Fusion of Spectral Data From Multiple Handheld Analyzers (LIBS, XRF, and Raman) For Chemical Analysis and Classification of Soils

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Fusion of Spectral Data from Multiple Handheld

Analyzers (LIBS, XRF and Raman) for Chemical
Analysis and Classification of Soil

Russell S. Harmon, Richard R. Hark, Chandra S. Throckmorton, September 2020

John R. Plumer, Jan M.H. Hendrickx, J. Bruce Harrison, and
Karen A. Harmon
Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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September 2020

Fusion of Spectral Data from Multiple Handheld

Analyzers (LIBS, XRF and Raman) for Chemical
Analysis and Classification of Soil
Russell S. Harmon, Richard R. Hark, John R. Plumer, and Karen A. Harmon
JRPlumer Associates, LLC;
Gilford, NH 03249

Chandra S. Throckmorton
Signal Analysis Solutions, LLC
22 Piney Grove Road
Bahama, NC 27503

Jan M.H. Hendrickx and J. Bruce Harrison

Soil Hydrology Associates, LLC
1113 Valley View Drive
Los Lunas, NM 87031

Final report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Prepared for U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Vicksburg, MS 39180
Under ERDC T-15 Program, Project 474428, “Support of US Army Global Military
Objectives: LIBS for Military Surveys”
Monitored by Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Hanover, NH 03755

An 18-month multidisciplinary project was undertaken by JRPlumer &
Associates, LLC and four subcontractors that had three technical objec-
tives: (i) to upgrade current handheld technology for chemical analysis by
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS), Raman spectroscopy (RS), and
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); (ii) to design a multisensor
system based on these technologies for the rapid, in-situ chemical analysis
of soils and other materials of military interest; and (iii) to investigate the
classification/discrimination performance benefit that might be achieved
through advanced signal pre-processing and data fusion with XRFS, RS,
and LIBS analyses acquired for four suites of natural soils. Accomplish-
ments of the program in the latter area are described in this report.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Ci-
tation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products.
All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to
be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.

ERDC/CRREL CR-20-1 iii

Abstract.................................................................................................................................... ii

Preface ..................................................................................................................................... vi

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objective(s) ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Approach ............................................................................................................ 1

2 Background ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Instrumentation ................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Soil ...................................................................................................................... 6

3 Methods .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Soil sample preparation and analysis ............................................................11

4 Signal Processing, Statistical Analysis, and Data Fusion......................................... 14

4.1 Spectral data preprocessing ........................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Spectral truncation (XRFS) and normalization (XRFS, LIBS, RS) ........................... 14
4.1.2 Argon spectral line removal (LIBS) ........................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Baseline correction (LIBS) ........................................................................................ 15
4.1.4 Spectra culling (LIBS) ............................................................................................... 16
4.1.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) ...................................................................................... 16
4.1.6 Similarity .................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.7 Outlier rejection methodology .................................................................................. 19
4.1.8 Outlier rejection results ............................................................................................ 21
4.2 Sensor information fusion .............................................................................. 23
4.3 Real-time signal processing ............................................................................ 24

5 Data Analysis and Spectral Fusion Results and Discussion ................................... 27

5.1 Spectra data preprocessing ............................................................................ 27
5.2 New Mexico Soil Suite ..................................................................................... 27
5.3 Military Installation Soil Suite ........................................................................ 33
5.4 CSU Agriculture Soil Suite .............................................................................. 34
5.5 New Hampshire soils ...................................................................................... 38

6 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 42

References............................................................................................................................. 43

Appendix: The Soil Suites..................................................................................................... 45

Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 56

Report Documentation Page


Figures and Tables

Figure 1. The SciAps commercial-off-the-shelf handheld analyzers for X-ray
fluorescence spectroscopy (left), Raman spectroscopy (center), and laser-
induced breakdown spectroscopy (right), with the performance attributes of each
analyzer noted. ........................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Example XRFS spectrum for the playa soil from White Sands, NM,
showing the presence of Ca, Sr, S and Fe.............................................................................. 13
Figure 3. Raman spectrum for the playa soil from White San. ............................................ 13
Figure 4. LIBS broadband spectrum for the playa soil from White Sands, NM,
showing presence of Ca and Sr together with the minor presence of Si and Na. ............. 13
Figure 5. Spectral variability plot degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity
between the different locations analyzed on soil pellets for 14 soil
standards. ................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 6. Difference between typical classification (left) and outlier rejection
(right).......................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7. Implementation of the NOTA analytical process. ................................................... 20
Figure 8. XRFS outlier rejection rates for different data sets when the non-
NOTA data set is the military installation soil suite. ....................................................... 22
Figure 9. Rejection rates at the optimal operating point for which the costs of the
two types of errors (failing to reject NOTA samples and rejecting correctly
classified non-NOTA samples) were assumed equal. ........................................................... 23
Figure 10. Flow diagram for XRFS-RS-LIBS spectral fusion procedure...................... 24
Figure 11. Architecture diagram demonstrating expected software operation. The
software consists of three main modules that can be exchanged as needed (e.g.
advancement in data acquisition). In addition, the data processing module will
likely contain modules that can be exchanged to change operation (e.g. classifier,
preprocessing). ......................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 12. Classification accuracy for the New Mexico soil suite based on
consideration of spectra for XRFS, RS, and LIBS; fusion of spectra for RS +
XRFS, LIBS + XRFS; and for RS + LIBS + XRFS for spectral data collected in
Jan 2019, Mar/Apr 2019, and for data fusion from both dates. ................................. 29
Figure 13. Single analyzer classification results for three different methods of
training....................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 14. Classification results for XRFS and LIBS fusion for three different
methods of training. For each data collection, XRFS data is paired with that from
either the JRPA LIBS analyzer or the SciAps LIBS analyzer. ................................................. 32
Figure 15. Classification results for fusing the Raman, XRFS, and LIBS sensors
using three different methods of training. For each data collection, Raman and
XRF are paired with either the JRPA LIBS sensor or the SciAps LIBS sensor. .................... 32
Figure 16. Classification accuracy for the military installation soils based on RS,
XRFS, and LIBS data; fused 2-analyzer data, and fused 3-analyzer data. ......................... 33

Figure 17. Classification accuracy for the CSU classification schema based
on consideration of spectra for Raman spectroscopy - RS (1), X-ray
fluorescence spectroscopy - XRFS (2), laser-induced breakdown
spectroscopy - LIBS (3), fused spectra for RS + XRFS (4), RS + LIBS (5), and
XRFS + LIBS (6), RS + XRFS + LIBS spectra (7), fused spectra + XRF
quantitative analyses (8), and fused spectra + XRF quantitative analyses +
laboratory chemical analyses (9). ...................................................................................... 36
Figure 18. Independent feature accuracy per CSU soil classification schema.
Features are sorted on a per schema basis, greatest accuracy to least accuracy.
The legends indicate classification performance that could be achieved by always
selecting the class with the most samples. .............................................................................. 37
Figure 19. Principal component analysis score plots for XRFS (upper left),
LIBS (lower left), RS (upper right), and chemistry (lower right) for the soil
series of CSU soil suite represented by multiple samples ............................................ 38
Figure 20. Principal component analysis scores plot from laboratory analysis of
the Lebanon/CRREL and Belmont soil sets. ......................................................................... 39
Figure 21. Principal components scores plot from laboratory analysis of the
Belmont soil pits. ...................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 22. Classification accuracy for the New Hampshire soil sets from
Belmont/Bean Hill (left) and Lebanon/CRELL (right) ........................................................... 41
Figure 23. Principal component analysis scores plot for fused XRFS and LIBS
spectral data sets for in-situ analysis of the three Belmont/Bean Hill soil pits. ................ 41

Table 1. Comparative capabilities of SciAps handheld XRFS, RS, and LIBS
analyzers. ................................................................................................................................... 5
Table 2. Perceived advantages of an integrated multi-analyzer system. ..................... 5
Table 3. Number of samples per class for each collection date. ......................................... 29
Table 4. Classification schema for CSU soil suite characterization. ................................. 35

This study was conducted for ERDC T-15 Program under 474428, “Sup-
port of US Army Global Military Objectives: LIBS for Military Surveys.”
Parts of this program were funded under ERDC contract W913E518C0011
issued to JRPlumer & Associates LLC. The technical monitor was Dr. Jay
Clausen, CEERD-RN.

The work was monitored by the Biogeochemical Sciences Branch of the

Research and Engineering Division, U.S. Army Engineer Research and De-
velopment Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
(ERDC-CRREL). At the time of publication of this report Mr. Jimmy D.
Horne was Division Chief of CEERD-RR and the Director of ERDC-
CRREL was Dr. Joseph L. Corriveau.

The Commander of ERDC was COL Teresa A. Schlosser and the Director
was Dr. David W. Pittman.

1 Introduction
An 18-month multidisciplinary effort was undertaken by JRPlumer & As-
sociates, LLC with three technical objectives: (i) to upgrade current com-
mercial handheld technology for chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy (XRFS), Raman spectroscopy (RS), and laser-induced break-
down spectroscopy (LIBS); (ii) to design a multianalyzer system based on
these technologies for the rapid, in-situ chemical analysis of soils and
other materials of military interest; and (iii) to investigate the classifica-
tion/discrimination performance benefit that might be achieved through
signal pre-processing and data fusion using XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyses
of natural soils. This initiative was supported by subcontracts from
JRPlumer & Associates, LLC to SciAps, Inc., Signal Analysis Solutions,
LLC, SoilHydrology Associates, LLC, and Applied Spectra, Inc. Accom-
plishments of this multidisciplinary R&D program pertain to three tech-
nical areas: Technology Development and Design, Soil and Military
Material Analysis; and Signal Processing, Chemometric Analysis, and Data
Fusion. Details of work completed under the first two program areas are
commercial proprietary, so this report describes the results only from the
third program area.

1.1 Objective(s)
A central hypothesis of the multisensor concept is that integration of three
chemical analyzers with largely complementary capabilities would result in
an operational performance surpassing that achievable by any of the indi-
vidual handheld analyzers. Thus, the overarching program objective was
to evaluate this hypothesis.

1.2 Approach
The program vision was that a multianalyzer capability would permit dis-
crimination of materials of interest presently beyond the capability of con-
temporary field-portable analyzers and at a price point significantly lower
than laboratory instrumentation. Thus, spectral data preprocessing and
fusion of the processed data streams from the individual analyzers were
studied to assess the extent to which classification/discrimination perfor-
mance could be improved. Anticipated performance enhancement would

be a consequence of utilizing an integrated approach to data prepro-

cessing, fusion of processed data streams from the three analyzer types to
be joined in the multi-analyzer system, and state-of-the-art chemometric
analysis employing advanced statistical analysis, pattern recognition, and
machine learning techniques for material classification/discrimination. As
another step in laying the foundation for a multianalyzer system, algo-
rithms were developed for processing the analyzer data streams and un-
dertaking the chemometric analysis in real time.

A soil analysis component of the program was needed to baseline the per-
formance of the three individual commercial analyzers and to provide the
data needed for the signal processing and data analytics research. Four
suites of natural soils were acquired and then analyzed using the commer-
cial XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyzers individually. Various approaches to the
pre-processing of the LIBS data, which is characterized by high shot-to-
shot spectral intensity variation, were examined. Then, the processed data
for each sample analyzed was fused with the XRFS and RS data streams for
that samples, with the results for the fused results for the integrated ana-
lyzer data streams compared with that from the individual analyzers.

2 Background
2.1 Instrumentation
Until quite recently, chemical analysis for material characterization has
been possible only in the laboratory. Consequently, laboratory analysis
of materials collected in the field, typically tends to be limited to a small
number of samples that are analyzed using specialized instrumentation
such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, high performance
liquid chromatography, or gas chromatography. These processes are labor
intensive, time-consuming, and typically very costly because individual
samples must be collected and packaged on-site in the field, transported to
the laboratory, and then processed for analysis on what can be very expen-
sive instrumentation. However, with the recent advent of portable single
sensor instrumentation for chemical analysis in the field, a technological
opportunity existed to create a novel and unique field characterization and
forensic capability for the rapid, in-situ analysis of both soil and a wide
range of materials of military interest undisturbed in the field under ambi-
ent environmental conditions.

Thus, a program of coordinated interdisciplinary research, development,

testing, and evaluation (RDTE) was developed to design, integrate, and
construct a compact, and lightweight multianalyzer system for deployment
by an individual or on a robotic unmanned ground or aerial vehicle. A 3-
part program was structured that would first enhance and refine the cur-
rent handheld commercially available sensors for XRFS, RS, and LIBS, de-
sign an integrated multianalyzer system, develop and test a data fusion
process, and finally fabricate a multi-analyzer system that would be
demonstrated and validated through both laboratory and field testing. The
first three parts of this program were funded under ERDC contract
W913E518C0011 issued to JRPlumer & Associates LLC on 20 September
2018 for an 18 months period of performance.

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS) is a technique for determination

of bulk chemical composition that uses X-ray-induced fluorescence to com-
positionally interrogate a broad (~mm size) area of a material surface and
is particularly efficacious for transition metals and other heavy elements.
Raman spectroscopy (RS) observes the inelastic scattering of monochro-
matic laser light from a material surface to measure the frequency of mo-
lecular vibrational and rotational modes to acquire a structural fingerprint

by which different substances can be identified. RS analyzers can be con-

figured to have either a point or broad area interrogation capability. Laser-
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) utilizes a pulsed laser to ablate a
very small (10s µm size) area on the surface of a material and determine
its chemical composition through spectral analysis of emitted light. It is
particularly sensitive to light elements and is also capable of continuous
depth profiling into a sample. Thus, it can also be used to ‘clean’ a sub-
mm-size area on a sample surface prior to analysis so that underlying lay-
ers can be compositionally interrogated once any surface coating, crust, or
corrosion is removed.

Figure 1. The SciAps commercial-off-the-shelf handheld analyzers for X-ray

fluorescence spectroscopy (left), Raman spectroscopy (center), and laser-induced
breakdown spectroscopy (right), with the performance attributes of each analyzer

Each of these three technologies for chemical analysis – XRFS, RS, and
LIBS, are presently commercially available as handheld analyzers for use
outside the laboratory (Figure 1) and have common performance attrib-
utes like minimally-destructive analysis and rapid data collection and pro-
cessing. It is well recognized that these different analytical technologies
have different elemental sensitivities and analytical accuracies. However,
each modality has its own unique functional competency (Table 1), such as
differential sensitivity to a wide range of elements, point versus area analy-
sis, surface analysis versus depth profiling and analysis of elemental versus

molecular compositions. It has also been observed that by synthesizing

raw data from several sources and processing the integrated data using the
tools of multivariate statistical analysis (i.e. data fusion) it is possible to
generate more meaningful information than can be generated by using
data from any single source and that such fused information that can be of
enhanced value. For example, data fusion for different kinds of analytical
instruments can reduce limits of detection and improve uncertainty,
whereas the fusion of information from different types of sensors with dif-
ferent physical characteristics can enhance insight about the environment
being observed.

Table 1. Comparative capabilities of SciAps handheld XRFS, RS,

and LIBS analyzers.

Table 2. Perceived advantages of an integrated multi-analyzer system.

• Rapid on-site detection and discrimination of materials of interest by trained
field personnel (not highly trained technicians)
• Undertake qualitative detection or quantitative analysis
• Low cost (some 10x less than laboratory equivalents)
• On-board data processing in real time and wireless transmission of data
• Small size, weight, power requirements to enable use on remotely-operated
• Deployment for interrogation of inaccessible and denied area
• Deployment of multiple units per mission

The integration of the three analyzers into a single multi-analyzer system

would greatly expand current technological capability for real-time chemi-
cal analysis in the field under ambient environmental conditions (Table 2).

There is strong potential for technology transition spinoff for other appli-
cations. For example, one such possibility would be its use for field foren-
sics by both the civil and military law enforcement communities.

2.2 Soil
To fully understand and exploit the analytical benefit a field-portable mul-
tianalyzer capability, it is important to understand the chemistry of target
of interest for this program – natural soil.

Soil is defined by the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Na-

tional Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) as natural unconsolidated
material on the immediate surface of the Earth comprised of solids (miner-
als and organic matter), liquid, and gases that serves as the growth medium
of land plants (NRCS 1999). Soils and their internal horizons differ from
one another and depend on five soil-forming factors – geologic parent ma-
terial, climate, topography, biological factors associated with the flora and
fauna, and time (Jenny 1994). There is a wide variety of geological units,
climates, floras and faunas, and topography across the United States,
while the factor time spans many orders of magnitude from a few to hun-
dreds of thousands of years. For example, in New Mexico the gypsiferous
sand soil at White Sands National Monument can be as young as a few
weeks, whilst the ancient gravelly sandy loam soil on Sedillo Hill has an
age of about 750,000 years.

Eight chemical elements (O, Si, Al Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, & K) comprise the
bulk of the inorganic component of soils. Ions of these elements combine
in various ratios to form different minerals. Another 80+ elements natu-
rally occur in soil in minor and trace quantities and still others can be pre-
sent as anthropogenic contaminants. Soils are chemically different from
the rocks and minerals from which they form in that soils contain less of
the water-soluble weathering products, Ca, Mg, Na, and K and more of the
relatively insoluble elements such as Fe and Al. Old, highly weathered soils
normally have high concentrations of aluminum and iron oxides. The or-
ganic fraction of the near-surface soil, which is composed predominantly
of, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and smaller quantities of sulfur
and other elements, usually comprises <6% of the soil mass by weight and
much less at depth. Yet, despite its small quantity it has a great influence
on soil chemical properties. The organic fraction enhances soil aggregation

and structure, enhances soil water retention, and increases cation ex-
change capacities, while also serving as a reservoir for the plant essential
nutrient elements (e.g. N, P, and S).

Soils are classified based on physical and chemical properties in their dif-
ferent horizons (e.g. composition, color, texture, structure, etc.) from the
surface to two meters depth. Currently, the NRCS soil database for the
United States
ta/?cid=nrcs142p2_053586) contains more than 20,000 detailed soil se-
ries descriptions that reflect the wide range of the five soil-forming factors
across the country. The NRCS soil taxonomy establishes hierarchies of
classes to permit the relationship among soils and between soils, and the
factors responsible for their character, to be understood. The soil series is
the lowest category within soil taxonomy. All soils within a single series
have uniform differentiating characteristics and arrangement of horizons.
This does not mean that all soils within a series are identical; it does mean
that they have a similar sequence of horizons, but the horizons may be of
different thickness, color, structure, within prescribed limits. All the soils
within a series will have developed in the same kind of parent material
with comparable drainage characteristics and will be of similar age. The ef-
fects of climate and biological activity will have been very similar. Conse-
quently, the soils within a series exhibit like properties and respond in like
fashion to usage or manipulation.

To understand the soil landscape and how it is portrayed on soil maps it is

important to understand what is being mapped (soil taxonomic units) and
how their distribution is recorded on a soil map (soil mapping units). All
soils in the U.S. are classified according to an established soil taxonomy
that has six categories from highest to lowest: Order, Suborder, Great
Group, Subgroup, Family, and Series. The classification becomes more ex-
clusive from Soil Orders to Soil Series. There are 12 Soil Orders and over
25,000 Soil Series, generally the spatial distribution of Soil Series is what
is portrayed on NRCS soil maps.

The single most important factor determining the accuracy of any soil map
is the map scale. Most intensive agricultural areas have soil maps at a scale
of 1:20,000 or less. All other areas, also known as rangeland areas, have
soil maps at a scale of 1:50,000 or greater. The smallest unit that can be
defined on a map at this scale is approximately 20 acres.

It is important to note that the method for mapping soils in rangelands ar-
eas of the western US differs from that in more intensively farmed regions.
In agricultural areas, soil map unit boundaries are identified primarily by
the change in soil properties determined from soil auguring and, more re-
cently, remote sensing tools such as electromagnetic induction meters. By
contrast, rangeland soil maps are based largely on the interpretation of
aerial photographs to identify proxy data that has been determined reflect
changes in soil properties, such as changes in landform, parent materials,
vegetation, etc. The initial identification of soil map units is validated with
a very small number of soil observations, commonly 4-5/km2. At the
rangeland scale, many soil map units are described as either complex or
compound Soil Mapping Units (SMU), compound SMU’s predominantly
consist of two Soil Series whereas complex SMU’s can contain more than
two Soil Series. Furthermore, in the description of the map units there is
no indication how the two or more Soil Series are distributed within the

Unit boundaries on all soil maps are shown as fixed (or definite) bounda-
ries that indicate the immediate change from one Soil Series to the adjoin-
ing Soil Series. However, two very different types of soil map unit
boundaries can be observed in the field - well-defined boundaries and gra-
dational boundaries. Well-defined boundaries are those where soil proper-
ties abruptly change across a landform or due to a change in lithology.
Such boundaries are easily identified by landform or lithological relation-
ships and the boundary does not change over time. By contrast, grada-
tional boundaries can change over time and may change according to the
soil properties being considered. Most of the soil map unit boundaries for
maps at a scale of 1:50,000 and above are boundaries based on landform
and/or lithological changes.

The NRCS has identified and mapped the over 20,000 different Soil Series
across the United States at different levels of classification from Family, to
Subgroup, Great Group, Suborder and Order. The NRCS soil taxonomy di-
vides natural soils into 12 Orders that exhibit only small differences in the
kinds and relative strengths of processes that tend to develop their internal
soil horizons: Alfisols (10% - in semiarid to moist areas), Andisols (1% - in
cool areas with moderate to high rainfall, Aridisols (12% too dry for meso-
phytic plants), Entisols (16% - little to no pedogenic development), Geli-
sols (9% - permafrost near the soil surface), Histosols (1% - high organic
content without permafrost), Inceptisols (17% - moderate development in

semi-arid to humid environments), Mollisols (moderate to pronounced

soil moisture deficit), Oxisols (8% - highly weathered soils in subtropical
and tropical regions), Spodosols (4% - acid and infertile), Ultisols (8% -
acid soils in humid regions), and Vertisols (2% - high content of expanding
clay minerals). The NRCS classification recognizes 64 Suborders, 300
Great Groups, and more than 2400 Subgroups.

Thus, a major challenge for this project was how to select a representative
suite of the most common soils that might be encountered by the military
during operations in the field. One option was to select soils that represent
the 12 soil orders of the USDA soil taxonomy. A Soil Order is the category
with the highest level of generalization and abstraction, and each Soil Or-
der is very heterogeneous with respect to its physical and chemical proper-
ties that are not considered in the differentiation (NRCS 1999). As a
consequence, knowing only the Order of a soil is not sufficient to allow for
scientific repeatability of compositional measurements. Soil Series are the
most homogeneous classes in the system of taxonomy of the NRCS. They
are the lowest and most homogeneous category of the national soil classifi-
cation system and provide a detailed record of soil properties needed to
prepare soil evaluations for different applications in agriculture, construc-
tion, roads, etc. An official NRCS Soil Series description includes infor-
mation on location, taxonomic classification, a detailed soil profile
description, location of the typical soil profile, the range of descriptive
characteristics, competing series, geographic setting, geographically asso-
ciated soils, drainage and permeability, use and vegetation, distribution
and extent, and additional data. Therefore, a soil sample from an officially
recognized Soil Series taken at the “location of the typical soil profile”, rep-
resents a unique soil that is readily accessible, should additional sampling
be needed in the future for further testing and confirmation. However, it
was not possible to select a small set of representative soils from the
25,000+ soil series in the United States to cover the full range of soil char-
acteristics because any stratification scheme will necessarily fall short.

3 Methods
3.1 Background
JRPA undertook a capabilities performance investigation of the current
COTS handheld analyzers for XRFS, RS, and LIBS to understand perfor-
mance through a detailed program of comparative detection and quantifi-
cation of chemical elements and molecular species in soils. Two types of
soils were used for this purpose: (1) Standard Reference Materials (SRMs)
and (2) natural soils from across North America. A listing of these soils
and standards is provided in the on-line archive for this project in the
JRPA Multisensor Project folder on the Open Science Framework tool
(https://osf.io/z3wgk/). Although SRMs can serve as consistent calibra-
tion points for sensor performance, previous work by Hendrickx and his
colleagues on the detection of improvised explosive devices (e.g., Das et al.
2001; Miller et al. 2004; Van Dam et al. 2004; Hendrickx et al. 2006) un-
ambiguously corroborated that more will be learned from sensor develop-
ment research using representative field soils than commercially available
standard materials. The latter are unrepresentative of the wide range of
natural soils that are encountered in the field. Thus, test results in these
media will not necessarily give a realistic evaluation on the potential and
limitations of a novel sensor for field soil analysis.

A total of 272 natural soils were acquired from four sources for the project
analytical work. These are follows: (i) 50 rangeland soil samples from cen-
tral New Mexico, (ii) 21 soil samples from two sites in west-central New
Hampshire, (iii) a suite of 144 agricultural soils from across the United
States and Canada provided by Colorado State University, and (iv) 58 soils
from small arms ranges on military installations in Massachusetts, Vir-
ginia, Georgia, Idaho, Washington, and Alaska provided by USACE-ERDC-
CRREL. Each soil suite is described in the Appendix to this report. To-
gether, these soil suites met the following criteria:

(i) The soils should be representative of a particular area;

(ii) The soils chosen should represent different climatic settings across the
country (from semi-arid to humid, because climate is an important soil
forming factor);

(iii) The soils should represent different geologic parent materials, because
parent material also is an important soil forming factor;

(iv) The soils should represent different ages because time is another im-
portant soil forming factor;

(v) The soil should be relatively thick and have distinguishable A and B ho-
rizons, so that well-defined, homogeneous samples can be collected; and

(vi) The soils should represent more than half of the twelve soil orders.

3.2 Soil sample preparation and analysis

The natural soil samples for the project were sieved with #10 (2 mm
sieve), milled with a ceramic mortar and pestle for 1 minute, and then ali-
quots were hydraulically pressed with 1 ton of pressure for 2 minutes into
pellets for analysis. Soil standards, received as homogeneous powders,
were hydraulically pressed into pellets in the same manner as the natural

XRFS analyses were undertaken using a SciAps X-250 handheld analyzer.

The X-250 utilizes a rhodium X-ray tube with 4 mm spot size and 20 mm
silicon drift detector (SSD) with 135eV resolution that has a FWHM of 5.95
for the manganese K-alpha line. An energy-to-channel calibration per-
formed at the beginning of operation and approximately every 30 minutes
thereafter. Three separate sequential measurements of 40 seconds time
were made with three different beam parameters (50 KeV, 60 mA, no fil-
ter; 40 KeV, 60 µA, no filter; and 15 KeV 80 µA, 100 mm Al filter) at each
of three locations on each soil pellet using the SciAps internal ‘soil mode’
calibration based on the analysis of 40 SRMs. This provided quantitative
data for 17 elements of interest (P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Fe, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Rb,
Sr, Zr, Sn, Sb, Ba), with some other elements of interest (Co, Mo, Cd, Pb,
U, Th) consistently below the limit of detection in the soil suites analyzed.

RS analyses were obtained with a SciAps Chem-200 Raman analyzer. This

instrument utilizes a 785 nanometer (nm) laser that produces 500 milli-
watt (mW) (maximum power). Spectra were collected over a wavenumber
range of 200-1800 cm-1 through accumulation of 15, 1.2 second accumula-
tions at three locations on each soil pellet after calibration using a benzo-
nitrile standard. Raw, unprocessed (i.e. non-baseline corrected) spectra
were used for the data analysis.

LIBS analyses were performed using a SciAps Z-300 LIBS instrument

which contains a 1064 nm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet
(Nd:YAG) laser that produces a 50-100 micrometer (µm) diameter beam
on the sample surface. The laser was operated at 5-6 millijoule (mJ), with
a 1 nanosecond (ns) pulse duration, and a 10 hertz (Hz) firing rate. The
three spectrometer-charged couple device pairs, covering the spectral
range of spectral range of 190 to 950 nm (FWHM = 0.20 nm at <365 nm),
0.25nm from 365 to 620 nm, and 0.40 nm at >620 nm) had a gate width
of 1 millisecond a gate delay of ~650 ns. These analyses were collected un-
der Ar gas flow using three data collection laser shots after two cleaning
shots over three 4x2 grids of 50-100 nm diameter at 3 locations on each
soil pellet to generate 72 spectra, each 22,500 data points per spectrum,
for each sample after on-board calibration every 10 minutes. The instru-
ments were wavelength calibrated at the beginning of operation and peri-
odically thereafter at approximately 30-minute intervals. A second Z-300
LIBS analyzer provided by SciAps was used to acquire a comparable data
set for instrument performance comparison.

XRFS and LIBS spectra were preprocessed using z-scoring (mean subtrac-
tion and standard deviation division) normalization before further pro-
cessing and fusion. XRFS spectra were truncated to be the same length
and LIBS spectra had Ar spectral lines removed and baseline corrected. No
normalization was applied to the XRFS quantitative data and RS spectra
were utilized as collected.

Examples of typical XRFS, RS, and LIBS spectra obtained during this pro-
ject are presented in Figures 2-4, in this case for the playa lake soil at the
White Sands, NM sampling locality. These three figures illustrate clearly
that each of the handheld analyzers not only records similar compositional
information, as expected, but also can contribute unique information
about the composition of a soil sample.

Figure 2. Example XRFS spectrum for the playa soil from White Sands, NM, showing
the presence of Ca, Sr, S and Fe.

Figure 3. Raman spectrum for the playa soil from White San.

Figure 4. LIBS broadband spectrum for the playa soil from White Sands, NM,
showing presence of Ca and Sr together with the minor presence of Si and Na.

4 Signal Processing, Statistical Analysis,

and Data Fusion
An investigation was undertaken of (i) different approaches to spectral
data preprocessing and the fusion of the data outputs from current models
of SciAps handheld analyzers for XRFS, RS, and LIBS and (ii) the use of ad-
vanced statistical analysis together with pattern recognition and machine
learning for material classification and discrimination using the spectral
data produced by these analyzers.

4.1 Spectral data preprocessing

LIBS analysis is complicated by the potential for variable interaction of the
laser energy with the material being analyzed, so that the intensity of the
light emission from the LIBS plasma can vary from laser shot to laser shot.
Thus, LIBS spectral data needs to preprocessed so that only high-quality
spectra are utilized for any data analysis application. Therefore, prior to
the completion of the soil analysis effort, high quality LIBS datasets previ-
ously collected for other types of natural materials were used to assess the
most effective method for data preprocessing. Preprocessing was also ap-
plied to the XRFS and RS data, as appropriate.

4.1.1 Spectral truncation (XRFS) and normalization (XRFS, LIBS, RS)

Due to the calibration process for XRFS, the spectra are often of slightly
different lengths. Machine learning algorithms cannot process feature vec-
tors of different length. Therefore, all XRFS spectra were truncated to en-
sure equal lengths. In order to ensure the classifier is not erroneously
trained to make decisions based on relative intensity of XRFS, RS, and
LIBS spectra, each intensity spectrum was normalized by subtracting the
mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

4.1.2 Argon spectral line removal (LIBS)

The LIBS data collection process using an inert gas to enhance plasma inten-
sity results in non-trivial emission line magnitudes at wavelengths of the Ar
purge gas, regardless of the possible presence of Ar within the sample be-
ing interrogated. If these emission lines are constant or random across the
identified spectral classes, then the partial least squares discriminant anal-
ysis (PLSDA) classifier should apply a zero or near-zero weight to the

magnitudes of these lines during the training of the translation function

that converts the raw data to a classification label. However, there is the
potential that some bias will occur within these emission line magnitudes
for any particular data set (especially those with limited samples) such that
the classifier might interpret the Ar emission lines as informative features
for classification and weight them more heavily. Therefore, it was consid-
ered prudent to remove these emission lines from the LIBS spectra to en-
sure classifier robustness.

As recorded, LIBS spectra contained emission lines for all wavelengths be-
tween 180 and 961 nm. With Ar removal, only emission lines in the ranges
of 190-675, 765-771, and 776-779 nm were retained. This process reduced
LIBS spectra from 23,431 emission lines to 14,823 emission lines. The im-
pact of argon removal was tested on several non-soil-based classification
tasks, and no negative impact was observed.

4.1.3 Baseline correction (LIBS)

Although baseline drift was not observed to any great extent in the LIBS
spectra for the soils analyzed during this project, substantial baseline drift
was observed in some older LIBS data sets acquired with the same SciAps
handheld analyzer. Thus, there is the potential that such variations in base-
line level could confound the quality assessment of spectra (e.g. the calcu-
lation of signal-to-noise ratios) and negatively impact classification
performance. Therefore, a baseline correction algorithm was developed
that employs a 2-stage process that first removes the sparse peaks in the
LIBS spectrum in order to estimate the baseline response, and then sub-
tracts the estimated baseline from the original LIBS spectrum. In order to
remove the peaks in the LIBS spectrum, a Hampel filter (Davies and
Gather 1993) with a window size of 2% of the spectrum length was ap-
plied. For each sample, if the emission line magnitude was more than
three standard deviations from the filter window’s median, it was replaced
by the median. Once the peaks were removed from the spectrum, the base-
line of the spectrum was estimated by smoothing the residual with a me-
dian filter that was 0.5% of the spectrum length. This smoothed
baseline estimate was then subtracted from the original spectrum. The
baseline correction algorithm was added to the standard LIBS prepro-
cessing workflow.

4.1.4 Spectra culling (LIBS)

Some individual LIBS spectra appear to be anomalous outliers compared

to the other spectra of a contemporaneously acquired set. Typically, such
spectra correlate poorly with the other spectra collected from the same
sample or they have a very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). It was hypoth-
esized the removal of these outlier spectra would improve classification
performance and, therefore, would be beneficial to add to the standard
LIBS pre-processing procedure. Thus, the potential benefit of outlier spec-
tra culling based on either SNR or low within-sample similarity was evalu-

For evaluation, a sample-based decision-making approach was used, ra-

ther than spectra-based classification, since sample-based decision making
is used by the sensor fusion algorithm and it has the potential to discount
outlier spectra inherently. For sample-based decision making, all of the
spectra confidences for a single sample are summarized by taking the av-
erage to give a single classifier label for a sample. By taking the average of
the classifier confidences before making a final decision, the impact of out-
lier spectra may be potentially reduced (assuming that most spectra are
not outliers), leading to a higher classification accuracy than might be ob-
served if each individual spectrum is scored. The positive benefit of culling
of non-standard (outlier) spectra was observed in LIBS dataset acquired for
other types of geological materials and so was adopted for the soil data ac-
quired during this project.

4.1.5 Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

As noted above, LIBS spectra demonstrate variability in quality that can

impact classification performance. A robust, meaningful metric for esti-
mating SNR is a tool needed for improving classification performance
through poor data removal as well as a means of alerting users to the po-
tential of system issues (e.g. if all data are of poor quality) in real time. In
order to estimate SNR, the true signal without noise must be known. How-
ever, the true signal is rarely known under real-world conditions. Instead,
an approximation of the true signal strength is estimated and used to cal-
culate SNR.

Several potential methods of estimating the strength of the true signal in

the LIBS spectra were compared in terms of computation load and perfor-

mance. Performance was measured in terms of classification accuracy ver-

sus proportion of spectra culled. Ideally, a measure of SNR would maxim-
ize accuracy while minimizing the number of spectra culled, indicating
that only the noisiest data were being discarded.

Two methods SNR estimation with low computation loads were evaluated:
(i) the log of the peak spectrum value (Log-Max) and (ii) the ratio of the
peak spectrum value to the median spectrum value (Peak-To-Median).
Although the log of the peak spectrum value technically only estimates the
signal strength, LIBS spectra with low signal strength tend to be spectra
with low SNR. In addition to the two methods with low computation load,
two methods with higher computation loads were considered. In the first
method (Histogram-Split), an intensity histogram of the spectrum was
generated, and between class variance was used to separate spectrum
magnitudes into ‘noise’ and ‘signal’ values (Otsu 1979). Using these groups
of magnitudes, the signal energy and noise variance were estimated, and
SNR was calculated. In the second method (Gaussian-Outlier), a Hampel
filter as described above for baseline correction was used to remove the
peaks of the spectrum. In this method, the residual was used to estimate
noise mean and variance. All spectrum magnitudes that were three stand-
ard deviations from the noise mean were considered part of the signal and
used to estimate the signal energy. With the estimate of the signal energy
and noise variance, the SNR was calculated.

Four methods were compared for several different LIBS data sets. Classifi-
cation accuracy was estimated as increasing proportions of LIBS spectra
were culled based on thresholding of the four metrics. For each metric, a
limit was placed on culled spectra such that no sample’s spectra were en-
tirely discarded. The two low-computation-load methods were consist-
ently among the best performers across data sets. The Histogram-Split
approach tended to be a consistently poor performer and the Gaussian-
Outlier method performed poorly for one of the data sets. Of the four SNR
estimation metrics compared, the ratio of the normalized maximum spec-
trum value to the median spectrum value (Peak-to-Median method) most
often achieved the greatest improvement in classification performance
through spectra culling (removing spectra with lower SNR estimates).
Also, the Peak-to-Median method most often achieved increases in accu-
racy more rapidly than the other methods. This indicates a better estimate
of SNR than the other methods since the spectra that most impact classifi-
cation performance are identified earlier (i.e. the worst spectra are given

the lowest SNR estimates). The Peak-to-Median method was second only
to one other method in terms of calculation speed, indicating viability for
real- time use.

The potential benefit of spectra culling was tested on two geological data
sets. Spectra were culled based on thresholding of either the SNR estimate
or the similarity measure. The remaining spectra were classified, the confi-
dences were averaged per sample, and a final label assigned based on the
averaged confidences. This process was repeated for a range of thresholds
ranging from no culling to the maximum number of spectra that could be
culled without discarding any samples. Little benefit appeared to be gained
from culling outlier spectra if no samples are discarded in their entirety. Ra-
ther, any potential benefit of evaluating spectra quality will likely be in
terms of determining whether an entire sample should be remeasured.
Given these results, this process was not added to the standard prepro-
cessing workflow. However, there is potential for this method to be used
as a tool to evaluate a data collection in real-time.

4.1.6 Similarity

Because LIBS is an analyzer that interrogates a sample at a spatial scale of

10s of microns, there always is the concern about sample heterogeneity af-
fecting the LIBS analysis. This is a particular concern with the soil sample
suite for this project, as the pellets analyzed were visually heterogeneous to
variable extents. In addition to considering SNR as a method to cull outlier
spectra, a second method of culling was considered based on the similarity
between a spectrum and the other spectra collected for an individual sam-

To examine this effect, a spectral similarity analysis was undertaken. For

this analysis, the pairwise spectral contrast angle was computed by treat-
ing each LIBS spectrum as a vector and calculating the angle between the
two spectra (Krause et al. 1993). The spectral contrast angle can range
from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates a perfect match. Figure 5 shows the esti-
mated pairwise spectral similarities for a subset of 14 NIST and OREAS
SRM soil standards. Each row represents a measurement site on the soil
pellet that averages the full number of LIBS spectra collected at each site.
Each column represents a similarity metric and the color-scale differences
represent the value of the similarity metric. The yellow diagonal in each
image is perfect similarity since this is the comparison of the spectrum

with itself. Perfect similarity is one for correlation and zero for the similar-
ity index and spectral contrast angle. Some of the 14 soil pellets show
strong heterogeneity in this spectral variability analysis indicating textural
heterogeneity within the pellet.

Figure 5. Spectral variability plot degree of homogeneity/heterogeneity between

the different locations analyzed on soil pellets for 14 soil standards.

4.1.7 Outlier rejection methodology

A typical classification problem partitions the feature space such that

every possible point in feature space is assigned to a class. However, in ac-
tual applications, it is likely that samples will be measured that are not
members of any of the predefined classes. Rather than assign class mem-
bership to such samples, a better approach would be to alert the user of the
system that these samples are likely “none of the above” (NOTA).

Outlier rejection requires a different approach to classifier design. Instead

of setting a boundary between classes by finding the points that maximize
the distance between the two classes, a boundary must be set around each
individual class based on its data alone. Since there is no contrasting data
to indicate where the boundary of one class ends and the ‘outlier’ class be-
gins, a different approach must be taken. The approach used here is based

on Hempstalk et al. (2008) that uses available spectra from each analyzer
and class to estimate the mean and standard deviation at each wavelength.
With this statistical model, a number of simulated spectra matching the
number of measured spectra are generated. The outlier rejection, i.e.
NOTA classifier, is trained to set a boundary between the measured spec-
tra (not an outlier) and the simulated spectra (outliers). This process will
set a boundary as tightly as possible to the measured spectra (Figure 6).
The more accurate the statistical model, the tighter the outlier rejection
boundary. Thus, this process requires a significant amount of measured
data to ensure an accurate boundary.

Figure 6. Difference between typical classification (left) and outlier rejection (right).

Figure 7. Implementation of the NOTA analytical process.


Rejecting “none of the above” (NOTA) samples is implemented hierarchi-

cally (Figure 7). A sample’s spectra are tested against N binary “is/is not a
class” classifiers. If all the sample’s spectra are rejected by all the binary
classifiers, then the sample is rejected as NOTA. If not, then the sample’s
spectra are passed on to the typically trained N-class classifier for determi-
nation of class.

Each NOTA classifier is a random forest classifier. Although Hempstalk et

al. (2008) suggest that this process will work with any classifier type, re-
sults were only demonstrated with a tree-based classifier. Several types of
classifiers were tested for this effort, and success was achieved only with
the random forest classifier (a tree-based classifier).

In order to assess the NOTA classifier performance, two types of errors

were considered: (i) NOTA samples that are not rejected, and (ii) non-
NOTA samples that are rejected but would have been correctly classified
if not rejected. Non-NOTA samples that would be incorrectly classified
should arguably be rejected by the outlier rejection process. These are
samples that do not fit the statistical models being used by the n-class
classifier to assign a class label. Therefore, these samples were ignored
during the NOTA classifier assessment.

4.1.8 Outlier rejection results

Two cases were considered. In the first, the non-NOTA data set was the
New Mexico soil suite, and the NOTA data sets were the CSU soils, NIST
standards, OREAS standards, and military installation soils. In the second,
the non-NOTA data set was the military installation soil suite, and the
NOTA data set consisted of the New Mexico soils, CSU soils, NIST stand-
ards, and the OREAS standards. Figure 8 shows an example of percent re-
jections for the different data sets as a function of the NOTA classifier
operating points. The goal is to select an operating point that minimizes
the rejection non-NOTA correctly classified samples while maximizing the
rejection of NOTA samples. For example, selecting an operating point of
0.65 in Figure 8 would incorrectly reject approximately 9% of correctly
classified military installation soil samples while correctly rejecting 60-
97% of the NOTA samples, depending on the NOTA data set. In addition,
75% of the incorrectly classified non- NOTA samples would be rejected by
the outlier rejection classifiers.

Figure 8. XRFS outlier rejection rates for different data sets when the non-NOTA
data set is the military installation soil suite.

In Figure 9, the optimal operating point (assuming the cost of the two
types of errors is equal) is selected for each test case and sensor and the
proportion of rejections at that operating point is plotted. For the LIBS
and XRFS data, between 70% and 100% of NOTA samples are rejected, de-
pending on sensor and test case. Between 2% and 15% of non-NOTA sam-
ples were rejected. These results indicate the potential for outlier rejection
with these sensors. While the approach was able to reject 60% of NOTA
samples while rejecting 5% of non-NOTA samples for the New Mexico
soils test case using the RS data, all non-NOTA samples were rejected be-
fore any NOTA samples for the military installation soils test case. This is
likely due to the poor classification performance for the RS analyzer with
the military installation soils. Since it is unable to determine an accurate
model of the non-NOTA data, it is also unable to determine data that do
not match those models. For the military installation soil RS data, it was
not possible to reject any NOTA samples without rejecting all non-NOTA
samples (hence the selected operating point to minimize error cost was a
point that rejected no samples).

Figure 9. Rejection rates at the optimal operating point for which the costs of the two
types of errors (failing to reject NOTA samples and rejecting correctly classified non-
NOTA samples) were assumed equal.

4.2 Sensor information fusion

In order to combine data for the multiple sensors, a hierarchical classifica-
tion approach was used (Figure 10). For every sample, a set of Ns x Ds
spectra were collected for each sensor where Ns refers to the number of
spectra for sensor s and Ds refers to the dimensions of a spectrum col-
lected by sensor s. The sensor-specific classifiers were applied to the spec-
tra generating Ns x C classifier confidences that the sample’s spectra
belong to each of C classes. In order to generate a feature vector for the
sensor fusion classifier, the classifier confidences for each sensor were av-
eraged to produce a single 1 x C vector. These vectors were then concate-
nated to create a single feature vector for the sample. This feature vector
was classified by the sensor fusion classifier and a class label assigned to
the sample based on the class that generated the highest fusion-classifier
confidence. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) was used
for both the sensor-specific and fusion classifiers, and classification accu-
racy was estimated using leave-one-sample-out cross-validation.

Figure 10. Flow diagram for XRFS-RS-LIBS spectral fusion procedure.

4.3 Real-time signal processing

One necessary step to progress from individual analyzers to a multi-ana-
lyzer system is real-time signal processing. Toward this end, a conceptual
approach for real-time signal processing was developed. This approach,
which as illustrated in Figure 11, consists of three modules - a file fetcher, a
result monitor, and a sensor data processor. The software is expected to
consist of three main modules that can be exchanged as needed (e.g. ad-
vancement in data acquisition). In addition, the data processing module
will likely contain modules that can be exchanged to change operation
(e.g. classifier, preprocessing). The file fetcher module handles all raw data
interactions including polling the source directory for new files, ensur-
ing files have been completely uploaded before transfer, transferring
files to a 'process' directory to avoid interference issues with incoming
data and previously recorded data, and reading the data out of files and
into an appropriate format for processing. Once the file fetcher module
has successfully transferred and converted the data files, the data proces-
sor performs all the analytics, and the result monitor displays the results
for the user. The GUI allows the user to select their classification task and
observe the likelihood that their sample is from each class as data are up-
loaded. Once the user has completed analysis of the sample, the user se-
lects an archive button to send the data and a report of the results to a
time-stamped folder. Processing is then cleared and ready for data from a
new sample.

Figure 11. Architecture diagram demonstrating expected software operation. The

software consists of three main modules that can be exchanged as needed (e.g.
advancement in data acquisition). In addition, the data processing module will likely
contain modules that can be exchanged to change operation (e.g. classifier,

The software for real-time data processing developed for the project has
the following features:

• The GUI allows the user to select the appropriate classifiers;

• The GUI allows the user to select the classes to be discriminated;
• The GUI allows the user to select the sensors to be used for fusion;
• The GUI monitors the underlying modules to alert the user if a
problem arises;
• As data files from the sensors are uploaded, the GUI will display
confidence that the sample is from each class for each sensor for
which there are data;
• The GUI automatically polls the input directory and updates the
display as new files are added;
• Once the user is satisfied with the result, they can select to archive
the data which will move the data to a storage location and include
a report
• The archive button clears the display, creates a date-stamped direc-
tory for storage, and moves the sensor files to the new directory
with a classification report.

This capability was field tested during in August 2019, when the data
streams from the three analyzers were in real time wirelessly transmitted
during analysis to a laptop computer.

During the project, three reference cases were added to the software for
real-time estimation of class confidences for any unknown sample: New
Mexico soils, military installation soils, and New Hampshire soils. For the
latter, only LIBS processing is possible due to the limited data collection.
For the first two, individual data processing was possible for XRFS, RS,
and LIBS data, as well as data fusion processing data from all three analyz-
ers. At the conclusion of the project, the software polls an input directory
into which the user places sensor spectra CSV files. The software automati-
cally determines the analyzer type of the new data, processes the data with
the appropriate spectra classifier, and displays a confidence that the sam-
ple belongs to each of the three classes in the library. Once data from all
three analyzers has been added, the spectra classifier outputs are fused
and confidence that the sample belongs to each class is displayed. Once
the user has completed analysis of the sample, the user selects an archive
button to send the data and a report of the results to a time-stamped
folder. Processing is then cleared and ready for data from a new sample.

5 Data Analysis and Spectral Fusion

Results and Discussion
5.1 Spectra data preprocessing
All spectra from the three handheld analyzers were individually normal-
ized using z-scoring (mean subtraction and standard deviation division).
Characterization features and XRFS quantitative features were normalized
across samples using z-scoring (cross- validation normalization was used
during classification). In addition, for the three analyzers, the following
preprocessing was applied - RS: No preprocessing; XRFS: Spectra were
truncated to be the same length; LIBS: All spectra were baseline corrected
and had Ar spectral peaks removed.

5.2 New Mexico Soil Suite

Soils were sampled from six locations across central-north New Mexico in
November and December 2018. Six samples were collected from each loca-
tion along a straight transect approximately 22 m apart, taking about 500
g from the top 0–5 cm of the soil. The six soils sampled for the project (Ta-
ble 2) were (i) the loamy fine sand of the Bluepoint Soil Series at the Rio
Salado, (ii) the very stony sandy loam of the Laborcita-Pilabo-Lemitar Soil
Series Complex in Upper Socorro Canyon, (iii) the very stony sandy loam
of the Laborcita-Pilabo-Lemitar Soil Series complex in Lower Socorro Can-
yon, (iv) the gravelly sandy loam of the Millett-Sedillo Soil Series complex
at Sedillo Hill, (v) the gypsiferous sand of the Lark-Transformer Soil Se-
ries association at White Sands, and (vi) the strongly saline silty clay loam
of the playa soil at Willard. At Rio Salado, two sets of samples were gath-
ered: one at depth 0–3 cm and one at 10–13 cm.

Seven sets of six samples were collected to determine if the multi-analyzer

approach could distinguish different soils and identify similar soils. The
two sets at Rio Salado contain the same soil to test whether these samples
would be identified as similar. All other soils are different one from the
other and from the Rio Salado soil to test whether these would be identi-
fied as different soils. Three soils differ only by age: Sedillo Hill (740,000
years), Socorro Canyon Upper (140,000 years), and Socorro Canyon
Lower (25,000 years). These soils were sampled to test whether soils that
are different in some respects (i.e. age) but are similar in other aspects (i.e.

parent material, climate, flora and fauna, and topography) could be dis-
criminated. These samples were analyzed by JRPA in January, March, Au-
gust, and December 2019 to evaluate the benefits of sensor fusion
performance through multiple analysis of the same sample suite.

The 5-class schema for New Mexico soils was used - Rio Salada, Sedillo
Hill, Socorro Canyon Upper/Lower, White Sands, and Willard. The six soil
pellets from each locality were measured on four collection dates (Decem-
ber 2018, January 2019, March/April 2019, and August 2019). Spectral fu-
sion was first undertaken for the January 2019 data collection using the
spectral data from the three analyzers (XRFS, RS, and LIBS), first individ-
ually, then LIBS with XRFS, and finally the spectral data for all three ana-

The result of this fusion exercise is shown in Figure 12, where the classifi-
cation accuracy for RS is seen to approach 80%, that for LIBS better than
85%, and that for XRFS almost 90% for the January 2019 data collec-
tion. So, it is not surprising that the accuracy for 2- or 3-analyzer fusion
was better than 90%. For the March/April 2019 data collection, this di-
minished to just under 75% for RS, but increased to better than 95% for
both LIBS and XRFS. By comparison, accuracy for dual analyzer fusion
involving RS was lower than for January 2019, that for LIBS plus XRFS
was improved, and that for the fusion of spectral data for all three sensors
was marginally only diminished. Fusion of the results from both dates ex-
hibited full classification accuracy for the 3-analyzer fusion.

Figure 12. Classification accuracy for the New Mexico soil suite based on
consideration of spectra for XRFS, RS, and LIBS; fusion of spectra for RS + XRFS,
LIBS + XRFS; and for RS + LIBS + XRFS for spectral data collected in Jan 2019,
Mar/Apr 2019, and for data fusion from both dates.

In addition, two LIBS systems were used in each of these data collections.
The number of samples per class varied per data collection (Table 3) with
an incomplete set of samples analyzed in December 2018 and August
2019, so that cross-validation analysis for these collection dates is not pos-

Table 3. Number of samples per class for each collection date.

Aug 2019
Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Mar 2019
(*LIBS SciAps)
Rio Salada 2 14 6 12
Sedillo Hill 2 8 6 6*
Socorro Canyon 11 11 12*
White Sands 6 6 6
Willard 6 6 6*

Data analysis early in the project suggested that training and testing on
separate collection dates resulted in poor classification performance for
LIBS data. This observation raised the following questions:

1. Do the other analyzers experience the same decrease in perfor-

mance across collection dates?
2. Can the impact of collection date be mitigated by pooling multiple
collection dates worth of data for training? The hypothesis is that

pooling multiple collection dates will result in more robust class

3. How is sensor fusion impacted by collection date?

Leave-one-sample-out (LOSO) cross-validation was used to assess the col-

lection dates for which multiple samples had been measured for all classes.
In addition, cross-validation was used to assess data pooled across all col-
lection dates. Classifiers were trained for each collection date for which
multiple samples per class were available. These classifiers were used to
classify data from non-matching collection dates regardless of the number
of samples per class in the test set. Data were pooled across all but one col-
lection date and used to train a classifier that was then used to classify data
from the remaining collection date, e.g. the Dec 2018, Jan 2019, and
Mar/Apr 2019.

Figure 13. Single analyzer classification results for three different methods of

Single analyzer results are shown in Figure 13. Cross-validation and

pooled collection dates result in a single estimate of accuracy. For the indi-
vidual collection date train/test classification, the results are plotted as an
average with the error bars indicating the cases with the highest and low-
est accuracy (i.e. the full range of accuracy observed). For example, for the
RS analyzer, cross-validation for the Jan 2019, Mar/Apr 2019, and Aug

2019 collection dates ranged from 82% to 93% correct. Pooling the data
across all collection dates and using cross-validation resulted in 95% cor-
rect accuracy. There are no cross-validation results for Dec 2018 since the
data set is incomplete. Testing the Jan 2019 data against classifiers trained
with the Mar/Apr2019 or Aug 2019 data sets results in an average accu-
racy of 49% correct, with little

If, however, the Jan 2019 data are classified using a classifier trained on
both the Mar/Apr 2019 and Aug 2019 data sets, accuracy increases to the
cross-validation accuracy of 82% correct. The classification based the
quantitative XRFS analyses is thoroughly robust to collection date,
whereas results from all three analyzers are all negatively impacted by
training and testing across collection dates. Pooling across collection dates
mitigates this issue to varying degrees. The same methods of classification
accuracy estimation were used for the multiple sensor analysis as for the
single-sensor test (cross-validation, train/test across individual dates of
collection, and train/test with pooled collection dates). Two fusion cases
were considered: (i) RS + XRFS + LIBS and (ii) XRFS + LIBS. The spectral
data acquired by the two LIBS analyzers (JRPA and SciAps) were kept sep-
arate such that each collection date resulted in two sets of accuracy results.

Figure 14 shows results for fusing XRFS and LIBS sensor data. Cross-vali-
dation results are consistently near 100% correct. As with the individual
sensors, training with pooled data tends to result in higher accuracy than
training with an individual collection date. Figure 15 shows results for fus-
ing XRFS, RS, and LIBS data. Results are similar to those for the single-
analyzer results for just XRFS or LIBS. Ignoring the Dec 2018 collection
date, accuracy for the 3-analyzer fusion with pooled collection date train-
ing appears to be marginally more robust across collection dates than for
the XRFS and LIBS sensor fusion. It is important to note that each collec-
tion date has a small number of samples, so it is possible that the impact of
pooling is not just due to capturing variability across dates of collection. It
might also be due to the increase in the overall amount of information.

Figure 14. Classification results for XRFS and LIBS fusion for three different methods
of training. For each data collection, XRFS data is paired with that from either the
JRPA LIBS analyzer or the SciAps LIBS analyzer.

Figure 15. Classification results for fusing the Raman, XRFS, and LIBS sensors using
three different methods of training. For each data collection, Raman and XRF are
paired with either the JRPA LIBS sensor or the SciAps LIBS sensor.

All the spectral measurements appear susceptible to decreased accuracy

when training/testing across collection dates, whilst the XRFS quantitative
data was not susceptible. Pooling data did mitigate the impact of collection
date to some degree; however, it is important to note that this may be due
to the increase in the amount of information as much as it is due to better
capturing variability across collection dates. Pooling data is the equivalent
of measuring a single sample in nine locations instead of three for LIBS or
measuring a sample nine times instead of three times for XRFS. This may
be important when there are only a small number of samples per class.

Thus, measuring a single sample in multiple locations is likely beneficial

although not as much as the measurement of more samples.

5.3 Military Installation Soil Suite

A second suite of 58 soil samples came from six U.S. military installations
(Ft. Wainwright, AK; Ft Lewis, WA, Idaho National Guard Camp Kimama;
Ft. Benning, GA; Ft. Eustis, VA; and Massachusetts Military Reserva-
tion/Joint Base Cape Cod). Provided by Dr. J. Clausen of the USACE-
ERDC CRREL, these soils were collected from the top 2.5 cm of soil at small
arms firing ranges and, therefore, are contaminated to various extents
with metal elements present in munitions (such as Cu, Zn, Pb, W, and Sb).
A range of soil compositions, varying from uncontaminated to strongly
contaminated, were analyzed for each of the six military installations. The
NRCS Soil Series to which these soils are assigned is not known. These six
military installation soil suites were processed during the March- April
2019 period of analytical work.

Figure 16. Classification accuracy for the military installation soils based on RS,
XRFS, and LIBS data; fused 2-analyzer data, and fused 3-analyzer data.

A single data for sets for the sets of 10 surface soils at small arms ranges on
six military installations were acquired in Mar/Apr 2019. A 6-class classifi-
cation schema was used with the following classes: MMR-Joint Cape Cod
(MA), Ft. Eustis (VA), Ft. Benning (GA), ING Camp Kimama (ID), Ft.
Lewis (WA), and Ft. Wainwright (AK). The result of this fusion exercise is
shown in Figure 16, where the classification accuracy for RS is around
60%, and that for XRFS and LIBS >90%. Thus, the fusion results for XRFS
+ LIBS and for all analyzers exhibit a high accuracy that is >95%.

5.4 CSU Agriculture Soil Suite

Through an arrangement with Dr. Robert Miller of the Department of
Crop and Soil Science at Colorado State University (CSU) a collection of
166 agricultural soils were provided to the project that were selected from
the ALP Laboratory Proficiency Program (ALP-LPP) archive, of which 144
were analyzed during this project. The soils of the ALP-LPP program were
collected across 32 US states and 7 Canadian provinces. The samples re-
ceived, which had been milled to <0.7 mm and homogenized, were from
the top 20 cm of the soil profile at the selected sampling locations. The
U.S. soils, which are from all 12 of the NRCS soil orders, are particularly
well characterized compositionally through analytical work undertaken by
the ALP-LPP program, with quantitative chemical information available
for >35 specific parameters of interest to the agricultural soil science com-
munity. Analysis of the first 96 samples of this suite was undertaken in
January 2019, with a subsequent 48 samples analyzed in August 2019.
These 144 soils represent 10 of the 12 NRCS Soil Orders, but three of the
classes are only represented by a single sample and another only has two

There is no single classification schema for the CSU soil suite, which can be
classified in multiple different ways. Therefore, it was decided to examine
other descriptive features ascertainable from the Soil Series descriptions
for each soil (i.e. soil thermal regime, soil moisture regime, geologi-
cal/mineralogical character, and geological source) in the context of the
five soil-forming factors (climate, parent material, landscape setting, bi-
ota, and time) to see if any of these influences could be teased out from
the statistical analysis. For purposes of the statistical analysis, analytical
data for the CSU sample suite was grouped for processing according to a 5-
class schema – NRCS Soil Order, thermal regime, moisture regime, miner-
alogical character, and geological source (Table 4). The feature sets used
were spectra from the individual XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyzers, the quan-
titative XRF analyses, the laboratory chemical analyses for the samples,
and a combination of all features. Results are shown in Figure 17 and the
classification matrices for the random forest classifier with text features are
shown in Figure 18. For the sensor fusion, samples were discarded that
were not measured using all the handheld analyzers and/or did not have a
full suite of analytical metadata. This resulted in the loss of a few samples
from the processed dataset.

Table 4. Classification schema for CSU soil suite characterization.

Toward this end, the spectral data from the three analyzers, first individu-
ally, next fused together 2x2, then fused all together, and finally all infor-
mation about the samples (i.e. spectral data, XRFS quantitative analyses,
and laboratory chemical analyses) fused together. As illustrated in Figure
17, a moderate level of success was realized when classifying soils based on
soil thermal regime, soil moisture regime, and geological source. This re-
sult is not surprising given that only one sample was available per soil,
when what was really needed for robust statistical analysis was 5-10 sepa-
rate samples of each soil.

Figure 17. Classification accuracy for the CSU classification schema based on
consideration of spectra for Raman spectroscopy - RS (1), X-ray fluorescence
spectroscopy - XRFS (2), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy - LIBS (3), fused
spectra for RS + XRFS (4), RS + LIBS (5), and XRFS + LIBS (6), RS + XRFS + LIBS
spectra (7), fused spectra + XRF quantitative analyses (8), and fused spectra +
XRF quantitative analyses + laboratory chemical analyses (9).

To further investigate the situation, classification accuracy with each indi-

vidual characterization feature was calculated in order to assess the rela-
tive information content of each feature. The results for two classifiers
(PLSDA and random forest) are shown in Figure 18. These plots indicate
some features in each schema may provide no information for the classifi-
cation. The legends include the accuracy expected from always selecting
the class that has the most samples using the ‘majority rule’ method for
evaluating the performance of a classifier when the classes are imbalanced.
Also, many features appear similarly informative on their own. Although
not necessarily indicative of their behavior in combination with other fea-
tures, it does suggest a potential issue for consistent feature selection.
When multiple features provide similar information content, the search
space for the best selection of features can contain many local performance
maxima that can confound the search for the true global maximum.

Figure 18. Independent feature accuracy per CSU soil classification schema.
Features are sorted on a per schema basis, greatest accuracy to least accuracy. The
legends indicate classification performance that could be achieved by always selecting
the class with the most samples.

To further investigate the situation, classification accuracy with each indi-

vidual characterization feature was calculated in order to assess the rela-
tive information content of each feature. The results for two classifiers
(PLSDA and random forest) are shown in Figure 18. These plots indicate
some features in each schema may provide no information for the classifi-
cation. The legends include the accuracy expected from always selecting the
class that has the most samples using the ‘majority rule’ method for evalu-
ating the performance of a classifier when the classes are imbalanced.
Also, many features appear similarly informative on their own. Although
not necessarily indicative of their behavior in combination with other fea-
tures, it does suggest a potential issue for consistent feature selection.
When multiple features provide similar information content, the search

space for the best selection of features can contain many local perfor-
mance maxima that can confound the search for the true global maxi-

Finally, principal components analysis was conducted on the CSU soil

suite for Soil Series represented by two or more individual samples. Figure
19 presents PC scores plots for XRFS, RS, LIBS, and chemical composi-
tion determined through laboratory analysis. It is notable that samples
from the same Soil Series tend to be closely associated in PC space in Fig-
ure 19. Whereas, class discrimination for samples of the CSU soil suite ac-
cording to NRCS Soil Order, soil temperature or soil moisture regime, or
soil mineralogical character or geological source was not successful (Fig-
ure 18), the PC scores plots of Figure 19 suggest Soil Series discrimination
might be possible based on analysis of a larger set of samples from each
Soil Series.

Figure 19. Principal component analysis score plots for XRFS (upper left), LIBS
(lower left), RS (upper right), and chemistry (lower right) for the soil series of CSU
soil suite represented by multiple samples

5.5 New Hampshire soils

Six samples were collected from the upper 5 cm of soil at two locations in
central New Hampshire by JRPA, three samples from the USACE-ERDC
Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory in Lebanon, NH and

three samples from the Bean Hill locality in Belmont, NH. Additionally,
three soil pits were excavated by SoilHydrology Associates at each of the
Bean Hill sample sites, with the different soil horizons in each pit sampled
and described.

Laboratory analysis was first undertaken for soil pellets prepared for the
Lebanon/CRREL and Belmont soil sets and then for the soil pits at the
Belmont location. The fusion feature vectors for the XRFS, RS, LIBS spec-
tral data were reduced to 2-dimensions using PCA. This analysis demon-
strated that the multi-analyzer approach can distinguish between different
soil types and identify soils that are similar (Figure 20). Laboratory analy-
sis of pellets from the three soil pits at Bean Hill in Belmont (Figure 21)
documents the clear distinction of the ash and charcoal layers and other
layers in soil pit and the compositional differences from the upper to lower
soil layers.

Figure 20. Principal component analysis scores plot from laboratory

analysis of the Lebanon/CRREL and Belmont soil sets.

Figure 21. Principal components scores plot from

laboratory analysis of the Belmont soil pits.

Classification for each individual analyzer and their spectral data fusion is
shown on the right side of Figure 22. Discrimination between the Leba-
non/CRREL and Belmont/Bean Hill soil sets is 100% correct for the
XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyzers individually. Therefore, nothing can be
gained through sensor fusion. By contrast, there is sufficient composi-
tional variability for the different layers of the three Bean Hill soil pits,
shown on the left side of Figure 22, that pit discrimination classification is
extremely poor for the RS spectra (< 30% correct) and not strong for ei-
ther LIBS (< 70% correct) or XRFS (<80%) spectra. Similarly, in this sec-
ond instance, data fusion does not provide any classification benefit.

Because the ultimate objective of this project was to develop a robust capa-
bility that could be used in the field, a short field study was conducted at
the Belmont, New Hampshire site to test the performance of the handheld
analyzers under field conditions with real time data transmission to a base
station. XRFS and LIBS analyses were undertaken for this purpose; a lo-
gistical issue prevented use of RS analyzer. Field measurements in the
three Bean Hill soil pits (Figure 23) demonstrated that the XRFS and LIBS
perform with confidence under ambient environmental conditions, which
included a rain shower during the fieldwork.

Figure 22. Classification accuracy for the New Hampshire soil sets
from Belmont/Bean Hill (left) and Lebanon/CRELL (right)

Figure 23. Principal component analysis scores plot for fused XRFS and LIBS
spectral data sets for in-situ analysis of the three Belmont/Bean Hill soil pits.

6 Summary
Funded under US Army ERDC-CRREL contract W913E518C0011, an 18-
month multidisciplinary effort was undertaken by JRPlumer & Associates,
LLC between September 2018 to March 2020. This project had three tech-
nical objectives: (i) to upgrade current handheld technology for chemical
analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS), Raman spectroscopy
(RS), and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); (ii) to design a
multisensor system based on these technologies for the rapid, in-situ
chemical analysis of soils and other materials of military interest; and (iii)
to investigate the classification/discrimination performance benefit that
might be achieved through advanced signal pre-processing and data fusion
with XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyses acquired for four suites of natural soils.
This initiative was supported by sub-contracts to SciAps, Inc., Signal Anal-
ysis Solutions, LLC, SoilHydrology Associates, LLC, and Applied Spectra,
Inc. Accomplishments of the program in the latter area are described in
this report.

A total of 272 soils from four sources were analyzed for the project - 50
rangeland soil samples from central New Mexico, 21 soil samples from two
sites in west-central New Hampshire, a suite of 144 agricultural soils from
across the United States and Canada, and 58 soils from small arms ranges
on military installations in Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, Idaho, Wash-
ington, and Alaska. An investigation of spectral data preprocessing was
undertaken that examined the benefit that could be realized from Ar emis-
sion line removal from LIBS spectra, spectra baseline correction, spectral
truncation and normalization, spectral culling through signal-to-noise ra-
tio analysis, similarity analysis, uncertainty mitigation and adaptive quan-
tization, and outlier rejection. A conceptual approach for real-time signal
processing was developed and demonstrated through a field test. Finally, a
hierarchical classification process was developed to combine spectral data
from multiple analyzers and this was applied to the soil data acquired dur-
ing the project. Using data from multiple collection dates it was observed
that fusion of XRFS-RS-LIBS spectral data provided better classifica-
tion/discrimination performance than for analysis by any individual ana-

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Appendix: The Soil Suites

A total of 272 soils from four sources were analyzed during the project an-
alytical work in 2019. These are follows: (i) 50 rangeland soil samples from
central New Mexico, (ii) 21 soil samples from two sites in west-central New
Hampshire, (iii) a suite of 144 agricultural soils from across the United
States and Canada provided by Colorado State University, and (iv) 58 soils
from small arms ranges on military installations in Massachusetts, Vir-
ginia, Georgia, Idaho, Washington, and Alaska provided by USACE-
CRREL. The paragraphs that follow describe each soil suite.

The New Mexico Soil Suite

Soils forming in arid environments (i.e. in areas receiving <700 mm of
precipitation annually) develop in a distinctly different way from those in
wetter environments. Arid soils are characterized by the accumulation of
eolian dust consisting of fine particles (silt and clay) and soluble salts
(such as calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate plus sodium chloride in
some hyperarid areas). Dust fluxes and composition vary greatly spatially,
with some dust in the southwest United States arriving from as far away as
China, while deposition tends to be high downwind of large playa lakes.
The samples collected for this project reflect the input of eolian dust and
also some of the issues pertaining to the relationships between soil taxo-
nomic units and field mapping units that affect NRCS rangeland soil maps
at spatial scales of 1:50,000 or greater.

Within the budgetary limits available for soil collection in New Mexico, it
was not possible to select a truly representative small set of soils from such
a large state of heterogeneous geological character. Therefore, instead of
using a statistical approach for the sampling design, criteria were devel-
oped to test the capability of the multi-analyzer approach to distinguish
different soil types and to identify similar soil types. These criteria, posed
as questions, are: (i) Can the multi-analyzer approach detect which soils
are different from one another?; (ii) Can the multi-analyzer approach de-
tect which soils are the same?; and (iii) Can the multi-analyzer approach
discriminate between soils that are somewhat different, but have common
underlying characteristics?

Initially, eight survey samples were collected from four soil series in cen-
tral New Mexico by SoilHydrology Associates in August of 2018 for the de-
velopment of a sampling protocol as well as initial testing and analysis by
JRPA. The sampling protocol developed consisted of taking a sample of
about 500 g from the top 0–5 cm of the soil (Fig. 6.1). After air-drying in
the laboratory at room temperature, the samples were sieved to remove all
particles and root debris exceeding a size of 2 mm. The sieved samples
were sent to JRPA for further processing and analysis.

This protocol was then followed to sample soils from six locations across
central-north New Mexico in November and December 2018 Six samples
were collected from each location along a straight transect approximately
22 m apart. Described in Table A1, six soils sampled for the project were:
(i) the loamy fine sand of the Bluepoint Soil Series at the Rio Salado, (ii)
the very stony sandy loam of the Laborcita-Pilabo-Lemitar Soil Series
Complex in Upper Socorro Canyon, (iii) the very stony sandy loam of the
Laborcita-Pilabo-Lemitar Soil Series complex in Lower Socorro Canyon,
(iv) the gravelly sandy loam of the Millett-Sedillo Soil Series complex at
Sedillo Hill, (v) the gypsiferous sand of the Lark-Transformer Soil Series
association at White Sands, and (vi) the strongly saline silty clay loam of
the playa soil at Willard. At Rio Salado, two sets of samples were gathered:
one at depth 0–3 cm and one at 10–13 cm. Thus, a total of 42 soil surface
samples formed the primary suite of samples analyzed for the project.

Figure A1. Geographic locations of the six New Mexico soil sampling sites.

Soil series are classified not only based on the characteristics of the surface
soil layer but on all soil horizons and characteristics down to a depth of 2
m depth (Soil Survey Staff, 2014) Often, there is no direct relationship be-
tween the properties of the 0–3 cm soil surface layer and its soil series
name. Nevertheless, in order to provide more understanding of the context
of the soil samples used in this project a short description with visuals is
presented below for each of the New Mexico soil locations.

Table A1. New Mexico soil sample sites.

Location Soil Series Name Depth Texture

Sedillo Hill 445—Millett-Sedillo complex 0-10 cm gravelly sandy loam
Sedillo Hill 445—Millett-Sedillo complex 15-30 cm gravelly loam
649—Nickel-Caliza very gravelly sandy very gravelly sandy
Nogal Canyon 0-5 cm
loams loam
649—Nickel-Caliza very gravelly sandy very gravelly sandy
Nogal Canyon 0-5 cm
loams loam
Rio Salado 620—Bluepoint loamy fine sand 0-5 cm loamy fine sand
Rio Salado 620—Bluepoint loamy fine sand 0-5 cm loamy fine sand
very gravelly coarse
Socorro Canyon 621—Arizo-Riverwash complex 5-10 cm
Socorro Canyon 621—Arizo-Riverwash complex 0-5 cm gravelly sandy loam

Seven sets of six samples were collected to determine if the multi-analyzer

approach could distinguish different soils and identify similar soils. The
two sets at Rio Salado contain the same soil to test whether these samples
would be identified as similar. All other soils are different one from the
other and from the Rio Salado soil to test whether these would be identi-
fied as different soils. Three soils differ only by age: Sedillo Hill (740,000
years), Socorro Canyon Upper (140,000 years), and Socorro Canyon
Lower (25,000 years). These soils were sampled to test whether soils that
are different in some aspects (i.e. age) but are similar in other aspects (i.e.
parent material, climate, flora and fauna, and topography) could be dis-

Bluepoint Soil Series

NRCS description: The Bluepoint Soil Series consists of very deep, some-
what excessively drained soils that formed on dunes and sand sheets in eo-
lian materials derived from mixed rock sources. The typical NRCS profile
for the Bluepoint Series is:

C1 – 0 to 5 inches: loamy fine sand,

C2 – 5 to 28 inches: loamy fine sand,
C3 – 28 to 53 inches: loamy fine sand, and
C4 – 53 to 60 inches: loamy sand.
The soil at the project sampling location at the Rio Salado (Figs. 5.2.4 and
5.2.5) is indeed formed in a sand sheet on the south bank of the Rio Salado
River north of Socorro. The soil map unit is located on the top of a large
fan with different soil series present on the incised slopes. The boundary
on the NRCS soil map is reasonably located for this soil series. The NRCS
description indicates that the soil contains gypsum, but no gypsum was
present in this profile excavated; instead incipient calcium carbonate accu-
mulation was observed. A buried soil was identified within this soil, with
the top 40 cm of the profile being very recent sand overlying a more
strongly developed soil also forming within the sand.

A soil chronosequence describes portions of a soil series that have devel-

oped in a similar parent material, under a similar climate, with similar
flora and fauna, and on a similar landform but differ in their degree of pro-
file development only because of differences in age. Numerous studies
have shown systematic changes in most soil properties (physical and
chemical) with increasing soil age (e.g. White et al., 1996; Merrits et al.,
1991; Egli et al., 2018). The soil series sampled near Socorro, NM form a
chronosequence. The youngest soil at Lower Socorro Canyon (Arizo Series
and the Arizo-Riverwash complex) is approximately 25,000 years old, the
soil at Upper Socorro Canyon (Nolam Series) is about 140,000 years old,
and the soil at Sedillo Hill (Ladron Series and the Millett-Sedillo complex)
is approximately 750,000 years old. The NRCS soil map locates a Rock
Outcrop soil series 786, which is described as bedrock, just north of the
project sampling site. Yet, there is no bedrock at this location, instead the
parent material for the soil are fluvial gravels from the Rio Salado that are
overlain by young sand sheets that have been mobile within historic time.
Such discrepancies between the general NRCS description of a soil series
and the actual characteristics of a soil at any particular place are not un-
common. The explanation lies in the basic heterogeneous character of nat-
ural soils. Thus there can be a distinct difference between the
representative profile for a soil series description selected at one specific
place and the character of the same soil at any other place, often tens or
hundreds of kilometers distant. The two different Socorro Canyon soil se-
ries are separated by a well-defined boundary at the Socorro Canyon Fault,
across which there is a 2 m difference in elevation. The Arizo-Riverwash

Complex soil series is present on the Lower Socorro Canyon surface,

whereas the Upper Socorro Canyon surface is covered by the Nolam soil

Arizo-Riverwash Complex at Socorro

NRCS description: The Arizo-Riverwash Complex at Socorro Canyon (Fig-

ures 6.6-6.9) consists of the Arizo Soil Series and similar soils (55%), grav-
elly Riverwash (30%), and minor other soil components (15%). The typical
NRCS profile is:

A – 0 to 2 inches: gravelly sandy loam,

C – 2 to 60 inches: very gravelly coarse sand.
NRCS description: The Arizo Soil Series consists of very deep, excessively
drained soils that formed in mixed alluvium. These soils are found on re-
cent alluvial fans, inset fans, fan apron, fan skirts, stream terraces, flood-
plains of intermittent streams and channels. The Arizo series is classified
as an Entisol, one of the 12 soil orders, meaning that it very weakly weath-
ered, which indicates a relatively young age. The typical soil profile used by
the NRCS to describe this soil series is located in Nevada. The typical
NRCS profile for the Arizo Soil Series is:

A – 0 to 3 inches: very stony loamy sand,

C – 3 to 60 inches: stratified cobble-rich coarse sand to extremely
gravelly loamy sand.
Our description of the Arizo soil on the Lower Socorro Canyon surface has
quite a different horizonation. The subscripts indicate the secondary char-
acteristics of the master horizon. In the nomenclature used for classifica-
tion, v is vesicular (meaning it has numerous vesicles or holes in the ped),
w is weak (indicating a subtle change in color), and k is calcium carbonate
accumulation (indicated by color or reaction to hydrochloric acid). The lo-
cal profile of the Arizo soil where sampled is:

Av – 0 to 6 cm: Dark brown (7.5YR 3/3) gravelly loamy sand,

Bw1 – 6 to 22 cm: Brown (7.5YR 4/4) gravelly loamy sand,
Bw2 – 22 to 8 cm: Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) gravelly sandy
Bw3 – 22 to 38 cm: Brown (7.5YR 4/4) gravelly loamy sand,
Bw4 – 57 to 85 cm: Olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) Gravelly sand,
Ck – 85 to 94 cm: Light olive Brown (2.5Y5/6) Gravelly sand.

Nolam Soil Series at Socorro Canyon

NRCS description: The Nolam Soil Series (Figs. 6.6 to 6.8) consists of very
deep, well drained, moderately slow permeable soils that formed in allu-
vial sediments derived from rhyolite and andesite on terraces and pied-
monts. The typical NRCS profile is:

A - 0 to 2 inches: gravelly sandy loam,

Bt - 2 to 13 inches: very gravelly sandy clay loam,
Ck - 13 to 60 inches: very gravelly sandy loam.
The description of the Nolam Soil Series on the NRCS map is also different
than what was observed in Socorro Canyon Upper surface at this site,
where the local soil profile was mapped as follows:

Av – 0 to 5 cm: Dark Brown (7.5YR 3/4) Gravelly Sandy Loam,

AB – 5 to 31 cm: Dark Brown (7.5YR 3/4) Gravelly Sandy Loam,
Bt – 31 to 58 cm: Yellowish red (5YR 4/6 ) Very Gravelly sandy clay
Btk – 58 to 75 cm: Red (2.5YR 4/6) Very gravelly sandy clay loam,
K – 75 to 152 cm: Reddish yellow (5YR6/8) very gravelly sandy loam,
Ck – 152 to 180 cm: Light olive brown (2.5YR 5/4 Very Gravelly
loamy sand.
The K horizon designation is not used by the NRCS; however, it is widely
used by soil geomorphologists to indicate a soil horizon in which all the
properties are determined by the degree of calcium carbonate cementa-
tion. The horizon is indurated with a particularly slow unsaturated hy-
draulic conductivity.

In addition to the differences between the NRCS typical profiles and the
local profiles observed in Socorro Canyon, there is one important addi-
tional local observation that pertains to the location of the boundary be-
tween the Arizo and Nolam series shown on the NRCS soil map (Fig. 6.6).
The orange boundary presented on the map is not correct, as the actual
boundary is located along the fault line (i.e. the black line on the map).
This is the nature of a 1:50,000 scale soil map and the issue of boundary
location on such maps. This problem of misplaced soil boundary locations
on such large-scale maps is not well understood by the portion of the soil
science community who lack geomorphological expertise.

Ladron Soil Series at Sedillo Hill

NRCS description: The Ladron Soil Series (Figs. 6.10 and 6.11) consists of
deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in alluvium.
These soils form on knolls and fan terraces. The typical soil profile is:

A – 0 to 2 inches: very gravelly sandy loam

Bw – 2 to 31 inches: very gravelly loam
Bk1 – 31 to 47 inches: very gravelly sandy loam
Bk2 – 47 to 60 inches: very gravelly loam

Millett-Sedillo Complex at Sedillo Hill

NRCS description: The Millett-Sedillo Complex at Sedillo Hill (Figures

5.10 and 5.11) consists of the Millett and similar soils (50 %), the Sedillo
and similar soils (30 %), and the Minor other soil components (20 %).

NRCS description: The Millett Soil Series consists of very deep, well-
drained soils formed in alluvium weathered from old gravelly alluvium
known as ‘rim gravels’. This material is composed of quartzite, sandstone
and some basic igneous rocks. Millett soils are on stream and fan terraces
on plateaus and footslopes and shoulders on stable landslides. The typical
soil profile is:

A - 0 to 3 inches: gravelly sandy loam,

Bt - 3 to 18 inches: gravelly loam,
Bk - 18 to 60 inches: very gravelly sandy loam.
NRCS description: The Sedillo Soil Series consists of very deep, well-
drained, moderately slowly permeable soils that formed in gravelly allu-
vium. Sedillo soils are on bajadas, piedmonts, fan terraces, fan remnants,
and stream terraces. The typical profile is:

A - 0 to 3 inches: very gravelly fine sandy loam,

Bt - 3 to 19 inches: very gravelly sandy clay loam,
Bk - 19 to 60 inches: very gravelly fine sandy loam.
The three NRCS typical profiles presented above also differ considerably
from observations made during the project fieldwork. The local soil profile

Ah – 0 to 7 cm: Brown (7.5YR 4/4) Sandy Loam,


AB – 7 to 27 cm: Dark Brown (7.5 YR 3/3) Gravelly Loam,

Bt1 – 27 to 42 cm: Dark Reddish Brown (5YR 3/4) Gravelly Sandy
Clay Loam,
Btk – 42 to 55 cm: Red (2.5YR 4/6) Gravelly Silty Clay Loam,
K1 – 55 to 69 cm: Reddish Yellow (5YR 6/9) Gravelly Sandy Clay
K2 – 69 to 112 cm: Light Red (2.5YR 6/6) Gravelly Sandy Clay Loam.

Lark-Transformer Association Soil Series at White Sands

NRCS description: The Lark-Transformer Association Soil Series (Figs 6.12

and 6.13) consists of very deep, excessively-drained soils that formed in
sandy gypsiferous eolian deposits. The typical soil profile is:
Cyy1 - 0 to 2 inches: gypsiferous sand,
Cyy2 - 2 to 41 inches: gypsiferous sand,
Cyy3 - 41 to 60 inches: gypsiferous sand.
No other field observations were made at this site.

The Playa Soil at Willard

The final soil sampled for the project was the strongly saline silty clay loam
of the playa soil at Willard, NM (Figs 6.14 and 6.15). The typical soil profile
here is:

H1 - 0 to 6 inches: silty clay loam,

H2 - 6 to 60 inches: clay.
No other field observations were made at this site.

The New Hampshire Soil Suite

Six samples were collected from the upper 5 cm of soil at two locations in
central New Hampshire by JRPA, three samples from the USACE-ERDC
Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory in Lebanon, NH and
three samples from the Bean Hill locality in Belmont, NH. Additionally,
three soil pits were excavated by SoilHydrology Associates at each of the
Bean Hill sample sites, with the different soil horizons in each pit sampled
and described. The three soils described and analyzed at the Bean Hill dur-
ing the week of 6-12 August 2019 have been mapped as belonging to three
NRCS soil series – Canterbury Fine Sandy Loam (167B), Moosilauke fine
sandy loam (415 B), and Pillsbury Fine sandy loam (647B). Due to the

scale of the NRCS maps the actual soils sampled described at the Bean Hill
site may not necessarily fall within these NRCS soil series.

Soil at Bean Hill Site 1

The soil at site BH-1 (Fig. 6.17) is mapped as the Pillsbury FSL (647B). This
soil is located on a small boulder terrace adjacent to a small stream. Soil
horizons at the site are as follows:
• Litter 10-0 cm,
• Ah horizon @ 0-10 cm,
• AB horizon @ 10-16 cm,
• Bw horizon @ 16-24 cm,
• C horizon @ 24-55 cm.

Soil at Bean Hill Site 2

The soil at site BH-2 is mapped as the Canterbury FSL (167 B). This soil is
located in the upper backslope position on a heavily forested drumlin. Soil
horizons at the site are as follows:
• Litter @ 6-0 cm,
• Ah horizon @ 0-18 cm
• AB horizon @ 18-25 cm,
• Bw horizon @ 25-34 cm,
• C horizon @ 35-65 cm.

Soil at Bean Hill Site 3

The Soil at site BH-3 (Figure 6.19) is mapped as Moosilauke FSL (415B).
This soil is located at the base of a small drumlin on a lower footslope posi-
tion. Soil horizons at the site are as follows:
• Litter @ 5-0 cm,
• Ah @ 0-10 cm,
• Bwj1 @ 10-25 cm,
• Bwj2 @ 25-36 cm,
• Ash and charcoal layer varying between 0-8 cm thick,
• 2Bwb @ 7 cm,
• 2Cb @ 12 cm.
The first two soils at the BH-1 and BH-2 sites appear similar in terms of
degree of development and, therefore, probably in age. They are forming

in well-sorted fine sand that contains occasional large boulders. Weather-

ing of these soils has produced some variation in soil properties with
depth, but the soils are overall weakly developed and probably of Late
Pleistocene age. The third soil at the BH-3 site displays a compound soil
profile, in that it contains a buried soil. The soil in the upper stratigraphic
layer is less strongly weathered than at the BH-1 and BH-2 sites. The soil
beneath the ash layer is probably equivalent in age to the soil at the BH-1
and BH-2 sites. The soil pit at the BH-3 site contained a compound buried
soil, the upper soil is weakly developed and it overlies the buried soil
which has evidence of a previous fire and a buried soil beneath the ash and
charcoal. Burial appears to be localized, as the depth of the most recent
stratigraphic layer is unlikely to have come upslope. A large depression lo-
cated adjacent to this soil pit is suggested as the source of the burial soil.

The CSU Soil Suite

Through an arrangement with Dr. Robert Miller of the Department of
Crop and Soil Science at Colorado State University (CSU) a collection of
166 agricultural soils were provided to the project that were selected from
the ALP Laboratory Proficiency Program (ALP-LPP) archive, of which
144 were analyzed during the course of this project. The soils of the ALP-
LPP program were collected across 32 US states and 7 Canadian provinces.
The samples received, which had been milled to <0.7 mm and homoge-
nized, were from the top 20 cm of the soil profile at the selected US and
Canadian sampling locations. The US soils, which are from all 12 of the
NRCS soil orders, are particularly well characterized compositionally
through analytical work undertaken by the ALP-LPP program. Analysis of
the first 96 samples of this suite was undertaken in January 2019, with a
subsequent 48 samples analyzed in August 2019. These 144 soils represent
10 of the 12 NRCS Soil Orders, but three of the classes are only repre-
sented by a single sample and another only has two samples. For purposes
of the statistical analysis undertaken by subcontractor Signal Analysis So-
lutions (see Sections 7 and 8 below), analytical data for the CSU sample
suite was grouped for processing according to five different schema: Soil
Order, Thermal Regime, Moisture Regime, Mineralogical Character, and
Geological Source.

The Military Installation Soil Suite

An additional 58 soil samples came from six US military installations (Ft.
Wainwright, AK; Ft Lewis, WA, Idaho National Guard Camp Kinama; Ft.

Benning, GA; Ft. Eustis, VA; and Massachusetts Military Reserva-

tion/Joint Base Cape Cod). Provided by Dr. J. Clausen of the USACE-
ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), these
soils were collected from the top 2.5 cm of soil at small arms firing ranges
and, therefore, are contaminated to various extents with metal elements
present in munitions (such as Cu, Zn, Pb, W, and Sb). A range of soil com-
positions, varying from uncontaminated to strongly contaminated, were
analyzed for each of the six military installations. The NRCS Soil Series to
which these soils are assigned is not known. These six military installation
soil suites were processed during the March-April 2019 period of analyti-
cal work.

ASI Applied Spectra, Inc.
COTS Commercial-off-the-shelf
CRM Certified reference material
CRREL Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
CSU Colorado State University
ERDC Engineer Research and Development Center
eV Electron volt
FWHM Full width at half maximum
GUI Graphical user interface
Hz Hertz
ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
JRPA JRPlumer & Associates, LLC
KeV Kilo electron volt
LA-ICP-MS Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spec-
LIBS Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
LOSO Leave-one-sample-out
µ Micron
µm Micrometer
mA Milliamp
mJ millijoule
mm Millimeter
ns Nanosecond
PC Principal component
PCA Principal component analysis
QA/QC Quality assurance/Quality control
NIST National Institute of Science and Technology
nm Nanometer
NOTA None of the above
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
R&D Research and development
RDTE Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
RS Raman spectroscopy
RSD Relative standard deviation
SAS Signal Analysis Solutions, LLC
SciAps SciAps Inc.
SHA SoilHydrology Associates, LLC
SMU Soil mapping unit
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
XRFS X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
Form Approved
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-
4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently
September 2020 Final
Fusion of Spectral Data from Multiple Handheld Analyzers (LIBS, XRF and Raman) W913E518C0011
for Chemical Analysis and Classification of Soil 5b. GRANT NUMBER



Russell S. Harmon, Richard R. Hark, Chandra S. Throckmorton, John R. Plumer, 474428
Jan M.H. Hendrickx, J. Bruce Harrison, and Karen A. Harmon 5e. TASK NUMBER



JRPlumer Associates, LLC ERDC/ CRREL CR-20-1
Gilford, NH 03249


U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Hanover, NH 03755 NUMBER(S)


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.



An 18-month multidisciplinary project was undertaken by JRPlumer & Associates, LLC and four subcontractors that had three technical
objectives: (i) to upgrade current handheld technology for chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS), Raman spectros-
copy (RS), and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); (ii) to design a multisensor system based on these technologies for the rapid,
in-situ chemical analysis of soils and other materials of military interest; and (iii) to investigate the classification/discrimination perfor-
mance benefit that might be achieved through advanced signal pre-processing and data fusion with XRFS, RS, and LIBS analyses acquired
for four suites of natural soils. Accomplishments of the program in the latter area are described in this report.


Scientific apparatus and instruments, Chemistry, Analytic, Soils—Testing, X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy,
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UU

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18

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