Onlinecourses - - In-Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research For Management
Onlinecourses - - In-Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research For Management
Onlinecourses - - In-Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research For Management
2. To make the scholars familiar with different types of research and
methodologies with quantitative) and qualitative dimensions (under
mixed methods
Course layout
Detailed Syllabus:
(What learners will learn in each week with details
of subtopics)
-Learners will understand the basic concepts of research types, stages of (doing)
research and data concepts.
-Here all types of measuring scales will be covered. Also, data concepts, types and
collection methods will be covered.
-Here all types of descriptive statistical analysis, using SPSS, will be covered. Univariate
& bi-variate cases will be covered, through illustrative (numerical) examples.
-Here multi-variate statistical analysis, using SPSS/ Excel, will be covered. Concepts of
Multiple regression, F-test, ANOVA
Week 8: Review & Report writing: In this section, as part of experiential learning, each
participant would come up with complete research project, applying the knowledge
acquired (on ‘Research Design & Quantitative data Analysis Techniques’), during
previous seven weeks.
1. Methodological Issues in Management Research Advances, Challenges and the Way
Ahead; Ed: RN Subudhi & Mishra; Emerald Publ., 2020
Instructor bio
Prof. Sumita Mishra
KIIT (Deemed to be) University Bhubaneswar
Prof. Subudhi & Prof. Mishra together have been taking Research Methodology for
PhD scholars of University since last 8 years and also edited two useful books,
published by Springer and Emerald publications.
Course certificate
Enrolling and learning from the course is free. However, if you wish to obtain a
certificate, you must register and take the proctored exam in person at one of the
designated exam centre’s. The registration URL will be announced when the registration
form is open. To obtain the certification, you need to fill out the online registration form
and pay the exam fee. More details will be provided when the exam registration form is
published, including any potential changes. For further information on the exam
locations and the conditions associated with filling out the form, please refer to the form.
Grading Policy:
Certificate Eligibility:
>=90 Gold
75 - 89 Silver
70 - 74 Bronze
40 - 70 Successfully Completed
<40 No Certificate
Disclaimer: In order to be eligible for the certificate, you must register for
enrolment and exams using the same email ID. If different email IDs are used, you
will not be considered eligible for the certificate.