Feto-Maternal Outcomes of Breastfeeding During Pregnancy 11.38.33

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Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2021, 67(6), 1–20

Original paper

Feto-Maternal Outcomes of Breastfeeding

during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and

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Le Huu Nhat Minh, MD1,2,* Gehad Mohamed Tawfik, MBBCh1,3,*
Sherief Ghozy, MD1,4,5 Mohammad Rashidul Hashan, MBBS1,6
Nguyen Hai Nam, MD1,7 Le Khac Linh, MD1,8
Sara Attia Mahmoud Abdelrahman, MBBCh1,9 Tran Thuy Huong
Quynh, MD1,10 Nguyen Khoi Quan, MD1,8 Tran Nhat Le, MD1,11
Hassan Yousif Ibrahim, MBBCh1,12 Mohamed Omar El-Nile, BDS1,13
Ahmed Mostafa Ahmed Kamel, B. Pharm1,14
Hoang Thi Nam Giang , MD, PhD15
and Nguyen Tien Huy MD, PhD16
Online Research Club, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan
Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Neuroradiology Department, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Medical Sciences Division, Oxford University, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK
Bangladesh Civil Service, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Division of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery and Transplantation, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
College of Health Sciences, VinUniversity, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam
Ministry of Health and Population, Sector of Health Services, Cairo 22762, Egypt
School of Medicine, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City 70000, Vietnam
Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University, Hue 49000, Vietnam
Ministry of Health, Sohag 82524, Egypt
Ministry of Health, Sharqeya 71524, Egypt
Faculty of Pharmacy Minia University, Minia 61519, Egypt
School of Medicine and Pharmacy, The University of Danang, Danang 50000, Vietnam
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence: Hoang Thi Nam Giang, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, The University of Danang, Danang 50000, Vietnam. <E-Mail:
[email protected]>; Nguyen Tien Huy, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8523, Japan.
<E-Mail: [email protected]>.

C The Author(s) [2021]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email: [email protected]  1
2  Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy


Background: Breastfeeding is beneficial to both mother and infant. However, overlap of lacta-
tion with pregnancy and short recuperative intervals may impact mothers nutritionally. We
aimed to investigate the possible effects of pregnancy during breastfeeding.
Methods: In October 2018, we searched systematically in nine electronic databases to investigate
any association of breastfeeding during pregnancy with fetal and/or maternal outcomes. The study
protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD41017056490). A meta-analysis was done to detect

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maternal and fetal outcomes and complications during pregnancy. Quality assessment was per-
formed using the Australian Cancer Council bias tool for included studies.
Results: With 1992 studies initially identified, eight were eligible for qualitative analysis and 12 for
quantitative analysis. Our results showed no significant difference in different abortion subtypes be-
tween lactating and non-lactating ones. In delivery, no difference between two groups regarding the
time of delivery in full-term healthy, preterm delivery and preterm labor. No significant difference
was detected in rates of antepartum, postpartum hemorrhage and prolonged labor between two
groups. The women with short reproductive intervals may have higher supplemental intake and
greater reduction fat store. The present studies showed that breastfeeding during pregnancy does
not lead to adverse outcomes in the mother and her fetus in normal low-risk pregnancy, although it
may lead to the nutritional burden on the mother.
Conclusion: The present studies showed that breastfeeding during pregnancy did not lead to the
adverse outcomes in the mother and her fetus.

K E Y W O R D S : breastfeeding, pregnancy, maternal health, neonatal outcome, meta-analysis, system-

atic review
Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy  3

BACKGROUND possible adverse effects of pregnancy during breastfeed-

Benefits of breastfeeding to both mother and infant ing on maternal, child and pregnancy outcomes.
include protecting against a variety of diseases and
conditions in the infant, decreasing postpartum
bleeding and more rapid uterine involution, decreas-
ing menstrual blood loss and increased child spacing Study design
and decreasing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer We performed a systematic review followed by a
[1, 2]. Exclusive breastfeeding recommendations meta-analysis [14]. The Preferred Reporting Items

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from the World Health Organization (WHO), for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA)
UNICEF and the American Academy of Pediatrics statement, which was published in 2009, was used to
recommended that Breastfeeding should begin with- design this review [15]. Also, we reported our results
in one hour of birth, be exclusive for the first six based on the updated PRISMA checklist [16]
months of life [3, 4]. The WHO highly recommends (Supplementary Table S1). We registered the study
the practice of breastfeeding until 2 years or more protocol in PROSPERO (CRD41017056490).
[5]. The longer duration of breastfeeding, the higher We used the PICOS strategy (Participants,
possibility of overlapping breastfeeding and preg- Interventions, Comparisons, Outcomes, and Study
nancy. Shaaban and Glasier [6] interviewed 2617 design) for study searching, substituting intervention
parous women attending a hospital in Egypt for ante- (I) with exposure (E) [17]. The population of inter-
natal care, and 25.3% of these women reported est consisted of pregnant mothers. Breastfeeding was
breastfeeding. According to Briefel, et al. [7], the rate considered as the exposure in current study. The
of pregnancy in lactating US women was 5%. One- control group comprised of mothers who did not
third of all pregnancy occur in lactating women in breastfeeding. The outcomes were all reported fetal
India [8]. or maternal effects.
Few researches have been found to investigate We have searched for related articles since incep-
the effect of breastfeeding during pregnancy on ma- tion up to October 2018. Nine databases were used
ternal, pregnancy and child outcomes. In a letter to for searching stage, including PubMed, Scopus,
the editor, Onwudiegwu [9] hypothesized that oxy- WHO Global Health Library (GHL), Virtual Health
tocin accelerates postpartum uterine involution and Library (VHL), Institute of Science Index (ISI),
stirs uterine contraction, and therefore, oxytocin can New York Academy of Medicine Grey Literature
cause impaired uteroplacental blood flow, premature Report (NYAM), System for Information on Grey
labor, low birth weight, abortion, and intrauterine Literature in Europe (SIGLE), POPLINE and
growth retardation and death. Marquis, et al. [10] Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
showed that infants of women who keep breastfeed- (CENTRAL). Each database detailed search strategy
ing during pregnancy gained 125 grams less than is outlined in Supplementary Table S2.
infants of control groups. Overlap and short recu- Our inclusion criteria were original articles which
perative intervals were associated with maternal have evidence of investigating any association of
outcomes of increased supplement intake and breastfeeding during pregnancy with the fetal and/or
reduced-fat stores [11]. However, other studies maternal outcomes. There were no limitations on re-
showed the reverse results. Breastfeeding in late search design ethnicity, gender, and ethnicity, pub-
pregnancy has not been linked to an increased risk lishing date, location or the language of articles. A
of small-for-gestational-age (SGA) [12, 13]. manual search of included studies’ references was
Additionally, difference regarding the full-term rate done to detect any relevant study, by running a com-
between breastfeeding during pregnancy group and prehensive search to include journal articles and gray
non-breastfeeding during pregnancy group was not literature; we also manually screened reference list of
identified [13]. Current systematic review and meta- included full texts and explored PubMed for add-
analysis (SR/MA) aimed to investigate health risks and itional articles using ‘similar articles’ option [18].
4  Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy

Research articles with the following criteria were studies were considered as heterogeneity, we used a
excluded: in vitro studies, animal studies (rats, random-effects model following the method of Der
mouse, dogs), overlapped data, cannot extract data, Simonian and Laird. Otherwise, we used a fixed-
abstract, case-report, case series, thesis, book chap- effect model following the Mantel–Haenszel method
ters, abstract/poster for a conference paper and [20]. We used the Q statistic and I2 test, which
articles have no full texts (authors’ responses, editori- describes the percentage of variability in the effect
als, comments and letters), reviews and meta-ana- estimates that is because of heterogeneity beyond
lysis. Three reviewers separately performed titles and sampling error to evaluate the heterogeneity between

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abstract screening for initial eligibility assessment. studies [21, 22]. Heterogeneity was considered sig-
We included all the original articles that fulfill our in- nificant if the p-value of Q statistic was <0.1 and/or
clusion criteria. Full texts of all included articles were I2 was >50% [23]. Begg’s funnel plot and Egger’s re-
then retrieved and reviewed. All relevant articles gression test were done to evaluate the presence of
were selected for the systematic review and then all publication bias, when there were five or more stud-
data were further screened the meta-analysis. In all ies in the analysis [24–26]. Egger’s regression test
screening steps, decision to include or exclude by all p-value was <0.05 considered significant for publica-
three reviewers was considered as conclusive. Any tion bias. When the publication bias was detected, the
opposite decisions were finally accepted or rejected method of trimming and filling Duvall and Tweedie
after discussion. Finally, any disagreements and dis- was achieved by incorporating studies to improve the
crepancies were fixed by consult with senior symmetry [27]. The adjusted pooled effect size and its
reviewers. The study selection procedure is repre- 95% confidence interval (CI) were computed after the
sented in the PRISMA flow diagram (Fig. 1). addition of potential missing studies.

Data collection RESULTS

At first, we performed a pilot extraction to test our
extracted template design using Microsoft Excel. All Literature search
the data from included studies were extracted by at The electronic search yielded 1992 references from
least three reviewers. Before the analysis, the double- nine databases. A total of 25 relevant articles full texts
checking of the data was executed by at least two dif- were screened after duplicates deletion during title/ab-
ferent authors. Discussion between reviewers and stract screening. Ultimately, eight studies met the
consultation with a senior author was done when standards for selection. With the addition of 12 more
there are any disagreements. papers in manual search, in the end, we had eight rele-
vant papers qualitative analysis and 12 for quantitative
Data analysis analysis (Fig. 1). There were very few studies support-
The quality of selected studies was assessed by three ing specific outcomes included in specific meta-
reviewers using the criteria of the Australian Cancer analyses. There were two to five studies in the meta-
Council bias tool [19]. The judgment of each re- analysis of maternal outcomes, complications during
viewer on each domain is categorized as ‘low risk’, pregnancy and complications at delivery, nine studies
‘high risk’ or ‘unclear risk’ of bias. Any disagreement in the meta-analysis of birth weight and three studies
was resolved by discussions between reviewers and in the meta-analysis of neonatal interventions.
by consultation from a supervisor (NTH) to reach a
consensus. Included study characteristics
Meta-analyses were performed using The description of all included studies is listed in
Comprehensive Meta-analysis software version 3 Table 1. Most parts of the study was taken place in
(Biostat, NJ, USA). The pooled event rate and odds low-income nations with small sample sizes. More
ratio (OR) was calculated from dichotomous varia- important, the overlap of lactation was specified dif-
bles. The continuous variables were calculated to ferently in each studies makes the interpretation of
compute the pooled mean difference (MD). If current study’ results with caution.
Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy  5

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Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of studies’ screening and selection.

Maternal characteristics heights of 150.36 (95% CI: 147.13–153.58) and

The mean age of 6290 included mothers was 149.48 cm (95% CI: 148.83–150.13) for lactating
27.80 years (95% CI: 27.77–27.82) with average and non-lactating groups, respectively. Additionally,
Table 1. Characteristic of studies included in quantitative analysis
No. Author/year/ B. Definition of the overlap Time of data Country of Sample Outcomes available Data Study design Note
country of lactation collection recruitment size collection

Quantitative synthesis
1 Shaaban/2015/ • All successive multiparous November 2013 to Egypt 540 • The prevalence of mis- Interview using Prospective-cohort Women who did not
Egypt [32] women who were pregnant December 2014 carriage, maternal structured study give lactation to
introduced to the enrollment anemia, hemorrhage, questionnaire their last child
Maternal and Child Health elevated blood sugar, and lived in areas
Centers in the first trimester of elevated blood pressure, away from recruit-
pregnancy (under 12 weeks placental separation and ments center
pregnant) and be followed until eclampsia between the were excluded.
labor. two groups.
• Qualified subjects were divided • Time, method of deliv-
into two groups based on the ery and onset of compli-
point of time they got pregnant: cations during delivery.
during breastfeeding or after • Fetal status at birth,
weaning. weight at birth and need
for referral to a neonatal
care unit.

2 Merchant/1990/ • According to the weaning time 1969 to 1977 Guatemala 504 • Maternal supplement Interview Longitudinal data 48% of the women
Guatemala [37] of the previous child and the intake, body store Observation from a nutrition- provided data on
concept of indexing the child, • Fetal growth Intervention supplementation more than one
pregnancies are divided into two (Supplement trial pregnancy to the
groups: (1) non-overlap if wean- provider) study sample.
ing  2 weeks after conception
and (2) overlap if weaning >
2 weeks after conception.
• Study sample: When there is an
overlap, 55.7% only breastfed
during the first trimester of
pregnancy, 41.1% continued
breastfeeding to the second tri-
mester and 3.2% continued to
the third trimester.

3 Madarshahian/ • The overlap group consisted of April to December Iran 320 • Pregnancy problems, • Interview using Comparative Study
2012/Iran [13] women who breastfeed their 2008 nutritional change, ges- questionnaire
older children three to five times tational age, birth weight • Observation
per day during their current • Pattern and duration of
pregnancy, for at least 30 days. breastfeeding


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Table 1. (continued)
No. Author/year/ B. Definition of the overlap Time of data Country of Sample Outcomes available Data Study design Note
country of lactation collection recruitment size collection

• The non-overlapping group

included women who stopped
breastfeeding at least 3 months
before and did not breastfeed
during their current pregnancy.
• The two groups were matched
based on maternal age, parity,
medical and midwifery problems
and changes in nutritional status
during pregnancy.

4 Albadran/2013/ • Study population: Pregnant September 2011 to Iraq 215 cases Proportion of miscarriage, Prospective Case–control study
Iraq [33] women who breastfed during September 2012 280 controls preterm, full term and
pregnancy. Case group: preg- birth weighs
nant women who breastfed over
24 weeks of pregnancy. Control
group: pregnant women who
breastfed during 24 weeks of
• Exclusion: women less than 18
and over 35; with diseases such
as diabetes mellitus, thyroid dis-
eases, sickle cell anemia; with
history of recurrent miscarriage
and preterm births; multiple

5 Ishii/2009/ • Cases: The pregnancy was con- 1996 to 2000 Japan 110 cases • Proportion of term and Retrospective review Retrospective All children were
Japan [34] firmed before 8 weeks of gesta- 774 controls preterm births, the outcome of matched control continued to
tion, and women who were miscarriage each pregnancy study breastfeed even
breastfeeding at the time of • Frequency of lactation from patient after a
diagnosis were recruited. In • Gestational age at records miscarriage.
these cases, 38.7% continued weaning
breastfeeding to 12 weeks,
27.4% to 28 weeks, 33.6% con-
tinued after 28 weeks and 7.9%
continued breastfeeding infants
even after delivery.


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Table 1. (continued)
No. Author/year/ B. Definition of the overlap Time of data Country of Sample Outcomes available Data Study design Note
country of lactation collection recruitment size collection

• Control: Women who stopped

breastfeeding at least 3 months
before having pregnancy and
matched with cases in age and
score of 1-0-0-1 (number of
term births, premature births,
abortions and healthy infants,

6 Pareja/2015/ Continue breastfeeding until at least March 2006 to April Peru 95 cases Compared the proportion of Interviewing using Case–control study
Peru [12] the 28th week of pregnancy. 2007 150 controls women who breastfed structured
> 28 weeks of pregnancy, questionnaire
between two groups: Reviewing and
SGA and non-SGA extracting informa-
tion from clinical
7 Marquis/2002/ Continue breastfeeding during the July 1998 to January Peru 133 Compare birth events, new- Prospective Prospective-cohort Families of included
Peru [10]f third trimester of pregnancy. 2000 born characteristics and study pregnant women
growth outcomes at had some indica-
1 month between group tors of a better
overlap and non-overlap economic status
compared to
those were
8 Marquis/2003/ Continue breastfeeding during the July 1998 to January Peru 133 Evaluating the link between Prospective Prospective-cohort
Peru [38]f third trimester of pregnancy. 2000 an overlap with macronu- study
trients and immunologic-
al agents in milk,
newborn urinary IgA,
morbidity of mother and
9 Merchant/1990/ Breastfeeding> 2 weeks after 1969 to 1977 Guatemala 102 • Maternal supplement Prospective Data from random-
Guatemala [11] conception. consumption and fat ized control trial
• Birth weight


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Table 1. (continued)
No. Author/year/ B. Definition of the overlap Time of data Country of Sample Outcomes available Data Study design Note
country of lactation collection recruitment size collection

10 Ayrim/2014/ All pregnant women who continued June 2004 to Turkey 165 Compared between two Retrospective Cross-sectional Intrauterine growth
Turkey [29] breastfeeding during the preg- December 2011 groups in body mass reviewed the clin- study retardation was
nancy period. index before pregnancy, ical records not observed in
weight gain during preg- two groups.
nancy, birth weight,
Apgar score, obstetric
adverse events (anemia,
miscarriage, intrauterine
growth retardation,
preterm delivery).
11 Sengul/2013/ Women who experienced preg- June 2006 to June Turkey 61 Compared between two Observation Case–control study None in the breast-
Turkey [28] nancy while breastfeeding. 2009 groups in terms of pre- feeding group
pregnancy body mass continued to
index, gestational weight breastfeed after
gain, birth weight, obstet- 20 gestational
ric complications (missed weeks.
abortion, intrauterine
growth restriction, pre-
term labor).
Qualitative synthesis
12 Hassanabadi/2013/ • Overlap: Women who breastfed July 2009 to April Iran 320 Birth weight, height, head Observation Case–control study
Iran [35] their older children during 2010 circumference and preg-
current pregnancy. nancy outcome between
• Non-overlap: Women who two groups
weaned their older children at
least 3 months before

13 Shaaban/2008/ Conceived the present pregnancy June 2006 to June Egypt 2617 • Prevalence of women Using an interview- Cross-sectional 29 women (4.4%)
Egypt [6] during breastfeeding. 2007 who got pregnancy er-administered study conceived in the
during lactating period structured first 6 months
• Pregnancy intention questionnaire postpartum, 100
• Breastfeeding pattern women (15.1%)
conceived before


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Table 1. (continued)
No. Author/year/ B. Definition of the overlap Time of data Country of Sample Outcomes available Data Study design Note
country of lactation collection recruitment size collection

14 Bohler/1996/ Breastfeeding concurrent with April to September East Bhutan 113 • Average growth rate Semi-structured Cross-sectional
Himalayas [42] pregnancy. 1990 during weaning interview study
• Relation between con-
ceived while lactating
and early cessation of

15 Merchant/1991 • Short overlap subgroup: women 1969 to 1977 Guatemalan 504 The effects of breastfeeding Prospective Data from random-
Guatemala/[46] weaned their baby in the first during pregnancy on the ized control trial
trimester. nutrition implication of
• Long overlap subgroup: women mothers, infants and
weaned their baby in the second fetuses.
or third trimester.

16 Ismail/2009/Egypt Breast milk samples from 45 lactat- Not mention Egypt • 45 case and Total chemical composition Prospective Case–control study
[44] ing pregnant women, whose dur- • 45 control of milk, protein compos-
ation of pregnancy range from ition and immune
8–11, 12–15, 16–19 and 20– components.
40 weeks. Only nine women,
who were at 8–11 weeks, can be
followed up to the third
17 Moscone/1993/UK Overlap criteria was not specified. September 1985 to La Leche League 57 Change in flow/frequency Questionnaire by Retrospective
[45] Jun 1986 of breast milk email
18 Pike/1999/Kenya Overlap criteria was not specified. August 1993 to July Ngisonyoka, 68 Questionnaire Cross-sectional
[30] 1994 Turkana interviewed study,
19 Siega-Riz/1993/ Women who were lactating during 1983 to 1987 Cebu Longitudinal 1367 Patterns of weight gain Comparative study
Philippines [31] pregnancy. Health and during pregnancy
Nutrition Survey
20 Molitoris/2019/USA Women who were lactating during 2002 to 2015 National Survey of 10 661 Risk of miscarriage Extract data from Cross-sectional
[36] pregnancy. Family Growth several waves of study,
the National retrospective
Survey of Family

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Table 2. Basic characteristics of pregnant women in included studies
No. Author/ Age (years) Gravidity/parity Month of pregnancy when BMI is measure BMI Average weight gain
year/country Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N
1 Ismail/2009/ (18–36) – 45 a (combined) 45 -
Egypt [44]
2 Shaaban/2008/ 28.09 5.84 2617 a (combined) 2.83 c 1.7 2617 a
Egypt [6] 0.79 d 1.2 2617 a
3 Shaaban/2015/ 28.8 6.18 270 30.5 5.2 270 2.39 d 1.54 270 2.64 1.18 270
Egypt [32]
4 Merchant/ 30.2 6.8 249 28.7 6.7 252 5.4 d 2.8 253 5.8 3 247
Guatemala [37]
5 Madarshahian/ 28.4 4.6 80 29.6 5.7 240 2.9 d 1.3 80 2.8 1 240
2012/Iran [13]
6 Albadran/ 27.6 0.28 215 27.9 0.27 280 3.3 1.6 215 3.5 1.7 280
2013/Iraq [33] 2.2 1.6 215 2.5 1.7 280
7 Ishii/2009/ 28.7 3.4 110 29.1 2.9 774 -
Japan [34]
8 Pareja/2015/ 27.3 6.01 227 a (combined) 2.26 c 1.51 228 a 10.71 5.27 128 Note: There are
Peru [12] 1.93 d 1.3 228 a two subgroups:
SGA and
mean and
SD of both
subgroups ¼
10.27 6 5.27
(n ¼ 128)
9 Marquis/2002/ 25.9 5.5 68 25.9 4.7 65 2.1 d 1.3 68 2.1 1.1 65 1 mo postnatally 26.2 3.8 68 25.9 3.6 65
Peru [10] f
10 Marquis/ 35 – 44 a (combined) 29 – 1 mo postpartum 26.2 0.5 68 25.9 0.4 65
2003/Peru [38] f
11 Bohler/1995/ 26.8 – 98 a (combined) –
Himalayas [41]
12 Bohler/1996/ 29.6 – 40 26.8 – 40 4.0 – 40 2.8 – 40
Himalayas [42]
13 Ayrim/2014/ 24.3 4.9 45 23.2 3.3 120 - Not mentioned, even no 25.4 4.4 45 26.4 3.7 120 7 3.4 45 13 5.6 120
Turkey [29] word ‘BMI’
are found


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Table 2. (continued)
No. Author/ Age (years) Gravidity/parity Month of pregnancy when BMI is measure BMI Average weight gain
year/country Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control

Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N

14 Sengul/2013/ 25.3 4.9 39 23.2 3.3 22 2.5 c 0.9 39 2.3 0.7 22 Not mentioned, even no 26.4 4.4 39 25.7 3.7 22 10.6 3.6 39 11.8 3 22
Turkey [28] 1.4 d 0.9 39 1.3 0.6 22 word ‘BMI’
are found
15 Pike/1999/ 28.09 5.63 68 a (combined) Pre-pregnancy Monthly changes in Tri 1 2.20 20 0.56 20
Kenya [30] and third maternal weight Tri 2 0.21 22 1.11 22
trimester gain (kg) for Tri 3 0.32 34 0.42 34
each gestational
16 Siega-Riz/ (Not state clear) Monthly total Tri 1 and 2 0.88
1993/ Pre-pregnancy, first þ weight gain Tri 3 1.24
Philippines [31] second þ third between
trimester women who
were lactating
during pregnancy
17 Moscone/ 29 4.14 57 a (combined)
1993/UK [45]

Values are mean and standard error of the mean.

Combined mean and standard deviation of the two groups.
One month postpartum.
Basic characteristics of participants were similar in two studies, data in Marquis/2002/Peru were used in analysis.

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Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy  13

the mean gravidity for all mothers was 2.32 pregnan- them were of ‘high’ risk of bias as well as two ‘mod-
cies with an average parity of 2.83 and 2.91 babies erate’ risk and one ‘low’ risk of bias.
for lactating and non-lactating groups, respectively.
In the same context, the mean calf circumference of Maternal outcomes and complications
133 infants was 33 cm in lactating mothers and 32.6 during pregnancy
cm in non-lactating mothers. Regarding to maternal Pooling three studies [32–34] of 1919 mothers
body mass index (BMI), mean of BMI in lactating showed no significant difference between lactating
was 26.04 kg/m2 and 26.16 kg/m2 in non-lactating and non-lactating ones of spontaneous abortion [OR

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mothers. Nevertheless, the average maternal weight (95% CI) ¼ 0.7 (0.42–1.17), p ¼ 0.18] (Fig. 2).
gain was significantly different with a mean of 8.79 The study of Şengül, et al. [28] with 61 pregnant
kg vs. 12.46 kg in lactating and non-lactating groups, women also showed no significant difference be-
respectively [28, 29]. Pike [30] showed that breast- tween two groups regarding missed abortion [OR
feeding during first trimester affected negatively se- (95% CI) ¼ 4.31 (0.21–87.48), p ¼ 0.3] and thera-
cond trimester weigh gain (p < 0.01), but not third peutic abortion [OR (95% CI) ¼ 1.75 (0.07, 44.88),
trimester. On the other hand, Siega-Riz and Adair p ¼ 0.73]. Additionally, a significant difference in
[31] found no consistent difference in the weight prevalence of anemia, as well as hemoglobin level be-
gain between overlap and non-overlap group irre- tween lactating and non-lactating mother were also
spective of the duration of overlap. However, during identified. Other reported pregnancy complications
the third trimester, mean weekly weight gain was sig- are summarized in Supplementary Table S4.
nificant higher in women with overlap group than Shaaban, et al. [32] reported a significantly higher
women with no overlap. percentage of high blood pressure in the non-
lactating pregnant group (15.6% compared to 12.2%
in the lactating groups, p ¼ 0.003). On the other
Quality assessment hand, this study reported increased percentage of
The quality assessment results are summarized in mothers suffering from placental separation in the
Supplemental Table S3. We had five case–control lactating group [OR (95% CI) ¼ 3.79 (1.38–10.35),
studies with an overall risk of bias rated ‘high’ for p ¼ 0.009] and vaginal bleeding in the same group
three, medium for one and low for one studies. On [OR (95% CI) ¼ 3.56 (1.29–9.80), p ¼ 0.01]. In an-
the other hand, among 11 cohort studies, eight of other study, Ayrim, et al. [29] showed no difference

Fig. 2. Meta-analysis of spontaneous abortion between lactating and non-lactating pregnant.

14  Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy

in hyperemesis gravidarum percentage between the Neonatal interventions

two groups with OR (95% CI) [2.79 (0.54–14.34), One study [32] compared the transfer of neonates
p ¼ 0.203]. Hassanabadi and Madarshahian [35] also into Pediatric Care Unit to non-lactating group with
found no significant effect of previous child lactation [OR (95% CI) ¼ 1.26 (0.89–1.78), p ¼ 0.2]; how-
during pregnancy on the average weight (p ¼ 0.45), ever, it revealed no statistical significance. In the
height (p ¼ 0.15) and head circumference (p ¼ 0.31) same context, Şengül, et al. [28] compared Apgar
of the newborn and pregnancy outcomes were simi- score of babies at first- and fifth-minute between lac-
lar between groups. tation and non-lactation group and showed no statis-

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tical significant (first-minute: 7.03 6 0.39 compared
Maternal outcomes and complications to 7.0 6 0.44; fifth-minute 8.94 6 0.24 compared to
at delivery 8.91 6 0.29).
Five studies [13, 28, 32–34] (2278 participants) had
compared the time of delivery between lactating and Other outcomes
non-lactating groups which showed no difference in Four studies have investigated maternal nutritional
full-term healthy [OR (95% CI) ¼ 1.19 (0.91–1.55), status and supplement intake in cases of concurrent
p ¼ 0.22] (Fig. 3A), preterm delivery [OR (95% pregnancy and breastfeeding. Siega-Riz, et al. [31]
CI) ¼ 1.22 (0.61–2.46), p ¼ 0.57] (Fig. 3B) and found that weight gain during the 3rd trimester of
preterm labor [OR (95% CI) ¼ 1.28 (0.40–4.04), women with any overlap of pregnancy was higher
p ¼ 0.68] (Fig. 3C). than in women with no overlap. In 1990, Merchant,
One study [32] with 518 mothers showed no dif- et al. [37] examined maternal and fetal health effects
ference in rates of antepartum hemorrhage with [OR during breastfeeding while being pregnant. It was
(95% CI) ¼ 2.92 (0.92–9.29), p ¼ 0.07]. Similarly, noticed that women with short reproductive intervals
there was no significant difference in both postpar- (<6 months) have higher supplement intake and
tum hemorrhage [OR (95% CI) ¼ [1.85 (0.76– greater reduction in fat stores. However, this associ-
4.49), p ¼ 0.17] and prolonged labor with [OR ation did not persist after pregnancy and disappeared
(95% CI) ¼ 1.41 (0.86–2.31), p ¼ 0.17] (Fig. 4A). 3 months postpartum. Shaaban, et al. [32] concluded
In a recently published article of 10 661 pregnan- that there is an association between pregnancy dur-
cies from the National Survey of Family Growth, ing breastfeeding and an increase in overall complica-
Molitoris [36] showed that the miscarriage rate was tions of pregnancy as; maternal anemia, prolonged
significant higher in mothers who exclusively labor, delayed fetal growth, cesarean section delivery
breastfed during pregnancy (35%) than in those who and low birth weight infants. In the same context,
practiced complementary breastfeeding during preg- Merchant, et al. [11] further examined the conse-
nancy (14%) or did not breastfeed (15%). After quence of different maternal nutrition status in case
adjusting for maternal characteristic and other char- of reproductive stress of short birth intervals. The
acteristic related to pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage results showed that the overlap of breastfeeding and
remained greater in mothers exclusively breastfed pregnancy along with short birth intervals found to
compared to those did not breastfeed. be stressful for mothers. The results demonstrated
that overlap of breastfeeding and pregnancy along
Baby outcomes and complications with short birth intervals results in increased mater-
The average newborn weight of non-lactating group nal intake of supplements and reduced-fat stores.
in six studies [10, 13, 29, 32, 33, 37] was 3197 g with Again, fetal growth was not affected and all full-term
non-significant difference from lactating group in births did not show any significant reduction in
babies’ weight with mean difference [MD (95% CI) ¼ weight. The aforementioned results suggested
0.04 (0.062, 0.142), p ¼ 0.44]. Birth weight was that fetal growth was protected at the cost of con-
significantly higher in non-lactating group for gesta- current depletion of maternal nutritional status
tional age at birth with MD [0.19 (0.36, 0.01), (Supplementary Table S5). Marquis, et al. [38] have
p ¼ 0.03] (Fig. 4B). examined the effect of the overlap between
Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy  15

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Fig. 3. Meta-analysis of full-term healthy (A), preterm delivery (B) and preterm labor (C) between lactating and non-
lactating pregnant.
16  Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy

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Fig. 4. Meta-analysis of delivery problems (A) and gestational age at birth (B) between lactating and non-lactating

pregnancy and breastfeeding on colostrum compos- Meta-analysis result of two studies showed signifi-
ition and morbidities’ rate among both mother and cant higher prevalence of intrauterine growth restric-
offspring. In the second day postpartum, lactose and tion (IUGR) in women who got pregnant during
lysozyme components were higher and lactoferrin lactation compared with those occurred after wean-
component was lower in breastfeeding group (BFG) ing [OR (95% CI) ¼ 3.59 (1.91–6.71), p ¼ 0.000]
compared to non-breastfeeding group (NBFG), re- [32]. In another study, Ishii [34] reported one case
spectively. One month postpartum, BFG showed a of artificial induced preterm labor due to IUGR. On
decreased IgA concentration as compared to NBFG. the other hand, a case–control study found no evi-
Moreover, infants of BFG were a five-time more sus- dence of the association between breastfeeding dur-
ceptible to develop a cough, for at least 7 days, com- ing late pregnancy and elevated risk of SGA [12].
pared to NBFG (Supplementary Table S5). These studies identified IUGR or SGA using the
Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy  17

same criterion ‘fetal birth weight less than 10th per- In addition, a recommendation from the American
centile after adjusting for gestational age’. Academy of Pediatrics mentioned that breastfeeding
should continue for at least 12 months, and subse-
DISCUSSION quently for as long as mutually desired [4].
Breastfeeding is considered as the most effective inter- Moreover, our analysis did not find any significant
vention of ensuring child survival and health. relationship between concurrent pregnancy in
Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months and continuing women and the risk of adverse maternal outcomes
up to 2 years are recommended by both WHO and and delivery complications.

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UNICEF [3]. On the other hand, WHO endorses The result from Shaaban, et al.’s [32] study
inter-birth interval minimum of 2 years to ensure a showed a significant increase in the rates of IUGR
healthy outcomes for both mother the infant [5]. among babies of lactating women, the incidence of
In different regions of the world, pregnant women IUGR was as high as 16.7% in newborn of lactating
breastfeeding their older children is a common women compared to 4.8% in the non-lactating
phenomenon. However, the actual effect of a women. This increased rate of IUGR and a possible
lactation-pregnancy overlap remains uncertain. Our SGA neonate may be explained by the depletion of
current effort to conduct a comprehensive systematic maternal nutritional stores. In low-income countries,
literature searches failed to identify a desired number a chronic poor diet causes micronutrient deficiency
of related studies. There were a limited original stud- in pregnant women [40]. Concurrent breastfeeding
ies evaluated maternal and infant outcomes when would constitute an additional burden on the moth-
pregnancy occurs during lactation. In meta-analyses er’s stores. These theories may explain the significant
for specific outcomes, there were only from two to decrease in the mean hemoglobin levels in lactating
five studies with small sample sizes went to the final women that we found in our meta-analysis
analysis. Moreover, the majority of included studies (Supplementary Table S5). Pareja, et al. [12], like
was conducted in developing countries where poor the current investigation, found no link between late-
nutrition of pregnant and lactating women is not an pregnancy nursing and the risk of a SGA baby. Also,
uncommon problem. This significant challenge data from nine studies showed no significant differ-
regarding insufficient available data makes it hard to ence between birth weight and length between lac-
have an unambiguous conclusions. Future researches tating and non-lactating group. The occurrence of a
should fill these gaps. new pregnancy was associated with early cessation of
It has been reported that lactation overlapped breastfeeding was showed in the study of Bohler,
with pregnancy in 50.2% of the pregnancies among et al. [41]. Another study measured the growth rate
rural women [37]. This concurrency may have an of 113 children during the first 3 years of life. Results
impact on maternal and fetal outcomes. Our meta- showed that there was a significant reduction in
analysis aimed to explore all the evidence in the growth rate during the last months before weaning
literature to find out whether there is an association breastfeeding between children from mothers’ subse-
between breastfeeding during pregnancy and pos- quent pregnancy and children from non-pregnant
sible undesired maternal and neonatal outcomes. mothers (p ¼ 0.04) [42]. Similarly, a systematic
Meta-analysis for the abortion outcome has review found that an overlap of breastfeeding and
demonstrated no significant increase in overall rates pregnancy does not affect the pregnancy outcomes
of abortions in lactating women, which is similar to and birth weights [43].
previous reports in the literature. Ishii, et al. [34] Ismail, et al. [44] investigated the effect of preg-
reported there is no significant difference regarding nancy during breastfeeding on the chemical compos-
spontaneous abortion between breastfeeding (7.3%) ition of mothers’ milk. It reported a significant
and non-breastfeeding group (8.4%). In the same decrease in solids, fat and lactose and an increase in
context, Lawrence, et al. [39] similarly concluded protein, non-protein nitrogen and sodium in lactat-
that breastfeeding does not cause abortions and it ing pregnant mother’s milk compared to non-
should be continued even if the mother is pregnant. lactating ones. For the time of weaning in lactating
18  Effect of Breastfeeding on Pregnancy

children, Moscone and Moore [45] found that the wants and the adequate nutritional regime for these
majority of weaning from breastfeeding initiated by woman should be aware of.
the infant took place during the second trimester.
The middle 3 months of pregnancy corresponds to a SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
period of diminution in volume of breastmilk which Supplementary data are available at Journal of Tropical
reported by 70% of pregnant women. However, the Pediatrics online.
infants born were healthy and appropriate for gesta-
tional age. Despite pregnancy during breastfeeding is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
We would like to thank the reviewer for the detailed com-

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common and often unintended. Another research
ments and suggestions to improve the manuscript.
was conducted by Shaaban and Glasier [6] found
that 66.3% of lactating pregnant noticed a decrease
in the amount or frequency of breastfeeding. NTH was responsible for the idea and supervision. Screening
Merchant, et al. [37] reported that the overlap of and extraction were done by all authors under the supervision of
breastfeeding and pregnancy caused increasing NTH. Data analysis was done by HTNG, SG and GMT.
intake of supplements and reduced-fat stores in LHNM, SG, GMT, HTNG, CS, NKQ, TNL and NTH contrib-
mother at first and second trimester, and the uted to the interpretation of the results. LHNM and HTNG
reduced-fat store disappeared at third trimester and took the lead in writing the manuscript. All authors contributed
to the manuscript writing and gave approval of the final version.
postpartum. These findings are the evidences of
overlapping of breastfeeding and pregnancy caused
energetically stress, and maybe the increasing intake
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