Excel To Word

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Section 3: Creating Excel Functions, Filling Cells, and Printing

By using functions, you can quickly and easily make many useful calculations, such
as finding an average, the highest number, the lowest number, and a count of the
number of items in a list. Microsoft Excel has many functions that you can use.
3.1 Using Reference Operators
To use functions, you need to understand reference operators. Reference operators
refer to a cell or a group of cells. There are two types of reference operators: range
and union.
A range reference refers to all the cells between and including the reference. A
range reference consists of two cell addresses separated by a colon. The reference
A1:A3 includes cells A1, A2, and A3. The reference A1:C3 includes cells A1, A2, A3,
B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3.
A union reference includes two or more references. A union reference consists of
two or more numbers, range references, or cell addresses separated by a comma.
The reference A7,B8:B10,C9,10 refers to cells A7, B8 to B10, C9 and the number 10.
3.2 Understanding Functions
Functions are prewritten formulas. Functions differ from regular formulas in that
you supply the value but not the operators, such as +, -, *, or /. For example, you
can use the SUM function to add. When using a function, remember the following:
1. Use an equal sign to begin a formula.
2. Specify the function name.
3. Enclose arguments within parentheses. Arguments are values on which you
want to perform the calculation. For example, arguments specify the
numbers or cells you want to add.
4. Use a comma to separate arguments.
Here is an example of a function:
In this function, known as the SUM function:
1. The equal sign begins the function.
2. SUM is the name of the function.
3. 2, 13, A1, and B2:C7 are the arguments. Parentheses enclose the arguments.
4. Commas separate the arguments.
After you type the first letter of a function name, the AutoComplete list appears.
You can double-click on an item in the AutoComplete list to complete your entry
quickly. Excel will complete the function name and enter the first parenthesis.

The SUM function adds argument values.

1. Open Microsoft Excel.

2. Type 12 in cell B1.
3. Press Enter.
4. Type 27 in cell B2.
5. Press Enter.
6. Type 24 in cell B3.
7. Press Enter.
8. Type =SUM(B1:B3) in cell A4.
9. Press Enter. The sum of cells B1 to B3, which is 63, appears.
Alternate Method: Enter a Function with the Ribbon

1. Type 150 in cell C1.

2. Press Enter.
3. Type 85 in cell C2.
4. Press Enter.
5. Type 65 in cell C3, and Press Enter
6. Choose the Formulas tab.
7. Click the Insert Function button. The Insert Function dialog box appears.
8. Choose Math & Trig in the Or Select A Category box.
9. Click Sum in the Select A Function box.
10.Click OK.
11.The Function Arguments dialog box appears with C1:C3 displayed in the
Number1 field.


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