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Week3 Lecture1

This document summarizes key concepts about loops, functions, and objects in Python. It provides examples of for loops, while loops, nested loops, and using range() with loops. It also demonstrates defining functions with arguments, returning multiple values from functions, and using lambda functions. List comprehensions and iterating over lists are also covered.
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Week3 Lecture1

This document summarizes key concepts about loops, functions, and objects in Python. It provides examples of for loops, while loops, nested loops, and using range() with loops. It also demonstrates defining functions with arguments, returning multiple values from functions, and using lambda functions. List comprehensions and iterating over lists are also covered.
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MA422 Numerical Analysis: Week 3 Lecture 1

Loops, Functions, Classes, and intro to Objects

Jawwad Chattha
March 6, 2023
Python code

total = 0
for i in range(100):
# the first code line indented begins code block
total = total + i
# when the indentation ends, so does the code block

• Statements clearly begin with a : in Python

• Python forces you to indent your code blocks – this makes Python
highly readable
• You don’t need end statements in Python, instead you end the
indentation block

While loop

i = 0
while i < 10:
i += 1 # this takes the previous i value and adds 1 to it
print('The while loop has finished')

Notice how the format is just like a if statment. Using the : to begin the
code block. The code block is indicated by the indentation. There are no
end statements in Python. Rather code blocks end when the indentation
is returned to normal.

Iterating over a list

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
for i in x:

Iterating over two lists

This code simultaneously iterates over both lists

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
for xVal, yVal in zip(x,y):
print(xVal, yVal)

Iterating over two lists - using range

This code simultaneously iterates over both lists. len() tells us the length
of a list.

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = [7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
for i in range(len(x)):
print(x[i], y[i])

For loop - Iterating with range()

total = 0
for i in range(100):
# the first code line indented begins code block
total = total + i

How range() works.

• for i in range(100): - iterates from 0 to 99 (100 times)

• range(0,100) - iterates from 0 to 99 (100 times)
• range(0,100,2) - iterates 0, 2, 4, ..., 98 (50 times)
• range(startPoint, endPoint, stepSize) where startPoint is inclusive,
endPoint is exclusive

For loop range(0,9)

for i in range(0,9):
this is a for loop,
that will print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

These are the most basic for loop. Again the : initiates the code block,
and the indentation indicates the beginning and end of a code block.

Nesting a for loop

Remember your code block is denoted with indentation in Python.

for i in range(-10,11):
if i < 0:
print(i, 'is negative')
elif i > 0:
print(i, 'is positive')
print(i, 'is zero')

This will loop for i = -10, -9, ..., 10. Then an if-else statement is used to
print whether i is negative, positive,or zero.

Use break to break loop

for i in range(-10,11):
if i == 0:

i = 0
n = 0
while i == 0:
n += 1
if n > 100:

Double nest loops

You can double nest loops like this.

for i in range(0,10):
for j in range(0,10):

• Use functions with specific tasks to avoid a large number of nested

• It is really hard to debug heavily layered code- but easy to test
• Your break placement in nested code matters. Which loop are you
trying to break???

Loops with the index and value - enumerate

Often I need to create a loop through an array, where I’ll need the index
and value. I use enumerate() to do this.

x = [8,181,129,10,'hi']
for index, value in enumerate(x):
# index refers to the index on the list x
# value is the current value of x the loop is on
print(index, value)

Loops with the index and value - enumerate

If it isn’t clear, index and value can be named whatever you want.

x = [8,181,129,10,'hi']
for i,j in enumerate(x):

List comprehension - basics

This is one really neat feature in Python where you can run loops and if
statements while generating a list.
List comprehension creates many Pythonic code one liners.
An interested read http://treyhunner.com/2015/12/

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
y = [i**2 for i in x]
# y is a list where each item in x is squared

List comprehension - more advanced

x = [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5]
y = [i for i in x if abs(i) < 3]
# y is a list containing each item in x
# such that the absolute value of each item in x is less than 3

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
y = [i**2 for i in x if i%2 ==0]
# y is a list where each item in x is squared
# if the item in x is an even number

x = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
y = [i**2 for i in x if i**2%2 == 0]
# y is a list where each item in x is squared
# if the item squared is an even number

list comprehension - multiple loops

in : [[i,j] for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]

out: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]

in : # this is a triple nested for loop creating a list!

[[i,j,k] for i in range(2) for j in range(2) for k in range(2)]
out: [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1]]

Functions - some basics

Functions are simple in Python.

Let’s create a simple hello world function.
def helloWorld():
print('Hello world function :-)')
Let’s create a function to take the cube root of a number.
def cubeRoot(x):
return x**(1.0/3.0)
• The def statement is used to define a function.
• The name of the function here is cubeRoot.
• Functions used () to pass input.
• Input for cubeRoot is x.
• Input is optional, see helloWorld().
• Again the : is used at the end of the statement.
• Indentation denotes the code block of the function.
Functions - optional arguments and input - output

def myRoot(x,c=3.0):
myRoot(x) returns the cube root of x by default

myRoot(x,c) returns the c root of x

return x**(1.0/c)

• c is an optional argument, that we set to 3 on default

• return is used to pass output
• x is the input
• in general the input can be anything, objects, lists, strings, floats,
• the output can also be anything, objects, lists, strings, floats, etc

Functions - multiple returns

def rootz(x):
a,b,c,d = rootz(x) for some float or integer x
a = square root of x; b = cube root of x
c = x**0.25; d = x**0.2
return x**0.5, x**(1.0/3.0), x**0.25, x**0.2
in : y = rootz(4.0)
out: (2.0, 1.5874010519681994, 1.4142135623730951, 1.31950791077

in : i,j,k,l = rootz(99.0)
out: 9.9498743710662 4.626065009182741 3.1543421455299043 2.5068
• Return can pass multiple output
• Separate output with a comma 18
Functions - return terminates a function

def someFun():
print("Let us have some fun")
return None
print('This will never get printed')

in : someFun()
out: Let us have some fun

Functions - Flexible arguments

Sometimes you might want to create a function where you pass flexible
def catchAll(*args, **kwargs):
A catch all function to demonstrate
arguments and keywords

args is a tuple of the arguments passed to the function

kwargs is a dictionary of the keywords passed

print('args', args)
print('kwargs', kwargs)
in : catchAll(1,2,3,4,a=7.0,b=3.7)
out: args (1, 2, 3, 4)
kwargs {'b': 3.7, 'a': 7.0} 20
lambda functions

Use lambda to create quick one line functions

square = lambda x, y, z: x**2 + y**2 + z**2

this creates a function square that we can call

in : square(1,2,3)
out: 14


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