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Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No.

2 December 2017


Tasi’u Yalwa Rilwanu Department of Geography
Bayero University, Kano


roundwater prospecting and exploitation is becoming difficult due to uneven topography and
inadequate data on impacts of topography on groundwater. It is in line of this the study was
conducted with the following objectives which are to identify groundwater potential zones and to
relate them with nature of surface topography or slope of the area. Sixteen rural areas were selected from eight
selected local government areas using systematic random sampling technique. Data on depth to water level and
water table values were obtained from selected borehole. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) of the study area was
developed from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission), thematic maps were obtained and overlaid.
Groundwater potential zones were determined. Contour map and slope map were generated and reclassified.
Slopes and contour values were related with groundwater potential zones. Findings show that Southern parts
of the study area are higher in terms of elevation with relief values of more than 767.9m. Five groundwater
potential zones were identified as very high, high, moderate, low and very low. Very high fall within Yandadi,
Karfi and Shakogi depth to water level is 13.29 – 14.98m, water table value of 407 – 426m, contour values 440m
– 566m and slope value of 0o – 2o. Results also shown that very low potential zone is around Riruwai where
depth to water level is 18.31m - >19.31m, water table values 873.69m – 874.69m, contour values of 893m and
slope of >18o . It is therefore recommended that areas of higher contour values, higher depth to water level,
higher water table values and higher slope values low yielding boreholes with hand pumps are to be provided
for effective rural water supply and management.

KEY WORDS: Slope, Contour values, Groundwater, Potential, Kano

Groundwater is a naturally filtered water accepted by many water users either officially or
unofficially across the globe for many uses like domestic, industrial and agriculture among others.
This is because it is free of contaminants requires little or no effort to treat it before drinking.
Groundwater is one of the major sources of portable water supply in urban and rural areas of any
region (UN/WWAP (united Nation / world water Assessment programme), (2003).
It is the water that is found beneath the earth surface in rock fractures and soil pores. Over much of
Africa, groundwater is the only realistic water supply option for meeting dispersed rural demand
(Macdonald, 2005). In Bangladash it was reported by Pramanik (1989), that groundwater is the main
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

source of water supply especially in rural areas. In USA groundwater is regarded as the major source
of rural water supply. Groundwater is an important resource in much of the Midwestern USA. It
supplies drinking water for over 95% of the rural population and over 50% of the urban population
(Bernard, 2003 in Rilwanu, 2014).

Groundwater movement is controlled by many factors of which slope or surface topography is

among them. Groundwater flows from high elevation to low elevation and from high pressure to low
pressure gradients in potential energy (hydraulic head) drive groundwater flow (Freeze and Cherry,
1979 in Rilwanu, 2014). Groundwater normally flows from structurally formed higher recharge zone
to lower or cavern zones (Kyung-Seok et al, 2002). Groundwater is present in all sorts of
landscapes. The interaction of groundwater with surface water depends on the physiographic and
climatic setting of the landscape that is in terms of slope at different physiographic units (winter,
Franke and Alley, 2016).

Remotely sensed information on topography, drainage, fracture patterns, are directly related to the
presence or absence of groundwater (Thapa et al., 2008). It is in this vain that various researches were
conducted. Qazi, Deepak and Jafri (2015) Studied impact of land use land cover and slope on
groundwater potential of Allahabad using DEM, LULC maps, slope maps which were weighted and
ranked according to their impacts on groundwater. Results indicated that areas with steeper slope
are having less weight in terms of groundwater potential while areas of lower slope values are having
higher weights in terms of groundwater potential. Four groundwater potential zones were
determined. Kyung-Seok et al (2002) determined factors affecting groundwater flow and transport in
the vicinity of an underground LPG storage site, this was done using cross sectional analysis. The
finding indicated that groundwater flow and transport occurs from structurally formed high-
recharge zone to cavern seepage zone and it is concluded that it is affected by operational pressure
and slope.

Peter et al (2011) used integrated approach to delineate groundwater recharge sites of Sadat industrial
City of Egypt in which a number of factors were integrated using weighted overlay method in Arc
GIS Boolean logic true or false method, slope map was developed through DEM and SRTM. Suitable
and non-suitable areas were identified; flat areas are areas of good recharge because water
concentrates while steep slope areas are areas of poor recharge because water drains easily. Nezar et
al (2012) in Jordan where land- sat 7 ETM+ of 90m resolution was used to analysed factors such as
lineament length density, drainage length density, geological formations, elevation and slope
steepness together with bore holes data. Dem was used in generating drainage network maps. It was
discovered that 7% of the study area is of higher groundwater potential, 79% is of moderate and 14%
is of low potential. It was also discovered that areas of higher relief are of low potential and lower
areas are of higher potential.

Anudu, Essien, Onuba and Ikpokonte (2011) conducted research on groundwater potential in Wamba
Nassarawa State Nigeria. The thematic maps used are slope map, Drainage density, contour map and
lineament density. The result indicated that lineament and drainage are the most important factors

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

of groundwater identification in the area. Abel and Moshood (2011) in Ekiti SW Nigeria also use
integrated approach to study groundwater potential through weighted overlay analysis where land
Sat and thematic maps were integrated and the result indicated that the study area is categorised into
4 classes and slope is considered very significant in groundwater potential studies. Most of these
studies were conducted outside the study area and centred toward considering slope as one of the
factors assisted in groundwater potential assessment not necessarily relating slope with groundwater
potential that is why the objectives of the study are to identify groundwater potential and to relate it
with nature of surface topography or slope of the area.


The Study Area
Kano state extends from latitudes 10o3′ N to 12o 3′ N and longitude 7o35′ E to 9o20′ E (Figure: 3.1). The
total land area of the state is about 20,760sq km (Research and Documentation Directorate Kano,
2009). The total population in 2006 national census is about 9,386,820 people (N. P .C report, 2009).
The areas are underlain by the Basement Complex Rocks of Precambrian era. These Basement
Complex Rocks form part of the pan African mobile belt and lies between the West African
Interms of morphology Sara and Charles (1988) divided Kano state into three geomorphic units as
(a) North and Central: - which comprises of flat terrain, rare rock outcrops and few broad valleys
which are well developed. Weathering profile is mature and lateritic duricrusts (hard fans) are
widespread. The depth in fresh bed rock is greater than 40m
(b) Southeast:- This is an intermediate area in which weathering profile is usually not truncated by
erosion, but fresh bedrock is commonly only a few meters below static water level
(c)West:-This area is drained by head waters of Major River valleys that tend be narrow and incised.
Inselbergs, tors and rock paramount’s are common and fresh bed rock is found near the surface.
The study area is located in the tropics, a region characterised by alternating wet and dry conditions,
with annual rainfall of 850mm occurring between April/May and September/October with peak in
July and August. The geology of the area composed of rocks that are hard and impervious in nature
drained by rivers that flow in north-south direction (Ahmed, 2003). The vegetation of the Study area
is Sudan Savanna type. Olofin (1987) observed that the natural vegetation of the study area is tropical
grassland characterised by scattered trees which hardly exceed 20 metres high. The soil of the region
is tropical Ferruginous rich in sand, while the zonal soils are also influenced by human manipulation
to varying degrees (Olofin,1987 in Rilwanu, 2014) Areas in the extreme West or South Western parts
of the study area are characterised by clayey loamy soils (Ahmed, 2003).

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

1 Map of the Study Area
Source: Department of Geography Bayero University Kano, 2013

Methods of Data Collection

For the purpose of the study one point was selected purposively from each selected locality. The
selection was done based on the location of available existing borehole or hand pump in the area.
Sixteen villages were selected from eight selected local government areas in each of the villages one
borehole was purposively selected for determination of water level, altitude and coordinates.
The materials used in the study include DEM, SRTM, slope map, Contour map, pumping test data.
ETM+ 2003 and GPS.
Slope map of the study area was prepared through the creation of DEM from SRTM and interpolation
of spot height and contours in GIS environment as adopted from Anthony and Doreen (1977), Goyal
et al., (2009), Tesfaye (2010), Okoro et al., (2010), Anudu et al(2011). Contour map was produced from
DEM which was derived from SRTM.
Groundwater potential zones map (GPZM) was obtained through overlaying all the thematic maps.
The parameters of each of the factors were given weight and related to groundwater potential.
Weighted overlay method adopted from El-baz and Hamida (1995). The identified potential zones
were related with slope and contour values through overlay and interpretation based on standard
modified from Anthony and Doreen (1977).

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

Table 2.2 Classification of slope based on groundwater condition

S/N Slope Explanation Relationship with groundwater
1 0o - 2o Level or almost level No much runoff, water percolates and forms groundwater
2 2o - 3o Gentle Runoff increases and groundwater reduces
3 3o - 5o Moderate Much run off Low groundwater
4 5o - 18o Moderately Steep Very much Runoff little groundwater
5 >18o Very Steep Total Runoff no infiltration, insignificant groundwater
Source: Adopted from Anthony and Doreen (1977)

Data Analysis
Digitised DEM was used to generate contour map of the study area using Arc view 3.2a GIS
software. Slope map was interpreted based on standards of Anthony and Doreen (1977) in Rilwanu,
2014). Ground water potential zones were categorised into very high, high, moderate, low and very
low using Extension Arc view spatial analyst GIS software. AHP weighted Linear combination
formulae was used as
S = ∑wi Xi X ∏cj ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1)
S = is the composite suitability score
Wi =weighs assigned to each factor
Cj = constant (Boolean factor)
∑ = sum of weighted factors
∏ = product of constraints (1- suitable, 0- unsuitable)


Results of the DEM in the study area is shown in Figure 2. The DEM indicates that Southern part of
the study area is higher in terms of elevation with relief values of more than 767.9m and the lowest
relief values of 383.3m are recorded in the northern parts. All places in the central are having
moderate values of elevation. This indicates that south is the highest point which forms the watershed
of the study area. North is the lowest point which form the down steam section of the study area.

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

Figure 2 DEM of the rural areas

Source: Data Analysis, 2013

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

The results of spot heights and contour lines are presented in Table 3 and Figure 3 it is shown that
the highest contour is >580m and the lowest contour is 340m. Among the rural areas studied Riruwai
in Doguwa Local Government area is having contour value of >580m above mean sea level, Zainabi
570m, lowest points are recorded in Kosawa, Karofin-Yashi, Karfi, Babawa and Tumbau. The result
also indicates that all areas with lowest contour values have more drainage concentration than areas
with highest values. This result is substantiated by the findings of Anudu et al (2011) in Wamba and
Abel and Moshood (2011) in Ekiti South Western Nigeria.
Result shown that the highest slope values are >9 o and the lowest slope values are from 0- 3.0o. Area
with highest slope value is Riruwai with slope value >9o.Tarai and Zainabi, are areas with slope
values of between 6.0- 9.0o, areas with moderate slope values of between 3.0- 6.0o are Tumbau,
Tudunkaya, Turawa, Kosawa and Fammar while areas with lowest slope values of between 0- 3.0o
are Shuwaki, Yandadi, Dokadawa, K/yashi, Shakogi, Alajawa and Karfi (table 3 and figure 4). It is
deduced that areas with slope values of between 0- 3.0o and 3.0- 6.0o are areas ascribed to have higher
drainage concentration i.e. more rivers and dams and more groundwater. This is in line with
interpretations of Anthony and Doreen (1977) and Rilwanu (2014).

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

Figure 3 Contour Values of the rural areas

Source: Data Analysis, 2013

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

Figure 4 Slope map of the study area

Source: Data Analysis, 2013

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

From the result five groundwater potential zones were identified based on surface topography (relief
and slope) thematic maps. These potential zones are Very high, High, Moderate, low and very low
(Figure 5). Very high areas include Yandadi, Karfi and Shakogi, depth to water level in these areas
ranges from 13.29 – 14.98m and water table values of 407 – 426m. High areas are areas around
Kosawa, Babawa and Tarai and usually depth to water is around 14.99m – 15.12m and water table
values of 435.52 – 479.8m. Areas with moderate potential are Shuwaki, K/Yashi, Turawa, Alajawa
and Dokadawa in which depth to water level is 15.13m – 16.12m and water table values of 481.88 –
546.78m. Areas with low groundwater potential are around Tumbau, Fammar, Tudunkaya and
Zainabi with water depth to water of 16.70 – 17.8m and water table values of 552.19 – 737.2m. Results
also indicates that rural area that fall within very low groundwater potential is Riruwai depth to
water level 18.31 - >19.31m and water table value of 873.69 – 874.69m and above (table 2).

Figure 5 Groundwater Potential zones map

Source: Data Analysis, 2013

Table 2 Depth to water level, water table values and Groundwater Potential
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

S/N Depth to Water Water Table Values Groundwater Villages

Level Potential
1 13.29 14.98m 407.3 – 426.7m Very High Yandadi, Karfi and
2 14.99 – 15.12m 434.52 – 479.8m High Kosawa, Babawa and
3 15.13 – 16.12m 481.88 -546.78m Moderate Shuwaki, K/Yashi,
Turawa, Alajawa and
4 16.70 – 17.81m 552.19 – 737.2m Low Tumbau, Fammar,
Tudunkaya and Zainabi
5 18.31 - >19.31m 873.69 – 874.69m Very Low Riruwai
Source: Field Survey, 2013

Findings of the research indicated further that higher areas with higher contour and slope values are
areas of low to very low groundwater potential while areas of lower contours and low relief are
having more prospects in terms of groundwater potential. Areas with contour values of 440m to 546m
and slope of 0o- 5o are classified as very high to moderate potential classes while areas with contour
figures of 589 - >893m and slope of 5o->18o are either low or very low potential zones (table 3). This
result is in line with that of Kyung-Seok et al (2002), Nezar et al (2012) that areas of higher relief are of
low potential and lower areas are of higher potential

Table 3 Surface topography and groundwater Potential

S/N Contour values Slope( O) Groundwater Potential Villages
1 440 – 566m 0o - 2o Very High Yandadi, Karfi and Shakogi
2 447 – 493m 2 -3
o o High Kosawa, Babawa and Tarai
3 458 – 546m 3o - 5o Moderate Shuwaki, K/Yashi, Turawa,
Alajawa and Dokadawa
4 589 – 755m 5o - 18o Low Tumbau, Fammar,
Tudunkaya and Zainabi
5 893m - > >18o Very Low Riruwai
Source: Data Analysis, 2013


From the study it can be deduced that the five groundwater potential zones were determined based
on surface topography are very high potential, high potential, moderate potential, low and very low
potential. It can be concluded that groundwater potential of the study area is controlled by surface
topographical features such as contour values and slopes. From the study it was determined that
areas of higher contour values and higher slopes are of low groundwater potential while areas of with
lower contours and lower slope values are of very attractive potential with regards to groundwater.
It can be concluded that rural areas with appreciable prospects regarding groundwater are Yandadi,
Karfi, Shakogi, Kosawa, Babawa and Tarai. Areas with moderate potential are Shuwaki, K/Yashi,
Turawa, Alajawa and Dokadawa. Areas with low to very low potential are Tumbau, Fammar,
Tudunkaya and ZainabiRiruwai. It was established that areas with low to very low potential are
Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

situated in the south and south eastern parts of the study area while areas of good potential are in the
northern, north west, central and north eastern parts of the study areas. It is also established that areas
of higher groundwater prospects are having lower depth to water level and higher water table values
and vice versa.

With particular reference to the major findings of the study it can be recommended among other
issues that in areas of higher contour values, higher depth to water level, higher water table values
and higher slope values low yielding boreholes with hand pumps are to be provided as the best
option while in the areas with lower topographic features high yielding boreholes powered by
engines or solar are the best answers to water supply problems. It is also part of the recommendation
that alternative water sources should be provided to areas of poor groundwater potential.

Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS) Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2017

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