August 11, 2023: 153/LG/SE/AUG/2023/GBSL

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August 11, 2023 

To            To           
The Listing Department  The Listing Department  
BSE Limited  National Stock Exchange of India Limited 
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,               Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, 
Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001  Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 
Scrip Code: 509079  Scrip Symbol: GUFICBIO 
Dear Sir/Madam, 

Subject: Outcome of the Board of Directors Meeting held on Friday, August 11, 2023 
Pursuant  to  Regulations  30  and  33  of  the  SEBI  (Listing  Obligations  and  Disclosure  Requirements) 
Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”) (including any statutory modification(s), amendment(s) and 
re‐enactment(s) thereof), this is to inform that the Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting 
held today i.e. Friday, August 11, 2023, inter alia, considered and approved the following: 
1. Unaudited  Financial  Results  of  the  Company  along  with  the  Limited  Review  Report  for  the 
quarter ended June 30, 2023, which has been duly reviewed and recommended by the Audit 
In this regard, enclosed herewith are the Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended June 
30, 2023 accompanied with Limited Review Report thereon received from the Statutory Auditors 
of the Company as “Annexure A”. 
2. Gufic  Biosciences  Limited  Employee  Stock  Option  Plan  2023  (“Plan/  ESOP  2023/Scheme”),  in 
compliance  with  SEBI  (Share  Based  Employee  Benefits  and  Sweat  Equity)  Regulations,  2021, 
subject to approval of Shareholders in the ensuing 39th Annual General Meeting of the Company. 
The  details required under Regulation  30 of the Listing  Regulations are enclosed herewith  as 
“Annexure B”. 
3. Investment  by  way  of  subscription  to  the  securities  of  a  private  limited  company  to  be 
incorporated in India as a subsidiary of the Company. 
The  details required under Regulation  30 of the Listing  Regulations are enclosed herewith  as 
“Annexure C”. 

4. Amendments to the ‘Policy for Determination of Materiality of Events & Information’ to bring it 
in  line  with  the  recent  amendments  specified  in  the  SEBI  (Listing  Obligations  and  Disclosure 
Requirements) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2023.  
The  said  policy  shall  be  available  on  the  website  of  the  Company  at‐policy/   

The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 2:30 p.m. and concluded at 5:10 p.m. 
Kindly take the same on your record. 

Thanking You,  
For Gufic Biosciences Limited 
Digitally signed by
Date: 2023.08.11
  17:04:36 +05'30'  
Ami Shah 
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 
Membership No. A39579 
Encl.: As above 

Regd . Office: 37, Ka mala Bhavan 11 , S. Nityanand Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400069
(CIN- L24100M H1 984PLC033519)
Website -, email - corQora [email protected] Ph-022 67261000 Fax - 022 67261 068

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(Rs. in Lakhs except EPS)

Quarter Ended Year en ded

Sr. No . Particu lars 30-Jun -23 30-Jun-22 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-2 3
Unaudited Unaudited Audited Audited
1 Income
a Revenue from operations 19,502.02 16,527 .63 17,303.58 69,062.08
b Other income 88.12 37.47 62.34 257.39
Tota l Income 19,590.14 16,565.10 17,365.92 69,319.47
2 Expenses
a Cost of materials consum ed 8,038.31 6,311.38 8,355.42 33,936.27
b Purchase of stock -in-trade 1,606.24 677.05 966.33 2,584.38
Changes in inventories of fini shed goods, work- in-progress and stock-in-
C 39.44 764.73 (1,065.42) (3,338.61)
trad e
d Employee benefits expense 2,337.30 2,142.73 2,192.77 8,673.18
e Finance cost 407.27 90.83 292.18 822.33
f Depreciation and amortisation expense 423.63 436.50 591.82 2,228.10
g Other expenses 3,933.04 3,313.85 3,639. 59 13,741.73
Tota l Expenses 16,785 .23 13,737.07 14,972.69 58,647.38
3 Total Profit before exceptional items and tax (1-2) 2,804.91 2,828.03 2,393.23 10,672.09
4 Exceptional items
5 Total Profit Before Ta x 2,804.91 2,828 .03 2,393.23 10,672.09
6 Tax Expense
Current ta x 650.00 736.00 620.00 2,821.00
Deferred tax 92.62 (13.12) (37.33) (119.39)
Total Tax Expenses 742.62 722.88 582 .67 2,701 .61
7 Net Profit for the period from contin uing operations 2,062 .29 2,105.15 1,81 0.56 7,970.48
8 Tota l Profit fo r Per iod 2,062 .29 2,1 05.15 1,81 0.56 7,970.48
9 Ot her Comprehensive Income (OCI)
Items thal will not be reclassified to ProfiU(Loss) (0.71) (0.71)
Less : Income ta x relating to items that will not be reclassified to
0.18 0.18
Other Comprehensive lncome/(Loss) (net of ta xes) (0.53) (0.53)
10 Tota l Comprehens ive Income 2,062.29 2,105.15 1,81 0.03 7,969 .95
11 Reserves 33,811.37
12 Details of Equity Share Capita l
Paid-up equity share capital 969.45 969.45 969.45 969.45
Face Value of equity share capital (Rs .) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
13 Earning per equity share
Basic earn ings per share from continuing and discontinued operations
i 2.13 2.17 1.87 8.22

Diluted earn ings per share from continuing and discontinued operations
ii 2.13 2.17 1.87 8.22

1. The above financial results have been prepared in acco rd ance w ith th e Companies (Indi an Acco unti ng Standa rd s), Rules, 2015 (Ind
AS) as amend ed, prescrib ed under section 133 of Compani es Act, 2013, rea d with rul es iss ued th ereund er.

2. Th e above results fo r th e quarter ended Ju ne 30, 2023 have been r eviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by th e Boa rd of
Direct ors at th eir m eetings held on August 11, 2023. Th e Statutory Aud ito rs have carried out rev iew of th e res ults fo r quarter ended
Jun e 30, 2023.

3. The Company's busin ess activity fa ll s w ithin a single operating segment i. e. Pharmaceutica ls.

4. Th e Company have in corporate d Gufic UK Limited (" GUL") in th e United Kingdom and Gufic Ireland Limited ("GIL") in Ireland on
March 15, 2022 and March 02, 2023, respectively, with the intent of m aking both the sa id Companies as its Wholly Owned
Subsidiaries . Howeve r, th e Company have not m ade any investment in GUL and GIL towa rd s its sha res subscription till the quarter
end ed Jun e 30, 2023. Further GUL and GIL have not yet com mence d its business operations till June 30, 2023. Thus the Company is
not required t o prepare Consolidated Financial Results fo r th e qu art er ended June 30, 2023 .

5. The fi gures for th e qu art er end ed March 31, 2023 are balancing figures between audited fi gures in respect of the full fina ncial yea r
and th e un audited publish ed year -t o -d ate fig ures up t o th e third qu arte r ended December 31, 2022 w hich were subjected to limited

6. Previous yea r/q u art ers figures have been regrouped/recla ss ified, w her ever necessa ry.

DIN : 00001 729

DATE : 11/08/2023

Limited Review Report on the Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results of the Company Pursuant
to Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015,
as amended

Review Report to
The Board of Directors
Gufic Biosciences Limited

1) We have reviewed the accompanying statement of Unaudited Financial Results of Gufic

Biosciences Limited (the "Company") for the quarter ended 30 June 2023 (the "Statement"),
being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations , 2015, as amended.

2) This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Company's management and approved by the
Board of Directors , has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
principles laid down in Indian Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" ("Ind AS
34"), prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India and in compliance with Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations . Our
responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review.

3) We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review
Engagements (SRE) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to
whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to
inquiries of company personnel and ana lytical procedures applied to financial data and thus
provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit, and accordingly, we do
not express an audit opinion.

4) Based on our review conducted as above , nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the accompanying Statement , prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement principles laid down in the aforesaid Indian Accounting Standards ('Ind AS')
specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act , 2013 as amended , read with relevant rules
issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India , has not disclosed
the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations , 2015 , including the manner in which it is
to be disclosed , or that it contains any material misstatement.

For Mittal Agarwal & Company

Chartered Accountants
(Firm Registration No . 131025W)
.. )

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___.1/' Piyu~ Argarwal

Place : Mumbai Partner
Dated : 11 / 08 / 2023 Membership No . 135505
UDIN : 231~55o5BC1 XLv'B?J32.C,

Regd. C?ffice : 404, Madhu Industrial Estate , Mogra Cross Road , Near Apollo Chambers, Andheri (E),
Mumbai - 400 069 ; Ph - 022 2832 4532/34; Fax - 022 2830 4533; Email - [email protected]
Annexure B 

The  details  required  under  Listing  Regulations  read  with  SEBI  Circular  No.  SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD‐PoD‐
1/P/CIR/2023/123 dated 13th July, 2023 

Brief details of Gufic Biosciences Limited Employee Stock Option Plan 2023  
Sr. No.  Particulars  Details 
1.   Brief details of Options granted  The maximum number of Options that may be granted in one 
or  more  tranches  pursuant  to  the  Scheme  shall  not  exceed 
5,00,000  (Five  Lakhs)  Options  which  shall  be  convertible  into 
equal number of Shares of Face value of Re. 1/‐ each, subject to 
approval of the shareholders of the Company in the ensuing 39th 
Annual General Meeting of the Company. 
The said options will be granted to the eligible employees of the 
Company  as  determined  by  the  Compensation  Committee 
(‘Committee’), from time to time. 
2.   Whether the scheme is in terms  Yes 
of SEBI (Share Based Employee 
Benefit  and  Sweat  Equity) 
Regulations, 2021 
3.   Total number of shares covered  5,00,000  (Five  Lakhs)  Options  which  shall  be  convertible  into 
by these options  equal number of Shares.  
4.   Pricing formula  The Exercise Price shall be based on the closing market price of 
the  Company’s  Equity  Shares  quoted  on  the  stock  exchanges 
immediately prior to the date of the meeting of the Committee 
(including circular resolution) on which grant is to be made but 
shall not be less than the face value of the shares. 
5.   Options vested  Not Applicable 
6.   Time  within  which  option  may  All  Vested  Options  shall  be  exercisable  within  6  (Six)  months 
be exercised  from the date of vesting of options  or such other period as may 
  be determined by the Committee, from time to time. 
7.   Options exercised  Not Applicable 

8.   Money  realized  by  exercise  of  Not Applicable 
9.   The  total  number  of  shares  Not Applicable 
arising as a result of exercise of 
10.   Options lapsed  Not Applicable 

11.   Variation of terms of options  Not Applicable 

12.   Brief details of significant terms  Pursuant  to  the  Scheme,  the  Employee  to  whom  the  Options 
would be granted under the Scheme and their Eligibility Criteria 
would be determined by the Committee from time to time. 
Options granted under this scheme would Vest not earlier than 
the minimum vesting period of 1 (One) year and not later than 
the maximum vesting period of 4 (Four) years from the date of 
Grant of such Options, at the discretion of and in such manner 
as prescribed by the Committee from time to time.  
13.   Subsequent  changes  or  Not Applicable 
cancellation or exercise of such 
14.   Diluted  earnings  per  share  Not Applicable 
pursuant  to  issue  of  equity 
shares on exercise of options 


  Annexure C 

The  details  required  under  Listing  Regulations  read  with  SEBI  Circular  No.  SEBI/HO/CFD/CFD‐PoD‐
1/P/CIR/2023/123 dated 13th July, 2023 

Investment in proposed Company 
  Particulars  Details 
1.   Name  of  the  target  entity,  details  in  brief  Name(s) of the proposed Company: 
such as size, turnover etc.  ‘Gufic  Prime  Private  Limited’  or  any  other  name  as 
may be approved by Ministry of Corporate Affairs / 
competent regulatory authorities. 
Proposed Authorized Capital:  
Rs. 15,00,000/‐ (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs only) 
Proposed Paid up Capital: 
Rs. 100,000/‐ (Rupees One Lakhs only) 
Size/Turnover: Not Applicable, as the Company is yet 
to be incorporated 
2.   Whether  the  acquisition  would  fall  within  The subsidiary company once incorporated will be a 
related party transaction(s) and whether the  related party of the Company.  
promoter/promoter  group/  group   
companies  have  any  interest  in  the  entity  Save  and  excepted  what  is  mentioned  above,  the 
being acquired? If yes, nature of interest and  promoter / promoter group are not interested in the 
details thereof and whether the same is done  said transaction. 
at “arm’s length”   
3.   Industry  to  which  the  entity  being  acquired  Pharmaceuticals 
4.   Objects and impact of acquisition (including  The proposed subsidiary company shall carry on the 
but not limited to, disclosure of reasons for  business  of  manufacturing,  marketing,  distribution 
acquisition  of  target  entity,  if  its  business  is  and sale of pharmaceutical products.  
outside the main line of business of the listed 
5.   Brief  details  of  any  governmental  or  Not Applicable 
regulatory  approvals  required  for  the 

6.   Indicative time period for completion of the  Not Applicable 
7.   Nature  of  consideration  ‐  whether  cash  80% subscription to the equity share capital for cash 
consideration  or  share  swap  or  any  other  consideration 
form and details of the same; 
8.   Cost of acquisition or the price at which the  80,000 equity shares of Face Value of Re. 1/‐ each. 
shares are acquired;  Cost of acquisition is Rs. 80,000/‐ 
9.   Percentage  of  shareholding  /  control  80% 
acquired and / or number of shares acquired   
10.   Brief background about the entity acquired in  Not  Applicable  since  the  Company  is  yet  to  be 
terms of products/line of business acquired,  incorporated. 
date of incorporation, history of last 3 years 
turnover,  country  in  which  the  acquired 
entity has presence and any other significant 
information (in brief); 


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