The document discusses the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are secreted by cells in the pancreas and regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by beta cells and lowers blood glucose by promoting glucose uptake in cells and storage as glycogen in the liver. Glucagon is produced by alpha cells and raises blood glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Together, insulin and glucagon maintain appropriate blood glucose levels through their opposing actions.
The document discusses the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are secreted by cells in the pancreas and regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by beta cells and lowers blood glucose by promoting glucose uptake in cells and storage as glycogen in the liver. Glucagon is produced by alpha cells and raises blood glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Together, insulin and glucagon maintain appropriate blood glucose levels through their opposing actions.
The document discusses the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are secreted by cells in the pancreas and regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by beta cells and lowers blood glucose by promoting glucose uptake in cells and storage as glycogen in the liver. Glucagon is produced by alpha cells and raises blood glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Together, insulin and glucagon maintain appropriate blood glucose levels through their opposing actions.
The document discusses the hormones insulin and glucagon, which are secreted by cells in the pancreas and regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced by beta cells and lowers blood glucose by promoting glucose uptake in cells and storage as glycogen in the liver. Glucagon is produced by alpha cells and raises blood glucose by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver. Together, insulin and glucagon maintain appropriate blood glucose levels through their opposing actions.
• By the end of this session, students are expected to be able to:
DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic
disorder characterized by high blood glucose level, associated with other manifestations. ‘Diabetes’ means ‘polyuria’ and ‘mellitus’ means ‘honey’. HYPERGLYCEMIA is a condition in which your blood sugar (glucose) level is higher than the standard range. DEFINITION OF TERMS
Glycogenesis : Is the metabolic process of
Glycogen formation from anabolism of Glucose. This takes place in the liver and stored there. Glycogenolysis : Is the metabolic process of splitting Glycogen molecule into Glucose. CONTIN…
Gluconeogenesis : Is the metabolic formation of
the new Glucose from non carbohydrate source. Mostly from Protein or less from the glycerol fats. Glycolysis : Is the metabolic process of breaking down Glucose into Co2, Water and Energy. CONTIN….
Lipolysis: Is the metabolic process through which
Fat (triacylglycerol's) break down into Glycerol and fatty acids. Lipogenesis: is defined as the synthesis of fatty acids from non-lipid precursors. ISLETS OF LANGERHANS OF PANCREAS
Endocrine function of Pancreas is performed by
the Islets of Langerhans. Human pancreas contains about 1 to 2 million Islets. CONTIN…
Islets of Langerhans consist of four types of cells:
1. A cells or α-cells, which secrete Glucagon. 2. B cells or β-cells, which secrete Insulin. 3. D cells or δ-cells, which secrete Somatostatin. 4. F cells or PP cells, which secrete Polypeptide. INSULIN
• Insulin is secreted by B cells or the β-cells in the
Islet. • Insulin is a polypeptide with 51 amino acids. • The Biological half-life of insulin is 5 minutes. • Basal level of insulin in plasma is 10 µU/mL. SYNTHESIS AND METABOLISM
Synthesis of Insulin occurs in the Rough endoplasmic
reticulum of β-cells in Islets of Langerhans. It is synthesized as Preproinsulin, that gives rise to proinsulin. Proinsulin is converted into Insulin through a series of peptic cleavages. CONTIN….
Binding of Insulin to Insulin receptor is
essential for its removal from circulation and degradation. Insulin is degraded in Liver and Kidney by a cellular enzyme called Insulin protease. ACTIONS OF INSULIN
Insulin is the important hormone that:
1.Regulate Carbohydrate Metabolism and Blood Glucose Level. 2. Regulate Metabolism of Proteins. 3. Regulate Metabolism of Fats. 1. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
Insulin is the only Antidiabetic hormone
secreted in the body. Reduces blood glucose level. Insulin reduces the blood glucose level by its following actions on Carbohydrate metabolism: CONTIN…
I. Increases uptake of glucose by the cells by
Increasing the permeability of cell membrane to glucose. Glucose is transported into the cells by: 1.Sodium-Glucose Pump. 2.Glucose Transporters (GLUT). CONTIN…
Seven types of GLUT are identified (GLUT 1–7).
GLUT4 is Insulin sensitive, It is located in Cytoplasmic vesicles. It is present in large numbers in Muscle fibers and Adipose cells. CONTIN..
Insulin decreases the blood glucose level by:
i.Facilitating transport and uptake of glucose by the cells. ii. Increasing the peripheral utilization of glucose CONTIN…
iii. Increasing the storage of Glucose by
converting it into Glycogen in liver and muscle iv. Inhibiting Glycogenolysis v. Inhibiting Gluconeogenesis. PROTEIN METABOLISM
• Insulin facilitates the Synthesis and Storage of proteins.
• Inhibits the cellular utilization of Proteins by the following actions: i. Facilitating the transport of amino acids into the cell from blood, by increasing the permeability of cell membrane for amino acids. CONTIN….
• ii. Accelerating protein synthesis by influencing
the transcription of DNA and by increasing the translation of mRNA. • iii. Preventing protein catabolism by decreasing the activity of cellular enzymes which act on proteins. CONTIN….
• iv. Preventing conversion of Proteins into glucose.
Thus, Insulin is responsible for: a. Conservation of Proteins in the body. b. Storage of Proteins in the body. FAT METABOLISM
It increases the Storage of Fat in the Adipose tissue.
Synthesis of Fatty acids and Triglyceride. Insulin promotes Lipogenesis by activating the enzymes which convert: a. Glucose into fatty acids b. Fatty acids into Triglycerides. CONTIN..
• ii. Transport of fatty acids into adipose tissue.
• iii. Insulin inhabit Lipolysis of Adipose tissue by Inhibiting the enzymes which degrade the Triglycerides. GROWTH
• Along with growth hormone, Insulin promotes
growth of body by its anabolic action on proteins. • It also has the Protein-sparing effect, i.e. it causes conservation of proteins by increasing the glucose utilization by the tissues. MODE OF ACTION OF INSULIN
• On the target cells, insulin binds with the
receptor protein and forms the Insulin- receptor complex. • This complex executes the action by activating the Intracellular enzyme system. REGULATION OF INSULIN SECRETION
• Insulin secretion is mainly regulated by Blood
Glucose Level. • Amino acids, Lipid derivatives, Gastrointestinal and Endocrine hormones and Autonomic nerve fibers also stimulate insulin secretion. CONTIN…
• 1. When blood glucose level is normal
3.9mmol/L- 5.6mmol/L (80 to 100 mg/dL). • Rate of insulin secretion is low (up to 10 µU/minute). CONTIN….
• When blood glucose level increases.
• The rate of Insulin secretion rises rapidly. • Effect of glucose Action of blood glucose on insulin secretion is Biphasic. GLUCAGON
• Glucagon is secreted from A cells or α-cells in the
islets of Langerhans of pancreas. • It is also secreted from A cells of Stomach and L cells of Intestine. CHEMISTRY, SYNTHESIS AND HALF-LIFE
•Glucagon is a Polypeptide. It contains 29 amino acids. Half-life of glucagon is 3 to 6 minutes. CONTIN….
• Glucagon is synthesized from Preproglucagon in
the α-cells of Islets. • Preproglucagon is convertedintoProglucagon. • Proglucagonwhich gives rise to Glucagon. METABOLISM
• About 30% of glucagon is degraded in Liver and 20%
in Kidney. • 50% of the circulating glucagon is degraded in blood itself by enzymes such as Serine and Cysteine proteases. • Glucagon fragments are excreted through urine. ACTIONS OF GLUCAGON
• Actions of glucagon are Antagonistic to those of
Insulin . • It increases: (1)The blood glucose level, (2)Peripheral utilization of Lipids and (3)Conversion of proteins into Glucose. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
• Glucagon increases the blood glucose level by:
• i. Increasing Glycogenolysis in Liver. • ii. Increasing Gluconeogenesis in Liver PROTEIN METABOLISM
Glucagon increases the transport of amino acids
into liver cells. The amino acids are utilized for Gluconeogenesis FAT METABOLISM.
Glucagon increases Lipolytic (Lipolysis) and Ketogenic
actions. It increases Lipolysis by increasing the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue and making them available for Peripheral utilization. CONTIN….
The lipolytic activity of glucagon, promotes
Ketogenesis (formation of ketone bodies) in Liver. • 4. Other Actions Glucagon: i. Inhibits the secretion of gastric juice ii. Increases the secretion of bile from Liver. REGULATION OF GLUCAGON SECRETION
• Secretion of glucagon is controlled mainly by:
Glucose and Amino acid levels in the blood. • 1. Role of Blood Glucose Level Important factor that regulates the secretion of glucagon is the decrease in blood glucose level. CONT….
• When blood glucose level decreases blood, α-cells of
islets of Langerhans are stimulated Glucagon is released. • Glucagon, in turn increases the blood glucose level. • When blood glucose level increases, α-cells are inhibited and the secretion of glucagon decreases. CONT
• Increase in amino acid level in blood stimulates the
secretion of glucagon. • Glucagon, in turn converts the Amino acids into Glucose. • 3. Role of Other Factors Factors which increase glucagon secretion REFERENCES
• Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology 13th edition
2015. • Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in health in health and illness 13th edition 2018. • Essentials of medical physiology Sembulingam 6th edition in 2012. THE END
• Increases transport of amino acids into liver cells
• 2. Increases utilization of amino acids for gluconeogenesis Action on fat metabolism • 1. Increases synthesis and storage of fat.