CI Practice Sheet Level-1

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Compound Interest/pØo`f¼ C;kt

Practice Sheet [Level-1]

1. On certain sum of money Ist year compound inter- (a) 1200 (b) 1261 (c) 1000 (d) 1081
est is Rs. 400 and 2nd year compound interest is Rs. 7. A sum of Rs. 1400 becomes Rs. 1514.24 at the rate of
420 find rate. compound interest in two years. What will be the

,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij igys o"kZ dk pØo`f¼ C;kt 400 #- rFkk amount of Rs. 1250 at the same rate of interest in 3

nwljs o"kZ dk pØo`f¼420 C;ktgS rks C;kt dh nj D;k gksxh \ years ?
(a) 10% (b) 5% (c) 8% (d) 4% 1400 #- dh jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj 2lso"kks± 1514.24
an by
A sum of money on compound interest amount to Rs.
10648 in 3 years and Rs. 9680 in 2 years. The rate of
#- gks tkrh gS rks leku pØo`f¼ C;kt1250
esa fdruh gks tk,xh \
nj ij #- dh jkf'k3 o"kks±

interest per annum is:
(a) Rs. 1410 (b) Rs. 1406.08
,d /ujkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls3 o"kks±10648
esa #- rFkk (c) Rs. 1415.20 (d) Rs. 1420
2 o"kks±9680
esa #- gks tkrh gS rks izfr okf"kZd C;kt nj gS\
R s
8. A certain sum of money yields Rs. 1261 as compound
(a) 5% (b) 15% (c) 10% (d) 20% interest for 3 years at 5% per annum. The sum is :
a th

3. Find the compound interest on Rs. 15000 at 10% fdlh fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 5 izfr'kr okf"kZd nj3lso"kks± dk pØo`f
p.a. for 1 year 4 months, compounded annually.
C;kt 1261 #- gS rks og /ujkf'k gS\
15000 #- ij 10% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj
1 o"kZ
ls 4 ekg
(a) Rs. 9000 (b) Rs. 8400
ty a

dk pØo`f¼ C;kt gS\

(c) Rs. 7500 (d) Rs. 8000
(a) 2000 (b) 2050 (c) 2050.50 (d) 1925
9. During the first year the population of a village is in-
di M

4. Rs. 10000 is being compounded at 10% p.a. If the

rate of interest is charged half-yearly. What will be creased by 6% and the second year, it is diminished by
6%. At the end of the second year, its population was
the amount after 1 years ? 14946. What was the population at the begining of the
first year.
10000 #i;s 10% pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj lsfuosf'kr fd;s tkrs gS
igys o"kZ ds nkSjku ,d 'kgj dh tula[;k
6% c<+rh gS rFkk nwljs
;fn C;kt x.kukv¼Z okf"kZd
dh tk;s] rks1 o"kZ ckn
feJ/u D;k ij 6% ls ?kV tkrh gS vkSj nwljs o"kZ ds vUr esa gS
14946 ;g rks
k\ igys o"kZ ds 'kq#vkr esa ;g tula[;k D;k Fkh\
(a) 11576.25 (b) 11676.25 (a) 12000 (b) 14000
(c) 12000 (d) 10500 (c) 15000 (d) 16000
5. If the rate of interest is calculated half yearly then 10. The population of a country is 10 crore and it is the

1 possibility that the population will become 13.31 crore

find the amount of Rs. 6400 for 1 year at the rate of
2 in 3 year. What will be the annual rate percent on
5%? this growth ?
;fn C;kt dh x.kuk Nekgh dh tkrh gS5%rks
okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls ,d ns'k dh tula[;k 10 djksM+ gS ;g laHkkouk3 gS o"kZ
fd esa
6400 #- dk 1 o"kZ 6 eghus ckn feJ/u Kkr djsa\ tula[;k 13.31 djksM+ gks tk,xh rks Kkr djks fd okf"kZd f
(a) 6621.9 (b) 6892.1
D;k gS\
(c) 6812.1 (d) 6742.1
(a) 8% (b) 12.7% (c) 10% (d) 15%
6. What is the compound interest on Rs. 8000 for 9
months at 20% per annum compounded quaterly ? 11. A person invest 30000 in bank at the rate of 10% for
Ist year, 20% for 2nd year and 25% for 3rd year. Find
8000 #- dh /ujkf'k ij 9 eghus dk pØo`f¼ C;kt D;k gksxk ;fn
amount received by him after three years.
C;kt dh nj 20% okf"kZd gks vkSj C;kt =kSekfld la;ksftr gksrk gS&

,d O;fDr 30000 #- cSad esa fuosf'kr djrk gS og igys

10% o"kZ16. A sum of money at compound interest double itself in
nwljs o"kZ
20% rFkk rhljs o"kZ
25% C;kt dh nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt izkIr 10 years. It will become eight times of itself in-
djrk gS rhu o"kZ ckn mlds }kjk izkIr /ujkf'k Kkr djks& ,d /ujkf'k pØo`f¼10 o"kks± esa viuh nqxuh gks tkrh gSA
(a) 48000 (b) 48500 fdrus o"kks± esa8viuh
xquk gks tk,xh \
(c) 49000 (d) 49500 (a) 30 years (b) 40 years
12. A dealer buys a house and a car for Rs. 6,00,000 and (c) 36 years (d) 42 years
for Rs. 8,00,000. If price of house appreciates of the
17. A sum of Rs. 18000 deposited at compound interest
rate of 10% per annum and that at car depreciates
at the rate of 20% per annum, then how much profit becomes double after 4 years. How much will it be
after 16 years.

or loss he will get after two years ?
,d laifÙk epsZUV us ,d edku rFkk dkj 6,00,000
Øe'k% rFkk 18000 #- dh tek dh xbZ jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt4 o"kks±
ls esa nqxq

8,00,000 #- esa [kjhnkA ;fn edku ds ewY; 10%esa
okf"kZd nj ls tkrh gSA ;g jkf'k
16 o"kks± esa fdruh gks tk,xh \
o`f¼ rFkk dkj ds ewY; esaokf"kZd nj ls deh gks] rks nks o"kZ
an by
ckn mls fdrus #i;s ykHk ;k gkfu gksxh\
(a) 36000
(c) 324000
(b) 72000
(d) 288000

(a) Rs. 162000 profit (b) Rs. 184000 Profit 18. At what percent annual compound interest rate a cer-
(c) Rs. 162000 Loss (d) Rs. 184000 Loss tain sum amounts to its 243 times in 5 years ?

13. Gagan lent Rs. 18000 on a condition such that the fdl okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls ,d jkf'k5 o"kZ esa viuh
R s
rate of compound interest per annum be 10% for first
243 xquh gks tk,xh \
year, 20% for next two years and 25% for next three
a th

years. How much compound interest he will get at the (a) 100% (b) 150% (c) 75% (d) 200%
end of time period ? 19. A sum of money become thrice in 8 years then 1300
xxu18000 #- bl 'krZ ij dtZ nsrk gS fd igys o"kZ ds fy, okf"kZdwill be how much in 32 years ?
nj 10% vxys2 o"kks± ds fy, okf"kZd
20%njrFkk vxys
3 o"kks± ds dksbZ jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt dh8njo"kks±
ls eas rhu xquh gks tkr
ty a

fy, okf"kZd nj
25% gSA dqy le; dh lekfIr ij mls fdruk 32 o"kZ 1300
esa #- fdrus gks tk,saxs \
pØo`f¼ C;kt izkIr gksxk \
di M

(a) 15600 (b) 105300

(a) 35000 (b) 37687.5 (c) 114628 (d) 130000
(c) 36000 (d) 38500.6 20. An amount of money becomes Rs. 2400 in 5 years
14. How much money becomes 2811.9 in 3 years if the and to Rs. 5000 in 10 years on compound interest.
rate of interest for 1st year is 3% for 2nd year is 4% Find the sum
and for 3rd year is 5% per annum.
,d jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls5 o"kZ 2400
esa #- rFkk10 o"kZ esa
fdruh jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj 3ls o"kks±2811.9
esa #- gks
5000 #- gks tkrh gS rks jkf'k D;k gS\
tk,xhA ;fn igys o"kZ ds fy, C;kt dh 3%
nj nwljs o"kZ ds fy,
(a) 1200 (b) 1152 (c) 1180 (d) 1272
C;kt dh nj 4% ,oa rhljs o"kZ ds fy, C;kt dh5%
nj gks&
21. A certain sum of money amounts Rs. 2420 in 2 years
(a) 2500 (b) 2100 (c) 2150 (d) 1900
and Rs. 2662 in 3 years at same rate of compound
15. A sum of Rs. 1850 is divided into two parts and in- interest, compounded annually. The rate of interest

vested the first part and second part at the rate of

per annum is :
5% and 10% per annum respectively. If the interest
is compounded annually then the amount of both leku pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls dksbZ fuf'pr /ujkf'k2 o"kks± e
parts after two years will be equal what is the sum 2420 #- rFkk
3 o"kks± esa #- gks tkrh gSA C;kt dh okf"kZd n
invested at the rate of 10% ? (a) 9% (b) 8% (c) 10% (d) 6%
1850 :i;s dh jkf'k dks nks vyx&vyx Hkkxksa esa Øe'k% 5»22. vkSjA10»
sum of money becomes Rs. 3780 in 8 years and Rs.
okf"kZd nj ij fuos'k fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn mUgsa okf"kZd pØo`f¼ 4536 C;kt ijin 16 years at the rate of compound interest.
fuos'k fd;k x;k gksrk] rks 2 o"kz ds ckn] nksuksas jkf'k cjkcj gksrh]
is ij
the sum and after 24 years, the amount will be–
fuosf'kr jkf'k Kkr djsaA dksbZ jkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt 8njo"kks±
ls 3780 esa #- rFkk
16 o"kks± e
(a) Rs. 968 (b) Rs. 882 4536 #- gks tkrh gSA og jkf'k D;k24gSo"kks±
rFkk esa og jkf'k fd
(c) Rs. 920 (d) Rs. 1020 gks tk,xh\


(a) Rs. 3150, 5440 29. The compound interest and the simple interest for two
(b) Rs. 3250, 5440 years on a certain sum at a certain rate of interest are
(c) Rs. 3150, 5443.2 1845 and Rs. 1800 respectively. Find principal and the
rate percent.
(d) Rs. 3150, 5453.20
23. Compound interest on a certain sum at 5% per an- fdlh fuf'pr jkf'k ij fdlh fuf'pr nj ls 2 o"kZ ds fy, pØo`f¼
num for 2nd year is Rs. 262.5. Find sum. C;kt vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt Øe'k% 1845 #- vkSj
1800 #- gSA ewy jkf'
vkSj C;kt nj Kkr djsaA
5% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls fdlh jkf'k dk nwljs o"kZ dk pØo`f¼ C;kt
262.5 #- gS rks jkf'k Kkr djks& (a) 18000, 5% (b) 18000, 4%
(c) 17500, 5% (d) 17500, 4%

(a) 4800 (b) 4000 (c) 5400 (d) 5000
24. A sum of money amounts to Rs. 4840 in 2 years and 30. Simple interest on a sum of money for 3 years with

to Rs. 5324 in 3 years at compound interest com- the rate of interest 5% is Rs. 150 then find the com-
pounded annually. The rate of interest per annum is- pound interest with the same rate and same time.

#- rFkk3 o"kks±
an by
,d /ujkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt ls (okf"kZd lek;ksthr)
2 o"kks± esa
4840 ;fn 5% dh nj ls fdlh jkf'k dk3 o"kks± dk lk/kj.k C;kt
150 #-
esa #- gks tkrh gS rks C;kt dh izfr okf"kZd nj gS\gks rks blh vof/ ds fy, leku nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt fdruk gksxk

(a) 9% (b) 8% (c) 10% (d) 11% (a) 145.125 (b) 150.125
25. A sum of money is invested at the rate of compound-
ja (c) 150.625 (d) 157.625
R s
ed interest. If interest for first and second year is Rs.31. Gagan invested a certain amount at the rate of 6%
4000 and Rs. 4500 respectively then what is the in- p.a. and obtained a simple interest of Rs. 8730 at the
a th

vested sum? end of 3 years. What amount of compound interest

fdlh /ujkf'k dks pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ij fuos'k fd;k x;kA ;fn would he obtain on the same amount at the same
igys rFkk nwljs o"kks± dk C;kt Øe'k%
4000 #- rFkk4500 #- gks rks rate of interest at the end of 2 years ?
fuosf'kr jkf'k D;k gS \ xxu ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k 6% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls fuos'k djrk g
ty a

(a) 30000 (b) 32000 rFkk3 o"kZ ckn

8730 #- dk lk/kj.k C;kt izkIr djrk gS2rks
o"kZ ckn
di M

(c) 36000 (d) 34000 mlh jkf'k ij mlh C;kt dh nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt fdruk izkIr gksx
26. A sum of money is invested at 5% per annum com- (a) 6000.6 (b) 5994.6
pounded interest for 3 years. Difference of compound
(c) 4590.6 (d) 5800.6
interest of 3rd and 2nd year is Rs. 26.25. Find sum.
32. The difference between compound interest and sim-
,d O;fDr ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k 5% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls
ple interest for 2 years at the rate of 5% per annum is
dtZ ysrk gSA ;fn rhljs o"kZ vkSj nwljs o"kZ dk pØo`f¼ C;kt dkRs.
5, then find the sum.
26.25 gks rks og jkf'k D;k Fkh \
2 o"kZ dk pØo`f¼ C;kt vkSj lk/kj.k C;kt dk 5%vUrj
okf"kZd C;kt
(a) 5000 (b) 12225
(c) 10000 (d) 10145
dh nj ls 5 #- gS jkf'k Kkr djksA
27. A sum of money invested at compound interest (a) 4000 (b) 3000 (c) 5000 (d) 2000
amounts to Rs. 650 at the end of first year and Rs. 33. Find the ratio of CI to SI on a certain sum at 7% per

676 at the end of second year. The sum of money is– annum for 2 years.
dksbZ /ujkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt ls igys o"kZ ds650
rFkk ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 7% okf"kZd C;kt nj2lso"kZ dk pØo`f¼
nwljs o"kZ ds vUr
#- gks tkrh gS rks og èkujkf'k D;k gS\ rFkk lk/kj.k C;kt dk vuqikr Kkr djksA
(a) Rs. 600 (b) Rs. 540 (a) 200 : 207 (b) 43 : 40
(c) Rs. 625 (d) Rs. 560 (c) 35 : 41 (d) 215 : 221
28. If the compound interest on a sum of money at the
34. Find the difference between the compound interest
rate of 3% per annum for 2 years is Rs. 101.50 then
and the simple interest on 32000 at 10% p.a. for 4
find the simple interest (in Rs.).
;fn fdlh jkf'k dk pØo`f¼ C;kt
3% dh nj ls 2 o"kks±101.50
32000 #- dh jkf'k ij10% okf"kZd nj4lso"kks± dk pØo`f¼ C;
#- gks rks lk/kj.k C;kt Kkr djsa \ (#i;ksa esa)
(a) 100.5 (b) 98 (c) 100 (d) 101
rFkk lk/kj.k C;kt dk vUrj Kkr djsaA


(a) Rs. 2051.20 (b) Rs. 2050.50 39. A and B borrow equal amount at simple interest and
(c) Rs. 2025.20 (d) Rs. 2501.20 compound interest respectively at the rate of 5% per
annum. After 3 years B pays Rs. 137.25 more than
35. The simple interest on a certain amount for two years that of A. Find the total amount they borrowed indi-
at 5% per annum is Rs. 820. At another, amount the vidually and also find the interest paid by each of
compound interest for the same period of time at the them ?
same rate is also Rs. 820. Find the difference between A vkSj
B leku /ujkf'k dks Øe'k%
5% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls lk/kj.k
the two amounts. C;kt vkSj pØo`f¼ C;kt ij ysrs gSa
3 o"kZ
B, A ls 137.25 #-
,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 5% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls nks o"kks± dk lk/T;knk Hkqxrku djrk gS rks nksuksa ds }kjk m/kj yh xbZ /ujk
kj.k C;kt #-820 gS vkSj nwljh jkf'k ij leku nj ls leku vof/ esa }kjk Hkqxruk fd;k x;k C;kt Kkr djsaA

(a) Rs. 18000 A Rs. 2700 B Rs. 2837.25
pØo`f¼ C;kt #- 820 gS rks nksuksa jkf'k;ksa dk varj Kkr djsaA
(b) Rs. 20000 A Rs. 2650 B Rs. 2737.5

(a) Rs. 200 (b) Rs. 218
(c) Rs. 18000 A Rs. 2800 B Rs. 2937.5
(c) Rs. 196 (d) Rs. 219 (d) Rs. 20000 A Rs. 2700 B Rs. 2837.25
an by
36. The difference between compound interest and sim-
ple interest on a sum of 2 years at 10% per annum,
40. A father deposited Rs. 22360 in the account of his
two sons Gagan and Mohan. At the time of deposi-

when the interest is compounded annually is Rs. 200. tion, the ages of two sons were 14 years, and 17 years
If interest were compounded half yearly, then differ- respectively. He put a condition to the bank officer

ence in two interestes would be–
that his both children must get equal amount when
R s
they will be 30 years old and the rate of compound
tc C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gks rksokf"kZd nj2lso"kZ ds fy,
a th

pØo`f¼ o lk/kj.k C;kt dk vUrj 200 #- gS ;fn C;kt v¼Zokf"kZd interest be 16 3 % per annum. Find the amount de-
la;ksftr gks rks nksuksa C;ktksa dk vUrj fdruk gksxk\ posited in each account.
(a) 300 (b) 310.125 ,d firk vius nks iq=kksa xxu vkSj eksgu ds 22360 [kkrs esa
ty a

(c) 322.15 (d) 325 djrk gS vkSj tek djrs le; iq=kksa dh vk;q Øe'k%
14 o"kZ rFkko"kZ
37. The difference between compound interest and sim- Fkh vkSj mlus cSad vf/dkjh ds lkeus ;g 'krZ j[kh
30 o"kZ
fd ds gksu
ds ckn mlds iq=kksa dks cjkcj /ujkf'k feys vkSj pØo`f¼ C
di M

ple interest on Rs. 1250 in 3 years is Rs. 1.51 and the

compound interest on the same sum at the same rate 2
of interest in 3 years is Rs. 76.51. What is the rate of 16 % okf"kZd gS rks izR;sd ds [kkrs esa tek dh xbZ /ujkf
interest per annum? (a) Rs. 9640, Rs. 12720
1250 #- ij 3 o"kks± esa lk/kj.k rFkk pØo`f¼ C;kt
1.51 #- dk
esavarj (b) Rs. 8460, Rs. 13720
gS rFkk
3 o"kks± esa mlh jkf'k ij leku nj ls pØo`f¼ C;kt#-
76.51 (c) Rs. 8640, Rs. 13720
(d) Rs. 8640, Rs. 12270
izkIr gksrs gSaA okf"kZd nj izfr'kr D;k gS \
(a) 3% (b) 2% (c) 4% (d) 5% 37
41. A’s salary is times more than the salary of B. B
38. A person lent out a certain sum on simple interest 27
and the same sum on compound interest at a certain invest his salary at 10% per annum. At what rate
should A invest his salary so that after 3 years they
rate of interest per annum. He noticed that the ratio

are left with the same amount while they invest on

between the difference of compound interest and sim- compound interst basis ?
ple interest of 3 years and 2 years is 25 : 8. The rate
of interest per annum is : A dk osruB ds osru ls 27 xquk T;knkBgSA
vius osru dks izR;sd
,d O;fDr ,d /ujkf'k lk/kj.k C;kt ij m/kj nsrk gS vkSj ogh /
10% dh nj ls fuos'k djrk gS rks
A viuk osru fdl nj ls fuos'k
ujkf'k pØo`f¼ C;kt ij ,d fuf'pr C;kt dh nj ls m/kj nsrk gS vkSj djsa fd3 o"kZ ckn nksuksa ds ikl cjkcj
f'k cps
/ujktcfd os bls
og ikrk gS fd pØo`f¼ rFkk lk/kj.k C;kt 3 dk
o"kZ vkSj
2 o"kZ ds pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls fuos'k djrs gks\
vUrj dk vuqikr25 : 8 gS rks C;kt dh nj Kkr djks& 1
(a) 10% (b) 11% (a) 33 % (b) 33 %
3 2
1 1
(c) 12% (d) 12 % (c) 31 % (d) None of these

42. Chirag and Amar are told to expend at the rate of (a) 420 (b) 440 (c) 450 (d) 528
2 46. Sita deposite 20000 at the rate of compound inter-
6 % per annum of his total income. If they do same est 16% per annum while Radha equal sum deposit
in a bank at the rate of interest 20% compounded
till 12 years and 14 years respectively then both the half yearly. If the both deposit only for 1.5 year then
person’s will have equal sum. What is the ratio of their whose interest will be more.
initial income ?
lhrk 20000 #- 16% pØo`f¼ C;kt dh okf"kZd nj ls ,d futh
fpjkx rFkk vej dks ;g dgk x;k gS fd muds ikl ftruh Hkh vk; gS
daiuh esa tek djrh gS tcfd jk/k] lhrk ds cjkcj jkf'k ,d cSad
mlesa ls izR;sd o"kZ
6 og
% okf"kZd nj ls [kpZ djsaA ;fn os Øe'k% 20% v¼Zokf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls tek djrh gS ;fn n

3 viuh jkf'k dsoy1.5 o"kks± ds fy, tek djrh gS rks Kkr djsa
12 o"kZ rFkk
14 o"kZ rd ,slk gh djsa rks nksuksa ds ikl leku jkf'k cp

fdldk C;kt T;knk gS \
tk,xh] nksuksa dh vkjafHkd vk; esa D;k vuqikr gS \ (a) Equal interest (b) Sita
(a) 225 : 256
(c) 144 : 169
an by
(b) 196 : 225
(d) 27 : 29
(c) Radha (d) Can’t be determined
47. A certain sum of money is lent out for three years at

43. A sum of money lend for 2 years at the rate of interest the rate of 5% per annum compound interest. The
20% compounded. If the interest calculate half yearly interest for third years is Rs. 26.25 more than that of

then he gain 482 Rs. more. Find the sum. second year. Find total interest of three years and
R s
,d jkf'k dks20% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls nks o"kks± ds fy, m/
sum ?
a th

482 #- vkSj vf/d C;kt izkIr gksrk ;fn pØo`f¼ C;kt ,d fuf'pr jkf'k 3 o"kks± ds5%
kj fn;k tkrk gSA fy, okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt ij nh xbZ
dh x.kuk v¼Zokf"kZd gksrhA jkf'k Kkr djsaA rhljs o"kZ dk C;kt nwljs o"kZ ds26.25
C;kt ls
#- vf/d gSA rc3 o"kks±
(a) 20,000 (b) 40,000 dk dqy C;kt rFkk og fuf'pr jkf'k Kkr djsaA
ty a

(c) 16,000 (d) 18,000 (a) 1560.25, 20,000 (b) 1576.25, 10000
44. A merchant gives a loan at different rates for different (c) 1540.25, 10500 (d) 1575.35, 15000
di M

years. The rate of compound interest for the first year 48. Divyam borrows some amount at the rate of 3% per
is 4% per annum, for the next two years is 5% per annum and immediately lent out that sum at the rate
annum and for the last year is 10% per annum respec- of 5% per annum compounded half yearly. At the end of
tively. A man took a loan of Rs. 10000 from him and year, he earn Rs. 1320 as a profit. How much amount
paid after the completion of the time period. How much he borrows ?
amount the man paid ? (Approx) fnO;e dqN #i;s3% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ls m/kj ysrk gS rFkk
mls5% okf"kZd C;kt dh nj ij Nekgh C;kt nj ij m/kj ns nsrk
,d O;kikjh vyx&vyx o"kks± esa vyx&vyx njksa ij ½.k nsrk gS igys
o"kZ pØo`f¼ C;kt dh4%
nj vxys nks o"kks± esa vafre o"kZ esa bl izdkj o"kZ ds vUr esa1320
5% rFkk mls #- dk ykHk gksrk gS mlus fd
10% gSA ,d vkneh mlls
10000 #- dk ½.k ysrk gS rks le; iwjk #i;s m/kj fy, \
gksus ds ckn mlds }kjk Hkqxruk dh xbZ jkf'k Kkr djsa \ (yxHkx)
(a) 64000 (b) 65000
(a) Rs. 13700 (b) Rs. 12612.6 (c) 63000 (d) 64550

(c) Rs. 14000 (d) Rs. 12972 49. A man invests Rs. 5000 for 3 years at 5% p.a. com-
45. Sumit borrowed Rs. 800 at 10% rate of interest. He pound interest recknoed yearly. Income tax at the rate
repaid Rs. 400 at the end of first year. What is the of 20% on the interest earned is deducted at the end
amount required to pay at the end of second year to of each year. Find the amount at the end of the third
discharge his loan which was calculated at compound year.
interest ? ,d O;fDr 5000 #- 3 o"kZ ds fy,
5% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh n
lqehr800 #-10% okf"kZd nj ls m/kj ysrk gS og izFke o"kZ ds vUrls fuos'k djrk gS
20% okf"kZd nj ls izR;sd o"kZ ds vUr esa C
esa400 #- Hkqxrku dj nsrk gS rks nwljs o"kZ ds vUr esa ½.k Hkqxrku
vk;dj djus
fy;k tkrk gS rhljs o"kZ ds vUr esa jkf'k Kkr djksA
ds fy, fdruh jkf'k dh vko';drk gksxh] ;fn C;kt dh x.kuk (a) Rs. 5624.32 (b) Rs. 5627.20
pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj ls dh tk,\ (c) Rs. 5630.50 (d) Rs. 5788.125


50. A man bought a rectangular plot (of land) 5 years ago 25500 #- dh jkf'k2 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa vnk dh tkrh
at the rate of Rs. 1000 per m2. The cost of plot is in- izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k Kkr djsa ;fn C;kt lkykuk la;ksftr gk
crease by 5% in every 6 years and the worth of a rupee
falls down at a rate of 2% in every 5 years. What is the
rFkk C;kt dh nj4% okf"kZd gSA
approximate value of the land per meter 25 years hence? (a) Rs. 13530 (b) Rs. 13570
(c) Rs. 13510 (d) Rs. 13520
5 o"kZ igys ,d O;fDr ,d IykWV
1000 izfr oxZ ehVj dh nj ls [kjhnrk
5. A sum is to be paid back in 2 equal annual install-
gS vkSj IykWV dh dher6izR;sd
o"kZ ckn5% ls c<+ tkrh gS rFkk #i;s
ments. The interest is compounded annually at 6%
dh dher izR;sd5 o"kZ ckn
2% ls fxj tkrh gS25 o"kZ ckn IykWV dh per annum. If each installment be Rs. 2809 then
dher yxHkx izfr ehVj D;k gksxh\ what is the sum ?

(a) Rs. 995 (b) Rs. 1134 fdlh jkf'k dks
2 cjkcj fdLrksa eas vnk djuk gSA izR;sd

(c) Rs. 1500 (d) Rs. 1495 gSA jkf'k Kkr djsa ;fn C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gksrk gS rF
6% izfro"kZ gSA
an by (a) Rs. 5100 (b) Rs. 5140

1. A man borrowed Rs. 9000 at the rate of 10% p.a. (c) Rs. 5130 (d) Rs. 5150
compound interest. At the end of every year he re- 6. A sum of Rs. 3310 is to be paid back in 3 equal an-
nual installments. How much is each installment if
turn Rs. 3000. At the end of 3rd year how much
R s
money should he paid so that the whole sum be paid. the interest is compounded annually at 10% per an-
,d vkneh 9000 #- 10% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt nj ij m/kj fy;kA num ?
a th

izR;sd o"kZ ds vUr esa

3000og#- okil dj nsrk gSA rhljs o"kZ ds 3310 #- dh jkf'k dks
3 o"kks± esa cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa v
gSA izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k crk,¡ ;fn C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr
vUr esa mls vkSj fdrus #i;s Hkqxrku djuk pkfg, ftlls fd laiw.kZ
jkf'k dk Hkqxrku gks tk,\ rFkk C;kt nj
10% okf"kZd gSA
ty a

(a) 5049 (b) 5050 (c) 5070 (d) 5060 (a) Rs. 1321 (b) Rs. 1343
2. A man borrows Rs. 12500 from a bank at rate of 20% (c) Rs. 1325 (d) Rs. 1331
di M

compound interest. At the end of every year he pays 7. A sum of Rs. 45500 is to be paid back in 3 equal
Rs. 2000 as a repayment. How much does he still annual installments. How much is each installment
owe to the bank after three such installments? if the interest is compounded annually at 20% per
,d O;fDr ,d cSad ls20% pØo`f¼ C;kt nj ij12500 #- m/ annum ?
kj ysrk gSA og izR;sd o"kZ ds2000
var esa
#- cSad esa tek djk ;fn 45500 dh jkf'k dks3 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa vnk djuk
nsrk gSA bl izdkj rhu leku fdLrs nsus ds ckn mls cSad dks fdruh fdLr dh jkf'k Kkr djsa ;fn C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gksr
jkf'k vkSj nsuh gksxh\ C;kt nj 20% izfro"kZ gSA
(a) Rs. 15600 (b) Rs. 12864 (a) Rs. 21600 (b) Rs. 21700
(c) Rs. 12000 (d) Rs. 14320 (c) Rs. 21800 (d) Rs. 21900
3. A sum of Rs. 2100 is to be paid back in 2 equal an- 8. A sum of Rs. 25220 is to be paid back in 3 equal
nual installments. How much is each installment if annual installments. How much is each installment

the interest is compounded annually at 10% per an- if the interest is compounded annually at 5% per an-
num? num ?
2100 ;fn 25220 dh jkf'k3 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa vnk djuh gSA i
#- dh jkf'k2 okf"kZd cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk djuh gSA izR;sd
fdLr D;k gksxh ;fn C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk C;ktfdLr
dh dh jkf'k crk,¡ ;fn C;kt okf"kZd la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk
nj 10% izfro"kZ gSA 5% izfro"kZ gSA
(a) Rs. 1210 (b) Rs. 1240 (a) Rs. 9361 (b) Rs. 9261
(c) Rs. 1230 (d) Rs. 1220 (c) Rs. 96214 (d) Rs. 9216
4. A sum of Rs. 25500 is to be paid back in 2 equal 9. A sum of Rs. 52725 is to be paid back in 3 equal
annual installments. How much is each intallment annual installments. How much is each installment
if the interest is compounded annually at 4% per an- if the interest is compounded annually at 12% per
num? annum ?


52725 dh jkf'k dks

3 cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk djuk gSA izR;sd fdLr (a) Rs. 8100 (b) Rs. 4150
fdruh gS ;fn C;kt izfr'kr
12% izfro"kZ gS rFkk C;kt lkykuk la;ksftr(c) Rs. 4050 (d) Rs. 4000
gksrk gSA
(a) Rs. 21952 (b) Rs. 21592 14. A sum of Rs. 13360 was borrowed at 8 % per annum
(c) Rs. 21852 (d) Rs. 21259
10. A sum is to be paid back in 3 equal annual install- compound interest and paid back in two years in two
ments. The interest is compounded annually at 30% equal annual installments. What was the amount of
per annum. If each installment be Rs. 21970 then each installment ?
what is the sum ?

fdlh jkf'k dks rhu cjkcj fdLrksa esa vnk djuk gSA ;fn C;kt lkykuk 3
13360 #- dh /ujkf'k 8 % okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt dh nj l

la;ksftr gksrk gS rFkk C;kt30%
dh njizfro"kZ gSA ;fn izR;sd fdLr 4
21970 gS rks jkf'k Kkr djsaA m/kj yh x;h rFkk mldk okilh Hkqxrku nks o"kks± esa nk
(a) Rs. 39800
(c) Rs. 39950
an by
(b) Rs. 39900
(d) Rs. 39990
fdLrksa ds }kjk fd;k x;kA izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k fdruh Fkh

(a) Rs. 5769 (b) Rs. 7569
11. A sum is to be paid back in 4 equal annual install-
(c) Rs. 7009 (d) Rs. 7500
ments. The interest is compounded annually at 20%

ja 15. A man buys a scooter on down payment of Rs. 16224

R s
per annum. If each installment be Rs. 12960 then
what is the sum ? and two more yearly installments of equivalent
a th

fdlh jkf'k dks

4 cjkcj okf"kZd fdLr esa vnk djuk gSA C;kt lkykuk amount in next two years. If the rate of interest is
la;ksftr gksrk gS C;kt nj izfro"kZ gSA ;fn izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k4% per annum, compounded yearly, the cash value
12960 gks rks ewy jkf'k Kkr djsaA of the scooter, is :
ty a

(a) Rs. 34400 (b) Rs. 35400 ,d O;fDr ,d LdwVj16224 #- ds uxn Hkqxrku rFkk nks
(c) Rs. 34500 (d) Rs. 33550 mruh gh /ujkf'k dh okf"kZd fdLrs vxys nks o"kks± esa
di M

12. Subash purchased a refrigerator on the terms that he C;kt4% izfr'kr pØo`f¼ okf"kZd :i ls la;ksftr gS] rks Ldw
is required to pay Rs. 1500 cash down payment fol-
lowed by Rs. 1020 at then end of first year, Rs. 1003
uxn Hkqxrku ewY; gS \
at the end of second year and Rs. 990 at the end of (a) Rs. 40000 (b) Rs. 46824
third year. Interest is charged at the rate of 10% per (c) Rs. 46000 (d) Rs. 50000
annum compound interest. What is the cash price of
16. A sweing machine costs Rs. 96000. A customer
the refrigerator ?
bought it at the down payment of Rs. 50000, and
lqHkk"k us ,d jsfizQtjsVj bl 'krZ ij [kjhnk fd mls
1500 #i;s [kjhnus paid the remaining amount in three equal install-
ds oDr nsus gksaxs rFkk izFke] f}rh; ,oa r`rh; o"kZ ds var esa Øe'k%
1020 #-] 1003 #-] rFkk990 #- nsus gksaxsA pØo`f¼ C;kt dh njments. If the rate of compound interest be 12 1 % per
10% izfro"kZ gSA jsfizQtjsVj dk uxn ewY; Kkr djsaA

(a) Rs. 4000 (b) Rs. 4100 annum, find the amount of each installment.
(c) Rs. 4150 (d) Rs. 4200 ,d flykbZ e'khu dh dher96000 #- gSA ,d xzkgd bls
13. Neeraj took Rs. 6800 as a loan which along with in-
terest is to be repaid in two equal annual install- vfxze Hkqxrku ij [kjhnrk gS vkSj cph gqbZ èkujkf'k dk
1 1
ments. If the rate of interest is 12 % compounded fdLrksa esa pqdkrk gS ;fn okf"kZd pØo`f¼12
2 2
annually, then the value of each installment is :
uhjt us6800 #- m/kj ds :i esa fy, ftudk C;kt lfgr] nks rks izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k D;k gksxh \
leku okf"kZd fdLrksa eas Hkqxrku fd;k tkuk gS ;fn okf"kZd (a) :iRs.
ls 15000.50 (b) Rs. 14000.60
la;ksftr C;kt dh nj12 % gS] rks izR;sd fdLr dh jkf'k gS \ (c) Rs. 15333.80 (d) Rs. 19316.80


Compound Interest Installment

Answer Key Answer Key
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d)
5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (b)
5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (d)
9. (a) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (a)
9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (c)
13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d)

13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (a)

17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (b)

21. (c)

25. (b)
22. (c)

26. (c) an by
23. (d)

27. (c)
24. (c)

28. (c)

29. (a) 30. (d) 31. (b) 32. (d)

33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (a)

ja 36. (b)
R s
37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (c)
a th

41. (d) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (b)

45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (a)

ty a

49. (a) 50. (b)

di M

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