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Ref: KR.MMP22000358
31 December 2022
Page 1 of 4
To: From:
Soil and Foundations Company Limited (SAFCO) Eng. Rami Yaghi
Tel.: +966172254807 Eastern Region Technical Manager
Khobar/Saudi Arabia Tel: +966138811942 Ext. 828
E-mail: [email protected] Mob: 0593409177
Attention: Mr. Fazal Elahi E-mail: [email protected]
Position: Quality Control Manager Al Khobar, KSA

Your Ref: by email dated 31-12-2022

Project: Material Testing
Subject: Material Testing

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the testing services for the above referenced project. We are pleased to submit our best offer for the
required services as described below.


Admixtures Testing

Disc. VAT
% %
1. Physical Analysis of Admixture (ASTM C494/ASTM No. — 4,750.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
Aggregates Testing

Disc. VAT
% %
2. Shape and Surface Texture No. — 175.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
3. Chloride Content in Aggregates No. — 75.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
4. Sulphate Content in Aggregate No. — 75.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
5. Petrographic Examination of Aggregates No. — 3,500.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
6. Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (ASTM No. — 1,350.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
7. Drying Shrinkage Test No. — 1,750.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
8. Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) No. — 275.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
9. Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) No. — 275.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
10. Shell Content Test No. — 150.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
11. Reactive Silica Test No. — 1,250.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
Cementatious Material Testing

Disc. VAT
% %
12. Physical Analysis of Silica Fume No. — 1,250.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
13. Chemical Analysis of Silica Fume (ASTM C1240) No. — 850.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
14. Physical Analysis of Cement No. — 1,350.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
15. Chemical Analysis of Cement No. — 850.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
16. Physical Properties of Fly Ash No. — 1,250.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
17. Chemical Analysis of Fly Ash No. — 850.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
Concrete Testing

ACES Khobar: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 881 1942 / +966 13 881 1943 - Fax: +966 (13) 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2051037267 - E-mail: [email protected]
ACES Jubail: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 367 3330 - Fax: +966 13 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2055024121 - E-mail: [email protected]

Website : 2,000,000 ‫شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة رأس المال‬

CHK: Rami Yaghi APP: Rami Yaghi **FINAL DOCUMENT**Rami Yaghi
*** The PDF document is electronically generated and digitally signed ***

Ref: KR.MMP22000358
31 December 2022
Page 2 of 4
Disc. VAT
% %
18. Water Absorption In Hardened Concrete (BS No. — 225.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
19. Chloride Permeability (RCP) (ASTM C1202) No. — 450.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
20. Initial and Final Setting Time Test (ASTM C191) No. — 850.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
21. Initial Surface Absorption of Concrete (ISAT) (BS No. — 375.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
Water Testing

Disc. VAT
% %
22. Chemical Analysis of Concrete Mixing Water No. — 250.00 0.0 15.0 Price Only
(Cl,SO4,pH,Total Solids, Alkalinity)

 Formal confirmation of this proposal is required to proceed with the job execution. Purchase orders should be based on
prices inclusive of 15% Value Added Tax (VAT).
 Clients are required to provide their VAT Registration Certificates to enable ACES to prepare VAT-compliant invoices.
 Prices are based on the quoted scope of work and may be subject to change in case of deviation from stated quantities.
 Invoices will be issued upon completion of the works or on periodic basis, subject to contractual agreement.
 ACES retains its right to hold reports and/or terminate the services if the Client fails to make payment of the invoices
within the contrcatually agreed time.
 This proposal is based on the information provided by the Client. ACES reserves the right to modify this proposal in case
of any deviation or addition to the available information. ACES will take no responsibility for the data provided by the
 This Quotation is governed and subject to the ACESGeneralTerms and Conditions of Proposal, attached herewith.


1. Following arrangements shall be undertaken by the Client at no cost to ACES:

 Delivery of samples to ACES Central Lab in Al Khobar.
 Transportation from ACES Central Lab in Al Khobar, to site & back.
 Free unrestricted access to sampling points for ACES personnel, vehicles and equipment.
 Site coordinator to liaise with the sampling/monitoring team.
 Safety induction, and security passes and work permits for ACES equipment, vehicles and personnel (as applicable).
 Water, electricity and scaffolding (if needed).
2. Following shall be provided by ACES at no extra charge to the Client:
3. Technical Clarifications
4. Sampling works, if performed by ACES under the scope of this proposal, shall be subject to the following conditions:
 The sampling plan, including sampling locations and sampling frequency, shall be provided and be under the sole
responsibility and liability of the Client.
 The Client shall communicate to ACES any site-specific HSE hazards and aspects prior to the mobilisation to the
 ACES will make all necessary arrangements to comply with the information provided by the Client and to perform
the sampling works in full compliance with the stated sampling methods.


 A spare portion of tested samples, if applicable, will be retained for 1 month after reporting unless requested
otherwise, or as per the applicable holding time, whichever comes earlier.

ACES Khobar: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 881 1942 / +966 13 881 1943 - Fax: +966 (13) 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2051037267 - E-mail: [email protected]
ACES Jubail: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 367 3330 - Fax: +966 13 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2055024121 - E-mail: [email protected]

Website : 2,000,000 ‫شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة رأس المال‬

CHK: Rami Yaghi APP: Rami Yaghi **FINAL DOCUMENT**Rami Yaghi
*** The PDF document is electronically generated and digitally signed ***

Ref: KR.MMP22000358
31 December 2022
Page 3 of 4
Note: Spare samples of concrete subjected to curing will be maintained in the required curing conditions for
maximum of one week after testing after which they will be disposed. An extended curing can be provided only upon
specific request by the Client at the time of delivery of the samples and might be subjected to additional charges.
 Samples deemed hazardous may be returned for disposal to the Client.


Requirements, if any, for reporting of results with a statement of conformity to a specification or standard shall be explicitly
communicated to ACES prior to start of the Project's work. The client shall provide to ACES related specification/standard and
define/agree on the decision rule to be implemented, unless it is inherent in requested specification or standard. Our
technical staff will provide required assistance on the choice of decision rules to be used for statements of conformity.
In case ACES is not provided with a specific decision rule, the conformity statement, if included in the test reports, will be
based on the Simple Acceptance Rule.

Quality System:

ACES Al Khobar Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001-2015 and accredited by IAS and SAC to ISO/IEC 17025-
2017 standard for a wide scope of services. Our accreditation schedule can be provided upon request.
Important Note: Before starting the job execution, clients shall inform ACES on their choice of accreditation mark for the
services that are accredited by both IAS and SAC accreditation bodies. IAS accreditation will be used as appropriate in cases
when no specific instructions are received from the client. All accredited test(s) and the selected accreditation body will be
identified in our test reports.
In case of decision required, ACES Policy of the decision rule (POL 5.10.5) shall be applied.


PAYMENT MODE: PIA - Payment in advance


In the event that additional information or clarifications are required, please contact our office at your convenience. We would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for your confidence and look forward to be of service to you in the near future.

Sincerely Yours,
Name: ..................................................
Signature & Stamp
Designation: .......................................

Eng. Rami Yaghi

Client's stamp and signature of authorized signatory indicating
acceptance of this quotation and related term and condidtions Eastern Region Technical Manager

* Attached: ACES Standard Terms and Conditions of Proposal 182667

ACES Khobar: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 881 1942 / +966 13 881 1943 - Fax: +966 (13) 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2051037267 - E-mail: [email protected]
ACES Jubail: P.O. Box 70156 Al-Khobar 31952 - Tel.: +966 (13) 367 3330 - Fax: +966 13 881 1947 - C.C. No. 98216 C.R. No. : 2055024121 - E-mail: [email protected]

Website : 2,000,000 ‫شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة رأس المال‬

CHK: Rami Yaghi APP: Rami Yaghi **FINAL DOCUMENT**Rami Yaghi
*** The PDF document is electronically generated and digitally signed ***

ACES Standard Terms and Conditions of Proposal (the “T&Cs”). 4.1.4 The best practice in such industry. materials, labor, fuel, parts or machinery, power failure
Definitions 4.2 The Client shall provide ACES with accurate plans/drawings or breakdown in machinery
“ACES” means Arab Company for Labratories and Soil – KSA that showing all surface and subsurface including but not 7.4 ACES shall not be responsible for any delay and/or
“Balance Confirmation Letter” (BCL): means a letter issued by ACES which limited to utilities, networks and pipelines located on site. damages due to the Client or third party negligence or
indicates the amounts paid by the Client and the due outstanding amounts;
“Client” means the person, firm or company to whom the Proposal is addressed 4.3 The Client shall supply as much information as possible about action.
or for whom the Services are carried out; each Sample and/or Service requirement in order to assist in 7.5 Rights arising under this Proposal are cumulative and
“Intellectual Property Rights” means all inventions, copyright, patents, achieving an efficient service. Where information relating to do not exclude rights provided by law.
registered and unregistered trademarks, business names, logos, domain the Sample and/or the Service requirements is incorrect and 7.6 Samples will be retained for one (1) month after issuing
names, design rights registered designs, trade secrets and know-how, copy ACES is involved in additional work, ACES reserves the right the Report by ACES unless requested otherwise, or as
rights, database right, services marks, and all other intellectual property rights; to charge for such additional work. per the applicable holding time, whichever comes
“Confidential Information” all confidential and proprietary information and data 4.4 The site location should be clear and free from obstacles, to earlier. Samples deemed too bulky, too unstable or
whether written, oral or in other format, tangible or intangible information allow ACES to undertake the Services. hazardous may be returned for the Client disposal,
(whether marked Confidential or not) relating to ACES including but not limited 4.5 Unless specific prior instructions in writing are received by otherwise ACES will have the right to destroy the
to materials, tests, results, analysis, processes, schematics, drawings,
photographs, designs, conclusions, recommendations, technical information,
ACES, the Services shall be carried out on the Sample in the Sample without hold any liability.
know-how whether registered or not); status in which the Sample is received. 7.7 The Client may request in writing from ACES to return
“Contract Material” means all material brought or required to be brought into 4.6 When the Client does not specify the method to be used, the Samples, at the Client own cost and expenses.
existence as agreed deliverables from the Services including, but not limited to, ACES shall select an appropriate method and inform the 7.8 The Client acknowledges that the above provisions of
documents including reports, other literary works, material form, adaptations, Client of such method. ACES shall inform the Client when the this Condition 7 are reasonable and reflected in the
equipment; method requested by the Client is considered to be Price which would be higher without those provisions
“Proposal” means ACES’s written proposal which shall be subject to this T&Cs; inappropriate or out of date.
and the Client will accept such risk and/or insure
“Price” means the price stated in the Proposal, or otherwise agreed with the accordingly.
Client together with all other sums due pursuant to the T&Cs; 5. Variation of the Services
“Report” means any test certificate, technical report, non-destructive test or 5.1 No variation to this Proposal or to the Services shall be valid
inspection record, drawing, spreadsheet, recommendation, advice or the like unless it is in writing and signed by or on behalf of each of 8. Term and Termination
issued by ACES in respect of a Service; ACES and the Client. ACES shall have the right in rare 8.1 The Proposal and this T&Cs shall be valid from the
“Sample” means any material, item, product or compound supplied by the circumstances to make changes to the Services which are receipt of an instruction in writing, receipt of executed
Client to form the basis of the Services; necessary to comply with technical requirements, safety Proposal or receipt of the Sample by the Client and
“Service” or “Services” means the service(s) provided by ACES to the Client requirement or applicable law. In such circumstances, ACES shall be valid until the completion of the Services and
including but not limited to Test stipulated in the Proposal; shall discuss the changes in advance with the Client in good issuing the Report by ACES.
“Test” means any testing, analysis, assay, inspection, sampling and sample faith, and all variations and costs made to the Services shall 8.2 Client may terminate the Proposal or cease the Service
preparation or the like stipulated in a Proposal. be mutually agreed upon by ACES and the Client.
by one (1) month written notice prior the intended
5.2 If the quantities varied +/- (20%) on the quantitates stated in
1. Proposal the Purchase Order (PO), ACES has the right at sole
termination date. Client will be fully responsible of
1.1 The Proposal constitutes an offer by ACES to provide the discretion to adjust the Price. ACES’ rights that incurred up to the termination date.
Services subject to the T&Cs (save to the extent of any 8.3 ACES may terminate the Proposal and this T&Cs and
inconsistencies between the Proposal and the T&Cs which 6. Client Obligations any other PO with the Client forthwith, without prejudice
will be resolved in favor of the terms of the Proposal) and is 6.1 Prior signing the Proposal or any agreement, Client shall to any other right or remedy available to ACES and
open for acceptance unless withdrawn by ACES. provide Certificate of Registration with new date that without ACES incurring any liability to the Client, in the
Acceptance is based on the receipt of an instruction in writing, indicates the authorized signatory on behalf of the Client. following circumstances:
1.2 The Proposal and the T&Cs, shall prevail over any terms or 6.2 Ensure that the locations of site testing are assumed to be 8.3.1 if the Client breaches any term or provision of
conditions contained or referred to in any correspondence, the Proposal or this T&Cs;
order, documentation submitted by the Client, unless agreed
otherwise in writing by ACES and the Client. Further, no 6.3 The Client is responsible for the site accessibility for 8.3.2 if the Client fails to make payment of the Price
condition, statement or representation contained in any commissioning and mobilizing the equipment. within the specified time;
advertisement or brochure or in any trade or promotional 6.4 Permits to enter the site are provided by the Client at his own 8.3.3 the Client makes any voluntary arrangement
circular or other literature, nor the terms or conditions of any cost. with its creditors or becomes subject to an
trade association or other body, or which would or might but 6.5 The Client will provide the necessary assistance, cooperation administration order or (being an individual or
for this sub-paragraph be implied or incorporated by custom and related information, when requested by ACES. firm) becomes bankrupt or (being a company)
or trade, usage, negotiations, course of dealing or otherwise 6.6 The Client shall provide with each Sample and/or Service a
shall be deemed to be incorporated in the Proposal and all of goes into liquidation; and
clear reference to allow ACES to identify each Sample (if
the same are hereby expressly excluded from the Proposal. 8.3.4 the Client ceases, or threatens to cease, to
applicable) and relate it to a specific Proposal and/or Service
carry on business.
and ACES shall be entitled in good faith to rely upon such
2. Price
2.1 In consideration for the provision of the Services, the Client 9. Confidentiality and Non-Circumvent
shall pay ACES the Price detailed in the Proposal including 6.7 If required, topography survey shall be carried out and
provided to ACES by the Client at his own cost, unless agreed 9.1 Both ACES and the Client shall keep the Confidential
any preapproved costs, expenses and disbursement incurred
otherwise in writing between ACES and the Client. Information strictly confidential and shall not sell, trade,
by ACES in relation to the provision of the Services.
6.8 The Client shall be liable to inform ACES in writing prior to publish or otherwise disclose it to anyone in any
2.2 In addition to the amount specified in the Proposal the
following shall be payable if appropriate: ACES carrying out any Service on a Sample that is of a manner whatsoever, including by means of photocopy,
2.2.1 Any applicable value added tax or sale tax; dangerous or unstable nature and provide instruction on the reproduction or electronic media, without the prior
2.2.2 insurance incurred by ACES, in its absolute safe handling of the Sample. The Client shall indemnify ACES written approval of the other Party. ACES and the Client
discretion, in respect of any property belonging to from and against all losses suffered by ACES, including, all agree that they shall not use the Confidential
the Client in the possession of ACES; damage to ACES’s property and all claims in respect of injury Information for any purpose other than to perform their
2.2.3 with prior notice and approval, the cost of all sub- to or deaths of any of ACES's employees, subcontractors or obligations under the Proposal. The Confidential
contractors employed by ACES unless included in agents or of any third party, arising from or in connection with Information of a party shall be and remain the sole
the Proposal; the failure of the Client to inform ACES of the dangerous or property of that party and/or such other person
2.2.4 Any costs incurred by ACES for any abnormal, unstable nature of a Sample. providing it to the other party on the party’s request.
unforeseen or un-agreed/exceptional work, 6.9 In addition to any specific Client obligations set out in the
Services; special standards or specifications 10. Intellectual Property ownership, Copyright and Patents
Proposal, where Services are provided at the premises of the
required for the performance of the Services.
Client, the Client shall: related to the Services
3. Payment 6.9.1 Provide ACES with necessary access to any of the 10.1 The Client agrees that ACES has full and exclusive
3.1 The Price shall be paid to ACES in full, in cleared funds, client premises or locations needed to execute the ownership of the Intellectual Property (Including
without any deduction, tax, bank charges, set-off or Services; Copyright) in all Contract Material produced by ACES
counterclaim within the period stated in the Proposal or 6.9.2 ensure that any premises provided by the Client for under the Proposal.
pursuant to the installments schedule included in the the provision of any part of the Service is suitable for 10.2 All Intellectual Property Rights (including copyright in
Proposal (as the case may be). that purpose; records, scientific documentary, primary data or
3.2 Where the Client is required by law to deduct or withhold on 6.9.3 provide all usual auxiliary and operating materials electronic means of handling data) produced during
account of tax it shall use its best endeavors to obtain from (including but not limited to gas, water, electricity, any Service shall belong to and remain the property of
the relevant revenue authorities authorization to make lighting, internet and telephone) relevant to any ACES unless otherwise expressly agreed as part of the
payment of the sums without such deduction or withholding Client supplied premises; and Proposal.
or, if applicable, at a reduced rate. The parties undertake to 10.3 Ownership and copyright in the Report shall remain
provide all reasonable assistance to each other in obtaining Additional costs, losses and/or actual and direct damages with ACES. Upon the Client discharging all its
such authorization and, without prejudice to the generality of arising for ACES due to the Client's failure to comply with the
obligations in this condition 6.9 shall be borne by the Client.
obligations under the Proposal, including payment of
the foregoing, will submit any forms and take any such action the Price, the Client will obtain an irrevocable, royalty-
as may be reasonably necessary or reasonably required by free, non-exclusive license to use the Report.
7. Liability
the other party for the purpose. 10.4 The Client hereby warrants that it will not use the
7.1 ACES total aggregate liability whatsoever under the Proposal
3.3 During the project period, ACES will be sending the Client a
in any calendar year shall be limited to the value of the Price Report or any other reports, results, or Contract
BCL, which indicates the paid amount and the due paid or payable by the Client in that calendar year. Material, or information supplied by ACES for the
outstanding amounts. The Client agrees to sign and return 7.2 All Services are undertaken in good faith, to a reasonable purposes of advertisement or publication to third
the BCL within maximum ten (10) working days as of the date standard of care and on a confidential basis. Reports are parties. Any such issue of the Report or other reports,
of receiving the BCL. issued on the basis of information known to ACES at the time results or information is permitted under the Proposal
3.4 If, in ACES’s view and sole discretion, the Client's credit- that the Services are carried out. Although ACES will use all only with the prior written consent of ACES who shall
worthiness deteriorates before completion of the Service, reasonable endeavors to ensure accuracy, the Services have the right to increase the Price where it consents
ACES may require payment in full or in part of the Price prior depend, among others, on the effective co-operation of the
to completion, or the provision of security for payment by the to such advertisement and/or publication.
Client, its staff and on the information submitted to ACES.
Client in such form as is acceptable to ACES. Save as required by law, no representation or warranty, 10.5 The Client acknowledges and confirm that ACES has
3.5 Time of payment is of the essence to the Proposal and any whether express or implied or otherwise as to the accuracy of the right to use the completed work/project related to
delay in payment shall constitute a material breach of the a Report is given by ACES. In consequence, all Reports are the Client, as marketing materials and added them to
Proposal. All payments due to the Company shall be payable prepared on the basis that the results of the Services shall ACES portfolio, website and social media pages
within the agreed time irrespective of whether or not the Client address the items and information submitted only and are not without approval or any charge.
has recovered payment from a third party and, for the to be regarded as representative of any larger population 10.6 The Client shall indemnify ACES against all damages,
avoidance of doubt, but without prejudice to the generality of from which the Sample was taken; and penalties, costs and expenses to which ACES may
the foregoing, this includes payments of fees due to ACES 7.3 ACES shall not be responsible for any delay and/or damages become liable to as a result of a claim that the use of
acting as experts or as expert witnesses when instructed by caused for a reason beyond the reasonable, full and direct any data, equipment or other materials supplied by the
solicitors acting for a party of a dispute. control of ACES, without prejudice to the generality of the
3.6 In default of payment within the agreed time or on the dates foregoing, causes beyond ACES reasonable, full and direct
Client for the performance of the Services involves the
pursuant to installments schedule stated in the Proposal, control shall include an act beyond the control of any person, infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights of any
ACES may (without hold any liability whatsoever): (i) suspend explosion, adverse weather conditions, flood, third party.
any further Services being carried out for the Client; (ii) earthquake, tempest, fire, accident, war or threat of
withhold the provision of Reports; (iii) alter or withdraw credit war, acts or threats of terrorism, sabotage, insurrection,
terms; and (iv) amend terms, prices or service levels. riot, civil disturbance requisition, acts, restrictions,
regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or measures of any
4. Execution of the Services
kind on the part of the governmental, parliamentary or
4.1 ACES will perform the Services pursuant to the following:
local authority, import or export regulations or
4.1.1 this T&Cs;
embargoes, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial actions
4.1.2 Conditions of the Proposal; or trade disputes (whether involving employees of
4.1.3 ACES valid policies; and ACES or of a third party), difficulties in obtaining raw
Issue No / Rev. No: 01 / 00
Rev. Date: 10 February 2020

CHK: Rami Yaghi APP: Rami Yaghi **FINAL DOCUMENT**Rami Yaghi

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