevrolet. This section begins with service and fuel Genuine GM parts have one of these marks:
information, and then it shows how to check important
fluid and lubricant levels. There isalso technical
information about your vehicle, and a part devoted to its
appearance care.
Your Chevrolet dealer knows your vehicle best and Delco
wants you to be happy with it. We hope you’ll go to
your dealer forall your service needs. You’ll get
genuine GM parts and GM-trained and supported
service people.

Doing Your Own Service Work
If you want todo some of your own service work, you’ll
want to get the proper Chevrolet Service Manual. It tells
you much more about howto service your Chevrolet
than this manual can. To order the proper service
manual, see “Service Publications” in the Index.
Your vehicle has an air bagsystem. Before attempting to
do your own service work,see “Servicing Your Air
Bag-Equipped Chevrolet” in the Index.
You should keep a record with all parts receipts andlist
the mileage andthe date of any service work you
perform. See “Maintenance Record”in the Index.

I NOTICE: work without

If you try to do your own service
knowing enough about it, your vehicle could

Fuel of pinging. It’s the heavy, constant knock that means
you have a problem.
3.4L L32 (Code S) and 3800 L36 (Code K)
What about gasoline with blending materials that
The 8th digit of your vehicl,e identification number contain oxygen (oxygenates), such as MTBE or alcohol?
(VIN) shows the code letter for your engine. You will
find the VIN at the top left of your instrument panel. MTBE is “methyl tertiary-butyl ether.” Fuel that is no
(See “Vehicle Identification Number” in the Index.) more than 15% MTBE is fine for your vehicle.
Use regular unleaded gasoline rated at 87 octane or Etl?mol is ethyl or grain alcohol. Properly-blended fuel
higher. It should meet specifications ASTM D4814 in that is no more than 10% ethuuol is fine for your
the United States and CGSB 3.5-92 in Canada. These vehicle.
fuels should have the proper additives, so you should not Metlwrnof is methyl or wood alcohol.
have to add anything to the fuel.
In the United States and Canada, it‘s easy to be sure you
get the right kind of gasoline (unleaded).You’ll see NOTICE:
UNLEADED right on the pump, And only unleaded Fuel that is more than 5% methanol is bad for
nozzles will fit into your vehicle‘s filler neck. your vehicle. Don’t use it.It can corrode metal
Be sure the posted octane is at least 87. If‘ the octane is parts in your fuel system and also damage plastic
less than 87, you may get a heavy knocking noise when and rubber parts. That damage wouldn’t be
you drive. If it’s bad enough, it can damage your engine. covered under your warranty.And even at 5% or
If you’re using fuel rated at 87 octane or higher and you less, there must be“co~oIvent~’’ and corrosion
still hear heavy knocking, your engine needs service. preventers in this fuel to help avoid these
But don’t worry if you hear a little pinging noise when problems.
you’re accelerating or driving up a hill. That’s normal,
and you don’t have to buy a higher octane fuel to get rid

Fuel But don’t worryif you hear a little pingingnoise when
you’re accelerating or driving up a hill. That’s normal
5.7L LT1 (Code P) and you don’t haveto buy ahigher octane fuel to get rid
The 8th digit of your vehicle identification number of pinging. It’s the heavy, constant knock that means
(VIN) shows the code letter for your engine. You will you have a problem.
find the VIN at the topleft of your instrument panel. What about gasoline with blending materials that
(See “Vehicle Identification Number” in the Index.) contain oxygen (oxygenates), such as MTBEor alcohol?
Use premium unleaded gasoline rated at 91 octane or MTBE is “methyl tertiary-butyl ether.’’ Fuel that isno
higher. You may use middle grade or regular unleaded more than 15% MTBEis fine foryour vehicle.
gasolines, but your vehicle maynot accelerate as well.
The gasoline you use should meet specifications ASTM Ethanol is ethyl or grain alcohol. Properly-blended fuel
D4814 in the UnitedStates and CGSB 3.5-92 in that is no more than 10% ethanol is fine for your
Canada. These fuels should have the proper additives, so vehicle.
you should not have to add anything to the fuel. Methanol is methyl or wood alcohol.
In the United States and Canada, it’s easy to be sure you
get the right kind ofgasoline (unleaded). You’ll see
UNLEADED right on the pump. And only unleaded
nozzles will fit into your vehicle’sfiller neck.
Fuel that is more than 5% methanol is bad for
Be sure the posted octane for premium is at least 9 I (at your vehicle. Don’t use it. It can corrode metal
least 89 for middle grade and 87 for regular). If the parts in your fuel system and also damage plastic
octane is less than 87, you may get a heavy knocking and rubber parts. That damage wouldn’t be
noise when you drive. If it’s badenough, it can damage covered under your warranty. And even at 5% or
your engine. less, there must be “cosolvents” and corrosion
If you’re using fuel ratedat 9 1 octane or higher and you preventers in this fuel to help avoid these
still hear heavy knocking, your engine needs service. problems.

Gasolines for Cleaner Air Fuels in Foreign Countries
Your use of gasoline with deposit control additives will If you plan on driving in another country outside the
help prevent deposits from forming in your engine and U.S. or Canada, unleaded fuel may be hard to find. Do
fuel system. That helps keep your engine in tune and not use leaded gasoline. If you use even one tankful,
your emission control system working properly. It’s your emission controls won’t work wellor at all. With
good for your vehicle, and you’llbe doing your part for continuous use, spark plugs can getfouled, the exhaust
cleaner air. system can corrode, and your engine oil can deteriorate
Many gasolines are now blended withoxygenates. quickly. Your vehicle’s oxygen sensor will be damaged.
General Motors recommends that you usegasolines with All of that meanscostly repairs that wouldn’t be covered
these blending materials, such as MTBEand ethanol. By by your warranty.
doing so, you can helpclean the air, especially in those To check on fuel availability, ask an auto club, or
parts of the country that have high carbon monoxide contact a major oil company that does business in the
levels. country where you’ll be driving.
In addition, some gasoline suppliers are now producing You can also write us at the following address for
reformulated gasolines. These gasolines are specially advice. Just tell us where you’re going and give your
designed to reduce vehicle emissions. General Motors Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
recommends that you usereformulated gasoline. By
doing so, you can help clean the air, especially in those General Motors Overseas Distribution Corporation
parts of the country that have high ozone levels. North American Export Sales (NAES)
1908 Colonel Sam Drive
You should ask your service station operators if their Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8P7
gasolines contain deposit control additives and
oxygenates, and if they have been reformulated to
reduce vehicle emissions.

Filling Your Tank

Be careful notto spill gasoline. Clean gasolinefrom

painted surfaces as soon as possible.See “Cleaning the
Outside of Your Chevrolet” inthe Index.
When you put the cap backon, turn it to the rightuntil
you hearat least three clicks.

If you need a new cap, be sure to get the right
If you get
type. Your dealer can get one for you.
the wrong type, it may not fit and your fuel tank
To take off the cap, turn it slowly to the left and emissions system might be damaged.
Checking Things Under the Hood
Hood Release
L/ I Ill-

Then go to the front of the vehicle and pull up onthe

hood release located at the center area of the hood.
Lift the hood.
To open the hood, first pull the.handle inside the lower
left side of your vehicle.
3800 L36 (Code K) When you open the hood you’ll see:
1. Battery
2. Engine Coolant Reservoir
3. Engine Oil Dipstick
4. Automatic Transmission Dipstick(if equipped)
5. Air Cleaner
6. Oil Fill Cup
7. Brake Fluid Reservoir
8. Power Steering Reservoir
9. Windshield Washer Reservoir
10. Engine Fan
11. Clutch Fluid Reservoir(if equipped)

3.4L L32(Code S) When you open the hoodyou’ll see:
1. Battery
2. Engine Coolant Reservoir
3. Engine Oil Dipstick
4. Automatic Transmission Dipstick (ifequipped)
5 . Air Cleaner
6. Oil Fill Cap
7. Brake Fluid Reservoir
8. Power Steering Reservoir
9. Windshield WasherReservoir
10. Engine Fan
11. Clutch Fluid Reservoir (ifequipped)

5.7L LT1 (Code P) When you open the hood you’ll see:
1. Battery
2. Engine Coolant Reservoir
3. Engine Oil Dipstick
4. Automatic Transmission Dipstick (if equipped)
5 . Air Cleaner
6. Oil Fill Cap
7. Brake Fluid Reservoir
8. Power Steering Reservoir
9. Windshield WasherReservoir
10. Engine Fans
11. Clutch Fluid Reservoir (if equipped)
Engine Oil


Before closing the hood, be sure all the fillercaps are

Then just pull the hood down and close itfirmly. If the “LOW OIL” light on the instrument panel comes
on, it means you need tocheck your engine oil level
right away. For more information, see “Low Oil” in the
Index. You should check yourengine oil level regularly;
this is an added reminder.
It’s a good idea to check your engine oil every time you
get fuel. In order to get an accurate reading, the oilmust
be warm and thevehicle must be on level ground.

3.4 L L32 (Code S) Oil Dipstick Location -
3800 L36 (Code K) Oil Dipstick Location

5.7 L Ltl (Code P) Oil Dipstick Location To Check Engine Oil
Pull out the dipstick andclean it with a paper towel or
cloth, then push it back i n all the way. Remove it again,
keeping the tip down, and check the level.
- -
3.4 L L32 (Code S) and 3800 L36 (Code K)

Turn off the engine and give the oil a few minutes to
drain back into the oil pan. If you don’t, the oil dipstick
might not show the actual level.

5.7 L Ltl (Code P)
Don’t add too much oil. If your engine hasso
much oil that the oil level gets above the
cross-hatched area that shows the proper
operating range, your engine could be damaged.

The oil fill cap is located on the valve cover near theoil
When to Add Oil Just fill itenough to put the level somewhere in the
If the oil is at or belowthe ADD line, then you’ll need proper operating range. Pushthe dipstick all the way
to add some oil. But you must use the right kind. This back in when you’re through.
part explains what kindof oil to use. For crankcase
capacity, see “Capacities and Specifications” in the

What Kind of Oil to Use 3800 L36 (Code K)
Oils of the proper quality for your vehicle can be RECOMMENDED SAE VlSCOSlW GRADEENGINE OILS
identified by looking for the “Starburst” symbol. The __-___

“Starburst” symbol indicates that the oil has been FOR BESTFUEL EONOMY AND COLD STARTING,SELECTTHELOWEST
certified by the American Petroleum Institute (API), and -- -_.___--____--I__--

is preferred for use in your gasoline enpine.


If you change your own oil, be sure you use oil that has
the “Starburst” symbol on the front of the oil container.
If you have your oil changed for you, be sure the oil put I SAE 5W-30
into your engine is American Petroleum institute
certified for gasoline engines.
You should also use the proper viscosity oil for your WEATHER
vehicle, as shown in the following chart: DO NOT USE SAE 20W-50 OR ANY OTHER

3.4L L32 (Code S) and 5.7L LTl (Code P) As shown in the chart, SAE 5W-30 is best for your
vehicle. However, you can useSAE 1OW-30 if it’s going
___ OILS ~~ .
to be 0°F (-18°C) or above. These numbers on an oil
FOR BEST FUEL ECONOMY AND COLD STARTING, SELECT THE LOWEST container show its viscosity, or thickness. Do not use
_.__ ~ ~ .~ __ .
other viscosity oils, such as SAE 20W-50.
As shown in the chart, SAE low-30 is best for your
3.8L equipped vehicle. However,you can use SAE
HOT 5W-30 if it’s going to be colder than 60°F (16°C)
WEATHER before your next oil change. When it’s very cold, you
should use SAE 5W-30. These numbers on an oil
container show its viscosity,or thickness. Do not use
other viscosity oils, such as SAE 20W-50.

Use only engine oil with the American Petroleum
Institute Certified For Gasoline Engines
I - 18
’ “Starburst” symbol. Failure to use the proper oil
can result in engine damage not covered by your
I warranty.
i SAE ZW-30

GM Goodwrench@oil (in Canada, GM Engine Oil)

WEATHER meets all the requirements for your vehicle.

Engine Oil Additives Engine Coolant Heater
Don’t add anything to your oil. Your Chevrolet dealer is An engine coolant heater can be a big help if you have
ready to advise if you think something should be added. to park outside in very cold weather, 0°F (-18“C) or
colder. If your vehicle has this option, see “Engine
When to Change EngineOil Coolant Heater” in the Index.
See if any one of these is true for you:
What to Do with Used Oil
0 Most trips are less than 5 to 10 miles (8 to 16 km).
This is particularly important when outside Did you know that usedengine oil contains certain
temperatures are below freezing. elements that may be unhealthy for your skin and could
even cause cancer? Don’t let used oil stay on yourskin
Most trips include extensive idling (such as frequent for very long. Clean your skin and nails withsoap and
driving in stop and go traffic). water, or a good hand cleaner. Wash or properly throw
0 Most trips are through dusty areas. away clothing or rags containing used engine oil. (See
the manufacturer’s warningsabout the use and disposal
0 You frequently tow a trailer or use a carrier on top of of oil products.)
your car.
Used oil can bea real threat to the environment. If you
If any one of these is true for your vehicle, then you change your own oil, be sure to drain all free-flowing oil
need to change your oil andfilter every 3,000 miles from the filter before disposal. Don’t ever dispose of oil
(5 000 km) or 3 months -- whichever comes first. by putting it in the trash, pouring it on the ground, into
If none of them is true, change the oil and filter every sewers, or into streams or bodies of water. Instead,
7,500 miles (12 500 km) or 12 months -- whichever recycle it by taking it to a place that collects used oil. If
comes first. you have a problem properly disposing of your used oil,
ask your dealer, a service station or alocal recycling
center for help.

Air Cleaner V8 ENGINE

Refer to the MaintenanceSchedule to determine when to

replace the air filter.
See “Scheduled Maintenance Services” in the Index.

Air Filter Replacement
To remove the air filter:

If the air cleaner isoff, a backfire can causea
damaging engine fire. And, dirt can easily get
into your engine, which will damage it. Always
have the air cleaner in place when you’re driving. 1 . Remove the two plastic pins by pulling them straight

2. Disconnect the plastic clamp on the duct. Pull apart 3. Pull the air cleaner straight up. Unclamp the metal
the connection. clips.

How to Check
Because this operation can be a little difficult, you may
choose to have this done at your Chevroletdealer
Service Department.
If you do it yourself,be sure to follow all the instructions
here, or you could get a false reading on the dipstick.

Too much or too little fluid can damage your
transmission. Too much can mean that someof
the fluid could come out and fall on hot engine
parts or exhaust system parts, starting a fire. Be
4. Open the air cleaner and remove the filter. sure to get an accurate reading if you check your
transmission fluid.
Automatic Transmission Fluid
When to Check and Change Wait at least 30 minutes before checking the
transmission fluid level if you have been driving:
A good time to check your automatic transmission fluid
level is when the engine oil is changed. Refer to the When outside temperatures are above 90°F (32°C).
Maintenance Schedule to determine when to change your At high speed for quite a while.
fluid. See “Scheduled Maintenance Services” in the Index.
0 In heavy traffic -- especially in hot weather.
0 While pulling a trailer.
To get the right reading, the fluid shouldbe at normal With the parking brake applied, place the shift lever
operating temperature, which is 180°F to 200°F in PARK (P).
(82°C to 93°C).
With your foot on the brake pedal, move the shift
To check transmission fluid hot:Get the vehicle lever through each gear range, pausing for about
warmed up bydriving about 15 miles (24 km) when three seconds in each range. Then, position the shift
outside temperatures are above 50°F (10°C). lever in PARK (P).
If it's colder than 50°F (10°C) drive the vehicle in Let the engine run at idle for three minutes or more.
DRIVE (D)until the engine temperature gage moves Then, without shutting off the engine, follow these steps:
and then remains steadyfor ten minutes. Then follow
the hot check procedures. 3800 Engine Transmission Dipstick
To check transmission fluidcold: A cold check is
made after the vehicle has been sitting for eight hours or
more with the engine off and is used onlyas a reference.
Let the engine run at idle for five minutes if outside
temperatures are 50°F (10°C) or more. If it's colder
than 50°F (lO"C), you may have to idle the engine
longer. Should the fluid levelbe low during a cold
check, you must perform a hot check before adding
fluid. This will give you a more accurate reading of the
fluid level.
To check the fluid hot or cold:
Park your vehicle on a level place. Keep the engine

3.4L Engine Transmission Dipstick 5.7L Engine Transmission Dipstick

1. Pull out the dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag or

paper towel.
2. Push it back in all the way, wait three seconds and
then pull it back out again.
3. Check both sides of the dipstick and read the lower

3.4 L and 5.7L Engines 3800 Engine TransmissionDipstick

4. If the fluid level is in the acceptable range, push the

dipstick back in all the way.

The fluid level mustbe in the COLD area for a cold

check or in the HOT area or cross-hatched area for a hot

n o w to Add Fluid Manual Transmlssion Fluid
Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine what
kind of transmission fluid to use. See “Recommended
How to Check
Fluids and Lubricants” in the Index. Because this operation can be difficult, you may choose
to have this done at your Chevrolet dealer Service
Add fluid only after checking the transmission fluid
HOT. (A COLD check is used only asa reference.) If
the fluid level is low, add only enough of the proper If you do it yourself, be sure to follow allthe
fluid to bring the level up to the HOT area for ahot instructions here, or you could get a falsereading.
check. It doesn’t take much fluid, generally less than a
pint. Don ’t over$iZZ. We recommend you use only fluid
labeled DEXRON@-111,because fluid with that label is
made especially for your automatic transmission.
Too much or too little fluid can damage your
Damage caused by fluid other than DEXRON@-I11is
transmission. Too much can mean that some of
not covered by your new vehicle warranty.
the fluid could come out and fall on hot engine
After adding fluid, recheck the fluid level as a fire. Be
parts or exhaust system parts, starting
described under “How to Check.” sure to get an accurate reading
if you check your
When the correct fluid level is obtained, push the transmission fluid.
dipstick back in all the way.
Check the fluid level only when yourengine is off, the
vehicle is parkedon a level place and the transmission is
cool enough for you to rest your fingers on the
transmission case.

Then, follow these steps: A fluid loss in this system could indicate a problem.
1. Remove the filler plug. Have the system inspected and repaired.

2. Check that the lubricant level is upto the bottom of When to Check and Whatto Use
the filler plug hole.
3. If the fluid level is good, install the plug and besure
it is fully seated.If the fluid level is low, add more
fluid as described in the nextsteps.
How to Add Fluid
Here’s how to add fluid. Referto the Maintenance
Schedule to determine what kind of fluid to use.
“Recommended Fluids and Lubricants” in the Index.
1. Remove the filler plug.
2. Add fluid at the filler plug hole. Add only enough
fluid to bring the fluid level up tothe bottom of the
filler plug hole.
3. Install the filler plug. Be sure the plug is fully seated. Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine how
Hydraulic Clutch often you should check the fluid level in your clutch
master cylinder reservoir and for the proper fluid. See
The hydraulic clutch linkage I n your vehicle is “Owner Checks and Services” and “Recommended
self-adjusting. The clutch mastercylinder reservoir is Fluids and Lubricants” in theIndex.
filled with hydraulic clutch fluid.
It isn’t agood idea to “top off’ your clutch fluid. Adding
fluid won’t correct a leak.
How to Check What to Use
The proper fluid should be added if the level is below Standard Differential
the “STEP” mark on the reservoir. See the instructions
on the reservoir cap. Use Axle Lubricant (GM Part No. 1052271) or SAE
8OW-90 GL-5 gear lubricant.
Rear Axle
Limited-Slip Differential
When to Check and Change Lubricant To add lubricant when the level is low, use Axle
Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine how Lubricant (GM Part No. 1052271) or SAE 8OW-90
often to check the lubricant and when tochange it. See GL-5 gear lubricant. To completely refill after draining,
“Periodic Maintenance Inspections” in the Index. add 4 ounces (1 18 ml) of Limited-Slip Differential
Lubricant Additive (GM Part No. 1052358).Then fill to
How to Check Lubricant the bottom of the filler plug hole with AxleLubricant
If the level is below the bottom of the filler plug hole, (GM Part No. 12345977) or SAE 8OW-90 GL-5 gear
you’ll need to add some lubricant. Add enough lubricant lubricant.
to raise the level to the bottom of the filler plug hole.

Engine Coolant
The following explains your cooling system and how to
add coolant when it is low. If you have a problem with
engine overheating or if you needto add coolant to your
radiator, see “Engine Overheating” in the Index.
The proper coolantfor your Chevrolet will:
Give freezing protection down to -34°F (-37°C).
Give boiling protectionup to 262”F ( 128* C ) .
Protect against rust and corrosion.
0 Help keep the proper engine temperature.
0 Let the warning lights work as they should.
What to Use
Use a mixture of one-half clean water (preferably
distilled) and one-half antifreeze that meets “GM
Specification 1825-M,” which won’t damage aluminum
parts. You can also use a recycled coolant conforming to If you use an improper coolant mix, your engine
GM Specification 1825-M with a complete coolant flush could overheat andbe badly damaged. The
and refill. If you use this mixture, you don’t needto add repair cost wouldn’t be covered by your
anything else. warranty. Too much water in the mix can freeze
and crack the engine, radiator, heater core and
other parts.

Adding Coolant 5.7L LT1 Engine Only

If this light comes on, it means you’re low on engine

To Add Coolant to the RecoveryTank
To Check Coolant
If you need more coolant, add the proper mix ut the
When your engine is cold, check the dipstick on the cap
of the coolant recovery tank. The coolant level should coolant recovery tank, but only whenyour engine is
cool. If the tank is very low or empty, also add coolant
be at COLD, or a little higher. When your engine is
to the radiator, see “Engine Overheating” in the Index
warm, the level on the dipstick should be up to theHOT,
for information.
or a little higher.

Radiator Pressure Cap (All Engines)

Your radiator cap is a18 psi (124 kPa)
pressure-type cap and must be tightly installed to
prevent coolant loss and possible engine damage
from overheating. Be sure the arrows on the cap
I line up with the overflow tube on the radiator
filler neck.
1 Add coolant mix at the recovery tank,but be careful not
, to spill it.
When you replace yourradiator pressure cap, anAC@
cap is recommended.
Engine coolant temperature is controlled bya thermostat
in the engine coolant system. The thermostat stops the
flow of coolant through theradiator until the coolant
reaches a preset temperature.
When you replace yourthermostat, an AC@thermostat
is recommended.

Power Steering Fluid 3800 Engine
3.4L Engine

5.7L Engine A fluid loss in this system could indicate a problem.
Have the system inspected and repaired.


How To Check Power Steering Fluid

When the engine compartment is hot, the level
When the engine compartment is cool, unscrew the cap should be at theH or HOT mark.
and wipethe dipstick with aclean rag. Replace the cap
and completely tightenit. Then remove the cap again When the engine compartment is cool, the level
and look at thefluid level on the dipstick. should be at theC or FULL COLD mark.
The level should be at theFULL COLD mark. Add
enough fluid to bring the level up to the mark.

What to Add To Add
Refer to the Maintenance Schedule to determine what
kind of fluid to use. See “Recommended Fluids and
car ” in the Index.

When adding power steering fluid or making a
complete fluid change, always use the proper
fluid. Failure to use the proper fluid can cause
leaks and damage hoses and seals.

Windshield Washer Fluid

What to Use
Open the cap labeled WASHER FLUID ONLY. Add
When you need windshield washer fluid, be sure to read washer fluid until the tank is full.
the manufacturer’s instructions before use. If you will be
operating your vehicle in an area where the temperature
may fall below freezing, use a fluid that has sufficient
protection against freezing.

- 6-33
When using concentrated washer fluid,
follow the manufacturer’s instructions for
adding water.
Don’t mix water with ready-to-use washer
fluid. Water can cause the solution to freeze
and damage your washer fluidtank and
other partsof the washer system. Also,
water doesn’t cleanas well as washer fluid.
0 Fill your washer fluid tank only 314 full
when it’s very cold.This allows for
expansion, which coulddamage the tank if
it is completely full. There are only two reasons why the brakefluid level in
Don’t use radiator antifreeze in your your master cylinder might go down. The first is that the
windshield washer.It can damageyour brake fluid goes down to an acceptable level during
washer systemand paint. normal brake lining wear. When newlinings are put in,
the fluid levelgoes back up. The other reason is that
fluid is leakingout of the brake system.If it is, you
Brakes should have your brake systemfixed, since a leak means
that sooner or later your brakes won’t work well, or
Brake Master Cylinder won’t work at all.So, it isn’t a good idea to “top off’
Your brake master cylinder is here.It is filled with your brake fluid. Adding brake fluid won’t correct a
DOT-3 brake fluid. leak. If you add fluid when your liningsare worn, then
you’ll have too much fluid when you get new brake
linings. You should add (or remove) brake fluid, as
necessary, only when work is doneon the brake To Check Brake Fluid
hydraulic system.

Refer to theMaintenance Schedule to determine when to

check your brake fluid. See“Periodic Maintenance
Inspections’’ inthe Index.
You can check the brake fluid without taking off the cap.
Just look at the brake fluid reservoir.The fluid level should
be above the plastic seam in the reservoir. If it isn’t, have
your brake system checked to see if there is a leak.
After work is done on the brake hydraulic system, make
sure the level is above the plastic seam, near the base of
the filler neck.

What to Add Brake Wear
When you do need brake fluid, use only DOT-3 brake Unless you have the four-wheel disc brake option, your
fluid -- such as Delco Supreme II@(GM Part Chevrolet has front disc brakes and rear drum brakes.
No. 1052535). Use new brake fluid from a sealed
container only, andalways clean the brake fluid Disc brake pads have built-in wear indicators that makea
reservoir cap before removing it. high-pitched warning sound when the brake padsare
worn and new pads are needed. The sound may come and

Don’t let someoneput in thewrong kind of
go or be heard all the time your vehicleis moving (except
when you are pushing on the brake pedal firmly).

fluid. For example, just a few drops of

mineral-based oil, suchas engine oil, in
your brake system can damage brake
system parts so badly that they’ll haveto be
Brake fluid can damage paint, so be careful
not to spill brake fluid on your vehicle. If
you do, wash it off immediately. See
“Appearance Care” in the Index.
Continuing to drive with worn-outbrake pads
could result in costlybrake repair.

Some driving conditions or climates may cause a brake If your brake pedal goes down farther than normal, your
squeal when the brakes are first applied or lightly rear drum brakes may need adjustment. Adjust them by
applied. This does not mean something is wrong with backing up and firmly applying the brakes a few times.
your brakes.
Replacing Brake System Parts
If you have rear drum brakes, they don’thave wear
indicators, but if you ever hear a rear brake rubbing The braking system on a modern vehicle is complex.
noise, have the rear brake linings inspected. Also, the Its many parts have: tobe of top quality and work well
rear brake drums should be removed and inspected each together if the vehicle is to have really good braking.
time the tires are removed for rotation or changing. Vehicles wedesign and test have top-quality GM brake
When you have the front brakes replaced, have the rear parts in them, as your Chevrolet does when it is new.
brakes inspected, too. When you replace parts of your braking system -- for
example, when your brake linings wear down and you
Brake linings should always be replaced as complete have to have new ones put in -- be sure you get new
axle sets. genuine GM replacement parts. If you don’t, your
Brake Pedal Travel brakes may no longer work properly. For example, if
someone puts in brakelinings that are wrong for your
See your dealer if the brake pedal does not return to vehicle, the balance between yourfront and rear brakes
normal height, or if there is a rapid increase in pedal can change -- for the worse. The braking performance
travel. This could be a sign of brake trouble. you’ve come to expect can change in many other ways if
someone puts in t+ wrong replacement brake parts.
Brake Adjustment
Every time you make a moderate brake stop, your disc
brakes adjust for wear. If you rarely make a moderate or
heavier stop, then your brakes might not adjust correctly.
If you drive in that way, then -- very carefully -- make
a few moderate brake stops about every 1,000 miles
(1600 km), so your brakes will adjust properly.
Battery Bulb Replacement
Every new Chevrolet has a Delco Freedom@battery. For the proper type of replacement bulb,
You never have to add water to one of these. When it’s “Replacement Bulbs” in the Index.
time for a new battery, werecommend a Delco
Freedom’ battery. Get one that has the replacement Halogen Bulbs
number shown on the original battery’s label.
Vehicle Storage
If you’re not going todrive your vehicle for 25 days or
more, take off the black, negative (-) cable from the
battery. This will help keep your battery from running

Headlamp Aiming
Your vehicle has the55 x 135 mini-quad headlamp
system. These headlamps have horizontal and vertical
aim indicators. The aim has been pre-set at thefactory
and should needno further adjustment.
If your vehicle isdamaged in an accident and the
headlamp aim seems to beaffected, see your Chevrolet
dealer. Headlamps on damaged vehicles may require
Contact your dealer to learn how to prepare your vehicle
recalibration of the horizontal aim by your Chevrolet
for longer storage periods.

To check the aim, the vehicle should be properly It is recommended that the upper limit not exceed plus
prepared as follows: 0.4 degrees for the center of the bubble. Other drivers
may flash their bright lights at you if youradjustment is
The vehicle must have all four tires on a perfectly
much above plus0.4 degrees.
level surface.
If you find that the headlamp aiming needs adjustment,
0 The vehicle should not have any snow, ice, or mud
follow these steps:
attached to it.
To adjust the aim of your headlamps:
There should not be any cargo or loading of vehicle,
except it should have a fulltank of gas and one 1. Move your vehicle to a level surface. Use a spirit
person or 160 pounds (75 kg) on the driver’s seat. level to be sure. Be sure to remove any items that are
not part of your original equipment from the trunk
0 Tires should be properly inflated.
and passenger areas. No one should be seated in the
0 The horizontal indicator should read “0.” vehicle and yourfuel tank should beabout half full.
Check to be sure your tires are at the correct

To make sure your headlamps are aimed

properly, read all the instructions before

beginning. Failure tofollow these instructions
could cause damage to headlamp parts.

State inspection stations will allow a vertical reading of

plus 0.76 degrees or minus 0.76 degrees for the center of
the bubble.

There are four headlamps. Each one has its own 2. Start with the horizontal (left and right)headlamp
vertical and horizontalaim position indicator. Each aim. Don’t try to adjust the vertical (up and down)
indicator has its own aiming screw. aim first.
A. Vertical Indicator 3. Check the horizontal aim for each headlamp and
. Horizontal Indicator
! adjust it as necessary.
C . Vertical Aiming Screw 4. Turn the horizontal aimingscrew until the pointer is
lined up with the0 (zero).
D. Horizontal Aiming Screw

To Replace a Headlamp
Before replacing a headlamp that does not light, check
to make sure that the wiring connector is securely
fastened to it.
See “Replacement Bulbs” in the Index to check the size
and type of headlamp you need touse before you begin
to replace the headlamp. You must replace a headlamp
with one that is exactly the same.
Be careful not to move the aiming screws when you
replace the headlamp.If the headlamp being replaced
was properly aimed, the new one will be also if it is
properly installed.

5. Now adjust the vertical aim. Check the vertical aim

for each headlamp and adjust it asnecessary.
6. Turn the vertical aiming screw until the bubble in the
level is centered at 0 (zero).
7. If the gage readings are not centered, repeat steps 2
and 3.
Try not to touch threaded parts other than the vertical
and horizontal aiming screws.

1. Remove the Torx@head screws at the end of the 2. The aiming ring will swing open like a gate. Remove
aiming ring. the aiming ring from the assembly.Place it face
down, with the aim indicatorup. Be careful not to
damage the aiming bubble.

4. Check the new headlamp again. The number on the
lamp must match the number ofthe headlamp being
replaced. The letter U or L must also match.
5. Plug the wiring connector into the headlamp socket.
Snap the locking tabs onto the socket.
6. Place the new headlamp in the headlamp assembly.
The socket must be pointing in the same direction
the socket on the burned out bulb was.
7. Insert the tabs on the aiming ring into the tabs in the
headlamp assembly.
8. Hold the aiming ring closed, insert the screws at the
end of the ring. Tighten the screws until the aiming
ring touches the plastic nuts on both the top and
3. Pull the headlamp out of the assembly. Remove the bottom. Do not overtighten. Do not damage the
wiring connector from the headlamp socket by lifting vertical aiming bubble.
the plastic locking tabs on the connector and pulling
it from the socket.

Center High-Mounted Stoplamp

9. Check the headlamp aim indicators. The horizontal

indicator (A) should be on0 (zero). If the vehicle
is level, the vertical indicator (B) should also be on To replace the bulb:
0 (zero). If the vehicle isn’t level, check the vertical
1. Remove the two screws in the stoplamp lens.
aim on a level surface as soon as you can. If either
indicator doesn’t read 0 (zero), adjust the headlamp 2. Gently pull assembly out and remove bulb from the
aim. See “Adjusting Headlamp Aim” in the Index. back of the assembly.
If your vehicle is damagedin an accident and the headlamp 3. Reverse the steps with a new bulb.
aim seems to be fleeted, see your Chevrolet dealer.
Headlamps on damaged vehicles may require recalibration
of the horizontal aim by your Chevrolet dealer.

Front Turn Signal Rear lamps
To change any rear bulb, youhave to remove the entire
1. Remove the trim panel from the side that you are
replacing the bulb.

I . Using a screwdriver, remove the plastic screws from

the deflector under the vehicle. Move the deflector
out of the way.
2. Turn and pull out the socket and the bulb.
3. Pull out the bulb. 2. Pull the carpet back.
4. Reverse the steps with a new bulb. 3. Remove the wing nuts.

Rear Sidemarker

4. Pull the assembly off from the outside.

5. To remove a socket with a tab, press the tab and turn
To replace a rear sidemarker bulb:
the socket counterclockwise. To remove a socket
without atab, turn the socket counterclockwise. 1. Remove the screw from the sidemarker assembly.
6. To remove the bulb, push in and turn it 2. To pull out the bulb housing, tilt the housingto
counterclockwise, then pull it out. remove the tabbed end.
7. Reverse the steps with a new bulb.
Wiper Blade Assembly Replacement

3. Turn counterclockwise and pull out the socket and

the bulb.
Replacement blades come in different types and are
4. Pull out the bulb. removed in different ways.
5. Reverse the steps with a new bulb. To remove the wiper blade assembly:
1. Lift the wiper arm until it locks into an upright
2. Press the locking tab down while sliding the blade
assembly down.
Wiper Blade Element Replacement To replace the wiper blade element refer to the wiper
blade assembly replacement instructions.To replace the
element follow these steps:
1. Locate the heel end of the wiper blade assembly that
has the two notches held by the wiper blade claw.
2. Hold the wiper blade assembly withone hand and
pull the element gently with theother hand.
(Replacement blade elements have three plastic caps
which retain two metalflexor strips. Do not remove
these caps before the element is installed).
3. At the heel end of the wiper blade assembly, notched
end of bladeelement last, slide the blade element
into the blade claw sets. The plastic retainer caps
will be forced off as element is fully inserted. Make
sure that all the claw sets are properly engaged in the
slots of the blade element.
4. Install wiper blade assembly on wiper arm.

We don’t make tires. Your new vehicle comes with high
quality tires made by a leading tire manufacturer. These
tires are warranted by the tire manufacturers and their
warranties are delivered with every new Chevrolet. If
your spare tire is a different brand than your road tires,
you will have a tire warranty folder from each of these

Inflation Tire Pressure
The Tire-Loading Information label which is on the NOTICE:
driver’s door shows the correct inflationpressures for Don’t let anyone tell you that underinflation or
your tires, when they’re cold. “Cold” means your overinflation isall right. It’s not. If your tires
vehicle has been sitting for at least three hours or driven don’t have enoughair (underinflation) you can
no more than a mile. get:
If you’ll be driving at speeds higher than 100 mph Too much flexing
(160 kmk)where it is legal, raise the “cold” inflation Too much heat
pressure of each tire to 35 psi (240 kPa). When you end Tire overloading
this very high speeddriving, reduce the “cold” inflation Bad wear
pressures to those listed on the Tire-Loading
0 Bad handling
Information Label.
Bad fuel economy.
If your tires have too muchair (overinflation),
you can get:
Unusual wear
Bad handling
Rough ride
Needless damage from road hazards.

When to Check Tires” and “Wheel Replacement” later in this section for
more information.
Check your tires once a month or more.
The purpose of regular rotation is to achieve more
Don’t forget your compact spare tire. It should be at
uniform wear for all tires on the vehicle. The first
60 psi (420 kPa).
rotation is the most important. See “Scheduled
DW to Check Maintenance Services” in the Index for scheduled
rotation intervals.
use agood quality pocket-type gage to check tire
pressure. Simply looking at the tires will not tell you the
pressure, especially if you have radial tires -- which
may look properlyinflated even if they’re underinflated.
[* -7
If your tires have valve caps, be sure to put them back
on. They help prevent leaks by keeping out dirt and
Tire Inspection and Rotation
Tires should be inspected every 6,000 to 8,000 miles
(10 000 to 13 000 km) for any signs of unusual wear.
If unusual wear is present, rotate your tires as soon as
possible and check wheel alignment. Also check for If you don’t have P245/5OZR16 Goodyear Eagle GS-C
damaged tires or wheels. See “When it’s Time for New ires, use the rotation pattern shown above for your tires.

After the tires have been rotated, adjust the front and
rear inflation pressures as shown on the Tire-Loading
Information label. Make certain that all wheelnuts are
properly tightened. See “Wheel Nut Torque” inthe

If you haveP245/50ZR 16 Goodyear Eagle GS-C tires,
they must roll in a certain direction for the best overall
performance. The direction is shown by an arrow on
both sidewalls. Because these tires aredirectional, they
should be rotated as shown here. Thesetires should only
be moved fromfront to rear andrear to front on the
same side of the vehicle.
When it’s Time for New Tires Buying New Tires
One way to tell when it’s To find out what kind andsize of tires you need, look at
time for new tires is to the Tire-Loading Information label.
check the treadwear The tires installed on your vehicle whenit was new had
indicators, which will a Tire Performance Criteria Speci€ication(TPC Spec)
appear when your tires have number on each tire’s sidewall. When you get new tires,
only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) or get ones with that same TPC Spec number. That way,
less of tread remaining. your vehicle will continue to have tires that are designed
to give proper endurance, handling, speed rating,
traction, ride and other things during normalservice on
your vehicle. If your tires have an all-season tread
design, the TPC number will be followed by an “MS”
(for mud and snow).
You need a new tire i f If you ever replace your tires with those not having a
a You can see the indicators at three or more places TPC Spec number, make sure they are the same size,
around the tire. load range, speed rating and construction type (bias,
bias-belted or radial) as your original tires.
a You can see cord or fabric showing through the tire’s
a The tread or sidewall is cracked, cut or snagged deep
enough to show cord or fabric.
e The tire has a bump, bulge or split.
a The tire has a puncture, cut, or other damage that
can’t be repaired well because of the size or location
of the damage.
The treadwear grade is a comparative rating basedon
the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled
conditions on a specified governmenttest course. For
example, a tire graded 150 would wear one and a half
(1 1/2) times as wellon the government course as a tire
graded 100. The relative performance of tires depends
upon the actual conditions of their use, however, and
may depart significantly from the norm due to variations
in drivinghabits, service practices and differencesin
road characteristics and climate.
Traction A, B, C
Uniform Tire Quality Grading The traction grades, from highestto lowest are: A, B,
and C. They represent the tire’s abilityto stop on wet
I The following information relates to the system pavement as measured under controlled conditions on
I developed by the United States National Highway specified governmenttest surfaces of asphalt and
i Traffic Safety Administration which grades tires by concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction
~ treadwear,tractionand temperature performance. (This performance.
applies only to vehicles soldin the United States.)
Warning: The traction grade assignedto this tire is based
on braking (straight-ahead) traction tests anddoes not
include cornering (turning) traction.

Temperature A, B, C While the tires available as standard or optional
equipment on General Motors vehicles may vary with
The temperature grades are A (the highest),B, and C,
respect to these grades, all such tires meet General
representing the tire’s resistance to the generation of
heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested under Motors performance standards and have beenapproved
controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory for use on General Motors vehicles. All passenger type
test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the (P Metric) tires must conform to Federal safety
material of the tire todegenerate and reduce tire life, and requirements in addition to these grades.
excessive temperature can lead to sudden tire failure. Wheel Alignment andTire Balance
The grade C corresponds to a level of performance
which all passenger car tires must meet under the The wheels on yourvehicle were aligned and balanced
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades carefully at the factory to give you the longest tire life
B and A represent higher levels of performance on the and best overall performance.
laboratory test wheel than the minimum required by law. In most cases, you will not need to have your wheels
Warning: The temperature grade for this tire is aligned again. However, if you notice unusualtire wear
established for atire that is properly inflated and not or your vehicle pulling one way or the other, the
overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation, or alignment may need to be reset. If you notice your
excessive loading, either separately or in combination, vehicle vibrating when driving on a smooth road, your
can cause heat buildup and possible tire failure. wheels may needto be rebalanced.
These grades are molded on the sidewalls of passenger
car tires.

Wheel Replacement
Replace any wheel thatis bent, cracked, or badly rusted
or corroded. If wheelnuts keep coming loose, the wheel,
wheel bolts, and wheelnuts should be replaced. If the
wheel leaks air, replace it (except some aluminum
wheels, which can sometimes be repaired). See your
Chevrolet dealer if any of these conditions exist.
Your dealer will know the kind of wheel you need.
Each new wheel should have the same load carrying
capacity, diameter,width, offset, and be mounted the
same way as the one it replaces.
If you needto replace any of your wheels, wheel bolts,
or wheel nuts, replace them only with new GM original
equipment parts. This way, you will be sure to have the
right wheel, wheel bolts, andwheel nuts for your
Chevrolet model. The wrong wheel can also cause problems with
bearing life, brake cooling,
speedometerlodometer calibration, headlamp
aim, bumper height, vehicle ground clearance,
I and tire or tire chain clearanceto the body and

Used Replacement Wheels Tire Chains

If your Chevrolet has P235/55R16 or
P245150ZRl6 size tires, don’t use tire chains;
they can damage your vehicle.
If you have other tires, use tire chains only where
legal and only when you must. Use onlySAE
Class “S” type chains that arethe propersize for
your tires. Install them on the rear tires and
tighten them as tightly as possible with the ends
securely fastened. Drive slowly and follow the
chain manufacturer’s instructions. If you can
hear the chains contacting your vehicle, stop and
retighten them. If the contact continues, slow
down until it stops. Drivingtoo fast or spinning
the wheels withchains on willdamage your

Appearance Care Don’t use any of these unless this manualsays you can.
In many uses, these will damage your vehicle:
Remember, cleaning products can behazardous. Some
are toxic. Others can burst into flame if you strike a Alcohol
match or get them on a hot part of the vehicle. Some are Laundry Soap
dangerous if you breathe their fumes in a closed space.
When you use anything from a container to clean your
Chevrolet, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s ReducingAgents
warnings and instructions. And always open your doors
or windows whenyou’re cleaning the inside, Cleaning the Inside of Your Chevrolet
Never use these to clean your vehicle: Use a vacuum cleaner often to get rid of dust and loose
dirt. Wipe vinyl or leather with a clean, damp cloth.
Your Chevrolet dealer has two GM cleaners, a
Benzene solvent-type spot lifter and afoam-type powdered
Naphtha cleaner. They willclean normal spots and stains very
well. Do not use them on vinylor leather.
0 CarbonTetrachloride
Here are some cleaning tips:
0 Acetone
0 Always read the instructions on the cleaner label.
Paint Thinner
Clean up stains as soon as you can -- before they set.
0 Use a clean cloth or sponge, and change to a clean area
Lacquer Thinner often. A soft brush may be used if stains are stubborn.
0 Nail Polish Remover 0 Use solvent-type cleaners in a well-ventilated area
They can all be hazardous-- some more than others -- only. If you use them, don’t saturate the stained area.
and they can all damage your vehicle, too. 0 If a ring forms after spot cleaning, clean the entire
area immediately or it will set.
Using Foam-Type Cleaner on Fabric Using Solvent-Qpe Cleaner on Fabric
0 Vacuum and brushthe area to remove any loose dirt. First, see if you have to use solvent-type cleaner at all.
0 Always clean a whole trim panel or section. Mask Some spots and stains will clean offbetter with just
water and mild soap.
surrounding trim along stitch or welt lines.
0 Mix Multi-Purpose Powdered Cleaner following the
If you need to use a solvent:
directions on the container label. Gently scrape excess soil from the trim material with
0 Use suds only and apply witha clean sponge. a clean,dull knife or scraper. Use verylittle cleaner,
light pressure and clean cloths (preferably
0 Don’t saturate the material. cheesecloth). Cleaning should start at the outside of
0 Don’t rub it roughly. the stain, “feathering” toward the center.Keep
changing to a clean section of the cloth.
0 As soon as you’vecleaned the section, use a sponge
0 When you clean a stain from fabric, immediately dry
to remove the suds.
the area with a blow dryer to help preventa cleaning
0 Rinse the section with a clean, wet sponge. ring. (See the previous NOTICE.)
0 Wipe off what’s left with a slightly damp paper towel
or cloth. Fabric Protection
0 Then dry it immediately with a blow dryer or a heat Your Chevrolet has upholstery andcarpet that has been
lamp. treated with Scotchgard” Fabric Protector, a 3M
product. Scotchgard protects fabrics by repelling oil

and water, which are the carriers of most stains. Even

NOTICE: with this protection, you still need to clean your
upholstery and carpet often to keep it looking new.
Be careful.A blow dryer may scorch the fabric.
Further information on cleaning is available by calling
1-800-433-3296 (in Minnesota, 1-800-642-6167).
Wipe with a clean cloth.
Special Cleaning Problems If a stain remains, follow the foam-type instructions
described earlier.
Greasy or Oily Stains
If an odor lingers after cleaning vomit or urine,
Stains caused by grease, oil, butter, margarine, shoe treat the area witha waterhakingsoda solution:
polish, coffee with cream, chewing gum, cosmetic 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of baking soda to 1 cup (250 ml)
creams, vegetable oils, wax crayon, tar and asphalt can of lukewarm water.
be removed as follows:
If needed, clean lightly with solvent-type cleaner.
Carefully scrape off excess stain.
Combination Stains
Follow the solvent-type instructions described
earlier. Stains caused by candy, ice cream, mayonnaise, chili
sauce and unknown stains can be removed as follows:
Shoe polish, wax crayon, tar and asphalt will stain if
left on a vehicle seat fabric. They should be removed 0 Carefully scrape off excess stain, then clean with
as soon as possible. Becareful, because the cleaner cool water and allow to dry.
will dissolve them and may cause them to spread. If a stain remains, clean it with solvent-type cleaner.
Non-Greasy Stains Cleaning Vinyl
Stains caused by catsup, coffee (black), egg, fruit, fruit Use warm water anda clean cloth.
juice, milk, soft drinks, wine, vomit, urine and blood can
be removed asfollows: Rub with a clean, damp cloth to remove dirt. You
may have to do it more than once.
Carefully scrape off excess stain, then sponge the
soiled area with cool water. 0 Things like tar, asphalt and shoe polish will stain if
you don’t get them off quickly. Use a clean cloth and
a GM VinylLeather Cleaner or equivalent product.

Cleaning Leather Care of Safety Belts
Use a soft cloth with lukewarm water and a mild soap or Keep belts clean and dry.
saddle soap.
For stubborn stains, use a GM Vinylkeather Cleaner
or equivalent product.
0 Never use oils, varnishes, solvent-based or abrasive
cleaners, furniture polish or shoe polish on leather.
0 Soiled leather should be cleaned immediately. If dirt
is allowed to work into finish, it can harm the
Cleaning theTop of the Instrument Panel
I Use only mild soap and water to clean the top surfaces Glass
of the instrument panel. Sprays containing silicones or Glass should be cleaned often. GM Glass Cleaner (GM
I waxes may cause annoying reflections in the windshield Part No. 1050427) or a liquid household glass cleaner
and even make it difficult to seethrough the windshield will remove normal tobacco smoke and dust films.
under certain conditions.
Don’t use abrasive cleaners on glass, because they may
cause scratches. Avoid placing decals on the inside rear
window, since they may have to be scraped off later. If
abrasive cleaners are used on the inside of the rear
window, an electric defogger element may be damaged.
Any temporary license should not be attached across the
defogger grid.

Cleaning the Outsideof the Cleaning a Removable Roof Panel
Windshield and Wiper Blades Special care is necessary when cleaning, removing
If the windshield is not clear after using the windshield and/or storing the roof panel.
washer, or if the wiper blade chatters when running, wax Flush with water to remove dust and dirt, then dry
or other material may be on the blade or windshield. the panel.
Clean the outside of the windshield with GM 0 Clean the panel with GM Glass Cleaner. Leave the
Windshield Cleaner, Bon-Ami Powder’ (GM Part No. cleaner on the panel for one minute, then wipe the
1050011). The windshield is clean if beads do not form panel with a soft, lint-free cloth.
when you rinse it with water.
0 Don’t use abrasive cleaning materials.
Clean the blade by wiping vigorously with acloth
soaked in full strength windshield washer solvent. Then Cleaning the Outsideof Your
rinse the blade with water. Chevrolet
Wiper blades should be checked on a regular basis and The paint finish on your vehicle provides beauty, depth
replaced when worn. of color, gloss retention and durability.
Weatherstrips Washing Your Vehicle
Silicone grease on weatherstrips will make them last The best way to preserve your vehicle’s finish
is to keep
longer, seal better, and not stick or squeak. Apply it clean by washing it often with lukewarmor cold water.
silicone grease with a clean cloth atleast every six
months. During very cold, damp weather more frequent Don’t wash your vehicle in the direct rays of the sun.
application may be required. (See “Recommended Don’t use strong soaps or chemical detergents. Use
Fluids and Lubricants” in the Index.) liquid hand, dish or carwashing (mild detergent) soaps.
Don’t use cleaning agents that are petroleum based, or
that contain acid or abrasives. All cleaning agents

should be flushed promptly and notallowed to dry on
the surface, or they could stain. Dry the finishwith a
soft, clean chamois or a 100%cotton towel to avoid
surface scratches and water spotting. Machine compoundingor aggressive polishing on
a basecoatlclearcoat paint finish may dull the
High pressure car washes may cause water to enter your finish or leave swirl marks.
Finish Care Foreign materials such as calcium chloride and other
Occasional waxing or mild polishing of your Chevrolet salts, ice melting agents, road oil and tar, tree sap, bird
by hand maybe necessary to remove residue from the droppings, chemicals from industrial chimneys, etc. can
paint finish. You can get GM approved cleaning damage your vehicle’s finish if they remain on painted
products from your dealer. (See “Appearance Care and surfaces. Wash the vehicle as soon aspossible. If
Materials” in the Index.) necessary, use non-abrasive cleaners that are marked
safe for painted surfaces to remove foreign matter.
Your Chevrolet has a “basecoatklearcoat”paint finish.
The clearcoat gives more depth and gloss to the colored Exterior painted surfaces are subject to aging, weather
basecoat. Always use waxes and polishes that are and chemical fallout that can take their toll overa period
non-abrasive and made for abasecoatlclearcoat paint of years. You can help to keep the paint finish looking
finish. new by keeping your Chevrolet garaged or covered
whenever possible.

Cleaning Your Convertible Top Aluminum Wheels (If So Equipped)
Your convertible top should be cleaned often. If you use Your aluminum wheels have a protectivecoating similar
an automatic car wash, use one with waterjets and to the painted surfaceof your car. Don’tuse strong
hanging cloths. soaps, chemicals, chrome polish, abrasive cleaners or
When you hand wash the top, do it in partial shade. abrasive cleaning brushes on them because you could
damage this coating. After rinsing thoroughly,a wax
Vacuum away anydust and other material. Use a mild
soap, lukewarm water and asoft sponge. A chamois or may be applied.
cloth may leave lint on the top, and a brushcan chafe I
the threads in the top fabric. Don’t use detergents, harsh
cleaners, solvents or bleaching agents.
If you have aluminum wheels, don’t use an
When you clean the top, putone hand under itto
support it. Wet the entire vehicle and wash the top automatic car wash that has hard silicon carbide
evenly to avoid spots or rings. Let the soap remain on cleaning brushes. These brushes can take the
the fabric for a few minutes. When the topis really dirty, protective coatingoff your aluminum wheels.
use a mild foam-type cleaner.Thoroughly rinse the
entire vehicle, then let the top dry in direct sunlight.
To protect the convertible top:
To clean your tires, use a stiff brush with
a tire cleaner.
After you wash the vehicle, make sure the top is
completely dry before you lower it. When applying a tire dressing always takecare to wipe
off any overspray orsplash from painted surfaces.
Don’t get any cleaner on the vehicle’s painted finish; Petroleum-based products maydamage the paint finish.
it could leave streaks.
If you decide to go through an automatic car wash,
ask the manager if the equipment could damage your

Sheet Metal Damage exhaust system even though they have corrosion
If your vehicle is damaged and requires sheet metal
repair or replacement, make surethe body repair shop At least every spring, flush these materials from the
applies anti-corrosion material to the parts repaired or underbody with plain water.Clean any areas where mud
replaced to restore corrosion protection. and other debris can collect. Dirt packed in closed areas
of the frame should be loosened before being flushed.
Finish Damage Your dealer or an underbody vehicle washing system
can do this for you.
Any stone chips,fractures or deep scratches in the finish
should be repaired right away. Bare metal will corrode Chemical Paint Spotting
quickly and may develop into a major repair expense.
Some weather and atmospheric conditions can create a
Minor chips and scratches can be repaired with touch-up chemical fallout. Airborne pollutants can fall upon and
materials available from your dealer or other service attack painted surfaces on your vehicle. This damage
outlets. Larger areas of finish damage can be corrected can take two forms: blotchy, ringlet-shaped
in your dealer’s body and paint shop. discolorations, and small irregular dark spots etched into
the paint surface.
Underbody Maintenance
Although no defect in the paint job causes this,
Chemicals used for iceand snow removal and dust Chevrolet will repair, at no charge to the owner, the
control can collect on the underbody. If these are not surfaces of new vehicles damaged by this fallout
removed, accelerated corrosion (rust) can occur on the condition within 12 months or 12,000 miles (20 000 km)
underbody parts such as fuel lines, frame, floor pan, and of purchase, whichever comes first.

Appearance Care and Maintenance Materials
You can get these from your GM Parts Department.


* Not recommended for pigskin suede leather.

See your General Motors Parts Departments for these products.
See your Maintenance Schedule for other products.

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Engine Identification

The eighth character in your VIN is the engine code.
This code will help you identify your engine,
specifications, and replacement parts.
1111 111111I IIII11111111II I I I I I Il l 11111I1111111111Il I IllIIIII
Service Parts Identification
/ #

You’ll find this label inside your console storage
compartment. It’s very helpfulif you ever need to order
parts. On this label is:
This is the legal identifier for your Chevrolet. It appears your VIN,
on a plate in the front corner of the instrument panel, on 0 the model designation,
the driver’s side. You can see it if you look through the
windshield from outside your vehicle. The VIN also paint information, and
appears on the Vehicle Certification and Service Parts a list of all production options and special
labels and the certificates of title and registration. equipment.
Be sure that this label is not removed from the vehicle.

Add-on Electrical Equipment Fuses and Circuit Breakers

’ Don’t add anything electrical to your Chevrolet
unless you check with your dealer first. Some
electrical equipment can damage your vehicle
and the damage wouldn’t be covered by your
warranty. Some add-on electrical equipment can
keep other components from working as they

Your vehicle has an air bag system. Before attempting to

add anything electrical to your Chevrolet, see “Servicing
Your Air Bag-Equipped Chevrolet” in the Index.
The wiring circuits in your vehicle are protected from
short circuits by a combination of fuses, circuit breakers,
and fusible thermal links inthe wiring itself. This
greatly reduces the chance of fires caused by electrical
There are two fuse centers on your vehicle. One is in the
left side of your instrument panel.

The headlamp wiring is protectedby a circuit breaker.
An electrical overload will cause the lamps to go on and
off, or in some cases to remain off. If this happens, have
your headlamp wiring checked right away.
Windshield Wipers
The windshield wiper motor is protectedby a circuit
breaker and a fuse.If the motor overheats due to heavy
snow, etc., the wiper will stop until the motor cools.If
the overload is causedby some electrical problem and
not snow,etc., be sure to get it fixed.
Power Windows and Other Power Options
The other is in the engine compartment. Open the cover Circuit breakers protect the power windows and other
on either of the boxes to expose the fuses. power accessories. When the current load is too heavy,
Look at the silver-colored band inside the fuse. If the the circuit breaker opens and closes, protecting the
band is broken or melted, replace the fuse. Besure you circuit until the problem is fixed or goes away.
replace a bad fuse with a new one of the correct size.
If you ever have a problem on the road and don’t havea
spare fuse, you can borrow one of the correct value. Just
pick some feature of your vehicle that you can get along
without - like the radio or cigarette lighter - and use
its fuse, if it is the size you need. Replace it as soon as
you can.
Underhood Electrical Center Fuses






1. ABS BAT Electronic Brake Control Module Relays
2. FOG LTS: Fog Lamps B --Air Conditioning Compressor
3. Not Used C --Anti-Lock Brake System
4. Not Used D --Primary Coolant Fan (Driver Side)
5 . ABS IGN: Anti-Lock Brake System E--Air Pump
6. FAN/ACTR: Coolant Fan Relays; EVAP Canister F --Secondary Coolant Fan (Passenger Side)
Purge Solenoid; Exhaust Gas Recirculation; Low G--ASR
Coolant Re1ay;Reverse Lockout Solenoid
H--Fog Lamps
7. AIR PUMP: Air Injection Pump Assembly; Air
Pump Relay J--Not Used
8. PCM: Power Train Control Module
9. INJECTOR: Fuel Injectors
10. INJECTOR: Fuel Injectors
11. IGNITION: VIN Engine Code S: Camshaft Position
Sensor;Crankshaft Position Sensor; Electronic
Ignition Module VIN Engine Code P: Ignition Coil;
Ignition Coil Driver
12. A/C-CRUISE: Air Conditioning Compressor Relay;
Cruise Control Switches and Module

Main Fuse Block 6. STOPEIAZARD: Brake Lamp/Cruise Release
Switch; Hazard Flasher
7. PWR ACCY Power Door Locks; Power Mirrors;
1 6

8. COURTESY: Audio Alarm Module; Courtesy

Lamps: Console Compartment, Glove Box, Dome,
Trunk, Rear Courtesy, Rearview Mirror and Radio
12[--1 11- gn
D E F O G / S E A T S CIGAR/HORN TAIL L T S GAGES 9. GAGES: Audio Alarm Module; Daytime Running
8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 lamps Module (Canada); Diagnostic Energy Reserve
Module; Instrument Cluster; Remote Lock Control
PRINTED IN U.S.A 10264034

11. C I G A W O R N : Cigarette Lighter; Horn Relay

12. DEFOG/SEATS: Power Seats; Rear Defogger
1. AIR BAG: SIR Components (Circuit Breaker)
2. TURN B-U: Backup Lamp; Daytime Running 13. IP DIMMER: Brightness Control
Lamps Module (Canada); Turn Flasher 14. WIPEIUWASH: Windshield WiperNasher
3. HVAC: Heater Control Selector Switch (Heater/Air 15. WINDOWS: Power Windows, Convertible Top
Conditioner); Rear Defogger
Switch (Circuit Breaker)
16.CRANK: Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
5. PCM IGN: Powertrain Control Module; PASS-Key 17.RADIO: Radio Amplifier
II@DecoderModule; Fuel Pump Relay
Replacement Bulbs
Ashtray* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Heaterand A/C Control ....................... 37
AutomaticTransmissionIndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 HighBeamIndicator ........................ 161
Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1141 IndicatorLights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
CenterHigh-MountedStoplamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921 InteriorDoorHandle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 License .................................. 194
Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212-2
Dome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906 RearCourtesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
DoorCourtesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Sidemarker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Fog ...................................... 885 TailOnly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
FrontParkingandTurn Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2397 Tail/Stop/Turn ............................ 2057
GloveBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Trunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
Headlamp (Low Beam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-4351 Turn SignalIndicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Headlamp (High Beam) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H-4352

*Manual transmissiononly.

Capacities and Specifications Capacities (Approximate)
Engine The following approximate capacities are given in U.S.
and metric conversions.
Type Air Conditioning? . . . . . See the refrigerant information
VIN Engine Code S and K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V6 label under the hood.
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V8 Automatic Transmission
Fuel Delivery ...................... Fuel Injection Drain and Refill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I O pt. (4.7 L)*
Valve Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In-Head Overhaul
Piston Displacement VIN Engine Code S and K . . , . . , . . 17.6 pt. (8.3 L)*
VIN Engine Code S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 CID (3.4L) VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.6 pt. (1 0.2 L)*
VIN Engine Code K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1 CID (3.8L) Cooling System
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 CID (5.7L) VIN Engine Code S
Compression Ratio With Manual Transmission . . . . . . 12.5 qt. (1 1.8 L)
VIN Engine Code S and K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0: I With Automatic Transmission , . . , 12.3 qt. (1 1.6 L)
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5: 1 VIN Engine Code K
Firing Order With Manual Transmission . . . . . . 12.5 qt. ( 1 1.8 L)
VIN Engine Code S and K . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6-5-4-3-2 With Automatic Transmission . . . . 12.3 qt. (1 I .6 L)
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 VIN Engine Code P
With Manual Transmission . . . . . . 15.3 qt. (14.5 L)
Wheel Nuts With Automatic Transmission . . . . 15.1 qt. (14.3 L)
Wheel Nut Torque . . . 100 Ib. ft. ( I 40 N-m)

Capacities (Approximate) Continued Vehicle Dimensions
Crankcase Wheelbase ...................... 101.1 (2 566 mm)

With Filter Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 qt. (4.3 L)*“:

Front Tread ........................ 60.7” ( 1542 mm)
Fuel Tank ...................... 15.5 gal.(58.7 L)
Manual Transmission Rear Tread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.6“ (1 540 mm)
Five-Speed ..................... 5.9 pt. (2.8 L)* Length ........................ 193.2“ (4 908 mm)
Six-Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 pt. (3.8 L):k
Width ........................... 74.1 (1 883 mm)

Rear Axle Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 pt. (1.7L)
Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3“ ( 1 303 mm)
?Not all air conditioning refrigerants are the same. If the air
conditioning system in your vehicle needs refrigerant, be sure Height (Convertible) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.0” (1322 mm)
the proper refrigerant is used. If you’re not sure, ask your
Chevrolet dealer. *Recheck fluid level after filling. See “Automatic
Transmission Fluid’ or “Manual Transmission Fluid” in the
“Recheck fluid level after filling. See “Automatic Index.
Transmission Fluid” or “Manual Transmission Fluid” in the
Index. **Recheck the oil level after filling. See “Engine Oil” in the

Replacement Parts
Air Cleaner Filter ........................ A 1 I63C
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-60
Engine Oil Filter
VIN Engine Code S and K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PF47
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PF25
Fuel Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GF578
PCV Valve
VINEngine Code S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CV789C
VIN Engine Code K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CV892C
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CV895C
Radiator Cap ............................. RC24
Spark Plug
VIN Engine Code S . . . . . . . . -R43TSK (0.045' Gap)
VIN Engine Code K . . . . . . . . . a 4 1 -606 (0.060' Gap)
VIN Engine Code P . . . . . . . -R45LTSP (0.050' Gap)
Thermostat Temperature Specification . . . 1 80°F(82 C) O

0Section 7 MaintenanceSchedule

IMPORTANT: Your Vehicle and the Environment
AT THE PROPER Proper vehicle maintenance not onlyhelps to keep your
LEVELANDCHANGEAS vehicle in good working condition, but also helps the
RECOMMENDED environment. All recommended maintenance procedures
are important. Improper vehicle maintenance or the
removal of important components can significantly
This section covers the maintenance required for your affect the qualityof the air we breathe. Improper fluid
Chevrolet. Your vehicle needs these services to retain its levels or even the wrong tire inflation can increase the
safety, dependability and emission control performance. level of emissions from your vehicle.To help protect our
environment, and to help keepyour vehicle in good
condition, please maintain your vehicle properly.
Have you purchased the GM Protection Plan? ThePlan
supplements your new vehicle warranties. See your
Chevrolet dealer for details.

How This Sectionis Organized “Part B: Owner Checks and Services”tells you what
should be checked whenever you stop for fuel. It also
The remainder of this section is divided into five parts: explains what you can easily do tohelp keep your
“Part A: Scheduled Maintenance Services”shows vehicle in goodcondition.
what to have done and how often. Some of these “Part C: Periodic Maintenance Inspections”explains
services can be complex, so unless you are technically important inspections that your Chevrolet dealer’s
qualified and have the necessary equipment, you should service department or another qualified service center
let your dealer’sservice department or another qualified should perform.
service center do these jobs.
“Part D: Recommended Fluids and Lubricants” lists
some products GM recommends to help keep your
vehicle properly maintained.These products, or their
equivalents, should be used whether you do the work
yourself or have it done.
“Part E: Maintenance Record” provides a place for
you to record the maintenance performed on your
vehicle. Whenever any maintenance is performed, be
sure to write it down in this part.This will help you
determine when your next maintenance should be done.
In addition, it is a good idea to keep your maintenance
receipts. They may be neededto qualify your vehiclefor
warranty repairs.
If you are skilled enough to do some work on your
vehicle, you will probably wantto get the service
information GM publishes. See “Service Publications’’
in the Index.
Part A: Scheduled Maintenance The proper fluids and lubricants to use are listed in Part
D. Make sure whoever services your vehicle uses these.
Services All parts should be replaced andall necessary repairs
done before you or anyone else drives the vehicle.
Using Your Maintenance Schedule
These schedules are for vehicles that:
We at General Motors want to help you keep your
vehicle in good working condition. But we don’t know 0 carry passengers and cargo within recommended
exactly how you’ll drive it. You may drive very short limits. You will find these limits on your vehicle’s
distances only a few times a week. Or you maydrive Tire-Loading Information label. See “Loading Your
long distances all the time in very hot, dusty weather. Vehicle” in theIndex.
You may use your vehicle in making deliveries. Or you 0 are driven on reasonable road surfaces within legal
may drive it to work, to do errands or in many other driving limits.
0 use the recommended unleaded fuel. See “Fuel” in
Because of all the different ways people use their GM the Index.
vehicles, maintenance needs vary. You may even need
more frequent checks and replacements than you’ll find Selecting the Right Schedule
in the schedules in this section. So please read this
section and note howyou drive. If you have any First you’ll need todecide which of the two schedules is
questions on how to keep your vehiclein good right for your vehicle. Here’s howto decide which
condition, see your Chevrolet dealer. schedule to follow:
This part tells you the maintenance services you should
have done and when you should schedule them. If you
go to your dealer for your service needs, you’ll know
that GM-trained and supported service people will
perform the work using genuine GM parts.
Maintenance Schedule
Schedule IDefinition Schedule I Intervals
Follow MaintenanceSchedule I if any one of these is Every 6,000 Miles(10 000 km) or 6 months,
true for your vehicle: Whichever Occurs First
Chassis Lubrication
Most trips are less than 5 to 10 miles (8 to 16 km).
This is particularly important when outside
At 6,000 Miles(10 000 km) Then Every
12,000 Miles (25 000 km)
temperatures are belowfreezing. Tire Rotation
Most trips include extensive idling (such as frequent
Every 7,500 Miles (12500 km)
Rear Axle Fluid Change (VehiclesTow11 Trailers)

driving in stop-and-go traffic). At 7,500 Miles (12 500 km)

Most trips are through dusty areas. Rear Axle Fluid Change (Limited-Slip Differential)
Every 15,000 Miles (25 000 km)
You frequently tow a trailer or use a carrier on top of Air Cleaner Filter Inspection,
if driving in dusty conditions
your car. Automatic Transmission Service (severe conditions only)
Schedule I should alsobe followed if the vehicle is used Every 30,000 Miles (50 000 km)
Air Cleaner Filter Replacement
for delivery service, police, taxi,or other commercial Spark Plug Replacement (Except5.7L Code P engine)
application. Spark Plug Wire Inspection
Fuel Tank, Cap and Lines Inspection
Schedule I Intervals Engine Accessory Drive Belt Inspection (or every
24 months, whichever occurs first)
Every 3,000 Miles (5 000 km) or3 Months, Cooling System Service (or every24 months,
Whichever Occurs First whichever occurs first)
Engine Oil and FilterChange Every 100,000 Miles (166000 km)
Spark Plug Replacement (5.7L Code P engine only)
Automatic Transmission Service (normal conditions)
Maintenance Schedule
Schedule I1 Definition I
Follow Schedule I1 onZy if none of the conditions from Every 7,500 Miles (12500 km)
Schedule I is true. Engine Oil and Filter Change (or every 12 months,
whichever occurs first)
Chassis Lubrication (or every 12 months, whichever
occurs first)
At 7,500 Miles (12 500 km)
Rear Axle FluidChange (Limited-Slip Differential)
At 7,500 Miles (12 500 km) Then Every
15,000 Miles (25000 km)
Tire Rotation
Every 15,000 Miles (25000 km)
Automatic Transmission Service (severe conditionsonly)
Every 30,000 Miles (50 000 km)
Engine Accessory Drive Belt Inspection (or every
24 months, whichever occurs first)
Cooling System Service (or every 24 months,
whichever occurs first)
Spark Plug Replacement (Except 5.7L Code P engine)
Spark Plug Wire Inspection
Air Cleaner Filter Replacement
Fuel Tank, Cap and Lines Inspection
Every 100,000 Miles (166 000 km)
Spark Plug Replacement (5.7L Code P engine only)
Automatic Transmission Service (normal conditions)
Maintenance Schedule I
3,000 Miles (5 000 km)
The services shown in this schedule up to 100,000 miles 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
(166 000 km) should beperformed after 100,000 miles 3 months, whichever occurs first).
(166 000 km) at the same intervals. An Emission Control Service.
3- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the
California Air Resources Board has determined that the
failure to perform this maintenance item will notnullify
the emission warranty or limit recall liability prior to the
completion of vehicle useful life. We, however, urge that
all recommended maintenance services be performed at
the indicated intervals and the maintenance be recorded.


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
6,000 Miles (10 000 km) 7,500 Miles (12 500 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
3 months, whichever occurs first). vehicle is used to pull a trailer or has
An Emission Control Service. limited-slip differential.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


I Maintenance Schedule I I
9,000 Miles (15000 km) 12,000 Miles (20 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
15,000 Miles (25 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
3 months, whichever occurs first). delivery service.
An Emission Control Service. If you do not use your vehicle under any of
0Inspect air cleaner filter if you are driving these conditions, change the fluid and filter
in dusty conditions. Replace filter if at 100,000 miles (166 000 krn).
necessary. An Emission Control Service. Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
17 Change the rear axle gear lubricant if change.
vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
0Change automatic transmission fluid and
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90 O F
(32 C ) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
- When doing frequent trailer towing.

I MaintenanceSchedule I I
18,000 Miles (30 000 km) 21,000 Miles (35000 km)
Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
El Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
22,500 Miles (37500 km) 24,000 Miles (40 000 km)
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
vehicle is used to pull a trailer. 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service.
Cl Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
27,000 Miles (45 000 km) 30,000 Miles (50 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Sewice.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
Inspect engine accessory drive belt (or
every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service
0Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or
every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
See “Engine Coolant” in the Index for what
to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Emission Control Service.
I Maintenance Schedule I I

0Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P - When doing frequent trailer towing.
engine). An Emission Control Service. Uses such as found in taxi, police or
0Inspect spark plug wires. An Emission Control delivery service.
Sewice. If you do not use your vehicle under any of
0Replace air cleaner filter. Replace filter these conditions, change the fluid and filter
more often under dusty conditions. at IO0,OOO miles ( I 66 000 km).
An Emission Control Service. Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage change.
or leaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any 0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
damage. Replace parts as needed. Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
An Emission Control Service. -f pattern and additional information.
Cl Change automatic transmission fluid and
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
one or more of these conditions: I DATE I ACTUAL MILEAGE ISERVICED BY: I
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90 F O

(32 C) or higher.

- In hilly or mountainous terrain.

I MaintenanceSchedule I I
33,000 Miles (55 000 km) 36,000 Miles (60 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).


I Maintenance Schedule I I
37,500 Miles (62 500 km) 39,000 Miles (65 000 km)
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
vehicle is used to pull a trailer. 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service.


1 MaintenanceSchedule I I
42,000 Miles (70 000 km) 45,000 Miles (75000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Sewice. An Emission Control Sewice.
Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
transmission shift linkage (or every vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
6 months, whichever occurs first). 0Change automatic transmission fluid and
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
Rotation’’ in the Index for proper rotation one or more of these conditions:
pattern and additional information. - In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90O F
(32°C) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
- When doing frequent trailer towing.

I MaintenanceSchedule I I
48,000 Miles (80 000 km)
- Uses such as found in taxi, police or 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
delivery service. 3 months, whichever occurs first).
If you donot use your vehicle under any of An Emission Control Service.
these conditions, change the fluid and filter 0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
at 100,000 miles ( I 66 000 km). transmission shift linkage (or every
Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require 6 months, whichever occurs first).
Inspect air cleaner filter if you are driving
in dusty conditions. Replace filter if
necessary. An Emission Control Service.

Maintenance ScheduleI
51,000 Miles (85 000 km) 52,500 Miles (87 500 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
3 months, whichever occurs first). vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
An Emission Control Service.


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
54,000 Miles (90 000 km) 57,000 Miles (95 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


Maintenance Schedule I
60,000 Miles (100 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
3 months, whichever occurs first). delivery service.
An Emission Control Service. Ifyou do not use your vehicle under any of
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the these conditions, change the fluid and filter
transmission shift linkage (or every at 100,000 miles ( I 66 000 km).
6 months, whichever occurs first). Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if change.
vehicle is used to pulla trailer. 0Inspect engine accessory drive belt (or
0Change automatic transmission fluid and every 24 months, whicheveroccurs first).
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under An E1nissi01.1Control Service.
one or more of these conditions: c]Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or
- In heavy city traffic where the outside every 24 months, whicheveroccurs first).
temperature regularly reaches90 O F See “Engine Coolant” in the Index for what
(32°C) or higher. to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
- In hilly or mountainous terrain. condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure
- When doing frequent trailer towing.
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Elnissiorz Control Service.

Maintenance Schedule I
63,000 Miles (105 000 km)
0Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
engine). An Emission Control Service. 3 months, whichever occurs first).
0Inspect spark plug wires. An Emission Control An Emission Control Service.
0Replace air cleaner filter. Replace filter
more often under dusty conditions.
An Emission Control Service.
0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage
or leaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any
damage. Replace parts as needed.
An Emission Control Service.?


1 MaintenanceSchedule I I
66,000 Miles (110 000 km) ‘des (112 500 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
3 months, whichever occurs first). vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


Maintenance Schedule I
69,000 Miles (115 000 km) 72,000 Miles (120 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, Whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
17 Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
75,000 Miles (125 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
3 months, whichever occurs first). delivery service.
An Emission Control Service. lfyou do not use your vehicle under any of
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if these conditions, change the fluid and filter
vehicle is used to pull a trailer. at 100,000 miles ( I 66 000 km).
0Change automatic transmission fluid and Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under change.
one or more of these conditions: 0Inspect air cleaner filter if you are driving
- In heavy city traffic where the outside in dusty conditions. Replace filter if
temperature regularly reaches 90 O F necessary. An Emission Control Service.
(32°C) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
- When doing frequent trailer towing.

I MaintenanceSchedule I I
78,000 Miles (130 000km) 81,000 Miles (135 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Sewice. An Emission Control Sewice.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


1 I I I
I MaintenanceSchedule I I
82,500 Miles (137 500 km) 84,000 Miles (140 000 km)
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
vehicle is used to pull a trailer. 3 months, whichever occursfirst).
An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occursfirst).


I MaintenanceSchedule I I
87,000 Miles (145 000 km) 90,000 Miles (150 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
vehicle is used to pull a trailer.
0Change automatic transmission fluid and
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90OF
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
- When doing frequent trailer towing.

Maintenance Schedule I
90,000 Miles (150 000 km) (Continued)
- Uses such as found in taxi, police or 0InSPect sparle wires. An Emission Control
delivery service. Service.
I f you do not use your vehicle under any of 0Replace air cleaner filter. Replace filter
these conditions, change the fluid and filter more often under dusty conditions.
at lO0,OOO miles (166 000 km). An Emission Control Service.
Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require 0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage
change. or leaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any
0Inspect engine accessory drive belt (or damage. Replace parts as needed.
every 24 months, whichever occurs first). An Emission Control Service.
An Emission Control Service.
El Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
0Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
every 24 months, whichever occurs first). pattern and additional information.
See “Engine Coolant” in the Index for what
to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Emission Control Service.
Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P
engine). An Emission Control Service.
I MaintenanceSchedule I I
93,000 Miles (155 000 km) 96,000 Miles (160 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
3 months, whichever occurs first). 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
l Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
6 months, whichever occurs first).



I Maintenance Schedule I I
97,500 Miles (162 500 km) 99,000 Miles (165 000 km)
0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if I7 Change engine oil and filter (or every
vehicle is used to pull a trailer. 3 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service.


I MaintenanceSchedule I 1
100,000 Miles (166 000 km)
[7 Replace spark plugs (5.7L Code P engine 0If you have not used yourvehicle under
only). An Emission Control Service. conditions of severe service and, therefore,
have not changed your automatic
transmission fluid, change both the fluid
and filter.


Maintenance Schedule I1
7,500 Miles (12 500 km)
The services shown in this schedule up to 100,000 miles 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
(166 000 km)should be performedafter 100,000 miles 12 months, whichever occurs first).
(166 000 km)at the same intervals. An Emission Control Service.
Footnotes 0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyor the transmission shift linkage (or every
California Air ResourcesBoard has determined thatthe 12 months, whichever occurs first).
failure to perform this maintenance item will not nullify 0Change the rear axle gear lubricant if
the emission warranty or limit recall liability prior to the
completion of vehicle useful life. We, however, urge that
vehicle has limited-slip differential.
all recommended maintenance services be performed at 0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
the indicated intervals and the maintenance be recorded. Rotation” in the Indexfor proper rotation
pattern and additional information.


15,000 Miles (25 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - When doing frequent trailer towing.
12 months, whichever occurs first). - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
An Emission Control Service. delivery service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the lfyou donot use your vehicle under any of
transmission shift linkage (or every these conditions, change thefluid and filter
12 months, whichever occurs first). at 100,000 miles (166 000 km).
0Change automatic transmission fluid and Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under change.
one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90 O F
(32°C) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
Maintenance Schedule I1
22,500 Miles (37 500 km) 30,000 Miles (50 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the 0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every transmission shift linkage (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and 0Change automatic transmission fluid and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
pattern and additional information. one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside

temperature regularly reaches90 OF

(32°C) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
I I I 1
DATE SERVICED BY - When doing frequent trailer towing.

Maintenance Schedule I1

- Uses such as found in taxi, police or 0Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P
delivery service. engine). An Emission Control Service.
I f you do not use your vehicle under anyof 0Inspect spark plug wires. An Emission Control
these conditions, changethe fluid and filter Service.
at 100,000 miles (166 000 km). 0Replace air cleaner filter. An Emission Control
Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require Service.
change. 0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage
Inspect engine accessory drive belt (or or leaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any
every 24 months, whichever occurs first). damage. Replace parts as needed.
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Sewice.
0Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or
every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
See “Engine Coolant’’ in the Index for what
to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Emission Control Service.

MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
37,500 Miles (62 500 km) 45,000 Miles (75 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every Change engine oil and filter (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every transmission shift linkage (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and 0Change automatic transmission fluid and
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
pattern and additional information. one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches90 * F
(32O C) or higher.


I Maintenance Schedule I1 I
- In hilly or mountainous terrain. I f you do not useyour vehicle under any of
- When doing frequent trailer towing. these conditions,change the fluid and filter
at 100,000 miles ( I 66 000 km).
- Uses such as found in taxi, police or
delivery service. Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require


I MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
52,500 Miles (87 500 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
12 months, whichever occurs first). Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
An Emission Control Service. pattern and additional information.
Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first).


Maintenance Schedule I1 ~ 1
60,000 Miles (100 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
12 months, whichever occurs first). delivery service.
An Emission Control Service. If you donot use your vehicle under any of
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the these conditions, change thefluid and filter
transmission shift linkage (or every at 100,000 miles (166 000 km).
12 months, whichever occurs first). Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require
0Change automatic transmission fluid and change.
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under 0Inspect engine accessory drive (or every
one or more of these conditions: 24 months, whichever occurs first).
- In heavy city traffic where the outside An Emission Control Service.
temperature regularly reaches 90 O F C
I Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or
(32O C) or higher. every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
- In hilly or mountainous terrain. See “Engine Coolant” in the Index for what
- When doing frequent trailer towing. to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Emission Control Service.
Maintenance Schedule I1
60,000 Miles (I00 000 km) (Continued) 67,500 Miles (112 500 km)
0Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
engine). An Emission Control Service. 12 months, whichever occurs first).
0Inspect spark plug wires. An Emission Control An Emission Control Service.
Service. 0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
0Replace air cleaner filter. An Emission Control transmission shift linkage (or every
Service. 12 months, whichever occurs first).
0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines for damage 0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and
or leaks. Inspect fuel cap gasket for any Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation
damage. Replace parts as needed. pattern and additional information.
An Emission Control Service. ?


MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
75,000 Miles (125 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every - Uses such as found in taxi, police or
12 months, whichever occurs first). delivery service.
An Emission Control Service. I f you do notuse your vehicle under anyof
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the these conditions, changethe fluid and filter
transmission shift linkage (or every at 100,000 miles (166 000 km).
12 months, whichever occurs first). Manual transmission fluid doesn't require
17 Change automatic transmission fluid and change.
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
temperature regularly reaches 90"F
(32°C) or higher.
- In hilly or mountainous terrain.
- When doing frequent trailer towing. DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICED B Y

MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
82,500 Miles (137 500 km) 90,000 Miles (150 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Change engine oil and filter (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
An Emission Control Service. An Emission Control Service.
0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the 0Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the
transmission shift linkage (or every transmission shift linkage (or every
12 months, whichever occurs first). 12 months, whichever occurs first).
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and 0Inspect engine accessory drive belt (or
Rotation” in the Index for proper rotation every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
pattern and additional information. An Emission Control Service.
17 Change automatic transmission fluid and
filter if the vehicle is mainly driven under
one or more of these conditions:
- In heavy city traffic where the outside
DATE ACTUAL MILEAGE SERVICED BY: temperature regularly reaches 90 O F
(32 O C) or higher.

I MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
- In hilly or mountainous terrain. 0Replace spark plugs (except 5.7L Code P
- When doing frequent trailer towing. engine). An Emission Control Service.
- Uses such as found in taxi, police or 0Inspect spark plug wires.An Emission Control
delivery service. Service.
v y o u do not use your vehicle under anyof 0Replace air cleaner filter. An Emission Control
these conditions, changethe fluid and filter Service.
at 100,000 miles ( I 66 000 km). 0Inspect fuel tank, cap and lines. Inspect fuel
Manual transmission fluid doesn’t require cap gasket for any damage. Replace parts as
change. needed. An Emission Control Service. T
0Drain, flush and refill cooling system (or
every 24 months, whichever occurs first).
See “Engine Coolant’’ in theIndex for what
to use. Inspect hoses. Clean radiator,
condenser, pressure cap and neck. Pressure I DATE
test the cooling system and pressure cap.
An Emission Control Service.

MaintenanceSchedule I1 I
97,500 Miles (162 500 km) 100,000 Miles (166 000 km)
0Change engine oil and filter (or every 0Replace spark plugs(5.7L Code P engine
12 months, whichever occurs first). only). An Emission Control Service.
An Emission Control Service. 0If you have not used your vehicle under
Lubricate the steering linkage. Lubricate the conditions of severe service and, therefore,
transmission shift linkage (or every have not changed your automatic
12 months, whichever occurs first). transmission fluid, change both the fluid
0Rotate tires. See “Tire Inspection and and filter.
Rotation” in the Indexfor proper rotation
pattern and additional information.



Part B: Owner Checksand Services Windshield Washer Fluid Level
Listed below are owner checks and services which Check the windshield washer fluid level in the
should be performed at the intervals specified to help windshield washer tank and addthe proper fluid if
ensure the safety, dependability and emission control necessary. See “Windshield WasherFluid” in the Index
performance of your vehicle. for further details.
Be sureany necessary repairs are completed at once. At Least Oncea Month
Whenever any fluids or lubricants are added to your
vehicle, make sure they are theproper ones, as shown in Tire Inflation
Part D. Check tire inflation. Make sure tires are inflated to the
At Each Fuel Fill pressures specified on the Tire-Loading Information
label located on the rear edge of the driver’s door. See
It is important for you or a service station attendant to “Tires” in the Index for further details.
pevorm these underhood checks at eachfielfill.
Cassette Deck
Engine Oil Level
Clean cassette deck. Cleaning should be done every
Check the engine oil level and add the proper oil if 50 hours of tape play. See “Audio Systems” in the Index
necessary. See “Engine Oil” in the Index for further for further details.
At Least Twicea Year
Engine Coolant Level
Hydraulic Clutch System Inspection
Check the engine coolant level and add the proper
coolant mix if necessary. See “Coolant” in the Index for Check the fluid level in the clutch reservoir. See
further details. “Hydraulic Clutch Fluid” in the Index. A fluid loss in
this system could indicate a problem. Have the system
inspected and repaired at once.

At Least Once a Year 2. Firmly apply both the parking brake (see ‘Tarking
Brake” in the Index if necessary) and the regular
Key Lock Cylinders brake.
Lubricate the key lock cylinders with the lubricant NOTE: Do not use the accelerator pedal, and be
specified in Part D. ready to turnoff the engine immediately if it starts.
Body Lubrication 3. On automatic transmission vehicles, try to start the
engine in each gear. The starter should work only in
Lubricate all body door hinges. Also lubricate all hinges PARK (P) or NEUTRAL (N). If the starter works in
and latches, including those for the hood, rear any other position, your vehicle needs service.
compartment, console doors and any folding seat
hardware. Part D tells you what to use. More frequent On manual transmission vehicles, put the shift lever
lubrication may berequired when exposed to a corrosive in NEUTRAL (N), push the clutch down halfway
environment. and try to start the engine. The starter should work
only when the clutch is pushed down all the way to
Starter Switch the floor. If the starter works when the clutch isn’t
pushed all the way down, your vehicle needs service.
Steering ColumnLock
While parked, and with the parking brake set, try to turn
the key to LOCK ineach shift lever position.
With an automatic transmission, the key should turn
to LOCK only when the shift lever is in PARK(P).
With a manual transmission, the key should
1. Before you start, be sure you have enough room turn to LOCK only when the shift lever is in
around the vehicle. REVERSE (R).
On vehicles with a keyrelease button, try to turn the key Park on a fairly steep hill, with the vehicle facing
to LOCK without pressing the button. The key should downhill. Keeping your foot on the regular brake, set the
turn to LOCK only with the key button depressed. parking brake.
On all vehicles. the key should come outonly in LOCK. To check the parking brake: With the engine running
and transmission in NEUTRAL (N), slowly remove
Parking Brake and Automatic Transmission
PARK foot pressure from the regular brake pedal. Do this
(P) Mechanism Check until the vehicle is held by the parking brake only.
0 To check the PARK (P) mechanism’s holding ability:
Shift to PARK (P).Then release all brakes.
Underbody Flushing
At least every spring, use plain water to flush any
corrosive materials from the underbody. Takecare to
clean thoroughly any areas where mud and other debris
can collect.

Part C: Periodic Maintenance Steering and Suspension Inspection
Inspections Inspect the front and rear suspension and steering
system for damaged, loose or missing parts, signsof
Listed below are inspections and services which should
wear, or lack of lubrication. Inspect the power steering
be performed at least twice a year (for instance, each
lines and hosesfor proper hookup, binding, leaks,
spring and fall). You should let your GM dealer’s
cracks, chafing, etc.
service department or other qualified service center do
these jobs. Make sure any necessary repairs are Exhaust System Inspection
completed at once.
Inspect the complete exhaust system. Inspectthe body
Restraint Systems near the exhaust system. Lookfor broken, damaged,
missing or out-of-position parts as well as open seams,
Now and then, makesure all your belts, buckles, latch
holes, loose connections, or other conditions which
plates, retractors, anchorages and reminder systems are
could cause a heat build-up in the floor pan or could let
working properly. Look for any loose parts or damage.
exhaust fumes into the vehicle. See “Engine Exhaust” in
If you see anything that might keepa restraint system
the Index.
from doing its job,have it repaired.

Throttle Linkage Inspection Brake System Inspection
Inspect the throttle linkage for interference or binding, Inspect the complete system. Inspect brake lines and
and for damaged or missing parts. Replace parts as hoses for proper hookup, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing,
needed. Accelerator and cruise control cables should not etc. Inspect disc brake pads for wear and rotors for
be lubricated. surface condition. Also inspect drum brake liningsfor
wear and cracks. Inspect other brake parts, including
Manual Transmission drums, wheel cylinders, calipers, parking brake, etc. The
Check the transmission fluid level; add if needed. See parking brake is self-adjusting and no manual
“Manual Transmission” in the Index. A fluid loss may adjustment is required. You may need to have your
indicate a problem. Check the system and repairif brakes inspected moreoften if your driving habits or
needed. conditions result in frequent braking.

Rear Axle Service

Check the gear lubricant level in the rear axle and add if
needed. See “Rear Axle” in the Index. A fluid loss may
indicate a problem. Check the axle and repairit if

Part D: Recommended Fluids and USAGE FLUIDLUBRICANT
Lubricants Hydraulic Brake Delco Supreme 11 Brake Fluid

NOTE: Fluids and lubricants identified below by name, System (GM Part No. 1052535 or
part number or specification maybe obtained from your equivalent DOT-3 brake fluid).
GM dealer. Hydraulic Clutch Hydraulic Clutch Fluid (GM Part
System 12345347
No. or equivalent).
Engine oil with the American Power Steering GM HydraulicPowerSteering
Petroleum Institute Certified For System Fluid
(GM Part No. 1052884 or
Gasoline Engines “Starburst” equivalent).
symbol of the proper viscosity. To DEXRON@-I11
determine the preferred viscosity Transmission
for your vehicle’s engine, see
“Engine Oil” in the Index. Automatic
50/50 mixture of water (preferably
distilled) and good quality Key
ethylene glycol base antifreeze Cylinders
Part No. 12345120)
(GM Part No. 1052753 or or syntheticSAE 5W-30 engine
equivalent) conforming to GM oil.
Specification 1825M or approved Automatic Engine oil.
recycled coolant conforming to Transmission
GM Specification 1825M. Shift Linkage
GM Part No. 3634621 or Clutch Linkage Engine oil.
Supplement equivalent. Pivot Points
Floor Shift Engine oil. Hood Latch
Linkage Assembly
Chassis Chassis lubricant (GM Part No. a. Pivots and a. Engine oil.
Lubrication 1052497 or equivalent) or Spring
lubricant meeting requirements of Anchor
NLGI Grade 2, Category LB or b. Release Pawl b. Chassis lubricant (GM Part No.
GC-LB. 1052497 or equivalent) or
Rear Axle Axle Lubricant (GM PartNo. lubricant meeting requirements
(Standard 1052271) or SAE SOW-90 GL-5 of NLGI Grade 2, Category LB
Differential) Gear Lubricant. or GC-LB.
Rear Axle Axle Lubricant (GM Part No. Hood and Door Engine oil or Lubriplate Lubricant
(Limited-Slip 12345977) or SAE 8OW-90 GL-5 Hinges, Fuel (GM Part No. 1050109).
Differential) Gear Lubricant, and Limited-Slip Door Hinge,
Differential Lubricant Additive Rear
(GM Part No. 1052358 or compartment Lid
equivalent) where required. See Hinges, Rear
“Rear Axle” in the Index. Folding Seat
Windshield GM Optikleen@Washer Solvent Weatherstrip Dielectric Silicone Grease (GM
Washer Solvent (GM Part No. 1051515) or Conditioning Part No. 12345579 or equivalent).
See “Replacement Parts” in the Index for recommended
replacement filters, valves and spark plugs.

Part E: Maintenance Record Any additional informationfrom “Owner Checks and
Services” or “Periodic Maintenance”can be addedon
After the scheduled services are performed, record the the following record pages. Also,you should retain all
date, odometer reading and who performed the service maintenance receipts.Your owner information portfolio
in the boxes provided after the maintenance interval. is a convenient place to store them.
Maintenance Record

Maintenance Record

0Section 8 CustomerAssistanceInformation

Here you will find out howto contact Chevrolet if you STEP ONE -- Discuss your concern with a member of
need assistance. This section also tells you how to obtain dealer management. Normally, concerns can be quickly
service publications and how to report any safety resolved at that level. If the matter hasalready been
defects. reviewed with the Sales, Service, or Parts Manager,
This section includes information on: The Customer contact the owner of the dealer or the General Manager.
Satisfaction Procedure, Customer Assistance for STEP TWO -- If after contacting a member of dealer
Hearing or Speech Impaired, BBB Auto Line - management, it appears your concern cannot be resolved
Alternative Dispute Resolution Program, Reporting by the dealer without further help, contact the Chevrolet
Safety Defects, Roadside Assistance, and Service and Customer Assistance Center by calling 1-800-222- 1020.
Owner Publications. In Canada, contact GM of Canada Customer Assistance
Center in Oshawa by calling 1-800-263-3777 (English)
Customer Satisfaction Procedure or 1-800-263-7854 (French).
Your satisfaction and goodwill are important to your In Mexico, call (525) 254-3777. In Puerto Rico, call
dealer and Chevrolet. Normally, any concern with the 1-800-496-9992 (English) or 1-800-496-9993
sales transaction or the operation of your vehicle will be (Spanish). In the U.S. Virgin Islands, call
resolved by your dealer’s Sales orService Departments. 1-800-496-9994. In other overseas locations, contact
Sometimes, however, despite the best intentions of all GM North American Export Sales in Canada by calling
concerned, misunderstandings can occur. If your 1-905-644-4 1 12.
concern has not been resolved to your satisfxtion, the
following steps should be taken:

For prompt assistance, please have the following Refer to your Warranty and Owner Assistance '

information available to give theCustomer Assistance Information booklet for addressesof Canadian and GM
Representative: Overseas offices.
0 Your name, address, home and business telephone When contacting Chevrolet, please remember that your
numbers concern will likelybe resolved in the dealer, using the
dealer's facilities, equipment and personnel. Thatis why
0 Vehicle Identification Number(This is available
we suggest you followStep One first ifyou have a
from the vehicle registration or title, or the plate at
concern .
the left top of the instrument panel and visible
through the windshield.) Customer Assistance for the Hearing
0 Dealer name and location or Speech Impaired(TDD)
0 Vehicle deliverydate and present mileage To assist customers who have hearing difficulties,
0 Nature of concern Chevrolet has installed specialTDD
(Telecommunication Devicesfor the Deaf) equipment at
We encourage you to call the toll free number listed its Customer Assistance Center. Any hearingor speech
previously in order to give your inquiry prompt attention. impaired customer who has access to a TDD ora
However, if you wish to write Chevrolet, write to: conventional teletypewriter (TTY) can communicate
Chevrolet Motor Division with Chevrolet by dialing: 1-800-TDD-CHEV. (TDD
Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center users in Canada can dial 1-800-263-3830.)
P. 0. Box 7047
Troy, MI 48007-7047
GM Participation in BBB AUTO BBB AUTO LINE is an out-of-court program
administered by the Better Business Bureau systemto
LINE - Alternative Dispute settle disputes between customers and automobile
Resolution Program* manufacturers. This program is available free of charge
to customers who currently ownor lease a GM vehicle.
'"This program may not be available in all states,
depending on state law. Canadian owners refer to your If you are not satisfied after following the Customer
Warranty and Owner Assistance Information booklet. Satisfaction Procedure, you may contact the BBB using
General Motors reserves the right to changeeligibility the toll-free telephone number,or write them at the
limitations and/or to discontinue its participation in this following address:
program. BBB AUTO LINE
Both Chevrolet and your Chevrolet dealer are Council of Better Business Bureaus
committed to making sure you are completely satisfied 4200 Wilson Boulevard
with your new vehicle. Our experience has shown that, Suite 800
if a situation arises where you feel your concern has not Arlington, VA 22203
been adequately addressed, the Customer Satisfaction Telephone: 1-800-955-5 100
Procedure described earlier in this section is very To file a claim, you will be asked to provide your name
successful. and address, your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN),
I nere may be instances wnere an Impartial third-party and a statement of the natureof your complaint.
can assist in arriving at a solution to a disagreement Eligibility is limited by vehicleage and mileage, and
regarding vehicle repairs or interpretation of the New other factors.
Vehicle Limited Warranty. Toassist in resolving these
disagreements, Chevrolet voluntarily participates in

We prefer you utilize the Customer Satisfaction REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS
Procedure before you resortto AUTO LINE, butyou
may contact the BBB at anytime. The BBB will attempt TO THE UNITED STATES
to resolve the complaint servingas an intermediary GOVERNMENT
between you and Chevrolet. If this mediation is If you believe that your vehicle hasa defect which could
unsuccessful, an informal hearing will be scheduled
cause a crash or could cause injuryor death, you should
where eligible customers may present theircase to an immediately inform the National Highway Traffic
impartial third-party arbitrator. Safety Administration (NHTSA), in addition to
The arbitrator will makea decision which you may notifying General Motors.
accept or reject. If you accept the decision, GM will be If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an
bound by that decision. The entire dispute resolution investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in
procedure should ordinarily take about forty days from a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy
the time you file a claim until a decision is made. campaign. However, NHTSA cannot become involved
Some state laws may require you to use this program in individual problems between you, your dealer,or
before filing a claim with a state-run arbitration program General Motors.
or in the courts. For further information, contact the To contact NHTSA, you mayeither call the Auto Safety
BBB at 1-800-955-5 100 or the Chevrolet Customer Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393 (or 366-0123 in the
Assistance Center at 1-800-222- 1020. Washington, D.C. area) or write to:
NHTSA, U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, D.C. 20590
You can also obtain other informationabout motor
vehicle safety from the Hotline.

REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS In Canada, please call us at 1-800-263-3777 (English)
or 1-800-263-7854 (French). Or, write:
General Motors of Canada Limited
GOVERNMENT Customer Assistance Center
If you live in Canada, and you believe that your vehicle 1908 Colonel Sam Drive
has a safety defect, you should immediately notify Oshawa, Ontario L l H 8P7
Transport Canada, in notifying General
Motors of Canada Limited. You may write to: Chevrolet Roadside Assistance Program
Transport Canada To enhance Chevrolet’s strong commitment to customer
Box 8880 satisfaction, Chevrolet has established the
Ottawa, Ontario K l G 352 Chevrolet/Geo Roadside Assistance Center.
Roadside Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 365
REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS days a year, by calling 1 -800-CHEV-USA
TO GENERAL MOTORS ( 1 -800-243-8872). This toll free number will provide
In addition to notifying NHTSA (or Transport Canada) you over-the-phone roadside assistance with minor
in a situation like this, we certainly hope you’ll notify mechanical problems. If your problem cannot be
us. Please call us at 1-800-222- 1020, or write: resolved over the phone, our advisors have access to a
nationwide network of dealer-recommended service
Chevrolet Motor Division providers. Roadside membership is free however some
Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center services may incur costs.
P. 0. Box 7047
Troy, MI 48007-7047

Roadside offers two levels of service to the customer, 0 FREE Jump Start (at home or on the road)
Basic Care and Courtesy'" Cure: FREE Fuel Delivery ($5 of fuel delivered on the road)
ROADSIDE Basic Cure PROVIDES: Note: Cmwtesy Care is available to Retail and Retail
Toll-freenumber,1-800-CHEV-USA Lease Customers operating 1994 and newer
0 Free towing for warranty repairs Chevrolet/Geo vehicles for a period of 36
months/36,000 miles. AllCourtesy Cure services must
0 Basic over-the-phone technical advice be pre-arranged by Chevrolet Roadside or Dealer
Available dealer services at reasonable costs Service Management.
(i.e., wrecker services, locksmith/key service, glass BLISI'CCure and Colrrtrsy Cwe are not part of or included in the coverage
repair, etc.) provided by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.Chevrolet reserves the
right to modify or discontinue Brrsic Care and Courtesy& at any time.
Note: Roadside Basic Care applies to all Chevrolet/Geo
vehicles regardless of ageor miles. For complete program details, see your Chevrolet/Geo
dealer to obtain a Roadside Assistance Center brochure.
The Roadside Assistance Center uses companies that will
Roadside Basic Care services (as outlined above) provide you with quality and priority service. When roadside
Plus: services are required, our advisors will explain any payment
obligations that maybe incurred for utilizing outside services.
FREE Non-Warranty Towing (to the closest dealer
from a legal roadway) For prompt assistance when calling, please have the
following information availableto give to the advisor:
FREE Locksmith/Key Service (when keys are lost
on the road or locked inside) VehicleIdentificationNumber
FREE Flat Tire Service (spare installed on the road) 0 Licenseplatenumber

0 Vehicle color 0 Up to $30 maximum daily cab, bus, or other
transportation allowance in lieu of rental for any
0 Vehiclelocation
overnight warranty repair up to 5 days, OR
Telephone number where you can be reached
0 Up to $10 daily fuel allowance for rides provided by
0 Vehiclemileage another person (i.e., friend, neighbor, etc.) in lieu of
0 Description of problem rental for any overnight warranty repair upto 5 days.
Note: All Courtesy Transportation arrangements will
Courtesy Transportation be administered by your Chevrolet/Geo dealership
Chevrolet/Geo offers Courtesy Transportation for service management. Claim amounts should reflect
customers needing warranty service. Courtesy all actual costs.
Transportation will be offered in conjunction with the 0 Chevrolet/Geo Courtesy Transportation is not part of
coverage provided by the BUMPER TO BUMPER New the BUMPER TO BUMPER New Vehicle Limited
Vehicle Limited Warranty to retail purchasers of 1995 Warranty. Chevrolet/Geo reserves the right to make
Chevrolet/Geo passenger cars and light dutytrucks any changes or discontinue Courtesy Transportation
(please see your selling dealer for details). at any time without notification.
Courtesy Transportation includes: 0 For additional program details contact your
0 One way shuttle ride for any warranty repair Chevrolet/Geo dealer.
completed during the same day. In Canada, please consult your GM dealer for
0 Up to $30 maximum daily vehicle rental allowance information on courtesy transportation.
for any overnight warranty repair up to5 days, OR

Canadian Roadside Assistance Service Bulletins
Vehicles purchasedin Canada have anextensive Service bulletins covering various subjects are regularly
Roadside Assistance programaccessible from anywhere sent to all General Motors’ dealerships. GM monitors
in Canada or the United States. Please refer to the product performancein the field. When service methods
separate brochure provided by the dealer or call are found which promote better service on GM vehicles,
1-800-268-6800 for emergency services. bulletins are createdto help the technician perform better
service. Service bulletins may involve any number of
Service and Owner Publications vehicles. Some will describe inexpensive service; others
Service manuals, service bulletins, owner’s manuals and will describe expensive service. Some will advise of new
other service literature areavailable for purchase for all or unexpected conditions, and othersmay help avoid
current and many past model General Motors vehicles. future costly repairs. Service bulletins are meant for
qualified technicians.In some cases they refer to service
Toll-free telephone numbers for ordering information: manuals, specialized tools, equipment and safety
United States 1-800-55 1-4 123 procedures necessary to service the vehicle. Since these
bulletins are issued throughout the model year and
Canada 1-800-668-5539 beyond, an index is required and published quarterly to
help identify specific bulletins. Subscriptions are
Service Manuals available. You can order an index at the toll-free numbers
Service manuals contain diagnosis and repair listed previously, or aska GM dealerhetailer to see an
information for all chassis and body systems. They may index or individual bulletin.
be useful for owners who wish to get a greater
understanding of their vehicle. They are also useful for Owner Publications
owners with the appropriate skill levelor training who Owner’s manuals, warrantyfolders and various owner
wish to perform “do-it-yourself” service. These are assistance booklets provideowners with general
authentic General Motors service manualsmeant for operation and maintenance information.
professional, qualified technicians,


0Section 9 INDEX

Acceleration slip Regulation (ASR) System Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

WarningLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Alignment and Balance. Tires ..................... 6-55
Acceleration Slip Regulation System Warning Light . . . 2-71 Aluminum Wheels. Cleaning ...................... 6-64
Accessory plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59 Antenna. Fixed Mast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Adding. Automatic Transmission Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25 Antenna. Power Mast Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Adding. Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36 Anti-Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Adding. Electrical Equipment ..................... 6-68 Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light . . . . . . . . . 2-70. 4-6
Adding. Engine Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29 Anti-Lock Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Adding. Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- 14 Anti-Theft. Theft-Deterrent Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Adding. Hydraulic Clutch Fluid .................... 6-26 Antifreeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
Adding. Manual Transmission Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26 Antifreeze Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Adding. Power Steering Fluid ..................... 6-33 Antifreeze Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Adding. Sound Equipment ........................ 3- 17 Anti-Theft Feature. Theftlock ..................... 3-12
Adding. Windshield Washer Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41. 6-33 Appearance Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-58
Aiming. Headlamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 Appearance Care and Materials .................... 6-66
AirBag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Ashtray and Lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
Air Bag Readiness Light .................... 1-20. 2-69 Ashtray. Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
Air Bag System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 ASR (Acceleration Slip Regulation) System
Air Bag. How Does it Restrain .................... 1-22 Warning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Air Bag. How it Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20 Audio System. Tips About Your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Air Bag Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1 Audio Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Air Bag. Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24 Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Air Bag. What Makes it Inflate .................... 1-22 Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
Air Bag. What Will You See After it inflates . . . . . . . . . . 1-22 Fluid. Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
Air Bag. When Should it Inflate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21 Fluid. Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
Aircleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 ShiftLever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21

Automatic Overdrive Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Break.ln. New Vehicle .......................... 2-14
First Gear ( 1 ) Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
Neutral (N) Position .......................... 2-23 Center High Mounted Stop Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44
Park (P) Position ............................. 2-23 Front Turn Signal Lamps ...................... 6-45
Reverse (R)Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 Headlamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
Second Gear (2) Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 RearLamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-45
Shifting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 Rear Sidemarker Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46
Third Gear (3) Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Axle. Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
Canadian Roadside Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
Capacities and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-74
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 Carbon Monoxide ....................
Replacement. Remote Lock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Cassette Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. 5.4 Cassette Tape Player Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Low Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 Center High Mounted Stop Lamp Bulb Replacement . . . 6-44
BBBAuto Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 CertificatiordTire Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Blizzard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 Chains. Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34
Boot Cover. Installing ........................... 2-82 Chains. Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-57
Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34 Changing a Flat Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37 Check Gauges Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78
Fluid. Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36 Checking Things Under The Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8
Master Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-34 Checking Your Restraint Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41
Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 Checking
PedalTravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37 Automatic Transmission Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
System Parts. Replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37 Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-35
System Warning Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-69 Engine Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 Engineoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
System WarningLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-69 Hydraulic Clutch Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36 Manual Transmission Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
Brakes. Anti-Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Power Steering Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
Brakes. Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 Restraint Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41
Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Chemical Paint Spotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-65
Braking. In Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 10

Child Restraints ................................ 1-3 1 Convertible Top ................................ 2-80
Securing in a Rear Seat Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33 Convertible Top Cleaning ........................ 6-64
Securing in the Right Front Seat Position . . . . . . . . . . 1-34 Convertible Top. To Lower Your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
Top Strap ................................... 1-32 Convertible Top. To Raise Your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-83
WheretoPut ................................ 1-31 Convex Outside Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
CigaretteLighter ............................... 2-62 Coolant ....................................... 6-28
Circuit Breaker. Power Windows and Other Coolant Heater. Engine ..................... 2-20. 6-17
Power Options ................................ 6-69 Coolant Recovery Tank .......................... 5-17
Cleaner. Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 Coolant. How to Add to the Coolant Recovery Tank ... 5-17
Cleaning Coolant. How to Add to the Radiator (LTl Engine) . . . . 5-22
Aluminum Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64 Coolant. How to Add to the Radiator (V6 Engine) . . . . . 5-19
Fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59 Cooling System ................................ 5-15
Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-61 Courtesy Lamps ................................ 2-49
Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-61 Covered Visor Vanity Mirror ...................... 2-62
Outside of the Windshield and Wiper Blades . . . . . . . 6-62 Cruise Control
Removeable Roof Panel ....................... 6-62 Erasing Speed Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-46
Special Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60 Getting Out of ............................... 2-46
Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60 Passing Another Vehicle While Using . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-45
The Inside of Your Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-58 To Increase Speed ............................ 2-44
Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64 ToReduceSpeed ............................ 2-45
Top of the Instrument Panel .................... 6-61 To Resume a Set Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44
Your Convertible Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-64 ToSet ..................................... 2-43
Vinyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60 UseonHills ................................ 2-45
Clock. Setting the ................................ 3-6 Customer Assistance for the Hearing or
Close-OutPanel ................................ 2-60 Speech Impaired ............................... 8-2
Clutch Adjustment .............................. 6-26 Customer Assistance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Clutch. Hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26 Customer Satisfaction Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
Comfort Controls ................................ 3-1
Compact Disc Care ............................. 3- 18
Compact Spare Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 Damage. Finish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-65
Console. Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-58 Damage. Sheet Metal ............................ 6-65
Control of a Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Daytime Running Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
Control. Loss of ................................ 4- 15 Dead Battery ................................... 5-2

Defects. Reporting ............................... 8-4 Engine Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
Defensive Driving ............................... 4- 1 Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29
Defogger. Rear Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Checking ................................... 6-29
Defogging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20. 6-i7
Defrosting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Temperature Gage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
Differential. Limited Slip ......................... 6-27 Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dolby B Noise Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Door Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-67
Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
Driver Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - I2 Engineoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Driving On Grades. With a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Driving Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
At Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- I6 Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 What Kind to Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16
Defensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 What Kind to Use Oil (3.4L, 5.7L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16
Drunken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 What Kind t o Use Oil (3800) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
Freeway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 What to do with Used Oil ....................... 6-17
In a Blizzard ................................ 4-27 Whentochange ............................. 6-17
In Foreign Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 Overheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
In the Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Engine. 3.4L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
OnCurves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Engine. 3800 ................................. 6-8
On Hill and Mountain Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23 Engine. 5.7L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
On Snow and Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Running it While you’re Parked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
Through Deep Standing Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 19 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-74
Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
With a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Ethanol (In Fuel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Drunken Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Exhaust. Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Expectant Mothers. Use of Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Express DownWindow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Electric Mirror Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 I Extender. Safety Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41
Electrical Equipment. Adding ..................... 6-68
Engine Compartment Fuse Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70

Fabric Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59 Fuel
Fifth Gear ( 5 ) . Manual Transmission (Five Speed) . . . . . 2-25 5.7L Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Fifth Gear ( 5 ) .Manual Transmission (Six Speed) . . . . . . 2-26 Filling YourTank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
Filling Your Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-79
Filter In Foreign Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Aircleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 3.4L and 3800 Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- I7 FLWBlock. Engine Compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69. 6-71
Finish Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-63 Fuse Block. M a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70
FinishDamage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-65 Fuses and Circuit Breakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-68
FirstGear. Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
First Gear ( 1 ). Manual Transmission (Five Speed) . . . . . 2-25
First Gear ( I ) . Manual Transmission (Six Speed) . . . . . . 2-26 G a u g e . Engine Coolant Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
Five Speed Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 Gauge.Fue1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-79
Fixed Mast Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- I8 Gauge. Oil Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
Flashers. Hazard Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 1 Gasol~nesfor Cleaner Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Flat Tire. Changing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-29
Fl~ot- Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52 Glass. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-61
Flow-Through Ventilation Systetn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 GloveBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57
Fluids and Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-74 GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Fog Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49
Folding Rear Seatback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Halogen Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
Foreign Countries. Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5 Hatchback Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Four-Way Manual Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fourth Gear (4) Manual Transmission (Five Speed) . . . 2-2s
Fourth Gear (4) Manual Transmission (Six Speed) . . . . 2-26..
1-2 Hazard W u n i n ? Flashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Headlamp Aimrng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Headlamp High-LowBeam Changer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
French Language Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Headlamp. Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69
Front Ashtray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62 Headlamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47
Front Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-58 Headlamps. Bulb Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38
Front Map Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50 Hearing or Speech Impaired. Customer Assistance . . . . . . 8-2
Front Seatback Latches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Front Towing Hookups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 Highway Hypnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Front Turn Signal Lamps. Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-45 Hill and Mountain Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23

Hitches. Trailer ................................. 4-34 L a m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47
Horn ......................................... 2-37 Lamps OnReminder ............................ 2-47
Hydraulic Clutch ............................... 6-26 Lamps.Courtesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49
Hydraulic Clutch Fluid Lamps.DaytimeRunning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48
Adding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26 Lamps. Fog ................................... 2-49
Checking ................................... 6-26 Lamps. Front Map .............................. 2-50
Hydroplaning .................................. 4- 19 Lamps. Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-49
Lane Change Indicator ........................... 2-38
Larger Children. Safety Belt Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-38
If You’re Stuck: In Sand. Mud. Ice or Snow . . . . . . . . . 5-38 Latches. Front Seatback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Ignition Key Positions ........................... 2- 14 Leaving Your Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Ignition Switch ................................. 2- 14 Leaving Your Vehicle With the Engine Running . . . . . . . 2-32
Inside Daymight Rearview Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50 Lights
Inspections ASR (Acceleration Slip Regulation) System Warning . . . 4-9
Brakesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-49 Acceleration Slip Regulation Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-71
Exhaust Systems ............................. 7-48 AirBagReadiness ...................... 1-20. 2-69
Manual Transmission ......................... 7-49 Anti-Lock Brake System Warning . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70. 4-6
Rear Axle Service ............................ 7-49 Brake System Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-69
Restraint System ............................. 7-48 CheckGages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78
Steering and Suspension ....................... 7-48 Low Coolant (V8 Engine Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-73
Throttle Linkage ............................. 7-49 Low Traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-72
Installing Boot Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82 Safety Belt Reminder ..................... 1-7. 2-68
InstrumentPanel ............................... 2-64 Service Engine Soon .......................... 2-74
Instrument Panel Brightness Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-48 LowCoolant ................................ 2-73
Instrument Panel Cluster ......................... 2-66 LowOil .................................... 2-77
Instrument Panel Cleaning ........................ 6-6 1 Low Traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-72
Interior Lamps ................................. 2-49 Lighter ....................................... 2-62
Jack. Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29 Limited Slip Differential ......................... 6-27
Jump Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Limited Slip Rear Axle .......................... 2-29
Loading YourVehicle ........................... 4-29
K e y Lock Cylinders ............................ 7-46 Locks
Key Release Button ............................. 2- I5 Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Keys .......................................... 2-1 PowerDoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Steering Column ............................. 7-46
Lock. Torque .................................. 2-32 Fourth Gear (4) (Six Speed) .................... 2-26
Long Trip, BeforeLeaving on a .................... 4-22 Fluid. Adding ............................... 6-26
Loss of Control ................................ 4- 15 Fluid. Checking .............................. 6-26
Low Maintenance Battery ........................ 6-38 Neutral (N) Posjtion (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Lubricants and Fluids ............................ 6-74 Neutral (N) Position (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Lubrication, Body .............................. 7-46 Parking YourVelhicle ......................... 2-33
Reverse (R) Position (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Reverse (R)Position (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
M a i n Fuse Block .............................. 6-72 Second Gear (21 (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25
Maintenance Record ............................ 7-52 Second Gear (2) (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Maintenance Schedule Shifting
Owner Checks and Services .................... 7-45
Periodic Maintenance Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-48 Five-Speed ................................. 2-25
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-50 Six-Speed .................................. 2-26
Sixth Gear (6) (Six Speed) ..................... 2-26
Schedule1 ................................... 7-6 Starting Your Engine .......................... 2-17
Schedule I Definition .......................... 7-4 Third Gear (3) (Five Speed) .................... 2-25
Schedule11 ................................. 7-32 Third Gear (3) (Six Speed) ..................... 2-26
Schedule I1 Definition .......................... 7-5 Mats, Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Scheduled Maintenance Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Maintenance, Normal Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-76 Manualwindows ............................... 2-36
Maintenance, Underbody ......................... 6-65 MapPocket ................................... 2-58
Methanol (In Fuel) ............................... 6-3
Maintenance, When Trailer Towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Service Engine Soon Light) 2-74 Control, Electric ............................. 2-51
Manual Adjust Mirror ........................... 2-51 Covered Visor Vanity ......................... 2-62
ManualFrontSeat ............................... 1-1 Convex Outside ............................. 2-52
Manual Remote ControlMirror .................... 2-5 1 Inside Daymight Rearview .................... 2-50
Manual Transmission ManualAdjust .............................. 2-51
Fivespeed ................................. 2-25 Manual Remote Control ....................... 2-51
Fifth Gear (5) (Six Speed) ..................... 2-26 VisorVanity ................................ 2-62
First Gear (1) (Five Speed) ..................... 2-25 MTBE (In Fuel) ................................. 6-3
First Gear (1) (Six Speed) ...................... 2-26
Fourth Gear (4) (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25

Neutral (N) Position. Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . 2-23 On Hills While Towing a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Neutral (N) Position. Manual Transaxle (Five Speed) . . . 2-25 Over Things That Burn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Neutral (N) Position. Manual Transaxle (Six Speed) ... 2-26 Your Vehicle. Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
New Vehicle “Break-In” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 14 Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Nightvision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 7 AtNight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
PASS-Key 11 .................................. 2-12
Passing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
O B D I1 3.8L Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-74 Periodic Maintenance Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-48
Odometer ..................................... 2-67 Plug Accessory ................................. 2-59
Odometer, Trip ................................. 2-67 PowerDoorLocks ............................... 2-5
Off-Road Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 13 Power Seat
Oil Adjusting .................................... 1-3
Engine ..................................... 6-11 Power Seat, Six-Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Light Low .................................. 2-77 Power Steering ................................. 4-10
Pressure Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-76 Power Steering Fluid
Ordering Adding .................................... 6-33
Owner Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Checking ................................... 6-32
Service and Owner’s Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Power Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Service Bulletins .............................. 8-7 Power, Retained Accessory ....................... 2-16
Service Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Pregnancy, Use of Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Overdrive Position. Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . 2-23 Problems on the Road ............................ 5-1
Overheated Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 13 Publications, Service and Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
Owner Checks and Services ....................... 7-45
Owner Publications, Ordering ...................... 8-7
Radiator ..................................... 5-22
Radiator Pressure Cap ........................... 6-30
P a i n t Spotting, Chemical ........................ 6-65 Radio Reception, Understanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Park (P), Shifting Into ........................... 2-31 Radios ........................................ 3-5
Park (P), Shifting Out of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 AMStereo .................................. 3-16
Park (P) Position, Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22 FMStereo .................................. 3-16
Parking AMEM Stereo with Cassette Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 9 AMEM Stereo with Compact Disc Player . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Lots ....................................... 2-12 ToPlayaCD ................................ 3-12

Rain. Driving In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 18 Right Front Passenger Position .................... 1-25
RearAxle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27 Roadside Assistance .............................. 8-5
Rear Axle. Limited Slip .......................... 2-29 Roadside Assistance. Canadian ..................... 8-7
Rear Lamps. Replacement ........................ 6-45 Rocking YourVehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38
Rear Seat Passengers ............................ 1-25 Roof Panels. Twin Lift-off ....................... 2-52
Rear Seatback. Folding ........................... 1-6 Roof Panels T-Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Rear Sidemarker Lamps. Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46 Rotation. Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
Rear Towing Hookups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 11
Rear Window Defogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Rearview Mirror. Inside Daymight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-50 Safety Belt Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41
Reclining Front Seatbacks ......................... 1-3 Safety Belt Reminder Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7. 2-68
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-50 Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Release. Hatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
Release. Remote Hatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 10 Careof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-61
Remote Hatch Release ........................... 2- 10 Driver Position .............................. 1-12
Remote Lock Control ............................. 2-5 Extender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41
Remote Lock Control. Battery Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 How to Wear Properly ........................ 1-12
Remote Lock Control. Matching Transmitters . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Incorrect Usage .................... 1- 13. 1-39. 1-40
Remote Lock Control. Operation .................... 2-6 Lap-Shoulder ............................... 1-12
Removeable Roof Panel. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-62 Lap-Shoulder Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25
Replacement Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-73 Questions People Ask ......................... 1-11
Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-76 Rear Seat Passengers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25
Replacement. Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-56 Replacing After a Crash ........................ 1-41
Replacing Safety Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1 Right Front Passenger Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-25
Replacing Seat and Restraint System Parts Use by Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29
After a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41 Use by Larger Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-38
Restraints. Checking Your . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-41 Use by Smaller Children and Babies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29
Restraints. Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1 Use During Pregnancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Restraints. Replacing Parts After a Crash . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -41 WhyTheyWork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Retained Accessory Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 16 Safety Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34
Reverse (R) Position Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . 2-22 Safety Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Reverse (R) Position. Manual (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 Reporting to General Motors .................... 8-5
Reverse (R) Position. Manual (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 Reporting to the Canadian Government . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
Reporting to the United States Government . . . . . . . . . 8-4

Safety Warnings and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Six Speed Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Scheduled Maintenance Services .................... 7-3 Six-Way Power Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Seat. Manual Four-Way ........................... 1-2 Sixth Gear. Manual Transmission (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . 2-26
Seat. Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Skidding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Skip Shift Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Seats and Restraint Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I -I Sound Equipment, Adding ........................ 3-17
Seats and Seat Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 1 Spare Tire. Compact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
Seats, Manual Front Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 1 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
Seats, Reclining Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Stains. Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60
Seats, Securing a Child Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33 Starter Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-46
Second Gear (2), Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Starting Your Engine
Second Gear (2), Manual (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 5.7Liter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Second Gear (2), Manual (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Security System (PASS-Key 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- I2 Manual Transmission ......................... 2-17
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 v-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Service and Appearance Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6- 1 Steam. If Coming From Your Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13
Service and Owner Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Service Bulletins, Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Steering Column Lock .......................... : 7-46
Service Engine SoonLight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-74 Steering Wheel. Tilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
Service Manuals, Orderlng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Steering. In Emergencies ......................... 4-12
Service Parts Identification Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-67 Steering. Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Service Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Steering. Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Service Work, Doing Your Own . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Storage, Cassette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Servicing Your Air Bag-Equipped Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . 1-24 Storage. Of Your Vehicle ......................... 6-38
Sheet MetalDamage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-65 Stuck. If You Are ............................... 5-38
Shift Lever, Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 1 Sunvisors .................................... 2-62
Shift Speeds, Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28 Sunshades. T-Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-55
Shifting Five Speed Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 Supplemental Inflatable Restraint (SIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Shifting Into Park (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 1 Symbols. Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Shifting Out of Park (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Shifting Six Speed Manual Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26
Shifting, Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 1 T - ~ o pSunshades .............................. 2-55
Signaling Turns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38 Tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67

Tamper Resistant Odometer ....................... 2-67 Towing a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 1
Tape Player Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Towing Your Vehicle ............................. 5-6
Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Theft Deterrent Feature .......................... 3- 13 Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30 Trailer Tongue, Weight of ........................ 4-33
Third Gear. Automatic Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Third Gear (3).Manual (Five Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34
Third Gear (3). Manual (Six Speed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 Driving on Grades ............................ 4-36
Tilt Steering Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 Driving with a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Time. Setting the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 Hitches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34
Tips About Your Audio System .................... 3-16 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Tire Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-55 Parking on Hills ............................. 4-37
Tire Inspection and Rotation ...................... 6-5 1 SafetyChains ............................... 4-34
TireLoading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Total Weight on Your Vehicle’s Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33
Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-49 Towing a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
Alignment and Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-55 Turn Signals ................................ 4-36
BuyingNew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-53 Weight of a Trailer ........................... 4-32
ChangingaFlat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50 Transmission Fluid, Automatic .................... 6-21
Inspection and Rotation ........................ 6-5 1 Transmission Fluid, Manual ....................... 6-25
Spare. Compact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37 Trip Odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . :..................... 6-55 Turn Signal and Lane Change Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54 Turn Signal /Headlamp Beam Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Treadwear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54 Turn Signal When Towing a Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
Uniform Quality Grading ...................... 6-54 Twin Lift-off Roof Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52
Wear Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-53
Wheel Replacement .......................... 6-56
When It’s Time for New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-53 Underbody Maintenance ........................ 6-65
To Lower Your Convertible Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-80
To Raise Your Convertible Top .................... 2-83 Vehicle Damage Warnings ......................... vii
TopStrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 Vehicle Dimensions Chart ........................ 6-75
TorqueLock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-67
Torque. Wheel Nut ......................... 5-35’6-74

Vehicle Loading ................................ 4-29 Water. Driving Through Deep Standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
Vehicle Storage ................................ 6-38
... Weatherstrips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6235
Vehicle Symbols ................................. vi11 Wheel Nut Torque .........................
Vehicle. Control of a ............................. 4-5 Wheel Replacement ............................. 6-56
Vehicle. Leaving Your ............................ 2-5 Wheel Replacement. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-57
Ventilation System. Flow-Through . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Window. Express Down .......................... 2-36
VentilationTips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Vision.Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Windows. Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Visor Vanity Windows.Power ............................... 2-36
Mirrors .................................... 2-62 Windshield Washer Fluid ....................
Visors. Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62 Windshield Washers ............................. 2-41
Voltmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78 Windshield Wiper. Blade Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-47
Windshield Wiper. Circuit Breaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69
Windshield Wipers .............................. 2-40
w a r n i n g Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Winter. Driving in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
Warning Flashers. Hazard ......................... 5- 1 Wiring. Headlamp .............................. 6-69
Warning Lights. Gauges and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67 WreckerTowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Washing Your Vehicle ........................... 6-62



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