Forensic Science 1

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Forensic Chemistry

Course Details


Title Forensic Science

Degree B.Sc.

Branch Chemistry

Year/Semester S3/S4

Type Extracurricular/Additional course

Credits Hrs/week Total hours 30 h


 To highlight the importance of Forensic science for perseverance of the society.

 To generate talented human resource, commensurating with latest requirements of
forensic science

 To emphasize the importance of scientific methods in crime detection

Expected Course Outcome

Upon completion of the course the students will be able to:

 Understand the importance of Forensic science to human society

 Understand the fundamental principles and functions of Forensic Science

 Evaluate the importance of instrumental techniques in processing crime scene


 Remember the classification and characteristics of the narcotics, drugs and

psychotropic substances

 Understand the forensic identification of illicit liquors, poisons, drugs etc

 Forensic Science – Course Overview

Sl Topics Hrs
1. Introduction to Forensic Science 6
Development and History of Forensic science. Definition and
concepts in Forensic science. Basic Principles: Law of individuality,
Principle of exchange, Law of progressive change, Principle of
Comparison, Principle of Analysis, Law of probability. Scope of
Forensic science.
2. Branches of Forensic science 6
Introduction to Forensic biology, forensic serology, DNA profiling,
Forensic Ballistics, Forensic physics, Forensic documents, Cyber
forensics, Forensic psychology, Finger printing.
3. Forensic Chemistry and Explosives 10
Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic substances: Poppy straw, Opium
and its derivatives, Cannabis derivatives, Psychotropic substances
listed in the NDPS Act. Petroleum and petroleum products:
Analysis of traces of petroleum products in forensic exhibits.
Comparison of petroleum products. Adulteration of petroleum products.
Cases involving Arson: Chemistry of fire. Conditions for fire. Fire
scene patterns. Analysis of fire debris. Analysis of ignitable liquid
residue. Post-flashover burning. Toxicological analysis and chemical
intoxication tests. Poisons: Classification of poisons. Physico-chemical
characteristics and mode of action of poisons. Accidental, suicidal and
homicidal poisonings. Signs and symptoms of common poisoning and
their antidotes. Beverages: Alcoholic and non-alcoholic illicit liquors.
Analysis and identification of ethyl alcohol. Estimation of ethyl alcohol
in blood and urine. Explosives: Classification– low explosives and high
explosives. Homemade explosives. Military explosives. Blasting agents.
Blast waves. Improvised explosive devices (IED).
4. Instrumental methods in Forensic science 5
Chromatographic methods: Forensic applications of thin layer
chromatography, gas chromatography and liquid chromatography.
Forensic applications of Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, infrared
spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission
spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy. X-ray spectrometry. Forensic
applications of electrophoresis and neutron activation analysis. Forensic
applications of microscopy. Forensic photography: Digital photography.
Videography. Crime scene and laboratory photography.
5. Organisational setup of Forensic Science laboratories and Laws 3

Hierarchical set up of Central Forensic Science Laboratories, State

Forensic Science Laboratories, Fingerprint Bureaus, National Crime
Records Bureau, Police Academies. Civil, criminal cases. Essential
elements of criminal law. Constitution and hierarchy of criminal courts.
Criminal Procedure Code. Cognizable and non-cognizable offences.
Bailable and non-bailable offences.

You are expected to watch all online/offline lectures, complete the work at-home,
submit weekly problem sets and worksheets.


1. B.B. Nanda and R.K. Tiwari, Forensic Science in India: A Vision for the Twenty First
Century, Select Publishers, New Delhi (2001).
2. S.H. James and J.J. Nordby, Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and
Investigative Techniques, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2005).
3. E. Elaad in Encyclopedia of Forensic Science, Volume 2, J.A. Siegel, P.J. Saukko and
G.C. Knupfer (Eds.), Academic Press, London (2000).
4. J.W. Robinson, Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis, 5th Edition, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York (1995).
5. D.R. Redsicker, The Practical Methodology of Forensic Photography, 2nd Edition,
CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
6. F.G. Hofmann, A Handbook on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press, New York (1983).
7. B.R.Sharma, Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trials, 6th Edition,
Universal, (2020).

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