Abbey Primary: Ey Primar

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Abbey Primary
Community School

Inspiring children to aim high Learning every minute of every day

This prospectus offers you a glimpse of life at Abbey and I warmly invite you to visit us, to ask questions and to experience the school's friendly and positive atmosphere. Abbey exists within the vibrant, multicultural area of Belgrave. The surrounding community is rich in talent and expertise, and is very supportive of the school. Our school is part of the Belgrave community learning provision and we place a high value on education for children and adults.

Abbey was judged by OFSTED to be an outstanding school in February 2011. The Governing Body and staff are dedicated to providing a high standard of education for all of its pupils. We are also committed to providing a wide range of activities and opportunities during and after school to ensure that children and families enjoy their time at Abbey. At Abbey we have learning and high standards at the heart of everything we do. We work to ensure the highest quality of education for each individual pupil and recognise all talents and abilities. We aim to work in a healthy partnership with parents, understanding that children learn most effectively when links between home and school are strong. I believe that choosing Abbey Primary Community School is a positive choice to make and we aim to ensure that your children's years here are both happy and successful. We look forward to working in partnership with you.

I have achieved very high levels which gives me a better chance of getting the job I want in the future.

Year 3 Pupil

Teaching & Learning

Pupils receive an outstanding quality of teaching and learning. Morning learning consists of literacy and maths lessons, for which pupils are grouped by ability. We aim to produce pupils who are achieving their maximum potential, which gives them a range of life chances and opportunities.

At Abbey Primary Community School, the health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children is of paramount importance.

Abbey children become confident and develop skills that equip them extremely well for the future.
OFSTED, 2011

Giving your child an outstanding start in life

Children enter the school nursery (Foundation 1) part-time at the age of three. They stay full time in the reception class from the age of four. Assessment of children's development comes through observations of their play-based learning. The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFS) captures the child's early successes within a language rich and stimulating learning environment.

High standards for all

The Chatter Matters sessions really helps us to understand what our child is learning and enables us to support them to achieve more.
EYFS Parent

Top quality, innovative and exciting learning

The Curriculum

Learning is always interesting and exciting. I loved it when we built our extreme weather shelters and then blasted them with a real snow machine.
Year 4 Pupil

All children have access to a carefully planned, exciting, relevant and connected curriculum, which promotes a positive attitude to learning.

They are encouraged to develop as individual thinkers and learners, taking responsibility for their own lives. Children have the opportunity to direct their own learning and be involved in real life enterprise activities.

Children get off to a flying start in the exemplary Early Years Foundation Stage and then continue to progress outstandingly well through school.
OFSTED, 2011

Pupils at Abbey acquire a range of exceptional personal and social skills which help them to develop into well-rounded individuals.

OFSTED, 2011

Developing enterprise skills

Treating each child as if they were our own

Human Values
Abbey Primary runs a Good Values Club every Saturday morning, and a Human Values Programme is embedded through assemblies, lunchtime activities and the connected curriculum. The five values of Love, Truth, Right Conduct, Non-violence and Peace underpin childrens attitudes and behaviour in school. Abbey produces pupils who are: G Happy, contented and at ease with themselves and others. G Valued and valuable members of the community.

100% effort, 100% of the time

The Good Values Club promotes an amazing opportunity for my children to understand what it means to show love and respect to others.
Year 2 Parent

The teachers make sure that we work hard in every lesson and always help us when we find things difficult.
Year 3 Pupil

G Respectful of themselves, others and the environment.

The Human Values system is the golden thread that binds the school together.
OFSTED, 2011

Rising Standards
We have the very highest expectations for our pupils, which leads to standards rising above national averages. Pupils make exceptional progress in their learning journey at Abbey.

Pupils develop extremely positive attitudes to learning and behave exceptionally well.
OFSTED, 2011

All adults have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

OFSTED, 2011

Abbey staff form strong and trusting relationships with pupils, their families and communities.
OFSTED, 2011

At the cutting edge of innovation

At Abbey, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used very effectively to enhance teaching and learning. We work hard to ensure that ICT is embedded throughout our curriculum, enabling children to be confident using it. We aim to keep pace with educational developments in this area. There are three ICT suites, as well as additional mini-suites of laptops; interactive white boards are in all classrooms. Children have access to a wide range of software, online resources and ICT equipment, all in a safe and secure environment.

The day camp on the school grounds was an amazing experience. We sang campfire songs, had a trail through the spinney and cooked crumpets.

Year 3 Pupil

We receive regular communication from teachers and other staff about our childs progress.
Year 1 Parent

Giving all learners the tools and inspiration to make their own life choices and decisions for the future

Outdoor Learning
The school has splendid grounds, with vegetable beds, a pond and wildlife area, a spinney, adventure play area and sporting facilities. The outdoor environment is used widely to provide exciting learning such as: camping experiences and wildlife hunts.

High Quality Learning

Teaching in the 21st Century should embrace not only the transmission of knowledge, but also learning how to learn.

School leaders, staff and the Governing Body at Abbey, work together highly effectively, under the determined leadership and direction of the headteacher.
OFSTED, 2011

The learning environment is extremely rich and stimulating.

OFSTED, 2011

Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a massive range of sporting, artistic, creative, musical and educational clubs and activities for our pupils. All staff run extra-curricular activities which are selected by the School Council. Clubs and activities range from Hardball Cricket to Spanish to Speedway Cycling to Cooking to Cello to Bollywood Dance. The school runs a Breakfast Club from 7.30am and a Cool Kids Club until 5.30pm each day. Our Play Scheme runs through most holiday periods.

Community Cohesion
The school does not tolerate any discrimination or inequality of opportunity. We value our position in a multi-cultural, multi-racial society and develop excellent links with schools from different communities. We celebrate all the major festivals, e.g. Diwali, Eid, Navratri, Christmas, Vaisakhi etc. The Abbey Mega Mela is one of Leicester's premier festivals, attended by over 3000 people.

School Mela, fun for the whole community.

Leicester Mercury

Working in partnership to develop community cohesion

There is a fantastic range of clubs and after school activities. My daughter plays sport, dances, and was part of the school's 'Apprentice' competition.
Year 6 Parent

Family Learning
When the gap between learning within the family and learning in school is bridged, it can have a dramatic effect on pupils' motivation and attainment.

Giving parents and carers the skills to support their children

Sporting, as well as academic excellence

The promotion of an exceptionally cohesive and supportive community within and beyond the school underpins all of the schools work.

OFSTED, 2011

Developing Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is strong within the school. The School Council is an influential decision making body. Our Environment Group, Sports and Fitness Ambassadors and Class Representatives all strongly influence school life. There are many opportunities for pupils to take on a wide range of leadership roles.


Being on the School Council has given me confidence and developed my ability in a team to generate useful ideas.
Year 5 Pupil

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Abbey Primary
Community School
109 Ross Walk, Leicester LE4 5HH Telephone: 0116 266 1809 Fax: 0116 261 1543 Email: [email protected] Website:


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