Cancer Epidemiology - Principles and Methods (PDFDrive)

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Epidem iology:
Principles and
Isabel dos Santos Silva

International Agency for Research on Cancer

Lyon, France

International Agency for Research on Cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was established in 1965 by the
World Health Assembly, as an independently financed organization within the framework of
the World Health Organization. The headquarters of the Agency are at Lyon, France.
The Agency conducts a programme of research concentrating particularly on the
epidemiology of cancer and the study of potential carcinogens in the human environment.
Its field studies are supplemented by biological and chemical research carried out in the
Agency's laboratories in Lyon, and, through collaborative research agreements, in national
research institutions in many countries. The Agency also conducts a programme for the
education and training of personnel for cancer research.
The publications of the Agency are intended to contribute to the dissemination of
authoritative information on different aspects of cancer research. Information about IARC
publications and how to order them is also available via the Internet at: http://www.iarc-fr/
Cancer Epidemiology:
Principles and Methods
Published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer,
150 cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon cédex 08, France

(Ç International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1999

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IARC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

dos Santos Silva, l.

Cancer epidemiology: principles and methods / Isabel dos Santos Silva

1. Neoplasms - epidemiology 1. Tile

ISBN 92 832 0405 0 (NLM Classification W1)

Foreword vii

About this book ix

1 Introduction to cancer epidemiology 1

2 Measurement of exposures and outcomes 11

3 Describing and presenting data 45
4 Measures of occurrence of disease and other 57
health-related events
5 Overview of study designs 83
6 Evaluating the role of chance 103
7 Intervention trials 135
8 Cohort studies 165
9 Case-control studies 189
10 Cross-sectional surveys 213
11 Studies based on routine data 231
12 Introduction to survival analysis 263
13 Interpretation of epidemiological studies 277
14 Dealing with confounding in the analysis 305
15 Size of a study 333
16 Cancer prevention 355
17 The role of cancer registries 385
18 Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research 405
References 427
Su~ect index 437


Within the IARC programme of training courses, high priority is given

to courses on cancer epidemiology, particularly in countries of the
developing world. Population-based epidemiological studies are the only
reliable source on the occurrence and outcome of cancer and form the
basis of any national or regional cancer control programme. Over the
years, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has been faced
with the problem of selecting an appropriate textbook for its courses. To
resolve this diffculty, we decided to publish a textbook suitable for the
course faculty and the non-initiated reader. Isabel dos Santos Silva, from
the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, a pro minent
epidemiologist with extensive teaching experience, has accomplished this
task admirably, in close consultation with external experts and an IARC
Advisory Board (see below).
We hope that this textbook wil guide students and health professionals
wishing to understand the basic princip les and methods used in cancer

P. Kleihues
Director, IARC

lARe Advisory Board

Nubia Muñoz
D. Maxwell Parkin
Jacques Estève
Paolo Boffetta


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About this book

This book is addressed primarily to medical and public health students,

clinicians, health professionals and aU those seeking to understand the
principles and methods used in cancer epidemiology. Its aim is not to
convert the readers into epidemiological experts but to make them
competent in the use of basic epidemiological tools and capable of
exercising critical judgement when assessing results reported by others.
The book is designed to provide an easy understanding of the basic
concepts and methods through the use of ilustrative examples, often
using real research data. It was my intention to ensure that the material
would be accessible to everyone new to the field. Knowledge of statistics
is indispensable to the proper conduct, analysis and interpretation of epi-
demiological studies. Thus, statistical concepts (and formulae) are also
presented but the emphasis is on the interpretation of the data rather than
on the actual calculations.
The book is divided into 18 chapters. The first six introduce the basic
principles of epidemiology and statistics. Chapters 7-13 deal in more
depth with each of the study designs and interpretation of their findings.
Chapters 14 and 15 coyer more complex statistical concepts and can be
omitted at a first reading. Chapter 16 deals with methodological issues in
cancer prevention, including primary prevention, early detection
(screening activities) and tertiary prevention. Chapter 17 reviews the role
of cancer registries in cancer epidemiology and prevention. FinaIly,
Chapter 18 discusses logistic issues and practical considerations that
should be taken into account in the design, planning and conduct of any
type of epidemiological research.
Few, if any, of the ideas and concepts in this book are originaL. Many of
them derive from my own teaching experience at the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and, in particular, to my role as the
organizer of the School's intensive course in epidemiology and medical
statistics. L am deeply indebted to many coIleagues and students with
whom 1 have worked over the past years for aIl L have learnt from them.
It would be impossible for me to name aIl who, in one way or another,
helped me to write this book-I can only hope that they are aware of my
appreciation. 1 am, however, particularly grateful for the help of my
colleagues (and good friends) Bianca De Stavola and Esa Läärä for the long
ho urs they spent reading earlier drafts and for their helpful comments,
suggestions and stimulating discussions-I certainly learnt a lot from

them! 1 would also like to thank IARC for giving me the opportunity to
write this book and, in particular, the members of the editorial committee
(Ors Jacques Estève, Nubia Muñoz, Max Parkin and Paolo Boffetta), Dr.
Rengaswami Sankaranarayanan and Dr. Martyn Plummer, for their
suggestions and comments in the earlier stages of the project. 1 am also
grateful for aIl the support and encouragement given by my colleagues at
the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and, in particular,
to the thoughtful comments on earlier versions of various chapters
provided by Professor Peter Smith, Dr Noreen Maconochie and Dr Punam
Mangtani. 1 also wish to thank Ms Maria Quigley and Mr. Craig Higgins
for giving permission to include sorne of their teaching examples in
Chapter 14. Part of the material presented in Chapters 6 and 12 was
initially developed as teaching material for our intensive course in
collaboration with Dr Maconochie and Mr Jerry Wheeler-the stimulating
discussions we had at that time and the feedback received from our
students were very helpful in shaping those chapters. Lastly, 1 would like
to thank Dr John Cheney and Ms Helis Miido for aIl their editorial

Isabel dos Santos Silva

Chapter 1
Introduction to cancer
Interest in cancer has grown during the past century as infectious dis-
eases have increasingly been controlled as the result of improved sanita-
tion, vaccination and antibiotics. Although this interest is relatively
recent, cancer is not a new disease. Autopsies of an cie nt Egyptian mum-
mies have shown the presence of bone tumours and possibly other neo-
plasias (BrothweIl, 1967). Symptoms of what can be assumed to be malig-
nant diseases were also described in Chinese and Arabic medical writings.
By the time of Hippocrates in the 4th century BC, many types of tumour
were clinically recognized and described. Hippocrates introduced the term
carcinoma from the Greek ward karkinos, for crab: he saw cancer as crab-
like in its spread through the body and in its persistence (Long, 1928).
Sorne 600 years later, Galen distinguished three types of tumour: 'tumours
according to nature', which included aIl normal physiological swellngs,
such as enlargement of the breast with normal female maturation;
'tumours exceeding nature', which included the productive process fol-
lowing injury, such as the proliferation of bone that occurs during the
reuniting of a fracture; and 'tumours contrary to nature', which included
what we now define as neoplastic growths, as weIl as many inflammatory
lesions (Long, 1928).
However, it was not unti the end of the 18th century that cancer began
to be studied systematically and intensively. Bichat (1771-1802) described
the pathology of many neoplasms in humans and suggested that cancer
was an 'accidental formation' of tissue built up in the same manner as any
other part of the organism. Sorne decades later, Müller (1801-58) and
Virchow (1821-1902) extended Bichats findings, using the microscope to
show that cancerous tissue was made up of cells (Long, 1928).
Ever since, pathologists and clinicians have considered cancers in the var-
ious organs of the body as being in man y respects completely different dis-
eases with distinct morphologies, clinical manifestations and prognoses. But
only during the past few decades has it emerged that their causes also differ
enormously. As a discipline, epidemiology has been crucially important in
defining the causes of different cancers and in evaluating preventive mea-

1.1 What is cancer epidemiology?

A recent definition of epidemiology is given in the dictionary compiled
by Last (1995):

Chapter 1

"Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of

health-related states or events in specified populations, and the appli-
cation of this study to control of health problems."

Cancer epidemiology is the branch of epidemiology concemed with the

disease cancer. Therefore, this definition is as valid to cancer epidemiolo-
gy as it is to epidemiology in general.
The first thing to note in the ab ove definition is that epidemiology is
concerned with events that occur in populations: the primary units of
concern are groups of people, not separate individuals. This is what dif-
ferentiates epidemiology from clinical medicine. Epidemiological studies
are concemed not only with people who get a disease, but also with those
who do not, and in particular how these two groups may differ. Thus,
unlike a doctor in cIinical practice, who is usually concerned only with
patients, the epidemiologist is concerned equally with the population
from which the patients came. Whereas cIinicians direct their questions
towards a particular patient-'What is wrong with this patient? What
treatment is appropriate?'-the epidemiologist asks similar questions
about whole communities-'What are the leading causes of death or dis-
abilty in this population? What can be done to reduce them?' Thinking
in epidemiological terms often seems foreign to clin ici ans and other
health-care professionals, who are used to thinking of the problems of
each individu al patient.
While it seems obvious that cancer epidemiology should focus on the
disease known as cancer, this is not necessarily the case. ln fact, cancer epi-
demiological studies may focus on precursors of cancer; for example, on
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) as a precursor of invasive cervical
cancer, or on chronic atrophic gastritis as a precursor of stomach cancer.
Alternatively, the object of the study may be a characteristic that is relat-
ed to cancer, such as growth or fertilty. Thus, epidemiologists are con-
cerned not only with ilness, disabilty and death, but also with health and
with preventing disease.
The epidemiologist is interested in the distribution of disease in a pop-
ulation. Which types of people are at a higher risk? How does the disease
frequency change over time? How much does it vary from place to place?
These are summarized as 'Who?', 'When?' and 'Where?'. The most basic
task of cancer epidemiology is to describe the occurrence of human can-
cer, noting diferences, for example, between males and females, between
people of different ages, between socioeconomic classes, between occupa-
tions, between time periods, betweeh areas of a country, and between
countries. These observations are the starting points in epidemiological
research. Like a detective, the epidemiologist then pursues the most
promising cIues.
Epidemiology aims to answer not only 'Who has what, when, and
where?', but also to find out why. Whyare sorne at higher risk than oth-
ers? Are associations between certain factors and increased risk of disease

Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology

causal or spurious? Epidemiologists seek to address such basic issues, view-

ing their work as the search for a relationship between two factors. The
first, called exposure (or risk factor), refers to any factor that can affect a
person's health: such factors include environmental agents, such as sun-
light, air pollution and occupation al exposures; lifestyle variables like die
smoking and physical exercise; and constitutional factors, such as blood
type and other genetic traits. The second is the disease itself (or other
health-related event of interest). The epidemiologist must examine
whether there is an association between an exposure and a disease, and
decide whether the observed relationship is likely to be causaL. Questions
to be addressed might be Ils lung cancer associated with cigarette smok-
ing?' or 'Does cigarette smoking cause the disease?'.
Epidemiology is the only source of direct scientific evidence about
exposure effects and the preventabilty of disease within human popula-
tions. Laboratory scientists have identified carcinogenic compounds in
tobacco smoke and have been able to produce respira
tory cancers in
experimental animaIs by forcing them to inhale cigarette smoke (IARC,
1986). However, the argument that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer
in humans would remain unconvincing if epidemiologists had not also
demonstrated that lung cancer occurs mu
ch more often in smokers than
in non-smokers. But, in contrast to the laboratory-based sciences, the
strategy in epidemiology is usually to observe and compare, rather than to
experiment, as major ethical and practical considerations limit the possi-
bilites for experimental studies upon humans.
ln addition to establishing whether particular exposure-disease associa-
tions exist, epidemiology attempts to measure their strength. Thus, after
finding an association, the next stage is always to determine the magni-
tude of the possible effects. To do so, epidemiologists ask questions su
as IBy how much does cigarette smoking increase the risk of lung cancer?'
or IBy how much does hepatitis B vaccination reduce the risk of liver can-
cer1' .
One of the most important roles of epidemiology is to learn about the
causes of disease, or its natural history, knowledge that can lead to the
introduction of preventive measures. Even when the biology of a disease
is not fully understood, epidemiology can identify a cause and a means of
prevention. Complete knowledge of causal mechanisms is not essential for
effective preventive strategies, although in the spirit of scientific enquiry
accepted in western culture, knowledge of the mechanisms involved is
desirable in itself. We can greatly reduce our risk of developing lung can-
cer if we do not smoke cigarettes, without knowing what specific compo-
nent of cigarettes is carcinogenic, nor precisely how these substances
affect the control of cell growth.
The epidemiologist is to society what the doctor is to the patient, and
epidemiology is thus part of the foundations of public health.
Epidemiology describes and measures the occurrence of disease in the
community, so that questions can be addressed such as 'is the disease (or

Chapter 1

condition) a priority for health intervention?' and 'Why do cases occur

and why does the condition persist in the community?'. Epidemiology
also helps in choosing the health programmes that are most likely to con-
trol a particular health problem and in evaluating their impact in the com-

1.2 A brief history of cancer epidemiology

Epidemiology has its origins in the idea present in many ancient civi-
lizations that environmental factors can influence the occurrence of dis-
ease. This idea was clearly expressed about 2400 years ago by Hippocrates:

"Whoever wishes to pursue properly the science of medicine must

proceed thus. First he ought to consider what effects each season of
the year can produce; for the seasons are not aIl alike, but differ wide-
ly both in themselves and at their changes. The next point is the hot
winds and the cold, especially those that are universal, but also those
that are peculiar to each particular region. He must also consider the
properties of the waters (...) and how the natives are off for water,
whether they use marshy, soft waters, or such as are hard and come
from rocky heights, or brackish and harsh. The soil too, whether bare
and dry or wooded and watered, hollow and hot or high and cold.
The mode of life also of the inhabitants that is pleasing to them,
whether they are heavy drinkers, taking lunch, and inactive, or ath-
letic, industrious, eating much and drinking little.(...) Using this evi-
dence he must examine the several problems that arise. For if a physi-
cian know these things weIl, by preference aIl of them, but at any rate
most, he wil not, on arrivaI at a town with which he is unfamilar,
be ignorant of the local diseases, or of the nature of those that com-
monly prevail; so that he wil not be at a loss in the treatment of dis-
eases, or make blunders, as is likely to be the case if he have not this
knowledge before he consider his several problems." (Translated into
English by Jones, 1923)

Despite his emphasis on the role of environmental factors in causing

human disease, Hippocrates believed that cancer was a disease caused by an
excess of 'black bile', which was manufactured by both the spleen and
stomach, but not the liver. His ide as dominated medical practice during the
Middle Ages, and it was only with the advent of the Renaissance that they
began to be disputed by a number of physicians. Ramazzini was among
these. ln his book entitled De Morbis Artifìcum (1713) (translated into
English by Wright, 1964), he suggested that the high occurrence of breast
cancer among nuns was due to their celibate life, an observation that has
withstood the test of time. This observation was confirmed by Rigoni-Stern
in a paper published in 1842 (translated into English by De Stavola, 1987).
ln 1775, Percival Pott described the relationship between scrotal cancer
in chimney sweeps and soot in his Chirurgical Observations. His work is
Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology

now considered a milestone in epidemiology. Pott was the first to attribute

an occupational cause to this disease, raising the possibilty of prevention.

"The fate of these people seems singularly hard; in their early infancy
they are most frequently treated with great brutality, and almost
starved with cold and hunger; they are thrust up narrow, and some-
times hot chimneys, where they are buried, burned and almost suffo-
cated; and when they get to puberty, become liable to a most noisome,
painful and fatal disease." (Pott, 1775)

Pott's work was continued by Henry Butlin (1845-1912), a surgeon at St

Bartholomew's Hospital in London. An interesting account of this is given
by Waldron (1983):

"A feature of the disease which exercised those interested in it, and
which was connected with its aetiology, was that chimney sweeps'
cancer seemed to be almost exclusively an English disease. Cases were
virtually unknown on the Continent, in America, or even in Scotland. Figure 1.1.
Protective c10thing worn by a German
This problem was fully investigated by Henry Butln. Butlin took him- sweep in 1785 (repraduced, by per-
self to the Continent during the course of his researches and, as the mission of BMJ Publishing Group, fram
result of meeting and talking to Continental sweeps, he considered Waldron, 1983).
that he had established the reasons for the virtual absence of scrotal
cancer among them. ln part it was due to the protective clothing they
wore. As early as 1785, the German sweep is depicted in a close fitting
suit complete with head covering (Figure 1. 1 J. There are no openings
for the soot to penetrate nor any loose clothing in which it can lodge.
The London sweep, as late as 1851 stands in sharp contrast, a waif-like
boy, dirty and in loose smock and trousers. (Figure 1.2J"

Butln made use of a 'natural experiment' to observe that protective cloth-

ing seems to be associated with a reduction in the risk of scrotal cancer.
The development and growth of the field of vital statistics in the 19th
cent ury made it possible to study the patterns of cancer occurrence in spe-
cifie populations. Wiliam Fan (1807-83) in England, in collaboration
with Marc d'Espine in Geneva, developed a nomenclature system for
grouping diseases (Fan, 1975), which formed the basis for the International
Classification of Diseases (see Appendix 2.2). The adoption of this classifi-
cation by many countries to code causes of death recorded on death cer-
tificates greatly improved the comparabilty of international mortality sta-
tistics. One of the earliest and most extensive reports on international can- Figure 1.2.
cer mortality statistics was published by Hoffman in 1915 in a book enti- An English chimney sweep in 1851
(reproduced, by permission of BMJ
tled The Mortality (rom Cancer Throughout the World. A graph from this Publishing Group, tram Waldron,
book is reproduced in Figure 1.3. The first population-based cancer reg- 1983).
istries, which collect information on aIl new cases of cancer that occur in
a weIl defined population, were also set up in the first decades of this cen-
tury (Wagner, 1991) (see Chapter 17).

Chapter 1

Figure 1.3.
Mortality fram ail malignant neoplasms International Statistics of Cancer Mortality. 1908-1912
for certain countries and cities,
1908-1912 (repraduced fram Hoffman,
1915). CouFTrries CiÜes
.Jilzerläod /i'3
C $q /00
RaIe per 100. 000 Population
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Although several studies that would now be considered examples of

cancer epidemiology were conducted before the 20th century, the growth
of this discipline (and of epidemiology in general) did not begin until the
end of the Second World War. ln 1954, results from two important cohort
studies, now considered as classical, were published. One was the British
Doctors' Study (0011 & Hil, 1954), designed to investigate the relationship
between tobacco smoking and lung cancer. The other had been set up to
determine the risk of bladder cancer in the British chemical industry (Case
et aL., 1954; Case & Pearson, 1954).
Cohort studies of human populations, particularly of industrial work-
ers, patients treated with radiation and cytotoxic chemotherapy, and vic-
tims of nuclear and other dis asters, have provided the most convincing
evidence of links between exposure to specific agents and cancer.
ln cohort studies, the epidemiologist assembles a group of people and
collects information to identify those who are exposed to a particular
agent (e.g., smokers) and those who are not (e.g., non-smokers). The group
is then followed over time, and the disease occurrence (e.g., lung cancer)
in exposed individuals is compared with the disease occurrence in the
non-exposed group (see Chapter 8). However, the foIlow-up and observa-
tion of disease occurrence in a population is not a simple task. Many dis-
eases, including cancer, occur rarely, so that large numbers of people must
be followed up for long periods to observe enough cases with the disease.
This requires a great deal of effort from the researchers, cooperation from
the study subjects and, above aIl, a sizeable budget. The high costs and the
logistic difficulties involved mean that cohort studies have been favoured
in settings where exposure and medical records and vital statistics are care-
fully collected and available for use, or where society can support the
Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology

expense of gathering the necessary information. Despite this, a consider-

able number of cohort studies have been carried out in developing coun-
tries (e.g., Geser et al., 1982; Gupta et al., 1984; Ross et aL., 1992). One of
the most impressive was the seven-year foIlow-up of a cohort of 42 000
Ugandan children in an investigation of the etiological role of
Epstein-Barr virus in Burkitts lymphoma (Geser et aL., 1982). This study
design has also been widely used in developing countries to examine the
health effects (including cancer) of exposure to a large number of occupa-
tional (Pearce et aL., 1994) and other environ
mental hazards.
The logistic problems and costs encountered with cohort studies have
led to the development and increase in popularity of another type of
study: the case-control study. ln these studies, the epidemiologist com-
pares a group of individuals who have the disease under investigation
(termed 'cases'-e.g., persons with lung cancer) with a group without that
disease (termed 'controls'), to see whether the groups differ in their past
history of exposures (e.g., smoking habits) (see Chapter 9). This type of
study is uniquely weIl suited to studying cancer and other diseases with a
long induction period, allowing the epidemiologist to look through time,
retrospectively tracing the path back from effect to cause. This is the
reverse of the time-sequence adopted in cohort studies. This technique of
looking retrospectively is used daily by clinicians when they take case his-
tories. However, case-control studies differ from case series in that they
use a control group for drawing comparisons with the group of cases.
One of the earliest studies to make use of the case-control approach was
that reported by Broders (1920) on squamous cell epithelioma of the lip in
relation to pipe smoking. Unfortunately, Broders failed to describe the
method by which he selected the controls. ln 1926, Lane-Claypon report-
ed a case-control study of the role of reproductive experience in the etiol-
ogy of breast cancer. This report is particularly important because it
emphasized the need to use a control group for comparison with the cases,
and discussed methods for selecting hospital controls to address specific
hypotheses. Thereafter until the late 1940s, no further case-control stud-
ies of comparable quality were published. There were, however, studies in
which the characteristics of cancer patients were compared with those of
a group of non-cancer patients; an example, on betel chewing and oral
cancers in lndia, was published by Orr (1933). ln 1947, Schrek & Lenowitz
reported a case-control study of the relationship between carcinoma of
the penis and poor sexual hygiene. ln the early 19S0s, results from four
case-control studies linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer were report-
ed (Schrek et al., 1950; Levin et aL., 1950; Wynder & Graham, 1950; Doll
& Hil, 1950, 1952), and the following years saw numerous similar studies
of manycancers. The 19S0s also brought the first methodological devel-
opments of the case-control approach (e.g., Cornfield, 1951; Mantel &
Haenszel, 1959).
The case-control study has revealed or cIarified our understanding of
such associations as late first birth and breast cancer (MacMahon et aL.,

Chapter 1

1970); diethylstilbestrol and vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma in young

women (Herbst et al., 1971); exogenous estrogens and cancer of the
endometrium (Ziel & Finkle, 1975; Smith et al., 1975); alcohol and tobac-
co consumption and cancer of the oesophagus (Tuyns et aL., 1977); chron-
ic infection with hepatitis B virus and liver cancer (Prince et al., 1975;
Trichopoulos et al., 1978); and human papilomavirus infection and cervi-
cal cancer (Muñoz et al., 1992a). The case-control study is particularly
appropriate for investigating causal relationships where resources are rela-
tively scarce, such as in developing countries.
A more recent development has been the application of epidemiologi-
cal principles and methods to the design, conduct and analysis of inter-
vention trials. These are studies in which the exposures being studied are
allocated to participants by the investigators themselves (see Chapter 7).
This type of controlled experiment has become an integral part of the
evaluation of new preventive and therapeutic agents and procedures. For
instance, the intervention trial has been used to evaluate the impact of
anti-smoking advice on health (Rose & ColweIl, 1992), to assess the raIe of
health education programmes in preventing oral cancer in India (Gupta et
aL., 1986), to evaluate screening programmes for breast cancer (e.g.,
Shapiro et aL., 1971), and to assess the efficacy of hepatitis B vaccination
in preventing liver cancer (e.g., Gambia Hepatitis Study Group, 1987).
It is obvious from the low survival from many cancers that if these dis-
eases are to be controIled, we cannot rely solely on increasing the avail-
abilty of medical care. It is vital to increase our understanding of the
genetic, environmental and social factors that foster these diseases, with
the aim of applying this knowledge to effective preventive measures. The
ultimate goal of cancer epidemiology is to identify risk factors so as to
allow the early introduction of effective preventive measures. To achieve
this goal, however, cancer epidemiology requires a multidisciplinary
approach, bringing together clinicians, laboratory and social scientists,
and public health and other health-related professionals.
The contribution of epidemiology to strategies for preventing certain
types of cancer was until recently weIl in advance of our biological know-
ledge of the disease. However, advances in biology are now providing new
tools and directions for epidemiological investigations into the occurrence
and distribution of cancer in populations. Incorporation of biological
markers into epidemiological research and development of genetic epi-
demiology are just sorne examples of this multdisciplinary approach.

~=o ",.~Introduction
~-..~_ ta Cancer Epidemialogy

Further reading
~ -" Box 1.1. Key issues - "-"_
* Buck et al. (1988) compiled and
-Cåocerapidemiologyisconcernédwiththestudy of the distribution of the dis-
discussed a collection of classic
aa~ecancerin populatipos.ltsultimate Qoal. is to identify. riskfactors that may epidemiological papers, includ-
laad tq.eady introductipnpfeffective preventivemeasures.
ing many of those quoted in
Section 1.2.
-Cancerepidemiology,andepidamiologyingeneral, is based on the comparison
otgroups of people.. FprethicaJreasons, however, epidemiological methods are
predominantly obseNational(i.e., non-experimental). The major challenge for
epidemiologistsis toidentifyand make use of 'natural experiments' that wil help
to answerthe questionunder investigation.

-Cancerepidamiglogyisa relativelynaw science, whichhas matured only in the

lasthalf ptthe .20thçentury.DespiteHsyouth, lthas alreadycontributed greatly
. togLJrunderstandingolthecausesof diffarent types of cancers and the evalua-
tionpfpreventive measures.

Chapter 2
Measurement of exposures
and outcomes
2.1 Introduction
Most epidemiological research involves the study of the relationship of
one type of event or characteristic to another. Consider the following
questions as examples:

* Ooes a/coho/ intake increase the risk of /ung cancer?

Alcohol .. lung cancer
(exposure) (outcome)
* Ooes hepatits B vaccination protect against fiver cancer?
Hepatitis B vaccine .. liver cancer
(exposure) (outcome)
ln these relationships, we assume that one event-exposure-affects the
The exposure of interest may be associated with either an increased or a
decreased occurrence of disease or other specified health outcome, and
may relate to the environment (e.g., air pollution, indoor radon), lifestyle
(e.g., smoking habits, diet), or inborn or inherited characteristics (e.g.,
blood group A, fair skin). The term risk factor is often used to describe an
exposure variable.
The outcome of a study is a broad term for any defined disease, state of
health, health-related event or death. ln sorne studies, there may be mul-
tiple outcomes.
The exposures and outcomes of interest are specific to study hypotheses
and should always be clearly defined before the study starts. The exposure
of interest in one study may be the outcome in another. For example,
smoking is clearly the exposure of interest in a study that examines
whether smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smok-
ers, but would be the outcome in a study examining the effectiveness of
an anti-smoking intervention programme in reducing the frequency of
smoking in a certain population.
ln most instances, it is not sufficient to collect information only on the
exposure and outcome of interest. This is because their relationship may
be mixed up with the effect of another exposure on the same out
come, the
two exposures being correlated. This phenomenon is known as con-
founding. Consider again the relationship between alcohol intake and
lung cancer.

Chapter 2

* Ooes a/coho/ intake increase the risk of /ung cancer?

Alcohol )i lung cancer

(exposure) (outcome)
~, smoking /

Suppose that a researcher observes that lung cancer occurs more often
in people who drink alcohol than in those who do not. It would not be
possible to conclude from this observation that exposure to alcohol
increases the probabilty of developing lung cancer, unless the researcher
can show that the observed relationship cannot be due to the fact that
those who drink alcohol smoke more heavily than non-drinkers. ln this
example, smoking is acting as a confounder. Confounding can be dealt with
when designing studies or when analysing the results provided that the
relevant data have been collected. These issues are discussed in detail in
Chapters 13 and 14.
Thus, most epidemiological studies must collect information on three
types of variable:

(1) the primary exposure(s) of interest,

(2) other exposure(s) that may influence the outcome (potential con-
founders), and
(3) the outcome(s).

It is impossible to select appropriate measurements for a particular

investigation unless a specific and detailed statement of research objec-
tives has been made. Without such a statement, information on key vari-
ables may be inadequate or missing.
This chapter discusses different ways of collecting data on exposures
and outcomes.

2.2 Types of exposure

A wide range of exposures may be of interest in cancer epidemiology.
These include genetic traits (e.g., blood group), demographic variables
(e.g., sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status), reproductive and sex-relat-
ed variables, diet and body build, physical activity, smoking and alcohol
habits, past medications (e.g., oral contraceptive use), environmental and
occupational exposures, and infectious agents.
The characteristic of interest, the true exposure, may not be directly mea-
surable, or it may be difficult or impossible to define. Socioeconomic status
is an example of such an abstract concept. Epidemiologists commonly
measure socioeconomic status using proxy variables such as occupation,
income, education, and place of residence. Moreover, socioeconomic status
is not per se a cause of disease, but rather an indicator of the level or prob-
abilty of exposure to sorne underlying cause, which is often unknown.

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

2.3. Measurement of exposure

Data on the exposures of interest may be obtained through personal
interviews (either face-to-face or by telephone), self-administered ques-
tionnaires, diaries of behaviour, reference to records, biological measure-
ments and measurements in the environment. If a subject is too young,
too il, or dead, it is also common to obtain data from a proxy respondent,
usually a member of their family.
The method chosen to collect data depends on many factors: the type
of study; the type and detail of data required; availabilty of existing
records collected for other purposes; lack of knowledge or poor recaIl of
the exposure by subjects; sensitivity of the subjects to questioning about
the exposure; frequency and level of the exposure, and their variabilty
over time; availabilty of physical or chemical methods for measuring the
exposure in the human body or in the environ
ment; and the costs of the
various possible methods. Often, more than one approach is used.
Different components of the data often require different collection meth-
ods, and using several methods of data collection can help to validate data
and to reduce error in measurement (see Section 2.6).
The information obtained should include details of the exact nature of
the exposure, its amount or dose, and its distribution over time.

2.3.1 Nature of the exposure

The information collected should be as detailed as possible. For
instance, it is better to enquire about different forms of tobacco smoking
separately (cigarettes, pipes, cigars), rather than to enquire simply about
'smoking'. Questions on types of cigarette may also be asked to ob
information on their tar content. Enquiries should also be made about
the route of exposure to the agent (for example, in a study of contra-
ceptives and breast cancer, it is important to distinguish oral contracep-
tives from other types of contraceptive), as weIl as about any behaviour
that may protect against exposure (for example, in an occupational
study, it is important to ask about any behaviour that may have pro-
tected the workers from being exposed to hazards, such as use of protec-
tive cIothing).

2.3.2 Dose
Exposure is seldom simply present or absent. Most exposures of interest
are quantitative variables. Smokers can be classified according to the num-
ber of cigarettes smoked daily; industrial exposures by the extent of expo-
sure (often achieved by classifying workers according to the duration of
employment and type of job); infections by dose of agent or age at expo-
sure; breast-feeding by duration; and psychological exposures by sorne
arbitrary scale of severity. Thus the simple situation of two groups, one
exposed and one unexposed, is rare, and the conclusions of a study are
greatly strengthened where there is a trend of increasing disease incidence
with increasing exposure-an exposure-response relationship.

Chapter 2

Dose may be measured either as the total accumulated dose (cumulative

exposure), for example, the total number of packets of cigarettes ever
smoked, or as the dose or exposure rate, for example, the number of ciga-
rettes smoked daily. Exposure rate is a measurement of dose per unit time.
It is important to realize that although measurements of dose are usual-
ly made in the subjects external environment (e.g., levels of environmen-
tal pollution), this is not the dose that matters in biological terms. The bio-
logically effective dose is the amount of the extemal agent or its active
metabolie that affects cellular mechanisms in the target organs. The bio-
logically effective dose cannot usuaIly be measured directly, but it may be
possible to ob tain an estimate, an example being the measurement in
humans of DNA adducts with nitrosamines or aflatoxins. Nevertheless,
such measurements have their limitations: for instance, they may be useful
markers of current or recent, but not of past, exposure (see Section 2.4.4).

2.3.3 Time
As far as possible, each exposure should be characterized as to when it
began, when it ended (if at aIl), and how it was distributed during the
intervening period (was it periodic or continuous? did the dose vary over
time?). Similar details should also be obtained for any behaviour that may
protect against the exposure.
There is thought to be a restricted period, the critical time window, dur-
ing which the exposure could have caused cancer. Unfortunately, the
beginning and end of this critical time window are not known, and its
length is likely to vary between individuals. Collecting data on the timing
of exposure allows the possible extent of this window to be estimated.
Analyses may include examination of the effects of time since first expo-
sure and time since last exposure.
Pattern of exposure may also be important. Exposure that occurs peri-
odically in intense bursts may have a different effect from a similar total
amount of exposure that occurs continuously at low intensity (e.g., con-
stant versus intermittent exposure to sunlight; chronic exposure to low
levels of ionizing radiation versus acute exposure to high levels).

2.4 Sources of exposure data

2.4.1 Questionnaires
Questionnaires are used to collect exposure data in epidemiological
studies by putting the same set of questions to each study participant in a
standardized form. Questionnaires can be self-administered or may be
administered by an interviewer.
The aim of a research questionnaire is to obtain, with minimal error,
measurements of the exposure variables of interest for the study. Thus, the
questions to be incIuded in a questionnaire should relate directly to the
objectives of the study. Sorne basic principles that should be taken into
account when designing a questionnaire are discussed in Appendix 2.1. To

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

ensure that the questions are properly understood and wil elicit appro-
priate answers, questionnaires should be pre-tested on a sample of subjects
from the population to be studied.

Se!f-administered questionnaires
Self-administered questionnaires are distributed to study subjects who
are asked to complete them. They can be delivered and returned either per-
sonally or by mail if this is feasible and more convenient. Such question-
naires are particularly appropriate when small amounts of reasonably sim-
ple data are required, or for documenting sensitive or socially undesirable
behaviour. They are one of the cheapest ways of collecting information,
but have the limitation that they can be used only in literate populations.
The investigator also has relatively little control on the quality of the data

Persona! interviews (interviewer-administered questionnaires)

Using an interviewer to administer a questionnaire may reduce error by
increasing the subjects' participation and motivating them to respond ade-
quately. Moreover, an interviewer may probe to obtain more complete
data. However, interviewers may also increase error if they influence the
subjects responses, either directIy or indirectly.
As an interview is a conversation between interviewer and respondent,
it is essential that a rapport is established right from the start. Interviewers
should be selected taking into account the cultural norms of the study
population, so that they wil be trusted by the study subjects. As a simple
example, in sorne societies, male interviewers wil not be allowed to inter-
view women. Cultural characteristics of interviewers may also influence
the degree of participation of respondents, and/or the accuracy of the
information they give. The respondent must feel that the interviewer
understands him or her and that there are no barriers to communication.
For collecting large amounts of complex data, face-to-face interviews are
clearly best. However, when subjects are widely dispersed and the ques-
tionnaire is relatively brief, interviewing by telephone may be a better
approach. Of course! this is feasible only where the telephone is widely
used, which is not always the case. Even in societies where there is wide-
spread use of telephones, certain groups of people wil be excluded from
the study either because they do not have a telephone or because they do
not like to provide personal information over the telephone.
Proxy or surrogate respondents are people who provide information on
exposure in place of the study subjects themselves (index subjects). They
are used in epidemiology when the index subjects are for any reason
unable to provide the data required. Studies involving children normally
also rely on proxy respondents. Proxy respondents usually provide less
valid information than the index subjects; for instance, they often tend to
under-enumerate occupational exposures and to report the index subject
as having a job of higher status than is actually the case. Closeness to the
Chapter 2

study subject is an important determinant of the quality of information

obtained; in general, the most accurate information tends to come from
spouses and, in the case of children, mothers.

2.4.2 Diaries
Diaries are detailed records of exposure kept by the subject. They are
generally open-ended and take the form of a booklet in which the subject
records each occurrence of a particular behaviour such as physical exercise,
alcohol consumption, dietary intake, sexual activity, use of medication,
etc. Diaries are assumed to be highly accurate in measuring current behav-
iour, because they do not rely on memory. They also allow more detailed
information about the exposure to be collected than with a questionnaire.
For example, foods can be weighed by the subject before being eaten.
The main limitation of diaries is that only current exposures can be
measured. ln addition, diaries generally demand more of subjects in terms
of time and skil than other methods, so compliance may be a problem.
Training of subjects in the skils needed to keep an accurate diary can be
time-consuming for both subjects and investigators. Thus, diaries are
rarely used in countries in which many people are iliterate.

2.4.3 Records
Data on the exposure of interest may be available from census, employ-
ment, medical (in- and out-patient), cancer registry, birth certification and
death certification records. Typically, as the data have already been col-
lected for purposes other than epidemiological research, the researcher has
no control over what items were recorded, how questions were phrased,
and so on. Records are also often produced by a large number of people
with litte uniform training. Moreover, the availabilty and quality of
records in many countries tends to be po or.
Despite these limitations, the use of records has several advantages over
other methods of data collection. Study costs are usually low, and the
duration of the study is shorter because sorne or aIl of the data have
already been collected. Records can also provide ne ar-complete data on a
weIl defined population, and information can be obtained without con-
tacting the subjects or their relatives. Certain data items (for example,
intake of medications or occupation al exposures) may be recorded more
accurately than information obtained in a personal interview; for instance,
errors caused by poor recall or lack of knowledge of the exposure are elim-
Characteristics and limitations of sorne such routine data-collection sys-
tems are discussed in more detail in Section 2.9 and Chapter 11.

2.4.4 Biological measurements

ln principle, the ideal approach to determining exposure involves mea-
surements made directly on the human body or its products. Biological
measurements wil be more objective, in that they are independent both


Measurement of exposures and outcomes

of the subjects' perceptions and, where instrumental or laboratory meth-

ods are used, of the researcher. Biological measurements may also reflect
more closely the biologically effective dose, Le., the level of exposure that
affects ceIls in the target organ(s).
Interest in the epidemiological application of measurements of expo-
sure in the human body has recently been growing, with the development
of increasingly refined laboratory techniques for measuring active metabo-
lites of carcinogens and the products of their interaction with DNA or pro-
teins (adducts). The term 'molecular epidemiology' has been coined to
describe epidemiological approaches that incorporate a laboratory com-
An example of the successful application of molecular epidemiology is
the measurement of aflatoxin in the human diet. Aflatoxin is produced by
the mould Aspergilus flavus, which grows on stored foods such as ground-
nuts in tropical climates, in particular in eastern Asia and sub-Saharan
Africa. Although experiments have shown that aflatoxin is a potent induc-
er of liver cancer in laboratory animaIs, most epidemiological research has
been hampered by the diffculty of measuring the amount of aflatoxin
consumed by humans. Recently, biological markers for estimating current
or recent aflatoxin consumption have been established, involving mea-
surement of metabolites of aflatoxin and DNA adducts in the urine. Such
measurements were made in a study undertaken in Shanghai (Qian et al.,
1994), in which the incidence of liver cancer in approximately 18 000
Chinese men was related to urinary measurements of their exposure to
aflatoxin. Results from this study have provided the most direct evidence
that aflatoxin has an etiological role in human hepatoceIlular carcinogen-
esis. These biological markers are, however, not ideal, as they cannot mea-
sure past exposure, which may be crucial in studying the role of aflatoxin
in liver cancer.
Laboratory assays have also been developed to ascertain exposure to
infectious agents such as human papilomavirus (HPV) (Muñoz et al.,
1992b) and Helicobacter pylori (IARC, 1994a). These assays have helped to
clarify the role of HPV infection in the etiology of cervical cancer, and that
of H. pylori in stomach cancer.
The possibilty of using laboratory measurements in an epidemiological
study is determined mainly by the availabilty of a suitable test, its feasi-
bility (e.g., availabilty of laboratory equipment) and the cost. Moreover,
most laboratory measurements are limited in that they can assess only CUf-
rent exposures, while past exposure is generally more relevant in cancer
epidemiology. Thus, laboratory measurements are particularly useful
when they assess attributes that remain stable, for example, genetic traits.
One way in which this limitation can be overcome is to use banks of bio-
logical specimens. Biological samples collected sorne time before the study
subjects develop the outcome of interest can be analysed with the latest
laboratory techniques. For instance, blood and urine samples may be col-
lected from aIl individuals in a particular cohort at the time they enter the

Chapter 2

pIes can be re-analysed later

study and an aliquot stored frozen. These sam

when more sophisticated techniques become available.

2.4.5 Measurements in the environment

Measurements in the environment include those of agents in the air
(e.g., air pollutants, dust), water (e.g., fluoride), soil (e.g., elements), foods
(e.g., nutrient composition), etc. The samples may come from homes,
workplaces, recreational sites, or the ambient environment in general.
Such measurements are particularly use fuI when the subjects are unaware
of the exposure (e.g., indoor radiation levels) or cannot recall it accurate-
The value of environ mental measurements depends on the procedures
used both for sampling and for analysis. IdeaIly, environmental agents
should be assessed for each study subject throughout the etiologically rel-
evant period, so as to reflect as accurately as possible personal attributes.
For example, individual measurements of exposure to ionizing radiation
can be made by each study subject wearing a fim-badge throughout the
study period and individual nu trient intake can be measured by analysing
identical portions of aIl foods and beverages consumed by a subject dur-
ing the study period. However, this approach is generally not feasible
because of time and cost constraints, technical concerns and lack of sub-
ject compliance. Usually it is only possible to make measurements in a
sample of study subjects at certain defined time points. The choice of the
sample and the timing of the measurements is obviously of crucial impor-
tance to the validity of the measurements.
One limitation of environmental measurements is that they usually
reflect only current exposure levels. ln certain situations, it may be rea-
sonable to assume that measurements made in the present environment
are highly correlated with the exposure levels at etiologically relevant peri-
ods in the past. Records of previous exposure measurements may be avail-
able, but should be used with caution: such measurements were usually
made for other purposes using methods that may now be considered inad-
equate. When no su ch measurements are available, proxy measures of past
exposures may be used. For example, in a study of occupational exposures,
information on 'type of job', 'year of employment and 'duration of
employment may be used to classify workers according to exposure sta-
tus. This information may be extracted from employment records or
obtained through questionnaires.

2.5 Measurement of outcome

As for measurements of exposure, data on the outcome(s) of interest
may be obtained from various sources. Regular questionnaires or tele-
phone calls may be used to ascertain subjects' health status. Periodic per-
sonal interviews with clinical check-ups may be arranged, which may
include biological measurements and any other appropriate diagnostic
procedures (e.g., radiography, endoscopy, ultrasound, etc.). Alternatively,

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

information on the outcomes, and in particular on the occurrence of can-

cer, may be obtained from records, such as hospital records, cancer regis-
trations, death certificates or sorne other specialized surveilance method
(see Section 2.9). When records are used, the data available are limited to
outcomes that are recorded routinely, their completeness, and the way in
which they are coded.
Because malignancies develop slowly and are relatively rare, studies of
the relationship between suspected carcinogenic exposures and cancer
may require the observation of many participants over a long period. One
way to avoid this is to use intermediate end-points as cancer surrogates:
that is, to use as an outcome a biological event that is believed to lie on
the causal pathway between exposure and cancer. Studies that use inter-
mediate end-points are, in principle, quicker, smaller and less expensive
than those using malignancy as the outcome. For instance, a study of the
relationship between diet and estrogen metabolism could be carried out
on several dozen patients, whereas a dietary intervention study with
breast cancer as the end-point would require tens of thousands of women
with many years of follow-up (Schatzkin et al., 1990). The underlying
assumption in these studies is that the observed relationship between
exposure (e.g., diet) and the intermediate end-point (e.g., estrogen metab-
olism) reflects a similar relationship between exposure and the cancer of
interest. Clearly, this assumption must be validated before the intermedi-
ate end-point can be used as a cancer surrogate (Toniolo et al., 1997).

2.6 Validity and reliability of measurements of

exposure and outcome
2.6.1 Validity
Validity is defined as the extent to which an instrument (for example, a
questionnaire or a laboratory test) measures what it is intended to mea-
sure. Validity can be determined only if there is a reference procedure or
'gold standard': a definitive procedure to determine the characteristic
being measured. For example, information on birth weight obtained from
an interview can be validated against hospital records, and food-frequen-
cy questionnaires against food diaries and biological measurements.
Gold standard
However, in sorne circumstances there is no obvious reference procedure
Positive Negative
and the best available method must be taken as the standard.
Consider the simple example of a test that can give only a positive or
Study Positive
test Negative
a b
c d
negative (Le., binary) result. When the same subjects have been examined
by both the study test and the gold standard, the findings can be a, true positives; b, false positives; c,
expressed in a 2x2 table, as in Table 2.1. false negatives; d, true negatives .
The sensitivity of the study test is the proportion of individuals cIassified
as positives by the gold standard who are correctly identified by the study Table 2.1.
test: Generallayout of a 2 x 2 table to
assess the validity of a test that can
give only a binary result.
Sensitivity = a/(a+c)


Chapter 2

The specificity of the study test is the proportion of individuals classified

as negatives by the gold standard who are correctly identified by the study

Specificity = d/(b+d)

The predictive value of a positive study test result represents the probabil-
ty that someone with a positive study test result reaUy has the character-
istic of interest as determined by the gold standard:

Predictive value of a positive study test result = a/(a+b)

The predictive value of a negative study test result represents the probabil-
ty that someone with a negative study test result does not have the char-
acte tic of interest as determined by the gold standard:

Predictive value of a negative study test result = d/(c+d)

Table 2.2.
Comparison of ViraPap(ß and Southern
hybridization methods in the diagnosis
of ceivicai HPV infection in a sarnple
of women who atlended a sexually
transmitled disease c1inic. a

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

An ideal test has high sensitivity (correctIy identifies a high proportion

of truly exposed or diseased individuals) and high specificity (gives few
positive results in unexposed or non-diseased individuals). ln Example
2.1, the ViraPap(ß test had both high sensitivity and high specificity, indi-
cating that the test was highly valid in the detection of cervical HPV infec-
tion (as compared to the Southern hybridization test) and therefore that
its results would be little affected by measurement error.
While the predictive value of a study test result strongly depends upon
the frequency of the disease (or other characteristic of interest) in the pop-
ulation, sensitivity and specificity are essentially unaffected. When the
disease frequency changes, the numbers of diseased people as determined
by the gold standard (left-hand column) change in proportion to the
numbers of non-diseased people (right-hand column). Unlike sensitivity
and specificity, the predictive value of a study test result depends on the
numbers in both columns, and wil change if the frequency of the disease

Table 2.3.
Comparison of ViraPap(é and Southern
hybridization methods in the detection
of cervical HPV infection among
apparently healthy women: hypotheti-
cal data.

ln Example 2.2, the predictive value of a positive ViraPap(ß test is

markedly decreased (from 74% to 45%). This is because the proportion of
HPV-infected women (as determined by the gold standard) was much
higher (69/450 = 15%) in the sample of women who attended the clinic
for sexually transmitted disease (Table 2.2) than among the group of
apparently healthy women (23/450 = 5%). Thus, diagnostic tests which
are useful in clinical medicine may perform poorly in epidemiological sur-
veys or in population screening programmes. ln clinical me di cine, diag-
nostic tests are applied to patients in populations already selected as hav-
ing a high occurrence of the conditon. ln this situation, the test IDay have

Chapter 2

high predictive value. ln an epidemiological survey of an unselected pop-

ulation, the same test may have poor predictive value because the fre-
quency of the condition is much lower. For example, mammography has
high predictive value as a test for breast cancer in women who consult
doctors because of a lump in the breast, but low predictive value when
used to screen apparently healthy women in the population. These issues
are discussed further in Chapter 16.
The selection of a gold standard is a crucial aspect of evaluating the
validity of any measurement. Unfortunately, in many cases there is no
appropriate gold standard, and the investigator has to rely on the best
available method. For instance, for many years, Southern hybridization
was regarded as the gold standard method for detecting cervical HPV
infection. However, with the development in recent years of polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) to amplify HPV-specific DNA sequences, these newer
methods have become the accepted gold standard.

Table 2.4.
Comparison of ViraPapQi and poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) in the
detection of cervical HPV infection. a

ln Example 2.3 the validity of the ViraPap(I test (as measured by its sen-
sitivity and specificity) was much lower th an when Southern hybridiza-
tion was used as the gold standard method (Example 2.1). This is because
the PCR method is more sensitive and more specific than the Southern
hybridization technique.
Not aIl tests give a simple yes/no result. Sorne yield results that are
numerical values along a continuous scale of measurement. ln these situ-
ations, high sensitivity is obtained at the cost of low specificity and vice
versa. For example, the higher the blood pressure, the more probable is
hypertensive disease. If a diagnostic or screening test for hypertension is
- =._~-.~: =w.-.,..='I~~
Measurement of exposures and outcomes

set at a diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg, most hypertensive patients

would be detected (high sensitivity) but many non-diseased subjects
(with diastolic blood pressure higher than 90 mmHg) wil be wrongly
classified as hypertensive (low specificity). If the screening level for
hypertensive disease is set at 110 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure,
most non-diseased individuals would be excluded (high specificity),
but many hypertensive patients (with diastolic blood pressures lower
than 110 mmHg) would be missed (low sensitivity).

E~ClfnPlet.4.A newlaboratoryassay measuring the concentration ota par-

. tiçu.1arenzY11einth(! bloodis developed. To assess its value in thediagnosis
ptaspecifiscanset,the ne1ltestisapplied to 360 hospital patients and the
reslfltscüre.çQifPwe4?l1ithithosefrom. anatomo-pathological examination.
~IQeqSQnceptrCltienSiottkeß.nzYrne ::40 JU are.ta.ken as positiveresults. The
resultsareshownin Table 2:5.

Anatomo-pathological Table 2.5.

examination Comparison of a new laboratory assay
(gold standard test) with anatomo-pathological examina-
Positive Negative Total tion in the diagnosis of a specifie can-
Positive (~40 LU) 190 80 270 cer: hypothetical data.

Negative (..40 LU) 0 90 90

Total 190 170 360

ln Example 2.4, other blood concentration values could be taken as

cut-off values to define the assay results as 'positive' or 'negative'.
Table 2.6 gives the sensitivity and specificity of the blood assay for dif-
ferent cut-off values. The sensitivity of the laboratory assay decreases
as the cut-off value increases, whereas the reverse is true for specifici-
ty. This is clearly ilustrated in Figure 2.1.
One way to summarize the validity of a continuous measurement is
to plot sensitivity against (1 - specificity) for different cut-off values.
This curve is called the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
The ROC curve corresponding to the data in Table 2.6 is shown in
Figure 2.2.
The doser the ROC curve of a particular test is to the top left-hand
corner of the box, where both the sensitivity and specificity are max-
imized, the better the test. A test with a curve that lies on the diago-
nal is for practical purposes useless, and no better than a complete

Chapter 2

Table 2.6. Cut-off value Result of blood Result of anatomo- Number of

Sensitivity and specificity of the blood (LU) assay pathological examination patients
assay for different eut-off values: 40a + + 190
hypothetical data. -
+ 80
- + 0
- - 90
80a + + 188
+ - 42
- + 2
- - 128

120a + + 173
+ - 25
- + 17
- - 145
2808 + + 95
+ - 0
- + 95
- - 170

8 Slood assay results equal to or greater th an the eut-off value were taken as positive: +, posi-
tive result; -, negative result

40 LU: sensitivity = 190 / 190 = 1 00% specificity = 90 / 170 = 53%

80 LU: sensitivity = 188 / 190 = 99% specificity = 128 / 170 = 75%
120 LU: sensitivity = 173 / 190 = 91 % specificity = 145/ 170 = 85%
280 LU: sensitivity = 95 / 190 = 50% specificity = 170 / 170 = 100%

Figure 2.1.
Healthy subjects
The upper curve describes the distrib-
ution of results of the blood as say
among healthy individuals and the
lower curve the distribution among
cancer patients (as defined by the
anatomo-pathological examination).
Different eut-off values are used to
classify the results of the blood assay Cancer patients
as 'positive' or 'negative'. 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

1 1

o 280

Slood assay results (iU)



Measurement of exposures and outcomes
~ ~ - --~il--~ ~_.._s;--~ ~r.

2.6.2 Reliability
Reliabilty, sometimes also called repeatabilty or repro- specificity
ducibilty, is a measure of the consistency of the performance 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
of a test when used under similar circumstances. To be valid, 40
a measurement must be reliable. However, reliability is not in
itself sufficient for validity: in other words, a test may yield the 80
same result consistently, but the result may not be the true 70

(valid) one. Poor reliabilty of a measurement may be due to ~ 60

variation when a subject is tested on different occasions (bio- E 50 280
logical variation), or to errors in the measurement technique 5l 40
(observer and instrument variation). Checks of the repeatabil- 30
ity of measurements of the main exposures and outcomes 20
should usually be included in an epidemiological study. These
checks can take various forms.
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(1) Intra-observer or intra-measurement reliabiliy 1-specificity
Intra-observer or intra-measurement reliabilty can be deter-
mined by having the same observer perform the sa
me mea-
surements on the sa me subjects on two or more separate occasions. For Figure 2.2.
Receiver operating characteristic
example, data from medical records may be extracted by the same abstrac- (ROC) curve for the data in Table 2.6
tor on two occasions; the same interviewer may re-interview subjects after and Figure 2.1.
a time interval; duplicate biological sampIes may be re-processed by the
same laboratory technician. These separate measurements are then com-
pared. The appropriate time interval between measurements varies accord-
ing to the type of outcome or exposure measurement. If it is too short,
subjects and/or observers may recall the previous result; if it is too long,
the subjects exposure or outcome status may have changed (of course,
this is not a problem when data are extracted from medical records).

(2) Inter-observer re/iability

Inter-observer reliabilty can be assessed by having the same subjects
measured by two or more independent observers. For example, the per-
formance of two or more data abstractors may be compared using infor-
mation extracted independently from the same medical records, or the
performance of two or more interviewers may be compared using inde-
pendent interviews of the same subjects on two different occasions. Again,
the interval used between measurements needs careful consideration.

Consider the simple example of a test that can give only a positive or
negative (Le. binary) result. The agreement between pairs of measure-
ments carried out by two independent observers on the same subjects can
be presented as a 2x2 table (Table 2.7).
One measure of repeatabilty is the observed agreement (0) or mean
pair agreement index, which can be calculated as:

(No. of agreements/Total no. of pairs) = (a + d) / N

Chapter 2

Table 2.7. Observer B

General layout of a table to assess
reliability between two obseNers for a Positive Negative Row total
binary test. a, b, c and d refer to the Observer A Positive a b a+b
numbers of pairs of obseNations
where the obseNers gave the indicat- Negative c d c+d
ed result.
Column total a+c b+d
Grand total N

This index has the disadvantage that sorne agreement would be expected
even if both observers simply guessed the result. The kappa statistic (K) is an
alternative measure that takes account of the agreement expected solely on
the basis of chance.
To calculate the kappa statistic, the number of pairs of observations that
would be expected on the basis of chance in ceIls (++) and (- -) must first be
calculated. The expected value in any cell is given by:

((Total of relevant row) x (Total of relevant column)J/Grand total

Thus for cell (++), the expected value wil equal:

((a+b) x (a+c)JfN

and for cell (- -), the expected value wil equal:

((CHi) x (b+d)J/N

The expected agreement on the basis of chance (E) can now be calculat-
ed as:

(Expected value for cel! (++) + Expected value for cel! (- -)J / N

The actual agreement beyond chance is therefore:

Observed agreement (0) - Expected agreement (E)

This value is, however, difficult to interpret, as similar results may be

obtained for different values of 0 and E. For instance, the actual agreement
beyond chance is equal to 0.20 for values of 0 = 0.95 and E = 0.75, and for
0= 0.75 and E = 0.55. What we need to know is how much does it repre-
sent in relation to the maximum potential agreement beyond chance that
could have been achieved. Complete agreement would imply that aIl the
results would have fallen in cells (++) and (--) and, therefore, (a+d)/Nwould
have equalled 1. Thus, the potential for agreement beyond chance is

i -E
Measurement of exposures and outcomes

The kappa statistic indicates how much the actual agreement beyond
chance (O-E) represents relative to this potential (1 - E).

Kappa (K) = (0 - E)/(1 - E)

The kappa statistic can be used in a similar way to measure intra-

observer variabilty. The values of this coefficient may vary from -1.0 to
1.0. A value of 1.0 indicates perfect agreement and a value of zero means
agreement is no better than would be expected on the basis of chance
alone; a negative value indicates that the level of disagreement is greater
than that expected on the basis of chance. While there is no value of
kappa that can be regarded universally as indicating good agreement, in
practice, a K value considerably less th an 0.5 indicates poor agreement.
Landis and Koch (1977) suggested the following guidelines: kappa values
::0.40 represent poor-to-fair agreement; 0.4 1 -0.60, moderate agreement;
0.61-0.80, substantial agreement; and 0.81-1.00, almost perfect agree-
Use of the kappa statistic can be extended to situations where the
results of the test are classified in more than two categories, as in Example
2.5. The kappa shows substantial agreement between observers A and B.
Intra-observer agreement was calculated in a similar way: the kappa sta-
tistic equaIled 0.83. ln general, intra-observer agreement tends to be bet-
ter than inter-observer agreement.
kappa values should not be presented alone, as they provide a summa-
ry measure of agreement without giving any indication where disagree-
ments occurred. The results of a reliabilty study should therefore always
be presented in a table similar to Table 2.8, so that the main are as of
agreement and disagreement are apparent. If different importance is
given to different types of agreement or disagreement, the kappa statis-
tics may be weighted to take this into account (Landis & Koch, 1977).
Methods are also available for assessing the reliabilty of measurements
that provide results on a continuous scale (e.g. blood pressure measure-
ments, blood glucose levels): however, these are beyond the scope of this
chapter. A discussion of these methods can be found in Bland & Altman

2.7 Consequences of measurement error

Errors in measurement can lead to individuals being misclassified and
to spurious conclusions about the relationship between the exposure and
the outcome. The impact of measurement errors on the results of an epi-
demiological study depends essentially on the nature of any misclassifi-
Consider the following example. Suppose that to determine whether
cigarette smoking is associated with lung cancer, we rely on a question-
naire that asks 'Have you ever smoked?' and 'Do you have lung cancer?'.
The questionnaire is administered to 10000 men. Assume that the 'true'

Chapter 2

Example 2.5. ln the studyby Kiviat et aL. (1990)nientionedin:Section.

2.6.11 the authors' state:'Toassess fnter-observervariationall autoracli:: ' .
.ographs were initally reviewed independently by iwòobservers withouttheir.'
knowledge of other laboratory and clinical datai, and specimens.wei:e dassi-
fied. as positivei, negativei or indeterminate accarding to the. rnanufacturerls'~'
specifications. lntra~observer, variation' was assessed by '11embrdne.s . Observer A six months later.without herkrwwledge öfòther (ofpre-.' .
vious) laboratory or clinical dataI. Theresultsfor inter-observer variabilty '.
are given in Table 2.8. .. .
Table 2.8.
Inter-observer variability in the reading
of the ViraPap(È tesU Positive Negative Indeterminate Row total
Observer Ab
Positive 58 (a1) 8 (a2) 2 (as) 68 (a)

Negative 12 (b1) 357 (b2) 3 (bs) 372 (b)

Indeterminate o (C1) o (C2) 7 (cs) 7 (c)

Column total 70 (n1) 365 (n2) 12 (ns) 447 (N)

a Data from Kiviat et al, (1990),

b Figures represent numbers of pairs of observations where the observers gave
the indicated result; lellers in parentheses indicate each specifie ceU in the table.

Table 2.9. Cigarette smoking

Distribution of a population by smok-
ing and disease status as determined Ever Never Total
by a pertect test for measuring smok- Lung cancer Yes 150 50 200
ing habits (sensitivity = 100%; speci-
ficity = 100%): hypothetical data.
No 1850 7950 9800

Total 2000 8000 1 0 000

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

smoking status in this study population (as determined by a perfect test,

having both a sensitivity and a specificity of 100%) is as indicated in
Table 2.9. This table shows that lung cancer is more common among peo-
ple who have smoked (ever smokers) (150 of 2000 = 7.5%) than among
those who have never smoked (never smokers) (50 of 8000 = 0.63%).
Thus, if a perfect method could be used to measure smoking habits in this
example, ever smokers would be found to be 12 times (7.5% / 0.63% = 12)
more likely to develop lung cancer th an never smokers.

Cigarette smoking Table 2.10.

Ever Distribution of a population by smok-
Never Total ing and disease status as determined
Lung cancer Yes 150 - 0.2 x 150 '= 120 50 + 0.2 x 150 '= 80 200 by a test for measuring smoking habits
that has a sensitivity of 80% and a
specificity of 100%: hypothetical data.
No 1850 - 0.2 x 1850,= 1480 7950 + 0.2 x 1850 '= 8320 9800

Total 1600 8400 10000

Suppose now that when the questionnaire is applied, 20% of smokers,

regardless of their disease status, answered that they had never smoked
(sensitivity=80%), but that aIl men who have never smoked reported this
accurately (specificity=100%). The results that would be obtained with this
imperfect questionnaire are shown in Table 2.10.
Using this imperfect questionnaire, the proportion of lung cancers in
'smokers' is 120/1600=7.5%. This is about eight times the proportion in
'never smokers' (80/8400=0.95%). Despite the poor quality of the data on
smoking elicited by the questionnaire, the relationship between cigarette
smoking and lung cancer, while appearing weaker than it truly is, is stil
Non-differentžal misclassžfication occurs when an exposure or outcome
classification is incorrect for equal proportions of subjects in the groups
being compared. ln other words, the sensitivity and specificity of the
exposure (or outcome) measurement are equal for both the diseased and
non-diseased (or exposed and unexposed). ln these circumstances, the
misclassification is random (i.e., aIl individuals have the same probabilty
of being misclassified).
classification, individuals are wrongly classified,
ln non-differential mis

reducing the confidence that can be placed in each particular test result.
Although this random misclassification has important implications in
clinical medicine, it is of less concern in epidemiology, where groups
rather than individuals are the main interest. Herein lies a great strength
of epidemiology. ln the above example, the association between smoking
and lung cancer was weakened because those classifying themselves as
'never smokers' were in fact a mixture of those who had never smoked and
those who had. Although this type of mis classification makes it more dif-
ficult to reveal an association between the exposure and the outcome of
interest, the problem can usually be overcome by increasing the sample


Chapter 2

size and/or replicating measurements (except, as discussed in Chapter

13, where there is non-differential misclassification of confounding vari-
ables). Thus, the epidemiologist can rely on simple, cheap and non-inva-
sive tests which, despite being in general less valid than those used in
clinical settings, are more appropriate for studies in the community.
This is an important aspect of epidemiological research that clinicians
often find difficult to accept. Clinicians focus on individual patients, try-
ing to obtain the most complete and vaUd information on which to base
the most accurate diagnosis possible and the optimal treatment. Being
accustomed to using specialized and high-technology procedures, they
may find it hard to believe that one could undertake scientific studies
based on relatively low-quality data su ch as those derived from ques-
tionnaires or death certificates.
Differential misclassifìcation occurs when the sensitivity and/or speci-
ficity of the exposure measurement for the diseased group differs from
that for the non-diseased group, or when the sensitivity and/or speci-
ficity of the outcome measurement for the exposed group differs from
that for the unexposed group. ln other words, differential misclassifica-
tion may occur when errors in classification of outcome status are
dependent upon exposure status, or vice versa. For example, clinicians
may be more likely to diagnose leukaemia in children who live around
nuclear power stations than in those living elsewhere, and women with
breast cancer may be more likely to remember having taken oral contra-
ceptives in the past than healthy women. ln the example already con-
sidered, differential misclassification would have occurred if men with
lung cancer were likely to report their smoking habits more or less accu-
rately than men without lung cancer; in such circumstances, the result-
ing data could exaggerate, attenuate, or even reverse the relationship,
and make the results misleading.
DiferentiaI misclassification is a consequence of defects in the design
or execution of an epidemiological study. Unfortunately, it cannot be
controlled for in the analysis, and its effect cannot be minimized by
increasing the sample size.
A more detailed discussion of the consequences of errors in the mea-
surement of exposure and outcome in the interpretation of epidemio-
logical studies is given elsewhere in this book; in particular, in Chapter

2.8 How can misclassification of exposure and

outcome be reduced?
AIl procedures used in the measurements should be described in suff-
cient detail in the study protocol to aIlow reproduction of the measure-
ments, within the limits of biological and physical variabilty, by other
investigators. The protocol should include not only a description of the
method of measurement, but also instructions for its application. AIl
other procedures involved should also be specified.


Measurement of exposures and outcomes

For a personal interview, this wil include:

- specifications for the training of interviewers and instructions given
to them,
- instructions or explanations given by interviewers to subjects,
- the questionnaire used to elicit data from the subjects,
- quality-control procedures.
For a laboratory test, this wil include:
- procedures for the preparation of subjects,
- procedures for the collection, manipulation, transport, and storage
of the specimens,
- analytical procedures in the laboratory,
- quality-control procedures.
The epidemiologist should establish and maintain close contact with
the specialists in the laboratory, so that standard criteria for coIlecting,
storing and analysing specimens are established at the beginning of the
study. Although most laboratories routinely apply intra- and inter-labora-
tory quality-control procedures, epidemiologists should send specimens
without revealing the exposure (or disease) status of the subjects from
whom they were collected. It is also advisable to send replicate samples
without the laboratory staff being aware that they are replicates.
Measurement procedures should always be evaluated in a pilot study to
identify any potential problems, gauge their validity and reliabilty, and
determine in what way observers or responders may be biased. These
issues are discussed further elsewhere in this book; in particular, in
Chapters 13 and 18.

2.9 Sources of routine data

'Routine data' are derived from established data collection systems asso-
CÍated with the health and social services. ln general, the data are not col-
lected with the aim of answering any specific question. For whatever pur-
pose they were collected, such data can often be used in epidemiological
studies; these include data from censuses and population registers, birth
and death certificates, cancer registrations, health information systems,
medical and hospital records, etc. (see Chapter Il).
Routine data collection systems can provide information on the expo-
sure(s) and outcome(s) of interest in an epidemiological study. Two such
systems-ceath certification and cancer registration-are particularly
important in cancer epidemiology.

2.9.1 Death certification

Mortality data are usually based upon a standard death certificate, which
records the date of death, cause of death, age, sex, date of birth and place of
residence of the deceased. ln addition, occupation and other information
may be recorded. ln most countries, death certificates are usually complet-
ed by a doctor or other health worker but in sorne cases this is done by the
police or other authorities. Once certificates are completed, the cause of

Chapter 2

death is coded according to the International Classification of Diseases, now

in its tenth revis ion (WHO, 1992). This is a hierarchical classification of dis-
eases, from broad categories down to a detailed four-character classification
(see Appendix 2.2). UsuaIly, only the underlying cause of death is coded and
used in mortality statistics, although contributing causes may also be coded.
While more complete and reliable than many routine sources of mor-
bidity data, mortality data are stil subject to sorne misclassification
(Cameron & McGoogan, 1981; Heasman & Lipworth, 1966). A large inter-
national study of 8737 cancer deaths in cities in England, USA and Latin
America revealed that of deaths classified on the death certificate as caused
by cancer, 20% were due to other causes (Puffer & Griffith, 1967).
However, 24.6% of cancer deaths had been wrongly classified under other
causes of death. On balance, therefore, total cancer mortality was only 4%
underestimated in the offciaI statistics derived from death certificates.
The degree of mis classification varied with cancer site, being greater for
those that are more difficult to diagnose, such as primary liver cancer and
brain tumours.
International cancer mortality statistics are published regularly by the
World Health Organization (World Health Statistics Annual series) and by
Segi and his colleagues (Kurihara et al., 1989).

2.9.2 Cancer registration

There are two types of cancer registry: hospital-based and population-
based. Hospital-based cancer registries record aIl cancer patients seen in a
particular hospital. Their main purpose is to contribute to patient care and
administrative management, although they may be use fuI to a certain
extent for epidemiological purposes. For instance, 'rollng' case-control
studies may be set up to investigate the etiology of a particular cancer; this
is achieved by comparing the characteristics of such cases with those of a
control group, which may be made up of patients either with other types
of cancer, or with other ilnesses. Nevertheless, hospital-based registries
cannot provide measures of the occurrence of cancer in the general popu-
lation, because it is not possible to define the population from which cases
Population-based cancer registries seek to record aIl new (incident) can-
cer cases that occur in a weIl defined population. As a result, they provide
measures of the occurrence of cancer in their catchment population.
Population-based cancer registration has been developed in many coun-
tries to provide reasonably comparable data on cancer incidence and as a
resource for epidemiologal studies. Cancer incidence data from higher-
quality registers are compiled by the International Agency for Research on
Cancer in the series Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (Doll et aL., 1966;
Waterhouse et al., 1970, 1976, 1982; Muir et al., 1987; Parkin et al., 1992,
1997). Sorne indicators of data quality for the different registries included
in this publication are tabulated in these volumes. However, the se are
mostly indirect indicators of data quality: proportion of registrations ver-

Measurement of exposures and outcomes

ified histologically; proportion of cases registered on the basis of informa-

tion on the death certificate only; proportion of cases with missing infor-
mation, etc. More systematic analyses of the validity of cancer registration
data are available for certain registries, where a sample of cases was re-
abstracted and re-coded (see Parkin et aL., 1994).
The majority of cancer registries collect information about cancer
patients, such as their occupation, social class, country of birth, ethnicity,
etc. Occurrence of cancer can therefore be examined in relation to these
The role of cancer registries in cancer epidemiology is discussed in detail
in Chapter 17.

2.9.3 Record linkage

Information on individuals from birth to death is available in the records
of many institutions and agencies. These various records may be merged
into a single comprehensive record using personal identifiers, in a process
known as record linkage. The unified record can then be used in epidemio-
logical and public health investigations. The potential for linkage between
registers varies enormously between countries according to how the relevant
information is collected and identified. Thus, in the Nordic countries, where
everyone is assigned a personal number which is used for aIl social security,
census and health records, mortality and cancer incidence data can readily
be traced and linked to other data-sets of interest. ln the United Kingdom,
a national register linked to the health service is widely used for follow-up
studies of cancer and mortality, and computerized linkage is now possible
for people who were alive in January 1991, matching information su ch as
name and date of birth.
Linkage of cancer registry records with records from other sources, such
as census data and company records, has been undertaken in an attempt to
investigate risk factors for occupational cancers and cancers of the repro-
ductive system. Registries can also draw information on exposure from hos-
pital records, as they often record hospital admission numbers. This linkage
with hospital records has been used in studies of cancer risks associated with
radiotherapy and other treatments (Day & Boice, 1983; Kaldor et aL., 1992).
The Oxford Record Linkage Study (ORLS) and the national Scottish med-
ical record linkage system are two good examples of record linkage. The
ORLS was established in Oxford, UK in 1962, to assess the feasibilty, cost
and methods of medical record linkage for an en tire community. The sys-
tem links morbidity and mortality data and provides information on a wide
range of variables. Data in the system can be used to study etiological ques-
tions and to assess the natural history of various diseases (Acheson, 1967;
Baldwin et al., 1987). ln Scotland, aIl births, deaths, hospitalizations, cancer
incidence, school medical examinations and handicapped children's records
can be linked (Heasman & Clarke, 1979). Similar record-linkage systems
have been set up in the USA by the National Center for Health Statistics
(Feinleib, 1984) and in many other developed countries.



Chapter 2

Further reading
'"" '~~ ",,' ,¿' ,.'",:~ ;:.:',,' .,,: B,at~);"~~¥.is.s.a-~~~:.:::, . -- -- ~_. ,.'.,~-', ':'._.''" .-~ --;
* Comprehensive coverage of ':",:/:,'. ':,. ",-:";,:".,__:":,,,-,,',-.. '-:'., _ ,. -:';';"'_,"-:\;,:-:,',,-: :,._',:':-'.',':,'-",-,::~~',J),:",-C

principles and practical aspects · Inepidemiologícalstudies,it is necessary to measure:(1) the~rjmåryexpo- .

sure(s) of interest;(2) other exposure(s) that may inflUencé the ouIcome, (poten7 .
of questionnaire design, the con-
tial confounders); and (3) the outcome(s) of interest. . ,,' '. . '"
duct of personal interviews, the
abstraction of information from
records, and the use of biological
measurements and measure-
ments in the environment, is
given by Armstrong et al. (1992).
Although this book focuses on · ln any epidemiological study, it is important to assess the validity and reliabilty
exposure measurement, many of of the main measurements of exposure and outcome.Thiswillprovideanesti-
the prînciples presented are also mate of the magnitude of measurement errors and their probableimpac:t on the'
relevant to the measurement of study results. Measurement errors may be nOri-differentíal or differ~'1tial. .'. ·

* An often-referenced paper on
the validity and reliability of tests
that yield results on a continuous
scale (e.g., blood pressure mea-
surements) is that by Sland &
Altman (1986).

* For a further, more complex, ., _,'_ '_ _: _., ' ' . . _, ,",. h; '- _ :'~ ":_:,":" .- _ _:',:_'-- ':" _,:., .. ,_'.

discussion on the kappa statistic, · DifferentiaI measuremcmt errar occurs when the sensitivity andíorspecificityof
see Feinstein & Cicchetti (1990), the exposure measurement for the diseased subjects differsfrom thatfor the
Cicchett & Feinstein (1990) and
non-diseased subjects, or when the sensitivity and/orspecificity~f, theoutcome
measurement is different for exposed and unexposed sÙbjects: Differentiai lTE3a- '
Lantz & Nebenzahl (1996).
surement error can exaggerate, attenuate, or even rev~rse, th13relationphip
between the exposure and the stud ", ' 'b~
the outcome; 80. that the res(jlts of

misleading. Unfortunately, differential measurementerrorscann' ' "d

for in the' analysis, and theireffects cannot be lessened' byjnq
pie size. . ..,'.. '.. ',' .,'.: - -',' ~- ,: '- -, " ':,-- "'-,~- ",'

" :' ~- "- :.',: \'.;,;, --.' -" .


.,~'" ;;," - ::~-'::' ",-/:.-'_:',;_1

. - -: "';: '-':, '.': ,-', .::' :~-- - " -;-.:_- : ,: ;:.',' .--.-;:'; : ; " .
. .," \' -'.',/,:':", -!:,,--'::,--.i~ .:",: '_".
. "-.-",,-:;'::.,,,-'.
. .~. -';,;-'

Appendix 2.1
Designing a questionnaire

Questionnaires are used in epidemiology to assess exposure levels to

possible causal agents and, less often, to determine the presence or
absence of disease, or another outcome of interest.

AZ.1.1 Objectives of questionnaire design

(1) To provide valid measurements of the exposure(s) and outcome(s)
being studied.
(2) To design a questionnaire that is easily completed by the interview-
er and/or subject.

(3) To faciltate data-processing and analysis.

AZ.1.Z General principles of questionnaire design

The questionnaire should be as brief as possible, with every question
being carefully justifed in terms of the objectives of the study. It is impor-
tant to ensure that the variables needed for the analysis can be easily
obtained from the questionnaire.

Types of question
There are two main types of question: 'open-ended' and 'closed-ended'.
Open-ended questions allow the respondents to answer on their own terms
and should be recorded in the respondents own words. Open-ended ques-
tions should be used for numerical data (for example, age, date of birth)
and for questions having many possible answers (e.g. country of birth).

Closed-ended questions allow only a limited range of answers. The ques-

tionnaire should specify in detail aIl the possible alternative answers. With
multiple alternative answers, a final alternative 'Other: please specify...'
should be provided unless it is certain that aIl possible answers have been
provided. A 'Do not know' option should also be given for questions
where it is possible that sorne subjects may not know (or may not remem-
ber) the answer. A 'Not applicable' option should be given if the question
does not apply to aIl subjects.

Appendix 2.1

Example A2,1.2. Exampleof a âosed-erided question.

7. If you have NEVER BEEN PREGNANT was it because:

You never tried 01

You tried but it never happened 02
Other reasons: please specify .............................................. 0

Not applicable 07

Epidemiological questionnaires usually contain a majority of closed-

ended questions to reduce the possibilty of interviewer, response, inter-
pretation, and/or coding bias, and to faciltate data-processing.

Wording of questions
Questions must be written in simple, non-threatening language, avoiding
the use of abbreviations and technical jargon. The wording should avoid any
suggestion that a particular answer is preferred by the researcher(s). Each
question should contain only one concept related to a clear time period.

Order of questions
Questions should follow a logical sequence resembling, as far as possi-
ble, the sequence that the respondents might expect to follow when
thinking about the topic. Questions about a particular subject should be
grouped together, and proceed from the general to the particular. When a
response to a general question makes further responses on that topic irrel-
evant (e.g., a woman who has never been pregnant need not answer ques-
tions about number and characteristics of pregnancies), a branching of the
question sequence may be introduced. This should be as simple as possi-
ble, with clear instructions given on the questionnaire (Example A2.1.3).

Questionnaire layout
Layout is important in both self- and interviewer-administered ques-
tionnaires. A pleasant appearance wil arouse interest and encourage cor-
rect completion. A separate page with a brief introduction, explanatory
notes and instructions should precede the first question. To help inter-
viewers and subjects, long questionnaires may be subdivided into sections,
each one corresponding to a specific topic. AIl questions should be
assigned a number.
If sorne questions are optional, this should be indicated on the ques-
tionnaire with clear instructions and appropriate branch and jump expla-

Designing a questionnaire

ûiirnping) .

Yes D 1

No D 2

If No, please go to question 4.

If Yes,
2. How many pregnancies in total (including still births,
miscarriages and abortions) have you had? IT
nations. For questions that are repeated several times, su ch as questions
about each pregnancy, a tabular layout may be used (Example A2.1.4).
Space should be provided at the end of the questionnaire for any infor-
mation or comments that the subject may wish to add.

3. Please indicate the characteristics of your pregnancies

1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

rn rn rn rn rn
Birth 01 Birth 01 Birth 01 Birth 01 Birth 01
Still birth 02 Still birth 02 Stil bi rth 02 Sti ii bi rth 02 Still birth 02
Miscarriage 03 Miscarriage 03 Miscarriage 03 Miscarriage 03 Miscarriage 03
Abortion 04 Abortion 04 Abortion 04 Abortion 04 Abortion 04
rn rn rn rn rn
Yes 01 Yes 01 Yes 01 Yes 01 Yes 01
No 02 No 02 No 02 No 02 No 02
Not applicable 0 7 Not applicable 07 Not applicable 0 7 Not applicableO 7 Not applicableO 7
Do not know 09 Do not know 09 Do not know 09 Do not know 0 9 Do not know 09



Appendix 2.1

Method of administration
The questionnaire can be either self-administered or interviewer-adminis-
tered. ln general, self-administered questionnaires must be simpler and much
more carefully designed than those intended for use by interviewers.

Recording and coding of responses

Most questionnaires will be prepared to allow numerical coding of aIl
responses for processing by computer. Every possible answer on the form is
assigned a code (as in Examples A2.1.2 to A2.1.4). Numerical data (e.g., num-
ber of pregnancies) do not require coding, as the exact number can be entered.
But even with such pre-coded questionnaires, sorne coding of data collection
wil stil be required for sorne open-ended questions or for the 'Other: please
specify' category of closed-ended questions (as in Example A2.1.2).
Coding of questionnaires may be a complex task and it may be necessary
to develop a coding manual with specific coding mIes. Various classification
systems have been developed and published which can be used to code can-
cers by their topography (e.g., International Classification of Diseasesi WHO,
1992) and by their morphology and behaviour (e.g., International
Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Percy et al., 1990) (see Appendix 2.2),
Occupations, OPCS, 1970), and many other
occupations (e.g., Classification of


A2.1.3 Evaluation of a questionnaire

Questionnaires should be subject to two forms of evaluation: pre-test-
ing and assessment of validity.

AIl questionnaires should be pre-tested. This involves testing the draft
questionnaire on samples of subjects similar to those who wil ultimately
be studied. Its purpose is to identify questions that are poorly understood,
ambiguous, or evoke hostile or other undesirable responses. Pre-tests
should be carried out using the same procedures that wil finally be used
in administering the questionnaire. Interviewers and study subjects
should be asked to provide feedback and the questions revised in the light
of their comments. Several rounds of pre-testing wil usually be necessary
before the final form of a questionnaire is developed.

Assessment of validity
The validity of the questionnaire as a measure of the variables of inter-
est should always be determined in a sam pIe of subjects before the main
study is undertaken. This requires comparison of the results obtained
using the questionnaire with those obtained using a go Id standard test (see
Section 2.6). For instance, questions on past hospitalizations and surgical
interventions may be validated against hospital records. Validation is usu-
ally difficult, often expensive, and may sometimes be impossible, when no
appropriate gold standard is available.



Designing a questionnaire

A2.1.4 U se of standard questionnaires

If a standard questionnaire for measurement of a particular exposure is
available, it may be best to use this, rather than spending time and effort
designing a new one. Moreover, the standard questionnaire wil have been
used extensively and proved satisfactory, and may even have been vali-
dated (although validity in one population may not ensure validity in
another). Use of a standard questionnaire wil also allow comparison of
the data gathered with those collected in other studies.
Sorne changes in the format of a standard questionnaire may be need-
ed to make it suitable for a particular study population. Be aware that such
changes may affect the validity of the questionnaire; however, any modi-
fication can be tested for validity against the original questionnaire.
A full discussion of questionnaire design is given by Armstrong et al.

Appendix 2.2
Classification of diseases

Neoplasms can be classified in many ways, but the most important clas-
sifications for the epidemiologist are those based on:
(1) Topography-the site in the body where the tumour is located.
(2) Morphology (or histology)-the microscopic characteristics of the
(3) Behaviour-the tendency to invade other tissues (malignant,
benign, in situ, and uncertain).
Uniform definitions and uniform systems of classification are funda-
mental to the quantitative study of diseases. Without a standard classifi-
cation tool that remains fixed for periods of time and is applied uniform-
ly, meaningful comparative analyses of morbidity and mortality data
would be impossible. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD), pub-
lished by the World Health Organization, is su ch a standard classification
tool. It is revised every ten years or so (Table A2.2.1); the lOth revis
(ICD-lO) (WHO, 1992) is currently in use. An historical review of disease
classification from the first revision, the Bertilon Classification of Causes
of Death, unti 1947 can be found in the introduction to ICD-7 (WHO,
1957), and an account of classification in the years 1948-1985 is given by
Muir and Percy (1991).

Revision Publication Publisher Table A2.2.1.

year Revisions of the International
Classification of Diseases.
1st (ICD-1) 1900
2nd (ICD-2) 1910 French Government
3rd (ICD-3) 1920 J
4th (ICD-4) 1929
5th (ICD-5) 1938 j Health Organization of the League of Nations

6th (ICD-6) 1948

7th (lCD-7) 1957
8th (ICD-8) 1967 World Health Organization
9th (ICD-9) 1977
10th (ICD-10) 1992

Although retaining the traditional structure of ICD-9, the lOth revision of

the ICD uses an alphanumeric coding scheme-the first character of the cat-
egory is a letter-replacing the numeric codes of ICD-9 and previous revi-
sions. This change provides a larger coding frame and leaves scope for future

Appendix 2.2

inclusion of new disease entities without disrupting the nurnbering system.

ICD- 10 has three volumes. Volume 1 deals with the tabular list of classi-
fication at the level of three and four characters, special tabulations of mor-
bidity and mortality, and definitions and nomenclature regulations. Volume
2 is essentially an instruction manuaL Volume 3 contains an alphabetical
The ICD chapter that de aIs with neoplasms presents a primarily topo-
graphic classification arranged according to the anatomical site of the
tumour, with the exception of a few histological types such as lyrnphornas
and leukaemias (Table A2.2.2). Organs are ordered according to organ sys-
tems. Neoplasms with a given behaviour are grouped as malignant, benign,
in situ and of uncertain behaviour.

COO-C75 Malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of specified sites,

Table A2.2.2. except of Iymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue
Classification of neoplasms according COO-C14 Lip, oral cavity and pharynx
to ICO-10 (WHO, 1992).
C15-C26 Digestive organs
C30-C39 Respiratory and intrathoracic organs
C40-C41 Bone and articular cartilage
C43-C44 Skin
C45-C49 Mesothelium and soft tissue
C50 Breast
C51-C58 Female genital organs
C60-C63 Male genital organs
C64-C68 Urinary tract
C69-C72 Eye, brain and other parts of central nervous system
C73-C75 Thyroid and other endocrine glands
C76-C80 Malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, secondary and unspecified sites
C81-C96 Malignant neoplasms, stated or presumed to be primary, of Iymphoid,
haematopoietic and related tissue
C97 Malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites
000-009 ln situ neoplasms
010-036 Benign neoplasms
037-048 Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour

The first morphological classifcation was developed in 1951 and many

others have since emerged (Table A2.2.3). The Manual of Tumor Nomenclature
and Coding (MOTNAC) (American Cancer Society, 1951; Percy et al., 1968)
and, more recently, the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology
(ICD-O) (WHO, 1976; Percy et aL., 1990) have been the most widely used.
They provide not only morphology and behaviour codes, but also topogra-
phy codes that are directly related to the ICD codes. A full discussion of the
rnerits and drawbacks of each of these classifications is given by Muir and
Percy (1991).

Classification of diseases

Publication Morphological Publisher Main

year code manual characteristics

1951 Manual of Tumour Nomenclature American Cancer Morphology codes

and Coding (MOTNAC) 1st edition Society Behaviour codes

1956 Statistical code for Human Tumours World Health Topography codes fram ICD-7
(STAT GODE) Organization Morphology codes fram MOTNAC
Behaviour codes fram MOTNAC

1965 Systematized Nomenclature of College of American Topography codes unrelated to ICD

Pathology (SNOP) Pathologists Morphology codes
(Section 8,9 - neoplasms)

1968 Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and American Cancer Topography codes fram ICD-8
Goding (MOTNAG) 2nd edition Society Morphology codes tram SNOP

1976 IGD-O, 1 st edition World Health Topography codes fram ICD-9

Organization Morphology codes fram MOTNAC
(with one-digit extension)
Behaviour codes fram MOTNAC

1977 Systematized Nomenclature of College of American Review of SNOP

Medicine (SNOMED) Pathologists Topography codes unrelated to ICD
(Section 8,9 - neoplasms) Morphology codes fram ICD-O

1990 IGD-O, 2nd edition World Health Topography codes fram ICD-10
Organization Morphology codes fram ICD-O, 1 st edition
Behaviour codes fram ICD-O, 1 st edition

Table A2.2.3.
The major advantage of ICD is that it is truly international, being used Morphology and behaviour
byaIl WHO Member States for tabulating the causes of death and for most classifications of neoplasms.
health statistics. The main disadvantage is that, for the majority of sites,
no separation on the basis of morphology is possible. As a result, it is gen-
erally recommended that agencies interested in identifying both the site
and morphology of tumours, like cancer registries and pathology labora-
tories, use ICD-O, which is a dual-axis classification providing indepen-
dent coding systems for topography and morphology.
As new classifications and new revis ions of ICD and ICD-O have come
into use, data coded by previous classifications must be converted to the
new codes. The National Cancer Institute of the USA has produced a series
of conversion tables for neoplasms (e.g., Percy, 1980, 1981, 1983; Percy &
van Holten, 1979). Summary tables of equivalence between various revi-
sions of the ICD have also been published in certain volumes of Cancer

Appendix 2.2

Incidence in Five Continents (e.g., Waterhouse et aL., 1976; Muir et al., 1987).
Programs that perform conversions from ICD-O (lst edition) to ICD-O
(2nd edition) and vice versa, from ICD-O (lst and 2nd editions) to ICD-9,
and from ICD-O (2nd edition) to ICD-10 have been developed by the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (lARe) and are available on
diskette for use on microcomputers (Ferlay, 1994).


Chapter 3
Describing and presenting
AIl epidemiological studies involve the collection of data on the expo-
sures and outcomes of interest. ln a weIl planned study, the raw observa-
tions that constitute the data contain the information that satisfies the
objectives of the study. The aim of data analysis is to extract the pertinent
information from these raw observations in a concise way.
The first stage in data analysis is the preparation of an appropriate form
in which the relevant data can be collected and coded in a format suitable
for entry into a computer; this stage is referred to as data processing. The
second stage is to review the recorded data, checking for accuracy, consis-
tency and completeness; this process is often referred to as data editing.
Next, the investigator summarizes the data in a concise form to allow sub-
sequent analysis-this is generally done by presenting the distribution of
the observations according to key characteristics in tables, graphs and
summary measures. This stage is known as data reduction. Gnly after data
processing, editing and reduction should more elaborate statistical manip-
ulation of the data be pursued.

3.1 Data processing

AIl the various steps of data processing should be planned when the
study is designed, before any data are collected. AIl forms used for record-
ing data should be carefully designed and tested to ensure that the data
can easily be extracted for processing. This general principle applies to aIl
data-collection forms: questionnaires, as weIl as forms for recording
results from laboratory assays, data extraction forms from hospital notes,
Most epidemiological studies involve the collection of large amounts
of data that are not easy to process by hand. Fortunately, microcomput-
ers are now available at reasonable prices (see Chapter 18). Before data
collected on a form can be entered into a computer fie, they must first
be coded. For instance, sex may be coded as 1 for male, or 2 for female;
only the number 1 or 2 wil be entered in the computer file. Numerical
data (e.g., number of children) do not require coding, as the exact num-
ber can be entered. Most data-collection forms are designed so that every
possible answer is assigned a code. However, even when such 'pre-coded'
forms are used, further data coding wil stil be required for the answers
to 'open-ended' questions or to the 'other' category of 'closed-ended'
questions. For a more detailed discussion of these issues, see Appendix 2.1
and Section 18.3.6.

Chapter 3

For each type of data-collection form, a computer fie wil be created to

enter the data. Data-entry programs can be designed so that the comput-
er screen resembles the layout of the data-collection form. This helps to
minimize errors made during data entry.

3.2 Data editing

Basic editing of the data involves checking each variable for ilogical or
unusual values. For example, sex may be coded 1 for male or 2 for female.
Another code, perhaps 9, is used to designate an unknown value. It is
preferable to assign specific codes to unknown or missing information
than to leave these values blank, as it is impossible to tell whether a blank
field corresponds to data that are truly missing or to data that have been
omitted in error. A code of zero should, however, be avoided, because
missing information may be interpreted by sorne computers or programs
as zero. The range and distribution of each variable should be examined,
and any inadmissible values should be checked against the original data
ln addition to checking for incorrect or unusual values, the distribution
of each variable should be examined to see if it appears reasonable. Such
an evaluation may reveal important problems that might not otherwise
come to light. It is also necessary to cross-check the consistency of codes
for related variables. For instance, males should not have been admitted to
hospital for hysterectomy or females for prostatectomy. Careful editing
wil involve many such consistency checks and is best accomplished by
computer programs designed to flag such errors.
Most data-entry programs can check and edit data interactively as they
are entered. The computer can be programmed to display an error message
on the screen and give an audible warning, allowing inadmissible values
to be rejected and corrected immediately. A sophisticated data-entry pro-
gram can also check for consistency between variables and can eliminate
sorne potential inconsistencies by providing appropriate codes auto ma ti-
cally. For example, if a subject is male, the program can automatically sup-
ply the correct code for 'Have you ever been pregnant?'. Nevertheless,
even with the most sophisticated editing during data entry, it remains
essential to edit the data before analysis, to check on their completeness,
and to examine the distribution of each variable, as data-entry programs
cannot perform these functions (see Section 18.3.6).
To minimize error during the handling of data, three basic precautions
are recommended. First, avoid any unnecessary copying of data from one
form to another. Second, use a verification procedure during data entry.
Data should always be entered twice, preferably by two people; the two
data-sets can then be compared and any inconsistencies resolved. Third,
check aIl calculations carefuIly, either by repeating them Of, for example,
by checking that subtotals add to the correct overall totaL AIl computer
procedures should be tested initially on a small subset of the data and the
results checked by hand.

Describing and presenting data

3.3 Data reduction

After the data are edited, they should be examined by means of simple
tabulations, graphs and basic summary measures. Different types of data
must be presented and summarized in different ways: the correct choice of
methods used therefore depends on the type of data collected. The
remainder of this chapter describes ways of presenting and summarizing
two main types of data: quantitative and categorical (or qualitative) vari-

3.3.1 Quantitative data

Quantitative variables can either have a numerical value along a con-
tinuous scale (e.g., age, weight, height), or can be whole numbers repre-
senting counts of a particular event (e.g., number of children, number of
sexual partners).

Presentation of quantitative data

The frequencies with which the different possible values of a variable
occur in a group of subjects is called the frequency distribution of the vari-
able in the group. For example, we may wish to present the distribution of
height (in cm) of a sample of 1250 women who were examined in a cer-
tain breast-screening clinic. As height is measured on a continuous scale,
it can have a large number of distinct values; it is therefore more useful to
group the values before presenting the distribution (Table 3.1).

Height (cm) Number of women Percentage Table 3.1.

pie of
Distribution of height in a sam
145-149 75 6.0 1250 women attending a certain
150-154 153 12.2 breast-screening c1inic: hypothetical
155-159 261 20.9
160-164 323 25.8
165-169 201 16.1
170-174 144 11.5
175-179 91 7.3
180-184 2 0.2
Total 1250 100.0

The percentage frequency distribution shown in the final column

allows one. to make comparison with distributions in other groups of
women. There is no need to calculate the percentages precisely: for exam-
pIe, 56 out of 1250 can often be expressed 4.5%, rather than 4.48%. When
percentagefrequency distributions are reported on their own, the total
number of subjects on which the distribution is based should always be
given (in this example, 1250). For instance, it might be misleading to
report that 20% of women were between 155 and 159 cm tall if only five
women had been measured in total.


Chapter 3

There are no universal mIes on how the data should be grouped. As a

rough guide, the number of groups should be 5-20, depending on the
number of observations involved. If the interval chosen is wide, too mu ch
detail wil be lost; if it is narrow, the table may be diffcult to interpret. AlI
intervals should have the same width, although the categories at either
extreme may be open-ended (e.g., ~180 cm). There should be no gaps
between the groups. The table should be labelled to show clearly how
observations that falI on the boundaries are classified.
A frequency distribution can be displayed graphically as a histogram, as
shown in Figure 3.1. ln this type of graph, the number (or percentage) of
i: 300
observations is plotted for different values, or groups of values, of the vari-
g 250
able being studied (in this example, height). ln a histogram, it is the area of
Õ 200
the rectangle, not its height, that represents the frequency-the vertical
~ 150
scale is measured in frequency per unit of value and the horizontal scale in
:i units of value. The larger the sample measured, the narrower the grouping
interval that can be chosen, so that the histogram becomes smoother and
more closely resembles the distribution of the total population. At the
1~ LW 1~ 1~ 1~ im in 100 1~
Heighl (cm)
limit, when the width of the intervals is so narrow that they practicalIy cor-
respond to a single unit, the resulting diagram would be a smooth curve.
Figure 3.1.
Histogram showing the distribution of Summarizing quantitative data
height in 1250 women who attended a Tabular and graphical methods are an important way of examining the
breast-screening c1inic (data shown in
Table 3.1).
fuI to summarize the data numericaIly. The two most
data. But it is also use

important features of a distribution are usuaIly the central value and the
spread about this value.

Measures of central value

(1) The most commonly used measure of the central value of a distribu-
tion is the arithmetic mean. This is the sum of the observations divided by
n, the number of observations. For example, if the weights (in kg) of eight
healthy women are


the arithmetic mean of the weights of these women is

(45.3 + 49.8 + 50.5 + 60.7 + 65.2 + 69.4 + 73.2 + 75.9)/8 = 490/8 = 61.5 = 61. kg

(2) The median is another commonly used measure of central value. It is

the value that divides the distribution in haU when the observations are
ranked in order. Thus, the median is the middle observation. For an even
number of observations, the median is calculated as the me an of the two
middle values. A general expression for finding the median is:
Median = (n+ 1)/2 th value of the ordered observations,

where n is the total number of observations.

Describing and presenting data

ln this example, the value of the median is the 4.Sth value, Le., the aver-
age of the fourth and fifth values, (60.7 + 65.2) /2= 63.0 kg.
The choice of measure used wil depend on the nature of the data and
the purpose of the analysis. The mean is often the preferred measure of cen-
tral value because it takes into account every observation and it is easy to
use in the most common types of statistical analysis. Its major disadvantage
is that it can be affected by outlers-single observations that are extreme in
comparison with most observations and whose inclusion or exclusion
changes the mean markedly.
The median is a useful descriptive measure when outliers make the mean
unrepresentative of the majority of the data. It is also particularly useful
when certain observations are not recorded precisely because they are
above or below a certain level; in these circumstances, the mean cannot be
calculated, but the median can determined so long as definite values are
known for more than one haU of aIl subjects. For instance, the mean sur-
vival time of a group of cancer patients can be calculated only when aIl the
patients have died; however, the median survival time can be calculated
while almost haU the patients are alive. The main disadvantage of this me
sure is that it ranks the data, but does not make use of their individual val-
When the shape of a distribution is roughly symmetric about a central
axis, the mean and the median are approximately equal (as is the case for
the data on weight given in the example above).

Measures of variation
ln addition to a measure of the central value of a distribution, it is also
useful to have an ide a of the variation or spread of values around this cen-
tral value. Several measures of variation are used:

(1) The range is the interval between the largest and smallest values. The
major advantage of this measure is that it is very simple to calculate. The
main disadvantage is that it is based only on two extreme observations and
gives no indication of how other observations are distributed in between.

(2) The three values that divide a distribution into quarters are caIled the
qumties. Of the total number of observations, 25% lie below the lower
quartile, 50% below the middle quartie and 75% below the upper quartile.
The middle quartile is the median. The distance between the lower quartile
and the upper quartie is called the inter-quartile range and is sometimes
used to describe variabilty. The inter-quartile range contains 50% of the
Similarly, percentiles are values that divide the distribution into percent-
ages. The 50th percentile corresponds to the median, while the 2Sth and the
75th percentiles correspond to the lower and upper quarties, respectively.
A simple but useful semi-graphical way of summarizing data using per-
centiles is the box-and-whisker plot. Figure 3.2 shows a box-and-whisker

Chapter 3

plot for the data given in Table 3.1. The box indicates the lower and upper
quarties, while the central line is the median. The points at the ends of
the 'whiskers' are the 2.Sth and the 97.Sth percentile values.
2- 165
E'" (3) The standard deviation is the most commonly used measure of the
:i average spread of values about the mean. If the values of a variable do not
vary greatly within a population, observations wil lie closely around the
mean, whereas if there is substantial variation, the observations wil be
scattered widely about the mean.
This variabilty or variance can be measured in terms of how much, on
average, observations differ from the mean: in other words how far, on
Figure 3.2. average, each observation deviates from the mean. Figure 3.3 ilustrates
Box-and-whisker plot of the heights of this for the weights of the eight healthy women given in the example
a sample of 1250 women (data shown
in Table 3.1).
above. The deviations from the mean are shown by the lines dii d2, ... dg.
First, the sum of the these deviations is calculated; however, the sum of
the deviations from the arithmetic mean is, by definition, zero, since neg-
ative deviations cancel out positive deviations. ln calculating the disper-
sion of values around the arithmetic mean, it is irrelevant whether the
deviations are positive or negative: only their absolute numerical magni-
tude is of interest. Hence, to avoid getting zero when the deviations are
added together, the individu al deviations are first squared, eliminating
negative values. The average of these squared deviations is called the vari-

Variance = (di2 + dl + ... + di )/n

Mean = 61.3 kg
dB The variance is a very useful mathematical measure of the average
~ spread of values around the mean, but is difficult to interpret because it is
expressed as the square of the units measured. ln our example, the vari-
ance of weight wil be expressed as kg2. As it is usually more convenient to
express the variation in terms of the original, unsquared units, the square
root of the variance is usually used. This is known as the standard deviation
(SD). ln this example, the SD is equal to 10.8 kg.
d2 A small standard deviation indicates that most values are very close to
the mean, whereas a large one indicates that many lie far from the mean:
Le., the more the values in a population vary, the bigger the standard devi-
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 ation.
Weight (kg)
As a general mIe, provided a distribution is roughly symmetrical and
has a bell-like shape, with a dome of central values and two tails at the
Figure.3.3. extremes (char tic of what statisticians calI a 'normal distribution'),
acte ris
Deviations fram the mean of the
weights of eight women: hypothetical the me an is the central value and the standard deviation is a measure of
data. spread su ch that one standard deviation either side of the mean includes
roughly 70% of the observations, and two standard deviations include
roughly 95% (Figure 3.4).

Describing and presenting data

3.3.2 Categorical data

The values of categorical (also called qualitative) variables represent
attributes, rather than actual measurements of sorne quantity. The foIlow-
Ing are examples of categorical variables: sex (male/female), marital status
(single/married/divorced/widowed), oral contraceptive use (ever-users/ ; 95%:
never-users), country of birth (Colombia, Spain, etc.).
-1.96S0 -1S0 mean 1S0 1.96S0
There are various types of categorical variable. If the variable can only
have two different values, the categorical variable is called binary (e.g.,
sex). Sometimes the different categories of a variable can be ordered on Figure 3.4.
A normal distribution. 50 = standard
sorne scale (e.g., the severity of pain could be categorized as mild, moder- deviation.
ate or severe). ln this case, the variable is called an ordered categorical vari-

Presentation of categorical data

As with quantitative variables, we can present the frequency distribu-
tion of a categorical variable as the number of times each value (category)
occurs in the group of subjects being studied. Consider Example 3.1:

Table 3.2.
Distribution of cervical cancer cases by
Education (schooling)
educational status and oral contracep-
Ever 317 72.7 tive use. a

Never 119 27.3

Total 436 100.0
Oral contraceptive use
Ever 141 32.4
291 66.7
4 0.9
Total 436 100.0
a Data tram Bosch et al. (1992).

Bar charts are often used to present the distribution of categorical vari-
ables (Figure 3.5). ln this type of graph, the value of the quantity of inter-
est is represented by the length of the bar.


Chapter 3

Figure 3.5.
Distribution of cervical cancer cases by
Summarizing categorical data
oral contraceptive use (data fram For categorical data, percentages are the only sumIDary measures that
Bosch et al., 1992). can be calculated (as in Table 3.2). They are particularly useful when mak-
ing comparisons between different groups.

t 60
3.3.3 Two variables-quantitative or categorical
iß 50
So far, we have considered the frequency distribution of a variable with-

o 40 in a single group of subjects. Often, we need to compare frequency distri-
~ 30
i: butions between two or more groups defined by another variable; for
~ 20
example, the distribution of oral contraceptive use among Colombian and
ù: 10
Spanish cases of cervical cancer. Thus, we wish to examine the association
Ever Never Unknown between two categorical variables: oral contraceptive use and country of
Oral contraceptive use
residence. One way to do this is to tabulate the data as in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3. Oral contraceptive use Country of residence (number (%))

Distribution of cervical cancer cases
by oral contraceptive use (rows)
Colombia Spain
according to country of residence Ever 77 (41.4) 64 (25.6)
(columns).a Never 109 (58.6) 182 (72.8)
Unknown o (0) 4 (1.6)
Total 186 (100.0) 250 (100.0)
a Data fram Bosch et al. (1992)

When considering two variables simultaneously, it is useful to classify

them according to their purpose in the investigation, as either explanatory
or response variables. Explanatory variables are characteristics of the sub-
jects (exposures) that wil be used to explain sorne of the variabilty in the
response, which is the outcome of interest.
Table 3.3 shows the distribution of the response variable (oral contra-
ceptive use) according to each category of the explanatory variable (coun-
try of residence). ln this example, it is appropriate to calculate column per-
centages to show the distribution of the response variable.
These data may also be presented as in Table 3.4. ln this case, it is appro-
priate to calculate row percentages.
The distribution of oral contraceptive use among cervical cancer cases
in the two countries can be ilustrated in a two-bar chart arranged as in
Figure 3.6.

Table 3.4. Country of Oral contraceptive use (number (%))

Distribution of cervical cancer cases
by oral contraceptive use (columns)
residence Ever Never Unknown Total
according to country of residence Colombia 77 (41.4) 109 (58.6) 0(0) 186 (100.0)
Spain 64 (25.6) 182 (72.8) 4 (1.6) 250 (100.0)
a Data from Bosch et al. (1992)


Describing and presenting data

Quantitative variables (such as age) can also be tabulated by grouping Figure 3.6.
Distribution of cervical cancer cases by
the values of the variable. Table 3.5 shows the age distribution of cervical oral contraceptive use according to
cancer cases at the time of their enrollment into the study in each coun- country of residence (data from Bosch
try. The distribution of the response variable (age) is shown according to et al., 1992).

each category of the explanatory variable (country).

Tabulations are useful for showing the association between categorical 80
variables; they are not suitable for ilustrating the association between
quantitative variables (unless the y are grouped into categorical variables ~60
1o~ Spain
as in Table 3.5). This is discussed in more detail in Section 11.2.1; here, '"
only graphical representation of the association between two quantita- co
Õ 40
tive variables is considered. As an example, we can plot data on vitamin ~
C intake and levels in the plasma in a sample of 25 individuals on a scat- '"
cr 1-
tergram (Figure 3.7). The values of each variable are represented on an ii~ 20

axis. A symbol (often a dot or a cross) is used to represent each individ-

uaI. o
Ever Never Unknown
Oral contraceptive use

Age group (years) Country of residence (number (%))

Colombia Spain
~30 15 (8.1) 7 (2.8)
30-39 48 (25.8) 41 (16.4)
40-44 27 (14.5) 30 (12.0)
45-54 50 (26.9) 61 (24.4)
;:55 46 (24.7) 111 (44.4)

Total 186 (100.0) 250 (100.0) Table 3.5.

Age distribution of cervical cancer
Data from Bosch et al. (1992). cases according to country of resi-
dence. a

3.4 Final remarks

Data analyses should always begin by using basic tables, graphical tech-
niques and summary statistics to explore the data. Tables, graphs and
summaries should, however, be presented in a sensible way, and must not
be misleading.

General rules for designìng tables

(1) A table should have a title that gives a clear indication of its con-
tents. The reader should be able to determine without difficulty
precisely what is tabulated.
(2) Column and row headings should be brief but self-explanatory.
(3) The source of the data should be included, so that original sources
can be checked.
(4) Units of measurement should be clearly indicated.
(5) Totals should be given. These are helpful in indicating the quanti-
ty of data in the table and to allow comparison with data present-
ed elsewhere.

Chapter 3

1.2 - (6) If percentages are given, the base for

the percentage should be clearly indi-
cated. ln a complex table displaying
. percentages without indication of
1.0 - . their base, the reader is uncertain how
or in which way the percentages total
. . . 100%. Such a table can easily be mis-
0.8 - interpreted. A glance at the location of

. the 100% value almost al ways informs
Ci the reader immediately how the per-
'" centages in the table were derived.
.0 0.6 -
. (7) Approximations and omissions can be
II . explained in footnotes. If sorne obser-
vations are excluded from the table,
0.4 -
. . their number should be indicated
. .. (8) Tables are used to present results in a
more concise and clear way than
. .
0.2 - ... . would be possible in the text. Often, a
certain degree of complexity is neces-
. .
1 1
sary to save space. However, avoid
compressing too much information
1 1 1 1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
into a single table. Two or three sim-
ple tables may be better than a single
Vitamin C intake (mg/day)
large and complex one.

Figure 3.7. General rules for designing graphs

Plasma ascorbate levels in 25 study (1) A graph should have a self-explanatory legend.
subjects in relation to their vitamin C
intake: hypothetical data. (2) A graph should help the reader to understand the data. It should not
be cluttered with too much detail.
(3) Axes should be clearly labelled and units of measurement indicated.
It is important for the reader to be able to tell precisely what is being
ilustrated and in which units.
(4) Scales are extremely important. Whenever feasible, they should start
at zero; otherwise, this should be clearly indicated by a break in the
(5) Graphs are generally more easily interpreted if the explanatory
(exposure) variable is displayed along the horizontal axis and the
response (outcome) variable along the vertical axis.
(6) Avoid graphs that give a three-dimensional impression, as they may
be misleading (people visualize less easily in three dimensions).
(7) Choose the type of graph that uses as little ink as possible without
loss of information. Figure 3.8 presents the same data in two differ-
ent ways. ln graph (a) the data are dificult to interpret because of
the three-dimensional columns, multiple outcome scales, grid-lines
and hatching. Most ink was used to present features that can be
Describing and presenting data

omitted without any loss of information. The same data are shown
in a mu ch simpler and clearer manner in graph (b).

General rules for reporting summary measures

(1) Always report the number of observations on which the summary is
based. For binary responses (A or B), report the percentage of A or B,
but not both.
(2) If the median is used as a measure of the central value of a quanti-
tative distribution, give the lower and upper quartiles (or the range)
as weIL
(3) If the mean is used as a measure of the central value of a quantita-
tive distribution, give the standard deviation as weIL

(a) (b)

1000 41

Geometrie 900 ëo: 900

mean Cf
serum ãí
beta- 800 J:
earotene § ~ 800
(nmoIlL) 700 m Õ
rJ E
i: i:
600 g¡ ~ 700
ãí 600
Smoking o
status CI
Never Past Current

Country Smoking status

of birth


Figure 3.8.
Two graphical presentations of data
fram 750 subjects on their country of
birth, smoking status and serum con-
centrations of beta-caratene:
(a) 'business' graph; (b) 'scientific'
graph (repraduced, with permission,
fram Jolley, 1993. (Q by The Lancet
Ud, 1993).

Chapter 3

Further reading
, .",'.' ," " ,.", ~ ,', a'p)cßA. 'ke'" issuês ': ,:,.., " . ,...:,;:,
'~ ,"'.' ~~ _', _-'_.'~," .~. ',- -,..'.' , ~ ~..,,!J./ '"_" ';.,~-w" "~~,-'';'::~ '.,," _,.)., -'~."
" ,,' . .,,_, _', _" '_',
, -,--_,.c-;:""-__,-,,,," .__ _,,,,..,,,,-
J~' , '-,,,-.-'-','
,"" __,_,,',', ,_,_ ,,' ,'.'",-",'"
',,-"-;,''',,'-''_'.u'',' ,',,, ,,''."__H'
_u __,'
-',,' ,.c_
-,' _',
"-',,""', "_C"',
,"C'_,"', ",_d'.',,,'','-''-,'-,';"'-,
-"-,,,-':, ' .-, ,_', ,. ;
* Further details of ways of pre-
· Afterthe datatiave been editep,they shouldbe ex~mined~sirigsimpletabula-
senting and summarizing data
are given by Altman (1991) and
tions,gràphs ~àndsulllTarymeastJres. '.' ...',
, ",:,' "" :, '_., -, ,:" '. _, _,' _, -:., , -: :_, "; - ;. ,:;;,~ '," ,_ ,,_' ,,_ '_'_""" -":_ '_, ;,' ", ' ,,:. -'._,,: '_, _' ,.',,, ';"_"" " ;_ '_ ,,_ . - _, '.",,' ';. '.':'.-1 ' ,

Sland (1987).
. Theèhoicgóitflt7cOJl'ectmêthocÎs: to present andsuinmarize thedataq8.pends. .
on the type of dàtäcollectßd:quaÌ1t1tativeor categoricaf. ' ,
* An excellent book on graphical
methods is that by Tufte (1983).
· The freqU~~¿~ distributiori ofaquantitative variablecan be presente'dintables, .'

* A critical view of the use (and

orgraphically, can be summarized byreporting a measurè of
. centrài val(J:iaridameasure of spread of the distrH:)Ution (Le., arithmetic meaii
misuse) of graphs in epidemiolo-
with standard deviation, or median with inter~quartilerange).. .
gy is given by Jolley (1993).

-" .."'",'-, ,-',,'

,--,"', - ",-",'--,""
,'-'- '" ',,' '"'"
.-::-, _:-
., ',', ,,- -'
. ,,-'~'" ,':- ,:-':-;-:d~"
, :- ,,_,,':': .- -~d:-,'-'-,',"_:::, ! -,---,-.,,-
_,-' ''-'' --, '_,"'-',' - :,-, " '""_
"- .- c_ -

.Tabl~s, graphs and summary measures shouldbe intellgently designed 50 as ta

ensureacct.rate representatfohofthedata.... . ,

Chapter 4
Measures of occurrence of
disease and other health-
related events
4.1 Introduction
Epidemiological research is based on the abilty to quantify the occur-
rence of disease (or any other health-related event) in populations. To do
this, the following must be clearly defined:
(1) What is meant by a case, Le., an individual in a population who has
the disease, or undergoes the event of interest (e.g., death).
(2) The population from which the cases originate.
(3) The period over which the data were collected.

4.1.1 Defining a case-the numerator

ln epidemiology, it is seldom easy to define what is meant by a 'case',
even for a weIl known condition. The epidemiological definition of a case
is not necessarily the same as the clinical definition, and epidemiologists
are often forced to rely on diagnostic tests that are less invasive and cheap-
er than those normally used by clinicians. Nevertheless, for study purpos-
es, it is important to standardize the case definition. For instance, should
'cancer cases' comprise only those that were confirmed histologically?
Should in situ les ions be included? For cancers of paired organs (e.g.,
breast, testis, kidney), should the number of cases counted reflect the
number of individuals who develop the cancer or the number of organs
affected? Cancer epidemiologists are also interested in measuring the fre-
quency of other health-related event, so, for example, someone who
smokes, uses oral contraceptives or uses a certain health service might be
counted as a case.
Another important consideration when dealing with recurrent non-
fatal conditions (e.g., the common cold) is to decide whether, for a given
individual, each episode or occurrence should be counted as a case, or
only the first attack. ln this chapter, we assume that individuals can only
suffer from one episode of the condition of interest; however, the me
sures of occurrence presented can be modified to coyer recurrent episodes.
Cases ffay be identified through disease registries, notification systems,
death certificates, abstracts of clinical records, surveys of the general pop-
ulation, etc. It is important, however, to ensure that the numerator both
includes aIl cases occurring in the study population, and excludes cases
from elsewhere. For instance, when measuring the occurrence of a disease
in a particular town, aIl cases that occurred among its residents should be

Chapter 4

included in the numerator, even those diagnosed elsewhere. ln contrast,

cases diagnosed in people who are normally resident elsewhere should be

4.1.2 Defining the population at risk-the denominator

Knowing the number of cases in a particular population is on its own of
little use to the epidemiologist. For example, knowing that 100 cases of
lung cancer occurred in city A and 50 cases in city B does not allow the
conclusion that lung cancer is more frequent in city A than in city B: to
compare the frequency of lung cancer in the se two populations, we must
know the size of the populations from which the cases originated (Le., the
denominator) .
The population at risk must be defined clearly, whether it be the resi-
dents of one particular town, the population of a who le country or the
catchment population of a hospital. The definition must exclu de aIl those
who are not usually resident in that area. If possible, it should also exclu de
aIl those who are not at risk of the event under investigation. For instance,
in quantifying the occurrence of cervical cancer in a population, women
who have undergone hysterectomy should ideally be excluded, as they
cannot develop this cancer. However, as the data necessary to exclude
such women are seldom available, aIl women are usually included in the

4.1.3 Time period

As most health-related events do not occur constantly through time,
any measure of occurrence is impossible to interpret without a clear state-
ment of the period during which the population was at risk and the cases
were counted. The occurrence of lung cancer in most western countries
tes this point: incidence of this disease was much lower in the early

years of this century than today.

4.2 Measures of occurrence

There are two principal measures of occurrence: prevalence and inci-

4.2.1 Prevalence
a Period prevalence is a variation that
represents the number of people who Point prevalence is the proportion of existing cases (old and new) in a
were counted as cases at any time dur- population at a single point in time.
ing a specified (short) period, divided
by the total number of people in that
population during that time. This mea-
sure is used when the condition is No. of existing cases in a defined population at one point in time
Point prevalence =
recurrent and non-fatal, and so is sel- No. of people in the defined population at the sa me point in time
dom used in cancer epidemiology. An
example of period prevalence would be
the proportion of women who have
used oral contraceptives at any time
du ring the 12-month period preceding
This measure is called point prevalencea because it refers to a single
the day of the survey. point in time. It is often referred to simply as prevalence.


L -..\~

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

o- - r- ------
--------------------- ------

- - - -0 . r- - - - -
--------------------- ------ o = disease onset
Figure 4.1.
Changes in the disease status and
migration of members of a population
over time, and how these changes
affect the prevalence of the disease in
-0 m r = recovery the population.
d = death
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0 m = migration
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -m
--------------- 0 d- - - -
- - - - - - - -0- r- - - - - - --
Time (t) ~ tz

Although as with any proportion, prevalence has no time units, the

point in time to which it refers must always be specified (Examples 4.1
and 4.2). The term 'prevalence rate' is often wrongly used instead of
'prevalence': this is incorrect, as prevalence is, by definition, a propor-
tion not a rate (see Section 4.2.2).

It may be difficult to define a prevalent cancer case. Cancer registries

generally assume that once diagnosed with cancer, an individual repre-
sents a prevalent case until death (see Section 17.6.1). However, this
assumption is not always correct, as people diagnosed with cancer may
survive for a long period without any recurrence of the disease and may
die from another cause.
Prevalence is the only measure of disease occurrence that can be
obtained from cross-sectional surveys (see Chapter 10). It measures the

Chapter 4

burden of disease in a population. Such information is useful to public-

health professionals and administra tors who wish to plan the allocation
of health-care resources in accordance with the population's needs.

4.2.2 Incidence
The number of cases of a condition present in a population at a point
in time depends not only on the frequency with which new cases occur
and are identifed, but also on the average duration of the condition
(Le., time to either recovery or death). As a consequence, prevalence may
vary from one population to another solely because of variations in
duration of the condition.
Prevalence is therefore not the most useful measure when attempting
to establish and quantify the determinants of disease; for this purpose, a
measurement of the flow of new cases arising from the population is
more informative. Measurements of incidence quantify the number of
new cases of disease that develop in a population of individuals at risk
during a specified time interval. Three distinct measures of incidence
may be calculated: risk, odds of disease, and incidence rate.

Risk is the proportion of people in a population that is initially free of
disease who develop the disease within a specified tIme interval.

No. of new cases of disease arìsing in a defined population

over a given period of time
Risk =
No. of disease free people in that population at the beginning
of that time perìod

Both numerator and denominator include only those individuals who

are free from the disease at the beginning of the given period and are
therefore at risk of developing it. This measure of incidence can be inter-
preted as the average probabilty, or risk, that an individual wil develop
a disease during a specified period of time.
Often, other terms are used in the epidemiologicalliterature to desig-
nate risk, for example, incidence risk and incidence proportion.
Like any proportion, risk has no time units. However, as its value
increases with the duration of foIlow-up, the time period to which it
relates must always be clearly specified, as in Example 4.3.

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

, -". .... "-' . ," - ',. ,'-

'Êxiimple 4.1:. AtotalofJ3 2641iing cqflcer cases in males were diagnosed
. in d certafn popuJation in 1971. . These cases were followed. up for five years.
At the endofthisfollow-upperiod, only 472 cases were stil alive. The prob-
abilty of suiviving during this five~year period was 472/13 264 = 3.6%.
Thus, the probability ofdyîng during the period was 100% - 3.6% = 96.4%.
These mm~ures ate risks, as . tney Tepresent the proportion of lungcancer
cases whÔ were stillålivè (or who died)at the' end of the follow-up period out
of all.cases diagnosed at' the. beginning of the study. These calculations
assume that all individuals were followed up for the entire five-year period
(or until death if it occurred earlier). . .

Risk is a measure commonly used to quantify the survival experience of

a group of subjects, as in Example 4.4
The measures in Example 4.4 are often called survival and fatality
'rates'; this is incorrect as, by definition, they are proportions (see later in
this section). These two measures are discussed further in Chapter 12.

Odds of disease
Another measure of incidence is odds of disease, which is the total num-
ber of cases divided by the total number of persons who remained disease-
free over the study period.
No. of new cases of disease ansing in a defined population
over a given period of time
Odds of disease =
No. of people in that population who remain disease-free during that period

Figure 4.2.
Number of Follow-up of the 100 disease-free indi-
new cases viduals described in Example 4.5.
of disease
Number of ¡ (10)
individuals Number of
initially at individuals
risk Number of
currently non-diseased
(disease-free) at risk individuals
(stil at risk)
Time (t)
Thus, it is possible to calculate the risk and the odds of
developing the disease during the study period as:

Risk = 101100 = 0.10 = 10%

Odds of disease = 10/90 = 0.11 = 11%


Chapler 4

This measure is a ratio of the probabilty of getting the disease to the

probabilty of not getting the disease during a given time period. Thus, it
can also be expressed as:

Odds of disease = risk/(l - risk)

Risk and odds of disease use the same nurnerator (nurnber of new cases) but
different denominators. ln the calculation of risk, the denominator is the total
number of disease-free individuals at the beginning of the study period,
whereas when calculating the odds of disease, it is the number of individuals
who remained disease-free at the end of the period (Exarnple 4.5).

Incidence rate
Calculations of risk and odds of disease assume that the entire population
at risk at the beginning of the study period has been followed up during the
specified time period. Often, however, sorne participants enter the study sorne
time after it begins, and sorne are lost during the foIlow-up; Le., the popula-
tion is dynamic. ln these instances, not aIl participants wiIl have been £01-
lowed up for the same length of time. Moreover, neither of these two mea-
sures of incidence takes account of the time of disease onset in affected indi-
To account for varying lengths of foIlow-up, the denominator can be cal-
culated so as to represent the sum of the times for which each individual is at
risk, Le., the sum of the time that each person remained under observation
and was at risk of becoming a case. This is known as person-time at risk, with
time being expressed in appropriate units of rneasurement, su
ch as person-
years (often abbreviated as pyrs).

Figure 4.3.
Calculation of an individual's time at
risk and talaI persan-lime al risk for
lhe nine sludy subjects described in
Example 4.6.

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

Example 4.6 ilustrates the cacuation of person-tie at nsk using a hypthetical

group of nie persons. Subject (1) joined the studyat the begig of 1980 and was
followed up thoughout the study penod. Therefore, (1) was at nsk of becomig a
cae for the entie five year of the study. Subjec (4) also joined at the begig of
the study; but was last contacted at the end of 1983; thus, (4) was at nsk for only four
year. Subject (6) joined the studyat the begig of 1982, and developed the di-
ease by the end of that year; afer that, (6) was no longer at nsk (assumg there ca
be no recovery from the disease of interest). The total person-year at nsk is the SUf
of al the individuals' tie at nsk.
The incidence rate accounts for differences in person-time at risk and is
given by:
No. of new cases of disease arising in a defined population over a
given time period
Incidence rate =
Total person-time at risk during that period

This measure of disease frequency is also called incidence density or force

of morbidity (or mortality). Like risk and odds, the numerator of the inci-
dence rate is the number of new cases in the population. The denominator,
however, is the sum of each individual's time at risk. ln the above example,
the incidence rate wil be equal to:
3/32 = 0.094 per person-year or 9.4 per 100 person-years

When presenting an incidence rate, the time units must be specified; that
is, whether the rate measures the number of cases per person-day, pers on-
mon th, person-year, etc. Although the above definitions of risk, odds and
rate are now widely accepted, the terms risk and rate are used interchange-
ably in much of the literature, and especially in older publications.

4.2.3 The relationship between prevalence, rate and risk

As stated in Section 4.2.2, prevalence depends on both the incidence and
the duration of the disease. When bath incidence and duration are stable and
the prevalence of the disease is low (as with cancer), this association may be
expressed as foIlows:

Prevalence = incidence rate x average duration of disease

Example 4.7 provides an ilustration of the relationship between preva-

lence, incidence and duration of the disease.

Chapter 4

Risk depends both on the incidence rate and on the duration of the at-
risk period. It is also affected by mortality from diseases other than the
disease of interest; sorne of those who died from other diseases would
have been expected to develop the disease of interest had they survived.
If mortality from other diseases is disregarded, and if the incidence rate is
constant throughout the period at risk, the following relationship

Risk = 1 - exp ( - incidence rate x duration of the period at risk)

The symbol exp indicates that the mathematical constant e = 2.72

should be raised to the power of the expression in parentheses. For dis-
eases that have a low incidence rate or when the period at risk is short,
the following approximation may be used:

Risk = incidence rate x duration of the period at risk.

This is clearly ilustrated in Example 4.8.

Example 4.8. The incidence rate of a particular conditon in a population.

. is 50 per 100 000 person-years. The risk for an individual in this population,

'-' -,....',
'.-, --,'-'..-. -', .',-"
-'.' "" '
, of developing this condition during a five- year period (assuming no. Qther .

',-,'.. ,'-',",-
causesofdeath) is given by: .
i-"'" -
" c_..
- :'.' ,-',.'
,: ",",,', -q',.._
- -,_ ..... ,"--
'_', ','-,.:-_ ..~......,,'
- , -. "_..
" ..' ,_:',"

. Five,.year risk = 1 - exp ( - 0,0005 per person-year x 5 years) = 0.0025 = 0.25%. .

'.- ... "-',
-, ,'," ~...

Five~year risk = 0.0005 per person-year x 5 years = 0.0025 = 0.25%

:: -i :''.--::-:,.i,:.-..'~)_ - " - ~:-_:-..-; ,--,,~-..'_:_:-'_.' :-':::'. ':",','" __-),',;'.--:,;;/",: :,_:;;-,:'.-,::;' .'.'" ',\-,'_,;'- _:,:: ,: '-,"" ,'- ': - ;' :.-: _:': - :-:~'.".-,_--:,- :... ",," :'-"~ è,:: ,-_,,:-

instancei thesimpUfied formula yieldsà meaningless result:

";'--0,..-,'::_':_ ,,,_"u,",_,,',,'_,,,-,-,-:'
, ,:-"'~
,-,'"", :~': -,",:- ",'" .--C',
-"', ".'"- ":','
-" ,',\" '-'--,::-".--:_,-'~-,
,- , -"', '. -' :,:' .-::' -- .: :..' '-,-,"-.,---,',-';",
-'-' --'--,"-' ,','--'-"'-'-,""::';-':','.-.-_",:-,
-,' :,'",,:'-"', ;'" -, -',- '-,""--,'

ar'.,,,,,Tisk = 0.3per'
,.", ....,.",,,,',,,. '5 years=1.5 = 150% ".,.....

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

4.3 Using routine data to measure disease occurrence

Rates can be estimated from routinely collected data (e.g., vital statistics
data, cancer registration data), even though direct measures of the pers on-
time at risk are not available (Example 4.9). An estimate of the person-time
at risk during a given period can be made as follows:
Population at the mid-point of the calendar period of interest x length of the period
(in suitable units of time, usually years).

Provided that the population remains stable throughout this period,

this method yields adequate estimates of person-time at risk.

Example "4-.9. Supposethat we wishto. . .

çaneerin men living in Cali, Colombia.,
FiveContiÍients.(Parkin étaI.J992)'
..'stomach cancer cases thatoccurred in C '.
the totalrnale population in 1984. The inci encë ,
... 'becalculatedfrom
. -,','
- , -,,_,
these "., - . . .' _.'. ,', . '---,
data_ as_-',
_.-. _- -,'
- .'" ,"'_'"'.,_..'_,_'
'" _.', ",". ,-':.'..' '.."', '""_,_"""",,_.,C,:,'..',":':',"',',;,,
'-',,'..:., '-, ,.":-,,_,-",:''.,'\,,,',,'-''''":'''',,'',;--'-''.'-".','.'",.':;
"\'.", :,,-:'-:." ',' -. ,,', -".' _ .", "',
""-'::':-::, '_::':::_'-~-:::-';:::'-'~--:"':-::-"--:-:i'''-'''','.,'-::',,'.::/::::;',,:':~i,:,:.::::i-i:,:;"':_'-("--''\
No~ of male stomach cancer cases, Cali, 1982-86 ==.655... '....
'.. Totalmalepopulationi Cali¡1984 =622922 . .
. 'TotdlpersotL~years at risk, J982-86~5. (year
" . ; ¥eanan,ni1al.incidencerate, Cali¡! 9/32-a6 =
~', ,': - ,-, , ,- " . , , '- '. ' , , - - -' - - , ',',', '-' ' " .'- - ,,' -:",,,---,,',,,,,,,,,,,,-,,','"
,-,'" '- '-':. . -',:
;.-,','-- -"',,-;-
;",:'-..., ",,',-"'_
':-,:: 0"" ,,'- ,.-,',-'_,.,--,;.___',',:,'.:,'--'.-,'
,- ',,_:,'-' :".-,'..,':'_,:,",',;

Thus the mean annual incidence rateofsto ...' ;' '.c.ancer .,'
Càli during the yeaTs 1982~86was 2,s. . .'

This method of estimating person-time at risk is appropriate for rare

conditions such as cancer. However, common conditions demand more
sophisticated approaches that exclu de from the denominator those who
have the disease and are therefore no longer at risk.
ln most developed countries and many developing countries, a popu-
lation census is taken, usually once every ten years. This provides the
baseline count of the total population. As a source of denominator data,
censuses are somewhat limited: they are relatively incomplete for sorne
population subgroups (e.g., homeless and nomadic people) and can
rapidly become out of date. Most census offices provide estimates of the
population size between censuses (for intercensal years), which are based
on population birth, death and migration rates. When available, these
annual population estima tes of the tes can be taken as the best estima

person-time at risk in each calendar year. Thus in the above example, the
sum of the annual population estimates for the years 1982-86 could
have been used to provide an estimate of the total person-years at risk
for the entire study period.


,, ~"'l..
Chapter 4

4.3.1 Crude and stratum-specific measures

The measures of disease occurrence discussed in Section 4.2 may be
calculated for a who le population-so-called crude measures-or sepa-
rately for specific sub-groups (strata) of the population-called stratum-
specific measures. For example:

No. of new cases arising in a defined population

Crude incidence rate in a specifie period of time
per 100 000 pyrs
x 100 000
Total pers on - years at risk in that population
during that period of time

Crude rates are widely used, in part because they are summary mea-
sures and so are easily interpreted, and in part because their calculation
requires relatively little information. Crude rates may obscure the fact
that subgroups of the population have marked differences in incidence;
for instance, people in different age groups have a different risk of
death. This should be borne in mind when comparing cru de rates from
various populations, as disparities might reflect differences in their pop-
ulation structure rather than in disease incidence (see Section 4.3.3).
To gain an understanding of certain epidemiological aspects of a dis-
ease, more detailed rates, specifie for sex and other demographic char-
acteristics such as age, are needed. For example, age-specific rates can be
calculated as follows:

No. of new cases arising in a certain age-group

in a defined population and in a specifie
Age-specifie period of time
incidence rate x 100000
per 100 000 pyrs Person - years at risk in that age group
in the same population
and during that period of time

Person-time at risk is calculated separately for each age group.

Plotting these age-specific rates against age yields an age-incidence
curve, which can reveal important clues to the epidemiology of a dis-
ease (see Figure 4.Sa). Note that cancer rates are usually sex-specific, Le.,
calculated separately for males and females, because cancer incidence
for most sites differs markedly between the sexes.

4.3.2 Changes in disease incidence with time

The risk of getting a disease also changes with calendar time, and this
should be taken into account during follow-up. This is ilustrated in
Example 4.10.



Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-refated events

Figure 4.4.
Age-group (years) __ Lexis diagram showing the follow-up of
1950~0- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55 the study subject described in Example
~ 4.10 and the calculation of his person-
1955- months contribution to each calendar
Calendar "-
year 1960- "- period and age stratum.
l 1965- ~

Calendar period Age Person-months Total person-months

group in calendar period and age stratum
1950-54 30-34 3 months in 1952
12 months in 1953
12 months in 1954 27
1955-59 30-34 12 months ln 1955
12 months in 1956
9 months ln 1957 33
35-39 3 months in 1957
12 months in 1958
12 months in 1959 27

1960-64 35-39 12 months ln 1960

12 months in 1961
9 months in 1962 33

40-44 3 months in 1962

12 months in 1963
12 months ln 1964 27

1 965-69 40-44 12 months in 1965

12 months in 1966
9 months in 1967 33

45-49 3 months in 1967

12 months in 1968
12 months in 1969 27

The experience of a whole cohort can be represented in a Lexis diagram,

which consists of age and calendar time cells or strata (see Figure 4.4). This
diagram can be used to assess individual foIlow-up simultaneously in rela-
tion to two different time-scales: age and calendar period. Once a subject
enters the cohort, he moves diagonally through the Lexis diagram as he
ages, contributing person-time at risk to various strata as he moves
through them. Stratum-specific rates can be calculated by dividing the
total number of cases arising in each age and calendar period stratum by
the corresponding total person-time at risk.

Chapter 4

Even when data on date of birth are not available, the Lexis diagram can
be used with routine data to describe the incidence of a disease in succes-
sive generations. Mortality rates from cancer of the lung in men in
England and Wales during 1941-78 are shown in Table 4.1: columns show
Table 4.1. changes in the incidence rates with age, and rows show changes in the
Mortality (per million person-years) age-specific rates over calendar time. ln any age x calendar-period two-way
from cancer of the lung, in males in table, diagonallines represent successive birth cohorts, although the earli-
England and Wales, 1941-78, byage
group and calendar period; the central est and the most recent birth cohorts (in the extremes of the table) wil
year of birth is indicated on the diago- have very few data points.

Age-group (years)
Year 01 death 0- 5- 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85 and

1941-45 1 1 2 4 9..17..39..87..203..404..626..924~1073..1031..799..685.. 396

'- over

1946-50 1 '2 ..1 '4 'i2.. 18.. 41.. 97.. 242.. 555.. 972.. 1375 ~ 1749.. 1798. 1442.. 1130.. 791.. 497
1951-55 1 ::0:: 1 :: 2:: 8.. 14.. 37 ~OO .. 250.. 584.. 1232.. 2018 ~ 2575.. 2945. 2651.. 2087.. 1444.. 927"

1956-60 1 0 "" 0,2, 5.. 13.. 36.. 94.. 253.. 594.. 1254.. 2326.. 3330.. 3941. 3896.. 3345.. 2271 .. 1438" 1866
1961-65 o 1 ,2,5.. 11 .. 33.. 91 .. 225.. 566.. 1226.. 2290.. 3673.. 4861. 4994.. 4530.. 3423.. 2062" 1871
1966-70 o o 0 3, 4.. 11 .. 25.. 76.. 218.. 532.. 1165.. 2208 ~ 3703.. 5281. 6223.. 5931.. 4578.. 3490" 1876


o o 1 3 8"""7,4,1,2,2,,,1886
o 0 1 4,10.. 25.. 58 .. 178 .. 505 .. 1074.. 2082 ~ 3552.. 5185 . 6834.. 7284.. 6097.. 4384"'1881

1951 1946 1941 1936 1931 1926 1921 1916 1911 1906 1901 1896 1891
Birth cohort (diagonal)
a Data lrom OPCS, (1981),

The diagonals of Table 4.1 (from upper left to lower right), for instance,
define the lung cancer mortality experience for successive generations of
men who were born together and hence aged together. For example, a
man aged 40-44 years in 1941-45, was aged 45-49 in 1946-50, 50-54 in
1951-55, etc. To be 40-44 in 1941-45, he could have been born at any
time betweenJanuary 1896 (44 in 1941) and December 1905 (40 in 1945).
These so-called birth cohorts are typically identified by their central year
of birth; for example, the 1901 birth cohort, or more precisely the 1900/1
birth cohort, contains those men born during the lO-year period from
1896 to 1905. The diagonal just above this one shows the rates pertaining
to the 1896 cohort, Le., those men born between 1891 and 1900. As the
years of birth for each cohort are estimated from the age and calendar peri-
od data, adjacent cohorts inevitably overlap, Le., they have years of birth
in common. When data on exact year of birth are available, these esti-
mates need not be made, and so successive birth cohorts do not overlap.
Analyses by birth cohort thus use the same age-specific rates as in cal-
endar time period analyses, but these rates are arranged in a different way.
Comparison of rates in successive birth cohorts allows us to assess how
incidence may have changed from one generation to another.

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

The data in Table 4.1 can be plotted in different ways to ilustra te

changes in age-specific rates over calendar time-secular trends-or
changes from generation to generation-cohort trends.
Figure 4.5 clearly ilustrates that secular trends in lung cancer mortality
differ by age. ln older age-groups, rates increased over the study period,
while in younger groups, they declined. When rates are presented by year
of birth (Figure 4.6), it becomes apparent that while rates for successive
generations of men born until the turn of the century increased, they
declined for generations born since then. These trends closely paraUel
trends in cigarette smoking (not shown).

(a) (b)
10000 10000

1000 1000
Qi Qi
ii0 ii0
Ul Ul Age-group
ci ci (yrs)
g g -- 25-9
~ ~ -x 35-9
a. Year of death ;:
i: 100 i: 100 -- 45-9
-+ 1941-45
,g ~ -- 55-9
'* 1956-60
.e .e -0 65-9
.. 1971-75
Qi Qi -- 75-9
a. a.
ex ex
10 10

1 ~ 1 1 1 l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 ..
25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85+ 1941- 1951- 1961- 1971- 1976-8
Age-group (years) Year of death

ln certain situations, cohort analysis gives the most accurate picture of Figure 4.5.
Mortality from lung cancer in men in
changes in the patterns of disease over time, for example, if exposure to a England and Wales, 1941-78. (a)
potential risk factor occurs very early in life and influences the lifetime risk Rates presented ta show differences in
of a particular disease, or if the habits of adults are adopted by successive age-specifie curves between three
selected calendar periods; (b) rates
generations (as with cigarette smoking and lung cancer, and exposure to presented ta show secular (calendar)
sunlight and malignant melanoma of skin). ln other situations, secular trends in age-specifie rates. For c1arity,
analysis might be more appropria te: for example, if exposure to the risk only rates for alternate age-groups are
shawn; the first five age-groups are
factor affects aIl age groups simultaneously (as with the introduction of a omitted because of the small number
new medical treatment). However, in most situations, it is not clear which of deaths (data from Table 4.1).
analysis is most appropriate to describe temporal trends, and the results of
both should be examined.



Chapter 4

(a) (b)
10000 10000


Year of birth
-+ 1871
1000 fr~ Age-group (yrs)
-+ 25-9

g, -- 1881 g,
UJ -- 1891 -- 35-9
:; ~
a. -- 1901 :-
-- 45-9
c: 100 100 -- 55-9
-0 1911 c:
-0 65-9
~ -+ 1921 ,g
.e -+ 75-9
-- 1931 E
.. ..

CI -2 1941 CI
a. a.
10 10
10 10

1 / 1 .i 1 i 1 1 1 l 1 1 l ! 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 1 1
25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85+ 1á61 1881 1901 1921 1941 1961
Age-group (years) Year of birth

Figure 4.6. Descriptive analyses by age, calendar time and cohort are a popular epi-
Mortality fram lung cancer in men in
England and Wales, 1941-78. (a) demiological tool for examining temporal changes in the incidence of a dis-
Rates presented to show differences in ease. These analyses are based on the inspection of tables and graphs, in
age-specifie CUNes for successive birth
cohorts; (b) rates presented to show
much the same way as described here, although statistical models can also
cohort trends in age-specifie rates. For be used to assess whether there is a statistically significant trend in rates
ci a rity, only rates for alternate age- over calendar time, or between birth cohorts (Clay ton & Schiffers,
groups or cohorts are shown; the first
five age-graups are omitted because of
the small number of deaths (data fram
Table 4.1). 4.3.3 Controlling for age
For comparison of incidence between populations, crude rates may be
misleading. As an example, let us compare stomach cancer incidence
among men living in Cali, Colombia and Birmingham, England. The data
are extracted from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (Parkin et aL., 1992).
de incidence rate (the rate for aIl ages com-
Table 4.2 shows that the cru

bined) for Birmingham was much higher than that for Cali. However,
before concluding that the incidence of male stomach cancer in
Birmingham (1983-86) was higher than in Cali (1982-86), the age-specific
rates for the two must be compared. Surprisingly, age-specific rates were
higher for Cali in aIl age-groups. The discrepancy between crude and age-
specific rates is because these two populations had markedly different age-
structures (Table 4.3), with Birmingham having a much older population
than Cali.

Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

~~~~- --~~~-
Cali Birmingham
Age No. of Male Mean Male
No. of Mean
(years)b cancers population annual rateC cancers population annual rateC
(1982-86) (1984) (1982-86)
0-44 39 ~~.~n~_.--~~,_~
(1983-86) (1985) (1983-86)
524 220 1.5 79 1 683 600 1.2
45-64 266 76 304 69.7 1037 581 500
65+ 315 22 398 281.3 2352 291 100
Ali ages 620 622 922 19.9d 3468 2 556 200 33.9
a Data fram Parkin et al. (1992)
b For simplicity, only three broad age-graups are used thraughout this example.
C Rate per 100 000 person-years.
d This crude rate is slightly lower than in Example 4.9 (21.03 per 100 000 person-years) because cases of unknown age (35 in total) were
excluded here. The exclusion of two cases of unknown age in Birmingham did not affect the value of the crude rate calculated here.

The lower crude rate for Cali is thus explained by its male population
Table 4.2.
being younger th an that of Birmingham, and the fact that younger people Incidence of stomach cancer in males
have a mu ch lower incidence of stomach cancer than older people (Figure by age group in Cali, 1982-86, and
4.7). ln this situation, age is a confounding variable, Le., age is related to Birmingham, 1983-86. a

exposure (locality) and it is itself a risk factor for the outcome of interest,
stomach cancer (see also Chapter 13).

Percentage of total male population Table 4.3.

Age (years) Cali (1984) Birmingham (1985) Age distribution of the male population
in Cali, 1984, and Birmingham, 1985.a

0-44 84 66
45-64 12 23
65+ 4 11 Figure 4.7.
Ali ages 100 100 Age-incidence curve of stomach can-
a Data fram Parkin et al. (1992). cer in males in Cali, 1982-86, and
Birmingham, 1983-86 (data from
Parkin et al., 1992).
As incidence rates for stomach cancer change
considerably with age, differences in the age distri- 500
bution of populations need to be considered before -0 Cali
attempting to compare incidence. One approach is - + - Birmingham
to compare age-specific rates, as in the example 400

above; however, this can become cumbersome

when comparing several populations each with ~
many age-groups. The ideal would be to have a 0. 300
summary measure for each population, which has o
been controIled, or adjusted, for differences in the
$ 200
age structure. Several statistical methods can be ca

used to control for the effects of confounding vari-

ables, such as age (see also Chapters 13 and 14). 100
Here, only one such method, 5 tandardization, is
Standardization is by far the most common o
5- 15- 25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85
method used when working with routine data.
Age group (years)
Although this method is usually employed to adjust

Chapter 4

for the effect of age, it can equally be used to control for any other con-
founding variable such as social class, area of residence, etc. There are two
methods of standardization: direct and indirect.

Age (years) Population Direct method of standardization

0-44 74 000 Let us take a hypothetical population, and caU it our standard popu-
45-64 19 000 lation, the age-structure of which is shown in Table 4.4. How many
65+ 7 000 cases of stomach cancer would we expect in males in Cali if its male
Ali ages 1 00 000 population had the same age distribution as this standard population?
As shown in Figure 4.8, this is relatively easy to calcula te. Each age-
Table 4.4. specific rate for Cali is simply multiplied by the standard population
A standard population. figures in the corresponding age-graup; the sum over aU age categories
wil give the total number of male stomach cancer cases expected in
Cali if its male population had the same age distribution as the stan-
termine how many male stomach cancer cases
It is also possible to de

would be expected in Birmingham if its male population had the same

age distribution as the standard population; the calculations are similar
to those described for Cali, but are based on the age-specific rates for
Birmingham (Figure 4.8).
Summary incidence rates for Cali and Birmingham, assuming the age-
structure of the standard population, can be obtained by dividing the
total expected cases by the total person-years at risk in the standard pop-
ulation. These rates are called mean an nu al age-adjusted or age-stan-

Figure 4.8. dardized incidence rates; they can be seen as the crude incidence rates
The direct method of standardization. that these populations would have if their age distributions were shifted
from their actual values in the
mid-1980s to the age distribution
of the standard population.
These standardized rates are a fic-
tion: they are not the stomach
cancer incidence rates that actu-
ally existed, but rather those that
these two populations would
have had if, while retaining their
own age-specific rates, they had a
hypothetical (standard) popula-
tion. The fiction is useful, how-
ever, because it enables the epi-
demiologist to make sumffary
comparisons between popula-
tions fram different areas, or dur-
ing different time periods, which
are free from the distortion that
arises fram age differences in the
actual populations.


f \,"-....,

~ -.,""
Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

The age-standardized rate can be seen as a weighted average of the

age-specific rates, the weights being taken from the standard popula-
tion. Age-adjusted rates can be compared directly, provided that they
refer to the same standard population, Le., that the weights given to
the age-specific rates are the same. ln the example above, the mean
annual age-standardized incidence rate for Cali is higher than that for
Birmingham; this is in agreement with the age-specific rates. An age-
standardized rate ratio can be calculated by dividing the rate for Cali
by that for Birmingham, to yield a rate ratio:

34.0 per 100000 pyrs/23.5 per 100000 pyrs = 1.45

This measure is called the standardized rate ratio (SRR) or comparative

morbidity (or mortality) figure (CMF). ln this example, it reveals that the
estimated incidence of stomach cancer was 45% higher in Cali than in
Birmingham in the mid- 1980s, and that this excess is independent of
age differences between the se two populations.
This method of adjusting for age is called the direct method of stan-
dardization. It requires knowledge of the age-specific rates (or the data
to calculate them) for aIl the populations being studied, and also the
definition of a standard population. The standard population can be
any population: one of those being compared or any other. However,
the standard population used must always be specifie d, as its choice
may affect the comparison. Convention al standard populations, such
as the world standard and the European standard populations, have
been defined and are widely used so as to allow rates to be compared
directly (see Appendix 4.1). The standard population given in Table
4.4 is in fact a summary of the world standard population.
For simplicity, we use only three broad age-groups in the example
given in this section. However, this does not provide an adequate age-
adjustment, and narrower age groups should be used. Five-year age-
groups are usually employed, as they are the most corn mon grouping
in publications on site-specific cancer data. When five-year age-
groups are used for age-adjustment of the data on stomach cancer pre-
sented in the example above (Figure 4.8), the age-adjusted rates per
100 000 person-years are 36.3 for Cali and 21.2 for Birmingham; the
rate ratio is now 1. 71. When rates change dramaticaIly with age, nar-
rower age groups (e.g., one-year groups) may be required to obtain an
adequate age-adjustment.
It is important to remember that an age-standardized rate is not an
actual rate but rather an artificial one, which permits the incidence of
a disease in one population to be compared with that in another, con-
trollng for differences in their age composition. Therefore, age-stan-
dardized rates should not be used when what is needed is an accurate
measurement of disease occurrence in a population, rather th an a

Chapter 4

Indirect method of standardization

Suppose that the total number of stomach cancers in Cali in 1982-86 is
Table 4.5.
Incidence of stomach cancer in Cali, known, but their distribution by age is not available (Table 4.5). ln this
1982-86, and Birmingham, 1983-86.8 case, the direct method of standardization cannot be used.

Cali Birmingham
Age No. of Male Mean
annual rateb
No. of
annual rateb
(years)b cancers population
0-4 NA 524 220 (1982-86) (1984) (1982-86)
1 683 600
45-64 NA 76 304 1037 581 500 44.6
65+ NA 22 398
Ali ages 620 622 922 19.9
291 100
2 556 200
NA, data assumed to be not available (see Table 4.2).
8 Data fram Parkin et al., 1992.
b Rate per 100 000 person-years.

It is, however, possible to calculate how many male cases of stomach

cancer would be expected in Cali if males in both Cali and Birmingham
had the same age-specific incidence rates. ln other words, the Birmingham
age-specific rates can be treated as a set of standard rates. The calculations
are shawn in Figure 4.9. The expected number of cancer cases in Cali is
Figure 4.9. calculated by multiplying the mean annual age-specific rates for
The indirect method of standardization. Birmingham by the person-years at risk in the corresponding age-group in
Cali; the sum over aIl age cate-
gories wil give the total number
Mean annual age-specifie rates in
Birmingham, 1983-86 (per 100 000 pyrs) of male cancer cases that would
Age Rate be expected in Cali if its male
0-44 1.2
45-64 44.6 population had the same age-spe-
65+ 202.0 cific incidence rates for stomach
Total person-years at risk Total person-years at risk cancer as that of Birmingham.
in Cali, 1982-86 1983-86
Age Person-years
in Birmingham,
Age Person-years Evidently, the number of expect-
0-44 524220 x 5 = 2621 100 0-44 1 683600 X 4=6 734400 ed cases in Birmingham is equal
45-64 76304 X 5 = 381 520 45-64 58150()X4=2326pO() to the number observed.
65 + 22398 X 5 = 111 990 65 + 291100 x 4 =i116440()
Ali ages = 3114 610 Ail ages '=10224 8ilO Note that these expected stom-
No. of expected male stomach cancer cases if the populations have the same
ach cancer cases relate to what
stomach. cancer age-specifie incidence rates as Birminghain would happen if Cali and
Birmingham had the same age-
a) Cali b) Birmingham
specific incidence rates for stomach
Age Expected cases Age 'Expected cas'es, ,""".'",,",', " cancer rather than the same popu-
0-4 0.000012 x2 621 100 = 31.45 0-44 0.000012x 673,4400 = '. 7.9' '.' lation structure. So it would be
45:-4 0.000446 x 381 520 = 170.15 45-64 0.000446 X. 23260ÒO ;" 1 037 ,',",
'65+ 0.002020 X 111 990 = 226.22 65+ 0.002020 X 11644400= 2352 ' ' meaningless to calculate summa-
Total expected (E), 1982-86 '427.82 Total expected (E) .,1983-86 =', , '3468'" . ry rates for each locality by divid-
Total observed (0) . 1982-86 620 Total observed (0),1,983-86 =' 3468,' "H,' ing the total number of expected
~~=1~ ~~= 100 cases by the corresponding total
person-years at risk. However, for

Measures of occurrence of disease and olher health-related evenls

each locality, the numbers of cases observed and expected can be com-
pared, because both refer to the same population. The ratio of the
observed number of cases to that expected is called the standardized inci-
dence ratio (SIR) or the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) if a case is
defined as death. These ratios are usually expressed as a percentage.
ln the example above, the SIR (%) for Birmingham is 100; by definition,
the number of observed cases of stomach cancer is equal to the number of
expected cases when using the age-specific stomach cancer incidence rates
for Birmingham as the standard rates. The SIR (%) for Cali is 145, mean-
ing that the number of cases observed was 45% higher than that expected
if Cali had the sa me incidence of stomach cancer as Birmingham. This
result is similar to that obtained using the direct method of standardiza-
This method is called the indirect method of standardization. As with
the direct method, the results de pend in part upon the standard chosen.
However, the indirect method of standardization is less sensitive to the
choice of standard than the direct one.

Which method is the best?

ln corn ons of incidence of disease between two or more popula-

tions, direct and indirect standardization tend to give broadly similar

results in practice. However, the choice of method might be affected by
several considerations:
(1) The direct method requires that stratum-specific rates (e.g., age-spe-
cific rates) are available for aIl populations studied. The indirect method
requires only the total number of cases that occurred in each study pop-
ulation. If stratum-specific rates are not available for aIl study popula-
tions, the indirect method may be the only possible approach.
(2) Indirect standardization is preferable to the direct method when age-
specific rates are based on small numbers of subjects. Rates used in direct
adjustment would thus be open to substantial sampling variation (see
Section 6.1.4). With the indirect method, the most stable rates can be
chosen as the standard, so as to ensure that the summary rates are as pre-
cise as possible.
(3) ln general, when comparing incidence in two or more populations,
direct standardization is open to less bias than indirect standardization.
The reasons for this are subtle and are beyond the scope of this text.

For a more detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of

each method of standardization, see pp. 72-76 in Breslow & Day (1987).

Is the use of adjusted summary measures a/ways appropriate?

Although age-adjusted measures provide a convenient sUilmary of
age-specific rates, the age-specific rates themselves give the most infor-

Chapter 4

mation. It must be emphasized that, under certain circumstances, it may
not be appropriate to summarize disease rates in a single summary mea-
160 sure. Consider this example. We wish to monitor trends in mortality from
~ 155
ovarian cancer in England and Wales. The age-adjusted death rates for
,.Q. this cancer in England and Wales increased slightly from 1970-74 to
~ 150 1985-89, as shown in Figure 4.lOa. However, trends in the age-specific
G; 145 rates for this period reveal that they did not increase across aIl age-groups.
f! 140
Figure 4.10b shows the rate ratio ofthe 1985-89 to the 1970-74 age-spe-
cific rates. It becomes apparent that while death rates were increasing at
¿g 135 older ages (rate ratios above 1), there was no increase in women below age
130 ' 55 years (rate ratios below 1). If age-standardized death rates for aIl ages
1970- 1975- 1980- 1985-9
Year of death
are calculated, this information is lost, because mortality rates from this
cancer at younger ages were so low that they were dominated by the
much higher mortality rates in the older age-groups. So in this case, the
age-adjusted summary measure is misleading.
Before age-adjusted summary measures are calculated, the age-specific
1.6 rate ratios should always be examined to determine whether this
1.4 approach is appropriate. If these ratios vary systematicaIly with age, this
~ 1 information would inevitably be lost in the summary age-adjusted me a-
;; 0.8
õí 0.6 sure.
o 4.3.4 Cumulative rate
25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85+
Age-group (years) The cumulative rate is another measure of disease occurrence that is
increasingly used in cancer epidemiology. This measure has been includ-
Figure 4.10. ed in recent editions of Cancer Incidence in Five ContInents (see, for exam-
Ovarian cancer mortality in England pIe, Parkin et aL., 1992).
and Wales, 1970-89. (a) Rates are A cumulative rate is the sum of the age-specific incidence rates over a
age-standardized to the 1981 female
population of England and Wales; (b) certain age range. The age range over which the rate is accumulated must
age-specifie mortality rate ratios, be specified, and depends on the comparison being made. Thus for child-
1970-74 and 1985-89 (rates in
1970-74 taken as the baseline). hood tumours, this might be age 0-14 years. ln general, however, the
most appropriate measure is calculated over the whole life span, usually
taken as 0-74 years.
The cumulative rate can be calculated by the sum of the age-specific
incidence rates (provided they are expressed in the sa me person-time
units, e.g., 100000 pyrs), multplied by the width of the age-group. Thus
for five-year age-groups, the cumulative rate would be five times the sum
of the age-specific incidence rates over the relevant age range (Figure
4.11). If the age-groups are of different width, each age-specific rate
should be first multiplied by the width of the corresponding age-group;
the sum over aIl age-categories yields the cumulative rate. This measure
is usually expressed as a percentage.
The cumulative rate can be interpreted as a form of direct age-stan-
dardization with the same population size (Le., denominator) in each
age-group. Thus, it avoids the arbitrary choice of a standard population.
Another advantage of the cumulative rate is that it provides an esti-
mate of cumulative risk, Le., the risk an individual would have of devel-

Measures 01 occurrence 01 disease and other health-related events

Age-group Mean annual age-specifie incidence rate Figure 4.11.

(years) (per 100 000 pyrs) Calculation of cumulative rate and
cumulative risk over the age range
0-4 o
0-74 years for male stomach cancer in
5-9 o Birmingham, 1983-86 (data lrom
10-14 o Parkin et al., 1992).
15-19 o
20-24 0.1
25-29 0.1
30-34 0.9
35-39 3.5
40-44 6.7
45-49 14.5
50-54 26.8
55-59 52.6
60-64 87.2
65-69 141.7
70-74 190.8
Total 524.9
Total x 5 2624.5
Cumulative rate = 100 x (2624.5/100 000) = 2.6%
Cumulative risk = 100 x r1-exp(-cumulative rate/100)) = 2.6%

oping a particular cancer over a defined life span in the absence of any
other cause of death. The cumulative risk can be calculated as follows:

Cumulative risk = 100 x (1-exp(-cumulative rate/lOO)1

However, if the cumulative rate is lower th an 10%, its value is practi-

cally equal to that of the cumulative risk. Thus, in Figure 4. i 1, the esti-
mated risk for a Birmingham male of developing stomach cancer between
the ages of 0-74 years is 2.6% (assuming no other cause of death). This is
equal to the cumulative rate.
Table 4.6 shows the crude rates, five-year age-standardized rates and
cumulative rates for male stomach cancer in Cali and Birmingham. ln
contrast to the cru de rates, both age-standardized rates and cumulative
rates give an accurate picture of the relative incidence of stomach cancer
in the two populations.

4.3.5 Lack of proper denominators

Sometimes, no suitable denominator is available to permit calculation
of one of the measures of incidence discussed so far. This may be because
there are no data on denominators (e.g., no census has been carried out),
because a catchment population cannot be defined (e.g., for a hospital-
based registry), or because case-finding has been so incomplete that
denominators derived from other sources (e.g., the census) are not com-
parable with the numerator data. ln these circumstances, it is traditional

Chapter 4

Table 4.6. Cali, Birmingham, Rate ratio

Mean annual crude incidence rates,
mean annual age-standardized rates 1982-86 1983-86
and cumulative rates for male stomach
cancer, Cali, 1982-86, and Birmingham, Crude rates 19.9 33.9 0.59
1983-86. (per 100 000 pyrs)

Age-standardized ratea 36.3 21.2 1.71

(per 100 000 pyrs)

Cumulative rate, 4.6 2.6 1.77

0-74 years (%)
a Standardized to the world standard population. These age-standardized rates differ slightiy
from those in Figure 4.8, being age-adjusted within five-year age-groups.

to calculate proportional measures; that is, to express the number of cases

of a particular condition as a proportion of the total number of cases of aU

No. of cases of the disease of

interest in a specified time period
Proportional incidence (0/) x 100
Total number of cases of al! conditions
in the sa me time period

Corn paris ons of incidence between populations can then be made by

calculating proportional incidence ratios (PIRs); likewise, mortality can be
compared by using mortality data to calculate proportional mortality
ratios (PMRs). These ratios are calculated as follows:

Proportion of cases from a specifie cause in population A

PIR (0/) x 100
Proportion of cases from the same cause in population B

As with rates, these proportions can be standardize for age (or any other
potential confounding factor).
Note that a proportional measure is not equivalent to a rate, as the
denominator is derived from the total number of cases, and not from the
population at risk. While proportional measures reveal the proportion of
cases (or deaths) that can be attributed to a particular disease, a cause-spe-
cific rate reflects the risk of developing (or dying from) a particular disease
for members of a specific population.
Proportional measures can be misleading because their denominator is
the total number of cases (or deaths), a measure that depends on the num-
ber of cases (or deaths) from aIl causes, not just that being studied. For
example, although the proportion of deaths due to cancer is greater in
middle-aged women than in elderly women, death rates from cancer are
actually higher among the elderly (Figure 4.12). This is because the total


'\ \"'"'
Measures of occurrence of disease and other health-related events

number of deaths from other causes, particularly from cardiovascular dis-

ease, is also considerably higher in the elderly. Thus, although the total
number of deaths from cancer is greater in the elderly, they constitute a
sffaller proportion of aIl deaths than at younger ages.
These measures (and the use of odds ratios as an alternative) are dis-
cussed further in Chapter Il.

Figure 4.12.
(a) Female deaths in England and Wales,
1993. (a) Proportion of deaths due ta
cancer and other causes by age; (b)
cancer mortality rates by age (data
from OPCS, 1995).

Õ 50
ëCI Circulatory disorders


5- 15- 25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85
Age-group (years)


ro 1000
00 100
1i 10

5- 15- 25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75- 85
Age-group (years)


Chapter 4

Further reading
* Most of the measures of dis-
ease occurrence discussed here
are dealt with in more detail in
Breslow & Day (1987) and " ,,"__".'.'.'
"'. .' '-",' ," ,",_ .' ,',
", ",-' "-. '_,'_ ..,- -",,-"'--',"',-
'-'-, ',-,',.-'- '."',,,'" .H'_ ',,""_ _ .'
,,_.'.' '-,: '., ',.' .', - ,-, .:\':. - ','- , .' -" .; - .: :. :,._'.: '~, -',,':-': ,,,'.- -,,', : ': ,: ""-::''-':: ,,-_: ::' .',,' /:-': ','/ ;.'-::.:' ~::.' :-::. ::,-:;'::'::~ .- '~'-~":~ ':',: '(':')"':"\'\:~';' ;.:';+:
,:"'.;,,--"'. "_'_"',':.' _ '_-' "', -,",_'_ '_ -'" .,..__ ",_, -_,-_ '-."",': .'i_(,_ ,"_,: '."_"-::":__'::_'.:,::::~:''':~:'':_:-,':,:,:\':.~:' '_:.'/:,,::.:'-:~\~,_,
Estève et al. (1994).
.There are two major measures ofdiseaseo~cyìien, .' .'.., ..' .... '.
· dence: Prèvalence refers, to the tàtal riumbèr òfexistin , . . " . se~ of, . '.
* A more elaborate discussion of
a condition in a population at a specificpointintinie, Incidence JefèJsto the
age, calendar time and cohort
occurrence of new cases in a population over a specific timeperiod:' .',' . .
effects can be found in Clay ton & , --.;_'__"" ,,', ','" ",'," - - "'H ,'. ..".. __
, - -',. -,.' ": ','
, , - ""'" \': .,' ,,' -,'..., :-,-. ,', ",; -:' ,-':, ,- '-~ " , ,'- -', ,,":-'-~
'.',,"' "".::',",'''.".'.:----,',-'',',.-
-:,," _ ',"" ".',',," - ,,': -,-:.:',-:::,-'-:-,-"''':'-:-'_:'''',:
' ;'-,':"" -:,- ,',,: ' - ,: :" ',--_.:" " ~ - ,--- ,. :. '" -- ',- ,,' ,,;
'--.- .:-,'.-
,-',.;---:.-',,-,:.,':-,":,-' -,',' ,,',",,'-;..,-::_,-,' --'-',-"-'''''-'-'
Schifflers (1987a,b).
· Incidence can be measured as eitherr!s.k, odds of diseasG,orrate. T 'calcu-. . .
lation of. risk and odds requireSco ., . tefollow-:upofallstu odhé
entire study period.lncontrast,th . culation'òfral "e 'tindi":
vidual differences in lengthoUollow~up~'" .'.
'-.:-",.,'" ---.' --" ,'-"'".,-,,,'''-,,''.-
"",-",-",,' -",," '',',
,_, _"',,',.
,,,"... .,.,," ','"
,".,-,- ,,- ....'_',,,
--- . .
,,', '.,-",'-,_.---"-,".'."-,:,:
'" ,'V,_.. --','-'
. .....- .-c_.:',"
-,: -, --::': .--' ',' '::, ._ -':",
_ .".__' '.,d',': ~:".:.~-':':'-;;::,
'...,,__", --::':".,.
- " ,.i.,~,'.!,:',:-:,-,;
"__,,,,.,.. ..'~_::,.::',:::,.;::,' :/: ~;

· Measures of disease occurrence can becal . .

crude measures; or separatelyfor certaiflSu ',',-..'," "-" '"
. -', ,'i ',~-,,:,',
-- ~," i,' ,,-
~.-,", ,."'-,",,
", '_ ,,c':: ,:.-:i',
-, - --.'" . -:,' ..::
tum-specific measures. .. .. .,. -Co' ,.-,~':::",: ,;'_', ,:::'::' -::':'_: :-,,~ ::. --'",-,,' :,'r:::'
): , :'" - .:,Y!,:~:;I': :~~:;:a,'.:' ,:.'/;\~',:,:,;
'~ ",' , '- ;:',', ': :,c ,:'- __,'~ ::' ';,: -
." . _o. ,," .-,-,' ""',__.''',''
.',',--,--,; ''-''''':-'':'.: ,_..-c, ~' ':,',:-
,: -; ,"."';.,~
'.- '.-'-,".-'": ";..:,
',. ":'--
" "," -": -,' ,: ,

· Incidence of a disease varies withti~e.Th~se. ItaneoÚsly

according to three different time .scales:ag/3, . rtra~i~~":
and date of birth (cohort trencfs), but canbe,e '
calendar period two-way.Lexiscjiagra' .,.." '
sent successive birth èohorts; ,,' '. .,"

,-.- ',-,' ","--"'..". .': -,--' '",'.,,- .'....-'::--."...,,--'...._-,;.._--

" -,' :,' .. ..' - ,: " .' .. -,' ---' -' .: - " ::' " ' .-..,' "',,,,,.",,: .- _:':,~' -'-:' ,,' :"" ".:;,' ;': ' "'- . ,";' ': .
".- - : ,--'
_..' :-'.''.
'. - ~
. ,--,"-_..' ',,', -" -..
" ' ",-,'
," ---'
,'-- ".-'
.,----' -.-'-,""'",,-,-'--,!,-'
.. ;. ,','-".' - '.' -- ..', -- . ... .'_.',':;,--....,
"" -- '.. ,,"""''''--''''''''-'''--,'-'----

· Proportional measùres,such as prop()rti(/!~I, ' ..

ed when no súitable av . .'. , ,
'preted caùtiously, as thøirdeno .
. population at rlsk. . ' , . "


Appendix 4.1
Conventional standard
The choice of the standard population to be used in the direct method
of standardization is, to a certain extent, arbitrary. For example, if the aim
is to compare disease occurrence in several groups in England and Wales,
an appropriate standard might be the adult population of England and
Wales. On the other hand, this may not be an appropriate standard when
making comparisons between countries.
For international comparisons, various conventional standard popula-
tions have been used (Table A4. 1). These standard populations range from
an African population with a low proportion of old people, through an
intermediate world population, to a European population with a high pro-
portion of old people. ln the earliest volumes of Cancer Incidence in Five
Continents, rates were standardized ta these three populations; however,
the European and African standards were dropped in Volume iV
(Waterhouse et aL., 1982) and replaced by cumulative rates over the age
ranges 0-64 and 0-74 years.
The truncated population is derived from the world population but
comprises only the middle age-groups. This truncated population was
often used in the past, because data for older age-groups were likely to be
less reliable than those for the middle age-groups, and because for most
forms of cancer, virtually no cases arise in groups under 35 years.

Appendix 4.1

Table A4.1.
Age group African World European Truncated
Conventional standard populations
used for international comparisons.
0 2 000 2400 1600 -
1-4 8 000 9600 6400 -
5-9 1 a 000 1 a 000 7000 -
10-14 10 000 9 000 7 000 -
15-19 10 000 9 000 7 000 -
20-24 10 000 8 000 7 000 -
25-29 1 a 000 8 000 7 000 -
30-34 1 a 000 6 000 7 000 -
35-39 1 a 000 6 000 7 000 6 000
40-44 5000 6 000 7000 6 000
45-49 5 000 6 000 7 000 6 000
50-54 3 000 5 000 7000 5 000
55-59 2 000 4000 6 000 4 000
60-64 2 000 4 000 5 000 4 000
65-69 1000 3 000 4000 -
70-74 1 000 2 000 3 000 -
75-79 500 1 000 2 000 -
80-84 300 500 1 000 -
85+ 200 500 1000 -
Total 100 000 1 00 000 1 00 000 31 000

Chapter 5
Overview of study designs

ln epidemiology, measuring the occurrence of disease or other health-

related events in a population is only a beginning. Epidemiologists are also
interested in assessing whether an exposure is associated with a particular
disease (or other outcome of interest). For instance, researchers may be
interested in obtaining answers to the following questions:

* ODes a high-fat diet increase the risk of breast cancer?

High-fat diet Breast cancer
(exposure) (outcome)
* ODes hepatitis B virus infection increase the risk of /iver cancer?
Hepatitis B infection Uver cancer
(exposure) (outcome)
The first step in an epidemiological study is to define the hypothesis to
be tested. This should include a precise definition of the exposure(s) and
outcome(s) under study. The next step is to decide which study design wil
be the most appropriate to test that specific study hypothesis.

5.1 Types of study design

There are two basic approaches to assessing whether an exposure is asso-
ciated with a particular outcome: experimental and observationaL The
experimental approach is perhaps more familar to clinicians, since it cor-
responds to the approach used for investigations in laboratory-based
research. ln an experiment, investigators study the impact of varying sorne
factor which they can controL For example, the investigators may take a
litter of rats, and randomly select haU of them to be exposed to a suppos-
edly carcinogenic agent, then record the frequency with which cancer
develops in each group. The equivalent of this animal experiment in
human beings would entail selecting a group of individuals, randomly
allocating haU of them to exposure to a hypothesized disease-producing
factor, and then comparing the occurrence of disease in subjects who were
exposed with that in subjects who were not. For ethical reasons, it would
be impossible to conduct such a study in human subjects. It is, however,
possible to conduct a trial to test whether removal of such an exposure
wil decrease subsequent incidence and mortality. Thus, experimental
studies in epidemiology are limited to interventions that are believed to be
of potential benefit.


Chapter 5

Since epidemiologists can rarely conduct experiments, their role is usu-

ally limited to observing the occurrence of disease in people who are
already segregated into groups. For instance, we can foIlow up people who
happen to be or not be infected with the hepatitis B virus, to see whether
their risks of Hver cancer are different. These studies are observationalL
because the role of the investigator is merely to observe what happens,
noting who is exposed or unexposed and who has or has not developed
the outcome of interest.
A major problem with observational studies is that the observed groups
may differ in many other characteristics, in addition to the one under
study. Thus, people in various occupations may differ not only in expo-
sure to occupational hazards but also in other lifestyle characteristics such
as socioeconomic background, health status, fitness for the job, smoking
and alcohol habits and many other factors. Because of these confounding
and often unmeasurable factors, the role of a specific exposure under
investigation is more difficult to establish than in experimental studies.
Epidemiological studies can thus generally be classified as intervention or
observational studies. Within each of these two broad categories, studies
can be further organized as in Figure S. i.

Figure 5.1. Intervention (experimental) studies

Main types of epidemiological study
design. Clinical trials
Field trials
aggregated level (community trials)
Observational (non-experimental) studies
Cohort studies
Case-control studies
Cross-sectional surveys
Routine-data-based studies
aggregated level (ecological studies)

The classification scheme shown in Figure 5.1 should be taken as just a

simple way of presenting and discussing the different study designs. There
are, of course, many other ways in which epidemiological study designs
may be classifed. Also, in reality, many studies have mixed features.

5.1.1 Intervention studies

Intervention studies are characterized by the fact that the study subjects
are aIlocated by the investigator to the different study groups through the use
of randomization (Figure 5.2). This ensures that the assignment of subjects to
the various groups is determined by chance alone and is not subjectively
influenced by the investigators or the participants (see Section 7.9.1). There
are two main tyes of intervention study: clinical trials and field trials.

Overview of study designs

Figure 5.2.
Outline of an inteNention triaL.

/ Intervention group
( Outcome

No outcome

~ Control group
( Outcome

No outcome

Direction of inquiry

The objective of a clinicaZ DiaZ is to evaluate new forms of treatment of a

disease or condition. Thus clinical trials are usually carried out in ho spi taIs or
clinics among people who have already developed the disease.

ln Example 5.1, women who had already developed breast cancer (and
had surgery) were randomized to standard treatment accompanied by a low-
fat dietary regimen ('intervention group') or standard treatment alone ('con-
trol group') to assess whether a low-fat diet reduces recurrence of the tumour
and increases survival.

Chapter 5

al with subjects who are dis-

ln contrast to clinical trials, field trzals de

ease-free and, therefore they generally have to be conducted in the 'field'

rather than in hospitals or clinics. Their main objective is to evaluate
whether an agent or procedure reduces the risk of developing disease
among those free from the condition at enrolment.
ln Example 5.2, women are being randomized to receive ('intervention
group') or not receive ('control group') the dietary intervention programme.
Whereas complications from breast cancer are quite common among
women who already suffer from the disease, the risk of healthy women devel-
oping breast cancer is very smaIl, even in high-risk populations. As a result,
the field trial in Example 5.2 involves a much larger number of subjects fol-
lowed for a mu ch longer period than the clinical trial in Example 5.1.

Example 5.3. The Gambza Hepatzts Intervention Study. zs a large-scale

hepatžzs B vaccznation project znítated in The Gambia zn fuly 1986~ ln thzs
trzal, 60 000 znfants recezved a course of hepatzts B vacczne and a szmilar
number dzd not. A national surveilance system wil detect aU new cases of
hepatocellular carcznoma (and other chronzc lzverdzseases) over a periód of
30 to 40 years (Gambia Hepatíts Study Group, 1987). .

ln Example 5.3, haU the infants participating in the trial received a

course of hepatitis B vaccine ('intervention group') and the other half did
not ('control group'). This study has a remarkably long foIlow-up period
(it wil not be able to answer the main research question before the year
2020!). This is because the intervention had to be given to infants before
they were infected with hepatitis B, whereas most cases of hepatocellular
carcinoma are expected in adulthood.
These last two examples clearly ilustrate the complexities involved in
the design and implementation of field trials when cancer is the outcome
of interest. Because cancer is a relatively rare condition, they require the
enrolment of large numbers of subjects who have to be followed up for rel-
atively long periods of time. One advantage of such trials is that it is pos-
sible to assess the impact of the intervention on several outcomes. For
instance, the effect of a low-fat diet on the incidence of colon cancer
(Example 5.2) and of hepatitis B vaccination on the incidence of other
chronic liver dise as es (Example 5.3) are also being assessed in the trials
ln field trials, the unit of allocation to the intervention may be the indz-
vidual (as in Example 5.2) or, alternatively, a group of people. The group
may be a household, a school or a whole community. If the unit of allo-
cation is a community (as in Example 5.4) the study is called a communi-
ty triaL.

Intervention trials are very powerful for testing hypotheses. Despite

this, theyare not the most commonly used study design in epidemiology,
mainly because of ethical constraints.

-~~~.- - _. ,'~ Overview of sludy designs

, ,. Example SA. The Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation is

an on-going trial designed to evaluate a community-wide smoking cessation
" p ogramnie in the USA. Eleven pairs of communites were selected and one
, . .,berpf each pair was randomly assigned to receive a smoking cessation
. ;nmf,'...while. the.. other acted as '. a .control. The intervention was
,.. ed tp promo te smoking cessation by using a wide range of community
, resources to affect, community atttudes and policies towards smoking
(COMMIT Research Group, 1991).

5.1.2 Cohort studies

Cohort studies are observational studies in which the starting point is
the selection of a study population, or cohort. Information is obtained to
determine which members of this cohort are exposed to the factor of inter-
est. The entire population is then followed up over time and the incidence
of the disease in the exposed individuals is compared with the incidence
in those not exposed (Figure 5.3). This type of observational study is the
one that most closely resembles intervention studies, except that alloca-
tion of subjects to the exposure is not controlled by the investigator.

( Outcome Figure 5.3.

Outline of a cohort study.

No out come

~ Unexposed group
( Outcome

No out come

Direction of inquiry


Cohort studies take individuals and classit them according to their expo-
sure status. Sometimes they can be simply classified as exposed/unexposed.
More usually, various degrees of exposure can be identified. ln Example 5.5, the
US nurses (the 'cohort') were classified into five groups (quintiles) according to

Chapter 5

their levels of fat intake. The incidence of breast cancer ('outcome') was then
measured and compared across these quintiles.

Example 5.6. A cohort study of Chinese male. government employees in

Taiwan was set up toinvestigate the associationbetweenhepatitisB virus
, il1fectionand the development of primary hepatocellular carcinomà. All par-
ticipants completed a health questionnaire and provided abloodsample at '.
thèir entr into the study. A totalof22 707 men wereenrolled into the study:
3454 were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and 19253 were
. negative. These men were then followed up and the incidence of hepatocel-
lular carcinoma among IiBsAgcarriers was compared with the incidence
amongnon-carriers (Beasleyet aL., 1981).
,'. -'..-.' ,'.-.........,.-....-:..;......... .".....,.,..-:-- ......,..:.,......, ...'.,..,.'.".,.,::.-..,....,..'..-....... ......... ....

ln Example 5.6, the cohort consisted of Chinese male government employ-

ees in Taiwan. Subjects were classified as HBsAg carriers ('exposed') or non-car-
riers ('unexposed') at the time of their enrolment into the study and were fol-
lowed up to assess whether the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma ('outcome')
was higher in those exposed than in those unexposed.
ln cohort studies, it is important that the groups being compared are as sim-
ilar as possible with respect to aIl other factors that may be related to the dis-
ease. Since the investigator has no control over who is or is not exposed, it is
likely that the exposure graups wiIl differ in relation to factors other than the
one being investigated, so that special techniques have to be used in the analy-
sis to ensure that these uneven distributions are taken into account (see
Chapters 8, 13 and 14).

5.1.3. Case-control studies

Case-contral studies are observational studies in which the starting point is
the identification of 'cases' of the disease (or condition) of interest, and of suit-
able 'contraIs' without that disease (or condition). Cases and contraIs are then
compared to assess whether there were any differences in their past exposure
to putative risk factors (Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4.
Outline of a case-control study. Exposed 1
Unexposed ~

Exposed 1

Unexposed ~

Direction of inquiry

Overview of study designs


ExampleS.7; A case-control study was conducted in Singapore to investi-

gate the roleofdiet in bteast çancer, Two hundred Chinese women with his-
tologzcaIiy confirmed breast cancer and, 420 con troIs without this disease
, particzpat~d in the study~ Adietary questionnaire was used to measure past
dietary intake. Cases and controls were. then compared to assess whether
there wert any differences in their past intake of selected foods and nutrients
(Lee et aL, 1991).

ln Example 5.7, women with ('cases') and without ('controls') breast

cancer were identified and their past diet ('exposure') compared.

ln Example 5.8, subjects with ('cases') and without ('controls') hepato-

cellular carcinoma were identified and the frequencies of the HBsAg carri-
er status ('exposure') in the two groups were compared.
The major difference between cohort and case-control methods is in
the selection of study subjects. ln a cohort study, subjects are selected who
are initially free of disease and are then followed over time. ln contrast, in
the case-control approach, subjects are selected on the basis of the pres-
ence or absence of the disease (or any other outcome) under study.
Case-control studies are particularly suitable for investigating rare dis-
eases such as cancer. A cohort study would require the foIlow-up of a large
number of individuals for a long period of time in order to accrue enough
cases of a rare disease. Case-control methods are also more appropriate for
studying diseases with a long induction period. This is because the
case-control study starts with subjects who have already developed the
condition of interest, so there is no need to wait for time to elapse between
an exposure and the manifestation of disease as in cohort studies.
The number of subjects necessary for a case-control study is much
smaller than the number required for cohort studies. Examples 5.5 and 5.6
involved large numbers of subjects followed up for relatively long periods
of time. The same questions were addressed in Examples 5.7 and 5.8 using
lluch smaller numbers of subjects. Thus, case-control studies are relative-
ly inexpensive to carry out, at least compared with cohort studies.
Results from case-control studies are, however, more difficult to inter-
preto First, controls should represent the salle study population froll

Chapter 5

which the cases were drawn. If not, the results wil be distorted by selection
bias (see Chapter 9). Secondly, one cannot be sure that the exposure did
precede the disease (except when the exposure is a fixed attribute such as
blood type that does not change over time). ln Example 5.7, it is conceiv-
able that the reported diet may be a consequence rather th an a cause of
breast cancer.

5.1.4 Cross-sectional surveys

ln a cross-sectional survey, a sample of individuals is selected from a
previously defined population and contacted at a particular point in time
to ob tain simultaneously information on both the exposure(s) and out-
come(s) of interest.

ExaniPle 5.9. To. assess whetherlhereisanassoçiation between

and chronicatrophicgastritis,a. relatively
Helicobacter pylori infection

common condition and an establish~d precursorofgastriccancer,a.. cross-

sectional survey was performed among 1815 randomlyselected healthy
blood donors in fourprefectures ofJapan. Blood sallPles were taken (rom aU
study subjects and measurernents made of serumH.pylorilgG antibodies
and serumpepsinogen l and II (markers ofchronic. atrophicgastritis). . The
prevalence of antibodies against the bacterium among subjects with chronic
atr0phiegastritis was then comparedwith the prevalence amongindividuals
without chronic atrophie gastritis(Fukqo~t. aJ.11993).

ln Example 5.9, a sample of 1815 study subjects was selected from a weIl
defined population (healthy blood donors in certain prefectures of Japan)
and a blood sample taken from each of them at a particular point in time to
measure both the levels of H. pylori antibodies ('exposure') and the levels of
pepsinogen 1 and II ('outcome').
ln this type of study, it is crucial to ensure that the sample of subjects who
participa te in the study is representative of the whole population to whom
the results wil be extrapolated. Otherwise, the results wil be distorted by
selection bias. The best way to safeguard against selection bias is to use ran-
dom sampling methods. These methods ensure that chance alone determines
who wil and who wil not be included in the sample (see Chapter 10).
Cross-sectional surveys are generaIly used to estimate the prevalence of
common conditions of reasonably long duration. Thus this design is not
appropriate for studying diseases such as cancer, since it would be necessary
to survey a very large population to identify enough cases ta be able to draw
any conclusions. Moreover, prevalent cancer cases are a biased sam pIe of aIl
cases, in which those with long survival tend to be over-represented.
The main use of cross-sectional surveys in cancer epidemiology has been
to examine the distribution and determinants of common conditions, such
as human papilomavirus infection or skin naevi, which are known (or sus-
pected) to be associated with cancer. This type of study has also been used

Overview of study designs

to investigate the distribution and determinants of known (or potential)

high-risk behaviours, such as being a smoker or being a regular sunbed user.
These studies are relatively simple to conduct and take only a short time
because they do not require follow-up of the study subjects. Their main dis-
advantage is that, as with case-control studies, it is not possible to know
whether the outcome followed the exposure in time or the exposure result-
ed from the outcome, since information on both exposure and outcome is
coIlected at the same single point in time. ln Example 5.9, it is not possible
to establish whether H. pyIori infection preceded or followed chronic atroph-
ic gastritis. This is obviously not a problem for exposures that do not change
over time such as gender, ethnicity or genetically determined traits. For
exposures that are likely to change over time, cross-sectional sm.veys may
include questions about past as weIl as current exposures. For example, in a
health survey of workers in a particular industry, workers may be asked
details about their current job and any other jobs the y have had in the past.

5.1.5. Routine-data-based studies

The distinguishing feature of this type of study is that the data on the
exposure(s) and outcome(s) of interest are obtained from routine data-col-
lection systems, without the researcher contacting any of the study subjects.
Routine-data-based studies can be carried out at an individuaI or at an aggre-
gated leveL.

Many routine data-collection systems collect data on personal attributes
such as age, sex, place of birth, place of residence, occupation, etc. Cancer
occurrence can then be examined in relation to the se variables. The objec-
tive is to search for patterns that might suggest or confirm specific etiologi-
cal hypotheses.
ln Example 5.10, data on place of birth, place of residence and age at
migration ('exposures') and on breast cancer ('outcome') were available
from population censuses, social security records and cancer registries for
each of the study individuals.
The key feature of this type of study is that data on both the exposure
and the outcome(s) of interest are obtained for each of the study subjects
from routine data-collection systems. ln terms of their analysis and inter-
pretation, they can be regarded as being similar to cohort or case-control
studies. For instance, Example 5.10 can be regarded as a cohort of women
who were classifed into four different exposure categories according to
their place of birth, residence and age at migration. These women were
th en foIlowed up in time and the occurrence of breast cancer in each
group was measured and compared.
The main advantage of routine-data-based studies in relation to other
observational studies is that they can be carried out relatively quickly and
cheaply because the data have already been collected and there is no need
to contact the individuals. A major limitation, however, is that few vari-

Chapter 5

Example 5.10. Therisk offemale breast cancerwas studied in fourpopu-

lation groups: (1) Tapanese women born and resident in Japan (homeland);
(2) Japanese women who migrated later ln lifeto the USA; (3) Japanese
women who migrated early in life to the USA; and (4) women born in the
USA. The main results are shown in FigureS.5. They suggest that environ-
mental factors (e.g. diet) in earlylife maybe important in the development
ofbreast cancer (Shimizu et aL., 1991).

Figure 5.5.
Age-adjusted incidence rates of
female breast cancer for USA residents
(1972-85) by birthplace and age at ~ 60 i: Homeland (Japan)
migration, and for Japan (1973-81) II
(reproduced, by permission of Churchill Late immigrant
Livingston, from Shimizu et al., 1991).
;: 50
o 40 _ Early immigrant
oo .. US-barn
:: 30

~ 20
~ 10
i: o
1.0 1.7 2.4 2.6

ables are usually available and they have not been collected with the spe-
cifie needs of the study in mind. ln Example 5.10, the variables 'country
of birth' and 'country of residence' are only proxy measures for more bio-
logically relevant exposures, such as reproductive factors, diet and other
lifestyle characteristics, for which no data were available in the routine

Aggregated level (ecologícal studíes)

Studies which involve investigating the frequency of disease (or any
other outcome of interest) in relation to the level of exposure in several
groups of people (or in the same group over different periods of time) are
called ecological studies. ln this type of study, it is not possible to link the
exposure of a particular individual to his or her outcome. Thus, the group
rather than the individual is the unit of observation and analysis. The
groups may be defined in a large number of ways, such as according to
place of residence, place of birth, socioeconomic status, occupation, etc.
Most ecological studies in cancer epidemiology make use of routinely
collected data. Data on the average (or frequency of) exposure in different
population groups may be available from government or private sources
that routinely collect data on demographic, environmental and lifestyle

=--==-~-=~~ ". Overview of study designs

variables. Disease rates may be available from surveilance programmes,

cancer registries or death certification systems.
ln Example 5.11, it is not possible to link the breast cancer experience
of any individual woman with her diet because the only two pieces of
information available for each of the countries were their breast cancer
incidence rate and an estimate of their average per caput consumption of

Ex; cancerinciaencedataand average per caput daily

c9riSu11ptionofa .wideTangeoffoo.ds for 24.countries were. extracted (rom
r9~tinelycoUecteadatas()l1cesXArmstrong&Mann, 1985). The relation-
sliip betwe~n fatconsu.nptionaridbreCistcancer is ilustratedin Figure 5;6.

Figure 5.6.
Estimated daily consumption of fat per
cap ut in 1964-66 and age-adjusted
200 breast cancer incidence rates in
women aged 35-64 years in 1972-77
in 24 countries (reproduced, by per-
mission of Oxford Univesity Press,

. USA from Armstrong & Mann, 1985).

:; 150
oo .. . NZ
. UK
ISR FRG .. . . DEN
o .NOR
.g 100

.= . . FIN
ca ROM. ·
¡; .POL
:i . CUBA .HUN
ê 50 . SIN

o 50 100 150
Total fat intake per caput (g per day)

Sometimes data on the exposure(s) or outcome(s) of interest may not be

available from routine data-collection systems but may be obtained from
previously conducted surveys (as in Example 5.12).


Chapter 5

~ ','_: _' . - ~ _-:" ' :, _ _' _ ,_ ." '_ -' ': _ _,.,-, -.,. _ -'_,,_ d.. '" , ' ',- _-- ,'., _'" -"i'; ,': - \_": _,-,-":,::' _ ',":
Example 5.12. A study wàs carried out to examine theassociáJion between
prevalence ofHelicobacter pyloriínfection and mortality (roni gasúic can~
cer in 46 rural counties of the People's Republic of China. . The results are
plotted in Figure 5.7 (Forman et aL., 1990).

Figure 5.7.
Prevalence of H. pylori IgG antibodies
and gastric cancer mortality in 46 rural 70 .
Chinese counties; each county is rep-
resented by a dot in the graph (repro- .
duced by permission of Wiley-Liss, 60
Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., from Forman et al., 1990).
0 50
. .
== ~
01 01 .
t: QI

E -: 40
~ ,
QI 0
al .. 1
01 ..
o ~
o QI
E .~
fi ..
30 . .. . . ,.
01 11
C) ::
.. .
:: . .
.... .
~ 20

.. . .
. , . .
. .. . ... 1
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Prevalence of H. pylori IgG antibodies

ln Example 5.12, information on the average prevalence of H. pylori IgG

antibodies ('exposure') and on gastric cancer mortality ('outcome') for
samples of individuals in each of 46 rural counties (the groups of interest)
was obtained from surveys previously conducted in China.
The main advantage of ecological studies is that they (an be do ne
quickly and inexpensively. For instance, the question 'does a high-fat
diet increase the risk of breast cancer' can be addressed in a much quick-
er and cheaper way in an ecological study than using any other study
design (Examples 5.2, 5.5 and 5.7).
Although ecological studies are useful for generating hypotheses, they
are of limited value in assessing whether there is a true exposure-out-
come relationship at an individuallevel, since their results refer to groups
of people and cannot be extrapolated to individuals. Attempts to infer
associations at the individual level from those observed at the group
Overview of study designs

level are subject to the 1 ecological fallacy' (see Section 11.2). For instance,
in Example 5.11, we do not know whether the women who developed
breast cancer in each country were those who actually consumed a high-
fat diet.
Despite these limitations, ecological studies may be the best approach
to study exposures that are easier to measure at a group rather than at an
individuallevel, such as air pollution and water quality. They are also
useful for monitoring the effectiveness of population interventions such
as health education campaigns and mass screening programmes (see
Chapter 16).

5.2 Measures of exposure effect

The basic aim of an epidemiological study is to quantify the associa-
tion between the exposure and the outcome of interest. To achieve this,
the incidence of disease in a group of individuals exposed to the puta-
tive risk factor must be compared with the incidence in a group of per-
sons not exposed. This comparison can be summarized by calculating
either the ratio of the measures of disease occurrence for the two
groups, which indicates the likelihood of developing the disease in the
exposed individuals relative to those unexposed, or the difference
between the two, which provides information about the absolute effect
of the exposure in those exposed compared with those unexposed.

5.2.1 Relative measures of exposure effect

These measures estimate the magnitude of the association between
exposure and disease, indicating how much more likely the exposed
group is to develop the disease than the unexposed group. Three types
of relative measure can be calculated:

Risk in the exposed group

Risk ratio
Risk in the unexposed group

Incidence rate in the exposed group

Rate ratio
Incidence rate in the unexposed group

Odds of disease in the exposed group

Odds ratio (of disease) =
Odds of disease in the unexposed group

These measures are often collectively called measures of relative risk.

The relative risk is used as a measure of etiological strength. A value of 1.0

indicates that the incidence of disease in the exposed and unexposed

Chapter 5

Table 5.1.
Hypotheticaf data from a cohort of
20 000 individuais followed up for a No
period of two years.
No. initially at risk 4000 16 000
Deaths 30 60
Person-years at riska 7970 31 940

30/4000 7.5 per 1000

60/16 000 3.75 per 1000

30/7970 pyrs 3.76 per 1000 pyrs

60/31 940 pyrs 1.88 per 1000 pyrs

30/(4000-30 ) 0.00756
Disease odds ratio 2.0076
60/(16 000-60) 0.00376

a Assuming that on average ail deaths occurred in the middfe of the follow-up period.

groups is identical and thus that there is no observed association between

the exposure and the disease. A value greater than 1.0 indicates a positive
association, or an increased risk among those exposed. Similarly, a relative
risk less than 1.0 means that there is an observed inverse association or a
decreased risk among those exposed. ln Example 5.13, workers
exposed to the particular occupational hazard were twice as likely to
die fram cancer as those who were not exposed.
Note that in the above example the three measures of effect give
similar estimates of relative risk. Death from cancer is a rare occur-
rence and therefore the number at risk remains practically constant
throughout the study, since the cases represent a negligible fraction of
the population. ln practice, the three measures of effect wil yield sim-
ilar estimates of relative risk only for rare conditions (e.g., cancer).
The estimates obtained by these three measures may differ consider-
ably when a common disease (e.g., most infectious diseases) is exam-
ined or when a moderately rare disease is studied over a long period
of tIme (e.g., coranary heart disease in women followed over 20
years) .

Overview of study designs

5.2.2 Absolute measures of exposure effect

Information on the relative risk alone does not provide the full picture
of the association between exposure and disease. Table 5.2 shows relative
risks, calculated as rate ratios, of diseases A and B among those exposed to
a certain risk factor. Although the rate ratio is higher for disease A, the inci-
dence rate for disease A is increased by only 15 cases per 100 000 person-
years at risk, whereas the incidence rate for disease B is increased by 40
cases per 100 000 person-years at risk. Clearly, the absolute impact of the
exposure, measured by the rate difference, is quite different for these two
The excess risk (also called attibutable risk) is an absolute measure of
exposure effect. It indicates how many extra cases the exposure is respon-

Disease A Disease B Table 5.2.

Incidence of disease A and B among
Incidence rate in the exposed groupa 20 80 persans exposed and persons unex-
Incidence rate in the unexposed groupa 5 40 pased ta a particular risk factor, rate
Rate ratio 4.0 2.0 ratias and rate differences: hypathetical
Rate differencea 15 40
a Rates per 100 000 pyrs.

sible for, assuming that the relationship between exposure and disease is causaL.
It can be calculated either as the difference of risk (risk difference) or of rates
(rate difference).

Excess risk is equal to:

Risk difference = risk in the exposed - risk in the unexposed


Rate difference = rate in the exposed - rate in the unexposed

The excess risk is especially useful in evaluating the impact of introduc-

tion or removal of a risk factor and its value can be translated into the nu m-
ber of cases of the disease among the exposed that could be prevented if the
exposure were completely eliminated. ln the above example, the impor-
tance of the exposure as an etiological factor was given by the rate ratio and
it was greater for disease A than for disease B, but, from a public health view-
point, the exposure is much more important for disease B because more
cases of disease B than of disease A would be avoided if the exposure were
removed (assuming that the public health costs of a case of disease A are
similar to those of disease B). Thus, relative risk measures the strength of the
association between the exposure and the outcome of interest, whereas the
excess risk measures the impact of the association in public health terms. ln


Chapter 5

contrast to the relative risk, however, the magnitude of the excess risk can-
not be generalized to other populations because it depends on the baseline
incidence in the unexposed group, which tends to vary between popula-
It is useful to express the excess risk in relation to the risk (or rate) in the
exposed group. This measure is called the excess fraction (also known as the
ex cess risk percentage or attibutable risk percentage) and can be calculated as

Excess fraction (%) = 100 x (excess risk/risk (or rate) in the exposed)

ln the above example, the excess fraction for diseases A and B would

Excess fraction (%) for disease A = 100 x (15 per 100000 pyrs/20 per 100000
pyrs) = 75%
Excess fraction (%) for disease B = 100 x (40 per 100000 pyrs/80 per 100000
pyrs) = 50%

This excess fraction represents the proportion of cases among the

exposed that can be attributed to the exposure (assuming causality). ln
other words, it represents the proportion of cases among the exposed that
could have been prevented if they had never been exposed. Thus, 75% of
the cases of disease A and 50% of the cases of disease B could have been
prevented among the exposed if they had never been exposed.

Table 5.3. Excess

Mortality by smoking habits from fraction (%)
selected causes among male British (2)-1 )
doctors. a - x 100

Ali sites 305 656 2.2 351 54

Lung 14 209 14.9 195 93
Oesophagus 4 30 7.5 26 87
Bladder 13 30 2.3 17 57
Respiratory diseases
(except cancer) 107 313 2.9 206 66
Vascular diseases 1037 1643 1.6 606 37
1706 3038 1.8 1332 44
a Data fram DolI et al., 1994a.
b Age-adjusted rates per 100 000 pyrs.

Overview of study designs

Example 5.14 shows that 44% of the deaths that occurred among
male British doctors who smoked could be attributed to smoking
(assuming causality). The proportion of deaths that could be attributed
to smoking varied by disease. For those diseases shown in Table 5.3, this
proportion was highest for lung cancer (93%) and lowest for vascular
diseases (37%). However, if smokers had never smoked, the total nu m-
ber of deaths prevented would have been much greater for vascular dis-
eases (606 per 100 000 pyrs) than for lung cancer (195 per 100 000
Similar absolute measures of effect can be calculated when those
exposed have a lower risk of developing the disease than those unex-
posed. ln these circumstances, we would have

Risk reduction = risk (or rate) in the unexposed - risk (or rate) in the

Prevented fraction (%) 100 x (risk reduction/risk (or rate) in the


Oral contraceptive use Table 5.4.

Ever Never Distribution of ovarian cancer cases

Person-years at risk 345000 321429

29 45 and person-years at risk by oral con-
traceptive use: hypothetical data.

Rate per 100 000 pyrs 8.4 14.0

Rate ratio = 8.4 per 100 000 pyrs/14.0 per 100 000 pyrs = 0.60
Risk reduction = 14.0 per 100 000 pyrs - 8.4 per 100 000 pyrs = 5.6 per 100 000 pyrs.
Prevented fraction (%) = 100 x (5.6 per 100 000 pyrs /14.0 per 100 000 pyrs) = 40%.

ln Example 5.15, 40% of ovarian cancer cases could have been pre-
vented among never-users if they had used oral contraceptives.

5.3 Conclusions
Before implementing a study, careful consideration must be given to
the appropriateness of the proposed study design, especially in terms
of practical feasibilty, information to be obtained, expected duration
of the study and total costs. The advantages and disadvantages of each
of these study designs are covered in more detail in subsequent chap-
ters (7-11).

Chapter 5

Further reading AlI the measures of effect discussed in this chapter can be directIy calcu-
lated from intervention and cohort studies, since the incidence of disease
* References to books and in those exposed and in those unexposed is known. This is not the case in
papers dealing with each study other study designs, where these measures of effect can be estimated only
design are given in the relevant indirectly. For instance, in case-control studies, the subjects are selected on
chapters. the basis of their disease status (sample of subjects with ('cases') and with-
out ('controls') a particular disease), not on the basis of their exposure sta-
tus. Therefore, it is not possible to calculate the incidence in exposed and
unexposed individuals. It is, however, possible to calculate the odds of
exposure among cases and the odds of exposure among controls and obtain
an odds ratio of exposure (see Chapter 9). It can be shown that, depending
on the sampling scheme used to select controls, this measure provides an
unbiased estimate of one of the three relative measures of effect considered
in Section 5.2.1. This is discussed in detail in later chapters (9-11, 16).

" " ' -', B~x :5.1. Key issues ,'_ _ ~-

- There are two main types of epidemiological study: intervention (e)(perimental) and

- ln inteivention studies, the allocation of the study subjects to the different study
groups is implemented by the investigator. Thus, if conducted properly, the Interven-
tion and the control groups would be similar in ail respects apart from the exposure
under study. There are two types of intervention study: "

Clinical trials, where the niain aÎm is toassessthevalÜe of new forms qftreatment.

Field trials, where the objective is to evaluate whether an intervention decreases the
risk of disease among disease-free people. Field trials can be conducted atan indi~
viduallevel, .if the unit of allocation is the individual, or atanaggregated level, if the
unit is a group of people. Community trials are an eXiimple of trials carried out at an.
aggregated level, where whole communities are",'.,
the unit of allocation.
, ,- '-,". ' -', -" , -', ,',;, ".-' -", "~,
:""'_ c'._,"',,'-_
;:,-",d""',-','-..".' ,"-': ":;",',,-",..',-'
._;"':.'_',_._ _.,- -'0,,',;,," ' -:,""'.,-. " ,,- -:,
': '-- " ",'- : ": --t ;. ',- ,,-: _ ':'~"-:'-- '-' -,.: "- - :::- :,' - : ,': ,,' " :", '. ,,' '- ' -,,, ,-:-'
-ln obseivational studies, the researchers limit themselves to observing theoccur':
rence' of disease in' people who are already segregated . into diferentexposure
groups. There are various types of observational study: ", . .
" -':""-',':,",":.'-,"'_.._' -' - '-.- ,-, .-..,:,', :
'_ - .". ,'_._n,
',' '.',,',,' - __.._
,,' ':' n'_ , '" ':_:.. '_,_'",.,_,",
,_",_" '
, ,', ," ',' ,,:", ,-:"""':"",,::":
" ""'..' ',' ,,:,..', ''',"
"'"":,,,',,-,'.'-:',"':"'-----':":"",'-: ",::,", ".',:"""'-

Cohort studies, in which a study population (O(COhort')issel~ctêd andtheexposure..'

status of its members assessed. The cohort Is folloyv . d the ocèurrence
of disease in thedifterent exposure groups i .

Overview -of study designs

, . , Box 5.1. Key issues (Contd)

'-,::' .....: ':- ','.' :.:. ':': '. -. -c: :""",.'.. .C,.',_,:: :'. ',' :....'. ': co:' .,.~.,:::. -::.'-'::-",';: ',:' :"',.' '::;,: '..::: '::-:',,: ,-,cc. ',":,".:', :... ': :,-, :,.: :-;.. ',\ " :' ..: ',: ',:-:.:. ",' ,:.:.. '. -:-,,:' C"." :;,...: ..: ;',::.: ':: : -: :', ,. :',:: ;::. '.: ': -:. " ....':' ..', .. ",', ': ',' " .. :...' :'C' .' ",.' 'c,' .' ,','," -:: ',,' ..: :",: -_:'..::

Cross~sectÍ(mal surveys, in which a sample of subjects from a defined population is

selected and information on the exposure(s) and outcome(s) of interest is collected
sìmultaneoùsly at a single point ìn time.

Routine-data-based studies, in which the data are derived from routine data-collec-
tion systems (e.g" cancer registration or death certification). They may be carried out
at an individual level if information on the exposure(s) and outcome(s) of interest is
available for each of the study subjects or at an aggregated level (ecological studies)
if the group rather than the individual is the unit of study.

· Once the data.,from a partîcular study have been collected, the association between
the exposure and the Qutcome of interest can be quì:mtified by calculating an appro-
priate meastJe of effect. This may be expressed as either the ratio of the measure
of disease occurrence in the exposed relative
.:........:..::'--,-'.:-:-':_-.......'_..........._-..:.:.:..-:.....:-:..-.....::........-:-.....:....._-.. to that in ..........-.:-............-.....
................................- the uriexposed (relative mea-
..... .................................-....
sure) or as the diference between the two (absolute measure). The first type of mea-
sure is particularly important when assessing etiology, whereas the second type is
more useful for evaluations of the public health impact of the association.

~Each .studyqesign ... has its. .own . limitations. and strengths. Theseare. considered .in subsequentcha.pters of this book (Qhapters 7__13).



Chapter 6
Evaluating the role of chance

6.1 Populations and samples

Suppose that as part of a general health cross-sectional survey, we wish
to determine the proportion of men in a particular town who currently
smoke cigarettes. For practical and financial reasons, it is impossible to
interview every single man in this town, so we decide to select a random
sam pIe of 30 men. ln this sample, the proportion of current smokers is
7/30 = 23%.
Usually it is impossible to examine every single individual of a popula-
tion of interest, and we are limited to examining a sample (or subset) of
individuals drawn from this population in the hope that it is representa-
tive of the whole populationa.
If we do not have information about the whole population, we cannot
know the true proportion of the population. However, the proportion
computed from a random sample can be used as an estimate of the pro-
portion in the entire population from which the sample was drawn. ln the
above example, the sample proportion (23%) is our best guess of the true
but unknown proportion of current smokers in the whole town. '"
6.1.1 How reliable is our sample proportion? '"
There is nothing special about the particular random sample we have ~
used, and different random samples wil yield slightly different estimates z

of the true population proportion. This implies that our sample estimate 'l
Population Sample
is subject to sampling errar. The proportion of current smokers in the whole proportion proportion, p
town is unlikely to be exactly the 23% found in our sample, due to sam-
pling error. The question is, how far from 23% is it likely to bel Figure 6.1.
To try to answer this question, we first recognize that the sample we Sampling distribution of p for 100 000
picked was only one of a very large number of possible samples of 30 indi- repeated sam pies of size 30.

viduals. Suppose we were able to look at 100 000 samples. For each sam-
pIe, we interview 30 individuals and calculate the sam
pIe proportion of
current smokers p. The value of p wil vary from sample to sample. If we
plot aIl values of p, we would see a distribution like the one shown in
a To ensure representativeness, the
Figure 6.1.
sample of individuals should be
This distribution is called the sampling distribution of p. It shows that randomly selected from the popula-
although most sample estimates are likely to be concentrated around the tion of interest. That is, every individ-
true (population) proportion TI, sorne wil be a long way from this true ual in the population should have an
equal chance of being included in
value. The amount of spread tells us how precise our sample proportion p the sam pie. The different ways in
is likely to be, as an estimate of the true proportion TI. If the distribution which a random sample can be
drawn fram a specifie population are
is wide, there is a lot of sampling error and our p may be a long way from dealt with in Chapter 10.

Chapter 6

the true value TI. If it is narrow, there is little sampling error, and our pis
likely to be very close to TI.
We have already seen in Section 3.3.1 that the spread of a distribu-
tion can be measured by a quantity caUed the standard deviation. It
can be shown that the standard deviation of a sampling distribution of
p is given by

SE(P)= ~ 7l(1;7l)

where n represents the size of the sample. SE stands for standard error,
which is the term we generally use for the standard deviation of a sam-
pling distribution. The standard error is a measure of the precision
with which our sample value p estimates the true value TI. Notice that
pIe size, n, we decrease the standard error and the
if we increase the sam

sampling distribution wil become narrower. This is just what we

would expect, as larger samples should provide more reliable estimates
of TI.

When we actually do our survey, of course, we do not know the

value of TI (otherwise we would not need to do the survey!), and 50 we
cannot actually use the above formula to calculate the SE(p). We can
make a close estimation of it by replacing TI in the formula with our
sampIe estimate p, giving

SE(P)=~ p(1-p)

which can be rearranged as

SE(P)=~ p2(~_p)

where a is the numerator of the proportion p = a/n (in our sample a =

7, the observed number of current smokers). This last formula is par-
ticularly useful because it shows that the standard error is inversely
related to the observed number of cases. It i5 the number of cases in the
numerator of p that mainly de termines the magnitude of the standard
error, and not the sam pIe size in itself.
It is possible to show mathematically that, in sufficiently large sam-
pIes, approximately 95% of aU the sample estimates wil faU within
1.96 standard errors of the true value TI; 2.5% of the sample estimates
(one sample in 40) wil be more than 1.96 SEs below the true value,
and 2.5% (one in 40) wil be more th an 1.96 SEs above the true value
(Figure 6.2).
Evaluating the raie of chance

Now what can we say about TI from

our single sample of 30 individuals? Our
2.5% 95% 2.5%
sample may have come from any part of
the distribution shown in Figure 6.2.
However, before drawing the sample, II
there was a 95% chance that the e.
observed sample proportion p would lie II
within two standard errors (more pre- :;
cisely 1.96 x SE) of the true value TI. As E
a logical consequence, intervals from
samples of similar size but centred on
each sample proportion p wil include TI
if P is within two standard errors of TI. 1T
1.96xSE -p -1.96xSE Sample
Hence, an interval bounded by the fol- proportion, p

lowing lower and upper limits

Figure 6.2.
p - 1.96 x SE and p + 1.96 x SE Sampling distribution of p with 95%
confidence limits.

(usually written p :1 1.96 x SE(P)) wil include the true proportion TI with
probabilty 95%. These limits, calculated from the sample data, are called
Iowa and upper confidence limits, respectively, and the interval between
them is called a 95% confidence interval of the unknown population pro-
portion TI.
ln our example for estimating the proportion of men currently smok-

n = 30, a = 7 and p = 0.23

We estimate standard error of p to be

SE(P)=~ 0.232(~-0.23) = 0.076

A 95% confidence interval for the true proportion of men who current-
ly smoke in the whole town is therefore given by

0.23:t 1.96 x 0.076 = 0.081 to 0.379

So our best estimate of the proportion of current smokers in the whole

town is 23%, but the true value cou Id easily be anywhere between 8% and
ln strict terms, the confidence interval is a range of values that is likely
to coyer the true population value but we are stil not certain that it wil.

Chapter 6

ln reality, a confidence interval from a particular study may or may not

include the actual population value. The confidence interval is based on
the concept of repetition of the study under consideration. Thus if the
study were to be repeated 100 times, we would expect 95 of the 100
resulting 95% confidence intervals to include the true population value.
If we want to be even more confident that our interval includes the
true population value, we can calculate a 99% confidence interval. This is
done simply by replacing 1.96 with 2.58 in the above formula. That is,
we use

~ p2(1_p)
P l 2.58 x

ln our example, the corresponding 99% confidence interval for the

proportion of current smokers in the whole town is 0.034 to 0.426, or
roughly 3% to 43%.
Similarly, we can calcula te a 90% confidence interval by replacing 1.96
with 1.64 in the formula:

p l 1.64 x ~ p2(~_p)

ln our example, the corresponding 90% confidence interval for the

proportion of current smokers in the whole town is 0.105 to 0.355, or
11 % to 36%.

6.1.2 How good are other sam pie estimates?

This useful way of describing sampling error is not limited to the sam-
pIe proportion. We can ob tain confidence intervals for any other sample
estimates such as means, risks, rates, rate ratios, rate differences, etc. The
underlying concept is similar to the one ilustrated above for propor-
tions. ln aIl these cases, the confidence intervals provide an indication
of how close our sample estimate is likely to be to the true population
Suppose that, as part of the same general health survey, we wished to
de termine the mean height of the men in the same town. We rneasured
aIs from our sample and obtained a sample mean height
the 30 individu

of 165 cm. Again, the mean height of the male adult population in the
whole town is unlikely to be exactly 165 cm. However, if a very large
number of samples of 30 individuals were drawn from this population
and for each one the mean height were calculated and plotted, a sam-
pling distribution of the mean would be obtained. This sampling distri-
bution wil have a shape similar to that of the sampling distribution of
a proportion (Figure 6.1), Le., the distribution would be bell-shaped,
with most sarnple estimates centred around the true population mean.


Evaluating the raie of chance

We can, therefore, obtain a 95% confidence interval in a similar way to

that used for proportions:

Sample mean :! 1.96 x SE of the meanb

The standard error of a mean can be estimated by

SE (mean) = SDI-I n

where SD represents the standard deviation described in Section 3.3.1.

Suppose that, in the above example, the standard deviation was found to
be 7.1 cm. The standard error of the mean wil be given by

SE (mean) = 7.1/-130 = 1.3 cm

A 95% confidence interval for this sample mean wil be equal to

165 cm :! 1.96 x 1.3 cm = 162 cm ta 168 cm

How do we interpret this confidence interval? If the study were done

100 times, of the 100 resulting 95% confidence intervals, we would expect
95 of them to include the true population value. Thus, the confidence
interval from this particular sample of 30 men provides a range of values
that is likely to include the true population mean, although we cannot be
sure that it does.
As long as the sampling distribution of a particular estimate is approxi-
mately bell-shaped (Le., it is what statisticians calI a 'Normal distribu-
tion'), as it wil always be if the sample size is suffciently large, we can
summarize the calculation of a 95% confidence interval as foIlows:

Sample estimate :! 1.96 x SE(sample estimate)

(To ob tain a 90% or a 99% confidence interval, aIl we need to do is to

replace 1.96 in the formula with, respectively, 1.64 or 2.58.)
ln Example 6.1, men employed for 10 or more years were estimated to
have an excess of 92 cancer deaths per 10 000 pyrs compared with those
employed for less than 1 year, with a 95% confidence interval ranging
fram 61 to 122 deaths per 10 000 pyrs. This confidence interval was cal-
culated using the above general formula as follows:

Rate difference :! 1.96 x SE(rate difference)

b The precise value to be used in this
formula varies with the size of the
where the SE of the rate difference was about 15 deaths per 10 000 pyrs. sample and it is given in tables of
the l-distribution. However, for large
sample sizes (:2:30) this factor is
close to 1.96.

Chapter 6

Table 6.1.
Age-adjusted mortaliy rate ratios and
rate differences of cancer (ail sites
combined) by duration of employment:
hypothetical data.

The corresponding rate ratio was 9.3 with a 95% confidence interval rang-
ing from 6.0 to 14.6. Thus, our best guess is that men employed for 10 or
more years were nine times more likely to die from cancer than those
employed for less than one year, but the true rate ratio might lie somewhere
between 6.0 and 14.6 (and is unlikely to lie outside this range).
You might have noticed in this example that, whereas the confi-
dence limits of a rate difference are equidistant from the sample esti-
mate, this is not the case for the confidence limits of a rate ratio. This
Ü 120
~ can be seen clearly in Figures 6.3 and 6.4(a). ln contrast to the rate
:£ 100 difference, the sampling distribution of a rate ratio is not symmetric,
i: since the minimum possible value it can take is zero, whereas the
~ 80
Ql maximum is infinity. To ob tain a more symmetric distribution, a log-
g 60
Ql arithmic transformation of the data was used. As a consequence of
:! 40 this transformation, the confidence limits are equidistant from the
.S 20
~ ,
sample estimate of the rate ratio on the logarithmic scale (Figure
6.4(b)) but asymmetric when converted back to the original scale
1.0-1.9 2.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10+ (Figure 6.4(a)) (see Appendix 6.1, at the end of this chapteri which
Duration of employment (years) provides formulae to calculate confidence intervals for difference
and ratio measures).
Figure 6.3.
Graphical display of rate differences
(indicated by the middle horizontal 6.1.3 Display of confidence intervals
lines) and their 95% confidence inter-
vals (verticallines) on an arithmetic If we have two or more groups, we can display the sample estimates and
scale (data from Table 6.1). their 95% confidence intervals in a graph. For instance, the rate ratios and
rate differences from Table 6.1 and their respective confidence intervals
are displayed in Figures 6.3 and 6.4.
The middle horizontallines show the observed rate differences and rate
ratios, while the verticallines indicate the 95% confidence intervals. Note

Evaluating the raie of chance

how the confidence interval is much narrower when the number (a)
of cases is large (e.g., category 1-1.9 years (based on 67 cases)). It
is the number of cases in the numerator of rates and proportions
which determines the size of the standard error and, therefore, the 8' 14
~ 12
width of the confidence interval. 10
al 10

Æ- 8
6.1.4 Further comments ~ 6

Statistical inference is a pro cess by which we draw conclusions -~ 4 1=

&. 2
about a population from the results observed in a sample. The
above statistical methods assume that the sample of individuals 1.0-1.9 2.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10+
studied has been randomly selected from the population of inter- Ouration of employment (years)
est, which was properly defined beforehand. That is, every indi-
vidual in the population has an equal chance of being in the
selected sample. Quite often in epidemiology, getting a truly ran- (b)
dom sam pIe is impossible and thus we have to be concerned
about selection bias (see Chapter 13). Confidence intervals convey ~
only the effects of sampling variation on the precision of the sam- Õ
pIe estimates and cannot control for non-sampling errors such as 10

bias in the selection of the study subjects or in the measurement 'C

of the variables of interest. For instance, if the smoking survey

only included men who visited their doctors because of respirato-
Æ- 10
.. i=
ry problemsi the sample would be unrepresentative of the whole
male population in the community. The statistical techniques
described above assume that no such bias is present. 1.0-1.9 2.0-4.9 5.0-9.9 10+
The other issue that needs to be kept in mind in epidemiologi- Ouration of employment (years)
cal studies is that even when whole populations are studied, ques-
tions of random variabilty stil need to be addressed. Death rates may be
Figure 6.4.
computed from national vital statistics, or incidence rates determined Graphical display of rate ratios and
from cancer registries that coyer whole populations, but there wil stil be their 95% confidence intervals: (a) on
an arithmetic scale and (b) on a loga-
random variation in the number of cases from one year to another. rithmic scale (data fram Table 6.1).

Table 6.2.
Number of incident cases of lip cancer
by year of registration, females,
England and Wales, 1979-89.8

Chapter 6

Even though the whole population of the country was studied to pro-
duce the data in Example 6.2, there was stil random variabilty in the
number of lip cancer cases from year to year, which cannot be explained
in terms of changes in underlying risk. ln these situations, we are sampling
'in time', that is the population in any particular year can be viewed as a
'sample'. The methods discussed above should stil be used to assess the
degree of precision of the observed rates. Of course, not aIl of the variation
from year to year may be random and there may, for example, be an
underlying trend, upwards or downwards, over a particular time period
(see Section 4.3.2).
When the rates are based on smaIl numbers of cases, so that the confi-
dence intervals are very wide, it may be useful to reduce the random vari-
ation by pooling data over five or even ten adjacent calendar years and cal-
culating the average annual incidence (or mortality) rates.

6.2 Testing statistical hypotheses

An investigator coIlecting data generaIly has two aims: (a) to draw con-
clusions about the true population value, on the basis of the information
provided by the sample, and (b) to test hypotheses about the population

Example 6.3. Ina clinical trial on metastaticcervicalcancer, 2J8patients

were randomly assigned to a new treatment regimen ortothfftandarqtreat-
ment. AU patients were foUowed up for one yearaftertheirentrinJothe
trial (or until death ifit occurred earlier). ThenurnberspfwomerzstiLalive
at the end of this follow-up period are shown. in Table 6..3 ;

Table 6.3. Type of treatment

Number of patients still alive one year
New Standard
after entry into the trial by type of treat-
ment administered: hypothetical data. AUve at the end
of the first year
40 45
Total 1 08 11 0

The data in Example 6.3 show that 63.0% (68 out of 108) patients
administered the new treatment were stil alive compared with 40.9% (45
out of 110) of those given the standard treatment. From these results the
new treatment appears superior but how strong is the evidence that this is
the case?
ln general, when comparing the effects of two levels of an exposure or
of two treatments, two groups are sampled, the 'exposed' and the 'unex-
posed', and their respective summary statistics are calculated. We might
wish to compare the two samples and ask: 'Could they both come from
the same population?' That is, does the fact that sorne subjects were
Evaluating the raie of chance

exposed and others were not influence the outcome we are observing? If
there is no strong evidence from the data that the exposure influences the
outcome, we might assume that both samples came from the same popu-
lation with respect to the particular out come under consideration.
Statistical significance testing is a method for quantification of the
chance of obtaining the observed results if there is no true diference
between the groups being examined in the whole population.

6.2.1 The null hypothesis

An investigator usually has sorne general (or theoretical) hypothesis
about the phenomenon of interest before embarking on a study. Thus, in
Example 6.3, it is thought that the new treatment is likely to be better
than the standard one in the management of metastatic cervical cancer
patients. This hypothesis is known as the study hypothesis. However, it is
impossible to prove most hypotheses conclusively. For instance, one
might hold a theory that aIl Chine se children have black hair.
Unfortunately, if one had observed one milion Chinese children and
found that they aIl had black hair, this would not have proved the hypoth-
esis. On the other hand, if just one fair-haired Chinese child were seen, the
theory would be disproved. Thus there is often a simpler logical setting for
disproving hypotheses than for proving them. Obviously, the situation is
much more complex in epidemiology. The observation that both the new
and the standard treatments had similar effects in one single patient
would not be enough to 'disprove' the study hypothesis that the two treat-
ments were different in effect.
Consider again the cervical cancer clinical trial (Example 6.3). ln addi-
tion to the study hypothesis that the new treatment is better than the
standard one, we consider the null hypothesis that the two treatments are
equally effective. If the null hypothesis were true, then for the population
of aIl metastatic cervical cancer patients, the one-year survival experience
would be similar for both groups of patients, regardless of the type of treat-
ment they received. The formulation of such a null hypothesis, Le., a
statement that there is no true statistical association, is the first step in any
statistical test of significance.

6.2.2 Significance test

After specifying the null hypothesis, the main question is:

If the null hypothesis were true, what are the chances of getting a dif-
ference at least as large as that observed?

For example, in the cervical cancer trial, what is the probabilty of get-
ting a treatment difference at least as large as the observed 63.0% - 40.9%
= 22.1%? This probabilty, commonly denoted by P (capital P rather than
the small p we used earlier for the sample proportion), is determined by
applying an appropriate statistical test.


Chapter 6

A simple example
To understand the basis for a statistical significance test, let us look first
at an example that uses numbers small enough to allow easy calculations.
Suppose that an investigator has a theory that predicts there wil be an
excess of male births among babies resulting from in-vitro fertilzation (IVF)
and he therefore wants to study the question 'Are there more boys than
girls among IVF babies?!
The investigator formulates a null hypothesis that there is an equal pro-
portion (0.5 or 50%) of males and females in the population of IVF babies.
Next, he samples five records from one IVF clinic and finds that they are aIl
males in this sample of births. We can now calculate the probabilty of
obtaining five males and no females if the null hypothesis of equal num-
bers of males and females were true.

Probabilty that the tirst sam pied is a male = 0.5

Probability that the first and the second sampled are males = 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25
Probabilty that the first, second and third sampled are males = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.125
Probability that the tirst, second, third and tourth sampled are males = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 = 0.0625
Probability that ail tive sam pied are males = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.03125

Thus, there is a 3.125% chance of obtaining five males in a row even if

the true proportions of males and females born in the whole population
were equal. We have just done a statistical significance test! It yields the
probabilty (P) of producing a result as large as or larger than the observed
one if no true difference actually existed between the proportion of males
and females in the whole population of IVF babies.
What can we conclude from this probabilty? This P-value can be
thought of as a measure of the consistency of the observed result with the
null hypothesis. The smaller the P-value is, the stronger is the evidence
provided by the data against the null hypothesis. ln this example, the
probabilty of obtaining five boys in a row if the null hypothesis were real-
ly true was fairly small. Hence, our data provide moderate evidence that
the number of boys is greater than the number of girls among IVF babies.
However, in spite of this small probabilty, the null hypothesis may weIl
be true. Our final interpretation and conclusions depend very much on
our previous knowledge of the phenomenon we are examining. (The situ-
ation can be compared to tossing a coin. Even after getting five tails in a
series of five tosses! most people would stil believe in the null hypothesis
of an unbiased coin. However, if the first 20 tosses were aIl tails the inves-
tigators would be very suspicious of bias, since the probabilty of this hap-
pening by chance is only (0.5)20 = 0.00000095.)

Comparing two proportions

ln the cervical cancer treatment trial (Example 6.3), if the null
hypothesis of no difference in survival between the two treatments is
Evaluating the raie of chance

true, what is the probabilty of finding a sample difference as large as

or larger than the observed 22.1% (= 63.0% - 40.9%)? If the null
hypothesis were true, the only reason for the observed difference to be
greater than zero is sampling error. ln other words, even if the true
population difference in proportions were zero, we would not expect
our particular sample difference to be exactly zero because of sampling
error. ln these circumstances how far, on average, can we reasonably
expect the observed difference in the two proportions to differ from
zero ?
We have already seen in this chapter that the standard error of a pro-
portion gives an indication of how precisely the population value can
be estimated from a sample. We can define the standard error of the
difference between two proportions in a simIlar fashion. TheoreticaIly,
if we were to repeat the above cervical cancer trial over and over again,
each time using the same number of patients in each group, we would
obtain a sampling distribution of differences in proportions of a shape
simIlar to that shown in Figure 6.1. The spread of this sampling distri-
bution could be summarized by using a special formula to calculate the
standard error. Its application to the cervical cancer trial data yields a
standard error equal to 6.6%. The essence of the statistical test we
apply to this situation is to calculate how many standard errors away
from zero the observed difference in proportions lies. This is obtained
as follows:

observed difference in proportions - 0

Value of the test statistic =
standard error of difference

ln the cervical cancer trial, the test statistic has a value of

0.221 - 0
= 3.35

The observed difference between the two treatments (22.1%) is

3.35 standard errors from the null hypothesis value of zero. A value
as high as this is very unlikely to arise by chance, since we already
know that 95% of observations sampled from a bell-shaped distribu-
tion (Le., a Normal distribution) wil be within 1.96 standard errors
of its centre.
The larger the test value, the smaller the probabilty P of obtaining
the observed difference if the null hypothesis is true. We can refer to
tables which convert particular statistical test values into correspond-
ing values for P. An extract from one such table, based on the Normal
(bell-shaped) distribution, is shown on the next page.
ln the cervical cancer example, the value of the test statistic is 3.35,
even larger th an the highest value shown in the extract on the next
an 0.001. That is, if the
page (3.291), and so the probabiltyP is less th

new and the standard treatments were really equally effective, the

Chapter 6

test statistic exceeds in absolute value8 0.674 with probability 0.5 (50%)
1.282 0.2 (20%)
1.645 0.1 (10%)
1.960 0.05 (5%)
2.576 0.01 (1%)
3.291 0.001 (0.1 %)
8 Absolute value means that the plus or minus signs should be ignored; for example, -1 and +1
have the same absolute value of 1 .

chances of getting so great a difference in survival would be less th an

one in a thousand. According to conventional use of statistical termi-
nology, we would say that the difference in percentages is statistically
significant at the 0.1 % LeveL. Hence, there is strong evidence that the
new treatment is associated with a better one-year survival than is the
standard treatment.

6.2.3 Interpretation of P-values

Cox & Snell (1981) give the following rough guidelines for inter-
preting P-values:

If p ;: 0.1, the results are reasonably consistent with the nul! hypothesis.

If P z 0.05, there is moderate evidence against the nul! hypothesis.

If P :S 0.01, there is strong evidence against the nul! hypothesis.

It is common to consider P-:O.OS as indicating that there is substan-

tial evidence that the null hypothesis is untrue. (The null hypothesis is
rejected and the results of the study are declared to be statistically sig-
nificant at the 5% leveL.) However, this emphasis on P.:0.05 shouLd be
discouraged, since 0.05 is an arbitrary cut-off value for deciding whether
the results from a study are statistically significant or non-significant.
It is much better to report the actual P-value rather than whether P
falls below or above certain arbitrary limiting values.
When P is large, investigators often report a 'non-statistically signif-
icant result and proceed as if they had proved that there was no effect.
AlI they really did was fail to demonstrate that there was a statistically
significant one. The distinction between demonstrating that there is
no effect and failng to demonstrate that there is an effect is subtle but
very important, since the magnitude of the P-value depends on both
the extent of the observed effect and the number of observations
made. Therefore, a small number of observations may lead to a large P-
value despite the fact that the real effect is large. Conversely, with a
large number of observations, small effects, so small as to be clinically
and epidemiologically irrelevant, may achieve statistical significance.
These issues are of great importance to clinical and epidemiological
researchers and are considered in detail in later chapters (13 and 15).

Evaluating the raie of chance

6.2.4 Comparing other sample estimates

Although we have introduced significance testing for one particular
problem (comparing two proportions), the same procedure can be
applied to aIl types of comparative study. For instance, it can be used
to compare other sample estimates (e.g., means, rates) or to assess
more generally associations between variables.

Table 6.4.
Distribution of benign ovarian tumour
cases and contraIs according to past
history of infertility: hypothetical data.

ln Example 6.4, the null hypothesis assumes that the two groups of
women have a similar risk of getting benign ovarian tumours, Le., the
true odds ratio in the population is equal to one. After using an appro-
priate statistical test, as described in Appendix 6.1, the researchers
obtained a P-value of 0.0003, Le., if the null hypothesis were true, the
probability of getting an odds ratio as large as, or larger than, 5.08
would be very small (less than 1 in 1000). Thus, the data from this
study provide strong evidence against the null hypothesis.

6.3 Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing

Statistical signWcance testing is designed to help in deciding whether or
not a set of observations is compatible with sorne hypothesis, but does not
provide information on the size of the association (or difference of effects).
It is more informative not only to think in terms of statistical significance
testing, but also to estimate the size of the effect together with sorne mea-
sure of the uncertainty in that estimate.
This approach is not new; we used it in Section 6.1 when we introduced
confidence intervals. We stated that a 95% confidence interval for a
sample estimate could be calculated as



Chapter 6

Sample estimate :! 1.96 x standard error of a sample estimate

A 95% confidence interval for the difference in two proportions can bt

calculated in a similar way:

Observed difference :! 1.96 x standard error of the difference

(The calculation of the standard error of a diference between proportiom

is ilustrated in the Appendix, Section A6.1.2).
ln the cervical cancer trial (Example 6.3), this 95% confidence interval

0.221 :! 1.96 x 0.066 = 0.092 to 0.350 = 9.2% to 35.0%

Thus, it is plausible to consider that the real difference in one-year

survival between the new treatment and the standard treatment lies
somewhere between 9% and 35%.
This confidence interval is consistent with the result of the statistical
test we performed earlier (Section 6.2.2). The value of the test for the
null hypothesis of no difference between the two treatments was 3.35,
which corresponded to P.(O.OO1.
Note that if the 95% confidence interval for a difference does not
include the null hypothesis value of zero, then P is lower th
an 0.05.
Conversely, if this confidence interval includes the value 0, i.e. one
limit is positive and the other is negative, then P is greater than 0.05.
This example shows that there is a close link between significance
testing and confidence intervals. This is not surprising, since these two
approaches make use of the same ingredient, the standard error. A sta-
tistical test is based on how many standard errors the observed sample
estimate lies away from the value specified in the null hypothesis.
Confidence intervals are calculated from the standard error and indi-
cate a range of values that is likely to include the true but unknown
population parame ter; this range may or may not include the value
specified in the null hypothesis and this is reflected by the value of the
test statistic.
ln Example 6.5, the P-values are large, indicating that the results are
consistent with the null hypothesis of no difference in risk between rel-
atives of mycosis fungoides patients and the general population of
England and Wales. However, inspection of the confidence intervals
reveals that the confidence interval for aIl malignancies is quite narrow,
whereas the one for non-Hodgkin lymphoma is wide and consistent
with an almost five-fold increase in risk as weIl as with a 50% reduction.
This confidence interval is wide because it is based on only three cases.
To summarize, P-values should not be reported on their own. The
confidence intervals are much more informative, since they provide an
Evaluating the raie of chance

Table 6.5.
Cancer incidence among first-degree
relatives of mycosis fungoides patients
(unpublished data).

Number of Number of Standardized

cases cases expected incidence
observed (0) (E)a ratio (OIE)
34 36.8 0.9 0.6-1.3 0.719

3 2.1 1.5 0.5-4.6 0.502

a Calculated using the national age-specifie cancer incidence rates for England
and Wales as the standard.

idea of the likely magnitude of the association (or difference of effects)

and their width indicates the degree of uncertainty in the estimate of
Appendix 6.1 gives formulae to calculate confidence intervals and
statistical tests for the most commonly used epidemiological measures.

Chapter 6

Further reading
.' " '" .:-'.,. ::"_'~" ':"'~"'" :.~'. :~~~, ~.1,~:~eYJs~û.~s~~'~.~'-,~..:... _. .~:~ _; _ -; _ '-"_ ;,.' :.,. .'
* Gardner & Altman (1986) pro- ':",. - "" -,'..:"_...',,, ,--,',,'.,
'. - ""-""-,.-""""''','
., '.,'.':, ,",- :',:;,,':-- .". .... . .
.. ,'""'0" ,,',
. """ -.,~ -:. -_,'.' _,,,.'
,', ,', -''''- -"", - .' " ;"',
' ',',_"'_0_ _',
vide a simple overview of most of ',",'",
'-'. ",,0,
0"', .... ''u,_:'...'.-.:'-
.",," :-:':"-. ".o,'.-:',
',_'_ '" ';_, ''''.,_,'.' _'"."
.-","'.-.','."""""_ . ,_._. _ _"':""'" .'_
the concepts covered in this ..·
Epidemi()logical. studies are usually conducted' in subsets or samples of individ~
chapter and also give sugges-
. .' uals c1rawrifromthe population of interest. Asample estimate of a particularepi-
,....demiOlogicaIml;asure is,however, unlikelyto beequal to the true population
tions for presentation and graphi-
. value;duetó si;mpling .error.' .., ,
cal display of statistical results.

,'.-: ,":C"'_ ',". \ :_,.,:_.'.',':'¡".:: "'_.,' __",:' ':,:_:':'_" ___ :_:' ..

'- - ',;'- ,', - _, ',- -'C_' 0' -,___,,- - __" _ , ,
'.. Statistical significancetesting' is used to test hypotheses' ab~utthe' population of
'. ..interest ThèP-value provides a measure of the extent to whichJhe d,ata frQm
,'. . the study are.cpnsistent with the 'nUIl hypothesis', i.e:, the hypothèsistliatthere
is. riotnie. association betvìeen variables or difference between, groups in the
population. Thesn1allerthe P-value, the stronger is the evidence against the null
. ,hypothesis and,. consequently, the stronger the evidence in favour of the study
.. hypothesis... . . . '. .
· P-values should generallynot be reported alone,since they do not provide any
indication of the magnitude of the association
(or difference of effects). For
instance, small effects of no epidemiological relevance can become 'statistically
..signifiQantwith . large sample' sizes, whereas important effects. may be 'statisti-
cally n0n~signíficantbecause the size oUhe sample studied was too small. ln
,contrast, confjdenceintervals providean idea of the rangeöf values which might
. iriclude.the. tn.lepopulation value.

. '. Confidence intervals'and statistical significance testing deal only with sampling
, variation. It is assumed that non-sampling errors such as bias in the selectíon of
....:the subjeGtsin thesample and in the measurement of the variables ofinterest
.. . åreabsènt.. .' .

Appendix 6.1
Confidence intervals and
significance tests for
epidemiological measures
This appendix provides formulae for the calculation of confidence
intervals and statistical significance tests for the most commonly used epi-
demiological measures. The formulae presented here can only be applied
to 'crude' measures (with the exception of the standardized mortality (or
incidence) ratio). For measures that are adjusted for the effect of potential
confounding factors, see Chapter 14. For measures not considered here,
see Armitage and Berry (1994). Similar results may be easily obtained using
computer packages such as EPI INFO, STATA or EGRET.

A6.1.1 Calculation of confidence intervals for measures of occurrence

Single proportion (prevalence or risk)

Prevalence is a proportion and therefore the standard error and the con-
fidence interval can be calculated using the formula discussed in Section

SE(P)= ~ p2(~_p)

where a is the number of cases and p = a/n (n being the sample size).
A 95% confidence interval can be obtained as

p:t 1.96 x SE(P)

For a 90% confidence interval, the value 1.96 should be replaced by

1.64 and for a 99% confidence interval by 2.58.
Risk is also a proportion. Thus the standard error and confidence interval
can be obtained in exactly the same way, as long as aIl the subjects are fol-
lowed up over the whole risk period of interest. If the follow-up times are
unequal, !ie-table or survival analysis techniques must be used (see
Chapter 12), including the appropriate standard error formulae.
The simple method for obtaining confidence intervals described above
is based on approximating the sampling distribution to the Normal distri-
bution. This 'approximate' method is accurate in suffciently large samples
(greater than 30).

Appendix 6.1

An 'exact' method for calculating confidence intervals for proportions,

based on the binomial distribution, is recommended for sm aller samples.
This method is, however, too complex for the calculations to be performed
on a pocket calculator.

Single rate
If the number of cases that occur during the observation period is
denoted by a and the quantity of person-time at risk by y, the estimated
incidence rate (r) is

r = a/y

An 'approximate' standard error can be calculated as follows:

SE(r) = r/~a

The 95% confidence interval for the observed rate (r) can then be
obtained as

r :t 1.96 x SE(r)

Table A6.1.1. lower Upper

Observed Lower Upper Observed lower Upper Observed
95% confidence limit factors for number
number Iimit Iimit number Iimit Iimit Iimit limit
estimates of a Poisson-distributed factor factor
on which factor factor on which factor factor on which
variable. a
estimate estimate estimate
is based is based is based

(a) (l) (U) (a) (l) (U) (a) (L) (U)

1 0.025 5.57 21 0.619 1.53 120 0.833 1.200

2 0.121 3.61 22 0.627 1.51 140 0.844 1.184
3 0.206 2.92 23 0.634 1.50 160 0.854 1.171
4 0.272 2.56 24 0.641 1.48 180 0.862 1.160
5 0.324 2.33 25 0.647 1.48 200 0.868 1.151
6 0.367 2.18 26 0.653 1.47 250 0.882 1.134
7 0.401 2.06 27 0.659 1.46 300 0.892 1.121
8 0.431 1.97 28 0.665 1.45 350 0.899 1.112
9 0.458 1.90 29 0.670 1.44 400 0.906 1.104
10 0.480 1.84 30 0.675 1.43 450 0.911 1.098
11 0.499 1.79 35 0.697 1.39 500 0.915 1.093
12 0.517 1.75 40 0.714 1.36 600 0.922 1.084
13 0.532 1.71 45 0.729 1.34 700 0.928 1.078
14 0.546 1.68 50 0.742 1.32 800 0.932 1.072
15 0.560 1.65 60 0.770 1.30 900 0.936 1.068
16 0.572 1.62 70 0.785 1.27 1000 0.939 1.064
17 0.583 1.60 80 0.798 1.25
18 0.593 1.58 90 0.809 1.24
19 0.602 1.56 100 0.818 1.22
20 0.611 1.54

a Data fram Haenszel et al., (1962)


Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

These formulae are appropriate when the number of cases in the numer-
ator of the rate, a, is greater than 30. If the number of cases is small, 'exact'
confidence intervals, based on the Poisson distribution, can be obtained
from Table A6. 1.1. This table gives factors by which the observed rate is
multiplied to obtain the lower and the upper limit of a 95% confidence

Lower limit = r x lower limit factor (L)

Upper limit = r x upper limit factor (U)

Consider the following example. The total number of deaths from

stomach cancer among males aged 45-54 years in Egypt during 1980 was
39 in 1 742000 person-years (WHO, 1986). Thus, using the 'approximate'

l= 39/1 742000 pyrs = 2.24 per 100000 pyrs

SE(r) = 2.24 per 100 000 pyrs/~39 = 0.36 per 100 000 pyrs

95% CI(r) = 2.24 :! 1.96 x 0.36 = 1.3 to 2.95 per 100000 pyrs

For the 'exact' method, the lower limit factor (L) and the upper limit
factor (U) corresponding to 39 cases are obtained from the table by inter-
polation between the rows for 35 and 40 cases.

r. 39 - 35)
L = 0.697 + L(0.714 - 0.697) x 40 _ 35 = 0.711

U = 1.9 - fl
L(1.9 39
- 1.6) -
x 4035)
_ 35 = 1.7

Thus, the limits of the 95% confidence interval are

Lower limit = 2.24 per 100000 pyrs x 0.711 = 1.9 per 100000 pyrs
Upper limit = 2.24 per 100000 pyrs x 1.7 = 3.07 per 100000 pyrs

ln this example, the 'exact' and the 'approximate' confidence limits are
relatively close to each other, because the rate was based on a suffciently
large number of cases. The larger the number of cases, the closer wil be
the confidence limits obtained by these two methods.
Let us now consider sorne data from Kuwait. The total number of deaths
from stomach cancer among men aged 45-54 years in this country in


Appendix 6.1

1980 was only 3 in 74000 pyrs (WHO, 1983). The 'approximate' method

r = 3/74 000 pyrs = 4.05 per 100000 pyrs

SE(r) = 4.05 per 100 000 pyrs/-v3 = 2.34 per 100000 pyrs

95% CI(r) = 4.05 :t 1.96 x 2.34 = -0.54 to 8.64 per 100 000 pyrs

This method gives a negative value for the lower limit, which is mean-
ingless, as incidence and mortality rates cannot be negative. By the 'exact'
method, consulting again Table A6. 1. 1, the limits for the 95% confidence
interval are:

Lower limit = 4.05 per 100000 pyrs x 0.206 = 0.83 per 100000 pyrs
Upper limit = 4.05 per 100000 pyrs x 2.92 = 11.83 per 100000 pyrs

ln this example, the 'exact and' 'approximate' confidence intervals are

clearly different. When the number of cases is less than about 30, it is
desirable to use the 'exact' method.

A6.1.2 Calculation of confidence intervals for measures of effect

Ratio of proportions (prevalence ratio or risk ratio)

A formula for the confidence interval around a risk ratio estimate
of effect must take into account the fact that the sampling distribution of
possible values for the risk ratio is highly skewed to the right. The mini-
mum possible value a risk ratio can take is zero and the maximum is
infinity. To make the distribution more symmetric, it is necessary to first
convert the estimated risk ratios into their naturallogarithms (denoted
ln). We can then use formulae analogous to those presented in Section
A6. 1. 1 to calculate a confidence interval around the value of the loga-
rithm of the risk ratio rather than the risk ratio itself.
Consider the following example, in which 1000 exposed subjects and
1500 unexposed subjects were followed up for one year. The foIlow-up
was complete for each subject. At the end of this period, 60 subjects
among the exposed and 45 among the unexposed had developed the out-
come of interest (Table A6.1.2).

Table A6.1.2. Exposure Total

Results from a cohort study in which
Yes No
risks were calculated as measures of
occurrence of the outcome of interest Outcome Yes 60 (a) 45 (b) 105 (ni)
in each study group: hypothetical data. No 940 (e) 1455 (d) 2395 (no)
Total 1000 (mi) 1500 (mo) 2500 (Ni

Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures
.. .. p.'"~~......,~~~~~,,,

The risk ratio (R) and its naturallogarithm can be calculated as

R = pdpo

ln R = ln (Pdpo)

An 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm of R can be estimated


ri1 1 1
SE (ln R) = ~ ;; t - - - --
a b mi mo

An 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for ln R is then given by

(ln R) :: 1.96 SE(ln R), and the 95% confidence interval for the risk ratio
(R) obtained by taking antilogarithms.
Thus, in the example shown in Table A6.1.2,

Risk in the exposed (Pi) = 60/1000 = 0.06

Risk in the unexposed (Po) = 45/1500 = 0.03

Risk ratio (R) = 0.06/0.03 = 2.0

ln R = ln 2.0 = 0.69

SE(lnR)= -t - - -- - =0.19
11 11000
60 45 1 1500
95% CI (ln R) = 0.69:t 1.96 x 0.19 = 0.318 to 1.062

The 'approximate' 95% confidence interval of the risk ratio (R) can then
be obtained by taking antilogarithms:

95% CI (R) = eO.318 to e1.062 = 1.7 to 2.89

A similar approach can be applied when the measure of interest is a

prevalence ratio.
'Exact' methods should be used when the risk ratio or the prevalence
ratio is based on small numbers of cases, but the calculations are too com-
plex to be shown here.

Difference of proportions (prevalence difference or risk difference)

The standard error of the diference between two proportions Pi and po
can be estimated, approximately, as

Appendix 6.1

a b
SE (Pl - po) = ~ p/ (1- Pl) + Po2 (1- Po)

where a and b are the numbers of cases in the two study groups.
ln the example shown in Table A6. 1 .2,

Risk difference (Pl - po) = 0.06 - 0.03 = 0.03

l a ~ 60 45
SE (P _ P ) = .1 0.062 (1 - 0.06) + 0.032 (1 - 0.03) = 0.0087

95% CI (Pl - po) = (Pl - po) :1 1.96 SE (Pl - Po)

= 0.03 :1 1.96 x 0.0087
= 0.013 to 0.047 or 1% to 5%

A confidence interval for a difference in prevalences wil be calculated in

the same way.

Rate ratio
Consider the results from another hypothetical cohort study, shown in
Table A6.1.3.
Table A6.1.3. Exposure Total
Results from a cohort study in which
rates were calculated as measures of Yes No
occurrence of the outcome of interest Cases 60 (a) 45 (b) 105 (n)
in each study group: hypothetical data. Person-years at risk (pyrs) 4150 (Yi) 6500 (yo) 10650 (y)
Rate per 1000 pyrs 14.5 ((,) 6.9 (ro) 9.9 (1)

As with a risk ratio, a rate ratio can only take values from zero to
infinity. Thus to construct a confidence interval for an estimated rate
ratio (RR), its naturallogarithm needs to be calculated first:

ln RR = ln (ri!ro)

An 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm of a rate ratio (RR) (an

be obtained as follows:

SE (ln RR) = 'I(l/a + l/b)

where a and b are the numbers of cases in the exposed and unexposed
groups, respectively.

Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

ln this example, the incidence rate in the exposed (ri) is equal to

60/4150=14.5 per 1000 pyrs. The incidence rate in the unexposed group
(1'0) is 45/6500=6.9 per 1000 pyrs. Thus the rate ratio and its logarithm are:

RR =: 14.5 per 1000 pyrs/6.9 per 1000 pyrs =: 2.1

ln RR =: ln 2.1 =: 0.74

An 'approximate' standard error for the logarithm of a rate ratio of 2.1

based on 60 cases in the exposed group and 45 cases in the unexposed
group may be calculated as follows:

SE (ln RR) =:'1(1/60 + 1/45) =: 0.197

The 'approximate' 95% confidence interval of the logarithm of the rate

ratio is given by

95% CI (ln RR) =: ln RR :! 1.96 SE (ln RR)

=: 0.74:! 1.96 x 0.197
=: 0.35 to 1.3

We can then ob tain the 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for the
rate ratio by taking the antilogarithms of these values:

95% CI (RR) =: eO.35 to e1.3 =: 1.42 to 3.10

There is also an 'exact' method of calculating confidence intervals for

rate ratios that are based on small numbers of cases, but its discussion is
beyond the scope of this chapter (see Breslow & Day, 1987, pp. 93-95).
When the rate ratio is an SMR (or SIR) (see Section 4.3.3), it is possible
to calculate an 'exact' 95% confidence interval by multiplying the
observed SMR (or SIR) by the appropriate lower and upper limit factors,
exactly as we did for a single rate.
For instance, if the number of observed (0) leukaemia deaths in a cer-
tain town were 20 and only 15 would have been expected (E) if the town
had the same age-specific rates as the whole country, the SMR would be
equal to 1.33. The lower and the upper limit factors when the observed
number of cases is 20 (see Table A6.1. 1) are 0.611 and 1.54, respectively.

SMR =: OIE =: 20/15 =: 1.3

95% CI (SMR) = 1.33 x 0.611 to 1.33 x 1.54

=: 0.81 to 2.05

Appendix 6.1

Rate difference
The standard error of the difference between two estimated rates (ri and
ro) is given by

SE (ri - ro) = -l + _0
a rZ
where a and b refer to numbers of cases in the two groups.
The 95% confidence interval is given by

95% CI (ri - ro) = (ri - ro) :t 1.96 SE(rl - ro)

Thus in the example shown in Table A6. 1.3,

ri - ro = 14.5 per 1000 pyrs - 6.9 per 1000 pyrs = 7.6 per 1000 pyrs

SE (ri - ro) = '1((0.0145)2/60 + (0.0069)2/45) = 0.00214

= 2.14 per 1000 pyrs

95% CI (ri - ro) = 7.6:t 1.96 x 2.14 = 3.41 to 11.79 per 1000 pyrs

Odds ratio
Data from a case-control study can be presented in a 2 x 2 table, as
shown below:

Table A6.1.4.
Results fram a case-control study:
Exposure Total
hypothetical data. Yes No
Cases 457 (a) 26 (b) 483 (nt)
Contrais 362 (e) 85 (ci 447 (no)
Total 819 (mi) 111 (mo) 930 (N)

An 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm of an odds ratio (OR)

can be calculated as

SE (ln OR) = '1 (1/a + 1/b + l/e + 1/d)

ln the example shown in Table A6.1.4,

odds of exposure among the cases 457/26

OR= = 4.13
odds of exposure among the contraIs 362/85

ln OR = ln 4.13 = 1.42

SE (ln OR) = '1(1/457 + 1/26 + 1/362 + 1/85) = 0.23

95% CI (ln OR) = 1.42 :t 1.96 x 0.23 = 0.97 to 1.87

a= T ¡¡Hi' ~~_ ~..
Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

Thus an 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio can
be obtained by taking antiogarithms:

95% CI (OR) = eO.97 to e1.87 = 2.64 to 6.49

It is also possible to calculate an 'exact' confidence interval for small samples,

but the calculations are too complex to be carred out on a pocket calculator.

A.6.1.3 Statistical tests

Comparison of two proportions (prevalences or risks)

To test the null hypothesis that there is no true difference between two
proportions (either risks or prevalences), the results from a study should
first be arranged in a 2 x 2 table similar to Table A6. 1 .2. ln this table, the
observed (0) number of cases among exposed is a. We can calculate the
expected (E) value in cell a and the variance (V), assuming that the null
hypothesis of no difference between the two groups is true.


E = m¡ni/N

NI (N - 1)

A special statistical test called the chi-squared (X2) test can then be
applied to measure the extent to which the observed data differ from
those expected if the two proportions were equal, that is, if the null
hypothesis were true.

x2 = (0 - E)2/V

ln epidemiology, this application of the X2 test takes the name of

Mantel-Haenszel test.
ln the example shown in Table A6. 1 .2,

0= 60

E = 1000 x 105/2500 = 42

v= =24.15
105 x 2395 x 1000 x 1500
25002 x (2500 - 1)

(60 - 42)2
x2 = = 13.42

Appendix 6.1

Large values of t suggest that the data are inconsistent with the null
hypothesis, and therefore that there is an association between exposure
and outcome. The P-value is obtained by comparing the calculated value
of X2 with tables of the chi-squared distribution.
ln referring the calculated t test statistics to these tables, we need to
know a quantity called the 'degrees of freedom' (dJ.), which takes into
consideration the number of sub-groups or 'ceIls' in the table which con-
tributed to the calculation. For 2 x 2 tables, the number of degrees of free-
dom (dJ.) is one.
If the null hypothesis is true,

x' test statistic (with 1 d.f.) exceeds 0.45 with probabilty 0.5

1.2 0.25
2.71 0.1
3.84 0.05
5.02 0.025
6.63 0.01
7.88 0.005
10.83 0.001

Thus, if the X2 statistic with 1 d.f. exceeds 3.84, then P-(O.OS, indi-
cating sorne evidence of a real difference in the proportions. If it
exceeds 6.63, then P -( 0.01, and there is strong evidence of a differ-
ln the example shown in Table A6.1.2, the value of X2 was 13.42,
which corresponds to P -( 0.001. There is therefore strong evidence for
an association. Thus we can conclude that the observed risk ratio of 2.0
is statistically significantly different from 1, and that there is very
strong evidence that the risk is higher in those who were exposed than
in those who were not.
ln fact, we have already performed a test for difference in two pro-
portions in Section 6.2.2. We then used a different test statistic which
gave similar results to the more general Mantel-Haenszel type of test
statistic used here.
Note that the statistical test is the same regardless of the measure of
effect (risk (or prevalence) ratio or risk (or prevalence) difference) that we
are interested in. However, the confidence intervals are calculated in a
different way (see Section A6.1.2).

Comparison of two odds

The approach discussed ab ove for comparison of proportions can
also be used to test the null hypothesis that there is no difference
between the odds of exposure among the cases and the odds of expo-
sure among the controls, that is, the odds ratio is equal to one.
ln the example shown in Table A6.IA,


Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

o = 457

819 x 483
E= = 425.35

483 x 447 x 819 x 111

v= = 24.43
9302 x (930 -1)

(457 - 425.35)2
x2 = = 41.0

The X2 gives a measure of the extent to which the observed data difer
from those expected if the two odds of exposure were equal. This X2 value
(with one degree of freedom) corresponds to P-(O.OOl. Thus, there is strong
evidence against the null hypothesis.

Comparison of two rates

ln cohort studies, where rates rather than risks are used as the measure
of disease frequency, consideration must be given to the distribution of
person-years between exposed and unexposed groups.
Consider again the example shown in Table A6.1.3. The observed num-
ber of cases among those who were exposed is a = 60. The expected value
in cell a and the variance assuming that the null hypothesis is true (Le.,
that there is no true difference in rates between the exposed and the unex-
posed groups) can be calculated as follows:

E = nyi!y and V = nYiyo/y2


x2 = (0 - E)2/V

ln the example shown in Table A6.1.3,

105 x 4150
E= = 40.92
10 650

105 x 4150 x 6500

v= = 24.97
(10 650)2

(60 - 40.92)2
x2 = = 14.58

This X2 value with one degree of freedom corresponds to P -( 0.001, pro-

Appendix 6.1

viding strong evidence against the null hypothesis of no association

between exposure and the incidence of the disease.
The same procedure applies when the rate ratio is an SMR. ln this case,
the variance is equal to the expected number of cases. Thus if the number
of observed leukaemia deaths (0) in a particular town is 20 and the expect-
ed number (E) based on the national age-specific rates is 15,

SMR = OIE = 20/15 = 1.3

v = 15

(20 - 1W
x2 = 15= 1.67

This X2 value, with one degree of freedom, corresponds to 0.1 .( P.( 0.25.
Thus, these results are consistent with the nuIl hypothesis of no difference
in the age-specific mortality rates from leukaemia between the town and the
whole country.
Note that the statistical test is the same regardless of the measure of effect
(rate ratio or rate difference) we are interested in. However, the confidence
intervals are calculated in a different way (see Section A6.1.2).

x2 test for a linear trend in proportions (prevalences or risks)

So far we have considered only situations where individuals were classi-
fied as either 'exposed' or 'unexposed'. ln many circumstances, how-ever,
individuals can also be classified according to levels of exposure. For
instance, suppose that a survey was carried out to assess whether infection
with human papilomavirus (HPV) was associated with number of sexual
partners. The results from this hypothetical study are shown in Table A6. 1.5.

Table A6.1.5. Lifetime number of sexual partners Total

Distribution of women infected and not
infected with human papillomavirus
1 2-3 4-5 ~5
HPV-positve 19(80) 33(81) 51 (82) 107(83) 210(n1)
(HPV) by number of lifetime sexual
partners: hypothetical data. HPV-negative 71 (bo) 68(b1) 42(b2) 61 (b3) 242(no)
Total 90(mo) 101 (m1) 93(m2) 168(m3) 452(N)

Percentage of 21.1 32.7 54.8 63.7 46.5

HPV positive
Score O(xo) 1 (xi) 2(X2) 3(X3)

The results seem to support the study hypothesis of a trend for an

increase in the proportion of HPV-positive women with increasing num-
ber of sexual partners. Although there is an apparent linear trend in pro-
portions in the above table, each proportion (or percentage) is subject to
sampling variabilty. We can use a X2 test for a linear trend in propor-
tions to assess whether this trend may be due to chance.


Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

The first step is to assign a score x to each exposure category. For exam-
pIe, in Table A6.1.S '0' was assigned to those women with 1 partner, '1 to
those with 2-3 partners, and so on. The second step is to use the following
formulae to ob tain the values of Ti, Tz and T3. ln these formulae, the sym-
bol i means sum and the subscript i stands for the subscripts 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

T¡ = Ia¡x¡ = (19 x 0) + (33 x 1) + (51 x 2) + (107 x 3) = 456

T2 = Im¡x¡ = (90 x 0) + (101 x 1) + (93 x 2) + (168 x 3) = 791

T3 = Im¡x? = (90 x 02) + (101 x 12) + (93 x 22) + (168 x 32) = 1985

The X2 test for trend has one degree of freedom and can be calculated as

N (NT¡ - n¡ Tz)Z
n¡nO (N T3 - TzZ)

Thus, in our example

452 x (452 x 456 - 210 x 791)2
xZ = = 52.4 1
210 x 242 x (452 x 1985 - 791Z)

A X2 of 52.41 with 1 dJ. corresponds to P.cO.OOOl. We can therefore con-

clude that there is strong evidence of a linear trend for an increasing pro-
portion of HPV-positive women as lifetime number of sexual partners

x2 test for a Iinear trend in odds ratios

Consider data from a hypothetical case-control study carried out to
assess whether there is a decreasing risk of developing epithelial benign
ovarian tumours with increasing parity (Table A6.1.6).
The results froID this study apparently support the study hypothesis.
(The calculation of odds ratios from case-control studies is discussed in
detail in Chapter 9.)

Parity Total Table A6.1.6.

oa 1-2 Distribution of cases of benign tumours
of the ovary and contrais by parity:
Benign tumour cases 30 (ao) 23 (a1) 7 (a2) 60 (n1) hypothetical data.
Contrais 46 (bo) 48 (b1) 35 (b2) 129 (no)
Total 76 (ma) 71 (m1) 42 (m2) 189 (N)
Odds ratio 1 0.73 0.31
Score o (xo) 1 (X1) 2 (X2)
a Taken as the baseline category in the calculation of odds ratios.


Appendix 6.1

A X2 test for a linear trend can be used to test the hypothesis that there
is a decreasing risk of ovarian benign tumours with increasing parity. The
calculations are exactly the same as those used for the t test for a linear
trend in proportions.

Ti = Ia¡x¡ = (30 x 0) + (23 x 1) + (7 x 2) = 37

Tz = Im¡x¡ = (76 x 0) + (71 x 1) + (42 x 2) = 155

T3 = Im¡x? = (76 x OZ) + (71 x iZ) + (42 x 2Z) = 239

The X2 test for trend can then be calculated as:

Xz= =6.15189 x (189 x 37 - 60 x 155)2

60 x 129 x (189 x 239 - 155Z)

This test result with 1 dJ. corresponds to 0.01 .( P.( 0.025. Thus there is
evidence that the risk of developing a benign ovarian tumour decreases
with increasing parity.

x2 test for a linear trend in rates

A similar approach can be used to test for a trend in rates. Consider the
following cohort study to test the hypothesis that the risk of breast cancer
increases with increasing duration of oral contraceptive use.

Table A6.1.7. Ouration of oral contraceptive use (years) Total

Distribution of breast cancer cases
and person-years at risk by duration of 0 1-2 :23
oral contraceptive use: hypothetical Breast cancer cases 62 (ao) 42 (a1) 22 (a2) 126 (n)
data. Person-years at risk 31 200 (Yo) 25 100 (Y1) 11 600 (Y2) 67 900 (y)
Rate per 100 000 pyrs 198.7(ro) 167.3(r1) 189.7(r2) 185.6(1)
Score o (xo) 1 (X1) 2 (X2)

The observed rates by exposure level suggest, if anything, a downward

trend with increasing duration of oral contraceptive use. A x2-test for a lin-
ear trend in rates similar to the one described above for proportions and
odds ratios can be calculated as follows:

Ti = Iaix¡ = (62 x 0) + (42 xI) + (22 x 2) = 86

Tz = IYiX¡ = (31 200 x 0) + (25 100 xI) + (11 600 x 2) = 48 300

T3 = IYiX/ = (31 200 x 02) + (25 100 x F) + (11 600 x 22) = 71 500

The t test for a linear trend in rates, which has one degree of freedom,
can be calculated as follows:

Confidence intervals and significance tests for epidemiological measures

(Ti - (n/y)Tz))2
X2 =
(n/yZ) (yT3 - T2Z)

Thus, in our example,

XL = 0.19 (86 - (126/67 900 x 48 300))2

- (126/67 900Z) x (67 900 x 71 500 - 48 300Z)

This test value with 1 d.f. corresponds to P? 0.5. Hence, the results of
the study provide no support for an upward or downward trend in breast
cancer rates with duration of oral contraceptive use.

Va/idity of x2 tests
If in a 2x2 table the total sample size (N) is less than 40 and the expect-
ed value in any of the cells is less than 5, the X2 test should not be used.
ln these circumstances, the Fisher's exact test wil be the appropriate sta-
tistical test (see Kirkwood (1988)). For larger tables, the X2 test is valid if no
more than 20% of the expected values are less than S, and none is less
than one.
Note that the expected value (E) for a particular cell is calculated as fol-

Total of the relevant row x total of the relevant column

E =

Thus in Table A6.1.4,

E (a) = n¡nli/N = (483 x 819)/930 = 425.35

E (b) = ninlo/N = (483 x 111)/930 = 57.65

E (c) = nomi/N = (447 x 819)/930 = 393.65

E (el = /1onlo/N = (447 x 11 1)/930 = 53.35

The X2 test is valid in this example since the total sample size (N) is
greater than 40 and aIl of the expected cell values are weIl above S.

Chapter 7
Intervention trials

Intervention trials are the epidemiological studies that most closely resem-
ble the experiments conducted by scientists in the laboratory. The essential
and distinguishing feature of such studies lies in the investigator's direct con-
trol over the aIlocation of subjects to study groups. ln contrast, in observa-
tional studies, the aIlocation is determined by the subjects themselves and the
researchers are just passive observers of what happens.
Intervention trials provide the strongest evidence with which to test
hypotheses. However, they are not the most usual study design in epidemiol-
ogy, mainly because of ethical constraints. It would be unacceptable to allo-
cate people to either be or not be exposed to a substance or to be subjected to
a procedure for which there is sorne suspicion that it may be harmfuL It is,
however, possible to conduct a trial to test whether removal of such an expo-
sure wil decrease subsequent incidence and mortality. Thus, intervention tri-
als in epidemiology are limited to interventions for which there are grounds
to believe that there wil be a potential benefit to individuals.

7.1 Types of intervention study

Intervention trials consist of trials to prevent disease (field trials) or trials to
treat established disease pro cesses (clinical trials).
The objective of a clinical trial is to evaluate one or more new treatments for
a disease or condition. For instance, a clinical trial may be designed to assess
whether a chemotherapeutic agent can prevent recurrence of cancer, increase
survival or improve quality of life (Example 7.1). Since clinical trials involve
diseased people, they are often carried out in hospitals or other clinical set-
tings where the subjects are treated and foIlowed up for their condition.

ln contrast, field trals deal with subjects who are disease-free. A field tral
involves evaluation of whether an agent or procedure reduces the risk of
developing disease among those free from that condition at enrolment.
Because these trials involve healthy rather than diseased people, they tend to
be logistically more difficult to carry out than clinical trials. They generally


Chapter 7

have to be conducted in the 'field' rather than in hospitals or clinics.

Moreover, whereas the adverse consequences of a given disease (e.g., disease
recurrence, death) may occur with high probabilty during a relatively short
time, tyically the risk of contracting a disease among people who are initial-
ly free of it is small. This is particularly true for rare diseases such as cancer.
Consequently, field trials usually require a greater number of subjects followed
up for longer periods than clinical trials.

Example 7.2. A' randDmized trial' wascarried Dut amDng Whitehall . -.- , .
(English) civil servants tD measure in middle-aged men the health effects Df
stDpping smDking. AtDtalDf 1445 male cigarette smDkers aged40~59 years
who, wereat a high risk Df develDping cardiDrespiratDry diseases were rall~
dDmly allDcated tD interventiDn (714
men) Dr nDrmal care (731 men).. Thdse
in the' interventiDn grDUp' received individual advice, Dn the relatiDnDf smDk-
. :ing tD health. lvDSt then' expressed theirwish tD StDp smDking and received
, furthersl1ppDrt over the neit 12 mDnths~ The twD grDupS were then fDllDwed
. up fDr twenty years (RDse& CDlwell, 1992). . . . , .

Field trials can be carried out among individuals (as in Example 7.2) or grDupS
Df peDple (as in Examples 7.3 and 7.4). ln the first case, the unit of allocation
to the intervention is the individual, whereas in the second, it is the group.
The group may be a household, a block of housesi a school or a whole com-
munity. Field trials in which whole communities are the unit of allocation are
called cDmmunity trals (Example 7.3).
,~.' ,', " '.'-,'" ,', "- '-":": :,' , c, .'.:'.' :..:_, "f. ','. ::' ~,., .'. ; ,.-,:. _, : ; _ -.:' ':', ,;' ,', _ ,',,:" :: ,.'...,. ",.'C,','," - '",' :::'"
Example 7.3. The CDrnmunity Interventiòn Trial. fDr Smoking CessatiDn
, ,(COMMIT) was a rnulticentreproject designed tD evaluate. a cDmmunity~
.' wiqe smDking cessatiDnprogramme in the USA. This
trial began in 1989 ill
.,.. .1t niatche.d.pairsDfcDn;munitiès. OnecDmmunity Df eàch pair was fan;.
,... tdònilyasSignedtorec,eive .the.srnDking çes~ation prDgramme with the
Dthèr .
; .aCtirígàsa contrDI. The' '. rventinn wasde~iined tDpinmote srnDking ces~. .
..såtiQh bY1fslfJS awiClè '~.o. ,~Dfcommunity resDUtcestDpffeçt atttude.s' an.d .'
:P '. ; 'es t 'sirÚjktng-replvtT: Rèsea~ch GrDl1Pl1991);' ....'
,/ '.',' \\ ': :',::;r:"~,~ '~..:- ;.: -:;:;"..;~(::':_i,--:~:' .'.~' '::'_'.~:~::::_~:" :_-::- .:~' '\~:'~'~,::' ':,\/ ;,::0; ,0':',,-,,', - ': co,: ',', .~ -- ",-, ':',-.' - '.-' . -.'. 'i' - '- c, ',' "" ,,,," " " -, ' "'.

',--'\:',~:'" '-,-

--- --.-= - ---~~_. --
Intervention trials

There are various reasons for selecting groups rather than individuals as
the study unit. Many interventions are impossible to assign at an individual
leveL Environmental interventions such as water fluoridation or improve-
ment of air quality can be conducted only at a group level. Most health edu-
cation interventions also fall into this category. For instance, the interven-
tion (Le., the smoking cessation programme) in Example 7.3 was aimed pri-
marily at the community rather than the individual; thus, it was appropri-
ate to choose the community as the study unit. It may also be logistically
easier to conduct the trial among groups of people than among individuals.
ln Example 7.4, for instance, it was much easier to allocate flghts to either
the intervention group or the control group than it would have been to aIlo-
ca te individuals. By allocating flghts, it was also possible to minimize the

potential for 'contamination', that is, the possibilty that people in the con-
trol group would end up having access to the leaflets. Such contamination
would have made the two groups more alike and, consequently, wou Id have
decreased the abilty of the trial to reveal any true effect that the interven-
tion might have had (see Section 7.10).

7.2 Formulation of the study objectives

The main objectives of an intervention study should be clearly specified
before its start. They should include a concise, but detailed, description of
the intervention to be evaluated, the outcome(s) of interest and the popu-
lation in which the study wil be conducted. For example, it is not enough
just to state that the objective of a trial is 'to assess whether administration
of tamoxifen prevents the development of breast cancer in women'. It is
necessary to define exactly the target population. For instance, does it
include aIl women or only those at high risk of developing the disease?
Which age-groups wil be included? The intervention also needs to be spec-
ified in terms of dose, frequency of administration and duration. ln addi-
tion, it is necessary to decide whether the comparison group wil be given a
placebo or nothing at aIL The outcome(s) of interest and the procedures
used to measure them should also be clearly stated.
It is important to decide at this stage whether the intent of the study is
primarily sdentific (explanatory) or pragmatic (Schwartz & Lellouch, 1967). If
primarily scientific, the trial should be carried out under ide al conditions, so
that it wil be possible to establish the maximum benefit that the interven-
tion can achieve. It is sensible in these circumstances to conduct the trial
among special groups of people (such as volunteers) so as to ensure a high
level of compliance. Pragmatic trials, by contrast, assess whether the inter-
vention works when introduced into a public health or clinical setting, Le.,
in real-lie conditions. ln these studies, the true effect of the intervention is
likely to be diluted, among other things, by low levels of compliance.

7.3 Ethical issues

ln observational studies, it is the investigator's responsibilty to maintain
the confidentiality of the data provided by the study subjects and to ensure

Chapter 7

that the procedures used to measure the exposures and the outcomes of inter-
est do not involve unacceptable levels of discomfort, stress or risk for the par-
ln intervention trials, however, the situation is different. Researchers are
no longer simply observing what happens to the study subjects. Since the
investigator is deliberately intervening, ethical considerations are more
important than in any other type of epidemiological study. Intervention tri-
als are ethically justified only in a situation of uncertainty, when there is gen-
uine doubt concerning the value of a new intervention in terms of its bene-
fits and risks. The researcher must have sorne evidence that it may be of ben-
efit, for instance, from laboratory and animal studies, or from observational
epidemiological studies. Otherwise, there would be no justification for con-
ducting a triaL.
Unfortunately, many medical interventions have never been properly
evaluated in weIl conducted intervention trials. For instance, radical mastec-
tomy was used for more than a hundred years as the standard form of treat-
ment for early breast cancer. It was not until the late 1970s, when clinical tri-
als were finally conducted, that this form of treatment was replaced by more
conservative tyes of breast surgery. The clinical trials revealed that there
were no differences in recurrence or survival between patients who under-
went radical mastectomy and other (more conservative) types of surgery
(Veronesi et al., 1981; Fisher et al., 1985). Thus, women with early breast can-
cer were unnecessarily subjected to a very mutilating form of surgery for
decades because clinicians were convinced that it would have been unethical
to deprive women of the standard form of therapy. The lesson from this, and
many other examples, is that it is best to conduct a trial when any agent or
procedure is first introduced rather than after it has gained widespread accep-
tance and becomes considered standard practice. Failure to carry out a prop-
er trial, when it is needed and feasible, may also be unethicaL
Whether a study is considered to be ethical or unethical is a subjective
judgement based on cultural norms, which vary from society to society and
over time. A useful reference with proposed guidelines for research involving
human subjects is that published by the Council for International
Organizations of Medical Sciences (CI OMS) and the World Health
Organization (WHO) (1993).

7.4 Target and experimental populations

The target population is the general group to whom the investigators
expect the results of the trial to be applicable. A trial may con cern all human
beings, if it is believed that the intervention to be assessed is of potential
benefit to everyone, or only certain subgroups of the population, such as
women or smokers. Thus, the target population represents the scope of the
public health impact of the intervention.
Once the target population has been defined, one needs to select the actu-
al population in which the studywill be carried out (Figure 7.1). The choice
of this experimental population depends on a number of issues. First, it should

Intervention trials

not differ from the target population in

such a way that generalization to the latter TARGET POPULATION
is impossible, although this may be sacri-
ficed in certain circumstances. For example, EXPERIMENTAL POPULATION
intervention studies are sometimes carried
out among special groups such as volun- l
Eligibilty criteria
teers to ensure good compliance or to facil-
itate the logistics. These trials are use fuI to
Unsuitable subjects
evaluate the potential effect of a new inter-
vention, even though it may be difficult to
lnformed consent
extrapolate the results to the target popula-
tion. Second, it is essential to determine
whether the proposed experimental popu- Refusais
lation is sufficiently large to achieve the
sample size necessary for the trial (see STUDY POPULATION

Chapter 15). Third, it is important to
choose an experimental population that 1
Random allocation
wil experience a sufficient number of the
outcomes of interest to permit meaningful
Intervention Control
comparisons between various treatments or group group
procedures within a reasonable period of
time. Thus, most trials are carried out in
populations where the risk of developing
the outcome(s) of interest is high. For
instance, to assess the potential benefit of a
smoking cessation programme, it would
make sense to select as the experimental
population one with a high prevalence of Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome
tobacco use and high incidence of lung known unknown known unknown known unknown
The selection of the experimental popu-
lation also depends on logistic factors. The study should be carried out in an Figure 7.1.
area where it wil be possible to obtain support from the local authorities or General outlne of an intervention triaL.
leaders of the community and where it wil be possible to obtain complete
and accurate foIlow-up information for the duration of the triaL. For
instance, conducting a long-term trial among a highly mobile population
such as college students or nomads may result in low foIlow-up, which
would compromise the study.

7.S Eligibility criteria

Eligibilty criteria must be clearly defined before the study begins (Figure
7.1). These should specify exactly who can be included in the study. The cri-
teria wil vary from study to study, but, in general, should be such as to elim-
inate subjects who may be put at greater risk by the intervention or who have
an underlying condition that could interfere with the assessment. For
instance, patients may be excluded if their physical and/or mental condition

Chapter 7

is inadequate to permit interview or collection of biological specimens. It is

also usual to exclude pregnant women and women of childbearing age if
there is any possibilty, however minimal, that the intervention may be
harmful to the fetus.
Once the eligibilty criteria have been defined, it is possible to establish
who are the eligible individuals in the experimental population.
Sometimes, it may be necessary to carry out a baseline survey to identify
eligible individuals, as in Example 7.5. ln these circumstances, subjects
must be invited to participate in the baseline survey although they may
not fulfil the eligibilty criteria for entry into the triaL.

Example...7.S.An. intervçntion.. stucfywas.c:arrie4ou.tinitntc;arrbiato

determine the contribution.. of bedbugs tOihepatitisB.transmissiQn.Ingrciyr
tobeeligiblefor the trial,children had to be frE~efromhepatitisßinreçticØn
at the time ()f enrolment Allchildrenageci si~ llonths. t()fìyeyet1r~liviJ18"in
seven adjacent Mandinka.. yilages wereexamined byaphysiciaIJ.. andhada
sampleofblood takenfor serological testing, .OnlythosetopncfJobeunin"
fected were thenrandornized into the intervention (insecticide sprayingofthe
childs dwellng)or control groups(Mayans ~t aL., 1994).

7,6 Informed consent

The eligible subjects must then be invited to participate in the triaL. At
this stage, they should be fully informed in simple language of the aims of
the study, its procedures, what exactly wil be required from them, and of
possible risks and benefits. They should also be informed that they wil be
allocated to either the intervention group or the comparison group and that
they may not know which group have they been aIlocated to until the end
of the triaL. Subjects should also be assured that their privacy wil be respect-
ed, that their identity wil not be revealed to anyone outside the research
team, and that the investigators wil not use any information obtained dur-
ing the study to their detriment (for instance, to compile tax lists).
Individuals should be given enough time to consider whether they are wil-
ing to participate and they should be allowed to refuse or to withdraw their
participation at any time without any negative consequences to them.
If the subjects, provided with this information, stil decide to participate
in the study, they are said to have given their infomzed consent. ln many
countries, ethical committees and grant-giving bodies require that the par-
ticipants sign a consent form (sometimes in the presence of a witness). This
may be difficult to accomplish and of relatively little meaning in popula-
tions with low levels of literacy.
AlI efforts should be made to try to explain the nature of the study in a
way that the individuals can understand and that it is appropriate to their
cultural values and norms. What is appropriate in the 'western' world is not
necessarily appropriate in other cultural settings. For example, in sorne soci-

Intervention trials

eties, decisions about participation in a study may be taken at a communal

rather than an individuallevel. Thus, permission to conduct a research pro-
ject may be obtained through respected community leaders, instead of from
individual community members. But even if communal consent is obtained
for the study, the investigator stil has the responsibilty to explain the
study procedures and the potential risks and benefits to every single indi-
vidual who may participa te and to ensure that each is aware that he/she is
free to refuse to participate or ta withdraw from the investigation at any
There is a parallel to this situation in western societies. Communal rather
than individual consent is generally obtained in community trials, since it
is generally impossible to obtain consent from every single member of the
communities involved. Consent should be obtained from the local author-
ities and community leaders. Once these persons have agreed to the com-
munities' participation, it is important for the investigator to inform the
community members themselves that they wil be participating in a study.

7.7 Study population

Those who are eventually found to be both eligible and wiling to enrol
in the trial compose the actual study population and are often a relatively
small and selected subgroup of the experimental population (Figure 7.1).
Participants in an intervention study are very likely to differ from non-par-
ticipants in many ways that may affect the risk of development of the out-
cornes under investigation. Whether or not the subgroup of participants is
representative of the entire experimental population wil not affect the
validity of the results of a trial conducted among that group. It may, how-
ever, affect the abilty to generalize those results to either the experimental
or the target population.
'-""-- , .. ..
~~~,_-:d:~..~~~-d ...... '.
ExaniPle 7.6. The Physiciansl Health Study was a randomizedi placebo-:
fo11trolledldoùble~blind clinical trial conductedin the United States to assess
the e'ffec.s, ofaspirin on totalcardiovascular mortalitwand of beta.:carotene
on cancer incidence. Thetria.lbegan iti 19821 when letters were maîled to
261 248 VSmale physicians aged 40-84 years asking them. to participate.
. Roughly halfofthem respondedi orwhom half again indicated they. were
.. . . . ate;Menwitfiahistory. of can,cer(excn:-m 'a

Chapter 7

ln Example 7.6, less than 10% of the original experimental population

ultimately entered the triaL. Only those physicians who had proven to be
good compliers and experienced no adverse effects were randomized, to
increase the abilty (power) of the study to test the two study hypotheses
(see Chapter 15). Although the exclusion of po or compliers limited the
generalizabilty of the results of the trial, it did not affect their validity. ln
this example, it was far more important to obtain clear answers to the
questions being addressed than to try to ensure that it would be possible
to extrapolate the results to a wider population.
An effort should be made, however, to obtain base
line data and/or to
ascertain outcomes for subjects who are eligible but unwiling to partici-
pate. Such information is extremely valuable to assess the presence and
extent of differences between participants and non-participants in a par-
ticular triaL. This wil help in judging whether the results among trial par-
ticipants are generalizable to the target population.

7.8 Choice of the cornparison intervention

A key characteristic of an intervention trial is the inclusion of at least
one comparison group, against which the effect of the intervention under
study is compared. Consideration must be given to what type of interven-
tion the control group should receive. For instance, in a clinical trial,
should the control group receive a placebo (a procedure that resembles the
new treatment in aIl respects except that it do
es not con tain the active
ingredient(s)), the current best treatment, or nothing at aIl
If there is already an established treatment of proven value, it would be
unethical to use a placebo. Moreover, in these circumstances, the real
ch to show whether the new treatment
pragmatic question is not so mu

an the existing one. If there is

really works but whether it is any better th

no standard treatment, a placebo is justifiable on the grounds that it

makes it possible for the study to be double-blind (see Section 7.11).
However, for many interventions it is not possible to devise a suitable
placebo. For instance, it is not possible to find a suitable placebo for sur-
gical interventions or for most health education programmes.

7.9 Allocation to the varions study groups

Since participants and non-participants may differ in important ways
related to the outcome under study, allocation to the various study groups
should take place only after subjects have been determined to be eligible and
have expressed wilingness to participate. That is, the non-participants should
be eliminated from the pool of potential subjects before allocation to the
intervention and control groups is carried out.

7.9.1 Reasons for random allocation

Random allocation is the best method of allocating the study subjects
to the different study groups. This method allows chance, and only
chance, to determine the assignment of subjects to the various groups. It


Intervention trials

is, therefore, the only way of ensuring that any differences in the outcome
measures of the trial are due to the effects of the intervention rather than
to underlying differences between the groups. Randomization has two
major advantages in relation to other methods of aIlocation:

(1) Randomization eliminates selection bias on the part of the participants

and investigators.

Randomization eliminates the possibilty of any subjective influence in

the assignment of individuals to the different study groups. Methods
based upon date of birth or date of entry have also been used in sorne tri-
als, with one intervention being assigned to those who were born (or who
report) on even dates and another to those who were born (or who report)
on odd dates. The problem with these methods is that it is possible for the
investigator to know in advance the group to which a participant wil be
allocated and this could introduce conscious or unconscious bias into the
allocation procedure. An investigator who knows that a particular subject
is going to be allocated to a particular intervention may be more or less
likely to consider the subject eligible for entry into the study.
Randomization can ensure that this does not happen, provided it is done
only after subjects have been determined to be eligible and have expressed
wilingness to participate in the triaL.

(2) Randomization tends to create groups that are comparable in terms of the
distribution of known andi more importantlyi unknown factors that may
influence the outcome.

Randomization ensures that the distribution of known and, more

importantly, of unknown confounding variables wil be similar in the
groups to be compared, provided that the sample size is relatively large.
This is unique to experimental studies. Although it is possible in observa-
tional studies to take into account the effect of confounders in the analy-
sis, this can only be done for variables which were known or suspected to
be confounders at the beginning of the study and for which data were
therefore collected (see Chapters 13 and 14). Trials may extend over many
years and it is possible that new confounders wil become known in the
meantime. This would not affect the validity of the results from a ran-
domized trial, however, In which the distribution of any unknown con-
founding variables would be similar in the study groups provided that the
number of subjects randomized was large.
ln this discussion of randomization, it is worth mentioning that confu-
sion often exists in the use of the expressions 'random allocation' (or 'ran-
dom assignment) and 'random samplint (or 'random selection'). ln this
section we are dealing with 'random allocation', namely the process by
which subjects are allocated to the study groups in a triaL. This constitutes
a fundamental principle on which intervention studies are based. Random

Chapter 7

selection refers to the process whereby a sample of subjects is selected at

random from a larger population. Clinical trials rarely entail random selec-
tion; the investigator takes the patients available to him/her, provided
they meet the criteria for entry into the study. ln field trials, random selec-
tion may be used if the experimental population is larger than is required
to ensure that the study wil have the abilty to answer the problem being
addressed (that is, that the trial wil have adequate power or precision-
see Chapter 15). Methods for selecting random samples from a population
are discussed in Chapter 10.

7.9.2 Methods of randomization

Various methods can be used to randomize the study subjects to the dif-
ferent study groups. Regardless of the method chosenJ it is important to
ensure from the earliest stages of the trial that the randornization proce-
dure and the randomization list wil be concealed from the persons who
are responsible for recruiting the subjects, monitoring the effects of the
intervention and assessing the outcomes of the triaL.

Simple randomization
Simple randomization is the most elementary method of randomization.
It is the equivalent of tossing a coin. However, randomization by tossing a
coin should not be used because it cannot be checked or reproduced. The
67 19 00 71 74 60 47 21 29 68
alternative is to use a table of random nurnbers (or a computer-
02 02 37 03 31
02 94 37 34 02 76 70 90 30 86 38 45 94 30 38 generated randomization list) (Figure 7.2).
79 78 45 04 91 16 92 53 56 16 02 75 50 95 98
87 75 66 81 41 40 01 74 91 62 48 51 84 08 32 The first step in determining random group assignments is to
34 86 82 53 91 00 52 43 48 85 27 55 26 89 62 set up a correspondence between the numbers in the table and
11 05 65 09 68 76 ~ 20 37 90 57 16 00 11 66 the study groups. Let us assume that odd numbers correspond to
52 27 41 14 86 22 98 12 22 08 07 52 74 95 80
07 60 62 93 55 59 33 82 43 90 49 37 38 44 59
the control group and even numbers to the new intervention.
04 02 33 31 08 39 54 16 49 36 47 95 93 13 30 The second step is to define a convenient way of reading the
01 90 10 75 06 40 78 78 89 62 02 67 74 17 33
table of random numbers, for instance, to read down the
92 03 51 59 77 59 56 78 06 83 52 91 05 70 74
61 71 62 99 15 06 51 29 16 93 58 05 77 09 51
columns or across the rows.
73 32 08 11 12 44 95 92 63 16 29 56 24 29 48 The third step is to select a starting point, for instance, by clos-
42 10 50 67 42 32 17 55 85 74 94 44 67 16 94
26 78 63 06 55 13 08 27 01 50 15 29 39 39 43ing your eyes and selecting a number with a pin. Once the start-
ing point is established, numbers are then read from the table
Figure 7.2. following the sequence defined in step two. Figure 7.2 is an extract of a table
Extract fram a table of random of random numbers (a full table is reproduced in Appendix 7.1). Suppose
that the chosen starting point was the one circled in the table and that we
have decided that nurnbers should be read column by column down the
page. The first 10 numbers would have been 8, 9, 3, 5, 7, 5, 5, 9, 1, O. The
fourth step is to make the treatment assignments according to the system
defined above (Table 7.1).
Random number tables are generated in such a way that each of the dig-
its zero through ni ne is equally likely to occur. If equal numbers of partici-
pants are required in each intervention group, the same nurnber of one-digit
numbers should be assigned for each group, even if this me ans that sorne
digits do not correspond to any group. Thus, in the case of three groups,
Intervention trials

Patient no. Sex Random no. Allocation Table 7.1.

Example illustrating the use of a table
1 F 8 Intervention group of random numbers to allocate ten
2 M 9 Control group subjects to two study groups (see
3 M 3 Control group text).
4 M 5 Control group
5 M 7 Control group
6 F 5 Control group
7 F 5 Control group
8 F 9 Control group
9 F 1 Control group
10 F 0 Intervention group

three of the ten one-digit numbers are assigned to each group (e.g., numbers
1, 2, 3 to group A; 4, 5, 6 to group B; and 7, 8, 9 to group C). The remaining
number (Le., zero in our example) in the random tables is ignored and selec-
tion moves to the next number.
One of the disadvantages of simple randomization is that it may result in
markedly unequal number of subjects being allocated to each group just by
chance. For instance, in the above example, only two persons out of ten
were assigned to the intervention group. Moreover, simple randomization
may also result in the compositions of the different intervention groups
being different with respect to factors that may affect the outcome measures
in the triaL. ln the above example, not only was the number of persons allo-
cated to the intervention smaIl but the sex distribution was also quite dif-
ferent in the two groups. This is particularly likely to happen when the total
number of subjects in a study is small. For trials involving several hundred
participants or more, any such imbalance is likely to be smaIl and can be
taken into account in the analysis of the study. ln a small trial, imbalance
may make the trial more difficult to interpret and, hence, it is advisable to
ensure balance by using the randomization methods described below.

Restricted randomization (or blocked randomization)

This method guarantees that the numbers of participants allocated to
each study group are equal after every block of so many patients has
entered the triaL. Suppose that patients are going to be allocated to treat-
ments A and B in such a way that after every fourth subject there are an
equal number of participants on each treatment. There are only six possi-
ble combinations (permutations) of A and B in blocks of four:

No. Combination

Chapter 7

The combination for a particular block of four patients is chosen at ran-

dom (by using a table of random numbers as described above) from the six
possible (note that in the above example the digits 7, 8, 9 and a from the
table of random numbers should be ignored). For instance, if the random
numbers from the table were 2, 3, 6, 5 (and the blocks were assigned as
listed), it would mean that patients 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 would receive
treatments ABAB, AB BA, BAAB and BABA, respectively. This procedure
thus allocates eight patients to group A and eight to group B.

Stratified randomization
When the results of the trial are likely to vary between, say, the sexes or
different age-groups, stratified randomization should be used. ln this situ-
ation, strata or groups are formed and randomization occurs separately for
the subjects in each stratum. As subjects become eligible for inclusion in
the trial, their appropriate stratum is determined and they receive the next
random-number assignment within that stratum. For example, patients
may be classified according to sex and age (under 50, and 50 and over),
yielding a total of four strata. Within each stratum, each patient wil be
randomly assigned ta either the intervention or the control group. This
could be do ne by using either simple or restricted randomization.
Stratified randomization has the advantage of assuring balance between
the groups, at least on the characteristics that determine the strata. The
use of this method of randomization in the example described above
would ensure that the intervention and the control group would be bal-
anced with respect to sex and age. If stratification had not been employed,
the researcher wauld have run the risk that chance might produce imbal-
ance with regard to these important factors, especially if the number of
subjects in the trial was small. The disadvantage with stratified random-
ization is that it is administratively difficult and cumbersome to execute.

Matched-pair design
A matched-pair design is a special case of stratified randomization in
which the strata are each of size 2. Individuals (or communities) are
matched into pairs, chosen to be as similar as possible for potential con-
founding variables such that in the absence of any intervention they
would be expected to be at similar risk of the disease under study. The
intervention is assigned at random to one member of each pair, with the
other member acting as a control.
Matching is unnecessary in large trials, as it is likely that any imbalance
between the intervention groups, with respect to risk factors for the occur-
rence of the outcomes of interest, wil tend to even out. Furthermore, it is
possible to adjust for any residual imbalance during the data analysis with-
out substantialloss of statistical power.
For small trials, more serious imbalance can arise for which it may be
difficult to adjust fully in the analysis. This can be a special problem in tri-
als in which communities are randomized, as it is unusual to be able to
Intervention trials

include large numbers of communities (more than 20) in su ch studies

(Example 7.7). Pair-wise matching of similar communities (Le., communi-
ties in which the rates of the disease are likely to be similar in the absence
of the interventions to be applied) before the allocation of interventions
is likely to be a useful strategy in such situations.

Exampl~ 7.7. ln the Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation

. (COMMIT) mentioned in Example 7.3, within each pair, communites were
matched. 'on factors such as population demographic characteristics (e.g.,
population size, age, sex and ethnie compositon), degree of urbanization,
, soâoeconomic factors, prevalence of smoking and access to media and health
care services. The two paired communites were geographically close enough
to perritinonit()ring by the investigators, but 11ot so, close that educational
.' activitiesiri the intervention community would affect the control communi-
',' ty~ One member ofeach of
the Il matched pairswas then randomlyassigned
, tO'receive the health education programme and the othef to the control sur-
lÌeilance (COMMIT ResearchGroup, 1991).

7.9.3 Sorne special experimental designs

Factorial design
One technique to improve efficiency in intervention trials is to test two
or more hypotheses simultaneously in a factorial design. A trial of two
hypothesis can utilze a two-by-two factorial design, in which subjects are
first randomized to intervention A or B to address one hypothesis, and
then within each intervention group there is further randomization to
interventions C and 0 to evaluate a second question (Example 7.8).

Figure 7.3.
Outline of the facto rial design of the
Physicians' Health Study.

Chapter 7

The principal advantage of the factorial design is its abilty to answer

two or more questions in a single trial for only a marginal increase in cost.
Moreover, the use of a factorial design also allows the assessment of inter-
actions between interventions, which cannot be do ne in a single-factor

Crossover trials
Most trials have a paraUd design, that is, a group of subjects receives the
intervention and another parallel group receives the standard treatment or
placebo. ln contrast, in crossover trials each subject acts as his/her own con-
trol by receiving at least two different interventions (e.g., a new drug
(treatment A) versus the standard drug (treatment B)) at different times
during the trial (Figure 7.4). The order in which each individual receives
them (A then B or B then. A) should be determined by random allocation
(Example 7.9)'. There should be a 'wash-out' period between each
'wash-out of the interventions to avoid 'carry-over effects' (also called
'spil-over effects'), that is, to ensure that there is no overlap of
A B effects between the first and the second interventions.
i --------1
Consequently, this design is suitable only when neither of the
B A interventions has long-term effects.
1 -------- i The main advantage of crossover trials is that each subject is
compared with himself/herself and, therefore, confounding is
. eliminated from the comparison of the effects of the two treat-
ments (provided that there is no carry-over effect). This design
Figure 7.4. also increases statistical precision in the comparison, because it eliminates
Outline of a crossover trial inter-subject variabilty in the outcome response. Hence, fewer subjects are
needed th an in a corresponding parallel triaL.
Crossover trials are used mostly in the early phases of evaluation of new
drugs in which their pharmacokinetic properties are investigated in
healthy volunteers. They are not appropriate to assess the long-term
effects of a treatment, as the nature of the design implies that the treat-
ment period must be limited.


1 ntervention trials

7.9.4. Conclusions
It should be emphasized that allocation of subjects to the study groups
should be done only after having ascertained that individuals are both eli-
gible and wiling to participate. Otherwise subjects who refuse to partici-
pate or who withdraw from the study (because the treatment is inappro-
priate, etc.) wil have to be excluded after the randomization, so that the
groups may no longer be comparable. This is ilustrated in Example 7. la.

~ . ... :,"II""~ .o'¡f¡)rt ~.

ul, . _ """..,, ,.~on '.
~ .'
,." , ,;-: a,.. ,", .c . /1. . 'n~_n
, , . -
Wfll' v ie. '" .. '_H , , , "
Tf' n 'lAI
~- -l ii:ui.)
. '. '

. ~~,', ~lU, W ,W i in ~
_ ~ ii:ri:
-- .. ,
fi~/)'i '- ~'. ',,' ,.
i .

' Y' y _. v¡p.
" "~ . Wi:1l
.. '¡; V¡;i!.
, ¡; .'..
. _;-il
l- c" U1 ~ :1,

1 ie " / ~~f"t ,j:~ . .,"1 V'):.~ ~ ,,' 'y

, _ ,,'V, 1/ :. la~~è ':C.í . f¡;V~i.) Vi '.W'. ,

,,~..,," rOr tUL-fl Ui Lllt H . / "
,, .

Table 7.2.
Mortaliy fram causes other than
breast cancer by the end of the first
five years of follow-up. a

Table 7.2 shows that there was a large difference in mortality from caus-
es other than breast cancer between women who actually received the
intervention (i.e., who were screened) and those in the control group (42
versus 58 per 10 000 pyrs). Since the intervention under study (i.e., breast
screening) should not have affected mortality from causes other than
breast cancer, the observed difference seem to indicate that the two groups
were different in relation to important baseline characteristics. However, if
those who refused after randomization were included in the intervention
group, as they should be, there is no longer a mortality difference between
the two groups (57 versus 58 per la 000 pyrs).
Random allocation does not necessarily guarantee that the groups wil
be similar. Discrepancies between the groups may arise just by chance,
especially if the number of units being allocated (e.g., individuals, fami-
lies, communities) is relatively smalL Hence, it is essential to collect base-
line data on the subjects. These baseline data should include aIl the vari-
ables which are known or thought to affect the outcome(s) of interest and
can be used to check the degree of similarity of the groups. If the study


/, -,"1"'..

Chapter 7

groups differ, statistical techniques can be used that yield results 'adjusted'
for any baseline differences (see Chapters 13 and 14).

7.10 Monitoring compliance and side-effects

The problem of achieving and maintaining high compliance is an
important issue in the design and conduct of any triaL This is because non-
compliance makes the intervention and the comparison groups more alike
and, consequently, reduces the abilty of the trial to detect any true differ-
ence between their outcome measures. A certain degree of non-compliance
is acceptable in pragmatic trials, which are aimed at estimating the effec-
tiveness of the intervention in real-lie conditions. The aim of scientific tri-
als, however, is to estimate the maximum potential bene fit to be derived
from the intervention in ideal circumstances, including compliance of
100%. One way of increasing compliance is to use a 'run-in phase' before
randomization, as was ilustrated in Example 7.6.
Compliance levels must be measured and monitored throughout the
study. This can be done by using self-reports. This approach has the disad-
vantage that it relies exclusively on subjects' judgement and memory.
Retum of unused medication (e.g., tablets) to the investigators at regular
intervals has been used in trials that involve administration of drugs or
active substances. However, this method assumes that the subject has taken
aIl the medication that was not returned. Self-reports are sometimes vali-
dated against laboratory measurements. Apart from being expensive, these
methods also have limited value since they usually measure current and
not long-term compliance.
ln Example 7.11, the alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene measurements
made three years after entry into the trial were mu ch higher th an at base-
line in those subjects who were allocated to receive these active ingredients,
but changed little in those who were not allocated to receive them (Table
7.3). These findings indicate high levels of compliance.
ln most trials, a proportion of participants inevitably become non-com-
pliant for one reason or another (forgetting to take the drugs, developing
secondaryeffects, etc). ln such instances, maintaining any levelof compli-
ance is preferable to complete non-compliance. Moreover, as wil be dis-
cussed in Section 7.12, every randomized subject should be included in the
primary analysis of any intervention study, so that it is essential to obtain
as complete foIlow-up information as possible on those who have dis con-
tinued the intervention programme. lnvestigators should follow up such
individuals for the duration of the trial and obtain information on the rel-
evant outcomes in the same way as for subjects who continue to comply.
Sometimes those who were randomized to one group may choose to
ob tain the alternative intervention on their own initiative. For instance,
those allocated to the control group may adopt the active treatment under
study. It is important to minimize this 'contamination' as much as possi-
ble. One way is to design the trial in such a way that opportunities of con-
tamination are reduced. For instance, in Example 7.4, flghts rather th an

Intervention trials

20th Table 7.3.

percentile percentile Serum concentrations (milligrams per
Serum alpha-tocopherollevels at baseline litre) of alpha-tocopherol and beta-
carotene at baseline and after three
14472 11.5 9.3 14.2 years of supplementation by study
14 469 11.4 9.3 14.1 group.a
Serum alpha-tocopherollevels at three years
11 332 17.3 14.3 21.1
11 258 12.4 10.2 15.1
Serum beta-carotene levels at baseline
14 460 0.17 0.10 0.29
No beta-carotene 14 460 0.17 0.10 0.29
Serum beta-carotene levels at three years
11 276 3.0 1.6 4.5
11314 0.18 0.10 0.30
a Data from Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group (1994).

individuals were chosen as the unit of randomization to minimize conta-

mination. Similarly, in a community trial to evaluate the impact of a smok-
ing cessation programme, it is important that the intervention and the
control communities are geographically distinct units with stable popula-
tions and no migration between them (as in Example 7.7). Nevertheless,
sometimes a certain degree of contamination is inevitable for reasons that
are outside the control of the researchers.
ln Example 7.12, no difference in the prevalence of oesophageallesions
was found by the end of the trial between the placebo and the treated groups.
Laboratory measurements carried out at the time of entry into the studyand
two months later confirmed that there was a rise in vitamin levels in the
active treatment group, but also revealed that the levels of retinol had
improved in the placebo group. The change in the placebo group was prob-
ably due to better access to fresh fruits and vegetables (Muñoz et aL., 1985).

Chapter 7

Example 7.12. A randornized. double-bUnd interventiontriarwast~rrI~â.

out in HuixianlPeople1s.Republic of China,to detemiine whetkerçQ11vingçl.
treatment with retinol,' ribQt1avinand zinc. for one year . wqUldreaHc~\t4e
p. re.. valence.o.f. pree.a. ne. e.... ro.~ s.....o..f. th..e oeso. phagus.At.ota...J........of... 6....,.'...,.1.......Q...s....u....b.... :.1....e......t:.,.ts........ ".

aged 35-64 years. wereråndollIled to the active treatment:oriP:i~Ç.~~~.

Compliance was.. verygood. At the end of the trial,. th~)pieYCllerCa(Jf:
oesophageallesions was similarin.. the two ..,
group and 48.9%in the intervention group (Muñoz et a1.,1985)..'

A similar contamination problem occurred in the anti-smoking advice

trial described in Example 7.2. During the 20-year period that the triallast-
ed, there was a progressive decline in the prevalence of smoking in the
control group (Rose & ColweIl, 1992) reflecting a general increase in the
awareness of the negative health consequences of smoking. This contam-
ination made the two study groups more alike and reduced the ability of
the study to measure the health effects of stopping smoking.
It is also important to monitor any side-effects that might develop. A
surveilance mechanism should be set up to aHow the breaking of the ran-
domization code if any subject develops serious side-effects. Monitoring
side-effects not only is necessary to ensure the safety of the study partici-
pants, but also wil help to assess the real benefits and hazards of the inter-
vention under study.

7.11 Ascertaininent of outcomes

The outcomes of interest should be clearly defined before the start of
the triaL. The choice of the outcome of interest has important implications
for the duration of the triaL. Most field trials in cancer epidemiology are
aimed at reducing the risk of this disease. Since field trials are conducted
among disease-free people, the probability of developing cancer is rela-
tively small and may not be observable for several decades. The problem
is less critical in cancer clinical trials, since most of the outcomes of inter-
est (e.g., recurrence or death) tend to occur with a high probability.
One way of shortening the duration of a trial is to select a population
that has an increased risk of developing the outcome of interest. For
instance, in a field trial to assess the impact of a smoking cessation pro-
gramme on lung cancer mortality rates, it makes sense to exclu de aH per-
sons aged under 45 years, since lung cancer is rare at these ages.
Another possibilty is to use intermediate endpoints as cancer surro-
gates, Le., to use as outcome a biological event that is believed to lie
on the causal pathway between exposure and cancer. Studies that use
intermediate endpoints are quicker, smaller, and less expensive than
studies that use malignancy as the outcome. However, the relevance of
pends on the strength
the results of the trial with respect to cancer de

of the association between the intermediate endpoint and the clinical


Intervention trials

,.:,......,....._:-.:..:.:-..,_....._-,."..--.,.......-.:.'...:.....,:...::-,.,.,..-....::-.:.,'_....:...; .. .. ,.. .. -,_..

, E~lJmple,,'l~13;A randornized,' multicentre tral has been set test a

. dietåry dppioqch to' 4ecreasfng the risk, of reçurrence of polyps of the large
,QOW .' ts lVitfioneor more histologically proven adenomatous polyps,
oinpl(!teremqval of polyps at colonoscopy, wil berandomly
t, ."', ",' ',' . " ortonufri#on edutationand cOlJ.Selltng aimed
" " ,. ,.nge. ,'" ~fat" highfibre. diet enriched with fruits and veg-
,'e.tqNe.s.. ,,' L inclùcles 200Qpatiehts with planned follow~up of four
yeàrs¡ colonoscopy wil be repeated ai years 1 and 4. The major outcome is
recurre,nce of adenomas. The tral is based on the postula te that most large
the trial should
bowel cancers arise (rom adenomatous polyps. The results of

provideuseful evidenceabout the abilty of dietary change to affect recur-

rence of adenomatous polyps and, hence, to affect indirectly the incidence of
,largebQw.~l cancer (Chlebowski & Grosvenor, 1994).
'.':';,'.i:,:,',~,\:',"_::::':,:::-:d:_::\';::\::::"d,::'J:;,i",)/d,::'t:,~,::".::.:...:.......,.:: .::;:, ',. '",._,',,",'.,-'.::." :,,:'" .....', ,,:-.',':,';. ',t'_. :::.." -":': ',' :'...., '-',_, :'.~ ,-:_,,:':_,_ 'c-"" -':',",', ",,' :_:. _,,' ", '

ln Example 7.13, only 2000 individuals and a four-year foIlow-up were

required, a substantially smaller number th an would have been necessary
for a trial having large bowel cancer as the outcome. The underlying
assumption in the se studies is that the observed relationship between expo-
sure (e.g., diet) and intermediate endpoint (e.g., polyps) reflects a similar one
between exposure and cancer per se. Clearly, this assumption needs to be val-
idated before any intermediate endpoint can be used as a cancer surrogate
(Lippman et aL., 1990).
The outcomes should be ascertained in such a way that measurement bias
is minimized as far as possible. Blind or masking techniques provide the
means for achieving this. When there is no standard intervention to be used
in a blind study for comparison with the new intervention, placebos should
be employed to main tain blindness. The placebo should be as similar as pos-
sible to the intervention itself (with respect to appearance, taste, etc.).
Whenever possible, both the patient and the investigators should be
unaware of who is assigned to each group until the end of the triaL. Su
ch a
'double-blind' design (both the investigator and the participants are 'blind')
eliminates the possibilty that knowledge of which intervention an individ-
ual is aIlocated to wil affect the way that individual is treated or monitored
during the trial, the way the individual responds to the intervention or the
way the individual is assessed at the end of the triaL. A double-blind trial
may not be feasible for the evaluation of programmes involving substantial
changes in lifestyle, such as exercise, cigarette smoking or diet, surgical pro-
cedures, or drugs with characteristic side-effects. ln these circumstances, a
'single-blind' (the investigator knows to which group a participant belongs
but the participant does not or vice-versa) or an unblinded design may be
the only possibilty.
The more subjective the outcome un der study, the greater is the rationale
for a double-blind triaL. For example, if one deals with extremely subjective
responses such as the relief of pain, or the improvement of psychological
status, the use of double-blinding is crucial to the validity of the outcome


, i
Chapter 7

measurements. When the outcome of a trial is more objective (for example,

life or death, or perhaps the level of sorne substances in the blood or urine),
the need for a double-blind trial is, obviously, less important.
The main strength of a double-blind design is to elirninate the potential
for measurement bias. Of course, a concomitant limitation is that such tri-
als are usually more complex and difficult to conduct. Procedures must be
established for immediate 'unblinding' of a participants physician in the
event of serious side-effects or other clinical emergencies in which this infor-
mation seerns essentiaL

7.12 Analysis

7.12.1 Types of analysis

There are two main approaches to the analysis of a trial according to who
should or should not be included. The' intention to treat analysis is based on
outcomes that occur during the whole foIlow-up period, in the subjects orig-
inally allocated to each group, whether they persisted with their aIlocated
intervention or not. The alternative is the 'on randomized treatment analysis,
which is confined to the outcomes observed while the subjects were on their
allocated treatment. Exclusion of randomized subjects of a trial from the
analysis may lead to serious bias that can arise from different levels of par-
ticipation in the intervention and control groups and from the fact that
individuals who withdraw or who were lost to foIlow-up are usually differ-
ent from those who participate unti the end. 'Intention to treat analysis is
the correct way of analysing the data, involving cornparison of the out-
cornes in aIl the subjects originally allocated to each group (including those
who did not have or who stopped having the specified intervention). This
stringent approach may sometimes, however, dilute the true effect of the

7.12.2 On-going analysis

Analysis of results from a trial as data accumulate is an important way of
monitoring its progress. Administrative analyses of the numbers of partici-
pants recruited each day or week and of the data collected by different field
workers are important for quality control.
An independent data-monitoring committee is often set up in large trials
to ho Id the randomization code of the study and to monitor the results of
the trial as they come in, or at fixed intervals during the triaL. This comrnit-
tee should have the power to stop further recruitment if there is evidence of
a substantial risk of adverse reactions associated with any of the interven-
tions under study. Similarly, if evidence accumulates that one intervention
is substantially better than the others (or one is substantially worse), the
committee can recornmend that the intervention phase of the trial be
stopped and aIl participants be given the better (or less harrnful) treatrnent
or intervention. It would be very difficult for the investigators to rernain
objective and impartial if they had to take these decisions themselves.

Intervention trials

ln Example 7.14, the intervention phase of the trial was terminated

early. Post-intervention follow-up of the study subjects wil continue for
five years to identify additionallung cancer cases and to assess the long-
term effects of the intervention.

7.12.3 Final analysis

The first step in the analysis of a trial is to examine the characteristics
of the two (or more) groups at baseline to assess their comparability,
determining whether randomization resulted in the formation of com-
parable and evenly balanced groups (Example 7.15). This comparison
should constitute the first table of the results section of a paper.
Statistical tests are frequently carried out to assess whether baseline
differences between the study groups are important. A statistical test
yields the probabilty of finding by chance a difference at least as large
as the one observed. We know, however, that aIl the observed differ-
ences, regardless of their magnitude, have arisen just by chance since the
subjects were randomized. Thus, statistical tests are superfluous and inap-
propriate to assess whether the study groups have similar baseline characteris-
Examination of the baseline characteristics of the groups can also help
to reveal any unknown problems that may have occurred during the ran-
domization procedure. For instance, if the baseline characteristics of the
groups turn out to be very dissimilar, the entire randomization proce-
dure should be checked for possible deception by sorne of those in
charge of recruiting the subjects into the triaL.
After ascertaining the comparabilty of the study groups, the investi-
gator must determine whether the intervention was of any value. The
two groups are compared and the size of the differences assessed. ln gen-
eral, the main results from a trial can be presented in a table similar to
one of those shown in Table 7.5.

Chapter 7

Table 7.4. Workers exposed to asbestos Heavy smokers

Distribution of baseline characteristics
among heavy smokers and asbestos Intervention Placebo Intervention Placebo
workers who participated in the 2044 2016 7376 6878
CARET trial according to type of inter-
vention received.8
5h7 5h7 58:t5 58:t5
0 0 3208 (43) 3081 (45)
Race or ethnie groupC
White 1805 (88) 1775 (88) 7000 (95) 6487 (94)
Black 152 (7) 153 (8) 103 (1) 122 (2)
Hispanie 36 (2) 43 (2) 101 (1 ) 95 (1)
(a) Other/unknown 51 (2) 45 (2) 172 (2) 174 (3)
Exposure Smoking statu SC
Intervention Control
Never smoked 68 (3) 64 (3) 0 0
Outcome Yes a b
Former smoker 1195 (58) 1175(58) 2473 (34) 2331 (34)
No c d
Current smoker 781 (38) 777 (39) 4903 (66) 4547 (66)

Risk in intervention group (p,) = a/(a+c) Cigarettes smoked/dayb

Risk in control group (Po) = b/(b+d) Former smoker 25:t 12 25:t12 28:t 11 28:t11
Risk ratio = p,/Po Current smoker 24:t10 25:t 1 0 24:t9 24:t8
Risk difference8 = Po - p, Pack-years 43:t24 42:t24 50:t21 49:t0
of smoking
(only former and
(b) current smokers)b
Intervention Control
Years since quitting 1 0:t8 1 0:t8 3:t 3:t
Cases a b (only former smokers)b
Person-time Yi Yo
8 Data from Omenn et al. (1996)
at risk b Mean :t standard deviation.
c Number (%).
Rate in intervention group (r,) = a/y,
Rate in control group (ro) = b/yo
Rate ratio = r,/ro
Rate difference8 = ro - r, If aIl or virtuaIly aIl participants enter and leave the trial at the same time,
8 ln most trials the intervention is
the risk can be calculated (Table 7.S(a)). For example, if the foIlow-up period
protective and thus it is appropriate
is uniformly three years, the three-year risk can be computed for each study
to calculate the risk and rate differ- group. The two study groups can be compared by calculating risk ratios and
ence as indicated (see Section risk differences as measures of relative and absolute effect, respectively.
5.2.2). If the intervention is associ-
ated with an increase in incidence, ln Example 7.16, practically aIl participants entered the trial at the same
the risk and rate difference should point in time and were followed up until its end. If one assumes that, on
be calculated as P, - Po or r, - ro, average, the deaths in each treatment group occurred at similar points in
time, the calculation of risk as a measure of disease occurrence is appropriate.
The results from this trial were consistent with the null hypothesis of no
Table 7.5.
Analysis of an intervention study: treatment-associated difference in the risk of lung cancer, that is, a risk ratio
(a) by risk; (b) by rates. equal to 1 (or a risk difference equal to zero).



Intervention trials

1 % were 10stto
the study was to
lung . cancer

Study group Table 7.6.

Distribution of lung cancer incident
Beta-carotene Placebo cases in the Physicians' Health Study,
Lung cancer Yes 82 88 according to treatment group.a
No 10954 10947
Total 11 036 11 035
a Data from Hennekens et al., 1996

Pi = 82/11 036 = 0.00743 = 7.43 per 1000

Po = 88/11 035 = 0.00797 = 7.97 per 1000
X2 = 0.21, 1 d.f.; P:; 0.50
Risk ratio (p/Po) = 0.93
95% confidence interval for the risk ratio = 0.69 to 1.26
Risk difference (Po - p,) = 7.97 per 1000 - 7.43 per 1000 = 0.54 per 1000
95% confidence interval for the risk difference = - 1.77 per 1000 to 2.85 per 1000

(Test statistics and confidence intervals were calculated using the formulae given in
Appendix 6.1).

Many intervention trials, however, involve varying periods of foIlow-up.

Recruitment into the trial may take several years and if the foIlow-up is ter-
minated at a specific point in calendar time, participants wil have been
observed for different lengths of time. Also, subjects are lost to follow-up or
die at different points in time during the study, and consequently they wil
have been part of the trial for different periods.
Calculation of person-time of observation as the denominator for compu-
tation of rates is the method generally used in intervention trials when vary-
ing periods of observation (which result from pers ons entering and leaving
the studyat different ages and times) have to be taken into account. Results
of the trial can be presented as in Table 7.S(b), and rate ratios and rate differ-
ences calculated as measures of relative and absolute effect, respectively.

Chapter 7

- - " - ...-,'. .",-,

-'.,' '.,._'---',',. -". ".' '-. '._;. . ' - --, ,-,
"" -.:.-'--',,', -. ", ,',.." ".: ."" ',', '- ',."-,-,:",

. Example7~17. TheobjectIlIeof the ATBCtral (descrrbed inExample 1.i1)

.was to :ilssess whetherdaily supplementation with alpha~tóC(jpheroll.' beta:: '.
.caroteneÖrbothwouldrequce the incidefiæ of lungcancer and othe, can-
cers. A totalo(29133 malesmokers aged SOto 69 years (rom south-west~
'ernEinland were recruitedbetween 1985 and1988.Follow~uJi continued for.
., 5-8years(median=6)),untildeathor30Aprip993,whèn the
. trial ended
(Alpha-Tåcopherol¡ 'BetaCarotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994).
. Theresults bytype of treatrentreceived are shown in Figure 7.5.. '.
',__ ..0','_ "'_,",_,,____ '_', '.,' ,'._ ,', " .
Figure 7.5.
Number of cancer cases and incidence
rates by site and type of treatment
received (reproduced with permission
from Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene
Cancer Prevention Study Group,

The results for lung cancer incidence. in relation tobeta-carotene supple-:

mentation can be presentedas shown in Table 7.7. '
Table 7.7.
Distribution of lung cancer cases and Study group
person-years at risk according to treat- Beta-carotene No beta-carotene
ment received. a Lung cancer cases 474 402
.. Person-years at risk 84 192 84 632
a Data from Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994

r1 = 474/84192 = 56.3 per 10 000 pyrs

ro = 402/84 632 = 47.5 per 10 000 pyrs
X2 = 6.30; 1 d.t.; P ~ 0.01
Rate ratio (r1/rO) = 1.9
95% confidence intervals for the rate ratio = 1.04 to 1.36
Rate difference (r1-rO) = 8.8 per 10 000 pyrs
95% confidence interval for the rate diference = 1.9 to 15.7 per 10 000 pyrs

(Test statistics and confidence intervals were calculated using the formulae given in
Appendix 6.1).

Intervention trials

ln Example 7.17, the duration of foIlow-up varied from subject to sub-

ject. Thus it is more appropriate to calculate person-time at risk and rates
as the measure of occurrence of disease. The results of this trial did not
support the study hypothesis that beta-carotene reduces the incidence of
lung cancer. ln fact, they provide evidence that administration of beta-
carotene may increase the risk of lung cancer.
Statistical tests and, more importantly, confidence intervals for mea-
sures of relative and absolute effect should always be calculated and
reported. ln Examples 7.16 and 7.17, we used the formulae presented in
Appendix 6.1.
The prevented fraction (see Section 5.2.2) is another important measure
in intervention trials. It measures the proportion of cases of disease that
were prevented by the intervention under study among those who
received it.

Prevented fraction (%) = 100 X (rate (or risk) difference/rate (or risk) in the

If the aim of the trial is to assess the value of a vaccine, this measure is
caIled vaccine effcacy. For instance, if the risk of developing a particular
disease among those who were vaccinated was 40 per 100 000 and 70 per
100000 among those not vaccinated, the vaccine efficacy would be

Vaccine efficacy (%) = 100 X ((70 per 100000 - 40 per 100000)/70 per 100000)

Thus, 43% of cases could have been prevented among the unvaccinat-
ed if they had been vaccinated.
If baseline differences between the study groups need to be taken into
account in the analysis, one of the statistical techniques discussed in
Chapter 14 should be used.
If we are particularly interested in the distribution of time unti occur-
rence orthe event or interest (e.g., time from treatment to death or time from
treatment to recurrence), as is the case in many clinical trials, the most
appropriate approach is survival analysis. The techniques used in survival
analysis derive from the lie-table methods which are discussed in Chapter

Subgroup analysis
It is usual for investigators to perform subgroup analyses to assess
whether the intervention has an effect on subgroups of individuals with
certain characteristics (e.g., males, elderly people, patients with particular
clinical features, etc.). These subgroup analyses raise important problems,
however. If the subgroups are defmed according to the baseline characteristics
of the patients, the main concern involves loss of abilty of the trial to
detect an effect (that is, loss of statistical power or precision (see Chapter

Chapter 7

15)), since the results wil be based on only a small proportion of the total
numbers of randomized subjects. On the other hand, if multiple analyses
are performed, sorne wil inevitably achieve 'statistical significance' just by
chance. Their interpretation wil de pend very much on the existence of a
priori hypotheses based on biological plausibilty, existence of supporting
evidence from laboratory experiments and from other epidemiological
Analyses performed on subgroups defìned on the basis of individual char-
acteristics which develop after randomization are of much greater concern,
because potential confounding variables wil no longer be distributed at
random among the subgroups. For instance, analyses restricted to persons
who reached a certain serum concentration of the active treatment or who
developed a weIl known secondary effect (e.g., skin yellowing after ingest-
ing beta-carotene) should be treated with extreme caution. Their findings
should never be reported as main results of the trial but just as interesting
observations that might be worth investigating in specifically designed tri-

7.13 Interpretation
The interpretation of results from a weIl conducted intervention study
should be relatively straightforward, since the two major problems of con-
cern in observational studies, bias and confounding, are greatly reduced
by using an experimental design.
This is not to say that trials are exempt from problems. The lung cancer
beta-carotene story provides a good ilustration of this. Data from three
large-scale chemoprevention trials conducted in western countries to
assess this question have now been published. The ATBC Cancer
Prevention Study (Example 7.11) was set up in Finland to test the hypoth-
esis that a high intake of beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol reduces the
risk of lung cancer. This was a reasonable hypothesis given the substantial
evidence available from observational epidemiological studies suggesting
that beta-carotene was associated with a lower risk of lung cancer. The
results of this trial failed to show any benefit of beta-carotene (or alpha-
tocopherol) in the prevention of this malignancy; instead, men who took
beta-carotene had an unexpected 'statistically significant increase in the
risk of lung cancer (as we saw in Example 7.17). The authors did consider
alternative explanations for this unexpected finding. Confounding cou Id
be discarded given the large sample size and the random allocation of sub-
jects to the various study groups. Moreover, the treatment groups were
weIl balanced in relation to relevant baseline characteristics. Since this
result was not supported by biological or previous epidemiological evi-
den ce, the au th ors were reluctant to reject the null hypothesis of no effect.

They stated at the end of their paper:

"ln summary, we found no overall reduction in the incidence of lung

cancer or in mortality due to this disease among male smokers who
Intervention trials

received dietary supplementation with alpha-tocopherol, beta-

carotene, or both in this large trial in Finland. The results of this study
raise the possibilty that these substances may have harmful effects as
weIl as beneficial effects. Longer observation of the participants in this
trial and data from other studies of people at normal or high risk for
cancer wil be required to determine the full spectrum of effects of
these agents. Public health recommendations about supplementation
with these micronutrients would be premature at this time" (Alpha-
Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994).

Results from two other trials were subsequently published. The active-
intervention phase of the CARET trial (Example 7.14) was terminated early
because its results confirmed the unexpected increase of lung cancer risk
among those who took beta-carotene reported by the ATBC triaL. There
was again no obvious explanation for this unexpected finding. The
Physicians' Health Study (Example 7.8) had a much longer foIlow-up (12
years) than the other two trials (average of 6 and 4 years for the ATBC and
CARET trials, respectively). Its results were consistent with the null
hypothesis of no effect of beta-carotene on the risk of lung cancer; in other
words, they did not provide evidence of either a beneficial or a harmful
effect of beta-carotene. Thus, the lung cancer beta-carotene story shows
that results from a single trial should not be considered in isolation.
The results of a trial cannot be translated directIy into public health
decisions. Gther factors that need to be taken into account include issues
such as generalizabilty of the results to different populations, acceptabil-
ity of the intervention, feasibilty, costs, available resources and compet-
ing public health priorities. Furthermore, the overall impact of an inter-
vention in a particular population depends not only on the magnitude of
the effect of the intervention on the risk of developing a particular condi-
tion, but also on the frequency (and severity) of the condition in the pop-
ulation. This issue is further discussed in Chapter 16.

Chapter 7

Further reading
, ". ....,... .o,. -'."., .":,;.8'0,, 7.~..~~~y'.ÎS~u~~(:.. ..:.'... . .......~. . .~:. p:."
',';.'_'.":'.. "0_",-':,,,' ,':.i"':': ;,'-,._,',,,--'_ -.'_ -,': __ ,",,:,:, :;-,.,,_'-:-,. -:"-,:-,:,,.'.:,-,_,- :;,-_ :.",--,,":. ,- -""':",:,,,' c',.'
* The book by Smith & Morrow
· .Intervention triàls arè charact~rized by the fact that investigatorsareresponsible
(1996) provides a comprehen-
for allocating subjects to the different study groups. '.' .
sive coverage of the design,
implementation and monitoring
of field trials, with particular
emphasis on practical aspects.
',:" _,',;'-"_:","'_,"__','. .,'_ :'-":,,,__, "',, .',' ,0- _',_._",,-.,':
,:,-:.,,- ",' ':",:'--, "'-';,'_:'::-' '_:::
-,",'-: :-,:,:',:,:--'--'-.'
"': '-",' :,"--"-":':_' ':,'.-,'--'-
.- _co, _:' '_..,__-:,-" "_ -, :,'-:"- ',' ',- :_ --,: ' d d _' ,-.,,__:;'_::-."-
,",,':- ,','
,'-- '---,

Although the focus is on develop- 1. Random allocatíon ofsubjects ensures that allocation of subjects to
ing countries, most of the issues the different study groupsis unaffected by selection bias.
discussed in this book are also
relevant to developed countries. 2. Random allocatíon ensures that the groups are weil balanced in rela-
tion to knownand, more importantly,unknown factors that may affect
the outcome(s) of the study (provided thestudyissuffciently large). .
* The book by Pocock (1983)
provides a good and accessible
reference for those interested in
the design, analysis and interpre-
tation of clinical trials.

* A short review of methodologi-

cal issues in design, analysis and
interpretation of cancer c1inical · The main disadvantages of this type of study are:
trials can be found in twa papers
by Peta et al. (1976, 1977). 1. Intervention trials, particularly field trials, are large enterprises. They
are very expensive and time-consuming:

3. lt may be difficult. to ensure compliance and avoid contamination

throughout the trial, particularly in trials of long duration.


J '-

Intervention trials

Appendix 7.1
Table of random numbers

16 22 77 94 39 49 54 43 54 82 17 37 93 23 78 87 35 20 96 43 84 26 34 91 64 Table A7.1.
84 42 17 53 31 57 24 55 06 88 77 04 74 47 67 21 76 33 50 25 83 92 12 06 76 Table of random numbers (fram Table
63 01 63 78 59 16 95 55 67 19 98 10 50 71 75 12 86 73 58 07 44 39 52 38 79
XXXiII of Fisher and Yates (1963)).
33 21 12 34 29 78 64 56 07 82 52 42 07 44 38 15 51 00 13 42 99 66 02 79 54
57 60 86 32 44 09 47 27 96 54 49 17 46 09 62 90 52 84 77 27 08 02 73 43 28

18 18 07 92 46 44 17 16 58 09 79 83 86 19 62 06 76 50 03 10 55 23 64 05 05
26 62 38 97 75 84 16 07 44 99 83 11 46 32 24 20 14 85 88 45 10 93 72 88 71
23 42 40 64 74 82 97 77 77 81 07 45 32 14 08 32 98 94 07 72 93 85 79 10 75
52 36 28 19 95 50 92 26 11 97 00 56 76 31 38 80 22 02 53 53 86 60 42 04 53
37 85 94 35 12 83 39 50 08 30 42 34 07 96 88 54 42 06 87 98 35 85 29 48 39

70 29 17 12 13 40 33 20 38 26 13 89 51 03 74 17 76 37 13 04 07 74 21 19 30
56 62 18 37 35 96 83 50 87 75 97 12 25 93 47 70 33 24 03 54 97 77 46 44 80
99 49 57 22 77 88 42 95 45 72 16 64 36 16 00 04 43 18 66 79 94 77 24 21 90
16 08 15 04 72 33 27 14 34 09 45 59 34 68 49 12 72 07 34 45 99 27 72 95 14
31 16 93 32 43 50 27 89 87 19 20 15 37 00 49 52 85 66 60 44 38 68 88 11 80

68 34 30 13 70 55 74 30 77 40 44 22 78 84 26 04 33 46 09 52 68 07 97 06 57
74 57 25 65 76 59 29 97 68 60 71 91 38 67 54 13 58 18 24 76 15 54 55 95 52
27 42 37 86 53 48 55 90 65 72 96 57 69 36 10 96 46 92 42 45 97 60 49 04 91
00 39 68 29 61 66 37 32 20 30 77 84 57 03 29 10 45 65 04 26 11 04 96 67 24
29 94 98 94 24 68 49 69 10 82 53 75 91 93 30 34 25 20 57 27 40 48 73 51 92

16 90 82 66 59 83 62 64 11 12 67 19 00 71 74 60 47 21 29 68 02 02 37 03 31
11 27 94 75 06 06 09 19 74 66 02 94 37 34 02 76 70 90 30 86 38 45 94 30 38
35 24 10 16 20 33 32 51 26 38 79 78 45 04 91 16 92 53 56 16 02 75 50 95 98
38 23 16 86 38 42 38 97 01 50 87 75 66 81 41 40 01 74 91 62 48 51 84 08 32
31 96 25 91 47 96 44 33 49 13 34 86 82 53 91 00 52 43 48 85 27 55 26 89 62

56 67 40 67 14 64 05 71 95 86 11 05 65 09 68 76 83 20 37 90 57 16 00 11 66
14 90 84 45 11 75 73 88 05 90 52 27 41 14 86 22 98 12 22 08 07 52 74 95 80
68 05 51 18 00 33 96 02 75 19 07 60 62 93 55 59 33 82 43 90 49 37 38 44 59
20 46 78 73 90 97 51 40 14 02 04 02 33 31 08 39 54 16 49 36 47 95 93 13 30
64 19 58 97 79 15 06 15 93 20 01 90 10 75 06 40 78 78 89 62 02 67 74 17 33

05 26 93 70 60 22 35 85 15 13 92 03 51 59 77 59 56 78 06 83 52 91 05 70 74
07 97 10 88 23 09 98 42 99 64 61 71 62 99 15 06 51 29 16 93 58 05 77 09 51
68 71 86 85 85 54 87 66 47 54 73 32 08 11 12 44 95 92 63 16 29 56 24 29 48
26 99 61 65 53 58 37 78 80 70 42 10 50 67 42 32 17 55 85 74 94 44 67 16 94
14 65 52 68 75 87 59 36 22 41 26 78 63 06 55 13 08 27 01 50 15 29 39 39 43


Chapter 8
Cohort studies

A cohort study is an observational study in which a study population (a

cohort) is selected and information is obtained to determine which sub-
jects either have a particular characteristic (e.g., blood group A) that is sus-
pected of being related to the development of the disease under investiga-
tion, or have been exposed to a possible etiological agent (e.g., cigarette
smoking). The entire study population is then followed up in time, and
the incidence of the disease in the exposed individuals is compared with
the incidence in those not exposed.
Thus cohort studies resemble intervention studies in that people are
selected on the basis of their exposure status and then followed up in time,
but differ from them in that the allocation to the study groups is not
under the direct control of the investigators.

ln Example 8.1, a group of 22 707 Chinese male government employ-

ees (the 'cohort) was assembled and their HBsAg status (the 'exposure')
determined at the start of the study. They were then followed up for
several years to measure (and compare) the incidence of hepatocellular
carcinoma (the 'outcome') in subjects who were HBsAg-positive or HBsAg-
negative at the time of entry into the study.

8. i Definition of the objectives

As in any other study design, it is essential that a clear hypothesis is
formulated before the start of a cohort study. This should include a clear
definition of the exposure(s) and outcome(s) of interest. Since cohort stud-
ies in cancer epidemiology often involve foIlow-up of a large number of
people for a long period of time, they tend to be very expensive and time-
consuming. Consequently, such studies are generally carried out after a
hypothesis has been explored in other (cheaper and quicker) types of
Chapter 8

study (e.g., cross-sectional or case-control studies). For instance, the

cohort study in Taiwan (Example 8.1) was set up only after a series of
case-control studies of hepatocellular carcinoma had been carried out in
the early and mid-1970s (IARC, 1994b).

8.2 Choice of the study population

8.2.1 Source of the study population
The choice of a particular group to serve as the study population for any
given cohort study depends on the specific hypothesis under investigation
and on practical constraints. The cohort chosen may be a general popula-
tion group, such as the residents of a community, or a more narrowly
defined population that can be readily identified and followed up, such as
members of professional or social organizations (e.g., members of health
insurance schemes, registered doctors and nurses). Alternatively, the
cohort may be selected because of high exposure to a suspected etiological
factor, such as a source of ionizing radiation, a particular type of treatment
(e.g., chemotherapy, radiotherapy) or an occupational hazard.
A general population cohort may be drawn from a geographicaIly weIl
defined area (as in Example 8.2), which is initially surveyed to establish
baseline exposure status with respect to a number of factors and then
examined periodically to ascertain disease outcomes.

One of the great advantages of this type of cohort study is that it allows
a large number of common exposures to be considered in relation to a
large number of outcomes. The Framingham Study is a classical example
of this. Approximately 5000 residents of the town of Framingham, in
Massachusetts (USA), have been followed up since 1948 (Dawber et aL.,
1951). There were several reasons for selecting this location for the study,
mainly determined by logistic and other practical considerations to ensure
that it would be feasible to identify and follow participants for many
years. At the time the study was set up, Framingham was a relatively sta-
ble community including both indus trial and rural areas, with a number
of occupations and industries represented. The town was small enough to
allow residents to come to one central examining facility and there was
only one major hospitaL FoIlow-up of this cohort has permitted assess-
ment of the effects of a wide variety of factors (e.g., blood pressure, serum

Cohort studies

cholesterol, alcohol intake, physical exercise, smoking) on the risk of

numerous diseases, ranging from cardiovascular diseases and cancer to
gout, gallbladder disease and eye conditions.
Alternatively, it can be preferable for logistic reasons to draw a general
population cohort from a weIl defined socio-professional group of indi-
viduals. For instance, the Taiwan study described in Example 8.1 was con-
ducted among civil servants not because they were thought to have a
higher exposure to hepatitis B virus than the rest of the population, but
because this group of people was easier to identify and to follow th
an any
other potential study population.

Similarly, when Richard Doll and Bradford Hil set up a cohort study in
England and Wales to assess the health effects of smoking, the choice of
the British physicians as the study population (Example 8.3) was deter-
mined mainly by logistic considerations. Physicians were registered with
the British Medical Association and were therefore easy to identify and fol-
low up. Besides, they were more likely to cooperate and the cause of death
to be properly investigated.
If the exposure is rare, a study of the general population wil have little
abilty to detect an effect (Le., the study would have insufficient statisti-
cal power (see Chapter 15)), since very few people would have been
exposed to the factor of interest. This problem can be overcome by delib-
erately selecting a highly exposed group of people as the study population.
For example, exposure to dyestuffs is rare in the general population.
However, by choosing a group of workers with high exposure, the full
range of effects of the exposure on their health can be studied, including
outcomes that are rare in the general population but not in those heavi-
ly exposed. The general public health impact of the exposure may be
smaIl, but such studies can give insight into common biological mecha-
nisms in disease.



Chapter 8

The foIlow-up of the survivors of the atomic bomb explosions in Japan

(Example 8.4) has not only clarified many of the long-term health effects
of acute exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation, but has also con-
tributed to our understanding of the effects of chronic exposure to low-
level radiation.

8.2.2 Choice of the comparison group

Once the source of exposed subjects has been determined, the next step
is to select an appropriate comparison group of unexposed individuals.
This selection is the most critical aspect in the design of a cohort study.
The unexposed group should be as similar as possible to the exposed group
with respect to the distribution of aIl factors that may be related to the
outcome(s) of interest except the exposure under investigation. ln other
words, if there were really no association between the exposure and the
disease, the disease incidence in the two groups being compared would be
essentially the same. Two main types of comparison group may be used in
a cohort study: internaI and externaI.
General population cohorts tend to be heterogeneous with respect to
many exposures and, hence, their members can be classified into different
exposure categories. ln such circumstances, an internaI comparison group
can be utilzed. That isi the experience of those members of the cohort
who are either unexposed or exposed to low levels can be used as the com-
parison group. For example, in the cohort study of British physicians
(Example 8.3), it was possible to categorize individuals in terms of their
smoking habits and then compare the mortality from lung cancer (and
other conditions) in smokers with mortality in non-smokers.

ln Example 8.5, a portion of the cohort of US registered female nurses

was taken as the 'unexposed group' to examine the relationship between
oral contraceptive use and risk of developing breast cancer.
ln general population cohorts, it is possible to examine the effect of
more than one exposure. Thus, the choice of the group of people in the
cohort who wil be regarded as 'unexposed' depends on the particular
exposure under investigation. For instance, the Nurses' Health Study has
also allowed examination of the relationship between dietary total fat


=~."'~--- -,~, ~~"'~~ Cohort studies

intake and the risk of breast cancer. For this purpose, nurses were asked to
complete a dietary questionnaire and the distribution of fat intake in the
whole cohort was examined and divided into five groups of equal size
('quinties'); women in the lowest quintile of fat intake were taken as the
'unexposed group' (Wilett et aL., 1987).
ln occupational cohorts, an internaI comparison group might consist of
workers within the same facilty with other types of job not involving
exposure to the factor under investigation.

Example 8.6. A cohort of aU 14 282 workers employed at the Sellafield

plant of Britsh Nucleàr Fuels at any time between the opening of the site in
1947 and31 December 1975 was identified retrospectively (rom employ-
ment records. Employees who worked in areas of the plant where they were
'.'likely tobe exposed toexternal radiation wore film . badge dosimeters and
,. . these personaldose. records were kept by the industr. These workers were. '
. considered in the present studyas 'radiation workers', while those who Hever..
.,' wore film badgeswere taken as 'non-radiation' workers.' It was tnitially
planned to follow up the workers (rom the time they joined the workforce up
to the end of 1975, but thefollow-up period was later èxtended to the end
of 1988. The mortalityexperienced by the 'radiation workers' was then com-.
pared with that experienced by the 'non-radiation workersl (Smith
Douglas, 1986; Douglas et aL.1 1994).

ln Example 8.6, it was possible to identify a group of workers who cou

be regarded as unexposed to extemal radiation on the basis of personal dose
When the cohort is essentially homogeneous in terms of exposure to the
suspected factor, a similar but unexposed cohort, or sorne other standard of
comparison, is required to evaluate the experience of the exposed group. For
example, in sorne occupational cohorts it is not possible to identify a sub-
group of the cohort that can be considered as 'unexposed' for comparison.
ln this instance, an external comparison group must be used. A potential com-
parison group is a cohort of similar workers in another occupation which
does not involve exposure to the factor of interest. For instance, many occu-
pational exposures only occur among certain workforces and therefore it
can often be assumed that the level of exposure of other workforces is vir-
tually zero. We can therefore choose people in employment from the same
geographical area, who are not exposed to the risk factor of interest, as a
comparison group. It is important to ensure that the risk of disease in these
workforces is not affected by their own occupational exposures.
Alternatively, the general population of the geographical area in which
the exposed individuals reside may be taken as the extemal comparison
group. ln this case, the disease experience observed in the cohort is com-
pared with the disease experience of the general population at the time the
cohort is being followed. Comparison with rates in the general population

Chapter 8

avoids the need to follow up a large number of unexposed individu aIs, but
ne only for outcomes for
it has several disadvantages. First, it can be do

which such information exists for the general population. Second, it

assumes that only a very small proportion of the general population is
exposed to the risk factor of interest, otherwise the presence of the exposure
in the comparison group wil lead to a gross underestimation of its true
effect. Third, even if the general population is chosen to be as similar as pos-
sible to the exposed cohort in relation to basic demographic and geograph-
ic characteristics, it may weIl differ with respect to other risk factors for the
disease, such as diet, smoking, etc. Since this information is not available on
individu aIs in a general population, any observed differences may in fact be
due to the effects of confounding that cannot be controlled.
The advantage of using another special group of people as the external
unexposed comparison group rather than making comparison with disease
rates of the general population is that the group can be selected to be more
similar to the exposed cohort than the general population would be.
Moreover, information on potential confounding factors can be obtained
from aIl exposed and unexposed individuals in the study and differences
controlled for in the analysis.
ln many cohort studies, it may be useful to have multple comparison
groups, especially when we cannot be sure that any single group wil be suf-
ficiently similar to the exposed group in terms of the distribution of poten-
tial confounding variables. ln such circumstances, the study results may be
more convincing if a similar association were observed for a number of dif-
ferent comparison groups. For instance, with sorne occupational cohorts
both an internaI comparison group (people employed in the same factory
but having a different job) and the experience of the general population
(national and local rates) may be used.
ln Example 8.7, the aIl-cause mortality of the cohort of rubber workers
was compared with the mortality of another indus trial cohort and with local
(state) and national rates. Note that both the rubber and the steel workers
experienced lower age-specific death rates than either the state or the
national populations. This is because people who work tend to be healthier
than the general population, which includes those who are too il or dis-
abled to work (although for steel workers the difference may be due partly
to changes in mortality over time). This weIl known selection bias is called
the 'healthy worker effect.
The healthy worker effect may conceal true increases in the risk of a dis-
ease in relation to a particular exposure. It is known to vary with tye of dis-
ease, being smaller for cancer than for other major diseases, and it tends to
disappear with time since recruitment into the workforce (see Section
13.1.1). If rates in the occupational cohort remain lower than those from the
general population throughout the foIlow-up period, this is more likely to
be due to sociodemographic and lifestyle differences between the workforce
and the general population than to the selection of healthy individuals at
the time of recruitment.


Cohort studies

Age-specifie mortality rate (per 100 000 pyrs) Table 8.1.

Male age-specifie mortality rates from
Rubber worker cohort Steel worker cohort Ohio state USA ail causes in the rubber worker eohort
(1964-72) (1953-61) (1972) (1968)
852 907 940 980
and in three other eomparison groups:
steel workers, Ohio state population
2317 2166 2365
a Data fram MeMiehael et al. (1974).
and USA national population.a

b Only data for these two age-groups were available for ail the four populations.

This health selection effect is not restricted to occupational cohorts. A sim-

Har phenomenon has been observed in many other tyes of cohort study. ln
the British doctors study described in Example 8.3, those who replied to the
initial questionnaire had a much lower mortality in the first years of foIlow-
up than those who did not reply (0011 & Hil, 1954). Less health-conscious
people, or those already suffering from health problems, might have felt less
motivated to participate.
8.3 Measurement of exposure Exposed
~ No Qutcome
Measurement of the exposure(s) of interest is a Sludy population

crucial aspect in the design of a cohort study. '"


Information should be obtained on age at first expo- ~ No outcome

sure, dates at which exposure started and stopped, PAST PRESENT FUTURE
dose and pattern of exposure (intermittent versus TIME
constant), and changes over time (see Section 2.3).
Information on the exposure(s) of interest may be Exposed ~ ;-r Outcome

obtained from a number of sources, including / No Qutcome - - - - - - - - - - --0 : '.l No outcome

Study population
records co11ected independently of the study (e.g'J
medical, employment or union records); informa-
~ Outcome
Unexposed ~ ",T' Outcome
---~ No outcome - - - - - - - - - - -.; ..
tion supplied by the study subjects themselves, .. .... No Dutcome

through personal interviews or questionnaires; data PAST PRESENT FUTURE

obtained by medical examination or other testing of TIME
the participants; biological specimens; or direct
measurements of the environment in which cohort
members have lived or worked. The advantages and limitations of each of Figure 8.1.
Outline of (a) a prospective cohort
these sources were disæssed in Chapter 2. study and (b) a historical cohort study.

Chapter 8

There are two main types of cohort study, defined according to the
point in time when information on exposure was collected: present or
past. ln prospective cohort studies, data on exposure is collected now, once
the study population has been defined. ln this instance, it is possible to
use the most up-to-date methods of exposure measurement so that bias in
exposure classification can be minimized. The main disadvantage of this
type of cohort study, however, is that the time from exposure to onset of
disease (i.e., the induction period) may be too long (many decades for
most cancers). Examples 8.1 to 8.5 are examples of prospective cohort
studies which involved the follow-up of large numbers of people for very
long periods of time.
The alternative, particularly useful for conditions with long induction
periods, is to rely on exposure measurements made many years before the
study was set up, which may be available from medical, employment or
other personal records. By use of data from existing records, the time we
have to wait for the exposure to have any effect on the risk of disease may
be considerably reduced or even eliminated. This type of cohort study is
called a historical cohort study.

Example 8.8. ln the early 1950s1 Case and his co-workers set up a cohort
study to assess whether menengaged in the manufacture of certain dyestuff
intermediates had an excess risk of bladder cancer. . They began by con-
. structinga list ofàll men ..who had ever beenemployed in the chemiázl
industr in the United Kingdom for al least six months since 1920.' The age '
and the datesbetween which exposure to dyestuffoccurred were recorded. A
search was made retrospectively for all bladder cancer cases occurring among
men who had beenemployed in the chemical industri in or after 1921 unti.
1 February 1952. The number of observed bladder cancer cases among these
workers was then compared with the number that would have been expect-
ed if these workers had the samemortality experience as the general popu-
lation of the United Kingdom (Case etal.i 1954; Case & PearsonI1954).

The study described in Example 8.8 is a classic example of the use of this
historical approach. Examples 8.6 and 8.7 are also ilustrations of histori-
cal cohort studies, since both relied on preexisting employment records to
identify the cohort members and to classify them according to their expo-
sure status. Historical cohort studies are particularly useful in occupation-
al epidemiology because, if there is concern that a particular exposure may
be a hazard, it is not reasonable to wait decades for clarification in a
prospective cohort study. However, if at the time the historical cohort is
identified, a large proportion of members are stil alive, the follow-up peri-
od can be extended into the future (as in Example 8.6) to ensure that aIl
possible long-term health effects are properly assessed.
One of the main limitations of historical cohort studies is that the expo-
sure data available in past records are generally less accurate and detailed

Cohort studies

than if they were collected prospectively. Thus, in historical occupational

cohorts, for example, past exposure measurements made in the working
environment are rarely available and therefore variables such as work
assignment or membership in a union or professional society are general-
ly used to classify individual exposure. These proxy variables are, at best,
only crude markers of the true exposure levels and the available detail may
be insufficient to address adequately specific research questions. 1t is, how-
ever, unlikely that the accuracy or completeness of these records would be
different for those who developed the outcome of interest and those who
did not, since the data were recorded before the individuals developed the
outcome under study, and, in most cases, for reasons totally unrelated to
the investigation. As long as exposure misclassification is independent of
the outcome status (Le., is non-differential), it wil tend to dilute any true
association between the exposure and the outcome (see Sections 2.7 and
The historical approach can be particularly successful when biological
specimens were stored in the past, so that up-to-date laboratory tech-
niques can be used to measure past exposure. Access to serum banks, for
example, permits measurement of exposure to infectious agents (as in
Example 8.9) or chemical substances. This method minimizes inaccuracies
in past exposure measurement, but the number of such biological speci-
men banks is limited and the stabilty of the biological marker during long
periods of storage is often unknown.

ln many cohort studies, a single classification of exposure is made for

each individual at the time of his/her entry into the study. This is appro-
priate for attributes that do not change with time. Frequently, however,
changes in exposure levels for the factors of interest occur during the
course of long-term foIlow-up. 1ndividuals may change jobs, decide to
stop smoking (as in Example 8.10), or adopt a low-fat diet. It may be pos-
sible to repeat the exposure measurements at intervals during the foIlow-
up period, or information on changes may be available from historical
records, allowing the risk of developing the disease to be studied in

Chapter 8

relation both to the initial exposure status and to subsequent changes.

There may be other reasons for re-assessing the exposure status of the
study subjects, particularly in long-term prospective studies. More refined
methods of measuring the exposures of interest may become available in
the course of the study or new scientific information about the disease
may indicate the importance (or desirabilty) of measuring additional vari-
ables that were not measured initiaIly.

Table 8.2.
Smoking habits of male participants in
the British doctors study who replied to
the 1951 and 1990-91
questionnaires. a

Smoking habits, 1990-91

Non- Former Current smoker
h ab'
its,smoker smoker
Cigarette Cigarette Pipe or No. (%) in
1951 only and other cigar 1951
2361 198 17 4 86 2666
o 1374 10 3 66 1453
Current smoker
Cigarettes only 0 3355 535 47 44 433 (41)
Cigarettes and other 0 897 74 31 308 1310 (12)
Pipe or cigar 0 695 16 2 287 1000 (9)
No. (%) in 1990-91 2361 (22) 6519 (60) 652(6) 87(1) 1193(11) 10812 (100)
a Data from 0011 et al. (1994a).

ln Example 8.10, there were marked changes in the smoking habits of

the male British doctors during the 40-year foIlow-up period (Table 8.2).
Sixty-two per cent of the male doctors reported to be current smokers in
1951. The corresponding figure in 1990-91 was only 18%. Such changes
in exposure status can be taken into account in the analysis of cohort stud-
ies (see Section 8.7).

8.4 Measurement of potential confounding variables

Cohort studies are observational studies and therefore participants are
not randomly allocated to the various exposure categories. This may lead
to differences between the groups in terms of exposures other than the
one being studied. This is of importance only if these other exposures are
also risk factors for the particular disease (or other outcome) under study,
Cohort studies

Le., if these exposures are confounding variables. Thus, if we are studying

an occupational exposure in relation to lung cancer, it is necessary to be
sure that the 'exposed' and 'unexposed' groups have a similar smoking
history. If they do not, statistical adjustment for differences in smoking
must be made (see Chapters 13 and 14). ln order to carry out this adjust-
ment, data on smoking for each individual are required. These data must
be as accurate as possible and of similar quality to the data on the expo-
sure of primary interest.
ln historical cohort studies, information on confounding factors is fre-
quently missing. This is one of their main limitations. For instance, in
many of the historical occupational cohorts set up to investigate the rela-
tionship between asbestos exposure and respiratory cancers, information
on smoking habits was not available. ln contrast, the collection of data on
potential confounders can be built into the design of most prospective
cohort studies, except when local or national rates are ta ken as the unex-
posed comparison group.

8.S Measurement of outcome(s)

A major advantage of cohort studies is that it is possible to examine the
effect of a particular exposure on multiple outcomes.
Many cohort studies make use of existing routine surveilance systems to
ascertain the outcomes of interest. Such systems include cancer registries,
death certification and other specialized surveilance systems. They allow trac-
ing of study subjects and ascertainment of their outcomes at much lower cost
than if it is necessary to personaIly contact the subjects. However, it is only
possible to examine outcomes of the tye which are recorded routinely by
these systems and according to the way in which they are coded there. This is
particularly important in studies that last for several decades, since major
changes may be introduced during the study period in the way diseases are
ascertained and coded by these surveilance systems (see Appendix A.2.2).
When no form of disease surveilance system exists, or when the outcome
m, sorne form of surveilance of
of interest is not routinely recorded by the

disease within the cohort has to be set up. For instance, the ascertainment
of the outcomes of interest may be do ne through self-administered ques-
tionnaires sent regularly to aIl study subjects, through personal interviews,
or by regular physical examination of aIl members of the cohort.
Regardless of the method chosen to as certain the outcome(s) of interest,
it is vital to ensure that it is used identically for subjects exposed and those
not exposed. If possible, interviewers and any other persons involved in the
ascertainment of the outcomes should be kept blind to the exposure status
of the study subjects. Otherwise, there is potential to introduce measure-
ment bias (see Section 13.1.2).
Cohort studies focus on disease development. ln order for a disease to
develop, it must, of course, be absent at the time of entry into the study. An
initial examination of the potential study population may be required to
identify and exclude existing cases of disease. Even so, it may stil be impos-

Chapter 8

sible to be absolutely certain that aIl individuals were disease-free at entry to

the study, particularly for conditions with a long latent period (Le., with a
long interval from disease initiation to onset of clinical symptoms and
signs). It is therefore usual to exclude disease events occurring during sorne
time period immediately following entry into the study. For cancer, this is
often the first 2-3 years of follow-up.

8.6 Follow-up
The criteria for entry into the cohort must be defined before the start of the
study in a clear and unambiguous way. Individuals should enter the
cohort, and contribute person-time at risk, only after aIl the entry crite-
ria have been satisfied. ln most cohort studies, participants wil join the
cohort at different points in time and therefore the exact date of entry of
each subject should be recorded.
Methods must be set up at the start of the study to ensure adequate fol-
low-up of the study subjects. ln general, these involve periodic contacts
with the individuals su Ils or mailed ques-
ch as home visits, telephone ca

tionnaires. Cohort studies of conditions which have a long induction

period require foIlow-up of a very large number of subjects over many
years. This is obviously a huge and costly enterprise. To minimize these
diffculties, many cohorts are defined in terms of membership of a par-
ticular group (professional body, occupational pension plan, union,
health insurance plan, coIlege alumni), in which the study population
can be more easily followed. Any routine surveilance system that exists
rnay be used to trace and foIlow up the study subjects at much lower cost
than if the investigators had to contact them personaIly.
The criteria for exit from the cohort should also be clearly defined. A
date should be specified as the end of the foIlow-up period (at least for
the current analysis). For instance, if death is the outcome of interest, the
vital status on that date must be ascertained for aIl cohort mernbers. AlI
subjects whose vital status is known at that date should contribute per-
son-time at risk until that date (or until their date of death if it occurred
earlier). Those whose vital status is not known at that date should be con-
sidered as 'lost to foIlow-up' and the last date for which their vital status
was known should be taken as the end of their contribution to person-
time at risk.
It is essential that as high a proportion of people in the cohort as pos-
sible is followed up. Sorne people wil migra te, sorne die and sorne change
employment, but every effort should be made to ascertain their out-
come(s). AIl of these factors may be influenced by the exposure and so
incomplete foIlow-up may introduce selection bias (see Section 13.1.1).

8.7 Analysis
The first step in the analysis of a cohort study is to measure the incidence of
disease (or of any other outcome of interest) in those exposed and in those
unexposed and compare them.


¡ \.-.
L '~....

Cohorl studies

Table 8.3.
Exposure Analysis of a cohorl study (a) by risks;
(b) by rates.
Yes No
Outcome Yes a b
No c d
Risk in exposed group (P1) = a/(a+c)
Risk in unexposed group (Po) = bl(b+d)
Risk ratio = P11Po

Risk difference8 = P1 - Po

Yes ~o
Cases a b
Person-lime at risk Y1 Yo
Rate in exposed group (r1) = a/Y1
Rate in unexposed group (ro) = blyo
Rate ratio = r11ro

Rate difference8 = r1 - ro
8 If the exposure is protective, the risk and rate differences should be calculated as Po - P1 or
ro - r1, respectively (see Section 5.2.2)

If aIl, or virtally aIl, cohort members were foIlowed up for the same peri-
od of time, we can calculate risk as the measure of disease occurrence in each
group (Table 8.3(a)). For example, if the period is uniformly five years, the five-
year risk can be computed separately for the exposed and unexposed groups.
Risk ratio and risk difference can then be calculated as measures of relative and
absolute effect, respectively.
If study subjects have unequal foIlow-up periods, this must be taken into
account in the analysis. FoIlow-up durations may differ markedly if subjects
were recruited into the study population over a relatively long period of time,
or if sorne were lost to foIlow-up during the course of the study (for example,
by moving out of the area). One way of handIing variable foIlow-up periods
is to calculate rates which use person-years at risk (or person-months or per-
son-days, etc.) as the denominator (Table 8.3
(b)). With this approach, each
subject contributes to the population at risk only as many years of observation
as he/she is actually observed; thus if the subject leaves after one year, he/she
contributes 1 person-year; if after 10, 10 person-years (see Section 4.2.2).
People may contribute person-years of observation to more than one sub-
group. Suppose, for example, that in a five-year study, disease incidence is
determined for each lO-year age subgroup. A person entering the cohort when
he or she reaches the age of 48 years wil contribute 2 person-years of obser-
vation to the 40-9 year-old subgroup and 3 person-years of observation to
the 50-59 year-old subgroup (see Section 4.3.2). This may also happen with
exposure categories if the study subjects change their exposure status over
time. For instance, a person may be a smoker for a few years and then give up.


Chapter 8

" , .".. ,-,'_n- _,'U,',' ; ""_'"' _, _ '-, " _ c-'-.,'

_ _'," ,_ .',_ ' '-',
" ,::,,'.. ,-:-',:,':_:: ::",-)-_::,,--,~---~':-:, ,--," - ,', ':':'-'-',:"_.-'.:,::;.,'"'-,':'-,.,',, :':,.',,''-,-,)'-: :=-'-'--.','."-:.,,'-""'--:---,:,:-:-""'.,. ',":':"'_
,,- -",,-' ',' '-'", . ,-'.-, :".-.,::
._'; ,:: -:,:___,:;:.,.,_'i_,"
"c ,,_:.:

Example 8.1L. Jh~N' esrHealth Studydescribed inExample 8.5isa

cohortstudyofl21:70. ferrrql~régistereanurses aged 30-:55 years wh~n .
'the cohortWasestabli~heinmid-1976.A totalor1799 newly diagnosëd
breastcancerccises wer~tdeÝltified duringthe
0 yearsoffollow~up (rom.
mid-197 6to .. mid-1986. Analyses were thenconduCted to irivestigate the
. relåtionship .betWeen(Jral. çontraceptivéuseandrisk ofbr~astcarièer.. On the
baseline questionriåir~in mid-1976;thëfoiiowingquestion wasasked:"If
you are now using or have used oral contråceptivès, please indicate intervals
of oral contraceptive use starting(rorn first'use and continuing until the pre-
senttime.' If applicable" please indicate reasons for stoppingll. The sa me
question tYasasked on subsequentbiennial fOll(jW-up questionnaires. .
lrìTeslJonseto thel?76 questionnairei 713ßwomen reported that they
wereusing oralcontraceptives:Responses to-the 19781 19801 and 1982
questionnairesshowedJhåt 2:399,c 1.1681 and 302womtni respec.ivelrl were
" stil using ordI.contrac;efttives; ln 19841 none. orthe wom?n were cùrrent
users.....,'.' ...'.....,.... ....,.,.....'..., .....'.,. ". '.
Theinformationgiven inthe 1976questi011naire was used to classify
nursès according to categories of oral contraceptiveuse('non-usersli 'past.
usersl and'currentusers') and each nursestartedcontributing person-time at
risk to that category.. Similarlyl . for " each . subsequent. two-yearintervali
women contrbuted additional person-tim~ of.follow~up' toeach updated
report of oral cor¡traceptive use., The follow-up of women who ileveloped .
, breast' cpnCet.wastlncatild at the. time th~ir breast amcer' ivas . diagnosed

(Ròmieu~.t aL1 j9891:.,.... '., . ". .' .. .,..

ln Example 8.11, women who changed their oral contraceptive status

during the follow-up period would have contributed person-time at risk to
different exposure categories. For instance, a woman who began using oral
contraceptives at the start of 1978 and stopped by the end of 1984 would
have contributed approximately 1.5 person-years to the non-user catego-
ry (from the start of the study in mid-1976 to the end of 1977), 7 person-
years to the current user category (from the start of 1978 to the end of
1984), and 1.5 person-years to the past user category (from the start of
1985 until the end of the foIlow-up in mid-1986). If that woman had
developed breast cancer at the end of 1982, her person-time contribution
would have been 1.5 person-years to the non-user category but only 5 per-
son-years to the current user category (her person-time contribution
would have been stopped at the time she developed breast cancer).
The outcomes of interest also need to be allocated to the diferent expo-
sure categories. ln our previous example, the breast cancer case should
have been allocated to the current user category since it occurred during
the time the woman was contributing person-years to this category. Once
the person-time at risk and the outcomes are allocated to the relevant
exposure categories, it is possible to estimate breast cancer incidence rates
for each oral contraceptive use category by dividing the number of breast
Cohort studies

cancer cases in each category by the corresponding total number of per-

son-years (Example 8.12).
The results in Example 8.12 show that there was no statistically signifi-
cant difference in the incidence of breast cancer between ever-users (past
and current users were pooled in this analysis) and never-users of oral con-

Oral contraceptive use Table 8.4.

Ever (current or past use) Never Distribution of breast cancer cases and
person-years at risk among US female
Cases 204 240 444 nurses aged 45-49 years at the lime
Person-years at risk 94 029 128 528 222 557 of their entry into the cohort according
Rate per 1 00 000 pyrs 217 187 to oral contraceptive use. a
a Data fram Romieu et al. (1989)

Rate ratio = 217 per 100 000 pyrs/187 per 100 000 pyrs = 1.16
95% confidence for the rate ratio = 0.96 to 1.40
Rate difference = 217 per 100 000 pyrs - 187 per 100 000 pyrs = 30 per 100 000 pyrs
95% confidence interval for the rate difference = - 8 to 68 per 100 000 pyrs
X2 = 2.48; 1 d.f.; P=0.12.

(Test statistics and confidence intervals were calculated using the formulae given in
Appendix 6.1).

Most often the exposures we are interested in can be further classified

into various levels of intensity. Smokers may be classified by number of
cigarettes smoked per day, oral contraceptive users by total duration of
use, and occupational exposures by intensity of exposure (often esti-
mated indirectly from data on type of job or place of work in the facto-
ry) or duration of employment. If various levels of exposure are used in
the cohort, we can examine trends of disease incidence by level of expo-
sure. The conclusions from a study are strengthened if there is a trend
of increasing risk (or decreasing, if the exposure is protective) with
increasing level of exposure (Le., if there is an exposure-response rela-
ln Example 8.13, non-users of oral contraceptives were taken as the
unexposed baseline category. Rate ratios for each timing and duration cat-
egory were calculated by dividing their respective rates by the rate of the
baseline category. Thus, the rate ratio for current users who had used oral
contraceptives for 48 or less months was calculated as 1220 per 100000
pyrs/187 per 100 000 pyrs = 6.52 (95% confidence interval 2.43-17.53)
(Table 8.5). This result suggests that risk might be raised among current

Chapter 8

Exarnple8.J3. InExample 8.11, the. risk ofdeveIopingbreastcançer Was

als() , examined.. according to timing and duration of oral contraceptive iise

(fable 8.5). . .
Table 8.5. Timing Cases Person- Rate (per Rate ratio
Incidence of breast cancer among Duration of use years 100000 pyrs) (95% confidence interval)
nurses aged 45-49 years at the time
their entry into the cohort by timing
Non-usersb 240
Current users
128 528 187 1.00
and duration of oral contraceptive
use.a S; 48 months 4 328 1220 6.52 (2.43-17.53)
:: 48 months 4 2263 177 0.95 (0.35-2.55)
X2 test for trend = 0.46; P = 0.50
Past usersc
S; 48 months 106 54 080 196 1.05 (0.84-1.32)
:: 48 months 86 36 039 239 1.28 (1.00-1.64)
X2 test for trend = 3.33; P = 0.07
. a Data fram Romieu et al. (1989).
b Taken as the baseline category.
C Information on duration is missing for four past users.
(The 95% confidence intervals and the X2 test for a linear trend in rates were calculated
, using the formulae given in Appendix 6.1.)

short-term users, but this estimate was based on only four breast cancer
cases (hence, the wide confidence interval).
To assess whether there was a linear (positive or negative) trend in rates
with increasing duration of use, a special statistical test (X2 test for a linear
trend) was performed separately for current and past users (using the for-
mula given in Section A6.1.3). There was moderate evidence of a positive
trend among past users, but no evidence of a linear trend among current
users (Table 8.5).
It should be noted that the shape of an exposure-response relationship
does not have to be linear. This is clearly ilustrated in Example 8.14. For
instance, the relationship between alcohol consumption and aH-cause
mortality (Figure 8.2(a)) is U-shaped, with men who reported drinking
8-14 units of alcohol a week having the lowest mortality. By contrast, the
relationship between alcohol consumption and mortality from alcohol-
related disorders (Figure 8.2(b)) is basicaHy linear, with a progressive
increase in mortality with increasing alcohol consumption among regular
drinkers. Thus, lack of a linear trend (as assessed by the X2 test for trend)
does not imply absence of a relationship. The form of an exposure-out-
come relationship should primarily be identifed by plotting the data as in
Figure 8.2. If the shape is suggestive of a non-linear trend, special statisti-
cal procedures, which are outside the scope of this book, should be used
to assess its statistical significance.
Since the allocation of the study subjects to the different exposure cat-
egories is not random in cohort studies, the exposure groups are likely to
differ in many respects other than the exposure of interest. These differ-
ences rnust be taken into account in the analysis. For instance, age is an

Cohort studies

Figure 8.2.
40 (a) Ali causes (b) Alcohol-augmented causes Male mortality from various causes by
344t weekly alcohol consumption: (a) ail
1486 6
causes; (b) conditions known to be
,585 + +413 alcohol-related (e.g., cancers of the
, 383
liver, mouth, pharynx, oesophagus and
'675 442 4 ~¡ larynx, cirrhosis, alcoholism, and exter-
nal causes); (e) ischaemic heart dis-
2 t 19 t" ease; (di other known causes (cere-
brovascular diseases, respiratory dis-
+32 t26 eases, ail other cancers not included in
0 0 (b), and others). Points and bars are
rates and 95% confidence intervals
15 f~.'''.m¡' "".rt d¡.oo~ 30 (d) Other causes adjusted for age, smoking habits and
history of previous disease; the values
are numbers of deaths (reproduced, by
10 +206 l
,235 f 127 87t
20 t 290
2171 permission of BMJ Publishing Group,
from DolI et al., 1994b).
,344 , +237+241
125 111 '387 272
5 10

o 21 42 63 o 21 42 63
Weekly alcohol consumption

Weekly alcohol consumption

(British unitsa) (British unitsa)

a 1 unit = half pint (237 mL) of ordinary beer or one glass (125 mL) of wine or one glass
(62 mL) of sherry or a glass (26 mL) of spirits.

important confounding factor of the relationship between oral contracep-

tive use and breast cancer, since it is strongly associated with oral contra-
ceptive use, and it is in itself an independent risk factor for breast cancer.
Thus differences In the age distribution between women in different oral
contraceptive categories may distort the relationship between oral contra-
ceptive use and breast cancer incidence. To minimize this potential con-
founding effect, we deliberately restricted the analysis in Examples 8.12
and 8.13 to a narrow age-stratum (women aged 45-49 years at the time of
their entry into the cohort). It is, however, possible (and desirable) to
obtain summary measures (for aIl ages combined) that are 'adjusted' for
age and any other potential confounding variable by using more complex



Chapter 8

statistical methods. Standardization is one of these methods, as we shall

see below. The interpretation of these 'adjusted summary measures' is sim-
ilar, regardless of the method used. ln Example 8.14 (and Figure 8.2), rates
were adjusted for age and smoking habits. This means that differences in
mortality between the different alcohol consumption categories cannot be
explained by differences in their age or smoking distributions, provided
the measurements of these confounding variables were valid. These issues
are discussed further in Chapters 13 and 14.
Another common method of presenting the results of cohort studies,
particularly those based on the disease experience of the general popula-
tion as the comparison group, is to calculate standardized mortality (or inci-
dence) ratios (see Section 4.3.3). Imagine that a total of 24 deaths from
lung cancer were observed among a cohort of 17 800 male asbestos insu-
lators. This observed number (0) is then compared with the number that
would have been expected (E) if the cohort had the same age-specific
mortality rates from lung cancer as the whole male population resident
in the same area. Calculations similar to those shown in Section 4.3.3
indicate that only seven deaths would have been expected. Thus, the
SMR is equal to OIE = 24/7 = 3.4 (or 340 if the SMR is expressed as a per-
centage). This measure is, in fact, an age-adjusted rate ratio. ln this exam-
pIe, asbestos insulators were 3.4 times more likely to die from lung can-
cer than the entire male population resident in the same area, and this
difference in mortality is not due to diferences in the age-structure
between the cohort and the general population. A similar approach was
used in Example 8.15. Although this method is often used to adjust for
age, it can also be used to adjust for any other confounding variable (e.g.,
calendar time, smoking habits). Statistical tests and 95% confidence
intervals for an SMR can be calculated as shown in Sections A6.1.2 and
Another way of analysing cohort data, which also takes into account
different lengths of foIlow-up, is to use survival analysis methods. These
are discussed in Chapter 12.

8.8 Cohort studies with nested case-control studies

ln a traditional cohort study, aIl study individuals are subjected to the
same procedures-interviews, health examinations, laboratory measure-
ments, etc-at the time of their entry into the study and throughout the
foIlow-up period. Alternatively, a cohort may be identified and followed
up until a sufficient number of cases develop. More detailed information
is then collected and analysed, but only for the 'cases' and for a sam
of the disease-free individuals ('contraIs'), not for aIl members of the
cohort. This type of case-control study conducted within a fixed cohort
is called a nested case-control study (see Chapter 9). This approach is par-
ticularly useful if complex and expensive procedures are being applied.
For instance, blood samples for aIl members of the cohort can be collect-
ed at the time of entry and frazen. However, only the blood samples of


Cohort studies

, , "'-'-", .: -,--' -'" " --' ,¡Jle8,lS. ln the occupatiotial cohortdescribed in,ExampleBJ1 the
mortalitytxperience of 6678inale rubber workerswås compared with that
of the 1968 US male population (McMicháèlet àl:,1974). Mortality (rom
selected .causes of death is shown in Table 8.6. '
:, ", ,;,' ,-', ";-,:,-,,,,".;",':,' .:,-",,'. :., ,,:'~:/', ~',"~'-",: ':: : ",- , ,:' _,: - --,~' :., -: ,:", . ::' :.: -;' : ': -': - '.',: ':',' ,:', ,:' .' :,_ -; ';""::.~ ',." -c"- ',' -, -' :-: .'... ,', .

Obseived Expeted SMR (%) Table 8.6.

deaths (0) deaths (E)b (100 X O/Ec Mortality fram selected causes of
489 524.9 death among a cohort of male rubber
93 85-102
workers. a

110 108.9 101 83-122

Ali malignant neoplasms 108 107.3 100 82-120

a Data from McMichael et al., 1974).
b Expected deaths calculated on the basis of the US male age-specifie death rates, 1968.
c P;; 0.10 for ail the SMRs shown in the table.

(Test statistics and confidence intervals were calculated using the formulae given in
Appendix 6.1.)

the cases (Le., those individuals in the cohort who contract the disease
under study) and of a subgroup of individuals who remained disease-free
(the controls), are analysed at the end of the foIlow-up.
,..--.:--"., "-;-',., , ,',' .--,

Exampie 8.16.Inl'
, 'west&ile bistr,.trio
"Epstetll':Båtrvirus" .
obtained (rom. each chUd. gt '
the fOllQw-up in1979,16né
a,mongthecohortme' S~.'
, pletakena(entrfro,
elsin the serâof fouf,'
in the neighbourhood'
who''nofdevel()p thèdiseàs.e.

ln Example 8.16, blood samples were obtained and stored from aIl
42 000 children who participated in the study but the rather complex and
expensive virus tests were carried out only on the serum samples from the
16 children who developed the lymphoma and from asample of about 80
selected disease-free members who acted ascontrols.
Similarly, in nutritional cohort studies, food dia
ries may be used to me a-
sure the subjects' usualdietary intake. As the coding and analysis of food
diaries is very labour-intensive, a nested case-control study may be con-
ducted in which only the diaries of the cases and of a sample of disease-
free members of the cohort (' controls') are examined.

Chapter 8

This type of study design and the analysis of its data are discussed fur-
ther in Sections 9.3 and 9.5.

8.9 Interpretation
The main advantage of cohort studies is that the time sequence between
exposure to a factor and occurrence of the disease is clearly observed.
Cohort studies may, however, suffer from important bias. Knowledge
of the presence or absence of exposure to a particular factor may affect
the subsequent assessment of disease and introduce measurement bias.
This can occur if the decision as to the presence or absence of disease is
made by persons who are aware of the subjects status with regard to the
study factor. Cohort studies are also potentially prone to selection bias
due to loss of study subjects. Such losses may occur initially if a portion
of the target study population does not participate, or later on as me m-
bers of the study population are lost to follow-up. These losses do not
necessarily invalidate the study. However, the investigators should con-
sider whether the reasons for loss might have affected the study results.
Sometimes it is possible to gather information concerning lost subjects,
particularly about whether they left because of ilness or death possibly
related to the exposures and outcomes under investigation.
As with any other observational study, confounding is a critical issue in
the interpretation of cohort studies. Special statistical techniques can be
used to take into account the effect of potential confounding variables,
but only if these variables were known at the time of the data collection
and if they were properly measured. If these data were not collecte di we
have to judge how much the observed findings are likely to have been
affected by confounding in the light of aIl available biological and epi-
demiological evidence.
ln Example 8.17, uranium miners had significantly elevated mortality
for cancers at three sites relative to the general population (Table 8.7).
Before concluding that these raised risks are due to exposures in the
mines, we need to consider alternative explanations for the observed
findings. A possible explanation for the high risk of lung cancer among
miners is that they were heavier smokers than the general population.
No information on smoking habits was available for the miners, but a
survey of 697 men in other Czech uranium mines in 1974 showed that
76% were smokers, slightly more than the average (66%) for
Czechoslovakian males at that time (see Tomášek et aL. (1994)). The
results from this survey indicate that differences in smoking habits are
unlikely to have fully accounted for the estimated five-fold higher lung
cancer risk in the miners th an in the general population. Moreover, Table
8.8 (Example 8.18) shows that there was a signifcant positive trend of
mortality from lung cancer with increasing cumulative exposure to
radon. This trend provides considerable support for a true association
between exposure to radon and lung cancer. Similar findings have been
found in other radon-exposed miners.

Cohort studies

Ex(lmlJl~8.1ZA.cohortofuranium miners in wester Bohemia wasidemtified

by çi ratrospective search in1970 of employment records. Workers were eligible
(or~lLtg .il1tqtheStudy .iß (a). they started to. work .undergrounci dyringJ94a-59;
(h) ..thtJwq.rkecithere forat least.four years;.and(c)personnelal1d.erpIQy¡ent
recordswere pvailable. A total of4320 minerswereeligible. Theywere exposed
to highradonlevelsi. clust andi . in one of the. twolljor mines1also high levels
of arsenic. The rnortality experenæ orthese. miners up to tfie erid 0(1990
(an average of 25 years offollow-up) was then compared withthatofthe gen-
eral population of the former Czechoslovakia.. Information on the smoking
alcohol drinking habits of the miners wasnotavailable(lomášeketaL/19931
1994JMortalityin this cohort (rom selected cancersites is showninTableB.7.
Observed deaths Expected deaths
Table 8,7
SMR (O/E)b
Cause of ,.death Number of observed deaths (0) from
------~ (0) (E)b (95% confidence interval) selected cancer sites in the West
Lung cancer 704 138.6 5.08 (4.71-5.47) Bohemian uranium miners cohort com-
Liver cancer 22 13.2 pared with the number expected (E) if
1.67 (1.04-2.52)
the miners had the same mortality as
Cancer of gallbladder 12 5.3 2.26 (1.16-3.94) the general male population of the for-
and extrahepatic mer Czechoslovakia.a
bile ducts
a Data fram Tomášek et al. (1993).
b Expected number of deaths (E) calculated using national male age-specifie
mortaliy rates for the former Czechoslovakia

ExaniPle 8.18. ln the cohort of uranium minerstkscrbedînExarr'Ele8.JZithe

cuniulative exposure to radon gas (andits progeny)yvast-sti11QteciforeqclJ\11iner

The exposurei measured in ten of 'workingleyelmol1thsl(t¥LM)lyvas\Halçu.-

lated by considering the time spent in each mineshafUnconjunclionwíthiabout
39 000 shaft-speäfic measurements ofradon~asrnaciein1. 949--~.(lomgŠeket
aL/.1993).Mortlity according to exposureleyelsisshownínyabla.B.8.

Site _,~"E~,!ulative radon exposure ~~ P-value for Table 8.8.

0:110 110-149 150-209 210-329 ~330 trend Number of observed deaths (0) and
__'~~T~¥~~~~~~~'~____._,-..,___.__,~._,-,~_~~~.....__.~_." standardized mortality ratio (OIE) from
Lung cancer 0 86 100 139 161 181 0:0.001 selected cancers by cumulative radon
OIEb 3.07 3.66 4.98 6.23 8.10 exposu re. a

o 7 3 4 5 3 0.57
OIEb 2.70 1.18 1.53 2.04 1.40

o a 2 1 3 6 0.003
gallbladder OIE b 0.00 1.92 0.93 3.03 6.73
and extrahepatic
bile ducts
a Data fram Tomášek et
al. (1993)
b Expected number of deaths (E) calculated using national male age-specifie
mortality rates for the former Czechoslovakia.


Chapter 8

There was also a positive trend in mortality from gaIlbladder and extra-
hepatic bile duct cancer with increasing levels of cumulative exposure to
radon (Table 8.8), but there is little supporting evidence in favour of this
finding from other epidemiological studies, and further investigation is
needed. By contras t, mortality froID liver cancer did not increase with
cumulative radon exposure, making it unlikely that the excess in the min-
ers was caused by radon. No information was available on the alcohol con-
sumption of the miners, but they were weIl paid compared with other
Czech workers and, therefore, it is likely that their alcohol consumption
was higher than in the general population. They also had a significant
excess of deaths from liver cirrhosis, probably caused by alcohol con-
sumption and, for six of the liver cancer deaths, cirrhosis was also men-
tioned on the death certifcate (Tomášek et aL., 1993).
The issues that need to be addressed in interpreting results froID cohort
studies are further discussed in Chapter 13.

Cohorl studies

Further reading
. . '. .,:' - .,- .' .' B.ox, 8.1.. Key issues' ..... . , _' .... ~
.. Cohort studies are studies in which subjects are selected on the basis of their * The book by Breslow & Day
exposure status and then follow~d up in time. ln contrast with intervention stud- (1987) provides a very compre-
ies, however, the allocation of exposure is not determined by the investigators. hensive coverage of the role,
design, analysis and interpreta-
· Themaiil advantages of thistypeofstudy are: tion of cohort studies in cancer
epidemiology. Some of the mate-
1. Exposure is measurèd betore disease onset and is thereforelikely to rial is presented at a relatively
be unbiased in terms ofdisease development. advanced levaI.

2. Rare exposures'.can' he examined appropriate selection of study * Discussion of the healthy work-
cohorts. er effect can be found in papers
by Carpenter (1987) and
3,Multiple outcomes(diseases) c:anbestudied forany one exposure. McMichael (1976).

4. Incidence ofdisease can be measured In the exposed and unexposed


· Themain disadvantages of this typeofstudy are:

1. Theycan be very expensive and time-consuming, particularly if con-

ducted prospectively.

2. Changes in exposure status and in diagnostic criteria over time can

affect the classification of individualsaccording to exposure and dis-
ease status.
. "--'-, - ,.
. 3. Ascertainment of outcome may be influenced by knowledge of the
sùbjects exposure status (information bias).

4. Losses to follow-up may introduce selection bias.

· Cohort studiesin cancerepidemiology generallyinvolve the follow-up of a large

number of îndividuals for long periodsof time. They therefore tend to be very
expensive and time-consuming. Various approaches may be used to reduce the
costs: . . .

Chapter 9
Case-control studies

A case-control study involves the identification of individuals with

('cases') and without ('controls') a particular disease or condition. The
prevalence (or level) of exposure to a factor is then measured in each
group. If the prevalence of exposure among cases and controls is different,
it is possible to infer that the exposure may be associated with an
increased or decreased occurrence of the outcome of interest (see Section

ln Example 9.1, women with endometrial cancer ('cases') or without

('controls') were identified and information on their past use of conju-
gated estrogens ('exposure') was extracted from hospital and other med-
ical records. The prevalence of use of conjugated estrogens was much
higher among the cases (39%) than among the controls (20%), suggest-
ing that the use of this drug was associated with an increase in the inci-
dence of endometrial cancer.
The major difference between cohort and case-control methods is in
the selection of the study subjects. ln a cohort study, we start by select-
ing subjects who are initially free of disease and classify them according
to their exposure to putative risk factors (see Chapter 8), whereas in a
case-control study, we identify subjects on the basis of presence or
absence of the disease (or any other outcome) under study and determine
past exposure to putative risk factors.
Case-control studies are particularly suitable for the study of relatively
rare diseases with long induction period, such as cancer. This is because a
case-control study starts with subjects who have already developed the
condition of interest, so that there is no need to wait for time to elapse

Chapter 9

between exposure and the occurrence of disease, as in prospective cohort

studies. Historical cohort studies allow similar savings in time, but can be
conducted only in the rare situations when past records with data on rel-
evant exposures have been kept or when banks of biological specimens
have been properly stored and appropriate laboratory assays are available
for measurement of the exposures of interest.

9.1 Study hypothesis

As with any other type of study, the specific hypothesis under
investigation must be clearly stated before a case-control study is designed
in detail. Failure to do this can lead to poor design and problems in inter-
pretation of results. Case-control studies allow the evaluation of a wide
range of exposures that might relate to a specific disease (as weIl as

possible interactions between them). Example 9.2 clearly ilustrates this
_.... ," ,- ,,' ", ..... '-" .-.--'.-".,--:'.:'.'..,.-'-----.::.,-"" - ,.,. . -, . . ,
Example.9.2. A population-based case-control studywas carried out in'
Spain and. Colombia. to assess the relationship betweencervical cancer and
exposure to human papilomavirus (HP V), selected aspects of sexual and.
reproductive behaviour, use of oral contraceptives,screening praètices, smok-
ing' and possible interactions between them. The study íncltided.436 inci-
dent cases of histologically confirmed invasivesquamous~cell carcínomaof
the cervix and.387 controls of similarage randomlyselèdedJrom thegener~
al populationthat generated the. cases (Muñozèt aL/1992a). . " '

Case-control studies often constitute one of the first approaches to

study the etiology of a disease or condition, as in Example 9.3. This is
partly because of their abilty to look at a wide range of exposures and
partly because they can be conducted relatively cheaply and quickly.

The results from these exploratory case-control studies may suggest spe-
cific hypotheses which can th en be tested in specifically designed studies.

9.2 Definition and selection of cases

9.2.1 Case definition

Precise criteria for the definition of a case are essential. It is usually
advisable to require objective evidence that the cases really suffer from


¡ \''-
.. ~'.i...
Case-control studies

the disease or condition of interest, even if, as a result, sorne true cases
have to be eliminated. For instance, a histologically confirmed diagnosis
should be required for most cancers. By accepting less weIl documented
cases, the investigator runs the risk of diluting the case group with sorne
non-cases and lessening the chances of finding real exposure differences
between cases and controls.
It is sometimes impossible to eliminate aIl cases whose diagnosis is not
properly documented, particularly if the pool of available cases is rela-
tively small. ln these circumstances, it may be possible to classify the
cases according to diagnostic certainty. Such classification allows assess-
ment of the extent to which the results are likely to be affected by disease
rnisclassification (see Chapter 13). Suppose, for instance, that cases in a
particular case-control study are classified as 'definite', 'probable' or 'pos-
sible'. If there is disease misclassification, a graduaI decline in relative risk
froID the 'definite' to the 'possible' category should become apparent in
the analysis, since the probabilty that non-cases may have been mis di-
agnosed as cases increases from the 'definite' to the 'possible' category.
The case definition should be established in such a way that there is no
ambiguity about types of cases and stages of disease to be included in, or
excluded from, the study. The choice of cases should be guided more by
concern for validity than for generalizabilty. For example, in a study of
breast cancer, we may learn more by limiting the cases (and the controls)
to either pre- or post-menopausal women than by including women of aIl
ages (unless the number of cases in each group is large enough to allow
separate analyses), since the risk factors for pre- and post-menopausal
breast cancers may be different. By ensuring that the cases are a relative-
ly hornogeneous group, we maximize the chances of detecting important
etiological relationships. The abilty to generalize results to an entire pop-
ulation is usually less important than establishing an etiological relation-
ship, even if only for a small subgroup of the population.
Cases should also be restricted to those who have sorne reasonable pos-
sibilty of having had their disease induced by the exposure under inves-

Chapter 9

ln Example 9.4, cases were restricted to women bom since the 1920s
because only women born since then could have been exposed to the fac-
tor of interest (oral contraceptives).
Although most case-control studies include only one case group, it is
possible to study simultaneously two or more cancers whose risk factors
are thought to share the same, or related, risk factors. Example 9.4 ilus-
trates this point. Such multiple-disease case-control studies may be regard-
ed as a series of case-control studies. This approach provides two main
advantages. First, it provides the possibilty of studying more th an one
cancer for relatively little extra cost. Second, the control groups may be
combined to give each case-control comparison increased statistical
power, that is, the abilty of the study to detect a true effect, if one reaIly
exists, is enhanced because of the larger number of controls per case (see
Chapter 15).
If the disease or condition of interest is very rare, the study may have to
be carried out in various participating centres, possibly located in various
countries. The study cited in Example 9.4 was conducted in 10 centres in
eight countries. Despite this, only 122 newly diagnosed liver cancers were
accrued during the seven-year study period. Sorne studies deliberately
include participating centres from low- and high-incidence areas to assess
whether the risk factors are similar. For instance, the cervical cancer study
mentioned in Example 9.2 was conducted in Colombia and Spain, coun-
tries with an eight-fold difference in cervical cancer incidence (Muñoz et
aL., 1992a).
The eligibility criteria should include not only a clear case definition but
also any other inclusion criteria (Example 9.5). Persons who are too il to
cooperate or for whom the study procedures may cause considerable phys-
ical or psychological distress should be excluded. It is also usual to exclu de
elderly people in cancer case-control studies because their diagnosis is like-
ly to be less valid and because of their diffculty in recallng past exposures.

UsuaIly, the inclusion of aIl patients who meet the eligibilty criteria is
not possible for a variety of reasons. Subjects may move out of the area,
die or simply refuse to cooperate. The investigator should report how
many cases met the initial criteria for inclusion, the reasons for any exclu-
sion, and the number omitted for each reason (as in Example 9.6). This
information allows us to assess the extent to which the results from the
study may have been affected by selection bias (see Chapter 13).

Case-control studies

Example 9.6~ A' large mult'-centre. case-control study was conducted în

high- andlow-nsk areas of ¡taly to evàluate the roleof dietary factorsin the
etiology ofgastríc cancer and theircontrbution to the marked geographic
. variationin mortlity fromthîs cancerwithinthecountr. Allpatients with
, new histologicålly confirmedgastric cancerdiagnosed between June 1985
. and Decembir 1987, resident in the study areas,and a.ged 75 years or less
wereeligiblé as cases; Atotal of 1129 eligible cases were identifiedin surgery
. and gastroenterology departments mid out patient gastroscopic services of pri-
vate and public hospitals. ApproximatelyB3% ofthese cases were success-
(ully interviewed using a structured questionnaire (Buiatt et aL, 1989a,b).
. Table 9.1 shows the numbers of eligible patients in each recruitmentcentre,
, how many were recruited and the reasons for exclusion.

Recruitment Eligible Recruited Excluded due ta Table 9.1.

centre cases No. (%) Refusai Poor health Deceasedb Recruitment levels among gastric can-
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%) cer cases and reasons for non-partici-
104 (100) 82 (78.9) pation by recruitment centrea.
3 (2.9) 4 (3.8) 15 (14.4)
71 (100) 66 (93.0) o (0.0) 4 (5.6) 1 (1.4)
435 (100) 382 (87.8) 9 (2.1) 28 (6.4) 16 (3.7)
255 (100) 232 (91.0) 8 (3.1) 14 (5.5) 1 (0.4)
155 (100) 122 (78.7) 3 (1.9) 24 (15.5) 6 (3.9)
76 (100) 47 (61.8) 9 (11.8) 8 (10.5) 12 (15.9)
133 (100) 85 (63.9) 18 (13.5) 29 (21.8) 1 (0.8)
Total 229 (100) 1016 (82.7) 50 (4.1) 111 (9.0) 52 (4.2)
a Data from Buiatti et al. (1989a).
b Deceased after being identified as potential cases.

Information on the entire eligible case series should be sought, when-

ever possible, regarding characteristics such as age, gender, education,
socioeconomic status, so that selection factors for the non-participating
subjects may be evaluated. This information may be available from rou-
tine data sources such as hospital records and cancer registries (as in
Example 9.7).

9.2.2 Incident versus prevalent cases

An important issue to considerat the design stage of a case-control
study is whether to include prevalent or only incident cases. Incident cases
are aIl new cases occurring in a population within a fixed period of time.
Prevalent cases are aIl existing (new and old) cases who are present in a
population at a particular point in time (or within a very short period) (see
Section 4.2). The main disadvantage of using a prevalent case series is that
patients with a long course of disease tend to be over-represented since, by

Çhapter 9

Table 9.2. Age M:F

Age and sex distribution (%) of gastric (years) -:45 65-74 -:45 65-74 ratio
cancer cases recruited by the
Cases recruited, 4.4 49.1 3.8 65.9 1.7
Florence centre during 1985-87 and 1 985-87
of gastric cancer cases notified to the
local cancer registry in 1985. a 2.6 10.7 33.2 53.6 3.1 13.5 20.8 62.5 2.0

a Data fram Buiatti et al. (1989a,b). (The numbers of cases on which these
percentages are based were not given in these papers).

definition, aIl those with a short duration leave the pool of prevalent cases
because of either recovery or death. Unless we can justify the assumption
that the exposure being studied is not associated with recovery or survival,
every effort should be made to limit recruitment to incident cases. By using
only newly diagnosed (incident) cases and selecting controls to be repre-
sentative of subjects from the population from which the cases arise, the
case-control study aims to identify factors responsible for disease develop-
ment, much like a cohort study. Moreover, prevalent cases may not be rep-
resentative of aIl cases if sorne affected patients are institutionalized else-
where or move to another city where there are special facilties for treat-
There are other advantages to the use of incident cases. Recall of past
events in personal histories tends to be more accurate in newly diagnosed
cases than in prevalent cases. Besides, incident cases are less likely to have
changed their habits (or 'exposures') as a result of the disease.
If constraints on time or resources make the use of prevalent cases
inevitable, we should choose those that were diagnosed as close as possible
to the time of initiation of the study. A check on the characteristics of the
prevalent cases may be possible by comparing the frequency (or level) of
exposure among subjects with different times of diagnosis. If, among the
cases, the frequency of exposure to a factor suspected of being associated
with the disease changes with time since diagnosis, we should suspect sur-
vival bias. For instance, if those cases who were exposed to the factor under
study have poorer survival than those unexposed, they wil become under-
represented in a prevalent case series as time since diagnosis increases. As a
result, the prevalence of exposure among the surviving cases wil decrease.

Case-control studies

Prevalent cases may have to be used for conditions for which it is difficult
to establish a specific date of onset. For instance, case-control studies to
examine risk factors for Helicobacter pylori infection have to be based on
prevalent cases, because it is difficult to establish the date of onset of this

9.2.3 Source of cases

Which cases are to be recruited into a study needs to be carefuIly consid-
ered. The study may be 'hospital-based' and the cases taken from aIl patients
fulfiling the eligibilty criteria and attending a certain hospital or a group of
hospitals. ln Example 9.1, the cases were white women, aged 40-80 years,
who were admitted to a certain hospital in Boston from January 1970 to
June 1975 with a first diagnosis of endometrial cancer.
Alternatively, the study may be 'population-based' and cases taken from
a defined population over a fixed period of time. This is ilustrated in
Example 9.8.

ln population-based case-control studies, it is essential to ensure com-

pleteness of case-finding. Issues that need to be considered are completeness
of patient referral to health centres (which is likely to be a minor problem
in cancer studies in countries where medical care is generaIly available but
a much greater one elsewhere), difficulty in tracing the subjects, and refusaI
to participate.
Population-based cancer registries may be used to recruit aIl incident cases
from their catchment population, but their value as a source of cases may be
limited if there is a substantial time lag between diagnosis and registration.
Moreover, cases with poor survival may have died in the meantime and oth-
ers may have moved out of the catchment area as a result of their disease.
Thus, by the time cases are registered, it may not be possible to regard them
as incident.

9.3 Definition and selection of controls

9.3.1 Definition of contrais

Controls must fulfil aIl the eligibilty criteria defined for the cases apart
from those relating to diagnosis of the disease. For example, if the cases are


Chapter 9

women with breast cancer aged 45 years and over, the controls must be
selected from women in the same age group without the disease.
If the disease being studied is uncommon in the group serving as a
source of controls, litte, if any, diagnostic effort or documentation is
needed to mIe out the disease in the selected controls. A simple interview
question wil often suffice. However, if the disease is common, a greater
effort to minimize misclassification, such as a review of the individuals'
medical records, is desirable (as in Example 9.9).

Example 9.9. ln the cervicçzl cancer case--ontrolstudy mentioned in Example

9.2/ controls were eligible if they were 70 yearsof age or younger, had not
received previous treatment for cercal cancer or h;ad notbeen hysterectomized,
and if the cytological smear taken .at the time of recruitment was normal or had
only inflammatory changes (pap classes 1 and II) (Muñoz et al./1992a).

9.3.2 Source of controls

ln case-control studies, controls should represent the population
from which the cases are drawn, i.e., they should provide an estimate
of the exposure prevalence in the population from which the cases
arise. If not, the results of the study are likely to be distorted because
of selection bias.
ln a nested case-control study, it is relatively straightforward to ensure
that the cases and con troIs are drawn from the same study population,
since both wil arise from a clearly defined population-the cohort (see
Section 8.8). ln general, aIl the cases arising as the cohort is followed
prospectively become the 'cases' in the case-control study, while a
sample of unaffected members of the cohort become the 'controls'.
ln Example 9.10, both the cases and the controls were drawn from
the same population-the cohort of 5908 Japanese American men liv-
ing in Hawaii.
ConceptuaIly, we can assume that aIl case-control studies are 'nest-
ed within a particular population. ln a population-based case-control


Case-control studies

study, a study population can be defined from which aIl incident cases
are obtained; con troIs should be randomly selected from the disease-
free members of the same population. Consider, for example, aIl the
newly diagnosed cases of childhood cancer in the catchment area of a
regional cancer registry. ControIs for these cases would apprapriately
be drawn fram the population of the same area in the same sex- and
age-groups. Even when the cases are identified exclusively fram hospi-
taIs, it stil may be reasonable to assume that they represent aIl the
cases in the catchment area if the disease is serious enough that aIl
cases end up in hospital (which is likely to be true for most cancer
cases in countries with good health care).
It is generaIly expensive and time-consuming to draw contraIs from
a random sample of the catchment population. A list of aIl eligible sub-
jects or households must be available for sampling, or has to be creat-
ed (as in Example 9.11). (Methods to select a random sample from the
study population are discussed in Chapter 10.) Besidesi healthy people
may be disinclined to participa tei which may intraduce selection bias
due to non-response.

ControIs may also be selected fram close associates of the case, such
as friends and relatives who are from the same catchment population as
the cases. Although a relatively smaIl effort is required to identify
these contraIs and obtain their cooperation, there is a danger that they
wil be too similar (overmatched) to cases in terms of exposures and
other characteristics (see Section 9.3.4). Neighbourhood controls can also
be used, but people living in the same neighbourhood are likely to be
similar in many respects, so such contraIs may also be overmatched.
Moreover, if the interviewer has to visit each neighbourhood to con-
tact these contralsi the cost of the study may become extremely high.
When using hospital-based cases, it may not be possible to define
the population fram which the cases arase, either because the exact
catchment area of the hospital cannot be defined or because not aIl the
cases in the are a are referred to the hospital, and those referred may be
selected according to particular criteria (e.g., the more serious). ln
these circumstances, hospital-based controls may be used because the
study population can then be defined as potential 'hospital users/.

Chapter 9

Hospitalized controls have several advantages. There are many selec-

tive factors that bring people to hospitals (e.g., financial standing, area
of residence, ethnicity, religious affilation) and by selecting contraIs
from the same pool of patients that gave rise to the cases, we reduce the
effect of these factors. These controIs are generally easily identified and
they tend to be cooperative. ln addition, since they have also experi-
enced ilness and hospitalization, they may resemble the cases with
respect to their tendency to give complete and accurate information,
thus reducing potential differences between cases and controls in the
quality of their recall of past exposures.
Choosing suitable hospital con troIs is often diffcult and great care
must be taken to avoid selection bias. A major disadvantage of a control
group selected from diseased individuals is that sorne of their ilnesses
may share risk factors with the disease under study, that is, they may
have a higher, or lower, exposure prevalence compared with the popula-
tion from which the cases arise. For instance, in a study investigating the
role of alcohol and breast cancer, the use of con troIs from the accident
and emergency department of the same hospital would introduce bias
because this group is known to have a higher alcohol consumption than
the general population fram which the cases arise. One way of minimiz-
ing this bias is to select controls with different conditions so that biases
introduced by specific diseases wil tend to cancel each other out.
Choice of a suitable control group is the most difficult part of design-
ing a case-control study. Sorne studies use more than one type of con-
trol group. The conclusions from a study are strengthened if similar
results are obtained with each of the control groups.
After the source and number of control groups for a study have been
determined, it is necessary to decide how many con troIs per case should
be selected. This issue is considered in detail in Chapter 15, but when the
number of available cases and controls is large and the cost of obtaining
information from both groups is comparable, the optimal control-to-
case ratio is 1:1. When the number of cases available for the study is
smaIl, or when the cost of obtaining information is greater for cases than
contraIs, the control-to-case ratio can be altered to ensure that the study
wil be able to detect an effect, if one really exists (Le., that the study has
the necessary statistical power). The greater the number of controls per
case, the greater the power of the study (for a given number of cases).
However, there is generally little justification to increase this ratio
beyond 4:1, because the gain in statistical power with each additional
control beyond this point is of limited magnitude. Sample size issues
(and the concept of 'statistical power' of a study) are discussed in
Chapter 15.
As for cases, it is important to collect information on reasons for non-
participation of con troIs and, whenever possible, to ob tain additional
information on their sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., sex, age,
socioeconomic status) (as in Example 9.12).

Case-control studies

Table 9.3.
Recruitment levels among contrais
and reasons for non-participation by
recruitment centrea

9.3.3. Sampling schemes for contrais

If the source of incident cases is a closed cohort with a fixed foIlow-up
period (as is the case in nested case-control studies), controls may be
selected in three diferent ways, as ilustrated in Example 9.13.
ln this example, the first option for the investigators is to sample con-
troIs from the population stil at risk by the end of the study, that is from
those subjects who were stil disease-free by the end of the foIlow-up peri-
od (A in Figure 9.1). ln this design, each woman can be either a case or a
control, but not both.
The second option is to sam pIe controls from those who are stil at risk
at the time each case is diagnosed, that is, con
troIs are time-matched to the
cases (see Section 9.3.4) (B in Figure 9.1). ln this sampling design, a sub-
ject originally selected as a control can become a case at a later stage. The
opposite cannot happen, since once a woman has acquired endometrial
cancer she is no longer at risk, and therefore not eligible for selection as a
controL Subjects selected as con
en become cases should be
troIs who th

retained as, respectively, controIs and cases in the appropriate sets.

Thirdly, controls canbe a sample from those who were at risk at the
start of the study (C in Figure 9.1). Studies of this type are called
'case-cohort studies'. Since the control group reflects the total population
and not just those who did not get the disease, a woman ascertained as a
case may also be selected as a control, and vice versa. Such women should


Chapter 9

.. .. "'" ,',', ".'.',....:'_................,...'._... :......:"...,'. ....'...........'........,..-....:.'".-..,.,.:.....-.,.-,"

'.-.....:.:.:..:.:..::.:....:.:,....:...:::.,..:.-.....-,--_:.."..:,...:.._:...,.....::.,....",.:."'....,...,:...::.....:-.._,.,.....:..,,;:...:'.,-.....,...-.:.......,...:',::,:-:..--:.:....; " .. ..
...."...'.'... ..,.....-,.,..-.,..:-:'.:.-..,:....',....,..........:....:,.:.

Example 9.13iSuppose that a cohort of 200 000 healthy women was fol-
lowed up, for ten years, to assess the relationship between 'lifestyle variables
and the risk of developing various ,types of cancer and that a total of 60
women were diagnosed withendometrial cancer during the follow-up period.
Suppose alsp thatthe. investigators decided to conduct a case.:ontrol study
nested within this cohort. to assess. whether oral contraceptive use protected
against endometrial cancer. The investigators couldsample the controls in
three differentwaysiasindicatedin Figure 9.1: (i)from those who were stil
disease-free by the end of the follow-up period (situation A); (2) from those
who were still at risk at the time each case was diagnosed (situation B); or
,(3) from those who were at risk at the starf of the study (situation C).
Figure 9. i .
Sampling schemes for contrais when New cases
the source of incident cases is a of disease
c10sed cohort with a fixed follow-up (60)
(x=incident case). Initially
at risk
(C) Currently
at risk (B)
(200 000) Stil at risk

j (199 940)

be included in the study as both cases and con troIs.

If the source of incident cases is a dynamic population, as in most hos-
pital and population-based case-control studies, it may be difficult to estab-
lish the exact population at risk at the start and end of the follow-up peri-
od, so the preferred method is to choose for each incident case one or more
controls from those subjects who are members of the same population and
stil at risk of developing the disease at the time of the diagnosis of the case.
As we shall see later in this chapter (Section 9.5), the specific relative
measure of effect (rate ratio, risk ratio or odds (of disease) ratio) that can be
estimated from a case-control study depends on the type of sampling
design used in the selection of the controls.

9.3.4. Matching
Individual matching refers to the procedure whereby one or more con-
troIs are selected for each case on the basis of similarity with respect to cer-
tain characteristics other than the exposure under investigation. Since
cases and controls are similar on the matching variables, their difference
with respect to disease status may be attributable to differences in sorne
other factors. It is, however, important that matching îs restricted to con-

Case-control studies

founding factors and is not performed for the exposure under investigation. The
characteristics generally chosen for matching are those that are known to
be strong confounders. Common matching variables are age, sex, and eth-
nicity but others might be place of residence, or socioeconomic status.
Let us suppose that we are interested in examining the relationship
between current use of oral contraceptives and ovarian cancer. ln this
example, it is appropriate to match on age, since age is associated with the
exposure of interest (current oral contraceptive use) and is an independent
risk factor for ovarian cancer. ln other words, age is a confounding factor.
Failure to match, or otherwise control, for age would result in a biased
assessment of the effect of oral contraceptive use.

use /
Oral contraceptive .. Ovarian cancer

When controls are chosen so as to be similar to the cases for a charac-
teristic and when this similarity tends to mask the disease's association
with the exposure of interest, cases and con troIs are said to be overmatched.
This can happen when controls are matched to cases for a characteristic
that is part of the pathway through which the possible cause of interest
leads to disease. Imagine a case-control study conducted in West Africa to
investigate the role of hepatitis B virus in the etiology of liver cancer in
which con troIs were matched to cases on the basis of previous history of
Hver disease.

Hepatitis B virus )J Chronic liver disease . Liver cancer

If chronic liver disease is on the pathway between hepatitis B infection

and liver cancer, matching on that condition would result in an underes-
timation of the effect of the virus on the occurrence of liver cancer, since
controls would have been made similar to the cases in relation to this vari-
Another form of overmatching relates to matching for a variable which
is correlated to the exposure of interest but is not an independent risk fac-
tor for the disease under study (and so cannot be a confounding factor)
and is not on its causal pathway. For instance, suppose we wish to exam-
ine the relationship between smoking and lung cancer in a population
where smoking levels are positively correlated with alcohol intake, that is,
the more someone drinks the more he/she is likely to smoke. ln this exam-
pIe, matching on alcohol intake would result in overmatching because
controls would be made similar to the cases not only in relation to their
alcohol intake but also in relation to their smoking habits, which is the
exposure of interest in this study.

Chapter 9

Hence, caution should be exercised in determining the number of vari-

ables selected for matching, even when there are no practical restrictions.
If the role of a variable is in doubt, the preferable strategy is not to match
but to adjust for it in the statistical analysis (see Chapters 13-14).
ln most case-control studies, there are a small number of cases and a
large number of potential controls to select (or sample) from. ln practice,
each case is classified by characteristics that are not of direct interest, and
a search is made for one or more controls with the same set of character-

ln Example 9.14, cases and controls were individually matched on

date of birth (and, hence, age), hospital of birth and type of hospital
service (ward versus private). If the factors are not too numeraus and
there is a large reservoir of persons from which the controls can be cho-
sen, case-control individual matching may be readily carried out.
However, if several characteristics or levels are considered and there are
not many more potential controls than cases, matching can be diffcult
and it is likely that for sorne cases, no control wil be found. Moreover,
when cases and controls are matched on any selected characteristic, the
influence of that characteristic on the disease can no longer be studied. The
number of characteristics for which matching is desirable and practical
is actually rather smalL. It is usually sensible to match cases and contraIs
only for characteristics such as age, sex and ethnicity whose association
with the disease under study is weIl known.
As an alternative to individual matching, we may frequency match (or
group match). This involves selecting controls so that a similar propor-
tion to the cases fall into the various categories defined by the match-
ing variable. For instance, if 25% of the cases are males aged 65-75
years, 25% of the controls would be taken to have similar characteris-
tics. Frequency matching within rather broad categories is suffcient in
most studies.

Case-control studies

9.4 Measuring exposures

Data on the relevant exposures can be obtained by personal, postal or
telephone interview, by examining medical, occupational or other
records, or by taking biological samples. Whatever method is chosen, it
is fundamental to ensure that the information gathered is unbiased, Le.,
it is not influenced by the fact that an individual is a case or a control.
IdeaIly, the investigator or interviewer should be 'blind' to the hypoth-
esis under study and to the case/control status of the study subjects. ln
practice, this may be diffcult to accomplish, but aIl possible efforts
should be made to ensure unbiased collection of data to minimize
observer bias. Particular effort is required in multicentric studies to
ensure standardization of data collection techniques across the differ-
ent participating centres.
Bias can also occur when the validity of the exposure information
supplied by the subjects differs for cases and controls (responder bias).
Subjects with a serious disease are likely to have been thinking hard
about possible causes of their condition and so cases may be inclined to
give answers that fit with what they believe (or think is acceptable to
say) is the cause of their ilness. This type of responder bias is called
recall bias. Responder bias can be minimized by keeping the study mem-
bers unaware of the hypotheses under study and, where possible, ensur-
ing that both cases and controls have similar incentives to remember
past events. These issues are further discussed in Chapter 13.

9.5 Analysis
The analysis of data from case-control studies depends on their
design. Individual-matched studies require a different type of analysis
from ummatched (or frequency-matched) studies.

9.5.1 Unmatched (and frequency-matched) studies

The first step in the analysis of an unmatched case-control study is
to construct a table showing the frequency of the variables of interest
separately for cases and controls. The frequency of sorne of these vari-
ables in the con troIs may help to judge whether they are likely to rep-
resent the population from which the cases arise. For instance, in
Example 9.15, the distribution of schooling, parity, smoking, etc. in the
control group of this population-based study may be compared with
governmental statistics or results from surveys conducted in the same
ln Example 9.15, the distributions of sorne of the variables known to
be risk factors for cervical cancer are consistent with those found in
other studies in that cases were more likely to have a lower education-
allevel, higher parity and a greater number of sexual partners than con-
troIs. They were also more likely to have ever used oral contraceptives
or smoked.

Chapter 9

Table 9.4. Colombia

Distribution of selected socio-demo-
graphie and reproductive variables Cases Cases Controls
among ceivicai cancer cases and No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
contrais in each of the participating Age (years)
centresa. 0:30 7 (2.8) 7 (2.9) 15 (8.1) 10 (6.7)
30-39 41 (16.4) 39 (16.4) 48 (25.8) 30 (20.1)
40-44 30 (12.0) 27 (11.3) 27 (14.5) 24 (16.1)
45-54 61 (24.4) 58 (24.4) 50 (26.9) 40 (26.9)
55+ 111 (44.4) 107 (45.0) 46 (24.7) 45 (30.2)
Ever 162 (64.8) 179 (75.2) 155 (83.3) 140 (94.0)
Never 88 (35.2) 59 (24.8) 31 (16.7) 9 (6.0)
0-2 102 (40.8) 136 (57.1) 41 (22.0) 45 (30.2)
3-5 119 (47.6) 86 (36.1) 62 (33.3) 53 (35.6)
6+ 29 (11.6) 16 (6.7) 83 (44.6) 51 (34.2)
Number of sexual
0-1 189 (75.6) 218 (91.6) 76 (40.9) 87 (58.4)
2-5 48 (19.2) 16 (6.7) 77 (41.4) 58 (38.9)
6+ 13 (5.2) 4 (1.7) 33 (17.7) 4 (2.7)
Oral contraceptives
Never 182 (72.8) 175 (73.5) 109 (58.6) 95 (63.8)
Ever 64 (25.6) 53 (22.3) 77(41.4) 53 (35.6)
Unknown 4 (1.6) 10 (4.2) o (0.0) 1 (0.6)
Never 184 (73.6) 198 (83.2) 92 (49.5) 90 (60.4)
Ever 66 (26.4) 40 (16.8) 94 (50.5) 59 (39.6)

a Data from Bosch et al. (1992)

ln an unmatched study, the numbers of cases and controls found to

have been exposed and not exposed to the factor under investigation
can be arranged in a 2 x 2 table as shown in Table 9.5:
Table 9.5. Exposed Unexposed Total
Layout of a 2 x 2 table showing data
from an unmatched case-control study Cases a b nj
Contrais c d no

Total mi ma N

ln Section 4.2.2, we presented the three measures of incidence (risk,

odds of disease and rate) that can be estimated from a cohort study. These
three measures use the same numerator-the number of new cases that
occurred during the follow-up period-but different denominators. Risk
takes as the denominator people who were at risk at the start of the fol-



Case-control studies

low-up; odds of disease takes those who were stil disease-free by the end
of the follow-up; and the rate uses the total person-time at risk, which
takes into account the exact time when the cases occurred. Comparison
of these measures of incidence in those exposed relative to those unex-
posed yields three different measures of relative effect: the risk ratio, the
odds (of disease) ratio and the rate ratio, respectively (see Section 5.2.1).
ln case-control studies, it is not possible to directIy estimate disease
incidence in those exposed and those unexposed, since people are select-
ed on the basis of having or not having the condition of interest, not on
the basis of their exposure statusa. £t is, however, possible to calculate the
odds of exposure in the cases and in the controls:

Odds of exposure in the cases = alb

Odds of exposure in the contrais = cId

The odds (of exposure) ratio can then be calculated as

Odds of exposure in the cases alb

Odds (of exposure) ratio =
Odds of exposure in the contrais cId

Example 9.16. ln the case-control study ilustrated in the previous exam-

pk, the risk of cervical cancer was examined in relation to education (school-
ing). Datafrom Spain and Colombia were pooledin this analysis (fable 9.6)
(Bosch et aL) 1992).. .
Schooling Total Table 9.6.
Never ('exposed) Ever ('unexposed) Schooling among cervical cancer
cases and controls.a
119 (a) 317 (b) 436 (n1)
68 (e) 319 (d) 387 (no)
Total 187 (mi) 636 (mo) 823 (N)
a Data from Bosch et al. (1992)

Odds ratio = (119/317) / (68 / 319) = 1.76

95% confidence interval = 1.24-2.46

x2 = 11.04, 1 d.t.; P = 0.0009

(Confidence intervals and test statistics for the odds ratio were calculated as shown in
Appendix 6.1.

It can be shown algebraically that the odds (of exposure) ratio a Indirect calculations are possible in
obtained from a case-control study provides an unbiased estimate of population-based case-ontrol studies
one of the three relative measures of effect that can be obtained trom (see Appendix A 16.1)

Chapter 9

a cohort study, depending on the sampling scheme used to select the

controls (see Section 9.3.3). If controls are selected from aIl those
who are initially at risk, the case-control study wil directly estimate
troIs are sampled from those who are stil disease-
the risk ratio. If con

free by the end of the follow-up, the study wil estimate the odds (of
disease) ratio. If controls are selected from those stil at risk at the
time each case is ascertained, the study wil provided an unbiased
estimate of the rate ratio. ln this last instance, the analysis should
respect the fact that cases and con troIs are matched with respect to
time. (An unmatched analysis wil also yield an unbiased estimate of
the rate ratio if the rates of acquiring disease remain constant over
time among both the exposed and unexposed populations and the
total numbers at risk remain relatively constant in both populations.)
As we saw in Section 5.2.1, when the disease is rare, as with cancer,
cases constitute a negligible fraction of the population. The number
of people at risk in a cohort study remains practically constant over
time and therefore the three measures of effect yield similar results.
Consequently, the three sampling schemes used to select con troIs in
a case-control study wil also provide similar results. If the disease is
common, however, different control sampling schemes wil yield dif-
ferent results and the choice of the most appropriate one wil depend
on the specific problem being addressed (Smith et aL., 1984;
Rodrigues & Kirkwood, 1990).
ln strict terms, the odds ratio obtained from a case-control study
tells us how many more (or less, if the exposure is associated with a
reduced risk) times likely the cases are to have been exposed to the
factor under study compared with the controls.
ln Example 9.16, cervical cancer cases were 76% more likely to
have never attended school than con troIs. Since the odds ratio
obtained from a case-control study provides an estimate of one of the
three relative measures of effect that can be calculated from a cohort
study, we can also interpret it as an indication of the likelihood of
developing the disease in the exposed individuals relative to those
unexposed. ln our example, the odds ratio indicates that women who
never attended school were 76% more likely to develop cervical can-
cer than those who attended.
As in other types of study, inferences about the association
between a disease and a factor are considerably strengthened if there
is evidence of a gradient between the level (or intensity) of exposure
and risk of the disease in question. Odds ratios can be computed sep-
arately for each level of the exposure. The general approach is to treat
the data as a series of 2 x 2 tables, comparing con troIs and cases at
different levels of exposure, and then calculating the odds ratio at
each leveL.
ln Example 9.17, there is a trend of increasing risk of cervical can-
cer with increasing number of sexual partners.
Case-contrai studies

Table 9.7.
Number of lifetime sexual partners
among cases and contrais. a

o-1b 265 305

2-5 125 74 1.94 (1.39-2.70)
6+ 46 8 6.62 (3.07-14.27)
a Data fram Bosch et al. (1992)
b Taken as the baseline (reference) category.
C X' test for trend = 39.48; 1 d.f.; P-:0.00001
(Confidence intervals and t test for trend in odds ratio calculated as shown in Appendix 6.1.)

Number of sexual partners

2-5 ('exposed') 0-1 ('unexposed')

125 265
74 305

Special statistical techniques can be used to adjust for potential con-

founding factors in the analysis. These are discussed in Chapters 13 and
14. One of these techniques was used to examine the association between
schooling and the risk of developing cervical cancer found in Example
9.16. The crude odds ratio was 1.8 (Table 9.6). After ta king into account dif-
ferences in age, participating centre, human papilomavirus status, num-
ber of sexual partners, education, age at first birth, and history of previous
screening between cases and controls, the resulting adjusted odds ratio was
2.5 (95% confidence interval = 1.6-3.9). Thus, the association between
never having attended school and cervical cancer observed in the crude
analysis could not be explained by differences in the distribution between

Chapter 9
--"1l~ l~.c-?"'l":l'.'I!';:; - ......~~

cases and controls of any of these factors (in fact, the adjusted odds ratio
was higher than the crude odds ratio) (see Section 13.2 and Chapter 14 for
further discussion of these issues).

9.5.2/ndividua/-matched studies
Individual-matched studies require a special type of analysis, in which the
2 x 2 table takes a different form. Let us consider the simplest situation where
there is only one control per case. The status of the cases with regard to the
presence or absence of the exposure of interest is cross-tabulated against the
exposure status of their respective controls (rable 9.8).

Contrais Total
Table 9.8. Exposed Unexposed
layout of a 2 x 2 table with data from Cases Exposed s a
an individual-matched case-ontrol
Unexposed u b
study (control-to-case ratio = 1:1).
Total c d N/2

ln this table, r, s, t, u represent the number of pairs in which

r = case exposed and control exposed (+ +)

5 = case exposed but control not exposed (+ -)
t = case not exposed and control exposed (- +)
u = case not exposed and control not exposed (- -)

The marginal totals (a, b, c, d) of this table correspond to the entries in the
cells of the table for the unmatched studies. The total for the entire table is
NI2 pairs, where N represents the total number of paired individuals.
The matched odds ratio can be calculated as

Odds ratio = s/t (provided t is not equal to 0)

This odds ratio calculation considers only the discordant pairs. It can be
explained intuitively: pairs where both case and control were exposed or
where both were unexposed give no information about the relationship of
the exposure to disease (Example 9.18).
The analysis is more complex than shown here if there is more than one
control per case (see Breslow & Day (1980), chapter 5).

9.6 Interpretation of results

Case-control studies are weIl suited to study diseases of long induction,
because no lengthy follow-up is involved. They are also suitable for studying
rare diseases, since a prospective cohort study would require the recruitment
of a very large number of individuals and a long follow-up period to ensure
the accrual of a sufficient number of cases.
The interpretation of case-control studies isi however, less straightforward
than that of cohort studies and the investigator must always consider

Case-control studies

: -"__:~ ,__,' ,_,0_:__ . :'dd:_'- ,.,.:dd :_: _'_':_ _':" ':/"-'::_':: ~

. Utin. Canada' t9.; a~sess

, reasèd thetiskof
, . . .. " ..', .... '. " .na1c
. ln; eil. irès usinga' strucrure. '.' onnaire. . (Jns for
,rview inc1uded death (56), refusai
(65)¡ tooil tobe interviewed
Ti . salofpermissionbythe attending physician (34). Most inter-
e'done within threemonthsof diagnosis, and àll within six
...,., . ,reac1icase,ân individualmatchecionsex, age (within.5 yeaTS),
ànd n ourhood residencewas interviewed (Howe et aL, 1977). The
, .main resultsare
. " , 0'-, shownin
'_ _ '. ,', ,- ,-.\ ~.' ,,-," Table 9.9. .
." -"''',"- _ -. ,,,. _ - - , "., ',' _ _.- - " ,,' _ ,"

Table 9.9.
Frequency of exposure to artificial
Exposed Unexposed
sweeteners among 632 bladder can-
Exposed 468 (1 87 (s) 555 (a) cer cases and their individual-matched
Unexposed 73 (t) 4 (u) 77 (b) controls. a

Total 541 (c) 91 (d) 632 (N/2)

a Data fram Howe et al. (1977)
Matched odds ratio = 87/73 = 1,19
95% confidence interval for the matched odds ratio = 0.86-1.65
McNemar's t = 1.23; P = 0.27.
(The calculation of confidence intervals and significance tests for matched case-control
studies is explained in Breslow & Day (1980)).

whether the result could have arisen as a result of selection bias in the choice
of cases and controls, information bias in the gathering of exposure data, or
failure to take proper account of confounding factors.
The most serious potential problem in case-control studies is that the pro-
cedures used to select cases and controls may produce groups that are not
truly comparable.
ln Example 9.19, selection bias could have affected the results of this study
since only 62% (314/510) of aIl eligible patients were included in the final
analysis. Low participation levels can introduce bias if cases who used oral
contraceptives were more or less likely to participate in the study. If, for
instance, users of oral contraceptives were more likely to have a less aggres-
sive form of breast cancer than non-us ers and, hence, a better survival, this
would lead to over-estimation of the effect of oral contraceptives since a high
proportion of the deaths would have occurred among non-users.
Selection of an appropriate control group is one of the most difficult prob-
lems in case-control studies. Controls must come from the same defined
population as the cases. The use of hospital-based controls works only if
patients with different diseases came from the same general population (Le.,


Chapter 9

;. -_,,'.,
, _....'" " ,_ ,. - _, __._, '__n _ ,'.
Example9.19.The relation/Jetween use of oral contraceptives by young
women andtheir risk ofbreast cancerwas investigated in a population-'based
case-control. study conducted in Los Angeles County. The cases were patients
with histologically. confirmed breast' cancer, first diagnosed between fuly
1972 and May 1982, diagnostd before age 37 years, and without a prior his-
tory ofmalignancy.A total ot510eligiblecases were identified through the
local population~basedcancerregistr ofwhom 458 were still alive at the
time of the first contactthrough their doctors. Physicians gave permission to
contact 393 (86%) ofthese patients. Ofthese, 26 could not be locatedand
37 refused to be interviewed. Thus, completed questionnaires were obtained
(rom 330 patients. Sixteen of these patients were later excluded because no
suitable individuallymatched control was found (pike et aL., 1983).

if the referral patterns are the same for the disease under investigation and the
control diseases) and if the control diseases are themselves unrelated to the
exposure. ln many situations, it is diffcult to be sure that these conditions are
satisfied. The use of population-based controls avoids these problems, but
selection bias may stil be introduced if the levels of non-response are high
either because sorne eligible con troIs cannot be traced or because they refuse
to participate (as in Example 9.20). ln this instance, the control series may not
be representative of the population from which the cases arise.

Example 9.20. The possible association between oral contraceptive use and
the risk of breast cancer at young ages (under 45 years) was investigated in
a population-based case-control study conducted in Sweden and N01way. ln
Norway, where notification ofall cancer diagnoses is mandatory, cases were
identified (rom population-based cancer registries. A total of 114 eligible
women were identified ofwhom 105(92%) participated. For each case who
agreed to participate,two controls werechosen (rom an up-to-date national
population register. Potential controls were maile,d a request to participate.. If
an imswer was not received within foUr weeks or if the control refused to par ~
ticipate, a nèw controlwasselected.. Nine con troIs were never located; 34
, never answered the letter; 38 refused to participa te; 4 were either temporari-
'..' ly abroad.and couldnotbe reachedorhàd rrentaldisorders.Thuslto ob tain
'two' con
for, e(iCh~aseiit waseventuålly necessmy to select 295 controls.

. (rom thepopulationregister.Only:72%ofthe women with whom contaçt

'was soughtwereinterviewéd (Meilkét aL.,1986)... . '

Another problem of case-control studies is that accurate measurements of

past exposures are usuaIly difficult to obtain, and the degree of acæracy and
completeness of these measurements may be different for cases and controls.
For instance, recall bias can arise in case-control studies because patients with
the disease under study may be inclined to answer questions more carefully
than control subjects. Comparison of the exposure histories obtained from


Case-control studies

cases and controls with an independent source of information (e.g., medical

records) may help to determine whether there was a systematic difference in
recall by cases and controls.

ln Example 9.21, the aim of the investigation was explained to the women
involved. This may have increased recall bias, particularly since the study was
carried out during a time of great public concern about oral contraceptives
and breast cancer. This problem could have been minimized to a certain
extent by not disclosing the study hypothesis to the study subjects.
The other potential source of bias in a case-control study is diagnostic bias.
For instance, if women using oral contraceptives are more likely than non-
users to examine their breasts, or to have them examined by a physician or
nurse, or to undergo mammography, diagnostic bias may be introduced.
Thus, if a positive association between oral contraceptives and breast cancer is
found in a study, it may just be due to the fact that oral contraceptive users
are more investigated and therefore more likely to be diagnosed with breast
cancer than non-users. One way of minimizing diagnostic bias is to obtain
information on the frequency of breast examinations for each of the study
subjects so that any effects of more frequent surveilance of oral contraceptive
users ean be controlled for in the analysis.
A weIl conducted case-control study that has taken into account aIl the
methodological concerns can yield valid and informative results. As dis-
cussed earlier in this chapter (see Sections 9.3.3 and 9.5), if cases and controls
are selected independently of exposure and controls are sampled randomly
from a defined study population from which the cases arose, the results from
a case-control study provide an unbiased estimate of the measure of effect
that would be obtained from an equivalent cohort study. Nevertheless, it is
important to remember that case-control studies always have the potential
for bias and that each study should be evaluated individually to determine
whether bias influenced the results. Usually, the diffculty lies in the fact that
although it is easy to identify potential sources of bias in any particular
case-control study, it is rarely possible to estimate the true impact that these
biases may have had on the results.
An important limitation of case-control studies is that they cannot pro-
vide direct estimates of the incidence of disease in those exposed and in those
unexposed (unless they are population-based; see Appendix 16.1). Thus, it is
usually not possible to calculate the absolute impact of the exposure on the
occurrence of the disease.
Case-control studies are not suitable for studying rare exposures because
very few cases wil have been exposed, unless a large proportion of the total

Chapter 9

Further reading cases of disease are attributable to that particular exposure (Le., the popula-
tion excess fraction is high (see Section 16.2.1)). For instance, the prevalence
* A brief history of the develop- of asbestos exposure is rare in the general population and accounts for a smaIl
ment and use of case-control proportion of lung cancers. Therefore a case-control study would not be
studies in epidemiology is given appropriate to investigate the relationship between this exposure and lung
in Lilienfeld & Lilienfeld (1979). cancer because very few cases would have been exposed to asbestos.
However, this study design would be appropriate to investigate the relation
* Breslow & Day (1980) provides between asbestos and pleural cancer because this exposure is responsible for
a comprehensive treatment of a large proportion of these cases.
the analysis of case-control
FinaIly, the temporal sequence between exposure and disease may be dif-
studies in cancer epidemiology.
ficult to establish. The possibilty that the exposure is the result (rather than
the cause) of the disease should always be considered (reverse causality). For
* Detailed discussions of sam-
pling schemes for selection of instance, even if an association between diet and stomach cancer is found in
controls are given by Miettinen
a case-control study, there is a possibilty that dietary differences are a con-
an a cause of the cancer.
(1976), Greenland & Thomas sequence rather th

(1982), Smith et al. (1984) and

Rodrigues & Kirkwood (1990).
. _ ., , : J:~ox_~..1~'~eý issues. ".' ~ ':, ~ ,',
'_' _ "', ___ .-','__,-H" ",-_ ',", " '" '_ "
· Case-control stuclies'are studies in which a group of people with'the condition of
interest ('cases') and a group without that condition ('controls') are identified and
the prevalence (or level) of the relevant exposure is measured in the two groups
and compEired. .

',' " "."',,

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_'..'_' _'C-',",
'-::-', '.-:,_ '--,
,,',_ .'"- ",
_ _,_", _ :-' _ '
2. They providethe possibilityto investigate a wide range' of possible risk factors.
r:-, /:"":.,::.,,__:_,,,_':'-;':'-,' ._',::-':'-''-- :',,: _~':__ '.':,:"'" ,,:' ,,:":',,:,",';:' ",' __ "," " ,,', d' ":':: .-,' """':''- ' :':",',:' ,,:',

3. They,are particularly suitable to ínvestigate rare diseases or diseases with a

. long induction period. '.. .' ' '. '. .
'. .:Them~in QiS~~vantageSofthes~ studies.are:. ' ' '.

..'¡atecóntrOlgroUP(S~/ection blas); ,... '

,....'.. '... 'ùntiiased me~sure~Ò

Chapter 10
Cross..sectional surveys

Cross-sectional surveys are studies aimed at determining the frequency (or

level) of a particular attribute, su ch as a specific exposure, disease or any
other health-related event, in a defined population at a particular point in
time. For instance, we can carry out a cross-sectional survey to estimate the
prevalence of hepatitis B infection, the prevalence of smoking or the pro-
portion of women of childbearing age who are breast-feeding in a given
population at the time of the survey (Example 10.1).

Sam pie size Percentage of women aged 15-9

Table 10.1.
years currently breast-feeding Proportion of women aged 15-49
years in selected countries who were

Egypt 1980 8788 34.3 breast-feeding at the time the World

Fertility SUNeys were conducted,
Ghana 1979-0 6125 37.7 1975-80.8

Kenya 1977-78 8100 43.2

Latin America and the Caribbean
Colombia 1976 5378 17.1
Mexico 1976 7310 19.8
Venezuela 1977 4361 15.3

Bangladesh 1975-76 6513 51.

Indonesia 1976 9155 15.9
Pakistan 1975 4996 40.5

ln this type of study, subjects are contacted at a fixed point in time

and relevant information is obtained from them. On the basis of this
information, they are then classified as having or not having the
attribute of interest.


Chapter 10

Region and Year of

Country (sample size) survey Zero 7+
Egypt (8788) 1980 21.2 19.5 16.3
Ghana (6125) 1979-80 21.3 n.a. 19.2
Table 10.2. Kenya (8100) 1977-78 19.6 17.4 15.2
Mean duration of breast-feeding
(months) by mother's years of school-
ing in selected countries. World Latin America and the Caribbean
Fertility Surveys, 1975-80. a Colombia (5378) 1976 11.9 11.4 8.3 5.3
Mexico (7310) 1976 12.9 10.9 8.3 3.8
Venezuela (4361) 1977 11.6 10.0 6.7 3.5

Asia and Oceania

Bangladesh (6513) 1975-76 34.4 30.4 n.a. n.a.
Indonesia (9155) 1976 28.4 27.0 24.7
Pakistan (4996) 1975 22.0 n.a. 19.8 n.a.
a Data fram United Nations (1987)

n.a. = data not available because of sm ail sam pie sizes.

ln sorne instances, cross-sectional surveys attempt to go further than

just providing information on the frequency (or level) of the attribute of
interest in the study population by collecting information on both the
attribute of interest and potential risk factors. For instance, in a cross-sec-
tional survey conducted to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B in a
given population, it is also possible to collect data on potential risk factors
for this condition such as socioeconomic status, intravenous drug use,
sexual behaviour, etc.

Cross-sectional surveys

ln Example 10.2, breast-feeding duration was examined by years of

schooling of the mother. ln aIl countries where the comparison could be
made, breast-feeding duration decreased consistently with increasing edu-
cationallevel of the mother.
Cross-sectional surveys are also useful in assessing practices, attitudes,
knowledge and beliefs of a population in relation to a particular health-
related event (Example 10.3). The results from these surveys not only give
an indication of the magnitude of the problem in a particular population
at a particular point in time, but also provide a basis for designing appro-
priate public health measures (e.g., health education campaigns).
Surveys are also a valuable method of obtaining information on the pat-
terns of morbidity of a population, as weIl as on the utilzation of preven-
tive and curative health services (Example 10.4). Their results help health
planners to establish health priorities.

10.1 Target population and study sample

As for the other types of epidemiological design, the aims of the study
must be clearly established before its start. This process requires a precise
definition of the attribute of interest (whether disease, exposure or any
other health-related event) and of potential risk factors, and a clear con- Target population
sideration of the target population, i.e., the population to which the main
results of the study wil be extrapolated. For instance, if we were planning
a study of the dietary habits of Seventh Day Adventists(a religious group j
who do not eat meat or drink alcohol), it would be necessary to decide Source population
whether to include children, recent converts to the church or those who
had recently left.
Next, a suitable source population needs to be identified (Figure 10.1). For j
practical and logis tic reasons, the source population is generally more lim- Sam pie
ited th an the target population. For instance, although our target popula-
tion comprises aIl Seventh Day Adventists, it would be impossible to
include aIl of them in the study. The choice of the source population j
should be determined by the definition of the target population and by Study participants
logistic constraints. For logistic reasons, we might decide to conduct the
study in California (USA), where a large number of Seventh Day
Adventists live. If this source population is small enough to be studied
Figure 10.1.
using the human and financial resources available, the entire population Diagram iIustrating the relationship
can be included. If the source population is stil too large, a representative between the target population and the
study participants.
sample has to be selected.

Chapter 10

10.1.1 How to select a sample?

ln order to select a sample from the source population, we need to
decide on the sample design, Le., on the method to be used for selecting the
sampling units from the population. Samples are sometimes chosen by
judgement (Le., what the investigator judges to be a 'balanced' or 'repre-
sentative' sample) or by convenience (Le., the most easily obtained subjects
such as volunteers or people who attend a clinic).
None of these methods provides any guarantee against the possibilty
that (conscious or unconscious) selection bias may be introduced. Sorne
an others to get into the sample, and the
people may be more likely th

sample wil become unrepresentative. For example, clinic attenders may

be different from non-attenders (as in Example 10.5).

The best approach is to use random sampling. ln this method, chance

alone determines who wil be included in the sample, removing any pos-
sibilty of selection bias.
ln order to draw a random sample from the source population, we need
to have a sampling trame, Le., a complete enumeration of the sampling
units in the study population. The sampling unit may be an individual
person, a household, or a schooL Electoral registers may be a suitable sam-
pling frame for adults but not for children. If the sampling frame is based
on offciaI statistics, sorne groups may be under-represented, such as
recent immigrants, the homeless, and slum dwellers. A sampling frame
may not exist for other groups such as gypsies and other nomad groups.
ln certain countries it may be impossible to enumerate everyone in the
study population. As we shall see later in this chapter (Section 10.1.4), spe-
cial techniques can be used in these circumstances to ensure the attain-
ment of a representative sample.

10.1.2 Simple random sampling

The most elementary kind of random sample is a simple random
sample, in which each sampling unit has an equal chance of being
selected directly out of the source population.
The first step is to define who are the sampling units, Le.i the people
or items (e.g., households) who are to be sampled. These units need to
be defined clearly in terms of their particular characteristics. The next
step is to draw up a sampling frame, Le., a list of aIl the sampling units

Cross-section al surveys

in the source population. The sampling frame should be comprehen-

sive, complete and up-to-date, to keep selection bias to a minimum.
Common examples of sampling frames include census lists and elec-
toral registers. Once a suitable sampling frame has been identified, its
sampling units should be given a number. If the source population is
formed by 2000 individuals, each one should be assigned a unique
number between 1 and 2000. Random number tables can then be used
to select a random sam pIe out of the total sampling units who make up
the source population. First, a random starting place in the table and a
random direction should be selected. Then aIl the sequential digits
found on the table should be recorded, stopping only when the
required sample size is reached (see Section 7.9.2 for an ilustration of
how to use tables of random numbers). Alternatively, sequences of ran-
dom numbers can be generated by a calculator or a computer package.
The sample wil be formed by the sampling units which correspond to
these random numbers.
The main feature of simple random sampling is that it is relatively
simple as compared with other methods (such as those described in
Sections 10.1.4 and 10.1.5). Its main limitation is that it is only practi-
cable when the population is relatively small and concentrated in a
small geographical area and where the sampling frame is complete.

ln Example 10.6, a sample of women was selected by simple random

sampling in each of the two municipalities. This method was adequate
and convenient since there was a proper sampling frame (i.e., the com-
puterized list) for each area and both populations were concentrated in
relatively small geographical areas.
Although it is not usually feasible to use simple random sampling for
selecting the whole sample in a survey covering a large geographical
area, it is often used for the final selection of the study units (e.g.,
selecting households in communities, after communities have been
selected) within more complex schemes as described in Section 10.1.4.



Chapter 10

10.1.3 Systematic sampling

Sometimes it may be more convenient to draw a systematic sam pIe
rather than a simple random sample. To do this, the units must be
arranged in sorne kind of sequence as in a directory or in a series of index
cards, or houses along a street, or patients as they arrive at a clinic. Then
we need to decide what fraction of the population is to be studied.
Suppose, for example, we wish to select a sample of 40 from a population
of size 200. This wil be a 1 in 5 sample. We choose a number at random
between 1 and S-let us suppose it was 2. Then starting at the beginning
of the list, we select the sampling unit number 2 and then every fifth
subsequent unit. The sample wil include units 2, 7, 12, 17,... and so on.
The main advantage of systematic sampling is convenience. It gener-
ally provides a good approximation to simple random sampling provid-
ed that the intervals do not correspond with any recurring pattern in the
source population. If particular characteristics arise in the sampling
frame at regular intervals, bias wil be introduced. Consider what would
happen if the population were made up of a series of married couples
with the husband always listed first. Picking every fourth person would
result in a sample constituted exclusively by men if one started with the
first or third subject or exclusively by women if one started with the sec-
ond or fourth. Similarly, every 20th house on a list of addresses or hous-
es might be a corner house with different characteristics to the other

10.1.4 Multi-stage sampling

ln many situations, it is not feasible or practical to draw a simple ran-
dom sample or a systematic sample from the whole source population.
This is either because a sampling frame is unavailable and the effort
involved in drawing one up would be too great, or because the popula-
tion is dispersed over a very large geographical area. For example, it
would be unrealistic to try to draw a simple random sample of 200 peo-
ple from the population of an entire country. Even if a proper sampling
frame did exist, most of the sample would live in different communities
far away from each other, and the time and expense involved in con-
tacting them would be prohibitive. One solution is to use two-stage sam-
pling as follows:

1. The population is first divided into clusters, for example regions, vil-
lages or districts, and a list of the se first-stage units (or primary sam-
pIe units) drawn.

2. A random sample of first-stage units is then selected from this list.

3. ln each of the selected first-stage units, a sampling frame of the sec-

ond-stage units (e.g., households or individuals) is drawn up, and a
random sam pIe of these selected.



Cross-sectional surveys

AJ~i:t.,crnss-:sectional suryey was camed.out in China in

: qfthe,hll-ITest season toproVide '. information on diet and
7stqge sanzplingprocedurewas
'''''-'_';';'-''__'';'':'':'''_': ",_._,:'_C,._" -,,"_, ,_,_'_ ,n"._',,',___ _, '_' used to select the pàrtici-
;'i.-,'_',';:,':"',.':_:":,-:"_,_;,,,::,.-,,:,,,,-,, ,':.
:":, :-. ,-': ',;.- ::.:':_::':,: ':: i,_: ..,0,.-:_,"_,,'-,':'_'., -,0,:,,',,::,':' ,':,-: ',_::_-', "'-';::.,'_'- .,:y?~:~-:~:::_r':':, ::'_,',,-::::,:::',',-:, \,,'_"', ,r.,' :., _:-.-._:;, ~,"

(1) SiXty-Îl~f.: . ça~ntie~ (almostallwith populations over 100 000 in

ectëll troma. total 0(2392 cpunties. The county selec-
. .. onwa~ no.ta 9fr but designedtÒproduce geogråphical areas with a
..'. ..' wièiá:ingeofcåncer rates for seven orthe most common cancers and wide
."geogr(iphical sèåtter. '. .


, ..(
'. .:/:-::-,

: - '_:, ," '" ", . -,','.-,:, - ,,: ,..-",:;. - - :",,, ::', " .- '- -,'- ,,:,,:- - _. - .,-~
'-"-,-', -,',,-
,-".-,:,-,", ,'''-,-: ",":..'-',.",":
'_-""-'" . "-'; -:'"" " , '-',',..
,"_.:. '",,,-----,,-,,:"- ",", ":.' .. -', ,,- "." ,
' 'tion teams jneach orthë13(jproduction brigades were
1 i.e.,aJotalof26ÔprQqut,tion teams.

This strategy can be extended to several stages (mult-stage sampling), as

În Example 10.7.
U no frame of households exists and it is not practical to crea
te one,
sorne selection method has to be used which ensures that the sample is as
representative as possible. This usually involves two phases: a method of
selecting one household to be the starting point and a procedure for
selecting succeeding households after that. One possibilty is to choose
sorne central point in a town, such as the market or the central square;
choose a random direction from that point (e.g., by throwing a pencil in
the air and seeing which way it lands); count the number of households
between the central point and the edge of town in that direction; select
one of these houses at random to be the starting point of the survey. The
remaining households in the sample should be selected to give a wide-

Chapter 10

spread coverage of the town. The precise method used is not too impor-
tant, as long as it does not result in aIl the chosen households being very
close to one another, and as long as the mIe for selecting households after
the first is simple and unambiguous, to remove the possibilty of inter-
viewers introducing bias by avoiding certain areas.
If the objective of the study is to obtain an overall estimate of the preva-
lence or level of an attribute across the who le target population, it is sensi-
ble to select the various geographical areas in such a way that the probabil-
ity of selection is proportional to the size of their population. For instance,
a town with a population of 200 000 should stand ten times the chance of
being selected as a town with a population of 20 000. A similar number of
individuals or households should then be taken from both small and large
towns. This probabilty proportional to size sampling approach en sures that
individuals (or households) in both large and small towns stand an equal
probabilty of being selected at the start of the sampling procedure.
The advantages of multiple-stage sampling are obvious in terms of costs
and time. Thus, should all samples be obtained by selection of convenient
clusters? One drawback of this method is that in many situations the clus-
ters are likely to be formed by sets of individuals that are more homoge-
neous than the population as a whole. For instance, people living in the
same neighbourhood or vilage are likely to be similar in terms of their
lifestyle characteristics. If this is the case, individuals in a sample of neigh-
bourhoods provide less information than a sample of similar size obtained
from the whole study population.

10.1.5 Stratified random sampling

pIe involves dividing the population into distinct
A stratified random sam

subgroups according to sorne important characteristics, su ch as sex, age or

socioeconomic status, and selecting a random sample out of each subgroup.
Each subgroup is known as a stratum (plural: strata), and a separate random
sample (simple or multi-stage) is selected in each one.

ln Example 10.8, eight sex and age strata were formed (1, males born
1922; 2, males born 1932; 3, males born 1942; 4, males born 1952; 5,
females born 1922; 6, females born 1932; 7, females born 1942; 8, females
born 1952), and a random sample selected within each stratum.

Cross-sectional surveys

There are many situations where this type of sampling is the most
appropriate. Sometimes we may wish to have independent results for dif-
ferent stratai and to ensure an adequate sample size in each one. Also,
there may be indications that prevalence wil vary between strata (as in
Example 10.8). Since different sampling schemes can be used in different
strata, stratified random sampling is particularly convenient when, for
instance, sampling frames are available only for sorne subgroups of the
population (as in Example 10.9).

10.1.6 Study participants

Not everyone in the selected random sample wil end up participating
in the study. Sorne subjects wil refuse to participate despite aIl reason-
able efforts; others wil have died or moved out of the area. Thus, partic-
ipants are usually a subset of the initial random sample (as in Example
AIl possible efforts should be made to ensure a high level of response
and participation to minimize selection bias. The number of people or
households interviewed, not just the number in the original sample,
should always be reported so that non-response levels can be computed.
What response level should be considered as acceptable in a survey? For
an uncommon condition, a response rate of 85% might be unacceptable,
because a few cases in the unexamined 15% might greatly alter the find-
Ings; on the other hand, in a survey of a relatively common attributei
this response level might be considered good.
Participants in any survey are likely to differ in sorne of their charac-
teristics from those who do not respond. The important issues are
whether this wil introduce bias into the study and if such bias exists,
how much it is likely to affect the results. ln order to assess the bias intro-
duced by non-response, it is essential to try to ob tain sorne information

Chapter 10

, ,.- ,','- --' . .. ., "-',

.-"' '- - -.:' - ,', ','-,- --, -",,' '-: ,. -', '-, ,,",,'''. :,,' - -"..'..
, ",' _','._ ..'. _, _, '_ ,,-" ._,,, ; d- __ _ ,._, ,,_' _,'_', _ "". . ' -_'.. '."_, _ _ ,-''' ',;

Example 10.10. 111 thecross~sectional survey 'described iriExa:mple 10.6, a,',

random sampleofwomen wasselected in each ortio geographical âreasto
assess ,(and compare)tneír prevalence of infectionsbyhumanpapiUo- ,
mavirus(HPV). andnerpessirnplex virus (H5V).' The re~eärchers desaibed
themethod orenr?lm.ent orthe stidy participalÍts ineac~areaäsIollóws: . '
"Eight hW1dred women aged 2~39 years~ born in Greenland anciresid-
ing in 'the 11imicipality. ofNtluk/Godthâb,were. drawri afrandotn (rom the.'
computerized Central Population Register for the DariishKingdom as a
whole. Ofthese worien, .i04had moved out of the municipality and one had
- . c'.., ': __:,:. ': ':'_ ,'.-,:,: ',.::" -:'_'_",:-,:.' - '/_;'".: ""--:-,::' .::_ ':\,'_,)::~,-,_, - "--', ',',-/ :.:-_;,- '" , ":'" ',: .:' __.'::,," _,", __ ._,':_'" -- - -,' _, _, .:'::., ,-.._ ',';.'.'_',' -_ :'.,:. ':-, "'_', ",;' ',- -
died before they couia be'contacted, leaving 695 eligibleforour study. l... )
General information about the study was provided. iri local newsmedia
(newspaperrTadio), after which each rràndomly selededlwomanwasinvit-.
ed, by à personalletter, forayisit tothe localhetllthdin,iè. ReriiÍ11derswere,
sent 2-3 weeks' latÚ and npn-responders were finallycontàcted by a persan;..,
. almessenger frómdthe clinic.()fthe695eligiblewomen, 586 (843O¡o)were
includedinthe study; 93 (13.4%) could not be reachedand16 (2:3%)did
notwant to particîpate. The relatively high proportion of women' that could
not be traced maybe attibutable toerrors in the municipal population reg- .
isterand weaknesses orthe postal service; . ',. .... .' "
.- -From the Central"':,.'Ò
," ",,"-',"',.-',-",',
Population Register a random sample of 800
-.",,,.,-,, '.-.-:-.. '." ", 0"" ,:- ':'" .' ...' ,-,"-,', "''"':.-'-,'.'__.:.0.,.::-...-:,.. _,:,"::.' -':.--.':. --'-""'", -:' .....
womenì . born 'in Denrnark,.' was drawn' (rom the female population aged
20-39 years in NykØbing Falster municipality. Fourteen ofthese women had
. movéd out of the p1ynicipality and one haddiedprior to enrolment,leàving ,
785 worneneligiblefor.irivestigation~ General information.aboûtt1ie study.
. wasprovided thròugh local and . national, news media. . Each (randomly
selected) woman was theninvitedby personal'letterto' partidpate in the .
study anq scheduled fora visU to the local hospiial. Reminders were sent 2-3
weeks later ,and non-responders were ßnally, approached . by telephone. A.
total of 661 women (84.2%) were enròlled; 58 (7.4%) could notbe. contact-:
ed (md 66 (8.4%Jdidnot wanttopalticipate.Il (Kjaef et aL, 1988) ,',

about the individuals who initially refused to participate or could not be

contacted. Two approaches are possible. Firstly, a small random sam

may be drawn from the non-respondents, and special efforts, including

home visits, made to encourage their participation. The findings from
aIl random sample wil indicate the extent of bias among non-
this sm

respondents as a whole. Secondly, sorne information may be available for

aIl persons listed in the study population; from this it wil be possible to
compare respondents and non-respondents with respect to basic charac-
teristics such as age, sex, residence and socioeconomic status.
ln Example 10.11, the age distribution of the participants was fairly
similar to that of the total female population living in each of the two
selected areas, with a slight under-representation of women in the
youngest age-group.

Cross-section al surveys

Table 10.3.
Age distribution of the female resident
populations of Nykøbing Falster
(Denmark) and Nuuk (Greenland), of
the two random samples selected fram
them, and of the study participants. a

10.1.7 Final comments

Methods for selecting an appropriate sample constitute an important
and weIl developed field of statistics that cannot be covered fully in this
chapter. It is worth emphasizing, however, that the sampling design
should be appropriate to the specific objectives of the study. To develop
and implement a proper sampling scheme requires not only statistical
expertise but also familarity with the field conditions. For instance, if
the survey uses 'households' as one of its sampling units, this term needs
to be clearly defined in the context of the population where the survey
is going to be carried out. A 'household' is usuaIly defined as a group of
people who live and eat together. However, in many societies, this defini-
tion wil not be easily translated into practice. ln such instances, it is cru-
cial to obtain a good understanding and clear definition of the different
living arrangements of the population to be surveyed before the study
Gther practical problems should be foreseen at the design stage of the
study and unambiguous instructions written in the protocol and given to
the interviewers. For instance, if there is no-one at home when the inter-
viewer arrives, he/she should come back again rather th an go to the house
next door, because households with a person at home in the day-time
tend to differ from those without.

Chapter 10

Although a random method to select the study sample is generally the

most appropria te, in a large number of epidemiological surveys it is not
possible to select a sample in such a way for ethical or logistic reasons. For
instance, studies that require the use of invasive diagnostic techniques
that can only be performed in a hospital may have to rely on hospital
attenders. The conclusions from such studies can be extrapolated to the
population of 'hospital attenders', but the extent to which they can be
generalized to the whole target population requires careful judgement.
The choice of an appropriate sampling design in cancer epidemiology
wil also de pend on the aims of the survey. If the main objective is to
obtain an overall estimate of the prevalence (or level) of an attribute in the
target population, random sampling methods should be used at aIl stages
of the sampling process to ensure that selection bias is not introduced. If,
however, the main objective of the study is to examine potential expo-
sure-outcome relationships, it may be more appropriate to select the main
sampling units in a non-random way since, in these situations, informa-
tiveness is usually more important than representativeness. For instance,
the selection of the 65 participating Chinese counties in Example 10.7 was
not do ne randomly because the main objective of the survey was not to
provide an overall estima te of the prevalence (or level) of the various
lifestyle attributes for the whole of China. The intention was rather to
compare the distribution of lifestyle attributes in counties known to have
very different levels of mortality from certain cancer sites. It was, howev-
er, necessary to obtain unbiased lifestyle prevalence estimates for each of
the selected counties and thus random methods were used to select the
participants in each county.
Another issue that needs to be considered in the sampling design is the
size of the sample. The sample should be sufficiently large to address the
main objectives of the study with adequate precision, but not excessively
larger than required, so that resources are not wasted. Sample size issues
are discussed in Chapter 15.

10.2 Data collection

The methods used to coIlect the relevant data in cross-sectional studies are
basicaUy those discussed in Chapter 2. Questionnaires, sometimes supple-
mented by diagnostic tests and collection of biological samples, are most
frequently used to obtain information from the study subjects in this type
of study. Most questionnaires include questions about past exposures as
weIl as current exposures. Information on past exposures considerably
strengthens the abilty of surveys to identify exposure-outcome relation-
a When the characteristic of interest is
a quantitative variable (such as dura-
tion of breast-feeding, weight, height, 10.3 Analysis
etc.), prevalence can be calculated Prevalencea is the measure of occurrence of a disease, condition or char-
only if the observations are classified
into categones. Otherwise, means or acteristic that can primarily be obtained from cross-sectional surveys (see
median levels can be used. Section 4.2.1). This is ilustrated in Example 10.12.


Cross-section al surveys

To examine the association between a putative risk factor for the

attribute of interest and the attribute itself, the population is first sub-
divided into those exposed and those not exposed to the factor under
study and the prevalence of the attribute in each group is calculated and
compared. A prevalence ratio can then be computed as the ratio of the
prevalence of the attribute of interest in those exposed to the putative risk
factor relative to the prevalence in those unexposed.

Table 10.4.
Breast cysts and Iietime use of oral
contraceptives: data from a hypotheti-
cal cross-sectional survey.

ln Example 10.13, the prevalence of breast cysts was 30% higher in ever-
users of oral contraceptives compared to never-users. It should be noted
that prevalence ratio is a good estimate of the incidence rate ratio only if
the prevalence of the outcome of interest among those unexposed is low
(less than 10%) and the duration of the disease is the same among those
who were exposed and those who were unexposed to the factor of inter-
Most often the exposures we are interested in can be further classified
into various levels of intensity as in Example 10.14. We can then examine
trends in prevalence by level of exposure.
It is also usual to measure the strength of the association between a
putative risk factor and the outcome of interest in a cross-sectional study
by calculating the odds ratio. This is the ratio of the odds of exposure to a
putative risk factor in subjects with the outcome of interest to that in sub-
jects without the outcome. By calculating odds ratios, the cross-sectional
study is analysed as if it were a case-control study. However, cross-sec-

Chapter 10

, , .,' " " ,,''-""._'-.:::--,-,

_.- ,,_.. ..-,..-::..,'.:..:.,.,..:..:::-.....:....'-:::....,:::.........,-:......,......."...'...:, _.... .., .' - ..
..............__.. .. ....,_...'.'.-.. ..-..'....'...._..".;._..'".....-:...._...:....._..

Example 10.14. A cross-sectional surveywiis carried out among women

attending a university health seniice to . investigate . the determinants of cer-.
vical humempapilomavirus (HPV) infection. A sampleof 467 women were
asked tocomplete a self-admi11istered questi0n.naire on socio-demographic
variables and sexual behaviour atthe tilYeoftheir vislt to the clinic. A poly-
merase chain reactíon DNA amplification methodwasused tódetect HPV
infection. The preyalence ofHPVinfectionwas then examined in relation to
marital status. and lifetíme number of .male sexual partners (Ley et aL.,
1991). The results are shown in Table 10.5.
Table 10.5. No. of % positive Prevalence ratio (95% CI)
Prevalence of HPV infection by marital women for HPV
status and lifetime number of male
Marital status
sexual partners. a
Singleb 437 47.4 1.0
Ever-married 30 20.0 0.4 (0.2-0.9)
Lifetime no. of sexual partners
1 b 90 21.1 1.0C
2-3 101 32.7 1.5 (0.9-2.4)
4-5 93 54.8 2.6 (1.7-4.0)
6-9 66 56.1 2.7 (1.7-4.3)
10+ 102 68.6
a Data from Ley et al. (1991).
3.3 (2.1-4.9)

b Taken as the baseline category.

c X2 test for trend = 53.10, 1 d.f.; P.: 0.0001.

(95% confidence intervals (CI) and X2 test for trend calculated using the formulae
given in Appendix 6.1.)

The prevalence ratio for each exposure level was calculated by forming 2 x 2 tables
as illustrated below for women with 10+ partners.

70 1
Number of male sexual partners


32 71
102 90
Prevalence among women with 10+ partners = 70/102 = 68.6%
Prevalence among women with one partner = 19/90 = 21.1 %
Prevalence ratio = 68.6% / 21.1 % = 3.3

tional studies differ from case-control studies in that the 'cases' and the
'controls' are defined a posteriori, Le., during the analysis and not at the
design stage. ln fact, if the outcome of interest is quantitative, it is even
possible to carry out several analyses using different definitions of 'cases'
and 'controls' by changing the cut-off point.

Cross-sectional surveys

.tiaÛstudy ofExample 10.13,we cancal~

ed ()ral contraceptives among womeii with
feast Cysts,

Note, however, that the odds ratio wil yield a good estima te of the
prevalence ratio only if the baseline prevalence of the condition is low (as
in Example 10.15).
, '- _ '- -,', ':,:: ',.,' . ',' : , :,' - " '. - , - '- ',' , , -' ' ,'- -"~" . -, ".,

,l Q.16~Usini ilatafrorr Table 1 O. S, we can calculate theodclsof

H. '. . ..'.. êll0dfrnore partnêrt('exposùreì)among HPV-posItve ('cases')
'...anclJ-PV~negative('colltrols') Women as: .' .. , .

\,- ,", ,. " , .- ,'.__- .:"., ", _ ..:, "" ..~,;'; '.'_ n , ._: ,',' .", ,-' _.", '.: '_ _, : _ " ',',' '.
',-::,;:'-. :,:,.;, :-.-----,'_:-' :.~_:".-'-:..':',:::_-::-;-'--,),':,',:':;', :,-', '.-"'/, '-'.~,,"; ;':',: -',: :_:,-.: -, '-'.''- :-:-',"
; ::, ': ';' : " : _~:-,':,. '; "::': ,: :,': .-': "C-:':'.-.: _"', ~ ._:'~:. '", .,::"-::__: '_; - :: ',_ :' - :' _,-:- .,' "-':, ': ':. .', -; , :,:_ ' :: ,'.-" _ ,,'_: '_" - - ',,: n _ :-,~ ,_.-: :, '-. ,n:_ ' , '., .

This'oâdsratioof 8.2 contrastSwiththe prevalence ratio of 3.3 calculat-

'. ....nZpkl0.14; ,. , , .
ln Example 10.16, it would be inappropriate to take the odds ratio as a
measure of relative prevalence, because in this example the baseline preva-
lence of HPV infection is relatively high (21. 1 % in women who reported
only one partner).

10.4 Interpretation
Cross-sectional surveys are relatively easy and economical to conduct
and are particularly useful for investigating exposures that are fixed char-
acteristics of individuals, such as ethnicity and blood group.
Cross-sectional surveys are not, however, the appropriate study design
to investigate causal relationships because they are based on prevalent
rather than incident cases. Studies of this type can reveal the presence or
absence of a relationship between the study variables and prevalent (exist-
ing) cases. This implies a need for caution, since prevalent cases may not
be representative of all cases of the disease. Cases of short duration,
because of either rapid recovery or death, have a smaller chance of being
detected in a one-time prevalence survey than cases of longer duration. It
follows logically that cases of long duration are over-represented in a
cross-sectional study. The characteristics of these long-duration cases may,
on average, differ in a variety of ways from the characteristics of aIl cases
of the disease being studied. Prevalent cases can also become unrepresen-

Chapter 10

tative of aIl cases when certain types of case leave the community. Sorne
affected subjects may be institutionalized elsewhere or move to another
city where there are special facilties for treatment.
Cross-sectional surveys are also an inadequate approach to the study of
rare conditions, since it would be necessary to survey a very large popula-
tion to identify enough cases. Thus, their use in cancer epidemiology has
been limited to the investigation of factors associated with prevalence of
precursor lesions.
Another major limitation of cross-sectional studies is their difficulty in
establishing the time sequence of events. For instance, in our hypotheti-
cal example of breast cysts and oral contraceptive use, it cannot be
assumed that oral contraceptive use preceded the appearance of cysts. ln
fact, women with benign breast disorders are sometimes prescribed oral
contraceptives to improve their condition. ln contrast, there would be no
doubt about the time sequence of the cancer and such traits as blood type
or maternaI exposure to radiation.

Cross-section al surveys

Further reading
* A practical book on the role,
planning and conduct of surveys
in developing countries is that by
Casley & Lury (1987).

* Ross & Vaughan (1986) pro-

vide a methodological review of
the use of cross-sectional sur-
veys to obtain morbidity data and
information on the use of health
services in developing countries.

Chapter 11
Studies based on
routine data
Routine-data-based studies are characterized by the fact that data on
both the exposure(s) and the outcome(s) of interest are obtained from rou-
tine data-collection systems (e.g., cancer registries, hospital registries,
death notification, etc.). Thus, studies of this type can be carried out rela-
tively quickly and cheaply, without the need to contact the study subjects.
Their main limitation, however, is that the number of variables available
from routine surveilance systems is generally limited.
Studies based on routine data can be carried out at an individual or at an
aggregated leveL.

11. i Individual level

Most routine data-collection systems collect data on personal attributes
such as age, sexJ place of birth, place of residence, occupation, etc. Cancer
occurrence can then be examined in relation to these variables, either to
search for patterns that may suggest etiological hypotheses or to confirm
a specific hypothesis.

11.1.1 Place of residence

Routine-data-based studies of the variabilty in cancer incidence across
the world have given an indication of the extent to which environmental
factors are implicated in the causation of each cancer type (Example i 1. 1).
Examination of geographical variations in cancer incidence may pro-
vide important etiological clues and stimula
te further investigations.
Cancer of the oesophagus is one of the cancer sites with the most striking
patterns of geographical variation. Its incidence varies sharply from one
area to another, with foci of very high risk completely surrounded by areas
of very low risk. The remarkable geographical variation in the risk of this
cancer in central Asia (Example i 1.2) stimulated the conduct of a series of
cross-sectional and case-control studies in northern Iran with the specific
aim of investigating possible risk factors. These studies were interrupted in
1978 by the civil unrest in the area but initial results suggested a strong
association with a diet poor in vegetables and with the use of opium Ooint
Iran-International Agency for Research on Cancer Study GrouPJ 1977).
Part of the international differences in cancer risks ffay be genetic
rather than environ mental. But for ffany cancer sites, there are stil
ffarked variations in incidence within countries, even when their popula-
tions are genetically fairly homogeneous.
The distribution shown in Example 11.3 was initially assumed to be due



Chapter 11

Example .11.1., Data (rom population-based cancer registries .'.located d
throughout the world were used to examineinternationãl vafiations, in carL- '
cer incidence. For most cancer sites; there was a morethan tén-roId variation.
between the highest and the lowest recorded incidence rates (Table 11.1).
Table 11.1. Cancer site Males Females
International variations in recorded Highest Lowest H:L Highest Lowest H:L
incidence for selected cancer sites: the (ICD 9 code)
rate (H) rate (L)b ratio rate (H) rate (L)b rati 0
highest and lowest rate among ail the
population-based cancer registries Lip (140) 15.1 0.1 151 1.6 0.1 16
included in Cancer Incidence in Five Tongue (141) 9.4 0.4 24 3.4 0.2 17
Continents, Vol. V. Rates per 100 000
pyrs, age-standardized to the world
Mouth (143-145) 13.5 0.5 27 15.7 0.2 79
standard population. a Nasopharynx (147) 30.0 0.3 100 12.9 0.1 129
Pharynx (146. 148-149) 31.3 0.4 78 4.3 0.2 22
Oesophagus (150) 29.2 1.2 24 12.4 0.3 41
Stomach (151) 82.0 3.7 22 36.1 3.0 12
Colon (153) 34.1 1.8 19 29.0 1.8 16
Rectum (154) 21.5 3.0 7 13.4 1.3 10
Liver (155) 34.4 0.7 49 11.6 0.4 29
Larynx (161) 17.8 2.2 8 2.7 0.2 14
Lung (162) 110.0 5.8 19 68.1 1.2 57
Melanoma of skin (172) 30.9 0.2 155 28.5 0.2 143
Breast (174/175) 3.4 0.2 17 93.9 14.0 7
Cervix uteri (180) 83.2 3.0 28
Ovary (182) 25.8 3.3 8
Prostate (185) 91.2 1.3 70
Testis (186) 8.3 0.6 14
Bladder (188) 27.8 1.7 16 8.5 0.8 11

Nervous system (191-192) 9.7 1.1 9 10.0 0.8 13

Non-Hodgkin Iymphoma 11.4 1.5 8 8.7 0.9 10
(200. 202)
Hodgkin's disease (201) 4.8 0.5 10 3.9 0.3 13
a Data from Whelan et al. (1990).
b Rates based on less than 10 cases were excluded.

to consumption of home-produced apple eider. Normandy and Brittany

are the only French provinces where apple cider is produced in consider-
able quantities and this beverage is largely consumed in the provinces
themselves (Tuyns et aL., 1983). Further research has shown that aIl types
of alcoholic beverage appear to increase the risk of oesophageal cancer.

11.1.2 Place of birth and ethnicity

People who migrate from one country to another have lifestyle char-
acteristics that are a combination of those prevailng in the host country
and those from their homeland. Thus, evidence of a gradient of increas-
ing, or decreasing, risks between population of origin, migrants and the

Studies based on routine data

triis .analysisshowed-thqtthr!
Uzbekistan and T'urkmenistan,

per 100 000 pyrs.
'" 10

i-i 10-29
-i 30-79
_ ;,80
i;~:f.tY:: ~~~::~~:d high



Mediterranean Sea Caspian Sea

host population can suggest or confirm the importance of environmen- Figure '11.1.
tal factors over genetic factors in the etiology of a particular cancer. Oesophageal cancer among men in
central Asia. Incidence rates age-stan-
This approach can be refined by adding a time component to it. The dardized ta the world standard popula-
degree of cultural integration into the host country can be measured indi- tion (reproduced, by permission of
rectly by information on age at migration and/or time since migration. Oxford University Press, from Muñaz &
Day, 1996).
ln Example 11.4, European immigrants were at lower risk of dying
fram melanoma than the Australian-born, particularly southern
Europeans. This finding may reflect the protective effect of darker com-
plexions. The data also suggested that migration in childhood was asso-
CÍated with a higher risk than migration later in life, but it is difficult to
separate this effect fram that of duration of stay (Le., migration at an
early age was inevitably assoCÍated with a longer stay th an migration at
an older age).

Chapter 11

_.~,- -- -,'
-'. -..' ."
-,'"- -".'
. ,--"-,--',-,
- ---.,"-,"''',,-''''
- -,'--. .'. -, -,-,,",
-," .-.:'
,~ ..
. Examplell.3. Routinely collected mortality datawere1fsedtô
geographical distribution of oesophageal cancer inBritt4. '
Normandydepartments of Calvados and Orne (Figure 11;2).A .
in most cantons were similar ta the average ratein France,.ins 'tons .
iti easternBrittany and north-western Orne, mortality. was fìveto tEn times ,
higher (Tuyns & Vernhes, 1981). '. ,.
Figure 11.2.
Age-standardized mortality rates for
cancer of the oesophagus among
males, by canton in (a) the Normandy
departments of Calvados and Orne
(repraduced with permission fram
Tuyns & Vernhes, 1981 t9 Masson
Editeur, 1981), and (b) Brittany,
1958-66 (modified fram Tuyns &
Massé, 1973).

If information on both place of birth and ethnicity is available, it is pos-

sible to distinguish first-generation immigrants (born in the country of
origin) from their children, often born in the host country, who are con-
sidered as second-generation immigrants. This distinction provides anoth-
er useful indicator of the likely degree of assimilation by the immigrants
of the lifestyle characteristics of the host country, which tends to be more
marked in the second th an in the first generation.

Studies based on routine data

Figure 11.3.
Relative risks (RRs) of mortality from
melanoma in male European immi-
__ England
grants to Australia, by region of birth
-0 Ireland, Scotland and Wales and age at arrivai compared to
0.8 -7 Central Europe Australian-born (taken as the baseline
Eastern Europe group: RR=1); Auslralia, 1964-85
Southern Europe (reproduced with permission from Khlat
et aL., 1992).
.: 0.6
a: 0.4


~15 15-24 25+
Age at arrivai (years)

ln Example 11.5, there was a consistent pattern: the risk for aIl four
cancer sites converged towards the risk in the host country. For stomach
and liver cancer, both of which were more common inJapan than among
whites in the United States, men who were born inJapan but migrated to
California had considerably lower risks of death than men of the same
age in Japan. But risks in the second generation were stillower. ln con-
trast, the risk of colon and prostatic cancers, which were comrnon in
California but rare in Japan, rose to approach that of white men in
California with migration. These findings clearly show the importance of
environmental factors over genetic factors linked to ethnicity. There was
stil a residual difference between rates in second-generation immigrants
and rates in California. These residual differences might reflect differ-
ences in genetic susceptibilty to these malignancies or, alternatively,
they might indicate that second-generation immigrants maintained sorne
of the 'traditional' Japanese lifestyle.

Chapter 11

Figure 11.4.
Age-adjusted mortality rate ratios
(RRs) for cancer of the stomach, liver,
colon and prostate among Japanese
men in Japan, and first- and second-
generation Japanese immigrants to
California, compared with white men in
California (taken as the baseline group:
RR=1); Japan, 1958-59 and California,
1956-62 (data from Bueil & Dunn,

Any differences in cancer risk between migrants and those who

remained in their country of origin must be interpreted cautiously,
however, since migrants are usually a self-selected group not represen-
tative of the population of their country of origin. Migrants are also
likely to differ from the host population in a number of demographic
and socioeconomÍC characteristics that should be taken into account
when comparing risks. ln Example 11.6, most of the migrants origi-
nated from the southern part of Italy, which had lower mortality from
pancreatic cancer than the country as a whole.
ln routine-data-based studies, migrants are identified on the basis of
place or country of birth and ethnicity and, when information on
these two variables is not available, on the basis of name analysis.
More rarely, information on language and religion has also been used.
It should, however, be kept in mind that these approaches do not yield
similar results. For instance, sorne of the people born in the Indian sub-
continent who migrated to England and Wales are, in fact, of
Caucasian ethnicity. Thus, analyses exclusively based on country of
birth wil include first-generation migrants regardless of their ethnici-
ty. By contras t, analyses exclusively based on ethnicity wil include
migrants of a particular ethnic group regardless of whether they are of
first or of subsequent generations.

~~~~Q~~ Studies based on routine data

. Example.l1.6. Mortalityfrom cancer orthe pancreas in Italian migrant

rnenwasc0111paredwithmortalityintheircountr ofbirth (Italy)and with
mortalityin eight host countres.Mosttif the Italian migrantsoriginated

',from~southernltaly. ln order toattempttò allOll' for selectionbiasi relative

risks(R)yiere exainined for bothsouthern. Italy and the who le countr.
Figure 11.5 shows thati for instance1mortality (rom pancreatic cancer was
much lower iti southern Italy(R =0.38) and in the whole of Italy (RR =
. 0.65) than in Canada (taken as the baseline:RR =1). However, the rnor-
tality in Italian migrants to Canada was close to that of the host population
(R = 0.93) (Balzi et aL.1 1993).
Figure 11.5.
Relative risk (Iogarithmic scale) Relative risk (RR) of mortality fram
0.1 10 pancreatic cancer in Italy (South, ail
Italy) , and in eight male Italian immi-
CANADA grant populations compared with the
S. Italy 0.38 host country populations (each taken
Allitaly as the baseline graup: RR=1) (repro-
duced with permission fram Balzi et al.,
UK, England
& Wales

S. Italy


UK, Scotland

S. Italy



FRANCE S.ltaly
BRAZIL, São Paulo
Allitaly 1.42

Chapter 11

Table 11.2. Educational Odds ratio by years

Mortality from selected cancer sites by lever unknown of educationb
years of schooling, for females aged
35-64 years in São Paulo (Brazil), ("l) .:1d 1-8 9-11 :;11
1978-82. a Stomach (151) 691 6.2 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.3 43.5; P-:0.001

Colon (153) 338 7.1 1.0 1.4 2.1 2.2 13.3; P-:0.001

Breast(174) 1744 5.9 1.0 1.6 2.4 2.6 77.5; P-:0.001

Cervix uteri (180) 645 7.2 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2 50.2; P-:0.001
a Data from Bouchardy et al. (1993)
b Controls are ail cancers except the one under investigation (see Section 11.1.6 for
discussion of the method of analysis). Odds ratios are adjusted for age, civil status,
and country of birth.
cAfter exclusion of subjects with unknown level of education.
d Taken as the baseline category.

11.1.3 Socioeconomic status and occupation

Analyses of cancer risks by socioeconomic and occupational groups
have also provided important insights into the epidemiology of cancer.
Example 11.7 shows marked associations between mortality and edu-
cationallevel. The gradient was positive for breast and colon cancers but
negative for stomach and cervical cancers (Table 11.2). These gradients
are similar to those found in western countries.
ln Example 11.8, men engaged in outdoor occupations had the high-
est proportional incidence of lip cancer (Table 11.3). These findings sug-
gest that sun exposure may be important in the etiology of this cancer.
People with different occupations tend to have different lifestyles as
weIl as different occupational exposures. Thus, differences in their can-
cer risks might also give etiological clues in relation to factors that are
not directIy related to the occupation (as in Example 11.9).
Table 11.4 shows a strong social-class gradient in the risk of married
women dying from cervical cancer in England and Wales. Wives of men
in social class 1 (highest social class) experienced a mortality rate which
was only 34% the rate for aIl married women. ln contras t, the mortality
of wives of men in social class V (lowest social class) was 81% higher
than that of aIl married women. Within each social class, however, the
highest rates were among wives of men in occupations involving travel
Studies based on routine data

Proportional incidence Table 11.3.

ratio (PIR)b Lip cancer incidence in men aged
Farmers, farm managers, 15-74 years, England and Wales,
23 2.18
market gardeners 1968-69, by occupation, for those
occupations associated with statistically
Agricultural workers 35 5.26 significant increases in proportional
Bricklayers, tie setters 14 2.39 incidence ratios.a
Construction workers 16 2.35
a Data fram OPCS (1978)
b Age-adjusted. P.: 0.01 for ail the PIRs shown.

(See Example 11.14 for illustration of calculation of praportional incidence ratios).

and absence from home for long periods, a situation known to be asso-
ciated with high risk of venereal diseases among men. This pattern sup-
ported the hypothesis that cervical cancer might be a sexually transmit-
ted infection long before any infectious agent was identified (Beral,
ln interpreting differences in incidence or mortality between socioe-
conomic groups, it must be remembered that health itself may deter-
mine entry into a specific group. For instance, people with poor health
are usually forced to work in physically less demanding jobs and more
demanding jobs selectively include only those in good health.

11.1.4 Time trends

Information on changes in cancer risk over time can generate etiolog-
ical hypotheses or support suspected associations between risk factors
and disease. Moreover, while the existence of geographical variation in
incidence between populations may be explained by genetic differences,
changes in incidence in single populations imply the introduction or
disappearance of environmental risk factors mu ch more clearly.
ln Example 11.10 the incidence of papilary carcinoma of the thyroid
increased steadily in the younger age groups in Connecticut during the
40-year study period, resulting in a peak at ages 25-44 years (Figure
11.6). This sudden increase in incidence in the USA followed the wide-
spread use of radiation therapy for 'enlarged thymus' and other benign
conditions of the head and neck among children and adolescents
between the early 1920s and the late 19S0s (Pottern et al., 1980). No sim-
Har increase in the incidence of this cancer was observed in populations
where the use of this therapy had not been common. This example pro-
vides a good ilustration of a large increase in the incidence of a partic-
ular cancer due to the introduction of a specific exposure.

Chapter 11

were~sed.toexamine..riskpfmortalityfTom .cervicalcancer amongmarried
W.'s. 0.. ccuP. a. tion s..0....ßera..l,. 1...9..74). (ln. this
countT...death... registrarsare requiredtoenterthe.hasbandls... lJccupation .on
the death certíficate ota married. womanor widow;socialclass for married
. women isdßtermined by the husbands occupation.) Theresults areshown
inTableJ 104.

Table 11.4. Social Occupation of husband Standardized mortaliy

Cervical cancer mortality among mar- class ratio (SMR, %)b
ried women by husband's social c1ass
Ali occupations 34
and occupation, England and Wales,
1959-63.8 (Only data for occupations Clergymen 12
with the lowest and highest mortality Scientists 17
levels are shown in the table to iIus-
Civil engineers 60
trate the range of risks within each
social c1ass.) 1\ Ali occupations 64
Teachers 30
Senior government officiais 40
Publicans and innkeepers 120
Lodging house and hotel keepers 150
III Ali occupations 100
Clerks of work 40
Clerks 64
Crane and hoist operators 159
Drivers of road goods vehicles 168
iV Ali occupations 116
Shopkeepers and assistants 71
Gardeners and groundsmen 98
Fishermen 257
Deck and engine-room ratings, 263
barge and boatmen
V Ali occupations 181
Offce and window c1eaners 95
Labourers 222
a Data from Serai (1974)

b Age-specifie rates for ail married women in England and Wales taken as the

ln Example 11.11, there was no consistent change in the risk of testicu-

lar cancer for successive generations of men born between 1880 and 1920.
However, for generations born since then, the risk increased steadily,
except for men born in Denmark, Norway and Sweden during 1930-45 (the
years around the Second World War). The reasons for the marked increase
in incidence are not known. The rise has occurred mainly in industrialized
countries and in upper socioeconomic groups, suggesting that lifestyle fac-
tors associated with affuence may be responsible. ParadoxicaIly, the small

Studies based on routine data

Figure 11.6.
Age-specifie incidence rates for papil-
Year of incidence lary carcinoma of the thyraid in women
by calendar period, Connecticut (USA),
1965-75 1935-75 (repraduced with permission

/'/ \, ,'\ 1955-64

fram Pottern et al., 1980).

/ \ "

/' l- -- ',- - " \ /

,1L/" ..
/' / -..'\' \\
, 1""---""
-- - ----- \
- ~ - )/

1 / \
ii --- ,"y--~,,--./ \

/' - / / / \
1/ // "-__~

5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84

Age groups (years)

decline in risk for generations born during the Second World War occurred
in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, which were apparently less affected by
the war th an Poland, the former East Germany and Finland.
Time trends can also be used to assess and monitor the effectiveness of
cancer control activities such as mass screening programmes. ln Example
Il.12, there was a close relationship between the decline in incidence of
cervical cancer in each country and the degree of coverage by organized
mass screening programmes. The decline in incidence was most marked
in Finland and Iceland, where national screening programmes were initi-
ated in the early 1960s. The fall was less marked in Sweden, where the
programme was introduced more graduaIly, and in Denmark where only
40% of the population lived in areas with organized mass screening.
There was no obvious decline in the incidence of cervical cancer in
Norway, the only country which did not have an organized programme
(except in one county).

11.1.5 Record linkage studies

Unkage of cancer registry records with records from other sources such
as census data, mortality data, company records, hospital admission
records, etc., has been undertaken to investigate risk factors for a large


Chapter 11

Figure 11.7.
Relative risk (RR) of developing testic-
ular cancer by country and year of
birth. (Men born in the study countries
between 1900 and 1909 were taken as
the baseline category: RR=1) (repra-
duced with permission fram Bergström
et aL., 1996).

number of cancers such as occupational and reproductive-related cancers

(see Section 2.9.3).
ln Example 11.13, a cohort of 73 917 men in Denmark was identifed
retrospectively from hospital discharge and pathology registries as having
had vasectomy during 1977-89. They were passively followed from the
time of their operation to 31 December 1989, when their vital and migra-
tion status was assessed by linkage with the population registry. The occur-
rence of cancer among cohort members was ascertained by linkage with
the national cancer registry.

11.1.6 Analysis
Studies based on routine data conducted at an individual level may be
regarded as cohort studies in which a group of people, or cohort, is followed
up in time. For instance, comparison of cancer incidence or mortality across
different occupational groups may be regarded as a study of groups of peo-
ple with different occupational 'exposures' who were followed up in time
and their cancer experience compared. Thus, the analysis of these studies is
similar to the analysis of any other cohort study and the methods are basi-
cally those described in Chapters 4 and 8. The analysis is based on calcula-

Studies based on routine data

Figure 11.8.
Trends in age-adjusted incidence of
cervical cancer in the five Nordic coun-
tries, 1943-78 (reproduced with per-
mission trom Hakama (1982)).

tion of rates as measures of disease occurrence, and of rate ratios and rate di(-
ferences as measures of effect. The analysis of time trends by calendar period
and birth cohort was considered in Section 4.3.2.
Calculation of rates requires information on person-time at risk (Le.,
denominators) for each of the groups of interest. Population estimates to
allow these calculations are not always available, however. For instance,
although national statistical offices in many countries are able to provide
population estimates for the whole country and for relatively large geo-
graphical areas, they may be unable to provide data for smaller geo-
graphical areas. Moreover, cancer registrations and death certificates may
contain information on many variables for which data are not collected
by the census (or any other population enumeration system). For
instance, cancer registries may collect information on ethnicity, but prop-
er denominators wil not be available if information on that variable is
not collected by the census. ln other situations, denominators are avail-
able from the census but case-finding is so incomplete (for instance, if on
a large proportion of death certificates, data on occupation of the
deceased is mIssing) that the numerator data are not comparable with the
available denominator data.

Chapter 11
~. ..~~~~..'2~&~:z.¡a:=-=~

Example Il.13. A study was conducted inDenmarkto£lssesswhethër

vasectomy increases the risk of cancers of the testiS£llldprostçita.i;l'hfstady
was basedon a computerized record linkageb(?fMeenfoyrpoiwlation-
based registries. The linkage wasdone by usingthe uniquepersonal iden-
tification number allocated to every resident in Denmaik.
The Danish Hospital Discharge Registr has recorded aIl Hospital
admissions in the country since 19771 recording dates of admission and
dischargei diagnosis, and operations. Some hospital departments,howev-
er, regarded vasectomy as an outpatient service and did notinform.the reg-
Pathology registries were set up in some counties to recordallspecimens
analysed in Hospital pathology departments within thecounty. Astfzetts~
sue removed at vasectomy is routinely sent for pathologicalexarninatiolli
in counties where pathology registries exist it is possible
as .outpatíents)fr()lf
vasectomized men (whether treated as inpatients or

their files. . . .' ......' . '.. . .......... ....'

The Danish Central Population Registry records information abollt.
vital status and date of emigration or death of everyonewho wiisalivein
1968 or who was born in or immigrated into Denmarkthereafter. . ...... . .... .,. ...' .....
The Danish Cancer Registry co vers aIl cases of.cancer.inf)en1J~rk
diagnosed since 1943, based on notificationsfrom hospJtal~ep~rtmelLtsl
specialistsi necropsy reports anddeathcertificates. ...... ....... .........iii
Inthe present stuqyi the HospitÇlLIJiSc~qrKeR~&istrgHnBffza.Rß~fzBrQ~.
Registry were .searched to .identifY..Clll,''fenwhO'~ri(;~rwellt-f(ls~Ct91'Yff~W3
1977 to .1989. A total. of 73 917meplJ'fr:iaantifi:.Cl..qn~tJ;eirrefqr~s
were then li.nked with the Central PoP. B;e. ;g.:." .....Í,'.............p.'. r.pv.i.'. d...ß. t.. ir.........a........~........

tion on theirvItal status on 31 8..........~...............a........n. d.........d......a......te......s.....Qf... em.....l..g....r....a......tio......n.......o.t

death. Cancer occurrence among the. cohortmernF/erswasidentifiedby

record linkage with the Danish Cancer
.. ',.. ....-.. " . " ., " . "
Registry (Møller,e(~l.l)994).

The traditional answer to situations where suitable denominators

are not available has been to calculate proportional incidence or mortal-
ity ratios (see Section 4.3.5). This is illustrated in Example i 1. 14.
Proportional incidence (or mortality) ratios are usually age-adjusted
by using the indirect method of standardization in a way similar to
that used in the calculation of standardized incidence (or mortality)
ratios, except that a set of age-specific proportions rather than age-
specific rates is taken as the standard in the calculation of expected
numbers (see Section 4.3.3).
It can be shown that odds ratios may be more appropriate than pro-
portional incidence (or mortality) ratios in situations where no prop-
er denominators are available (Miettinen & Wang, 1981). Odds ratios
can be calculated to estimate the risk of a particular cancer ('cases')
relative to other cancer sites ('controls') in a population group A
('exposed') compared with another population group B ('unexposed).
Studies based on routine data

EXartPI(! 11.14. Suppose that an investigator is interested in examiningthe

incidence of lung cancer among men working in the printing industr.
. Information on the occupationofallnew lungcancer cases that occurred in
.apartcuIar region A duringthe years 19jO~74can be obtained (rom the
.localpopulation-based cancer registr but no population estimates by occu-
pationaI:groupare available (rom thecensus. Inthis instancei it is notpos-
sible tocalculate rates since there are nodenominator data: Insteadi propor-
tional incidence measures are calculated.
Suppose that a total of 10 000 male incident cancers occurred in region
A during the years 1970-741 ofwhich 2000 were lung cancers. Thusi the
proportion ofmaIe lung cancers in this region was

Suppose also that the total number of incident cancers among maleprint-
ers during the same period (1970-74) was 1001 ofwhich 40 were Iungcan-
cers. The proportion of male Iung cancers amongprinters was

40/100= 0.40

We can calculate the number of lung cancer cases we would have

expected (E) among the printers if they had the same proportion
,. lung. cancers as the whole population of the region. This woÚldbe. .
. eqùal to

, . The proportional incidence ratio (PIR) can be obtained by dividing

number (E): .
the observed number of lung cancers among the printers (0) by the expec.ed

ln Example 11.15, the mortality data were examined as a series of

case-contraI analyses. ln each of these analyses, aIl cancers except the
particular one under investigation were taken as the 'contraIs' and
people born in England and Wales as the 'unexposed'.



Chapter 11

",- '-": ":-

':- " ".-'-~,,',
' " -,-'"
-", -"-', -'-----
',-':"':,- '- " .....,'.:"
, :'-' -,,-: ,-
.. .." -,''"-,-,.......,'
:.-', -.'--': '

Example 11~15. InEngZand andWaZesiinfonnationoncountr 6fbirth Of

. thedeceà.sed hasbeen enterèd arideath cèrtfi¿atessfnce 1969, andthis infor-
mationhasbeen coded and incIuded inhationalmortaIityfiZes bythe Ofßce
of PopuZation Censuses and Surveys (OPCS).Jnfonnation on. ethnicity is not
reèorded intfie death certíficatebut,fordeaths tram 1973to 1985, OPCS
undérto()k ethnie-origin coding for perS(Jns 'born in the Indian subcontinent.
.The coaingwas based onhamt anaZysis, exactpZace orb, irthand other items
on the death certificate, andit separated thé Itidian-born into those of Indian
ethnie origin, British ethnie origin and others., Data on ethnicity were not coZ-
lectedby the cens us at that time and' therefore no proper denominators. were
availakZe. Thus,age-adjusted odds ratios J'ere calcuZated to estimate reZative
risksofmortality. (rom different cancer sites in the migrants compared with
',., peopzeborn and residentinEngZandandWaZés (SwádZow et aL., 1995),
, d.,'_"TcibZe 11.5 shows results frórr this an.aZysis
'".-"u,_"._ -c' _,' _",' -_,.,_.....". -',' ".,' _,.";:";".__,_,,,,,-,,',""_,:'\._ _,,:',- '", .
".' ',-' ,'-,'-':".,,'
cancer sites.
_-".' ,'.,'. ,

England and Wales British ethnie, Indian ethnie,

Table 11.5. bornb barn in India barn in India
Age-adjusted odds ratios of cancer No. Odds ratio No. Odds ratio No. Odds ratio
mortality for selected sites in male
(95% Cl)c (95% CI)
migrants fram the Indian subcontinent
to England and Wales, by ethnie graup, Oral (141,143-145) 4564 1.0 24 1.7 (1.1-2.5) 30 2.2 (1.5-3.1)
compared with males born and resi- Pharynx 3440 1.0 22 2.1 (1.4-3.1) 55 5.5 (4.2-7.2)
dent in England and Wales, 1973-85. a (except nasopharynx)
(146, 148,149)
Liver(155) 6177 1.0 33 1. 7 (1 .2-2.5) 88 5.0 (4.0-.2)
Lung (163) 296012 1.0 759 0.7 (0.7-0.8) 581 0.6 (0.6-0.7)
a Data fram Swerdlow et al. (1995).
b Taken as the 'unexposed' baseline group.
c Ci = confidence interval

Lung cancer ('cases') a (581) b (296 012)

Other cancer ('contrais') c (1737) d (466 756)
OR = (a/b)/(c/d) = (581/296012)/(1737/466756)=0.5
(The methods described in Chapter 14 were used to adjust for age.)

A similar approach was used in Example 11.7 to examine educational

differentials in cancer mortality in São Paulo (Brazil). Although data on
educationallevel were collected by the census, the quality of these data
was likely to differ from that in the death certificates since the informa-
tion on the census forms was provided by the individuals themselves,
whereas that on the death certificate was given by the relatives of the
deceased. To overcome the lack of comparabilty between numerator and
denominator data, odds ratios were calculated instead of rates.

'''''''''''''='''''~''-~~ Studies based on routine data
nr:i=~ -----.....- """=-=;'.,.r~~9I-.,v.=~__""....=~=~__,-~~~~~.,,,~.V"';""!=~~~~-=='''~~~''-=''~~=i!'2'''

A discussion of the relative merits of odds ratios versus proportional

ratios is beyond the scope of this chapter. Suffice it to say that it can be
shawn that the odds ratio equals the rate ratio (the measure that would
have been calculated if suitable denominators had been available) provid-
ed that the total incidence rate of 'other cancers' is similar in the two pop-
ulation groups, in other words, that the total incidence rate of 'other can-
cers' in the analysis is unrelated to the 'exposure' (Miettinen & Wang,
1981). No similar relationship exists between proportional ratios and rate
ratios. Despite this advantage of the odds ratios, it should be noted that
the calculation of odds ratios does not solve one important problem of the
proportional ratios-the 'borrowing effect occurring in populations with
high incidence of a particularly common cancer, which inevitably leads to
lower proportional incidence for other cancers. ln other words, the pro-
portion (or odds) for an individual cause may be high because the inci-
dence for that cause is high or because the incidence for other major caus-
es is low. These two situations can be distinguished only when proper
denominator data are available (see Section 4.3.5).

11.1.7 Interpretation
Routine surveilance systems usually coyer large catchment popula-
tions, sometimes of milions of people followed up over long periods of
time. Thus, one of the main advantages of routine-data-based studies is
that they allow the study of a very large number of people at a very low
A major limitation, however, is the restricted range of variables collect-
ed by these systems, that often tend to be just proxy measures of more bio-
logically relevant exposures. For instance, country of birth may act just as
marker of environmental factors (e.g., diet, reproductive variables) for
which data are not available in routine data systems.

Data qualiy
Potential data artefacts need to be considered when interpreting results
from these studies. The observation of differences in recorded cancer inci-
dence between populations does not necessarily reflect true underlying
variations in cancer risks. Differences in recorded incidence may arise
because of differences in health service access (including screening), diag-
nosis, and registration practices. ln addition, they may be due to varia-
tions in the accuracy of enumeration of the population. Sorne of these
issues were discussed briefly in Section 2.9 and Appendix A2.2.
An example is the difficulty in assessing rising trends in the recorded inci-
dence of prostatic cancer În many western countries due to uncertainty about
the effect of changes În diagnostic and registration practices. Strong parallels
have been observed in the USA between time trends in the recorded inci-
dence of localized prostate cancer and time trends in the use of transurethral
resection of the prostate (Potosky et al., 1990; Severson, 1990), a surgical pro-
cedure performed to relieve commonly occurring symptoms of benign pro-

Chapter 11

static hyperplasia. An increasing use of this medical procedure seems to have

led to an increased detection of clinically silent tumours that would other-
wise not have been diagnosed. Inter-country variations in the use of this
technique also seem to account for sorne of the difference between recorded
incidence rates in Japan and the USA (Shimizu et aL., 1991).
Cancer incidence data are not available in many countries, and, if avail-
able, the registration scheme may not coyer the whole population or the data
collected may be incomplete. Mortality data are available for a much larger
number of countries and for much longer periods. Mortality data, however,
have the disadvantage of not directiy reflecting incidence, particularly for
cancers with a good prognosis. This is because mortality depends on both
incidence and case fatality. Death rates closely parallel incidence rates only if
the disease is fatal and if death occurs shortly after diagnosis. For example,
death rates are a good indication of the magnitude of the incidence rates for
lung cancer because this tumour has a high and early fatality, but not for tes-
ticular cancer, for which survival is relatively good. Moreover, the accUfacy of
the mortality data provided in death certificates is influenced by geographi-
cal differences and trends in diagnostic and certification practices as weIl as
by changes in the frequency with which post-mortem examinations are car-
ried out.
Routine mortality statistics in many countries are based on a
80 single underlying cause of death. The mIes for determining the
underlying cause of death are primarily those of the
International Classification of Diseases (see Appendix A.2.2), but
60 national vital statistics offices may, on occasions, superimpose
their own mIes. For instance, the Office of Population Censuses
s: and Surveys in England and Wales changed one of these mIes
.e 40 (mIe 3) in 1983, so that cancer is now more likely to be coded

as the cause of death even if it is only recorded as a contributo-
QI ry cause in the death certifcate (Ashley & Devis, 1992). This
change in coding affected secular trends in recorded cancer
mortality. It has been estimated that close to 50% of the
increase in prostatic cancer mortality at ages 75-84 years in
England and Wales from 1970 to 1990 could possibly be
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 explained by changes in coding practices (Gmlich et aL., 1995).
Year of death
Many other factors, sorne of them less apparent, mayaffect
recorded incidence and mortality data. Mortality rates for
+ Malignant neoplasm
of brain (ICD-9 191)
-* Neoplasm of
unspecified nature
malignant neoplasms of the brain decreased greatly in
of brain (ICD-9 239.6) England and Wales during the years 1981-82, but it is clear
from examination of the data for neoplasms of unspecified
Figure 11.9. nature of the brain that this decrease was largely, or entirely, an artefact.
Mortality from brain neoplasms, malig- Most of the unspecified cases are allocated to malignancies of the brain
nant and of unspecified nature, in
males, England and Wales, 1979-85. after further enquiries are sent to the certifiers requesting clarifcation of
Death rates age-standardized to the the cause of death. The artefact shown in Figure Il.9 occurred because the
1981 England and Wales population
number of enquiries referred to certifiers was reduced during a strike by
(reproduced by permission of Churchil
Livingstone, fram Swerdlow (1989)). registrars in 1981-82.

Studies based on routine data

Comparabílty of the numerator and denominator data

Calculations of rates requires estima tes of person-years at risk, according to
the variables under study. These usuaIly rely upon census data. It is essential
that the variables in the census are defined, classified and coded in a similar
way to the variables in cancer registration and mortality databases. However,
even when the same criteria are used, individuals may stil be classified dif-
ferently in the two databases if the way the information was obtained differs.
For instance, the information in the census is provided by the individuals
themselves, whereas that on the death certificates is given by informants
(usuaIly relatives of the deceased). Informants may not be able to provide
accurate information on many items su ch as occupation of the deceased, or
may deliberately report a more prestigious occupation (OPCS, 1978).

Selection bias
People who migrate are not generally a representative group of their pop-
ulation of origin. For instance, migrants tend to be healthier than those who
stay in the home country. This 'healthy migrant effect wil affect compar-
isons with home population risks. A similar bias may occur in analyses by
occupation (the 'healthy worker effect) and this wil affect comparisons with
the general population (see Sections 8.2.2 and 13.1.1).
Another source of bias, that is more difficult to detect, results from changes
in 'exposure' which are related to the disease event itself. For example,
migrants may retum to their country of origin soon before death or people
move jobs as a consequence of being diagnosed with a particular condition.
ln these situations, risks in the host country or in the job held before diag-
nosis wil be under-estimated.

One of the main limitations of routine-data-based studies is that informa-
tion on important confounding factors (with the exception of age and sex) is
generaIly not available. For instance, the high risks of lung cancer found in
sorne occupational groups are not due to occupational exposures but to high
prevalence of smoking. Unfortunately, data on smoking habits are rarely col-
lected by routine surveilance systems.

Final remarks
ln summary, the study of variations in cancer incidence and mortality by
place of residence and birth, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and over time is
a valid and useful exercise, provided that the investigator has a thorough
knowledge of the way data are collected and processed so that aIl possible
sources of data artefacts, bias and confounding are considered in the inter-
pretation of the findings.

11.2 Aggregated level (ecological studies)

The routine-data-based studies considered thus far share the character-
istic that the observations made pertain to individual subjects. It is, how-


Chapter 11

ever, possible to conduct research at a group level rather th an at the indi-

vidualleveL Studies which involve investigating the frequency of disease
(or of any other outcome of interest) in relation to the level of exposure
in several groups of individuals (or in the same group over different peri-
ods of time) are called ecological studies. ln this type of study, it is not
possible to link the exposure of a particular individual with his or her out-
come. Thus, the group rather than the individual is the unit of observa-
tion and analysis. The groups may be defined in a large number of ways,
according to place of residence, place of birth, socioeconomic status,
occupation, etc.
Ecological studies are frequently used as a first step in investigating a
possible exposure-outcome relationship, because they can be performed
quickly and inexpensively by using readily available information.
Exposure data may be available from govemmental and private organiza-
tions which routinely collect data on demographic, environmental and
lifestyle variables. Disease rates may be available from vital statistics
offces, surveilance programmes or disease registries (e.g., cancer reg-
istries) .
ln Example 11.16, it is not possible to link the ovarian cancer mortality
experience of any individual woman with her family size because the only
pieces of information available were an estimate of the average family size
and an estimate of the average level of mortality from ovarian cancer for
each country included in the analysis. Thus, the country rather than the
individu al was the unit of study.
Similar comparisons can be performed between changes over time in the
average exposure level and changes in the disease rate for a single popula-
tion (as in Example 11.17).
Ecological studies may be the most appropriate design to study expo-
sures that are easier to define and measure at a population rather than at
an individuallevel. This is the case with many environmental exposures
such as air pollution, water quality and ultraviolet radiation (Example
Ecological studies are also useful for monitoring the effectiveness of
population interventions such as health education campaigns (e.g., anti-
smoking campaigns), immunization programmes and mass screening

11.2.1 Analysis
Ecological studies differ from individual-based epidemiological studies in
that the 'exposed' and 'unexposed' individuals in each of the populations
are not actually identified. Thus, it is not possible to measure the strength
of an association between exposure and outcome by using any of the
approaches described in Chapter 5 for individual-based studies.
Moreover, in contrast to other epidemiological studies, the outcome mea-
sure in an ecological study is usuaIly a quantitative variable (e.g., mortality
rate) rather than a binary one (such as 'diseased' versus 'non-diseased'). The


Studies based on routine data

Figure 11.10.
Scattergram showing the relationship
between age-standardized mortality
ratios fram ovarian cancer and average
completed family size for women born
araund 1901 in 20 countries. The age-
specifie mortality rates in England &
Wales were used as the standard, i.e.
the mortality ratio for England & Wales
= 100. (Reproduced with permission
fram Beral et al., 1978. (Ç by The
Lancet Ud, 1978). BEL=Belgium;
BUL=Bulgaria; CAN=Canada;
CZE=former Czechoslovakia;
OEN=Oenmark; E&W=England and
Wales; FRA=France; FIN=Finland;
GER=former West Germany;
IRE=lreland; ITA=ltaly; JAP=Japan;
NET =Netherlands; NOR=Norway;
POL=Poland; SCO=Scotland;
SPA=Spain; SWE=Sweden;
USA=United States of America;
YUG=former Yugoslavia.

exposure variable also tends to be measured on a quantitative scale. Even

qualitative variables become quantitative when averaged for a population:
sex is a binary variable, but the proportion of a population that is male (or
female) is quantitative.
A statistical measure called a correlation coeffcient, denoted by r, has
been widely used to measure the strength of associations between expo-
sure and outcome in ecological studies. Another, more appropriate,
approach is to fit a regression line which predicts incidence or mortality as
a function of the exposure level. These two statistical methods are briefly
introduced below.

Chapter 11

Introduction to regression and correlation

When investigating the relationship between two quantitative vari-
ables, the first step should always be to plot the data (see Section 3.3.3).
The required plot is called a scattergram (or scatter diagram), in which the
vertical (or y) axis refers to the outcome variable and the horizontal
(or x) axis to the exposure variable (as in Figures 11. 10- 11. 12). ln such a
graph, each unit under consideration is represented by a point.

Figure 11.11.
Scattergram showing the relationship
between age-standardized mortality
ratios fram ovarian cancer and average
completed family size for different gen-
erations of women born in England and
Wales and the USA. The average age-
structure of the combined population of
England & Wales and the USA fram
1931-73 was taken as the standard.
Thus, a ratio of 140 means that the
ovarian cancer mortality of the cohort is
40% higher than the average for
women in England & Wales and the
USA. (The mid-year of birth of each
generation is shown in brackets)
(repraduced with permission fram Serai
et al., 1978. (Q by The Lancet Ltd,

13(a). The points on the scatter-

Consider the scattergram in Figure 1 1.

gram show a clear trend, upwards and to the right; there is said to be a
positive relationship between the two variables. High values of one vari-
able are associated with high values of the other, and low with low. To
summarize the relation between the two variables, so as to be able to pre-
dict the value of one variable when we only know the other variable, we
could just draw a straight line through the scatter of points. Any straight
line drawn on a graph can be represented by an equation. ln the ab ove
example, this relationship could be summarized as y = x, because each

Studies based on routine data

~.., ixaflPle. i1.18.Routinely from a large number or popula-

tion~1:asedraricer registrès andpllblishedmeasurements or ambient solar
. ultra.violet Ught were obtained ta assess whether the geographical dis

..(iOrlp( quarrous~cell carcin9ma oftheeye was related to solar ultraviolet

.lig~t'. .... .ålysis wasbased oii'data (rom 47 populations: 3 in Afrca, 9
inAusttalasia, 20 ;n Europe, 12 in NOrjhAmerica, 2 in South America and
. 1in t1ieJviddle. East. Thestudyperiód covered by each registr varied, but
, mostenc9rnpassed the 1980s. The results (Figure 11.12) were consistent
with the hypothesis that exposure td solar ultraviolet light increases the risk
or squamous-cell carcinoma orthe eye (Newton et aL., 1996).

Figure 11.12.
Age- and sex-adjusted incidence rates
of squamous-cell carcinoma of the eye
in relation to measurements of ultravio-
. .. let B radiation expressed as minimum
erythemal dose (MED), a unit which
. reflects more c10sely the biologically
effective dose (reproduced with per-
mission trom Newton et al., 1996. iQ by
The Lancet, Ud, 1996).

4 6 8 10 12 14 16


value of y is exactly equal to the corresponding value of x. If the value of

y was always 0.9 times the value of x , we cou Id express the relationship
as y = 0.9x.
More generally, the equation for a straight line is expressed as

y = a + bx

where y refers to values of the outcome variable and x to values of the expo-
sure variable, a is the intercept of the line on the y axis, and b is the slope of
the line, the increase (or decrease) in y per unit increase in x (Figure 11.14).
ln the special case in which the line passes through the origin (0) of the two
axes, as in Figure 11.13(a), and each value of y is exactly equal to the corre-
sponding value of x, the equation reduces to y = x, since a = 0 and b = 1.
ln Figure 1 1. 13 (b), there is also a perfect association between x and y, but

the trend is downwards to the right; there is then said to be an inverse, or

negative, relationship between the two variables. Such a relationship can
also be expressed by the equation y = a + bx, except that in this case the
coeffcient b has a negative value, indicating that as one variable increased,
the other decreased.

Chapter 11

y=x y=-x ln Figures 11.13(a) and (b), the points on

(a) r=+1 (b) r=-I
the scattergram lie on a straight line and the
y y relationship is said to be linear. ln Figure
l1.13(c), there is stil a clear relationship
between the two variables, but it is non-linear
in form, and the equation is more complex.
Finally, in Figure 1 1. 13 (d), there is no appar-
o o ent relationship between x and y. High val-
x x
ues of x are associated with both high and
low values of y. The points in the scatter-
gram show no particular trend and, in the
(c) (d) absence of any relationship between the two
y y o variables, the use of an equation is inappro-

oo 00 00
The relationships ilustrated in Figure
l1.13(a), (b) and (c) are perfect, in that aIl
o 0
o o0 00 the points on the scatter diagram lie on a

o o
o 0
line. ln most real situations, however, the
x x
points are scattered around it (as in Figures
l1.13(e) and (f). ln these circumstances, we
use a straight line that gives the 'best pre-
y=a+bx y=a-bx diction of y for any value of x. We could just
(e) O.:r-d O;.r;.-I
(1) draw a line 'by eye', but such a subjective
y method is unlikely to yield the best line. An
alternative is to use the statistical method
o 0 go 0 0 'l oP 00 called regression analysis, to find the best line
00 0000 0 a 0 °0°0 o o 0
o 0o o o
that 'tifs' the data. The equation of the
o 00 0 o
straight line obtained by this method is
o 00°
o o called the regression equation (see Armitage
x x
and Berry (1994) for ilustration of calcula-
Figure 11.13.
Scattergrams, regression equations
This statistical method was applied to the ovarian cancer mortality data
and correlation coefficients. shown in Figure 11.11 (using the data from both countries) and yielded
the following regression equation (Beral et al., 1978):

y= 182-30x
o 0o 00 0
This equation means that for any given value of x (Le., average family
o 0 a..b"
'f 0 000
c- o 00 0 o size), an associated value for y (Le., ovarian cancer mortality) can be cal-
o culated. Thus, the age-standardized mortality ratio from ovarian cancer in
any particular birth cohort of women can be predicted from this equation.
H o
For example, the mortality ratio in a cohort with a mean family size of
three children can be predicted by substituting x = 3 into the regression
Level of exposure to factor (x)
Figure 11.14.
Scattergram and regression line. y = 182 - 30 x 3 = 92

Studies based on routine data

which is the value we would have estimated by examining the graph. This
predicted value can be interpreted as the average value of y associated with
a given value of x.
If aIl the values in the scattergram layon the regression line, the pre-
dicted and observed values of y would be identical. The regression equa-
tion would describe exactly the relationship between average family size
and ovarian cancer mortality. ln other words, the variation in ovarian
cancer mortality would be completely explained by the variations in
family size. ln practice this is not the case. Ovarian cancer mortality can
vary independently of variations of family size, so that two populations
with the same average family size may have different ovarian cancer
mortality risks. Thus, the regression equation can only measure the aver-
age relationship between the two variables.
If the points on the scattergram lie close to the regression line, this
suggests that the observed values for y do not differ markedly from the
predicted values represented by the regression line. Thus, most of the
variation in y can be explained by the variation in x. If, on the other
hand, there is a wide scatter of points around the regression line, a con-
siderable amount of the variation in y is not explained by the variation
in x.
To quantify the degree of scatter around the regression line, we can
calculate a measure called a correlation coeffcient, r. The value of this
coeffcient always lies between - 1 and + 1:

(a) For perfect positive correlations (Figure 11 . 13 (a)), r = + 1.

(b) For perfect negative correlations (Figure i 1. 13(b)), r =-1.

(c) If there is sorne scatter about the regression line (Figure

11.13(e) and (t), r lies between 0 and +1 (or between 0 and
-1). The less the scatter, the closer ris to 1 (or -1).

(d) If there is no linear relationship between y and x, ris close to

O. This implies that either there is no relationship at aIl
between the two variables (Figure i 1. 13(d)) or the relation-
ship is non-linear (Figure l1.13(c)).

Use of correlation and regression in the analysis of ecological studies

The correlation coeffcient is quite often used in the analysis of eco-
logical studies as a measure of the strength of the association between
exposure and disease. It is not, however, the most appropriate approach.
First, its magnitude depends on the range of the exposure variable; if this
is wide, the correlation wil be greater than if it is narrow. Second, the
value of the correlation coefficient cannot be translated into any of the
conventional measures of relative effect and it is therefore difficult to
interpret in epidemiological terms.
Chapter 11

0 00
0 A more appropriate method to quantify the effect of exposure in an eco-
:5 0 0
;: ¡¡..b¡(
0 logical study is to fit a regression line to the data, which predicts incidence
o 0 0
i: o 'F 0 or mortality as a function of the level (or prevalence) of exposure. ln con-
:i 0
0- o 00 0
o trast to the correlation coeffcient, a regression line remains unaffected by
Ya Yi changes in the range of the exposure variable. Moreover, a measure of rel-
ative effect can be estimated from the slope and the intercept of the regres-
H o Xo Xl sion line (Beral et aL., 1979).
Level of exposure to factor (x) Let us assume that in n different populations the level of disease (y) is
linearly related to the average level of exposure (x) to the factor being stud-
Figure 11.15. ied. This relationship can be expressed by a regression equation fitted to
Illustration of the association between the data from n populations:
disease frequency (y) and level of
exposure (x) to the factor being studied
in various populations. y = a + bx

We can consider two of the se populations with different average lev-

els of exposure Xo and Xi and associated disease frequencies Yo and Yi,
respectively (Figure 11. 15). The relative risk between the two popula-
tions can be defined as the frequency of disease in individuals with aver-
age exposure Xl, relative to that in individuals with average exposure xo,
or simply yi!yo.

Thus, if

Yo = a + bxo and Yi = a + bxi

the relative risk estimate (RR) can be calculated as

Yi a + bxi
Yo a + bxo
For instance, in our ovarian cancer mortality example, the regression
equation was found to be y = 182 - 30x. Thus, the relative risk of ovarian
cancer in a population with an average family size of two children com-
pared to that with an average of four children can be estimated as:

182 - 30 x 2
RR= = 2.0
182 - 30 x 4

If the exposure is measured in terms of the proportion of people in the

population exposed to the factor of interest (e.g., proportion of cigarette
smokers) rather than in terms of the average level of exposure (e.g., ffean
number of children) as in the ab ove example, the relative risk can be
estimated as:
slope b
RR= +1= - +1
intercept a

Studies based on routine data

This formula is just a special case of the previous equation obtained by

setting xü=O, x¡=l, which are the range of values a proportion can take.
Certain assumptions underlie this approach. First, it assumes that the
y variable (disease frequency) is linearly related to the x variable (expo-
sure). Secondly, it presumes that the frequency of the disease in each pop-
ulation group is entirely determined by the level of exposure. Thirdly, it
assumes that exposure is measured without error. As we shall see below,
most often these assumptions are not satisfied, limiting the use and inter-
pretation of these methods.

11.2.2 Interpretation of ecological studies

Eeologieal fallaey
The observation that there is a relationship at a population level
between two variables does not necessary imply that the sa me relation-
ship wil hold at an individuallevel. This is known as the 'ecological fal-
lacy'. For instance, the previous analyses on family size and ovarian can-
cer suggested that pregnancy might confer protection against ovarian
cancer. We do not know, however, if the women who died from ovarian
cancer in each population group were really those with few or no chil-

Figure 11.16.
Age-standardized incidence rates of
60 breast and cervical cancers in groups
of municipalities defined according to
the levels of various socioeconomic
characteristics of each municipality,
0 o
12345 12345 12345 1234 12345 12345 12345 Finland, 1955-74. The average Finnish
population in 1955-74 was taken as
the standard population. (Reproduced
with permission from Hakama et al.,
10 1982).
0 o
ln come Social Secondary Tele- Crowded- Running Central
classes education vision ness water heating

Chapter 11

ln an ecological study, exposure levels represent the average levels for

each population group. Since the true interest is in individual risk as deter-
mined by individual exposure, ecological studies are justified only in the
ide al situation in which aIl individuals within a group have the same level
of exposure. This may be the case with environmental exposures such as
air pollution, natural radiation and water quality.
Most often, however, exposure is heterogeneous within a group, with
sorne individuals not exposed at aIl and those exposed likely to be exposed
in different levels. ln such situations, the exposure-response relationship
observed at the group level need not reflect the exposure-response rela-
tionship at the individuallevel. Thus, the finding of a linear relationship

Table 11.6. Breast cancer Cervical cancer

Age-standardized incidence ratios
Observed Expectedb SIR (%) Observed Expectedb SIR (%)
(SIR) of breast and cervical cancer by
socioeconomic status and educational (0) (E) (100xO/E) (0) (E) (100xO/E)
level in women aged 30-69 years. Socioeconomic statusC
Finland,1971-75.a 172 148.9 116 24 35.0 69
562 705.1 80 108 165.9 65
self-employed 127 128.2 99 26 30.2 86
Managerial 343 229.3 150 24 53.8 45
Clerical 1061 842.7 126 177 197.3 90
Skilled workers 797 890.6 90 271 208.8 130
workers 357 412.5 87 146 96.9 151
Pension ers 1169 1228.2 95 313 299.3 105
Primary 3011 3356.1 90 897 797.1 113
Secondary 975 847.5 115 150 200.0 75
High school 255 186.7 137 26 44.0 59
university 356 206.8 172 17 48.9 35
a Data fram Hakama et al. (1982)
b The breast and cervical cancer age-specifie rates for the whole Finnish female
population aged 30-9 years were taken as the standard.
C ln Finland, socioeconomic status is based on occupation. For economically
inactive women (e.g., housewives), it was defined as that of the head of the
household (usually the husband).


Studies based on routine data

between average exposure and disease frequency in an ecological study

does not imply that such a linear relationship wil be present at the indi-
ln the ecological analysis ilustrated in Example Il. i 9, the risk of both
breast and cervical cancer increased with increasing average socioeconomic
level of the municipalities. This positive gradient is what we would expect
for breast cancer but not for cervical cancer (see Examples 11.7 and i 1.9).
When analyses were conducted at an individual level, however, the
socioeconomic and educational trends in risk were diferent for breast and
cervical cancers (Example 11.20). Women with better jobs and higher edu-
cation had a higher risk of breast cancer but a lower risk of cervical cancer
(Table 11.6).
The difference in the cervical cancer results between the individual and
the ecological approaches may be due to the fact that, for instance,
women from the poorest socioeconomic groups (e.g., prostitutes) tend to
be concentrated in urban municipalities, which are also the ones with a
higher proportion of residents of higher socioeconomic status. This could
potentially account for the positive relationship between high socioeco-
nomic level and cervical cancer risks observed in the ecological analysis.

A second major limitation of ecological studies
Czechoslovakia .
is the lack of abilty to control for the effects of
potential confounding factors. For example, in a . Denmark . New Zealand
study of average per caput daily intake of fat in 24 en
Belgium .
countries in relation to their breast cancer inci- o
oo . Austria
dence in women aged 35-64 years, there was a pos- oo .UK
. France . Switzerland . W. Germany
itive relationship between these two variables L
a. 15.0
. Hungary
(Armstrong & Mann, 1985), suggesting a possible '"
ë . . Canada . Australia
association between fat intake and risk of develop- ¡;
c: . Sweden
ing breast cancer. However, increased fat con- c:
'" .Italy
sumption may merely be acting as a marker for '"
. Israel
,.Q; 10.0
other factors that are related to elevated risk of et · Portugal . Netherlands

. Japan Norway
breast cancer, su ch as higher socioeconomic status,
lower fertilty and later age at first birth. Data on .Iceland \.. Finland
Pol and

known or suspected confounders are not generally 5.0///

available in ecological studies and, even if avail- 15.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 75.0 90.0 105.0
able, it would be difficult to adjust for them at a Estimated annual consumption of beer (litres pei caput)

population leveL
It should be noted that risk factors which are independent of exposure Figure 11.17.
at the individual level may become correlated with it, and therefore Scattergram showing relationship
become confounders, when aggregated at the population level. For exam- between estimated average annual
age-adjusted incidence rates for rectal
pIe, in an investigation of the relationship between the proportion of cancer among males in 24 countries
woodworkers and lung cancer across geographically defined areas, smok- and per caput beer consumption,
ing wil induce confounding if cigarette consumption changes with the 1960-62 (apprax.) (repraduced, by
permission of Oxford University Press,
proportion of woodworkers in each are a, even if the two factors in ques- tram Breslow & Enstram, 1974).


,, ...\..

Chapter 11

tion are independent at the individual leveL Conversely, a confounding

variable at the individuallevel may not be a confounder at the ecological
leveL For example, although the risk of lung cancer is much greater for
men than women, sex, as an ecological variable (e.g., percent male), wil
not be associated with disease rate across geographically defined groups if
the proportion of males is similar in aIl groups.

Measurement errors
Exposure is most often estimated from data collected for other reasons,
which generally provide only an indirect measure of possible risk factors.
For example, data on smoking and alcohol are often based on sales, which
only partially reflect consumption, because los ses and unregistered
imports are not taken into account. Moreover, since the data are not col-
lected by the investigators themselves, it may be difficult to assess their
quality adequately.
Measurement of cancer incidence and mortality can also be affected by
errors, as discussed in Section 11. 1. 7.

Latent period
Most ecological studies compare exposure measured at one point in
time with disease measured at another (or the same) point in time. This is
ilustrated in Figure 11. 1 7, where data on both the disease rate and the
exposure of interest (per caput beer consumption) refer to approximately
the same period (1960-62).
IdeaIly, an appropriate time-lag period should be incorporated into the
analysis, so that exposure data refer to the relevant etiological period (e.g.,
10-20 years before the development of cancer). Data on past exposures are
not always available and, quite often, we are forced to rely on data from a
period far too recent. This constitutes a serious problem when exposures
are likely to have changed markedly over time (e.g., smoking and alcohol
consumption), particularly if the rate of change has been diferent in the
different groups. Even when relevant past exposure data are available, the
populations on which exposure and outcome are measured may not be
the same, as a result of dynamic changes introduced by births, deaths and
A special situation arises when birth cohort changes in exposure are
related to birth cohort changes in disease risk or when both the exposure
and the disease data refer to a specific birth cohort of individuals.
Examples 11. 1 6 and 11. 1 7 ilustra te this point. The average family size
summarized the reproductive experience of each generation of women,
that is the total number of children achieved by the end of their repro-
ductive lives. The ovarian cancer cohort risks used in these examples also
summarized the mortality experience of each generation of women (see
Beral et aL. (1978) for details of the calculations). ln such situations, there
is no need to build any time lag into the analysis.

Studies based on routine data

Final remarks Further reading

Despite their limitations, ecological studies have been useful in describing
differences in populations. Even if confounded by unknown or uncontrol- * The book by Estève et al.
lable factors, such differences at least signal the presence of effects worthy of (1994) gives a comprehensive
further investigation. (although statistically elaborate)
Ecological studies are particularly helpful in identifying factors responsible review of methods used in the
for risk differences between populations rather than risk variations within the analysis of routine-data-based
same population. For instance, international comparisons have shown a studies.
strong relationship between fat intake and breast cancer risks. However, most
individual-based studies conducted within populations have failed to observe * A fuller discussion on ecological
studies can be also found in papers
such a relationship. It has been suggested that a possible reason for this dif-
by Greenland & Morgenstern
ference in results is that between-population variabilty in levels of fat intake
is much higher than the inter-individual variation within populations. (1989), Walter (1991a, b) and
Greenland & Robins (1994).

* A discussion of the rationale

and methodology of migrant
studies in cancer epidemiology is
also given in Parkin & Khlat

Studies based on routine data

" " . r" : ~ '. " "'~'" BQj'11)1. i~:~nttl) ~'Kei Js.~pes. " ,': ""~' .. - ,,:"~' .~: " ' '. ,:

for . confounding . even when dataonpotential

5. 'Itisdifficult. to control

confounders are available.

Chapter 12
Introduction to survival
12. i Introduction
ln this chapter we examine another method used in the analysis of inter-
vention trials, cohort studies and data routinely coIlected by hospital and
population-based cancer registries. Consider the foIlowing example:

ln Example 12.1, the patients entered and left the study at different points
in time (Table 12.1). We discussed in previous chapters (Chapters 4, 7 and 8)
one way of analysing data of this tye which takes into account the varying
individual lengths of foIlow-up. That approach involves the calculation of
rates based on person-time at risk. These calculations are based on the assump-
tion that the rate under consideration remains approximately constant over
time, so that 100 person-years of observation are treated identicaIly, whether
they involve 100 subjects foIlowed over one year or 50 subjects foIlowed over
two years.
ln many situations, however, the rate of occurrence of the event under
study does not remain constant over time. For instance, the probabilty of
dying may rise suddenly with the onset of disease and then decline gradual-
ly as time since diagnosis increases. The most appropriate approach in these
situations is to conduct survival analysis.

12.2 Estimation of survival

The first requirement for the estimation of survival is a clear and weil
defined case definition. For cancer patients, this should specify the site of the
cancer, histology, stage, and the sex of the patients. ln Example 12.1, aIl his-
tologicaIly confirmed female breast cancer cases were included in the analy-
The second requirement is a clear and weil defined starting point. The dates
of the first diagnosis, the initiation of therapy, or the admission to a hospital
are frequently used. Although date of onset of the clinical phase of the dis-
ease would seem more appropriate, this is generaIly diffcult to define. ln
clinical trials, the appropriate starting point is the time of randomization,


Chapter 12

Table 12.1. Patient Age Stage" Date of Date of Vital Cause of No. of No. of days
Follow-up of 40 women diagnosed with study (years) diagnosis last status at death C complete from
breast cancer in a certain hospital dur- number contact or last years of diagnosis
death contactb observation ta last
ing the years 1989-93: hypothetical from contact or
data. diagnosis ta death
last contact
or death

1 39 1 01/02/1989 23/10/1992 A - 3 1360

2 55 1 22/03/1989 12/02/1995 A - 5 2153
3 56 2 16/04/1989 05/09/1989 0 BC 0 142
4 63 1 23/05/1989 20/12/1992 0 BC 3 1307
5 62 2 12/06/1989 28/12/1995 A - 6 2390
6 42 2 05/09/1989 17/12/1990 A - 1 468
7 45 1 05/10/1989 04/08/1995 A - 5 2129
8 38 2 30/11/1989 11/10/1991 0 BC 1 680
9 53 2 07/01/1990 25/10/1990 0 BC 0 291
10 55 1 03/02/1990 31/01/1991 0 BC 0 362
11 49 2 23/03/1990 29/08/1992 A - 2 890
12 61 1 28/04/1990 13/05/1994 A - 4 1476
13 58 1 14/05/1990 01/06/1990 A - 1 383
14 45 2 15/07/1990 10/09/1993 0 BC 3 1153
15 60 2 03/08/1990 27/11/1994 A - 4 1577
16 69 1 31/08/1990 06/10/1995 0 0 5 1862
17 58 2 18/09/1990 02/01/1993 D BC 2 837
18 54 2 09/11/1990 18/06/1995 A - 4 1682
19 56 2 28/11/1990 27/06/1995 0 BC 4 1702
20 52 1 12/12/1990 13/05/1995 D 0 4 1613
21 67 2 24/01/1991 23/12/1994 0 BC 3 1429
22 64 2 17/02/1991 06/09/1994 D 0 3 1297
23 73 1 21/04/1991 24/12/1993 A - 2 978
24 48 2 09/06/1991 26/06/1994 A - 3 1113
25 42 2 20/06/1991 15/03/1992 0 BC 0 269
26 56 2 25/08/1991 19/08/1994 A - 2 1090
27 43 1 01/03/1992 06/06/1994 0 BC 2 827
28 64 2 12/04/1992 13/02/1995 0 0 2 1037
29 35 2 13/04/1992 15/04/1994 D BC 2 732
30 77 1 05/05/1992 10/05/1995 A - 3 1100
31 59 2 10/08/1992 08/11/1992 0 BC 0 90
32 68 1 13/10/1992 21/10/1993 D BC 1 373
33 70 1 19/11/1992 20/12/1995 A - 3 1126
34 58 1 17/01/1993 29/1 0/1994 A - 1 650
35 75 2 02/02/1993 10/03/1994 0 BC 1 401
36 55 2 02/05/1993 29/09/1993 0 BC 0 150
37 45 1 11/05/1993 07/02/1994 0 BC 0 272
38 69 1 09/11/1993 26/05/1995 A - 1 563
39 70 1 07/12/1993 27/05/1995 A - 1 536
40 27 1 31/12/1993 03/06/1995 A - 1 519

a Stage: 1 = absence of regionallymph node involvement and metastases

2 = involvement of regionallymph node and/or presence of regional or distant metastases
b Ä=alive; D=dead
C BC=breast cancer; O=causes other than breast cancer

because this is the point when the treatment groups are comparable. ln
Example 12.1, the date of diagnosis was taken as the starting point.
The third requirement is a clear and well defined outcome. Often the out-
come of interest is death, but it need not be so. It can be recurrence of


Introduction to survival analysis

Figure 12.1.
(a) Calendar year of diagnosis
Diagram illustrating how follow-up data
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
from 8 of the 40 women with breast
cancer (see Table 12.1) can be pre-
sented (a) by calendar year of diagno-
1 --nA sis and (b) by time since entry into the
3 ---D
5 n---A study (A=alive; D=dead).
15 _nhA
22 ----0
25 -0
30 nA
37 0

(b) Number of complete years since diagnosis

0 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 ----A
3 --0
5 ---A
15 -A
22 ---D
25 ----D
30 A
37 ----D

Number of complete years since diagnosis

Figure 12.2.
The data of Table 12.1 ordered by
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 length of observed survival lime, wilh
Rank Study
no. (0) representing dead and (A) alive al
the end of the follow-up period.
1 31 -D
2 3 --D
3 36 --D
4 25 ----D
5 37 ----D
6 9 ----D
7 10 -----D
8 32 D
9 13 A
10 35 D
11 6 -A
12 40 nA
13 39 hA
14 38 ---A
15 34 ----A
16 8 _nnO
17 29 D
18 27 -D
19 17 -D
20 11 nA
21 23 n__A
22 28 -----D
23 26 -n--A
24 30 A
25 24 A
26 33 A
27 14 0
28 22 ---D
29 4 ---D
30 1 n__A
31 21 -----D
32 12 A
33 15 -A
34 20 --D
35 18 ---A
36 19 n-D
37 16 D
38 7 -u-A
39 2 --n-A
40 5 ---A

Chapter 12

tumour, first occurrence of a particular complication, etc. The only require-

ment is that the endpoint is a binary variable (e.g., being alive versus being
dead) and that each subject can have one and only one endpoint. ln our
example (12.1), death was considered the outcome of interest.
The time between the starting point and the occurrence of the out-
come of interest (or the date of the last contact) is known as survival
time. The calculation of survival time for sorne of the patients in Table
12.1 is ilustrated in Figure 12.1(b). Note that subjects may have differ-
ent dates of diagnosis but stil have the same survival time. For
instance, patients No. 25 and 37 had similar survival time, despite dif-
fering dates of entry (20/06/1991 and 11/05/1993, respectively; Figure
12.1(a); Table 12.1). Figure 12.2 shows the individu al survival times for
the 40 breast cancer women of Example 12.1 ranked by increasing dura-
The interpretation of the results of a survival study depends greatly
upon the length of time each person was followed up. A typical survival
study involves a patient accru al period during which patients are
recruited and their foIlow-up is initiated, a foIlow-up period during
which patients are followed up but no further recruitments are made,
and a closing date for the analysis. ln Example 12.1, the recruitment
period was from the start of 1989 until the end of 1993, the foIlow-up
period continued from the beginning of 1994 to the end of 1995, and
the closing date for the present analysis was the end of 1995.
One way of summarizing survival data is to report the proportion of
patients stil alive at a fixed point in time. ln Example 12.1, we might
initially restrict our analysis to patients for whom we have complete
information on the first two years of foIlow-up. Figure 12.2 shows that
six women (Nos 13, 6, 40, 39, 38 and 34) were lost to follow-up before
completing a two-year period and should therefore be excluded from
10 dead
the analysis.
ln summary, 34 patients completed a two-year foIlow-up, of whom
10 died and 24 were stil alive (Figure 12.2). These results can be pre-
sented in a tree diagram (Figure 12.3), in which the upper branch of the
tree corresponds to deaths and the lower branch to survivors.
24 alive On the basis of these results, we might estimate the probabilty (or
risk) of dying in the first two years as 10/34 = 0.29 = 29%.
Figure 12.3.
Tree diagram ¡llustrating the two possi-
12.3 Censored observations
ble outcomes for the 34 patients who A closed group consists of a group of individuals in which there are
completed a two-year follow-up period. only complete observations. ln practice, it is rare to find a closed group,
because there are almost always sorne subjects whose follow-up is
incomplete. This occurs because they join the cohort too late to com-
plete the appropriate follow-up before the study ends or because they
are lost to foIlow-up (because of, for example, change of address or
migration). Early termination of follow-up for any such reason is called

Introduction to survival analysis

Our previous calculation of the probabilty of dying in the first two

years excluded censored observations. However, the fact that censored
subjects did not die during the time they were in the study provides sorne
information about the probabilty of dying. Suppose we do not know the
exact dates when censoring occurred and aIl we know is the number of
patients who were unable to complete the defined foIlow-up period. If the
time-interval is relatively short, we can make a simple estimate by assum-
ing that on average we observed each censored patient for haU the foIlow-
up period without observing any deaths among them. Thus, for a cohort
of size N with D observed deaths and L losses due to censoring, we es
mate the probabilty of dying in the interval as

D/(N - 0.5L)

Thus censoring reduces the effective size of the cohort by haU the size
of the group lost to foIlow-up (O.SL). This rather crude way of taking
account of censoring works adequately provided L is small compared with
We can now re-calculate the probabilty of dying in the first two years
in Example 12.1. Thus, of the 40 breast cancer patients recruited into the 10 dead

40 6 censored
10 died during the two-year follaw-up period (D = 10)

24 were stil alive at the end of the follow-up (A = 24)

6 survived but were lost ta follow-up (L = 6) 24 alive

These results can be presented in a tree diagram similar to the one

shown in Figure 12.3, except that there is now an additional middle Figure 12.4.
branch corresponding to the censored observations (Figure 12.4). Tree diagram illustrating the outcome
of the 40 breast cancer patients fram
We have now included aIl 40 patients in our calculations. However, the Example 12.1 at the end of a two-year
effective size of the cohort is no longer 40 but 37 due to the six censored follow-up period.
observations (= 40 - 0.5 x 6). The probabilty of dying is estimated as 10/
37 = 0.27 = 27%.
te the probabilty of dying during the first three
Similarly, we can calcula

years of diagnosis. Since the last attempt to contact patients was made in
1995, patients diagnosed after 31 December 1992 entered the study too
late to have been able to complete a three-year foIlow-up. Thus, the obser-
vations for four patients (Nos 34, 38-40) were censored (Table 12.1). Five
other women (Nos 13, 6, Il, 23, 26) did not complete the three-year obser-
vation period because they were lost to foIlow-up (Figure 12.2). ThusJ of
the 40 breast cancer patients recruited into the study:

14 died du ring the three-year follow-up period

17 were still alive at the end of the follow-up
9 were lost to fallow-up or joined the cohort too late to complete three years of

Chapter 12

The corresponding tree diagram is shown in Figure 12.5. The proba-

14 dead
bility of dying in the first three years after a diagnosis of breast cancer
can be estimated as 14 1 (40 - 0.5 x 9) = 39%.
9 censored
12.4 Consecutive follow-up intervals
The use of a single interval of foIlow-up has severallimitations. Firstly,
17 alive it is a very crude way of summarizing the survival experience of a cohort,
since it ignores any information about when the deaths and censoring
took place. Only the total number of deaths and the total number of cen-
Figure 12.5. sored observations that occurred during the defined interval is required
Tree diagram i1lustrating the outcome for the calculations. Secondly, it is possible to compare the survival expe-
of the 40 breast cancer patients fram
Example 12.1 at the end of a three-
rience of different cohorts only if the sa me follow-up interval is used. For
year follow-up period. instance, it is not possible to compare the survival experiences of two
cohorts of breast cancer patients if the experience of one cohort is su m-
marized as the probabilty of dying in the first two years after diagnosis
and that of the second as the probabilty of dying in the first five years.
One way of overcoming these limitations is to use a number of short-
er consecutive intervals of time, rather than just one long interval. The
experience of the cohort during each of these intervals can then be used
to build up the experience over the entire period. Instead of a single cal-
culation of the probability of dying, there wil be a sequence of calcula-
tions, one for each interval.
Consider again the three-year foIlow-up shown in Figure 12.5. This
period can be divided into three one-year intervals. We can use the data
shown in Figure 12.2 to present the number of patients who contribute
to each of the three possible outcomes (Le., death, censoring and sur-
vival) in each of the three consecutive years of follow-up. The resulting
tree diagram is shown in Figure 12.6.
ln this tree diagram, the survivors from one year go on to the start of
the next year. ln the first year, there were 40 breast cancer patients of
40 0 3
whom seven died and none were censored, leaving 33 patients at the start
6 4 of the second year. Of these 33 patients, three died and six were censored
3 during the second year, leaving 24 at the beginning of the third year.
During the third year, four women died, three were censored and 17 were
0- 1- 2- 3. known to be alive.
Years 01 lollow-up

12.5 Estimation of probabilities

We can now replace the numbers of patients on our tree by the proba-
Figure 12.6.
Tree diagram showing the number of bilties of dying and surviving in each of the intervals. The probabilty of
breast cancer patients fram Example dying in each interval can be calculated as before, taking account of the
12.1 who contributed to the different
outcomes in each of the first three
censored observations in that interval. The probabilty of survival in the
years of follow-up. interval is just one minus the probabilty of dying in the intervaL
ln the ßrst year there were no censored observations, thus

the probabìlty of dying in the year is 7/40 == 0.175;

the probabilty of surviving the year is 1 - 0.175 == 0.825.

Introduction to survival analysis

ln the second year, six women were censored. The effective size of the
cohort in this year can then be estimated as 33 - (0.5 x 6) = 30. Thus

the probabilty of a subject dying during the second year, given that the subject
was alive at the start of the year, is estimated to be 3/30 = 0.10;
the probability of surviving the year is estimated to be 1 - 0.10 = 0.90.

ln the third year, three women were censored. The effective size of the
cohort is 24-(0.5 x 3) = 22.5. Thus

the probability of a subject dying during the third year, given that the subject was
alive at the start of the year, is estimated to be 4/22.5 = 0.178;
the probabilty of surviving the year is estimated to be 1 - 0.178 = 0.822.

The full tree with the branch (conditional) probabilties of dying in each
year given that the subject survived the previous years is shown in Figure 0.175

12.7. 0.100

There are now four possible outcomes of interest, corresponding to the 0.825 D
tips of the tree. The probabilty of each outcome can be calculated by mul- 0.900
tiplying down the branches of the tree. Therefore the probabilties for each 0.822
outcome are:
0- 1- 2- 3-
Years ollollow-up

1. Probabilty of dying during the first year = 0.175

2. Probabilty of dying during the second year (i.e., probability of surviving in year
1 x probabilty of dying in year 2) = 0.825 x 0.10 = 0.083
Figure 12.7.
Tree diagram showing the probabilties
3. Probabilty of dying during the third year = 0.825 x 0.90 x 0.178 = 0.132 of each possible outcome in each of
4. Probabilty of being alive by the end of the three years = 0.825 x 0.90 x 0.822 = 0.610 the first three years of follow-up (0 =
death; S = survival).

These probabilties wil always add Up to 1, sin ce there are no other pos-
sible outcomes. The probability of dying at some point during the three-
year interval is equal to 0.175 + 0.083 + 0.132 = 0.390. This probabilty can
be found more conveniently by subtracting the probabilty of surviving
the whole three-year period from 1, giving 1 - 0.610 = 0.390.
The final probabilty of surviving (0.610) is an example of a cumulative
survival probability for the cohort, Le.) the probabilty of surviving three
consecutive years.

12.6 Actuariallife-table
The data from the previous calculations are often presented in the form
of an actuariallife table, which shows the numbers of deaths and cens Of-
ings occurring in each consecutive intervaL A life table for the 40 breast
cancer patients from Example 12.1 is shown in Table 12.2.
ln this table, the probabilty of dying during each year is calculated as
D/(N - O.SL). Thus, the probabilty of surviving the year is equal to 1 -
D/(N - 0.5L). The cumulative survival is found by multiplying the survival
probabilties for each of the consecutive years to obtain the cumulative

Chapter 12

Table 12.2. Year No. at start No. of No. of Effective Probabilty Probabilty Cumulative
Actuarial life table for the 40 breast of interval deaths losses denominator of dying of surviving survival
cancer patients of Example 12.1. (N) (0) (L) (N-.5L) during the the year
0- 40 7 0 40 0.175 0.825 0.825
1- 33 3 6 30.0 0.100 0.900 0.743
2- 24 4 3 22.5 0.178 0.822 0.610
3- 17 4 4 15.0 0.267 0.733 0.447
4- 9 2 3 7.5 0.267 0.733 0.328
5- 4 1 2 3.0 0.333 0.667 0.219
6- 1 0 1 0.5 0.0 1.00 0.219
Total 21 19

probabilties of surviving 1, 2, ..., 6 years. For

1.00 example, the probabilty of surviving three
years without dying is 0.825 x 0.90 x 0.822 =
0.610 (the same value we calculated before).
0.75 The life table is therefore just a convenient
~ way of displaying these probabilties which
are derived in the same way as those on the
a. 0.50 tree diagram. Life-tables are useful to exam-
ine whether the probabilty of dying changes
en with follow-up time, and for presenting con-
0.25 cisely summary measures for different inter-
vals of follow-up.
The cumulative survival probabilties can
0.00 also be displayed graphicaIly as in Figure
a 2 3 4 5 6 7 12.8. This plot is called a survival curve. The
Years curve starts at 1 (aIl patients alive) and with
No. of
patients 40 33 24 17 9 4 o time progressively declines towards 0 (aIl
patients have died).
Figure 12.8.
Life-table (actuarial) survival curve for 12.7 Kaplan-Meier method
the 40 breast cancer patients of
Example 12.1. The actuariallie-table method described in Section 12.6 does not require
information on the exact time when deaths or censoring occur. Gnly knowl-
edge of the subjects' vital status at each of the limits of the intervals is required.
If the exact times when deaths occur are known, survival probabilties can be
estimated immediately after each individual death without any need ta aggre-
gate the data into intervals of one year (or of any other length). This method
of estimating the cumulative survival probabilties is called the Kaplan-Meier
method and it is the preferred approach whenever event and censorig times
are available (see Estève et aL. (1994) for a fuIl description of the calculations).
Similarly to the lie-table survival curve, the Kaplan-Meier estimates can be
used to plot cumulative survival probabilties. ln this instance, however, the
plot is in the form of a stepped line, rather than a smooth curve, since the cumu-
lative survival drops at the precise time that a death occurs and remains at a
plateau between successive death times. For instance, the curve for the 40

Introduction to survival analysis

breast cancer patients of Example 12.1 shown in 1.00

Figure 12.9 starts at 1 and continues horizontal-
ly until the first death (patient number 31) at
day 90; at this time it draps by a function of the 0.75
estimated probabilty of dying. It then continues ~

horizontally until the next death (patient 3) at '"
day 142, and so on. The graph will reach zero C. 0.50
only if the patient with the longest observed sur-
vival time has died. If this patient is stil alive at CI

the end of the foIlow-up period, the
Kaplan-Meier curve has a plateau commencing
at the time of the last death and continuing until 0.00
the censored survival time of this longest surviv- o 2 3 4 5 6 7
ing patient. ln Figure 12.9, the survival time of Years
each censored observation is marked in the
No. of
curve by a cross. Afer the last death (patient 16, patients 40 33 24 17 9 4 o
at day 1862 (5.1 years)), the curve remains flat
until the longest censored survival time (patient
5, at day 2390 (6.5 years)). Figure 12.9.
Survival curve produced by the
It is useful to give the number of patients at risk at selected time points (for Kaplan-Meier method for the 40
example, at the start of each year) under the graph and/or to present confi- breast cancer patients of Example
dence intervals around the survival probabilty estimates. This information is 12.1 (x indicates censoring times).
crucial for a sensible interpretation of any survival curve.

12.8 Comparison of survival curves

ln many situations, the primary objective of the study is to compare the sur-
vival experience of different groups of patients. These graups may be defined
according to sex, stage of the tumour at the time of diagnosis (as in Example
12.2), histological tye, etc. ln clinical trials, the groups wil be defined on the
basis of the treatment given. Cumulative survival probabilities are calculated
separately for each group and the two curves plotted on the same graph for
comparison (Figure 12.10).
A visual comparison of survival curves is extremely usefuL Consider the
graphs presented in Figure 12.11. ln graph (a), the two curves overlap in the
first two years of follow-up but diverge thereafter. ln graph (b), group A initial-
ly has better survival than group B, but the curves cross after four years of fol-
low-up and ultimately group A does worse than group B.
These patterns would be missed if the comparison was restricted to a spe-
cific follow-up period. For instance, if only two-year survival probabilties
were calculated, they would indicate that there was no clear difference
between the treatments in graph (a) and that treatment A was much supe-
rior to treatment B in graph (b). These two examples clearly ilustrate that
comparison of survival experiences should always be based on survival
curves. Statistical tests for the formaI comparison of two survival curves,
such as the logrank test, can then be used to assess the statistical significance
of any observed differences (see Estève et aL., 1994).

Chapter 12

Figure 12.10.
Kaplan-Meier sUNival CUNes for 1.00
patients with breast cancer by stage of
the tumour at the time of diagnosis
(group 1 = tumour without Iymph node
involvement or metastasis; group 2 = 0.75
tumour with Iymph node involvement ~
and/or regional or distant metastasis). cu
The numbers on the sUNival CUNes Ci 0.50
represent censored obseNations. (i

Group 2

0 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of patients

Group 1 : 19 17 11 9 5 3 0 0
Group 2: 21 16 13 8 4 1 1 0

When comparing survival curves in relation

(a) (b) to a particular prognostic (or therapeutic)
1.0 1.0
factor, it is important to ensure that the
~ 0.8 0.8
groups are similar in relation to other prog-
~ 0.6 0.6 nostic factors. ln Example 12.2, for instance,
Ci other characteristics such as age should have
~ 0.4 0.4
B been taken into account. ln randomized tri-
en 0.2 B 0.2 als this is accomplished by the random allo-
A cation of the subjects to the various arms of
0.0 0.0
123456789 123456789 the trial (provided the sample size is large). ln
Survival time (years)
observational studies, it is possible to obtain
Kaplan-Meier curves adjusted for con-
founders such as age, sex, stage of the tumour, etc. (see Estève et aL., 1994) pro-
Figure 12.11.
Two examples of comparative sUNival vided data on these variables are collected.
cu Nes (reproduced by permission of

the BMJ Publishing Group, from Gore,

12.9 Ove raIl survival and cause-specifie survival
The first step in the analysis of the survival experience of a group of
patients should be to examine their overall survival. ln our breast cancer
example, no distinction was made between deaths from breast cancer and
deaths from other causes. However, a subject who dies in a traffc acci-
dent is no longer at risk of dying from breast cancer. One way of adjust-


Introduction to survival analysis

Year No. at start No. of No. of Effective Probabilty Probabilty Cumulative Table 12.3.
of interval deaths losses denominator of dying of surviving survival Life-table probabilities of dying from
(N) (D) (L) (N-.5L) during the the year breast cancer for the 40 breast cancer
year patients of Example 12.1. ln this table,
0- 40 7 0 40 0.175 0.825 0.825 deaths from causes other than breast
1- cancer were considered as censored
33 3 6 30.0 0.100 0.900 0.743 observations.
2- 24 3 4 22.0 0.136 0.864 0.641
3- 17 3 5 14.5 0.207 0.793 0.509
4- 9 1 4 7.0 0.143 0.857 0.436
5- 4 0 3 2.5 0.0 1.0 0.436
6- 1 0 1 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.436
Total 17 23

ing for these 'competing' causes of death is to treat patients who died
from other causes as if they had been withdrawn alive (Le., censored at
the time of their death) and then carry out the lie-table calculations as
described above. The survival probabilties obtained by this method are
cause-specifie survival probabilties, since they take into account deaths due
to causes other th an the disease under study.
ln Example 12.1, four patients died from causes other than breast can-
cer (see Table 12.1). A new actuariallie-table can then be constructed by
considering these deaths as censored observations (Table 12.3). The total
number of deaths is decreased by 4 (17 instead of 21) and the number of
losses increased by 4 (23 instead of 19). Similarly, when the exact dates
at which deaths occur are known, it is possi-
ble to use the Kaplan-Meier method to esti-
mate these cause-specific survival probabil- 1.00

ties (Figure 12.12).

The calculation of cause-specific survival
probabilties requires information on cause- :5
specific mortality. This information may not (I
be easy to obtain. Deaths from other causes a. 0.50
tend to be under-reported in cancer patients, ;;
as many of them wil be entered in the death :;

certificate simply as deaths from cancer. 0.25

Even when other causes apart from cancer

are reported, it is difficult to establish
whether the cause of death was unrelated to o 2 3 4 5 6 7
the cancer of interest (e.g., cancer in adja- Years
cent organs).
No. of
If accurate cause-specific mortality data patients 40 33 24 17 9 4 o
are not available, this method cannot be
used. It may be possible, howeverj to com-
pare the observed survival with what would have been expected for a group Figure 12.12.

of people in the general population similar to the patient group with Kaplan-Meier breast cancer-specifie
survival curve for the 40 breast cancer
respect to race, sex, age and calendar period of observation. This expect- patients of Table 12.1.


Chapter 12

ed survival can be derived from published demographic life tables (see

below). The comparison yields relative survival ratios which are adjusted
for the patients' probabilty of dying from a cause other than the one
under study (see Parkin & Hakulinen (1991) for an ilustration of these
calculations). Thus, the relative survival ratios represent the survival
experience of a group of patients adjusted for their probabilty of dying
from causes other than the one under investigation. ln practice, the 'aIl
causes' and 'aIl causes minus cancer' dernographic life tables are very
similar and since the former are more readily available, these are gener-
ally used in the calculations.

12.10 Demographie life tables

AlI the above discussion of life tables relates to data derived from real
cohorts, Le., from groups of people who were actually followed up in
Demographic life tables, computed on the basis of national (or region-
al or specific for a particular ethnic or socioeconomic group) mortality
data, can be obtained by applying the currently observed mortality risks
at various ages to an imaginary cohort. Thus the life expectancy of
women at birth in England and Wales, which was 77 years in 1981 (Bone
et aL., 1995), depends on the assumption that baby girls born in 1981
will be exposed ta 1981 age-specific risks of dying as they go through life
(e.g., when they are age 30 in the year 2011, they wil experience the
1981 mortality risks for 30-year-olds). Although taken literally, this
assumption is unrealistic, demographic lie tables are a good way of surn-
marizing current mortality risks. These demographic life tables are usu-
ally prepared and published by governmental statistical offces.

12.11 Other outcomes

The methods described in this chapter are part of a group of statis-
tICal techniques used in 'survival analysis'. The term 'survival' cornes
from the fact that the first use of such techniques arose in the insur-
an ce industry, which was particularly interested in developing me th-
ods of costing insurance premiums. For this purpose, they needed to
know the average life expectancy for different types of customer.
The use of survival analysis techniques is, however, by no means
restricted to studies where death is the outcome of interest. It has also
been widely used to study other outcomes su ch as fertilty, corn pli-
ance with treatment, recurrence of disease, occurrence of complica-
tions, etc.
The trial described in Example 12.3 had more than one outcome of
interest. The results in Figure 12.13 show little evidence of a differ-
ence in overall survival (P = 0.5) or survival free from regional or dis-
tant recurrence (P = 0.19). However, the trial provided rnoderate evi-
dence in favour of the hypothesis that women who received radiation
had a lower risk of developing local recurrences (P = 0.06).
Introduction to survival analysis


1.0 1.0 1.0

0.9 b----- 0.9
.= RT .=RT .= RT
~ 0.8 0= ORT ~ 0.8 o=ØRT ~ 0.8 0= ØRT
:e :e :e
'" '" '"
.a .a .a
0 0 0
cî 0.7 X2(log rank)=0.162, cî 0.7 X2(log rank)=3.121 , cî 0.7 X2(log rank)=1.73,
df=l, 1'0.495 df=l, 1'0.063 df=1,1'0.188
0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5

1 , , , , 1 , , , , 1 , , , ,
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
No. of patients Years No. of patients Years No. of patients Years
AT: 139 106 71 40 21 AT: 135 103 70 40 21 AT: 138 104 69 37 19
ØAT: 137 103 67 38 20 ØAT: 128 97 62 36 19 ØAT: 133 99 64 35 19

12.12 Final notes Figure 12.13.

Probability of (a) overall survival; (b) of
Survival analysis can be carried out easily with many statistical com- remaining free from local recurrence;
puter packages su ch as STATA, EGRET, SAS or SPSS. Unfortunately, it is not and (e) of remaining free from regional
possible to conduct this type of analysis in EPI INFO. or distant metastasis for 381 breast
cancer patients according to type of
The application of survival analysis to data collected by cancer registries postoperative treatment (RT = postop-
is discussed in Section 17.6.2. erative radiotherapy to the breast; 0RT
= no further treatment) (reproduced, by
permission of Oxford University Press,
from Uppsala-Örebro Breast Cancer
Study Group, 1990).

Chapter 12

Further reading
* The use of probability trees in
this chapter was based on the
approach suggested by Clay ton
& Hills (1993).

* A more elaborate presentation

of the general statistical concepts
underlying survival analysis and
theír application to routínely col-
lected data is given in Estève et
al. (1994).

* A guide to the use of survival

curves in cancer trials is given by
Peto et al. (1976, 1977).

Chapter 13
Interpretation of
epidemiological studies

ln epidemiology, studies are carried out to identify exposures that may

affect the risk of developing a certain disease or other health-related out-
come and to estimate quantitatively their effect. Unfortunately, errors are
inevitable in almost any epidemiological study, even in the best conducted
randomized triaL. Thus, when interpreting findings from an epidemiologi-
cal study, it is essential to consider how much the observed association
between an exposure and an outcome may have been affected by errors in
the design, conduct and analysis. Even if errors do not seem to be an obvi-
ous explanation for the observed effect, it is stil necessary to assess the like-
lihood that the observed association is a causal one. The following ques-
tions should be addressed before it is concluded that the observed associa-
tion between exposure and outcome is a true cause-effect relationship:

(1) Could the observed association be due to systematic errors

(bias) in the way subjects were selected and followed up or in
the way information was obtained from them?
(2) Could it be due to differences between the groups in the dis-
tribution of another variable (confounder) that was not mea-
sured or taken into account in the analyses?
(3) Could it be due to chance?
(4) FinaIly, is the observed association likely to be causal?

Most of these issues were already raised in Chapters 7-11 in relation to

each specific study design. ln this chapter, we wil consider them in a more
structured way.

13.1 Could the observed effect be due to bias?

Bias tends to le ad to an incorrect estimate of the effect of an exposure
on the development of a disease or other outcome of interest. The
observed estimate may be either above or below the true value, depending
on the nature of the error.
Many types of bias in epidemiology have been identified (Sackett, 1979)
but, for simplicity, they can be grouped into two major types: selection bias
and measurement bias.

13.1.1 Selection bias

Selection bias occurs when there is a diference between the character-
istics of the people selected for the study and the characteristics of those


i \..
Chapter 13

who were not. ln aIl instances where selection bias occurs, the result is a
difference in the relation between exposure and outcome between those
who entered the study and those who would have been eligible but did
not participa te. For instance, selection bias wil occur with volunteers (self-
selection bias). People who volunteer to participa te in a study tend to be
different from the rest of the population in a number of demographic and
lifestyle variables (usuaIly being more health-conscious, better educated,
etc.), sorne of which may also be risk factors for the outcome of interest.
Selection bias can be a major problem in case-control studies, although
it can also affect cross-sectional studies and, to a lesser extent, cohort stud-
ies and randomized trials.
The selection of an appropriate sample for a cross-sectIonal survey do
not necessarily guarantee that the participants are representative of the
target population, because sorne of the selected subjects may fail to par-
ticipate. This can introduce selection bias if non-participants differ from
participants in relation to the factors under study.
ln Example 13. l, the prevalence of alcohol-related problems rose with
increasing effort to recruit subjects, suggesting that those who completed
the interview only after a large number of contact attempts were different
from those who required less recruitment effort. Constraints of time and
money usually limit the recruitment efforts to relatively few contact
attempts. This may bias the prevalence estimates derived from a cross-sec-
tional study.
ln case-control studies, controls should represent the source population
from which the cases were drawn, Le. they should provide an estimate of
the exposure prevalence in the general population from which the cases
come. This is relatively straightforward to accomplish in a nested case-con-
trol study, in which the cases and the controls arise from a clearly defined
population-the cohort. ln a population-based case-control study, a source
population can also be defined from which aIl cases (or a random sample)
are obtained; controls wil be randomly selected from the disease-free
members of the same population.
The sampling method used to select the controls should ensure that they
are a representative sample of the population from which the cases origi-
nated. If they are not, selection bias wil be introduced. For instance, the
method used to select controls in Example 13.2 excluded women who were
part of the study population but did not have a telephone. Thus, control
selection bias might have been introduced if women with and without a
telephone differed with respect to the exposure(s) of interest. This bias
could be overcome by excluding cases who did not have a telephone, that
is, by redefining the study population as women living in households with
a telephone, aged 20-54 years, who resided in the eight selected areas.
Moreover, the ultimate objective of the random-digit diallng method was
not merely to provide a random sample of households with telephone but
a random sample of al! women aged 20-54 years living in these households
during the study period. This depended on the extent to which people

Interpretation 01 epidemiological studies

Interview completed within Estimated prevalence of Table 13.1.

this number of contact current alcohol abuse and Prevalence estimates for current alco-
attempts dependence disorder (%) hol abuse and dependence disorder by
5 1943 number of contact attempts necessary
to complete inteNiew, St Louis
7 2285 3.98 Epidemiologie Catchment Area project,
8 2415 4.22 1981-82.8
9 2511 4.26
57 2928b 4.61
8 Data lrom Cottier et al. (1987).
b This number is slightly lower than the number of subjects for whom the inteNiew
was completed (3004) because questionnaires with missing data were excluded
trom this analysis.

600 Figure 13.1.

Number of contact attempts necessary
to complete inteNiew for the St Louis
32% 66% 88% 95% Epidemiologie Catchment Area project,
1981-82 (reproduced with permission
from Cottier et al., 1987).
Ë 400
~ 300
~ 200


o ;~'i. ,~;~;,
123 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223242526_57
Contact attempts

Chapter 13

Example 13.2. The effect of oral contraceptive

. ,,;, '..... use on" tfie..risk of breast,
Cancer andSteroid .
endometrial andovalian càncers was investigated in the

Hormone Study. The study population was women aged 20-54years who
resided in eight selected areas inthe USAduling the study period. Attempts
were made to.ideniífy aIl incident cases ofbreast, ovariari.ünd endometrial.
cancerthat occurred inthestudy population duling the stùdy periodthrough
local population-baseq cancer registries. Controls, were selected by. random~
digitdiallng ofhouseholds inthe dght locations. A random sample ofhouse-
hold telephone numbers were caIled; information on the age and sex of 'aIl
household members was requested and controls were selected among female
members aged 20-54 years according to strct rules (Stadel et aL, 1985).

answering the telephone numbers selected were wiling to provide accurate

information on the age and sex of aIl individuals living in the household.
Sometimes, it is not possible to define the population from which the
cases arise. ln these circumstances, hospital-based controls may be used,
because the source population can then be re-defined as 'hospital users'.
Hospital con troIs may also be preferable for logistic reasons (easier and
cheaper to identify and recruit) and because of lower potential for recaIl
bias (see below). But selection bias may be introduced if admission to hos-
pital for other conditions is related to exposure status.

Example 133. A classíc case-control study was conducted in Englandin

1948.:52 to examine the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung
. cancer. The cases were 1488 patients üdmitted for lung.cancer to the partíc-
ipatinghospitals, 70% ofwhích were located in London. A.similar number
of controls were selected (rom patients who were admited to the same hos-
pitals with other conditions (except diseases thought at that time to be relat-
cd tosmoking). The smoking habits of the hospital con troIs were compared'
with those afa random sampleoraIl residents in London (Table 13.2).
Thesecomparisons showed that, amang men. of similar ages, smoking was.
110re common in the .hospital contraIs than in thepopulation sample (DoIl
.. 8rHilll~S.~). , .
Table 13.2. Percentage of subjects Number (%)
Age-adjusted distribution of male hos- Subjects Most recent number of interviewed
pilai contraIs without lung cancer and Non- cigarettes smoked per day
of a random sample of men fram the
general population fram which the lung ; -~ ';, ,-,'. :' ~ smokers 1-4 5-14 15-24 25+
cancer cases originated according to Hospital contrais 7.0 4.2 43.3 32.1 13.4 1390 (100)
their smoking habits. a :;";,",','-,-,
-"""':'-"-' Sam pie of general 12.1 7.0 44.2 28.1 8.5 199 (100)
a Data fram 0011 & Hill (1952).

Table 13.2 shows that among men of similar age, the percentage of non-
smokers was 7.0 in the hospital controls and 12.1 in the population sam-

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

pIe. The percentage smoking at least 25 cigarettes per day was 13.4 in the
hospital con troIs but only 8.5 in the population sample. The investigators
stated that this difference in smoking habits between the hospital controls
and the population random sample might be explained by previously
unknown associations between smoking and several diseases. Thus, the
strength of the association between lung cancer and cigarette smoking was
underestimated in the case-control study, because the prevalence of smok-
ing in the hospital con troIs was higher than in the general population
from which the cases of lung cancer were drawn.
A hospital control series may fail to reflect the population at risk
because it includes people admitted to the hospital for conditions caused
(or prevented) by the exposures of interest. Individuals hospitalized for
diseases related to the exposure under investigation should be excluded in
order to eliminate this type of selection bias. However, this exclusion
should not be extended to hospital patients with a history of exposure-
related diseases, since no such restriction is imposed on the cases. Thus,
patients admitted to hospital because of a smoking-related disorder (e.g.,
chronic bronchitis) should be excluded from the control series in a
case-control study 100 king at the relationship between smoking and lung
cancer, whereas those admitted for other conditions (e.g., accidents) but
with a history of chronic bronchitis should be included.
Selection bias is less of a problem in cohort studies, because the enrol-
ment of exposed and unexposed individuals is done before the develop-
ment of any outcome of interest. This is also true in historical cohort stud-
~ 150
~153 136 123

,g 125
ies, because the ascertainment of the exposure status was made sorne time ~100 _!OO~ /____ ~ 1~~_______1_0~_

in the past, before the outcome was known. However, bias may stil be t
E 75
introduced in the selection of the 'unexposed' group. For instance, in "0 ß Cancers
occupational cohort studies where the general population is used as the :! 50

o Ali causes
o Non-cancers

comparison group, it is usual to find that the overall morbidity and mor- "0
tality of the workers is lower than that of the general population. This is ii
because only relatively healthy people are able to remain in employment, o 5 10 15
Years after cohort identification
while the general population comprises a wider range of people including
those who are too il to be employed. This type of selection bias is called Figure 13.2.
Decline in the healthy worker effect
with passage of time after initial identifi-
cation of a cohort of active workers.
Graph based on mortality data among
a cohort of asbestos product workers
(Enterline, 1965) (reproduced with per-
mission from McMichael, 1976.
(Q American College of Occupation al
and Environmental Medicine, 1976).

Chapter 13

the healthy worker effect. It may be minimized by restricting the analysis to

people from the same factory who went through the same healthy selec-
tion process but have a different job (see Section 8.2.2).
Example 13.4 shows that the healthy selection bias varies with tye of dis-
ease, being less marked for cancer than for non-cancer conditions (mainly
cardiovascular disorders), and it tends to decline with time since recruit-
ment into the workforce.
Incompleteness of foIlow-up due to non-response, refusaI to participate
and withdrawals may also be a major source of selection bias in cohort stud-
ies in which people have to be followed up for long periods of time.
However, this wil introduce bias only if the degree of incompleteness is dif-
ferent for different exposure categories. For example, subjects may be more
inclined to retum for a follow-up examination if they have developed symp-
toms of the disease. This tendency may be different in the exposed and
unexposed, resulting in an over- or under-estimation of the effect.
Definitions of individual follow-up periods may conceal this source of bias.
For example, if subjects with a certain occupation tend to leave their job
when they develop symptoms of disease, exposed cases may not be identi-
fied if follow-up termina tes at the time subjects change to another job. A
similar selection bias may occur in migrant studies if people who become il
return to their countries of origin before their condition is properly diag-
nosed in the host country.
Randomized intervention trials are less likely to be affected by selection bias
since subjects are randomized to the exposure groups to be compared.
However, refusaIs to participate after randomization and withdrawals fwm
the study may affect the results if their occurrence is related to exposure sta-
tus. To minimize selection bias, allocation to the various study groups
should be conducted only after having assessed that subjects are both eligi-
ble and wiling to participa te (see Section 7.9). The data should also be
analysed according to 'intention to treat regardless of whether or not the
subjects complied with their allocated intervention (see Section 7.12).

13.1.2 Measurement bias

Measurement (or inf01mation) bias occurs when measurements or classifica-
tions of disease or exposure are not valid (Le., wh en they do not measure
correctIy what they are supposed to measure). Errors in measurement may
be introduced by the observer (observer bias), by the study individual (respon-
der bias), or by the instruments (e.g., questionnaire or sphygmomanometer
or laboratory assays) used to make the measurements (see Chapter 2).

Misclassification of a single attribute (exposure or outcome) and observed

pre valence
Suppose that a cross-sectional survey was conducted to assess the preva-
lence of a particular attribute in a certain study population. A questionnaire
was adrnnistered to aIl eligible participants; there were no refusaIs. Let us
denote the observed proportion in the population classifed as having the

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

attribute by p* and the true prevalence by p. p* has two components. One

component cornes from those ìndividuals with the attribute that are cor-
rectly classified by the questionnaire as having it (true positives). The other
component cornes from those individuals that actually do not have the
attribute but erroneously have been classified (that is, misclassified) as hav-
ing it (false positives). The proportion of individuals that is classified by the
questionnaire as having the attribute (p*) is then:

p* = px sensitivity + (1 - p) x (1 - specificity)

and thus depends on the true prevalence of the attribute (P) and on the sen-
sitivity and specificity of the measurement method. For example, if p =
0.1%, sensitivity = 90% and specificity = 90%, then p* = 10.1%. This means
that if the prevalence were estimated by the proportion that is classified as
having the attribute by the questionnaire, the estimate would be 10.1%,
compared with a true prevalence of only 0.1%. This misclassification corre-
sponds to a 100-fold overestimation.
It is possible to obtain a corrected estimate of the true prevalence in situ-
ations where the sensitivity and the specificity of the measurement proce-
dure are both known, or may be estimated, by re-arranging the above for-
mula as follows:

p* + specificity - 1
P = sensitivity + specificity - 1

True Specificity (%) Sensitivity (%) Table 13.3.

prevalence (%) 99 90 80 Observed prevalence (p*) (%) of an
attribute in a population for different
0.1 99 1. 1.1 1.1 levels of the true prevalence (p), and
90 10.1 10.1 10.1 different values of sensitivity and speci-
fi city of the measurement procedure.
80 20.1 20.1 20.1
0.5 99 1.5 1.4 1.4
90 10.4 10.4 10.4
80 20.4 20.4 20.3
2.5 99 3.5 3.2 3.0
90 12.2 12.0 11.8
80 22.0 21.8 21.5
12.5 99 13.3 12.1 10.9
90 21. 20.0 18.8
80 29.9 28.8 27.5
50.0 99 50.0 45.5 40.5
90 54.5 50.0 45.0
80 59.5 55.0 50.0
62.5 99 62.3 56.6 50.4
90 65.6 60.0 53.8
80 69.4 63.8 57.5

Chapter 13

Table 13.3 shows the effects of different levels of sensitivity and speci-
ficity of a measurement procedure on the observed prevalence of a partic-
ular attribute. ln most cases, the observed prevalence is a gross overesti-
mation of the true prevalence. For instance, the observed prevalence at
90% sensitivity and 90% specificity assuming a true prevalence of 0.1 % is
only about one haU of that which would be obtainable if the true preva-
lence were 12.5% (i.e., 10% versus 20%). The bias in overestimation is
severely influenced by losses in specificity (particularly when the true
prevalence is less than 50%). ln contrast, los ses in sensitivity have, at
most, moderate effects on the observed prevalence.

Misclassification and exposure-outcome relationships

Two main types of misclassification may affect the interpretation of
exposure-outcome relationships: nondifferential and differential.
Nondifferential misclassifžcation occurs when an exposure or outcome clas-
sification is incorrect for equal proportions of subjects in the compared
groups. ln other words, nondifferential misclassification refers to errors in
classification of outcome that are unrelated to exposure status, or misclas-
sification of exposure unrelated to the individual's outcome status. ln
the se circumstances, aIl individuals (regardless of their exposure/outcome
status) have the same probabilty of being misclassified. ln contrast, differ-
ential misclassi(ìcation occurs when errors in classification of outcome sta-
tus are dependent upon exposure status or when errors in classification of
exposure depend on outcome status.
These two types of misclassification affect results fwm epidemiological
studies in different ways. Their implications also depend on whether the
misclassification relates to the exposure or the outcome status.

Nondifferential exposure misclassification

Nondifferential exposure mis classification occurs when aIl individuals
(regardless of their current or future outcome status) have the same proba-
bility of being misclassified in relation to their exposure status. UsuaIly, this
tye of misclassification gives rise to an underestimation of the strength of
the association between exposure and outcome, that is, it 'dilutes' the effect
of the exposure.
ln the case-control study ilustrated in Example 13.5, nondifferential
exposure misclassification introduced a bias towards an underestimation of
the true exposure effect.
Nondifferential mis classification of exposure wil also affect the results
from studies of other tyes. For instance, historical occupational cohort stud-
ies rely upon records of exposure of individuals from the past. However, there
often were no specific environmental exposure measurements that would
aIlow accurate classification of individuals. This means that individuals were
classified as 'exposed or 'unexposed by the job they did or by membership
of a union. These proxy variables are very crude markers of the true exposure
levels and their validity is limited. It is, however, unlikely that the validity of

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

:13~?A case~ontroiÙudy was fonduèted to assess whether cof-

. H" cteased therisk of panCl;eaü¿ cancer. Subjects were classifìed as

Bver" drir(kers. The true rèsults of this study in the absence of

, 's(;lqssification(i.e." exposuremeas~rement with sensitivity =
. , specil1city= '1ÖO%) are shownin Table 13 A.

Coffee intake Total Table 13.4.

Results from a hypothetical case-con-
Ever Never
200 1 00 300
trol study: true exposure status (sensi-
tivity = 100% and specificity =100% for
150 1 50
,.... Total 350 250
True odds ratio = (200/100) / (150/150) = 2.00.
both cases and controls).

'.,-,~:::'.r~',:-,':,-'_ ",,-,,-::"r"-:"~' ';'''':--'-\'''! - "

, .t',.e..,z..'. .. '.,.,,'. ' hl- '., roug
.. "ëdw4s()i,aine h .
istered tion' na . 80% of study subjeCts
lýdtankcoffeè (re S5 of wh~t1ier ornÓtthey hadpan~
. cer) repàrtèd this ih.. '. eqU; , . 'onnaire(sènsitvîty = 80%).
'bnly90%of those who .'.. r drånk coffeecorreäly men;.
sin thequestionnaire(spedfidty= 90o/J.

Table 13.5.
Ever Bias due to nondifferential exposure
misclassification: observed exposure
...; Pancreatic (200xO.8)+(1 00xO.1) = 170 (100xO.9)+(200xO.2) = 130 300 status (sensitivity = 80% and specificity
'0. cancer cases
= 90% for both cases and controls).
¡'Controls (150xO.8)+(150xO.1) = 135 (150xO.9)+(150xO.2) = 165
Total 305 295
d Observed odds ratio = (170/130) / (135/165) = 1.60

these records would be different for those who later developed the outcome
of interest and those who did not. As long as the misclassification is nondif-
ferential, it wil generally dilute any true association between the exposure
and the outcome.
The implications of nondifferential exposure misclassification depend
heavily on whether the study is perceived as 'positive' or 'negative'. This bias
is a greater concern in interpreting studies that seem to indicate the absence
of an effect. ln these circumstances, it is crucial that the researchers consider
the problem of nondifferential exposure misclassification in order to deter-
mine the probabilty that a real effect was missed. On the other hand, it is
incorrect to dismiss a study reporting an effect simply because there is sub-
stantial nondifferential mis classification, since an estimate of effect without
the misclassification would generally be even greater.
It should be noted that nondifferential exposure misclassification leads to
an underestimation of the relative risk (bias towards relative effect of 1) only
if the exposure is classified as a binary variable (e.g.l 'exposed' versus 'unex-

Chapter 13

posed). When there are three or more exposure categories, nondifferential

exposure misclassification can result in either over- or under-estimation of
the effect (Flegal et aL., 1986). For example, in a study of the effect of differ-
ent levels of coffee intake (classified as 'never', 'low' and 'high') on the risk of
pancreatic cancer, the relative risk associated with low levels of coffee intake
wil be overestimated if there is a general tendency for subjects with a true
high intake to underreport it (but not so extreme as to report themselves as
non-drinkers). On the other hand, if sorne people with a true high intake are
classified as never-drinkers, the relative risk associated with low levels of cof-
fee intake would be underestimated or even reversed (as in Example 13.6).
-',', ',,-,' . -..... ....... '_:.,_ .'0 ,_.... ........:_.... " ", ...........:.: '_ .... _,__ "'_ .._....,.._' ',". : ,'_
Example 13.6. Tablé 13.6 shows results (rom ahypòthetical case-:control
, study with a positive exposure':response trend. Suppose that both cases and
, èontrols wereclassified correctly. in relation toexposurel txceptthat 60% of
subjects whowere truly inthe lnonel exposuregroupweremiscIassified into
the 'high~ exposuregroupi and,60% ofthose trulyin the Ihigh1group were
misclassifiedírito the lnonel exposure group. While the odds ratios in the
original data were 2.00 and 8.00 for the low andhigh exposure categoriesi'
respectively, they were 0.90 and 0.73 in the misclassified data. This mis-
classification led to the creation of an inverse exposure-response trend.
Table 13.6.
Nondifferential exposure misclassitica- True exposure status
tion involving more than two exposure Noneb Low High
categories. a 53 40 60
424 160 60
1.00 2.00 8.00
Misclassified exposure status (60% misclassification)
Noneb Low High
53-(53xO.6)+(60xO.6)=57 40 60-(60xO.6)+(53xO.6)=56
424-(424xO.6)+(60xO.6)=206 160 60-(60xO.6)+(424xO.6)=278
Observed odds ratio 1.00 0.90 0.73
a Data tram Dosemeci et al. (1990).
b Taken as the baseline category

ln this discussion, we have assumed that the mis

classification occurs
between 'exposure' and 'no exposure' or between different levels of exposure.
Obviously, one exposure may be misclassified as another. For example, when
studying the effect of oral contraceptive pils on the risk of breast cancer,
women may confuse them with other drugs that they might have taken in
the past.

DifferentiaI exposure misclassification

This type of misclassification can bias the estimates of the association in
either direction and, hence, it can be responsible for associations which
prove to be spurious.


Interpretation of epidemiological studies

Oral contraceptive use Table 13.7.

Ever Never Data from a hypothetical case-control
Breast cancer cases 150 200 study: true exposure status (sensitivity

'....... Controls 150 200 350 = 100% and specificity =100% for both

. . Total 300 400

True odds ratio = (150/200) / (150/200) = 1.00
cases and controls).

: : :,'-,
_ ,,"'. -"-"''.':-d'''
',' ,'d\ ".',' ,-: : ',:, ::',',,~:. "",'_"._._-:__':"".,-,-,.':,
_ _ _' _ _ _ " _, _ _ _ _: _ _ ,'_ _ _ _ _ _'_ _'-:-.,-",.:,-,-'-'
,,-.-,_ _ _ _ _ : _ _
.', '-. - .,\-, - '...' ,'--, p- -" -,,' -,,'.:.,'-' '-'-,-.--, -,,' -,--' - ','
;'-",' '- -,""":".'-': '-' '-/'-" '-;""'-'''. - -",.,_...',',.. - -,. '- : " -,". "',' ,- " - ,..-",' ,'_.,'," _, d'. " _ ' . _-'0" "

. Sup ose nowthat20% of tbecàses .vyhohad never usedoralcontra-

. cep , .
JfiáJrrectlyréported having'd(jtzesoi. whereas aU case users
correct! ortéâ ther,. habits (sensitivity= 100%; spedficíty = 80%).

.' .,' The

con troIs 'correctlyreported · their use (sensitfvity == '100%; sjJeci-

ficity=.100%). '

Oral contraceptive use Table 13.8.

Ever Never Bias due to differential exposure mis-
classification: observed exposure sta-
Breast cancer cases 150+(200xO.20)=190 200-(200xO.20)=160 350 tus (sensitivity = 100% and specificity =
150 200 80% among cases; sensitivity = 100%
Total 340 360
700 and specificity = 100% among con-
Observed odds ratio = (190/160) / (150/200) = 1.58

ln Example 13.7, patients with breast cancer were more likely to incorrect-
ly report having ever used oral contraceptives than healthy controls, resulting
in a spurious association between oral contraceptives and breast cancer. This
is a particular tye of differential misclassification caIled recall bias. One way
of minimizing recaU bias is to use hospital controls, because then the controls
would generaIly have the same incentive as the cases to remember events in
the past. Subjects should also be unaware of the specific study hypothesis.
ln Example 13.8, there is no biological evidence to suggest that the effect
of vasectomy would be different between Catholic and Protestant men.
Thus, the most likely explanation for the observed findings is that Catholic
con troIs were less likely to report that they had had a vasectomy than
Catholic men with testicular cancer. This differential exposure misclassifica-
tion biased the exposure effect upwards among Catholic men.
Sometimes, it is possible to obtain direct evidence of the presence and
magnitude of differential misclassification. ln Example 13.9, cases, but not
controls, considerably overreported their inabilty to tan after being diag-
nosed with skin melanoma: the proportion of cases reporting inabilty to
tan was 26% (=9/34) in 1982 before skin cancer was diagnosed but 44%
(=15/34) after the diagnosis.


Chapter 13

\"-:::-' ','--",. -'" -', -,:-,
.'''. ,_" '_':, '~'-': _' 0,'.''-':':','':,..-""".:'',:::.,::-:__:,,'.-'.:--.,':.':, '-"'_:;':'_:/\'-:':-:",-,...__":"':; , ,:",_-"_, ""-~",:":.'_-'._" n-", ,-"::-, " ';,. ',_ ".. . . .

Example 13;8..A caseëf . .hducte,d Íriwestern Washington

state (USA) tO assess théè ... .. tirgicalsterilization) onthe risk
.. of testicular cancer.. Exposure lri .. àtio. '..,., s, obtained' by telephoneinter-:
view.. The results showeda500/excessriskassoçìåte,d with vasectomy: odds
ratio (OR) = 1.5 (95% GI:J;a:2.2tH-oweve,,:further.anaIyses showed that the
effect ,of vasectömY1'åsäjiisiderabIydif(erent torCatholic ,and Prote,stant
men: OR = 8.7 for Catholici andDR:; LOforPr0testant background.Whereas
a history of vasectomy w(:sréporteà wiih\àpproximàtely equal frequency by
Catholic and non-Catholiccases1onIy6.2% otCdtholic controls reported such
a history in contrast to 19.7% of other con troIs (StraderetaL/,1988).

Cases Controls Age-adjusted

Table 13.9.
History of vasectomy in testicular can-
No. % with No. % with odds ratio
vasectomyb vasectomy (95% CIC)
cer cases and controls by religious
background. a
129 18.0 295 19.0 1.0 (0.6-1.7)
42 24.4 96 6.2 8.7 (2.8-27.1)
Other 57 32.3 122 21.0 1.3 (0.6-3.0)
a Data from Strader et al. (1988).
b Adjusted to age distribution of ail controls.
C Ci = confidence interval.

',:, -""-:.:,,'
,,'. "',,,,",
"" "'.,,,
':,.',,-.:' .'H.':',"",',...",:;
,_' ",' 0,,', __. " , , ' .',
,Exaniplè 13.9. TheNur~e(HeaIthStuyis ..
.'121 700 ternale nurses who aged 3(L
a ssem bIedin1976.dThe. seWòmen h '
','" ',.":',' ,",'"",,':,',:,"":
",,,:',,-,',,,,,,,,,,,"':' ,'Y'".',
'allysincethen,. The 1982q ..,
. skin meIánorna. Á heste~ c
incIuded 34. skinmeIallotnd
tionnaire and 234contrnIsra
historyofcance~ l: .
ti()1Js. (rom Jhe( l~ß
. .. ~onnaire:Th~S€t¡
. ...1991rTh€/esJ1o.~sl?~giv

Table 13.10. 1982 questionnaire Case-control questionnaire

""",',;,0:,," ::' '''', ~ .';
Self-reported hair colour and tanning
.":, --,~':: '::,'::
Cases Controls Cases Controls ':';::-f:,

ability before and after the diagnosis of .'. Haïr colour

skin melanoma in a nested case-control
study. a
Red or blond
Brown or blackb
11 37 11 41
23 197 23 193

OR=2.5 (95% CI=1.1-5.7) OR=2.3 (95% CI=1.0-5.0) ;;c-,'~' ,.:"

Tanning abilty
No tan or light tan 9 79 15 77
Medium, deep or darkb 25 155 19 157
OR=0.7 (95% CI=O.3-1 .5) OR=1.6 (95% CI=0.8-3.5)
a Adapted fram Weinstock et al. (1991).
b Baseline category.

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

Similarly, observers who know the outcome status of an individual may be

consciously or unconsciously predisposed to assess exposure variables accord-
ing to the hypothesis under study. This tye of bias is known as observer bias.
One way of minimizing this tye of bias is to keep the observers blind to the
outcome status of the study subjects. For many diseases/conditions this is
clearly impossible.

NewIntervention Total Table 13.11.

Cases 25 50
Non-cases 9 975 9 950 19 925
Results from a hypothetical interven-
tion trial: true outcome status (sensitiv-
ity = 100% and specificity = 100% for
both the new intervention and placebo
Total 10000 10000 20 000 groups).
True risk in the new intervention group ((1) = 25/10 000 = 25 per 10000
True risk in the placebo group ((0) = 50/10 000 = 50 per 10 000
True risk ratio = (i/(o = 0.50
True risk difference = (0 - (1 = 25 per 10 000
True prevented fraction = ((0 - (1)/(0 = 25 per 10 000 / 50 per 10 000 = 0.50 = 50%

Table 13.12.
New Placebo Bias due to nondifferential outcome
misclassification: observed outcome
Cases 25xO.80 = 20 50xO.80=40 60 status (sensitivity = 80% and specificity
Non-cases 9 975+(25xO.20) = 9 980 9 950+(50xO.20)=9 960 19 940 = 100% for both the new intervention
Total 10 000 10 000 20 000
and placebo groups).
Observed (1 = 20 per 10 000
Observed (0 = 40 per 10 000
Observed risk ratio = (/(0 = 0.50
Observed risk difference = (0 - (1 = 20 per 10 000
Observed prevented fraction = (ro - (1)/(0 = 20 per 10 000 / 40 per 10 000 =
0.50 = 50%

Chapter 13

Nondifferential outcome misclassification

Misclassification of the outcome is nondifferential if it is similar for
those exposed and those unexposed. This type of misclassification either
does not affect the estimates of relative effect (if specificity = 100% and
sensitivity -: 100%), or it introduces a bias towards a relative effect of 1 (if
specificity -: 100% and sensitivity :: 100%).
When specificity = 100%, as in Example 13.10, a lack of sensitivity does
not result in a bias in the estimate of the risk ratio or prevented fraction.
The estimate of the risk difference is, howeveri biased.

Table 13.13.
Bias due to nondifferential outcome
New Placebo
misclassification: observed outcome
status (sensitivity = 100%; specificity = Cases 25 + (9 975xO.1 0) = 1 022 50 + (9 950xO.1 0) = 1 045 2067
90% for both the new intervention and Non-cases 9 975 x 0.90 = 8 978 9950 x 0.90 = 8 955 17 933
placebo groups).
Total 10000 10 000 20 000
Observed (1 = 1022 per 10 000
Observed (0 = 1045 per 10 000
Observed risk ratio = (1 / (0 = 0.98
Observed risk difference = (0 - (1 = 23 per 10 000
Observed prevented fraction = (ro - (1) / (0 = 23 per 10 000 / 1045 per 10 000 =
0.022 = 2.2%

ln Example 13.11, a decline in specificity resulted in a risk ratio close

to unit y and in marked underestimation of the prevented fraction.

DiferentiaI outcome misclassification

Outcome misclassification is differentíal if the misclassification differs
between the exposed and unexposed subjects. DifferentiaI disease misclas-
sification introduces a bias towards an under- or over-estimation of the
true exposure effect.
DifferentiaI disease misclassification is introduced if the exposure influ-
ences the foIlow-up and identifcation of cases. For example, exposed sub-
jects may be more (or less) likely than unexposed subjects to report symp-
toms of disease or to visit a doctor. Similarly, the staff involved in the fol-
low-up and diagnosis of disease may be influenced by awareness of the
exposure status of subjects (observer bias). One way of minimizing this type
of bias is to keep the observers blind to the exposure status of the individ-
uals. But for certain exposures (e.g. surgical procedures, interventions with
typical secondary effects), this is clearly not feasible.

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

ln Example 13.12, the risk of lung cancer among asbestos workers may
have been slightly overestimated because the cause of death is likely to
have been ascertained more carefully among asbestos workers than
among the general population.

13.1.3 How can we identify bias in epidemiological studies?

Bias is a consequence of defects in the design or execution of an epi-
demiological study. Bias cannot be controlled for in the analysis of a
study, and it cannot be eliminated by increasing the sample size, except
for those introduced by non-diferential misclassification of exposure or
outcome. Ways of minimizing bias in different types of epidemiological
study were discussed in previous chapters (see Chapters 7-11). Box 13.1
highlights sorne of the questions that help to identify bias in epidemio-
logical studies.
ln addition to identifying potential sources of bias in a particular
study, we also need to estimate their most likely direction and magni-
tude. Sorne procedures can be introduced deliberately into the study to
assess the effect of a potential bias. For instance, in a mortality study, the
vital status of people who were lost to foIlow-up may be ascertained
from routine vital statistics registries and their mortality compared with
that of the people who did participate in the study. Again, it is essential
that the same sort of procedures wil be applied to any subject irrespec-
tive of his/her exposure or disease status.

13.2 Could the observed effect be due to

Confounding occurs when an estimate of the association between an
exposure and an outcome is mixed up with the real effect of another
exposure on the same outcome, the two exposures being correlated.
For example, tobacco smoking may confound estimates of the associ-
ation between work in a particular occupation and the risk of lung can-
cer. If death rates for lung cancer in the occupational group are com-
pared with those for the general population (of a similar sex and age
composition), it might appear that the occupational group has an


f .~'\~...

Chapter 13

· Selection bias ' " ,

_:: _ _ ", _ _ _ ~ " _ _ _ ',' -"- " __.'''' ,'.: ,,- --, :'d: .'",. - ,c- " _
- Was the study population c1early defined? ,
- Whatwere the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
,'-:' Were refusais,
'........',., ....'..losses to follow-up,
....-..... ",-" ....etc.
-,' -', ',-kept
,,',-. ., .-,to
','- a
,..-_........'..--:..-,....,.:"-'.' ...'.... ....,.,..'
-_....,.... ....'..._,..".
",. :. ~.."-:.:
'.,'-"",.,",.,- .. i-.",
" -,"".- ,.--.... ., ,-
.. ..:. ': ....' : : ',',',', .. _,',':: ........ .-'" .:_:' ....,.. .....: :" , :. : : :. ::::_', ,:': .. _: ,_ .. ::..........:.. '-.. ..',',.."" :.... .,:-:.',.. .. _"_'," -. '... _ .. ',""" .. '. - :

ln cohort and inteivention studies: , ' , '

'-, Were the groups siffilar except for the exposure/intervention status?
- Was the follow-up adequate? Was it similar for ail groups?

ln case,:.ontrol studies:
- Did thecontrols represent the population frQm which the cases arose?
- Was the identification and selection of cases and controls influenced
,bytheir exposure status?

Measurement bias ' '

- Were the exposures and outcomes ofinterest clearly defined using
standard criteria?
-Were the measurements as objective as possible?
- Were the subjects and observers blind?
- Were the observers and interviewers rigorously trained?
- Were clearly written protocols used to standardize procedures ln data
collection? .', ,
, - Were the study subjects randomized to observers or interviewers?
. ,-Was information provided by the patient validated against any eXÎsting
, records? . " . '
- Were' the methods used for measuring the exposure(s) and Qut-
come(s) of interest (e,g.; questionnaires, laboratory assays) validated?

· Were strategies built into the study design to allow assessment of the Iikely
.' direction 'and magnitude of the bias? .

increased risk of lung cancer. This might le ad to the inference that the
occupation is a direct cause of lung cancer. However, without further
analysis, this inference would be invalid if those people employed in the
occupation smoked more heavily than members of the general popula-
For a variable to be a confounder, it must be associated with the expo-
sure under study and it must also be an independent risk factor for the
disease. ln Figure 13.3, confounding occurs only in example I-smoking
is associated with the particular occupation under study and it is on its
own a risk factor for lung cancer. ln example II, alcoholic cirrhosis of the
liver is an intermediate factor in the causal path between the exposure
(alcohol intake) and the disease (liver cancer). ln example II, alcohol
intake is associated with the exposure under study (smoking) but is not
a risk factor for the disease (lung cancer).


¡ \.~':
L .."...
Interpretation of epidemiological studies

A potential confounder is
any factor which is believed to EXPOSURE

have a real effect on the risk of (Occupation)
the disease under investiga-
tion. This includes both factors / (lun9 canee,)
that have a direct causal link
with the disease (e.g., smoking
and lung cancer), and factors
that are good proxy measures
of more direct unknown causes Il) EXPOSURE . VARIABLE OUTCOME
(alcohol intake) (alcoholic cirrhosis (liver cancer)
(e.g., age and social class). of the liver)
Confounding can be dealt
with at the study design level
or, provided the relevant data II) EXPOSURE ) OUTCOME
have been collected, in the (smoking) (Iung cancer)
analysis. Three approaches may tt
be used to control for con- VARIABLE
(alcohol intake)
founding in the design of an
epidemiological study:

Randomization-this is the ide al method of controllng for con- Figure 13.3.

Diagram illustrating the relationship
founders because it ensures that the distribution of known and, between exposure, outcome and
more importantly, unknown confounding variables wil be sim- potential confounding variables.
ilar in the groups to be compared, provided that the sample size
is relatively large. But this method can be used only in experi-
mental studies.

Restriction-a procedure that limits participation in the study to

people who are similar in relation to the confounder. For
instance, if participation in a study is restricted to non-smok-
ers, any potential confounding effect of smoking wil be

Matching-a procedure whereby con troIs are selected in such a

way that the distribution of potential confounders (e.g., age,
sex, race or place of residence) among them wil be identical to
those of the cases. This can be accomplished by selecting for
each case one or more controls with similar characteristics (e.g.,
of the same age, sex) (individual matching) or by ensuring that
as a group the controls have similar characteristics to the cases
(frequency matching). ln practice, matching is mainly used in
case-control studies (see Section 9.3.4.), because it would be
too costly to match subjects in large cohort studies and un
essary to do so in large intervention studies. However, in small
intervention studies, particularly in corn y trials, match- munit

ing is frequently used (see Section 7.9.2.)

Chapter 13

Confounding can also be controlled for in the analysis by using:

Stratification-a technique in which the strength of the association

is measured separately within each weIl defined and homogeneous
category (stratum) of the confounding variable. For instance, if age
is a confounder, the association is estimated separately in each
age-group; the results can then be pooled using a suitable weight-
ing to ob tain an ove raIl summary measure of the association,
which is adjusted or controlled for the effects of the confounder
(that is, that takes into account differences between the groups in
the distribution of confounders; see Chapter 14). It should be
noted that standardization, a technique mentioned in Chapter 4,
is an example of stratification.

Statistical modellng-sophisticated statistical methods, such as

regression modellng, are available to control for confounding.
They are particularly useful when it is necessary to adjust simulta-
neously for various confounders. These techniques are briefly
introduced in Chapter 14.

It is possible to control for confounders in the analysis only if data on

them were collected; the extent to which confounding can be controlled
for wil depend on the accuracy of these data. For instance, nondifferen-
tial (random) misclassification of exposure to a confounder wil lead to
underestimation of the effect of the confounder and consequently, wil
attenuate the degree to which confounding can be controlled. The associ-
ation wil persist even after the adjustment because of residual confounding.
But in contrast to non-differential misclassification of exposure or outcome,
non-differential misclassification of a confounder wil cause a bias in either
direction, depending on the direction of the confounding. For example, in
a study of risk factors for cervical cancer, the association between cigarette
smoking and cervical cancer persisted even after controllng in the analy-
sis for the number of sexual partners. This might be due, at least in part,
to residual confounding because 'number of sexual partners' is an inaccu-
rate measure of sexual behaviour, including infection by human papilo-

13.3 Could the observed effect be due to chance?

The assessment of the role of chance in the interpretation of results
from epidemiological studies was discussed in Chapter 6. ln summary, the
role of chance can be assessed by performing appropriate statistical signif-
icance tests and by calculating confidence intervals.
A statistical significance test for the effect of an exposure on an outcome
yields the probabilty (P or P-value) that a result as extreme as or more
extreme than the one observed could have occurred by chance alone, Le.,
if there were no true relationship between the exposure and the outcome.
Interpretation of epidemiological studies

If this probabilty is very smalli it is usual to declare that chance is an

unlikely explanation for the observed association and consequentlyi that
there is a 'statistically 5 t' association between exposure and out-
ign ifican

come. If the P-value is large (usually greater than 0.05), it is conventional-

ly thought that chance cannot be excluded as an explanation for the
observed association.
A number of issues should be kept in mind when interpreting results
from statistical tests. Firstly, the value of P depends both on the magnitude
of the association and on the study size. It is therefore possible with small
pite the
studies to obtain a P-value which is not statistically significant, des

fact that the true population exposure effect is large. Conversely, with a
large sam pIe, small effects, which may be clinically and epidemiologically
irrelevant, may easily achieve statistical significance. Confidence intervals
are more informative than P-values because they provide a range of values
for the exposure-outcome association, which is likely to include the true
population effect (usually with a probabilty of 0.95, Le. 95%). They also
indicate whether a non-significant result is or is not compatible with a
true effect that was not detected because the sample size was too small (see
Chapter 6). Sample size calculations should always be done at the design
stage to ensure that the study wil have enough power (Le., its sample size
wil be large enough) to detect the hypothetical effect or enough precision
to quantify it (see Chapter 15).
Secondly, investigators tend to collect data on many potential risk fac-
tors and to perform multiple statistical tests to determine whether any of
these variables is significantly associated with the disease or outcome of
interest. However, the probabilty of obtaining a statistically significant P_
value ¡ust by chance increases with the number of tests performed. It is
particularly important to keep this in mind when the data are interpreted,
particularly if an unexpected association is found that was not hypothe-
sized at the beginning of the study. Such an unexpected association wou
have to be reproduced in studies specifically designed to test it before it
could be accepted as reaL
FinaIly, statistical methods assess only the effects of sampling variation
and cannot control for non-sampling errors such as confounding or bias
in the design, conduct or analysis of a study.

13.4 Could the observed effect be causal?

If bias, confounding and chance do not seem to explain an observed
association, can we conclude that the association is likely to be causal?
Since we can never be sure that the study was not affected by any of these
factors, we need to consider the findings in the context of aIl available evi-
dence. ln a paper published in 1965, Bradford Hil mentioned aspects that
need to considered when assessing whether an association is likely to be
causal (Hil, 1965). We wil consider each of these aspects below. As an
ilustration, we show how these aspects were applied to evaluate the asso-
ciation between smoking and lung cancer.


Chapter 13

Temporal relationship
This is an essential aspect. For an exposure to be the cause of a dis-
ease, it has to precede its biological onset. This is generally easier to
establish from intervention or cohort studies than from cross-section-
al or case-control studies in which measurements of the exposure and
the outcome are made at the same time.
IIThe criterion of temporality requires that cigarette smoking ante-
date the onset of cancer. Support for this criterion is provided by aIl
the major prospective (cohort) studies in which an enormous num-
ber of initially disease-free subjects were followed over varying time
intervals." (US Surgeon General, 1982)

Biological plausibility
The association is more likely to be causal if consistent with other
biological knowledge (e.g., animal experiments, biological mecha-
nisms). However, this aspect should not be taken too seriously, because
lack of plausibility may simply reflect lack of scientific knowledge or
the fact that human beings are biologically different from animaIs.
IIBenign and malignant tumours have been induced in the larynx
of hamsters by long-term exposure to diluted cigarette smoke.
Attempts to induce significant numbers of bronchogenic carcino-
ma (lung cancer) in laboratory animaIs were negative in spite of
major efforts with several species and strains. Neither rats nor ham-
sters nor baboons inhale cigarette smoke as deeply and as intense-
ly as the cigarette smokers who have provided the data with the
consequences of their 'experiment in the form of clinical evidence
gathered by epidemiologists." (US Surgeon General, 1982)

If similar results have been found in different populations using dif-
ferent study designs, the association is more likely to be causal, since
it is unlikely that aIl studies were subject to the same type of bias
and/or confounding. However, a lack of consistency does not exclude
a causal association, since different intensity levels and other condi-
tions may reduce the impact of the exposure in certain studies.
IIMore than 50 retrospective (case-control) studies have reported
smoking patterns (by type and quantity of tobacco smoked, dura-
tion of smoking, and inhalation al practice) in a variety of subjects
with lung cancer (e.g., males and females, different occupational
groups, hospitalized patients, autopsy cases, aIl individuals who
died from lung cancer in an area, nationwide sam pIe of individuals
who died from lung cancer, and different races and ethnic groups).

Interpretation of epidemiological studies

Many of these subjects have been compared with matched con

also drawn from a variety of groups (e.g., healthy individuals,
patients hospitalized for cancer or other diseases, deaths from can-
cers of other sites, and samplings of the general population).
Regardless of the method, these studies have consistently found an
association between smoking and lung cancer. Relative risks for
smokers are consistently greater than for nonsmokers. ( ... )
Eight major prospective (cohort) studies have examined the rela-
tionship between smoking and lung cancer mortality in a large
number of subjects, in different countries, and in different time
periods. The results of these studies ( ... ) are consistent with each
other as weIl as with the retrospective (case-control) studies." (US
Surgeon General, 1982)

The strength of an association is measured by the magnitude of the
relative measure of effect. A strong association is not easily explained
by potential sources of bias or confounding and hence it is more like-
ly to be causal than is a weak association, which could more easily be
the result of confounding or bias. For example, a relative risk of mag-
nitude 10 is more likely to reflect a true causal association than one of

"Prospective (cohort) studies have shown that the death rate from
lung cancer among cigarette smokers is approximately 10 times the
rate in non-smokers ( ... ). To account for such a high relative risk
in terms of an indirect association would require that an unknown
causal factor be present at least 10 times more frequently among
smokers ( ... ) than among non-smokers. Such a confounding fac-
tor should be easily detectable, and if it cannot be detected or rea-
sonably inferred, the finding of such a strong association makes a
conclusion concerning causality more probable." (US Surgeon
General, 1982)

Exposure-response relatíonshíp
Further evidence of a causal relationship is provided if increasing
levels of exposure are associated with increasing incidence of disease.

"The strongest exposure-relationship measured in most epidemio-

logical studies was for the number of cigarettes smoked per day at
the time of entry into the study. However, other important mea-
sures of dosage include the age at which smoking began, the dura-
tion of smoking, and inhalation practice. ( ... ) The data ( '" ) indi-
cate that as the number of cigarettes smoked per day increases there
is a gradient of risk for lung cancer mortality. ( ... ) Male smokers
who smoked more th an 20 cigarettes daily had lung cancer mortal-

Chapter 13

ity ratios 15 to 25 times greater than nonsmokers. Similar findings

were observed among female smokers ( ... ).
Four prospective (cohort) studies which examined lung cancer
mortality by age began smoking ( ... ) show a strong inverse rela-
tionship ( ... ), Le., the younger the age one began smoking, the
greater the lung cancer mortality rate." (US Surgeon General, 1982)

If a particular exposure increases the risk of a certain disease but not
the risk of other diseases, this provides evidence in favour of a
cause-effect relationship. However, one-to-one relationships between
exposure and disease are rare and lack of specificity should not be used
to refute a causal relationship.

"Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture consisting of several thou-

sand chemical substances. These diverse substances are capable of
producing more th an a single biological response. The specificity of
the association between smoking and lung cancer is evidenced by
comparison of the magnitude of lung cancer mortality ratios to
those of other cancers, as has been do ne in most of the prospective
(cohort) studies. The mortality ratios for lung cancer are very high
when compared with those of other cancers." (US Surgeon General,

When the removal of a possible cause results in a reduced incidence
of the disease, the likelihood of the association being causal is
strengthened. IdeaIly, this should be assessed by conducting a ran-
domized intervention trial, but for many exposures-disease associa-
tions, such randomized trials are impossible in practice.

"Since cigarette smoking is significantly associated with lung can-

cer, it is logical to expect that cessation of smoking would lead to a
decrease in mortality rates from lung cancer among quitters com-
pared to persons who continue to smoke cigarettes. ln fact, aU of
the major studies which examined cessation showed this decrease
in lung cancer risk. ( ... ) After 15 to 20 years, the ex-smoker's risk
of dying from lung cancer graduaUy decreases to a point where it
more closely approximates the risk of the non-smoker ( ... ). The
magnitude of the residual risk that ex-smokers experience is large-
ly determined by the cumulative exposure to tobacco prior to
smoking cessation (Le., total amount the individual smoked, age
when smoking began, and degree of inhalation), and varies with
number of years since quitting smoking, as weIl as with the reasons
for quitting smoking (e.g., quitting due to symptoms of disease)."
(US Surgeon General, 1982)


\,, \-i"
l ~ ,-;- ~~ ~ ."
Interpretation of epidemiological studies

The putative cause-effect relationship should not seriously conflct
with the natural history and biology of the disease.

"The final criterion is the coherence of the association between

smoking and lung cancer with known facts in the biology and nat-
ural history of lung cancer. Coherence of the association has been
noted in the following facts: 1) Sex differences in lung cancer mor-
tality correlate weIl with sex differences in smoking patterns; 2)
Population differences in lung cancer mortality correlate weIl with
differences in tobacco consumption; 3) Tirne trends in lung cancer
mortality correlate with time trends in prevalence of cigarette
smoking." (US Surgeon General, 1982)

Although these aspects are often referred to as 'criteria' (as in the

report of the US Surgeon General (1982)), They should not be regard-
ed as necessary conditions to established causality. The only excep-
tion is temporality-for an exposure to be a cause of a disease it clear-
ly has to precede its biological onset.

13.5 General comments

ln epidemiology, it is rare that one study alone wil provide enough
'praof' that a certain exposure affects the risk of a particular disease.
However, our degree of belief in the association wil depend on the
type of study design. Ecological studies per se can show associations,
but because of their great potential for confounding they can never be
used to establish causation at an individuallevel. WeIl conducted ran-
domized trials are the best tools to assess causality, but their findings
should always be interpreted in the context of aIl other available evi-
dence, including evidence from other areas of research. However, for
sorne exposure-disease relationships, such randomized interventions
are not possible or are unethical.

Probabilty of: Ecological Cross- Case- Cohort Randomized Table 13.14.

sectional control trial Probability of selection bias, recall bias

Selection bias and confounding for the different study

designs. a
Selection of subjects NIA medium high low low
Loss to follow-up NIA NIA low high medium
Recall bias NIA high high low low
Confounding high medium medium low very low
a Modified from Beaglehole et aL. (1993)
NIA = Not applicable.

Table 13.14 gives an idea of how much the results from different
types of study rnay be affected by bias and confounding.
Data from various studies that have addressed the same question may
be pooled together and re-analysed by using special techniques that take

Chapter 13

into account the fact that the original studies may differ in a large num-
ber of respects (e.g., characteristics of the study subjects, methods of
data collection). This approach is particularly useful wh
en the effect of
the exposure is likely to be smaIl, so that a very large sample size wil be
necessary to detect and quantify it precisely (as in Example 13.13).
Meta-analysis is another technique used to combine results from var-
ious studies. It differs from a re-analysis in that there is no access to the
raw data from each individual study. Only the published estima
tes of
exposure effect from each study are available and can be used to gener-
ate a pooled overall result.
It is essential to ensure that practically aIl studies (published and
unpublished) are included in any re-analysis or meta-analysis. This is
because published studies tend to be a biased sample with an overrep-
resentation of those which showed 'positive' findings.
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-:' .' -', .',_
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..'.. .' J3:A large ..... '. ei:ofcohortand ¿ase~ontrol;tudies werecQn-,
.. ' . 'ades toexalline therelatianship of oral contraceptiveuse
. " ,réas.c '. . eirresultswerelargelyinconsistent. To Clarify this issue,'
..datafrQrn mostofthtSe studies'were brought togethet andre~analysed. The
.. .54stúdiesincludeclin this. re-analysis were conducted in 25 ,coùnmes in..
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,Ti .they in ',297 W011en~ithinvqsive ,breastcancer and
1 ' . ., .Ce~Figure J3A shgwsrelativ~risk~ ofbreast can~
er~1JsersPfcomlJined,'. .' ntrqcêptives (themost ....
.... ates. VåTie4 sÛ:~s .... lyfroifs/ldy tòstudy,
werewideând inc udedthenullhypothesis ,....
matewas slightly . bovéi(1.07Ji¡nd itsconfi-:
dethe nul! hyp , .,. 'svalue. Currellt users of com.: .
, , . stoppt4 lesfth.and 0 yeqrs previously.
,se.mtherislcoflJavin . b¡;.cancq diag-:
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J "ÒnHô1monal



Interpretation of epidemiological studies

Figure 13.4.
Relative risk of breast cancer in ever-users compared with never-users of combined oral contraceptives (reproduced with permission from
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, 1996, (Ç by The Lancet Ud, 1996; see this paper for full discussion of the meth-
ods and full reference to individual studies).

Chapter 13

Relative risk of breast cancer by total duration Relative risk of breast cancer by age at
of use of combined oral contraceptives first use of combined oral contraceptives
Total duration Age at
of use RRa~SD Cases/Contrais first use RRa~SD Cases/Contrais RRa & 99% Ci

Never-user 1.00~0.013 28200/55220 Never-user 1.00~0.014 28200/55220

d yr 1.07 ~ 0.023 4403/8954 ",20 yr 1.22~0.044 2719/4205

1-4 yr 1.05 ~0.018 7036/13305 20-24 yr 1.04~0.025 5334/9111

5-9 yr 1.09~0.022 4999/8665 25-29 yr 1.06 ~ 0.025 3888n205

10-14yr 1.16~0.033 2394/3845 30-34 yr 1.06~0.030 2932/5412
2e15 yr 1.08 ~0.063 625/998 2e35 yr 1.11 ~0.032 3059/5590
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0
Test for heterogeneity within users: X2 (4 d.f.)=8.0; NS Test for heterogeneity within users: X2 (4 d.f.)=13.4; P=0.01
Test for trend within users: X2 (1 d.f.)=3.9; P=0.05 Test for trend within users: X2 (1 d.f.)=0.2; NS

(c) Relative risk of breast cancer by time since

(d) Relative risk of breast cancer by time since
first use of combined oral contraceptives last use of combined oral contraceptives
Time since Time since
first use RRa~SD Cases/Contrais RRa & 99% Ci last use RRa~SD Cases/Controls RRa & 99% Ci

Never-user 1.00 ~0.013 28200/55220 Never-user 1.00 ~0.014 28200/55220

",5 yr 1.09~0.058 760/2337 Current user 1.24 ~ 0.038 2356/4328

5-9 yr 1.9~0.036 2352/4585 1-4 yr 1.6~0.032 2717/4851

10-14 yr 1.11 ~0.024 4789/8269 5-9 yr 1.07 ~ 0.024 4239n688

15-19 yr 1.05~0.023 5796/9186 10-14 yr 0.98 ~0.022 4384/8182
2e20 yr 1.03 ~0.029 4235n143 2e15 yr 1.03 ~ 0.025 4434/8285
0.0 0.0
Test for heterogeneity within users: X2 (4 d.f.)=13.4; P=0.01 Test for heterogeneity within users: X2 (4 d.f.)=41.5; P",O.OOOOl
Test for trend within users: X2 (1 d.f.)=9.6; P=0.002 Test for trend within users: X2 (1 d.f.)=31.7; P",O.OOOOl

a Relative risk (given with 99% CI) relative ta never-users, stratified by study, age at diagnosis, parity and, where appropriate, the age of a woman al the
birth of her first child and the age when her risk of conception ceased. Each analysis includes aggregated data from ail studies included in Figure 13.4.
The area of each square is proportional ta the amount of stalistical information and Cis are drawn as white Iines when they are so narrow that they lie
entirely within the width of the square.

Figure 13.5.
Relative risk of breast cancer for various indices of timing of use of combined oral contraceptives (reproduced with permission from
Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, 1996, (Q by The Lancet Ltd, 1996; see this paper for full discussion of the meth-
ods and full reference to individual studies).

-~~~~~ "'~--~~~~ "õ Interpretation of epidemíological studies

Further reading
,::."...:....:: ..:,:..: ~:....,,',.:.~, :~,:.:\P:Q~~:~.3..2:7.~ay)s;slié~..~ "..... ..:';.. ..:....... .:,: :".'" ç~;

· Theinterpretation of findings trom any epIdemiologicalstudy requires consider- * The aspects that need to be
ationof bias.,confounding and chanGe.
considered when assessing
whether a particular exposure-
· Bias tendstoleadto an incorrect estimate.otthe effect Of anexposure on the outcome relationship is likely to
outcome. ofinterest. There are two main types ofbias: be causal were presented by
Bradford Hill in a paper published
Selection bias occurs when there is a difference between.the character- in 1965.
isticsof the people who participated. in the study and the characteristics
of those who did not. Selection'. bias can be a major problem in
case-contral studies, but can also affect cross..sectional studies and, to
a lesser extent, cohort studies and randqmii:ed trials.

Measurement bias occurs when measurementsorclassifications ofout-

come or exposure are not valid....Theconsequencesof measurement
bias depend on the type of measurementerror(dIfferential or nondiffer-
ential) and on whether it affectstheexpoSure ortheoutcqme.

· Confounding occurs'when an estimate oftheas.sociation.between anexposure

and an outcome is mixed up withtherealeffe,ctofanotherexposureQnthesame
outcome, the two exposures being correlated.Ttlere,arevarious ways otdeal-
ing with confounding .at the design stage(rarid()mizatioQ,..res.trjctiori,matctling)
and in theanalysis( stratification. andstatistiGalmqØe,lIng).

· The raie of chanceis assessed by performirigstatísticalte,stsand,more..impor-

tantly, calculating confidenceintervals.

· Even if bias,confounding and chance donotseemto ex:plaintheobservedasso-

ciation, we should assess the Iikelihood of an association beingcausalbyusing
as guidelines the aspects suggested by Hill (1965).

Chapter 14
Dealing with confounding
in the analysis
ln the previous chapter we discussed briefly how confounding could be
dealt with at both the design stage of a study and during the analysis of
the results. We then mentioned that there are two main statistical proce-
dures that we can use in the analysis: stratification and regression modellng.
ln this chapter we wil discuss the se two approaches in more detaiL
Obviously, these techniques can be applied only if data on potential con-
founding factors are available. Thus, potential confounding variables have
to be identified at the design stage of the study to ensure that valid infor-
mation on them is collected.

14. i Introduction to stratification

A confounding factor is one that is related to both the exposure and the
outcome variables and that does not lie on the causal pathway between
them (see Section 13.2). Ignoring confounding when assessing the associ-
ation between an exposure and an outcome variable can lead to an over-
estimate or underestimate of the true association between exposure and
outcome and can even change the direction of the observed effect.

Table 14.1.
Results of a case-control study on
smoking and ovarian cancer: hypothet-
¡cal data.

ln Example 14.1, women with ovarian cancer had a much lower preva-
lence of smoking (24/60 = 40%) compared with the controls (58/98 =
59%). This suggests that smoking protects against ovarian cancer (odds
ratio (OR) = 0.46). As discussed in the previous chapter, there are several
possible explanations for this finding:


Chapter 14

(i) Bias: the observed odds ratio of 0.46 does not accurately repre-
sent the true odds ratio because of either selection or measurement
(ii) Chance: the observed association between smoking and ovarian
cancer arose by chance. The 95% confidence interval around the
observed odds ratio is equal to 0.23-0.93 and the X2 test yields P=0.02.
Thus, chance is an unlikely explanation for the finding.
(iii) Confounding: the observed odds ratio of 0.46 is due to the effect
of another variable. For example, it may be that women who smoked
were different in other respects from non-smokers and less likely to
develop ovarian cancer because of this, rather than because of smoking.
(iv) Causation: smoking reduces the risk of ovarian cancer and the
95% confidence interval indicates how precisely the sample estimate
corresponds to the true effect in the population.
ln Example 14.11 it is possible that the association between smoking
and ovarian cancer arase because of the confounding effect of other fac-
tors such as oral contraceptive use. The results shown in Table 14.1 are
for aIl women combined regardless of their history of oral contraceptive
use. To assess whether oral contraceptive use is a confounder, we need
to look at the association between smoking and ovarian cancer sepa-
rately for oral contraceptive users and never-users. This is shown in
Table 14.2.

Table 14.2. Never-users of oral contraceptives

Hypothetical case-control study on
smoking and ovarian cancer described Smoking Total
in Example 14.1: results presented Yes No
separately for never-users and ever- Ovarian cancer cases 9 (ai) 32 (b1) 41 (nii)
users of oral contraceptives.
Contrais 8 (ei) 28 (di) 36 (nOl)
Total 17 (mii) 60 (moi) 77 (Ni)
Odds ratio = 0.98 (95% confidence interval = 0.30-3.37)

Ever-users of oral contraceptives

Smoking Total
Yes No
Ovarian cancer cases 15 (a2) 4 (b2) 19 (nd
Contrais 50 (~) 12 (d2) 62 (n02)

Total 65 (md 16 (m02) 81 (N2)

Odds ratio = 0.90 (95% confidence Înterval = 0.23-4.40)

ln each category (or stratum) of oral contraceptive use, the prevalence

of smoking was similar in women with and without ovarian cancer
(22% versus 22% among never-users and 79% vers us 81 % among users).
However, when both oral contraceptive users and never-users were
combined (Table 14.1), there was a marked difference in the prevalence
of smoking between cases and contraIs (40% versus 59%). Two factors
were responsible for this finding:

,f \...".

Dealing with confounding in the analysis

1. Among the controls, smokers had a much higher prevalence of oral

contraceptive use (50/58 = 86%) than non-smokers (12/40 = 30%), that is
there was an association between the se two variables (Table 14.3).

Oral contraceptive use Total Table 14.3.

Ever Never Hypothetical case-control study
described in Example 14.1: distribution
Yes 50 8 58 of controls by smoking habits and oral
Smoking No 12 28 40 contraceptive use.
Total 62 36 98

Note that the association between smoking and oral contraceptive

use was examined among the contraIs rather than the cases, or the
troIs should represent
two groups taken together. This is because con

the population from which the cases were drawn and we need to
assess that association in the general population. ln a cohort or inter-
vention study, the association would be looked at by constructing a
similar table, replacing the number of contraIs with person-years at
risk if the apprapriate measure of effect was a rate ratio or numbers of
persons at risk at the start of the follow-up if the measure of effect was
a risk ratio.
2. Oral contraceptive use is considerably lower among ovarian can-
cer cases th an among controls. The data from Table 14.2 can be
rearranged so that smoking is ignored (Table 14.4).

Oral contraceptive use Total Table 14.4.

Ever Never Hypothetical case-control study
described in Example 14.1: distribution
Ovarian cancer cases 19 41 60 of cases and controls by oral contra-
Con trois 62 36 98 ceptive use.
Total 81 77 158

Only 32% (=19/60) of the women with ovarian cancer were oral
contraceptive users, whereas 63% (=62/98) of the contraIs were users.
Since oral contraceptive use in these data was associated with both
the exposure (smoking) and the outcome of interest (ovarian cancer),
it acted as a confounding factor. As a result, when the data for both
users and never-users were combined, the result suggested an associa-
tion between smoking and ovarian cancer far stronger than really
existed (positve confounding). ln other situations (as in Example 14.2;
see next section), combining strata in the presence of a confounder
may mask an effect that really exists (negative confounding), or even
show an effect in the opposite direction to the true one.

14.2 The Mantel-Haenszel summary measures of effect

When we analyse the results of a study to look for evidence of a particu-
lar exposure-outcome association, we usually start by including in the analy-

Chapter 14

sis aIl the subjects in our study sample. This analysis provides a crude esti-
mate of the effect of the exposure on the outcome of interest. The next log-
ICal step is to divide our study sample into several subgroups or strata,
defined by a potential confounding variable, to see if the results are consis-
tent across the strata. This approach is very informative, as it describes how
the effect of the exposure on the outcome of interest varies across subgroups
of subjects with different characteristics. We can simply report the stratum-
specific effect estimates and their confidence intervals. Each of these stra-
tum-specific estimates is supposed to be homogeneous in relation to the
potential confounding variable and therefore they are unconfounded.
UsuaIly, however, we are not much interested in the stratum-specific
results per se and would rather have a single overall estimate. ln other
words, we wou Id like to be able to calculate a summary effect estimate
which, in contrast to the crude estimate, would take into account the con-
tes can be
founding effect of the stratifying variable. Such adjusted estima

calculated by pooling results across strata. But even if the true effect is the
same in aIl strata, we would expect our estimates to differ because of ran-
dom variation. Pooling takes this into account by giving greater weight to
effect estimates from larger strata. 1t involves calculating a weighted average
of the individual stratum-specific estimates by choosing a set of weights
that maximizes the statistical precision of the adjusted effect estimate.
There are several alternative weighting procedures which achieve precise
summary effect estimates. ln this section, we concentrate on a procedure
derived by Mantel and Haenszel which is widely used and relatively sim-
ple to apply.

14.2.1 Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio

Let us consider again Example 14.1. Since oral contraceptive use is a
confounder of the relationship between smoking and ovarian cancer, we
should not combine the data from ever-users and never-users for the
analysis. Thus, the crude odds ratio of 0.46 obtained from Table 14.1 is not
appropriate. We could just calculate separate odds ratios and their 95%
confidence intervals for each group of oral contraceptive users, as shown
raIl results
in Table 14.2. But we would like to be able to summarize the ove

of the study in a way that removes the confounding effect of oral contra-
ceptive use. The Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio, denoted ORMH, gives a weight-
ed average of the odds ratios in the different strata, where those from larger
strata are given more weight.
To calculate the ORMH, we start by constructing 2 x 2 tables of exposure
by outcome for the separate strata of the confounder, as ilustrated in
Table 14.2. The ORMH can then be obtained by applying the following for-

aiddNi + azdz/Nz
o RMH =
biei/Ni + bzez/Nz

Dealing with confounding in the analysis

If we apply this formula to the data from our ovarian cancer

case-control study (Table 14.2), we ob tain

(9 x 28)/77 + (15 x 12)/81 5.49

ORMH = = 0.95
(32 x 8)/77 + (4 x 50)/81 5.79

Thus, the odds ratio for smoking adjusted for oral contraceptive use is 0.95.
This adjusted odds ratio contrasts with the crude odds ratio of 0.46
obtained from Table 14.1. Adjusting for oral contraceptive use gives an
odds ratio much closer to unit y, which me ans that the protection afford-
ed by smoking, if any, is far less strong than the initial result led us to
The above formula can easily be extended to more than two strata, by
summing both the numerator and the denominator over aIl strata:

o RMH =

ln this formula, L means sum and the subscript i stands for the sub-
scripts 1, 2, 3, ..., which represent each of the strata.
We can calculate a confidence interval around the OR¡.m and a
Mantel-Haenszel X2 test by using the formulae given in Appendix 14.1,
Section A14.1.1. ln our ovarian cancer example, the 95% confidence
interval is 0.42-2.16. The X2 is equal to 0.016 with one degree of free-
dom, which corresponds to P = 0.93. Thus, after adjusting for oral con-
traceptive use, the effect of smoking on ovarian cancer is no longer 'sta-
tistically significant.

14.2.2 Mantel-Haenszel risk ratio

The Mantel-Haenszel method can also be used to obtain an adjusted
risk ratio. ln Example 14.2, the crude analysis shows that workers
exposed to the particular chemical substance had a 52% higher risk of
developing lung cancer than those not exposed (Table 14.5). Before con-
cluding that the chemical substance is associated with an increased risk
de the possibilty that smoking, rather
of lung cancer, we need to exclu

than the occupational exposure, is the explanation for the observed

association. To do this, we need to examine the data separately for smok-
ers and non-smokers.
Table 14.6 shows that the stratum-specific risk ratios are higher than
the crude risk ratio (2.0 versus 1.52). This is an example of negative con-

founding. It arose because the prevalence of smoking, an important risk

factor for lung cancer, was mu ch lower among workers exposed to the
chemical substance (4000/84000=5%) than among those not exposed
(16000/96000=17%) (Table 14.7).


l '~..
Chapter 14

Exampk 14.2. .Suppasethat . a cahart study wassetuptainvestigate

whether occupatianal expasure ta a particular chemicalsubstance was asso-
ciated with an increased risk aflung cancer. All studysubje.cswere fallawed
upfar (ive years after entr inta the. study (or untildiagnosisaflung cancer
if~arlier). The results afthisstudy are shawn in Tablf!14.5.
Table 14.5. Exposure ta chemical substance Total
Results fram a cohort study on occupa-
tional exposure to a particular che mi cal
Yes No
substance and lung cancer: hypotheti- Lung cancer Yes 480 (a) 360 (b) 840 (n1)
cal data.
No 83520 (e) 95640 (d) 179160 (no)

Total 84000 (mi) 96000 (ma) 180000 (N)

Crude risk ratio = (480/84 000)/(360/96 000) = 5.71 per 1000/3.75 per 1000 = 1.52
95% confidence interval = 1 .33-1 .75
X2 = 37.21 on 1 d.f.; P.: 0.0001

Table 14.6. Smokers

Hypothetical cohort study on occupa-
tional exposure to a particular chemical Exposure ta chemical substance Total
substance and lung cancer described in Yes No
Example 14.2: results presented sepa- Lung cancer Yes 80 (a1) 160 (b1) 240 (nii)
rately for smokers and non-smokers.

No 3920 (ei) 15840 (d1) 19760 (noi)

Total 4000 (ml1) 16000 (moi) 20000 (N1)

Risk ratio = (80/4000)/(160/16 000) = 20 per 1000/ 10 per 1000 = 2.0
95% confidence interval = 1.53-2.61

Exposure ta chemical substance Total
Yes No
Lung cancer Yes 400 (a2) 200 (b2) 600 (n12)

No 79 600 (q,) 79 800 (d2) 159400 (n02)

Total 80000 (miz 80000 (m02) 160000 (N2)

Risk ratio = (400/80 000)/(200/80 000) = 5.0 per 1000/2.5 per 1000 = 2.0
95% confidence interval = 1.69-2.37

Table 14.7. Exposure ta chemical substance Total

Hypothetical cohort study described in
Yes No
Example 14.2: distribution of study
subjects by occupation al exposure and Smoking Yes 4000 16000 20 000
smoking habits.
No 80 000 80 000 160 000

Total 84 000 96 000 180 000

Dealing with contounding in the analysis

We can ob tain a Mantel-Haenszel summary estimate of the common

risk ratio (RMH) by applying the following formula to our data


(80 x 16000)/20000 + (400 x 80 000)/160 000 264
RMH = = 2.0
(160 x 4 000)/20 000 + (200 x 80 000)/160 000 132

The calculation of confidence intervals afOund RMH and of the Mantel-

Haenszel X2 is presented in Section A14.1.2. ln our example, the 95%
confidence interval is 1.73 to 2.30. The X2 is equal to 92.99 with one
degree of freedom, which gives P.( 0.0001. Thus, there is strong evidence
that the occupational exposure was associated with an increased risk of
lung cancer and this effect was even stronger when differences in smok-
ing habits between exposed and unexposed workers were taken into

14.2.3 Mantel-Haenszel rate ratio

The Mantel-Haenszel method can also be applied when the appropri-
ate measure of effect is the rate ratio rather than the risk ratio. It gives
an adjusted rate ratio (denoted RRMH) by calculating a weighted average of
the rate ratios in the diferent strata.

Table 14.8.
Results tram a cohorl study on Pap
smear testing and cervical cancer:
hypothetical data.

Chapter 14

ln Example 14.3, the crude rate ratio and its confidence interval are
consistent with a decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer among
women who reported in the initial questionnaire having ever had a Pap
smear test. Other studies have shown that there is a socioeconomic gradi-
ent in the incidence of cervical cancer, with women from poor socioeco-
nomic backgrounds being at higher risk. Thus, socioeconomic factors
might have confounded the association between Pap smear testing and
cervical cancer if, for instance, women from a high social background were
more likely to visit their doctors and had a Pap smear as part of their reg-
ular medical examination. To clarify this issue, we need to examine the
relationship between Pap smear testing and cervical cancer separately for
women from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This is shown in Table
14.9, where a woman's educationallevel is used as a marker of socioeco-
nomic status.
Table 14.9. High educationallevel
Hypothetical cohort study on Pap Pap smear Total
smear testing and cervical cancer
Ever Never
described in Example 14.3: results
stratified by women's educationallevel. Cases 13 (a,) 697 (b,) 710 (n,)
Person-years at risk 38 346 (Yii) 828 149 (Yo,) 866 495 (Y1)
Rate per 100 000 pyrs 33.9 (r11) 84.2 (r01) 81.9 (r1)
Rate ratio = OAO; 95% confidence interval = 0.23-0.69

Law educationallevel
Pap smear Total
Ever Never
Cases 4 (a2) 427 (b2) 431 (n2)
Person-years at risk 32 838 (Yd 690 552 (Y02) 723 390 (h)

Rate per 100 000 pyrs 12.2 (rd 61.8 (r02) 59.6 (r2)
Rate ratio = 0.20; 95% confidence interval = 0.08-0.54

The formula for the Mantel-Haenszel summary estimate of the com-

mon rate ratio is


Thus, in our example,

(13 x 828 149)/866495 + (4 x 690 552)/723 390 16.24

RRMH = = 0.32
(697 x 38 346)/866 495 + (427 x 32838)/723390 50.23

Thus, educationallevel was not a confounder of the effect of Pap smear

on cervical cancer in these data, since the crude and the adjusted rate
ratios have exactly the same value (0.32).


Dealing with confounding in the analysis

By applying the formulae given in the Appendix (see Section A14.1.3),

we ob tain a Mantel-Haenszel X2 of 23.73 with one degree of freedom, cor-
responding to P -( 0.001. The 95% confidence interval is 0.20 to 0.52.
Thus, chance is an unlikely explanation of this finding.
Note that the Mantel-Haenszel method of controllng for confounding
is similar to the method of standardization used to calculate age-adjusted
rates in Chapter 4. Both these methods are referred to as stratzfìed analy-
ses, because we look at an exposure by a response for the different strata
(levels) of a confounder. They differ, however, in the set of weights used
to calcula te the weighted average of the rate ratios in the diferent strata
(see Section 4.3.3).

14.3 How to identify confounders

ln order to be able to examine the effect of potential confounding
variables in an analysis, we need to identify them at the design stage of
the study. This should be done by taking into account findings from pre-
vious epidemiological studies and what is known about the possible eti-
ological mechanisms of the disease under study. Age and gender are
obvious potential confounders in practically aIl studies. Smoking wil
also be a potential confounder in any study examining the relationship
between a particular exposure and lung cancer. It would be necessary to
exclude the possibilty that smoking rather than the exposure under
study is responsible for any association that may be found. Potential
confounding variables should also include factors such as socioeconom-
ic status or place of residence, which are just proxy measures of more
direct but unknown causes of disease.
Not aIl factors suspected of being potential confounding factors wil
actually lead to confounding of the exposure-outcome relationship in a
particular study. But how do we know if a particular variable really is a
confounder? We defined a confounder as a factor that is associated with
both exposure and disease (and is not on the causal pathway). However,
this may be dificult to assess in practice. For instanceJ with a large sam-
pIe, small but statistically significant associations could be found
between the confounder and the exposure, and between the confounder
and the disease; however, they may not be strong enough to le ad to con-
founding. ThusJ the presence of or absence of confounding should not
be assessed by using a statistical test of significance. The magnitude of
confounding in any study should be evaluated by observing the degree
of discrepancy between the crude and adjusted estimates. If there is no
difference between these two estimates, the observed exposure-outcome
effect was not confounded by the potential confounding variable. A
large difference, as seen in Example 14.1, indicates the presence of con-
founding and implies that the adjusted summary measure is a better esti-
mate of the effect of the exposure on the outcome of interest than the
crude summary measure, since it removes the effect of the confounder.


Chapter 14

Two other aspects of stratification should be noted. First, factors that are
on the causal pathway between an exposure and a disease should not be
regarded as confounding the association between the exposure and the
outcome. Controllng for a factor that is on the causal pathway leads to
underestimation of the strength of the effect of the exposure on the out-
come under study. OccasionaIly, a variable that lies on the causal pathway
may be adjusted for in the analysis if we want to assess whether the effect
of the exposure on the outcome under study is entirely mediated through
that intermediate variable or whether there may be other independent
biological mechanisms. For instance, if we believe that human papilo-
mavirus infection is on the causal pathway between number of sexual
partners and cervical cancer, the association with number of sexual part-
ners should disappear after adjusting for HPV infection. If the effect does
not disappear completely, it would suggest that the effect of number of
sexual partners on cervical cancer may be mediated through other biolog-
ical mechanisms not directIy related to HPV infection. ln practice, this rea-
soning may not be so straightforward because of errors in the measure-
ment of the intermediate variable.
Secondly, it is important to note that stratification assumes that each
stratum is homogeneous in relation to the confounding variable. This
assumption depends on both the validity of the data on the confounding
variable (see Section 13.2) and the way strata are defined. For instance, if
we control for age through stratification, this is better achieved if the stra-
ta are relatively narrow. Stratification into very broad age groups (e.g.,
0-45 and 46+ years) is unlikely to be fully effective since, within each stra-
tum, there are likely to be substantial differences in the age distribution of
cases and controls (in a case-control study) or exposed and unexposed (in
a cohort or intervention study).

14.4 Confounding and interaction

An underlying assumption in the calculation of a summary effect esti-
mate is that the true effect is the same across strata and that any departures
from this uniform effect are assumed to be due to random sampling varia-
tion. If there is substantial variation between the stratum-specific estimates
of effect, this indicates the presence of interaction (also called effect modifi-
cation) between the exposure of interest and the so-called confounding fac-
If there is interaction between the exposures under study and the
confounder, a Mantel-Haenszel summary estimate of effect wil be mis-
leading, as it does not convey the full form of the exposure-outcome
association, that is, that it varies according to the level of the stratify-
ing variable. Thus, only if we are satisfied that the stratum-specific
effect measures do not vary between themselves (Le., there is no inter-
action), should we calculate an adjusted summary estimate of effect by
taking a weighted me an of stratum-specific estimates. This concept is

Dealing with confounding in the analysis

Crude Rate ratio in Table 14.10.

rate ratio stratum 1 Example of confounding and interac-
2.0 2.0 tion.
2.0 No confounding
No interaction
2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Confounding present
No interaction
4.0 0.5 Strong interaction

not new. We discussed it briefly in Section 4.3.3 when we mentioned

that age-standardized rates were an appropria te summary of the data
only if the effect was homogeneous across the age-strata.
The first step in any stratified analysis is to assess whether interaction is
present (Example 14.4). ln most circumstances, this decision should be
based on visual inspection of the data to examine the observed patterns of
variation in the stratum-specific estimates. If they are the same, there is no
interaction. ln this situation, however, confounding may occur if the stra-
tum-specific effects differ from the crude effect. If the stratum-specific esti-
mates differ from each other, interaction is present and the emphasis in
the analysis should be on describing how the association of interest is
modified by the stratifying factor and aIl stratum-specific estima tes of
effect, and their confidence intervals, should be reported separately.
Deciding whether interaction exists or not in any particular analysis is
often difficult, since the stratum-specific estimates are likely to vary
because of random variation, even if the true effect is similar. For instance,
the effect of Pap smear testing on cervical cancer in Example 14.3 was more
marked for women of low educationallevel (RR = 0.20; 95% Ci = 0.08-0.54)
than for women of high educationallevel (RR = 0.40; 95% Ci = 0.23-0.69),
suggesting a weak interaction between Pap smear and educational leveL
However, this difference between the stratum-specific rate ratios may just
reflect random variation. A variety of X2 tests of heterogeneity are available
to test the null hypothesis that the degree of variabilty in the series of stra-
tum-specific estimates is consistent with random variation. ln practice,

Chapter 14

however, these tests are not very powerful. Epidemiological studies, unless
they are specifically designed to do this, rarely have enough statistical
power to detect interactions (see Section 15.4.4). Thus, more is usually
gained by visual inspection of the size and pattern of the effect estima tes
across strata than from tests for interaction (effect modification).

14.5 Using the Mantel-Haenszel method to adjust for

several confounders
ln practice, it is frequently necessary to examine and possibly adjust for
several confounders. This can be achieved by using the Mantel-Haenszel
method, although, as the number of confounders increases, this method
becomes impractical because most strata wil have very sparse data. As we
shall see later in this chapter, regression modellng techniques are more
efficient methods in these circumstances.

Table 14.11.
Results from a case-control study on
smoking and HPV infection: hypotheti-
cal data.

ln Example 14.5, the cru de odds ratio is 1.54. The 95% confidence
interval and the P-value suggest that chance is an unlikely explana-
tion of this finding. Thus, women who smoked were more likely to be
HPV-positive than those who did not.
Number of sexual partners is a weIl known risk factor for HPV infec-
tion and it may have confounded the association between smoking
and HPV infection. Table 14.12 shows the association found between
smoking and HPV stratifed by reported number of lifetime sexual
partners (categorized as .. 2 partners and ¿ 2 partners).
Examination of the stratum-specific odds ratios (and their confi-
dence intervals) suggests that the effect of smoking on HPV infection
in women who reported less than two sexual partners is similar to the
Dealing with confounding in the analysis

.. 2 sexual partners Table 14.12.

Hypothetical case-ontrol study on
Smoking Total smoking and HPV infection described
Yes No in Example 14.5: results stratified by
HPV-positive 31 (a,) 124 (b,) 155 (n,,) number of Iifetime sexual partners.
HPV-negative 78 (c,) 437 (d,) 515 (no,)

Total 109 (m,,) 561 (mo,) 670 (N,)

Odds ratio = 1.40
95% confidence interval = 0.88-2.22
:: 2 sexual partners
Smoking Total
Yes No
HPV-positive 11 (a2) 22 (b2) 33 (nd
HPV-negative 12 (C2) 44 (d2) 56 (n02)

Total 23 (md 66 (m02) 89 (N2)

Odds ratio = 1.83
95% confidence interval = 0.70-4.80

X2 test for heterogeneity = 0.24 on 1 d.f.; P = 0.63

'La¡d¡! Ni

'Lbic¡! Ni
(31x437)/670 + (11x44)/89

(124x78)/670 + (22x12)/89
= -

= 1.47

95% confidence interval = 0.95-2.26

X2 = 2.97 on 1 d.f.; P = 0.09

effect in those who reported two or more. This is confirmed by the X2

test for heterogeneity. Since the effect of smoking on HPV infection is
uniform across the two strata, it is appropriate to calculate a pooled
adjusted odds ratio. Thus, after adjusting for number of sexual part-
ners, the odds ratio of smoking is reduced a little from 1.54 to 1.47.
This result suggests that this variable was a weak confounder of the
association between smoking and HPV infection. But even after
adjusting for number of sexual partners, the 95% confidence interval
is stil consistent with an effect of smoking on HPV infection. Thus,
these results suggest that smoking increased the risk of HPV infection,
but this risk was marginally weaker after allowing for the confound-
ing effect of number of sexual partners.
The same technique can be used to obtain an odds ratio adjusted for
age. ln this hypothetical study, age (in years) was categorized into six
groups (.: 20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44, ~ 45). Thus, we need to
construct six 2 x 2 tables of smoking and HPV infection, one for each
age-group. The cells of these 2 x 2 tables are shown in Table 14.13.
The ORMH adjusted for age is slightly lower than the crude odds ratio
(1.47 versus 1.54), suggesting that age was also a weak confounderof
the association between smoking and HPV infection.

Chapter 14

Table 14.13. Stratum Age (years) a¡ b¡ d¡ N¡ a¡d;lN¡

Gi biG;! N¡
Hypothetical case-control study on
smoking and HPV infection described 1 -:20 3 10 16 79 108 2.19 1.48
in Example 14.5: results stratified by 2 20-24 13 44 16 92 165 7.25 4.27
3 25-29 6 33 22 62 123 3.02 5.90
4 30-34 8 25 10 75 118 5.08 2.12
5 35-44 8 22 18 89 137 5.20 2.89
6 ~45 4 12 8 84 108 3.11 0.89
Ali strata 42 146 90 481 759 25.85 17.55

X2 test for heterogeneity = 7.37 on 5 d.f.;P = 0.20

Laid;! Ni 25.85
ORMH = = = 1.47
Lbic;! Ni 17.55

95% confidence interval = 0.96-2.32

X2 = 3.06 on 1 d.f.; P = 0.08

Thus, so far, we have estimated the effect of smoking on HPV infection

adjusted for number of sexual partners and the effect of smoking ad just-
ed for age. We could estimate the effect of smoking on HPV infection
adjusted simultaneously for number of partners and age using the
Mantel-Haenzsel method. To do this, we need to construct a 2 x 2 table
of smoking by HPV infection for every possible combination of number
of partners and age-group. Since number of partners forms two strata (-:2
and ;:2) and age forms six strata (-: 20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-44, ;: 45),
we need to construct 2 x 6 =12 such 2 x 2 tables. The cells of the 2 x 2
tables for smoking for these 12 strata are shown in Table 14.14. Thus,
after adjusting for the confounding effects of number of partners and age,
the effect of smoking on HPV infection is even smaller (ORMH = 1.41).
The Mantel-Haenszel method can be extended to adjust simultaneous-
ly for more than two confounders. For example, to estimate the effect of
smoking on HPV infection, allowing for number of sexual partners (two
strata), age (six strata), marital status (three strata: married, single, wid-
owed/divorced) and educationallevel (three strata), we would construct
2x6x3x3=lOS 2x2 tables. Clearly, in ios tables formed from a data-set of
188 cases and 571 controls, sorne strata wil have very small numbers of
observations, if any.
A further problem with the Mantel-Haenszel method is that each
explanatory variable included in the analysis has to be classified as either
an exposure or a confounder, and there may be only one exposure. For
example, smoking was our exposure, and number of partners and age
were our confounders. We therefore obtained an odds ratio for smoking
adjusted for number of partners and age. These results did not give us the
odds ratio for number of partners adjusted for smoking and age, or the
odds ratios for age adjusted for smoking and number of partners. These
would have required further Mantel-Haenszel analyses.

Dealing with confounding in the analysis

Stratum Age Number a,1 b¡ c¡ d1 N1 a¡d¡!N¡ b¡c¡!N¡ Table 14.14.

(yrs) of partners Hypothetical case-ontrol study on
1 .(20 .(2 2 8 smoking and HPV infection described
11 67 88 1.52 1.00 in Example 14.5: results stratified by
2 20-24 .(2 10 36 14 85 145 5.86 3.48 age and Iifetime number of sexual part-
3 25-29 .(2 3 28 19 59 109 1.62 4.88 ners.
4 30-34 .(2 5 21 10 65 101 3.22 2.08
5 35-44 .(2 7 19 17 78 121 4.51 2.67
6 ::45 .(2 4 12 7 83 106 3.13 0.79
7 ~20 ::2 2 5 12 20
1 0.60 0.50
8 20-24 ::2 3 8 2 7 20 1.05 0.80
9 25-29 ::2 3 5 3 3 14 0.64 1.07
10 30-34 ::2 3 4 0 10 17 1.76 0.00
11 35-44 ::2 1 3 1 11 16 0.69 0.19
12 ::45 ::2 0 0 1 1 2 0.00 0.00
Ali strata 42 146 90 481 759 24.60 17.46

ORMH = - -
X2 test for heterogeneity = 12.44 on 10 d.f.;P = 0.26

'ia¡d¡! N¡

'ib¡c¡! N¡

= 1.41

95% confidence interval = 0.91-2.24

X2 = 2.62 on 1 d.f.; p= 0.132

14.6 Using regression modelling to adjust for the

effect of confounders
Regression models summarize the relationship between an outcome
(also called dependent) variable and several explanatory (independent)
variables as a mathematical equation. The general form of this equation

Outcome variable = function (explanatory variables)

There are many types of regression mode!. The choice of any particu-
lar model depends on the characteristics of the outcome variable (i.e.,
continuous or categorical) and on the way it is mathematically related to
the explanatory variables. The simplest mathematical model we could
use has already been introduced in Section 11.2.1 to describe the rela-
tionship between two quantitative variables.
A discussion of these models and the assumptions underlying them is
beyond the scope of this chapter. However, these modellng techniques
are commonly used in epidemiological studies and, therefore, in the rest
of this chapter we wil try to ilustrate how these techniques relate to the
Mantel-Haenszel method, to allow the reader to understand and inter-
pret results from published work where they have been used.

Chapter 14

Let us consider again the hypothetical case-control study described in

Example 14.5. We can use a particular regression technique, called logistic
regression, to analyse data from unmatched case-control studies. ln this
analysis, we start by using a logistic regression model which includes as
explanatory variables only the exposure under study-smoking. The results
are shown in Table 14.15 (model 1). The odds ratio estimated by this logis-
tic regression model is the same as the cru de odds ratio we obtained in
Table 14.11.
Table 14.15. Variable Odds ratio 95% confidence interval
Hypothetical case-control study on risk
Model 1
factors for HPV cervical infection
described in Example 14.5. Results smokinga 1.54 1.02-2.32
obtained from 10gistic regression mod-
els which included an increasing num-
ber of explanatory variables: smoking, Model2
lifetime number of sexual partners and smokinga 1.47 0.97-2.23
age. (The values underlined corre- partnersb 1.90 1.19-3.03
spond to those obtained earlier with the
Mantel-Haenszel technique shown in
Table 14.11,14.12 and 14.14.) Model 3
smokinga 1.43 0.93-2.19
partnersb 1.95 1.19-3.17
age 2C 4.14 2.12-8.12
age 3 3.58 1.77-7.24
age 4 3.01 1.47-6.15
age 5 2.18 1.07-4.46
age 6 1.49 0.67-3.33
a Categorized as 'non-smokers' (baseline) and 'smokers'.
b Categorized as '0( 2 partners' (baseline) and ';: 2 partners'
C Categorized as age1 = 0(20 (baseline); age2 = 20-24; age3 = 25-29; age4 = 30-34;
age5 = 35-44; age6 = 45+ years.

We then move on to use a model which includes both smoking and

number of sexual partners as explanatory variables (model 2 in Table
14.15). This model gives

Odds ratio for smoking vers us non-smoking adjusted for number of

sexual partners = 1.47 (95% CI = 0.97-2.23)

Thus, after adjusting for number of sexual partners, the effect of smok-
ing on HPV infection became smaller (1.47 versus 1.54). This result is sim-
ilar to that obtained earlier wh en we used the Mantel-Haenszel technique
to control for the effect of number of sexual partners (Table 14.12). But in
contrast to this technique, this regression model also gives us the odds
ratio for number of sexual partners adjusted for smoking:

Odds ratio for ;:2 sexual partners versus -:2, adjusted for smoking
= 1.90 (95% CI = 1.9-3.03)


Dealing with confounding in the analysis

Thus, there is a statistically significant increased risk of HPV infection

associated with two or more sexual partners, even after taking differences
in smoking into account.
We can use a more complex model which includes smoking, number of
sexual partners and age (model 3, Table 14.15). This model gives us an
estimate of the effect of smoking on HPV infection adjusted for number of
sexual partners and age of 1.43 (95% CI = 0.93-2.19), which is similar to
that obtained before with the Mantel-Haenszel method (ORMH = 1.41;
95% CI = 0.91-2.24) (see Table 14.14). However, unlike the
Mantel-Haenszel analysis, the logistic regression analysis also gives the
following extra odds ratios:

Odds ratio for 2 2 sexual partners versus -: 2, adjusted for smoking and age
= 1.95 (95% CI = 1.9-3.17)

Odds ratio for age 20-24 versus age dO, adjusted for smoking and partners
= 4.14 (95% CI = 2.12-8.12)

Odds ratio for age 25-29 versus age dO, adjusted for smoking and partners
= 3.58 (95% CI = 1.77-7.24)

Odds ratio for age 30-34 versus age -:20, adjusted for smoking and partners
= 3.01 (95% CI = 1.47-6.15)

Odds ratio for age 35-44 versus age -:20, adjusted for smoking and partners
= 2.18 (95% CI = 1.07-4.46)

Odds ratio for age 45+ vers us age dO, adjusted for smoking and partners
= 1.49 (95% CI = 0.67-3.33)

One of the main advantages of regression modellng is that it does not

require us to define which explanatory variable is the exposure and which ones
are the potential confounders, since aIl explanatory variables are treated in the
same way. This is particularly important in studies designed to examine the
effect of a wide range of exposures rather than just the effect of a specific one.
Similar regression models can be applied to data from studies of other
designs. Let us consider again the hypothetical cohort study on Pap smear
use and cervical cancer described in Example 14.3 (Section 14.2.3). ln Table
14.8, we calculated the crude rate ratio to measure the effect of Pap smear
testing on cervical cancer. We then went on to calculate the effect of Pap
smear adjusting for educational level (Table 14.9) using the
Mantel-Haenszel technique. We can also use the Mantel-Haenszel tech-
nique to adjust simultaneously for educationallevel, marital status and age
at first intercourse. The results are shown in Table 14.16.
Using the Mantel-Haenszel technique to adjust simultaneously for edu-
cationallevel, marital status and age at first intercourse involved the forma-
tion of 18 (=2x3x3) strata. However, only seventeen cervical cancer cases
occurred in women who reported having ever had a Pap smear.
Consequently, there were empty cells in several strata.

Chapter 14

Table 14.16. Variables adjusted for Cervical cancer rate 95% confidence
Hypothetical cohort study on Pap ratio for Pap smear use interval
smear testing and cervical cancer
None 0.32 (crude) 0.20-0.52
described in Example 14.3. Results
obtained using the Mantel-Haenszel Educationalleveia 0.32 0.20-0.52
technique. Educationallevel 0.40 0.25-0.66
and marital statusb
Educationallevel, marital status 0.43 0.27-0.72
and age at tirst intercoursec
a Categorized as 'Iow educationallevel' and 'high educationallevel'.
b Categorized as marital status 1 =married; 2=single; 3=divorced/widowed.
C Categorized as age at tirst intercourse 1 =-:18 years; 2=18-22 years; 3=22+ years.

We can use a special regression modellng technique, called Požsson

regression, to analyse the data from this hypothetical cohort study on
Pap smear and cervical cancer. The results are shown in Table 14.17.
As with logistic regressioni we start by using a model which includes
only one explanatory variable, Pap smear use (model 1 in Table 14.17).
This model gives us the Poisson estimate of the cervical cancer rate ratio
for Pap smear use. This value corresponds to the crude cervical cancer rate
ratio obtained earlier. This model gives us another value called 'constant',
which corresponds to the cervical cancer incidence rate in women who
reported never having had a Pap smear (see Table 14.8). From these val-
ues, we can calculate the incidence rate in the exposed as 0.00074 x 0.32
= 0.0002368 = 24 per 100 000 person-years (the same as the value
obtained in Table 14.8).
We then move on to add to our model another explanatory variable,
for instance, educationallevel (model 2 in Table 14.17). This model gives
us the Poisson estimate of the cervical cancer rate ratio for Pap smear use
adjusted for educationallevel, which is 0.32 (95% CI = 0.20-0.52). This is
the same value obtained when the Mantel-Haenszel technique was used
to control for educational level (Table 14.16). ln contrast with the
Mantel-Haenszel technique, this model also gives us

Cervical cancer rate ratio for high versus low educationallevel adjusted for Pap smear
use = 0.73 (95% CI = 0.65-0.82)

ln the last model (modeI4) shown in Table 14.17, we included Pap smear
use, educationallevel, marital status and age at first intercourse as explana-
tory variables. The Poisson estima te of the rate ratio for Pap smear use
adjusted for educationallevel, marital status and age at first intercourse is
0.46 (95% CI = 0.29-0.75), similar to that obtained with the
Mantel-Haenszel method (RRMH = 0.43; 95% Ci = 0.27-0.72) (Table 14.16).
But with the Poisson regression, we also obtained the following additional
rate ratios:

Cervical cancer rate ratio for high versus low educational level adjusted for Pap
smear use, marital status and age at first intercourse = 0.77 (95% CI = 0.68-0.87)

Dealing with contounding in the analysis

Variable Baseline rate Cervical cancer 95% confidence Table 14.17.

(per persan year) rate ratio interval Hypothetical cohort study on Pap
Model 1 smear and cervical cancer described in
Example 14.3. Results obtained fram
constant 0.00074 0.0007-0.0008 Poisson regression models with
Pap smear use8 0.32 0.20-0.52 increasing numbers ot explanatory
variables. (The values underlined cor-
respond to those obtained with the
Model2 Mantel-Haenszel technique shown in
constant 0.008 0.008-0.009 Table 14.16.)
Pap smear use8 0.32 0.20-0.52
Educational leveib 0.73 0.65-0.82

constant 0.005 0.004-0.005
Pap smear use8 0.41 0.25-0.66
Educational leveib 0.74 0.66-0.84
Marital status2C 2.68 2.28-3.15
Marital status3 1.89 1.61-2.21

constant 0.008 0.006-0.009
Pap smear use8 0.46 0.29-0.75
Educationalleveib 0.77 0.68-0.87
Marital status2C 2.68 2.27-3.15
Marital status3 1.60 1.36-1.87
Age at tirst intercourse2d 0.52 0.46-0.59
Age at tirst intercourse3 0.13 0.09-0.19
8 Categorized as 'never' (baseline) and 'ever'.
b Categorized as 'Iow education
al level' (baseline) and 'high educationallevel'.
C Categorized as marital status 1=married (baseline), 2=single, 3=divorced/widowed.
d Categorized as age at tirst intercourse 1=.c 18 years (baseline), 2=18-22 years, 3=22+ years.

Cervical cancer rate ratio for single versus married women adjusted for Pap smear use,
educationallevel and age at first intercourse = 2.68 (95% CI = 2.27-3.15)

Cervical cancer rate ratio for divorced/widowed versus married women adjusted for Pap
smear use, educationallevel and age at tirst intercourse = 1.60 (95% CI = 1.6-1.87)

Cervical cancer rate ratio for age at tirst intercourse 18-22 versus -( 18 years adjusted for
Pap smear use, educationallevel and marital status = 0.52 (95% CI = 0.46-0.59)

Cervical cancer rate ratio for age at first intercourse 22+ versus -( 18 years adjusted for
Pap smear use, educationallevel and marital status = 0.13 (95% CI = 0.09-0.19)

Logistic regression is used for estimating odds ratios. It may therefore be

used in a case-control study, a cross-sectional study, or if estimating 'risks'
rather than 'rates', in a cohort study. Poisson regression models are used for
estimating rate ratios using person-time data. Gther commonly used
regression models in epidemiology are:


Chapter 14

Conditional logis tic regression: logistic regression analysis is suitable for

unmatched case-control studies or frequency-matched case-control stud-
ies. Individually matched case-control studies require a slightly different
approach called conditional logistic regression analysis. This modellng
technique is the only way we can adjust for confounders other than the
matching factor(s) used in the design of these studies.

Cox/s proportional hazards model: this type of regression model is used

when the time to an event is of particular interest (as in survival analysis).

14.7 Conclusions
ln summary, the Mantel-Haenszel method is a very useful technique to
adjust for confounders, and this approach is often adequate for data with
few confounders. However, in order to adjust simultaneously for several
confounders, regression modellng methods may be necessary.
It is important, however, to stress that any analysis should start by using
the Mantel-Haenszel method to obtain preliminary crude effect estima tes
and effect estima tes adjusted for each confounder separately. The cross-
tabulations used for stratification in this technique allow the investigator
to observe most of the important relationships and interactions that are
present and to detect errors and inconsistencies in the data that might not
otherwise be evident.
Regression models can then be used in a second stage of the analysis to
adjust simultaneously for several confounders. One of the main disadvan-
tages of regression modellng is that we lose sight of the data, so that it is
often regarded as a 'black box' approach. Statistical modellng should not
be used by people who are not familar with it and who do not understand
the assumptions upon which it is based.

Dealing with confounding in the analysis

Further reading
* ln this chapter, we have pre-
sented formulae to calculate
Mantel-Haenszel rate ratios, risk
ratios and odds ratios. Formulae
to calculate adjusted estimates of
risk and rate differences can be
found in Greenland & Robins

* Stratification and regression

modelling techniques are co v-
ered in a much more comprehen-
sive (although more statistically
elaborate) way in Breslow & Day
(1980, 1987) and Clay ton & Hills

Appendix 14.1.
Confidence intervals and
statistical tests for adjusted
relative measures of effect
Note that there are several methods to calculate confidence intervals
for adjusted relative measures of effect, which may yield slightly different
values from those obtained here. These calculations can easily be per-
formed by statistical computing packages such as EPI INFO, STATA or

A14.1.1 Adjusted odds ratio

Confidence interval for Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio
The standard error (SE) of the logarithm of the Mantel-Haenszel odds
ratio (ORMH) can be estimated as

I(b¡c¡IN¡)2 V¡
SE (ln ORMH) =

in which ¿b¡cJN¡ corresponds to the denominator of the formula used to

calculate the ORMH and V¡ = lIa¡ + lIb¡ + lIe¡ + l/d¡

Thus, in the ovarian cancer study (Example 14.1; Table 14.2), we have

Ib¡c¡/N¡ = (32 x 8)/77 + (4 x 50)/81 = 3.32 + 2.47 = 5.79

v¡ = 1/9 + 1/32 + 1/8 + 1/28 = 0.30

Vz = 1/15 + 1/4 + 1/50 + 1/12 = 0.42

I(b¡c¡/N¡)2 v¡ = (3.322 x 0.30) + (2.472 x 0.42) = 3.31 + 2.56 = 5.87


SE (ln ORMH) = 'V 5.87/(5.79)2 = 0.42

An 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for the ln ORMH can then be

estimated as

95% CI (ln ORMH) = (ln 0.95) :t 1.96 x 0.42 = - 0.05 :t 1.96 x 0.42 = - 0.87 to 0.77

An 'approximate 95% confidence interval for the ORMH can be

obtained by taking anti-logarithms:

95% CI (ORMH) = e-O.87 to eO.77 = 0.42 to 2.16


Appendix 14.1.

The Mantel-Haenszel X2 test

The Mantel-Haenszel X2 test can be used to determine whether ORMH
is significantly different from one. The test is just an extension of the
Mantel-Haenszel X2 test for a single 2 x 2 table presented in Section
A6.1.3. The null hypothesis is that there is no association between the
exposure and the disease (that is, the odds ratio is equal to one) within
any of the individu al strata. ln order to perform this test, we must first
obtain the following, from each stratum i:

(i) The observed value of ai:

O(ai) = ai

(ii) The expected value of ai, assuming the null hypothesis of no


E(ai) = l1iimi¡/Ni

(iii) The variance of ail assuming the null hypothesis of no associa-


V(a¡)=niiI10¡mi¡mo¡/(N?(N¡ - 1))

We then sum each of these quantities over aIl the strata. ln Example
14.1 (Table 14.2), we ob tain

IO(a¡) = 9 + 15 = 24

IE(a¡) = (41 x 17)/77 + (19 x 65)/819.05 + 15.25 = 24.30

IV(ai)=(41x36x17x60)/(772x76) + (19x62x65xI6)/(812x80) = 3.34 + 2.33 = 5.67

We would expect the difference between our observed and expected val-
ues to be small if the null hypothesis were true. To test whether the dif-
ferences obtained are greater than would be expected by chance, we cal-

x2 = (IO(ai) - IE(a¡))2 / IV(a¡)

and obtain a P-value by referring our result to the X2 distribution with one
degree of freedom (d.f.).
ln our example, X2 = (24 - 24.30)2/5.67 = 0.016 on 1 d.f. This gives
P = 0.93, from which we conclude that after adjusting for oral contra-
ceptive use, there is no evidence of any association between smoking
and ovarian cancer. So ORMH = 0.95 is not statistically significantly dif-
ferent from 1.

Confidence inteivais and slalislical lests for adjusled measures of effecl

A14.1.2 Adjusted risk ratio

Confidence interva/ for Mante/-Haensze/ risk ratio
The standard error (SE) of the logarithm of Mantel-Haenszel risk ratio
(RMH) can be estimated by

I(nlimi¡mO¡ - a¡b¡Ni)/N¡2
SE (ln RMH) =
(Ia¡mo¡/ Ni) (Ibim 1 ¡/ Ni)

where the expressions Ia¡moJN¡ and Ib¡miJN¡ correspond, respectively, to

the numerator and denominator of the formula used to calculate RMH.
ln our occupational study (Example 14.2; Table 14.6)

Ia¡mo¡/N¡ = 264
Ib¡m¡¡N¡ = 132
I(nl¡ml¡mOi-a¡b¡N¡)/N? = (240x4000x16 000 - 80x160x20 000)/20 0002 +

(600x80 000x80 000 - 400x200x160 000)/160 0002

= 37.76+149.50 = 187.26


SE (ln RMH) = -. 187.26/(264 x 132) = 0.073

95% confidence interval (ln RMH) = (ln 2.0) :: 1.96 x 0.073 = 0.547 to 0.833

An 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for RMH can be obtained by

taking anti-logarithms:

95% confidence interval (RMH) = eO.547 to eO.833 = 1.73 to 2.30

The Mante/-Haensze/ X2 test

The Mantel-Haenszel X2 test to assess whether RMH is statistically signif-
icantly different from unit y is similar to that used above for odds ratio.
The null hypothesis is that there is no association between the exposure
and the disease within any of the individual strata, that is that the risk
ratio is equal to one in each stratum.
ln our occupational study (Example 14.2; Table 14.6)

IG(ai) = 80 + 400 = 480

U(aJ = Ini¡m¡¡N¡ = 240x4000/20 000 + 600x80 000/160 000 = 48 + 300 = 348

IV(a¡) = InlinOimi¡mO¡/(N¡2(N¡-1)) = (240x19 760x4000x16 000)/(200002x19 999)

+ (600x159 400x80 000x80 000)/(160 0002x159 999)

= 37.94 + 149.44 = 187.38


Appendix 14.1.

We can now calculate the X2 test:

x2 = (¿G(ai) - IE(ai))2 / IV(ai) = (480 - 348)2/187.38 = 92.99

and obtain a P-value by referring our result to the X2 distribution with 1

d.f. ln this example, P.( 0.0001. Thus, it is very unlikely that these results
are due to chance.

A14.1.3 Adjusted rate ratio

Confidence interval for Mantel-Haenszel rate ratio
As with any other estimate, it is useful to be able to construct a 95%
confidence interval round a Mantel-Haenszel rate ratio (RRMH). The stan-
dard error of the logarithm of a rate ratio can be estimated by

SE (ln RRMH) =
(IaiYOi/ Yi) (IbiYi ¡/ Yi)

We can obtain an 'approximate' 95% confidence interval around the

logarithm of the RRMH as

ln RRMH :! 1.96 x SE (ln RRMH)

An 'approximate' 95% confidence interval for RRMH can then be

obtained by taking anti-logarithms.
Note that IaYoJYi and Ib¡Yli/Yi are, respectively, the numerator and the
denominator of the formula for the Mantel-Haenszel rate ratio, which
were calculated for Example 14.3 in Section 14.2.3. Thus, we only need to
calculate l V(a;):

IaiYO;!Yi = 16.24

IbiYu/Yi = 50.23

V(ai) = IniYliYO;!Y? = (71Ox38 346x828 149)/8664952 +

(431x32 838x690 552)/7233902 = 30.03 + 18.68 = 48.71

ln RRMH = ln (0.32) = - 1.4

SE (ln RRMH) = A. 48.71/(16.24 x 50.23) = 0.244

95% confidence interval (lnRRMH) = - 1.14:! 1.96 x 0.244 = - 1.62 to - 0.66

95% confidence interval (RRMH) = e-1.62 to e-D.66 = 0.20 to 0.52

Confidence intervals and statistical tests for adjusted measures of effect

The Mantel-Haenszel X2 test

We may want to perform a significance test to test whether the true rate
ratio is different from one. Our null hypothesis is that the true rate ratio
in aIl strata is one. ln order to calcula pute
te the test, we need first to corn

the following for each stratumi:

(i) Observed value of ai = O(ai) = ai

(Ii) Expected value of ai = E(a¡) = lliYi¡/Yi

(Iii) Variance of ai = V(a¡) = lliY¡¡YO¡/Y/

An overall test of significance (that the common rate ratio is unit

y) is
given by

x2 = (I,O(a¡) - I,E(a¡))2 / I,V(a¡)

where the summation is over aIl strata. The value calculated should be
looked up in tables of the X2 distribution with one degree of freedom.
Thus, in Example 14.3,

I,O:aJ = 13 + 4 = 17

I,E(a¡) = (710 x 38 346/866 495) + (431 x 32 838/723 390)

= 31.42 + 19.57 = 50.99

I,V(a¡) = 48.71/ which was obtained above for the calculation of the confidence

x2 = (17 - 50.99)2/48.71 = 23.72

This X2 on 1 d.f. corresponds to P 0( 0.001.

Chapter 15
Size of a study

15.1 Introduction
It is important to ensure at the design stage that the proposed number
of subjects to be recruited into any study wil be appropriate to answer the
main objective(s) of the study. A smaIl study may fail to detect important
effects on the outcomes of interest, or may estimate them too imprecise-
ly, no matter how good its design may be in other respects. A study larger
than necessary, while less common in practice, may waste valuable

Table 15.1.
Number of patients with breast cancer
still alive one year after entry into the
trial by type of treatment administered:
hypothetical data.

ln Example 15. l, the X2 test of the difference between the se two pro-
portions gives a value of 2.65, which corresponds to P? 0.10. Thus the dif-
ference between the two proportions could easily have arisen by chance.
However, we cannot conclude from this that there is no true difference
between the treatments, since the 95% confidence interval for the difer-
ence between the proportions of patients stil alive one year after entry
into the trial is - 2% to +22%. Therefore the data from this trial are con-

Chapter 15

sistent with a proportion of surviving patients on the new treatment up to

22% higher or 2% lower than the proportion of those on the standard
Thus, although the trial has shown that the new treatment does not per-
form appreciably worse than the standard treatment, it is unclear whether the
two treatments have similar effects or whether the new treatment increases
survival substantiaIly. This is because the sample size of this trial was far too
smaU to provide an appropriate answer to the question being addressed.
ln the rest of this chapter, we wil show how sample size estima tes can
be obtained in the simplest situation where two groups are to be com-
pared. The calculations are based on the statistical methods presented in
Chapter 6 and its appendix and readers should be familar with their con-
tent before proceeding.
There are two main approaches to sample size calculations. One is based
on the concept of power of a study, Le., its abilty to detect a statisticaIly sig-
nificant result if the true magnitude of the effect is as anticipated. Thus,
this approach to sample size calculations focuses on the significance test that
wil be performed at the end of the study. ln Example 15.1, we may esti-
mate the sample size necessary to ensure that the study wil have a certain
probability ('power') of yielding a P-value less th an 0.05 if the true differ-
ence in survival between the two treatments is 10%. The second approach
focuses on the precision of the estimate, Le., on the level of sampling error
we regard as acceptable. As we saw in Chapter 6, the confidence interval
provides an indication of how precise our sample estimate is in relation to
the true population value. Thus, this approach focuses on the width of the
confidence interval that wil be obtained when the results of the study are
analysed. ln the breast cancer trial, we may estimate the sample size neces-
sary to ensure that the trial wil be able to estimate the true difference in
survival within :! 2.5% of its value (Le., the confidence interval wil extend
2.5% to either side of the sample estimate).
ln this chapter, we start by considering sample size calculations based on
power and then move to calculations based on precision. The chapter ends
with a discussion of how to apply such calculations to more complex study
designs and other practical issues that need to be taken into account in es ti-
mating sample sizes. It is, however, important to emphasize at this stage
that any sample size calculations involve sorne guesswork, since we have to
start by anticipating the results of the proposed study and, therefore, these
calculations should be regarded as providing only a rough estimate of the
required study size. Moreover, as we shaH see later in this chapter, other
tic problems), inde-
aspects (e.g., costs, availabilty of eligible subjects, logis

pendent of statistical considerations, also have to be taken into account in

any practical situation.

15.2 Power of a study

The power of a study is the probabilty of obtaining a 'statisticaHy sig-
nificant result, that is, a P-value below a certain pre-established 'signif-


Size of a study

cance' level (usually 0.05) if the true magnitude of the effect is as antici-
pated. However, as discussed in Section 6.3, there is a close link between
P-values and confidence intervals. Therefore, power can also be interpret-
ed as the probabilty of obtaining an estimate whose confidence interval does
not include the value stipulated by the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis
states that the exposure has no effect on the outcome of interest corre-
sponding to a value of zero, if the exposure effect is measured on an
absolute scale (e.g., risk or rate difference), or one, if measured on a ratio
scale (e.g., risk or rate ratio).
Figure IS.1(a) ilustrates the relationship between
the null hypothesis value, the anticipated effect esti- (a)
mate and its confidence interval when the exposure
is associated with an increase in the occurrence of the
: kSE :
J J ~J
ii ¡SE
J i
J 1J( )1.
outcome of interest. For the study to have appropri- ) 1

ate power to detect such an effect, the lower limit of J

the confidence interval of the anticipated effect esti-
i J
+ +
mate has to be above the value stipulated by the null Nul! Anticipated
hypothesis effect
hypothesis. Similarly, when the exposure is associat- value
ed with a decrease in incidence (Le., the exposure is
protective), the upper limit of the confidence interval i J
has to be below the null hypothesis value (Figure
i kSE J
i J J
IS.I(b)). Thus, the power of the study to detect a 'sta- 1. )1. )iJ1 J
tistically significant effect, if the true effect is as J
i JJ
anticipated, is the probabilty that the lower limit of J
the confidence interval falls above (or, if the exposure + +
Anticipated Nul!
is protective, the upper limit falls below) the null effect hypothesis
hypothesis value. value
The position of the lower limit (or the upper limit,
if the exposure is protective) of the confidence interval of the anticipated Figure 15.1.
Diagram il/ustrating the relationship of
effect estimate is determined by the width of the confidence interval (:: ¡SE)
the nul/ hypothesis value, the anticipat-
(Figure 15.1), which in turn depends upon the study size (the bigger the ed effect and its confidence interval
study, the smaller the standard error (SE) and, therefore, the narrower the wh en the exposure is associated with

confidence interval) and upon the significance (confidence) level chosen (j. (a) an increase or (b) a decrease in
the occurrence of the outcome of inter-
For a 95% confidence interval, ¡ would be equal to 1.96 (Table 15.2); that est (adapted from Clay ton & Hills,
is, the confidence interval wil extend 1.96SE to each side of the sam
estimate. For a 99% confidence interval, ¡ wil be 2.576 and, therefore, the
confidence interval wil be wider. The wider the confidence interval, the
lower the power of a study of a given size.
Suppose that the study were repeated several times. The effect estimates
obtained each time and their confidence intervals would differ because of
sampling variation. If the effect estimates obtained each time were plot-
ted, we would obtain a Normal sampling distribution with a standard error
of SE. Similarly, if the lower limits (or upper limits, if the exposure is pro-
tective) of each of the confidence intervals were plotted, we would obtain
a Normal distribution, with the same standard error SE, centred around
the anticipated value of the lower (or upper) limit. The power of a study is

Chapter 15

Significance level j the probabilty that the lower limit of the confidence interval would fall
0.10 1.645 above the null hypothesis value (or the upper limit would fall below it, if
0.05 1.960 the exposure is protective). This probability depends upon the number of
0.01 2.576 standard errors (k) between the null hypothesis and the anticipated posi-
Power k tion of the lower limit (or upper limit, if the exposure is protective) of the
confidence interval of the anticipated effect estima te (Figure 15.1). It can
0.95 1.645 be shown mathematically that if k is equal to 1.645, the study wil have
0.90 1.282 95% power (1àble 15.2). ln other words, if the study were to be conduct-
0.75 0.674 ed repeatedly, we would expect only 5 out of 100 resulting 95% confi-
0.50 0.0 dence intervals to include the null hypothesis value, if the true magnitude
.:0.50 .:0 of the effect is as anticipated. When the anticipated location of the lower
(or upper) confidence limit is exactly at the null hypothesis, so that k = 0,
Table 15.2.
the power is 0.50 and there is an even chance of obtaining a significant
Values of k and j for diHerent signifi- result. If k 0( 0, the power will be less than 50%. ln general, a power of less
cance levels and powers. than 80% is regarded as unacceptable.

Thus, to summarize, the power of a study depends upon:

1. The magnitude of the anticipated effect (Le., the distance between the
null hypothesis value and the anticipated effect). The greater the
effect, the higher the power to detect it as 'statistically signifcant for
a study of a given size.

2. The width of the confidence interval (jSE), which determines the position
of the lower limit (or the upper limit, if the exposure is protective). The
wider the confidence interval, the lower the power of a study of a given
size. This in turn depends on:

(a) The study size. The bigger the study, the smaller the standard
error (SE) and, therefore, the narrower the confidence interval.

(b) The significance (confidence) level chosen (j). For instance, a

95% confidence interval (j = 1.96) wil be narrower than a 99%
confidence interval (j = 2.576) for a sample of a given size.

It is useful to construct power curves to show how the power varies with
the study size for different signifcance levels and different magnitudes of
the anticipated effect. Figure 15.2 shows sorne examples of such curves for
the breast cancer trial described in Example 15.1.
ln most real situations, researchers have a very good idea of the number
of eligible subjects they wil be able to recruit into their study. This num-
ber is usuaUy determined by availabilty of eligible subjects, logis tics of
recruitment, costs, etc. ln these circumstances the relevant question is not
'How large should the study be?' but 'Is the avai/able number of subjects enough
to pravide a clear answer to the study objectives?'. To answer this last question,
we need to estimate the power of the study with the proposed number of

Size of a study

subjects. If these calculations reveal that the power wil be too low, it wil
be necessary to estimate by how much our sam pIe size needs to be 100

increased to ensure that the study wil achieve the desired power. This is
the approach suggested by Clay ton & Hils (1993), which we wil follow in
the rest of this section.
t:60 -a P=0.10
+ P=0.05
;: ~ P=0.01
15.2.1 Comparing two proportions (prevalences or risks) & 40
To calculate the power of our breast cancer trial (Example 15.1) to detect
a 10% difference in survival between the two treatments, we need to cal- 20

culate first the SE of the difference between the two proportions of women
stil alive by the end of the first year. As we saw in Section A6. 1 .2, the SE o 100 20 30 40 50 60 700 80 90
Study size
of the difference between two proportions can be estimated, approxi-
mately, as
Figure 15.2.
Power for detecting a one-year sur-
SE(Pi-PJ=~ Pi2~1-P) + Po2~1-Po) vival difference of 10% when baselíne
survival is 70% (equivalent ta 14%
increase in survival) for various sample
sizes and significance levels.
Thus, in our example,

~ 80 + 70 .
SE =,1 0.802(1-0.80) 0.702(1-0.70) = 0 061

Figure lS.l(a) shows that the distance between the anticipated effect
and the null hypothesis value (in our example, 0.10-0) is the sum of the
two components, one deriving from the width of the confidence interval
(jSE) and the other from the distance between the anticipated position of
the lower limit of the confidence interval and the null hypothesis (kSE).

0.10 = í SE + k SE

If the significance level is set to 0.05 (j = 1.96) and SE = 0.061,

0.10 = 1.96 x 0.061 + k x 0.061

k = - 0.32

This value of k corresponds to a power of less than 50% (Table 15.2).

Thus, the probabilty of the trial being able to detect a statistically signifi-
cant 10% difference in survival between the two treatments, even if such
a difference truly exists, is below 50% because the confidence interval is
too wide, due to the large SE. This is ilustrated in Figure 15.3.
If we assume that the true difference in survival is 10% and we fix the
significance level to 0.05 (j=1.96), we can calculate the value of the stan-
dard error that wil be required to ensure that the power of the trial is 0.95
(k = 1.645):


Chapter 15

,'( ,,
: kSE:

) I(
1.96 X SE + 1.645 X SE = 0.10

, Required SE = 0.10/(1.960 + 1.645) = 0.028

, 95% confidence interval
This value of the SE is much smaller than the
~2% 0% 10% 22% value of 0.061 obtained with 100 subjects in
t t each group. To reduce the SE to the required
Null Observed
hypothesis effect value, it is necessary to increase the size of the
study. Clay ton & Hils (1993) have provided the
following formula to calculate a factor by which
Figure 15.3. the study size must be increased in order to achieve the specified power:
Power calculation for the breast cancer
c1inical trial illustrated in Example 15.1:
observed effect = 10% (= 80%-70%) (Current value of SE/Required value of SE)2
difference in survival; sample size =
100 in each group; significance level = Thus, in our trial,
0.05; power.: 0.50.

Current value of SE = 0.061

Required value of SE = 0.028

Scale factor = 4.8

The initial sample size was 100 in each group. To ensure that the study
wil have 95% power to detect a 10% difference in survival at the 5% sig-
nificance level, we need to multiply this original sample size by 4.8. Thus,
we need to enrol 480 subjects in eaeh treatment group.
As we saw in Section A6. 1.3, the significance test is the same regardless
of the type of measure of effect (ratio or difference) used to compare the
two groups. Power calculations are based on the significance test that wil
be performed at the end of the study and, as a logical consequence, simi-
laI' sample size estimates would be obtained if the ealeulations were based on the
ratio of the two proportions (80%/70%) rather than on their difference
(80%-70%). The approach would be similar to the one followed above,
except that the calculations would be based on the SE of the ratio of the
two proportions rather than on the SE of their difference. Since the confi-
dence interval around a ratio of proportions is asymmetric, ta king only
values from zero to infinity (Section A6.1.2), we first convert the estimat-
ed survival risk ratio into its naturallogarithm (denoted by ln):

ln (0.8010.70) = ln (1. 4) = 0.134

We can now calculate an 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm

of the ratio of two proportions (R) by using the formula given in Section

SE (ln R) = 'i (lia + lIb - 1/mi - lima)

= 'i (1/80 + 1170 - 1/100 - 1/100) = 0.082

Size of a study

The distance between the logarithm of the anticipated effect and the
logarithm of the null hypothesis value of 1 is equal to

ln (1.4) -ln (1) = 0.134 - 0 = 0.134


0.134 = ; x SE + k x SE

The value of the required SE to ensure that the study wil have 95%
power (k = 1.645) to detect a risk ratio of 1. 1 4 at the 5% significance level
(j = 1.96) wil be

0.134 = 1.96 x SE + 1.645 x SE

Required SE = 0.134/(1.960 + 1.645) = 0.037


Scale factor = (0.082/0.037)2 = 4.8

This value is exactly the one we obtained before when the calculation
was based on the difference between the two proportions rather than on
their ratio. Thus, the sample size required to detect a 10% increase in sur-
vival from 70% to 80% is equivalent to the sample size required to detect a
risk ratio of 80%/70% = 1.14.

15.2.2 Comparing two rates

Similar sample size calculations can be performed for intervention trials
and cohort studies in which the rate ratio (or rate difference) is the appro-
priate measure of effect.
ln Example 15.2, we can predict the values of a and b by using the total
person-time of observation in the proposed cohort study (y) and the esti-
mated lung cancer incidence rate in the unexposed (ro). Since lung cancer
is a rare condition, we can estimate the total person-time of observation as

y = 40 000 x 5 years = 200 000 pyrs

assuming there were no los ses to follow-up and no other competing

causes of death.
If 40% of the cohort is exposed to the risk factor under study, 0.60 is
unexposed. Thus,

Yi = 200 000 x 0.40 = 80 000 pyrs

Yo = 200 000 x 0.60 = 120 000 pyrs

Chapter 15

Since the anticipated rate ratio (RR) is equal to Z.O, the expected nu m-
bers of lung cancer cases among exposed and unexposed workers are

a = 80 000 pyrs x (2 x 50 per 100000 pyrs) = 80

b = 120 000 pyrs x 50 per 100 000 pyrs = 60

Table 15.3.
Results from a hypothetical cohorl

We can now complete Table 15.3 with the results we expect to obtain
from this cohort study if our assumptions are correct (Table 15.4).
Table 15.4. Exposure Total
Anticipated results fram the proposed
cohorl study iIustrated in Example Yes No
15.2. No. of cases 80 (a) 60 (b) 140 (n)
Person-years at risk 80 000 (Y1) 120 OOO(Yo) 200000 (y)
Rate per 100 000 pyrs 100 (ri) 50 ((0) 70 (r)

As shown in Section A6.1.Z, an 'approximate' SE of the logarithm of a

rate ratio can be calculated as

SE (ln RR) = \! (lIa + 1/b)

Thus, in our example,

SE (ln RR) = \! (1/80 + 1/60) = 0.171

The number of SEs between the logarithm of the anticipated rate ratio
(ln (Z.O) = 0.693) and the logarithm of the null hypothesis value (ln (1) =
0) is


Size of a study

0.693 - 0 = í x O. 171 + k x 0.171

í + k = 0.693/0.171 = 4.05

For a significance level of 0.05, j would be equal to 1.96 and, hence,

k = 4.05 - 1.96 = 2.09

This value of k corresponds to a power greater than 0.95 (Table

15.2). Thus, the probabilty that this cohort study wil detect a true
rate ratio of 2.0 (at the 0.05 significance level) is greater than 95%.
Similar sam pIe size estimates would be obtained if the calculations
were based on the anticipated rate difference of 50 per 100 000 pyrs
(100 per 100 000 pyrs - 50 per 100 000 pyrs).
If the power of the study with the proposed number of subjects
were too low, we could have calculated by how much the sam
pIe size
would have to be inCfeased in order to achieve the required level by
using the procedure described above when corn
pa ring two propor-

15.2.3 Comparing two odds

A similar approach can be used in case-control studies. To estimate
the power of the case-control study in Example 15.3, we need to guess
the values of a, b, c and d. Since the con troIs are supposed to be repre-
sentative of the population from which the cases wil arise, we would
expect 33.5% of them to be exposed and the rest to be unexposed to the
factor under investigation. Thus

c = 200 x 0.335 = 67
d = 200 - 67 = 133

Table 15.5.
Yes Results trom a hypothetical case-con-
trol study.
Cases a b n1
Controls c d no
Total mi mû N


Chapter 15

We can now calcula te the odds of exposure among the controls as

cid = 67 /133 = 0.5

Since we anticipate an odds ratio equal to 0.5, we can calculate the odds
of exposure among the cases as

a/b = 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25


a = 0.25 x b

Since a + b = ZOO, it follows that

b = 160
a = 200 - 160 = 40

We can now complete Table 15.5 with the values of a, b, c and d we

expect to observe in the proposed case-control study (Table 15.6).

Table 15.6. Exposure Total

Anticipated results tram the hypotheti-
cal case-contral study described in Yes No
Example 15.3. Cases 40 (a) 160 (b) 200 (n,)
Contrais 67 (e) 133 (d) 200 (no)
Total 107 (mi) 293 (mo) 400 (N)

With these data, we can calculate an 'approximate' SE of the logarithm

of the anticipated odds ratio by using the formula given in Section A6. 1.Z:

SE = 'Y(1/a + 1/b + 1/e + 1/d)

Thus, in our case-control study,

SE = 'Y (1/40 + 1/160 + 1/67 + 1/133)

= 0.232

To calculate the power of the study for a significance level of 0.05 (j =

1.960), we need first to calculate ln (OR) = ln (0.5) = -0.693. This is a neg-
ative value, but since we are interested in the absolute distance between
the anticipated value and the null hypothesis we can ignore the minus
sign and proceed as usual:

0.693 = 1.96 x SE + k x SE

0.693 - 1.96 x 0.232 = k x 0.232

Size of a study

0.238 = k x 0.232
k = 1.03

A k value of 1.03 corresponds to a power around 0.85 (Table 15.2). If we

wish to increase the power to 0.95, the study size has to be increased:
0.693 = 1.96 x SE + 1.645 x SE

Required SE = 0.693/(1.96 + 1.645) = 0.192

Factor = (0.232/0.192)2 = 1.46

Thus, the proposed sample size must be increased by a factor of 1.46,

that is from 200 to 292, if we wish to increase the power of the study from
around 0.85 to 0.95.

Table 15.7.
Alive one year after Yes Anticipated results of a hypothetical
384 (a) 336 (b) 720 (n1) trial to assess the value of a new treat-
entry into the trial ment on the one-year survival from
No 96 (e) 144(d¡ breast cancer. Anticipated effect = 10%
240 (no)
Total 480 (m1)
(= 80%-70%) difference in survival;
480 (mo) 960 (N) significance level = 0.05; power = 0.95;
Pi = 384/480 = 80% sample size = 480 women in each
Po = 336/480 = 70% treatment group.

Risk difference = Pl - Po = 10%

95% confidence interval = +4.6% to + 15.4%
X2 = 12.79; P.e 0.001

1 1 Figure 15.4.
1 1
1 kSE 1 Anticipated effect and its 95% confi-
1 1
1( .,1 dence interval for the hypothetical
breast cancer trial described in
¡SE ¡SE Example 15.4: anticipated effect =
) 1 10% (= 80%-70%) difference in sur-
1 .1 (
vival; significance level = 0.05; power
1 95% confidence interval = 0.95; sample size = 480 women in
1 1
1 1 each treatment group.
1 1
1 1
1 1

0% 4.6% 10% 15.4%

t t
Null Anticipated
hypothesis effect

Chapter 15

15.3 Sample size calculations based on precision

The approach to sample size calculations discussed in the previous section
focused on the statistical significance test to be conducted at the end of the
study. The main limitation of this approach is that it may produce very impre-
cise estimates of the effect on the outcome(s) of interest; thus, although the
confidence interval will not include the null hypothesis value, it may stil be
too wide to be informative.
ln Example 15.4, although the anticipated confidence interval does not
include the nuIl hypothesis value of no difference between the two treatments,
its width is compatible with an improvement in one-year survival which
ranges from 4.6% to 15.4% (Table 15.7; Figure 15.4). This is not a very precise
estimate. Indeed, the range is wider than 10%, the difference we anticipate. We
may consider more acceptable a width of :t2.S% either side of the sample esti-
mate of 10%, so that the confidence interval of the difference in the propor-
tion of women stil alive by the end of the first year will range from 7.5% to
Sample size calculations based on power may be appropriate for new expo-
sures, when it is not known whether there wiIl be any impact at aIl on the out-
cornes of interest. If, however, other studies have already shown that the expo-
sure is associated with either an increase or a decrease in incidence, there is not
much point in testing the null hypothesis, and the objective should be to esti-
mate the magnitude of the effect as precisely as possible. ln these situations, it
is more appropriate to choose a sample size that will yield a confidence inter-
val of a predefined width.

15.3.1 Estimating a single crude proportion (prevalence or risk)

We can estimate the sample size necessary to ensure that the confidence
interval for a single proportion (prevalence or risk) is of a predetermined width.
ln Example 15.5, we plan to take a random sample of n women aged 20-4
years. If among them, a are current users, we estimate the prevalence of oral
contraceptive use as


As we saw in Section 6.1, this estimate is subject to sampling error, but the
95% confidence interval will give a range of values within which the true pop-

Size of a study

ulation prevalence will lie with 95% confidence.

SE(P) = ~ pZ(~-p)

Suppose we wish our confidence interval around the sample estimate to

be of a certain width (l w). The value of w depends upon the standard
error SE and the significance level (j) chosen:

w = j x SE

For a 95% confidence interval, j = 1.96, that is the interval extends 1.96
standard errors either side of the estimate (w = 1.96 x SE).
Hence, we can estimate the prevalence of oral contraceptive use (p) with
a pre-defined degree of precision by choosing an appropriate sample siie
(n). We must first guess the value of p. Suppose that statistics on oral con-
traceptive sales indicate that the prevalence of use is about 50% and we
want to estimate it to within lS%. Thus

p = 0.50
w = j x SE = 0.05

Choosing a 95% confidence level,

1.96 x SE = 0.05

SE(P) = 0.05/1.96 = 0.0255

Since p = 0.5, we can estimate a from the formula for the SE:

SE(P) = ~ p2(~_p) = 0.0255

A.(0.52 x 0.5)/a = 0.0255

0.125/a = 0.02552

a = 192

FinaIly, we can calculate the sample siie (n) required as

0.5 = 192/n
n = 384

Thus, we need to enrol 384 womeii into the study. When planning a
study, it is a good idea to find out what sample siie wil be required for var-
ious levels of precision (Table 15.8 and Figure 15.5).


Chapter 15

Table 15.8. Thus, to estimate a true prevalence of oral contraceptive use of 50%
Sample sizes required to estimate a
true prevalence of 0.50 with 95% confi- within :t1% (Le., from 49% to 51%), we would need ta recruit 9612
dence intervals of differenl widths (:tw). women.
It is also important to calculate the required sampIe size for different
Width (:!w) Sample size (n) values of the anticipated prevalence p. As we can see in Table 15.9, the
0.01 9612 sample size required does not vary mu ch for values of p between 0.3 and
0.02 2403 0.7, being greatest when p = 0.50. Thus, to be on the safe side, we can set
0.03 1068 p = 0.50 and obtain the maximum sam pIe size (n) required.
0.04 600
0.05 384
0.06 266
0.07 196
0.08 150
0.09 118
0.10 96
0.15 43 ~
,.CI l l
èi 1i

Figure 15.5.
Anticipated 95% confidence intervals
for a true prevalence of 0.50 for vari- 30 r 1 i i i i i
ous sample sizes. o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Study size

15.3.2 Estimating a single crude rate

Prevalence (p) Sample size (n) A similar approach can be used to estimate the sample size necessary to
0.10 138 ensure that the confidence interval for a single rate is of a predetermined
0.20 245 width.
0.30 322
OAO 367
0.50 384
0.60 367
0.70 322
0.80 245
0.90 138

Table 15.9. ln Example 15.6, we plan to take a random sample of individuals from the
Sample size required to ensure that study population. Thus, for a 95% confidence level (j = 1.96)
the 95% confidence interval for differ-
ent levels of prevalence (p) will extend
W = 0.05 to each side of the sample w = 1.96 x SE
estimate. 5 pei 10 000 pyiS = 1.96 x SE(r)

SE(r) = 2.55 pei 10 000 PYiS

Size of a study

An 'approximate' standard error of a rate can be calculated as indicated

in Section A.6.1.1:

SE(r) =

where ris the estimated rate and a is the number of cases that occurred
during the observation period. Thus, in our example,
50 per 10 000 pyrs

,fa = 2.55 per 10 000 pyrs

a = 384

We can now calculate the person-time at risk (y) required to originate

384 cases:
50 per 10 000 pyrs = 384/y
Y = 76 800 pyrs

This level of total person-years at risk can be achieved by following 76

800 individuals for one year or 38 400 for two years, etc.

15.3.3 Estimating a difference or ratio of two proportions (risks or

Let us consider again the breast cancer trial (Examples 15.1 and 15.4).
Suppose we want to ensure that the width of the confidence interval for
the difference in proportions wil be equal to :!w=2 x 2.5%. Thus

w = 1.96 x SE (Pl - po) = 0.025

The required SE should be

0.025/1.96 = 0.0128


SE(p¡- pJ= Pi2~1-Pi) + Po2~1-po) = 0.0128

Since a = O.80mli b = 0.70mû and mû = mli it follows that

mo = mi = a/0.80
b = 0.70 x (a/0.80) = 0.875 a

Chapter 15

The above formula for the standard error can then be re-written as

a 0.875a
SE = J- 0.802(1-0.80) + 0.702(1-0.70) = 0.0128

(0.0128)2 = 0.128/a + 0.147/0.875a

0.000164 = ((0.128 x 0.875) + 0.147)/0.875a
0.875a == 0.259/0.000164 == 1579.3

a = 1805
mi == ma = 1805/0.80 == 2256

b == 2256 x 0.70 == 1579

Thus, to obtain a 95% confidence interval for the survival diference

between the two treatments with a width of 2.5% either side of the
anticipated effect of 10% (Le., from 7.5% to 12.5%), we need to enrol22S6
subjects in each treatment group.
Similarly, we can calculate the sample size required to estimate a ratio of
two proportions with a pre-defined level of precision. The approach would
be similar to the one just ilustra d, except that the calculations would be

based on the formula for the SE of a ratio of proportions (see Section A6.1.2).

15.3.4 Estimating a rate difference or a rate ratio

A similar approach can be used in studies where the appropriate measure
of effect is the rate ratio.

An 'approximate' 95% confidence interval of the logarithm of a rate

ratio (rllrO) can be estimated as

95% confidence interval == ln RR :! 1.96 x SE (ln RR)

ln Example 15.7,



Size of a sludy

w = ln (1.0) = 1.96 x SE (ln RR)

SE (ln RR) = 0.262/1.96 = 0.134

An 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm of an estimated rate

ratio (RR) can th en be obtained as follows:

SE (ln RR) = '1 (l/a + l/b)

ln our example,

0.134 = '1 (l/a + l/b)

Since the same number of subjects are to be allocated to each arm of the
trial and we anticipate a rate ratio of 0.6, then

a = 0.6 x b

0.134 ='I(l/0.6b + l/b) = 'I(1.6/0.6b)

(0.134)2 = 1.6/0.6b
0.6b = 1.6/0.018 = 88.89
b = 88.89/0.6 = 148
a = 0.6 x 148 = 89

The stomach cancer incidence rate for those given placebo is believed to
be 65 per 100000 pyrs. Thus, we need 227 692 pyrs (= 148/0.000065 pyrs)
of foIlow-up in each arm of the trial in order to accumulate 148 stomach
cancer cases among those receiving the intervention and 89 among those
given placebo. This wil ensure that the result of the trial wil have the
desired level of precision. This can be achieved by foIlowing 227 692 men
for one year, 113 846 for two years and so on.
A similar approach can be used to calculate sample size estimates based
on precision in situations where the appropriate measure of effect is the rate
difference rather than the rate ratio, except that the calculations would be
based on the formula of the SE of a difference in rates (see Section A6.1.2).

15.3.5 Estimating an odds ratio

Consider Example 15.8.

Chapter 15

A 95% confidence interval of the logarithm of an odds ratio can be esti-

mated as

95% confidence interval = ln OR :! 1.96 x SE (ln OR)

ln our example,

w = ln (1.25) = 1.96 x SE (ln OR)

SE (ln OR) = 0.223/1.96 = 0.114

An 'approximate' standard error of the logarithm of the estimated odds

ratio can be obtained as

SE (ln OR)= \! (lia + 1/b + Ile + lld)

The odds of exposure among the cases is expected to be twice the odds
of exposure among the controls:

a/b = 2 x (eld)

and the prevalence of exposure among the controls is expected to be 33.5%:

e = 110 x 0.335
d = 110 x 0.665

110 x 0.335
a/b = 2 x = 1.008
110 x 0.665

a = 1.008 x b

0.114= ~i11i
110 = III = a + b = 1.008b + b = 2.008b

- +- + +
1.008b b 2.008b x 0.335 2.008b x 0.665

0.1142 = 1/b x (1/1.008 + 1 + 1/0.673 + 1/1.335)

0.013 = 4.2271b
b = 325
a = 328
e = (325 + 328) x 0.335 = 219
d = (325 + 328) x 0.665 = 434
110 = a + b = 325 + 328 = 653
III = e + d = 219 + 434 = 653

Thus, we need to recruit 653 cases and 653 controls into our case-con-
trol study.

Size of a study

15.4 Other considerations concerning study size

The methods described in this chapter should be regarded only as pro-
viding a rough estimate of the required study size, as they are based on
guesses or approximate estimates of the parameters, on subjective deci-
sions about the size of an effect that we would wish to detect, and on the
use of approximate formulae. They only give an idea of the sort of size
ln practice there wil be constraints on resources, which may limit the
maximum possible sample size. Resources in terms of staff, vehicles, lab-
oratory capacity, time and money are alllikely to be limited, and it is usu-
ally necessary to achieve a balance between the results of the study size
calculations and what can reasonably be managed given the resources.
Trying to do a study that is beyond the capacity of the available resources
is likely to be unfruitful, as data quality wil suffer, and the study may col-
lapse before completion, wasting the investment that had already been
put into it. On the other hand, if the calculations show that a study of a
manageable size wil have a power and/or yield a precision that is unac-
ceptably low, it may be worth cons idering involving other centres.
Study size calculation should al ways be carried out for several different
scenarios, not just one (e.g., different levels of power/precision and of
estimates of the effect measure), in order to give a clear picture of the
scope of the study. A useful approach in deciding on the trade-off
between cost and power is to construct power curves for one or two key
outcome variables, to show how the power or precision varies with the
study size for different values of the effect measure (as shown in Figure

15.4.1 Studies designed to look at multiple exposure-outcome rela-

Many epidemiological studies are designed to look at several expo-
sure-outcome relationships. We can use the methods described in this
chapter to calculate the study size necessary to allow us to detect the
most important exposure-outcome relationships. IdeaIly, we would then
select the largest of these as our actual study size. We may find that the
study size required to detect one or more of the exposure-outcome rela-
tionships in which we are interested is clearly beyond the available
resources. For instance, we may be interested in examining the relation-
ship between birthweight and the occurrence of benign breast diseases
and breast cancer. The study size calculations may reveal that our sam-
pIe wil be sufficient to ensure that the study wil have enough power or
precision to examine the relationship between birthweight and benign
breast diseases but wil be far too small to examine the relationship
between birthweight and breast cancer incidence. If we are unable to
increase the sample size to the desired level, we wil have to restrict the
objectives of the study and consider benign breast disorders as the only
outcome of interest.

Chapter 15

15.4.2 Refusais and lasses to follow-up

RefusaIs and/or losses to follow-up are likely to occur in epidemio-
logical studies because subjects move away from the study area, die
from sorne cause unrelated to the outcome of interest, refuse to con-
tinue with the study, etc. These losses reduce the size of the study
available for analysis and, therefore, decrease the power or precision of
the study. We can compensate for these los ses by increasing the initial
study size. For example, if study size calculations suggest that 320 sub-
jects are required, and a 20% loss to follow-up is expected, the study
size should be increased to about 400 (400 - 400 x 0.20 = 320). Note,
however, that although this strategy wil ensure that the study will
have the required power or precision, it will not avoid the possibility
of selection bias, as the individuals who refuse to participate or are lost
to follow-up may differ in important respects from those who remain
in the study.

15.4.3 Unequal sized groups

There are situations where we may wish to study groups of different
sizes. For example, when the number of available cases and controls is
large and the cast of obtaining information from both groups is com-
parable, the optimal control-to-case ratio is 1: 1. However, if the avail-
able number of cases for the study is limited, or when the cost of
obtaining information is greater for cases than controls, the number of
con trois per case can be increased to achieve the necessary power or
precision. For example, a study with 100 cases and 100 controls has the
same power as a study with 75 cases and 150 controls, or one with 63
cases and 252 controls, or one with 55 cases and 550 con troIs. It is usu-
ally not recommended to increase the control:case ratio beyond 4:1,
because there is only a small increase in statistical power with each
additional control beyond this point. This small increase in power is
generally not worth the increase in logistics and costs of recruiting a
much larger total number of subjects unless the data for the cantrols
are available at very litte extra cost.

15.4.4 Confounding and interaction

The sample size estimations presented here refer ta crude measures.
ln most studies, however, it is essential to control for confounding
variables by calculating adjusted measures. These adjustments usually
lead to a loss of power or precision of the study. However, this loss is
substantial only when a very strong confounding variable is present
(Smith & Day, 1984).
ln contrast, and as discussed in the previous chapter, studies
designed with the aim of detecting interactions require mu ch larger
sample sizes than those designed to look for simple effects (Smith &
Day, 1984). ln practice, this restricts the number of studies that can be
carried out explicitly to examine interactions.

\ .-...
Size of a study

15.4.5 Special study designs Further reading

The sample size calculations for case-control studies presented in this
chapter referred to unmatched studies. Methods for calculation of adequate * The power calculations pre-
sam pIe sizes for matched case-control studies are given in Breslow & Day sented in Section 15.2 follow the
(1980). approach suggested by Clayton
The methods presented in this chapter assume that individuals rather & Hills (1993).
th an groups are the units of study. The calculations wou Id be different if, for
instance, the unit of study were communities (see Smith & Morrow, 1996). * Sam pie size calculations for
more complex designs of cohort,
case-control and intervention

,lox ~ 5.~. Key issues - , , ;
studies are given respectively in
Breslow & Day (1987, 1980) and
Smith & Morrow (1996).
SaflPI~§i?ecalculationscan b~ made to .ensurèjhat:

1.tnestudy has. enough power, Le"apHityto. dètect a statistically signif-

iGan.tresultjfthe truemagnitude oftheeffect isas anticipated.. Thus, this
approachJ()cus~son thesignificance testthat wilbe performedat the
end Of the . study.

2.the sample estimates arepracisa,Le., the levelof samplingerror is

low. This approach focuseson the widthoftheconfidenceinterval.

· Sample size calculations based on power may be appropriate to identify new

exposures when it ÎS not known whether they wil have any effect at ail on the
outcome(s) of interest. If, however, it is alreadyknown that the exposure is
.. associated with the outcome, the objective of the study should be to quantify the
. magnitude of the effect as precisely as possible rather than just testing the null
hypothesisof no effect. ln these circumstances, sample size calculations shourd
be based on precision.

· .Samplesiz~ calçulations shouldbetakenas wpvigingonly.a rough idea of the

nu.nb~rofsubj~çtsthatneedt9.berecruit§d.()therconsiderations suçh as
availclbilitY9f~ubjects,resources, costs, etc.sh9uldbeconsideredcarefully.

Chapter 16
Cancer prevention

16.1 Introduction
The preceding chapters of this book have focused on principles and
methods needed to study the determinants of disease and their effects.
The ultimate goal of epidemiology, however, is to provide knowledge that
wil help in the formulation of public health policies aimed at preventing
the development of disease in healthy persons.
Nearly aIl important issues in cancer prevention are linked to the nat-
ural history of the disease 'cancer', which can be summarized as shown in
Figure i 6.1. Here, point A indicates the biological onset of the disease and
the start of the pre-clinical phase. This may be the point at which an irre-
versible set of events (e.g., gene mutation) takes place. As a result of pro-
gression of the disease, symptoms and/or signs appear that bring the
patient to medical attention and diagnosis at point C. This is the end of
the pre-clinical phase, which is the period from A to C, and the beginning
of the clinical phase of the natural history. The disease may then progress
to cure (Di), to permanent ilness and disabilty (Oz) or to death (03). The
time from initial symptoms and/or signs to
cure, permanent ilness or death may reflect Pre-clinical phase Clinical phase
the effects of treatments given, as weIl as the
Onset of
underlying characteristics of the untreated Onset of Early symptoms
disease. Exposure disease detection and/or signs

Implicit in this scheme is the notion that a

disease evolves over time and that, as this
ll A
c-~ 020isabilty
occurs, pathological changes may become t t t 03 Oeath
irreversible. The aim of prevention is to stop Primary Secondary Tertiary
prevention prevention prevention
this progression.
There are various levels of prevention:
Figure 16.1.
Natural history of the disease 'cancer'
* Primmy prevention is prevention of disease by reducing exposure and levels of prevention.
of individuals to risk factors or by increasing their resistance to
them, and thus avoiding the occurrence of event A.

* Secondary prevention (applied during the pre-clinical phase) is the

early detection and treatment of disease. Screening activities are
an important component of secondary prevention. ln Figure
16.1, point B indicates the point in time at which the disease is
first detectable by an appropriate screening test. For example, it
might refer to the time at which a cancer mass reaches the min-


Chapter 16

imum size that can be seen by X-ray examination. Thus, the dis-
tance from point B to C represents the 'detectable pre-clinical
phase'. The location of point B varies markedly from one indi-
vidual to another, and also de pends on the screening technique

* Tertiary prevention (appropriate in the clinical phase) is the use of

treatment and rehabiltation programmes to improve the out-
come of ilness among affected individuals.

ln the rest of this chapter, we consider each of these levels of prevention

in detail.

16.2 Primary prevention

The purpose of primary prevention is to limit the incidence of cancer
by controllng exposure to risk factors or increasing individuals' resistance
to them (e.g., by vaccination or chemoprevention). Clearly, the first step
is to identify the relevant exposures and to assess their impact on the risk
of the disease in the population.

16.2.1 How important is a particular exposure?

Relative and absolute measures of exposure effect

Much of epidemiology is concerned with identifying the risk factors
for a disease, health problem or state of health. ln assessing the strength
of the association between a particular exposure and a particular out-
come, we calculate measures known as relative measures of effect. As
shown in Section 5.2.1, there are three types of relative measure (risk
ratio, rate ratio and odds ratio) which are often collectively called rela-
tive risk.
Relative measures of effect provide answers to the question: How many
times more likely are people exposed to a putative risk factor to develop the out-
come of interest relative to those unexposedi assuming that the only difference
between the two groups is the exposure under study? The magnitude of the
relative risk is an important consideration (but not the only one-see
Chapter 13) in establishing whether a particular exposure is a cause of
the outcome of interest.
Once we have established that an exposure is causally associated with
the outcome of interest, it is important to express the absolute magni-
tude of its impact on the occurrence of the disease in the exposed group
(see Section 5.2.2). If we have information on the usual risk (or rate) of
a particular disease in the absence of the exposure, as weIl as in its pres-
ence, we can determine the excess risk (also known as attributable risk)
associated with the exposure.

Excess risk = risk (or rate) in the exposed - risk (or rate) in the unexposed

Cancer prevention

It is useful to express the excess risk in relation to the total risk (or rate)
of the disease among those exposed to the factor under study. This mea-
sure is called excess fraction (also known as excess risk percentage or attibut-
able risk percentage). It describes the proportion of disease in the exposed
group which is attribut able to the exposure.

Excess fraction (%) = 100 x (excess risk / risk (or rate) in the exposed)

Alternativelyi it can be calculated by using the following formula:

Excess fraction (%) = 100 x (relative risk - 1) / relative risk

Table 16.1.
Lung cancer incidence in smokers and
non-smokers: hypothetical data.

Excess fraction provides an answer to the question: What is the proportion

of new cases of disease in the exposed that can be attibuted to exposure?
Another way of using this concept is to think of it as the decrease in the

Chapter 16

incidence of a disease that would have been seen if the exposed had never
been exposed. Thus, in Example 16.1, a maximum of 91 % of lung cancer
cases in smokers could theoretically have been prevented if they had never
If the exposure is protective, analogous measures can be calculated. They
are usually called risk reduction (also known as prevented risk) and prevented
fraction (also known as prevented risk percentage).

Risk reduction = risk (or rate) ¡n the unexposed - risk (or rate) in the exposed

Prevented fraction (%) = 100 x (risk reduction / risk (or rate) in the unexposed)

"" ,-'"
'-, ','-,''''. ,,-,',',-'',.'
. -,', ',_.,. -',:',',",'-" '--'.:;. ". ,- - -,' "', - - , ' , , ,
.. Exirmple16..lA lafgerai1Clomizedtral was çarred outtóassess the .value
o(asinokinK.cessatiòriprogramme (theinterierition)in reducing theoccùr~ .
TertCe o(lung¿anæramong smòkers.By the endofthf-tralltheincidence of
.. .lurig.cancer was 155. per .1 00000 pyrs mnong thpse who received the inter":.
. ventiol1 an.d.240 per 100.000 pyrs among thecontrols. Thus,' the maximum
.benefit achievedby the intervention was . ..

Prevented fraction tends to be appreciably smaller than excess fraction

(Example 16.2). This is because it is generally impossible to eliminate the
exposure completely and, even if possible, the incidence of the disease in
those who stop being exposed may never fall to the level in those who have
never been exposed.
Calculation of excess risk (or risk reduction) requires information on the
incidence of disease in the exposed and unexposed groups. This information
is directly available in cohort and intervention studies. For case-control stud-
ies, however, it is not possible to calculate the excess risk using the formula
given above, because incidence of disease among the exposed and unexposed
groups is not known. We can stil calculate excess fraction using the formula
based on relative risk, which in these studies is estimated by the odds ratio.
Alternative formulae can, however, be used in population-based case-control
studies to calculate excess risk. These are presented in Appendix 16.1.

Cancer prevention

Measures of population impact

The measures of effect discussed so far compared the incidence of the
disease in the exposed group with the incidence in the unexposed group.
To assess the extra disease incidence in the study population as a whole that
can be attributed to the exposure, we can calculate a measure called the
population excess risk (also known as population attibutable risk). This is
defined as

Population excess risk = risk (or rate) in the population - risk (or rate) in the unexposed

or, similarly, as

Population excess risk = excess risk x proportion of the population exposed to the
risk factor

Analogously to the excess risk among exposed individuals, the population

excess risk is a measure of the risk of disease in the study population which is
attributable to an exposure (Example 16.3). We can express the population
excess risk in relation to the total risk of the disease in the whole population.
This meaSUfe is the population excess fraction (also known as population attb-
utable fraction).

population excess risk

Population excess fraction (%) = 100 x
rate (or risk) in the total population



Chapter 16

Alternatively, it can be calculated by using the following formula:

Pe (relative risk - 1)
Population excess fraction (%) = 100 x
Pe (relative risk - 1) + 1

where Pe represents the prevalence of exposure in the population under


Population excess fraction is an important measure. It provides an

answer to the question: What proportion (fraction) of the new cases of disease
observed in the study population is attributable to exposure ta a risk factor? It
therefore indicates what proportion of the disease experience in the pop-
ulation could be prevented if exposure to the risk factor had never
occurred (Example 16.4).
Note that the excess fraction among the exposed is always greater th an
the population excess fraction, since the study population includes
already sorne unexposed people who, obviously, cannot benefit from elim-
ination of the exposure.
Sometimes it is useful to calculate the population excess fraction for a
much larger population than the study population. For instance, public
health planners are particularly interested in using data from epidemio-
logical studies conducted in subgroups of the population to estimate the
proportion of cases in a region or in a country that are attributable to a
particular exposure (Example 16.5) . ln this case, it is necessary to ob

data on the prevalence of exposure in these populations from other

Table 16.2 shows how the population excess fraction varies in relation
to the level of prevalence of the exposure in the population under study
(Pe) and the magnitude of the relative risk. It is clear that the proportion
of cases in a particular population that can be attributed to a particular
exposure depends both on the magnitude of the relative risk and on the
prevalence of the exposure in the population. For instance, tobacco smok-
ing, with a relative risk of about 5, and occupational exposure to aromat-
ic amines, with a relative risk of about 500, are implicated as causes of
bladder cancer. Despite the fact that the relative risk is mu ch smaller for
smoking than for aromatic amines, the population excess fraction is sub-

Cancer prevention

stantiaIly higher for smoking because this exposure is far commoner than
exposure to aromatic amines. It has been estimated that the population
excess fraction for smoking in England is 46% in men (Morris
on et al.,
1984), whereas the population excess fraction for aIl occupational expo-
sures (including exposure to aromatic amines) is only between 4 and 19%
(Vineis & Simonato, 1986). Thus, a much larger number of bladder cancer
cases would be prevented by eliminating smoking th
an by eliminating
occupation al exposures.
Prevalence of exposure Relative risk Table 16.2.
(Pe) (%) 2 5 Population excGss fractions for differ-
ent levels of prevalence of the expo-
10 0.09 0.29 0.47 sure and various magnitudes of the rel-
25 0.20 0.50 0.69 ative risk.
50 0.33 0.67 0.82
75 0.43 0.75 0.87
95 0.49 0.79 0.90

These measures of population impact suffer from a number of limita-

tions. Firstly, it has to be assumed that the risk factor is causally associat-
ed with the disease of interest. The criteria that may be used to assess
whether an observed association is likely to be causal were discussed in
Chapter 13. Secondly, it has to be assumed that there is no confounding
or bias in the measures of incidence among exposed and unexposed
groups. So far in our discussion we have, for simplicity, assumed that the
exposed and unexposed groups were similar except for the exposure under
study. This is rarely the case except in large randomized intervention tri-
als. ln our previous examples, for instance, we should have taken into
account differences in the age distribution between smokers and non-
smokers. This can be done by using techniques similar to those described
in Chapter 14 to calculate adjusted measures. We can then use these ad
ed measures to calculate absolute measures of effect and measures of pop-

Chapter 16

ulation impact using the same formulae as before. Thirdly, we must

remember that estimates of relative risk are generally derived from
case-control, cohort or intervention studies. These studies are often con-
ducted in special subgroups of the population such as migrants, manual
workers, etc. However, levels of exposure and intrinsic susceptibilty in
these subgroups may be quite different from those in the general popula-
tion. It is therefore important that the extrapolation of data from these
studies to other populations is undertaken with caution. For instance,
many cohort studies are based purposely on groups with exposure to
much higher levels than the general population (e.g., occupational
cohorts) and the relative risks obtained from them should not be used as
such to provide estimates of population excess fractions for other popula-
tions with much lower levels of exposure. This may be overcome if levels
of exposure are properly measured (rather than just 'exposed' versus
'unexposed') and estimates of population excess fractions take them into
We can calculate the proportion of a particular cancer in a certain pop-
ulation that is caused by diet, by alcohol, by smoking, etc. These percent-
ages may add up to more than 100%. This is because each individual cal-
culation of population excess fraction does not take into account the fact
that these risk factors interact with each other. For instance, in calculating
the proportion of laryngeal cancer due to smoking, we ignore the fact that
sorne of the cancers that occurred among smokers only occurred because
they were also exposed to alcohol.

16.2.2 Role and evaluation of primary preventive measures

Once the risk factors have been identified and their impact in the pop-
ulation estimated, it is important to consider methods to either eliminate
or reduce the exposure to them. Primary prevention involves two strate-
gies that are often complementary. It can focus on the whole population
with the aim of reducing average risk (the population strategy) or on people
at high risk (the high-risk individual strategy). Although the high-risk indi-
vidual strategy, which aims to protect susceptible individuals, is most effi-
cient for the people at greatest risk of a specific cancer, these people may
contribute little to the overall burden of the disease in the population. For
example, organ transplant patients are particularly susceptible to non-
melanoma skin cancer (Bouwes Bavinck et al., 1991). The tumour tends to
develop in highly sun-exposed areas of the body. Primary prevention cam-
paigns for organ-transplanted patients involving reduction of sun expo-
sure and sunscreen use are likely to be of great benefit to these patients,
but wil have little impact on the overall burden of disease in the popula-
tion, because organ transplant patients represent a very small proportion
of the population. ln this situation, the population strategy or a combi-
nation of both strategies should be applied.
The major advantage of the population strategy is that it is likely to pro-
duce greater benefits at the population level and does not require identIf-


Cancer prevention

cation of high-risk individuals. Its main disadvantage is that it requires the

participation of large groups of people to the benefit of relatively few. For
example, adoption by a population of measures to reduce sun exposure may
reduce the risk of skin cancer at a population level, but wil be of little
apparent benefit to most individuals, since the disease is rare even among
those exposed. This phenomenon is ca
lIed the prevention paradox (Rose,
Various approaches have been used to reduce or eliminate exposure to a
particular risk factor, sorne examples of which are given in Box 16.1.

Box 16.1., Examples of approac"e.s ,ús,ed -l~ r~d~~e or , '

, _:- : ..-' :';'elìniiriaté'expösure to á~hazärd risk fàctor' " , _'

;;,.,,::.l,,'\":_::'i::.'.':"_-,"':'-_::_:' _ ','..":".'."'~"-, ':":'.,"-', '. ". ,"'_-, ,'_ '.,:'. ._"','_.':.':';':,',_:.':'_\:'_','- '",".,
...,...,.:-..-.'._::...';..:..'...,......,:._:. '.....:.'.:.....: .......::.:.-:.. ," ...'.......: ....'.'......._.:..:...:'..-:..-.:.....:..:.-.,..

· Price regulation (e.g., imposing taxes

on cigarette and alcohol purchases).
,',' ,', ,:':.' _:,': ' "," '.,'..:: ' _,_: ,',-.. ":',
:',: O:_~::::": ::: :_,d'd_::: -: ;' ",d,':, . ,"-: - : ; ': ,:_", ,,', ' ,.." ."
................. , :,;..............._::'-,--
._.., _ d_ ,:': ,_ ":_' ,o.

. · Adveitising restrictions
(e.g., banning of tobacco advertising or forcing the print-
ing of healthWarnings on cigarette packages). '

If specific preventive measures to reduce the incidence of a particular

cancer have been adopted, it is essential to establish whether the effort has
had any positive effect. Evaluation of primary preventive efforts at the pop-
ulation level is performed mainly in terms of monitoring changes in cancer
incidence in relation to changes in exposure to risk factors. Thus, time
trends in cancer incidence may be compared with temporal changes in
exposure to a particular risk factor to show whether the desired effect is
being achieved. This is ilustrated in Figure 16.2, which shows trends in per
caput consumption of cigarettes in the USA in relation to the timing of
implementation of tobacco-control initiatives and important historical
events, and trends in lung cancer mortality.
The following issues should be taken into account when interpreting
incidence trends in relation to changes in exposure to risk factors. First, if
the downward trend started long before the introduction of the preventive
measure, it is difficult to attribute a recent decrease in incidence to the pre-
ventive measure under investigation. Second, given the long induction
period of cancer, it may take many years or even de
cades before any effect
of a preventive measure becomes apparent in incidence or mortality trends

Chapter 16

Increased marketing Fairness (except if the risk factor acts at la te stages of
of fiUer cigarettes Doctrine
begins carcinogenesis), as ilustrated in Figure 16.2.
Third, if the measures undertaken are
4000 directed to only a small fraction of the pop-
,." ulation (e.g., a region), the evaluation
~ 3000
"" should be limited to the same sub-popula-
~ tion, otherwise the effect may be missed.
u.Q' 2000
Fourth, when implementation has been
1000 confined to one area, comparisons of the
o T J 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 iiT
1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 changes in the intervention area versus
'control' areas may be possible.
Individual-based studies of subjects who
600 have adopted potentially healthier habits or
lifestyles are relatively few and were in the
Age-group (yrs)
-- 40-44
past confined mainly to the investigation of
'" -D 45-49 the risk of cancer in ex-smokers. Such stud-
~ 400
ies show a marked decline in risk, which is
ê 300
-. 6lH4 related to the time since cessation of smok-
-t 65-69
c. -- 70-74
ing, and they constitute the most powerful
10 200
--75-79 evidence for the effectiveness of stopping
-x- 80-84
-*- 85+
smoking in preventing cancer (Rose &
ColweIl, 1992; Gupta et aL., 1990). More
recently, the potential of other changes in
",'" ,,'" ",ci lifestyle (e.g., changes in diet) in cancer pri-
"-"," "-o,'ö
"- ~c:
"- "-
","1 ",'I
"- "-
mary prevention have also been (or are cur-
rently being) assessed in large intervention
FEMALES trials (e.g. Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene
160 Age-group (yrs) Cancer Prevention Study Group, 1994;
140 -- 40-44 Hennekens et aL., 1996; Omenn et aL., 1996;
-D 45-49
~ 120
,.c. -- 50-54
Chlebowski & Grosvenor, 1994).
00 -- 55-59 Individual-based studies have also helped
0 100
0 -. 60-64
s: -t 65-69 to assess the effectiveness of preventive
c. -- 70.74 measures in the workplace. For instance,
~'" 60 --75-79
a: -x- 80-84 women first employed before 1925 in the
-*- 85+ watch dial-painting industry in the USA
had greatly increased risks of mortality from
0 bone cancer and from leukaemia and other
",'ö ",'ö!d'à'"
c: '1"", fòC:
# !d'ô'" haematological diseases, but risks declined
"-"," "-"," "- "- "-0,"1 "-0,"1 "OJ "-0,'Ö
for those employed in subsequent years
Y ear of death
(Table 16.3). The reduction in risk coincided
with changes in work regulations in the
Figure 16.2. industry, which included the prohibition of
(a) Per caput consumption of cigarettes among persons aged 18 years and
over, United States of America, 1925-90 (repraduced fram US Department of tipping or pointing of brushes between the
Health and Human Services, 1991) and (b) age-specifie mortaliy trends fram lips in 1925-26 (Figure 16.3). These mea-
Jung cancer, United States of America, 1950-89 (repraduced fram Gilliland &
Samet, 1994).
sures greatly reduced the exposure of the
workers to radium.

Cancer prevention

Year of first Bone cancer Leukaemia and blood diseases Table 16.3.
employment SMR (O/E)b Observed no. SMR (O/E)b Observed no. Mortality of women employed in US
of cases (0) of cases (0) watch dial-painting industry and fol-
1915-19 233** 7 lowed to end of 1975, by year of first
7.4* 2
1920-24 154** employment. a
20 3.3* 4
1 925-29 10 1 1.0 1
a Data fram Polednak et al. (1978)
b Expected numbers derived fram cause-specifie mortality rates for US white females
* P.: 0.05; ** P.: 0.001.

Other approaches to primary prevention are being evaluated, such as the

use of mass vaccination campaigns (e.g., hepatitis B vaccine against lIver
cancer (Gambia Hepatitis Study Group, 1987)) and of chemoprevention
(e.g., tamoxifen in prevention of breast cancer in high-risk women (Powles
et aL., 1994)).

16.3 Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention refers to detection of cancer at an early stage, when
treatment is more effective than at the time of usual diagnosis and treat-
ment. With such measures it is possible to prevent the progression of the
disease and its complications (including death).

16.3.1 Screening
Screening represents an important component of secondary preven-
tion. It involves application of a relatively simple and inexpensive test to
asymptomatic subjects In order to classify them as being likely or unlike-
ly to have the disease which is the object of the screen. The positive cases
can then be subjected to conventional diagnostic procedures and, if nec-
essary, given appropriate treatment. Screening activities are based on the
assumption that early detection and treatment wil retard or stop the pro-
gression of established cases of disease, while later treatment is likely to be
less effective. The ultimate objective of screening for a particular cancer is
to reduce mortality from that disease among the subjects screened. Figure 16.3.
The concept of screening is not as straightforward as it may at first New York newspaper cartoon alluding
to the radium poisoning of watch dial
appear, however. Early treatment does not always improve prognosis and, painters
even if it does, the true benefits of any type of screening have to be
assessed In relation to its risks and costs and in relation to the benefits that
may be derived from other public health activities. The final value of any
screening programme can be established only by rigorous evaluation.
Any cancer screening activity requires (1) a suitable disease; (2) a suit-
able test and (3) a suitable screening programme.

Suitable disease
To be suitable for control by a programme of early detection and treat-
ment, a disease must pass through a pre-clinical phase during which it is
detectable (see Figure 16.1), and early treatment must offer sorne advan-
tage over later treatment. ObviouslYJ there is no point in screening for a

Chapter 16

disease that cannot be detected before symptoms bring it to medical atten-

tion and, if early treatment is not especially helpful, there is no point in
early detection.

Detectable pre-clínical phase

The pre-clinical phase of a cancer starts with the biological onset of the
disease (point A in Figure 16.1). The disease then progresses and reaches a
point at which it can be detected by the screening test (point B in Figure
16.1). From this point onwards, the pre-clinical phase of the disease is sa id
to be 'detectable'. The starting point of this detectable pre-clinical phase
depends partly on the characteristics of the individual and partly on the
characteristics of the test being used. A test which can detect a very 'early'
stage of the cancer is associated with a longer detectable pre-clinical phase
than a test which can detect only more advanced lesions.
The proportion of a population that has detectable pre-clinical disease
(its prevalence) is an important determinant of the utilty of screening in
controllng the disease. If the prevalence is very low, too few cases wil be
detected to justify the costs of the screening programme. At the time of
initial screening, the prevalence of the pre-clinical phase is determined by
its incidence and its average duration (recall the discussion on prevalence
in Section 4.2). ln subsequent screening examinations, however, the
prevalence of the pre-clinical phase is determined mainly by its incidence,
the duration being relatively un important if the interval between exami-
nations is short. Therefore, the number of cases detected by the pro-
gramme is greatest at the first screening examination, while the shorter
the interval between examinations, the lower the number of cases detect-
ed per examination (and the higher the cost per case detected).

Early treatment
For screening to be of benefit, treatment given during the detectable
pre-clinical phase must result in a lower mortality th an therapy given after
symptoms develop. For example, cancer of the uterine cervix develops
slowly, ta king perhaps more than a decade for the cancer ceIls, which are
initially confined to the outer layer of the cervix, to progress to a phase of
invasiveness. During this pre-invasive stage, the cancer is usually asymp-
tomatic but can be detected by screening using the Papanicolaou (or Pap)
smear test. The prognosis of the disease is mu ch better if treatment begins
during this stage than if the cancer has become invasive.
On the other hand, if early treatment makes no difference because the
prognosis is equaIly good (or equally bad) whether treatment is begun
before or after symptoms develop, the application of a screening test wil
be neither necessary nor effective and it may even be harmful (see below).

Relative burden of disease

Prevalence, incidence or mortality rates can be used to assess whether a
cancer has suffcient public health importance to warrant instituting a
Cancer prevention

screening programme. Even if a disease is very rare but it is very serious

and easily preventable, it may be worth screening for it. The final judge-
ment wil depend on the benefits, costs and cost/benefit ratio in relation
to other competing health care needs.

Suitable test
For a screening programme to be successful, it must be directed at a suit-
able disease with a suitable test. ln order to assess the suitability of a
screening test, it is necessary to consider its validity and acceptabilty.

The preliminary assessment of a screening test should involve studies of
its reliability, which is evaluated as intra- and inter-observer variation (see
Section 2.6). Although even perfect reliabilty does not ensure validity, an

. Box 1.6.~. ~en~itivity, ''Specificity Clnd .predictive value, ,

. . " of a screening test _
Screening test Positive
c b
Positive Negative
Gord standard

'\. True positives = a False positives = b

True negatives = d False negatives = c
::~~::.:,,:;,_,,:d(:,. :,:",,~';:_:',,_::i":,',i,\"Y,/, ,'. ',' :::::'::"_'" ::':':, _",-, _:"" ,__':'_"'_,,: ":"_':"'_'" :'_ ,:0":,;
',;:' ,', .:_,'_':, "':'\::"',,'_
',:':", ._';--'-'-::,-,,"':"-,
,.... -- . ", ""_.', -- ',..' ".... . . -,..-.......,.. ..'........"........,...." ," -", ", ,'- "",- -' - . -, . ' ,,_ ,',:';, .;'.,' :',: '_', ::,_"_::,_"_:_::_ ,,' ,_: _:'.,::,_.., ;,;_,.','_,'-',

, '... The sensitivityof the screening test ìs the proportion of individuals c1assified as
'positivesbythegold standard whO are correctly identified by the screening test:
.._....,'.... c._.....,.. .....,.;.. ',:. ..:.,

Sensitivity =aI(a +c) .

Chapter 16

unreliable test wil not be sufficiently valid to be of use. On the other

hand, a test that is highly valid must be highly reliable.
The validity of the screening test can be expressed by its sensitivity and
specificity. These measure the abilty of the
(a) Cut-off test to identify correctly diseased and non-
diseased people (see Box 16.2 and Section
Oisease- 2.6 for a review of the concepts). ln the ideal
., free
a. situation, tests would be 100% sensitive and
Q; 100% specifie. ln this perfect situation, the
distribution of the screening test results
affected among individuals with the disease is com-
pletely separated from the distribution in
Negative healthy individuals. ln Figure 16.4(a), every-
Screening test
results one affected by the disease wil have a test
result which is above a chosen cut-off value
located between the se two distributions.
(b) Cut-off
Unfortunately, reality is more complex. ln
value general, the distributions of the screening

test results in the disease-free and diseased
free subjects overlap (Figure 16.4(b)). ln these
Õ situations, the location of the cut-off value
.a to classify screening test results as positive
z Oisease- or negative is arbitrary. ln Figure 16.4(b),
sorne disease-affected subjects, having val-
ues below the chosen cut-off value, wil be
__ Negative Positive
results results missed by the screening test, whereas sorne
Screening test disease-free people wil be wrongly classified
as positive. Thus, there is generaIly a trade-
Figure 16.4. off between the sensitivity and specificity of a given screening test; its ab il-
Distribution of results from a screening ity to detect as many true cases as possible (high sensitivity) can only be
test in disease-free and disease-
affected individuals: (a) ideal distribu-
increased at the expense of an increase in the number of individuals with-
tion without overlap; (b) overlap of the out the disease who wil erroneously be classified as positive by the screen-
distributions with the inevitable trade- ing test (low specificity) and vice versa (see Section 2.6.1 for a numerical
off of sensitivity and specificity. ln this
example, where the screening test example of this).
tends to give higher values for people Sensitivity is an indicator of the yield of cases (i.e., the number of truly
with the disease than for those without diseased cases identified by the programme), whereas specificity is an indi-
it, moving the eut-off value to the left
(Le., lowering its value) increases sen-
cator of the number of false-positive test results. Although one would like
sitivity but decreases specificity; mov- to detect aIl the subjects with the disease in a screening programme by
ing it to the right (Le., increasing its
value) increases specificity but
using a test with a maximum sensitivity, such a policy might lead to an
decreases sensitivity. unacceptably low specificity, entailng high costs because of the need for
further investigation of large numbers of false positives and a risk of poor
motivation of subjects to participate in subsequent screening examina-
tions. Hence, the choice of the cut-off point depends on the relative costs
of false positives and false negatives.
ln practice, however, it is difficult to estimate the sensitivity of the
test, since it is not possible to apply a 'gold standard test' to the screened

Cancer prevention

population to find out the total number of diseased subjects (a + c in

Box 16.2). The screening test gives us only the value of a, that is, the
number of persons who had a positive screening test and were con-
firmed to have the condition after further diagnostic evaluation. The
usual approach to estimating sensitivity is to follow up subjects (usual-
ly for one year) having negative screening results, in order to observe
how many cancers eventually develop among them. These 'intervaI'
cases are regarded as false negatives (c). The sensitivity of the screening
test can then be calculated as usual. However, the value of this approach
is limited since it is difficult to achieve complete foIlow-up and because
sorne of the 'interval'cancers may have been true negatives at the time
of the screening examination (Le., very fast-growing tumours).
It is easier to estimate specificity if the screening is aimed at a rare
condition such as cancer. Practically aH those screened (N) are disease-
free and thus N can be used to estimate the total number of people not
affected by the condition (b + d in Box 16.2). Since aIl screen-positive
subjects are further investigated, the number of false positives (b in Box
16.2) is also known and, therefore, the number of true negatives (d in
Box 16.2) can be calculated as N - b. Specificity can then be estimated
as (N - b)/N.

A ccep tabilit y and costs

ln addition to having adequate validity, a screening test should be low
in cost, convenient, simple and as painless as possible, and should not
cause any complications. Many screening tests meet these criteria-the
Pap smear test for cervical.precancerous lesions is a good example. ln
contrast, although sigmoidoscopic screening might lead to a reduction
in mortality from colon cancer, it is question
ch a test
able whether su

would be acceptable because of the expense, the discomfort and the risk
of bowel perforation.

Suitable screening programme

The organized application of early diagnosis and treatment activities
in large groups is often designated as mass screening or population screen-
ing, and the set of procedures involved described as a screening pro-
A screening programme must encompass a diagnostic and a thera-
peutic compone nt, because early detection that is not followed by treat-
ment is useless for disease control. The diagnostic component includes
the screening policy and the procedures for diagnostic evaluation of
people with positive screening test results. The screening policy should
specify precisely who is to be screened, at what age, at what frequency,
an fixed. The
with what test, etc., and it should be dynamic rather th

therapeutic component is the process by which confirmed cases are

treated. It should also be dynamic and be regulated by strict universal
procedures which offer the best current treatment to aU identifed cases.


Chapter 16

A screening programme is a complex undertaking involving the appli-

cation of a particular test to a particular population in a particular setting.
Circumstances vary in different countries, and it should not be assuffed
that a format suitable for one country wil apply to another without rig-
orous prior testing and evaluation. Box 16.3 lists the essential features of
an organized screening programme.

Box 16.3. Essential features of á,n organized screeriing,

.',' : '"programme,;,. ,:~: , " " ' ,~-," .'
, ",':. ,',','.'. '-,"-'-. ":",- ,.'-

· There isaclear definitió~of the t~rgetPoPulation. .

. ':. __ ' _, ,'" "-,'-
.-, _' C'",,,-,,.,-, ',' ,_'--,-
" -,_, _' - '. ,,', '," :'"'"-',-"
,_ ",_" "',' , ,,"','
'''',,- ,,'.'-
," ': ,"".-
.'".' :_' .,..',--
\', ",':", .'_",.',-.:."
.:. ,_,' ; - ",',--",,-.
,', _:;:" _'-',"'''''''',-.' '. .'_',' ," :., ':" ,".- ,', ,,' ,', ,'~' ",,: _"~'_ ._, '" ,,' .'_ ,
,.~: ,::.-,- _': " _,

· The. individuals. ta' be' screened are. identifiable (e;g.,list with names and'
addresses.ofalleligible individuals in the.tárgetpopulátion)~'

"'---':,--- "'-.,'.', --.'/.,-:.',. "":":':,:':,-'",,,.,,:,-,,,: ',',,"

.- . '- .-,',,-, ,-,','-:'co'
,,"', '- "'" ,,' "'. ,:-- " ",-;, ..
'_ ,-,__''''','.-, " __;'. _;"', """"_,, ',_",''''C'_:_'_''' "_', "_:'"
."-' - ,,".- ";, ..,'---, '--', --,'," '-'-' '- ",-- ',-"-' --'-"'.::
"':', "'-/-:"-':"';':" ,-:,:',';',-",,",,--, -"':,",,',':-,'- ""-- ',-:,
· There areadequate field faciliiesfor collectingthe. screeningmaterial and ade-
quate laboratory facilitie~ to examine iL'"
"-", ..... . -'-: " ._,,-: '-'- ". "-- -'-"::,,,,:'..,-,: . .-;:'
;", :,",_:"'_:""',',

· There ¡san organized quality-control.progràmme to assess the screen material'

and its interpretation. .

.;._-:.'_:._''--.:':,'''''''''-: :_:"'_-"'//C'::'¿'/""_-:-":'" "_:._,
'" " ,_---:'-"',,-,",,.,-".--,;:-,'":-;,;:
'''..,'-:'',' ,-,":;-- - -, ' "_1:',,- .-,,, ." ''-,:' ":~ ;", .. .:, -::

...,...'(mOdiri~dfr6~ Håkårn

16.3.2 Evaluation of screening programmes

Even after a disease is determined to be appropriate for screening and a
valid test becomes available, it wil remain unclear whether a widespread
screening programme for that disease should be implemented in a partic-
ular population. It is therefore necessary to evaluate a potential screening
programme to assess whether it is worth introducing it as a public health

Cancer prevention

measure to control a particular cancer. This involves consideration of two

issues: first, whether the organization of the proposed programme is feasi-
hIe and cast-effective (low cost per case detected), and second, whether it
wil be effective in reducing the burden of the disease. Both must be consid-
ered carefully. The implementation of a screening programme, no matter
how cost-effective, wil not be warranted if it does not accomplish its goal
of reducing morbidity and mortality in the target population.

Process measures
The feasibilty, acceptabilty and costs of a programme may be evaluated
by process measures, which are related to the administrative and organiza-
tional aspects of the programme such as identification of the target popu-
lation, number of persons examined, proportion of the target population
examined, facilities for diagnosis and treatment in the health services,
functioning of the referral system and its compliance, total costs, cost per
case detected, etc. The major advantage of these process measures is that
they are readily obtained and are helpful in monitoring the activity of the
programme. Their main limitation is that they do not provide any indica-
tion of whether those screened have lower mortality from the cancer being
targetted by the programme than those who were not screened.
A particularly useful process measure is the predictive value of a positive
test. The predictive positive value (PPV) represents the proportion of per-
sons found to have the disease in question after further diagnostic evalu-
ation out of aIl those who were positive for the screening test (a/(a+b) in
Box 16.2). A high PPV suggests that a reasonably high proportion of the
costs of a programme are in fact being spent for the detection of disease
during its pre-clinical phase. A low PPV suggests that a high proportion of
the costs are being wasted on the detection and diagnostic evaluation of
false positives (people whose screening result is positive but did not appear
to have the disease on subsequent diagnostic investigation). It is impor-
tant to emphasize, however, that the PPV is a proportional measure; a high
PPV might be obtained even if the frequency of case detection is unac-
ceptably low. For instance, the PPV may be 80% indicating that 80% of
those who screened positive were truly diseased. However, if only 10 sub-
jects screen positive, the number of cases detected by the programme wil
be only 8! The main advantage of this measure is that it is available soon
after the screening programme is initiated and, in contrast to sensitivity,
no foIlow-up is necessary for it to be estimated.
The PPV of a screening test depends upon both the number of true pos-
itives a and the number of false positives b (see Box 16.2). Thus, it can be
increased by either increasing the number of true positives or decreasing
the number of false positives. The number of true positives may be
increased by increasing the prevalence of detectable pre-clinical disease,
for instance, by screening less frequently so as to maintain the prevalence
of pre-clinical disease in the target population at a higher leveL The num-
ber of false positives may be reduced by increasing the specificity of the

Chapter 16

test, that is, by changing the criterion of positivity or by repeating the

screening test after a positive test. A low PPV is more likely to be the result
of poor specificity than of poor sensitivity. It is the specificity of a test that
determines the number of false positives in people without the disease,
who are the vast majority of people tested in virtually any programme.
The sensitivity is less important for a rare disease because it operates on
fewer people. By contrast, a small loss of specificity can lead to a large
increase in the number of false positives, and a large loss of ppv.

Effectiveness in reducing mortality

The second, and definitive, aspect of evaluating a screening programme
is whether it is effective in reducing morbidity and mortality from the dis-
ease being screened. Even if a screening programme wil accurately and
inexpensively identify large numbers of individuals with pre-clinical dis-
ease, it wil have little public health value if early diagnosis and treatment
do not have an impact on the ultimate outcome of those cases.
Obtaining an accurate estimate of a reduction in mortality requires a
long-term follow-up of large populations. Consequently, intermediate out-
come measures such as stage at diagnosis and survival (case-fatality) have
been used which may be available in the early years of a screening pro-
gramme. For example, in a successful screening
Screening Screening
examination examination programme, the stage distribution of the cancers
A B detected should be shifted towards the less
advanced stages and the risk of dying from can-
cer (case-fatality) should be lower for cases detect-
ed through screening than for symptom-diag-
A B nosed cases.
1- There are, however, critical shortcomings asso-

f- A B ciated with the use of these intermediate end-
points. Absence of a change in the parameters
may mean that the screening is not successful,
but they do not provide an adequate measure of
evaluation because they suffer from a number of
biases, namely, length bias, lead-time bias and
Time -+ overdiagnosis bias.

Figure 16.5. (a) Length bias. Length bias refers to the phenomenon occurring when
Diagram iIustrating length bias (see cases detected by a screening programme are not a random sample from
text). Each line represents a case tram
the point where it becomes detectable
the general distribution of aIl cases of pre-clinical disease in the screened
by the screening test (A) to the point population. This is likely to happen when screening tests are applied at
where c1inical symptoms or signs occur moderately long intervals (say once every 2-5 years), so that cases with a
long pre-clinical phase are more likely to be detected than those with
faster-growing tumours (Figure 16.5). Hence, the cases detected by screen-
ing may be those with lesions having a more favourable prognosis, while
cases with similar onset date but more rapid disease progression are detect-
ed by clinical symptoms. The resulting length bias could le ad to an erro-

Cancer prevention

neous conclusion that screening was beneficial when, in fact, observed dif-
ferences in survival (case-fatality) were a result merely of the detection of
less rapidly fatal cases through screening.

(b) Lead-time bias. If an individual participates

in a screening programme and has disease (a) Screened group
I~ Date of screening

an it would have been in the

detected earlier th 1

absence of screening, the amount of time by 1


which diagnosis is advanced as a result of 1


screening is the lead time. Since screening is Alive

applied to asymptomatic individuals, by defini- 1

tion every case detected by screening wil have 1

1 1 1
had its diagnosis advanced by sorne amount of -1 0 1 2 3 4
Time (years)
time. Whether the lead time is a matter of days,
months, or years, however, wil vary according (b) Unscreened group
I~ Date of onset of symptoms/signs
to the disease, the individual, and the screening 1
procedure. Cases progressing rapidly from pre- 1

clinical to clinical disease wil gain less lead time 1

" Dead
from screening than those that develop slowly, 1
with a long pre-clinical phase. The amount of 1
1 Dead
lead time wil also de pend on how soon the 1
1 1 1
screening is performed after the pre-clinical -1 0 1 2 3 4
Time (years)
phase becomes detectable. Because of the lead-
time phenomenon, the point of diagnosis is advanced in time and survival
Figure 16.6.
as measured from diagnosis is automatically lengthened for cases detected Diagram illustrating lead-time bias. The
by screening, even if totallength of life is not increased. This is referred as Iines represent the survival experience
lead-time bias. of each cancer case in the screened
and unscreened groups (see text).
Suppose that 100 individuals were screened for a particular cancer for
which there is no effective treatment. On average, the test succeeds in
identifying the cancer one year before it becomes clinically evident. A sim-
Har unscreened group of 100 patients was also assembled. These two
groups were followed up for five years and five pers
ons were detected as
having this cancer in each of them.
Let us examine the survival experience of the five cases in each of the
groups. The course of their ilness is shown in Figure 16.6. The 1.S-year
survival for the screened group is 100% (aIl of them were stil alive 1.5 year
after being screened), whereas the 1.S-year survival for the unscreened
group was only 80% (one case died one year after the onset of symptoms),
even though the two groups have the same duration of survival (given our
initial assumption of no effective treatment).
The problem with this analysis is that the starting point for monitoring
survival is different between the screened and unscreened cases, always to
the apparent detriment of the cases detected without screening. The
appropriate approach is to compare the mortality experience of the 100
screened people with the mortality experience of the 100 unscreened peo-


,f \.."..,

Chapter 16

pIe (rom the time o( screening. ln the above example, the mortality rate in
the screened group is two deaths in 496 person-years (98 persons x 5 years,
plus 1 person x 4 years, plus 1 person x 2 years). The rate is the same in
the unscreened group, since the number of person-years, counted from
the time the screening would have taken place had it been done, is iden-
tical to that for the screened group.
There are two ways in which the effect of lead time on the evaluation
of the efficacy of a screening programme can be taken into account. The
first is to compare not the length of survival from diagnosis to death, but
rather the mortality rates in the screened and unscreened groups (as done
in the above example). Alternatively, if the lead time for a given disease
can be estimated, it can be taken into account, allowing comparison of the
survival experience of screen- and symptom-detected cases. For example,
the average lead time for breast cancer has been estimated as approxi-
mately one year (Shapiro et aL., 1974). Thus, to evaluate the effcacy of a
breast cancer screening programme, the two-, three-, four-, five- and six-
year survival risks of the screened cases should be compared, respectively,
with the one-, two-, tluee-, four- and five-year survival risks of the
unscreened cases. However, determinations of lead time are diffcult to
carry out and cannot be generalized, since they depend on the ability of
the screening procedure to detect pre-clinical conditions.

(c) Overdiagnosis. It is possible that many of the lesions detected by the

screening programme wou Id never have led to invasive cancer and death.
These lesions are known as 'pseudo-cancer'. Thus, the true benefit of iden-
tifying pre-clinicallesions through screening may be much smaller than is

ln short, although intermediate outcome measures, such as stage distri-

bution and case fatality (survival), may appear to be suitable as surrogate
endpoints in a screening programmer they are subject to lead time bias,
length bias and overdiagnosis bias. Thus, the ultmate outcome measure
which should be evaluated in screening programmes aimed at detecting
early cancer (e.g., breast and colon cancer screening) is reduction in mor-
tality. When screening is aimed at detecting both pre-cancerous condi-
tions and early cancers (e.g., cervical cancer screening), reduction in the
incidence of invasive cancer and reduction in mortality are suitable out-
come measures. This implies that any screening programme should be
planned in such a way that its evaluation in terms of change in mortality
(and incidence) in the total target population is possible.
An ilustration of how intermediate outcomes may be misleading is
given in Example 16.6. ln this example, intermediate outcomes seemed
to indicate that the use of chest X-ray and cytology was effective in lung
cancer screening. However, no reduction in mortality was observed.
Similar results have consistently been found in aIl randomized trials that
have addressed this issue.


Cancer prevention

Studies to evaluate the effectiveness of a screening programme

Intervention studies
The randomized trial is the best study design for evaluating the effec-
tiveness of a screening programme, because it provides the opportunity for
a rigorous experimental evaluation. When the sam
pIe size is suffciently
large, control of confounding is virtually assured by the process of ran-
domization. Patient self-selection or volunteer bias, which is problematic
for the comparison of screened and unscreened groups in observational
studies, cannot influence the validity of the results of randomized trials,
since the screening programme is allocated at random by the investigators
after individuals have agreed to participate in the triaL.
There are various problems with randomized trials, however. First, there
can be contamination of the control group (awareness of the screening
programme may lead subjects in the control group to seek screening).
Second, a large number of subjects may be required in screening trials for
diseases with low incidence rate, such as most cancers, and/or if the trial
is designed to show small benefits (as in Example 16.7): Third, it may be
unacceptable to randomize sorne subjects to be non-screened if a screen-
ing programme has already been introduced despite the lack of experi-
mental evidence (e.g., screening for cervical cancer).

Observational studies
While randomized trials can provide the best and most valid evidence
conceming the effcacy of a screening programme, as with the evaluation
of etiological hypotheses, most evidence on the effects of screening pro-

Chapter 16

grammes wil come from the non-experimental study designs because of

issues of costs, ethics and feasibilty. Especially in the numerous situations
where randomized trials are not possible, such as with weIl established
procedures like the Pap smear, observational approaches can provide use-
fuI and necessary information. Interpretation of the results from these
studies is less straightforward, however.
Ecological studies have been used to examine trends in disease rates
in relation to screening frequencies within a population, or to com-
pare the relationship between the frequencies of screening and disease
rates for different populations (as in Example 16.8). Such studies can
be useful in suggesting that a relationship exists between screening
and a decline in morbidity or mortality, but the inherent limitations
of ecological studies must be borne in mind. First, since the informa-
tion from such studies concerns populations rather than individuals,
it is not possible to establish that those experiencing the decreased
mortality are in fact the same pers ons who were screened (the ecolog-
ical fallacy; see Section 11.2.2). Moreover, such studies cannot allow
for control of potential confounding factors. FinaIly, the measure of
screening frequency employed is usually an average value for the pop-
ulation, so that it is not possible to determine an optimal screening
strategy for an individual. Thus, ecological studies may suggest the

Figure 16.7.
Change in cervical cancer mortality
between 1950-54 and 1965-69 in rela-
tion to estimated average annual per-
centage of women aged 19 years and
over screened during 1953-68, by
state of the USA. The stars indicate the
less populous states (Le., accumulated
female population aged 19 years or
over of Jess than five millon during the
study period) (reproduced, by permis-
sion of Wiley-Liss Inc., a subsidiary of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., trom Cramer,



Cancer prevention

possibilty of a benefit of a screening programme, but they cannot test

that hypothesis.
Cohort studies require long-term foIlow-up of screened and unscreened
subjects. However, in interpreting the results of such studies, the potential
effects of self-selection of participants must be taken into account
(Example 16.9).

ln cohort studies such as that described in Example 16.9, the people

undergoing screening are not chosen randomly and individuals who
choose to be screened may differ both from those who refuse screening
and from the population at large (selection bias). These volunteers may
have very different prognoses compared with their unscreened counter-
parts. ln general, volunteers tend to have better health and lower mortal-
ity rates than the general population and are more likely to adhere to pre-
scribed medical regimens. On the other hand, those who volunteer for a
screening programme may represent the 'worried weW, that is, asympto-
matic individuals who are at higher risk of developing the disease because
of medical or family history, or any number of lifestyle characteristics.
Such individu aIs may have an increased risk of mortality regardless of the
efficacy of the screening programme. The direction of the potential selec-
tion bias may be difficult to predict and the magnitude of such effects
even more dificult to quantify.
Case-control studies of screening involve comparison of the screening
histories of subjects who do, or do not, exhibit the outcome which screen-
ing aims to prevent (de ath from cancer or incidence of invasive disease).
Although case-control studies are increasingly used to evaluate screening
programmes, they cannot replace experimental studies because they are
liable to confounding and bias (for instance, cases may differ from con-
troIs in their abilty to recall past screening). However, once a form of
screening is widespread, case-control studies may make use of existing
records so that recall bias should not arise. The first study of this kind


Chapter 16

compared the history of Pap smear screening in 212 hospital cases of inva-
sive cervical cancer with age-matched neighbourhood controls (Clarke &
Anderson, 1979). Fewer cases than controls had received a Pap smear dur-
ing the five years before the year of diagnosis. The risk of invasive cervical
cancer among women who had not had a Pap smear was about three times
that of women who were screened, after controllng for socioeconomic
status. The authors attempted to examine the impact of potential recall
bias by comparing the data obtained through a sample of personal inter-
views with data from physicians' records. There was no evidence that the
information obtained during the interviews was affected by recall bias.
- -", -, '- - . ,-- --, - '-.,,',-
: :_'., , ',- -, ,,:' -
- - '" '-,':,-,
-- ' -,' .:: .',-'.', -
,-', -~',

Example16.10. ln Cali (Colombia); screeningforcelVI '

offred to aIl sexuaIly,active w()men and routinelyperfi "
, cltnics since the la te 1960s. To evaluate the,roleof F'àp smear, i' " " ,
'invdsivecarcinoma orthe cervixin thispopulation, a case-:côntrol ',. '"
carried out. A total of 204 cases withnewlydiagnosed invasive cë ' .' .ri'-
cer duringthe years 1977-81 wereidentified throughtheCalipopÌlJation~, ,'.
based cancer registr and successfuIly interviewed. ForeachdC '..' f ;äneigh- ·
. bourhood control matched toyear ofbirthofthe casti: 2 y .,' . bt(
ed. Cases and con troIs were interviewed about history ofPap
formed for screening pur
poses during the period 12-72 mon'
date on whích the case,was diagnosed. Examinationsperforre
months of diagnosis were ignored because they were likèly ta '
disease-related. For each control, the inquiry covered the sam
interval as that of the matchingcase, as determined by.her.
sis. The riskof developing invasive carcinoma was lOti '. " .
, unscreened than in screened women (Aristizabal et aL., 1984). "

The use of case-control studies to evaluate screening programmes raises

sorne special methodological issues. Tests done for diagnostic rather than
screening purposes should not be considered and, for the controls, the
screening history should be restricted up to the time of diagnosis of the case
(as in Example 16.10) to ensure that cases and controls are fully comparable
with respect to period of exposure to screening.
Case-control studies can be set up as an integral part of established
screening programmes, in order ta assess the screening policy (e.g., the age
at which screening should be initiated or stopped, or the optimal frequency
of screening).

16.3.3 Targeting high-risk groups

One way of reducing the costs of a screening programme is to target the
screening towards groups of individuals at higher than average risk of devel-
oping the disease of interest. Most cancer screening programmes are limited
to certain age-groups. For instance, it is not worth screening women un der
age 40 for breast cancer, because very few cases occur at these ages.

Cancer prevention

Screening programmes can also be targeted exclusively to high-risk

groups defined on the basis of factors su ch as family history, medical histo-
ry or occupation. For instance, targeting breast cancer screening pro-
grammes exclusively to women with a positive family history would
increase the proportion of cases detected among screened women, but the
large majority of cases in the population would be missed since they occur
among people without a family history of this disease. Thus, restricting a
screening programme to selected high-risk groups is useful only if a sub-
stantial fraction of aIl the cases in a population occur in these high-risk

16.4 Tertiary prevention

Tertiary prevention consists of alleviation of disabilty resulting from disease
in order to improve the outcome of ilness among affected individuals. It
includes not only the treatment itself, but also aIl rehabiltation attempts to
restore an affected individual to a useful, satisfying, and, where possible, self-
sufficient role in society.
Randomized clinical trials are the only acceptable method to evaluate can-
cer treatments (see Chapter 7). However, data from population-based cancer
registries may provide a more representative picture for evaluating compre-
hensive cancer care in a particular population, since they wil include aIl can-
cer cases in the population regardless of the treatment they might or might
not have received. These issues are further discussed in Section 17.6.2.

Chapter 16

Further reading
',-~,_:~'- - '- ,':," ': 'Box:16.4/(G'ónt.)"-:.' -',', ';~,
_ ~ _-: _ v '", ~ - ~ ,r -_ " ~ ~ - _ _~- _~ ~,:, ~, J ~. .
* A comprehensive discussion of
cancer screening programmes is
· Screenínt¡ involves the use of a simple and inexpensive test tc) detect early
stages of cancer at which treatment' is more effectiv~ than at,the .time of usual diag-
given in Cole & Morrison (1978).
nosis. Mass screening programmes should only be ,directed towards the control of
cancers for which there is àn effective treatment that wil reduce mortality,if applied
at early stages. There should also be valid, inexpensive and acceptable tests for the
detection of the cancer at early stages.

· The performance of a screening test In terms of its acceptabilty, feasibility and costs
can be monitored by process measures related to the administrative and organiza-
tional aspects of the programme' (e.g., proportion of the target population examined,
functioning Qf the referralsysterr, cost percase detected, etc.): Predictive value of a
positve te~t. is a particularly' useful measure, because ' it . provides an indication of'
whether most of the effort of the programme is being used to identity cases at an early
stage or whether they are mainlywasted on the evaluation of false positives. Although
process measuresare useful for monitoring the àctivity of the programme they do not'
indicate whether those screened wil have.lower mortality than those'not screened.

· The ultimate outcome measure to be used in evaluating the effectiveness of a screen-

ing programme aimed at detecting early cancer (e.g. mammography) ìs reduction in
mortality. When the programme is aimed at detecting. both pre-cancerous conditions
and early cancer (e:g., Pap-smear screening), reduction in the incidence of invasive
cancer and mortality,are suita.ble outcome measures. 'Intermedíate out-
come measures such as stage distribution and case-fatality (survival) have alsQ been
used, butalthough they give an indication of whether the programme is Iikely to be
'effective, thèy are sLibject to length bias, lead time bias andoverdiagnosis bias.
,_ --"': ,_" ", _ _,' ,-- -','0-:___:-:
'_',' -,' '-_
,-:. "'::' _':' __::d: -,- ,,-'-,.-:,--' '-'___:::_,:-",,::--:
- -, ., -_:_' . --.'-"..._'-_ _ _'_':'--_":' ,

· The effectiveness of a screening programme should ìdeally be assessed by con-

ducting a randomized intervention triaL. ln practice, most of the evidence on the
effects of screening programmes comesfrom observational studies. .

Appendix 16.1
Calculation of absolute
measures of exposure
effect and measures of
population impact in
case-control studies
ln population-based case-control studies in which the incidence rate
in the total population of interest is known and the distribution of
exposure among the controls is assumed to be representative of the
whole population, these parameters can be used to estimate inci-
dence rates in the exposed and unexposed groups.
A population contains a mix of exposed and unexposed people.
Thus, the overall incidence rate (r) of the disease in a population is
equal to the weighted average of the incidence rates in its exposed (ri)
and unexposed (ro) groups, the weights being the proportions of indi-
viduals in each group. Suppose that a proportion Pe of the population
is exposed to the factor under study. Thus, the proportion of unex-
posed people in that population is equal to (1 - Pe). Hence, the rate
in the population wil be

r = riPe + ro (1 - Pe)

Since the relative risk (estimated by the odds ratio (OR) in

case-control studies) is the ratio of the incidence rates among the
exposed and unexposed, the incidence rate among the exposed (ri)
ilembers of a population is equal to the relative risk times the rate in
the unexposed (OR x To). Hencei

r = (ro x OR x Pe) + ro (1 - Pe)

= ro ((OR x Pe) + (1 - Pe))

ro =
(OR x Pe) + (1 - Pe)

Once the incidence rate among the unexposed is de

d, it can

be multiplied by the odds ratio to provide an estimate of the incidence

ailong the exposed. Given these two incidence rates (ri and ro), the
excess Tisk and the ex en be calculated as usuaI.
cess fraction can th

Appendix 16.1

'. ,".. '..,

, '.... ;" ,..,. ,.....', .,.',' .
16.1. ln al1yp opur . 'se~cdntrofstud~'
inL()ndon, casé ' 'e~1loreJiAélr t~
edcigarettesre (.ri .. n without.
,.: ,,'
..' " ..,'
, , ' .' ..' ~ '.'
r; T1epopi'~~n .was 4p ,
Opyis', ,an¿ am Ols 600/.
" .'. . '. ", ". , .
'. '. '. ,.." ,,' '. ,": .',',.:. ,. . :, "
. 40per 100000pyrs ,'..~, '~_.:.~ .... ' , ,.'. .
(9 x
' . . '11 ,; '. 0.6)
+ (1 6/)perlOO ooop
, ,', . . ..'
,"', '. . ,'.
,,', '. .,
, '. , . '.. .....,.,.., ," ,'.. . . ". ".'

\ '1 ~"_.M "'1 ".,'"

9x6.9perl0?~ .":. '...".,...
. '.
essnsk ~62:1_ '. ",' '., ,._ ," c' "

~n .'.,..., '.;;".,....,...".'" . ..'..',...,.. , ','

ess fractin (%) 'J /62.1per.100000 pyrs) = 89% , "

.~. ..' .,", . . "'. '; ..., .......,. '.... '., .'"..' ,... .-
tthe exceSi fraètion.:cO Uldaa.:.,:~.J ,~,' een ",~latea by using the
en mSection 16..:2__:.:-1: .'..' " . ' ,... : "
." ...' ' '...
'..' '.....
": " .'. .,.'
'.',' .
,'.. ,..... "...'~,...'...(Q ".
essfractlOn (%)=100x ,,',
,,' .,.. ,." '.. ,...".'.'.., . '
'.' .,' ": '.
ess. Fraction
fI' . " (%)::JOOx
,...:., . ," ,,=89%
" .., .',
, J9" ,.' H .'.'.','"
, , ".' "
, . '.,... .. .' " " '. ' .' ,,'.-
.' ,,' '. '
,,' ".'".. . .',' .
..', "'"',.",,. , ,', ..','..,.... "..' '...' .:'.. ."

The population ex cess risk and the population excess fraction can then be
determined as

Population excess risk = excess risk x proportion of the population exposed to the
factor (Pe)

population excess risk

Population excess fraction (%) = 100 x
rate in the total population (r)

The population excess fraction can also be calculated by using the formu-
la given in Section 16.2.1:

Pe (OR - 1)
Population excess fraction (%) = 100 x
Pe (OR - 1) + 1


\ ...i......

Calculation of absolute measures of exposure effect and measures of population impact in case-ontrol studies

ln hospital-based case-control studies, it is not possible to calculate the

excess risk or the population excess risk, since incidence rates in the
exposed and unexposed cannot be estimated. However, the following for-
mulae can be used to calcula te excess fraction and population ex cess fraction:

(OR - 1)
Excess fraction (%) = 100 x

Population excess fraction (%) = 100 x Pe (OR - 1)

Pe (OR - 1) + 1

Chapter 17
The role of cancer registries

17.1 Aims of cancer registries

The cancer registry is an organization for the systematic collection, stor-
age, analysis, interpretation and reporting of data on subjects with cancer.
There are two main tyes of cancer registry: hospital-based and population-
based cancer registries.
Hospital-based cancer registres are concerned with the recording of infor-
mation on the cancer patients seen in a particular hospital. The main pur-
pose of such registries is to contribute to patient care by providing readily
accessible information on the subjects with cancer, the treatment they
received and its result. The data are used mainly for administrative purpos-
es and for reviewing clinical performance. Although these data may be used,
to a certain extent, for epidemiological purposes (see Section 17.7), these
registries cannot provide measures of the occurrence of cancer in a defined
population because it is not possible to define their catchment populations,
that is the populations from which aIl the cases arise.
Population-based cancer registries seek to collect data on aIl new cases of
cancer occurring in a weIl defined population. UsuaIly, the population is
that which is resident in a particular geographical region. As a result, and in
contrast to hospital-based registries, the main objective of this tye of can-
cer registry is to produce statistics on the occurrence of cancer in a defined
population and to provide a framework for assessing and controllng the
impact of cancer in the community. Thus, the emphasis is on epidemiology
and public health.
The uses of population-based cancer registration data may be summarized
as follows:

(1) They describe the extent and nature of the cancer burden in the
community and assist in the establishment of public health prior-

(2) They may be used as a source of material for etiological studies.

(3) They help in monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of cancer

control activities.

Sorne of these functions can be fulfiUed using mortality data derived from
vital statistics systems. Cancer registration data, however, provide more com-
prehensive, more valid and more detailed information on patient characteris-

Chapter 17

tics than can be obtained from death certificates. Moreover, reliable cause-spe-
cific mortality data are available in most developed countries but in only a few
developing countries. Thus, cancer registries may be the only way of obtain-
ing information on the burden and patterns of cancer in developing coun-
tries, as weIl as providing a focus for research into etiology and prevention.
The discussion in the rest of this chapter wil focus on population-based
cancer registries unless otherwise specified.

17.2 A brief history of cancer registration

The first serious efforts to estima te the number of new and existing cancer
cases in a given population were made at the turn of the century in various
European countries. ln Germany, an attempt was made in 1900 to register aIl
cancer patients who were under medical treatment. Questionnaires were sent
to every physician in the country to record the prevalence of cancer on 15
October 1900 (Anon., 1901). The same approach was adopted between 1902
and 1908 in Denmark, Hungary, Iceland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and
Sweden. These efforts were not very successful, however, mainly due to poor
coIlaboration by the physicians. Similar surveys were conducted in the United
States of America.
The first population-based cancer registry was set up in Hamburg
(Germany) in 1926. Three nurses visited hospitals and medical practitioners
in the city at regular intervals. They recorded the names of new cancer
patients and transferred data to a central index in the health department. This
index was compared once a week with officiaI death certificates. Other popu-
lation-based cancer registries were set up in subsequent decades, so that by
1955, almost twenty had been established in various countries (fable 17.1).
At present, more th an 200 population-based cancer registries exist in vari-
ous parts of the world. They coyer about 5% of the world's population, but the
proporton is much greater in developed countries than in developing ones.
Moreover, in developing countries, registries are more likely to coyer urban
are as, where access to diagnostic and treatment services is better.
Nationwide cancer registration opera tes in sorne countries such as England
& Wales, Scotland, the Nordic countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Israel, CubaJ Puerto Rico and The Gambia. The Danish Cancer Registry, found-
ed in 1942, is the oldest functioning registry covering a national population.
ln most countries, however, population-based cancer registries coyer only a
proportion of the population (e.g., Colombia, lndia, Italy, United States).
Sorne specialized registries that coyer only the registration of specific age-
groups (e.g., childhood cancers in Oxford, UK) or particular cancer sites (e.g'J
gastro-intestinal cancers in Dijon, France) have also been established. ln addi-
tion, hospital-based cancer registries have been set up in a large number of
hospitals worldwide.
The International Association of Cancer Registries (lA CR) was formed in
1966. The main objective of this association is to develop and standardize the
collection methods across registries to make their data as comparable as pos-

The raie of cancer registries

A more detailed account of the history of cancer registration is given in

Wagner (1991).

Country (region) Year of establishment Notiication Table 17.1.

Germany (Hamburg) 1929 Population-based cancer registries
established betore 1955. a
USA (New York State) 1940 Compulsory
USA (Connecticut) 1941 (registered cases Compulsory (since 1971)
retrospectively back to 1935)
Denmark 1942 Compulsory (since 1987)
Canada (Saskatchewan) 1944 Compulsory
England and Wales (SW Region) 1945 Voluntary
England and Wales (Liverpool) 1948 Voluntary
New Zealand 1948 Compulsory
Canada (Manitoba) 1950 Voluntary
Siovenia 1950 Compulsory
Canada (Alberta) 1951 Compulsory
USA (El Paso) 1951 Voluntary
Hungary (Szabolcs, Miskolc, Vas) 1952 Compulsory
Norway 1952 Compulsory
Former USSR 1953 Compulsory
Former German Democratie Republic 1953 Compulsory
Finland 1953 Compulsory (since 1961)
Iceland 1954 Voluntary
a Reproduced with permission trom Wagner (1991).

17.3 Cancer registration methodology

The aim of a population-based cancer registry is to collect information on
every case of cancer identified within a specified population over a given peri-
od of time. To ensure this, it is necessary to guarantee that the following basic
requirements are fulfilled before setting up a population-based cancer registry:

(a) Clear definition of the catchment population. The registry should

be able to distinguish between residents of the area and those who
have come from outside and it should be able to register cases in resi-
dents treated outside the area.

(b) Availabilty of reliable population denominators from the census or

other statistical offces.

(c) GeneraUy available medical care and ready access to medical facil-
ties, so that the great majority of cancer cases wil come into contact
with the health care system at sorne point in their ilness and, the re-
fore, wil be correctly diagnosed.

(el Easy access to case-finding sources such as hospitals, pathology

departments, death certificates and other sources of clinical data
within the catchment are a and in the surrounding areas.


\ ~"i.~,
Chapter 17

17.3.1 Data collection

The way in which a registry opera tes depends, inevitably, on local condi-
tions and on the material resources available. UsuaIly, the main sources of
information of a population-based registry include: (1) information from
treatment facilties, such as cancer centres and major hospitals (and some-
times, if appropriate, private clinics, hospices, homes for the elderly and
general practitioners); (2) information from diagnostic services, especially
pathology departments, but also haematological, biochemical and immuno-
logicallaboratories, X-ray and ultra sound departments, and other imaging
clinics; (3) death certificates from the death registration system (if they are
The information is collected from these sources by either active collection
or passive reporting. Active collection involves registry personnel actuaIly vis-
iting the different sources and abstracting the data on special forms. This is
the usual method in registries in developing countries. Passive reporting
involves health-care workers completing the notification forms developed
and distributed by the registry, or sending copies of discharge abstracts to
the registry. A mixture of both procedures, with an emphasis on the latter,
is foIlowed in most registries in developed countries. ln certain countries,
notification of cancer cases is compulsory, although this does not necessar-
ily ensure completeness.
The data items to be collected by a registry are dictated by the purpose for
which the registry has been established, by the method of data coIlection
used and by the resources available to the registry. However, the emphasis
should be on the quality of the data collected rather than on the quantity. It is
advisable that registries in developing countries should start by attempting
to coIlect only information on the basic items listed in Table 17.2.
A unique registration number (cancer registry number) is assigned by the
registry to each patient. If a patient has more than one primary tumour, the
same number is given to each tumour. Multiple prima ries are then distin-
guished on the basis of their incidence date and their topography and mor-
Gther identification items such as name, sex and date of birth (or, approx-
imate age, if the date of birth is not known) are important to avoid multi-
ple registrations of the same patient or tumour, to ob tain follow-up data and
to conduct any type of record linkage. Patients usual address is essential for
establishing the residence status, to exclude aIl non-residential patients, to
conduct analysis by area of residence and for follow-up of the patients. Data
on ethnicity is important in populations containing distinct ethnic groups.
The incidence date is primarily the date of first consultation or admission
to a hospital or clinic for cancer, as this is a definite, consistent and reliable
point in time which can be verified from records. This date is chosen as the
anniversary date for incidence calculations and as the starting date for sur-
vival analyses (see Section 17.6.2). If this information is not available, the
incidence date should be taken as the date of first diagnosis by a physician
or the date of the first pathological report. A special problem arises when

The raie of cancer registries

Item Comments Table 17.2.

The patient Basic data items to be collected by
Personal idenuficauon population-based cancer registries. a
Registration number Assigned by the registry
Name According to local usage
Date of birth or age Estimate if not known

Address Usual residence
Ethnie group If relevant

The tumour
Incidence date
Most valid basis of diagnosis Non-microscopie or microscopie
Topography (site) Coded using ICD-Ob
Morphology (histology) Coded using ICD-O
Behaviour Coded using ICD-O
Source of information Type of source: physician, laboratory, hospital, death
certificate or other
Actual source: name of physician, laboratory,
hospital, etc.
Dates (e.g. dates of relevant appointments,
hospital admissions, diagnostic procedures)
a Modified from MacLennan (1991).
b International Classifieauon of Diseases for Oneology (Percy et al., 1990).

cancer is first ascertained from a death certificate and attempts to follow

back are unsuccessful. The date of death of such 'death certificate only'
(DCO) cases should be taken as their incidence date.
Information on the most vaUd basis of diagnosis is of great interest in
assessing the quality of the registration data. The minimum requirement of
a cancer registry is to discrimina te between tumours that were microscopi-
cally verified and those which were not. If possible, further information
should be obtained to distinguish neoplasms that were diagnosed on the
basis of a clinical history only, clinical history plus other investigations (e.g.,
X-ray), explora tory surgery, autopsy, cytology, etc. For future checking pur-
poses, it is important that the registry collects data on the source(s) of case-
finding (e.g., name of physician, hospital, laboratory), dates of relevant
medical events (e.g., hospital admission, biopsy) and any other details that
wil help to trace the patients medical records (e.g'J hospital number, biop-
sy number, laboratory reference number).
Inclusion of data items other than those listed in Table 17.2 increases the
complexity and cost of the registration process and, hence, should be do
only if justified by local needs and if the necessary resources are available. A
list of option al items is given in Table 17.3; the most relevant ones are clin-
ical extent of disease before treatment (stage at presentation) and follow-up
The data from the various case-finding sources are usually abstracted by
using a standard registration form developed according to the needs of the

Chapter 17

Table 17.3. The patient

Optional items of information which
may be collected by population-based
cancer registries. a Persona! identification number (e.g., national identity number or social security

Demographie and cultural items

Place of birth
Marital status
Age at incidence date
Occupation and industry
Year of immigration
Country 01 birth of lather and/or mother

The tumour and its investigations

Certainty of diagnosis
Method 01 lirst detection
Clinical extent 01 disease belore treatment
Surgical-cum-pathological extent of disease before treatment
TNM system
Site(s) of distant metastases
Multiple primaries

Initial treatment

Date 01 last contact
Status at last contact (alive, dead, emigrated, unknown)
Date of death
Cause of death
Place of death
a Modified from Maclennan (1991).

registry. Two main considerations should be kept in mind when developing

a registration form:

(1) The information on cancer cases should be collected and classified

so that it accords with the data available from the census or other
statistical offices. This is fundamental to ensure comparabilty
between the numerators (Le., numbers of cancer registrations) and
the relevant denominators (Le., population figures) in the calcula-
tion of incidence rates.

(2) Although data should be collected (and reported) according to local

needs and interests, an effort should be made to ensure that com-
parisons with data from other national and international cancer reg-
istries wil be possible.



The raie of cancer registries

17.3.2 Classification and coding of neoplasms

As mentioned in Appendix 2.2, it is recommended that cancer registries
use the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) (Percy et
aL., 1990) to code the topography (site of primary tumour) and morphol-
ogy (histological type) of the tumours. The fifth digit in the ICD-O mor-
phology codes describes the behaviour of the tumour-benign, borderline,
in situ, malignant. The topography of a tumour is the most important data
item recorded and provides the main basis of tabulation of registry data.

17.3.3 Data quality

Two main issues should be considered when evaluating the quality of
the data in a cancer registry: its completeness and its validity. A population
based-registry should, by definition, register every single case that occurs
in its catchment population. However, case ascertainment is rarely com-
plete. Various methods, such as comparisons with death certificates and
hospital records, have been used to determine the degree of completeness
of registration. It is also important to ascertain the
extent to which the registry eliminates registrations of Male Rates per 100 000 pyrs
cases from outside the catchment population and 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60
avoids multiple registrations of the same person or of
the same tumour. Mouth
The validity of the data can be assessed in various
ways. The proportion of cases with microscopic verifi-
cation of diagnosis is a very useful index, as is the pro-
portion registered during life (not simply from a death
certificate). Cancer registries should develop their own
internaI quality control checks so that attention is
drawn to missing information and inconsistent data.
Many registries frequently re-abstract and re-code a
sample of cases to assess the quality of their data. A full
discussion of quality control methods is given by Parkin Colo-rectum
et al. (1994).
17.3.4 Reporting of results
The collection of information on cancer cases and Lung
the production of cancer statistics are only justified if
use is made of the data collected. A population-based Breast
cancer registry should make its data and findings avail-
able in the form of reports and articles in scientific jour- i: Chinese Cervix
naIs. The reports should inc1ude background informa- ~ Malay
_ (ndian
tion on the registry, registration procedures, catchment
population, degree of data completeness and validity, methods of analysis Figure 17.1.
and findings. Basic statistics should be produced and presented for diag- Age-standardized incidence rates (to
nostic entities mainly according to topography of the tumour. The data the world population) for selected can-
cer sites by sex and ethnie graup,
should be presented in tabular and graphical form. Examples are given in Singapore, 1978-82 (reproduced with
Figure 17.1 and Table 17.4. permission fram Lee et al., 1988).


Chapter 17

Site (ICD-9) Number of cases by age group Total Incidence rate
Unknown 0- 15- 25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75+ Crude AS Rb

Ali sites 10 69 89 255 241 266 362 264 74 1630 100.0 101.1 238.5
Ali sites but skin 8 69 88 253 236 264 359 259 72 1608 99.8 234.6
Oral cavity (140-145) 1 - 1 1 2 5 2 3 1 16 1.0 1.0 2.5
Nasopharynx (147) - - 1 5 1 1 1 4 - 13 0.8 0.8 2.0
Other pharynx (148-149) - - 1 - - - 2 1 - 4 0.2 0.2 0.6
Oesophagus (150) - - - 1 16 25 63 35 13 153 9.4 9.5 30.4
Stomach (151) - - - 2 10 15 14 20 6 67 4.1 4.2 13.5
Colon (153) - - 5 2 6 6 9 9 2 39 2.4 2.4 6.6
Rectum (154) - - 2 3 6 8 4 4 1 28 1.7 1.7 3.8
Liver (155) - 2 10 22 37 41 46 46 9 213 13.1 13.2 34.6
Pancreas (157) - - - 1 2 7 13 7 1 31 1.9 1.9 5.9
Larynx (161) 1 - - - - 4 12 4 2 23 1.4 1.4 4.5
Bronchus, Jung (162) - - - 1 6 30 50 32 6 125 7.7 7.8 24.6
- - - - - - 1 - - 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Pleura (163)
Connective tissue (171) - 4 4 4 2 2 1 - - 17 1.0 1.1 1.1
Melanoma of skin (172) - - 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 14 0.9 0.9 1.8
Other skin (173) 2 - 1 2 5 2 3 5 2 22 1.3 1.4 4.0
Breast (175) - - - - 1 3 1 - - 5 0.3 0.3 0.6
Prostate (185) 3 - - - 2 11 37 41 18 112 6.9 6.9 29.2
Penis (187) - - - - 1 4 3 2 3 13 0.8 0.8 2.8
Bladder (188) - 1 - 3 5 19 18 16 6 68 4.2 4.2 13.2
Kidney (189) - 10 1 - 1 2 1 2 - 17 1.0 1.1 1.7
Eye (190) - 5 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 10 0.6 0.6 0.9
Brain, nervous system (191-192) - 7 6 4 5 2 4 1 - 29 1.8 1.8 2.4
Thyroid (193) - - 1 1 1 1 4 1 - 9 0.6 0.6 1.2
- 2 1 4 2 2 2 - - 13 0.8 0.8 1.0
Hodgkin's disease (201)
Non-Hodgkin Iymphoma (200, 202) - 12 4 13 11 10 6 2 - 58 3.6 3.6 4.7
Multiple myeloma (203) - - - 5 4 8 1 1 20 1.2 1.2 2.7
Lymphoid leukaemia (204) - 8 3

1 1 1 2 4 - 20 1.2 1.2 2.5

Myeloid leukaemia (205) - 8 6 6 5 6 2 1 - 34 2.1 2.1 2.7
Other leukaemia (207-208) - - - - - - 1 1 - 2 0.1 0.1 0.6
Kaposi's sarcoma 2 7 28 171 97 44 27 4 - 380 23.3 23.6 24.6
Other and uncertain 1 3 11 4 9 8 20 16 2 74 4.5
a Reproduced, by permission of Wiley-Liss Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons Inc., from Bassett et al. (1995).
b ASR = Incidence rate age-standardized to the world population.

Table 17.4. 17.4 Cancer registration in developing countries

Example of the type of table used by It might seem that cancer registration should not be regarded as a pri-
cancer registries to report their data.
Number of cancer registrations among ority for the health services of a developing country, given aIl the com-
African men resident in Harare, peting demands upon the limited resources allocated to health. However,
1990-92. Harare Cancer Registry,
Zimbabwe, 1990-92. a
cancer is already a significant health problem in many developing coun-
tries. More than haU of the new cancer cases in the world occur in devel-
oping countries (Parkin et aL., 1993). The rapid increase in life expectan-
cy (largely because of a reduction in mortaliy from infectious disease)
together with the adoption of western lifestyles suggest that the burden
of cancer in these countries is likely to increase in the near future.
Most often cancer registries provide the only opportunity of properly
assessing the extent and nature of the cancer burden in developing coun-
tries, since very few of them have reliable cause-specific mortality data.
IdeaIly, the objective should be to establish a population-based cancer
registry which wil be able to estimate the incidence of different tumours
in a weIl defined community. However, because of the relative ease with

The raie of cancer registries

which they can be established, cancer registries in developing countries

often start on the basis of cases attending certain hospitals or depart-
ments of histopathology.
Population-based cancer registries in developing countries usually face
enormous logistic problems due to lack of appropriately trained person-
nel and adequate resources. ln addition, their success may be jeopardized
by external factors beyond their control.

Lack of basic health services

The functioning of a cancer registry relies heavily on the availabilty of
proper health services for diagnosis and treatment of cancer cases. ln
many developing countries, however, health facilties are scanty and tend
to be concentrated in urban areas. For individuals seeking medical atten-
tion, the quality of diagnostic information may be poor and based on
clinical examination only.

Lack of proper denominators

Population-based registries require information on the size and the
nature of the population served, information which requires the avail-
abilty of census data. Censuses are particularly difficult to conduct in
developing countries, and so they tend to be conducted infrequently, and
their results may become available late and with inadequate detail.
The population of many developing countries is particularly mobile
because of the increasing tendency to migrate temporarily from rural
areas to urban areas and because social and political circumstances may
force whole communities to move from one area to another. Inter-censal
estimates or post-censal projections of the population size and structure
are, therefore, likely to be inaccurate.
These population changes present a special challenge to cancer reg-
istries which must make special efforts to distinguish residents from non-
residents in their catchment area using, as far as possible, the same defi-
nitions as in the census.

Identity of individuals
The abilty to distinguish individuals from events (e.g., hospital admis-
sions) is a key feature of a cancer registry. Thus, the registry should have
suffcient information on each individual to avoid multiple registrations
of the same subject. The most universal and generally used identifier is
the name. The utilty of using names will vary depending on local cus-
tom. For instance, surname (or family name) may not be used-persons
may be known only by their first name. Individuals may change theÍr
name when they get married or for other social reasons. Variations in
spellng of names is a frequent problem, particularly if a large percentage
of the population is iliterate. This is aggravated if there is a need to
transliterate names to the Roman alphabet, in order to use computerized
database systems.

Chapter 17

Lack of follow-up
Active follow-up usually means that the registry attempts to contact physi-
cians or patients on a regular basis to see if the patient is stil alive. Because
this is expensive, many registries rely on passive follow-up, matching with
death certificates and assuming patients are alive otherwise. Mixed systems
use death certificates plus updating the 'date last known alive' from hospital
admissions, consultations, and other sources of data.
Active foIlow-up of the patients is usuaIly very difficult in developing coun-
tries. Few registries have the necessary facilties for regular foIlow-up of
patients. There are also problems with unreliable postal services, unstable
addresses and mobilty of the population. Passive follow-up is possible only in
the few countries where a reliable death registration system exists.

17.S The role of cancer registry data in epidemiology

Population-based cancer registries are important resources for cancer epi-
demiologists since they hold information on the distribution of cancer in weIl
defined populations. This information may be analysed without the need for
any additional data collection. Cancer site-specific incidence rates can be cal-
culated and compared according to many different variables such as age, sex,
country of birth, place of residence at the time of diagnosis, etc. Time-trend
studies are also possible when data have been accumulated over long periods
of time. The methods used in such analyses were discussed in Chapters 4 and
11. Systematic compilations of data from population-based cancer registries
from aIl over the world are published in Cancer Incidence in Five Continents

(DoIl et aL., 1966; Waterhouse et al., 1970, 1976, 1982; Muir et aL., 1987; Parkin
et aL., 1992, 1997). These data are of great value for international comparisons.
ln addition to incidence figures, population-based cancer registries that
conduct adequate foIlow-up of their patients are able to estimate the preva-
lence of cancer. Prevalence figures give an indication of the burden of the dis-
ease in the community. Cancer registries generally assume that once diag-
nosed with cancer, an individual remains a prevalent case unti death. Thus,
prevalence may be estimated from data on incidence and survivaL When a
registry has been in operation for many years, so that aIl patients diagnosed
with cancer before the establishment of the registry have died, the prevalent
cases may simply be enumerated from the registry file! provided, of course,
that the registry receives information on deaths and emigrations for aU regis-
tered cases.
The cancer registry provides an economical and effcient method of ascer-
taining cancer occurrence in intervention trals (Example 17.1) and cohort stud-
ies, as long as the cancer patients are properly identified in their files so that
case matching can be performed.
Population-based registries can also provide a source of cases for case-con-
trol stuies. However! in general, cancer registries are not regarded as weIl suit-
ed for the conduct of these studies because of delays in registration. The main
value of the registry is rather to evaluate the completeness and representa-
tiveness of the case series.

The raie of cancer registries

The registry may, however, carry out its own case-control studies using its
database, comparing one tye of cancer with a selection of the other cancers
('controls') (see Section 11. 1.6). The variables usually available for these analy-
sis are limited to those routinely collected by the registry. Registries may sup-
plement these variables with additional information (e.g., smoking, diet,

Table 17.5.
Risk factors for oesophageal cancer in
men, south-western Zimbabwe,

Chapter 17

occupation, treatment, etc.) by interviewing samples of patients

(Example 17.2), by extracting such information from medical records, or
by record linkage with other relevant records.
Cancer registries have been particularly useful in the conduct of
case-control studies to investigate the carcinogenic effects of cancer treat-
ments (Example 17.3).
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i 7.6 The role of cancer registries in cancer control

The cancer registry is an essential part of any rational programme of can-
cer control. Its data can be used in a wide variety of areas of cancer control
ranging from etiological research, through primary and secondary preven-
tion to health-care planning and patient care. Although most cancer reg-
istries are not obliged to do more than provide the basis for such uses of the
data, they possess the potential for developing and supporting important
research programmes making use of the information they collect.

17.6.1 Planning of cancer control programmes

Accurate information on cancer occurrence is important in fixing priori-
ties and targeting cancer control activities. Population-based cancer reg-
istries are in a unique position to provide this information.
The annual numbers of incident cases provide an indication of the
resources needed for primary treatment, and the number of prevalent cases
describe how many people are in need of regular long-term follow-up
(although for certain cancers, no regular surveilance is required beyond the
first 5-10 years after diagnosis). Table 17.6 shows the numbers of incident
(new) and prevalent (new and old) cancer cases in South-east England in
1992. The ranking of the cancer sites is quite different for incidence and
prevalence. This is due to differences in survival. Cancers with a good sur-
vival have high prevalence even if their incidence is low, whereas those with


i \"0,.\...
The raie of cancer registries

Site ICD-10 No. of incident No. of prevalent cases at Five-year relative Table 17.6.
cases, 1992b 31 December 1992b survival ("I)e Number (and ranking) of male incident
and prevalent cancer cases, and five-
Lung C33-34 6434 (1) 8201 (4) 9
year relative survival ratios for selected
Prostate C61 4096 (2) 13564 (3) 49 sites. South-east England, 1992. a
Colorectal C18-21 3492 (3) 14470 (2) 43
Bladder C67 2183 (4) 16538(1) 70
Stomach C16 1516 (5) 2407 (7) 13
Non-Hodgkin C82-85 1009 (6) 4582 (5) 51
Oesophagus C15 858 (7) 805 (10) 8
Pancreas C25 833 (8) 586 (11) 6
Kidney C64 644 (9) 2296 (8) 40
Brain C71 523 (10) 1558 (9) 22
Melanoma of skin C43 367 (11) 2855 (6) 71
Ali malignant neoplasms 28732 109 637 36
(excluding non-melanoma
skin cancer)
a Data from Thames Cancer Registry (1995).
b Ranking of sites by decreasing frequency is given in parentheses.
C Patients aged 15 years and over, diagnosed during the years 1986-89.

poor survival have lower prevalence even if their incidence is higher. Figure 17.2.
Up-to-date cancer statistics provide information on the present burden Annual age-adjusted incidence rates of
of cancer to the health care system in a population. To develop long-term cancers at selected primary sites in
Finland: actual rates from 1953 ta 1979
programmes for cancer control, it is necessary to predict what the needs and predictions up to the year 2000
wil be in the future. ln other words, it is necessary to have reliable esti- based on a statistical model which
mates of the numbers of incident and prevalent cases that wil occur in includes age, period and cohort effects
(reproduced with permission from
coming years. Cancer registries are an important source of data upon Läärä, 1982).
which to base such
predictions. The
simplest predictions
of cancer incidence
rates are based on
continuing the pre- Q) 100

Ali sites

-- ~ Ali sites

-¡ Q) 100
sent age-specific o

~ Breast
time trends into the .e 50
.e 50
.¡: '..__.... __ Prostate .s
future. The forecast .¡:
can be imp-roved if ~ Colon

r?~::::"m ,
~ 20
g, ~ and rectum
birth cohort effects c.
o Corpus uteri
can also be taken into o Lung

account by using
g 10
~ , _ ,_'''" oftheskin ~ 10 Gallbladder
age-period-cohort ~
.'CI 5
\ "\'-,
A~//-"-'-- $"i 205
;;;;~a Stomach

statistical models (see a: "

Section 4.3.2). An " Cervix uteri

example is given in 2 , Larynx 2

Figure 17.2.
An even more 1 .( 1 .(
sophisticated 1950 1960 1970
1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
approach to predic-

Chapter 17

100 tion of future cancer incidence rates

can be used if information on tem-
poral changes on the prevalence of
~ major risk factors is known and like-
o ly future changes can be predicted.
g 60
oo 2 This approach has been used to pre-
.. dict lung cancer incidence in rela-
~ 40
CI 3 tion to prevalence of smoking (as in
a: Figure 17.3) and breast cancer in
20 relation to changes in fertilty.
Any predictions should be interpret-
o ed with caution, however, since they
1953 1975 2000 2050 are based upon a considerable num-
~'''''''''''~''.f="''''''==T.'='"'''-'~~ Year
ber of assumptions. To assess their
~ (.,Tj, robustness, it is advisable to provide forecasts under different possible sce-
Age-adjusted incidence rates (to the narios, as in the example given in Figure 17.3.
world population) of lung cancer in
males in Finland in 1953-75, and fore-
casts for the rates in 1976-2050 17.6.2 Evaluation of cancer control programmes
derived from a simulation model based
on the following assumptions: in each
Primary prevention
consecutive five-year period in Cancer registries can play an important role in monitoring and evalu-
1976-2050, 10% of smokers will stop ating the effectiveness of primary prevention measures. As mentioned in
smoking, and one of the following three
alternatives (three cUNes) holds true: Section 16.2.2, trends in cancer incidence can be related to changes over
(1) 60% of non-smokers aged 10-14 time in exposure to risk factors. OccasionaIly, when implementation has
years, 30% of those aged 15-19 and been confined to one area, comparisons of the changes in the intervention
10% of those aged 20-24 will start
smoking; (2) the percentages are 30, area versus 'control' areas may be possible. It should be kept in mind when
15 and 5, respectively; and (3) the per- interpreting such relationships that it takes considerable time (generally
centages are 15, 7.5 and 2.5, respec-
tively (repraduced, by perrnission of
decades) for the effect of a change in exposure to be reflected in cancer
Oxford University Press, fram incidence data.
Hakulinen & Pukkala (1981)).
Screening and early detection
Cancer registries can play an important role in the evaluation and mon-
itoring of screening programmes aimed at detecting pre-invasive condi-
tions. Cancer registration data have been used in routine-data-based stud-
ies to examine trends in disease rates in relation to screening frequencies
within a population and to compare disease rates between different popu-
lations with the coverage offered by their screening programmes (see
Section 16.3.1). For instance, such studies have supported the hypothesis
that regular use of the Pap smear test is effective in reducing the incidence
of invasive cervical cancer.
Cancer registries can also contribute to the ascertainment of cancer
occurrence in intervention trials and cohort studies designed to assess the
value of screening programmes, and as an unbiased source of cases for
case-control studies. The main issues to be considered in the design and
interpretation of these studies were presented in Section 16.3.1.
When screening programmes are aimed at detecting early invasive can-
cers (e.g., breast cancer), reduction in mortality rather th an incidence

The raie of cancer registries

should be the ultimate measure of their effectiveness. However, once a

screening programme is known to be effective, cancer registries may help
to monitor its performance by providing data on so-called 'intermediate
outcome measures'. Absence of a change in such intermediate end-points
indicates that the screening has not been effective. Suitable monitoring
statistics from cancer registries are:

(a) the incidence of interval cancers (Le., cancers detected between

screening tests) as compared to the incidence in the screened pop-
ulation before screening was introduced;

(b) the stage distribution of screen-detected cancers compared to the

distribution of non-screen-detected cancers. A lack of shift in
stage distribution towards early stages indicates that the pro-
gramme is not effective.

(c) if screening is effective, screen-detected cancers should show bet-

ter survival than non-screened cases.

It should, however, be stressed that intermediate end-points are subject to

several forms of bias and therefore they may suggest that the programme
is effective even though mortality data do not. These issues were dis-
cussed in Section 16.3.1.

Tertiary prevention
Survival statistics can be produced by population-based cancer reg-
istries that follow up theÍr cases, either actively or passively. Although
survival analysis of data from population-based registries cannot evaluate
specific treatments (this can be done only in clinical randomized trials),
it provides a useful evaluation of cancer care in the are
a covered by the
registry, since aIl cancer cases wil be included regardless of the type of
treatment they may have received.
The methods used in survival analyses are those discussed in Chapter
12. The first requirement for the application of the se methods is a clear
and well defìned case defìnition. This should clearly specify the site of the
cancer and/or histology, age and sex of the patient and, if available, the
extent of disease (stage) at the time of diagnosis. The nature of the cases
to be included should also be defined. For example, a decision must be
taken on whether to include cases for which the most valid basis of diag-
nosis is solely clinicaL. A decision should also be taken regarding cases
registered on the basis of a death certificate only (DCO), for whom no
information is available on the date of diagnosis of the cancer. The most
usual practice is to omit these cases from the analysis, but if they repre-
sent a large proportion of registrations, it may be better to present two
survival analyses, one including DCO cases and another excluding them.
ln both cases, the proportion of DCa registrations should be stated in
survival reports.

Chapter 17

The second requirement is a clear and weIl defined starting point. For popu-
lation-based cancer registries, the starting date (from which the survival is
calculated) is the incidence date (see Section 17.3.1).
The third requirement is a clear and weIl defined outcome. Death is gener-
ally the outcome of interest, but sorne registries collect enough data to allow
them to conduct analyses using recurrence of tumour, or first recurrence of
a particular complication, as the outcome of interest. It is also necessary to
formulate clear criteria for deciding who should be considered 'lost to fol-
low-up'. For instance, certain registries would assume that cases for which it
was not possible to obtain foIlow-up data for more th an 15 months should
be taken as 'lost to follow-up'.
There are several problems in the interpretation of time trends in survival.
Firstly, improvements in survival may be due, at least in part, to better ascer-
tainment and recording of incident cases. Secondly, if there has been a trend
towards earlier diagnosis (e.g., through introduction of a screening pro-
gramme), survival may improve but the gain may be due entirely to
increased lead time, with no change in mortality rate (see Section 16.3.1).
Despite these caveats, time trends in survival are useful to assess the
extent to which advances in treatment have had an effect in the population.
For instance, the dramatic improvements in survival observed in clinical tri-
als in the treatment of childhood cancers conducted in the 1960s do seem
to have been transposed into the community in many developed countries,
as the population-based survival from many of these cancers shows signifi-
cant increases over time (Table i 7. 7).
Comparisons of cancer survival estimates derived from population-based
cancer registries are increasingly used to compare the effectiveness of cancer
treatment across populations. However, survival reflects not only treatment
but also prognostic factors such as stage at diagnosis, histological type and
other characteristics of the disease. When data on su ch factors are not avail-

able, or when their definition is not properly standardized across registries,

the reasons for any variations observed cannot be properly identified.
Table 17.7.
Time trends in five-year survival risk for
certain childhood cancers (0-14 years)
in Great Britain.a

Lymphoid leukaemia 14
20 39
Five-year survival risk (%)
1962-64b 1971-74
Hodgkin's disease
Non-Hodgkin Iymphomas
Wilms' tumour
Malignant bone tumours
22 57
a Data fram Draper et al. (1982).
b 1968-70 data for Iymphoid leukaemia.

ln Example 17.4, survival in Khon Kaen was equal toi or better than, that in
the USA for stomach, liver and lung cancers. Thus, improvements in treatment
may be of reduced benefit in the control of these cancers in Thailand compared
with the potential benefits of primary and secondary prevention (e.g., control

The raie of cancer registries

of hepatitis B infection and Hver fluke infestation for Hver cancer; anti-smok-
ing campaigns for lung cancer). ln contrast, survival was lower for Khon Kaen
residents than USA white residents for those cancers whose prognosis is asso-
ciated with early diagnosis (breast, cervi and large bowel), indicating that
interventions to promote early detection may provide potential benefits.
Survival from leukaemia and lymphoma was also lower for residents in Khon
Kaen, probably because of poor access to complex therapeutic regimens.

Khon Kaen, us whites, us blacks, Scotland, Table 17.8.

1985-92 1983-88b 1983-88b 1983-87b Five-year relative survival ratios in
Stomach 151 23.4 17.2 19.0 12.8 Khan Kaen province (Thailand), USA
Large bowel 153-154 41.9 and Scotland for selected cancer
58.9 50.0 42.3
sites. a
Liver 155 9.2 5.9 3.5 4.2
Lung 162 15.4 14.7 10.3 7.7
Breast (females) 174 48.1 78.4 61.5 66.8
Cervix uteri 180 60.1 69.2- 56.8 61.0
Non-Hodgkin 200,202 32.5 56.6 49.7 53.2
Leukaemia 204-208 19.4 45.7 31.7 41.6
a Data from Sriamporn et al. (1995).
b Standardized ta the site-specifie age distribution of Thai subjects.

17.7 Hospital-based cancer registres

Hospital-based cancer registries are more numerous and widespread than
population-based cancer registries. The primary purpose of these registries is
to contribute to patient care by providing readily accessible information on
the patients with cancer, the treatment they received and its results. The
data may also be used for clinical research and, to a certain extent, for epi-
demiological purposes.
One of the main advantages of hospital registries is that they have ready
and instant access to medical records, the primary source of cases. The data
items collected by a hospital registry tend to be more extensive than those
collected by a population registry. There are, however, severallimitations to
the data from hospital registries:


Chapter 17

(1) They are institution-based and not population-based. This means that
no attempt is made to register aIl cancer cases occurring in any
defined population; thus incidence rates cannot be determined.
Patients who are hospitalized in more than one hospital are counted
more than once in an area's hospital tumour registries. Information
may not be shared among hospitals caring for the patient at different
times. Changes over time in numbers of any type of cancer or patient
characteristics may only reflect shifts by patients (or doctors) from
one institution to another. The cancer cases in any one hospital (or
group of hospitals) may not be representative of aIl cancer cases that
are occurring in the area. For instance, certain institutions are referral
centres for specific types of cancer or for particularly diffcult or
extensive tumours.

(2) Ascertainment of death is likely to be more incomplete in hospital-

based registries than population-based registries because of limited
access to, and use of, other sources such as death certificates, and lim-
ited sharing of information among hospitals.

(3) ln contrast to most population-based cancer registries, haspital reg-

istries make litte attempt to standardize methods of data collection
between them. It is therefore difficult ta compare their findings.

Hospital cancer registries produce reports on the numbers of cancers

seen in the hospital per year by site, age and sex. These results may be pre-
sented as proportional incidence ratios (Le., the frequency of cancers of a par-
ticular site in relation to the total number of cancer cases-see Sections
4.3.5 and 11.1.6 for a discussion of this type of measure). They may also
provide information on methods of diagnosis, stage distribution, treat-
ment methods, response to treatment, and survival at an institutional
level. The hospital registry data may also be used to forecast future
demands for services, equipment and manpower in a given hospital.
Although these registries cannot provide incidence rates in the general
population, they may be used for epidemiological purposes. For instance,
case-control studies may be set up to investigate the etiology of a particu-
lar cancer by comparing the characteristics of cases with those of a control
group; this control group may be formed by patients with other types of
cancer or by other hospital patients. The analysis wil be similar to that
shown in Example 17.2.


The role of cancer registries

Further reading
* Jensen et al. (1991) describe in
great detail the planning of can-
cer registries in both developed
and developing countries and the
uses of registration data in epi-
demiology and public health

* Parkin et al. (1994) provide

practical recommendations on
how population-based cancer
registries can assess and moni-
tor the quality of their data.

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',- '.",_.-,
-'\",," '.,' _:-'--',' ',-'.'; -' '-, - .,'-,: .. :", .-','-' ,:_,

.' tion-bas~d cancer registrìesàre particularly (jseful in. developing Goun-

.~ì~ .' eirereliable Gause~$pecif¡c mortality data are rare!y available:

Chapter 18
Designing, planning and
conducting epidemiological
18.1 Introduction
ln previous chapters of this book, we covered the basic methodological
principles of study design, analysis and interpretation. ln this chapter, we
concentrate on practical aspects of how to design, plan and conduct an epi-
demiological study. Only general issues are covered. Each research project
and each study setting presents unique problems which cannot be dealt
with here.
The first step in the design of any epidemiological study is to have an
'idea' for a study. This is a creative process for which no guidelines or advice
can be given. The ide a for a study usually cornes from one's own work and
experience and from the realization that there is a need to obtain a clear
answer to a particular research question. Once the idea for the study has
been identified, the next step is a critical review of the existing literature to
find out what exactly is known about the subject and to make sure that the
question has not already been answered. Where appropria te, registers of
clinical trials and/or directories of on-going research (such as that of the
International Agency for Research ()n Cancer) should be consulted. It may
also be helpful to contact experts in the subject. ln addition to revealing
what is already known about the question, this wil help the investigator to
become familar with problems that other researchers have faced, when
using various study methods.
Once aIl the relevant information on the topic has been gathered, the
next step is to state the study hypotheses in a clear and practical way. There
is a tendency to formulate hypotheses that are broad and vague. Instead,
they should be stated in terms of clear, simple, answerable questions. AIl
main and secondary hypotheses should be formulated at the beginning of
a study to ensure that aIl the necessary data are collected. They should
include a concise description of the exposure(s) or intervention(s) to be
studied, the outcome(s) of interest, and the magnitude of the anticipated
effect(s) in the population in which the study wil be conducted.

18.2 Preparing a protocol and obtaining funding

If we are convinced that the study is worth doing and that it is feasible,
the next step is to obtain the necessary funding. If the total cost of the pro-
ject is small, it may be possible to conduct it with available local resources,
but many epidemiological studies are expensive enterprises which require
substantial external financial support.


¡ -........

Chapter 18

18.2.1 Funding bodies

Funding bodies which may be potentially interested in the proposed
research should be identified. Sorne funding bodies do not fund cancer
research. Others have their own research agenda and wil fund only pro-
jects that address the particular questions in which they are interested.
ln sorne countries, directories of funding bodies with theÍr areas of inter-
est and funding budget are published regularly.
It is important to obtain grant application forms from aIl potential
funding bodies and read the documentation carefuIly, checking the areas
they are particularly interested in funding, and the deadlines for sub-
mission of applications. Sometimes, theÍr material include lists of pro-
posaIs they have funded in the past. These lists give an idea of the areas
they are likely to fund in the future and the amount of money usually
allocated to individual projects. It may be beneficial to contact funding
bodies at this stage to check whether the proposaI is of potential inter-
est to them; if the proposed study is outside their areas of interest, there
is no point in ma king the effort of preparing and submitting an applica-

Writing a protocol
The protocol of the study should be written according to the specifi-
cations of the funding body. Although the layout of the application
forms varies from one funding body to another, they are generally divid-
ed into the following sections:

Study hypotheses
The main and secondary study hypotheses should be written in a clear
and concise way, indicating the exposure(s) and outcome(s) of interest
and the magnitude of the anticipated effect(s).

Background and justification

This section should include a brief review of the state of knowledge
about the topic. It should 'justify' the need for the proposed study by
clearly indicating its originality and the potential signifcance of its find-
ings. The proposed research may be a logical extension of previous work
conducted by the researchers or of an initial pilot study. The results of
such studies should be presented here.

Study population and methods of recruitment

The geographicallocation and the deilographic characteristics of the
study population should be described. Any particular reasons for the
choice of the study population should also be given. For instance, a par-
ticular study population may have been chosen because of its excep-
tionally high exposure to a particular risk factor or for logistic reasons
such as ease of follow-up. Details should be given on how the study sub-
jects wil be recruited.

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

Study design
It must be made explicit whether this wil be an intervention, cohort,
case-control, cross-sectional or routine-data-based study. The choice of
design needs to be justified (see Chapters 5 and 7-11).

Sample size
It is necessary to show that the proposed number of subjects in the
study wil provide adequate power or precision to detect or estimate a
particular effect. Sample size estimates should be presented under differ-
ent assumptions. A single estimate is rarely convincing (see Chapter 15).

Methods of data collection

The methods of data collection (e.g., interview, laboratory measure-
ments, extraction of data from clinical records, etc.) should be described
in suffcient detail to show that the plan has been adequately prepared
and is feasible. Possible practical constraints and strategies to overcome
them should be presented here.

Statistical analysis
A concise description of the statistical methods planned for use in the
analysis of data should be given (see Chapters 6 and 14).

The protocol of any study involving human subjects should provide
answers to the following questions: What wil the subjects be told?
What wil their collaboration entail? Wil invasive procedures be
used? Are there any risks for participants? How wil consent be
obtained (e.g., at an individual or community level; written or ver-
bal)? What steps wil be taken to ensure confidentiality of the data? It
wil be worth consulting at this stage the ethical guidelines proposed
by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
(CIOMS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) (1993). Most
funding bodies wil fund only projects that have been approved by
the relevant ethical committees and sorne wil wish to see samples of
the information sheet and consent form to be given to the study sub-
j ects.

A realistic timetable for carrying out the various activities of the
study should be provided. This should incorporate milestones to be
achieved at regular time intervals (e.g., every six months), which wil
help in monitoring the progress of the study.

References to key publications should be included in the grant pro-

Chapter 18

The budget is generaIly divided into staff costs, equipment (e.g., com-
puters, freezers, centrifuges) and running expenses (e.g., office expenses,
computer and laboratory consumables, travel costs). Each item must be jus-
tified and of reasonable cost. This wil often involve discussions with the
personnel office about staff costs and consulting price lists to get the best
prices for supplies and equipment. ln certain countries, aIlowances should
be made for inflation and currency fluctuations when calculating the final
It is also important to check whether the institution where the study is
going to be based wil charge 'overheads'. These correspond to the costs to
the institution of administering the grant, organizing the payment of
salaries, ordering supplies, providing office space, heat, electricity, air-con-
ditioning etc. Sorne funding bodies refuse payment of overheads (e.g., the
World Health Organization), whereas others wil pay only up to a certain
proportion of the total cost (e.g., the European Commission pays only 20%
of the total cost). If the funding body does not pay overheads, it may be
possible to include as running costs in the budget sorne expenses that
might otherwise be covered by the overheads, such as telephone, fax and
mailng costs.

Dissemination of results
Sorne funding bodies require applicants to state how they intend to
inform study participants about the findings of the study and how they
wil be disseminated to relevant health authorities and the scientific com-
munity. This topic is further discussed in Section 18.4.

Box 18.1 presents a checklist on how to prepare grant applications.

Before sending the grant application to the funding body, it is useful to
send a draft to people who have experience of writing and reviewing appli-
cations, for comment. Although no one can foresee aIl the problems that
may occur, many potential difficultes wil be quickly spotted by experi-
enced researchers. ln particular, it is advisable to involve a statistician in the
development of the study protocoL
The investigator should also inform aIl people whose approval or coop-
eration is either required or desirable. Proposed research in clinical or aca-
demic institutions should be presented to appropriate departmental heads
and/or hospital administrators. Often there wil be a committee specially
designated to review and approve study protocols. Studies conducted in the
community should be presented to local health offciaIs. ln addition to
gaining the required approval, the investigator may receive valuable prac-
tical suggestions and other assistance from these individuals, such as intro-
ductions to physicians who may permit the study of their own patients.
The investigator may also learn of other similar or related research that is
under way. Cooperation with other investigators may help avoid duplica-
tion of effort and le ad to sharing of resources and, possibly, even of data.

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

'eJ()rs~bniiSs,ionOfapplbi- ,
'--.- . ..... .,' .' ,,' -" -'" ' -'''" ,. '.

'.,.d;è¿kC;~f:~fhérthey iequire, submissionOf~~yspacial documents (e.g., ' ,

staternent. of wilingness, to participate Jn thèstudy franiall cOllaborators, con-
, .. ,firmàtianaf', thicaLapproval)which maytàkesonie tîmetoobtain." '
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om,p;ute" cC!nsun:aples, ,,',

ri .charg~sQv~rhl3ads.

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nd Cíea,r. Cneck speUingerrors carefully. If you are writing the

, '"Ianguage other than,yoiwm()ther tongue,itwìlbe useful tQ
'èone whe)is proficientintl1atlanguage. ,,'.,.' "

'..",.the protocol'toexpe:rtsin. thetopic.' Heview'the dr~ft. inth~..'." '.

ments.' ,', , , " ',' , " . d

Review of grant proposaIs

Most funding bodies send the applications to experts in the particular
subject. These experts are asked to evaluate the proposaIs by answering
the following questions: Does the proposaI address an important ques-
tion? Is the study design appropriate? Are the applicants qualified to
conduct research? Is the budget reasonable? Each referee wil send a
report with his/her comments to the funding body.
Most funding bodies have their own research review panel who wil
consider the applications and the referees reports. The panel wil rank
the applications and award those on the top of the ranking scale.
Occasionally, applicants may be invited to submit a revised application
which takes into account the referees' comments. The revised applica-
tion should address aIl the referees comments and be submitted togeth-
er with a covering letter detailng the revisions.



Chapter 18

18.3 Conducting the study

Once funding for the study is secured, the researchers need to start plan-
ning the conduct of the study carefully and in detaiL

18.3.1 Logistic organization

It is important to plan aIl the activities of the study at a very early stage.
Three general princip les should govern the logistic organization of a study.
First, realistic milestones should be set up at the start of the study. Second,
aIl study procedures and decisions should be properly documented. Third,
expenses should be monitored closely.
A timetable of aIl the activities to be conducted should be established. An
example is given in Box 18.2. The timetable should indicate targets to be
achieved at regular time intervals. It must be realistic. For instance, it should
take into account possible delays in delivering vital equipment, climatic fac-
tors which may affect the fieldwork, and staff holidays and sickness.

ii )i

Conduct of interviews
and collection of 4( .-
blood sam pies

Laboratory measurements ~
Data entry and checking il .
Data analysis 0( ..
Reports to Ministry of
Health and funding bodies X X X

Preparation of scientific or )t

A study manual should be prepared in which each study procedure is

documented in detail (e.g., step-by-step instructions for the administra-
tion and completion of questionnaires or for the collection of biological
samples). The manu al should be updated if any changes are made during


i \\,~,

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

the study. Copies of the relevant parts of the manual should be given to
aIl research team members. ln addition to the study manual, it is also
important to keep a study diary in which aIl problems encountered are
noted and the solutions adopted are recorded. This wil be useful in main-
taining consistency of decisions throughout the study.
A detailed record of expenditure should be kept to monitor expenses
throughout the study and to faciltate submission of expenditure state-
ments to the funding body. It is important to keep copies of salary pay-
ment sheets, invoices, receipts, order forms, etc. Grant accounts can be
easily monitored by using a computer spreadsheet.

18.3.2 Recruitment, training and management of personnel

Epidemiological studies often require the recruitment of personnel (e.g.,
statisticians, interviewers, data-entry clerks, computer programmers, etc.).
A job description should be written for each post indicating the responsi-
bilties involved, and the minimum qualifications and experience
It is important to establish a clear line of management so that each staff
member knows what his/her responsibilties are and to whom he/she
should report. Proper training of personnel is fundamental to the success
of the study and adequate time and resources should be allocated to this.
Performance of each staff member should be monitored regularly and con-
structive feedback given. Successful work must be seen as a team effort.

18.3.3 Equipment
The equipment required wil depend on the design of the study and the
setting where it wil be carried out. Routine-data-based studies may require
only access to good computing facilties. ln contras t, a large intervention
trial conducted in a remote area may require everything from computer
equipment to staff accommodation and transport facilties.

Computing equipment
The choice of computer equipment ('hardware') and computer pro-
grams ('software') (see Box 18.3) wil be determined by the design and size
of the study as weIl as by the availabilty of technical expertise for data-
processing and statistical analysis and of local servicing facilties. However,
the rate of development of computer equipment and software is such that
any advice or guidelines soon become out-of-date. Thus, it is essential that
professional advice, from a computing specialist, should be sought at the
planning stage of the study so that advantage is taken of the most recent

Computers differ in their type of microprocessor, the size of their ran-
dom access memory (RAM) and their storage capacity. The most com-
monly used microcomputers are based on the 486 and Pentium micro-

Chapter 18

processors. The RAM governs the size of program and the amount of data
that the machine can actively work with at any time. The bigger the RAM
the better. Most machines have at least 4 Mb of RAM, but if Windows is to
be used, at least 16 Mb is desirable. The data storage capacity is determined
by the capacity of the ha rd disk. ln general, the hard disk capacity should
be at least 500 megabytes (Mb), especiaUy if Windows-based software is to
be used, as these programmes tend to use a considerable amount of space
on the ha rd disk.
Once the appropriate type of machine for the study has been selected,
it is necessary to obtain price lists from different manufacturers.
Machines with similar specifications are produced by many different
manufacturers and the prices tend to differ widely. However, value for
money is not the same as cheapness. Equipment reliabilty, warrant y and
free maintenance from the dealer are aU important factors which need to
be considered. The availabilty of good local servicing and repair facilties
is another important consideration, particularly for studies in developing
Microcomputers with similar features are available in two basic mod-
els: desktop/tower and laptop (portable) computers. Laptop computers
have the advantage of being portable, but they are more expensive than
desktop machines of equivalent computing capacity. However, since they
work from rechargeable batteries, they avoid the need for an uninter-
ruptible power supply (see below).
It is absolutely vital to take adequate precautions against the possibil-
ty of losing data that have been entered onto the computer. AU the infor-
mation on the computer should be regularly copied onto sorne other stor-
age device to guard against the possibilty of hard disk or computer fail-
ure. Floppy disks are adequate to store relatively smaU data-sets, but
removable hard-disk units may be needed for very large data-sets.
Alternatively, a 'tape-streamer' may be used to back-up the data onto a
sm aU magnetic tape. It is essential to make back-up copies of the data reg-
ularly, on both a daily and weekly basis, and ta create multiple copies as
a back-up to the back-up (see Section 18.3.6).
Unreliable power supplies can lead to loss of data and serious damage
to the computing equipment. It is advisable to avoid sharing the mains
circuit with equipment such as electric motors and air-conditioning sys-
tems that makes heavy but intermittent demands on the power supply.
Power stabilzers (or mains filters) are smaU devices, sometimes incorpo-
rated into the plugs, which are designed to de al with rapid voltage fluc-
tuations. However, they offer no protection against loss of data if there is
a power failure. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are devices that, in
the event of a power failure, provide power (from batteries) for short peri-
ods, until the batteries run down. This gives enough time to save the
work and switch off the computer without loss of information. Sorne
UPSs shut down the computer automatically should the loss of the main
power supply be prolonged.

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

Printers vary in price enormously. ln general, the better the print qual-
ity, the higher the price. Dot-matrix printers are relatively cheap and the
quality of their output is usuaIly good enough for most requirements. An
ink-jet or a laser printer may be required if there is a need to produce high-
er-quality documents such as grant proposaIs, questionnaires and study

" , . Box 18.3. Computing requirements . . - .

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. . ~Software( computer progr?ms) ,-

Minimum requirements. .'.
.. operating system
7.qataQasepaè .
!p~c~âQ~ '
f~ssin . e '

",','", _', ".,_H',_ ,'. ,_ _,','

er software; "'. ..'

Computing equipment can be used in most normal ambient conditions.

It is advisable, however, to try to ensure that they are kept in a dust-free
environment with temperatures below 25°C (to avoid overheating) and
humidity of less than 80%. Thus, special equipment to ensure that ambient
conditions are appropria te (e.g., air-conditioning systems) may be required,
particularly in hot and humid locations.

ln order for a computer to work, it requires a set of instructions which
control its operations. This set of instructions is called an operating system.
ln the past, most IBM-tye microcomputers used the DOS operating system,
but today the Windows operating system is almost universaL Windows
allows several programs to be run simultaneously (which is not possible
with DOS unless a special software package has been installed) and, there-
fore, it is easier to move data, text and figures between diferent programs.
Apart from the operating system, most epidemiological studies require
a database package to enter and check the data, a statistical package to per-

Chapter 18

form the statistical analyses, and a word-processing package for use in

preparing the data-collection forms, progress reports and papers with the
final results for publication. Many suitable computer packages are avail-
able. The best policy is to use weIl known packages that have been thor-
oughly tested by others; newly developed packages often contain 'bugs'
(Le., errors) that can cause major problems. Epi Info (version 6) is a very
useful package for word-processing, questionnaire design, data entry and
validation, and simple tabulations and statistical analysis. It has been
developed by the Centers for Disease Control in the USA and the Global
Programme on AlOS at the World Health Organization in Geneva. This
software package was specificaIly developed for epidemiological studies, it
is easy to use and it is distributed free of charge (apart from postage)a.
Computers may become infected by a 'virus', which is a piece of soft-
ware, written by unscrupulous people, designed to da mage the computer
or the data it holds. Precautions should be taken to prevent this happen-
ing and to detect any possible contamination immediately. Virus-checking
software packages have been developed to routinely check for the intro-
duction of viruses and to clean them from the computer. Floppy disks
should be scanned for viruses before data are transferred into the corn put -
er. It is important to ensure that the program is updated every time new
virus es appear.
If there is frequently a need to transfer data between computers (for
instance, from a portable computer to a desktop computer), this can be
do ne efficiently via a cable link which connects the seriaI or paraIlel ports
of the two machines. Special software wil be needed for such data trans-
fer. Data can be transferred much more quickly this way than by using
an one
floppy disks. If constant access to the data is required from more th

computer, a network of computers can be created. However, this is more

complex to set up and specialist help should be obtained.

Other equipment
It may be necessary to obtain offce equipment such as desks, filng cab-
inets, a photocopying machine, a fax machine, etc. Studies involving col-
lection of biological specimens may require laboratory equipment such as
freezers, centrifuges, etc. (see Section 18.3.5). Field studies in remote areas
may require staff accommodation and transport facilties.

18.3.4. Recruiting study subjects

The recruitment of study subjects may involve obtaining lists of poten-
tially eligible subjects. Such lists may be obtained from local authorities (e.g.,
lists of aIl subjects resident in a particular area), from doctors or hospitals
(e.g., lists of patients with a particular condition) or from cancer registries. If
a list of aIl the residents of a particular geographical area is required as a sam-
a Details can be obtained tram USD
pling trame and no enumeration lists are available or those available are
lncorporated (2075A West Park Place,
Stone Mountain, GA 30087, USA; tele- grossly inaccurate or out-of-date, it wil be necessary to conduct a census of
phone + 1 404469 4098). the defined study population before recruiting the study subjects.

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

The recruitment of subjects usually involves writing letters and/or meeting

the study subjects, their doctors, local health representatives, leaders of the
communities, etc. to explain the objectives of the study and to ob
tain their
support and consent.
Once recruited into the study, each subject should be given a unique study
identification number. This number should remain constant throughout the
study. It will help to keep confidentiality and blindness and wil be used to
link individual information obtained from different sources (e.g., question-
naires, clinical records and laboratory forms).

18.3.5 Collection of biological samples and laboratory measurements

Many cancer-related epidemiological studies involve collection of biologi-
cal specimens such as blood, serum, plasma, urine, cell and tissue samples
from study participants.

Collection and processing of biological specimens

Biological specimens may be specifically collected for the purpose of the
epidemiological study or may derive from samples collected for clinical pur-
rials, but the
poses. Clinical activities can be an easy source of biological mate

specimens are sometimes inadequate for an epidemiological investigation,

particularly if coIlected by a number of different people using different me

ods of collection and processing. The amount of specimen available may be

insuffcient in volume or quality, specimens may have remained too long in
less than optimal conditions of preservation or they may be contaminated
with extraneous materials (see Box lS.4).
Blood can be coIlected by venepuncture or by finger (or heel) pricks. Finger
(or heel) pricks tend to be more acceptable to study participants. The volume
of blood obtained with this method, although smaIler than that obtained by
venepuncture, is usually sufficient for most laboratory assays. It is, therefore,
important to check with laboratory staff the minimum amount of blood that
needs to be collected to perform aIl the necessary laboratory assays. The tim-
ing of the blood collection may also be important (e.g., time since exposure,
time of the day, time within the menstrual cycle, etc.). Sorne laboratoryassays
require fasting samples. Other factors such as a subject's posture and the use
of a tourniquet can affect the concentration of certain blood components.
After collection, blood can be separated into several components including
serum, plasma, red cells and white cells. Separation must be done shortly after
the blood has been collected (ideally, within two hours). During this period,
the specimens can be left at room temperature, but preferably at 4°C. Serum
and plasma samples should be frozen as soon as possible after separation, and
stored at -20°C. This is adequate for most assays, at least for several weeks.
Sorne assays require immediate storage at -70°C or below (e.g., vitamin C mea-
Sorne urinary assays require collection of 24-hour urine samples, whereas
others can be performed in a single sample collected 'on the spot'. The col-
lection of 24-hour urine samples is 10gisticaIly more complex and less readily

Chapter 18

accepted by study subjects. Particular care is necessary in instructing study

subjects in the collection of 24-hour urine, and in checking that instructions
have been followed. It is usually necessary to leave the container with the
individual overnight and to arrange for it to be collected the following day.
Creatinine levels should be measured to take into account and correct deter-
minations for possible losses of urine. A good check for the completeness of
urine collection is the administration of 250 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid,
which is completely recoverable in the urine over the 24 hours following its
Before storing samples for long periods of time, it may be necessary to add
appropriate fixatives and stabilzers. This should be checked with the labora-
tory staff. Biological samples are easily damaged by repeated freezing and
thawing. Thus, samples should be divided into small portions before freezing.
Ideally, the size of the aliquots should be such that each one contains just suf-
ficient material to perform the assays required at a particular time.
AIl biological specimens should be properly labelled. To ensure confiden-
tiality, the label should contain the unique study identification number of the
subject but not any other personal details (e.g., name). The identification
number wil make it possible to link back the results from the laboratory
assays to the records of the individual from whom the sample was taken. ln
sorne circumstances, it wil be appropriate to include on the label the date of
collection and the tye of specimen, if not evident. It is important, however,
to ensure that laboratory staff are kept 'blind' to the exposure (or outcome)
status of the subjects from whom the samples were taken. Pre-prin te d, adhe-

sive labels with each identification number duplicated several times are avail-
able commercially. Alternatively, they can easily be produced by a microcom-
puter. Waterproof marker pens should be used, except if samples are going to
be frozen in salt-alcohol mixtures, in which case plain pencils should be used
instead. The labellng must be done on the body of the container and never
on the cap only. Numbers and letters must be written in a clear and stan-
dardized form (see Box 18.5). It is important to pre-test the labels to check how
they stick and how pen/pencil writing is preserved during transport and stor-
Samples may be stored temporarily in a laboratory located where the field-
work is being carried out before being sent to the laboratory where the assays
will be conducted and/or to their permanent storage place. If a large number
of sam pIes is collected and stored, it is important to store them in a way that
aIlows rapid retrieval of any particular sample. For instance, samples may be
stored in batches according to the date they were collected or frozen. This
information may be computerized so that any particular specimen can be eas-
ily and rapidly located.

Qua y control of laboratory procedures


Laboratories should keep a record of the reagents, test kits, laboratory

equipment, the batches of supplies and reagents used at different times,
and the number of times each aliquot has been thawed and re-frozen.

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

..lJldb~;9ivahin~tb. .lÎaf111alon liowt~,coll~ct,


,d '. ,.prOcassiiÌg;storage and transportof$pecil'ens

, re being implerrented. ' . ,
. :",'.,- ""-',.è' .,',-_, ,._\'" .':, " ,',- -. ,'-'-._ - ,_' '-':,:',-i,
'. Ali biological scmiples shouldbe considered potentiallyinfectioùs. Ali personnel
. .'invöIV~d ¡ii Iheir. collection"proëessing, analysis Or sIorage shoùld takemea-
sures tÔ protect themselves against the possibilty bf becominginfected (e;g., by
.. wearing disposable gloves).
":' - - '-' '- --" ,- ~ ': ' ::-, ",
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- 'C._,',-, '-'-'.- '_','_" ,_','_', ",:.', ,_'
,.'~Th13quaHty of laboratory measurementsshouldbeclosely monitored. This con-
sists.of: ,. . ' ' . . , ..' ,. ... .. '

:" "'\-,~;::_~:-". -:;,

Records should also be kept of reasons for considering a specimen as

'unacceptable' (e.g., insuffcient material, inadequate processing, storage
or transport) and of unusual events which may affect the results of a test
(e.g., power failures, errors in test procedures).
Many laboratory tests have 'in-built controls' using standardized
ieagents of known concentration or quantity. ln addition, many assays are
performed in duplicate as a normal routine laboratory procedure.
Although in-built con troIs and duplicate measurements are important to
assess the quality of laboratory measurements, they are not sufficient (see
Box 18.4). A random sample of specimens should be sent to the laborato-
iy and tested twice, laboratory staff being unaware that they are duplicate
samples. The reliabilty between the first and the second measureilents
gives an indication of the internaI quality of the laboratory procedures
(see Section 2.6.2). Ideally, reliabilty should be checked within batches,
between batches and from one time period to another (e.g., week-to-
week). It is important to ileasure intra-observer (by having duplicate sam-
pIes processed by the same observer at different times), inter-observer (by
having the saile samples processed independently by two different staff
ilembers) and inter-product reliabilty (by analysing the saile sailples
with different batches of reagents). High reliabilty does not ensure high

Chapter 18

validity of the measurements, however. Thus, it is desirable to send a ran-

dom sample of duplicate specimens to an external reference laboratory,
whose measurements wil be taken as a 'gold standard' (see Section 2.6.1).
Laboratory results should be recorded in laboratory notebooks or,
preferably, on specially prepared forms to faciltate computer entry. It is
important to ensure that the forms are designed in a way that allows the
recording of particular problems or features which may be of relevance to
the interpretation of the measurements. For example, it should include
items on the identity of the technicians involved with each test (to check
for inter-observer variation), the batch of reagents used (to check for inter-
product variabilty) and any technical problems that may arise (e.g., lost
and broken samples, samples with insufficient material, errors in test pro-
cedures, etc.).

18.3.6 Data processing and editing

AIl the various steps of data processing and editing should be planned
early at the design stage of the study. This should be do ne in consultation
with a statistician and a computer programmer.

Design of data-collection forms

AIl forms to be used for recording data in a study should be carefully
designed and pre-tested to ensure that the relevant data are coIlected and
can be easily extracted for data processing. This general principle applies
to aIl data-collection forms: questionnaires, laboratory forms, data extrac-
tion forms from hospital notes, etc. These issues were discussed in Chapter
2 and Appendix 2.1.

Data collection and recording

Adequate training is the single most important aspect of data quality
control. It should focus on accuracy and completeness, with an emphasis
on how and why the work of the entire project is dependent upon the
quality of the data recorded. Field workers should be instructed how to
write numbers and letters so that the coding and data entry clerks have no
difficulty in reading the forms. Sorne letters and numbers are frequently
confused and special instructions should be given regarding these.
Examples are given in Box 18.5.
The leaving of blanks should be avoided since these can be interpreted
in different ways. A blank may mean that the question was not appropri-
ate, the answer was not known or, simply, that the question was mistak-
enly skipped by the interviewer. ln addition, sorne computer programs
interpret blanks as zeros, which may be a valid code. It is preferable to
design the forms so that aIl options are covered (for example, the answers
to a specific question may be: 'yes', 'no', 'not known' and 'not appropri-
Information should be recorded in pencil or using a baIl-point pen.
Errors should be corrected by writing the correct response above or below

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

the original response but never writing over the top of the incorrect
response. Field workers and supervisors may use pens of different colours
so that it is clear where corrections were made.
The data-collection activities should be supervised and the quality of
the data monitored on a regular basis. Every data-collection activity
should be designed in su ch a way that it can be checked. Checks should
be designed with the objective of detecting errors rather than proving the
high quality of the data.


Chapter 18

Forms should be checked for their data completeness and consistency

(Box 18.6). Interviewers' performance should be monitored regularly and
constructive feedback given. If feasible, a random sample of subjects
should be re-interviewed by the interviewer, co-worker and/or supervisor
to assess the reliabilty of the measurements.
Interim tabulations and scatter plots of the most important variables
should be produced regularly. These may help to detect problems. For
instance, systematic patterns in the data (e.g., one interviewer with a
much higher refusallevel than the others) wil indicate the need to check
on particular aspects of data collection.

. .... ", '.',' Box UÎ.6. Ert$'u,\i'igj;ióDd Ctåì~q:¡ùal'Îty ',.' ; ::. ,',
~ / ' ~ ~ l _ ,,~ J ~ r '~ ~~ '" ~ ~- ,
- Ensure adequate training and supervision of field workers.
,-.-.- .,......-...

- Check samples of data-collection forms to assess their completeness and accu-


-Assessinterviewer's performance by watching/listening to' interview.

Re-interviewaJanpomsampleot. subjects. The second. interview maybe con-

ductedbythesupervisor, by another interviewer, orby the same interviewer.
AssessT(; obt.ained in thetwo interviews.

-T abulatetheniostimportant by interviewer toassess inter 7inter\iewer


Coding is the term used to describe the conversion of data from a data-
collection form into a format that is suitable for analysis on a computer,
by assigning a numerical code to every possible answer on the data-col-
lection form. For instance, sex may be coded 1 for males and 2 for females;
only the number 1 or 2 wil be entered onto the computer fie. Numerical
data (e.g., number of children) do not require coding since the exact num-
ber can be entered.
Many data collection forms are 'pre-coded', that is, they are designed so
that every possible answer is assigned a code in the form (see Appendix
2.1). The field worker selects one (or more) of these 'pre-coded' options.
Such pre-coded forms have the advantages of being almost ready for com-
puter entry by the data clerk and of minimizing transcription errors.
However, later coding is stil required for 'open' questions and for answers
which do not fit into the pre-coded categories. These answers may be
given additional codes if necessary.
An alternative approach is to code the data only after the form has been
completed. The data-collection forms are designed so that there is a spe-

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

cifc column for coding on the right- hand side of the page. The field
workers (or the study subjects if the questionnaire is self-administered) are
asked to ignore this column and fill in the answers in the spaces provided
on the left-hand side. The answers are coded later by the field workers or
by specially trained coding clerks and the codes are inserted in the right-
hand column. The time between data recording and coding should be
kept as short as possible so that inconsistencies in the data are revealed
and the field worker can be asked to re-contact the subject to correct them.
Sorne aspects deserve special attention when developing coding instruc-
tions. Firstly, numerical variables such as number of children, weight or
height should not be coded into pre-determined categories. TheÍf actual
values should be recorded so as to preserve the full detail of the data in
analyses. Data may then be grouped in different ways, if appropriate.
Secondly, specific codes should be given if a particular question is not
applicable to a respondent (e.g., number of pregnancies for a man) or the
answer is not known or the response was mistakenly left blank by the field
worker (for example, 1 = yes; 2 = no; 7 = not recorded; 8 = not relevant; 9
= not known). Similarly, specific result codes should be developed in lab-
oratory forms to allow for the coding of technical problems such as bro-
ken samples, insuffcient material, error in laboratory procedures, etc. To
minimize coding errors, it is advisable, if possible, that the meaning of any
particular code remains constant throughout the data-coIlection form
(e.g., a code of 9 should be given to the 'not known' answer of every ques-
tion). Thirdly, a coding manual with aIl the coding values and rules should
be compiled and given to field workers, data-coding and data-entry clerks.
This manual should be updated if any changes in coding are made during
the study.

Computer data entry

Once the data are coded, the information on the forms is ready to be
entered into a computer. For each type of data-collection form, a comput-
er fie should be created to enter the data. It is possible to set up a data-
entry programme so that the computer screen resembles the layout of the
data collection form to minimize errors by data-entry clerks. The data-
entry program is usually developed by using a database package. Most of
these programs incorporate consistency and range checks so that the data
are checked and edited in an interactive way. For instance, if an inadmis-
sible value is entered, an error message appears on the screen and an audi-
ble warning alerts the data-entry clerk to the error. It is also important to
design the data-entry program so that it does not allow data to be entered
from records which were erroneously given the same identification num-
Each variable for which data are recorded must be given a name for use
in computer processing. Variables may be identified by numbers (e.g.,
'VAROOl), but it is better to use abbreviated names that easily identify the
variables, such as 'sex'J 'age', 'parity', 'fbirthag' (for age at first birth). The

Chapter 18

number of characters to be used in a variable name should not exceed the

number allowed by the computer program (most packages do not allow
the use of more than eight characters).
If data relating to the same individual may be obtained from different
sources (e.g., interviewer-administered questionnaire, clinical notes and lab-
oratory reports) or follow-up surveys conducted at different points in time, it
is better to store the information from each source or survey in a separate fie.
It is relatively easy to link data from different database fies using a cornilon
person-identifying code (Le., the unique study number).
Each data-set collected in a study should be entered onto the computer
twice. The second entry should be independent of the first and should be
done by a different data-entry clerk. The two fies of data should be compared
using a speciaIly written computer program (available in Epi Info). Any dif-
ferences detected by this program should be checked against the original
records and the incorrect file(s) edited. The program to compare the fies
should be mn again and the editing pro cess repeated until no differences
between the fies are found.
A manual with the names of the fies where data from each form have
been entered and with details of all the variables (what the variable is, mean-
ing of codes, allowed values, etc.) should be compiled and distributed to aU
data-processing personneL. It should be updated on a regular basis, as neces-

Data c1eaning
Range and consistency checks should be mn for each variable, either while
they are being entered into the computer or after a whole batch has been
entered. Range checks identify inadmissible values. For instance, if the vari-
able sex was coded '1 for males and '2' for females, values other th an 1 and
2 would be flagged as errors. Consistency checks cross-check the consistency
of data for related variables. For example, ilales should not have a diagnosis
of ovarian cancer.
ln addition to checking for incorrect or unusual values, the distribution of
each variable should be examined. Interim tabulations of the data and scat-
ter plots of quantitative variables, such as height against weight, are effective
in revealing unlikely outlying observations. These should be checked against
the data collection forms, since they are unlikely but not necessarily impos-
sible. ln sorne cases, it may be possible to correct the data. ln other cases, it
wil be necessary to insert a 'missing value' code, if it is certain that the data
were in error (e.g., an impossible height).

Updating and storage

Back-up copies of the data should be made regularly (ideaIly on a daily
basis, but if this is not possible, at least weekly). A minimum of two back-up
copies of all data on computer should always exist. Sorne of the copies should
be stored in a geographically separate location in a dry and relatively dust-
free environment to guard against events such as fîres, floods, robbery, etc. A

Designing, planning and conductîng epîdemiological research

complete and updated list should be made of what data are on aIl stored disks
and tapes, and copies should be kept at more than one location.
The data collection forms should also be stored in a secure place to ensure
confidentiality of the data. The forms should be filed in batches or in seriaI
order (either by date of collection or by study identification number) to facil-
itate their retrieval for checking apparent errors detected in records on com-
puter. IdeaIly, the forms should be kept weIl after the end of the study, but
space restrictions may preclude this. ln large studiesi it may be worth cons

ering the possibilty of copying the data collection forms onto microfiches.

Preparing data for analysis

The variables entered into the computer files are not always the ones suit-
able for data analysis. Recoding and computing of new variables is likely to be
necessary. For example, body mass index (BMI) may be calculated from height
and weight, and age at the time of the survey from date of birth and date the
interview was completed. Moreover, continuous variables are usually grouped
for the 'classical' methods of analysis based on stratification. Sorne combina-
tion of groups may also be necessary for categorical variables with large num-
bers of categories or for categories in which there are no, or very few, cases.
It is preferable to keep a copy of the original file (as entered from the data-
collection forms) and create new files for the new versions of the data.
Preferably, the names of consecutive versions of the same file should be select-
ed so that it is easy to recognize which one contains the latest version (e.g.,
STUD1, STUD2, STUD3, etc.). It is important to keep copies of the programs
written to recode variables and compute new ones as a document of what
exactly was done and to aIlow new versions of the data to be re-created from
the original file if errors are detected.
Careful thought should be given to the planning of the analysis of the data
(see Chapters 3, 4, 6 and 14). The steps given in Box 14.1 should be used as a
general guideline.

18.4 Disseminating the results

Research projects are worthwhile only if their findings are properly dissem-
inated to the scientific community. This usually involves publication of the
findings in peer-reviewed scientific joumals. Results may also be presented at
sCIentific conferences and meetings. Depending on the aims and relevance of
the study, it may also be appropriate to produce more detailed reports and/or
reports written in lay language to be distributed to health authoritiesi com-
munity leadersi study subjects, etc.

18.4.1 Writing a paper

The process of writng a scientific paper has many similarities to that of
writing a grant proposaI. Thus, most of the issues presented in Box 18.1
are equally relevant to the preparation of scientific papers.
The first step is to identify journals that are likely to be interested in the
topic of the study and are appropriate for the importance of the findings.


Chapter 18

Box 18.7 lists sorne of the most important international journals of rele-
vance to cancer epidemiologists. A useful way of choosing an appropriate
journal is to see where most previous work on the same topic was published.
The journal's requirements-style, headings, referencing system, etc.
must be followed closely. 'Instructions for Authors' are generally published
in most issues of journals. The draft of the paper should be prepared exact-
ly according to instructions. It is important to think carefully about how
to ilustrate the results (tables, figures, etc.) so that the main findings of
the study are clearly presented to potential readers.
Most journals ask the authors to structure the paper into the following

Tit/e page
This page should include an informative and concise title for the paper;
me of the institution in which the
the name(s) of the author(s); the na

work was performed; the institutional affilation of each author; and the
na me and address of the author to whom correspondence should be

The abstract should summarize in no more than a few hundred
words the reason for the study, the major findings, and the principal
conclusions. Sorne papers (e.g., British Medical Journal) require a struc-
tured abstract which is divided into special sections. It is helpful to
ob tain sorne examples of abstracts published in the journal before
attempting to write one. Sorne journals ask the authors to provide key
words from the Medical Subject Headings of Index Medicus for indexing

This section should include a description of the background of the
investigation (citing only essential references) and the reason(s) for per-
forming the study.

Data and methods

The methods (including the statistical approach) used should be
described in enough detail that someone reading the paper could repeat
the study. For research on human subjects, it is necessary to highlight any
ethical issues that the conduct of the study might have raised, whether
approval was obtained from the relevant ethical committees and how con-
sent was obtained from the study participants.

The findings should be presented in a clear and concise way. Repetition
should be avoided by presenting data in only one format, that is, results
displayed in a table should not be presented in the text.


,f \':

Designing, planning and conducting epidemiological research

Discussion Further readhig

The discussion should coyer the issues presented in Chapter 13:
strengths and limitations of the study design, quality of the data, bias, * The book by Smith & Morrow
confounding and chance. FinaIly, the findings of the study should be dis- (1996) provides useful practical
cussed in the light of previous work. information on how to plan and
conduct epidemiological studies.
Acknowledgements Although the book focuses on
Contributions, including technical help or other assistance, and fund- field trials, most of the issues
ing bodies that provided financial support for the study should be presented are relevant to any
acknowledged. type of epidemiological study.

The references should be written according to the specifications of the
journal where the paper is going to be submitted.

Tables and figures

General mIes for the preparation of tables and graphs were given in
Section 3.4. Journals may have specific mIes, which should be followed

Before submitting the paper, it is important to send a draft to aIl col-

laborators, as weIl as to colleagues who are successful at publishing articles
and ask for their comments. If needed, the manuscript should be revised
in the light of their comments before sending it to the journal

18.4.2 Review
If the editor thinks the journal might accept the paper, he/she wil send
it out to referees. The reports from these referees wil then determine
whether the paper is accepted or rejected. Papers are rarely accepted with-
out alterations. Most commonly, it wil be either rejected or accepted sub-
ject to modifications based on the referees' comments. The authors should
submit a revised version of the paper which takes into account these com-
ments, together with a covering letter to the editor explaining exactly how
this was done.


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Research on Cancer

Subject index

Adjustment Blind techniques

for age 70-77 double 153
for confounders 307-313,316-318,361 single 153
Age-adjustment 70-77 unblinding 154
Age-specifie rate 66, 71 Blood samples 183, 417
Analysis Box-and-whisker plot 49
case-control studies 203-208
cohort studies 176- 182 Cancer registries 32, 23 l, 385-403
cross-sectional surveys 224-227 data collection 388-389
ecological studies 250-257 hospital-based 32, 387, 401-402
final 155 in developing countries 392.394
intention to treat 154 population-based 32, 385
matched studies 208 population definition 387
on-going 154 Case
on randomized treatment 154 definition 57, 190, 263
regression 252, 319-324 incident 193
routine-data-based studies 242-247 prevalent 193
subgroup 159 Case-cohort studies 199
survival 263-276, 400 Case-control studies 7, 88, 189-212
Arithmetic mean, 48 analysis 203-208
Attributable risk 97, 356 bias 192, 197,203,278-281
control selection 89, 195-202
Bar chart 51 exposure measurement 203
Baseline data 149, 155 hospital-based 195
Bias 143,277-292 nested 182, 196
diagnostic 210 of screening 377,381-383
lead-time 373 source of cases 195
length 372 Causality 296-299
measurement 153, 175,282-291 reverse 212
observer 203 Cause of death 3 l, 248
recall 203, 287 misclassifieation 32
responder 203 Cause-specifie survival 272
selection 170,176,184,192,197,198,221,249, Censoring 266-268
277-282 Census 65, 249
survival 194 Chance 103-118, 294
Biological Chi-squared test 127-133, 309, 328, 331
measurements 16-18 for linear trend 130-132
plausibilty 296 Classifcation of disease 41-44,391
samples 173,183,417 Clinieal trial 85, 135
Biologically effective dose 14 Cohort studies 6,86, 164-187
Birth cohort analysis 68 bias 170,175,176, 184,281


1 \._",.
Subject index

historical 172 collection 388-389, 418

prospective 172 computer entry 421
of screening 377 editing 46,418
Committee items for cancer registries 388-390
data-monitoring 154 mortality 31, 248
ethica1140,407 processing 45,418
Community trials 136, 151 qualitative 51
Comparison groups 168 quality 32, 247, 391
external 169 quantitative 47
internai 168 recording 418
multiple 170 reduction 47
Compliance 150 routine31-33, 64, 91-95, 231-262
Computers 411-414 validity 19, 25
data entry 45, 421 see a/so Misclassification
packages for survival analysis 275 Death certifcation 31, 231, 243
Confidence interval105, 115, 295 Denominator 58, 65, 249, 387
for measures of occurrence 119-122 lacking 77, 393
for effect measures 122-127, 327-331 Diagnosis 191, 263
and study size calculations 335 basis for 389
Confounding 11, 291-294, 352 overdiagnosis 374
case-control studies 201 Diagnostic bias 210
cohort studies 174, 184 Diaries 16
control for 293, 305-325 Dose 13-14
ecological studies 259 biologically effective 14
intervention studies, 143 see a/so Exposure
residual294 Double-blind 153
routine-data-based studies 249
Consent to participate 140 Ecological
Contamination 151 fallacy 257-259
Con troIs studies 92, 249-260, 376
in case-control study 89, 195-202, 209 Effect modification 314-315,352
hospital-based 198, 280-281 Eligibilty criteria 139
neighbourhood 197 Employment records 172
number of 198 End-point
sampling schemes 199 intermediate 19, 152
Correlation coeffcient 251 Errol'
Cox's proportional hazards model 324 measurement, 28-30
Crossover trials 148 sampling, 103
Cross-sectional surveys 90, 213-229 standard, 104, 107, 119
analysis 224-227 Ethical considerations 83, 135, 137-138,407
bias 221, 278 see a/so lnformed consent
data collection 224 Excess fraction 98,357,381
study sample 215-224 Excess risk 97, 356, 381
Cumulative rate 76 Exposure 3, 12
biological measurements 16
Data cumulative 14
cancer incidence 32, 248 environ mental measurements 18
categorical 51 measurement 13-18,171-174,203,260
checking 46, 422 mis classification 282-289
coding 43, 404 rate 14



Subject index

reduction 356, 362-364 Intervention studies 8, 83, 84-87, 135-162

sources of data 14-18 bias 282
Exposure-response relationship 179, 180, 206, 297 of cancer treatment 379
of screening 375
Factorial design 147 Interview 15
Field trial 86, 135 Intra-observer reliabìlty 25
Fisher's exact test 133
Follow-up 157, 176 Kaplan-Meier survival analysis 270
in cancer registration 388, 394 Kappa statistic 25
loss to 154, 176, 282, 352
in survival studies 268 Laboratory measurements 17,31,416
Frequency matching 202 Latent period 172, 176,260
Funding for projects 405-409 Lead time 373
Lexis diagram 67
Geographical variation 231 Lìe table 269
Gold standard 22 Linkage, record 33, 241
Graphs 54 Logistic regression 320-324
bar chart 51 conditional 324
box-and-whisker plot 49 Loss to follow-up 154, 176,282,352
histogram 48
scatter diagram 252 Mantel-Haenszel analysis 127,307-313
multiple confounders 316-318
Healthy worker effect 170, 249, 282 odds ratio 308,316,327
High-risk groups 378 rate ratio 31l, 330
Histogram 48 risk ratio 309, 329
Hospital-based cancer registry 32, 385, 401-402 Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding
Hypothesis 190
null 11l, 127, 335 Markers, exposure 17
testing 115 Masking 153
Matched pair design 146
Identifiers, personal 33 Matched studies
Incidence 60 analysis 208
age-specifie 66, 71 Matching 200,293
cancer 32, 248 frequency 202
cru de 66 individual 200, 208
date 388 Mean
proportional 78 arithmetic 48
rate 62-63 sample 107
ratio, proportional 78 standard error 107
ratio, standardized, 75 Measurement
Individual matching 200, 208 bias 153, 175, 184,282-291
Induction period see Latent period biological16-18
Informed consent 140 confounding variables 174
Intention-to-treat analysis 154 environmental 18
Interaction 314-315, 352 error 28-30
Intermediate end-point 19, 152 exposure 13-14, 171-174, 203
International Classification of Diseases 5, 42-44
outcome 18-19, 175
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) Median 48
43, 391 Meta-analysis 300
Inter-observer reliabilty 25-27 Migrant studies 232-238, 282

Subject index

Misclassification source 215

cause of death 32 standard 72, 81
differential 30, 286-291 study 141, 166
disease 191, 196 target 138, 215
exposure 282-289 Population-based cancer registry 32, 385-403
non-differential 29, 284-286, 290 Power, statistical167, 192, 198,334-343
outcome 290-291 Precision, sample size calculations 343
Molecular epidemiology 17 Pre-clinical disease 355, 366
Mortality Predictive value 20, 367, 371
data 31, 248 Prevalence 58, 63, 90, 224
ratio, proportional 78 Prevented fraction 98, 159, 358
ratio, standardized, 75 Prevention 8, 355-380
Multicentric studies 203 primary 355, 356-365, 400
secondary 355, 365-379, 400
Neighbourhood controls 197 tertiary 356, 379, 399
Nested case-control studies 182, 196 Probability
Normal distribution 50, 335 of dying 266, 268
Null hypothesis ILL, 127, 335 of surviving 268
Numerator 57,249 P-value 111-117, 294, 334
Nutritional studies 183 Proportional incidence ratio (PIR) 78, 244
Proportional mortality ratio (PMR) 78, 244
Observational studies 83-84, 375 Protocol, study 30, 405-407
Observer bias 203 Proxy
Occupational studies 167, 172,238,281,291 respondent 15
Odds variables 173
of disease 61 Pseudo-cancer 374
of exposure 205 Publication 423
ratio 95, 205-208, 225, 244, 308, 316, 327
Outcome IL, 152, 264 Quality
measurements 18-19, 175 control, laboratory 31, 416
misclassification 290-291 data 32, 247, 391
Outliers 49 indicators 32
Overdiagnosis 374 Quartiles 49
Overmatching 197, 201 Questionnaires 14
design 35-38
P-value 111-117, 294, 334 evaluation 38
Percentiles 49 interviewer-administered 15
Person-time at risk 62, 64, 177, 243 self-administered 15
Placebo 142, 153 standard 39
Poisson regression 322
Pooling 300 Random
Population 2 allocation 142-150
at risk 58 numbers 163
attributable risk 359 sampling 103, 216-221
excess fraction 359, 381 Randomization 84, 143,293,375
excess risk 359,381 blocked 145
experimental139 matched-pair 146
general 166 restricted 145
highlyexposed 167 simple 144, 216
samples 103, 215 stratifed 146, 220

Subject index

Randomized trials see Intervention studies monitoring 241

Rate ratio 95, 206 population 369
Mantel-HaenszeI311,330 Secondary prevention 355,365-379,398
standardized 73
Selection bias 277-282
Recall bias 203, 287
in case-control studies 192, 197, 198,278-281
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve 23 in cohort studies 165, 170, 171, 179,281
Record linkage 33,241 in cross-sectional surveys 221
RefusaI 149, 352 in randomized trials 282
Registration see Cancer registries in routine-data-based studies 249
Regression analysis 252, 319-324 Sensitivity 19-24, 368
logistic 320 Side-effects 150
Poisson 322
Significance test 111
Reliability 25-27, 367 see also Statistical significance
Repeatabilty 25
Size of study 333-353
Reproducibility 25 Socìoeconomic status 238-239
Responder bias 203
Specificìty 20, 368
Reverse causality 212 Standard deviation 50
Risk 60, 64
of sampling distribution 104
attributable 97, 356 Standard error 104, 107, 119,335
difference 97 Standard populations 72, 81
excess 97, 356 Standardization 71
factor 3
direct 72
ratio 95, 206, 309, 329 indirect 74
reduction 98, 358 Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) 75, 182
relative 95 Standardized mortality ratio (SMR) 75, 182
Routine data 31,64, 175
Routine-data-based studies 91-95, 231-262
power 167, 192, 198, 334-343
aggregated level 249-260 significance 112-114,294,334
analysis 242-247, 250-257 testing 127-133, 328, 331
individuallevel 231-249
Stratifcation 66, 67, 294, 305-307
Stratified randomization 146, 220
Sample Study design 83-101
biological 173, 183, 417 see also Case-control studies, Cohort studies,
of population 103, 215
Cross-sectional surveys, Intervention studies,
random 103
Routine-data-based studies
size calculation 333-353 Study population
Samplìng for cohort study 166
for controls 199 for cross-section al survey 215
distribution 103
for intervention trial 137
environmental measurements 18
Study size 333-353
error 103
Surrogate respondent 15
frame 216 Survival
multi-stage 218 analysis 263-276, 400
random 103, 216-221 bias 194
stratified random 220 cause-specifie 272
systematic 218 censoring 266-268
Scatter diagram 252 probabilty 268-269
Screening 355, 365-379
time 266
effectiveness 372-374 trends 400
evaluation 370-378, 400

Subject index

Tables 53 Unblinding 154

Target population 138, 215
Tertiary prevention 356, 379, 399 Vaccine efficacy 159
Test see Statistical significance Validity 19, 25, 367
Time trend 66-70, 239, 248, 400 Variance 50
Treatment 366, 369, 379 Volunteers 139, 278
survival 400 Withdrawal149, 154,282
time 66-70, 239
with exposure level 179
with exposure duration 180


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