Techniques Used by The English Teachers in Teachin

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

7th International Conference on English Language and Teaching (ICOELT 2019)

Techniques Used by the English Teachers in Teaching

Speaking at SMAN 3 Padang
Yesni Dewita1 and Zul Amri2
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang and Indonesia,  (e-mail), [email protected]
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang and Indonesia,  (e-mail), [email protected]

Techniques are a way to assist students to explore and increase their ability, so that the
teachers are suggested to use the techniques to reach the goals and objectives of teaching.
Thus, in teaching English, speaking is one of four skills that have to be taught. This study
aimed to describe what is the technique mostly used by English teachers in teaching speaking
at SMAN 3 Padang. This research used descriptive qualitative method. There were two
English teachers who were teaching in eleventh-grade students as the sample of this research,
those have been selected by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this
research was observation. Techniques for analysis the data were collecting the data, data
reduction, display the data and conclusion drawing/classification. There were some techniques
that mostly used by two English teachers in teaching speaking namely: role-play,
brainstorming and picture describing. It can be conclude that, those techniques can increase the
students’ ability in speaking skill.

Keywords: techniques, teaching speaking, English

There are some components of education namely teacher, students, and curriculum. In education
process, a teacher is a major factor in the teaching and learning process. She/he has a big contribution in the
classroom. Furthermore, in education process, a teacher is defined as a professional educator with the
primary task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating the students (UU
No 14: 2005). It makes the existence of the teacher become important in education. In short, the
professionalism of the teacher is needed in the classroom and it is expected to improve the students`
Furthermore, in the process of teaching and learning of English subject, the goals of the teacher in
the classroom are not only to teach the skills domain in learning English but also to transfer knowledge. Both
of them focus on the outcomes and the quality of the school. In the process of applying skills and transfer
knowledge in teaching and learning process, the teachers should use an appropriate method, technique, and
strategy in the classroom. The technique is important points for the teacher in teaching learning process.
According to Brown (2000:15) “for realizing lesson objectives in the language classroom, technique is any of
wide variety of exercises, activities or tasks are used by the teacher”. This is a way to assist students to
explore and increase their ability so that the teacher is suggested to use the techniques in teaching process
with the materials to achieve a goal and objectives of teaching. It makes the process of teaching in the
classroom will be more effective and it increases the quality of teaching.
The teaching and learning process can be run effectively if it is supported by engaging effective
teachers to use some techniques that can be developed from materials. Thus, it makes the teaching and
learning process is not monotonous. The best way to make the students enjoy in learning process is if it is
used interesting technique. It means that technique is a tool to assist students to avoid being bored. The
teachers should operate technique in the learning process by the aim to support the teachers’ professionalism.
Based on the 2013 curriculum, speaking is a skill that has to be taught in teaching English and it
must be mastered well by the students. Through speaking, students can express their ideas in spoken form
and it may help them to inform the others about what they are thinking about. Cameron (2001:40) states that
“A way the use of language to express meanings through words is called speaking, so that the people can
make sense of them”. It means through speaking, the students can interact and communicate with others
directly. Additionally, Nunan (2003:48) “The productive oral skill that consists of producing systematic
verbal utterances to produces the meaning is called speaking”. It means speaking activity shows the process
of the speakers in producing words and sentences to produce meaning. Speaking is important to be mastered
by the students since it is one of the targets in making the students able to express their ideas. By mastering

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

the skill, it will be really helpful and valuable for the students` life in the future to develop their
communication with society.
Besides, Chaney (1998:13) states that “the process of building and sharing the meaning through
the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts is called speaking”. In process of speaking
activity, the speakers are not only used verbal activity but also non-verbal activity and non-verbal symbol.
Furthermore, one of a crucial part for foreign language learner is called, speaking. It is supported by Brown
and Yule (1983) “one of the most difficult aspects of language learning is learning to talk in the foreign
language”. It means, due to English is not the first language for the students, it should be learned well. The
students are suggested to use English in daily communication in order to make them speak fluently. So that,
the teacher is supposed to use a certain technique in teaching speaking.
Experts mention some techniques that used by the English teacher in teaching speaking. Nunan
(2003:56-58) for example, states that, role plays, jigsaw activities, information gap, contact assignment and
simulation that can be used in teaching speaking. Additionally, Kayi (2006:2-4), mentions some techniques
in teaching speaking in her article with the titles “Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Journal
writes” some techniques in teaching speaking to promote speaking. Among them are discussion, simulations,
role-play, brainstorming, information gap, interview, storytelling, reporting, story completion, picture
narrating, playing card, find the difference and picture describing. Thus, in teaching speaking it is often used
by the teacher.
Based on the preliminary observation done at SMAN 3 Padang by interview one of the English
teachers that taught at eleventh grade students, she said that SMAN 3 Padang uses the 2013 curriculum.
Furthermore, the teacher explains most of the students are good in speaking skills. Meaning that, most of
them can speak English well and active in speaking activity in the classroom and also in the outside. It is
caused, the students used English in their daily life and part of them has English class outside the school.
Even thought, a view part of them are still not optimal yet in speaking skill. It is caused the students are lazy
to speak up in the classroom; however they are good in another skills like writing, reading and listening.
Furthermore, a view part of them are not confident in speaking. The other problems come from the teachers`
side; one of all the English teachers there still used monotonous techniques in teaching speaking. It means
that, she/he don`t used variety techniques in teaching speaking.
Besides related to this study, there are some previous studies done. The topics of the researches are
about the teachers` techniques in teaching speaking. Firstly, Christi (2013) conducted teachers` techniques in
teaching speaking with the titled “Techniques Used by English Teachers in Teaching Speaking to Senior
High School Students: A Study at SMAN 1 Pati. Secondly, Febrianti (2016) conducted teacher`s classroom
techniques to develop students` speaking skills entitled “Classroom Techniques Used by the Teacher to
Develop Students English Speaking Skills: A Naturalistic Study”. Third, Arbain (2017) conducted about
techniques for teaching speaking skill entitled “Techniques for Teaching Speaking Skill in Widya Gama
Mahakam University”. The last, Noviyenty (2018) conducted the strategies and techniques in teaching
speaking entitled “Strategies in Learning and Techniques in Teaching English Speaking”.
Based on the previous studies that all researchers described above, some studies are conducted by
the teachers in using technique in teaching speaking. This research is similar with them which investigate
about the teacher techniques in teaching speaking. In contrary, there are some differences which is this
research focused to analyze about techniques mostly used by the English teacher in teaching speaking.
Meanwhile, another studies only focused to analyze about student`s role, instructional material and teacher`s
role in using techniques in teaching speaking. Furthermore, this research will be done in SMAN 3 Padang,
while the other studies have been done in university, different level, school, place, and city. In short, this
research is still wider than previous studies.
In short, based on the background above, it can be concludes that one of the important skills that
must be mastered by the students is speaking. Furthermore, most of the students are good in speaking skills.
Meaning that, most of them can speak English well and active in speaking activity in the classroom and also
in the outside. Although, a view part of them are still not optimal yet in speaking skill. It is caused the
students are lazy to speak up in the classroom; however they are good in another skills. Furthermore, a view
part of them are not confident in speaking. The other problems come from the teachers` side; one of all the
English teachers there still used monotonous techniques in teaching speaking. It means that, she/he don`t
used variety techniques in teaching and learning speaking. Based on the background above, the researcher is
interested to analyze what are the techniques mostly used by the English teacher in teaching speaking at
SMAN 3 Padang.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

Descriptive qualitative research is used in this research. Iskandar (2009:61) states that descriptive
qualitative research is research a systematic and subjective approach in describing phenomena as detail. This
research will be conducted in SMAN 3 Padang, which is located at Gajah Mada district, number 11, Gunung
Pangilun, north Padang, Padang City, West Sumatera. The populations of this research are all of the English
teachers at SMAN 3 Padang in academic year of 2019/2020. The sample of the research is two English
teachers who are teaching at eleventh-grade students, they are FM and YN. The two English teachers are
selected to participate in this research through purposive sampling technique. The instrumentation of this
research was observation sheet. Moreover, this research was also assisted by smart phone video as a second
tool. The observation sheet was used for records what the researcher saw and heard the experience from the
teacher during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Techniques of data collection for
observation namely write down their teaching activity in the classroom by using observation sheet and record
them by using smart phone video, check the steps of teaching activity done by the teacher, analyze and
describe the data in the sentences by using a descriptive qualitative approach. Furthermore, the techniques of
data analyzes by using the descriptive qualitative approach as the description of the results of observation.
The data was analyzed by using interactive technique. According to Miles and Huberman (1994;12) explain
the methods of data analysis which is includes four streams of analysis activity in interactive process namely
first collecting the data, the collecting the data is observation. Second data reduction related to the process
selecting, focusing, simplifying and abstracting as well as transforming the draw data which are draw in this
research. Third display the data, in this activity the data gained are performed and organize that permit
conclusion drawing action taking. The last conclusion drawing/ classification, the researcher was able to
interpret it and reaches conclusion and verifications.

Results and Discussion

The result of this research is about teachers` techniques and techniques that mostly used by two
English teachers who are teaching at eleventh-grade in teaching speaking at SMAN 3 Padang. This research
was conducted on October 04, 2019 until November 11 2019. The data was found based on the observation
sheet. Observation sheet was used to saw and described the teacher’s process in teaching speaking and to
find factual information about English teachers’ techniques in teaching learning speaking. The researcher
chose two English teachers that taught in eleventh-grade students, the first teacher is Mrs. FM and the second
teacher is Mrs. YN.

a.) Teacher 1: Mrs. FM

The first teacher is Mrs. FM who teaches at the classes of XI.MIA4-XI.MIA8 and XI.IPS1-XI.IPS2.
Only three classes were observed by the researcher for Mrs. FM, there were XI.MIA 4, XI.MIA5 and
XI.MIA6. The data was described from observation directly at the classroom. Based on the observation
process of teaching was conducted by the researcher, this school applied 2013 curriculum, as we know that
2013 curriculum used the scientific approach. There were three steps in teaching process namely pre
teaching, main teaching and post teaching. In pre teaching activity the teacher opened the teaching and
learning process through say ‘assalammualaikum” and greeting with the students. Moreover, in main
teaching activity there were observation, question, exploration, association and communication. In post
activity, this was the process of the teacher to close the material and end the class.
Some techniques were used by Mrs. FM in teaching speaking namely brainstorming, picture
describing, discussion and role play. For those techniques there were several techniques that mostly used by
the teacher in teaching process at the classes of XI.MIA4, XI.MIA5 and XI.MIA6. To know the techniques
used by the English teacher in teaching and learning process was used observation sheet by researcher. Based
on observation did around seventh meeting that the researcher observed from October 04 2019 until
November 11 2019, several techniques were used by the English teacher in teaching process. The researcher
shows the table below:
Table 1. Techniques used by Mrs. FM at the classes of XI.MIA4, XI.MIA5 and XI.MIA6
No Name of Meeting/classes
techniques Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Brainstorm √ √ √ √ √

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

Table 1. Cont
2 Discussion √
3 Picture √ √
4 Role play √ √ √

From the table above, it can be seen the techniques mostly used by Mrs. FM in teaching speaking at
the eleventh-grade at the classes of XI.MIA4, XI.MIA5 and XI.MIA6 there were brainstorming and role play.
Those techniques help the students to increase their ability to speak in the classroom. Based on the researcher
observed, the students are more active to speak in the classroom through teachers` techniques. It means that,
most of them motivated to speak through techniques that the teacher was given. Furthermore, the students
were active to speak in natural way and communicate fluently in English.
Some steps in apply techniques that mostly used in teaching speaking. First is brainstorming. The
teacher gave key words and some questions related of invitation card. After that, the students answered it and
think in limited time. It means that, the students answered as soon as possible and explore their ideas with
quickly and freely about the topic that the teacher was given. Second is role play. In this activity, the teacher
gave information to the students what they were going to do about the topic. The topic was invitation card.
Moreover, the teacher asked the students in pairs to present about how to invite someone, how to accept and
reject someone`s invitation. After that, the students present in front of the class, some of them used tools in
presenting in front of the class like telephone and etc.
Mrs. FM was one of the best teachers in that school. Meaning that, she was a active teacher. In
every meeting she always used techniques in teaching process in the classroom. Moreover, sometimes she
used more than one technique in teaching and learning process. She had good communication with her
students and she knows how to make her students happy and enjoy in learning process. They were the best
teacher in making the classroom interesting for the students. Furthermore, she was understood and pay
attention about the students` need. Beside, most all of them active, creative and effective in learning process
and they can communicate with naturally and fluently. The students were happy to study with Mrs. FM, it
makes the classroom have good atmosphere.

b.) Teacher 2: Mrs. YN

The second English teacher is Mrs. YN who teaches at the classes of XI.MIA1, XI.MIA2 and
XI.MIA3. The data was described from observation directly at the classroom. Mrs. YN was same with the
Mrs. FM which used scientific approach in learning process. Based on the observations above, there were
three steps that used in teaching learning process namely, pre teaching, main teaching and post teaching. In
pre teaching, the teacher opened the teaching process with saying “assalamualikum and greeting with the
students. In main teaching, there were observation, question, exploration, association and communication. In
post teaching, this was the process of the teacher to close the material and end the teaching and learning
Some techniques used by the Mrs. YN there were role play, find the difference and picture
describing. From those techniques there was technique that mostly used by Mrs. YN in teaching process at
the classes of XI.MIA1, XI.MIA2 and XI.MIA3. Observation sheet was used by researcher to know teacher`s
techniques in teaching process. Based on the observation did around seventh meeting that researcher observe
from October 09 2019 until November 07 2019, there were several techniques that Mrs. YN used in teaching
process. The researcher shows the table below:

The table 2. Techniques used by Mrs. YN at the classes of XI.MIA1, XI.MIA2 and XI.MIA3
No Name of Meeting/classes
Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Role play √ √
2 Find the √ √
3 Picture √ √ √

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

From the table above, it can be seen that there are several meeting that researcher observed in
teaching speaking at the classes of XI.MIA1, XI.MIA2 and XI.MIA3. It can be concluding that, picture
describing was technique that mostly used by Mrs. YN. It help the students to increase their ability in
speaking skill. Based on what the researcher saw, those techniques help the students more active to speak.
Even thought, Mrs. YN was less active, creative and effective in using the techniques but the students kept
active to speak up. Furthermore, in fact it makes some of students are busy and chit-chat in the back.
Some steps in apply the technique mostly used by Mrs. YN in teaching speaking which the
technique mostly used is picture describing. The teacher brought several picture and showed it one by one.
Furthermore, the teacher asked the students` opinion about the pictures about. The students described about
the picture that they had seen. It means that, through the pictures the teacher quided the students` backgroud
Based on the finding above, there are several techniques that both English teachers used in
teaching speaking namely brainstorming, role play, picture describing, discussion, and find the difference.
Thus, some techniques mostly used by two English teachers in teaching and learning speaking. For the first
teacher are brainstorming, and role play. From the second teacher is picture describing. From both teachers,
the first teacher is more active; creative and effective in apply the techniques in the classroom. It means that,
she is more attractive in encourages students in speaking process. Moreover, the second English teacher is
less optimal in using each technique. Sometimes she is less attention to the students` need in the classroom.
Even though, the students still have good quality in speaking skill. It means that, that problem is not
influence to the students` speaking skill. Thus, those techniques can increase the students` speaking ability
and makes the students more active to speak up.
Those techniques can help the teachers and students in speaking activity. Meaning that, those are
contributing to the students speaking` achievement. Those finding related to the previous study, he is
Sulistya (2017) he found some techniques that the teacher used in teaching speaking namely: role-playing,
song, and discussion technique. Those techniques can help the teacher in teaching speaking. It means that,
the techniques can increase and contribute to the students` ability in speaking skill. In the other hand,
according to Rahimin (2017), he found that there are several techniques that mostly used by the English
teacher namely, discussion, storytelling and describing thing. It is different with the finding of this research;
he found that those techniques are not optimal yet for the teacher. It means that, the teacher is feel difficult in
apply the techniques because the students only hear and silent in the classroom and focus to what the teacher
The implication of this study with that school are those techniques are needed for the school. The
teachers are hoped; those techniques can increase the students` ability in speaking skill. It means that, the
schools expected to all of the teachers use the techniques in learning English, one important thing is in
speaking skill, because it is one of the important and difficult skills for the students. Moreover, the reseacher
think that, this research is still far from the perfect, which means that it has lack in doing the research. The
researcher hoped and suggested for the further researcher to be more perfect in doing their research and the
researcher hoped for the further researcher to involve more teachers in their research.

This study reveals, some techniques used by two English teachers in teaching speaking namely
brainstorming, role play, picture describing, discussion, and find the difference. From those technique, there
are some techniques that mostly used by two English teachers in teaching and learning speaking. For the first
teacher, there are brainstorming and role play. The second teacher is picture describing. Throught the
techniques, it help teachers to make their classroom more active and not monotonous. Moreover, this is the
way for the teacher to make the students to speak up in the classroom. Furthermore, those techniques can
increase the students’ ability in speaking skill in learning process and make the students more interesting to
speak English.
Both English teachers have different style in using the techniques in teaching speaking, which is the
first English teacher is more active than the second English teacher. But that problem is not influence to the
students’ ability and enthusiast in speaking skill. Meaning that, most of the students have good quality in
speaking. Thus, those techniques can increase the students’ ability in speaking and help the students more
active to speak up. The researcher hoped that, this research can contribute for the other teacher in apply the
techniques in teaching speaking and further researcher.

Alhamdulillahirabbil` Alamin. The praises and the thank are due to Allah SWT, the almighty who is the
most worthy of praise and who has given the writer change, strength and knowledge in finishing this paper

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 411

with entitled “techniques used by the English teachers in teaching speaking at SMAN 3 Padang”. I also
express my gratitude to the prophet Muhammad SAW (Peace Upon Him). Next, special thanks to my advisor
for the precious guidance, suggest, correction, a useful comment and criticism for the improvement during
writing of my thesis. After that, the writers would like to dedicate my unbounded thanks to my parents
(Amak and Apa) for the support, love and prayer. Moreover, I express thanks to my brother and sisters and
all of my friends, thanks for being guardian angel for me.

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