VPRO Workbook - Student

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New FSR Service Qualification

Training Workbook
V-PRO Low Temperature Sterilizer

FSR Name:

© November 2020
Table of Contents

Chapter Page
V-PRO Chapter 1 3

V-PRO Chapter 2 19

V-PRO Chapter 3 29

V-PRO Chapter 4 69

V-PRO Troubleshooting Chapter 79

2 |V-PRO SQT Workbook Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Chapter 1

Chapter Agenda:
☐ V-PRO Theory of Operation Module (Online)
☐ V-PRO Piping Schematic Overview Module (Workbook)
☐ V-PRO Controls Module (Online and Workbook)

V-PRO Theory of Operation

How to complete this module:

1) Ensure you have opened and logged into the STERIS Learning Center.
2) Access the course labeled SQT 2.0 Sterilizers (V-PRO Series) - Self-
Directed. Once you’ve accessed the course, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Click on the button circled in red below:

2 Locate the V-PRO Theory of Operation the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

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In-Course Resource – V-PRO Theory of Operations
This document provides information on the theory of operations for the V-PRO family of products to be
used as a resource during your online lesson. This document is for training purposes only. Always
reference the appropriate product maintenance manuals when working in the field.

Cycle Phases

The following phases of the V-PRO sterilization cycle will provide some context to the plumbing
system and schematics.

Cycle Phase High Level Description

Cycle Preparation • Doors are locked
• Chamber and Vaporizer operating temp verified/brought to temp
• Air removed from reservoir and sterilant lines
• Reservoir verified full/filled
Conditioning • Strong vacuum pulled on the chamber to create the necessary
low pressure environment
• Checks for moisture in the load and if present, tries to eliminate
the water through a series of air breaks and vacuum pulls
Sterilization • Injection of Vaprox, that is pulled into the chamber via vacuum
• Multiple injection pulses (number depends on cycle)
• Various vacuum pulls, holds, and air break sequences used
during sterilization
Aeration • Final vacuum pull to reduce chamber vapor concentration
• Air break to atmospheric pressure
• Unlock door

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Vacuum in the V-PRO

The vacuum system in the V-PRO units is essential to its ability to perform low temperature
sterilization. It’s two main purposes are:

1. Create the necessary low pressure environment to vaporize water and sterilant at a
low temperature
2. Move sterilant through the plumbing system
Since vacuum is so important, the V-PRO is equipped with two different pressure transducers
used to measure the vacuum level of the chamber.

• PT1 measures 0-20 Torr (Low Pressure) - very precise, referred to when pressure is
below 20 Torr
• PT2 measures 0-1000 Torr (High Pressure) - referred to when pressure is above 20 Torr
Vacuum Path on the VPRO maX

The table below highlights the vacuum path on the V-PRO maX.

M1 Vacuum Pump

F15/F16 Oil Mist Eliminator Filters

Destroyer, catalytic
Breaks down Vaprox into
air and water vapor

Chamber vacuum valve


SV3 Oil Return

Vacuum to reservoir when

SV 6
filling. NO to F7 vent filter

Vacuum to injection
SV8 cylinder when filling. NO to

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Vaprox movement through V-PRO

The vacuum system is used to pull Vaprox through the plumbing on the V-PRO. This section
describes the path of the sterilant from the cup to chamber during a sterilization cycle. Assume
the vacuum pump is running and there is an appropriate vacuum pulled in the chamber. We’ll
cover the vacuum levels and full sterilization sequence in greater detail during the Cycle Graph
lesson of this course.

Here we start with the Vaprox moving from the cup to the reservoir:

SV6 and SV5

quickly energize
and de-energize
together to draw
Vaprox from the
cup into the
SV5 energizes to
open a path
between the cup
and the reservoir.
SV6 energizes to
allow the vacuum
to pull Vaprox
into the reservoir.

Next, the Vaprox moves from the reservoir to the injection cylinder:

SV4 is de-energized, this

normally open position creates a
path from the reservoir to the
injection cylinder.
SV8 energizes and uses vacuum
to pull back the injection cylinder
plunger and draw a precise
amount of sterilant into the
injection cylinder.

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Vaprox movement through V-PRO, Continued

Finally, the Vaprox moves from the injection cylinder through the vaporizer into the

SV8 remains energized.

SV4 energizes to open path
between injection cylinder
and Vaporizer.
SV8 de-energizes one
second after SV4 energizes,
and vacuum from chamber
pulls Vaprox through
vaporizer into the chamber.
The combination of vacuum
condition and 60⁰C
temperature in the Vaporizer
causes the liquid Vaprox to
The Vaprox is further pulled
into the chamber due to
vacuum and the slightly
cooler 50⁰C temperature of
the chamber.

Note that valves with direct exposure to the Vaprox sterilant (SV5 and SV4) are more prone to
damage due to the chemical exposure. You’ll learn more about the replacement of these valves
in the PM section of the course.

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Pneumatics on the V-PRO

The larger units in the V-PRO family all use Pneumatic to control a variety of valves. In this
section we’ll discuss how the air compressor and pneumatic valves play a part in the V-PRO
system. We’ll refer to the V-PRO maX schematic in our examples which will demonstrate all the
standard ways pneumatics work.

Units that use Pneumatics Units that do NOT use Pneumatics

V-PRO1/1+, V-PRO 60
V-PRO maX2

Note: In V-PRO 60 and V-PRO S2 all pneumatic controls are replaced with electronic controls.
This means there is an additional motor in these units to extend/retract the drawtube and
electronic means to unlock doors.

Air Compressor and Air Manifold

M2 Air Compressor

Air pressure is
maintained between
80-100 PSI.

SV9 Auto Drain Valve, a

solenoid valve used to
flash out water from the
air compressor.

Default is .5 seconds
every 30 minutes.

Adjustable to increase
frequency in humid
conditions. NEVER
adjust duration.

PS1 Configured to
trigger/alarm at 60 PSI.
Informing the V-PRO of
issues with air

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Pneumatics on the V-PRO, Continued

Draw Tube Operation

SV13 Draw Tube Extend

PR1 used to adjust

the speed of the draw
tube. One full turn out
from tight.

SV14 Draw Tube Retract

Remaining Pneumatic Controls

SV1 Actuates Chamber

Vacuum Valve V1

SV10 Actuates air break

valve V10 to allow
filtered air into
chamber via

Output signal for

SV10 is physically tied
together with output
wire for SV3 oil return
solenoid valve. This
allows oil to flow from
oil mist eliminator filter
assembly back into
vacuum pump during
an air break.

SV11 Door lock cylinders.

SV12 SV12 used in double

door config.

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Inputs on the V-PRO

Think of INputs as INformation supplied to the brain of the V-PRO. This information is supplied
via digital on/off limit and level switches or analog variable signals like temperature or pressure.
The V-PRO will use this information to determine if the system is healthy and to track the status
of key components during a sterilization cycle.

Inputs on the Plumbing Schematic

The image below highlights the inputs on the plumbing schematic with a list of each input’s

Digital Inputs Analog Inputs

PS1 Air pressure is above 60 psi PT1 Chamber Pressure Low
LS9 Draw Tube retracted 0-20 torr pressure transducer, referred
during low pressure below 20 torr
LS8 Draw Tube extended
LS12 Detects Vaprox in the line. If no liquid, PT2 Chamber Pressure High
cup/cartridge is considered empty. 0-1000 tor pressure transducer, referred
LLS1 Reservoir is full (NO, closed when liquid is when pressure is between 20 torr and
detected) atmospheric
LLS2 Reservoir is overfull (NC, opens when liquid is RTD 1 Dual RTD measuring Vaporizer
detected) RTD 2 temperature
LS10 Injection cylinder plunger inject position
LS11 Injection cylinder plunger retracted (filled) RTD 3 Dual RTD measuring Chamber
position RTD 4 temperature

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Inputs on the V-PRO

Additional Inputs not on Plumbing Schematic

The table below depicts the inputs that are not pictured on the plumbing schematic.

LS1/LS2 Door Closed OE/NOE

LS5 Door Unlocked

LS7 Cup receiver door closed

Chamber and Vaporizer Heaters

There are numerous heaters attached to the chamber and vaporizer of the V-PRO units. The
number of chamber heaters varies by model. These heaters are essential to the low
temperature sterilization process where the vaporizer and chamber must operate at precise
temperatures. Heater maintenance will be covered in greater detail in the Electrical lesson of
your course.

Vaporizer Operating Temp = 60⁰C

Chamber Operating Temp = 50⁰C

It can take 30-40 minutes for the chamber to heat up to operating temperature when the unit is
first turned on. Also, it’s important to turn on the Vaporizer and Chamber heaters if you are
working in the unit’s service mode for an extended time. This will save you from having to
wait for the unit to warm back up again after you exit service mode.

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Common Input/Output tests

The V-PRO service mode gives you a direct insight into the status of key inputs and provides
manual control of key outputs. The image below is an example of the Input/Output Status
screen from the Service Mode of a V-PRO maX. You’ll be using the I/O Status screen
throughout your V-PRO course, so it’s important to start associating the I/O symbols with their

Common I/O Status Screen Actions

Pull a vacuum in the chamber Energize M1 + SV1

Air break chamber Energize SV10/SV3

Retract Draw Tube Energize SV14

Unlock the door Energize SV11/SV12

Turn on Vaporizer and Chamber heaters Energize Vap HTR and CHM HTR

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Plumbing component identification

This section includes images of the V-PRO maX and V-PRO maX 2 plumbing components to help
you identify the components on the physical machine. The V-PRO maX has a standalone injection
system with separate components. The V-PRO maX 2 has a manifold style injection assembly for

VPRO maX (Same for VPro 1/1+)

SV 6


SV 4

SV 5

SV 8

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Plumbing component identification, Continued

VPRO maX 2 (Same for VPRO 60 and S2)

SV 6 within

SV 8

SV 5

SV 4


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V-PRO Piping Schematic Overview Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook. Read the information below
and complete the Review Assignment by following the instructions closely.

Review Assignment – Piping Schematic Overview

Open the V-PRO maX Maintenance Manual (P/N: P764334-096) to the reference drawing section.

Review Questions
Using the V-PRO maX Maintenance Manual (P/N: P764334-096), answer the questions below.

1) Using the maintenance manual, fill in the description for each part in the space provided

Symbol Description

Continue answering questions on the next page.

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Review Questions, Continued
Using the V-PRO maX Maintenance Manual (P/N: P764334-096), answer the questions below.

2) Using the maintenance manual, fill in the description for each part in the space provided

Symbol Description

3) List the two valves work together to fill the reservoir.

4) List the two valves work together to inject Vaprox into the vaporizer.

5) What is the range of PT1 in torr?:

6) List the outputs thatare energized to pull a vacuum in the chamber.

7) List the outputs that are energized to air break (break the vacuum in) the chamber?

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V-PRO Controls Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate V-PRO Controls on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Controls Webinar on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60, maX2 Controls Webinar on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Once you have completed and passed the assessment, turn to the Video Review Questions on
the next page.

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Video Review Questions
Answer the questions below.

1) Describe how to enter service mode on the V-PRO 1, 1+ and V-PRO maX.

2) Describe how to enter service mode on the V-PRO 60 and V-PRO maX 2.

3) Other than the I/O screen, what other screens do you access during PM work on a V-PRO?

You have finished your assignments for this chapter. Your next task is to complete the required skill
checks for this chapter with your Instructor.

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V-PRO Chapter 2

Chapter Agenda:
☐ V-PRO Cycles Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO Electrical System (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX Battery Change Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX CPU Reset Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX Check Heater Amperage Module (Online and Workbook)

V-PRO Cylces Module

How to complete this module:

1) Ensure you have opened and logged into the STERIS Learning
2) Access the course labeled SQT 2.0 Sterilizers (V-PRO Series) -
Self-Directed. Once you’ve accessed the course, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Click on the button circled in red below:

2 Locate the V-PRO Cylces the screen.

3 Launch the V-PRO Cycle Graph Webinar on the screen.

4 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

5 Once you have completed and passed the assessment, turn to the Video Review Questions on
the next page.

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Video Review Questions
As you are watching the video, refer to the Cylce Graph and Theory of Operation section in the
Maintenance Manual to answer the questions below.
1) The Lumen Cycle consists of how many injection pulses? _________________________________

2) The condition and sterilization vacuum set point for a Lumen Cycle is ___________________________.

3) How long is the post injection hold for a Lumen Cycle? ___________________________________

4) How long is the post transition hold for a Lumen Cycle? ____________________________________

5) How many water/moisture checks can the Lumen Cycle have? _________________________________

6) The Non-Lumen Cycle consists of how many injection pulses? ______________________________

7) The condition and sterilization vacuum set point for a Non-Lumen Cycle is ________________________.

8) How long is the post injection hold for a Non-Lumen Cycle? __________________________________

9) How long is the post transition hold for a Non-Lumen Cycle? __________________________________

10) How many water/moisture checks can the Non-Lumen Cycle have? _____________________________

11) The Flexible Cycle consists of how many injection pulses? _________________________________

12) The condition and sterilization vacuum set point for a Flexible Cycle is ___________________________.

13) How long is the post injection hold for a Flexible Cycle? ___________________________________

14) How long is the post transition hold for a Flexible Cycle? ___________________________________

15) How many water/ moisture checks can the Flexible Cycle have? ________________________________

16) Describe the differences between the Lumen Cycle in the V-PRO maX and V-PRO 60.

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V-PRO Electrical System Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate V-PRO Electrical System on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO Electrical System Webinar on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Once you have completed and passed the assessment, turn to the Video Review Questions on
the next page.

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Video Review Questions
Answer the questions below.

1) Identify the components of the Power Box.

1) ________________________________

2) ________________________________

3) ________________________________

4) ________________________________

5) ________________________________

6) ________________________________

2) Identify the components of the Control Box.

1) __________________________________________

2) __________________________________________

3) __________________________________________

4) __________________________________________

5) __________________________________________

6) __________________________________________

7) __________________________________________

8) __________________________________________

9) __________________________________________

10) __________________________________________

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V-PRO 1/1+/maX Battery Change Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Electrical Checks and Adjustments on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX, V-PRO 1 and V-PRO 1+ Battery Change Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

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Video Review Questions
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) Why is it necessary to print the calibration data before replacing the CPU battery?

☐ The CPU battery also powers the printer

☐ Calibration data may be lost from the CPU memory.
☐ It helps the technician remember where the calibration data can be found
☐ This clears the old calibration data from the CPU memory

2) True / False: It is best to replace the CPU battery when the sterilizer is powered on to prevent a loss of
calibration data.

☐ True
☐ False

3) True / False: The LED indicator labeled “BAT” on the CPU will be “OFF” or NOT lit if the battery has
adequate power for memory retention.

☐ True
☐ False

4) How often should the CPU battery be replaced?

☐ Every 750 cycles or 6 months whichever is shortest

☐ Never, they are usually good for the life of the sterilizer
☐ Every 2 years, or when the “BAT” LED light shows red
☐ Annually, regardless of the number of cycles run

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V-PRO 1/1+/maX CPU Reset Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Electrical Checks and Adjustment Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX, 1 and 1+ CPU Reset Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

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Video Review Questions
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) What PPE is necessary to perform CPU Reset?

2) What is an indicator that the CPU has been successfully reset?

☐ Flashing Green 1 sec. on 1 sec. off indicator in I/O

☐ Steady Green Indicator in I/O
☐ Flashing Green on for 2 milliseconds off for 8 milliseconds
☐ Steady Red Indicator in I/O

3) CPU Reset needs to be performed when? (Select all that apply).

☐ Anytime the Date or Time is changed

☐ Anytime the PLC is upgraded
☐ When the screen is unresponsive
☐ When some modules do not illuminate
☐ When the I/O Indicator is red

4) What is the most common cause of an I/O Fault ?

☐ The white connector tab is not slid fully into position

☐ The FSR forgets to reconnect Pro connect
☐ The sterilant expires at the same time as the oil life doe
☐ The user forgets to place the unit into standby before powering off

5) What is the process for resetting the CPU?


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V-PRO 1/1+/maX Check Heater Amperage Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Electrical Checks and Adjustment Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX, 1 and 1+ Check Heater Amperage Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

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Video Review Questions
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) Where do you place your amp clamp for checking total Chamber Heater Amperage?

2) What is the total amperage draw for a Single Door V-PRO?

3) True/False: You should have your meter set up to read DC Current when checking Heater Current?

☐ True
☐ False

4) Which SSR is responsible for turning on/off Vaporizer Heaters SSR1/ SSR2?


5) What is the rating of the fuse protecting the Heater Circuit?


You have finished your assignments for this chapter. Your next task is to complete the required skill
checks for this chapter with your Instructor.

28 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Chapter 3

Chapter Agenda:
☐ V-PRO Preventive Maintenance Overview (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO Oil Change Maintenance Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO Oil Mist Eliminator (OME) Maintenance Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ Draining the Reservoir Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ Valve and Reservoir Tee Replacement Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ Door Maintenance Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO maX/maX 2 Lock Switch Adjustmetn Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ Foot Pedal Adjustment (Online and Workbook)
☐ Air Utility Check Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX/maX 2 Draw Tube Adjustment Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 60 Draw Tube Adjustment Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ Scanner Auto Calibration Module (Online and Workbook)

V-PRO Preventive Maintenance Overview

How to complete this module:

1) Ensure you have opened and logged into the STERIS Learning
2) Access the course labeled SQT 2.0 Sterilizers (V-PRO Series) -
Self-Directed. Once you’ve accessed the course, follow the steps

Step Action
1 Click on the button circled in red below:

2 Locate the V-PRO Preventivw Maintenance Overview the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

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In-Course Resource – V-PRO Preventive Maintenace Tasks
Purpose of Preventive Maintenance Work

Preventive Maintenance work is important for the following reasons:

• Keeps units running during Customer operation
• Reduces the likelihood of unplanned downtime for the Customer
• Avoids issues that could impact Customer and Patient Safety

General Categories of Preventive Maintenance Tasks

Preventive Maintenance Tasks fall into the following categories.

Category Description
Functional Checks Confirming that the V-PRO can complete diagnostic and sterile processing
cycles without aborting or alarms.
Visual Inspections & Visually inspecting components or sub-components for damage, wear, loss
Cleaning of effectiveness, or unsafe conditions.
Restorative Work Rebuilding or replacing components, that are particularly prone to wear,
or cleaning components to improve their performance.
Calibrations Ensuring components associated with reading temperature and pressure
are properly communicating with the control.

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Functional Checks

Functional checks are designed to verify that certain components are performing properly from an
operational standpoint.

Function Test/Verification purpose
Control/Interface Components
Printer Provides record of sterilizer status: Verify that printer is working properly,
cycles, alarms, etc. printouts are legible, and that the
printer take up reel operates
User Interface User input to issue commands to the Verify touch pad operation. Verify date
(Touch pad and control. Outputs visual information and time is correct.
display) about machine status.


Solenoid Valves Electrically actuated valves that Run a test cycle, and ensure the unit
control the flow of Peroxide through does not alarm. Check the valves for
the unit. signs of leaks or damage.

Pneumatic Valves Air-controlled valves operate door Run a test cycle, and ensure valves
locks, draw tube assembly (where function properly.
applicable), and control pressure in
Draw Tube Helps control air flow to draw tube Verify proper function of draw tube
Cylinder Regulator extend mechanism. cylinder regulator during cycle.


Heaters Heaters used on vaporizer and Heaters should be properly attached

chamber to ensure proper Peroxide and functioning, wires should have
vaporization temperature. sufficient slack. Check heater
temperatures in I/O screen.

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Functional Checks, Continued

Function Test/Verification purpose

Door Switches Relays door closed/locked or From the I/O Test screen in service
closed/latched status back to the mode, test to confirm that the switches
control. changes state when the door is opened
or closed.
Draw Tube Indicate when draw tube is retracted From I/O Test screen in service mode,
Position Sensors or extended. actuate draw tube retract and extend
or Draw Tube outputs, ensure draw tube inputs
Assembly, Cup coincide with proper position.
Puncture Motor,
Switches (if
Compressed Air Indicates whether air pressure is Verify proper operation of switch.
Utility Switch adequate
Cartridge Empty, Sensors used to communicate to Verify proper operation of sensors
Reservoir Filled, control status of Peroxide in cup and during cycle.
Reservoir reservoir.
Proximity Sensors

Exterior Components

Door latching Components used by the operator to All hardware (switches, solenoids)
hardware open/close and latch the door. Some should work smoothly, and be free of
units include a switch/sensor to open damage. Adjust as necessary.
the door automatically.

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Visual Inspections & Cleaning
Inspections involve making sure that components are in good physical condition. Clean the components
as necessary.

Function Test/Verification purpose
Clean/Remove Dirt, Dust
Fans Provides cooling for cabinet, control. Clean dirt and lint from cabinet,
control fans.
Electrical Provide electrical connections and Remove dirt and lint from electrical
Components & communication for the unit. components.
Wiring Check wiring for good connections,


Tubing & Clamps Channel Peroxide through manifold, Verify connections are tight, not
vaporizer, and chamber. leaking.
Vacuum Pump Pulls a vacuum on chamber Check mechanical mounting,
tighten/repair as required.

Air Compressor Provides air to pneumatic valves Check mechanical mounting,

tighten/repair as required.
Catalytic Converts Peroxide from chamber after Check mechanical mounting,
Converter use to water vapor and air. tighten/repair as required.
Injection Move Peroxide from cup through Check mechanical mounting,
Components injection assembly and manifold (if tighten/repair as required.
Vaporizer, Helps to maintain required Inspect to ensure insulation is properly
chamber temperatures. attached.
Vacuum Pump Prevents debris from entering vacuum Inspect and clean as necessary.
Inlet Screen pump.


Sterilizer Panels Protect sterilizer interior and Panels should be properly secured,
components. with no missing screws. Check for
damaged panels, or exposed sharp
Chamber baffle Prevents debris from entering vacuum Ensure chamber baffle is installed
pump from chamber. correctly, and is not damaged or
Door Gasket Helps to seal door during cycle. Inspect for nicks, tears, or other

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Restorative Work

Restorative work involves rebuilding or replacing components that are particularly subject to wear and
tear. Please refer to the Maintenance Manual for complete procedural instructions for all preventive
maintenance, including the vacuum pump oil changes, and other component replacements.

Rebuild Components

Vacuum Pump
Along with the vacuum pump oil change, the
following parts and components associated
with the vacuum pump should be replaced.

• Umbrella check valve

• OME filter
• Odor filter
• Drain gasket
• Auto drain valve filters

V-PRO maX Vacuum Pump

V-PRO maX 2 Vacuum Pump

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Restorative Work, Continued

Replacement Components
Replacement components contain no internal serviceable parts, and therefore must be replaced as a

Peroxide Tubing and/or Reservoir

The following items associated with the peroxide
tubing should be replaced. Sometimes the tubing and
valves are all connected in a reservoir, and on other
units, the valves are connected by tubing alone.

• Flangeless nut and ferrule on vaporizer -

because of the heat by the vaporizer, these
components break down quicker. Other nuts
and ferrules and tubing may also need to be
• SV4
• SV5

V-PRO maX 2 Manifold Injection Assembly

V-PRO maX Stand-alone Injection Assembly

1 – Vaporizer 3 – SV4 1 – SV4

2 – Nut and Ferrule 4 – SV5 2 – SV5

35 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Restorative Work, Continued

Chamber Filter
The F2 chamber air break filter should be replaced.

Air Compressor and Pneumatic Manifold (applicable units)

The following components associated with the air compressor should be replaced:

F1 - Compressed air filter element F9 - Auto drain valve filter

(Pneumatic Manifold) (Air Compressor Top View)

36 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020


Calibration ensures that the sterilizer is correctly measuring temperature and pressure. In most cases it
involves comparing a measurement taken by the sterilizer against the measurement taken by a
calibrated measuring device, and then adjusting the value on the sterilizer accordingly.


Heise Gauge
This device is used to provide accurate temperature and pressure readings, and has 2 ports in the top
of the unit, capable of mounting either the temperature or pressure module.

Heise gauge Main Heise gauge unit

Pressure Module Measures pressure. Has threaded adapter to fit pressure test hose

Temperature Measures temperature. Has 2-pronged connector to fit thermocouple

Pressure test Plastic tubing used to connect Heise gauge to the V-PRO chamber
Thermocouple Dual wire temperature probe for measuring temperature. Generates a
small amount of voltage that increases as heat increases.

37 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Calibrations, Continued

Resistor Kit
This device is used to calibrate the control during temperature calibration.

1. Adapter Plugs into the RTD harness. Only one adapter is required for V-PRO
temperature calibration.

2. Resistor Only two resistors with values of 25 Celsius and 72.5 Celsius are used to
calibrate the temperature.

38 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Temperature Calibration

An RTD is a temperature probe that uses resistance to relay temperature data back to the control. Both
the RTD, and the control itself can return inaccurate readings, therefore temperature calibration
involves 2 stages:

1. Calibrating the control to accurately interpret temperature data.

a. Calibrating low temperature point
b. Calibrating high temperature point
2. Verifying that the RTD is sending accurate temperature data

Stage 1: Calibrating the control

This method involves unplugging an RTD, and plugging in the resistor kit adapter in its place. Then
resistors are used to plugged in to the adaptor, and the calibration steps are followed to calibrate to a
high and low set point.
Each resistor returns a known temperature value to the control. Using a known value for calibration
allows us to guarantee that the control is accurately processing data.

Stage 2: Verifying RTDs

RTDs, or Resistive Thermal Devices use resistance to measure

temperature. Since we used a known resistance to calibrate the
control, we can now make an accurate comparison between the
RTD, and the more precise Heise gauge reading; usually
accomplished by submerging both the RTD and the Heise gauge
thermocouple in a bath of hot liquid. If there is a discrepancy greater
than acceptable tolerances, we can narrow the issue down to a
failed RTD.

39 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Pressure Calibration

V-PRO units use two different pressure transducers to measure pressure

in the chamber. The pressure transducer PT1 is used to measure very
precise readings at low pressure and has a limited range of 0-20 torr.
Pressure transducer PT2 has a much wider range of 0-1000 torr and is
referred to when pressure is above 20 torr. This combination of pressure
transducers allows the V-PRO to determine when adequate
pressure/vacuum is reached. Pressure calibration is the process of
calibrating the control to accurately interpret data from the pressure

Pressure calibration and verification involves

first connecting the Heise gauge directly to
the vacuum pump to zero the Heise gauge.
Then the Heise gauge is connected directly to
the V-PRO chamber. A specialty tool kit
(image on right) for the V-PRO is required and
includes the necessary adapters and tubing to
attach the Heise gauge to the V-PRO. In
addition to the V-PRO tool kit, the 0-5 PSIA
Heise module (Item 1 image above) with ¼
inch NPT adaptor (Item 3 image above) and 0-
60 PSIA Heise module (Item 2 image above)
are also required. The calibration process is
performed from the control interface and
verification is always required following any

40 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Oil Change Maintenance Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Preventive Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX, maX2 Oil Change Video on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60 Oil Change Video on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

41 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Vacuum Pump Oil Change
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

1) What is the appearance of new, or fresh oil?


2) What oil condition indicates the need for an oil change?


3) What cycle should be run before starting the oil change?


4) If the chamber is at an ambient temperature, what two outputs should be energized in service mode?

☐ M1
☐ BP
☐ Vap HTR

5) What two outputs in service mode must be activated to allow the oil to drain back to the vacuum pump
and to start the pump?

☐ SV1
☐ SV3/SV10
☐ M1
☐ SV11/12

Continue answering questions on the next page.

42 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Vacuum Pump Oil Change, Continued
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

6) Place the following steps in the correct order for the oil change procedure:

Step # Action
Briefly cycle pump ON/OFF using M1 touch pad (not more than a few seconds).
Inspect drain plug gasket and replace if necessary.
Remove oil drain plug and drain remaining oil.
Remove oil drain plug using 8 mm Allen wrench and let oil flow into suitable container with
capacity of approximately 1 gal (4 L). (Opening a fill plug will enable the oil to vent.)
Remove oil fill plug and fill pump with fresh oil to both upper window screws, approximately
3/4" (19 mm) below maximum line.
Return drain plug.
When oil flow stops, return drain plug.

7) Place the following steps in the correct order for the oil change procedure:

Step # Action
Allow remaining oil to drain through drain valve.

Attach PVC tubing to drain port and let oil flow into suitable container with capacity of
approximately 1/2 gal (1 L). (Opening a fill plug will enable the oil to vent.)
Briefly cycle pump ON/OFF using M1 touch pad (not more than a few seconds).

Remove exhaust and OME filters from OME assembly and fill pump with fresh oil through pump
When oil flow stops, shut off drain valve.

8) What is the oil change interval for the V-PRO maX 2?

☐ 750 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs first

☐ 750 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs last
☐ 1000 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs first
☐ 1000 cycles or 9 months, whichever occurs first

Continue answering questions on the next page.

43 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Vacuum Pump Oil Change, Continued
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

9) When does the yellow oil can first appear on the HMI for te V-PRO 1+/maX?

☐ 180 days or 750 cycles

☐ 154 days or 675 cycles
☐ 154 days or 725 cycles
☐ 154 days or 900 cycles

10) What position should the gas ballast switch be in during oil change?

11) What is the correct indication to properly fill the oil level to?

☐ 1” below upper window screws

☐ Up to window screws
☐ To the top of the oil level window
☐ Up to the maximum oil level lines

12) What is the recommended frequency to replace the vacuum pump oil on the V-PRO 1+/maX/60?

☐ 750 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs first

☐ 750 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs last
☐ 1000 cycles or 6 months, whichever occurs first
☐ 1000 cycles or 9 months, whichever occurs first

13) Where can you reset the oil life on a V-PRO 60?

44 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Oil Mist Eliminator (OME) Maintenance Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate V-PRO Oil Mist Eliminator (OME) Maintenance Module on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Oil Mist Eliminator Maintenance Video on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60 Oil Mist Eliminator Maintenance Video on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

45 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Oil Mist Eliminator Filter Replacement
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

1) What are the first components to be removed from the V-Pro unit when replacing the Oil Mist Eliminator

☐ All four of the 4mm socket head bolts for each filter housing
☐ The oil return tubing and Tee from the oil drain block
☐ The “KF” clamp and upper transition block
☐ The “KF” clamp and odor elimination filter F4

2) Which components are NOT included in the filter replacement kit? (Select all that apply).

☐ 8 new socket head screws

☐ Two large green “o rings” for the filter housing
☐ Two filter elements
☐ Four black filter “o-rings” (two for each filter element)
☐ Two new “pop-off” valves (one for each filter element)

3) Why might it be necessary to bend the tabs of the spring clip upward?

☐ The spring clips are often damaged during shipping

☐ This helps to achieve the proper gap between the filter housing and the oil drain block
☐ The socket head bolts may be too long to achieve a snug fit if this is not performed
☐ The technician may have performed the previous filter change incorrectly

4) When replacing the filter housing, ensure the oil return lines are______________.

☐ Turned upward to collect oil properly

☐ Facing on the same side of the vacuum return port
☐ Turned down to allow oil to drain out of the drain block
☐ Facing away from the vacuum pump port
☐ Facing away from each other

Continue answering questions on the next page.

46 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Oil Mist Eliminator Filter Replacement, Continued
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

5) After reinstalling the new OME filters, what is the purpose for drawing a vacuum in the chamber to 0.4
Torr BEFORE installing the F4 exhaust filter?

☐ It helps to seat the new filters in place

☐ To check the vacuum pump for proper operation
☐ To check for oil mist
☐ It helps to coat the new filters with oil

6) Place the following steps to replace the OME filters in order

Step # Action
Remove and replace the umbrella valve.

Remove the two knurled nuts and washers holding the OME filter (F15) in place.

Place the new O-rings onto the OME filter.

Remove two knurled nuts and the large metal cover.

Pull out old filter and then remove the filter cap.

Place OME filter on base and tighten the knurled nuts.

Remove the odor filter (F4).

Place OME filter assembly on vacuum pump and secure with KF clamp.

47 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Draining the Reservoir Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Draining the Reservoir Module on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Draining the Reservoir Maintenance Video on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60, maX2 Draining the Reservoir Maintenance Video on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

48 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 1/1+/maX Draining the Reservoir
Answer the questions below.

1) What PPE is required to Drain the Reservoir & Purge the sterilant lines?

2) What outputs need to be turned on when entering service mode to start the draining process?

3) What items do I need to connect to the SV5 NO Port?

___________________, ___________________, ________________

4) Use a _________ ____ container to collect the Sterilant.

5) What type of containers should not be used?

___________________, _________________

6) What is SV5 used for in this exercise?

7) How should the technician dispose of the sterilant after draining?

8) What sequence of steps should be used to retract the draw tube?

☐ SV13, SV14, then M1

☐ SV14, SV13, then SV14
☐ SV13, SV14, then SV13
☐ SV14, SV13, then M1

Continue answering questions on the next page.

49 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 1/1+/maX Draining the Reservoir, Continued
Answer the questions below.

9) What component(s) and valves must be energized to draw the remaining sterilant from the peroxide lines
and draw tube into the reservoir.

____________, _____________, ____________

10) When purging the remaining hydrogen peroxide from the lines, how deep should the vacuum be in the
chamber before starting to purge? (pressure remaining)


11) What two valves are cycled to remove the remaining sterilant form the reservoir and peroxide lines?

Video Review Questions – 60/maX 2 Draining the Reservoir

Answer the questions below.

12) What PPE is required to Drain the Reservoir & Purging the sterilant line?

13) What outputs do I need to turn on when entering service mode?




14) What type of containers should not be used?

Continue answering questions on the next page.

50 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 60/maX 2 Draining the Reservoir, Continued
Answer the questions below.

15) What output controls the drawtube in the V-PRO 60?

☐ M1
☐ M2
☐ SV13
☐ SV14

16) We must turn on ____________________, ___________________, & ____________________ to draw

the remaining sterilant in the lines & draw tube into the reservoir.

17) We need to pull a _____________________vacuum in the chamber.

18) What two valves are cycled to remove the remaining sterilant form the reservoir and peroxide lines?



19) What valve is used to break back to atmospheric pressure?


51 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Valve and Reservoir Tee Replacement Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Valve and Reservoir Tee Replacement Module on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX, V4, SV5 and Reservoir Tee Replacement Video on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60, maX 2, SV4, SV5, SV6 and SV8 Replacement Video on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

52 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions –1/1+/maX SV4, SV5 and Tee Replacement
Answer the questions below.

1) What alarms can be caused by a failure of SV4? (List up to 4)

2) What alarms can be caused by a failure of SV5? (List two)

3) Place the steps in order for removing the old SV4 valve.

Step # Action
Gently grasp the metal collar between SV4 and injection cylinder using 6” channel lock pliers.

Loosen two Allen screws securing the SV4 valve base to bracket evenly.

Remove Allen screw from back of bracket that secures bracket to the injection cylinder.

Remove SV4 adaptor base by removing two Allen head screws.

Remove SV4 and injection cylinder from the injection panel.

While grasping collar with pliers, turn injection valve (SV4) by hand counterclockwise to loosen valve
from metal collar.

4) What can happen if the new valve port is cross threaded?

☐ The valve will not open

☐ The valve will not close
☐ A vacuum leak can occur
☐ The air compressor can become vacuum bound

Continue answering questions on the next page.

53 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 60/maX 2 SV4, 5, 6, and 8 Replacement
Answer the questions below.

5) How often should SV4 & SV5 be replaced?

☐ As needed
☐ Every year
☐ Every 6 months
☐ When it fails

6) When would you replace SV6 & SV8?

☐ As needed
☐ Every year
☐ Every 6 months
☐ When it fails

7) Please place the following steps to replace SV4 in the correct order?

Step # Actions
Disconnect wire plug leading to valve(s) needing replacement.
Reassemble by following steps in reverse order.
Remove screws securing valve to injection panel.
Remove the valve solenoid
Remove valve.
Turn power OFF to unit, LOTO, and remove top and left side panels.

54 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Door Maintenance Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX, maX2 Door Maintenance Video on the screen.

3 Next launch the V-PRO 60 Door Maintenance Video on the screen.

4 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

5 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the videos.

55 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Door Maintenance
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual assuming you are working on a V-PRO maX.

1) How long must the unit remain locked out after replacing the door seal?

☐ The sterilizer can be used immediately following door seal replacement

☐ 4 hours
☐ 24 hours
☐ 12 hours

2) What should be done to ensure uniform pressure is applied to RTV sealant after replacement?

3) How much RTV sealant is to be applied to the new door gasket?

☐ 1/32”
☐ 1/4"
☐ 1/16”
☐ 1/2”

4) What is recommended to clean the shell gasket on the surface?

5) What is the proper distance for the new gasket to be from the outer chamber wall?

☐ 1/4”
☐ 1/2"
☐ 1/16”
☐ 1/32”

6) Where is the RTV sealant to be applied when replacing the door gasket?

☐ Directly to the door frame

☐ To both frame and door seal
☐ No RTV sealent necessary since this seal slides into 2 bar clamps
☐ Directly to the new seal

7) When is the gasket replaced?


Continue answering questions on the next page.

56 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Door Maintenance
Answer the questions below using the information from the videos or the appropriate maintenance
manual assuming you are working on a V-PRO 60.

8) Is RTV required for replacing the gasket?


9) How is the gasket held in place?


57 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO maX/maX 2 Lock Switch Adjustment Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX, maX2 Lock Switch Adjustment Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions and complete the questions after you have completed
watching the video.

58 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – maX/maX 2 Lock Switch Adjustment
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) At the beginning of the lock switch adjustment procedure, why is it important to actuate a pneumatic
valve from the I/O screen after turning off the manual air supply valve?


2) True / False: Prior to adjusting the lock position, you should loosen the two LS5 mounting screws.?

☐ True
☐ False

3) After looseing the jam nut on the lock block, the air cylinder shaft is turned until


4) When adjusting the LS5 lock switch to trigger on the retracted lock block, how much further clockwise
should you turn the switch after hearing the switch bring triggered?


5) How do you test the lock adjustment at the end?

59 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Foot Pedal Adjustment Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX2 Foot Pedal Adjustment Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Complete the Video Review Questions after you have completed watching the video.

Video Review Questions – Foot Pedal Adjustment

As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) ___________________________________ flow control valve by turning regulating screw clockwise until

it is fully tightened.

2) Turn regulating screw __________________________ counterclockwise.

3) What does turning the knurled head clockwise until it is fully tightened do?


60 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Air Utility Check Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX, maX2 SV9 Auto-Drain Utility Valve Adjustment Video on the

3 Next launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX, maX 2 PS1 Adjustment Video on the screen.

Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Answer the Video Review Questions after you have completed watching the videos.

Video Review Questions – SV-9 Compressor Auto Drain Valve

After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

1) What is the default setting for the SV-9 Auto Drain Vlave duration timer?


2) What is the maximum setting for the interval timer?


3) According to the piping diagram what filter is used as a muffler for the SV-9?


Continue answering questions on the next page.

61 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Dry Air Utility Switch PS-1 Adjustment
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

4) What should the air pressure be below when using the test button on SV-9 to drain the compressor
during PS-1 adjustment?


5) What is the proper adjustment pressure for PS-1?


6) Where is the PS-1 located?


7) What test equipment is used to verify proper setting of PS-1?


62 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO 1/1+/maX/maX 2 Draw Tube Adjustment

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO 1 and 1+ maX, maX2 Draw Tube Adjustment Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have watched the video.

63 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions –1/1+/maX/maX 2 Draw Tube Adjustments
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) Arrange the steps to adjust the drawtube in order.

Step # Action
Close receiver.
Complete adjustment by removing contactor plate assembly and continuity detector.
Connect one lead of a continuity tester to contactor plate assembly wire and other lead to
short-leg end of metal draw tube (where plastic tube exits).
Ensure cartridge interface is fully assembled and cylinder rod can be manually positioned (up
and down) as needed.
Fully extend cylinder by pushing downward on tube carrier until it stops.
Loosen tube carrier cylinder rod clamp screw and verify cylinder rod can turn in tube carrier.
Open receiver and place contactor plate assembly on bottom surface of receiver’s cartridge
Position the cylinder rod as required for access.
The counter bored hole side of the plate must face up.
Using one hand push gently and continuously down on tube carrier to ensure cylinder is fully
Using other hand, slowly unscrew cylinder rod from tube carrier until continuity is just
Without further rotating rod, secure cylinder rod to tube carrier by tightening tube carrier
cylinder rod clamp allen screw to 1/4-turn past snug.

2) Adjustment of the draw tube ensures that the tip is ____________________________________ when the
cylinder if fully extended.

3) What is the part number for the special tool needed to adjust the draw tube?

☐ P764333359
☐ P764333358
☐ P764335338
☐ P764316333

4) What tool is used to detect that the draw tube is fully extended?

5) Which direction should the counter-bored hole on the contactor plate assembly face when adjusting draw
tube depth?

64 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO 60 Draw Tube Adjustment Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO 60 Electric Draw Tube Adjustment Video on the screen.

3 Closely follow the instructions on the screen.

4 Answer the Video Review Questions after you have completed watching the video.

Video Review Questions – Draw Tube Adjustment

As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

1) Which 2 sensors detect the position of the draw tube?

☐ LS9 & LS10

☐ LS10 & LS11
☐ LS8 & LS9
☐ LLS1 & LLS2
☐ LS8 & LS10
☐ LS1 & LS3

2) Adjustment of the draw tube ensures that the tip is ____________________________________ when the
cylinder if fully extended.

Continue answering questions on the next page.

65 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – Draw Tube Adjustment, Continued
As you’re watching the video, answer the questions below.

3) Arrange the steps to adjust the drawtube in the correct order.

Step # Action
Adjust carrier stop screw such that it just contacts lower shaft support, then back off one full
turn. Tighten lock nut while holding the stop screw in place.
Complete adjustment by removing contactor plate assembly and replace drive component
Connect one lead of a continuity tester to contactor plate assembly wire and other lead to
short-leg end of metal draw tube.
Continue to slowly extend tube carrier until continuity is just detected.

Ensure cartridge interface and puncture mechanism have been fully assembled.

Ensure LS8 limit switch protrudes approximately 1/8" (3 mm) below bottom of lower shaft
support and that locknut is tight.
Extend cartridge puncture tube carrier, either manually by rotating motor shaft by hand, until
tube carrier just contacts LS8 actuator button.
Loosen draw tube allen setscrew and verify tube moves freely in its bore.

Open receiver and place contactor plate assembly on bottom surface of receiver’s cartridge
cavity. The counter bored hole side of the plate must face up
Push gently down on the draw tube until continuity is just detected.

Remove cover from cartridge puncture mechanism drive components.

Retract the cartridge puncture tube carrier. Retract until end of draw tube is ½" (13 mm) above
receiver assembly.
Run the wire out of the cartridge cavity and Close the receiver door.

66 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Scanner Auto Calibration Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the Door and Component Maintenance Videos on the screen.

2 Launch the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Scanner Calibration Video on the screen.

3 Next, launch the V-PRO 60 Scanner Calibration Video on the screen.

4 Answer the Video Review Questions after you have completed watching the videos.

Video Review Questions – Scanner Auto Calibration

After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

1) Place the following steps in order.

Step # Action
Push and hold the EZ button until quadruple beeps have been heard

Press the EZ button to turn the blue light off after a long beep and purple light

Press the EZ button to turn on the Blue light and check the scanner alignment

Disconnect the Serial Port on the CPU (Channel Zero)

Push and hold the EZ button until double beeps have been heard

Continue answering questions on the next page.

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Video Review Questions – Scanner Auto Calibration, Continued
After you have watched the videos, answer the questions below using the information from the videos
or the appropriate maintenance manual.

2) During barcode scanning for the V-PRO 60, where is the scan line supposed to be in relation to the

☐ The top of the barcode

☐ The right side of the barcode
☐ The center of the barcode
☐ This unit uses RFID and no barcode

3) How is the scanner activated for the V-PRO 60 for a manual scan during calibration?

4) What can be adjusted during calibration on the V-PRO 60 scanner?

☐ Alignment
☐ Auto Calibration
☐ EZ Button
☐ Sensor Intensity

You have finished your assignments for this chapter. Your next task is to complete the required skill
checks for this chapter with your Instructor.

68 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Chapter 4

Chapter Agenda:
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX Temperature Calibration Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 60/maX 2 Temperature Calibration Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO 1/1+/maX Pressure Calibration Module (Online and Workbook)
☐ V-PRO maX 2/s2 Pressure Calibration Module (Online and Workbook)

V-PRO 1/1+/maX Temperature Calibration Module

How to complete this module:

1) Ensure you have opened and logged into the STERIS Learning
2) Access the course labeled SQT 2.0 Sterilizers (V-PRO Series) -
Self-Directed. Once you’ve accessed the course, follow the steps

Step Action
1 Click on the button circled in red below:

2 Locate the V-PRO Calibration Videos the screen.

3 Locate the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Temperature Calibration Video the screen.

4 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the video.

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Video Review Questions – 1/1+/maX Temperature Calibration
Answer the questions below.

1) What is the value of the high Temperature Resistor used for temperature calibration?


2) True / False: When using the 6 Pin dual resistor adapter, you use the RED PORT to calibrate RTDs 2 and 4.
☐ True
☐ False

3) What is the value of the low temperature resistor used for calibration?


4) What is an important to remember when verifying RTD accuracy with the thermocouple?


5) What is the temperature of the hot water bath when performing Temperature Verification?


6) What is the allowable variance the RTDs must be within the calibrated reference?


70 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO 60/maX 2 Temperature Calibration Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
2 Locate the V-PRO Calibration Videos the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO 60, maX 2 Temperature Calibration Video the screen.

3 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the video.

71 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 60/maX 2 Temperature Calibration
Answer the questions below.

1) What is the value of the Low Temperature Resistor used during temperature calibration?


2) True / False: When using the 6 Pin dual resistor adapter, you use the “Black” Port to calibrate RTD2 and

☐ True
☐ False

3) What is the value of the high temperature resistor used during temperature calibration?


4) What should the temperature be of the hot water bath used for Temperature Verification.


5) What is the allowable variance the RTDs must be within the calibrated reference?


6) True / False: Just like on the V-PRO maX, when calibrating temperature on a V-PRO 60 or V-PRO maX 2, it
is necessary to copy the “raw data” value from the screen and enter it in the corresponding field on the
calibration screen.

☐ True
☐ False

72 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO 1/1+/maX Pressure Calibration Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Calibration Videos the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO 1, 1+, maX Pressure Calibration Video the screen.

3 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the video.

73 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – 1/1+/maX Pressure Calibration
Answer the questions below.

1) Which HEISE Gauge modules are needed to successfully calibrate pressure?


2) What 2 settings must be made to the HEISE Gauge prior to performing pressure calibration?



3) True / False: You are to attach the ¼ tubing from the pump to the 0-60 PSIG module.

☐ True
☐ False

4) True / False: You need to power off the HEISE before removing the ¼ tubing from the pump and
connecting it to the chamber.

☐ True
☐ False

Continue answering questions on the next page.

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Video Review Questions – 1/1+/maX Pressure Calibration, Continued
Answer the questions below.

5) Place the following steps in the correct order.

Step # Action
Zero the HEISE Gauge

Connect the ¼ tubing to the vacuum pump

Set the HEISE Gauge to turn off Auto off and Engineering units to mmHg

Reconnect the flexible piping to the vacuum pump

Turn on M1 and run for 15 minutes

Install ¼ tubing to the 2” adapter on the chamber

Enter service mode and pull a minimum vacuum of 0.2 Torr

Press SC11/SV12 and open the door to gain the High Value for PT2

Verify the pressure calibration at 10 Torr and 100 Torr

6) What is the allowable variance when verifying pressure transducer 1 at 10 Torr?


75 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO maX 2/S2 Pressure Calibration Module

How to complete this module:

You will complete this module using this workbook, and the
STERIS Learning Center.

In the STERIS Learning Center, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Locate the V-PRO Calibration Videos the screen.

2 Locate the V-PRO maX 2 Pressure Calibration Video the screen.

3 Turn to the Video Review Questions on the next page and complete the questions after you
have completed watching the video.

76 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – maX 2/S2 Pressure Calibration
Answer the questions below.

1) When is PT1 required to be calibrated? (Select all apply).

☐ When the unit has lost calibration data

☐ Whenever the I/O board #1 is replaced
☐ Annually
☐ Every 1000 cycles or every 6 months (whichever is less)
☐ During manufacturing

2) The V-PRO maX 2 uses which of the following adapter plates for calibrating the pressure transducers?

☐ NW40
☐ NW25
☐ NW10

3) True / False: The first step after zeroing the 0-5 PSIA module on the Heise gauge when performing a
pressure calibration is to turn the Heise gauge off and reposition it to the other side of the sterilizer
before drawing a vacuum on the chamber.

☐ True
☐ False

4) When verifying pressure calibration on PT1 on a V-PRO maX 2 at ~0.2 Torr, what is the acceptable
tolerance between the reading on the machine I/O status screen and your calibrated reference (Heise

5) True / False: The PT1 Calibrator voltage box P/N 10097491 must be off (de-energized) when connecting
the electrical cable from the PT1 transducer and when the sterilizer is turned back on.

☐ True
☐ False

6) The multimeter should be set to read in ______ when performing the pressure transducer calibration.

☐ DC Amps
☐ AC Amps
☐ DC Volts
☐ Ohms/mOhms
☐ Newton -Meters

Continue answering questions on the next page

77 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Video Review Questions – maX 2/S2 Pressure Calibration, Continued
Answer the questions below.

7) Select the correct answer for the following statement:

“To calibrate PT1, the technician must select _______________ from the menu option in service mode.”

☐ Internal Calibration
☐ External Calibration
☐ Load Calibration Values

8) When calibrating PT2 on the V-PRO maX 2 the “Low” value that is used to calibrate PT2 is:

☐ Taken from the Heise Gauge reading

☐ Entered using previous calibration data for the low value
☐ Always set to 0.2. Torr
☐ Taken from the PT1 reading and entered using the keypad
☐ Automatically entered by the sterilizer once the reading is stabilized

9) When calibrating PT2 on the V-PRO maX 2 the “High” value that is used to calibrate PT2 is:

☐ Equal to the atmospheric pressure in the room

☐ Almost always at or near 1000 Torr
☐ Taken from the PT1 reading and entered using the keypad
☐ Always entered in units of PSIA

You have finished your assignments for this chapter. Your next task is to complete the required skill
checks for this chapter with your Instructor.

78 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

V-PRO Troubleshooting Chapter

Review Activity – Troubleshooting Scenario 1

Time of First Call: ____________________

Instructor Name: _____________________ Contact Information: _________________________

Customer Reported Issue:

Phase 1
1) Read the Troubleshooting Scenario.
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources:
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) In the space provided below, fill in the information under each prompt.
4) Once you’ve completed the items below, call your Customer at the number you were provided
in the webinar.

List the questions you want ask the Customer on this call:

List the actions you want the Customer to take or try before you arrive:

5) Once you’ve completed the phone call with the Customer, fill in the information requested

List the items you’ve learned from your most recent call with the Customer. This includes
possibilities can you eliminate based on the information you’ve gathered:

Continue to Phase 2 of this activity.

79 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020
Phase 2
1) Review what you learned from your call (include any notes pictures that have been sent to you
from Customer)
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) In the space provided below, fill in the information below each prompt.
4) Once you’ve completed the items below, call your Customer at the number you were provided
in the webinar.

List the additional questions you have for the Customer upon calling them back:

List the additional actions you want the Customer to take or try before you arrive:

5) Once you’ve completed the phone call with the Customer, fill in the information requested

List the items you’ve learned from your most recent call with the Customer. This includes
possibilities can you eliminate based on the information you’ve gathered:

Continue to the next page to complete Phase 3 of this activity.

80 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Phase 3
1) Review what you learned from your both calls (include any notes or pictures that have been
sent to you from the Customer)
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) Follow the prompts below.

List what you think are the possible remaining causes of the issue (include possible failed
components, software or system failure, user error)

List the tests you’d like to perform on site to confirm your suspicions of the possible causes.

List any parts you would make sure to have on hand prior to arriving at this Customer’s site.

Proceed to the next page for the next Customer reported issue.

81 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Review Activity – Troubleshooting Scenario 2

Time of First Call: _____________________

Instructor Name: ______________________ Contact Information: _________________________

Customer Reported Issue:

Phase 1
1) Read the Troubleshooting Scenario.
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources:
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) In the space provided below, fill in the information under each prompt.
4) Once you’ve completed the items below, call your Customer at the number you were provided
in the webinar.

List the questions you want ask the Customer on this call:

List the actions you want the Customer to take or try before you arrive:

5) Once you’ve completed the phone call with the Customer, fill in the information requested

List the items you’ve learned from your most recent call with the Customer. This includes
possibilities can you eliminate based on the information you’ve gathered:

Continue to Phase 2 of this activity.

82 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020
Phase 2
1) Review what you learned from your call (include any notes pictures that have been sent to you
from Customer)
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) In the space provided below, fill in the information below each prompt.
4) Once you’ve completed the items below, call your Customer at the number you were provided
in the webinar.

List the additional questions you have for the Customer upon calling them back:

List the additional actions you want the Customer to take or try before you arrive:

5) Once you’ve completed the phone call with the Customer, fill in the information requested

List the items you’ve learned from your most recent call with the Customer. This includes
possibilities can you eliminate based on the information you’ve gathered:

Continue to the next page to complete Phase 3 of this activity.

83 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

Phase 3
1) Review what you learned from your both calls (include any notes or pictures that have been
sent to you from the Customer)
2) Look up information on the issue in the following resources
 Troubleshooting Section in Maintenance Manual
 Schematics in the Maintenance Manual
 MMUs
3) Follow the prompts below.

List what you think are the possible remaining causes of the issue (include possible failed
components, software or system failure, user error)

List the tests you’d like to perform on site to confirm your suspicions of the possible causes.

List any parts you would make sure to have on hand prior to arriving at this Customer’s site.

84 | V - P R O S Q T W o r k b o o k Version 1.0 11/2020

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