Tan Vs Herbieto

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Clavdia lopoe Case: Repubdic_vs 1 Hericlo __ GR Ho and Date: GR No slit, May Facts i Respondent Yerloicro sl Mare. for a single op phechon of 2 parels of land clawing tobe aones _0f The fee swhyle. As teshged perhones qdrent cleady _______ acquired tne lend gvice 1960 and cuttayated ine some and Panted trees therein. Republic opposed such application osserhrig that respondent failed to comply with _penod of adverse posseasicn respondents munvment of hile were aot genume ond did nok _conshtte competent and ___ sugerent evidence of bona pied acquisithoin of subject | ond lastty sulgiect lots were pork of public domarh belonging | to republy. Republé asserted that respondent soiled 4o estotolah an adverse possesacn 1 concept vf Owns snee “Tune 1445 . Further, agohcohsn gor reqistrctwn_sugers fata\_ngiemity contending tat it is wmpliéd provsion under PD 1524 apdicahsa for regstrahon of hile of ___fand gral ve piled by single appricant , mnultupte apphent ___ may gle single _appleahod only 1 case they, ore co-donas + Whetner_pehhoner 16 enbitled 40 reaistrchor under MTC % Scanned with CamScanner No-Tthe late puidicchon of tne nohce of in the newspaper of general cruslahna 1 tantamount +o No 1 at_all, having the sore ukamote_regult. Owrtig to such degedr_n ME _ Pubdheation opine nokée, MTC soiled to conctruchudly sete the _ Suigect lots and _aaquur’_yunselichoa over, “respondents uccho? for registration “thereof. _ Theregore, MICS judgment _ordenrig the. Regetrchon Gnd _conperiahdn_of tte of respondents os wlas MICs order dedantig ts judgment of gwial __ ond executor Gnd divichvig, tne LRA Adraunstratiott 4o wee 0 decree of yegstrohon for eulgect \ols_are_ba aul and Void for havwvig locen sued oy the MIC sotto Junédichon - ' te CO canned with Camscanner

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