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Cambridge O Level

BIOLOGY 5090/12
Paper 1 Multiple Choice October/November 2022
1 hour

You must answer on the multiple choice answer sheet.


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Soft clean eraser
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)

• There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
• For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct
and record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple choice answer sheet.
• Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet.
• Write in soft pencil.
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• The total mark for this paper is 40.
• Each correct answer will score one mark.
• Any rough working should be done on this question paper.

This document has 20 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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1 The diagram shows cells from a plant leaf.

Which structure contains a high concentration of magnesium?


2 The diagram represents the cell structures of a bacterial cell, a liver cell, an onion epidermal cell
and a red blood cell.

bacterial cell

red blood X liver cell


epidermal cell

Which structure is represented by X?

A cell membrane
B cellulose cell wall
C nucleus
D sap vacuole

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3 The diagram shows a typical plant cell which has been in a concentrated salt solution for
10 minutes.

Which numbered structures are partially permeable?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 1 only D 2 only

4 Which process is moving nitrate ions into the cell shown?

nitrate ion

A active transport
B diffusion
C osmosis
D translocation

5 Fats are broken down by the enzyme lipase to produce fatty acids and glycerol.

According to the ‘lock and key’ model of enzyme action, what is the ‘lock’ and what is the ‘key’ in
this reaction?

lock key

A fats lipase
B lipase fats
C fats fatty acids and glycerol
D lipase fatty acids and glycerol

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6 The graph shows the effect of varying pH values on the activity of four different enzymes, A, B, C
and D.

Which enzyme is active in the stomach?


rate of

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

7 A small mountain lake has aquatic plants growing under water on the lake bed. Shortly after
heavy rainfall, the mud on the lake bed becomes stirred up and the water level rises.

Why does this cause the rate of photosynthesis of these plants to fall?

A extra carbon dioxide

B extra dissolved nitrates
C lower light intensity
D lower oxygen concentration

8 The graph shows how the yield of a wheat crop varies with the addition of different amounts of
nitrate fertiliser.


amount of nitrate fertiliser added

What can be concluded from the graph?

A Nitrates help the formation of chlorophyll in wheat leaves.

B The yield of wheat is proportional to the amount of nitrate fertiliser added.
C Nitrate is needed for the formation of proteins.
D Nitrates are required for healthy plants, but excess nitrates may inhibit growth.

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9 A lack of certain minerals and vitamins can lead to deficiency diseases.

Which row shows the correct symptoms of such diseases?

deficiencies in diet symptoms in body

A calcium and vitamin C too few red blood cells and deformed bones
B calcium and vitamin D brittle bones and bleeding gums
C iron and vitamin C brittle bones and bleeding gums
D iron and vitamin D too few red blood cells and deformed bones

10 The diagram shows how food is processed in the human alimentary canal.

food containing large, insoluble molecules enters the body P ingestion

large pieces of food broken down to smaller pieces Q

large molecules broken down into

small, soluble molecules

undigested food small, soluble molecules

leaves the body enter the blood

small molecules taken

up and used by cells

Which row correctly identifies the named stages?

absorption assimilation


11 Which function is not carried out by the liver?

A breakdown of alcohol
B conversion of glycogen to glucose
C formation of urea
D secretion of digestive enzymes

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12 Which statements about root hairs are correct?

1 The cell membrane can allow movement of water and ions into the cell.
2 The cell vacuole extends into the root hair.
3 They are formed as an extension of the outer layer of root cells.

A 1, 2 and 3 B 1 and 2 only C 1 and 3 only D 2 and 3 only

13 The table shows weather conditions in a field.

Which row shows conditions that would cause a plant to wilt most rapidly?

air temperature wind speed

humidity time of day
/ °C / km per hour

A 15 raining 00:00 32
B 12 dry 14:00 24
C 6 fog / rain 08:00 3
D 5 dry 22:00 16

14 Some people have a rare heart condition in which the lower left chamber of the heart has not
developed properly and is much smaller than normal.

The immediate result of this condition is to cause lower than normal blood flow into which blood

A aorta
B pulmonary artery
C pulmonary vein
D vena cava

15 Which route does blood take around the body?

A pulmonary artery → heart → aorta → lungs → pulmonary vein → heart → vena cava

B pulmonary vein → heart → lungs → aorta → pulmonary artery → heart → vena cava

C vena cava → heart → pulmonary artery → lungs → pulmonary vein → heart → aorta

D vena cava → heart → pulmonary vein → lungs → pulmonary artery → heart → aorta

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16 The diagram shows the transfer of materials between blood in a capillary and tissue fluid.


high pressure low pressure

blood blood

1 4
tissue fluid
tissue fluid

tissue cells

Which row shows the correct labels for the arrows in the diagram?

1 2 3 4

A carbon dioxide glucose oxygen water

B glucose water oxygen urea
C oxygen glucose carbon dioxide water
D oxygen water carbon dioxide glucose

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17 An experiment is set up, as shown.

Test-tubes 1 and 2 contain limewater. Limewater is a clear solution that turns cloudy in the
presence of carbon dioxide. Air is pumped through the apparatus.

air flow air flow

solution to absorb test-tube 1 test-tube 2

carbon dioxide

What is the appearance of the limewater in test-tubes 1 and 2 after a period of 10 minutes?

test-tube 1 test-tube 2

A clear clear
B clear cloudy
C cloudy clear
D cloudy cloudy

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18 Fitness training in athletes reduces the need for anaerobic respiration. It also increases the rate
at which lactic acid is removed after exercise.

The table shows the concentration of lactic acid in the blood of four different athletes. They
exercise for 20 minutes and rest for the next 70 minutes.

lactic acid concentration / mg per 100 cm3 of blood

athlete 1 athlete 2 athlete 3 athlete 4

0 20 20 20 20
10 84 82 60 86 exercise

20 95 90 85 98
30 92 95 76 99
40 84 80 62 95
50 78 75 50 81
60 66 60 38 68
70 54 50 25 62
80 35 30 20 50
90 28 20 20 39

From the fittest athlete to the least fit, which order is correct?

A 3→2→1→4

B 1→2→4→3

C 2→3→4→1

D 3→1→2→4

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19 The diagram shows the human gas exchange system.


Which row shows the correct labelling?

1 2 3 4

A trachea larynx bronchiole bronchus

B trachea larynx bronchus bronchiole
C larynx trachea bronchiole bronchus
D larynx trachea bronchus bronchiole

20 What are two main functions of the kidneys?

A to make toxins in the blood harmless and to remove excess salt in the blood
B to remove excess salt in the blood and to remove urea from the blood plasma
C to remove urea from the blood plasma and to convert glucose to glycogen
D to convert glucose to glycogen and to make toxins in the blood harmless

21 Which changes occur when a person walks from a very cold room into a hot room?

skin blood

A decreases constrict
B decreases dilate
C increases dilate
D increases constrict

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22 The graph shows measurements taken of one aspect of the internal environment of the human
body over time.

limits of
/ °C

0 20 40 60 80
time / minutes

What controls the internal environment of the human body to keep each aspect within strict

A excretion
B homeostasis
C positive feedback
D respiration

23 When a bright light is shone into the eye, the pupil becomes smaller.

Which statement explains this response?

A Ciliary muscles in the eye contract.

B Circular muscles in the iris contract.
C Sensory cells in the iris detect the bright light.
D Sensory neurones stimulate the ciliary muscles in the iris.

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24 The flow chart describes a reflex action.

the impulse finally the

a painful is passed to impulse is
impulse is
stimulus is the ...G... transmitted
→ transmitted → →
picked up neurone via to the ...I...
by a ...F...
by a ...E... the ...H... to create a
neurone response

Which row correctly fills the flow chart?


A effector relay motor sensory brain

B effector sensory relay motor receptor
C receptor sensory motor relay effector
D receptor motor sensory relay brain

25 A patient shows symptoms of unexplained weight loss, severe thirst and frequent need of

A test shows high levels of glucose in the urine.

Which condition is diagnosed?

A cardiovascular disease
B diabetes
C anaemia
D obesity

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26 Which graph shows the lengths of the biceps and triceps muscles in the upper arm when the
elbow joint is fully extended and the arm is straight?


length of length of
muscle muscle

biceps triceps biceps triceps


length of length of
muscle muscle

biceps triceps biceps triceps

27 Four discs, A, B, C and D, each containing a different antibiotic, were placed onto agar gel in a
Petri dish. The agar gel contained E. coli bacteria.

The Petri dish was then sealed and incubated for 24 hours at 35 °C.

The results are shown.

Which antibiotic is most effective?


agar gel containing

E. coli bacteria clear area has
no bacteria


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28 Bacteria, fungi and viruses are often grouped together as microorganisms.

Which statement about microorganisms is correct?

A All types of microorganism are used to produce antibiotics.

B Bacteria and viruses can only be found inside living cells.
C Decomposition is brought about by bacteria and fungi only.
D All microorganisms contain DNA but not in a nucleus.

29 Two containers, X and Y, were filled with equal amounts of dough mixture for making bread.
The mixture in Y had yeast in it.

The containers were then left in a warm place for two hours. The diagram shows their
appearance after this time.

dough mixture
with yeast
dough mixture
without yeast

container X container Y

Which substance produced by the yeast causes the difference between the dough in X and Y?

A alcohol
B carbon dioxide
C lactic acid
D oxygen

30 What is the principal source of energy input to biological systems?

A food chains
B photosynthesis
C producers
D the Sun

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31 In the carbon cycle, what is one way that carbon can enter the atmosphere?

A burning
B feeding
C fossilisation
D photosynthesis

32 The graph shows the concentration of dissolved oxygen at different points along a river.

At which point is sewage emptied into the river?

direction of water flow

concentration of
dissolved oxygen

distance along river

33 A gardener has two groups of strawberry plants, labelled X and Y. They are grown to maturity
under identical conditions. He makes some observations and concludes that those in group X
were produced asexually and those in group Y were grown from seeds.

Which observations most closely support his conclusions?

1 Group X plants produced flowers all at the same time.

2 Group X plants produced flowers which varied in shape and size, some of which
were produced earlier than others.
3 Group Y plants produced flowers all at the same time.
4 Group Y plants produced flowers which varied in shape and size, some of which
were produced earlier than others.

A 1, 2, 3 and 4 B 1 and 4 only C 2 and 3 only D 4 only

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34 The diagram shows a section through a flower.

Where does fertilisation take place?



35 Human gametes are different from each other.

Which information about male gametes is correct?

numbers released
size movement
at one time

A large normally one cannot move on their own

B large millions cannot move on their own
C small normally one can swim
D small millions can swim

36 During the menstrual cycle, hormone M is released in the body to stimulate the production of
eggs. This is then followed by the release of hormone N which brings about ovulation.

What are the names of hormones M and N?

hormone M hormone N

A oestrogen FSH
B LH oestrogen
D progesterone oestrogen

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37 What is the correct order for the sizes of the pieces of genetic material shown in the table, from
smallest to largest?

smallest largest

A gene molecule of DNA chromosome

B molecule of DNA gene chromosome
C chromosome molecule of DNA gene
D gene chromosome molecule of DNA

38 A man of blood group A and his wife of blood group O had two children, both of blood group A.
The man concluded that he must be homozygous for the allele IA, since he thought half his
children would be of group O if he were heterozygous.

Why was his conclusion unsound?

A Blood group mutations are common.

B Genetic ratios are unreliable for small numbers.
C His wife might have been heterozygous.
D The expected ratio for a heterozygous father and group O mother is 3 group A : 1 group O.

39 Rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are causing the Earth’s climate to warm up.

In what way might this change of climate affect the process of natural selection?

A A small rise in temperature may reduce the rate of photosynthesis in plants.

B Farmers may try to grow different crops in the warmer areas.
C It may allow some animals and plants to colonise new areas.
D Some mutations may prove to be an advantage in warmer conditions.

40 The gene for insulin production can be transferred from human DNA into bacterial DNA. These
bacteria are cultured to produce human insulin.

What is an advantage to patients of using this type of human insulin instead of insulin from other

A It will allow patients to pass the insulin gene to any offspring.

B It will cause patients’ pancreas glands to start producing insulin again.
C It will be more readily available as it can be produced on a commercial scale.
D It will result in the transfer of the insulin gene to patients.

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