Enhanced Wall Treatment
Enhanced Wall Treatment
Enhanced Wall Treatment
dynamics (CFD) simulations to model the behavior of fluid flows near walls. They are an extension of
traditional equilibrium wall functions, which assume that the fluid flow near the wall is in thermal
and mechanical equilibrium.
In contrast, NEWFs account for the non-equilibrium effects that can occur near walls, such as the
presence of thermal radiation, chemical reactions, or non-Newtonian fluid behavior. These effects
can cause deviations from the equilibrium assumptions of traditional wall functions, and thus require
a more advanced modeling approach.
NEWFs are typically implemented using a two-layer approach, where the first layer is used to resolve
the near-wall region with a fine grid resolution, and the second layer is used to model the flow
behavior further away from the wall with a coarser grid resolution. The modeling approach within
the near-wall layer can vary depending on the specific non-equilibrium effects being considered, and
may involve additional transport equations or empirical correlations.
Thermal radiation: The emission and absorption of thermal radiation can affect the temperature
distribution near a wall, particularly in high-temperature environments.
Chemical reactions: Chemical reactions can occur near walls in many engineering applications, such
as combustion or catalysis, and can affect the fluid flow behavior.
Non-Newtonian fluid behavior: Non-Newtonian fluids, which exhibit complex rheological behavior,
can be encountered near walls in some applications and require specialized modeling approaches.
Overall, NEWFs are an important tool for accurately modeling the behavior of fluid flows near walls
in a wide range of engineering applications. By accounting for non-equilibrium effects, they enable
more accurate predictions of flow behavior and better-informed design decisions.
The value of y+ (pronounced "y plus") for non-equilibrium wall functions (NEWFs) depends on the
specific application and modeling approach being used. Generally, y+ values of less than 1 are
desirable for accurate modeling of the near-wall region.
In traditional equilibrium wall functions, y+ is used to characterize the distance of the first grid node
from the wall and is defined as y+ = uτy/ν, where uτ is the friction velocity, y is the distance from the
wall, and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. In non-equilibrium wall functions, the same
definition of y+ can be used, but the values of uτ and ν may be adjusted based on the non-
equilibrium effects being considered.
For example, in the case of thermal radiation near a wall, the temperature gradient near the wall can
be affected by radiative heat transfer, which can change the value of uτ. In this case, a modified
version of y+ that accounts for the radiative heat transfer effects may be used.
In general, the value of y+ in non-equilibrium wall functions should be chosen based on the desired
level of accuracy and the specific non-equilibrium effects being considered. The appropriate y+ value
can be determined through a combination of grid sensitivity analysis and comparison with
experimental data if available.
Enhanced wall treatment refers to a set of techniques used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulations to improve the accuracy of the numerical solutions near solid boundaries, such as walls.
These techniques are used to model the behavior of fluid flows near walls, which is important in
many engineering applications.
The basic idea behind enhanced wall treatment is to improve the accuracy of the turbulent boundary
layer modeling. The turbulent boundary layer is the layer of fluid that is adjacent to a solid boundary,
where the fluid velocity changes from zero at the wall to the free-stream velocity away from the wall.
Turbulent boundary layers are notoriously difficult to model accurately, and this is particularly true
near walls.
1. Wall functions: Wall functions are mathematical models that represent the behavior of the
turbulent boundary layer near walls. These models are used in place of solving the full
turbulent boundary layer equations, which can be computationally expensive.
2. Near-wall grid refinement: In CFD simulations, the fluid domain is discretized into a grid of
cells or elements. Near-wall grid refinement involves using a finer grid near the wall to
capture the small-scale turbulent structures that are important in this region.
3. Low-Reynolds-number models: Low-Reynolds-number models are used to simulate flows
with low Reynolds numbers, where viscous effects dominate. These models are used in
enhanced wall treatment to improve the accuracy of the turbulent boundary layer modeling.
Enhanced wall treatment is an important tool in CFD simulations, as it enables more accurate
modeling of flows near walls. This is important in many engineering applications, including
aerodynamics, heat transfer, and chemical engineering.
In the context of enhanced wall treatment (EWT) in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), the value of
y+ is an important parameter for determining the appropriate treatment of the turbulent boundary
layer near a wall.
In EWT, the goal is to improve the accuracy of the wall modeling by resolving the turbulence
structures in the boundary layer more accurately. This is achieved by using a finer grid resolution
near the wall, which in turn reduces the value of y+. The specific value of y+ for EWT will depend on
the particular method used, but in general, a value of y+ below 1 is desirable.
When y+ is below 1, it means that the grid resolution is fine enough to resolve the small-scale
turbulence structures in the boundary layer, and a wall-resolved simulation is appropriate. In
contrast, when y+ is larger than 1, the turbulence structures may not be accurately resolved, and a
wall model such as a wall function may be used to approximate the flow behavior near the wall.
Therefore, in EWT, the grid resolution is typically chosen such that the value of y+ is below 1,
allowing for a more accurate representation of the turbulent boundary layer near the wall.