Meals in The UK

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Haga la siguiente lectura y resuelva las actividades 1 y 2 basada en este mismo
texto. (responda en un archivo adjunto de Word)

Dear Alicia,

It’s great to hear about your plan to visit England next month. How many days
are you here for? Let’s meet in London to go shopping and have a meal
together! There are restaurants from all over the world in London: Chinese,
Italian, Indian, Brazilian and many more. There are fast-food restaurants, which
are cheap and quick, but they are not very good for you. There are also very
healthy salad bars and vegetarian restaurants.

English breakfasts are BIG! In a full English breakfast there are many things:
eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans and toast. To drink,
there’s tea, coffee or juice. After that, you aren’t hungry until the evening! For a
smaller breakfast, people eat toast and jam, cereals or fruit and yoghurt. Most
people have breakfast around 7:00-8:00am.

At around 12:00-1:00 pm, people have a quick lunch – often a sandwich, a salad
or some soup. Choose brown bread and salad on the sandwich to make it
healthy. Dinner is usually at around 6:00-8:00 pm, though people sometimes
eat later in restaurants. A very typical British dish is fish and chips, which is
delicious, but not very healthy.

Roast dinners with meat (chicken, beef or lamb), roast potatoes (yummy!),
vegetables and gravy is typical to have for Sunday lunch. It’s very nutritious.

However, the most popular British meal of them all is not actually British! It’s
Chicken Tikka Masaala, a tasty Indian dish with lots of spices. You must try it – I
love it!

Can’t wait to see you.



Estimada Alicia,

Es genial escuchar acerca de su plan para visitar Inglaterra el próximo mes.

¿Cuántos días estás aquí? ¡Encontrémonos en Londres para ir de compras y
comer juntos! Hay restaurantes de todo el mundo en Londres: chino, italiano,
indio, brasileño y muchos más. Hay restaurantes de comida rápida, que son
baratos y rápidos, pero no son muy buenos para ti. También hay bares de
ensaladas muy saludables y restaurantes vegetarianos.

¡Los desayunos ingleses son GRANDES! En un desayuno inglés completo hay

muchas cosas: huevos, tocino, salchichas, tomates, champiñones, frijoles y
tostadas. Para beber, hay té, café o zumo. ¡Después de eso, no tienes hambre
hasta la noche! Para un desayuno más pequeño, la gente come tostadas y
mermelada, cereales o fruta y yogur. La mayoría de la gente desayuna entre las
7:00 y las 8:00 a. m.

Alrededor de las 12:00-13:00, la gente almuerza rápidamente, a menudo un

sándwich, una ensalada o un poco de sopa. Elija pan integral y ensalada en el
sándwich para que sea saludable. La cena suele ser entre las 6:00 y las 8:00 p.
m., aunque a veces la gente come más tarde en los restaurantes. Un plato
británico muy típico es el fish and chips, que es delicioso, pero no muy

Las cenas de asado con carne (pollo, ternera o cordero), patatas asadas (¡qué
rico!), verduras y salsa son típicas para el almuerzo de los domingos. es muy

Sin embargo, ¡la comida británica más popular de todas no es realmente

británica! Es Chicken Tikka Masaala, un sabroso plato indio con muchas
especias. Tienes que probarlo, ¡me encanta!

No puedo esperar a verte.


Activity 1


a. What time do people eat their meals in the UK?

Breakfast: 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Lunch: 12:00 - 13:00
Dinner: usually between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. m., although sometimes people eat
later in restaurants

b. What do people eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, and toast. To

drink, there is tea, coffee or juice or also simple breakfasts such as toast and
jam, cereals or fruit and yogurt

Lunch: sandwich, a salad or some soup

Dinner: roast dinners with meat (chicken, beef or lamb), roast potatoes

c. What healthy / unhealthy food is mentioned?

Healthy: Mushrooms, tomatoes, eggs, whole wheat bread, tea, juice, fruit, salad,

Unhealthy: fish and chips

d. Find two ways of saying ‘tastes good’.

The mix of fruit and yogurt tastes good

a cheeseburger tastes good

e. Find the different ways of saying if something is healthy / unhealthy.

French fries with sauces have a lot of fat

orange juice is very good for the body

Activity 2

Read the task and write your email. Use the previous text to help you.

Your pen friend wants to know about food in Colombia for her/his trip next
month. Write an email telling her/him about meals in Colombia. Write about:

? what type of restaurants there are

? what she/he can eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner

? which dishes are healthy / unhealthy

? recommend some traditional dishes.

Hello Maria

I hope that one day you will be able to visit Colombia and try all its delicious
foods, Colombian foods are very varied and there are many exquisite

Colombia has many typical dishes such as: Bandeja Paisa, Lechona, Ajiaco,
Sancocho, Arepa, Tamales,
Pandebono, Empanada, Chicken Sweat, Cassava bread among other typical

At breakfast we eat: Arepa, scrambled eggs with onion and tomato, bread,
fritters, cereals with yogurt and to drink chocolate, aguapanela, coffee

For lunch we eat: beans, lentils, pasta soup, sancocho, rice, meat, salad,

For dinner we usually eat light things like arepa, crackers, oatmeal

On weekends dinners are usually fast food such as hamburgers, salchipapas,

pizza, hot dogs

I hope that one day you can visit Colombia and try all its foods.

We also eat many desserts such as tres leches dessert, passion fruit flan,
wafers, gelatin and many more.

Attn: Monica

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